Mammon and the Archer

DND所有职业DUNGEONMASTERGUIDE:3rdEditionDMG3.0版AdeptNPCcoreclass导师(NPC核心职业)ArcaneArcher魔射手AristocratNPCcoreclass望族(NPC核心职业)Assassin刺客Blackguard黑卫士CommonerNPCcoreclass平民(NPC核心职业)DwarvenDefender矮人防御者ExpertNPCcoreclass专家(NPC核心职业)Loremaster博学士Shadowdancer影舞者WarriorNPCcoreclass武者(NPC核心职业)Witchvariantcoreclass女巫(核心职业变体)AdeptNPCcoreclass导师(NPC核心职业)ArcaneArcher魔射手ArcaneTrickster诡术师Archmage大法师AristorcratNPCcoreclass望族(NPC核心职业)Assassin刺客Blackguard黑卫士CommonerNPCcoreclass平民(NPC核心职业)DragonDisciple龙脉术士Duelist决斗家DwarvenDefender矮人防御者EldritchKnight奥法骑士ExpertNPCcoreclass专家(NPC核心职业)Hierophant祭司长HorizonWalker大地旅者Loremaster博学士MysticTheurge神魔术师RedWizard红袍法师Shadowdancer影舞者Thaumaturgist奇术师WarriorNPCcoreclass武者(NPC核心职业)Witchvariantcoreclass女巫(核心职业变体)PLAYERHANDBOOK:3rdEditionPHB3.0版Barbarian coreclass野蛮人(核心职业)Bard coreclass吟游诗人(核心职业)Cleric coreclass牧师(核心职业)Druid coreclass德鲁伊(核心职业)Fighter coreclass战士(核心职业)Monk coreclass武僧(核心职业)Paladin coreclass圣武士(核心职业)Ranger coreclass巡林客(核心职业)Rogue coreclass游荡者(核心职业)Sorcerer coreclass术士(核心职业)Wizard coreclass法师(核心职业)Barbarian coreclass野蛮人(核心职业)Bard coreclass吟游诗人(核心职业)Cleric coreclass牧师(核心职业)Druid coreclass德鲁伊(核心职业)Fighter coreclass战士(核心职业)Monk coreclass武僧(核心职业)Paladin coreclass圣武士(核心职业)Ranger coreclass巡林客(核心职业)Rogue coreclass游荡者(核心职业)Sorcerer coreclass术士(核心职业)Wizard coreclass法师(核心职业)BOOKOFVILEDARKNESS邪恶之书CancerMage癌法师Demonologist恶魔大师Diabolist(Epic)魔鬼大师(传奇等级)DiscipleofAsmodeus阿斯摩蒂而斯的信徒DiscipleofBaalzebul拜尔泽布的信徒DiscipleofDispater迪斯帕特的信徒DiscipleofMammon马曼的信徒DiscipleofMephistopheles墨菲斯托费利斯的信徒Lifedrinker生命摄取者MortalHunter凡人猎手SoulEater食魂妖ThrallofDemogorgon狄摩高根的仆役ThrallofGrazt格拉兹特的仆役ThrallofJubilex朱庇莱克斯的仆役ThrallofOrcus奥喀斯的仆役Ur-Priest亵渎祭司VerminLord蛊术师WarriorofDarkness(Epic)黑武士(传奇等级)DEFENDERSOFTHEFAITH:信仰的守卫:AGuidebooktoClericsandPaladins牧师和圣武士的指南ChurchInquisitor教廷审判官ConsecratedHarrier崇圣狩猎者Contemplative虔心祈者DivineOracle神谕使HolyLiberator(Epic)神圣解放者(传奇等级)Hospitaler(Epic)医护骑士(传奇等级)HunteroftheDead死灵猎人KnightoftheChalice圣杯骑士KnightoftheMiddleCircle中环骑士MasterofShrouds亡魂之主SacredExorcist神圣驱魔师SacredFist神拳使Templar(Epic)圣堂武士(传奇等级)Warpriest(Epic)战争司祭(传奇等级)DRAGONLANCECAMPAIGNSETTING龙枪战役设定KnightofNeraka奈拉卡骑士KnightofSolamnia索兰尼亚骑士LegionnaireofSteel钢铁骑士团成员WizardofHighSorcery高等法师EPICLEVELHANDBOOK传奇等级手册AgentRetriever寻宝代理人CosmicDescryer诸界探索者DivineEmissary神力使者Epic ArcaneArcher传奇魔射手Epic Assassin传奇刺客Epic Barbarian传奇野蛮人Epic Bard传奇吟游诗人Epic Blackguard传奇黑卫士Epic Cleric传奇牧师Epic Druid传奇德鲁伊Epic DwarvenDefender传奇矮人防御者Epic Fighter传奇战士Epic Infiltrator传奇间谍Epic Loremaster传奇博学士Epic Monk传奇武僧Epic Paladin传奇圣武士Epic Psion传奇灵能术士Epic PsychicWarrior传奇灵能武士Epic Ranger传奇巡林客Epic RedWizard传奇红袍法师Epic Rogue传奇游荡者Epic Shadowdancer传奇影舞者Epic Sorcerer传奇术士Epic Wizard传奇法师Guardian Paramount精英保镖HighProselytizer高阶传教者Legendary Dreadnought传奇武者PerfectWight完美潜行客UnionSentinel联邦卫兵FAITHSANDPANTHEONS信仰与神系Arachne蜘蛛侍从Auspician幸运战士Doomguide毁灭引导者Dreadmaster(Epic)噩梦主宰(传奇等级)Dweomerkeeper(Epic)源法守护者ElementalArchon元素执政官ForestMaster森林之主Goldeye黄金眼Heartwarder心灵卫士HornedHarbinger魔角先驱Nightcloak夜之袍OcularAdept眼之导师Silverstar白银之星Stormlord(Epic)风暴领主(传奇等级)Strifeleader冲突挑动者SwordDancer刃舞者Techsmith技术工匠Waveservant水波仆人WearofPurple紫袍人Windwalker风行者FORGOTTENREALMSCAMPAIGNSETTING被遗忘国度战役设定ArcaneDevotee奥术皈依者Archmage大法师DivineChampion神力战士DivineDisciple神力信徒DivineSeeker神力搜索者GuildThief公会盗贼HarperScout竖琴手斥候Hathran(Epic)莱瑟曼女巫(传奇等级)Hierophant圣职者PurpleDragonKnight紫龙骑士RedWizard(Epic)红袍法师(传奇等级)Runecaster(Epic)符纹师(传奇等级)ShadowAdept(Epic)影魔网使徒(传奇等级)GHOSTWALK鬼行战役设定ArborealGuardian(Epic)林中卫士(传奇等级)BoneCollector敛骨者DeathwardenChanter(Epic)死狱氏族圣者(传奇等级)Eidolon coreclass(Epic)战斗幻像(核心职业)(传奇等级)Eidoloncer coreclass(Epic)施法幻像(核心职业)(传奇等级)GhostSlayer杀鬼人MAGICOFFAERUN费伦的魔法GnomeArtificer侏儒技师GuildWizardofWaterdeep(Epic)深水城公会法师(传奇等级)HarperMage竖琴手法师HarperPriest竖琴手司祭Incantatrix(Epic)超魔咒使(传奇等级)Mage-Killer(Epic)法师杀手(传奇等级)MasterAlchemist炼金大师MysticWanderer秘法流浪者Spelldancer咒舞者SpellfireChanneler(Epic)咒火使者(传奇等级)WarWizardofCormyr考米尔战争法师MASTERSOFTHEWILD:荒野之王:AGuidebooktoBarbarians,Druids,andRangers野蛮人,德鲁伊,以及巡林客的指南AnimalLord(Epic)动物领主(传奇等级)BaneofInfidels异教徒克星Blighter枯萎者Bloodhound(Epic)侦探(传奇等级)DeepwoodSniper(Epic)密林射手(传奇等级)ExoticWeaponMaster异种武器大师EyeofGruumsh格乌什之眼FoeHunter仇敌猎手Forsaker弃魔者FrenziedBerserker(Epic)发狂暴怒者(传奇等级)Geomancer土灵术士Hexer毁灭巫师King/QueenoftheWild荒野之王/后Oozemaster软泥大师Shifter变形大师TamerofBeasts野兽驯服者Tempest(Epic)暴风战士(传奇等级)UrbanRanger variantRangercoreclass城市巡林客(核心职业变种)VerdantLord翠木王WatchDetective守卫侦探Windrider风骑士ORIENTALADVENTURES东方冒险AkodoChampion Akodo精英Barbarian variantcoreclass野蛮人(核心职业变种)BattleMaiden武姬BayushiDeceiver Bayushi欺诈者BearWarrior熊战士BladeDancer剑舞者DaidojiBodyguard Daidoji保镖EunuchWarlock宦官术士Fighter variantcoreclass战士(核心职业变种)HidaDefender Hida防御者HenshinMystic Henshin神秘者IaijutsuMaster Iaijutsu大师KishiCharger Kishi突击者Maho-BujinMaho-TsukaiMantisMercenary贪欲螳螂MirumotoNitenMaster MirumotoNiten大师Monk variantcoreclass武僧(核心职业变种)MotoAvengerMoto复仇者NinjaSpy忍者Ranger variantcoreclass巡林客(核心职业变种)Samurai coreclass武侍(核心职业)ShadowScout阴影斥候Shaman coreclass萨满(核心职业)Shapeshifter变形者ShibaProtectorShintaoMonkShugenja coreclassSinghRagerSohei coreclassSorcerervariant coreclass术士(核心职业变种)TattooedMonkVoidDiscipleWeaponMaster(Kensei)武器大师(剑圣)WitchHunterWuJen coreclassYakuza日本瘪三PSIONICSHANDBOOK心灵异能手册Metamind(Epic)超念者(传奇等级)Psion coreclass灵能术士(核心职业)PsychicWarrior coreclass灵能战士(核心职业)Pyrokineticist(Epic)操焰者(传奇等级)Slayer(Epic)杀戮者(传奇等级)Soulblade(Epic)魂刃者(传奇等级)RACESOFFAERUN费伦的种族Breachgnome侏儒独行客DwarvenBattlerager矮人战狂ElvenBladesinger精灵刃吟者ElvenHighMage精灵高等法师GreatRiftSkyguard大裂谷空中卫士HalflingWarslingSniper半身人投石狙击手OrcWarlord兽人战将Spellsinger咒歌者WarriorSkald战地诗人SAVAGESPECIES:野蛮种族:PlayingMonstrousHeroes扮演怪物英雄EmancipatedSpawn解脱衍体IllithidSavant(Epic)夺心魔专家(传奇等级)MasterofFlies蝇王ScaledHorror恐怖鳞兽Siren塞壬SlaadBrooder史拉蟾族繁殖者Survivor幸存者Sybil雌巫Waverider水中骑士Yuan-TiCultist蛇人教士SILVERMARCHES银色联邦Giant-Killer巨人杀手HordeBreaker部落破坏者KnightErrantofSilverymoon银月城巡逻骑士OrcScout兽人斥候PeerlessArcher精英射手WildScout荒野斥候SONGANDSILENCE:歌与寂:AGuidebooktoBardsandRogues吟游诗人和游荡者的指南DreadPirate恐怖海盗DungeonDelver(Epic)地城钻研者(传奇等级)FangofLolth罗丝的毒牙OutlawoftheCrimsonRoad红路放逐者RoyalExplorer王室探险家Spymaster(Epic)王牌间谍(传奇等级)TempleRaiderofOlidammara(Epic)喔利达玛拉的神庙掠夺者(传奇等级)Thief-Acrobat(Epic)飞贼(传奇等级)Vigilante义务警员Virtuoso表演家SWORDANDFIST:剑与拳:AGuidebooktoFightersandMonks战士和武僧的指南Cavalier(Epic)精英骑士(传奇等级)DevotedDefender(Epic)忠诚防卫者(传奇等级)DrunkenMaster醉拳大师Duelist(Epic)决斗家(传奇等级)FistofHextor海克斯托之拳Ghostwalker鬼行者Gladiator角斗士HalflingOutrider半身人骑手KnightProtectoroftheGreatKingdom骑士保护者Lasher鞭舞者MasterofChains链条大师MasterSamurai(Epic)武侍(传奇等级)NinjaoftheCrescentMoon(Epic)忍者(传奇等级)OrderoftheBowInitiate弓道修习者Ravager破坏者RedAvenger红色复仇者TribalProtector部族保护者Warmaster战争巨匠WeaponMaster(Epic)武器大师(传奇等级)TOMEANDBLOOD:卷轴与血脉:AGuidebooktoWizardsandSorcerers法师和术士的指南AcolyteoftheSkin(Epic)皮之侍僧(传奇等级)Alienist时空法师ArcaneTrickster(Epic)戏法师(传奇等级)Bladesinger(Revised)(Epic)刃吟者(修订版)(传奇等级)BloodMagus血法师CandleCaster烛法师DragonDisciple(Epic)龙脉术士(传奇等级)ElementalSavant(Epic)元素使(传奇等级)Fatespinner天运术士MageoftheArcaneOrder奥术兄弟会法师Mindbender精神操纵者PaleMaster苍白之主Spellsword(Epic)咒剑士(传奇等级)TrueNecromancer真死灵师WayfererGuide旅行指南者THEUNAPPROACHABLEEAST遥远的极东AglarondanGriffonrider阿格拉伦德狮鹫骑士BlackFlameZealot黑焰狂热者Durthan莱瑟曼黑暗女巫MasteroftheYuirwood亚尔森林之主NarDemonbinder奈费尔恶魔契约师NentyarHunter奈特亚尔猎人RaumathariBattlemage萝玛萨战斗法师RunescarredBerserker符咒狂战士ShouDisciple绍朗武士TalontarBlightlord泰罗娜的枯萎之主TelflammarShadolord暗焰影王ThayanSlaver拖雷奴隶主DRAGONMAGAZINE巨龙志AcolyteoftheFist(296)拳之侍僧Aeromancer(308)Anarch