Abrahamic Religions

al-Aqsa Mosque
The major controversial religion holy land
• Jewish west wall and the temple mount
• The Dome of the Muslim mosque (the Dome of the Lock) and the alaqsa mosque
• Islam - Founded in Arabia by Muhammad between A.D. 610 and A.D. 632
Relations between religions and Jerusalem • Significance on Judisam • Significance on Christianity • Significance on Islam
Jerusalem (/dʒəˈruːsələm/), located on a plateau in the Judean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, is one of the oldest cities in the world.
• Introduction of Jerusalem • Three major religion in Jerusalem
• Relations between religions and Jerusalem
• Praying ways of each religion
Significance on Judisam
• Jerusalem has been sacred to the Jews since King David proclaimed it his capital in the 10th century B.C.

seek to preserve things as they are, emphasizing stability and continuity, while others,
called reactionaries, oppose modernism and seek a return to "the way things were.”
regarding knowledge not based on experience or perceivable phenomena.
2.The view that the existence of God or of all deities is unknown, unknowable,
survive, and reproduce.
Dialecti Dialectic (also dialectics and the dialectical method), from Ancient Greek
διαλεκτική, is a method of argument for resolving disagreement that has been central
to European and Indian philosophy since antiquity.
Dualism (from the Latin word duo meaning "two")[1] denotes the state of two parts. The term 'dualism' was originally coined to denote co-eternal binary opposition, a meaning that is preserved in metaphysical and philosophical duality discourse but has been more generalized in other usages to indicate a system which contains two essential parts.

Think and Discuss
Text Study
Think and Discuss
The Old Testament is the Judaist Bible which was a complete document and collection of ancient Hebrew adopted by Christianity as part of the Bible. It was written in Hebrew, including the three parts: Pentateuch, Prophets and Hagiographa and Apocrypha. After the Old Testament was translated into Greek by Jewish scholars,many westerners began to understand Judaism by reading this book. It is not only of religious value but also of literatry value in terms of both subject matter and thematic concerns for the writers to refer to or draw on.
(1) Isaac Israeli (2) Baruch Spinoza (3) Sholem Aleyshem
(4) Issac Singer (5) Shmuel Agnon
a. pan-theological philosopher b. follower of Neo-platonism c. the Nobel Prize winner for
mortal 翻译

mortalIntroductionThe concept of mortality has been a subject of fascination and contemplation for humans throughout history. Mortality refers to the state of being subject to death, the finiteness of life, and the transient nature of human existence. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of mortality, including its philosophical implications, cultural and religious perspectives, the fear and acceptance of death, and the impact mortality has on individual lives and society as a whole.Philosophical Perspectives on MortalityMortality as a Fundamental Existential ConditionMortality has long been regarded as a fundamental condition of human existence in various philosophical traditions. From ancient Greek philosophers like Socrates and Epicurus to modern existentialistthinkers such as Jean-Paul Sartre, mortality has been seen as an inescapable reality that shapes the human experience. It raises profound questions about the meaning and purpose of life, the existence of an afterlife, and the significance of our actions in the face of mortality.Mortality and the Fear of DeathThe fear of death is a common human emotion that arises from the realization of our mortality. It is natural for individuals to experience anxiety and dread when confronted with the inevitability of their own demise. The fear of death can stem from concerns about the unknown, the loss of consciousness, or the fear of leaving loved ones behind. Various psychological theories and coping mechanisms have been proposed to address and alleviate this fear, such as terror management theory and the concept of death acceptance.Mortality and the Acceptance of DeathWhile the fear of death is widespread, many individuals strive to cultivate an acceptance of their mortality. Accepting the transient nature of life can lead to a deeper appreciation of the present moment and a focus on living a meaningful and purposeful existence. Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and contemplation of mortality have been embraced by different cultures and belief systems as a means to confront and accept the reality of death.Cultural and Religious Perspectives on MortalityMortality in Ancient CivilizationsAncient civilizations had diverse views on mortality, often shaped by their cultural and religious beliefs. For instance, the ancient Egyptians believed in the afterlife and mummification as a means to preserve the body for the journey to the next life. In contrast, ancient Greek philosophers emphasized the importance of a virtuous life and the legacy one leaves behind rather than focusing on an afterlife.Mortality in Abrahamic ReligionsThe Abrahamic religions, namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, have significant teachings and practices concerning mortality and the afterlife. These religions emphasize the existence of a divine judgment that determines an individual’s fate after death. Concepts such as heaven, hell, resurrection, and life after death play a central role in shaping the beliefs and practices surrounding mortality in these religious traditions.Mortality in Eastern Philosophies and ReligionsEastern philosophies and religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, offer unique perspectives on mortality. Buddhism, for instance, teaches the concept of impermanence, emphasizing that all things, including life, are transient. The ultimate goal in Buddhism is to achieve liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth. Hinduism, on the other hand,incorporates the belief in reincarnation, where the soul is reborn into different bodies after death, influenced by o ne’s karma.Impact of Mortality on Individual Lives and SocietyReflection on Priorities and ValuesThe awareness of mortality often leads individuals to reflect on their priorities, values, and the legacy they want to leave behind. Knowing that life is finite can inspire people to reevaluate their choices, relationships, and pursuits, focusing on what truly matters to them. It can also motivate individuals to strive for personal growth, pursuetheir passions, and make a positive impact on the world.Death and Grief in SocietyDeath and mortality have profound effects on society as a whole. When individuals die, their loved ones experience grief, which is a complex and individualized response to loss. Society develops various rituals, customs, and support systems to navigate the grieving process and honor the deceased. Death can also serve as a catalyst for discussions and advancements in healthcare, end-of-life care, and ethical considerations surrounding the prolongation of life.Mortality and the Human Quest for ImmortalityThroughout history, humankind has sought ways to transcend its mortal limitations and achieve some form of immortality. From the quest for elixirs of life in ancient times to the contemporary field of life extension and cryonics, the desire for immortality continues to influence science, ethics, and society. While immortality remains an elusive concept, the pursuit of longevity and the improvement of human health are areas of ongoing research and debate.ConclusionThe concept of mortality encompasses a vast array of philosophical, cultural, and societal dimensions. It raises questions about the purposeand inevitability of human existence, the fear and acceptance of death, and the profound impact mortality has on individual lives and society. By exploring these different aspects of mortality, we can gain a deeper understanding of our own mortality and perhaps find meaning and purpose in the finite nature of life.。
Unit3 题西方文化导论

