Lesson 30 Personal Computer电子技术专业英语教程
《专业英语》教学大纲English for Electronic Information Science and Technology学 时:32学 分:2 制订者:陈青春审核者:鲁植雄一、课程性质本课程为电子信息科学与技术专业科类选修课,授课对象为电子信息科学与技术专业高年级学生,宜安排在三年级进行。
三、教学内容及安排(一)课堂讲授部分(32学时)内 容学时 Course introduction 2 Unit 1 Electronic devices 3 Unit 2 Electronic circuits3 Unit 3 Electronic system components 3 Unit4 Electronic system 3 Unit5 Modern digital design 3 Unit6 Digital signal processing 3 Unit7 Audio and voice 3 Unit8 Image and video 3 Unit9 Embedded applications3 Unit 10 Electronic instruments and measurements3(二)实验部分(0学时)四、考核方式及成绩评定考核方式:开卷考试,120分钟,百分制成绩评定:平时成绩(作业、考勤、答疑)占总成绩30%; 期终考试占总成绩70%五、教材与参考书(一)教材1.任治刚编,《电子信息工程专业英语》,2004年,电子工业出版社,第一版(二)参考书1.李白萍编,《电子信息类专业英语》,2004年,西安电子科技大学出版社,第一版。
第三课 晶体管及其基本电路
现在,晶体管是电子技术中最重要的器件。它们不仅作为独立元件, 而且在集成电路微薄的硅片上可包含成千上万个晶体管
晶体管由3层半导体材料构成:一种类型的薄层在中间,两边分别是另 两种类型。可以有两种排列方式:N型在中间,P型在两边(PNP); P型在 中间,N型在两边(NPN )。中间层称为基极,两边外层分别称为发射 极和集电极(如图1-17所示)
电子信息是当今国内外发展最迅速、技术更新最快的工程领域之一, 电子信息专业英语对学习电子信息新知识和新技术起着非常重要的作 用。
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本书是一本突出高等教育实用特点的电子信息专业英语教材,内容涉 及电工电子基础、仪器仪表使用、传感器技术、通信技术等方面,基 本覆盖了现代电子信息的各个领域,同时收录了一些电子信息新技术 领域发展前沿方面的文章(如太阳能、电子纸、蓝牙技术和3G等)。课 文内容丰富,题材广泛,通俗易懂,选择的文章实用性强并尽量保证 学生能利用已有专业知识理解课文内容。每课课后有词汇、注释、练 习及阅读等。在本书书后附有课文参考译文及部分练习参考答案,供 读者参考对照。另外,书后还附有电子专业词汇和科技英语阅读与翻 译技巧相关知识,供相关专业读者参考。
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本书由王菲、施亚齐担任主编,并编写了第四、第五篇,董小琼编写 了第一篇,王俊清编写了第二篇,邹淑云编写了第三篇。
由于编者水平有限,时间仓促,书中难免有纰漏和不足之处,请尊敬 的教师、同学和广大学者批评指正。
Proficiency in computer professional English can enhance career opportunities and advancement, as it demonstrates a commitment to professional development and the ability to work in a global environment
Fundamentals of Computer Hardware
Computer composition and structure
System Unit (Case)
Contains the electronic components that make up the computer, so as the motherboard, CPU, and memory
Automation tools, such as Jenkins and Travis CI, which help automate the software development lifecycle
Database Management System (DBMS)
Stores, retries, definitions, and management data in a database
Optical Drivers
USB Flash Drivers
Devices that read and write data using light, such as CD-ROM, DVD, and Blu ray drives
Portable storage devices that plug into a computer's USB port
《计算机英语教程》教学大纲说明一、课程的性质和任务《计算机英语教程》属于科技英语的范畴,是计算机及电子等专业学生的必修课程,它将为计算机行业的从业人员更快地掌握本专业的最新技术打下良好的外语基础.可以毫不夸张地说,外语水平的高低,是决定计算机技术人员成就大小的因素之一.二、课程的目的和要求本课程以课为单元,每课由相同部分组成,即由课文、单词、词组、难句讲解、习题、技能训练及阅读材料等组成.其中,习题部分,既有针对课文的练习,也有针对计算机水平考试的练习.书后的”英语基本句型”提供了常用的英语句型,以帮助学生在汉译英时能心中有数;”英语单词速记法”会有效地增加学生的词汇量.学习本课程后,学生能借助计算机专业词典阅读计算机专业的硬件、软件、网络等方面的英文资料.三、课程的教学进度和安排本课程周学时数:4学时,共计72学时,具体安排如下:1.第一课6学时其中:New Words & Phrases2学时课文Computer Hardware Basics2学时语法定语从句2学时2.第二课6学时其中: New Words&Phrases 2学时课文Microsoft Word20002学时语法状语从句2学时3.第三课6学时其中:New Words & Phrases 2学时课文Microsoft Outlook 20002学时语法动词不定式2学时4.第四课6学时其中: New Words&Phrases2学时课文Unix History2学时语法现在分词2学时5. 第五课6学时其中:NewWords &Phrases 2学时课文Windows NT and Viruses2学时语法过去分词2学时6.第六课6学时其中: NewWords& Phrases2学时课文 C Language2学时语法动名词2学时7. 第七课6学时其中:New Words& Phrases 2学时课文Reports on SecurityFlawsinCommerciallyAvailable Software C 2学时语法倒装句2学时8. 第八课6学时其中: New Words& Phrases2学时课文Opera:Browsingto a DifferentTune 2学时语法it的用法2学时9. 第九课6学时其中:New Words&Phrases2学时课文DOT-COM ASPs: TheNextGeneration 2学时语法被动语态2学时10. 第十课6学时其中: New Words &Phrases2学时课文Home NetworkingAin’t Easy---OneMan’s Story2学时语法介词2学时11. 第十一课6学时其中: New Words& Phrases2学时课文Processing XML With Perl 2学时语法数词2学时12. 第十二课6学时其中:New Words&Phrases 2学时课文ConcerningHackerswho Break intoComputerSystems2学时语法同位语和插入语数词2学时大纲内容一、计算机专业词汇的学习(24学时)(一)目的和要求1.主要掌握计算机专业方面的词汇.2.复习并掌握基础英语的普通常用词汇.3.(二)主要内容1.计算机专业的硬件方面的词汇.2.计算机专业的程序设计、软件等方面的词汇.3.计算机病毒方面的词汇.4.计算机网络通信方面的词汇.二、计算机专业英语文章的精读(24学时)(一)目的和要求]1.精读12篇课文.2.掌握常用的科技英语文章的语法结构及其翻译方法.(二)主要内容1.计算机硬件基础.2.微软Word2003.3.微软Outlook 2003.4.Unix历史.5.WindowsNT及病毒.6.C语言.7.关于商务可用软件中安全缺陷的报告8.OPERA软件:浏览不同的节目9.DOT-COM ASPs:新的一代10.家庭网络技术不容易----一个人的故事11.关于商务可用软件中安全缺陷的报告12. 论攻入计算机系统的黑客三、计算机专业英语文章中的常用语法(24学时)(一)目的和要求]1.掌握计算机专业英语文章中的常用语法.(二)主要内容1.语法定语从句2.语法状语从句3.语法动词不定式4.语法现在分词5.语法过去分词6. 语法动名词7. 语法倒装句8.语法it的用法9.语法被动语态10. 语法介词11. 语法数词12.语法同位语和插入语附录一、说明1.应根据计算机技术的飞速发展,介绍新型硬件、软件、网络等方面的英文资料.2.课程内容可根据学生的外语程度适当减少.二、参考书1.《计算机英语教程》(司爱侠张强华编著)(电子工业出版社)2.《计算机专业英语》(刘乃琦编著)(电子工业出版社)3.《计算机英语》(刘兆毓主编)(清华大学出版社)。