variantPaladincoreclass(310)独立圣武士(圣武士核心职业变体)AncestralAvenger(279)ArcaneLord(297)奥术之王ArcanopathMonk(281)ArtistVengeance(307)Athar(287)Avenger variantPaladincoreclass(310)复仇圣武士(圣武士核心职业变体)Battlepriest(307)战争司祭BlessedofGruumsh(282)格乌什的祝福者Bloodsister(298)血之姐妹BranchDancer variantRoguecoreclass(310)家族舞者(游荡者核心职业变体)Brawler(295)CaveStalker(292)穴行者Cipher(287)Commander variantFightercoreclass(310)指挥官(战士核心职业变体)Corsair variantFightercoreclass(310)海盗(战士核心职业变体)CouncilMage(307)议会法师DancerofSharess(290)莎妮斯的舞者DarkwoodStalker(292)黑木行者DeepAvenger(298)地下复仇者DeepThrall(300)地底奴仆DivineChampion(280)神力战士Dragonkith(284)龙仆DragonMystic(296)龙秘法师DragonDscribe(296)龙脉术士DragonWarrior(298)龙脉武士Dreadmaster(287)噩梦主宰Duelist(275)决斗家DwarvenThane(299)矮人领主ElderDruid(286)大德鲁伊EldritchMaster(280)恐怖主宰Empowered(308)Enforcer variantPaladincoreclass(310)执法者(圣武士核心职业变体)FacelessOne(300)无面者FiendBinder(292)魔鬼契约人FiendSlayer(287)屠魔者FierceGrappler(295)FlameSteward(283)FleetRunnerofEhlonna(283)埃罗娜的快信使Flesheater(300)血肉吞噬者FolloweroftheSkyserpent(307)Ghost-FacedKiller(289)鬼面杀手GlaiveofAzharadian(293)Gloomblade(298)暗刃GnomeGiant-Killer(291)侏儒巨人杀手GnomeTrickster(A5)侏儒戏法师GraySage(298)灰贤者GreenHunter(294)绿色猎人Heartseeker(296)寻心者Herald(A5)使者HunteroftheDead(276)死亡猎手Illithidkin(296)夺心魔下仆Incarnate variantPaladincoreclass(310)美德代表(圣武士核心职业变体)InvisibleBlade(303)隐刃Jobber variantRoguecoreclass(310)中间人(游荡者核心职业变体)Justicar(290)审判官KabukiWarrior(298)歌舞伎Knight variantFightercoreclass(310)骑士(战士核心职业变体)KnightoftheChase(297)驱逐骑士KnightoftheScale(296)公正骑士Lifedrinker(288)饮命者Lightbearer(285)携光明者MagicFilcher variantRoguecoreclass(310)魔法盗贼(游荡者核心职业变体)MaskofJohydee(302)乔迪的面具MasteroftheOrderoftheBow(BowMaster)(297)弓道兄弟会大师(弓道大师)MasteroftheSecretSound(297)秘声大师MasterSiegeEngineer(295)攻城机械大师MightyContenderofKord(283)寇德的强力战士Mole variantRoguecoreclass(310)地下潜行客(游荡者核心职业变体)MonkoftheEnabledHand(299)巧手武僧MoonDrover(307)月之引导者Mystic(274)秘法师Nightcloak(286)暗夜之袍Nightshade(298)夜影NightsongEnforcer(293)夜歌执法者NightsongInfiltrator(294)夜歌渗透者NobleAdventurer(307)贵族冒险家OccultSlayer(303)神秘屠杀者OrcBlademaster(299)兽人剑圣Ordinator(308)OrientalPsion coreclass(308)东方术士(灵能术士核心职业变体)OrientalPsychicWarrior coreclass(308)东方武士(灵能武士核心职业变体)PerfectedOne(297)完美者PoisonFist(289)灵能之拳PrairieRunner(292)PrimalRager(295)Psi-Hunter(281)灵能猎手PurpleDragonHighknight(A5)紫龙高阶骑士RadiantServantofPelor(283)培罗的光明仆从RageMage(277)狂乱法师RangeroftheNightWatch(307)夜卫的巡林客ReaperChild(299)ReapingMauler(303)RoyalScout(307)皇家斥候Sensate(287)Sentinel variantcorePaladinclass(310)哨兵(圣武士核心职业变体)ShadarSentinel(297)ShiningBladeofHeironeous(283)海若尼斯的光明之刃ShoalServant(300)Silverstar(285)银星Sinker(287)SnakeServant(296)蛇仆Soulreaver(297)夺魂者SphereMinion(296)环之仆StalwartWarden(297)坚定守卫Stoneface variantRoguecoreclass(310)石面人(游荡者核心职业变体)Stonelord(278)石之主TaintedSpellcaster(302)感染施法者TaintedWarrior(302)感染武者Taker(287)TigerMask(300)TruthSeeker(281)真理追寻者TreeFriend(307)树木之友UnholyRavager(297)邪恶复仇者UrbanRanger variantRangercoreclass(310)城市巡林客(巡林客核心职业变种)VengeanceSworn(296)宣誓复仇者WakeroftheBeast(296)野兽启蒙者WeightlessFoot(289)Whitehorn(307)苍白号角Windsinger(294)风吟者WorldGuardian(297)世界守护者Xaositect(287)ZerthCenobite(281)MISCELLANEOUSWotCSOURCESWotC其他资源Arachnemancer(DungeonMagazine#84)BeholderMage(MonstersofFaerun)眼魔法师Berserk(DeitiesandDemigods)(Epic)狂战士Darkmask(LordsofDarkness)黑暗面具DivineAgent(ManualofthePlanes)(Epic)神力代理人Doomdreamer(ReturntotheTempleofElementalEvil)噩梦Entropist(LordsofDarkness)FiendofBlasphemy(FiendFolio)亵渎魔族FiendofCorruption(FiendFolio)腐败魔族FiendofPossession(FiendFolio)贪婪魔族Gatecrasher(ManualofthePlanes)(Epic)传送门钻研者JusticiarofTaiia(DeitiesandDemigods)泰亚审判者KeshenBlademaster(DungeonMagazine#97)剑圣PlanarChampion(ManualofthePlanes)(Epic)位面战士Planeshifter(ManualofthePlanes)(Epic)位面行者SoldierofLight(DeitiesandDemigods)光明战士SpurtheLord(LordsofDarkness)ThyanKnight(LordsofDarkness)拖雷骑士ZhentarimSkymage(LordsofDarkness)散塔林会天空法师WotCWEBSITEWotC网络资源ArcaneDuelist奥术决斗家Arch-Psion高级灵能术士BallisteerBlackguard3.5黑卫士3.5版Bladesinger刃吟者CelestialParagon完美天界生物CerebralAssassin天界生物刺客Constructor(Epic)构造者Conventioneer CrystalMaster(Epic)水晶主宰Crystalsinger(Epic)水晶吟者DarkHunter黑暗猎人DiamondWarrior(Epic)钻石武士DivineEmissary神圣使者DreadChampion恐怖战士Epic AcolyteoftheSkinEpic AnimalLordEpic ArborealGuardianEpic ArcaneTricksterEpic BerserkEpic BladesingerEpic BloodhoundEpic CavalierEpic ConstructorEpic CrystalMasterEpic CrystalsingerEpic DeathwardenChanterEpic DeepwoodSniperEpic DevotedDefenderEpic DiabolistEpic DivineDiscipleEpic DragonDiscipleEpic DreadmasterEpic DuelistEpic DungeonDelverEpic DweomerkeeperEpic EidolonEpic EidoloncerEpic ElementalSavantEpic FrenziedBerserkerEpic GatecrasherEpic GuildWizardofWaterdeep Epic HathranEpic HolyLiberatorEpic HospitalerEpic IncantatrixEpic IllithidSavantEpic Mage-KillerEpic MasterSamuraiEpic MetamindEpic NinjaoftheCrescentMoonEpic PlanarChampionEpic PyrokineticistEpic RedWizardEpic RunecasterEpic SamuraiEpic ShadowAdeptEpic ShamanEpic ShugenjaEpic SlayerEpic SoheiEpic SoulknifeEpic SpellswordEpic SpymasterEpic StormlordEpic TempestEpic TemplarEpic Temple RaiderofOlidammaraEpic Thief-AcrobatEpic WarpriestEpic WeaponMasterEpicWuJenEquerry(test)Giant-Killer巨人杀手GrimPsion强力灵能术士GuardianoftheRoad道路卫士Harper竖琴手Incantatrix超魔咒使JordainKineticistLady/LordoftheDead死之王/后LifeEater饮命者MageHunter法师猎人MasterArcaneArtisan奥术工匠大师MasterHarper竖琴手大师Meditant(Epic)Mindknight(Epic)精神骑士MysticTheurgeOrcWarlord兽人战将PeopleChampion PsychicWeaponMaster(Epic)灵能武器大师RaumathariBattlemage萝玛萨战斗法师RubyDisciple宝石术士Runecaster符纹师Sangehirn(Epic)ShadowMind(Epic) SpellfireHierophant咒火导师TruthSeeker真理追寻者VirtuosoVoidIncarnateWarlordofUtterdarkWarpriest(test)战争司祭ZhentarimSkymage散塔林会天空法师。