Text Study
Comprehension Exercises
Comprehension Exercises
True or False Questions.
___ F (1) The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of which are the first 10 books. ___ T (2) The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, including the three parts: Pentateuch, Prophets and Hagiographa and Apocrypha. ___ F (3) Exodus describes how Aaron led the people of Israel out of Egypt in the 13th or 14th centuries BC, including their life in Egypt and how they suffered from oppression. ___ T (4) The Prophets mainly introduces all kinds of prophets. ___ T (5) Apocrypha books are not included in the canon of the Old Testament because of their uncertain authorship or legendary.
A. 585 BC
B. 1000 BC
C. 1000 AD
D. 588 BC
Text Study

跨文化思想交流英语_南京理工大学2中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.In which day is Halloween celebrated?答案:31 October2.Plato was influenced by the following philosopher except _____.答案:Aristotle3.He threw us “an apple of discord”.We soon quarreled again. “an apple of discord” means ____.答案:the root of the trouble4.Who set up “the Pear Garden”?答案:Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty5.Which of the following does not belong to “Abrahamic religions”?答案:Buddhism6.As soon as a student gains their _________ they instantly become a Dan Gradeand receive their 1st Dan black belt.答案:black belt7.Yan Di was the leader of the tribe of Jiang in ancient China. In order to thankhim for bringing f ood and clothing to the people, people called him “ _____ ”.答案:Shennong8.The architecture of Ancient Rome grew out of that of __________.答案:Greece9.The original New Testament was written in _____.答案:Greek10.The Easter egg and hare, two of the symbols most frequently associated withEaster, are considered to represent _____.答案:fertility and new life11.Generally speaking, in terms of thought patterns, the West follows______,while the East follows _____.答案:analytic and abstract thinking, synthetic and concrete thinking12.Prometheus stole ______for mankind in open defiance to the decrees of Zeus,and was chained to the cliffs of Caucasus Mountains and exposed to horrible tortures.答案:fire13.___ is the biggest and most well-known church in London.答案:St. Paul’s Cathedral14.Confucius’ birth date is believed to fall on _____.答案:Sept. 2815.The differences of synthetic thinking and analytical thinking can also beshown in the following specific fields except for _____.答案:music16.The popularity of ballet soared in _____.答案:Russia17.The term "Gothic" originally referred to the Gothic tribes of the Teutonicpeople who lived in_________.答案:northern Europe18.The Martial Arts we recognize today as Kung Fu had their origins in the________Dynasties.答案:Shang and Zhou19.Chinese characters are a kind of hieroglyphics, and it is said that Chinesecharacters are made by _______.答案:Cangjie20.As to the Man-Nature orientation, the traditional Western belief emphasizes_____, while the Asian people believe in _____.mastery over nature; harmony with nature21.The Socrates method is widely used in contemporary business schools in the United States.答案:错误22.The Spring Festival is said to have originated from the year end ceremonyobserved during the Shang Dynasty.答案:正确23.The popularity of ballet soared in France.答案:错误24.The most famous composers of Italian Opera includes Verdi, Bellini and Gucci.错误25.The building prototype of Siheyuan appeared in Xia and Shang dynasties.答案:错误26.Zeus is the chief god on Greek myth, one of whose sons is Kronos.答案:错误27.Nvwa is famous because she created all living beings out of the yellow mud ofthe Yellow River.答案:错误28.The formal vocabulary of ancient Greek architecture, in particular dividedarchitecture style into three defined orders: the Doric Order, the Ionic order and the Corinthian Order.答案:正确pared with the Chinese, westerners tend to be future-oriented.答案:正确30.Plato was Socrates’teacher and Aristotle’s student.答案:错误31.According to Confucius, the supreme principle in the universe is the ______.答案:moral values32.One most famous disciple of Lao Tzu is ______.答案:Chuang Tzu / Zhuang Zi33.Socrates’claim that his wisdom lay in ______ echoed Confucius’ view a centuryearlier that one can learn to become a superior man by first recognizing what one does not know.答案:accepting that he knew nothing34.There are many famous masters who are good at performing Beijing Opera.Among them, the Four Famous Dans --- ______, Cheng Yanqiu, ______ and Xun Huisheng --- are most well-known at home and abroad. Mei Lanfang, Shang Xiaoyun答案:Mei Lanfang; Shang Xiaoyun35.Bruce Lee was the first one to coin the term “______” to introduce ChineseWushu to the West.答案:Kung Fu36.The four famous gardens in China are The Summer Palace, the ChengdeMountain Resort, Suzhou Humble Administrator’s Garden and____________________.答案:Suzhou Lingering Garden37.Roman architecture became an imperial tool to demonstrate to the worldthat Rome was _____________.答案:culturally superior38.Chinese characters are the mimicry of natural phenomenon and are calledimagery language, which reflects the _____ thinking pattern.答案:concrete39.Of all the religions, _____ is native to China.答案:Taoism。

