Sestieri of Venice




关于venice的英语作文英文回答:Venice is one of the most beautiful and unique citiesin the world. It is known for its canals, gondolas, and stunning architecture. I have been lucky enough to visit Venice a few times, and each time I am amazed by its beauty.One of the things that I love most about Venice is the atmosphere. Walking through the narrow streets and crossing the countless bridges, I feel like I have stepped back in time. The sound of the water lapping against the buildings, the smell of delicious Italian food wafting through the air, and the sight of colorful gondolas gliding along the canals all combine to create a truly magical experience.Another thing that I find fascinating about Venice isits history. The city has a rich and storied past, with centuries of art, culture, and trade woven into its very fabric. From the magnificent St. Mark's Basilica to theiconic Rialto Bridge, every corner of Venice is steeped in history.One of my favorite memories from Venice is taking a gondola ride through the canals at sunset. The golden light reflecting off the water, the soft strains of a serenade drifting through the air, and the gentle swaying of the gondola as we glided past ancient palaces – it was a moment I will never forget.中文回答:威尼斯是世界上最美丽和独特的城市之一。



成都法语培训机构:威尼斯VeniseQui ne connait pas Venise ? Cette célèbre cité des Doges est très réputée comme étant la ville la plus romantique du monde. Une grande partie des rues de Venise est totalement construit sur de l’eau, d’où le nom de sa rue principale : « le Grand Canal ». Pour cette raison, plusieurs ponts existent pour traverser les canaux de la cité. Cette destination phare se trouvant en Italie n’est pas uniquement particulière en termes d’urbanisme, elle est également riche en histoire. Des gondoles arpentent les rues de Venise, pour garantir des instants plus que mémorables. Enfin, les nombreux festivals, les édifices historiques et religieux, font également partie des raisons qui incitent à visiter Venise.威尼斯谁会不知道威尼斯呢?这座城市作为世界上最浪漫的城市而闻名遐迩。

the merchant of venice

the merchant of venice

Shakespeare describes young men and women freed from the feudal shackles and praises their youth, love and ideals of happiness. They trust not in God or King but in themselves.
Shylock: he is greedy, stubborn, cruel, and very unpopular in the city Portia: A woman of the Renaissance ---beautiful, prudent明智 prudent明智, cultured, courteous有礼貌、谦 明智, courteous有礼貌 有礼貌、 逊 and capable of dealing with an emergency. Antonio: he is generous, lend money do not take interest, treasure friendships
and gilded honour shamfully misplaced 见到荣誉被可耻地放错了位 置 and maiden virture rudely strumpeted; 见到暴徒糟蹋了贞洁的处子 and right perfection wrongfully disgraced; 见到不义玷辱了至高的正义, 见到不义玷辱了至高的正义, and strength by limping sway disabled; 见到瘸腿的权贵残害了壮士, 见到瘸腿的权贵残害了壮士,
The theme: His poetry can bring eternity to the ones hes: Simile(明喻) Simile(明喻) metaphor (隐喻) symbolism (象征) personification (拟人)



英语作文-法国香水店推出限量版艺术香水In the heart of Paris, nestled within the winding streets of the Marais district, stands a boutique that is a treasure trove for olfactory connoisseurs. This is not just any perfume shop; it is an establishment where the art of fragrance is revered, and exclusivity is the norm. The store is renowned for its limited edition artistic perfumes, each a masterpiece capturing the essence of France's rich perfumery heritage.The latest creation to grace the shelves of this esteemed boutique is a scent that pays homage to the timeless elegance of French artistry. The perfume, a blend of rare and exquisite ingredients, is presented in a bottle that is a work of art in itself. The flacon, designed by a renowned local artist, features intricate patterns reminiscent of the ornate ironwork that adorns the historic balconies of Parisian apartments.The scent opens with a burst of citrus notes, a nod to the sun-kissed orchards of the south. It then unfolds into a floral heart, where the delicate aroma of French roses intermingles with the exotic allure of jasmine, sourced from the far reaches of Grasse, the world's perfume capital. The base notes are a sophisticated mélange of oakmoss and amber, providing a warm and enduring finish that lingers like a memory.This perfume is not merely a fragrance; it is an olfactory journey through France. Each note is carefully selected to evoke a different facet of the country's landscape and culture. From the bustling markets brimming with fresh produce to the serene gardens of provincial chateaux, the perfume encapsulates the very soul of France.The boutique's decision to release this perfume as a limited edition is a testament to its commitment to quality and uniqueness. Only a select number of bottles have been produced, making it a coveted item for collectors and aficionados alike. The exclusivity of the perfume adds to its allure, making it not just a personal indulgence but also a statement of one's appreciation for the finer things in life.Acquiring a bottle of this artistic perfume is an experience in itself. The boutique offers private consultations, allowing patrons to immerse themselves in the world of highperfumery. The knowledgeable staff, well-versed in the language of scents, guide customers through the selection process, ensuring that each individual finds a fragrance that resonates with their personal story and style.The launch of this perfume has been met with anticipation and excitement within the fragrance community. It represents the pinnacle of French craftsmanship, a blend of tradition and innovation that continues to push the boundaries of perfumery. For those fortunate enough to possess it, the perfume is a treasure that transcends the boundaries of time, a fragrance that, like art, becomes more valuable with each passing moment.In conclusion, the French perfume boutique's limited edition artistic perfume is more than just a luxury item; it is an emblem of cultural expression and a tribute to the art of living well. It stands as a reminder that in a world of mass production and fleeting trends, there are still things that are made with passion, care, and an unwavering dedication to excellence. This perfume is not just worn; it is experienced, cherished, and ultimately, it becomes a part of one's legacy. 。



291.Si tu nous invites,nous viendrons.如果你邀请我们,我们就来。

2.-Tu n'as pas encore fait tes devoirs?-Si,je les ai déjà faits.你还没有做作业?不,我已经做过了。

3.Si les élèves sont content,les professeurs sont plus contents qu'eux.学生们很高兴,老师比他们更高兴。

4.Il court si vite qu'il tombe par terre.他跑的太快以至于跌倒在地。

5.V otre fille est si intelligente!您的女儿真聪明。

6.Si vous avez besoin de quelque chose,vous pourrez vous adresser àla conierge.Elle est si gentille.如果你们需要什么东西,可以与看门人联系。


7.Les bruit sont si forts que nous devons crier pour nous entendre.噪音太大,我们不得不大声喊叫才能彼此听见。

8.Si tu connaissais Monique,tu pourrais lui demander de t'aider. Elle est très aimble.假如你认识莫尼卡,你可以请她帮忙。



Je voudrais vous demander si vous prenez aussi l’autobus 332.2.他问雅克为什么总是迟到。

Il demande àJacques pourquoi il est toujours en retard.3.我那时候不知道他什么时候去去广州。

【英语畅谈世界文化】lesson54: 威尼斯 Venice (意大利)

【英语畅谈世界文化】lesson54: 威尼斯   Venice (意大利)

lesson54:威尼斯 Venice (意大利)原文:W1: Woman 1 W2: Woman 2W1: Have you decided where you are going on your honeymoon?W2: Steve wants to go to the Maldives, but I fancy Venice.W1: Ah, Venice! Everyone knows Venice with its gondolas bobbing on the Grand Canal, a picturesquely decaying city sinking slowly into the water3 0f the Lagoon. W2: But that's not all. It's a surprising place. One surprise is that you will spend most of your time walking-the pavements play as major a role in the city as the canals.W1: Yes, and there are no cars. Drivers have to leave their vehicles at the city gate, and that makes exploring the city very enjoyable.W2: I think it's better to go off the beaten track too, find some little alleys, churches and markets that most tourists don't know about.WI: Good idea, most tourists will probably head for the Basilica di San Marco, the most exotic of European cathedrals and the Gothic marvel, the Doge's Palace. W2: Isn't San Marco the patron saint?W1: Yes, that's why St. Mark's Church is named after him.W2: It used to be a 6shing town, you know? 2, 000 years ago hunters and fishermen lived on the mudflats. Also, many refugees escaped there to avoid Attila the Hun and later, from other wars.W1: Really? By the 1800s Venice, though a popular tourist destination, was poor and decaying. Saved by mass tourism-the Lido became a fashionable resort. W2: Before that it was a well-known trading city and was at war with Spain, the Pope and practically every European power.WI: I think it's got to be a unique place, it has 116 islands, 150 canals, and 409 bridges, this city is an intricate maze.W2: And some of the most unexpected architectural delights can be found as you wander around. Heavenly!W1: Even though there are many tourists, you must dosome of the touristy things. You can't go there and miss all of that history. Don't forget to take a trip down the Grand Canal. A ride on a gondola will give you a fascinating view of Venice.译文:W1:女1 W2:女2W1:你决定去哪里度蜜月了吗?W2:史蒂夫想去马尔代夫,但我特别想去威尼斯。

Alizée2004年演出会中法双语歌词A 包含生单词解释。

Alizée2004年演出会中法双语歌词A 包含生单词解释。
Elle se trompe,
Car elle est comme toi, un chat
Qui ondule(vi微微波动 起伏 涌动 摆动/呈波浪形/(头发)拳曲//vt使成波浪形)
Qui fait le dos rond
Elle manipule(vt操作使用配制/搬动搬运/篡改伪造/控制 摆布), ce lui qui dit non
Dans mon bain de mousse
Je m'éclabousse
J'en ris
Mon poisson rouge
Dans mon bain de mousse
Je l'emmitoufle
Je lui dis
Dans un jardin d'Eden
M'allonger dedans,
J'espère que cet hymen()nm结婚 婚姻/处女膜
Durera(durer) longtemps 持续
Hey Amigo
Paroles: Mylène Farmer
C'est ok, je suis
Aux portes de ma vie
Je grandis, l'amour aussi
C'est aux quatre vents
Que j'aime être logée()居留 住宿
Moi, je suis comme le vent

