Gold recovery from a refractory pyrrhotite ore

文章编号:1006-4079(2005)04-0013-02从含金废料中回收金与金的提纯王 敏(辽河化工厂,辽宁辽中110200)摘要:文章介绍了从几种含金废料中回收金的具体方法,将回收得到的金再用化学方法提纯为99.99%的高纯度的黄金,该法工艺简单、成本低、经济效益显著.关键词:含金废料;回收;提纯;黄金中图分类号:TF042 文献标识码:AR ecovery of G old from G old 2containing Scrap andPurif ication of G oldWAN G Min(L iaohe Chem ical Plant ,L iaoz hong ,L iaoni ng 110200,Chi na )Abstract :The technological process for recovering gold from several gold 2containing scraps were briefly de 2scribed in this article.The high 2purity gold of 99.99%was obtained by chemical purifying recovered gold.The whole tech 2nological flowsheet is simple ,low 2cost ,and the economic effect is outstanding.K ey w ords :G old 2containing scrap ;Recovery ;Purification ;G old0 引 言黄金为贵金属元素,是国际通用货币,广泛应用于航空、航天及各种精密仪器制造等工业生产部门中,现在随着我国国民经济的迅猛发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,工业生产和加工首饰所需的黄金用量都在逐年增加,但由于黄金的地质贮量有限,再者由矿石生产出黄金需要经过很多复杂的工序,需消耗大量的人力、物力和财力;而从含金废料中再生回收金,工艺流程简单,且回收成本低,将再生回收得到的粗金采用湿法冶炼提纯制得高纯度的金粉销售,其经济效益更为显著.1 从含金废料中回收金含金废料主要来源于生产、制造和使用金及金制品的部门,其形式及种类繁多,如果将其倒掉不仅浪费贵重资源,还会污染环境,为了能让贵重资源再生利用和减少重金属元素对环境的污染,下面分别介绍从含金废液、废渣及废镀件中回收金的方法.1.1 含金废液中金的回收1.1.1 碘量法测金废液中金的回收我国各黄金矿山监测黄金生产工艺流程时测金所用的分析方法主要是活性炭吸附碘量法,每次做样结束都会产生一些含金废液,但大都是做样完毕便将这些含金废液倒掉而随水流走,尤其是分析含金较高的载金炭样和金泥样品的含金废液若倒掉则更为可惜,如果将其回收利用,是一项非常有益的工作。

Forget the protein shakes, chocolate milk may be the best thing to drink after you workout.忘掉蛋白质奶昔吧,巧克力奶或许才是运动后的最佳饮品。
Scientists have found that the beverage1 has all the nutrients2 that your body needs to replenish3 itself from exercising.The protein helps the muscles recover and the calories replace those burned when you are on the treadmill4.Researchers said th at chocolate milk, so long as it was a low fat brand, was the ‘gold standard for a recovery beverage’.The finding calls into question the popularity of protein shakes, which were once used by bodybuilders but are now consumed by ordinary people who believe they make them stronger.As a result the ‘sport-related’ protein product industry is booming and by 2017 we will be eating and drinking £8bn a year of bars, drinks, and other supplements.According to Cornell University, however, chocolate milk does just as good a job - if not better.They sought out the best post-exercise beverage after seeing athletes overeating at night to compensate5 for their tough training regimes.The team used computer software to develop a formula for the best product and combined it with advice from nutrition specialists in the athletic6 department.词汇解析:1 beveragen.(水,酒等之外的)饮料参考例句:The beverage is often colored with caramel.这种饮料常用焦糖染色。
Gold Rush

The Life of Miners
An overwhelming number of goldseekers and merchants began to arrive from virtually every continent.
It is estimated that approximately 90,000 people arrived in CalifLD RUSH
The most famous quote of the California Gold Rush was by the merchant Samuel Brannan.after he had hurriedly set up a store to sell gold prospecting supplies, Brannan strode through the streets of San Francisco, holding aloft a vial of gold, shouting "Gold! Gold! Gold from the American River!" Then ,the gold rush began
淘 金 热
罗 申
History Effect
--History Gold rush is a period of feverish(发热的, 极度兴奋的) migration of workers into the area of a dramatic discovery of commercial quantities of gold in the 19th century. Gold Rush was one of the most significant events in California history. It brought people from all over the United States and the world in search for gold.

Later, Sun Wukong went to the underworld.After making a scene at the underworld as well as the dragon palace, Sun Wukong crossed his name off the death notebook, so did the names of his fellow monkeys. (Death notebook records the life and death of every pere Buddha appeared and reached out his hand.He said to Sun Wukong,"Ill bet you that you can't fly out of my palm."
Sun Wukong thought that it was easy to do because he could ride on a somersault for thousands of miles. So he jumped highly and reached the horizon where he thought it as And Sun Wukong did not forget to makea mark with the words "The GreatestSage. Equal of Heaven was here".
While Sun Wukong was writing the words on one pillar of the horizon,the Buddha said to him calmly,"Wukong,you lose."The pillar turned out to be the finger of the Buddha.