Electronics is a part of the larger field of electricity. The basic principles of electricity are also common to electronics. Modern advances in the fields of computer, control system, communications have a close relationship with electronics.
1948年:晶体管问世,对电子学具有重大意义。 年 晶体管问世,对电子学具有重大意义。
早期:锗 早期 应用: 应用:袖珍调幅收 音机 germanium 晶体管 transistor 材料 近期:硅 近期 silicon
Portable AM ( amplitude modulation) broadcast receivers
集成电路(IC)有时候叫做硅芯片或者芯片,是一个半导体晶片,在它上面制造有成千上 万个微小的电阻、电容和晶体管。集成电路可以作为运算放大器、振荡器、定时器、计数器、 计算机存储器或者微处理器而工作。
2.2. Lesson 5 IC Datasheet 集成块数据表
集成块数据表是一个汇总了电子元件性能和其他技术特性的文档。典型的集成块数据表 包含如下的很多信息:产品名字、生厂商名字、可供应的封装列表和订购代码、简短的功能 描述、管脚连接图、绝对最小/最大额定值、建议的工作条件、输入输出波形图、时序图、 物理尺寸、应用电路。
目前,新加坡理工学院全日制学生和兼职学生的总人数超过了 18,000 名。有一个约 1,500 名工作人员的敬业团队,包括有教授、副教授、讲师、科学研究人员和管理人员,全体成员 共同致力于帮助新加坡理工学院实现输出合格毕业生的愿望。
为了支持学生的学习和个人发展,新加坡理工学院占地 38 公顷的校园,完全配备了最 先进设施。一间现代化的图书馆、装备很好的演讲厅、装有空调的教室、最新最先进设备的 实验室和车间,提供给学生最有利的学习环境。
电阻是一种能抵抗电流流动的两端口电子元件。流过电阻的电流与跨接在电阻两端的电 压成正比,这种关系由著名的欧姆定律所表现:电压值等于电流值乘以电阻值。
欧姆(符号:Ω)是电阻的基本单位。色环经常被用于代表电阻的阻值。第一和第二色 环代表着电阻的数值,第三色环特指 10 的多少次幂,如果存在第四色环,它以百分比形式 表明容差的范围。色环的读数总是从左读到右,第三和第四色环之间是有间隙,目的是用于 区分从左到右。
1.2. Lesson 2 Singapore Polytechnic 新加坡理工学院
新加坡理工学院,是新加坡同类学校中的第一家教育机构,创立于 1954 年,学院着重 培养和训练技术人员和专业人员,从而支持新加坡的工业和经济的发展。校园坐落于新加坡 西郊的多佛镇。
1、汉译英1)直流电路direct current circuits2)放大器(扩音器)amplifier3)模拟电子技术analog electronics4)半导体二极管semiconductor diode5)晶体管效应transistor effect6)微处理器microprocessor7)电气工程electrical engineering8)能源工程(或电力工程)power engineering9)通信工程telecommunications engineering10)内部器件internal devices11)电子元件electrical components12)欧姆定律Ohm law13)限制电流limit current14)分压器voltage divider15)晶体管偏置电路transistor biasing circuits16)阻碍电流block DC current17)存储点能store electrical energy18)感抗inductive reactance19)绝缘材料insulating material20)交流阻抗AC resistancea)通用仪表general-purpose meterb)模拟仪表analog meterc)交换测试笔reverse the test leadsd)机械调节mechanical adjuste)测量电阻measure resistancef)正向电压positive voltageg)测量电流measure currenth)电压幅度voltage amplitudei)双踪示波器dual-trace oscilloscopej)信号发生器signal generator21)PN结PN junction22)三极管bipolar transistor23)电子和空穴electron and hole24)稳压电源electronic power supply或steady DC voltage source25)桥式整流器bridge rectifier26)脉冲直流电pulsating DC27)二极管的正极anode of diode28)峰值电压peak voltage29)电容滤波器capacitor filter30)充电和放电charge and discharge31)稳压管Zener diode32)电器电子工程师学会IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)33)专业技术组织technical professional association34)基尔霍夫电压定律Kirchhoff’s V oltage Law35)电压源voltage sources36)电荷守恒定律the law of conservation of electric charge37)在每一瞬时at every instant of time38)元件两端的电压voltages across elements39)无线电传输radio transmission40)频率调制或调频frequency modulation41)频域the frequency domain42)线性电阻linear resistor43)调幅波形amplitude modulation wave44)专用集成电路(ASIC)45)快速时间响应fast response time46)有效信号valid signal47)十进制数字系统decimal system48)逻辑运算logic operation1)控制信号线the control bus2)中断线interrupt lines1)结构化语言structured language2)局部变量local variables3)副作用side effect4)汇编语言指令assembly language instructions1)静止图像still image2)阴极射线管,显像管CRT or the cathode ray tube3)像素pixel4)电子束electron beam2、英译汉1)assembler language汇编语言2)alternating current circuits交流电路3)passive electrical circuits无源电路4)three phase circuits三相电路5)digital electronics数字电子技术6)logic gates逻辑门7)3D virtual reality image三维虚拟图像8)computer programming计算机编程9)major in(在大学里)主修10)advanced programming techniques高级编程技术1)known as capacitive reactance称为容抗2)with units ohms单位为欧姆3)prevent