
(2)准备多条问答题,回答越长越好,并背熟,应付评委的问题,最近的题材为 a)猪流感 b)世博会 c)暑假 d)水灾 e)崔世安…… f)金融海啸 (还有的话请告诉我)
现如今宝爸宝妈们都在为自己孩子的将来做准备,想让孩子拥有扎实的基础、出国留学深造、兴趣爱好等方向。但问题来了,如今这么多培训学校,哪家培训学校好呢?作为家长的我们只有亲身问过,体验过才知道哪家好。新英华国际教育(英语:每周二至五 德语:每周四)都会有免费(限提前预约)试听课

剑桥PET口语应对技巧1.对于个人基本情况的问询计时2-3分钟不要只说Yes或No 完整句子回答,回答两三句。
注意结构:Idea – reasons or examples - conclusionWhat’s your surname? How do you spell it?-My Surname is Zhang, Z-H-A-N-G. Thank you!surname 和last name 都指姓;first name是名字(绍恺Shaokai)Where do you live? / Tell us about the area where you live.-I live in Hai Dian District, Beijing, China. My apartment is very near Peking University. The neighborhood is very quiet and beautiful with a lot of trees and nice people.Where do you come from?-I come from XXX Primary School of Haidian District. I am in Grade 3. My School is very beautiful and my teacher and classmates are all very nice.Which subject do you like best? / Do you enjoy studying English? Why?-My favorite subject is English. I have lessons every week. It will be really useful for my future study and work!Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future?-I think English will be extremely useful for my study and work in the future. It can help me learn different cultures, make a lot of friends and earn more money in the future.Tell us about your English teacher.-She’s really nice. She teaches us a lot of words and grammar, and she always makes learning English full of fun.What do you enjoy doing in your free time? / What’s your favorite sport?/ What do you like doing after school?-My favorite sport is tennis./ I like playing tennis after school (in my free time). I think playing tennis is fun. It can give mea strong body and I can make a lot of friends by playingtennis with them.Do you like music?-I like music. I have been playing the violin since I was 5 years old and I am really good at it. I like classical music and pop music. Music can make me relaxed and happy.Do you like reading?-I like reading very much. I love reading novels and cartoons.Books help me know more about the world and stories make me laugh and think. My favorite books include…How do you usually spend your holidays?I usually spend my holidays reading, listening music and playing tennis…Tell us about your family.-There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my grandma and me. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. I love my family.What do you think is the best way to travel in Beijing?2、对于图片和相关情景的讨论计时2-3分钟结构:Can I go first?/May I start --- Your argument --- A question to your partner (What do you think?) --- Argument from partner ---Your reaction ---Your argument --- A question to your partner …策略:-讨论图片中的所有东西-最后你们要决定哪个或哪些东西是最好的选择。

1. 理解题型在PET考试中,各个部分的题型和要求都有所不同,因此首先要确保对每个题型的要求有正确的理解。
2. 阅读理解技巧阅读理解是PET考试中最常见的题型。
3. 写作技巧PET考试的写作部分要求考生写一封书信或邮件。
4. 听力技巧PET考试中的听力部分要求考生听取一段对话或短文,并回答相关问题。
5. 口语技巧PET口语部分要求考生与一名考官进行简短的对话。
6. 多做模拟题最后,要多进行PET模拟题的练习。

