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1.The _____ (花海) is a stunning sight in spring.
2.I can _____ my shoes by myself. (put on)
3.The flower smells ___ (good/bad).
4.What is the capital of Uzbekistan?
A. Tashkent
B. Samarkand
C. Bukhara
D. Andijan答案: A
5.What is the name of the study of weather?
A. Meteorology
B. Astronomy
C. Biology
D. Geography答案: A
6.Pollinators help flowers to ______ (授粉).
7.The __________ (历史的比较) reveals similarities and differences.
8.The stars are ______ (亮) at night.
9.My _____ (祖父) tells the best stories.
10. A rift valley is formed by the pulling apart of tectonic ______.
11.The __________ (历史的身份认同) shapes group dynamics.
12.The tomato plant has red _______ (西红柿植物有红色的_______).
13.My _______ (狗) loves to chase its tail.
14.My sister loves to _______ (动词) in the summer. 她喜欢 _______ (地方).
15.biome) of the tundra is characterized by permafrost. The ____
16. A physical change does not alter the ______ of a substance.
17.I like to play ______ (视频游戏) with my friends. It’s a fun way to spend time together.
18. A saturated solution is one that cannot dissolve any more _____ (solute).
19. A hawk uses its sharp ______ (爪子) to catch prey.
20. A __________ is a mixture that can be separated by magnetism.
21.The chemical formula for lithium fluoride is _____.
22.The bison roams the ______ (草原).
23.The dog is ___ (digging/sitting).
24. A chemical reaction can produce _____ and carbon.

26.I think every child should have access to ________ (良好的教育) and opportunities.
27. A _______ is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction.
28.What is 4 + 4?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12答案: B
29. A chemical bond can form between ______.
30.What is the largest ocean on Earth?
A. Atlantic
B. Indian
C. Arctic
D. Pacific答案: D
31.The __________ (古代中国的丝绸之路) connected East and West.
32.The __________ is a large desert found in North Africa. (撒哈拉沙漠)
33.The __________ (人类行为) affect the environment.
34.Which animal lives in a den?
A. Wolf
B. Eagle
C. Shark
D. Rabbit答案: A
35.The chemical formula for formaldehyde is ______.
36.The movement of water can cause ______ of rocks.
37.The otter is very ______ (活泼) in the water.
38.The beach is _______ (crowded) today.
39.My grandma enjoys sharing __________ (故事) from her youth.
40.I want to _______ (了解) different animals.
41.My brother is my silly _______ who always makes me laugh.
42.I enjoy writing letters to my ______. (我喜欢给我的____写信。

43.The __________ is where animals go to find shelter.
44.__________ (科学交流) is vital for collaboration and sharing findings.
45.The _______ (蜗牛) carries its home with it.
46.The baby is _____ (crawling/walking).
47.My favorite animal is a ______ (大象).
48.The Earth's surface is shaped by both internal and external ______.

50.The ancient Egyptians wrote using _______.
51.We will have a ________ (聚会) for the holiday.
52.The ______ of a wave is the distance between two peaks.
53.What do you call the act of putting something away in a safe place?
A. Storing
B. Hiding
C. Keeping
D. Securing答案: A
54.My friend’s name is ____ and he/she is ____.
55.I enjoy making _______ (手工艺品). It lets me be _______ (形容词) and creative.
56.The boy has a cool ________.
57. A dragonfly has long, ________________ (细长) wings.
58.Reactants are the starting materials in a _______.
59.The first telephone was invented by _______ Bell.
60.What is the capital of Armenia?
A. Yerevan
B. Tbilisi
C. Baku
D. Ankara答案: A. Yerevan
61.The first permanent English settlement in America was _______.
62.My sister is a great __________. (讲故事者)
63.My cousin is very good at ____ (science).
64.When you heat sugar, it can turn into __________.
65.What household item is used to clean floors?
A. Vacuum Cleaner
B. Refrigerator
C. Oven
D. Microwave答案: A
66.The __________ is known for its dramatic coastline.
67.The term "reactant" refers to a substance that participates in a _______.
68.The first recorded use of the wheel was in ______ (美索不达米亚).
69.The _____ (grass/flower) is green.
70.What do we call the act of discussing a topic?
A. Conversation
B. Dialogue
C. Debate
D. Discussion答案:B
71.My sister is learning to ______.
72.The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a permanent ______.
73.My brother is very __________ (机智的) and quick-thinking.
74. A ______ (海豹) is playful and loves to swim.
75.We should appreciate the beauty of ______ (自然).
76.The ice is ______ in the glass. (cold)
77.Photosynthesis is how plants make their own ________.
78.We should be aware of ______ (植物保护).
79.My family has a tradition of _______ (活动) every year. It brings us closer together.
80.My phone is _______ (关机的).
81.I have a toy _____ that glows in the dark.
82.The ______ is very talented at writing.
83.I want to visit ________ (其他国家).
84.I th ink it’s important to protect __________ because it is __________.
85.The dog barks at the ___ (cats/birds).
86.My sister's favorite activity is _______ (名词). 她总是 _______ (动词).
87.The coldest planet in our solar system is ______.
88.What is the name of the famous ancient structure located in Greece?
A. Colosseum
B. Parthenon
C. Acropolis
D. Forum答案: B
89. A ________ (观赏花) can brighten any space.
90.The ________ (community) thrives on cooperation.
91.Astronauts train for missions in _______ environments.
92.What is the name of the famous rock formation in Australia?
A. Uluru
B. Stonehenge
C. Grand Canyon
D. Great Wall答案:A.Uluru
93.My ______ is a scientist who studies plants.
94.The _____ (乌鸦) is known for its intelligence and problem-solving skills. 乌鸦以其聪明才智和解决问题的能力而闻名。

95.Plants can _____ (adapt) to their environment.
96.I love watching the ______ (海浪) at the beach.
97.The chemical formula for uric acid is ______.
98.What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work on optics?
A. Isaac Newton
B. Albert Einstein
C. Johannes Kepler
D. Thomas Young
答案: A
99.What do we call the study of the universe?
A. Biology
B. Astronomy
C. Geology
D. Physics答案: B
100.Which of these is a mode of transportation?
A. Bicycle
B. Sofa
C. Table
D. Bed答案: A。