神话中的文化及英语词汇Mythical creatures - 神话生物Dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, mermaids, giants, fairies, elves, dwarfs, etc.龙,凤凰,独角兽,美人鱼,巨人,精灵,小精灵,侏儒等。
Gods and goddesses - 神灵Zeus, Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo in Greek myths; Odin, Thor in Norse myths.希腊神话中的宙斯,雅典娜,阿芙洛狄忒,阿波罗;北欧神话中的奥丁,雷神托尔。
Mythological places - 神话中的地点Mount Olympus, Underworld, Asgard, Midgard, Atlantis, etc.奥林匹斯山,冥界,阿斯加德,米德加尔特,亚特兰蒂斯等。
Magical objects - 魔法宝物Excalibur, Thor’s hammer Mjolnir, Midas' touch, flying carpet, etc.王者之剑,雷神之锤米奥尼尔,米达斯之手,魔毯等。
Epic journeys - 史诗级旅程The Odyssey, the Twelve Labours of Hercules, quest for the Golden Fleece.奥德赛,赫拉克勒斯的十二项功绩,寻找金羊毛的探险。
Legends and folklore - 传说和民间传说Stories passed down about heroes, creatures, places.流传至今关于英雄、生物、地点的故事。
Moral lessons - 道德教诲Explain natural phenomena, impart values like courage, wisdom.解释自然现象,传递勇气、智慧等价值观。
the mammon and the archer欧亨利短篇小说分析

• swamp • n. 沼泽,湿地 v. 淹没,陷于沼泽 • forevermore • adv. 永远地 • gallop • n. 疾驰,飞奔 v. 飞驰,急速进行,急急忙忙的说
• unravel • vt.解开; 阐明; 拆散 vi.被解开; 被拆散
• punk • n. 阿飞,朋克 adj. 颓废派的,低劣的
• countenance • n. 面容,面部表情,支持 v.支持, 赞成, 同意 • rattle • vi. 嘎嘎作响,喋喋不休 vt. 使激动,使作响,急促地谈讲 n. 嘎嘎声,急促的谈话 • sire • n. 雄性种兽,[古语]陛下 vt. 繁殖(幼兽),产生
• eureka • int. 找到了! 有了! Eureka n. 尤里卡(加利福尼亚西北部一城市) • grease • n. 兽脂,油脂 vt. 用油脂涂,上油,促进 • hokey • adj. 美俚:虚情假意的,ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ作的
The Mammon and the Archer
• Mammon • n. 贪财,贪欲之神 • archer • n. 射手, 弓箭手 Archer: 射手座 • grin • v. 露齿而笑,咧着嘴笑 n. 露齿笑
• proprietor • n. 所有人,业主,经营者 • aristocratic • adj. 贵族的, 贵族政治的 • clubman • n. 交谊性俱乐部的会员, 花花公子
• jumble • vi. 掺杂, 混杂 vt. 使混乱,搞乱 n. 混杂, 混乱 n. 环形小甜饼 • piratical • adj.剽窃的,海盗的,盗版的 • emblem • n. 象徵, 徽章