• Jerusalem has been sacred to the Jews since King David proclaimed it his capital in the 10th century B.C.
• Jerusalem was the site of Solomon's Temple and the second temple. Today, the Western Wall, a remnant of the wall surrounding the Second Temple,is a Jewish holy site second only to the Holy of Holies on the Temple Mount itself .
• Jews pray three times a day at least, in some special occasions, such as the Sabbath, will increase the frequency of prayer.Many Jews sway their body back and forth during praying.Jews around the world are using a unified prayer prayer book (siddur犹太 教祷告书).

Expressionismwas amodernistmovement, initially inpoetryandpainting, originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century.
Esotericism(oresoterism) signifies the holding ofesotericopinionsor beliefs,[1]that is, ideas preserved or understood by a small group of those specially initiated, or of rare or unusual interest.
1The ideology of political parties that use the termCommunistin their names, usuallyMarxistandLeninist.
2The socio-economic system based on such parties' ideologies.
Creationismis the belief that theUniverseandLifeoriginate "from specific acts ofdivine creation."
Catholicismis used as a broad term for describing specific traditions in theChristianchurches intheology,doctrine,liturgy,ethics, and spirituality.

关于天使的作文及赏析英文Title: Angels: Messengers of Light and Hope。
Angels, celestial beings that transcend the boundaries of the physical world, have captivated human imaginationfor centuries. Their presence is woven into the fabric of various religious and spiritual beliefs, symbolizing divine guidance, protection, and compassion. In this essay, wewill explore the concept of angels, their significance across different cultures, and the profound impact they have on humanity.Angels, often depicted as beings of light with wings, are commonly associated with acts of benevolence and intervention in times of need. The belief in angels transcends religious boundaries, with mentions of these celestial beings found in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and other faiths. In Christianity, angels are portrayed as messengers of God, delivering His will and serving as guardians for individuals and nations. The famousarchangels, such as Michael and Gabriel, are revered for their roles in delivering divine messages and protecting believers from harm.In Islamic tradition, angels play a crucial role in the cosmos, carrying out God's commands with unwavering obedience. They are described as beings of pure light, devoid of free will, and tasked with various responsibilities, including recording human deeds, guarding individuals, and announcing divine decrees. The belief in angels is integral to the Islamic faith, emphasizing the interconnectedness between the spiritual and material realms.Similarly, in Judaism, angels are viewed as intermediaries between God and humanity, serving as conduits for divine communication and assistance. The Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament, contains numerous accounts of angelic encounters, where these celestial beings appear to prophets, patriarchs, and ordinary individuals, offering guidance, protection, and assurance. The presence of angels underscores the belief in a benevolent God who activelyengages with His creation.Beyond the Abrahamic religions, angels hold significance in various spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. In Hindu mythology, celestial beings known as devas are akin to angels, embodying virtues such as wisdom, courage, and compassion. They assist gods and humans alike, participating in cosmic battles and guiding souls on their spiritual journey. In Buddhism, celestial beings known as devas inhabit higher realms of existence, enjoying blissful states of consciousness as a result of their past virtuous deeds. They serve as objects of aspiration for practitioners seeking enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of suffering.In Sikhism, angels are referred to as devtas or devi-devtas, divine beings who carry out God's will and administer justice in the universe. They are believed to reside in the higher spiritual planes, orchestrating the cosmic order and intervening in human affairs when necessary. Sikh scriptures, such as the Guru Granth Sahib,contain references to these celestial beings, praisingtheir devotion to God and their role in upholding righteousness.The concept of angels transcends cultural and religious boundaries, embodying universal themes of compassion, guidance, and protection. Regardless of one's faith or belief system, the idea of celestial beings watching over humanity offers solace and reassurance in times of uncertainty and adversity. Angels serve as symbols of hope and resilience, reminding us of the inherent goodness in the world and the presence of divine grace amidst life's challenges.In conclusion, angels occupy a central place in human spirituality, serving as messengers of light and hope across diverse cultures and religious traditions. Their existence reflects humanity's enduring quest for connection with the divine and the belief in benevolent forces guiding our lives. Whether seen as guardians, messengers, or embodiments of divine grace, angels inspire awe andreverence, reminding us of the sacredness of existence and the eternal bond between heaven and earth.。