Investigating the Standard Process of Conventional Gold Refining Process in Kelantan, MalaysiaSaadiah Kaspin1 and Nadiah Mohamad21Department of Contemporary Metal Design, Faculty of Art and Design, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam,Selangor, Malaysia2Department of Fine Art, Faculty of Art and Design, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam, Selangor, MalaysiaAbstract—the conventional method of gold refining process is widely used and it seems no further effort has been taken to improvise the system. Safety, productivity and reliability issue remains to be crucial barrier to local jewelers to refine their in-house gold scrap. The findings have brought the researcher to conduct site visits to some of the refinery centers to identify their popularly known conventional gold refinery process. Based on researcher early observation during the site visits has founded that current refinery practice seems unsafe and dangerous due to improper handling of acidic chemical substances and unhealthy refining procedures at the workplace. The process normally produce smokes, poisonous fumes and smells that could endanger human’s health, safety and pollutes the environment largely without proper control measures.Keywords-component; gold; refining process; standard process; MalaysiaI.I NTRODUCTIONAccording to Ministry Industry, Mineral and Geoscience Department in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian, Malaysia is a gold producing country and its production on this mineral was about 4000MT yearly. [1]In general, most of the small-scale gold mines are located in the States of Kelantan, Pahang, and Terengganu. In Malaysia, Kelantan is one of the most popular states amongst gold jewelry buyers due to its renown “Kelantan gold” via its unique traditional “design” concept offered at a very reasonable price, even sometimes lower than the industry gold prices. [4, 5]The price and its unique design has been an attraction to local tourism and jewelry industry that indirectly spur the development of the local economic development. In general substantiate by my early observation, Kelantan is the most renowned state for small/medium scale gold jewelry making as compared to others states in Malaysia like Terengganu and Pahang.The case study opted Kota Bharu, Kelantan as due to the early one to one interview findings shows that most of the district based jewellers from Machang, Tanah Merah, Kuala Krai and Pasir Puteh sell their gold waste to gold refinery center located at Kota Bharu. The establishment of these gold refinery centers also has attracted established jewellers from other adjacent areas to get their service. This phenomenon has intrigued researchers’ curiosity to acquire more crucial information about their gold processing devices and techniques used in local production particularly without advanced technology environment.Although the effect of technological advancement has improvised global gold refining process, the researcher’s findings stated that conventional method is still being used to refine gold in Kelantan.II.H ISTORY O F G OLD R ECOVERY P ROCESS Recovery is the process of removing impurities from the precious metal. Gold going through refineries may either be recycled being purified and upgrade or on the final stage of its transformation from ore in the mine of bullion. [2]Gold mining and recovery activities have set its footage since the golden ancient Egyptian time. J.H.F Notton, a well renowned researcher has produced a substantial evidence of information in his journal “Ancient Egyptian Gold Refining” published in Gold Bulletin dated 1st Mac 1974.According to Notton; there was an evidenced on various activities relating to gold mining based on the large amount of gold used in rituals and religious activity. The findings also stated that the equipment used is technically good with high standard and precision.The first recovery technique has been founded and introduced in the Ancient Egyptian era; about 500 B.C. It is based on the result of the chemical analysis that determines the ages and level of purity of the sample gold items founded during archeological activities. It was evidenced that the sample has higher gold purity as compared to normal gold alloy, which proved the usage of the gold refining techniques.[3]FIGURE I. SAMPLE OF THE EGYPTIAN GOLD RECOVERYEQUIPMENT. [3]III.C ONVENTIONAL G OLD R ECOVERY P ROCESS I N K ELANTAN,M ALAYSIAThe locations for the case study on site observation arelocated at the local gold refiner premises at Kota Bharu, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering (SEEE 2015)Kelantan. Each location shows the creativity by the refiners themselves in order to make the gold recovery process conveniently according to their suitability.The refining process was observed to be conducted in a small covered room located at their home backyard. Improper funnel has been built as a smoke ventilator to release acid and toxic gas moves out from the room. There are two limited spaces to separate refining area and melting area. The refinery is equipped with basic amenities such as water pipes and pail. Nevertheless, the whole refinery area’s condition was poor and need a lot of improvement. [4, 5, 6]The equipment is not a well designated device for refining process and unsafe position of gas tank was noted at the melting area. Toxic smokes clouds the area badly during the process and forced the worker to wear gas mask all the times. The workplace was considered dangerous and messy and could cause fatal accident to the refiners if no further actions are taken to resolve the matter. Though the method has been proven to work effectively and has been used for generations, major improvement is needed to change the technique and the process.[6,7,8]Current practice is considered as unsafe and not economical in the long run. Despite of these weaknesses, the refiners doesn’t have any options due to their limited knowledge and skeptical mind about the latest technology. Generally, it could be categorized as an unsafe, unhealthy and unsystematic condition of refining process particularly because it’s being done in a dark covered room and the improper handling procedures of hazardous chemical substance like nitric acid. [6, 7, 8]Basically, there are 4 stages in gold refining as shown in figure II below:FIGURE II. OUTLINE OF CONVENTIONAL GOLD RECOVERYPROCESS. A.Stage 1The first stage in gold refining is to melt the gold. The jewellery from 916 carat gold and silver goes through the melting process. Before that, put the gold jewellery and silver in a crucible and the ratio for gold and silver is 1:1. Pour the gold and silver solid into metal pan. Then acid nitric is poured into the pan to crush the gold.Then the nitric acid is re-poured from the pan into the dedicated pail. After that, the pan is heated until the gold solution dry. Subsequently, raise the gold from the pan for re-melting process. The process only takes 5 minutes to complete. During the re-melting process, copper is used as a catalyst to turn the gold raw and allowed the mixed gold and silver return to its origin.The usage of copper will affect the mixed gold and silver and change it into yellow pale or red. After the mixture is crushed and melted, pour it into the water. This process will takes 5 minutes to complete. [4, 5]B.Stage 2The second stage is a refining process. This stage is divided into three parts. Firstly, place the solid gold into the pan. Use one dipper of acid nitric until the gold sink. Before that, the acid must be free and clean from any materials. Put the pan on the kitchen and heat it. During the heating process, the copper will evaporate due to the hazardous dark brown acid fumes. If the fumes become slightly white, that signals that all copper metals have been fully evaporated.Secondly, the water is poured into the pan to remove all the fumes. Slowly reduced the heat and raised the pan. There are golds in seeds form and some water left in the pan. The water automatically contains silver because when the heating process, silver has been transformed into liquid form and mixed with the acid nitric. The acidic water that contains silver will later be poured into the pail and leaves the gold in the pan. Pour some water in the pan to remove balance of acid nitric. Put some water and stir regularly.Later, new acid nitric is poured into the pan and the gold is heated again. White color fumes will be produced during this second heating process in the absence of copper substance. Cooked until the acid boiled up. It will take longer time to boil due to the ductility and malleability factors possess by the gold solution. After the acid is boiled up, a lot of fumes will be produced. Acid that is used in this process can be kept and re-used because it does not mix with silver and copper. The gold solution will later change its color into to red.Subsequently, repeat all the disciplines as mention in the second part. After it’s completed, the gold will change to the origin fine gold solution in red color. Dries it with slow fire to fasten the process. At this stage, the appearance of dried gold is in dust form. Dried spatula is used to get the gold. The whole refining process takes 45 minutes to complete.[4,5,6] C.Stage 3The third stage is to make the gold bullion. At first, the flux is used as catalyst to ease the gold melting process. The flux will later be placed at the bottom of ceramic cruciblefollowed by gold dust spurred on top of the flux layer. Driedspatula is used to press the gold and flux together for the finishing purpose. The ceramic crucible will then be placedinto the burning area for heating process. Start the burning process till the gold melted.Borax is a type of chemical substance that is use to removeall the dirt during the melting process. The process will takehalf an hour to complete. The melted gold will then poured inthe bullion mold. The bullion will be removed from the moldand water is used to reduce its temperature. This process takes50 minutes in order to complete the whole cycle. The bullionwill undergo through testing process to ensure its quality and purity. Standard gold purity level is 99.9%. However, some ofthe refine gold only managed to produce only 98.0%. [7, 8] This reduction is mainly caused by the original contents of refined gold jewellery bought from the jewellers house or customers which are lower than the standard purity level. For example, marking initial or carat symbol of 916 gold meansthe gold carat contains 91.6% purity. But in this case, the purity of gold is just 90.0%. They claimed some craftsmen’sand jewellers house reduced the purity of gold to gain more profit. It is a fact that many customers were unable to identifythe purity of the gold contents accurately due to its complicated technicalities. [6, 8]D.Stage 4Silver that has been changed into the liquid form turnedinto light green color because its mixtures with acid nitric. Pour some water to reduce fumes and temperature. Put in copper to extract silver metal from the mixture. It would takes5- 6 hours to complete the process. Silver solution that attached to the copper is white in color and is very soft. Sufficient water quantity in mixture of acid and silver will avoid the copper from being eroded. Results from the above refining process shows that the traditional method that has been used was unsystematically done. Inaccurate calculationand improper instruments arrangement have affected the percentage of gold purity. [4, 5, 6]IV.C OST A NALYSIS F OR G OLD R ECOVERY P ROCESSFrom the observation, the equipment and material used in conventional recovery process was made from steel or plasticand available at the market. Therefore, the actual cost of every equipment and material from each method used in traditional process were identified for its weakness and strength.[6,8] TABLE I. COST ANALYSIS OF GOLD RECOVERY PROCESS.Conventional Gold Recovery ProcessNo Equipment/ Material Price ( RM)1 NitricAcid 802 Pan 253 Kui 14 StainlessSteel 55 TorchSet 1606 Gassilinder 257 PlasticPail 15Total cost RM 301According to the above table, the cost for conventional recovery process is RM 301.00. The expensive equipment inthis process was a torch set that used in melting process.[7,8] V.T IME C ONSUMING T O C OMPLETE T HE C ONVENTIONALG OLD R ECOVERY P ROCESSThe conventional method was conducted at night startingfrom 8.00 o’clock. Time duration for conventional gold recovery process for method A was about 1 hour and 5 minutes. It took a longer time only during when the gold was allowed to dissolve in acid niric and the process was repeated untill the brown fumes disappeared. In a same time, the funnel placed above the kitchen allowed the brown fumes to spread out to the air and speed up the recovery process.[6,7,8]TABLE II. ANALYSIS ON QUANTITY OF GOLD RECOVERED BEFORE (PRE) AND AFTER (POST) REFINING PROCESS.Traditional method Purity%Weight GoldBefore ProcessWeight GoldRecoveredPurity %A 83.525gm 24.3gm 99.0 The amount of gold recovered through method A was 0.7 gram.TABLE III. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE SOLID GOLD SAMPLES FROM CONVENTIONAL METHOD USING XRF ANALYSIS.Method SampleWeight( gm )Element (weight %) Goldas AuSilveras AgCopper asCuA4.57 99.00.890.11From the table above, it shows that chemical composition gold sample is 99 % purity with appearance of 0.89% silver element and 0.11% copper.TABLE IV. ANALYSIS ON GOLD THERMOGRAVIMETRIC ON CONVENTIONAL RECOVERY METHODS SAMPLESMethodSample was heated to 1200 o C at 10oC minSample Weight ( gm ) Purity % Melting PointA 4.57 gm 99.0 1090o CAccording to the table above, the melting temperature of sample from method A was the highest with 1090oC due to its chemical compositions that consists a higher percentage of purity with 99% and it reflected from it resistant properties that can withstand high temperature untill 1090oC. The highest gold contained will contribute to the highest melting temperature of gold alloy.VI.R ESULTS AND F INDINGSThe nitrogen dioxide produced from the conventional gold recovery process caused the air pollution and derived to the safety issues. This problem relates to the quality control of each methods used by the refiners. The finding also derives that this method was unable to filter out all silver and copper element and in a same time affect the quality of gold in terms of percentage. [6, 7, 8]From this research, the researcher hopes that it can be a starting point for other studies on gold recovery process. For example, the introduction of new small scale device or machine to refine gold from jewelry scrap. Other than that, the traditional recovery process through nitric acid andprecipitation process must be improve to avoid the long period which was taken to complete the process and in the same time, it can avoid the gold losses from happening during filtering process.The most important things are the benefit of refining in-house in a small scale production must be weighed against the cost and yield of gold obtained from use of the gold refiners. In some cases, use of third party refiners may be more cost-effective and easy to manage as compared to in-house refining process.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors are grateful for support from local refiners, Associate Prof. Dr. Zaini Hamzah from Faculty of Applied Science, University Technology MARA (UiTM) and Dr.Christopher W. Corti from World Gold Council (WGC). Last but not least, University Technology MARA (UiTM), Malaysia for their support in making this research successfully.R EFERENCES[1]Mohamad Yusof Che Sulaiman and Azemi Hj. Eki ( 2004 ), Import andExport of Mineral, Mineral Malaysian Minerals Yearbook 2004, Department of Mineral and Geoscience, Kuala Lumpur. [2]Kenneth Blackmore ( 1982 ) ‘Buying Jewelry ( A Practical Guide)[3]J.H.F Notton (1974 ) Egyptian Gold Recovery , Gold Buletin Magazine1 Mac 1974, 7 (2), pg 50-56[4]BINTIKASPIN, SAADIAH. "Improvement of traditional gold recoveryprocess for jewellery scrap." PhD diss., Universiti Teknologi MARA, 2008[5]Kaspin, Saadiah, Zuriati Mohamed Shaari, and Nadiah Mohamad. "Aninvestigation on the effectiveness of traditional gold recovery process forjewellery scrap." (2009).[6]Kaspin, Saadiah. "Small scale gold refining: Strengths and weaknesses."In Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering, and Environment (TIME-E), 2013 International Conference on, pp. 32-36.IEEE, 2013.[7]Kaspin, S., and N. Mohamad. "Gold refining process and its impact onthe environment." In Environmental Engineering and Computer Application: Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Computer Application (ICEECA 2014), Hong Kong, 25-26 December 2014, p. 19. CRC Press, 2015.[8]Kaspin, Saadiah. "Eco gold: An improvement of traditional goldrecovery process for jewellery scrap." In Business Engineering and Industrial Applications Colloquium (BEIAC), 2013 IEEE, pp. 784-788.IEEE, 2013.。