一般来说,part2 范文可以有多种模式。
这里列出一些比较典型的模式以及相关的主题:模式一:“描述你最喜欢或最熟悉的宠物”主题1:我们经常看到野生动物,在城市里现在很难见到,你有没有养过野生动物?比如猫头鹰?题目:Describe a wild animal that you have seen.范文:I have seen many wild animals growing up, but the one that really sticks out was a baby owl that I found in my backyard when I was ten years old. The owl had fallen out of its nest and was smaller than my hand. I immediately ran inside to grab a towel and gloves so that I could pick him up and care for him. I placed him in a shoe box andfed him mice that I had caught in my yard. Over thenext few days, I called a local wildlife sanctuary and arranged for them to come pick up the owl so that they could take care of him. While I was sad to see him go, I was also glad that he would be in good hands and have a chance to grow up and thrive in the wild.主题2: 有人喜欢狗或猫,但你最喜欢的宠物是什么?题目:Describe your favorite pet.范文:My favorite pet is a rabbit. I had my first rabbit when I was about six years old, and ever since then, I have been in love with them. They are such gentle animals and make great pets because they are relatively low maintenance. They don't require walks like dogs do, and they don't usually make any noise like birds or other animals do. Rabbits are also very clean animals, as they groom themselves constantly. I have had several rabbits over the years, and they all had their own unique personalities. The one that I have now is named Thumper, and he loves to cuddle and play. He comes when called and loves to be petted. I wouldrecommend a rabbit as a pet to anyone looking for a gentle and quiet companion.模式二:“描述你是怎么照顾你的宠物的”主题1:照顾宠物的具体事项题目:Describe how you take care of your pet.范文:I have a cat named Fluffy, and taking care of her involves a few different tasks. First, I make sure that she always has access to fresh water and food. I feed her twice a day, usually in the morning and evening, and I make sure to give her a varied diet so that she gets all thenutrients that she needs. I also clean her litter box regularly, about once a day or every other day, to make sure that she has a clean area to do her business. In addition, I make sure that she has plenty of toys to play with and scratching posts to sharpen her claws on. Finally, I take her to the vet once a year for a check-up and any necessary vaccinations. All these tasks ensure that Fluffy stays healthy and happy.主题2:如何训练你的宠物题目:Describe how you train your pet.范文:Training a pet can be a challenging but ultimately rewarding experience. I have a dog named Max, and when I first got him, he was very hyperactive and didn't listen to commands very well. I started training him by teaching him basic commands like "sit," "stay," and "come." I did this by giving him treats whenever he successfully completed a command. Over time, he started to associate the commands with the treats, and he would start to obey them even without treats. I also trained him to be calm when I left the house by gradually increasing the amount of time that he was alone, and by giving him a treat when I returned home. Now he can stay home alone for several hours without any problems. Training Max has been a lot of work, but he is now a well-behaved and obedient pet, and the time and effort that I put into training him has paid off in the end.可以看到,Part2的题型非常与众不同,包括了很多方面,而范文中经常能够找到具体语言的表达。

题型、考试流程及 作答技巧
Part 1 (2-3分钟): 1 考官轮流向考生了解基本信息 2 考官轮流向考生提问日常生活相关 问题
Part 2 (2-3分钟): 考生轮流描述图片 Part 3&4 (6分钟): Part 3:两个考生讨论6幅图片,最后决定最合适的一幅
Part 4:结合part3的图片内容,进一步提问相关问题
示例:正面回答: I watch television once a week. 相关1: I usually watch it at the weekend. On weekdays I rarely have time for TV because I have to do a great deal of homework. 相关2: The TV program I like is Running Man. In the program there were some interesting and exciting games, and some of the actors or actress are really funny. It can make me relaxed. 相关3: I like watching TV a lot, but as a student I am really busy with my homework. 希望: How I wish I could have more time to watch TV. (注:这里只是向考生展示可以从哪些方面拓展,正式考试时,考 生并不一定要回答这么多。)
3 主题词相关 4 希望/感想

