饭店管理第一次作业 2(1)

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阅读材料: Hotel departments
In a typical hotel organization, the departments are classified into two groups-revenue centers and support centers. The revenue centers include the front office, the food and beverage outlets and any other facility that sell goods and service to guests. The support centers include housekeeping,accounting,engineering and maintenance,and personnel.To help you better understand hotel operations,
let’s look at the functions of the most commonly found departments.
1. Rooms Division
The rooms division contains those departments which play a central role in providing the services expected by guests during their stay. The organization chart for the rooms division of a large hotel,shown in Exhibit 2.4,will give you an idea of the types of positions needed to run
the division,Let’s consider the positions shown on the chart.
(1)The Front 0ffice. The most visible area in a property,with the greatest amount of guest contact j is the front office.The front desk f cashier, and mail and information sections of the front office are located in the lobby. The from desk itself is the focal point of activity in the front office because that is where the guest is registered,assigned to a room,and checked out.The actual physical structure of front desks varies widely,and can include straight counters,circular counters,and regular office desks placed in lobbies.
The mail and information section of the front office department was once a very prominent section of most properties.In recent years,however,the responsibility for providing guests with information and messages has been divided among the desk clerks, PBX operators, and cashiers,so that a single full—time person is often not required for these duties.
Cashiering involves receiving payments and posting charges to guest accoui7ts.In hotels that have point—of—sale terminals (electronic cash registers),the posting of charges is minimized.Obviously,the busiest time period for the cashier occurs when guests check out of the property. In addition to posting charges and receiving payments,the cashier assumes responsibility for the cash monies used to make change and to cash guests’checks.The cashier is also responsible for balancing accounts the close of shifts.
A recent development in the front offices of some hotels has been The establishment of concierge services.Some 0f the basic functions of a Concierge are found in every type of property.These services might include making theater reservations and obtaining tickets;organizing special functions,such as VIP cocktail parties;and arranging for secretarial and typing services for guests.In a sense,the concierge section is simply an extension of the front office.The difference is the concierge section has more time and knowledge and the ability to specialize in extended guest service. The smaller property,or one without this service,may find the existing front office staff ca n provide many of the same amenities, in addition to taking care of guests’reservation and room needs.
(2)The Telephone Department
The telephone section of the rooms division has a switchboard like that of any large company. However, the PBX(the abbreviation for private branch exchange, and the term used for the switchboard equipment) staff members at a hotel have additional tasks to complete. Telephone calls from potential guests, friends of guests, equipment and supply dealers, the PBX operator may even place outside calls for guests. Long distance toll charges are routed through the switchboard and relayed to cashiers for posting to guest accounts. Although most properties now have semi-or
totally automatic wake-up systems, in some hotels telephone operators must still actually make guest wake-up calls.
(3)The Reservations Department. The reservations section of the rooms division is charged with responsibility for receiving, accepting f and making reservations for potential and actual guests of the hotel.In addition to the basic duty of handling room reservations,this section must keep
exact records regarding the status of guestrooms and make sure that future dates are not overbooked.Close coordination with the sales and marketing department is essential when large groups are booked into a hotel.
(4)Uniform Service. Parking attendants,door attendants,porters,limousine drivers,and bellpersons make up the uniform service staff. Out of the entire front office staff,uniform service personnel have the greatest degree of contact with guests.They meet,greet,and help guests
to the front desk and to their rooms.At the end of the stay,they take guests to the cashier,out the front door,and Into their transportation.
(5)Housekeeping.The primary front office support department is housekeeping. The fundamental goals of this department are to provide vacant and ready rooms,to clean occupied rooms,and to help the front office keep the status of every room current.(In Chapter 8,you will learn about methods of communication between the front office and housekeeping.) An executive housekeeper is in charge of the department.which often has more personnel than any other department in the rooms division of the property. he executive housekeeper may be assisted by inspectors,room attendants a 1aundry manager?“housemen”and.if the department is large enough,an assistant housekeeper. Some properties may even employ seamstresses and storeroom supervisors.
Room attendants,also called maids or floor housekeepers,are assigned to specific sections of the hotel.Each day,the executive housekeeper assigns the room attendants certain rooms to clean within their sections.The quota per room attendant may range from 8 to 18 rooms a day depending on the level of service expected,the room size,the tasks required, and the degree of assistance given to the room attendant.
If the hotel has its own laundry,its staff takes care of the property’s linens and,frequently,the food and beverage linens as well.In larger properties,the laundry equipment can be quite complicated.It may include folding and ironing machinery in addition to commercial washers and dryers.Technical skills are required to operate the equipment,but automation has simplified the formerly tedious tasks of mixing soaps and detergents.