吹尽狂沙始到金作文800字英文回答:Gold is a precious metal that has been coveted by humans for centuries. It is a symbol of wealth and power, and it has been used in a variety of ways, from jewelry and coinage to art and architecture.The process of extracting gold from ore is a complex and time-consuming one. It involves several steps,including mining, crushing, and leaching. Once the gold has been extracted, it is then refined and purified.The purity of gold is measured in karats. Pure gold is 24 karats, but most gold jewelry is not pure gold. Instead, it is alloyed with other metals, such as silver or copper. The karatage of gold indicates the proportion of pure gold in the alloy. For example, 18-karat gold is 75% pure gold.Gold is a relatively soft metal, so it is often alloyedwith other metals to make it more durable. Gold alloys are used in a variety of applications, including jewelry, coins, and dental fillings.Gold is a valuable metal, and it is often used as an investment. Gold prices fluctuate, but they have generally trended upward over time. Gold is considered a safe haven asset, meaning that it is often seen as a good investment during times of economic uncertainty.中文回答:黄金是一种贵金属,几个世纪以来一直被人类所觊觎。

印度淘金英语作文The Gold Rush in India。
India, a land of diverse cultures and traditions, has always been a place of great fascination for people fromall over the world. Its rich history and natural beauty have attracted explorers and adventurers for centuries. One of the most intriguing chapters in India's history is the gold rush that took place in the 19th century.The gold rush in India began in the early 19th century when British explorers discovered gold deposits in the rivers and streams of the country. News of the discovery spread like wildfire, and soon, people from all over the world flocked to India in search of fortune and adventure. The promise of wealth and prosperity lured people from far and wide, and the gold rush quickly became a global phenomenon.The gold rush brought about a massive influx of peopleto India, leading to the rapid growth of cities and towns. The population of the country soared, and new settlements sprang up along the banks of the rivers where gold was found. The demand for labor and resources skyrocketed, and the economy boomed as people from all walks of life worked tirelessly to extract gold from the earth.The gold rush also had a profound impact on the social and cultural fabric of India. People from different parts of the world came together in search of a common goal, and the melting pot of cultures and traditions created avibrant and dynamic society. The exchange of ideas and customs enriched the cultural landscape of India, and the country became a melting pot of diverse influences.However, the gold rush also had its dark side. The relentless pursuit of wealth led to environmental degradation and exploitation of natural resources. The rivers and streams that were once teeming with life were now polluted and depleted, and the once pristine landscapes were scarred by the relentless pursuit of gold. The social fabric of the country was also strained as people competedfiercely for the limited resources available.As the gold rush in India reached its peak, the government stepped in to regulate the industry and protect the environment. Laws were passed to ensure sustainable mining practices, and efforts were made to rehabilitate the damaged ecosystems. The government also implemented measures to ensure fair labor practices and protect the rights of the workers.In the end, the gold rush in India came to an end as the easily accessible gold deposits were depleted, and the cost of extraction became too high. The once bustling settlements were abandoned, and the population of the country began to decline as people moved on to newfrontiers in search of fortune and adventure.The legacy of the gold rush in India lives on in the stories and memories of those who were part of thishistoric event. It is a reminder of the power of human ambition and the impact of our actions on the world around us. The gold rush in India was a defining moment in thecountry's history, and its effects are still felt to this day.In conclusion, the gold rush in India was a period of great excitement and opportunity, but it also had its challenges and consequences. It brought people from all over the world together in search of a common goal, and it left a lasting impact on the social, cultural, and environmental landscape of the country. The gold rush in India was a testament to the human spirit of exploration and adventure, and it will always be remembered as a significant chapter in the history of the country.。
gold rush淘金热英文简介

The California Gold Rush (1848–1855) began on January 24, 1848, when gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California . The first to hear confirmed information of the gold rush were the people in Oregon, the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii), and Latin America, who were the first to start flocking to the state in late 1848. All in all, the news of gold brought some 300,000 people to California from the rest of the United States and abroad . Of the 300,000, approximately half arrived by sea and half came from the east overland on the California Trail and the Gila River trail.
In a pinch的意思是“必要时、在紧要关头”,有人说 它起源于淘金热(gold rush),也有人认为这种说法并 不可靠。那它究竟起源于何处呢?
关于in a pinch起源于淘金热的说法是有一段小故事的
The effects of the Gold Rush were substantial. San Francisco grew from a small settlement of about 200 residents in 1846 to a boomtown of about 36,000 by 1852. Roads, churches, schools and other towns were built throughout California. In 1849 a state constitution was written, a governor and legislature chosen and California became a state in 1850 as part of the Compromise of 1850 which divided possible US territories into free and slave states.

金鱼英文文案作文1. Wow, look at that beautiful goldfish swimming gracefully in the tank! Its bright orange scales shimmer in the light, making it the star of the aquarium.2. Did you know that goldfish are one of the most popular pet fish around the world? People love them for their vibrant colors and peaceful nature. Plus, they're relatively easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginners.3. Speaking of care, did you know that goldfish need a lot of space to swim around? It's important to provide them with a tank that is big enough for them to explore and exercise. The more space they have, the happier and healthier they'll be.4. Another interesting fact about goldfish is that they have a memory span of about three months. This means that they can recognize their owners and even learn to performtricks with proper training. Isn't that amazing?5. Goldfish are also known for their ability to adaptto different environments. They can survive in a wide range of water conditions, which makes them quite resilient. However, it's still crucial to maintain a clean and well-balanced tank to ensure their overall well-being.6. Did you know that goldfish have a unique way of breathing? Unlike humans, they don't have lungs. Instead, they extract oxygen from the water through their gills.This is why it's important to provide them with good water quality and proper filtration.7. Have you ever wondered why goldfish are called "gold" fish? Well, it's because their original ancestorshad a golden color. Over time, through selective breeding, different color variations emerged, including the vibrant orange and red hues that we commonly see today.8. Goldfish are not just beautiful to look at, but they also bring a sense of tranquility to any space they inhabit.Watching them swim peacefully can be quite therapeutic and calming, making them a popular choice for home and office aquariums.9. Lastly, goldfish have been a symbol of good luck and prosperity in many cultures, especially in Chinese traditions. They are often associated with wealth and abundance, and are believed to bring positive energy into the home.10. So, whether you're a fish enthusiast or simply appreciate the beauty and serenity of these graceful creatures, goldfish are truly a captivating addition to any aquatic setting. Dive into the world of goldfish and discover the joy they can bring to your life.。

我曾战神的困难英语作文英文回答:As a mortal warrior, venturing into the treacherous realm of divinity, I found myself face-to-face with the formidable Ares, the Greek god of war. Clad in impenetrable armor adorned with the crimson stains of battle, his imposing stature towered over me like a colossal citadel. His eyes, blazing with an infernal fire, held the primal fury of a raging tempest, and his voice thundered like the clash of a thousand swords.The ground trembled beneath his mighty tread as he brandished his massive spear, its razor-sharp tip glinting in the dim light. With every thunderous strike, he sought to cleave me in twain, his relentless assault testing the limits of my mortal resolve. I parried and dodged with lightning reflexes, the lessons of countless battles etched into my muscle memory.But even with my meager skills, I was no match for the god of war. His blows fell with the force of a thunderbolt, shattering my defenses and leaving me reeling. As darkness began to envelop my vision, I uttered a desperate plea to the heavens.In that moment of despair, a blinding light illuminated the battlefield. From the heavens descended a golden figure, its radiant aura casting away the shadows. It was Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, her piercing gaze fixed upon me.With a graceful flick of her wrist, she summoned a shimmering shield into existence, its surface adorned with intricate designs. As Ares lunged forward for the killing blow, Athena's shield intercepted his strike, the impact sending shockwaves across the battlefield.Staggered by the divine intervention, Ares roared in defiance, his anger flaring like a wildfire. But Athena remained unyielding, her voice dripping with divine authority. "You have overstepped your bounds, Ares. Thismortal is under my protection."Furious at being thwarted by a mere goddess, Ares disappeared in a cloud of crimson smoke, leaving me alone with Athena. As she gazed upon my battered form, a flicker of compassion crossed her eyes."You have shown great valor in facing the god of war, mortal warrior," she said. "Your spirit will forever be etched in the annals of legend."With those words, she vanished into the ethereal realm, leaving me to ponder the extraordinary events that had transpired. Though I had emerged victorious from my encounter with the god of war, it was only through the grace of the gods that I had survived.中文回答:作为一个凡人武士,当我踏入神灵的危险领域时,我发现自己面对着强大的希腊战神阿瑞斯。