芳芳 中法字幕

芳芳 中法字幕

Soupir送给你,今天是情人节Pour la St-Valentin. C'était aujourd'hui ! Oh... j'ai...拆开吧Non. Vas-y, ouvre.穿上去很舒适Elles sont confortables.C'est... C'est encore une farce ?你又在开玩笑?Non.不是Attends...等一等J'sais pas quoi te dire.不知怎说才好我们一向都很有新意On rêvait d'autre chose, non ?这年情人节你却送我拖鞋?Et toi, tu m'offres des pantoufles.Sois pas injuste.好人难做,还以为你会喜欢呢Je voulais te faire plaisir.就当作Et tu peux dire ''chaussons'' si ça te rassure. ”室内皮鞋”穿吧Non.Non...Non. Mais qu'est-ce que tu fais ?你在干什么?OrageBêlementsClochette !PiaillementsBêlement你在干什么?''Alexandre, j'ai mis des draps frais.你的被褥已用薰衣草薰过,晚安''Bonne nuit.''Merde.BêlementOrageBêlementElle renifle.Sortez !出来出来,我知你在裹面Je sais que vous êtes là !ChocsPour voler, vous entrez toujours comme ça ? 你惯於越宙行劫吗?我怎知你才不是劫匪?Voler ? Et pourquoi pas vous ?我怎知你才不是劫匪?Moi ? Oui, vous.正是你!在干什么勾当?Que foutez-vous là ?我来探望狄和幕蒂Je suis chez Ti et Maude en week-end.而你擅自吃我的乳酸Vous mangez mon yaourt !Soupir de soulagement我是幕蒂的孙女Je suis la petite-fille de Maude.叫芳芳Fanfan. Ah, c'est vous.原来你就是芳芳Alexandre.我是亚历没有锁匙,所以才爬宙入来J'ai pas la clé. J'entre par la fenêtre.Bêlement倾盘大雨,我全身湿透了J'suis trempée avec ce qui tombe.Ti et Maude ne nous ont jamais présentés. 狄和幕蒂从没有给我俩介绍过lls avaient peur qu'on se rencontre.也许他们不敢介绍吧帮帮我好吗?Tiens, tu peux m'aider ?乐意效劳,小姐Bien sûr, mademoiselle.怎不乐意呢?Pourquoi pas.Mamy a raison. T'es pas un cadeau.祖母说,你这人不解温柔Vous êtes bien informée.你可算消息灵通数月,她又再提及你,谈到Elle m'a reparlé de toi y a trois mois.On parlait des hommes pas sûrs de leur virilité. 男人对自己的性能力缺乏把握Maude m'a cité en exemple ?而幕蒂用我做例子?A ton avis ?你认为呢?Cancanement你看见我在帘後吗?Comment t'as su que j'étais là ?我只是嗅到你J'ai senti ton odeur.Bêlement水流急,划船吃力J'ai transpiré en ramant pour venir.故大汗淋漓对不起J'suis désolé.不,你的体臭不俗Non, tu sens bon.Je suis nez.我擅於运用鼻子Tu crées des parfums comme Maude ?你与幕蒂一样,制造香水?Pas encore.还未开始Dans un mois si je réussis mes examens.下个月,我须应考J'étudie dans l'école de Maude.我正在学习香水在幕蒂的学校Heu... où Maude est prof.累得要命,我想睡觉J'suis vannée. J'vais me coucher.只有那黄色房间Y a qu'une libre.又如何?Et alors ?房内只有一张床Y a qu'un lit dedans.Mais nous ne sommes pas des bêtes.我们不是禽兽啊C'est vrai. Où est le problème ?对,应不是问题Put, put我们不是禽兽On n'est pas des bêtes.Orage- Tu te déshabilles pas ?你不更衣吗?Je dors nu, et...我习惯了裸睡Tiens, mets mon bas de pyjama.要穿睡衣,我有男装的谢谢Merci.狄瞎了後Quand Ti a perdu la vue,..你真的蒙著眼睛..tu te bandais les yeux pour aller..到医院探她?..le voir ?芳芳Fanfan...我自知古怪,但Je suis ridicule, mais ça me gêne de dormir avec toi. 与你同床,我睡不著Je vais en bas. Je te fais peur ?我吓怕你?我吓怕你?Oui.Tu vas pas dormir par terre.你要睡在地上?De qui tu as peur ? De toi ou de moi ?你其实怕谁?我抑或你自己?晚安Bonsoir !Tu veux du raisin ?吃葡萄吗?不吃,谢谢Non, merci !Goûte.尝尝吧Fanfan !芳芳Ce soir, je n'ai faim pour rien.我什么也不想吃Bonne nuit.晚安Alexandre ?亚历Tu dors ?你在睡吗?J'essaie !设法入睡ll fait lourd, non ?好闷热Ca te dit pas un bain de minuit ?同去裸泳,好吗?Hé ?真那样怕我?J'te fais si peur que ça ?我累了,想睡觉Je suis fatigué. Je veux dormir !海水冰冻Et la mer est froide !Bon, comme tu veux !随便你吧Si t'as des regrets, je suis sur la plage !改变主意的话,来沙滩找我La porte claque.Comme elle est belle.Je reprendrai bien du thé.Clochette ! Ah, cette chèvre !Ne touche pas !Conversation au loin祖母Mamy, pourquoi tu m'as pas présenté Alexandre ? 你为什么不介绍亚历给我认识?Que fais-tu avec un gateau appétissant ?美食当前,你会怎样?Je le mange.美食当前,你会怎样?Surveille ta ligne pour une fois.当心身材走样啊自制一下好On frappe.Bonjour. Bonjour.你好Bien dormi ? Ouais.睡得酣吗?很好Tu peux m'aider ? Oui, oui.帮我整理床铺好吗?当然好Ce soir, on ne doit pas faire comme hier.今晚,我不会再犯昨晚的锚Bien sûr.好极J'aimerais bien changer de place.我睡左边你睡右边,介意吗?Je préfère le côté gauche. Ca t'ira ?等一等Hier soir, on avait pas le choix.昨晚别无选择今晚须先行安排Là, on s'organise.Donc, je prends le côté gauche.正是,我就睡左边,我们去吧Tu viens. Où ?去哪里?去我的私人小天地Dans mon repaire.Musique douce- Fanfan ?芳芳你在哪里?Tu es où ?芳芳Fanfan ?Fanfan, donne-moi cette clé. Sois pas ridicule. 锁匙还给我,别胡闹小时候Je venais m'isoler ici quand j'étais gamine.我独自来休憩现在我想同你一起休憩Là, je voudrais être bien avec toi.十分钟内,我们什么也不干Qu'on ne fasse rien pendant 1 0 minutes.只此而已Simplement.Viens t'allonger..在这里躺下..à côté de moi.躺在我身旁锁匙还给我Donne-moi la clé.你认为怎样?Qu'est-ce que tu t'imagines ?认为我带你来,故意激怒你?Que je t'ai fait venir pour te culbuter ?我绝无此意Mais pas du tout.我只想舒舒服服•.•亲亲近近Je voulais juste un moment d'intimité. 随你吧,不勉强你Tu as le choix. Je te force pas.Bon !随你吧,不勉强你Alors, 5 minutes !但只是五分钟On n'est pas bien ?舒服吗?Tu entends les oiseaux ?听见乌声吗?Où est la clé ?锁匙在哪里?Chut. GazouillisEcoute les oiseaux.听听乌声Bon, ça y est. On y va ?够了,我们去吧Je rentre vers 1 0h.十时我就回来- Tu ne d?nes pas là ?你不在家吃饭?Non, j'ai trois d?ners.今晚我有三个饭约Je sais pas dire non.人情难却Ti, on est bien le 8 ?狄,今天是几号?- Oui.狄,今天是几号?Oh, merde !狄,今天是几号?Je dois aller à Paris pour un déjeuner.. 我约了洛丽的父母明天午膳 famille chez Laure.竟全忘掉这回事Faut que je me casse d'ici.我得走了我也去巴黎Je vais à Paris pour terminer un décor. 舞台还未布置好T'en veux une ? J'ai arrêté.不,谢谢,我戒了Cette pauvre Fanfan n'a aucun charme.可怜的芳芳,毫无风情可言优雅?连蟑螂也不如Et moins de grace qu'un coléoptère.泓死水Elle est terne.俏皮?女交通督导也差不多Appétissante comme une dame pipi.而且是退休的,没有喜感En retraite.Sans surprise. Arrête.别说了Arrête.On est de retour, Monseigneur.大人,我回来也Ca va, Roger ?你好,罗渣Bip répondeur我是积克啊* Salut, c'est Jacques.Apporte-moi demain les cours de cardiologie.明天可否带心脏资料来医院?BêlementClochette, viens là.傻瓜* Mon chéri, c'est Laure.我是洛丽,现正在我爸妈处Je suis chez mes parents.我们共同生活至今已有五年5 ans qu'on vit ensemble.我不想你怪我Je ne veux pas t'empêcher d'avoir des aventures. 剥夺你的欢乐今晚,送你个妓女J'ai pris les devants. Je t'offre une call-girl.意大利人Avec elle, ce sera purement sexuel.你与她,起码只是性交易此刻,她在我俩的房间Quand tu rentreras, elle sera..丝不挂..dans notre chambre, nue.等待著你Vas-y. Mais vas-y !等待著你Tu as ma bénédiction.愿你好好享受Mademoiselle ?愿你好好享受Musique inquiétante有没有人?有Y a quelqu'un ? - Si.C'est un malentendu. Rhabillez-vous.是个误会,穿上衣服但我已穿上衣服Yé suis habillée.Ciao, bambino. Vieni, vieni!Soyez gentille.听著,别胡闹Reprenez une allure civilisée.穿回你的衣服穿就穿,反正太晚了Tu arrives trop tard !乾候了三小时,不走也不行3 heures que je t'attends !Faut que je file.Laure, c'est quoi, ça ?洛丽?搞什么鬼啊lncroyable !难以致信Après 5 ans, tu n'as pas envie de me tromper ? 五年了,你仍无意背著我鬼混点也不想?Une petite envie ?Tu voulais le vérifier ?你在考验我?也许Peut-être.我也差点按捺不住J'ai envie de sexe.Je voulais te faire une surprise.飞来艳福,难道你不兴奋?Tu peux reboutonner ma robe ?替我拉起拉链好吗?J'adorerais, mais je suis pressée.亚历,我好想,但没空Merci.谢谢Tu vas où ?到那里去?Chez mes parents, avec toi.爸妈的家,和你一同去Bonjour. Tiens, Alexandre.你好欢迎!亚历Fermez la porte. Les courants d'air...快关门,风大On me dit hypocondriaque, mais quand même. 他们说我无呻吟,但的确寒冷J'me sens faiblard, pas vous ?气虚体弱,你呢?Je survis.托赖,尚好Tiens, c'est ça le mariage.结婚的效果:每年加重两磅Un kilo en plus chaque année !Faites attention.小心,洛丽像她母亲,懂得烧菜Laure est aussi bonne cuisinière que sa mère. 虎母无犬女Je vous sers quoi ? Whisky, Martini ?喝点什么?威士忌?马天尼?威士忌Un scotch.Entrechocs de vaisselleVous avez penséà ma proposition ?你有没有考虑过Ca vous dit de prendre ma suite ?继承我家业务?说实话,我耒想过Je ne pense pas...Les pompes funèbres, c'est pas folichon.殡仪行业可能沉闷但也不无好处Y a des compensations.Chez nous, y a jamais de crise.经济不景对我们毫无影响''A coeur vaillant, rien d'impossible.''只要百无禁忌,何事不成Merci, mais j'ai pas la vocation.谢谢好意,但这不是我所长Papa, ça suffit.爸爸,别再烦他La porte, oh !关门Je manque d'anticorps.身体不大如前了J'ai fait des examens, et...Mets tes chaussures, on va manger.穿上鞋吧,吃饭去请相信我,成者为王Réfléchissez. ''Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien.'' 俗语有云Sans être banal...- Laure... Oh, Alexandre.亚历Comment ça va ? Allez, papa.你怎样?ll rouspète.Qu'est-ce que c'est...Viens m'aider.来厨房帮帮我快点Tout de suite.Ah... les bonnes femmes !女人真烦气''On les a dans les bras, et sur les bras.''枷锁枷锁,家就是锁Ah... les bonnes femmes !枷锁枷锁,家就是锁Quand vous aurez 30 ans de mariage,..结婚至今已三十年..vous direz avec fierté :我可骄傲地说''Finalement, on a tenu.''”我夫妻俩是成功的一对!”Clochette - A table !吃饭Tout de suite !吃饭- ''Ce que femme veut...''女人的旨意者上帝的意旨也J'ai l'air palot ?我面有菜色吗?Alexandre !亚历,你真爱上此人吗?Tu l'aimes celui-là ?Oui, et plus quand il vivra avec moi.对,同居後我会令他益发可爱ll deviendra un type formidable.这小子是何方神圣Dis donc, qui c'est ce voyou....qui va me voler ma fille ?竟偷走我的女儿Hum ? Je ne sais pas trop.我也不清楚Je connais son nom : Alexandre Crusoe.只知道他叫亚历鲁卖逊C'est un descendant de Robinson.飘流岛那鲁卖逊的後人Coup de cymbale我这赵可惨J'suis dans la merde.洛丽?Laure ? Non, ça va, mais...不是她,而是刚邂逅的一个女子Quand on rencontre une fille...使我意乱情迷une femme...qui nous éblouit...而又充满生气qui nous réveille...有点神奇,不可捉摸的感觉y a un charme particulier, une féerie.Hum ?但只要一亲热过Cette griserie se barre dès qu'on l'embrasse. 刺激感便消失亲热过後Et y a autre chose qui na?t.关系会起变化Enfin, qui peut na?tre. Parfois.然而,那挑逗过程,却不复再有La tendresse. Je connais !Mais un charme fout le camp.却不复再有Un jeu de séduction qu'on perd.可有别的选择?买卖式的爱情Et alors, tu proposes quoi ?不断的一夜风流?L'amour tarifé ?La conquête à outrance, à répétition ?不沾女色?多反胃Ou l'abstinence ?来这里途中,我作了个决择Quelle horreur !En venant, j'ai pris une décision.我想出了个办法J'ai trouvé la solution.用来干什么?A quoi ?Musique douce还有什么?La solution !用来防止那刺激感消失Pour garder la passion.我要芳芳和我之间Pour qu'avec Fanfan, notre couple soit léger. 不老套乏味而你的办法是?- Peut-on conna?tre ''la solution'' ?我打算永远追求芳芳Je vais faire la cour à Fanfan..却又总不让她洞悉我的爱幕..sans lui déclarer mes sentiments.在我有生之年Sans jamais l'embrasser.不与她亲热Jusqu'à ma mort.- Tu...你在开玩笑?Tu plaisantes ?不!何必与她发生关系Pour une fois, non !Pourquoi finir comme tous les couples ?然後Nostalgiques de l'avant 1 er baiser.沦为凡夫俗妇,凭吊当初的温馨我要我俩的爱欲Je veux préserver notre désir intact.永不变迁Toute notre vie.无偿的爱欲Lorsque le désir est suspendu, c'est grisant. 这才动人我在种魂癫倒之时才会获得生趣Je veux vivre fou amoureux.洛丽知情吗?Et ta petite Laure là-dedans ?我爱她,衷心地爱她Oh, je l'aime.Alors, je m'attache à elle comme je peux.我会永在她身旁始终不渝Je lui reste fidèle... physiquement.在肉体上来说Je veux vivre avec Fanfan..而我和芳芳的天地,将超尘脱俗..une histoire qui sera irréelle.我打算完全率性而为Je m'autoriserai toutes mes folies.彻底地率性而为Toutes !Argh ! Oh !lls rient.什么回事?C'est quoi ? Par ici, madame.有请Oh...我忘带锁匙,这是秘密通道C'est un passage secret.Tu sais ce que je préfère ici ?这里你知我最喜欢是什么?不知Non.是你Toi.Pourquoi tu poses jamais de question ?为何问题都由我提出?我应问什么问题呢?Pour te demander quoi ?你多重?几高?Ton poids ? Ta taille ?Ta poitrine ?胸国多少?我届於修长型Ma taille est fine.Si tu me portais, tu verrais ce que je pèse. 抱抱我就知道我不重胸国是Mon tour de poitrine...胸国是90-B.胸国是C.胸国是C !Merci.谢谢相告Alexandre rigole.Tu ne veux rien savoir d'autre ?想知的,只是这些?问问我本身的事吧Tu ne demandes rien sur moi.你对我所知什少Tu ne m'as même pas demandé mon nom. 连姓也不清楚也不知我没有幽默感Sais-tu que je n'ai aucun humour ?不知我靠孩子杂耍Tu ignores que pour payer mon loyer,.. ..j'enseigne l'acrobatie à des enfants.赚钱交相你不知Tu ne sais pas..我多渴望被人了解..que j'aimerais être rencontrée.多渴望被人接纳Qu'on veuille des choses pour moi.抱歉,食物都是冻的Désolé, c'est un repas froid.香蕉糊Entrée : bananes au citron.朱古力布甸,玉米条Mousse au chocolat et chips au paprika. 