device from burning out防止器件烧掉4)has an AC resistance to AC current对交流电流由阻抗5)adjustment with a screw用一个螺丝调节6)in the shape of a cylinder 呈圆柱形式7)block DC current,but pass AC current阻直流通交流8)to vary the inductance改变电感9)be given by the formula 由公式给出10)the RF amplifier 音频放大器1)analog multimeter模拟万用表2)extended range扩展范围3)specific meters特殊仪表4)includes the function and range switches具有功能及范围选择旋钮5)present an electronic picture呈现一幅电子图像6)display the voltage waveform显示电压波形7)appear on the screen在屏幕上出现8)phase relationships相位关系9)an example例如,作为一个例子10)in series with the circuit串连接入电路1)Semiconductor material半导体材料2)forward biased正向偏置3)depend on the external circuit resistance取决于外部电路的电阻4)excessive reverse-biased voltage过高的反偏电压5)is directly proportional to the amount ofbase current是正比于基极电流6)may even appear almost as a short几乎可看成是短路7)cause stability problems for a transistorcircuit引起晶体管电路的稳定性问题8)digital technology数字技术9)the most popular technology最常用的技术10)use two complementary typeset oftransistors N-channel and P-channel用两种互补型的晶体管——N沟道和P沟道1)equipment operation设备的运行2)device that converts AC into DC把交流电转换成直流电的器件3)the power lines电源线4)depending on the value of DC voltageneeded 根据所需要的直流电压值5) a half-wave rectifier平波整流器6)so as to produce a constant DC output从而产生一个稳定的直流输出7)in the negative side of the capacitor在电容的负极8)flow through the load流过负载9)in the forward-biased condition在加正向偏置电压的条件下10) a series(current-limiting)resistor一个串联(限制电流)电阻1)current source电流源2)under this circumstance在这种情况下3)present the second of Kirchhoff’s laws给出基尔霍夫第二定律4)introduce the concept of a “loop”引入“回路”的概念5)An alternative statement of KVLKVL的另一种表述法6)voltages algebraically sum电压代数和7)sinusoidal steady-syate response正弦稳态响应8)ordinary household voltage日常用电的电压9)time-invariant circuit时不变电路10)percentage of modulation调制百分比reduce the power consumption减小消耗功率flip-flop 触发器the octal and hexadecimal systems当时钟脉冲信号来到时改变状态①直流电路direct current circuits②放大器(扩音器)amplifier③欧姆定律Ohm law④正极positive electrode⑤充电与放电Charge and discharge⑥无线电传输Radio transmission⑦模拟仪表Analogue Meters⑧模拟电子技术analog electronics⑨半导体二极管semiconductor⑩晶体管效应transistor effect⑪微处理器microprocessor⑫通信工程telecommunications engineering ⑬汇编语言assembler language⑭电子元件electrical components⑮限制电流limit current⑯分压器voltage divider⑰偏置电路biasing circuits⑱阻碍电流block DC current⑲感抗inductive reactance⑳容抗capacitive21正向电压positive voltage22扩展范围extended range23电压波形voltage waveform24连接入电路in series with the circuit25PN结PN junction 26三极管bipolar transistor27电子与空穴electron and hole28半导体材料semiconductor material29正向偏置forward biased30数字技术digital technology31桥式整流器bridge rectifier32稳压管Zener diode33电源线the power lines34在电容的负极in the negative side of the capacitor 在加正向偏置的条件下in the forward-biased condition一个串联电阻 a series (current-limiting)resistor35电压源voltage sources36在每一瞬时at every instant of time37无线电传输radio transmission38频率调制或调频frequency modulation39快速时间响应fast response time40有效信号valid signal41结构化语言structured language42局部变量local variables43副作用side effect44静止图像still image45阴极射线管pixel46电子束electron beam1.resistors are used to limit current flowing to adevice ,thereby preventing it from burning out, as voltage dividers to reduce voltage for other circuits, as transistor biasing circuits, and to serve as circuit loads.电阻常用做限流器,限制流过器件的电流防止烧坏器件,电阻也可用作分压器,以减小其他电路电压,还可以用在晶体管偏执电路中和作为电路负载。
• 书末附有练习答案,同时提供课文及第一篇阅读 材料的参考译文。
• Unit 1 Introduction of Computers • Unit 2 CPU and Memory • Unit 3 Input and Output Systems • Unit 4 C++ Language • Unit 5 Operating System • Unit 6 Data Structure • Unit 7 Database Principle
到1950年,又制造了几台著名的计算机,而且每台都取得了 很大的进展,如二进制021
Computer Development
• The Second Generation of Computers (1959 through 1964)
[2] The transistor meant more powerful, more reliable, and less expensive computers that would occupy less space and give off less heat than did vacuum-tube-powered computers.
