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1. 大义灭亲(dà yì miè qīn)- Sacrifice personal interests for the sake of a greater cause.
2. 大公无私(dà gōng wú sī)- Selfless and fair.
3. 大器晚成(dà qì wǎn chéng)- Great talent or ability may not be fully realized until later in life.
4. 大同小异(dà tóng xiǎo yì)- Mostly the same with minor differences.
5. 大快人心(dà kuài rén xīn)- Bring great joy and relief to the people.
6. 大海捞针(dà hǎi lāo zhēn)- Difficult to find or locate something.
7. 大喜过望(dà xǐ guò wàng)- Exceedingly happy or delighted beyond expectations.
8. 大惊小怪(dà jīng xiǎo guài)- Make a big fuss over something trivial.
9. 大动干戈(dà dòng gàn gē)- Engage in large-scale military actions.
10. 大江东去(dà jiāng dōng qù)- The mighty river flows eastward.
11. 大势已去(dà shì yǐ qù)- The overall situation has already been decided or irreversible.
12. 大显身手(dà xiǎn shēn shǒu)- Display one's skill or talent to great effect.
13. 大同小康(dà tóng xiǎo kāng)- A society in which people live in harmony and enjoy moderate prosperity.
14. 大题小作(dà tí xiǎo zuò)- Make a big deal out of something trivial.
15. 大失所望(dà shī suǒ wàng)- Extremely disappointed or let down.。