写一篇英语作文帮助了解龙的中国文化全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Understanding the Chinese DragonHi everyone! My name is Li Ming and I'm a 4th grader at Sunflower Elementary School in Beijing. Today I want to tell you all about the amazing Chinese dragon. The dragon is super important in Chinese culture and you see it everywhere - on buildings, clothes, paintings, you name it! After learning about the dragon in school, I've come to really appreciate how awesome and special it is.First of all, the Chinese dragon is definitely not like the dragons you see in Western movies or books. Those dragons breathe fire and are usually mean and scary. But the Chinese dragon is a kind, legendary creature that has a really long history. In fact, dragon worship and myths go all the way back to around 5000 BC during the Neolithic age! Pretty cool, right?Chinese dragons are made up of different animal parts. They have a snake-like body, four legs with sharp claws, horns like a stag, scales, and whiskers. But they don't have wings - insteadthey have the ability to fly by itself through the clouds and skies. Chinese dragons are amazing and magical creatures with supernatural powers. They can make it rain and control rivers and seas. Some say they can even shape-shift into humans!There are different types of Chinese dragons too. The most important one is called the Golden Dragon or Yellow Dragon. This is the leader and king of all dragons. Then you have other dragons like the Horned Dragon, Winged Dragon, Celestial Dragon, Spiritual Dragon, and more. Each type has slightly different looks and powers.Chinese dragons are deeply connected to Chinese culture and traditions. For example, many emperors and kings saw themselves as real-life dragon descendants and embodiments of this powerful mythical beast. The imperial throne was known as the "Dragon Throne" and emperors' clothes, crowns, and palaces all had dragon symbols and designs.The dragon symbolizes so many positive things in Chinese culture like power, strength, wealth, good luck, and control over nature. Baby boys are sometimes called "little dragons" because they are seen as signs of great prosperity and continuity of the family line. Adults born in the year of the dragon in the Chinesezodiac are believed to be brave, confident, and destined for success and wealth.The dragon dance is also a huge part of important Chinese festivals and celebrations like Chinese New Year and the Lantern Festival. These colorful dances with the big dragon puppets moving through the streets are absolutely amazing to watch! The dances are meant to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits. I got to be part of the dragon dance at school for Chinese New Year and it was honestly one of the coolest experiences ever!The Chinese dragon shows up everywhere in architecture too. You'll find dragon statues, carvings, and designs on important buildings like temples, palaces, city walls, tombs, bridges, and more across China. Having dragons on these places was meant to protect the structures and bring good luck and harmony. The roofs of palaces and temples usually have these cool dragon sculptures on each corner too.Dragons play a big role in Chinese mythology and folklore as well. There are so many awesome stories and legends! One of my favorites is the story of Hou Yi, the legendary archer who shot down nine out of ten suns that were burning the earth. He married Chang'e, who ended up becoming the Moon Goddessafter taking an immortality pill. Every year on the Mid-Autumn Festival, we celebrate their love story and Chang'e's time on the moon.Another great dragon legend is the story of Dragon Gate. It's about a carp fish that swims upstream in the Yellow River and jumps over this huge waterfall called Dragon Gate. After successfully making this super difficult leap, the carp turns into a powerful dragon. This story represents the Chinese cultural value of perseverance, strength, and never giving up.The dragon shows up all over the place in Chinese art, clothing, decorations, and more too. I have a stuffed green dragon toy that I sleep with every night. My grandma gave me a good luck red envelope with a golden dragon design for Chinese New Year. There are also dragon toys, kites, snacks, candies, you name it! Some say that hanging pictures of dragons in your house or wearing dragon charms can protect you from harm.As you can see, the Chinese dragon is honestly the coolest mythical creature ever. It means so much to Chinese culture, values, and traditions. I feel really proud and lucky to be part of a culture with such an amazing symbol and icon as the dragon. It represents qualities that all people should aspire to like power, strength, confidence, perseverance, and bravery.I hope you learned a lot about the incredible cultural meaning and importance of the Chinese dragon from my essay. When you see a dragon image or symbol, I want you to appreciate everything it stands for in Chinese culture. Studying the dragon has made me feel even more connected to my roots. I'm going to keep learning about this awesome legendary creature that is such a huge deal for my country. Thanks for reading, and check out more about the dragon online or at your local library!篇2Writing an English Essay About the Dragon in Chinese CultureOne day, my English teacher Mrs. Wong told our class we had to write a big essay all about dragons! At first, I wasn't that excited because English writing can be kind of hard and dragons just seemed like made-up monster things. But then Mrs. Wong explained that dragons are actually a really important part of Chinese culture and have been around for thousands of years. That got me curious to learn more!To get started on my essay, I first had to learn some basics about Chinese dragons. The biggest thing I found out is that theyare wayyy different from the dragons in Western movies and stories. Chinese dragons aren't mean and they don't go around burning up villages or eating princesses. They are actually powerful and intelligent creatures that bring good luck and fortune.Another major difference is how they look. Western dragons typically have bat-y wings, breathe fire, and have a long neck and tail. But Chinese dragons don't have wings at all! Instead, they kind of fly by magic and have these really long, snake-like bodies covered in scales. Their heads look more like a lion or dog with big jaws and horns. Pretty cool!As I did more research, it was wild to see how far back stories and images of Chinese dragons go. There are carvings and writings about them from over 4,000 years ago during the Shang Dynasty! Even confucius, the famous philosopher who lived2,500 years ago, wrote about dragons. That just shows how important they have been in Chinese myths, legends, and beliefs for centuries and centuries.Dragons are linked to so many different parts of Chinese culture too. In art, they are one of the most popular symbols and images that get painted or sculpted. You see them decorating palaces, temples, pottery, clothing, and more. They representstrength, good luck, and the powers of nature like rain and bodies of water. There are all kinds of different dragon styles and colors based on what they represent too.Another big part of dragon culture is the annual celebrations and festivals held each year. The most famous is probably the Dragon Boat Festival where people race in long narrow boats shaped like a dragon. There are also huge dragon dances where dozens of people join together to make this ginormous moving dragon by carrying it above them on poles. The dances and costumes are so bright and colorful and energetic.The Chinese zodiac is something I learned a ton about too when researching dragons for my essay. I already knew there were 12 different zodiac animal symbols that cycle every 12 years, with each year being represented by a new animal. But I didn't realize that the dragon is the only mythical creature in the cycle! All the others like the rat, ox, tiger and rabbit are real animals. The dragon must have been really meaningful and special to ancient Chinese people for them to include it as one of the zodiac symbols. Anyone born in a dragon year is supposed to be brave, energetic and a maker of big change.By the time I finished up my essay, I had gained such an appreciation for how important and meaningful dragons arewithin Chinese culture, history and traditions. They represent so much more than just a made-up monster! Their power and wisdom has shaped Chinese art, festivals, literature and philosophies for thousands upon thousands of years. Writing the essay was definitely challenging at times, having to put everything into proper English. But it also opened my eyes to the symbolism and reverence behind the iconic Chinese dragon in a way I never could have imagined before. I even asked my parents if we could get one of those little Chinese dragon statue decorations for our home to celebrate my new knowledge! Overall, this ended up being one of the coolest essay assignments I've ever had to do.篇3My Favorite Chinese Mythical Creature - The Dragon!Hi friends! Today I'm going to tell you all about my absolute favorite mythical creature from Chinese culture - the dragon! Dragons are just the coolest. They can fly, breathe fire, and have these really awesome powers. But Chinese dragons are different from the dragons you might see in movies from Hollywood. Let me explain!In Chinese mythology, the dragon is a really important symbol. It represents power, strength, and good luck. Chinese dragons are said to control the wind, rain, and hurricanes. How cool is that? They are water creatures even though they can fly. Weird but true!The body of a Chinese dragon is made up of different animal parts. It has the head of a camel, the horns of a deer, the eyes of a rabbit, ears of a cow, neck of a snake, belly of a clam, scales of a carp, claws of an eagle, and paws of a tiger. It also has a really long, snake-like body. Don't they sound awesome?There are lots of different types of Chinese dragons too. The four main ones are:The Celestial Dragon - This guards the heavenly palaces and gardens. It has five toes on each foot.The Spiritual Dragon - This controls wind and rain. It has four toes.The Earth Dragon - This watches over rivers and water on earth. Three toes.The Fuzzy Dragon - The cutest one! Doesn't have a physical form but brings wisdom and happiness.Isn't that so interesting? Chinese dragons are way cooler than the usual dragon you think of. They come in different colors too like yellow, blue, black, red, and white. Each color means something different.Yellow dragons are the leaders and most powerful. Blue ones are kind of cool clouds and rain bringers. The black dragon controls the winds and weather. The red dragon brings prosperity and life. And the white one is the hero dragon that defeats evil monsters! My favorite is probably the red one because who doesn't want to be prosperous?There are so many cool stories and legends about Chinese dragons in books and movies. One of the most famous is about how the dragons were born from leftovers when a real-life dragon shaped the rivers篇4My English Essay About Chinese Dragon CultureHi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm going to tell you all about the super cool dragons from China. Dragons are awesome mythical creatures that look like a mix between a snake and a bunch of other animals. But Chinese dragons are the coolest of all!In China, the dragon is a super important symbol. It represents power, strength, and good luck. Chinese people have been drawing, painting, and making sculptures of dragons for thousands of years! Dragons are everywhere in China - on buildings, clothes, pottery, you name it. Whenever you see a dragon, it means that place or thing is important.Chinese dragons look way different from the dragons you might see in movies from the West. Western dragons are usually big, winged lizard-like creatures that breathe fire and have horns. But Chinese dragons are much more unique and special.For starters, Chinese dragons don't have wings! Instead, they fly by making these cool wavy, snake-like movements through the clouds. They are kind of like snakes with legs and fun decorations like horns and beards. Their bodies are made up of different animal parts all mixed together in a magical way.The head of a Chinese dragon might look like a camel or a horse. It has two twisty horns sticking up from the top. The horns are often decorated with fun patterns and symbols. Some dragon heads have beards made of hair or silk that blow around majestically. Pretty neat, huh?Instead of wings, Chinese dragons have these awesome claw-like appendages growing out of their shoulders and hips.The ones on their shoulders help them crawl up mountains and tall buildings. The hip claws help grab onto clouds when they are flying around up there. Too cool!Their bodies are long and snake-like, covered in bright, shimmering scales in different colors like red, yellow, green, gold, etc. If you look closely, each scale has a beautiful, intricate pattern or symbol carved into it. Running down the dragon's back is a line of spikes that help it swim through water and air.At the end of the dragon's body is not a tail, but another head! Yes, Chinese dragons are awesome because they have TWO heads - one on the front and one on the back. The back head helps protect the dragon from being snuck up on from behind. It can shoot lightning or fire out of its mouth to burn up any bad guys trying to cause trouble.The number 9 is considered very lucky in China, so a lot of Chinese dragon art shows them with 9 different types of decorations along their bodies. Things like horns, claws, spikes, and whiskers. Sometimes they even have 9 mini dragons as their children trailing behind them! Pretty cute if you ask me.So where do these amazing creatures live? Well, all over the place actually! Chinese dragons are known as the rulers of thewaters, so a lot of them live down in the oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes of China. They love swimming and frolicking in the waves.But dragons also fly around up in the clouds, bringing rain and storms with them. This is why they are such important symbols - Chinese people used to pray to the dragon gods to ask for rain to help their crops grow.Some dragons live up in the mountains too, resting on the peaks or inside caves. These dragons are the powerful guardians that protect the land, chasing off any evil spirits that try to cause harm.There are tons of fun dragon stories, movies, TV shows, and festivals all throughout Chinese culture. My favorite is probably the annual Dragon Boat Festival that happens every year. People make these cool dragon-shaped boats and have huge races down the rivers. The front of the boat is a dragon's head and the back is the tail - everyone rows together to make it look like the dragon is swimming! It looks like such a blast.Well, those are the basics about the most epic mythical creature ever - the Chinese dragon. I hope you can see why they are such a huge part of China's culture and traditions after reading this. Dragons symbolize pretty much everything that isconsidered good and positive - power, luck, strength, wisdom. It would be so awesome if they were real!Anyways, that's my dragon report. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! I'm always happy to chat more about the raddest made-up animal around. Thanks for reading, bye!篇5My English Teacher Told Us to Write About Dragons!Wow, I was so excited when my English teacher told our class we had to write an essay all about dragons! Dragons are the coolest mythical creatures ever. They can fly, breathe fire, and have these awesome scales all over their bodies. I couldn't wait to learn more about them for my essay.First, I had to do some research to understand where the idea of dragons came from. I found out that dragons have been a huge part of Chinese culture and stories for thousands of years! Way back in ancient times, the Chinese people created legends about powerful dragon creatures.In the beginning, the Chinese dragon symbols stood for strength, good luck, and the forces of nature like rain and rivers.Having a dragon as your family symbol meant you were important and descended from rulers. How cool is that?As I read more, I learned that the Chinese dragon is very different from the dragons you see in Western movies or books. The Chinese dragon doesn't have wings, but it can still fly by using magic! It also has four legs and fives claws on each foot. Different parts of the dragon's body represent different things too. Like the antlers mean strength, the beard means prosperity, and the scales show the dragon is powerful.There are tons of different types of Chinese dragons as well. Some guard the heavens, while others live under the sea. The most powerful one is called the Yellow Dragon though, which controls all the other dragons. I'd definitely not want to mess with that guy!My favorite part about researching for my essay was reading all the awesome ancient Chinese stories and legends that featured dragons. Let me tell you about a few of them:The first is the myth about the origins of the Chinese people. It said that thousands of years ago, the descendants of mythical creatures like dragons created different groups that became the first Chinese tribes. So the Chinese people literally came from dragons according to that legend! How epic is that?Another famous myth is about a dragon who was the son of a poor farmer. Even though the dragon had magical powers, he chose to live simply as a human and help his dad on the farm. One day, the dragon revealed his true form and flew off into the clouds. The story shows how dragons were seen as almost like gods, but also kind and humble creatures.Then there are the tales of the four dragon kings who rule over the four oceans and seas. They controlled rain, winds, clouds, and all the waters in their realms. The dragon kings would often cause storms and floods when they were angry though, so people had to make offerings to please them. Those seem like dragons you wouldn't want to get on the bad side of!My essay talked about tons of other dragon myths and symbols too, like how they represent the emperors, or how seeing a dragon was an omen of upcoming success and wealth. I included details on the different colors dragons could be as well, with yellow being imperial, black meaning warriors, and so on.While doing my research, I also learned that dragons show up all over the place in Chinese culture. Like on buildings, tapestries, pottery, and even Chinese New Year decorations! People associated dragons with power, so they wanted to include the creatures everywhere.The dances were one of the coolest things I discovered though. During certain festivals, performers would dress up in these huge, colorful dragon costumes and move their bodies to make it look like the dragon was slithering, breathing fire, and dancing around. Apparently some of those dragon dances have been traditions for over a thousand years!After finishing my essay, I had such a great appreciation for how important and deeply woven into society dragons are in China. They aren't just made-up monsters, but incredible symbols of luck, strength, and nature's forces. The dragon myths teach lessons about humility, ancestors, and harmony too.I'm really glad I got to learn all about the Chinese cultural traditions with dragons for my English assignment. It was fun discovering where these legendary creatures came from and seeing how meaningful they've been to people for so many centuries. Dragons are way cooler than I even realized before!Writing that essay made me want to visit China one day to see the dragon dances, artwork, and symbols for myself. Who knows, maybe I'll even get to meet a real dragon if I'm lucky! Thanks to my teacher for such an awesome essay topic. Dragons are basically the best things ever in Chinese culture. The End!篇6My Awesome Essay About Chinese DragonsHi! My name is Xiaoming and I am 9 years old. I love learning about Chinese culture, especially dragons! Dragons are super cool and important in China. Today I will tell you all about Chinese dragons for my English class essay. Get ready to learn!First, let me describe what Chinese dragons look like. They are like no other dragon! Chinese dragons have long, snake-like bodies covered in scales. But they have four legs with claws, not zero legs like a snake. Their head has two curved horns and big eyes. Some dragons have a deer's antlers too! The most famous dragons have a pearl under their chin. This pearl gives them special powers.Chinese dragons can fly, even though they don't have wings! How amazing is that? They fly by making their bodies move in an s-shape through the clouds. Dragons can also breathe fire, water, or smoke from their mouths. Some control the weather like storms and rain. The dragons come in many different colors like gold, yellow, red, black, blue and green. But the luckiest color is yellow or golden. Only emperors could have golden dragon symbols.Now let me tell you the long history of Chinese dragons. People in China have worshipped dragons for over 4,000 years! Dragons started as symbols of the forces of nature, like rivers and rain. Over time, people thought they controlled things like weather, water, and fertility. Many ancient stories and myths have dragons as the main characters. Chinese people believed real dragons existed, but they were rarely seen.In Chinese culture, dragons are very powerful symbols of strength, wealth, and good luck. The Dragon Dance is a famous traditional dance to honor and worship dragons during festivals and celebrations. People make a long dragon costume by holding poles with a dragon head at the front and tail at the back. The "dragon" moves around as people dance underneath! During Chinese New Year, dragons lead amazing parades in the streets.Dragons are everywhere in Chinese art and architecture too. You can find dragon patterns and carvings on buildings, furniture, pottery, clothing and more. The emperors of China's ancient dynasties always had the dragon symbol on their robes and art in the palaces where they lived. This showed their great power and importance. Everyone wanted to get a dragon patternon their stuff because it meant you were important and respected.There are also many cool names for different types of Chinese dragons. The hornless dragon is called a "Pan Lung." A "Ti Lung" dragon has a head like a horse and can travel on land. One of the most special is the "Fucanglong" or "Dragon King" who rules over all the other dragons and seas. I really want to meet a Dragon King someday!My favorite stories about Chinese dragons are the legends. One famous legend says dragons started life as tiny snake-like creatures. After centuries of becoming bigger and wiser, they finally became the huge powerful dragons we know today. Another legend tells how all dragons live in the seas, except once a year they fly into the clouds to have a race and get water to make rain!For kids in China, the dragon is a very important symbol we learn about from a young age. We see them everywhere and many children's books, games, and toys have dragons on them. Learning calligraphy to write the Chinese character for "dragon" is something all kids practice. We even do special dragon dances and plays at our schools for performances.When I was little, my grandma gave me a little dragon statue for good luck. She told me the dragon would protect me and help me be brave, strong, and smart. I still keep that dragon figurine in my room! One day, I hope I can go see the famous 9th century carving of the nine dragons on a wall at the Longmen Grottoes. Or maybe travel to Hong Kong to see the amazing dragon dances during Chinese New Year!Well, that's all I have to say about the awesome Chinese dragon culture. I hope you learned a lot and think dragons are just as cool as I do! In Chinese fairy tales, if you ever see a real dragon, you must stay calm and show it respect. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to meet one someday. A girl can dream, right? Thanks for reading my essay. Let me know if you have any other questions!。