❖ Expert English
for Computer
❖ Special English
❖ Specialized English
Computer English
English in Computer Science
A (a) 相,安[培] a (absolute) 绝对的 A (accumulator) 累加器 A (alarm) 报警 A (automatic) 自动的 a (axial) 轴向的,轴流的 A-A (ASEA-Atom) 瑞典原子通用公司 AAB (accident analysis branch of the USNRC) 美国核管理委员会事故分析处 AAC (amplitude absorption coefficient) 振幅吸收系数 AAC (automatic amplitude control) 自动振幅控制 AACC (American Automatic Control Council) 美国自动控制委员会 AAE (American Association of Engineers) 美国工程师协会 AAEC (The Australian Atomic Energy Commission) 澳大利亚原子能委员会 Aamasul 乙二(二硫代氨基甲酸)锰与硫混合物 A-amplifier A 类放大器,甲类放大器 AAP (analyst assistance program) 分析员辅助程序 AAP (associative array processor) 相联阵列处理机 AAS (advanced administrative system) 先进管理系统 AAS (atomic absorption spectroscopy) 原子吸收光谱 AAS (automatic addressing system) 自动访问系统 AASW (American Association of Scientific Workers) 美国科学工作者协会 AB (address bus) 地址总线 abac 列线图,诺谟图 abacus 算盘;柱顶级 abampere 电磁安培(等于 10A) abamurus 挡土墙,扶墙;支墩块 A-band A 波段 abandon 委付;放弃,抛弃;弃钻 abandoned channel 废弃河道 abandoned vehicle 废弃车辆 abandonment 放弃;废弃 abas 列线图,诺谟图 abate 消除,减少,减轻,降低;作废;磨钝;回火 abatement 减少,减轻;消除;抑制,中断;降压 abatement cost 除去成本 abatement of diesel exhaust 柴油机废气的消除法 abatement of noise 噪声控制;消除噪声 abatement of pollution 消除污染 abatement of smoke 消减烟雾,除烟,消烟 abatement of water pollution 水污染的消除 abating pollution 消除污染 abatjour 斜片百叶窗,天窗,亮窗;遮阳 A-battery A 电池[组],甲电池[组] abat-vent 转向装置,折流板;固定百叶窗;通气帽,通风帽 abatvoix 吸音板,反射板 abbertite 沥青 abbreviated 简化的,缩写的,简缩的 abbreviated address call 缩短地址调入 abbreviated analysis 简易分析 abbreviated call letters 简缩呼号 abbreviated dialing 缩位拨号 abbreviated drawing 简图 abbreviated equation 简化方程 abbreviated method 简化法 abbreviated signal code 传输电码,缩写信码 abbreviation 简写;缩写词,略语;约分 ABC 初步,入门;基本要素,基础知识 ABC (automatic bandwidth control) 自动带宽控制 ABC (automatic bias compensation) 自动偏压补偿 ABC (automatic binary computer) 自动二进制计算机 a-b component transformation a-b 分量变换 abcoulomb 电磁制库仑(等于 10Q) ABCS (automatic broadcasting control system) 自动广播控制系统 ABD (aseismic bearing device) 抗地震轴承装置 abderhalden dryer 干燥枪 ABDL (automatic binary data link) 自动二进制数据链接 Abel closed cup flash point 阿贝尔密闭杯闪点 Abel flash po 阿贝尔耐热试验 Abelian integral 阿贝尔积分 ABEOJ (abnormal end of job) 作业异常终止 aberrant 异常的 aberrant source 异常误差来源 aberration 相差,偏差;色差;光行差;失常,反常 aberration characteristic 相差特性 aberration curve 相差曲线 abeyance 暂搁;潜态 abfarad 电磁法拉 abhenry 电磁亨利 abherent 防粘剂,防粘材料 abhesion 阻粘性,失粘性 ABH method ABH 方法(计算栅元内通量不利因子的方法) abide 遵守 abide by the contract 遵守合同 abies oil 松节油 abietic resin 松香树脂 abietin 松香脂 abietyl 松香 ability 能力,性能 ability of bearing taxation 负税能力 ability of harden 硬化性能,硬化能力 ability test 能力试验,试用,检验 ability to bargain 议价能力 ability to compete 竞争能力 ability to function 作用能力;操作性能 ability to invest 投资能力 ability to pay 偿付能力 ab init(io) 从头开始 ab intra 从内部 abiocoen 无机生境 abiogenesis 自然发生论,无生源论 abiotic 非生物的,无生命的 abiotic environment 非生物环境 abjoint 分隔 abjoule 电磁焦尔 ABL (Atlas Basic Language) 阿特拉斯计算机的基本语言 ablastin 抑菌素 ablation 烧蚀,消融;切除,摘除,剥落 ablation cooling 烧蚀冷却 ablation shelter 烧蚀防护罩 ablative cooling material 烧蚀冷却材料 ablative material 烧蚀材料 ablative plastics 烧蚀性塑料 ablative polymer 烧蚀性聚合物 ablative-type protective coating 烧蚀型保护层 ablator 烧蚀挡板;烧蚀体;烧蚀剂 ablaze 着火 Able 通信中用以代表字母 a 的代码 ablebond 一种环氧树脂 ABLP (adaption binary load program) 适应二进制负载的程序 abluent 洗涤剂;洗净的 ablution 洗净;洗净液;清洗(透平,压气机等) ABM (automated batch mixing) 自动批量混合法 abmho 电磁姆[欧] abn(abnormal) 异常的 abnormal 异常的,反常的;变态的 abnormal bridging 非正常桥接,非正常跨接 abnormal cathode fall 反常阴极电位降 abnormal condition 异常工况 abnormal contact 异常接触 abnormal current 异常电流,事故电流 abnormal curve 非正态曲线 abnormal density 反常密度 abnormal discount 不正常折扣 abnormal dump 异常转储 abnormal end 反常结束 abnormal end of job 作业异常终止 abnormal erosion 异常侵蚀 abnormal exposure 异常照射
in English in the field of computing
Course content
Covering a range of topics including computer hardware and
software, programming languages, databases, networks, and
lectures, practical exercises, and group discussions
The Importance of Learning Computer Professional English
• Global communication: As the world benefits more interconnected, being able to communicate in English is critical for computer professionals English is the language of the computing industry, and being able to speak and understand English will open more doors for career opportunities
vocabulary in the computer field, such as CPU, RAM, GPU, etc., able to quickly understand the content in English technical documents.