As you can see, in a large property there are many positions with a considerable separation of job duties. That is, the front clerk’s only duties are to check people in and to keep the room rack current. The cashier only handles money, posts charges, and checks people out of the hotel. The mail and information clerk is only responsible for messages, Wake-up calls, giving directions to guests, and filing. Telephone operators work exclusively at the switchboard, and reservations clerks just take reservations and keep reservation records in order. If the property is computerized,
each of these employees’terminal access may be restricted to those areas pertinent to their functions. In some instances, even with shared computer terminals, every employee has an access code that only permits them to enter data for their function. While the same functions are performed in a mid-sized property, there are fewer employees and job duties are typically combined. In this particular organizational structure, the front desk person performs the duties of the receptionist, cashier, and mail and information clerk. The desk person may even have to assume the responsibilities of the telephone operator or the reservationist in their absence. To alleviate the pressure of busy periods,two or three desk clerks may be on duty at the same time.The separation of duties 1S generally not formally declared—rather,each person is assigned the same duties.However the desk clerks may informally decide among themselves that one person will check guests in and handle the telephone,that another will check guests out and post charges,while the third handles reservations,messages,and so forth..
The organization of a front office in a small hotel is quite similar to a mid-sized one.The major difference is that in a small property if the desk clerk becomes overburdened,usually 0nly the manager or accountant can provide assistance.In a small hotel,the desk person often performs nearly all the functions with few other staff members to assist. In addition,management is frequently much more involved with the details of the front office operation。

2. Food and Beverage
The second major revenue center in most hotels 1S the food and beverage department.Depending upon the number and size of the food and beverage operations,the revenue from the department may be sizable, but is typically less than the total revenue from room sales.
While the hotel’s general manager is ultimately responsible for the food and beverage department in properties operating their own facilities, most operations have a food and beverage director.to manage the activities of the department.other positions depend upon the nature of the property’s food and beverage operations. There are as many varieties of hotel food and beverage (F&B) operations as there are hotels.Some of the possible types include gourmet and specialty restaurants,coffee shops(which may offer 24-hour service),a lounge or“show room”room service, and t perhaps combined banquet and meeting room facilities.Some chains have attempted to systematize their corporately owned operations by packaging their restaurants and specialty rooms;but,due to the mix of guests,even these food and beverage operations differ from property to property.
The food component of the department is responsible for a number of important function These include purchasing raw materials.Receiving deliveries,safely storing food and supplies,preparing saleable products,selling,serving,collecting,and accounting for receipts.Obviously,
highly technical skills and knowledge a re required for satisfactory performance in this department.
The sale and service of alcoholic beverages is usually a distinct operation purposely separated from food sales and service activities,The beverage section
has separate storerooms,servers,sales areas,and preparation people(bartenders);its hours of operation may extend well past the hours in the food service outlets.In serving wines,the food and beverage sections probably experience more mixing of function and personnel than in any other area,since wines a re ofte~1 served and sold by food service personnel.
Banquets and catered meals may involve the food and beverage staff or specially designated personnel who only work in this area.While revenues from banquets are included in the total food and beverage sales,the banquets themselves usually take place in special function rooms or areas of property. In addition, banquet service involves groups of people who eat together and are served the same menu.
In many properties, food and beverage operation entrances are separate from the hotel entrances, and front office personnel see little of the food and beverage patrons. However, the importance of the food and beverage customer’s perception of a hotel cannot be overemphasized. As was stressed earlier, the property’s architecture and ambience, and the courtesy and friendliness of front office personnel are crucial to the success of the property.
In addition if the food and beverage operation’s reputation for service and quality is excellent, local residents will tend to refer their clients, relatives, and friends to the property’s guestrooms. Therefore, making a good impression on the local community in the food and beverage section of the hotel is, in many cases, essential to the success of both the rooms division and the food and beverage operation.
3.Sales and Marketing
Although some hotels and motels do not have formal marketing departments, every hospitality enterprise does have at least some of the elements found in a marketing department. The primary goal or objective of a marketing department is to attract guests to the property. C. D. e-Witt Coffman has written, with regard to the marketing process,“What all this boils down to is that it makes sense to find out methodically and scientifically who your best sources of business are, what they want and need, what your competition is doing, what you can do better than your competition; and then plan how, exactly, to get maximum revenue for your operation from those sources”Usually, even the least sales-conscious hotel will design and use brochures, and advertisements to attract guests. In a sophisticated operation, marketing plans and budgets are developed at least yearly, are updated as required, and are monitored closely throughout their term.