Part1(2-3分钟): 考官与考生分别交谈。
不要只说Yes或No 完整句子回答,回答两三句。
打招呼信息确认,phase1&phase2打招呼信息确认样题:1.What's your name? My chinese name is ……, my English name is …….2.Where do you live/come from?I come from Yuexiu Primary School of Qingxiu District. I am in Grade 6. My School is very beautiful and my teacher and classmates are all very nice.3.May I have your name? Yes, my name is …..4.How do you spell your name? S-T-A-N-L-E-Y Stanley5.How old are you? I am …years old.Phase 1样题:1.Do you work or are you a student? I am a pupil in Yuexiu primary school.2.What do you study? I am a pupil and have so many subjects.3.What subject do you study?My favorite subject is English. I have lessons every week. It will be really useful for my future study and work!4.Who do you live with? I live with my parents, Dad and Mum. I love my family.5.Do you live with your family? Yes, I do.I live with my parents, Dad and Mum. Phase 2样题:1.Tell us about a teacher you like.My teacher is Miss Wu. She is very beautiful and kind. She teaches me Chinese.Her hair is cury and black. Her face is round. She smiles all the time. In her Chinese class, we can play games and talk about the Chinese culture and history. I learn a lot and understand Chinese in an easy way. She is a good teacher, I like her.2.How often do you use a mobile phone?I am a pupil, without my parents’permission, I can’t use the mobile phone. If Istudy hard and get high score, my parent will allow me to use mobile phone once a week.3.Which time of year do you like the most?I like summer best, because I can go swimming in summer. I know how to swimand swim very fast, I enjoy the feeling like a fish in the water. What’s more, I can eat ice lolly and make watermelon juice in summer, I can eat a lot of food in summer.4.Which do you like best, the morning or the afternoon? Why?I like the morning best, because my mother cooks the delicious food for me in themorning. She is good at cooking the noodles with eggs and tomato, the soup is very sweet, I like it so much. I feel warm and love my family.5.Tell us about sports you like./What do you enjoy doing in your free time? / What’s your favorite sport?/ What do you like doing after school?- My favorite sport is tennis./ I like playing tennis after school in my free time. I think playing tennis is fun. It can give me a strong body and I can make a lot of friends by playing tennis with them.6.What type of music do you like listening to? /Do you like music?- I like music. I have been playing the violin since I was 8 years old and I am really good at it. I like classical music and pop music. Music can make me relaxed and happy.7.Tell us what you do in the school holidays.I usually spend my holidays reading, listening music and playing basketball…8. What new hobby would you like to try?I want to play ice-skating. In winter, my father and mother often fly to Changbaishan mountain and enjoy the winter holiday. We usually play snowball and go ice-skating, but I don’t know how to handle this sport. I wish I could go ice-skating.额外题目:Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future?- I think English will be extremely useful for my study and work in the future. It can help me learn different cultures, make a lot of friends and earn more money in the future.Tell us about your English teacher.- She’s really nice. She teaches us a lot of words and grammar, and she always makes learning English full of fun.Do you like reading?- I like reading very much. I love reading novels and cartoons. Books help me knowmore about the world and stories make me laugh and think. My favorite books include…Part 2(2-3分钟):考生个人描述图片。


PET 听说读写技巧与思路测评时限 Reading (45分钟)part 1 5分钟Part 2 10分钟Part 3 13分钟Part 4 10分钟Part 5 7分钟Writing (45 minutes) Part 1 5分钟Part 2 10分钟Part 3 30分钟Reading一题一分,所以不要在一道题上花太多时间;如果不确定,用排除法;Writing留给自己时间去 plan write check 你的作文考前放松准备:进入考场前1. 起立,伸懒腰,and walk around2. 做做喜怒哀乐四种表情3. 右肘触左膝,左肘触右膝4. 学大猩猩走路5. 喝几小口水6. 做几次深呼吸口语考试细节1. 不要表现很紧张始终保持微笑,保持自然自信!2. 不要说的太快或太慢 Slow, clearly and loudly3. 不要表现的没有礼貌非常高兴,精神饱满的对考官说Good evening/morning/afternoonThank you. Goodbye4. 当你或考官或另一个考生说话时,你的眼睛要表达友善和投入,不要四处乱转5. 当你说话时,手不要挡着嘴手应该自然的放在桌子上6. 要双手递上试卷 here you are.7. 不要喊考官‘考官’ or ‘Teacher’喊‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’8. 在你回答问题时,如果考官说,‘thank you’表示你的时间已到,这个问题不用再说了9. 不要猜题如果没听清,让老师重复 10. 不要总说‘repeat please’用不同的表达方式 Could you say that again please?11. 不要死记硬背要有准备,属于自己的特点,做到自然 12. 换一种思维来看待考试就像参加一个好友的聚会13. 想象自己做的很好就像在和一个老朋友聊天;永远不要在心里否定自己,或告诉自己’不行’,’错误!’口语时间分配共10-12分钟Part 1 2-3分钟考官问答:回答个人信息 (你住哪,你的兴趣爱好,你的学习状况,) Part 2 2-3 分钟两人讨论:提建议,回应提议,讨论提议内容,同意或不同意Part 3 3分钟个人展示:描述,1分钟,抓住主题,有条理,清晰Part 4 3分钟两人讨论:围绕part3 的主题,讨论你的观点,喜欢或不喜欢,偏好和经验口语评分标准5 整体表现能否有效交流信息;5 语法和词汇有效交流体现在语法和词汇的准确,合理和多样性;5 流畅性5 发音重音,语调,单个发音5. 交流发问和回应(不停顿);交流互动技巧口语第一部分常见问题What is your name?My name is Liao can, you can call me Kenny.What’s your surname/last name/family name?My surname is Liao. It’s L-I-A-O, Liao.Where do you come from?I live in Dongcheng district, my neighbourhood is named Dongheyan.Do you work or study?I am a student, and I study at No.3 middle school.What do you study?I study a lot of subjects, such as Chinese, English, Maths, Music and so on.Part 1 30秒问题把握主题延伸提问与主题相关的3问题学会自己提出多个小问题。