religion词根【释义】religionn.宗教信仰;宗教,教派;<非正式>痴迷的活动,极爱好的活动复数religions【短语】1 Abrahamic religion亚伯拉罕诸教2 True Religion真实信仰; 他们真的为我疯狂; 纯真信仰; 真实的信仰3 Science of Religion宗教学; 宗讲授4 state religion国教5 Losing My Religion失落的信仰; 我已迷失了自己的信仰; 失去我的信仰; 丢弃信仰6 Bad Religion硬核; 坏信仰; 表演者; 歌手名称7 True Religion Jeans真实信仰牛仔; 牛仔; 真实信仰8 And no religion too也没有宗教信仰; 去他; 宗教信仰; 也不再有宗教信仰【例句】1 The idea is alien to our religion.这种思想与我们的宗教不相容。
2 Do you still practise your religion?你还奉行你的宗教信仰吗?3 Part I is a rant against organized religion.第一部分是对有组织的宗教的怒斥。
4 Religion informs every aspect of their lives.宗教影响着他们生活的各个方面。
5 She objects to the ritual of organized religion.她反对有组织宗教的仪规。
6 He aims his bile at religion, drugs, and politics.他把怒气指向宗教、毒品和政治。
7 Is religion still relevant to most people's lives?宗教和大多数人的生活还有关系吗?8 Mentioning religion is a sure way to make him squirm.提及宗教肯定会使他感到窘迫。

___给予我生命的力量满分英语作文The Enigmatic Force that Emboldens My Existence.In the grand tapestry of life, we are but mere threads, woven together by an invisible yet profound force that breathes life into our souls and sets our hearts aflame with purpose. It is a force that transcends the physical realm, permeating the very essence of our being, guiding us through the labyrinthine paths of destiny.This enigmatic entity, the giver of life, has been the subject of countless contemplations, debates, and spiritual quests throughout human history. Philosophers, theologians, scientists, and artists have each sought to unravel its mysteries, to comprehend the nature of this extraordinary power that animates our existence.In ancient Greek mythology, it was Zeus, the king of the gods, who wielded the thunderbolt, a symbol of his supreme authority over life and death. In Norse cosmology,Odin, the Allfather, sacrificed an eye to gain wisdom and knowledge, becoming the guardian of the runes that held the secrets of the universe.In the Abrahamic religions, the concept of a creator deity is central to their belief systems. God, the omnipotent and omnipresent being, is seen as the ultimate source of life and the architect of the cosmos. Through divine revelation, humans are said to have been created in God's image, endowed with a unique spark of divinity.Eastern philosophies, such as Buddhism, espouse a more holistic view of life's origins. The Buddha taught that all beings are interconnected through a web of cause and effect, known as karma. Our actions, thoughts, and speech shape our destiny, leading to either enlightenment or suffering.In recent times, scientific advancements have provided us with a deeper understanding of the biological processes that govern life. From the intricate interactions of DNA to the marvel of cellular reproduction, scientists have uncovered the extraordinary complexity and wonder of thenatural world. Yet, despite these remarkable discoveries, the fundamental question of how life first emerged remains largely unanswered.Some scientists believe that life originated from non-living matter through a process called abiogenesis. According to this hypothesis, simple organic molecules gradually formed in the primordial oceans, eventually evolving into self-replicating systems that gave rise to the first living cells.Others posit that life may have been seeded from elsewhere in the universe. The panspermia hypothesis suggests that microscopic organisms could have been transported to Earth by comets, asteroids, or even interstellar spacecraft, leading to the eventual development of life on our planet.Regardless of its origins, the undeniable truth is that life is a precious and extraordinary phenomenon. Each breath we take, each heartbeat that resonates through our bodies, is a testament to the wonder of existence. We arebut temporary custodians of this gift, entrusted with the responsibility to cherish and nurture it.As we navigate the complexities of life's journey, we may encounter moments of doubt, despair, and adversity. Yet, within the depths of our souls, there resides anindomitable spirit, an unyielding force that propels us forward, even when darkness threatens to consume us.This force, the enigmatic giver of life, is not merely an abstract concept or a distant deity. It is an integral part of our very being, a wellspring of resilience, creativity, and hope. It empowers us to rise above challenges, to transcend our limitations, and to forge a path that is uniquely our own.In the words of the renowned philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, "He who has a why to live for can bear almostany how." When we discover our purpose in life, our reason for being, we tap into a wellspring of inexhaustible energy. This force becomes our guiding star, illuminating our path even amidst the darkest of nights.It is in moments of solitude and introspection that we can truly connect with the enigmatic force that animatesour existence. Through meditation, prayer, or simply spending time in nature, we can cultivate an awareness of our interconnectedness with the universe.From the smallest of organisms to the vast expanse ofthe cosmos, we are all part of a grand symphony of life. Each note, each chord, contributes to the harmony of existence. As we embrace our role in this cosmic play, we become more attuned to the rhythms of life, to the subtle whispers of the universe.The enigmatic force that gives us life is not a distant entity but an intimate companion that dwells within us, guiding, inspiring, and empowering us every step of the way. It is the spark that ignites our passions, the flame that burns within our hearts, and the beacon that illuminatesour path through the labyrinth of life.As we cultivate gratitude for this extraordinary gift,we open ourselves up to limitless possibilities. We become capable of transforming our experiences into opportunities for growth, our challenges into stepping stones for greatness. The enigmatic force that gave us life becomes our ally, our inspiration, and our constant companion on this extraordinary journey we call existence.。