正宗柠水Le tout arrosé de... limonade.都是我儿时的心爱食物Tout ce que j'aime !我打探过J'ai enquêté. Qui te l'a dit ?谁告诉你?我消息灵通Je me suis renseigné.A table, ça va refroidir.趁耒冻,我们吃吧等一等…在那里?Dis-moi où c'est.厕所?Heu... les toilettes ?Hum hum.楼上Là. Là-haut.哪道门?Quelle porte ?第一道La première.左抑或右?A gauche ou à droite ?左抑或右?A gauche.我不想洗衣,只想撒尿Pas la salle de bain. Je veux faire pipi.对不起,在右边A droite. Pardon.Rires Musique douce柠檬水?Un peu de limonade ? Téléphone电话响,照例应接听Chez moi, je réponds quand ça sonne.有电话录音设备Y a un... un répondeur.* Annonce en allemand* Das ist Julia.Ton père est Allemand ?令尊是德国人?Oui.他女友送他一吻,道晚安Sa petite amie lui disait qu'elle l'embrassait. 不,她说她会再打来Elle a juste dit qu'elle le rappellerait.我懂德语我们在什么地方?Chez qui sommes-nous ?Bah... on est chez mon père.家父的家亚历Alexandre !你没锁匙Tu n'as pas les clés d'ici.不知厕所在哪里Tu hésites pour les toilettes.电话录音机说的话Et tu ne comprends pas l'allemand.你听不懂这是谁的寓所?Chez qui sommes-nous ?好吧Bon.说不上是家父的On n'est pas vraiment chez mon père. On est chez un banquier suisse.届於某银行家,瑞士籍德国人C'est comme chez mon père.就当作家父的吧你认识这银行家?Tu le connais ?不认识Non.我想带你去到配得上你的地方Je voulais un endroit digne de toi.Je peux pas t'emmener au restaurant. 上高级餐厅又不够钱我很笨拙J'suis con.J'en fais trop pour que la vie soit belle. 与现实有点脱节Rires lointains Une porte claque.Un homme rit.Qu'est-ce qu'on fait ?我们做什么?什么也不做Rien.什么也不做?Comment rien ? Rien.Elle rit.Psitt !什么也不做?Peut-on savoir...你们在这里干什么?ce que vous faites là ?先生,我们在用膳Nous d?nons.搞什么鬼?Mais enfin...怎进来?Comment êtes-vous entrés ?你们是谁?Qui êtes-vous ?C'est à moi de demander.应该是我问你,你连门钤也不按Vous faites irruption sans sonner !露丝,报警去Lutz, appelle la police !小姐,这是我的寓所Je suis ici chez moi, mademoiselle.你在我桌上,用我的碟进食Vous d?nez sur ma table dans ma vaisselle. 今日几号?Le combien sommes-nous ? Le 1 8.十八号,为何问?你说过你相到三十号Tu as bien loué jusqu'au 30 ?又再摆乌苇?笨蛋Tu t'es encore trompé, hein ?你真不中用Je peux plus avoir confiance.他真不中用Je ne peux plus !但我没出租这寓所J'ai pas mis ma maison en location.制止你的太太,快Arrêtez votre femme.Sinon j'appuie sur le répondeur.否则我开融录音机有个口讯ll y a le message de...是茱莉亚打来的Ju... ? Julia.Chut, chut !Elle était très tendre.她多么温柔体贴Affectueuse.热情Pleine d'attentions. Charmante.热情Très charmante.迷人到尽- All?, police ?警察局?亲爱的Ma puce.忘记告诉你,我将寓所相了出去J'avais mis la maison en location. Pleine d'attentions...Voilà, le véhicule !Waow !Hop là !Allez, je t'emmène boire..我们去维也纳吃宵夜,如何?..un dernier verre à Vienne.维也纳?去维也纳吃宵夜?A Vienne ? Oui.Un verre à Vienne ? En Autriche. 对,在奥地利Oui. Pour t'emmener...但首先我得蒙著你双眼je dois te bander les yeux. Ah oui ? 蒙眼?蒙吧Vas-y.Je ne veux avoir avec toi..我要和你一同..que des souvenirs merveilleux.留下温馨的回忆Allez.留下温馨的回忆Go, go, go, go.维也纳,我们去也En route pour Vienne !Musique - style sambaRires你住在那里?Où habites-tu ? - Belleville.近唐人街所黑暗的小工作室Un studio sombre. Je déteste !花丽街38号J'avais trouvé un endroit de rêve au Palais Royal. 有个好住所太贵,相不起,教我很失望38, rue de Valois.C'était trop cher.墙上有大镜Y avait un énorme miroir sur le mur.住过女芭蕾舞蹈员Ca appartenait à une danseuse.是吗?是- Ah ouais ? - Ouais !Moteur d'avion我们在那里?Où sommes-nous ?在一小机场内,我相了只飞机Devant un aéroport.J'ai loué un avion.飞机?Un avion ?你够钱?Remets ça. T'as du fric ?见习医生有多少入息?Ca gagne bien un interne ?不多,我借了五年期贷款Pas vraiment. J'ai emprunté sur 5 ans.胜过分期付款Je préfère m'endetter pour une femme.买洗碗机Allez.Rire de Fanfan来吧- Garde ton bandeau.继续蒙著眼Donne-moi la main.伸手来,我领你走Laisse-toi guider.- Où est-ce qu'on est ?我们究竟在那里?弯身,小心螺旋桨- Attention. Baisse-toi.穿上这晚服Passe cette robe par-dessus la tienne.穿上这晚服- Une robe ? - Mets-la.穿上这晚服Tu dois être prête à valser à Vienne.以便我们一著陆就跳舞- Je dois encore garder ce bandeau ?眼罩可以解开吧?多五秒Oui, encore 5 secondes.Musique symphonique究竟什么事?- Que se passe-t-il ? - Fanfan.芳芳On est à Vienne !我们到了维也纳,1813年1 81 3 !On dirait qu'on est à Vienne en 1 81 3.与1813年的维也纳一模一样众香国里Vous ressemblez à mes rêves..你是玄我梦寐所求..mieux que celles qui les ont suscités.芳姿飘逸,无疑是Vous avez quelque chose..造物者的不羁宠儿 désinvolte....qu'on rencontre chez les êtres libres.既是完美无穷,岂可刻意雕琢Je n'imagine rien que vous n'ayez déjà.M. de Metternich.梅特涅阁下拿破仑快完蛋耒?L'Europe sera-t-elle débarrassée du petit Corse ?公主,来,共我凭栏,替我解忧Je suis un peu las.Allons loin de ce tumulte.远离尘嚣Ah ! Mauvais souvenir d'Austerlitz.我在奥地利受到重创Comment, monsieur, vous ici ?阁下,你竟敢到此?Vous osez para?tre....après avoir mis en doute la vertu de Mme Fanfan ? 你既怀疑芳芳女士的贞节Madame est mère et vierge !就休想进入本殿她虽为人母,但纯洁不让处子Ca arrive. Y a un précédent !Vous sortez votre rapière ?可敬不逊前人你胆敢拔剑相向?Ne craignez rien !别怕,有我Faquin, plumitif !莽汉!可恶的流氓Non, Prince.王子,不要Ce fripon chatre ses adversaires.这无赖有名卑鄙,惹不得芳芳女士的名譬Votre honneur m'est aussi précieux qu'elles.贵重如我传家之宝Arrière, propagateur de sottises !滚开!口不择言之徒Vil calomniateur, supp?t de coteries !贫咀恶舌之辈!可耻的奴才Ha, ha, vous fuyez, coquin !挟著尾巴给我滚王八都比你有种Un lache est 1 00 fois cocu !Hou, hou !Ho, ho. Monseigneur !殿下别因我犯险,因为我的贞操Ne vous exposez pas à son épée.Ma vertu est...确有可非议之处discutable.Madame, 1 000 braves pourraient vous trousser.. 纵经千般蹂躏..que vous resteriez pour moi toujours pure.在我眼中,你依然是白莲一朵Ah...好贼,且待我挖出你的黑心肠Gredin, je vais percer ta cirrhose.好,干掉他,将他拆骨煎皮Vas-y, bute-le ! Sacre bleu !王子,小心!你的左边,右边Prince, prenez garde à votre gauche.退後Arrière !你可有受伤?Vous êtes blessé ?亚历Alexandre ?你真的流血Tu saignes vraiment !Madame.良家妇女的贞操,不可儿戏Le pucelage n'est pas sujet à plaisanterie. Musique douce这维也纳的景致,美极J'aime cette vue sur Vienne.阳台沐浴在一片和详中Et le calme qui règne ici.Hum... quelle brise délicieuse.薰人的微风同喝杯香槟好吗?Prendrez-vous du champagne ? Volontiers.乐意之至舞台是狄设计的,他给我锁匙Ti finit ce décor. ll m'a donné les clés. Attention, le clou de la soirée...今晚节目的高潮Voilà !这里ll y a une erreur dans cette reconstitution. 这布景有点美中不足Les odeurs.气味不对En 1 81 3 (1813)tu aurais senti le fauve.你应散发野兽般的体臭La vieille sueur macérée.泡了一星期的汗渍Le crottin de cheval décomposé.Alors que ce soir, tu sens bon.腐坏的马粪但今夜,你很香的确很香J'en suis désolé.可惜Nul n'est parfait.世无完人愿我俩友谊固A notre amitié.男女间的真正友谊C'est si rare entre un homme et une femme. 委实罕有Fanfan.芳芳J'apprécie la sincérité de nos rapports.我很珍惜我俩的真挚关系不拖泥带水,多清新Cette absence d'ambigu??té.十分密切Cette vraie complicité.Alors, buvons à notre amitié.为友谊乾杯友谊长存Qu'elle dure toujours.Bris de verrell est tard. Je te raccompagne chez toi ?夜了,明天是星期我送你回家Non, chez Paul, s'il te plaît.请送我去保罗的家保罗?Paul ? Je t'en ai pas parlé ?对,我没提及他吗?没有Non.我们去吧On y va ?保罗是谁?Mais ce Paul, c'est qui ?雕刻家Ca t'intéresse ?我俩一起学香水ll est sculpteur et parfumeur.蛮有意思lntéressant.他替我雕裸像ll fait un nu de moi. Ah ?Je suis vraiment rassurée.说实话,我松了口气为什么?Par quoi ?曾担心会引起误会,而Je craignais que nos rapports changent. 又须拒绝你的追求Je ne veux rien de plus.Comme je suis heureuse !你不知我现在多轻松我常望有个真正朋友Des années que je cherche un vrai ami ! 简单关系简单关系Tiens.我自讨没趣Je me sens un peu humiliée.为你准备烛光晚餐J'avais préparé un souper.还以为你去了爸妈处T'es pas chez tes parents ?她的头发是金色或褐色的?Elle est blonde ou brune ?她的头发是金色或褐色的?Qui ?咬你咀唇那女子Celle qui t'a....mordu la lèvre.要听真话吗?Tu veux la vérité ?Elle est brune.褐色没越轨行为,永远也不会有Avec elle, il ne se passera jamais rien. 既决定娶我Tu me dis ça tranquillement..你怎可若无其事..le jour où tu décides de m'épouser.说的是真话C'est la vérité.你以为我会信?Comment veux-tu que j'accepte ça ?当我傻瓜来骗Je ne peux pas t'épouser si tu me mens ! 怎长相厮守我不会阻你寻欢J'ai pas envie de t'empêcher de vivre.但须要你坦诚Je dois avoir confiance.我说真的,别嚷Laure, je suis honnête.ll ne se passera rien.我俩永不越轨Je t'aime. Lache-moi !不要碰我什么来的?Qu'est-ce que c'est ?卖客名单La liste des invités. A notre mariage ?婚礼的?Bah, oui !可真坐言起行啊Tu perds pas de temps.别这样说,我今晚受够了Ce soir, tu m'en as laissé !妈一定要请Maman a invité Blanche, Robert...白婶婶和罗叔叔还有她的母亲Et sa mère ! Oui, sa mère !对,她的母亲!我的祖母Ma grand-mère. On ne devait..洛丽,我们一向说不会妥协..rien céder !罗叔叔会怨死我们Robert ne me l'aurait jamais pardonné.但白婶婶呢?Mais tante Blanche...既请罗叔叔On peut pas inviter Robert sans Blanche. 就得请白婶婶Enfin ! Argh !我才不管罗叔叔Je m'en fous de Robert et de Blanche ! 白婶婶而我也受不了你的祖母Ta grand-mère, elle me gonfle !我们付一半婚礼费On paye la moitié. On peut inviter 3 personnes ! 有权请三人我想婚礼简单J'aurais préféré moins de monde !费用我自己付Si on payait, on choisirait nos invités !邀请我们真正想邀请的卖客亚历,我很害怕Alexandre, j'ai peur.怕什么?De quoi ?怕那没被你染指的褐发女郎De la brune que tu veux pas toucher.你触摸我时已再看不见我Tu me touches sans me voir.我俩总为小事争吵On s'engueule pour rien.若我不是你的人便会再度爱我J'aimerais recommencer à zéro.究竟出了什么锚?Qu'est-ce qui nous arrive ?谁也没锚,只是时间的问题C'est la faute à personne.C'est le temps qui passe.Fais-moi un p'tit, un tout p'tit.让我替你生一个孩子他一直在弄我,我不明白- ll s'est foutu de moi.他以为自己是谁?Pour qui il se prend ce type ?他引诱我然後又不理会我ll me drague, me largue dans Paris.大谈这才是爱的真谛ll parle de son idée de l'amour.其实他只是在说服自己Pour s'en convaincre. Je m'en fous !我才不管,给他气疯了真想掴过去ll m'énerve !Ca me change des autres.但他到底与众不同J'aimerais le gifler. Tu veux quoi ?下定决心吧下不了,根死他J'en sais rien.Je le déteste.但他却令我获得生趣Avec lui, je me sens vivre.真窝囊Mais quel con !为何不吻我?为何不依常理?Pourquoi il m'embrasse pas, hein ?果真如此,我什至不会注意他Comme ça, je le remarque.其实亚历不相信自己的说话Tu sais...Alexandre ne croit pas en ce qu'il dit.但他想相信ll aimerait y croire.我却相信,该死Moi, j'y crois, bordel !也许我天真,但我相信永恒的热恋Moi, j'y crois en la passion éternelle.生一世直到他相信Je vais y croire pour qu'Alexandre y croie. 我也会为他而相信他是同性恋吗?ll est pas homo ? ll vit avec Laure.当然不是,他与洛丽同居洛丽?Laure ?你不知道?Tu ne le savais pas ?J'ai pas senti de parfum de femme.我从来嗅不到他身上有女性香水味Laure porte un parfum pour homme.洛丽涂男人古苇水他没提她?ll t'a jamais parlé d'elle ? Jamais.从未!这女子是谁?认真的?C'est sérieux ?他俩的确同居ll dit ''ma femme'' quand il en parle.他俩的确同居Ah, l'enfoiré !杂种Le salaud !同居了很久?lls vivent ensemble depuis longtemps ?她的为人怎样?Elle a l'air de quoi cette fille ?女儿家,竟涂男人古苇水Une femme avec un parfum d'homme... 专心考试,忘掉亚历Ecoute.Pense à tes examens et oublie Alexandre. 你快疯了我要忘记他Oui, je le raye de ma mémoire.永不再见他Je le revois plus jamais !Elle soupire.Musique baroque帮我搬上楼上好吗?Tu m'aides à monter ça ?Dans ton studio ?搬去你的工作室?有空喝杯酒吗?Oui. Je t'offre un verre ?Non.不,我得走了Je dois partir.有什么不妥吗?Ca va pas ?我还是走好些Je pars. C'est mieux.究竟什么事?Qu'est-ce qu'y a encore ?Moi, j'en ai MARRE !我受不了Pardon, monsieur.请问你我是否那么讨人厌?Je suis si monstrueuse ?小姐,可惜我已是几十二岁Mademoiselle, j'ai 82 ans.Comme je le regrette.万分遗憾她对我说相太贵Le loyer est trop cher de combien ?你要多少?Elle pouvait mettre 3 000F.她肯付三千法郎Le loyer est de 4 000, charges comprises. 房租是四千Dites-lui que vous acceptez à 3 000.请以三千相给她余额我付Je payerai la différence.好吧谢谢你Si ça vous plaît... Merci.知道吗Veuillez noter..隔壁的工作室也可出相..que le studio à côté va se libérer.你想打通两间房的话Si vous souhaitez les réunir,..我们可将隔墙拆除..on peut abattre la cloison.人世界最适合Pour 2 personnes, ça irait.不必了,谢谢Non, non. Surtout pas.Merci.Qu'est-ce que tu cherches ?Qu'est-ce que tu cherches ?你打算怎样?* C'est moi.Tu es peut-être chez Ti et Maude.你探完狄来我父母家吧Si tu es là, rejoins-moi.我们吃法式烤鸽Mes parents préparent des pigeons.否则,明天见Je rentrerai que demain soir.BêlementBips rapidesTéléphoneAll? ? * C'est moi.是我Fanfan.。