Understanding technical details
Able to understand technical details in English technical documents, such as operating system configuration, programming language syntax, etc.
大学计算机英语基础教程概要1Chapter1Computer Basics简介:全书内容丰富,分为八章,主要内容包括计算机基础知识、微型计算机计算机硬件组成、操作系统原理、Windows XP使用、Office 2007办公软件、计算机病毒1.1 Development of ComputerNothing epitomizes modern life better than the computer. For better or worse, computers have infiltrated every aspect of our society. Today computers do much more than simply compute. But where did all this technology come from and where is it heading? To fully understand and appreciate the impact computers have on our lives and promises they hold for the future, it is important to understand their evolution.The history of computer development is often referred to thedifferent generations of computing devices. Each generation of computer is characterized by a major technological development that fundamentally changed the way computers operate, resulting in increasingly smaller, cheaper, more powerful and more efficient and reliable devices.Read about each generation and the developments that led to the current devices we use today.1.1.1 History of Computer1. First Generation (1940—1956)The first generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and were often enormous, taking up entire rooms (see figure 1.1). They were very expensive to operate and in addition to using a great deal of electricity, generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions.First generation computers relied on machine language, the lowest-level programming language understood by computers, to perform operations, and they could only solve one problem at a time. Input was based on punched cards and paper tape, and output was displayed on printouts.大学计算机英语基础教程 22. Second Generation (1956—1963)By 1948, the invention of the transistor greatly changed the computer?s development (seefigure1.2). The transistor replaced the large, cumbersome vacuum tube in televisions, radios and computers. As a result, the size of electronic machinery has been shrinking ever since. The transistor was at work in the computer by 1956. Coupled with early advances in magnetic-core memory, transistors led to second generation computersthat were smaller, faster, more reliable and more energy-efficient than their predecessors.(a)vacuum tube (b)ENIACFigure 1.1 First generation computerSecond generation computers moved from cryptic binary machine language to symbolic, or assembly, languages, which allowed programmers to specify instructions in words. High-level programming languages were also being developed at thistime, such as early versions of COBOL and FORTRAN.These were also the first computers that stored theirinstructions in their memory, which moved from amagnetic drum to magnetic core technology.3. Third Generation (1964—1971)The development of the integrated circuit (Jack Kilby, an engineer from Texas Instruments, developed the Figure 1.2 Transistor integrated circuit (IC) in 1958) was the hallmark of thethird generation of computers. Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors, which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers.Instead of punched cards and printouts, users interacted with third generation computers through keyboards and monitors and interfaced with an operating system, which allowed the device to run many different applications at one time with a central program that monitored the memory. Computers for the first time became accessible to a mass audience because they were smaller and cheaper than their predecessors.Chapter 1 Computer Basics 34. Fourth Generation (1971—Present)The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip. What in the first generation filled an entire room could now fit in the palm of the hand. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, located all the components of the computer—from the central processing unit and memory to input/outputcontrols—on a single chip.In 1981 IBM introduced its first computer for the home user, and in 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh. Microprocessors also moved out ofthe realm of desktop computers and into many areas of life as more and more everyday products began to use microprocessors.As these small computers became more powerful, they could be linked together to form networks, which eventually led to the development ofthe Internet. Fourth generation computers also saw the development of GUIs, the mouse and handheld devices.5. Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond)Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in development, though there are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are being used today. The use of parallel processing and superconductors is helping to make artificialintelligence a reality. Quantum computation and molecular and nanotechnology will radically change the face of computers in years to come. The goal of fifth-generation computing is to develop devices that respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-organization.1.1.2 Types of ComputersComputers come in a variety of types designed for different purposes, with different capabilities and costs.1. MicrocomputersA microcomputer is a computer that has a microprocessor chip as its CPU. They are often called personal computers because they are designed to be used by one person at a time. Personal computers are typically used at home, at school, or at a business.Personal computers come in two major varieties, desktop computersand laptop computers (see figure 1.3).