是金子总会发亮的英语作文In the vast expanse of human potential, there exists atimeless truth: the gold will always shine. This metaphorical adage speaks to the inherent quality and value of individuals, suggesting that no matter the circumstances, those with true talent and virtue will eventually be recognized and appreciated.The journey of gold, from its hidden depths within the earthto its gleaming presence in the light, mirrors the path many talented individuals take. Just as gold must be mined and refined, so too must individuals hone their skills and character through education, experience, and perseverance.In the realm of arts, we have witnessed countless artists who were not fully appreciated during their lifetimes, only to have their works celebrated posthumously. Van Gogh, for example, sold only a handful of paintings during his life,but today his art is among the most revered and valuable inthe world. His story is a testament to the enduring nature of true talent and the eventual recognition it receives.Similarly, in the field of science and innovation, many inventors and thinkers have faced initial rejection or skepticism before their ideas were embraced. The story of the telephone's inventor, Alexander Graham Bell, is a prime example. His invention was initially met with doubt, but it has since revolutionized communication.The phrase "the gold will always shine" also serves as a reminder of the importance of resilience and patience. It encourages us not to be disheartened by the lack of immediate success or recognition. Instead, it urges us to continue refining our abilities and to maintain our integrity,confident that our true worth will eventually be acknowledged.In conclusion, the metaphor of gold shining through the darkness is a powerful one. It reminds us that true quality and talent cannot be forever obscured. Whether in the arts, sciences, or any other field, those who possess the genuine "gold" within them will, in time, find their light. It is a message of hope and endurance, encouraging us to believe in ourselves and our abilities, no matter the challenges we face.。

黄金真伪辨别英语作文Glittering treasures have captivated mankind for centuries, with gold standing out as a symbol of wealth and status. But amidst the allure, a pressing question arises: is the gold you hold genuine or a counterfeit? In this essay, we'll delve into the art of discerning the true shine of gold from the deceptive glimmer of a fake.The first and most straightforward method is to check the hallmark. Legitimate gold items bear a stamp indicating their purity, such as "10K," "18K," or "24K," which corresponds to the percentage of gold content. However, a savvycounterfeiter might forge a hallmark, so this is just the beginning of the verification process.Next, the weight test is a simple yet effective approach. Gold is dense and has a heft to it that fakes struggle to replicate. A piece that feels suspiciously light for its size might be a red flag. But be cautious; this method requires a precise scale to be truly reliable.The biting test, while somewhat antiquated, still holds some merit. Gold is soft and can leave an impression when bitten, but this should be done with caution and is not recommended for valuable items due to the risk of damaging them.Acid tests are more scientific and less destructive. Theyinvolve applying a drop of acid to an inconspicuous part of the item. If the gold is real, there will be no reaction, but if it's a base metal, the acid will cause a color change.Magnetism is another telltale sign. Gold is not magnetic, so if a gold item is attracted to a magnet, it's likely not gold.Finally, professional equipment such as X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers can provide an accurate assessment of the gold's purity. These devices are expensive and typically used by jewelers or professional appraisers.In conclusion, while no method is foolproof on its own, a combination of these techniques can provide a high level of confidence in the authenticity of gold. As with any valuable possession, knowledge is the key to protection against deception.。

goldrush英语作文Title: The Gold Rush: A Tale of Dreams and Hardship。
The Gold Rush of the 19th century was a pivotal event that shaped the history and landscape of America. It sparked a frenzy of migration, as people from all walks of life embarked on a quest for wealth and opportunity. However, beneath the glittering promise of gold lay a story of both triumph and tribulation.At the heart of the Gold Rush was the allure ofstriking it rich. Many saw it as a chance to escape poverty and transform their fortunes overnight. The promise of gold nuggets gleaming in the rivers and streams of California drew thousands of prospectors from far and wide. They came with dreams of prosperity, armed with little more than hope and determination.Yet, the reality of the Gold Rush was far from glamorous. For every success story, there were countlesstales of hardship and disappointment. The journey to the goldfields was arduous and perilous, with many risking life and limb to reach their destination. Once there, conditions were harsh, and competition fierce. The days were long and grueling, spent toiling under the scorching sun or braving freezing nights in makeshift camps.Despite the challenges, the Gold Rush fostered a spirit of resilience and innovation. Prospectors devised new techniques and technologies to extract gold more efficiently, leading to advancements in mining and engineering. Towns sprang up overnight, catering to the needs of the burgeoning population. In the midst of the chaos, communities formed, bound together by a common goal and shared experiences.However, alongside the tales of perseverance and ingenuity, the Gold Rush also left a darker legacy. The rapid influx of settlers brought about environmental degradation and conflict with indigenous peoples. Streams were polluted, forests decimated, and native lands seized. The pursuit of wealth came at a steep cost, both to theland and its original inhabitants.As the Gold Rush drew to a close, its effects reverberated far beyond the borders of California. It had transformed the nation, fueling westward expansion and laying the foundations for economic growth. The promise of gold had faded, but its impact endured, shaping the American psyche and identity for generations to come.In conclusion, the Gold Rush was a defining chapter in American history, marked by both triumphs and tragedies. It encapsulated the spirit of adventure and ambition that defined the era, while also exposing the harsh realities of greed and exploitation. Despite its complexities, the legacy of the Gold Rush endures as a testament to the enduring human quest for wealth, opportunity, and the pursuit of dreams.。

用英语念念金子作文The Glittering Gold。
Gold, a precious metal that has captivated human beings for centuries, holds a special place in our hearts and minds. Its allure is undeniable, and its value is universally recognized. In this essay, we will delve into the fascinating world of gold, exploring its history, uses, and significance.The history of gold dates back thousands of years, with evidence of its mining and use found in ancientcivilizations such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, and China. These early civilizations recognized the unique properties of gold, such as its malleability, durability, and resistance to corrosion. They used gold for various purposes,including jewelry, decorative objects, and even currency.Throughout history, gold has been associated with wealth, power, and prestige. It has been used as a form ofcurrency in many societies, and even today, central banks hold significant reserves of gold to stabilize their economies. The allure of gold has led to countless expeditions and discoveries, such as the California Gold Rush in the 19th century, which drew thousands of prospectors seeking their fortunes.Apart from its monetary value, gold also holds immense cultural and symbolic significance. It is often associated with achievement, success, and luxury. Gold medals are awarded to the winners of prestigious competitions, andgold jewelry is considered a status symbol in many cultures. Additionally, gold plays a significant role in religious rituals and ceremonies, symbolizing purity, divinity, and enlightenment.The uses of gold extend far beyond its aesthetic appeal and symbolic value. Gold is a highly conductive metal, making it an essential component in various electronic devices, including smartphones, computers, and televisions. It is also used in dentistry, as gold alloys are biocompatible and resistant to corrosion. Additionally,gold nanoparticles have shown promise in medical applications, such as cancer treatment and drug delivery systems.Despite its numerous applications and historical significance, gold mining has raised concerns regarding its environmental impact and social implications. Theextraction of gold often involves the use of toxic chemicals, such as cyanide, which can contaminate water sources and harm local ecosystems. Furthermore, gold mining can lead to land degradation, deforestation, and displacement of indigenous communities. As consumers, it is crucial to be aware of the ethical and environmental implications of purchasing gold and to support sustainable mining practices.In conclusion, gold is much more than a shiny metal.Its history, uses, and symbolic value make it a fascinating subject of study. From ancient civilizations to modern technology, gold has played a significant role in shaping human society. However, it is essential to consider the environmental and social impact of gold mining and strivefor sustainable practices. As we continue to cherish and admire the glittering gold, let us also be mindful of its true value beyond its monetary worth.。