三大美食国法国 鹅肝
The Louvre PAR

The site of the world's largest and most diverse collection of pre-20th century painting, sculpture, and decorative objects, The Louvre is definitely one of Paris' best attractions. Not forgetting the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo, bask in the works of Vermeer, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, and countless other masters. The palace itself is testament to a rich history spanning from the medieval period to the present.
Visiting in Europe
Balearic Islands (Spain)
Aegean Sea
Islay Island(the Atlantic ocean)
A variety of mountain and plain scenery

Southwest of the terrain is diverse, there are a lot of mountains, hills, plains scenery. Mountain sea coast is more, the Alps, sightseeing, holiday recuperate apennines is snow mountain, leisure summer resort, and begin the sports such as mountain climbing, skiing, adventure tourism base.



So all their praises are but prophecies 那么,古人的赞辞都只是预言 Of this our time, all you prefiguring; 预言了我们这时代; And, for they look'd but with divining eyes, 但古人只能用预想的眼睛测看, They had not skill enough your worth to sing: 还不能充分歌唱出你的价值来

For we, which now behold these present days, 至于我们呢ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ看见了今天的景象, Have eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise 有眼睛惊讶,却没有舌头会颂扬。 (屠岸译)

Then in the blazon of sweet beauty's best, 见到古人夸奖说最美的美人有 Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow, 怎样的手足,嘴唇,眼睛和眉毛, I see their antique pen would have express'd 于是我发现古代的文笔早就 Even such a beauty as you master now. 表达出来了你今天具有的美貌。
Sonnet 18
---William Shakespeare
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st; Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st, So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.



Part Three The Festival of Venice
The Regata Storica is one of the most distinguishing and typical celebration of Venice. It takes place on the water, the distinguished element that has always characterized this particular city
Venice, Italy is a magical place. It is one of the few cities in the world where the sound of cars are never heard. Instead, when it is quiet, one hears the lapping of waves against the city’s magnificent Renaissance buildings.
Part Two The Transportation of Venice
Venice is located in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea and is built on islands linked by more than 400 bridges. All transportation is by boat or on foot. Venice’s most famous vehicles are gondolas, which drift slowly through the city’s famed canals as the men steering the boats serenade passengers with arias from Italian operas.



Venice: A City of EnchantmentNestled in the serene lagoons of northern Italy, Venice stands as a testament to the beauty of human creativity and engineering.Known worldwide for its intricate canal system, grand palaces, and romantic atmosphere, the city draws millions of tourists every year. But what truly sets Venice apart is its unique English language influence, making it a fascinating destination for English learners.The historical ties between Venice and England run deep. For centuries, England has been a significant influence in Venice's political, cultural, and artistic landscapes. This influence is evident in the city's architecture, with many buildings exhibiting a blend of Venetian and English styles. From the elegant facades of palaces to the intricatedetails of churches, the city's architecture tells a storyof cultural exchange and harmonious coexistence.English is widely spoken in Venice, making itaccessible and welcoming to English speakers. Fromrestaurant menus to street signs, English is often used alongside Italian, allowing visitors to navigate the city with ease. This linguistic inclusivity creates a warm andinviting atmosphere for English learners, who can immerse themselves in the city's rich cultural heritage while practicing their language skills.The city's educational opportunities for English learners are abundant. Many language schools and universities offer English-speaking programs, allowing students to study abroad in Venice while maintaining fluency in their native language. These programs often include cultural excursions and language immersion experiences, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of Venetian culture and history.Venice's English-speaking community is also vibrant and diverse. From local residents to expatriates and students, the community is welcoming and supportive of English learners. Engaging with locals in conversation, attending cultural events, or simply exploring the city's many attractions, English learners can easily immerse themselves in the Venetian way of life.Moreover, Venice's rich history and cultural heritage provide ample opportunities for English learners to enhance their understanding of global perspectives. The city'slinks to the Renaissance, the Age of Exploration, and the rise of imperial powers make it a living textbook of world history. By exploring these historical connections, English learners can gain a deeper understanding of the global context of their language and culture.In conclusion, Venice is not just a beautiful city; it is a vibrant and educational destination for English learners. Its unique cultural influence, linguistic inclusivity, and rich historical heritage make it an ideal place to enhance language skills while exploring the world. For English learners, Venice offers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse themselves in a different culture, broaden their horizons, and develop a deeper understanding of the world.**威尼斯:一座充满魅力的城市**威尼斯坐落在意大利北部的宁静泻湖中,是人类创造力和工程技术的美丽见证。



三年级英语节日单选题30题1.Which festival is on December 25th?A.HalloweenB.ChristmasC.Thanksgiving答案:B。