pet备考经验PET备考经验作为一位英语学习者,若想证明自己的英语水平,Cambridge English Preliminary (PET) 考试是一个不错的选择。
pet part4 口语

pet part4 口语

总体方向有三点一. 一定要提前准备提前一个月是需要的,考前2周模考。
二. 模考一定要找个娃一起,不能是大人!小孩会出什么问题谁也把握不了,所以提前试验找出问题! 不能指望说是配到一个好搭档(相信我,就算自己找好的搭档也会掉链子,别说陌生人了)。
结果,考到的part2/3/4,全部都一样! 咱就算把握不了搭档,把握一下主题也好的呀!(ps后来又遇到了n个考题一模一样的,可见这不是狗屎运啊。
常见问题是问,name, family, come f rom, travel, hobby(entertainment), school等等。
why是最容易说到的,其他比如光when时间,可以扩充used to like...but the future would like...或者扩充比如频率I do it every Sunday。


PET口语经验总结,优秀很简单(2020新版改版)Part 1During this n。
the XXX usually cover personal n。
and daily life.To answer the ns。
XXX with only one word and use XXX.Sample ns and answers:Q: What's your name?A: My name is [insert name].Q: What's your surname。
(Or family name。
second name)A: My surname is [insert surname].Q: How do you spell it?A: It's spelled [insert surname in uppercase pinyin].Q: What's your given name。
(First name)A: My given name is [insert given name in Chinese pinyin].Q: Where do you come from?A: I come from [insert city of origin].Q: Do you study English at school。
Do you like it?A: Yes。
I do。
I have English class almost every day at school。
I quite like English because it's useful.Q: XXX?A: My favorite color is blue because it makes me feel calm.Q: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?A: I XXX time。