In the bustling world of snack foods,there exists a simple yet universally adored treat that has captured the hearts and taste buds of people across the globe:the humble potato chip.This crispy,salty delight is more than just a snack its a cultural phenomenon that transcends borders and generations.Let us delve into the world of potato chips, exploring their history,production,and the joy they bring to snack lovers everywhere.The story of the potato chip begins in the mid19th century,with a chef in Saratoga Springs,New York,who was tasked with pleasing a particularly picky customer.George Crum,a culinary genius,was frustrated by the repeated complaints about his fried potatoes being too thick and soggy.In a moment of creative defiance,he sliced the potatoes paperthin and fried them to a crisp,only to find that his creation was an instant hit.Thus,the potato chip was born,and its legacy has continued to grow ever since.Today,the production of potato chips is a marvel of modern industry. From the moment the potatoes are harvested to the final packaging,the process is a symphony of precision and efficiency.The potatoes are first washed and sorted,ensuring only the best are selected for processing. They are then peeled,sliced,and soaked to remove excess starch,which helps achieve that perfect crunch.The chips are then fried in hot oil,a process that imbues them with their signature golden color and tantalizing aroma.The art of seasoning is where potato chips truly shine.From the classic salted variety to the more adventurous flavors like barbecue,sour creamand onion,or even exotic blends like wasabi and ginger,the possibilities are endless.Each flavor profile is carefully crafted to complement the natural taste of the potato,creating a harmonious balance that keeps consumers coming back for more.But its not just about taste the experience of eating potato chips is a sensory adventure.The satisfying crunch as you bite into a chip,the delicate interplay of textures and flavors,and the lingering aroma that invites you to reach for just one more these are the elements that make potato chips more than a snack they are a moment of indulgence,a brief escape from the mundane.The cultural impact of potato chips cannot be overstated.They have become a staple at gatherings,a comfort food during movie nights,and a symbol of American cuisine exported around the world.The global potato chip market is a testament to their popularity,with sales reaching billions of dollars annually.This snack has found its way into the hearts and pantries of people from all walks of life,uniting them in their shared love for this crispy treat.Moreover,potato chips have also become a canvas for innovation.From the introduction of baked varieties for the healthconscious consumer to the development of unique flavors that cater to niche markets,the industry continues to evolve and adapt.This innovation is not just limited to taste advancements in packaging technology have also played a crucial role in preserving the freshness and quality of potato chips,ensuring that the snack remains a staple in households worldwide.In conclusion,the potato chip is more than a simple snack it is a cultural icon that has stood the test of time.Its humble beginnings in Saratoga Springs have blossomed into a global phenomenon,with a production process that is a testament to human ingenuity and a flavor profile that caters to a diverse range of palates.As we continue to enjoy the crunch and savor the flavors of potato chips,we are also partaking in a tradition that has brought joy and satisfaction to countless individuals across the globe.Whether its a classic salted chip or an adventurous new flavor,the potato chip remains a beloved snack that will undoubtedly continue to delight and satisfy snack lovers for generations to come.。

我的黄金梦英语作文I have always dreamed of striking gold, of finding that one thing that would change my life forever. The idea of discovering a hidden treasure or stumbling upon a valuable artifact has always excited me.The thought of being able to afford anything I want, to travel the world and experience new cultures without worrying about money, is a dream that keeps me going. I imagine myself living in luxury, surrounded by all thethings I desire.But deep down, I know that true happiness does not come from material possessions. It comes from the people we love, the experiences we share, and the memories we create. So while I may dream of gold, I also know that it is not the key to a fulfilling life.Still, the allure of wealth and luxury is hard to resist. The idea of being able to buy whatever I want,whenever I want, is a tempting prospect. But I also know that true wealth lies in the relationships we build and the love we give and receive.So, while my golden dream may never come true, I am grateful for the simple pleasures in life. The laughter of friends, the warmth of family, and the beauty of nature are all treasures worth more than gold. And in the end, it is these things that truly make life rich and fulfilling.。

Gold has been a symbol of wealth,power,and beauty throughout human history.Its allure is not only due to its rarity and intrinsic value but also its unique properties that have made it indispensable in various fields. From ancient civilizations to modern times,gold has played a pivotal role in shaping economies,cultures,and societies.In ancient Egypt,gold was considered the flesh of the gods,and it was used to create elaborate burial masks and artifacts for the pharaohs.The Egyptians believed that gold had divine properties that could protect and preserve the dead in their journey to the afterlife.This reverence for gold can be seen in the iconic mask of Tutankhamun,which is made of solid gold and adorned with precious stones.In ancient Greece,gold was also highly prized and was used to create exquisite jewelry and art.The Greeks believed that gold represented the sun and was a symbol of wisdom and enlightenment.One of the most famous examples of ancient Greek gold craftsmanship is the gold wreaths found in the tomb of Philip II,father of Alexander the Great.These delicate and intricate wreaths are a testament to the skill and artistry of the ancient goldsmiths.Gold has also been a significant factor in the development of economies throughout history.During the Middle Ages,gold coins became the standard currency in many European countries,facilitating trade and economic growth.The discovery of gold in the Americas during the Age of Exploration led to the colonization and exploitation of the New World, with devastating consequences for the indigenous populations.In modern times,gold continues to be a valuable commodity,with its price determined by global markets and economic factors.Gold is often seen as a safe investment during times of economic uncertainty,as it tends to hold its value better than other assets.Many central banks hold large reserves of gold to support their currencies and maintain economic stability.Gold is also used in various industries due to its unique properties.It is an excellent conductor of electricity and is used in electronic components and devices.Gold is also highly resistant to corrosion and is used in aerospace and other industries where materials need to withstand harsh conditions.In addition to its practical uses,gold has long been associated with luxury and opulence.It is used in highend jewelry,watches,and other luxury items,symbolizing wealth and status.The use of gold in fashion and design is a reflection of its enduring appeal and the desire for objects of beauty and value.However,the extraction of gold has also had negative environmental and social impacts.Gold mining can lead to deforestation,pollution,and the displacement of local communities.There have been numerous cases of illegal gold mining,which has resulted in the exploitation of workers and the destruction of ecosystems.In conclusion,gold is a multifaceted element that has played a significant role in human history.Its value extends beyond its economic worth,as it is deeply intertwined with culture,art,and society.While gold continues tobe a symbol of wealth and luxury,it is essential to recognize the environmental and social costs associated with its extraction and use.As we move towards a more sustainable future,it is crucial to find ways to responsibly source and utilize gold while minimizing its negative impacts.。

假如我捡到一块琥珀作文英文回答:I was lucky enough to come across a piece of amber recently. It was a beautiful golden color, with a smoothand polished surface. Holding it in my hands, I couldn't help but wonder about the story behind this ancient gem.Amber is actually fossilized tree resin, formed over millions of years. It has been prized for its beauty and rarity since ancient times. In fact, the Greeks believedthat amber was the tears of the sun god, Apollo. They even used it as a material for making jewelry and amulets.One interesting thing about amber is that it can sometimes contain trapped insects or plant matter. These preserved specimens provide valuable insights into the past, allowing scientists to study ancient ecosystems and understand how they have evolved over time. It's like a window into the distant past, frozen in time.Imagine the excitement of discovering a tiny insect trapped inside a piece of amber! It's like finding a treasure from another era. These trapped insects are often incredibly well-preserved, allowing scientists to study their anatomy and behavior. It's like having a time capsule right in your hands.But amber is not just a scientific curiosity. It has also been used in folklore and superstition. In some cultures, it is believed to have healing properties and is used as a talisman for protection. People have worn amber jewelry to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.中文回答:中文回答,最近我很幸运地捡到了一块琥珀。