传统文化与做人作文素材英文回答:Culture and morality have been intertwined since the dawn of human civilization. Traditional cultures, passed down through generations, often provide a moral compass for individuals and communities. These cultures shape our values, beliefs, and behaviors, guiding us toward avirtuous and fulfilling life.Confucianism, a prominent Chinese philosophy, emphasizes the importance of filial piety, respect for authority, and harmony within society. It teaches that individuals should strive to live in accordance with the principles of jen (benevolence), yi (righteousness), li (propriety), zhi (wisdom), and xin (sincerity). These virtues are seen as essential for maintaining a just and harmonious social order.Similarly, in Western culture, the teachings ofChristianity and other Abrahamic religions have played a significant role in shaping moral values. The Ten Commandments provide a fundamental moral code, outlining prohibitions against murder, theft, adultery, and other harmful actions. Christian ethics emphasize the importance of love, forgiveness, and compassion, guiding individuals toward a life of altruism and self-denial.Traditional cultures not only provide moral guidance but also shape our understanding of the good life. They offer a framework for meaningful existence, defining what it means to be a virtuous and successful member of society. In many cultures, this includes striving for excellence in one's profession, contributing to the community, andraising a family.中文回答:传统文化与做人有着密切的关系。
对不同文化的看法 英语作文

对不同文化的看法英语作文Here is a 619-word English essay on the topic of "Perspectives on Different Cultures":Cultures around the world have long been shaped by a myriad of historical, geographical, and social factors. From the intricate dance rituals of Bali to the towering skyscrapers of Hong Kong, the diversity of human civilization is a testament to our capacity for creativity and adaptability. As we navigate an increasingly globalized world, understanding and appreciating the nuances of different cultures becomes paramount.At the heart of cultural diversity lies a fundamental truth about the human experience - that there is no singular way of living, believing, or interpreting the world. Each culture encompasses a unique set of values, traditions, and worldviews that have been forged over generations. This diversity is not only fascinating but also invaluable, as it represents the rich tapestry of human ingenuity and the boundless potential of the human spirit.One of the most striking aspects of different cultures is the way they approach fundamental questions of existence. While some societiesmay emphasize the importance of individual achievement and self-reliance, others prioritize communal harmony and interdependence. Similarly, religious and spiritual beliefs can vary greatly, from the animistic traditions of indigenous peoples to the monotheistic faiths of the Abrahamic religions. These divergent perspectives offer a glimpse into the multifaceted nature of the human experience, challenging us to broaden our horizons and question our own assumptions.Beyond the realm of beliefs and practices, cultures also manifest in the tangible aspects of daily life. The foods we eat, the languages we speak, and the art forms we revere all serve as windows into the unique identities of different societies. In Japan, the intricate rituals of tea ceremony reflect a deep reverence for nature and a dedication to mindfulness, while the vibrant murals of Mexico's indigenous communities celebrate the enduring strength of their cultural heritage.It is crucial to recognize that the preservation of cultural diversity is not merely a matter of academic interest but a fundamental human right. Every culture carries with it a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and creative expression that enriches the tapestry of human civilization. When cultures are eroded or suppressed, we risk losing irreplaceable pieces of our shared heritage, the consequences of which can be devastating for communities and the world at large.At the same time, the increasing interconnectedness of the modern world has brought about both opportunities and challenges in the realm of cultural exchange. On one hand, globalization has facilitated the sharing of ideas, art, and traditions, allowing for a cross-pollination of cultures that has given rise to new and innovative forms of cultural expression. However, this process has also led to concerns about cultural homogenization, where the unique identities of local communities are overshadowed by the dominance of larger, more powerful cultures.Navigating this delicate balance requires a deep respect for the autonomy and self-determination of diverse cultural groups, coupled with a willingness to engage in meaningful intercultural dialogue. By fostering an environment of mutual understanding and appreciation, we can harness the power of cultural diversity to address global challenges, promote social justice, and cultivate a more inclusive and harmonious world.In conclusion, the study of different cultures offers a profound and transformative lens through which we can better understand ourselves and our place in the world. From the rhythmic beats of West African drumming to the intricate patterns of Andean textiles, the tapestry of human civilization is a testament to the limitless creativity and resilience of the human spirit. As we navigate thecomplexities of our interconnected world, embracing and celebrating cultural diversity will be essential in shaping a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for all.。
Abrahamic Religions

Started as a Jewish sect in the early part of the first century AD
325AD, became the state religion of the Roman Empire
Christianity 2
Believe that God is made of three aspects, called the 'Trinity' – The Father, The Holy Spirit, and The Son – Jesus Christ For many, the purpose of life is to return to God through faith in the son Jesus Christ
Islam 2
Also believe that Mohammed has brought the final word of the three religions Purpose of life is to submit to the will of God
Majority of Muslims see themselves as a worldwide 'brotherhood' which often is more important than national identity
Judaism 2
Don't put much emphasis on an afterlife, if at all Not a religion of proselytizing, or spreading
Purpose of life is to live by the laws in the Torah and to live ethically

Buddhism The religion and philosophy founded by the Nepalese teacher Gautama Buddha. Communis m 1 2 3 The ideology of political parties that use the term Communist in their names, usually Marxist and Leninist. The socio-economic system based on such parties' ideologies. (US, informal) A state of affairs perceived as oppressive, overly arbitrary, or totalitarian.
Abrahamic religions, considered collectively.
Agnostic 1.The view that absolute truth or ultimate certainty is unattainable, especially regarding knowledge not based on experience or perceivable phenomena. ism 2.The view that the existence of God or of all deities is unknown, unknowable, unproven, or unprovable. 3.Doubt, uncertainty, or scepticism regarding the existence of a god or gods. 4.(by extension) Doubt, uncertainty, or scepticism regarding any subject of dispute. Atomism 1.(philosophy) The ancient Greek theory that all matter is composed of very small indestructible and indivisible particles. 2.(philosophy) The doctrine that society arises from individuals and that larger structures are unimportant.