(a) desktop computer (b) laptop computerFigure 1.3 Personal computer大学计算机英语基础教程 42. PDAs and Palmtop ComputersA Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) is a handheld microcomputer that trades off power for small size and greater portability (see figure 1.4). They typically use a touch-sensitive LCD screen for both output andinput (the user draws characters and presses icons on the screen with a stylus). They may use Windows CE or similar operating system for handheld devices.Figure 1.4 PDA3. Workstations/ServersA workstation is a powerful, high-end microcomputer (see figure 1.5). They contain one or more microprocessors. They may be used by a single-user for applications requiring more power than a typical PC (rendering complex graphics, or performing intensive scientific calculations).Figure 1.5 WorkstationAlternately, workstation-class microcomputers may be used as server computers that supply files to client computers over a network. In this respect, high-end workstations have essentially supplanted the role of minicomputers (see below).There are classes of computers that are not microcomputers. These include minicomputers, mainframes, and supercomputers.4. MinicomputersA minicomputer is a multi-user computer that is less powerful than a mainframe. The niche previously filled by the minicomputer has been largely taken over by high-end microcomputer workstations serving multiple users (see above).Chapter 1 Computer Basics 55. MainframesA mainframe computer is a large, powerful computer that handles the processing for many users simultaneously. Users connect to the mainframeusing terminals and submit their tasks for processing by the mainframe.A terminal is a device that has a screen and keyboard for input and output, but it does not do its own processing (they are also called dumb terminals since they can?t process data on their own). Mainframes are typically used in situations where a companywants the processing power and information storage in a centralized location. Mainframes are also now being used as high-capacity server computers for networks with many client workstations.6. SupercomputersA supercomputer is mainframe computer that has been optimized for speed and processing power(see figure1.6).Supercomputers are used for extremely calculation-intensive tasks such as simulating nuclear bomb detonations, aerodynamic flows, and global weather patterns..Figure 1.6 SupercomputerVocabularyepitomize /vt. 摘要,概括,成为……缩影vacuum tube /n. 真空管,电子管magnetic drum /n. 磁鼓malfunction /n. 故障punched card /n. 穿孔卡片printout /n. [计]打印输出transistor /n. [电子]晶体管cumbersome / adj. 讨厌的,麻烦的,笨重的machinery /n. [总称]机器,机械cryptic /adj. 秘密的,加密的,神秘的,隐藏的symbolic / adj. 象征的,符号的assembly /n. 集合,装配,集会,集结,汇编integrated circuit /n. 集成电路大学计算机英语基础教程 6hallmark / n. 特点miniaturize /vt. 使小型化silicon chip /n. 硅片semiconductor /n. [物]半导体operating system /n. 操作系统accessible /adj. 可访问的,可到达的,可理解的 central processing unit /n. 中央处理器memory /n. ? 记忆,记忆力,回忆,存储(器),存储器存储器,内存GUIs /n. [计]图形用户界面artificial intelligence /n. 人工智能voice recognition /n. 语音识别superconductor /n. 超导(电)体quantum /n. ? 量,额,[物]量子,量子论美国昆腾公司,是世界领先的硬盘生产商 laptop computer /n. 膝上型计算机desktop computer /n. 桌上型电脑Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) /abbr. 个人数字助理trade off /v. 交替换位,交替使用,卖掉 portability /n. 便携性,轻便icon /n. 图标,肖像,偶像workstation /n. 工作站client computer /n. [计]客户机supplant /vt. 排挤掉,代替minicomputer/n. 小型机mainframe /n. [计]主机,大型机niche /n. ? 壁龛(放雕像、花瓶等的墙壁凹处);【地质】雪凹(适合个人性格、能力等的)适当的位置,恰当的处所a niche in the temple of fame流芳百世,不朽的名誉find the right niche for oneself适得其所 simultaneously /adv. 同时地terminal /n. 终点站,终端,接线端 /adj. 末期,每期的,每学期的terminal point终点Chapter 1 Computer Basics 71.2 Basic Computer ComponentsA computer is an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, anddisplay the results of these operations. Most computers have five types of hardware component: input, CPU, memory, storage and output (seefigure 1.7).Figure 1.7 Computer componentsInput devices accept data in a form that the computer can utilize. Also, the input devices send the data or instructions to the processing unit to be processed into useful information.The role of the processing unit or central processing unit is to use a stored program to manipulate the input data into the information required.The CPU is the brain of the computer. The CPU consists of electronic circuits that interpret and execute instructions; it communicates with the input, output, and storage devices. The CPU, with the help of memory, executes instructions in the repetition of machine cycles. A machine cycle consists of the following four steps.The control unit fetches an instruction and data associated withit from memory.The control unit decodes the instruction.The arithmetic/logic unit executes the instruction.The arithmetic/logic unit stores the result in memory.Memory, or primary storage, works with the CPU to hold instructions and data in order to be processed. Memory keeps the instructions and data for whatever programs you happen to be using at the moment. It is very important to know that memory can hold data only temporarily because it requires a continuous flow of electrical current. If current is interrupted, data is lost.大学计算机英语基础教程 8Since we have said that memory is in the form of chips and must maintain a constant flow of electricity, there must be a more permanent form of storage that does not depend on a constant flow of electricity. That form of storage is called secondary or auxiliary storage. Magnetic disk storage is a very popular type of secondary storage.Finally, the last component of a computer system is the output device. An output device displays the processed information to the user. The two most popular forms of output devices are the printer and the monitor. Monitor output is called softcopy; the printer displays output in a permanent manner, it is called hardcopy. Other types of output devices include voice output and music output devices.Vocabularyutilize /vt. 利用interpret /v. 解释,说明,口译,通译,认为是…的意思repetition /n. 重复,循环,复制品,副本machine cycle /n. 机器工作周期,计算周期fetch /vt. 接来,取来,带来,售得,引出,吸引,到达,演绎出/vi. 取物,绕道而行/n. 取得,拿,诡计decode /vt. 解码,译解arithmetic /n. 算术,算法logic /n. 逻辑,逻辑学,逻辑性interrupt /vt. 打断(正在说话或动作的人),中断,妨碍,插嘴/vi. 打断(别人的讲话或行动)/n. (发给电脑的)中断信号permanent /adj. 永久的,持久的auxiliary /adj. 