用金子代替宝石英语作文In the realm of fine jewelry, the choice of materials is as diverse as the designs themselves. While gemstones have long been the centerpiece of many exquisite pieces, there is a growing trend towards the use of gold as a primary material, offering a different kind of allure and value. This essay will explore the reasons behind this shift and the unique appeal of gold in contemporary jewelry design.Firstly, gold is a precious metal that carries a universal appeal. Its lustrous shine and rich color have been associated with wealth and luxury for centuries. Unlike gemstones, which can vary in quality and value, gold is a more consistent and reliable choice for those seeking to invest in jewelry that retains its worth over time.Secondly, the versatility of gold allows for a wide range of design possibilities. Gold can be crafted into intricate patterns and shapes, from classic to contemporary, without the need for additional embellishments. This flexibility makes gold an ideal medium for designers looking to create pieces that are both timeless and on-trend.Moreover, the use of gold in jewelry can be seen as a sustainable choice. The mining and sourcing of gemstones can have significant environmental impacts, whereas gold, once mined, can be recycled and repurposed without losing its quality. This aspect is increasingly important to consumerswho are environmentally conscious and prefer to make ethical choices in their purchases.However, it is important to note that the replacement of gemstones with gold is not without its critics. Some argue that the unique beauty and individuality of gemstones cannot be replicated by gold. The play of light and color in a gemstone is a natural phenomenon that adds a layer of depth and character to a piece of jewelry that gold alone may not achieve.In conclusion, the choice to use gold instead of gemstones in jewelry is a decision that reflects personal preference, market trends, and ethical considerations. While gold offers a consistent value, design flexibility, and a sustainable option, it may not satisfy the aesthetic desires of those who appreciate the natural beauty of gemstones. As with any artistic expression, the beauty of jewelry lies in the eye of the beholder, and both gold and gemstones have their rightful place in the world of fine adornments.。
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Ž.Int.J.Miner.Process.602000247– r locate r ijminproGold recovery from a refractory pyrrhotite oreby biooxidation`S.Ubaldini a,),F.Veglio b,F.Beolchini b,L.Toro c,C.Abbruzzese aa CNR,Institute of Mineral Processing,Via Bologna7,00138Rome,Italyb Department of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Materials,UniÕersity of L’Aquila,67040Monteluco di Roio,L’Aquila,Italyc Department of Chemistry,UniÕersity of La Sapienza,00185Rome,ItalyReceived30November1998;accepted12May2000AbstractThe aim of the present investigation was to study the biooxidation of a refractory gold-bearing pyrrhotite,in order to increase the gold recovery during the subsequent conventional cyanidation.Bacterial cultures utilised in the biological test consisted predominantly of Thiobacillus genus. Tests were conducted at laboratory scale.The gold content of the ore sample,coming from Bolivia,was of10g t y1Au.Ž.After24h leaching time by direct cyanidation,low gold recovery was obtained-20%Au, with a high reagent consumption.On the other hand,a high gold recovery was achieved for the biooxidated samples:after24h cyanidation gold dissolution reached about91%Au.Experimental results have shown the technical feasibility of the biooxidative pretreatment prior to conventional leaching and a complete circuit of treatment,on laboratory scale,has been developed considering also the subsequent gold recovery by carbon adsorption r desorption and electrowinning.A gold extraction yield of about86%was determined in the whole process for gold extractionŽfrom pyrrhotite biooxidation,solid–liquid separation,cyanidation,adsorption,desorption,elec-.trowinning.q2000Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:biooxidation;pyrrhotite;gold recovery;process flowsheet;Thiobacillus)Corresponding author.0301-7516r00r$-see front matter q2000Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved.Ž.PII:S0301-75160000019-3()248S.Ubaldini et al.r Int.J.Miner.Process.602000247–2621.IntroductionCyanidation is a relatively simple and cheap technology for treating a wide range of Ž.gold-containing ores Young,1987.However,sulphide ores often contain very finely disseminated gold and other precious metal particles,which rise to the refractory nature of such ores to current extraction methods.As a result,these fractions are frequently lost Ž.in the tailings Abbruzzese et al.,1994;Paponetti et al.,1991.Moreover,the formation of some intermediate species,such as ferrous iron,sulphide ion,thiosulphates and arsenates,can consume vital oxygen for gold dissolution in cyanide solutions.Further-Ž.`more,these species tend to precipitate the gold already oxidised Veglio et al.,1995a, while the decomposition of pyrrhotite forms compounds such as thiocyanide or ferro-Žcyanide that can consume free cyanide during the recovery of gold Ubaldini et al., .1995.The choice of process for refractory ores or concentrate treatment is based on many technical,economic,and environmental factors.There are several ways for effective oxidative destruction of the sulphide matrix:oxidation roasting,aqueous pressureŽoxidation,bacterial oxidation and chemical oxidation Lawrence,1990;McNulty and.`Thompson,1990;Veglio et al.,1993b;Ubaldini et al.,1994.Traditional methods of pretreating refractory ores,such as roasting,are no longer satisfactory.This can be due to economic or environmental considerations,or both.With the advent of stricter environmental regulations designed to restrict the quantities and control the quality of wastes from mining,milling,and smelting operations,someŽestablished techniques no longer have a technical and r or economic advantage Bos,. 1993;Lawrence,1990;Lawrence and Poulin,1995;McNulty and Thompson,1990.Relatively new technologies for refractory ore pretreatment are being developed to overcome these shortcomings,notably including biological oxidation systems.The biological pretreatment of refractory ores containing precious metals has the obvious advantage of not requiring high-temperature or high-pressure equipment and showingŽthe lowest capital requirement Crundwell,1995;Lawrence,1990;Lawrence and Poulin,.`1995;Veglio et al.,1993a.Biological leaching,which for many years has been applied for the recovery ofŽ.copper and uranium,has only been recently in the last10years considered for the treatment of refractory ores and concentrates containing precious metals,such as gold Ž.Escobar,1995.In these cases bioleaching before cyanide leaching increases the goldŽ.extraction from32%to95%Attia and El-Zeki,1989.For new technologies such as this,novelty is an additional factor which,even if technical and economic parity or superiority with other technologies can be demon-Ž. strated,can weigh against its selection as the process of choice Lawrence,1990. Bioleaching of sulphurous minerals for gold recovery is practiced commercially in South Ž.Ž.Africa Van Aswegen et al.,1991and the USA Kosich,1991,while it is applied onŽ.Ž. pilot plant scale in Australia Spencer et al.,1991,Canada Hackle and Wright,1989Ž.and the USA Moore,1989.Microbial metal leaching or bioleaching is based on the ability of a special group of acidophilic bacteria to oxidise sulphuric minerals.They convert these extremely insolu-ble compounds into water-soluble products.Their activity results in metal mobilisation()S.Ubaldini et al.r Int.J.Miner.Process.602000247–262249Ž.and sulphuric acid production Boon et al.,1995.The most used microorganisms are the chemolithotrophic,acidophilic bacteria Thiobacillus ferrooxidans as well as T. thiooxidans.They usually live at a pH range from1.5to4.5and oxidise reduced form of Ž.Ž. iron only T.ferrooxidans and sulphur both T.ferrooxidans and T.thiooxidans as Ž.energy source Grishin et al.,1988.Bacteria catalyse the oxidation of the sulphurousŽmatrix,letting to the subsequent dissolution of gold by cyanide leaching Abbruzzese et.`al.,1994;Veglio et al.,1993a.In particular,the biooxidation of pyrrhotite involvesŽseveral steps of chemical and biological oxidation Pinka,1991;Ubaldini et al.,1995;.`Veglio et al.,1995a.The process starts by a chemical step:FeS q2H q™Fe2q q H S.1Ž.2In the subsequent stage,bacteria oxidise pyrrhotite according to the following reactions:2FeS q4.5O q3H q™2Fe3q q SO2y q HSO y q H O2Ž.24422FeS q1.5O q6H q™2Fe3q q2S8q3H O.3Ž.22Sulphur is also produced by H S decomposition:2H S q2Fe3q™2Fe2q q2H q q S8.4Ž.2ŽA chemical reaction between pyrrhotite and ferric iron takes place Beolchini and.´Veglio,in press:FeS q2Fe3q™3Fe2q q S8.5Ž.Bacteria oxidise sulphur:2S8q3O q2H O™2SO y q4H q.6Ž.224The main objective of this experimental work was to test this biotechnology in order to obtain high gold extraction from pyrrhotite ores by cyanidation in a laboratory scale Ž.Attia and El-Zeki,1989;Paponetti et al.,1991.Furthermore,every unit operation of the process for gold recovery after cyanidation has been tested in a laboratory scale: gold adsorption r desorption and electrowinning,in order to evaluate the main process conditions with a high gold recovery.In this manner,an integrated process enclosing a biological and a chemical section has been proposed,in laboratory scale.Few data are reported in the literature for pyrrhotite bioleaching.Consequently,the efforts to develop new treatment technologies are justified since important deposits ofŽgold associated to sulphide minerals occur in the world Crundwell,1995;Ubaldini et .al.,1995.2.Material and methods2.1.Ore characterizationThe pyrrhotite ore sample comes from Atoroma mine in Bolivia.Representative samples were prepared and ground to y74m m for characterization.By optical()250S.Ubaldini et al.r Int.J.Miner.Process.602000247–262microscopy examination of the polished sections and scanning electron microscopy Ž.SEM analysis,it has been demonstrated that gold is mainly locked in submicronŽ.inclusions within the lattice of the pyrrhotite Abbruzzese et al.,1994.Mineralogical characterization by X-ray diffraction spectrometry evidenced pyrrhotite and quartz, while main additional minerals were pyrite and marcasite.Quantitative chemical analy-sis of the elements by emission spectroscopy technique showed that gold content is y1y1Žof10g t and silver content of9.5g t see Table1for complete chemical .composition.2.2.MicroorganismsA mixed culture of microbial strains of Thiobacillus sp.was selected from Cotilia Ž.