小编精心收集了关于2分钟英语朗读短文,供大家欣赏学习!关于2分钟英语朗读短文篇1Life Is Not PerfectGo ahead with life as it is, with the bumps and pitfalls. However it is, give your best to everymoment.Don't spend your time waiting for the perfect situation, something which is not very likely tocome.Life is not perfect; the way you live can make it perfectly wonderful.Life Is WonderfulFace your past without regret.Handle your present with confidence.Prepare for the future without fear.Keep faith and drop the fear.Don't believe your doubts and never doubt your beliefs.Life is wonderful if you know how to live it.关于2分钟英语朗读短文篇2Everyone loves a bargain, as those restaurant chains which offer you special "all you can eat"deals for a fixed price know all too well. In Pakistan a pizza company had been doing a roaringtrade during the Muslim month of fasting. Families who were ravenous after a day of not eatingwould pile into the restaurants for the evening meal of Iftar to eat pizza after pizza for as littleas £7. But now there's been a national outcry over the cutting of this special deal. The pizzachain says stuffingyourself with endless food goes against the spirit of Ramadan and is aninvitation to gluttony. Gluttony's not about eating considerable amounts but eating just forthe sake of it. Olympic athletes like Mo Farah and Bradley Wiggins consume huge amounts ofprotein and carbohydrates at particular times as part of their preparation for races. The foodhas a purpose. They control it, it doesn't control them. Gluttony is the exact opposite, whichis why Christianity describes it as a deadly sin, an occasion when we let our desires be so satedthat they shape us, both physically and spiritually. With fasting, many religions use it as adiscipline of the body, as a sacrifice for God.And yet fasting is also beneficial to our health,as a Horizon documentary this week explained. Medical evidence shows that not eating acouple of days a week can boost the brain and aid longevity, something that's apparently dueto how we evolved. That makes me wonder if the ancient peoples of the desert where theAbrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam originated had somehow realised this. Butwhat they certainly advocated is that just as exercise is good for the body, so fasting is aspiritual exercise, allowing us to flex the muscles of the soul. They believed that if we limitwhat we eat, particularly on special days or seasons, it helps us focus on God, putting love ofhim before our love of things, before our earthly desires, before ourselves. The Gospels recordJesus' 40 day fast in the desert had him tempted again and again by the Devil. It was a testingof his humility. That is why in the Christian tradition fasting goes hand in hand with prayerand the giving of alms to help those less fortunate than ourselves. It is a moment to focus onwhat is truly important, or to use current sporting jargon, get in the zone. Giving up food forthe spiritual athlete can do the same job astargeted eating for a sporting hero as he preparesfor the race of their life.每个人都喜欢讨价还价,因为这些连锁餐厅,为您提供特殊的“你可以吃”的固定价格的交易都非常清楚。