- 1 -。

1. 仔细阅读短文,判断内容所表达的语言功能,例如询问建议、取消行程、通知等。
2. 分析关键词后的内容,然后在选项中找出意思相近的表达,选出答案。

避免只回答一个单词,要用完整的句子回答,第一部分回答1-2句为佳What’s your name?My name is ……What’s your surname?(Or family name, second name)My surname is XXX( 自己的姓)How do you spell it?ItIt’s XXX ( 改为自己的姓大写拼音)What’s your given name? (First name)My given name is XXX (改为中文名拼音)Where do you come from?I come from XXX! ( 改为自己所在城市)Do you study English at school? Do you like it?Yes, I do. I have English class almost every day at school. I quite like English because it’s useful.What’s your favorite color?My favorite color is blue, because it makes me calm.What do you enjoy doing in your free time?I like playing football with my teammates in my spare time, it’s quite fun and football is a good way to learn the spirit of teamwork.What's your favorite school subject? Why do you like it?My favorite school subject is Chinese because our Chinese teacher is a young lady and she is very patient and nice.Tell me more about your family. (At least 3 sentences)There are 3 people in my family, My Mum, Dad and I. My Mum is an e-business women, she is very busy every day; and My Dad is a yoga teacher, He runs fitness center. (建议改为父母的真实职业,孩子背起来更容易)Tell me more about your school.My school is called(这里改为孩子真实学校名字)which is not far from my home, it’s not big but beautiful and clean, all teachers are nice and patient, I love my school.Tell me more about your English teacher.My English is called Sally, she is nice and teaching us lots of difficult grammar, sometimes she teaches us English song, we all love her!Could you tell me something interesting about your city?My city is interesting because it has lots of fantastic museum and beautiful parks.What is the most interesting thing in your town?The most interesting part of my town is the zoo because you can see lots of different animal such as lions, elephants and zebras. Lots of people like visiting the zoo.I’m sorry, could you repeat it again please?Where do you live?I live in a gorgeous flat in the city center which has two bedrooms, a big living room and a tiny kitchen.Do you have any brothers or sisters?No, I don’t. But I have many cousins, they are all older than me.Which do you think is better: living in the countryside or in the city?I think living in the countryside is an excellent choice. I find nature fascinating and the views are wonderful. The only negative is that it is sometimes inconvenient and dull.What kinds of sports do you like doing?I like playing football. In the past loved swimming, but now I prefer football. Next weekend I’m going to play it with my teammates.What music do you enjoy listening to?I used to like pop music, but since I watched the film “the Queen”, I’m keen on listening to rock music now. I listen it almost every day. Next month I’m going to a concert to listen to my favorite band.What do you want to do in your future?I’m not sure what I want to do, but I’m considering becoming an artist because I think art is charming and I really enjoy it.Do you like studying English?Yes, I like studying English because I think it will help me in the future, no matter study or work. And I really enjoy watching English film, it helps me understand it better.其他常见话题常见话题:ShoppingQuestion:- Where do you often go shopping?- Who do you go shopping with?- What do you often buy?- How often do you go shopping?- do you like shopping? Why?EntertainmentQuestion:- What do you do in your free time? (尽量避免说Do homework)- How often do you go to cinema/museum/park?- What’s your favorite TV programmer?- What do you usually do with your friends/classmates?Family activitiesQuestion:- do you often have parties at your home?- do you often go out for fun with your family?- What do you often do at home?TravelingQuestion:-where did you go last summer/winter/weekend?-who do you often travel with?-do you like traveling?-did you have good time during your trip?- What would you want to travel at this weekend?注意事项Speak in full sentences 说完整句子,Add extra information 回复额外的扩展信息Speak clearly and confidently 回答要清晰响亮,自信Ask the examiner if you don’t understand something 如果没听清问题,要问考官常用口语It’s interestingit’ amusing英[əˈmjuːzɪŋ]it’s thrilling英[ˈθrɪlɪŋ]紧张的;扣人心弦的; 令人兴奋不已的;太刺激了(比interesting 和exciting程度更深)英[ˈɔːsəm].那真是太棒了That’s wonderful.那真是太棒了That’s great.那真是太棒了That’s incredible!让人难以置信的She is gorgeous!她太美了(比beautiful 和pretty 更美)He is smartHe is handsomeIt’s cool!很好,很棒!表达高兴的词HappyPleasedexcited兴奋的surprised惊喜的Good- excellent 这些单词可以换个词来表达Interesting- fascinating [ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ ] adj.极有吸引力的; 迷人的Nice- wonderfulBoring-dull人描述图片的内容,所以需要描述到图片中物品的名称、颜色、人物衣着、时间、天气等图片描述可以简述为: 什么人在什么地点干什么事,让孩子按这个思维进行扩散时间:每位考生1分钟内容:官给两位考生每人一张彩色图片,考生需要用1分钟的时间描述图片。