“Christmas”是圣诞节,在12 月25 日。

“Halloween”是万圣节,在10 月31 日。

“Thanksgiving”是感恩节,在美国是11 月的第四个星期四。

2.When is National Day?A.October 1stB.September 10thC.June 1st答案:A。

“National Day”是国庆节,在10 月1 日。

“September 10th”是教师节。

“June 1st”是儿童节。

3.Which festival is for children?A.Children's DayB.Women's DayC.Teachers' Day答案:A。

“Children's Day”是儿童节,是孩子们的节日。

“Women's Day”是妇女节。

“Teachers' Day”是教师节。

4.What festival is on March 8th?A.Women's DayB.Tree Planting Daybor Day答案:A。

“Women's Day”是妇女节,在3 月8 日。

“Tree Planting Day”是植树节,在3 月12 日。

“Labor Day”是劳动节,在5 月1 日。

5.Which festival do we eat mooncakes on?A.Mid-Autumn FestivalB.Dragon Boat FestivalC.Spring Festival答案:A。

在“Mid-Autumn Festival”中秋节我们吃月饼。

“Dragon Boat Festival”端午节我们吃粽子。

The Merchant of venice Act IV

The Merchant of  venice Act IV

ACT IV. SCENE I. Venice. The court of justiceEnter the DUKE, the MAGNIFICOES, ANTONIO, BASSANIO, GRATIANO, SALERIO, and OTHERSDUKE OF VENICE. What, is Antonio here?ANTONIO. Ready, so please your Grace.DUKE OF VENICE. I am sorry for thee; thou art come to answerA stony adversary, an inhuman wretch,Uncapable of pity, void and emptyFrom any dram of mercy.ANTONIO. I have heardYour Grace hath ta'en great pains to qualifyHis rigorous course; but since he stands obdurate,And that no lawful means can carry meOut of his envy's reach, I do opposeMy patience to his fury, and am arm'dTo suffer with a quietness of spiritThe very tyranny and rage of his.DUKE OF VENICE. Go one, and call the Jew into the court.SALERIO. He is ready at the door; he comes, my lord.Enter SHYLOCKDUKE OF VENICE. Make room, and let him stand before our face.Shylock, the world thinks, and I think so too,That thou but leadest this fashion of thy maliceTo the last hour of act; and then, 'tis thought,Thou'lt show thy mercy and remorse, more strangeThan is thy strange apparent cruelty;And where thou now exacts the penalty,Which is a pound of this poor merchant's flesh,Thou wilt not only loose the forfeiture,But, touch'd with human gentleness and love,Forgive a moiety of the principal,Glancing an eye of pity on his losses,That have of late so huddled on his back-Enow to press a royal merchant down,And pluck commiseration of his stateFrom brassy bosoms and rough hearts of flint,From stubborn Turks and Tartars, never train'dTo offices of tender courtesy.We all expect a gentle answer, Jew.SHYLOCK. I have possess'd your Grace of what I purpose, And by our holy Sabbath have I swornTo have the due and forfeit of my bond.If you deny it, let the danger lightUpon your charter and your city's freedom.You'll ask me why I rather choose to haveA weight of carrion flesh than to receiveThree thousand ducats. I'll not answer that,But say it is my humour- is it answer'd?What if my house be troubled with a rat,And I be pleas'd to give ten thousand ducatsTo have it ban'd? What, are you answer'd yet?Some men there are love not a gaping pig;Some that are mad if they behold a cat;And others, when the bagpipe sings i' th' nose,Cannot contain their urine; for affection,Mistress of passion, sways it to the moodOf what it likes or loathes. Now, for your answer:As there is no firm reason to be rend'redWhy he cannot abide a gaping pig;Why he, a harmless necessary cat;Why he, a woollen bagpipe, but of forceMust yield to such inevitable shameAs to offend, himself being offended;So can I give no reason, nor I will not,More than a lodg'd hate and a certain loathingI bear Antonio, that I follow thusA losing suit against him. Are you answered? BASSANIO. This is no answer, thou unfeeling man,To excuse the current of thy cruelty.SHYLOCK. I am not bound to please thee with my answers. BASSANIO. Do all men kill the things they do not love? SHYLOCK. Hates any man the thing he would not kill? BASSANIO. Every offence is not a hate at first.SHYLOCK. What, wouldst thou have a serpent sting thee twice? ANTONIO. I pray you, think you question with the Jew.You may as well go stand upon the beachAnd bid the main flood bate his usual height;You may as well use question with the wolf,Why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb;You may as well forbid the mountain pinesTo wag their high tops and to make no noiseWhen they are fretten with the gusts of heaven;You may as well do anything most hardAs seek to soften that- than which what's harder?-His jewish heart. Therefore, I do beseech you,Make no moe offers, use no farther means,But with all brief and plain conveniencyLet me have judgment, and the Jew his will.BASSANIO. For thy three thousand ducats here is six. SHYLOCK. If every ducat in six thousand ducatsWere in six parts, and every part a ducat,I would not draw them; I would have my bond.DUKE OF VENICE. How shalt thou hope for mercy, rend'ring none? SHYLOCK. What judgment shall I dread, doing no wrong?You have among you many a purchas'd slave,Which, fike your asses and your dogs and mules,You use in abject and in slavish parts,Because you bought them; shall I say to you'Let them be free, marry them to your heirs-Why sweat they under burdens?- let their bedsBe made as soft as yours, and let their palatesBe season'd with such viands'? You will answer'The slaves are ours.' So do I answer you:The pound of flesh which I demand of himIs dearly bought, 'tis mine, and I will have it.If you deny me, fie upon your law!There is no force in the decrees of Venice.I stand for judgment; answer; shall I have it?DUKE OF VENICE. Upon my power I may dismiss this court, Unless Bellario, a learned doctor,Whom I have sent for to determine this,Come here to-day.SALERIO. My lord, here stays withoutA messenger with letters from the doctor,New come from Padua.DUKE OF VENICE. Bring us the letters; call the messenger. BASSANIO. Good cheer, Antonio! What, man, courage yet!The Jew shall have my flesh, blood, bones, and all,Ere thou shalt lose for me one drop of blood.ANTONIO. I am a tainted wether of the flock,Meetest for death; the weakest kind of fruitDrops earliest to the ground, and so let me.You cannot better be employ'd, Bassanio,Than to live still, and write mine epitaph.Enter NERISSA dressed like a lawyer's clerkDUKE OF VENICE. Came you from Padua, from Bellario?NERISSA. From both, my lord. Bellario greets your Grace.[Presents a letter]BASSANIO. Why dost thou whet thy knife so earnestly?SHYLOCK. To cut the forfeiture from that bankrupt there.GRATIANO. Not on thy sole, but on thy soul, harsh Jew,Thou mak'st thy knife keen; but no metal can,No, not the hangman's axe, bear half the keennessOf thy sharp envy. Can no prayers pierce thee?SHYLOCK. No, none that thou hast wit enough to make.GRATIANO. O, be thou damn'd, inexecrable dog!And for thy life let justice be accus'd.Thou almost mak'st me waver in my faith,To hold opinion with PythagorasThat souls of animals infuse themselvesInto the trunks of men. Thy currish spiritGovern'd a wolf who, hang'd for human slaughter,Even from the gallows did his fell soul fleet,And, whilst thou layest in thy unhallowed dam,Infus'd itself in thee; for thy desiresAre wolfish, bloody, starv'd and ravenous.SHYLOCK. Till thou canst rail the seal from off my bond, Thou but offend'st thy lungs to speak so loud;Repair thy wit, good youth, or it will fallTo cureless ruin. I stand here for law.DUKE OF VENICE. This letter from Bellario doth commendA young and learned doctor to our court.Where is he?NERISSA. He attendeth here hard byTo know your answer, whether you'll admit him.DUKE OF VENICE. With all my heart. Some three or four of you Go give him courteous conduct to this place.Meantime, the court shall hear Bellario's letter.CLERK. [Reads] 'Your Grace shall understand that at thereceiptof your letter I am very sick; but in the instant that yourmessenger came, in loving visitation was with me a young doctorof Rome- his name is Balthazar. I acquainted him with the causein controversy between the Jew and Antonio the merchant; weturn'd o'er many books together; he is furnished with my opinionwhich, bettered with his own learning-the greatness whereof Icannot enough commend- comes with him at my importunity tofillup your Grace's request in my stead. I beseech you let his lackof years be no impediment to let him lack a reverend estimation,for I never knew so young a body with so old a head. I leave himto your gracious acceptance, whose trial shall better publish hiscommendation.'Enter PORTIA for BALTHAZAR, dressed like a Doctor of LawsDUKE OF VENICE. YOU hear the learn'd Bellario, what he writes;And here, I take it, is the doctor come.Give me your hand; come you from old Bellario?PORTIA. I did, my lord.DUKE OF VENICE. You are welcome; take your place.Are you acquainted with the differenceThat holds this present question in the court?PORTIA. I am informed throughly of the cause.Which is the merchant here, and which the Jew?DUKE OF VENICE. Antonio and old Shylock, both stand forth.PORTIA. Is your name Shylock?SHYLOCK. Shylock is my name.PORTIA. Of a strange nature is the suit you follow;Yet in such rule that the Venetian lawCannot impugn you as you do proceed.You stand within his danger, do you not?ANTONIO. Ay, so he says.PORTIA. Do you confess the bond?ANTONIO. I do.PORTIA. Then must the Jew be merciful.SHYLOCK. On what compulsion must I? Tell me that.PORTIA. The quality of mercy is not strain'd;It droppeth as the gentle rain from heavenUpon the place beneath. It is twice blest:It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomesThe throned monarch better than his crown;His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,The attribute to awe and majesty,Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;But mercy is above this sceptred sway,It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,It is an attribute to God himself;And earthly power doth then show likest God'sWhen mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,Though justice be thy plea, consider this-That in the course of justice none of usShould see salvation; we do pray for mercy,And that same prayer doth teach us all to renderThe deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus muchTo mitigate the justice of thy plea,Which if thou follow, this strict court of VeniceMust needs give sentence 'gainst the merchant there. SHYLOCK. My deeds upon my head! I crave the law, The penalty and forfeit of my bond.BASSANIO. Yes; here I tender it for him in the court;Yea, twice the sum; if that will not suffice,I will be bound to pay it ten times o'erOn forfeit of my hands, my head, my heart;If this will not suffice, it must appearThat malice bears down truth. And, I beseech you,Wrest once the law to your authority;To do a great right do a little wrong,And curb this cruel devil of his will.PORTIA. It must not be; there is no power in Venice Can alter a decree established;'Twill be recorded for a precedent,And many an error, by the same example,Will rush into the state; it cannot be.SHYLOCK. A Daniel come to judgment! Yea, a Daniel!O wise young judge, how I do honour thee!PORTIA. I pray you, let me look upon the bond. SHYLOCK. Here 'tis, most reverend Doctor; here it is. PORTIA. Shylock, there's thrice thy money off'red thee. SHYLOCK. An oath, an oath! I have an oath in heaven.Shall I lay perjury upon my soul?No, not for Venice.PORTIA. Why, this bond is forfeit;And lawfully by this the Jew may claimA pound of flesh, to be by him cut offNearest the merchant's heart. Be merciful.Take thrice thy money; bid me tear the bond. SHYLOCK. When it is paid according to the tenour.It doth appear you are a worthy judge;You know the law; your expositionHath been most sound; I charge you by the law,Whereof you are a well-deserving pillar,Proceed to judgment. By my soul I swearThere is no power in the tongue of manTo alter me. I stay here on my bond.ANTONIO. Most heartily I do beseech the court To give the judgment.PORTIA. Why then, thus it is:You must prepare your bosom for his knife. SHYLOCK. O noble judge! O excellent young man! PORTIA. For the intent and purpose of the law Hath full relation to the penalty,Which here appeareth due upon the bond. SHYLOCK. 'Tis very true. O wise and upright judge, How much more elder art thou than thy looks! PORTIA. Therefore, lay bare your bosom.SHYLOCK. Ay, his breast-So says the bond; doth it not, noble judge?'Nearest his heart,' those are the very words. PORTIA. It is so. Are there balance here to weigh The flesh?SHYLOCK. I have them ready.PORTIA. Have by some surgeon, Shylock, on your charge, To stop his wounds, lest he do bleed to death. SHYLOCK. Is it so nominated in the bond?PORTIA. It is not so express'd, but what of that?'Twere good you do so much for charity. SHYLOCK. I cannot find it; 'tis not in the bond. PORTIA. You, merchant, have you anything to say? ANTONIO. But little: I am arm'd and well prepar'd.Give me your hand, Bassanio; fare you well.Grieve not that I am fall'n to this for you,For herein Fortune shows herself more kindThan is her custom. It is still her useTo let the wretched man outlive his wealth,To view with hollow eye and wrinkled browAn age of poverty; from which ling'ring penanceOf such misery doth she cut me off.Commend me to your honourable wife;Tell her the process of Antonio's end;Say how I lov'd you; speak me fair in death;And, when the tale is told, bid her be judgeWhether Bassanio had not once a love.Repent but you that you shall lose your friend,And he repents not that he pays your debt;For if the Jew do cut but deep enough,I'll pay it instantly with all my heart.BASSANIO. Antonio, I am married to a wifeWhich is as dear to me as life itself;But life itself, my wife, and all the world,Are not with me esteem'd above thy life;I would lose all, ay, sacrifice them allHere to this devil, to deliver you.PORTIA. Your wife would give you little thanks for that, If she were by to hear you make the offer. GRATIANO. I have a wife who I protest I love;I would she were in heaven, so she couldEntreat some power to change this currish Jew. NERISSA. 'Tis well you offer it behind her back;The wish would make else an unquiet house. SHYLOCK. [Aside] These be the Christian husbands! I have a daughter-Would any of the stock of BarrabasHad been her husband, rather than a Christian!-We trifle time; I pray thee pursue sentence. PORTIA. A pound of that same merchant's flesh is thine.The court awards it and the law doth give it. SHYLOCK. Most rightful judge!PORTIA. And you must cut this flesh from off his breast.The law allows it and the court awards it. SHYLOCK. Most learned judge! A sentence! Come, prepare. PORTIA. Tarry a little; there is something else.This bond doth give thee here no jot of blood:The words expressly are 'a pound of flesh.'Take then thy bond, take thou thy pound of flesh;But, in the cutting it, if thou dost shedOne drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goodsAre, by the laws of Venice, confiscateUnto the state of Venice.GRATIANO. O upright judge! Mark, Jew. O learned judge! SHYLOCK. Is that the law?PORTIA. Thyself shalt see the act;For, as thou urgest justice, be assur'dThou shalt have justice, more than thou desir'st.GRATIANO. O learned judge! Mark, Jew. A learned judge! SHYLOCK. I take this offer then: pay the bond thrice, And let the Christian go.BASSANIO. Here is the money.PORTIA. Soft!The Jew shall have all justice. Soft! No haste.He shall have nothing but the penalty. GRATIANO. O Jew! an upright judge, a learned judge! PORTIA. Therefore, prepare thee to cut off the flesh.Shed thou no blood, nor cut thou less nor moreBut just a pound of flesh; if thou tak'st moreOr less than a just pound- be it but so muchAs makes it light or heavy in the substance,Or the division of the twentieth partOf one poor scruple; nay, if the scale do turnBut in the estimation of a hair-Thou diest, and all thy goods are confiscate. GRATIANO. A second Daniel, a Daniel, Jew!Now, infidel, I have you on the hip.PORTIA. Why doth the Jew pause? Take thy forfeiture. SHYLOCK. Give me my principal, and let me go. BASSANIO. I have it ready for thee; here it is. PORTIA. He hath refus'd it in the open court;He shall have merely justice, and his bond. GRATIANO. A Daniel still say I, a second Daniel!I thank thee, Jew, for teaching me that word. SHYLOCK. Shall I not have barely my principal? PORTIA. Thou shalt have nothing but the forfeiture To be so taken at thy peril, Jew.SHYLOCK. Why, then the devil give him good of it!I'll stay no longer question.PORTIA. Tarry, Jew.The law hath yet another hold on you.It is enacted in the laws of Venice,If it be proved against an alienThat by direct or indirect attemptsHe seek the life of any citizen,The party 'gainst the which he doth contriveShall seize one half his goods; the other halfComes to the privy coffer of the state;And the offender's life lies in the mercyOf the Duke only, 'gainst all other voice.In which predicament, I say, thou stand'st;For it appears by manifest proceedingThat indirectly, and directly too,Thou hast contrived against the very lifeOf the defendant; and thou hast incurr'dThe danger formerly by me rehears'd.Down, therefore, and beg mercy of the Duke.GRATIANO. Beg that thou mayst have leave to hang thyself;And yet, thy wealth being forfeit to the state,Thou hast not left the value of a cord;Therefore thou must be hang'd at the state's charge.DUKE OF VENICE. That thou shalt see the difference of our spirit,I pardon thee thy life before thou ask it.For half thy wealth, it is Antonio's;The other half comes to the general state,Which humbleness may drive unto a fine.PORTIA. Ay, for the state; not for Antonio.SHYLOCK. Nay, take my life and all, pardon not that.You take my house when you do take the propThat doth sustain my house; you take my lifeWhen you do take the means whereby I live.PORTIA. What mercy can you render him, Antonio?GRATIANO. A halter gratis; nothing else, for God's sake!ANTONIO. So please my lord the Duke and all the court To quit the fine for one half of his goods;I am content, so he will let me haveThe other half in use, to render itUpon his death unto the gentlemanThat lately stole his daughter-Two things provided more; that, for this favour,He presently become a Christian;The other, that he do record a gift,Here in the court, of all he dies possess'dUnto his son Lorenzo and his daughter.DUKE OF VENICE. He shall do this, or else I do recant The pardon that I late pronounced here.PORTIA. Art thou contented, Jew? What dost thou say?SHYLOCK. I am content.PORTIA. Clerk, draw a deed of gift.SHYLOCK. I pray you, give me leave to go from hence;I am not well; send the deed after meAnd I will sign it.DUKE OF VENICE. Get thee gone, but do it.GRATIANO. In christ'ning shalt thou have two god-fathers;Had I been judge, thou shouldst have had ten more,To bring thee to the gallows, not to the font.Exit SHYLOCKDUKE OF VENICE. Sir, I entreat you home with me to dinner.PORTIA. I humbly do desire your Grace of pardon;I must away this night toward Padua,And it is meet I presently set forth.DUKE OF VENICE. I am sorry that your leisure serves you not.Antonio, gratify this gentleman,For in my mind you are much bound to him.Exeunt DUKE, MAGNIFICOES, and trainBASSANIO. Most worthy gentleman, I and my friendHave by your wisdom been this day acquittedOf grievous penalties; in lieu whereofThree thousand ducats, due unto the Jew,We freely cope your courteous pains withal.ANTONIO. And stand indebted, over and above,In love and service to you evermore.PORTIA. He is well paid that is well satisfied,And I, delivering you, am satisfied,And therein do account myself well paid.My mind was never yet more mercenary.I pray you, know me when we meet again;I wish you well, and so I take my leave.BASSANIO. Dear sir, of force I must attempt you further;Take some remembrance of us, as a tribute,Not as fee. Grant me two things, I pray you,Not to deny me, and to pardon me.PORTIA. You press me far, and therefore I will yield.[To ANTONIO] Give me your gloves, I'll wear them for your sake.[To BASSANIO] And, for your love, I'll take this ring from you.Do not draw back your hand; I'll take no more,And you in love shall not deny me this.BASSANIO. This ring, good sir- alas, it is a trifle;I will not shame myself to give you this.PORTIA. I will have nothing else but only this;And now, methinks, I have a mind to it.BASSANIO.. There's more depends on this than on the value.The dearest ring in Venice will I give you,And find it out by proclamation;Only for this, I pray you, pardon me.PORTIA. I see, sir, you are liberal in offers;You taught me first to beg, and now, methinks,You teach me how a beggar should be answer'd.BASSANIO. Good sir, this ring was given me by my wife;And, when she put it on, she made me vowThat I should neither sell, nor give, nor lose it.PORTIA. That 'scuse serves many men to save their gifts.And if your wife be not a mad woman,And know how well I have deserv'd this ring,She would not hold out enemy for everFor giving it to me. Well, peace be with you!Exeunt PORTIA and NERISSAANTONIO. My Lord Bassanio, let him have the ring.Let his deservings, and my love withal,Be valued 'gainst your wife's commandment.BASSANIO. Go, Gratiano, run and overtake him;Give him the ring, and bring him, if thou canst,Unto Antonio's house. Away, make haste. Exit GRATIANOCome, you and I will thither presently;And in the morning early will we bothFly toward Belmont. Come, Antonio. ExeuntSCENE II. Venice. A streetEnter PORTIA and NERISSAPORTIA. Inquire the Jew's house out, give him this deed, And let him sign it; we'll away tonight,And be a day before our husbands home.This deed will be well welcome to Lorenzo.Enter GRATIANOGRATIANO. Fair sir, you are well o'erta'en.My Lord Bassanio, upon more advice,Hath sent you here this ring, and doth entreatYour company at dinner.PORTIA. That cannot be.His ring I do accept most thankfully,And so, I pray you, tell him. Furthermore,I pray you show my youth old Shylock's house.GRATIANO. That will I do.NERISSA. Sir, I would speak with you.[Aside to PORTIA] I'll See if I can get my husband's ring, Which I did make him swear to keep for ever.PORTIA. [To NERISSA] Thou Mayst, I warrant. We shall have old swearingThat they did give the rings away to men;But we'll outface them, and outswear them too.[Aloud] Away, make haste, thou know'st where I will tarry. NERISSA. Come, good sir, will you show me to this house?Exeunt。



