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[Key words] PCI; Medication compliance; WeChat group; WeChat public number
近年来我国心血管疾病发病率呈现持续高速增长趋势, 我国现已成为全球心血管患病人数最多的国家。心血管疾病 现已成为危害人类健康的头号杀手⑴。经皮冠脉介人手术 (Percutaneous coronary intervention, PCI)是目前治疗心血管疾 病最为有效的方法之一,具有创伤小、疗效好及住院时间短的 特点⑵。PCI虽然部分恢复了心肌血流供应,解除了心绞痛 症状,但没有改变动脉粥样硬化的基础,冠心病的危险因素仍 在,约有5%-8%的患者发生术后支架内再狭窄,部分患者将 再次出现心绞痛,甚至再发心肌梗死而影响预后。临床研究 表明,通过改善生活方式、坚持药物治疗、定期随访可有效减
率均明显高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)o结论 微信通讯方式可增强PCI术后患者的服药 依从性和复诊率,进而达到有效改善临床治疗的作用。
【关键词】PCI;服药依从性;微信群;微信公众号 [中图分类号 JR473.5 [文献标识码]A DOI:10.3969/j」ssn. 1002-1256.2019.11.052
齐齐哈尔医学院学报 2019 年第 40 卷第 11 期 Journal of Qiqihar Medical University,2019,Vol.40,No.l 1
基于手机微信通讯方式对PCI患者术后服药依从的 探讨手机微信通讯方式对PCI患者术后服药依从性的影响。方法 自2013年建立 江苏大学附属金坛医院PCI术后患者健康宣教群及“爱心家园”微信公众号,将在固定时间推送提醒患者 服药信息及相关科普文章。选取2013年6月一2017年6月在本院行PCI手术且能独立操作智能手机微 信群及査看微信公众号并完成1年随访的100例PCI患者作为实验组研究对象,随机抽取100例同期在 本院行PCI手术但未参与手机微信通讯方式交流的患者作为对照组。对照组采取定期健康宣教+电话随 访的方式进行PCI术后用药指导。实验组采用手机微信群+微信公众号+健康宣教+电话随访方式进行术 后用药指导,对两组患者术后服药及定期复诊情况进行比较。结果实验组患者服药依从性及定期复诊
with PCI.Methods The health education WeChat group and4< Love Homen WeChat public number for patients with PCI were established since 2013 in Jintan affiliated hospital of Jiangsu University. Information on medication and related popular science articles would be pushed at a fixed time to remind patients. 100 patients who underwent the PCI operation in our hospital from June 2013 to June 2017,those who were able to independently handle the WeChat message, were recruited to form the experimental group. And another 100 patients with PCI contemporaneously who did not participate in the WeChat communication mode were randomly selected as the control group. All the chosen candidates completed a one - year follow - up survey. The control group was given regular medical education and telephone follow - up survey to guide the post - PCI medication, while additional mobile phone WeChat group message and public number information were pushed in the experimental group. The postoperative medicine administration and subsequent visit were compared between two groups. Results The medication compliance and regular follow-up rate of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group, with statistically significant differences ( P<0.05). Conclusions The WeChat communication method could enhance the medication compliance and regular follow-up of patients after PCI, and thus effectively improve our clinical treatment.
Effect of mobile phone WeChat message on the medication compliance in patients with PCI CHEN Chao. Department of cardiology, Jintan hospital affiliated, to Jiangsu University, Changzhou, Jiangsu, 213000, China. [Abstract] Objective To explore the effect of WeChat message on the medication adherence in patients
近年来我国心血管疾病发病率呈现持续高速增长趋势, 我国现已成为全球心血管患病人数最多的国家。心血管疾病 现已成为危害人类健康的头号杀手⑴。经皮冠脉介人手术 (Percutaneous coronary intervention, PCI)是目前治疗心血管疾 病最为有效的方法之一,具有创伤小、疗效好及住院时间短的 特点⑵。PCI虽然部分恢复了心肌血流供应,解除了心绞痛 症状,但没有改变动脉粥样硬化的基础,冠心病的危险因素仍 在,约有5%-8%的患者发生术后支架内再狭窄,部分患者将 再次出现心绞痛,甚至再发心肌梗死而影响预后。临床研究 表明,通过改善生活方式、坚持药物治疗、定期随访可有效减
率均明显高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)o结论 微信通讯方式可增强PCI术后患者的服药 依从性和复诊率,进而达到有效改善临床治疗的作用。
【关键词】PCI;服药依从性;微信群;微信公众号 [中图分类号 JR473.5 [文献标识码]A DOI:10.3969/j」ssn. 1002-1256.2019.11.052
齐齐哈尔医学院学报 2019 年第 40 卷第 11 期 Journal of Qiqihar Medical University,2019,Vol.40,No.l 1
基于手机微信通讯方式对PCI患者术后服药依从的 探讨手机微信通讯方式对PCI患者术后服药依从性的影响。方法 自2013年建立 江苏大学附属金坛医院PCI术后患者健康宣教群及“爱心家园”微信公众号,将在固定时间推送提醒患者 服药信息及相关科普文章。选取2013年6月一2017年6月在本院行PCI手术且能独立操作智能手机微 信群及査看微信公众号并完成1年随访的100例PCI患者作为实验组研究对象,随机抽取100例同期在 本院行PCI手术但未参与手机微信通讯方式交流的患者作为对照组。对照组采取定期健康宣教+电话随 访的方式进行PCI术后用药指导。实验组采用手机微信群+微信公众号+健康宣教+电话随访方式进行术 后用药指导,对两组患者术后服药及定期复诊情况进行比较。结果实验组患者服药依从性及定期复诊
with PCI.Methods The health education WeChat group and4< Love Homen WeChat public number for patients with PCI were established since 2013 in Jintan affiliated hospital of Jiangsu University. Information on medication and related popular science articles would be pushed at a fixed time to remind patients. 100 patients who underwent the PCI operation in our hospital from June 2013 to June 2017,those who were able to independently handle the WeChat message, were recruited to form the experimental group. And another 100 patients with PCI contemporaneously who did not participate in the WeChat communication mode were randomly selected as the control group. All the chosen candidates completed a one - year follow - up survey. The control group was given regular medical education and telephone follow - up survey to guide the post - PCI medication, while additional mobile phone WeChat group message and public number information were pushed in the experimental group. The postoperative medicine administration and subsequent visit were compared between two groups. Results The medication compliance and regular follow-up rate of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group, with statistically significant differences ( P<0.05). Conclusions The WeChat communication method could enhance the medication compliance and regular follow-up of patients after PCI, and thus effectively improve our clinical treatment.
Effect of mobile phone WeChat message on the medication compliance in patients with PCI CHEN Chao. Department of cardiology, Jintan hospital affiliated, to Jiangsu University, Changzhou, Jiangsu, 213000, China. [Abstract] Objective To explore the effect of WeChat message on the medication adherence in patients