Part one1. 简单信息问答,不能回答太简单,只回答yes和no。
2. 例如问到Where do you live? 你就可以说稍长,例如:I live in a modern city Guangzhou. I’ve been living in Guangzhou since I was born. I think Guangzhou is a terrific city, so I love it a lot. (记得不要背这个,不然出现相同太多,考官怀疑的,用自己的就行。
)3. 而像Tell me about…这类就得详细讲,不能三两句了事。
例如:There are three people in my family: my father, my mother and me (记得先说他人再说自己)My father is a manager who is always busy, but he always tries his bestto accompany me more. My mother is a teacher. She’s not as busy as my father, but she is strict to me, which is good to me when I am lazy. We often watch TV and read books together, so I think I have a really lovely family.4.当问到过去事情和将来事情的时候,务必记得时态变化。
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避免只回答一个单词,要用完整的句子回答,第一部分回答1-2句为佳What’s your name?My name is ……What’s your surname?(Or family name, second name)My surname is XXX( 自己的姓)How do you spell it?ItIt’s XXX ( 改为自己的姓大写拼音)What’s your given name? (First name)My given name is XXX (改为中文名拼音)Where do you come from?I come from XXX! ( 改为自己所在城市)Do you study English at school? Do you like it?Yes, I do. I have English class almost every day at school. I quite like English because it’s useful.What’s your favorite color?My favorite color is blue, because it makes me calm.What do you enjoy doing in your free time?I like playing football with my teammates in my spare time, it’s quite fun and football is a good way to learn the spirit of teamwork.What's your favorite school subject? Why do you like it?My favorite school subject is Chinese because our Chinese teacher is a young lady and she is very patient and nice.Tell me more about your family. (At least 3 sentences)There are 3 people in my family, My Mum, Dad and I. My Mum is an e-business women, she is very busy every day; and My Dad is a yoga teacher, He runs fitness center. (建议改为父母的真实职业,孩子背起来更容易)Tell me more about your school.My school is called(这里改为孩子真实学校名字)which is not far from my home, it’s not big but beautiful and clean, all teachers are nice and patient, I love my school.Tell me more about your English teacher.My English is called Sally, she is nice and teaching us lots of difficult grammar, sometimes she teaches us English song, we all love her!Could you tell me something interesting about your city?My city is interesting because it has lots of fantastic museum and beautiful parks.What is the most interesting thing in your town?The most interesting part of my town is the zoo because you can see lots of different animal such as lions, elephants and zebras. Lots of people like visiting the zoo.I’m sorry, could you repeat it again please?Where do you live?I live in a gorgeous flat in the city center which has two bedrooms, a big living room and a tiny kitchen.Do you have any brothers or sisters?No, I don’t. But I have many cousins, they are all older than me.Which do you think is better: living in the countryside or in the city?I think living in the countryside is an excellent choice. I find nature fascinating and the views are wonderful. The only negative is that it is sometimes inconvenient and dull.What kinds of sports do you like doing?I like playing football. In the past loved swimming, but now I prefer football. Next weekend I’m going to play it with my teammates.What music do you enjoy listening to?I used to like pop music, but since I watched the film “the Queen”, I’m keen on listening to rock music now. I listen it almost every day. Next month I’m going to a concert to listen to my favorite band.What do you want to do in your future?I’m not sure what I want to do, but I’m considering becoming an artist because I think art is charming and I really enjoy it.Do you like studying English?Yes, I like studying English because I think it will help me in the future, no matter study or work. And I really enjoy watching English film, it helps me understand it better.其他常见话题常见话题:ShoppingQuestion:- Where do you often go shopping?- Who do you go shopping with?- What do you often buy?- How often do you go shopping?- do you like shopping? Why?EntertainmentQuestion:- What do you do in your free time? (尽量避免说Do homework)- How often do you go to cinema/museum/park?- What’s your favorite TV programmer?- What do you usually do with your friends/classmates?Family activitiesQuestion:- do you often have parties at your home?- do you often go out for fun with your family?- What do you often do at home?TravelingQuestion:-where did you go last summer/winter/weekend?-who do you often travel with?-do you like traveling?-did you have good time during your trip?- What would you want to travel at this weekend?注意事项Speak in full sentences 说完整句子,Add extra information 回复额外的扩展信息Speak clearly and confidently 回答要清晰响亮,自信Ask the examiner if you don’t understand something 如果没听清问题,要问考官常用口语It’s interestingit’ amusing英[əˈmjuːzɪŋ]it’s thrilling英[ˈθrɪlɪŋ]紧张的;扣人心弦的; 令人兴奋不已的;太刺激了(比interesting 和exciting程度更深)英[ˈɔːsəm].那真是太棒了That’s wonderful.那真是太棒了That’s great.那真是太棒了That’s incredible!让人难以置信的She is gorgeous!她太美了(比beautiful 和pretty 更美)He is smartHe is handsomeIt’s cool!很好,很棒!表达高兴的词HappyPleasedexcited兴奋的surprised惊喜的Good- excellent 这些单词可以换个词来表达Interesting- fascinating [ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ ] adj.极有吸引力的; 迷人的Nice- wonderfulBoring-dull人描述图片的内容,所以需要描述到图片中物品的名称、颜色、人物衣着、时间、天气等图片描述可以简述为: 什么人在什么地点干什么事,让孩子按这个思维进行扩散时间:每位考生1分钟内容:官给两位考生每人一张彩色图片,考生需要用1分钟的时间描述图片。