•My Brief Introduction to the Israeli-Palestinianconflict •任彬03100221 英语二班Part One: Outline1.Introduction2.The historical origin of Israeli-Palestinianconflict2.1Legends in the Bible2.2The Diaspora2.3Modern Zionism3.Key figures in Israeli-Palestinianconflict3.1 Yasser Arafat3.2 Yizhak Rabin3.3 Ariel Sharon4. The present condition and outlook of Israeli-Palestinianconflict4.1 Casualty and economic disruption4.2 Main obstacles against peace4.3 Two state solution5. ConclusionPart Two: IntroductionMiddle East issue generally refers to the conflicts between Israel and Palestine. It’s a regional hot spot issue that has extended a longest time couldn’t be solved since the World War Two. Middle East has animportant strategic position that is connect with manycountries’development in future. I’d like to analysis theIsraeli-Palestinianconflict in my opinion from follow 3 parts: the historical origin of Israeli-Palestinianconflict, key figures inIsraeli-Palestinianconflict and the present condition and outlook of Israeli-Palestinianconflict.Part Three: The Historical OriginAccording to the Jewish sacred writings, which became the Hebrew Bible, Jews are descended from the ancient people of Israel who settled in the land of Canaan, located between the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. The Children of Israel shared a lineage through their mon ancestors, Abraham, his son Isaac, and Isaac’s son Jacob. The Children of Israel consisted of twelve tribes, each descended from one of Jacob's twelve sons. Jacob and his twelve sons, or so the Bible asserts, left Canaan during a severe famine and settled in Goshen of northern Egypt. At first they were weled by Egyptian, but after a few years they developed quickly and their descendants increase greatly. The Egyptian feared that Jews may threaten their government. Therefore in Egypt their descendants were enslaved by the Egyptian government led by the Pharaoh. After 400 years of slavery, YHWH, the God of Israel, sent the Hebrew prophetMoses, a man from the tribe of Levi, to release the Children of Israel from Egyptian bondage. According to the Bible, the Hebrews miraculously emigrated out of Egypt (an event known as the Exodus), and returned to their ancestral homeland in Canaan. This event marks the formation of Israel as a political nation in Canaan, in 1400 BC. After the Jews returned their home, they have their first unified kingdom, governed by King Saul. However hundreds of years later, they were defeated by other kingdoms, and many Jews began to be exiled from that time. But when the large scale of Jews were expelled from their homeland during Roman Conquest, called the Diaspora. , Herod the Great was appointed "King of the Jews" by the Roman Senate, supplanting the Hasmonean dynasty (a Jewish dynasty). Some of his offspring held various positions after him, known as the Herodian dynasty. But the empire was often callous and brutal in its treatment of its Jewish subjects. In 66 CE, the Jews began to revolt against the Roman rulers of Judea. The revolt was defeated by the future Roman emperors Vespasian and Titus. 985 villages were destroyed and most of the Jewish population of central Judaea was essentially wiped out, killed, sold into slavery, or forced to flee. Banished from Jerusalem, the Jewish population now centred on Galilee. Jerusalem was renamed Aelia Capitolina.During the following hundreds of years, Jews exiled to a lot of countries and experienced a lot of disasters. But they never give up the hope to return to their homeland. During the 1870s and 1880s, the Jewish population in Europe began to more actively discuss immigration back to Israel and the re-establishment of the Jewish Nation in its national homeland, fulfilling the biblical prophecies relating to Shivat Tzion. In 1882 the first Zionist settlement—Rishon LeZion—was founded by immigrants who belonged to the "Hovevei Zion" movement. It was Theodor Herzl (a Jewish reporter) who began the struggle to establish a state for the Jews. After the First World War, it seemed that the conditions to establish such a state had arrived: The United Kingdom captured Palestine from the Ottoman Empire, and the Jews received the promise of a "National Home" from the British .But later the Jewish leadership found that they couldn’t rely on Britain, so they created the Haganah organization to protect their farms and Kibbutzim.Part Four: Key FiguresWhen we talk about the Israeli-Palestinianconflict, we can’t ignore those key figures in the history. They are so talented and of distinct characterthat changed the progress of Middle East issue. I haven’t enough space to illustrate all the influential figures, so I just choose three most famous people in Middle East history.The first one is Yasser Arafat.He was a Palestinian leader, and Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Presidentof the Palestinian National Authority(PNA),and leader of the Fatahpolitical party and former paramilitary group, which he founded in 1959. Arafat spent much of his life fighting against Israel. We all know that there are two major frictions in Palestine fight against Israel. They are Fatah and Hamas. Hamas totally define Israeli’s right of existence in Palestine. But Fatah, which under the leadership of Arafat seek negotiation with Israel to end the decades-long conflict between it and the Israel. His political rivals, including Islamists and several PLO leftists, often denounced him for being corrupt or too submissive in his concessions to the Israeli government. But I think he provided a chance to solve the Middle East issue peacefully which should be appreciated. In 1994 Arafat received the Nobel Peace Prize, together with Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, for the negotiations at Oslo.When we talk about Arafat and Oslo Accords, we should also remember Yizhak Rabin. He was an Israeli politician and general, the fifth Prime Minister of Israel. In foreign policy, the major development of Rabin's term was the Sinai Interim Agreement between Israel and Egypt, signed on 1 September 1975. Both countries declared that the conflict between them and in the Middle East shall not be resolved by military force but by peaceful means. He also sought negotiation with their hereditaryenemy, Palestine. Rabin played a leading role in the signing of the Oslo Accords, which created the Palestinian National Authority and granted it partial control over parts of the Gaza Stripand West Bank. Prior to the signing of the accords, Rabin received responses from Arafat. But after the announcement of the Oslo Accordsthere were many protest demonstrations in Israel objecting to the Accords. Misfortune, he was assassinated by a right-wing Israeli radical. In my opinion, Rabin is a very great leader. I think he knew he would meet great resistance if he seeks peace with Palestine. But he regardless of his safety and political career just thought for the further development of Israel.The third person I want to introduce to you is Ariel Sharon. Very different from Rabin, he is an extremist. He is an Israeli statesman and retired g eneral, who served as Israel’s 11th Prime Minister. Sharon bore "personal responsibility" for the massacre by Lebanese militias of Palestinian civilians in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila, for his having disregarded the prospect of acts of bloodshed by the Phalangists against the population of the refugee camps, and not having prevented their entry. But no matter how much he is hated by Palestinian, he is the spiritual leader of Israel. A lot of times he saved Israeli troops from dangerous.Although we all say that heroes are created by history, we can also find that those heroes are affecting our times. How willIsraeli-Palestinianconflict develop in the future? I look forward the appearance of new personages to lead the issue into a good direction.Part Five: Present condition and OutlookThere is no doubt that the Israeli-Palestinianconflict has caused great damage to both two countries. I can often saw injured children’s pictures in the reports of Israeli-Palestinianconflict.Let’s see a group of statistics that reflectpartial casualty figures of children in parentheses represent casualties under age 18 during the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. From 2005 to 2008, 1754 children died in Palestine and 117 children died in Israel. All numbers refer to casualties of direct conflict between Israelis and Palestinians including in IDF military operations, artillery shelling, search and arrest campaigns, Barrier demonstrations, targeted killings, settler violence etc. The UN Mine Action Centre identified the main risks as ing from "ERW left behind by Israeli aerial and artillery weapon systems, or from militant caches targeted by the Israeli forces”. From that statistics we can see that the conflict has greatly curbed the normal development of Palestine and Isreal.Indeed those tremendous facts make us feel grieved. Therefore we should figure out what are impeding the peaceful progress between Palestine and Israel. In part two, I have mentioned that there are a lot ofhistorical origins that lead to the situation between these two countries. But historical origin is just one of these reasons. There are also many other triggers, such as Jerusalem, water resource and international status, etc. Set Jerusalem for example, the border of Jerusalem is a particularly delicate issue, with each side asserting claims over this city. The three largest Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—include Jerusalem as an important setting for their religious and historical narratives. Israel asserts that the city should not be divided and should remain unified within Israel's political control. Palestinians claim at least the parts of the city which were not part of Israel prior to June 1967. Israel expresses concern over the security of its residents if neighborhoods of Jerusalem are placed under Palestinian control. Jerusalem has been a prime target for attacks by militant groups against civilian targets since 1967. Many Jewish neighborhoods have been fired upon from Arab areas. Therefore we can find that religion issue is very hard to be solved and Jerusalem is two countries’ spiritual pillar. Neither will easily give up.We all know that no matter in what country water is an important strategic resource. Let’s look into the disputes coursed by water in this region.In the Middle East, water resources are of great political concern. Since Israel receives much of its water from two large underground aquiferswhich continue under the Green Line, the use ofthis water has been contentious in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. While Israel's consumption of this water has decreased since it began its occupation of the West Bank, it still consumes the majority of it: in the 1950s, Israel consumed 95% of the water output of the Western Aquifer, and 82% of that produced by the Northeastern Aquifer. Although this water was drawn entirely on Israel's own side of thepre-1967 border, the sources of the water are nevertheless from the shared groundwater basins located under both West Bank and Israel .But from collecting data, I can see that historians and authorities think that the most essential reason is major powers’intervene. In the past, Israel has demanded control over border crossings between the Palestinian territories and Jordan and Egypt, and the right to set the import and export controls, asserting that Israel and the Palestinian territories are a single economic space. And there are a lot of oil resources in this area. Besides that, the two countries have important geographical positions in Middle East. All those threatened some big countries’ benefits.The peace process has been predicated on a "two-state solution" . Polling data has produced mixed results regarding the level of support among Palestinians for the two-state solution. It indicated that support for a two-state solution was growing among both Israelis andPalestinians. Although questions have been raised towards both sides' resolve to end the dispute, we also hope that there will be new progress about this solution.Part Six: ConclusionBecause of the limitation of time and my capability, I just choose the historical origin, the key figures and the present condition and outlook these three aspects in Israeli-Palestinianconflict. But in fact it’s a very plex international issue. I can just use this passage to give you a brief knowledge and understanding. I will use my spare time to continue pay attention to the latest development of the Israeli-Palestinianconflict.。