The Gift of the Magi
"The Gift of the Magi" concerns a young couple who are short of money but desperately want to buy each other Christmas gifts. Unbeknownst to Jim, Della sells her most valuable possession, her beautiful hair, in order to buy a platinum fob chain for Jim's watch; unbeknownst to Della, Jim sells his most valuable possession, his watch, to buy jeweled combs for Della's hair. The author arranged the entire plot just to get the readers to wait, to cause an suspense, the pleasurable excitement and anticipation of the outcome. From the beginning, the readers keep guessing what the Jim and Della will buy for each other, and the coincidence of their gifts is the greatest suspense the author put in his article.
欧·亨利(O.Henry)部分作品中英文 亨利(O.Henry)部分作品中英文

●Gods:The old theogony——the TitansCronus(克罗诺斯): God of the sky.Rhea(瑞亚): Goddess of time.Oceanus(俄刻阿诺斯): God of water.Tethys(泰西斯):Goddess of the sea.Wife of Cronus.Crius(克瑞斯): God of growth。
Lapetus (伊阿佩托斯): God of soul.Father of Prometheus、Atlas、Epimetheus and MenoetiusPhoebe(福柏): Goddess of the moon. Leto与阿斯特瑞亚之母。
Coeus (科俄斯): God of intelligence.Themis (忒弥斯): Goddess of order and justice.Second wife of Zeus.时序三女神母Mnemosyne(谟涅摩叙涅): God of memory。
Firth wife of Zeus.Mother of the ninth Muse. Hyperion(许配利翁): God of light.Thea(忒亚): Wife of Hyperion.The old theogony——the GodsZeus(宙斯): the god of the sky.Zeus King of the sky and the earth. Ruler of the Olympian gods. He was the rain god , and the cloud gatherer,who holds the terrible thunderbolt. eagle, His bird the eagle, his tree is the oak . He is married to Hera but,is famous for his many affairs. He is also known to punish those that lie or break oaths.Hera(赫拉): Zeus' wife and sister. Queen of the gods. Goddess of marriage and childbirth and takes special care of married women.Most stories concerning Hera have to do with her jealous revenge for Zeus‘s infidelities.Poseidon(波塞冬): Brother of Zeus . God of the sea , protector of all waters. His weapon is a trident , which can shake the earth , and shatter any object.He is second only to Zeus in power among the gods.He was widely worshiped by seamen。

the giant anteater的英文介绍

标题:The Giant Anteater的英文介绍一、引言The Giant Anteater(大食蚁兽),学名Myrmecophaga tridactyla,是一种生活在中美洲和南美洲的大型哺乳动物。
二、外观特征The Giant Anteater的体型庞大,体长可达2米,体重可达40公斤。
三、生活习性The Giant Anteater是一种夜行性动物,白天通常在靠近河岸边的洞穴中舒适地休养生息,夜间才会出来觅食。
四、栖息地The Giant Anteater主要栖息在中美洲和南美洲的热带雨林、草原和半沙漠地区。
五、保护状况The Giant Anteater目前被列为濒危物种,主要是由于其栖息地的丧失和人类的狩猎活动所致。
六、结论通过对The Giant Anteater的英文介绍,我们可以了解到这种独特的动物在外观特征、生活习性、栖息地和保护状况等方面的信息。

Prior to the speech, R. Sandler, Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, commented, «Mr. John Steinbeck - In your writings, crowned with popular success in many countries, you have been a bold observer of human behaviour in both tragic and comic situations. This you have described to the reading public of the entire world with vigour and realism. Your Travels with Charley is not only a search for but also a revelation of America, as you yourself say: ‹This monster of a land, this mightiest of nations, this spawn of the future turns out to be the macrocosm of microcosm me.› Thanks to your instinct for what is genuinely American you stand out as a true representative of American life.»
Nobel Acceptance Spextbooks.
The Grapes of Wrath
---- John Steinbeck