Ž.`Italy sulphuric waters Veglio et al.,1995a.For the selection,cultivation,and maintenance of microbial strains utilised in the bioleaching process,liquid and solid Ž.media were used Visca et al.,1989;Atlas,1993.3q2q yŽThe selection was evaluated by monitoring Fe,Fe,SO and pH vs.time Bhatti,4.`1993;Ubaldini et al.,1995;Veglio et al.,1995a.The cultures were grown in a sterilisedŽ9K liquid medium in the presence of pyrrhotite as energetic substrate Paponetti et al., .1991.Table1Chemical analysis of the gold-bearing pyrrhotite from Atoroma in BoliviaCompounds%FeS46.25SiO19.722Ž.FeS pyrite11.402Ž.FeS marcasite 6.102Al O 4.5723SnO 1.352FeAsS0.85MgO0.68K O0.442TiO0.372MnO0.09CaO0.01Cu0.18Pb0.10Sb0.03Cr0.02Zn0.02y1Ž.Au g t10y1Ž.Ag g t9.5LOI 4.87LOI s loss on ignition.()S.Ubaldini et al.r Int.J.Miner.Process.602000247–262251Table2Experimental conditions of the bioleaching testsFactors ValuesŽ.Particle size m m-74Ž.Pulp content%w r v10–20Initial pH 2.0Ž.Stirring rate rpm200Ž.Temperature8C30Ž.Time of treatment days7–302.3.Bioleaching tests in shaken flasksBioleaching experiments were planned on the basis of the main factors that influenceŽthe biooxidative process Ahonen and Tuovinen,1995;Bhatti,1993;Tuovinen and.`Kelly,1973;Veglio et al.,1995a.In general,the sterilised pyrrhotite ore sample wasŽ.placed into each shaken flask volume300ml with100ml of9K culture media andŽ. inoculated with10ml of the mixed culture age of inoculum7–10days,pH was adjusted by H SO.The shaken flasks were placed in a rotary incubator.24Samples were taken periodically to monitor iron,sulphate,cell concentration in solution and pH during the bioleaching process.Table2shows the experimental conditions applied in the biological tests.After bioleaching,solid–liquid separation of the biooxidated residues were carried out by Ž.filtration Millipore,1.2m m.In the subsequent operation,the solid was neutralized by Ž.Ca OH,washed,dried,weighed and analysed for gold determination before cyanida-2Žy1.tion average of gold content was in the range9.9–10.1g t.2.4.Cyanidation testsHomogeneous biotreated samples were collected,with the aim to achieve representa-Ž.tive samples for gold recovery on laboratory scale Abbruzzese et al.,1994.Ž.Leaching tests were conducted in hemispherical glass reactor500ml volume,at atmospheric pressure.Experimental conditions of the cyanidation tests are reported in Ž.Table3Abbruzzese et al.,1994.At the start of the tests,NaCN concentration wasTable3Experimental conditions of the cyanidation testsFactors ValuesŽ.Particle size m m-74Ž.Weight of the samples g100Ž.Pulp content%50pH11Ž.Stirring rate rpm200Ž.Temperature8C25Ž.Time of treatment h24y1Ž.NaCN concentration kg t25()252S.Ubaldini et al.r Int.J.Miner.Process.602000247–262y1Ž.fixed at25kg t,after neutralization by Ca OH.During the tests,the consumption of2NaCN was determined by iodometric titration and its concentration was balanced by further addition.Samples of cyanide leached solution were taken periodically for gold and cyanide determination.At the end of each cyanidation test,the pulp was filtered.The solid was exposed to gold analysis,while the solution was stored for the subsequent adsorptionŽ.stage.pH was continuously monitored and adjusted by Ca OH.22.5.Adsorption r desorption testsThe leached gold was concentrated and purified by adsorption onto activated carbon and subsequent desorption,on laboratory scale.The gold concentration of the solution before adsorption was of10mg l y1.Ž.ŽThe adsorption process was carried out in stirred reactors500ml volume Lu and.Bai,1992;Paponetti et al.,1991.Active coconut carbon,produced from CECA Italiana Ž.Milan,Italy was used as adsorbent:distribution of particle size was between1and5 mm,benzol index35,iodine index130,apparent density580kg m y3and specific surface1200m2g y1.Coconut shell carbon has been chosen due to its high gold loading and excellent adsorption kinetics.The carbon was dried for several days at room temperature before being weighed for adsorption tests.During the tests,solution samples were withdrawn for gold determination.After adsorption,the loaded carbon was separated from the solution by filtration.Table4 shows the main experimental conditions.Ž.Ž.Preliminary test of carbon-in-pulp CIP has been carried out Adams,1990.Stirring rate was increased to300rpm,while duration of treatment to60min.Carbon concentration was fixed at60g l y1pulp.After the test,the carbon was separated from pulp by sieve with mesh-1mm.At the end of the test,the pulp was filtered and the solid was submitted to gold analysis.ŽThe adsorbed gold was stripped from carbon by a fixed bed glass column Espiell et .al.,1988.The volume of the column was of80ml and it was completed with a thermostatic bath.Experimental determinations evidenced that each column can be loaded with10g of carbon.Such as in the case of the adsorption phase,the pH wasŽq measured by a combined glass r saturated-calomel electrode specific to measure H ionTable4Experimental conditions of the adsorption onto activated carbonFactors ValuesŽ.Temperature8C20y1Ž.Carbon concentration g l60pH11Ž.Stirring rate rpm200Ž.Duration min40()S.Ubaldini et al.r Int.J.Miner.Process.602000247–262253Table5Experimental conditions of the desorption from activated carbonFactors ValuesŽ.Temperature8C70y1Ž.Flow rate of stripping solution ml min5y1Ž.Cyanide concentration g l10Ž.Ethanol concentration%v r v10pH11Ž.Duration h24.concentration.The stripping solution passed from the bottom of the fixed bed of carbon,being fed from a1000-ml glass tank via a peristaltic pump.Table5summarises the experimental conditions.2.6.ElectrowinningThe auriferous solution was electrowon in a laboratory-scale electrolytic glass cell of 300ml of capacity,equipped with a thermostatic water jacket.An AMEL mod.555B potentiostat–galvanostat apparatus,equipped with an instrument system to automatically control process parameters,was used for the electrowinning tests.Metallic gold was recovered onto a steel cathode,while platinum wire was used as the anode.The reference electrode was a saturated calomel electrode with standard constant potential at constant temperature.The cathodic useful surface was60cm2,the external surface being made inert by using insulating plastic material.ŽThe electrolysis tests were carried out treating200ml of gold cyanide solution60 l Au,coming from desorption stage,at constant temperature and at constantŽcathodic voltage.The current intensity was measured by a digital multimeter Gallagher .et al.,1989.Gold concentration was measured by spectrophotometry during electro-de-position.Quality of gold deposit on cathode surface was determined by X-ray diffrac-tion.The experimental conditions of the electrowinning tests are reported in Table6.Table6Experimental conditions of the electrowinning testsFactors ValuesŽ.Bath temperature8C40Ž.Cell voltage V y1.2Ž.Current intensity mA60pH11Ž.Duration min60()254S.Ubaldini et al.r Int.J.Miner.Process.602000247–2622.7.Chemical and biological determinationsFerrous and ferric iron were evaluated colorimetrically,after reaction with KSCN,and sulphate ions turbidimetrically,after reaction with BaCl,using UV–Vis spectro-2Ž.`photometer technique Veglio et al.,1995a.The evaluation of microbial growth wasŽperformed by microscopy cell counting utilising Thoma counting chambers Beolchini et .8y1 al.,in press.The initial cell concentration was of about 1.4=10cells ml ofsuspension.Solutions were analysed for gold determination by atomic absorption spectrophotom-Ž.eter Perkin-Elmer mod.460.3.Results and discussion3.1.Bioleaching of pyrrhotiteThis investigation was realised on the basis of the previous data obtained by factorial Ž.`experiments Ubaldini et al.,1995;Veglio et al.,1993b.It was demonstrated that 40–45%iron dissolution occurs in the presence of10–20%of mineral concentration, after7days of biooxidation time,at initial pH2.In the present study,biological tests have been carried out extending the time of treatment to30days,checking the microbial growth.The aim was to verify the behaviour of biotreatment during a longer period and its effect on gold extraction yields by cyanidation.The cell concentration in solution,pH evolution,total iron,ferric ironŽ.and sulphate were monitored vs.time Figs.1–4.Fig.1shows the behaviour of microbial growth during bioleaching experiments.It is evident that at10%pulp content, the cell concentration in solution is larger than the one at20%pulp content.This factŽmay be due to the relation between cell adsorption and mineral concentration Konishi et .al.,1994.In fact,the amount of adsorbed cells increases with the solution ore content. Consequently,cell concentration results are lower in the case of the highest pulp content.Furthermore,the adsorption of cells onto the mineral surface has been demon-Ž´strated elsewhere to follow Langmuir law Beolchini et al.,in press;Veglio et al.,in .press.Fig.1also shows that cell concentration was maximum during the first day of bioprocess,as in the case of20%of ore concentration.This was probably associated toŽ.the pH vs.time profile Fig.2.In fact,it presents a maximum too,corresponding to about4.3.This value is far from the optimum pH for microbial activity,that is about2,Ž.so that cells might be desorbed from the mineral Touvinen and Kelly,1973.ThisŽ. initial increasing of pH might be due to the chemical step described by the reaction1.Ž.In fact,it has also been observed in the blank test not shown here and is proportional to pyrrhotite concentration.The subsequent decreasing of pH after7days of bioleaching is similar for both ore concentrations,which is related to the bacterial activity.In fact,Ž.this behaviour was not observed in the blank test not reported here and was related toŽ.3q the oxidation of sulphur as described by the reaction4and the precipitation of Fe Ž.