The size of the sales and marketing department in a hotel can vary from just one person, usually the manager, spending only part of his or her time handling the function, up to a staff of 15 to 20 persons. In a large operation, you may find a sales manager, a tour and travel manager, a corporate sales manager, an account executive, convention service personnel, and various other assistants and clerical personnel. The director of sales or the vice-president of sales and marketing directs, assists, and evaluates each of these professionals in the performance of their duties. Coordination with, and knowledge of, all other departments in the hotel is esse fo r smooth functioning in the sales and marketing department.
The accounting department in a hotel is responsible for handing the financial activities of the operation. The number of people in the accounting department varies depending upon whether most of the accounting is done off the property or onsite. The local property; accounting staff, in the former instance, simply collects and sends data, taking little responsibility for computing the actual operating results. For example, time sheets are forwarded to their corporate offices where payroll checks are drawn and mailed back to the properties. Operating figures may be sent daily, weekly, or at another designated time by the individual property Income statements are then computed and transmitted from the corporate office to the local property.
If all accounting functions are performed within the hotel the accounting staff has many more responsibilities. These include paying all bills (accounts payable), sending out statements and receiving payments (accounts receivable), computing payroll information and writing payroll checks, accumulating operating data (income and expenses), and compiling the monthly income statement. In addition, they make bank deposits, secure cash monies, and perform any other control and monitoring functions required by the hotel’s ownership or management.
At the individual property level, it is rare to find a certified public accountant in an accounting department. However, a high degree of knowledge and ability is required in a hotel accounting department, especially when all accounting is done within the property. The volume of business and size of the property dictate the number of people required to operate an effective department. Close coordination with the front office is essential to the success of the accounting department.
5. Repair and Maintenance
Repair and maintenance (R&M) departments in hotels have the responsibility of keeping the highest level of appearance in both the interior and exterior of the property, as well as keeping all equipment operational. A chief engineer directs the department in larger properties. He or she usually reports to the property’s general manager, but special coordination and cooperation with the housekeeping and front office departments is also required.
Repair and maintenance personnel are assigned to the various areas under the department’s jurisdiction; work is divided into four main activities-regular maintenance, emergency work, preventive maintenance, and special project assignments. The staff members of this department are often skilled in carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work. Tasks such as painting, minor carpet repairs, furniture refinishing, and preventive equipment maintenance are performed by the repair and maintenance staff. However, major problems or projects may require outside specialists. For example, full-scale refurbishing of public areas and guestrooms is usually contracted out to specialists in interior decorating.
The department is also responsible for swimming pool cleaning and sanitation. In heavy usage periods, the staff may “sweep-down”the pool are and conduct water analysis checks twice a day; backwashing the filters is scheduled according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Landscaping is another of the repair and
maintenance department’s responsibilities. This duty entails cutting the grass, planting flowers. Caring for shrubs and trees, watering plants, and keeping the property’s grounds in good overall condition.
6. The Security Department
In terms of security,each property is different What is a required security procedure for one property may be of little value to another. Therefore,security procedures must be developed on an individual basis as national security standards are not feasible for such a varied industry.
In many properties,there may be a director of security and 24-hour coverage of the property by security officers.The security department usually reports directly to the general manager or the manager—on—duty The staff might be made up of in-house personnel contract security officers,
or retired police officers;some local police departments allow their officers to assume “off—duty” jobs and their trained personnel may be hired to work at the hotel.
Security responsibilities may include patrolling the property,monitoring any television surveillance cameras,and,in general,seeing to it That guests (and employees)are safe and secure at the hotel. The security department must rely on local law officials since their cooperation and assistance is critical to the security department’s effectiveness.
Security for hotel guests,invitees,and employees is of concern to employees at all levels.While the manager or the security officer may be responsible for a property’s security program,the security program is most effective when employees who have primary responsibilities other than security also participate in security efforts (i.e.,room attendants, uniform service personnel,engineers,etc.).For example,front office staff members should only issue room keys to registered guests;housekeeping employees should be instructed to open a room door only for guests Wh0 can verify that the room belongs to them.All employees should be wary of suspicious activities anywhere in the property.Such activities should be reported to hotel management and to local police if appropriate.
7. Miscellaneous Departments
In some hotels, especially resorts, there is a department dedicated to providing guests with group or individual recreational activities. Golf, tennis, or bowling tournaments, tours, short trips, hikes, and other activities may be arranged by the recreation department staff. If there is a need, children’s activities are also planned and directed. Usually, fees are charged for organized for organized activities and the appropriate staff is responsible for collecting the money or for posting charges to the guests’ room accounts.。