蚂蚁和蚱蜢的英语剧本作文Title: Ant and Grasshopper: A Play Script。
Act 1: The Ant's Diligence。
(Scene: A sunny meadow with lush greenery. The stage is set with a small ant hill and scattered grains of wheat.)。
Narrator: In a peaceful meadow, amidst the swaying grass, lived a colony of diligent ants. Among them was Antonia, known for her hard work and foresight.Antonia: (Busy carrying grains of wheat into the ant hill) Oh, what a beautiful day! Time to gather food for the winter.(Enter Grasshopper, hopping around carelessly.)。
Grasshopper: (Chirping happily) Hello, dear Antonia! What are you doing on this fine day?Antonia: (Pauses, smiling) Greetings, Grasshopper! I'm preparing for the future. Winter is coming, and we must store food to survive.Grasshopper: (Laughs) Winter? Oh, don't worry about that! Let's enjoy the sunshine and dance together!Antonia: (Shakes her head) I'm sorry, Grasshopper, but I must continue working. It's essential to be prepared.Grasshopper: (Dismissively) Suit yourself, Antonia!I'll enjoy the warmth while it lasts.(Narrator speaks as the scene changes.)。

中国龙福泽四海英语作文350字The Mighty Chinese Dragon: Blessing the Four SeasHi there! My name is Xiaoming, and I'm a 10-year-old student from Beijing. Today, I want to tell you all about the amazing Chinese Dragon and how it blesses the four seas!First of all, let me tell you about the Chinese Dragon. It's not like the dragons you see in Western movies or fairy tales. Our Chinese Dragon is incredibly powerful, wise, and noble. It has the head of a camel, the horns of a deer, the eyes of a rabbit, the ears of a cow, the neck of a snake, the belly of a frog, the scales of a carp, the claws of an eagle, and the paws of a tiger! Wow, that's a lot of animal parts, huh? But don't worry, it all comes together to make the most majestic and awe-inspiring creature you've ever seen!The Chinese Dragon is also a symbol of good luck, power, and prosperity. It's often associated with the Emperor and represents the ultimate authority and strength. That's why you'll see Dragon designs everywhere in China, from temples and palaces to clothing and artworks.Now, let me tell you about the "Four Seas" that the Dragon blesses. In Chinese culture, the "Four Seas" refer to the fourmajor bodies of water surrounding China – the East China Sea, the South China Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the Bohai Sea. These seas are hugely important for trade, transportation, and fishing, and they've played a significant role in China's history and development.According to ancient Chinese legends, the Dragon has the power to control the weather, rainfall, and even natural disasters. It's believed that when the Dragon is happy and content, it will bless the Four Seas with favorable conditions for navigation, fishing, and overall prosperity. However, if the Dragon is angry or displeased, it can bring about storms, typhoons, and other calamities that can disrupt life near the seas.That's why, for centuries, the Chinese people have revered and worshipped the Dragon, offering sacrifices and prayers to keep it appeased. There are even special Dragon Boat Festivals and Dragon Dances held every year to honor this mighty creature!One of my favorite stories about the Dragon blessing the Four Seas is the legend of the Great Flood. A long time ago, there was a massive flood that threatened to submerge the entire land. The people were terrified and didn't know what to do. That's when the mighty Yellow Dragon descended from the heavensand used its powerful claws to carve out rivers and channels, allowing the floodwaters to drain into the Four Seas. This act not only saved the people but also created the famous Yellow River and other major waterways in China.Isn't that an amazing story? I get goosebumps just thinking about the mighty Dragon using its incredible strength and wisdom to protect the people and shape the very landscape of our country!Another tale I love is the one about the Dragon King of the East Sea. According to the legend, there was once a terrible drought that lasted for years, causing crops to wither and people to starve. The Emperor prayed to the Dragon King, begging for rain. The Dragon King was moved by the people's suffering and summoned the clouds to bring nourishing rains to the parched lands. The rains continued for days, filling the rivers and reservoirs, and ensuring a bountiful harvest. Ever since then, the Dragon King of the East Sea has been revered as a symbol of life-giving water and fertility.There are so many other fascinating stories and beliefs surrounding the Chinese Dragon and its connection to the Four Seas. From the Dragon Gates that mark the entrances to rivers and harbors, to the Dragon Palaces that are said to exist beneaththe waves, the Dragon's presence is deeply woven into China's maritime culture and heritage.To me, the Chinese Dragon represents the incredible power of nature and the need for humans to live in harmony with the elements. It reminds us to respect the forces that sustain us, like the seas, and to treat them with reverence and care. At the same time, the Dragon's association with prosperity and good fortune inspires us to work hard, be resilient, and strive for success, knowing that the blessings of the Dragon are with us.So, the next time you see a Dragon symbol or hear a tale about the mighty creature, remember that it's not just a mythical beast – it's a powerful representation of China's rich cultural heritage, its connection to the natural world, and its aspirations for a prosperous and harmonious future.That's all from me for now! I hope you enjoyed learning about the Chinese Dragon and its role in blessing the Four Seas. Let me know if you have any other questions or if you want to hear more fascinating Dragon stories!。
a wagner matinee译文