of over 150 canals, 400 bridges and many ancient pavements.
The historic city centre of Venice is divided into six quarters
(sestieri) - Cannaregio, Castello, Dorsoduro, San Marco, San
Mountain sea coast is more, the Alps, sightseeing, holiday recuperate apennines is snow mountain, leisure summer resort, and begin the sports such as mountain climbing, skiing, adventure tourism base.
---- Taylor、Kimi、Alex
The European situation
Europe is, by convention, one of the world's seven continents. Comprising the westernmost peninsula of Eurasia, Europe is generally divided from Asia to its east by the water divide of the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian Sea, and by the Caucasus Mountains to the southeast. Europe is washed upon to the north by the Arctic Ocean and other bodies of water, to the west by the Atlantic Ocean, to the south by the Mediterranean Sea, and to the southeast by the Black Sea and the waterways connecting it to the Mediterranean. Yet, the borders for Europe—a concept dating back to classical antiquity—are somewhat arbitrary, as the term continent can refer to a cultural and political distinction or a physiographic one. This article is primarily about the first two aspects, although it references Europe's geography.



Basilica San Marco
Builous by its architecture
and painting
Golden basilica
It was blending the architecture of East and West.
Northeast of Italy islands 7.8 square kilometers Like a dolphin
118 islands 177 waterways 401 bridges
The City of Water The City of Bridge
Venice was built in 5th century
Venice is the only one city without cars
Famous view spot
Piazza San Marco
Main square of Venice In the city center
Built in 9th century
you can listen to music, walking in the piazza , taking photos and buy some souvenirs.
- A good place for lovers
Something special
The traditional transportation in Venice
One symbol of Venice



Introduction to Venice介绍威尼斯Have you visited Venice?你参观过威尼斯吗?Yes. Venice is a fascinating city between sea and sky.威尼斯是⼀座海天相连的迷⼈城市。

Could you tell me something about it?你能告诉我它的有关情况吗?Of course. It is built on 117 islands. There aren’t any cars and buses. But it has 150 canals and 400 bridges. The narrow streets, with their historic names, are paved with flagstones but have no footpaths. They are lined with flower decked balconies, Madonna, shop signs and lanterns. Artisans’ stalls and palaces stand side by side. The squares are charming. The brick bridges, with white stone trimmings are pitched high to allow barges to pass under them.当然可以。






So, a lot of tourists visit Venice every day.所以说,每天有许多游客参观威尼斯。




C’est un phénomène étrange dont on parle beaucoup en ce moment他独自一人在大街上行走,突然一种奇怪的声音引起他的注意Il marchait tout seul dans la rue , soudain un bruit bizarre a attitréson attention第31课拦车搭乘的风险@有很多年轻人拦车搭乘。





下面这个故事发生在Albert 身上,乐于助人的司机之一。

@Albert 经常去南方,他经常会停下来来载一个或两个搭乘人。
















31Le voleur et Balzac小偷与巴尔扎克Je me rappelle toujours les anecdotes de grands auteurs que mon grand-père m'a racontée dans mon enfance. En voici une:Une nuit, un voleur est entré dans la maison de Balzac qui avait l'habitude de se coucher très tard et de ne pas fermer la porte.Cette nuit-là, Balzac était déjà au lit et semblait dormir profondément. Le voleur a cherché à ouvrir le bureau. Mais tout à coup, il a été interrompu par un gros rire. Il a vu Balzac qui riait de tout son cœur. Très effrayé, le voleur n'a pas; pu s'empêcher de lui demander:—Pourquoi donc riez-vous?—Je ris, lui a répondu l'auteurs, parce que vous venez la nuit, sans lumière, chercher de l'argent dans un bureau où, moi, je n'ai jamais pu en trouver en plein jour.我一直记得童年时祖父给我讲述的那些有关大文豪们的故事。