辅助的,补助的1.3 Binary Numeral SystemWe should all be familiar with the decimal (or base-ten) number system. Recall that each digit within any given decimal number is associated with a weight. Furthermore, the value of that number is the sum of the digits after each has been multiplied by its weight. Notethat the digits range form 0,1,…,9. Just as the decimal system with itsten digits is a base-ten system, the binary number system with its 2 digits, …0? and …1? is a base-two system.Chapter 1 Computer Basics 91.3.1 Conversion to and from Other Numeral Systems1. Converting Binary to DecimalTo express the value of a given binary number as its decimal equivalent we just need to sum the digits after each has been multiplied by its associated weight.For example, convert (110101.1011) to decimal form. 2 543210–1–2–3–4Binary Weights 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2Binary Number 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1Decimal Value 32 16 0 4 0 1 0.5 0 0.125 0.0625Total: (53. 6875) 102. Converting Decimal Whole Numbers to BinaryWe may use the approach called the Repeated-Division-by-2 method shown in the example below.Step 1: divide the quotient by two and record the remainder.Step 2: repeat step (1) until the quotient is equal to zero.For example, 118, in binary, is 10Operation Remainder118/2 = 59 059/2 = 29 129/2 = 14 114/2 = 7 07/2 = 3 13/2 = 1 11/2 = 0 1NOTE: Reading the sequence of remainders from the bottom up gives the binary numeral (1110110). 213. Converting Decimal Fractions to BinaryThe techniques used to convert decimal fractions to binary are similar to the methods demonstrated previously to convert decimal whole numbers. We may use the repeated multiplication-by-2 method, repeatedly multiply the fraction by two, and record the carry, until the fraction product is zero.Consider the conversion of (0.3125) to binary. 10Operation Carry0.3125*2=0.625 01 十进制转换成二进制的方法与转换成八、十六进制相同,后面不再赘述。
Programming and programming language
Operating system
Computer networks
Artificial intelligence
Data structure and Algorithms
Software Development
frame crystal filter active-matrix passive-matrix boost position backup
Computer Hardware
New words:
• optical laser disk 光 盘,激光盘 • laser beam 激光束 • access arm 存取臂 • gigabyte(GB) 千兆字 节,吉字节(109字节) • magneto-optical disk 磁光 盘 • resolution 分辨 率,清晰度,解决,解答 • sharpness 清晰度, 锐度,锐利 • monitor 监视器, 监控器 • electron 电子
Route 线路 路由 发送 Switch 开关 交换机 Configuration 配置 Driver 驱动程序 Utility 使用程序 Compatible 兼容的 协调的 Scalability 可伸缩性 可扩 展性 Integrated circuit 集成电 路 Electronic component 电子 元件 Resistor 电阻
Chapter 1 Computer Hardware
Package 封装 集成块 Circuitry 电路 Multicore processor 多核处理器 Streams of data 数据流 Data-dependent 数据依赖的 数据相关的 Interprocessor link 处理机间的连接
《计算机专业英语》电子教程计算机专业英语,一些文章,专业性强Computer EnglishChapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 计算机专业英语,一些文章,专业性强Chapter 1 The History and Future of ComputersKey points: useful terms and definitions of computersDifficult points: describing the features of computers of each generation计算机专业英语1-2计算机专业英语,一些文章,专业性强Chapter 1 The History and Future of ComputersRequirements:1. The trends of computer hardware and software 2. Basic characteristics of modern computers 3. Major characteristics of the four generations of modern computers 4. 了解科技英语的特点,掌握科技英语翻译要点计算机专业英语1-3计算机专业英语,一些文章,专业性强Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers1.1 The Invention of the ComputerNew WordsExpressions:computerlike a. 计算机似的vacuum tubes 真空管thousands of 成千上万的electromechanical a. 机电的, 电机的Census Bureau 人口普查局known as 通常所说的,以……著称Abbreviations:ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) 电子数字积分计算机,ENIAC计算机EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer) 延迟存储电子自动计算机BINAC (Binary Automatic Computer) 二进制自动计算机UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) 通用自动计算机计算机专业英语1-4计算机专业英语,一些文章,专业性强Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers1.1 The Invention of the ComputerIt is hard to say exactly when the modern computer was invented. Starting in the 1930s and through the 1940s, a number of machines were developed that were like computers. But most of these machines did not have all the characteristics that we associate with computers today. These characteristics are that the machine is electronic, that it has a stored program, and that it is general purpose.很难确切地说现代计算机是什么时候发明的。
电子科学与技术专业专业英语教学大纲目录专业英语1教学大纲1一、课程开设目的与要求2二、教学中应注意的问题2三、课程内容及学时分配2Chapter 1Semiconductors Physics2Chapter 2Semiconductor Device2Chapter 3Processing Technology3Chapter 4Integrated Circuits3Chapter 5Microeleclromechanical Systems (MEMS)3Chapter 6Examples of Scientific and Technological Papers3四、授课学时分配4五、教材及参考书目4一、课程开设目的与要求电子科学与技术专业英语是电子科学与技术专业的一门专业必修课程。
三、课程内容及学时分配Chapter 1 Semiconductors Physics重点内容:学习半导体物理中的常用词汇和专业术语。
基本要求:1.掌握半导体物理学中的常用词汇和专业术语;2. 了解阅读的基本要素和基本的阅读方法。
任治刚《电子信息工程专业英语教程》第1章 科技英语基础知识1
![任治刚《电子信息工程专业英语教程》第1章 科技英语基础知识1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c66febd219e8b8f67d1cb926.png)
Unit 1 科技英语基础知识(一)
(4) 词性转换多。 英语单词有不少是多性词: 既是名词,又可作动词、形
例8 above 介词: above all (things) 首先,最重要的是 形容词: for the above reason 由于上述原因 副词: as (has been) indicated above 如上所指出 例9 light 名词: (启发)in (the) light of 由于,根据 (光)high light(s) 强光,精华 (灯)safety light 安全指示灯
Unit 1 科技英语基础知识(一)
(2) 被动语态多。 英语使用被动语态大大多于汉语,科技英语更是如此, 在表现手法上,力求客观性,避免主观性和个人色彩,常用 被动语态。译时用“被”、“经过”、“受了”、“由于” 等,举例如下(加下划线者为被动语态, 下同): 例3 A database may be designed for batch processing, real-time processing, or in-line processing.
while 名词: energy,form,material,line,process,time,
电子信息专业英语 (10)
![电子信息专业英语 (10)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d4956322bcd126fff7050b1f.png)
在70年代中期,开发者开始使用自动设计,而不仅是绘图。第一个布局布线工具由此 产生。设计自动化委员会学报涵盖了这个领域的大部分内容。 在1980年,由Carver Mead和Lynn Conway发表了“超大规模集成电路系统介绍”, 这引发了一个新的时代的开始。
Company LogoTxtThe earliest EDA tools were produced academically, and were in the public domain. One of the most famous was the “Berkeley VLSI Tools Tarball”, a set of UNIX utilities used to design early VLSI systems. Another crucial development was the formation of MOSIS, a consortium of universities and fabricators that developed an inexpensive way to train student chip designers by producing real integrated circuits.3
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This article describes EDA specifically for electronics, and concentrates on EDA used for designing integrated circuits. The segments of the industry that must use EDA are chip designers at semiconductor companies. Large chips are too complex to design by hand.