Ž.Fig.3Toro et al.,1988.Fig.3shows that ferric iron concentrations are relatively low()S.Ubaldini et al.r Int.J.Miner.Process.602000247–262255Fig.1.Microbial growth during the biological tests at two different pulp densities.Ž.Fig.2.Trend of pH during biological tests10%and20%pulp densities.()S.Ubaldini et al.r Int.J.Miner.Process.602000247–2622563q Ž.Fig.3.Fe total and Fe vs.time in bioleaching test 10%and 20%pulp densities .Ž.for both leaching conditions 10%and 20%pulp concentration .Consequently,most of the dissolved iron is in the form of ferrous iron.This might be due to the limiting oxygen conditions.Oxygen plays an important role on the biooxidation in shaken flasks:ŽŽ.Ž.Ž.this is suggested by Eqs.2,3,and 6,where oxygen appears as a reagent.Therefore,this process cannot take place in abiotic conditions.Theoretical stoichiomet-ric considerations demonstrate the limiting oxygen conditions during the bioleaching Ž.tests.Gassing-out tests Veglio et al.,1995b,c showed that the overall oxygen mass `transfer in shaken flasks is about 0.09min y 1,in the investigated experimental condition,y 1Ž.with an oxygen supply of about 0.06mg min of O Veglio et al.,1995b,c .On the`2other hand,an oxygen requirement of about 0.08mg min y 1was estimated during thebioleaching tests when mineral concentration is 10%,considering the reactions involved Ž.in the bioleaching process Veglio et al.,1995a .A further confirmation of limiting `Ž.oxygen conditions is given by sulphate profiles Fig.4.In fact,they are similar and the result does not depend on the ore concentration.Consequently,oxygen-limiting condi-tions seem to play an important role during bioleaching in shaken flasks.For this reason,lower ore concentrations have been used in the bioleaching tests,in order to develop a Ž.kinetic model for the bioleaching process Veglio et al.,in press in the absence of ´oxygen-limiting conditions.In the present case,the main aim of the bioleaching tests was the production of significant quantities of biotreated ores to be exposed to further treatments for gold recovery.Consequently,it was not effective to perform trials at low ore concentration.Obviously,higher concentrations should be employed for an indus-Fig.4.Behaviour of dissolution of SO2y during bioleaching tests.4trial application,even higher than20%.In that case,mechanically aerated conditions might be used,in order to avoid oxygen-limiting conditions.Fig.5shows iron extraction yields vs.time profiles during bioleaching tests.It is evident that similar iron extraction yields have been achieved in both experimental Ž.conditions10%and20%ore concentration:about50%iron extraction yield are obtained after15days of treatment.On the other hand,no significant iron extraction Ž.yields-10%have been observed in the blank test,in the absence of Thiobacillus Ž.data not shown.3.2.Cyanidation of the bioleached residuesŽ.Cyanidation tests have been performed both on non-treated pyrrhotite as is samples and on bioleached samples.An average experimental error of about2.5%was deter-Ž.mined Davies,1979,from three replications of the experimental tests.Considering the non-treated samples,only6.2%Au was recovered after2h,while19.7%Au recovery was obtained after24h leaching,with high NaCN and lime concentrations.In light of this result,it is possible to affirm that the ore sample is refractory under the processing aspect,because the response to conventional treatment for gold extraction is negative.The bioleaching residues were then collected,obtaining homogeneous samples asŽy1.concerns the gold content about10g t Au,in order to evaluate the effect of theŽbiotreatment on the subsequent cyanidation tests for gold recovery loss of weight by.biooxidation was about50%.The obtained results evidenced gold recoveries signifi-Fig.5.Curves of iron extraction yield IEY at different pulp densities.cantly higher than those obtained from direct cyanidation.In fact,42.2%Au was obtained just after2h,while67.3%Au and84.1%Au were dissolved after10and24h,Ž.respectively Table7,from samples7days bioleached.Increasing the time of biotreat-ment to30days,gold dissolution increased to51.2%after2h,to72.5%Au after10h,Ž.and to91%Au after24h of cyanidation Table7.Lime consumption was10.1kg t y1for as is samples,while it was about18and19 y1Žkg t for the pretreated samples after7and30days of bioleaching,respectively Table .8.As for pretreated samples,the higher consumption is mainly due to the operation of neutralization.y1Ž.Cyanide consumption increases from16kg t without bioleaching to about21kg y1Ž.y1Ž.Ž.t7days bioleaching and to about22kg t30days bioleaching Table8.This increase can be explained considering that pyrrhotite is a common refractory mineralTable7Gold recovery by cyanidation,without biological pretreatment or after7and30days of biooxidationTime Without bioleaching After7days bioleaching After30days bioleachingŽ.Ž.Ž.Ž.h%Au%Au%Au2 process:consumption of reagentsy1y1Ž.Ž.Ž.Process route Ca OH kg t NaCN kg t2Without bioleaching10.116.07days bioleaching18.221.230days bioleaching19.122.1and its decomposition forms ferrocyanide which removes free cyanide from solution Ž.`Veglio et al.,1995a.3.3.Purification and precipitation of the goldIn this section,the results obtained in the unit operations aimed at the recovery ofŽpure gold after cyanidation are presented.As for the purification cycle adsorption r de-.y1 sorption,98.1%Au was adsorbed onto activated carbon,obtaining0.2g kg Au of Žcarbon data confirm the high gold loading and excellent adsorption kinetics of the .carbon utilised,while98.9%Au was stripped during desorption phase.Gold wasy1Ž.y1concentrated from10mg l Au leached solution to60mg l Au.The results are very interesting;in fact,this cycle consists of innovative operations aimed at purification and concentration of gold.Furthermore,regeneration studies have demonstrated that it isŽpossible to utilise the unloaded carbon four times after chemical regeneration with.Ž. dilute solution of HCl at pH5and thermal treatment at high temperature5008C.Moreover,by preliminary test of CIP about95%Au was adsorbed onto activated carbon;the activated carbon showed a good attrition resistance:the loss of carbon was of0.2g kg y1ore for each cycle adsorption r desorption.As for the precipitation step,97.8%Au was recovered by electrowinning the concentrated and purified solution.The final concentration of gold in the barren Žy1.solutions1mg l resulted after60min of electrolysis.The gold deposit on cathodeŽ.surface was of good quality high compactness and purity.The current efficiency was Ž.low 6.5%after60min due to the concurrent parasitic reactions at the electrodes,while the energetic consume was of18kW h y1kg y1Au recovered.The implementation of the electrowinning in industrial scale,together with the application of cathode with a high surface,could improve the efficiency and the economy of the process.Table9summarises gold recovery obtained in each unit operation of the process.It is possible to observe that86.3%Au recovery was achieved by the complete circuit of treatment,on laboratory scale.Table9Gold recovery for each section of the complete flowsheetBioleaching–cyanidation Purification Precipitation Total recoveryŽ.Ž.Ž.Ž.%Au%Au%Au%Au91.097.097.886.34.ConclusionsIn this work,an integrated process for gold recovery from the auriferous pyrrhotiteŽ.coming from Atoroma mine Bolivia has been investigated at a laboratory scale.The biological pretreatment prior to the conventional leaching has been demonstrated to lead to high gold recovery.In fact,only19.7%Au recovery was obtained,by direct cyanidation of Atoroma ore,with high reagent concentration.On the other hand,bench scale bacterial oxidation experiments permitted achievement of higher gold recovery: about84%Au was obtained from samples bioleached7days,while91%Au was achieved from samples bioleached30days,in batch conditions.ŽThe gold recovery of the whole process bioleaching,solid–liquid separation,.cyanidation,purification and precipitation was about86%Au.Moreover,the recovered gold was demonstrated to have good characteristics.Further work is in progress,aimed at the process scaling up.In particular,a technical and economical comparison of two gold extraction processes,cyanidation with and without biotreatment,will be carried out,considering that there are many possibilities for technology transfer in the East-Europe,that could benefit from this biotechnology.AcknowledgementsThe authors are grateful to Dr.A.Nardini,Mr.M.Centofanti,Mr.P.Fornari,Mr.R. Massidda and Ms.Emanuela Tempesta for their helpful collaboration in the experimen-tal work;moreover,the authors thank Mr.Giampaolo Marruzzo for the X-ray analysis.References`Abbruzzese, C.,Ubaldini,S.,Veglio, F.,Toro,L.,1994.Preparatory bioleaching to the conventionalŽ.cyanidation of arsenical gold ores.Miner.Eng.71,49–60.Adams,M.D.,1990.The mechanism of adsorption of aurocyanide onto activated carbon:1.Relation between the effects of oxygen and ionic strength.Hydrometallurgy25,171–184.Ahonen,L.,Tuovinen,O.H.,1995.Bacterial leaching of complex sulfide ore samples in bench-scale column reactors.Hydrometallurgy37,1–21.Ž.Atlas,R.M.,1993.Thiobacillus medium B.In:Parks,L.C.Ed.,Handbook of Microbiological Media.894 pp.Attia,Y.A.,El-Zeki,M.,1989.Bioleaching of gold pyrite tailings with adapted bacteria.Hydrometallurgy22, 291–300.`Beolchini,F.,Nardini,A.,Veglio,F.,Development of a direct count method for cells determination and application in sorption of Thiobacilli on pyrrhotite ore particles,Res.Environ.Biotechnol.,in press.`Beolchini,F.,Veglio,F.,Kinetic modelling of pyrrhotite ore leaching by ferric iron and related statistical analysis,Ind.Eng.Chem.,in press.Bhatti,T.M.,1993.Mineral products of pyrrhotite oxidation by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans.Appl.Environ.Ž.Microbiol.596,1984–1990.Boon,M.,Hansford,G.S.,Heijnen,J.J.,1995.The role of bacterial ferrous iron oxidation in the biooxidationŽ.of pyrite.In:Jerez,C.A.,Vargas,T.,Toledo,H.,Wiertz,J.V.Eds.,Biohydrometallurgical Processing, vol.I,IBS,Chile,pp.153–163.。