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a rX iv:071.1965v1[physi cs .s oc-ph]1Oct27Sestieri of Venice D.Volchenkov and Ph.Blanchard BiBoS,University Bielefeld,Postfach 100131,D-33501,Bielefeld,Germany Phone:+49(0)521/106-2972Fax:+49(0)521/106-6455E-Mail:VOLCHENK@Physik.Uni-Bielefeld.DE February 2,2008Abstract We have investigated space syntax of Venice by means of random walks.Random walks being defined on an undirected graph establish the Euclidean space in which distances and angles between nodes acquire the clear statistical interpretation.The properties of nodes with respect to random walks allow partitioning the city canal network into disjoint divisions which may be identified with the traditional divisions of the city (sestieri).PACS:89.65.Lm,89.75.Fb,05.40.Fb,02.10.Ox Keywords:Complex networks,city space syntax 1The Sestieri of Venice Spectral methods can be implemented in order to visualize graphs of not very large multi-component networks [1].City districts con-structed accordingly to different development principles in different historical epochs can be envisioned on the dual graph representation of space syntax.We investigate the segmentation of the spatial network of 96canals in Venice (that stretches across 122small islands between which the canals serve the function of roads)in accordance to its historical divisions.The sestieri are the primary traditional divi-1Figure1:The sestieri are the primary traditional divisions of Venice.The image has been taken from’Portale di Venezia’at /sions of Venice(see Fig.1):Cannaregio,San Polo,Dorsoduro,Santa Croce,San Marco and Castello,Giudecca.The oldest settlements in Venice had appeared from the6th century in Dorsoduro,along the Giudecca Canal.By the11th century,settlement had spread across to the Grand Canal.The Giudecca island is composed of8 islets separated by canals dredged in the9th century when the area was divided among the rebelling nobles.San Polo is the smallest of the six sestieri of Venice,covering just35hectares along the Grand Canal.It is one of the oldest parts of the city,having been settled before the9th century,when it and San Marco(lying in the heart of the city)formed part of the Realtine Islands.Cannaregio named after the Cannaregio Canal is the second largest district of the city. It was developed from the11th century.Santa Croce occupies the north west part of the main islands lying on land only created form the late Middle ages to the twentieth century.The district Castello grew up from the13th century.In the present paper,we address the following question:Given a spatial network of a city,is it possible to uncover its historical and functional divisions directly from its space syntax?In Sec.2,we discuss the primary and dual graph representations of urban environments.The dual graph representation has been extensively studied in space syntax theory which is instrumental in predicting human behavior in urban environments.In Sec.3,we demonstrate that space syntax is related to the traffic equilibrium state of a transport network,and Markov’s transition operators nat-urally appear in the space syntax context embedding city space syn-2tax into Euclidean space.We build the dual graph representation of Venetian canals in Sec.4,5and then perform the Principal Com-ponent Analysis of Venetian space syntax in Sec6.The properties of nodes with respect to random walks allow partitioning the city canal network into disjoint divisions which may be identified with the traditional divisions of the city(sestieri).2Graphs and Space Syntax of Urban Environ-mentsUrban space is of rather large scale to be seen from a single view-point;maps provide us with its representations by means of abstract symbols facilitating our perceiving and understanding of a city.The middle scale and small scale maps are usually based on Euclidean geometry providing spatial objects with precise coordinates along their edges and outlines.There is a long tradition of research articulating urban environ-ment form using graph-theoretic principles originating from the pa-per of Leonard Euler(see[2]).Graphs have long been regarded as the basic structures for representing forms where topological rela-tions arefirmly embedded within Euclidean space.The widespread use of graph theoretic analysis in geographic science had been re-viewed in[3]establishing it as central to spatial analysis of urban environments.In[4],the basic graph theory methods had been applied to the measurements of transportation networks.Network analysis has long been a basic function of geographic information systems(GIS)for a variety of applications,in which computational modelling of an urban network is based on a graph view in which the intersections of linear features are regarded as nodes,and connections between pairs of nodes are represented as edges[5].Similarly,urban forms are usually represented as the pat-terns of identifiable urban elements such as locations or areas(form-ing nodes in a graph)whose relationships to one another are often associated with linear transport routes such as streets within cities [6].Such planar graph representations define locations or points in Euclidean plane as nodes or vertices{i},i=1,...,N,and the edges linking them together as i∼j,in which{i,j}=1,2,...,N.The value of a link can either be binary,with the value1as i∼j,and30otherwise,or be equal to actual physical distance between nodes, dist(i,j),or to some weight w ij>0quantifying a certain character-istic property of the link.We shall call a planar graph representing the Euclidean space embedding of an urban network as its primary graph.Once a spatial system has been identified and represented by a graph in this way,it can be subjected to the graph theoretic analysis.A spatial network of a city is a network of the spatial elements of urban environments.They are derived from maps of open spaces (streets,places,and roundabouts).Open spaces may be broken down into components;most simply,these might be street segments, which can be linked into a network via their intersections and an-alyzed as a networks of movement choices.The study of spatial configuration is instrumental in predicting human behavior,for in-stance,pedestrian movements in urban environments[8].A set of theories and techniques for the analysis of spatial configurations is called space syntax[9].Space syntax is established on a quite sophis-ticated speculation that the evolution of built form can be explained in analogy to the way biological forms unravel[7].It has been de-veloped as a method for analyzing space in an urban environment capturing its quality as being comprehendible and easily navigable [8].Although,in its initial form,space syntax was focused mainly on patterns of pedestrian movement in cities,later the various space syntax measures of urban configuration had been found to be cor-related with the different aspects of social life,[10].Decomposition of a space map into a complete set of intersecting axial lines,the fewest and longest lines of sight that pass through every open space comprising any system,produces an axial map or an overlapping convex map respectively.Axial lines and convex spaces may be treated as the spatial elements(nodes of a morpholog-ical graph),while either the junctions of axial lines or the overlaps of convex spaces may be considered as the edges linking spatial el-ements into a single graph unveiling the topological relationships between all open elements of the urban space.In what follows,we shall call this morphological representation of urban network as a dual graph.The transition to a dual graph is a topologically non-trivial trans-formation of a planar primary graph into a non-planar one which encapsulates the hierarchy and structure of the urban area and also4corresponds to perception of space that people experience when trav-elling along routes through the environment.In Fig.1,we have presented the glossary establishing a corre-spondence between several typical elements of urban environments and the certain subgraphs of dual graphs.The dual transformation replaces the 1D open segments (streets)by the zero-dimensional nodes,Fig.1(1).1. 2.3. 4.5. 6.Figure 2:The dual transformation glossary between the typical elements of urban environments and the certain subgraphs of dual graphs.The sprawl like developments consisting of a number of blind passes branching offa main route are changed to the star subgraphs having a hub and a number of client nodes,Fig.1(2).Junctions and crossroads are replaced with edges connecting the correspond-ing nodes of the dual graph,Fig.1(3).Places and roundabouts are considered as the independent topological objects and acquire the individual IDs being nodes in the dual graph Fig.1(4).Cycles are converted into cycles of the same lengthes Fig.1(5).A regular grid pattern is shown in Fig.1(6).Its dual graph representation is called a complete bipartite graph,where the set of vertices can be divided into two disjoint subsets such that no edge has both end-points in5the same subset,and every line joining the two subsets is present, [11].These sets can be naturally interpreted as those of the vertical and horizontal edges in the primary graphs(streets and avenues). In bipartite graphs,all closed paths are of even length,[12].It is the dual graph transformation which allows to separate the effects of order and of structure while analyzing a transport network on the morphological ground.It converts the repeating geometrical elements expressing the order in the urban developments into the twins nodes,the pairs of nodes such that any other is adjacent either to them both or to neither of them.Examples of twins nodes can be found in Fig.1(2,4,5,6).3Traffic Equilibrium,Space Syntax,and Ran-dom WalksThe concept of equilibrium,the condition of a system in which all competing influences are balanced,is a key theoretical element in any branch of science.The notion of traffic equilibrium had been introduced by J.G.Wardrop[13]and then generalized by[14]to a fundamental concept of network equilibrium with many potential applications such as the establishing of rigorous mathematical foun-dations for the analysis of congested transport networks.Wardrop’s traffic equilibrium[13]is strongly tied to city space syntax since it is required that while attaining the equilibrium all travellers have enough knowledge of the transport network they use.Because of the complexity of traffic situation in the network,the route choice deci-sions taken by travellers are not always objectively optimal.How-ever,there is another link between the traffic equilibrium and space syntax which has never been discussed in the literature.Given a connected undirected graph G(V,E),in which V is the set of nodes and E is the set of edges,we can define the traffic volume f:E→(0,∞[through every edge e∈E.It then follows from the Perron-Frobenius theorem that a linear equationf(e)= e′∈E f(e′)exp(−hℓ(e′))(1)has a unique positive solution f(e)>0,for every edge e∈E,for afixed positive constant h>0and a chosen set of positive metric6length distancesℓ(e)>0.This solution is naturally identified with the traffic equilibrium state of the transport network defined on G, in which the permeability of edges depends upon their lengths.The parameter h is called the volume entropy of the graph G,while the volume of G is defined as the sum1Vol(G)=2 v∈V k v log(k v−1)(3) is attained for the length distanceslog k i(e)−1 k t(e)−1ℓ(e)=the degrees of nodes as a key determinant of the transport networks properties.Random walks embed connected undirected graphs into Euclidean space,in which distances and angles acquire the clear statistical in-terpretation.Any graph representation naturally arises as an outcome of cat-egorization,when we abstract a real world system by eliminating all but one of its features and by the grouping of things(or places) sharing a common attribute by classes or categories.For instance, the common attribute of all open spaces in city space syntax is that we can move through them.All elements called nodes that fall into one and the same group V are considered essentially identical;per-mutations of them within the group are of no consequence.The symmetric group S N consisting of all permutations of N elements (N is the cardinality of the set V)constitute the symmetry group of V.If we denote by E⊆V×V the set of ordered pairs of nodes called edges,then a graph is a map G(V,E):E→K⊆R+(we suppose that the graph has no multiple edges).The nodes of G(V,E)may be weighted with respect to some mea-sure m= i∈V m iδi,specified by a set of positive numbers m i>0. The spaceℓ2(m)of square-assumable functions with respect to the measure m is the Hilbert space H(a complete inner product space). Among all linear operators defined on H,those invariant under the permutations of nodes are of essential interest since they reflect the symmetry of the graph.Although there are infinitely many such op-erators,only those which maintain conservation of a quantity may describe a physical process.The Markov transition operators which share the property of probability conservation considered in theory of random walks on graphs are among place operators de-scribing diffusions on graphs meet the mean value property(mass conservation);they give another example[16]studied in spectral graph theory.Markov’s operators on Hilbert space form the natural language of complex networks theory.Being defined on connected undirected graphs,a Markov transition operator T has a unique equilibrium stateπ(a stationary distribution of random walks)such thatπT=π,π=limσT t,(7)t→∞for any densityσ∈H(σi≥0, i∈Vσi=1).There is a unique8measure mπ= i∈Vπiδi related to the stationary distributionπwith respect to which the Markov operator T is self-adjoint,T=1√1−µs ,(13)9where we have used Diracs bra-ket notations especially convenient in working with inner products and rank-one operators in Hilbert space.If we introduce the new inner product in H(V)by(σ,ρ)T= t≥0N s=2 σ|ψs ψs|ρ1−µs(16)is the squared norm ofσ∈H(V)with respect to random walks. We accomplish the description of the(N−1)-dimensional Euclidean space structure associated to random walks by mentioning that given two densitiesσ,ρ∈H(V),the angle between them can be intro-duced in the standard way,cos∠(ρ,σ)=(σ,ρ)TπiN s=2ψ2s,iThe notion of spatial segregation acquires a statistical interpre-tation with respect to random walks defined on the graph.In ur-ban spatial networks encoded by their dual graphs,the access timesυi 2T vary strongly from one open space to another:the norm of a street that can be easily reached(just in a few random syntacticsteps)from any other street in the city is minimal,while it could bevery large for a statistically segregated street.The Euclidean distance between any two nodes of the graph Gestablished by random walks,K i,j= υi−υj 2T= N s=21√√graph representation for the canal network is constructed by map-ping canals encoded by the same ID into nodes of the dual graph and intersections among each pair of canals into edges connectingthe corresponding nodes.The problem of segmentation is closelyrelated to the problem of three dimensional(3D)visual representa-tions.In order to obtain the3D visual representation of the dual graph for the canal network of Venice,we use the spectral properties ofsymmetric transition operator(9).The(x i,y i,z i)coordinates of the i th-node of the dual graph in3Dspace are given by the relevant i th-components of three eigenvectors taken from the ordered set{ψk},k=2...N.Possible segmen-tations and symmetries of dual graphs can be discovered visuallyby using different triples of eigenvectors if the number of nodes inthe graph is not very large.In Fig.3,we have presented the re-Figure3:The segmentation of the dual graph of Venetian canals using three eigen-vectors[ψ2,ψ3,ψ4].The nodes of dual graph can be partitioned into classes which can be almost precisely identified with the historical divisions of Venice.sults of segmentation for the dual graph of Venetian canals usingthe eigenvectors[ψ2,ψ3,ψ4]belonging to the primary eigenvalues1>µ2>µ3>µ4.Nodes of the dual graph belonging to one andthe same city district developed in a certain historical epoch are12located on one and the same quasi-surface in the Euclidean spaceestablished by random walks.Primary eigenvectors of Markov’s transition operator defined onthe dual graph representation of a network indicate the directionsin which the equilibriumflows have maximal”extensions”.The useof these eigenvectors as a basis helps us to divide the nodes of thedual graph into classes which can be almost precisely identified with the historical city districts.Let us note that the implementation ofother eigenvectors as the basis for the3D representations of the dualgraph worsens the quality of segmentation in a sense that it turns tobe incompatible with the traditional sestieri of Venice.The slowest modes of diffusion process described by the primary eigenvectorsallow detecting city modules of different accessibility.Due to the proper normalization,the components of eigenvectorsplay the role of the Participation Ratios(PR)which quantify the effective numbers of nodes participating in a given eigenvector witha significant weight.This characteristic has been used in[20]andby other authors to describe the modularity of complex networks.However,PR is not a well defined quantity in the case of eigenvaluemultiplicity since the different vectors in the eigenspace correspond-ing to the degenerate mode would obviously have different PR.5Graph Partitioning by Random Walks Visual segmentation of networks based on3D representations oftheir dual graphs is not always feasible.Furthermore,the result of such a segmentation may essentially depend on which eigenvectorshave been chosen as the basis for the3D representation.The com-putation of eigenvectors for large matrices can be time and resourceconsuming,and therefore it is important to have a good estimationon the minimal number of eigenvectors required for the proper graph segmentation.The graph partitioning problem seeks to partition a weightedundirected graph G into n weakly connected componentsΓ1,...Γnsuch that n i=1Γn⊂G and either their properties share some com-mon trait or the graphs nodes belonging to them are close to eachother according to some distance measure defined on nodes of thegraph.A number of different graph partitioning strategies for undi-rected weighted graphs have been studied in connection with Object13Recognition and Learning in Computer Vision[21].In Ec.3,we have shown that random walks being introduced on a connected undirected graph G establish the(N−1)-dimensional Euclidean space in which every pair of nodes,i and j,appear at some distancedist T(i,j)=|Γl||Γl|j=1z(j),(22)is the nearest to z(i)with respect to the distance(20).The objective we try to achieve is to minimize the total intra-cluster variance of the resulting partition P of the graph G into n clusters,the squared error function(s.e.f.),sef(P)=nl=1|Γl| s=1 z(l)s−m(l) 2.(23)If we denote the(N−1)-dimensional unity vector by e=(1,1,...,1)⊤and Z= z(1),...z(N) is the N×(N−1)-matrix of coordinates the node acquire in the Euclidean space associated to random walks, then it is clear thatsef(P)= n l=1 Z−m(l)e⊤ 2= n l=1|Z−P l|2,(24) where P l= 1Γl−e e⊤in whichX= χ1|Γ1|,...,χn|Γn| (26)is the rectangular orthogonal n×N-matrix X⊤X=1 of the nor-malized indicator vectorsχl i= 1,i∈Γl,(27)0,i/∈Γl.Considering elements of the Z⊤Z matrix as measuring similarity be-tween nodes,we can show following[22]that the Euclidean distance (20)leads to Euclidean inner-product similarity which can be re-placed by a general Mercer kernel[23,24]uniquely represented by a positive semi-definite matrix K i,j.If we then relax the discrete structure of X by assuming that X isan arbitrary orthonormal matrix,the minimization of the objective function sef(P)is reduced to the trace maximization problem,tr X⊤Z⊤Z X .(28)maxX⊤X=1N−1A standard result in linear algebra(proven by K.Fan in1949[25])provides a global solution to the trace optimization problem:Given a symmetric matrix S with eigenvaluesλ1≥...≥λn≥...≥λN, and the matrix of corresponding eigenvectors,[u1,...,u N],the maximum of tr Q⊤SQ over all n-dimensional orthonormal ma-trices Q such that Q⊤Q=1n is given bytr Q⊤SQ =n k=1λk,(29)maxQ⊤Q=1nand the optimal n-dimensional orthonormal matrixQ=[u1,...,u n]R(30) where R is an arbitrary orthogonal n×n matrix(describing a ro-tation transformation in R n).The result(29-30)relates the problem of network segmentations to the investigation of n primary eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix defined on the graph nodes,[26,27].The eigenvectors u i>1have both positive and negative entries,so that in general the matrix15[u1,...,u n]differs substantially from that one comprising of the discrete cluster indicator vectors which have strictly positive entries.It is important to note that even for not very large n it maybe rather difficult to compute the appropriate n×n orthonormal transformation matrix R which recovers the necessary discrete clus-ter indicator structures.Furthermore,it can be shown that the postprocessing of eigenvectors into the cluster indicator vectors canbe reduced to an optimization problem with n(n−1)/2−1pa-rameters[28].Several methods have been proposed to obtain the partitions from the eigenvectors of various similarity matrices(see [29],[30]for a review).In the next section,we use the ideas of Princi-pal Component Analysis(PCA)in order to bypass the orthonormal transformation.6Principal Component Analysis of Venetian Canals In statistics,Principal Component Analysis(PCA)is used forthe reducing size of a data set.It is achieved by the optimal lin-ear transformation retaining the subspace that has largest variance(a lower-order principal component)and ignoring higher-order ones [31,32].Given an operator S self-adjoint with respect to the measurem defined on a connected undirected graph G,it is well known that the eigenvectors of the symmetric matrix S form an ordered orthonormal basis{φk}with real eigenvaluesµ1≥...≥µN.The ordered orthogonal basis represents the directions of the variancesof variables described by S.If we consider the Laplace operator,L=1−T,defined on G,its eigenvalues can be interpreted as the inverse characteristic time scales of the diffusion process such that the smallest eigenvalues correspond to the stationary distribution together with the slowestdiffusion modes involving the most significant amounts offlowing commodity.Therefore,while describing a network by means of the Laplace operator,we must arrange the eigenvalues in increasing or-der,λ1≤...≤λn≤...≤λN,and examine the ordered orthogonal basis of eigenvectors,[f1,...f N].The number of components which may be detected in a network with regard to a certain dynamical process defined on that depends upon the number of essential eigenvectors of the relevant self-adjoint16operator.There is a simple time scale argument which we use in order to determine the number of applicable eigenvectors.It is obvious that while observing the network close to an equi-librium state during short time,we detectflows resulting from a large number of transient processes evolving toward the stationary distribution and being characterized by the relaxation times∝λ−1k. While measuring theflows in sufficiently long timeτ,we may dis-cover just n different eigenmodes,such thatλ1<...≤λn≤τ−1<...≤λN.(31) In general,the longer is the time of measurementsτ,the less is the number of eigenvectors we have to take into account in network com-ponent analysis of the network.Should the time of measurements isfixed,we can determine the number of required eigenvectors.In the what-following,we consider the symmetric(”normalized”) Laplace operator,[19],L ij=δij− T ij,(32) where T ij is the symmetric Markov transition operator(9).6.1Low dimensional representations of transport networksby the principal directionsIn order to obtain the best quality segmentation,it is convenient to center the n primary eigenvectors.The centroid vector(repre-senting the center of mass of the set[f1,...f n])is calculated as the arithmetic mean,1m=(34)N−117Figure4:The correlation matrix calculated for the dual graph representation of Venetian canals calculated for the system of thefirst7eigenvectors of the normalized Laplace operator(32).The entries of the matrix are ranked from1(red)to-1(blue).It is important to note that the correspondent Gram matrix F⊤F/(N−1)≡1due to the orthogonality of the basis eigenvectors.The main contributions in the symmetric matrix Cov are related to the groups of nodesCov u k=σk u k,(35) which can be identified by means of the eigenvectors{u k}associ-ated to thefirst largest eigenvalues amongσ1≥σ2,...,≥σN. By ordering the eigenvectors in decreasing order(largestfirst),we create an ordered orthogonal basis with thefirst eigenvector having the direction of largest variance of the components of n eigenvectors {f k}.Let us note that due to the structure of F only thefirst n−1 eigenvaluesσk are not trivial.In accordance to the standard PCA notation,the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix u k are called the principal directions of the network with respect to the diffusion pro-cess defined by the operator S.A low dimensional representation of the network is given by its principal directions[u1,...,u n−1],forn<N.Diagonal elements of the matrix Cov quantify the component variances of the eigenvectors[f1,...f n]around their mean values (33)and may be ample essentially for large networks.Therefore,it18is practical for us to use the standardized correlation matrix,C orr ij=Cov ij Cov iiThen each original eigenvector f k can be decoded from g k∈R(n−1) by the inverse transformation,f k=U⊤g k+m.(38) The use of transformations(37)and(38)allows to obtain the(n−1)-dimensional representation{ϕk}(n−1)of the N-dimensional basisk=1vectors{f s}N s=1in the formϕk=U⊤U f k+ 1−U⊤U m,(39) that minimizes the mean-square error between f k∈R N andϕk∈R(n−1)for given n.Variances of eigenvectors{f k}are positively correlated within a principal component of the transport network.Thus,the transi-tion matrix U⊤U can be interpreted as the connectivity patterns acquired by the network with respect to the diffusion process.Two nodes,i and j,belong to one and the same principal component of the network if UU⊤ ij>0.By applying the Heaviside function, which is zero for negative argument and one for positive argument, to the elements of the transition matrix UU⊤,we derive the coarse-grained connectivity matrix of network components.In Fig.5,we have shown the coarse-grained connectivity matrix obtained from the transition matrix U6U⊤6for the dual graph representation of Venetian canals.6.2Dynamical segmentations of transport networksIn general,the building of low-dimensional representations for trans-port networks with respect to a certain dynamical process defined on them is a complicated procedure which cannot be reduced to (and reproduced by)the naive introduction of”supernodes”by ei-ther merging of several nodes or shrinking complete subgraphs of the original graph.The implementation of spectral approach re-moves indeterminacies of the empirical clique concatenation tech-niques used in space syntax analysis of urban textures,[34].If the covariance matrix clearly exhibits a block structure,and once the relevant coarse-grained connectivity matrix is computed,we can identify dynamical clusters(blocks)by using a linearized cluster assignment and compute the cluster crossing,the cluster overlap20。