Tom: So as it said before ! Don't worry. There will be a hot guy to come soon! Sammi: How could you know? Tom: Because he is my neighbor. He is really a cute boy. Sammi: Are you sure that he will come to our company? Tom: Yes, he will come to work tomorrow.
Part B: Bon voyage
Mike: May I come in, Sir? Manager: Yes, please. What’s the matter? Mike: I made a tough decision, sir. Here is my resignation.
2011-8-25 6
Jack: No, I want to find a temporary job in summer vacation . Tom: Wow! It is great! We’ll become colleague soon. Jack: Not really. The manager hasn’t decided whether to employ me yet. Tom: Trust yourself . You can do it! Jack: Thank you, Tom. I hope so.
Part B: Mike had quit
Tom: What’s up, Sammi? Why are you so upset? Sammi: I felt deprived knowing that Mike had quit. Tom: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that too. Don’t worry, I will keep you company. Sammi: But you are not handsome at all.
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30 Personal Computer
《电子技术专业英语教程》冯新宇 主编 电子工业出版社
30 Personal Computer
• Backgrounds • Text tour • Language in use
2013-6-27 《电子技术专业英语教程》 7
• A PC may be a home computer, or may be found in an office, often connected to a local area network (LAN). This is in contrast to the batch processing or time-sharing models which allowed large expensive systems to be used by many people, usually at the same time, or large data processing systems which required a full-time staff to operate efficiently. • While early PC owners usually had to write their own programs to do anything useful with the machines, today's users have access to a wide range of commercial and non-commercial software which is provided in ready-to-run form.
《电子技术专业英语教程》 3
• Terminology
– – – – – – – – – – word process 文字处理 spreadsheet 电子表格 Web browser 网络浏览器 E-mail client 电子邮件客户端 dial-up 拨号 World Wide Web 全球信息网,万维网 local area network 局域网 batch process 批处理 time-share【计】分时,时间共享;【电】分时 pre-assemble 预组装,预先安装
2013-6-27 《电子技术专业英语教程》 9
• Throughout the late 1970s and into the 1980s, computers were developed for household use, offering personal productivity, programming and games. Somewhat larger and more expensive systems (although still low-cost compared with minicomputers and mainframes) were aimed for office and small business use.
《电子技术专业英语教程》 4
• Terminology
– – – – – – computer-aided design 电脑辅助设计 optical disc drive 光盘驱动器 USB 通用串行总线 expansion slot 扩展槽 testware 测试工具,测试件 PCI Pedpherd Component Interconnect 周边元件扩展接口 – AGP Accelerated Graphics Port 加速图像处理端口 – ISTQB International Software Testing Qualification Board 国际软件测试工程师认证
2013-6-27 《电子技术专业英语教程》 10
Computer Architecture
– Vocabulary – Structure – Reading/writing techniques
• Terminology
– – – – – – – – – database n.数据库,基本数据 panel n.【电】配电盘,仪表盘 indicator 【电】目视仪 peripheral n.(电脑的)外围设备,周边设备 mainframe n.【计】主机,大型机 motherboard n.底板,母板;【计】母板,主板 desktop computer 台式计算机,台式电脑 laptop computer 便携式计算机,膝上电脑 tablet computer 平板计算机 software application 应用软件
2013-6-27 《电子技术专业英语教程》 5
Text tour
• Outline
- Introduction the History of computer development - Computer Architecture - Sofeware Conce技术专业英语教程》
2013-6-27 《电子技术专业英语教程》 8
• The capabilities of the PC have changed greatly since the introduction of electronic computers. By the early 1970s, people in academic or research institutions had the opportunity for single-person use of a computer system in interactive mode for extended durations, although these systems would still have been too expensive to be owned by a single person. • The introduction of the microprocessor, a single chip with all the circuitry that formerly occupied large cabinets, led to the proliferation of personal computers after about 1975. Early personal computers generally called microcomputers - were sold often in Electronic kit form and in limited volumes, and were of interest mostly to hobbyists and technicians. • Minimal programming was done by toggle switches, and output was provided by front panel indicators. Practical use required peripherals such as keyboards, computer terminals, disk drives, and printers. • Unlike other hobbyist computers of its day, which were sold as kits; in 1976 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak sold the Apple I was a fully assembled circuit board containing about 30 chips. Such that by 1977 Apple Computers introduced the Apple II, as the world’s first personal computer. By 1977, mass-market pre-assembled computers allowed a wider range of people to use computers, focusing more on software applications and less on development of the processor hardware.
• A personal computer (PC) is any general-purpose computer whose size, capabilities, and original sales price make it useful for individuals, and which is intended to be operated directly by an end user, with no intervening computer operator. • As of 2009, a PC may be a desktop computer, a laptop computer or a tablet computer. The most common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and Linux, while the most common microprocessors are x86-compatible CPUs, ARM architecture CPUs and PowerPC CPUs. Software applications for personal computers include word processing, spreadsheets, databases, Web browsers and E-mail clients, games, and myriad personal productivity and special-purpose software. Modern personal computers often have high-speed or dial-up connections to the Internet, allowing access to the World Wide Web and a wide range of other resources.