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My Big Problems at University
Hi, my name is Tommy and I'm 8 years old. I know I'm just a kid, but I already go to a big university. It's called Harvard and it's supposed to be a really good school for smart people. I'm not trying to brag, but I am pretty smart for my age. That's why they let me skip so many grades and start university already.
Even though I'm just a little kid, I have to follow all the same rules as the grown-up students at Harvard. That means I have to get to class on time every day and stay until the very end. This has been really hard for me so far. I'm always late or leaving early, and it's gotten me in a lot of trouble already!
The biggest reason I'm always late is because I can't wake up in the morning. My classes start at 8am, which is just way too early for a kid my age. I try really hard to get up when my mommy comes to wake me up, but I'm just so tired. I end up falling back asleep over and over again until it's too late and I've missed the beginning of my first class.
Then when I finally do get to class, I'm all flustered and embarrassed from being late. The professor always stops their lecture and everyone stares at me when I come in late. Some of
the mean students even laugh at me sometimes. I hate that so much! I just slink down in my seat and try not to be noticed for the rest of class.
But that's not even the worst part about being late. The worst part is that when I miss the start of a lecture, I can never catch up on what I missed. All the professors talk super fast and use really big words I don't understand. It's like they're speaking a different language! So I spend the whole rest of class just completely lost and confused. I feel dumb, even though I know I'm actually really smart.
Being late also means I miss important things the professors tell us at the very start of class. Like homework assignments, readings we have to do, project details, or upcoming test dates. I have to ask my classmates what I missed after class, but a lot of times they don't really know or just make fun of me more. It's so frustrating and makes me want to cry sometimes.
Then there's the problem of me leaving class early all the time. This happens for a few different reasons. Sometimes I honestly just get bored and can't pay attention anymore. The lectures are way too long for a little kid like me to sit still that long. After an hour or two, I'm fidgeting like crazy and zoning
out completely. That's when I start doodling or reading comics under my desk.
Other times, I have a hard time holding it and really need to go to the bathroom. I try so hard to wait until after class, but sometimes I just can't hold it any longer. I have to quickly pack up and rush out of the room to avoid having a accident! Then on my way out, everyone turns to look at me and I feel humiliated.
The worst times I leave early though are when I get the after-school munchies. My stomach will start growling like crazy and all I can think about is getting a snack. With how long and boring the lectures are, hunger hits me hard halfway through class. I try to tough it out, but eventually the craving gets so bad that I have to just get up and leave to go get some food from the vending machines or cafeteria.
Just like when I come in late, leaving class early is really distracting for everyone. The professors have to stop their whole lecture and everything. I always feel bad about that, but hunger pains don't leave me any choice! I've been scolded so many times by professors for being rude and disrupting the class. Some have even threatened to fail me if I keep it up. That's really scared me straight a few times, at least for a little while.
No matter if I'm late, leaving early, or both in the same day, I always end up missing a ton of important stuff in my classes. That makes it really hard for me to understand the material and do well on assignments, papers, and tests. My grades have already started slipping because of this bad habit. I've gotten a few warnings about possibly getting kicked out if I don't get my act together soon.
I really don't want that to happen though! I may be young, but I know how special it is to get to go to a school like Harvard at my age. I'm getting a amazing opportunity that most kids my age wouldn't even dream of. I don't want to blow this by being irresponsible and immature with my tardiness and inability to sit through classes. Getting kicked out of Harvard would be the worst thing ever!
That's why I've decided I really need to change my ways. I simply have to stop being late and leaving early, no matter what. I'm going to start going to bed way earlier each night so I can wake up on time without struggling in the mornings. I'll also start packing snacks and comic books to keep me Fed and entertained so I don't get antsy during those long lectures. And I'm going to totally relearn how to hold it until after class.
It's not going to be easy making these changes, but I have to do whatever it takes. If I can just fix these issues with tardiness and leaving early, I know I'll be able to succeed at Harvard. I'll be able to listen, learn and prove that I deserve to be here. Then I'll be on my way to getting the excellent education I came here for.
So wish me luck, everyone! I'm determined to stop being late and sneaking out of class early. I've got this problem whipped from now on. You'll see, I'm going to become a model Harvard student that everyone can be proud of. Just you wait and see!。