a wagner matinee译文《瓦格纳婆婆远足记》妈,我又想起你了。
Mammon and the Archer

Mammon and the Archer (O·Henry)___________________________________________Old Anthony Rockwall, retired manufacturer and proprietor of Rockwall's Eureka Soap, looked out the library window of his Fifth Avenue mansion and grinned. His neighbour to the right--the aristocratic clubman, G. Van Schuylight Suffolk-Jones--came out to his waiting motor-car, wrinkling a contumelious nostril, as usual, at the Italian renaissance sculpture of the soap palace's front elevation."Stuck-up old statuette of nothing doing!" commented the ex-Soap King. "The Eden Musee'll get that old frozen Nesselrode yet if he doesn’t watch out. I'll have this house painted red, white, and blue next summer and see if that'll make his Dutch nose turn up any higher."And then Anthony Rockwall, who never cared for bells, went to the door of his library and shouted "Mike!" in the same voice that had once chipped off pieces of the welkin on the Kansas prairies."Tell my son," said Anthony to the answering menial, "to come in here before he leaves the house."When young Rockwall entered the library the old man laid aside his newspaper, looked at him with a kindly grimness on his big, smooth, ruddy countenance, rumpled his mop of white hair with one hand and rattled the keys in his pocket with the other."Richard," said Anthony Rockwail, "what do you pay for the soap that you use?"Richard, only six months home from college, was startled a little. He had not yet taken the measure of this sire of his, who was as full of unexpectedness as a girl at her first party."Six dollars a dozen, I think, dad.""And your clothes?""I suppose about sixty dollars, as a rule.""You're a gentleman," said Anthony, decidedly. "I've heard of these young bloods spending $24 a dozen for soap, and going over the hundred marks for clothes. You've got as much money to waste as any of 'em, and yet you stick to what's decent and moderate. Now I use the old Eureka--not only for sentiment, but it's the purest soap made. Whenever you pay more than 10 cents a cake for soap you buy bad perfumes and labels. But 50 cents is doing very well for a young man in your generation, position and condition. As I said, you're a gentleman. They say it takes three generations to make one. They're off. Money'll do it as slick as soap grease. It's made you one. By hokey! it's almost made one of me. I'm nearly as impolite and disagreeable andill-mannered as these two old Knickerbocker gents on each side of me that can't sleep of nights because I bought in between 'em.""There are some things that money can't accomplish," remarked young Rockwall, rather gloomily."Now, don't say that," said old Anthony, shocked. "I bet my money on money every time. I've been through the encyclopaedia down to Y looking for something you can't buy with it; and I expect to have to take up the appendix next week. I'm for money against the field. Tell me something money won't buy.""For one thing," answered Richard, rankling a little, "it won't buy one into the exclusive circles of society." "Oho! won't it?" thundered the champion of the root of evil. "You tell me where your exclusive circles would be if the first Astor hadn't had the money to pay for his steerage passage over?"Richard sighed."And that's what I was coming to," said the old man, less boisterously. "That's why I asked you to come in. There's something going wrong with you, boy. I've been noticing it for two weeks. Out with it. I guess I could lay my hands on eleven millions within twenty-four hours, besides the real estate. If it's your liver, there's the Rambler down in the bay, coaled, and ready to steam down to the Bahamas in two days.""Not a bad guess, dad; you haven't missed it far.""Ah," said Anthony, keenly; "what's her name?"Richard began to walk up and down the library floor. There was enough comradeship and sympathy in this crude old father of his to draw his confidence."Why don't you ask her?" demanded old Anthony. "She'll jump at you. You've got the money and the looks, and you're a decent boy. Your hands are clean. You've got no Eureka soap on 'em. You've been to college, but she'll overlook that.""I haven't had a chance," said Richard."Make one," said Anthony. "Take her for a walk in the park, or a straw ride, or walk home with her from church Chance! Pshaw!""You don't know the social mill, dad. She's part of the stream that turns it. Every hour and minute of her time is arranged for days in advance. I must have that girl, dad, or this town is a blackjack swamp forevermore. And I can't write it--I can't do that.""Tut!" said the old man. "Do you mean to tell me that with all the money I've got you can't get an hour or two of a girl's time for yourself?""I've put it off too late. She's going to sail for Europe at noon day afterto-morrow for a two years' stay. I'm to see her alone to-morrow evening for a few minutes. She's at Larchmont now at her aunt's. I can't go there. But I'm allowed to meet her with a cab at the Grand Central Station to-morrow evening at the 8.30 train. We drive down Broadway to Wallack's at a gallop, where her mother and a box party will be waiting for us in the lobby. Do you think she would listen to a declaration from me during that six or eight minutes under those circumstances? No. And what chance would I have in the theatre or afterward? None. No, dad, this is one tangle that your money can't unravel. We can't buy one minute of time with cash; if we could, rich people would live longer. There's no hope of getting a talk with Miss Lantry before she sails.""All right, Richard, my boy," said old Anthony, cheerfully. "You may run along down to your club now. I'm glad it ain't your liver. But don't forget to burn a few punk sticks in the joss house to the great god Mazuma from time to time. You say money won't buy time? Well, of course, you can't order eternity wrapped up and delivered at your residence for a price, but I've seen Father Time get pretty bad stone bruises on his heels when he walked through the gold diggings."That night came Aunt Ellen, gentle, sentimental, wrinkled, sighing, oppressed by wealth, in to Brother Anthony at his evening paper, and began discourse on the subject of lovers' woes."He told me all about it," said Brother Anthony, yawning. "I told him my bankaccount was at his service. And then he began to knock money. Said money couldn't help. Said the rules of society couldn't be bucked for a yard by a team of ten-millionaires.""Oh, Anthony," sighed Aunt Ellen, "I wish you would not think so much of money. Wealth is nothing where a true affection is concerned. Love isall-powerful. If he only had spoken earlier! She could not have refused our Richard. But now I fear it is too late. He will have no opportunity to address her. All your gold cannot bring happiness to your son."At eight o'clock the next evening Aunt Ellen took a quaint old gold ring from a moth-eaten case and gave it to Richard."Wear it to-night, nephew," she begged. "Your mother gave it to me. Good luck in love she said it brought. She asked me to give it to you when you had found the one you loved."Young Rockwall took the ring reverently and tried it on his smallest finger. It slipped as far as the second joint and stopped. He took it off and stuffed it into his vest pocket, after the manner of man. And then he 'phoned for his cab.At the station he captured Miss Lantry out of the gadding mob at eightthirty-two."We mustn't keep mamma and the others waiting," said she."To Wallack's Theatre as fast as you can drive!" said Richard loyally.They whirled up Forty-second to Broadway, and then down the white- starred lane that leads from the soft meadows of sunset to the rocky hills of morning.At Thirty-Fourth Street young Richard quickly thrust up the trap and ordered the cabman to stop."I've dropped a ring," he apologized, as he climbed out. "It was my mother's, and I'd hate to lose it. I won't detain you a minute--I saw where it fell."In less than a minute he was back in the cab with the ring.But within that minute a cross-town car had stopped directly in front of the cab. The cabman tried to pass to the left, but a heavy express wagon cut him off. He tried the right, and had to back away from a furniture van that had no business to be there. He tried to back out, but dropped his reins and swore dutifully. He was blockaded in a tangled mess of vehicles and horses.One of those street blockades had occurred that sometimes tie up commerce and movement quite suddenly in the big city."Why don't you drive on?" said Miss Lantry, impatiently. "We'll be late."Richard stood up in the cab and looked around. He saw a congested flood of wagons, trucks, cabs, vans and street cars filling the vast space where Broadway, Sixth Avenue and Thirty-fourth Street cross one another as a twenty-six inch maiden fills her twenty-two inch girdle. And still from all the cross streets they were hurrying and rattling toward the converging point at full speed, and hurling themselves into the struggling mass, locking wheels and adding their drivers' imprecations to the clamour. The entire traffic of Manhattan seemed to have jammed itself around them. The oldest New Yorker among the thousands of spectators that lined the sidewalks had not witnessed a street blockade of the proportions of this one."I'm very sorry," said Richard, as he resumed his seat, "but it looks as if we are stuck. They won't get this jumble loosened up in an hour. It was my fault. If I hadn't dropped the ring we--"Let me see the ring," said Miss Lantry. "Now that it can't be helped, I don't care. I think theatres are stupid, anyway."At 11 o'clock that night somebody tapped lightly on Anthony Rockwall's door."Come in," shouted Anthony, who was in a red dressing-gown, reading a book of piratical adventures.Somebody was Aunt Ellen, looking like a grey-haired angel that had been left on earth by mistake."They're engaged, Anthony," she said, softly. "She has promised to marry our Richard. On their way to the theatre there was a street blockade, and it was two hours before their cab could get out of it."And oh, Brother Anthony, don't ever boast of the power of money again. A little emblem of true love--a little ring that symbolised unending and unmercenary affection--was the cause of our Richard finding his happiness. He dropped it in the street, and got out to recover it. And before they could continue the blockade occurred. He spoke to his love and won her there while the cab was hemmed in. Money is dross compared with true love, Anthony." "All right," said old Anthony. "I'm glad the boy has got what he wanted. I told him I wouldn't spare any expense in the matter if--""But, brother Anthony, what good could your money have done?""Sister," said Anthony Rockwall. "I've got my pirate in a devil of a scrape. His ship has just been scuttled, and he's too good a judge of the value of money to let drown. I wish you would let me go on with this chapter."The story should end here. I wish it would as heartily as you who read it wish it did. But we must go to the bottom of the well for truth.The next day a person with red hands and a blue polka-dot necktie, who called himself Kelly, called at Anthony Rockwall's house, and was at once received in the library."Well," said Anthony, reaching for his chequebook, "it was a good bilin' of soap. Let's see--you had $5,000 in cash.""I paid out $3OO more of my own," said Kelly. "I had to go a little above the estimate. I got the express wagons and cabs mostly for $5; but the trucks and two-horse teams mostly raised me to $10. The motormen wanted $10, and some of the loaded teams $20. The cops struck me hardest--$50 I paid two, and the rest $20 and $25. But didn't it work beautiful, Mr. Rockwall? I'm glad William A. Brady wasn't onto that little outdoor vehicle mob scene. I wouldn't want William to break his heart with jealousy. And never a rehearsal, either! The boys were on time to the fraction of a second. It was two hours before a snake could get below Greeley's statue.""Thirteen hundred--there you are, Kelly," said Anthony, tearing off a check. "Your thousand, and the $300 you were out. You don't despise money, do you, Kelly?""Me?" said Kelly. "I can lick the man that invented poverty."Anthony called Kelly when he was at the door."You didn't notice," said he, "anywhere in the tie-up, a kind of a fat boy without any clothes on shooting arrows around with a bow, did you?""Why, no," said Kelly, mystified. "I didn't. If he was like you say, maybe the cops pinched him before I got there.""I thought the little rascal wouldn't be on hand," chuckled Anthony. "Good-by, Kelly."。

阿伽门农编剧(古希腊)埃斯库罗斯翻译罗念生剧本根据Edward Fraenkel :Aeschylus: Agamemnon, Oxford, 1950参考注释Walter Headlam: Agamemnon of Aeschylus, Cambridge, 1952J.D.Denniston&D.Page: Aeschylus: Agamemnon, Oxford, 1957人物(以上场先后为序)守望人阿耳戈斯(Argos)(阿伽门农都城)兵士歌队由十二个阿耳戈斯长老组成仆人数人阿耳戈斯王宫的仆人克吕泰墨斯特拉(Klytaimutra)阿伽门农(Agamemnon)的妻子,埃癸斯托斯(Aigisthos)的情妇传令官阿伽门农的传令官阿伽门农阿耳戈斯和密刻奈(Mykenai)的国王侍女数人克吕泰墨斯特拉的侍女卡珊德拉阿伽门农的侍妾,特洛亚(Troia)女俘虏埃癸斯托斯阿伽门农的堂弟兄卫兵若干人埃癸斯托斯的卫兵布景阿耳戈斯王宫前院,宫前有神像和祭坛。
In 1918 the O. Henry Memorial Awards欧· 亨利纪 念奖 were established to be given annually to the best magazine stories, the winners and leading contenders to be published in an annual volume. The O. Henry Awards欧· 亨利奖 are yearly prizes given to outstanding short stories. The O. Henry Pun-Off World Championships世 界双关语锦标赛 are held in May of each year in Austin, Texas, hosted by the city's O. Henry Museum欧亨利博物馆 .
Characteristics of language
• 1 The Writing Style
writing style, O. Henry uses the civilian language, therefore readers can easily understand what he wants to express. ►Another characteristic of his language is implicative. His sense of humor expresses indirectly. Readers can still recall after reading.
About his life
• William Sydney Porter was born in Greensboro (格林斯 博罗[美国北卡罗来纳州中北部城市]),North Carolina . His father was a physician . • When William was three , his monther died ,and he was raised by paternal(父亲般癿) grandmother and maiden (未婚癿)aunt . • William was an avid reader ,but at the age of fifteen he left school ,and then worked in a drug store and on a Texas ranch . • He continued to Houston ,where he had a number of jobs ,including accountant ,land board clerk ,reporter and so on.
古英语史诗—贝奥武夫 第一小组

Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon Literature
English literature actually began with the Anglo-Saxon settlement in England. England was christianized part by part in the 7th century. Monasteries were built all over the country. It was in these monasteries that the earliest English books were written down, as at that time few except monks could read and write. There were two literary divisions: one was pagan and the other was religious. And the main literary forms are poetry and prose, and poetry was in oral form.
Anglo-Saxon Poetry
1. Pagan Poetry(世俗诗) The pagan poetry, also called secular poetry, does not contain any specific Christian doctrine and emphasizes on the harshness of circumstance and the helplessness of humans before the power of fate. Beowulf is the representative. 2. Religious Poetry(宗教诗) The religious poetry is also called Christian poetry. It is mainly on biblical stories and saints’ lives. But sometimes there is a mixture of Christian and pagan ideas in these poems. It is represented by Caedmon and Cynewulf.