参考译文:耶路撒冷为何如此重要The Trump administration is considering a declaration that’s significant around the world, whether to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.特朗普政府正在考虑一项在世界范围内具有重大意义的声明,是否承认耶路撒冷是以色列的首都。
And if the U.S. government does that, it could later move the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel, to the city of Jerusalem.美国政府承认,则可能会把美国驻以色列特拉维夫的大使馆迁往耶路撒冷。
Here’s why that significant. In 1980, Israel passed a law declaring Jerusalem to be its capital. It had seen the city as that for decades.这就是为什么此决定如此重要。
But the United Nations said that declaration was against international law because it saw Jerusalem as an international city. Its population of around 850,000 people isn’t particularly large as cities go. But Jerusalem’s importance to the world’s three major Abrahamic religions -- Judaism, Christianity and Islam -- is tremendous.但是联合国表示,此声明违反了国际法律,因为其将耶路撒冷视为国际城市。
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Started as a Jewish sect in the early part of the first century AD
325AD, became the state religion of the Roman Empire
Christianity 2
Believe that God is made of three aspects, called the 'Trinity' – The Father, The Holy Spirit, and The Son – Jesus Christ For many, the purpose of life is to return to God through faith in the son Jesus Christ
Islam 2
Also believe that Mohammed has brought the final word of the three religionsto the will of God
Majority of Muslims see themselves as a worldwide 'brotherhood' which often is more important than national identity
The three major religions are: Judaism Christianity Islam
Followers claim to be the Chosen People of “Yahweh”
Their holy book is called the Torah, which outlines their history, prophecies, as well as an ethical code for living
Major Religions of the West
Kevin Leahy Bridging the Gap
Abrahamic Religions
Term that refers to three major religions that developed in the Middle East. All claim the ancient ruler of Israel, Abraham, as their spiritual ancestor. They are all monotheistic, because they believe in a single god.
For Christians, there is an intensely strong belief in the afterlife and a focus on preparing for the world that will come in the future There is a belief that time is 'linear', that history is moving forward onto an endpoint, which is the return of Jesus and the end of history
Judaism 2
Don't put much emphasis on an afterlife, if at all Not a religion of proselytizing, or spreading
Purpose of life is to live by the laws in the Torah and to live ethically
Founded by Mohammed in 610 AD on the Arabian peninsula Follow the Quran as a holy book Believe that God, or Allah, is a single and invisible entity, unique from all else