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Mammon and the ArcherOld Anthony Rockwall, retired manufacturer and proprietor of Rockwall's Eureka Soap, looked out the library window of his Fifth Avenue mansion and grinned. His neighbour to theright--the aristocratic clubman, G. Van SchuylightSuffolk-Jones--came out to his waiting motor-car, wrinkling a contumelious nostril, as usual, at the Italian renaissance sculpture of the soap palace's front elevation."Stuck-up old statuette of nothing doing!" commented theex-Soap King. "The Eden Musee'll get that old frozen Nesselrode yet if he don't watch out. I'll have this house painted red, white, and blue next summer and see if that'll make his Dutch nose turn up any higher."And then Anthony Rockwall, who never cared for bells, went tothe door of his library and shouted "Mike!" in the same voice that had once chipped off pieces of the welkin on the Kansas prairies."Tell my son," said Anthony to the answering menial, "to come in here before he leaves the house."When young Rockwall entered the library the old man laid aside his newspaper, looked at him with a kindly grimness on his big, smooth, ruddy countenance, rumpled his mop of white hair with one hand and rattled the keys in his pocket with the other. "Richard," said Anthony Rockwail, "what do you pay for the soap that you use?"Richard, only six months home from college, was startled a little. He had not yet taken the measure of this sire of his, who was as full of unexpectednesses as a girl at her first party. "Six dollars a dozen, I think, dad.""And your clothes?""I suppose about sixty dollars, as a rule.""You're a gentleman," said Anthony, decidedly. "I've heard of these young bloods spending $24 a dozen for soap, and going over the hundred mark for clothes. You've got as much money to waste as any of 'em, and yet you stick to what's decent and moderate. Now I use the old Eureka--not only for sentiment, but it's the purest soap made.Whenever you pay more than 10 cents a cake for soap you buy bad perfumes and labels. But 50 cents is doing very well for a young man in your generation, position and condition. As I said, you're a gentleman. They say it takes three generations to make one. They're off. Money'll do it as slick as soap grease. It's made you one. By hokey! it's almost made one of me. I'm nearly as impolite and disagreeable and ill-mannered as these two oldKnickerbocker gents on each side of me that can't sleep of nights because I bought in between 'em.""There are some things that money can't accomplish," remarked young Rockwall, rather gloomily."Now, don't say that," said old Anthony, shocked. "I bet my money on money every time. I've been through the encyclopaedia down to Y looking for something you can't buy with it; and I expect to have to take up the appendix next week. I'm for money against the field. Tell me something money won't buy." "For one thing," answered Richard, rankling a little, "it won't buy one into the exclusive circles of society." "Oho! won't it?" thundered the champion of the root of evil. "You tell me where your exclusive circles would be if the first Astor hadn't had the money to pay for his steerage passage over?"Richard sighed."And that's what I was coming to," said the old man, less boisterously. "That's why I asked you to come in. There's something going wrong with you, boy. I've been noticing it for two weeks. Out with it. I guess I could lay my hands on eleven millions within twenty-four hours, besides the real estate. If it's your liver, there's the Rambler down in the bay, coaled, and ready to steam down to the Bahamas in two days.""Not a bad guess, dad; you haven't missed it far." "Ah," said Anthony, keenly; "what's her name?"Richard began to walk up and down the library floor. There was enough comradeship and sympathy in this crude old father of his to draw his confidence."Why don't you ask her?" demanded old Anthony. "She'll jump at you. You've got the money and the looks, and you're a decent boy. Your hands are clean. You've got no Eureka soap on 'em.You've been to college, but she'll overlook that.""I haven't had a chance," said Richard."Make one," said Anthony. "Take her for a walk in the park, or a straw ride, or walk home with her from church Chance! Pshaw!" "You don't know the social mill, dad. She's part of the stream that turns it. Every hour and minute of her time is arranged for days in advance. I must have that girl, dad, or this town is a blackjack swamp forevermore. And I can't write it--I can't do that.""Tut!" said the old man. "Do you mean to tell me that with all the money I've got you can't get an hour or two of a girl's time for yourself?""I've put it off too late. She's going to sail for Europe at noon day after to-morrow for a two years' stay. I'm to see her alone to-morrow evening for a few minutes.She's at Larchmont now at her aunt's. I can't go there. But I'm allowed to meet her with a cab at the Grand Central Station to-morrow evening at the 8.30 train. We drive down Broadway to Wallack's at a gallop, where her mother and a box party will be waiting for us in the lobby. Do you think she would listen to a declaration from me during that six or eight minutes under those circumstances? No. And what chance would I have in the theatre or afterward? None. No, dad, this is one tangle that your money can't unravel. We can't buy one minute of time with cash; if we could, rich people would live longer. There's no hope of getting a talk with Miss Lantry before she sails." "All right, Richard, my boy," said old Anthony, cheerfully. "You may run along down to your club now. I'm glad it ain't your liver. But don't forget to burn a few punk sticks in the joss house to the great god Mazuma from time to time. You say moneywon't buy time? Well, of course, you can't order eternity wrapped up and delivered at your residence for a price, but I've seen Father Time get pretty bad stone bruises on his heels when he walked through the gold diggings."That night came Aunt Ellen, gentle, sentimental, wrinkled, sighing, oppressed by wealth, in to Brother Anthony at his evening paper, and began discourse on the subject of lovers' woes."He told me all about it," said brother Anthony, yawning. "I told him my bank account was at his service. And then he began to knock money. Said money couldn't help.Said the rules of society couldn't be bucked for a yard by a team of ten-millionaires.""Oh, Anthony," sighed Aunt Ellen, "I wish you would not think so much of money. Wealth is nothing where a true affection isconcerned. Love is all-powerful. If he only had spoken earlier! She could not have refused our Richard. But now I fear it is too late. He will have no opportunity to address her. All your gold cannot bring happiness to your son."At eight o'clock the next evening Aunt Ellen took a quaint old gold ring from a moth-eaten case and gave it to Richard. "Wear it to-night, nephew," she begged. "Your mother gave it to me. Good luck in love she said it brought. She asked me to give it to you when you had found the one you loved." Young Rockwall took the ring reverently and tried it on his smallest finger. It slipped as far as the second joint and stopped. He took it off and stuffed it into his vest pocket, after the manner of man. And then he 'phoned for his cab. At the station he captured Miss Lantry out of the gadding mob at eight thirty-two."We mustn't keep mamma and the others waiting," said she. "To Wallack's Theatre as fast as you can drive!" said Richard loyally.They whirled up Forty-second to Broadway, and then down the white- starred lane that leads from the soft meadows of sunset to the rocky hills of morning.At Thirty-fourth Street young Richard quickly thrust up the trap and ordered the cabman to stop."I've dropped a ring," he apologised, as he climbed out. "It was my mother's, and I'd hate to lose it. I won't detain you a minute--I saw where it fell."In less than a minute he was back in the cab with the ring. But within that minute a crosstown car had stopped directly in front of the cab. The cabman tried to pass to the left, but a heavy express wagon cut him off. He tried the right, and hadto back away from a furniture van that had no business to be there. He tried to back out, but dropped his reins and swore dutifully. He was blockaded in a tangled mess of vehicles and horses.One of those street blockades had occurred that sometimes tie up commerce and movement quite suddenly in the big city. "Why don't you drive on?" said Miss Lantry, impatiently. "We'll be late."Richard stood up in the cab and looked around. He saw a congested flood of wagons, trucks, cabs, vans and street cars filling the vast space where Broadway, Sixth Avenue and Thirly-fourth street cross one another as a twenty-six inch maiden fills her twenty-two inch girdle. And still from all the cross streets they were hurrying and rattling toward the converging point at full speed, and hurling thcmselves into the struggling mass,locking wheels and adding their drivers' imprecations to the clamour. The entire traffic of Manhattan seemed to have jammed itself around them. The oldest New Yorker among the thousands of spectators that lined the sidewalks had not witnessed a street blockade of the proportions of this one."I'm very sorry," said Richard, as he resumed his seat, "but it looks as if we are stuck. They won't get this jumble loosened up in an hour. It was my fault. If I hadn't dropped the ring we--"Let me see the ring," said Miss Lantry. "Now that it can't be helped, I don't care. I think theatres are stupid, anyway." At 11 o'clock that night somebody tapped lightly on Anthony Rockwall's door."Come in," shouted Anthony, who was in a red dressing-gown, reading a book of piratical adventures.Somebody was Aunt Ellen, looking like a grey-haired angel thathad been left on earth by mistake."They're engaged, Anthony," she said, softly. "She has promised to marry our Richard. On their way to the theatre there was a street blockade, and it was two hours before their cab could get out of it."And oh, brother Anthony, don't ever boast of the power of money again. A little emblem of true love--a little ring that symbolised unending and unmercenary affection--was the cause of our Richard finding his happiness. He dropped it in the street, and got out to recover it. And before they could continue the blockade occurred. He spoke to his love and won her there while the cab was hemmed in. Money is dross compared with true love, Anthony.""All right," said old Anthony. "I'm glad the boy has got what he wanted. I told him I wouldn't spare any expense in the matterif--""But, brother Anthony, what good could your money have done?" "Sister," said Anthony Rockwall. "I've got my pirate in a devil of a scrape. His ship has just been scuttled, and he's too good a judge of the value of money to let drown. I wish you would let me go on with this chapter."The story should end here. I wish it would as heartily as you who read it wish it did. But we must go to the bottom of the well for truth.The next day a person with red hands and a blue polka-dot necktie, who called himself Kelly, called at Anthony Rockwall's house, and was at once received in the library."Well," said Anthony, reaching for his chequebook, "it was a good bilin' of soap. Let's see--you had $5,000 in cash.""I paid out $3OO more of my own," said Kelly. "I had to go alittle above the estimate. I got the express wagons and cabs mostly for $5; but the trucks and two-horse teams mostly raised me to $10. The motormen wanted $10, and some of the loaded teams $20. The cops struck me hardest--$50 I paid two, and the rest $20 and $25. But didn't it work beautiful, Mr. Rockwall? I'm glad William A. Brady wasn't onto that little outdoor vehicle mob scene. I wouldn't want William to break his heart with jealousy. And never a rehearsal, either! The boys was on time to the fraction of a second. It was two hours before a snake could get below Greeley's statue.""Thirteen hundred--there you are, Kelly," said Anthony, tearing off a check. "Your thousand, and the $300 you were out. You don't despise money, do you, Kelly?""Me?" said Kelly. "I can lick the man that invented poverty." Anthony called Kelly when he was at the door."You didn't notice," said he, "anywhere in the tie-up, a kind of a fat boy without any clothes on shooting arrows around with a bow, did you?""Why, no," said Kelly, mystified. "I didn't. If he was like you say, maybe the cops pinched him before I got there.""I thought the little rascal wouldn't be on hand," chuckled Anthony. "Good-by, Kelly." 老安东尼·罗克韦尔是已退休的“罗克韦尔的尤雷卡肥皂”的制造商兼厂主。