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Assessment Methods 考核方式
1 Process assessment 过程性考核 * 60%
Classroom Performance: attendance出勤, class interaction课堂互 动, teamwork小组合作 10% =6
(2) Presentation 话题演示 & Role Play 角色扮演 20% =12
4. 不允许在教室吃东西 No eating in classroom.
1. 英语多于汉语 More English, Less Chinese
2. 句子多于单词 More senteces, Less words
3. 参与多于沉默 More participation, Less silence
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Classroom Requirements 课堂 要求
Basic Requirements
1. 不许迟到(上课,作业) Be on time.(arrival & homework)
2. 带课本,笔记本(算平时成绩) Bring your text book& notebook.
3. 手机静音并小组集中放置 Mute your phones & Put together.
(3) Homework: 作业、笔记和小测成绩 70% =42
2 Summative assessment 终结性考核 * 40%
(1) Vocabulary词汇、Reading阅读、Listening & Speaking听说 70%
(2) Writing写作、Grammar语法、Oral English口语 30%
• 1. 写一份自我介绍(作业本),并背诵。 • 2. 预习单词(笔记本),并背诵。 P2/P3/ P6
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大学英语第一节课课堂要 求和考核方式
Why do we learn English?
1. If you want to further your education, you have to take part in the exams related to English. 2. It will be easier for you to get jobs if you have a good mastery of English. 1). Interview in English, BMW better opportunity (listening & speaking) There will be more opportunity for those who can speak English well. 2). Further education to Japan, better English proficiency (professional) 3). Training need of colleagues and department leaders 3. English is the most commonly used language throughout the world. When people with different languages come together they commonly use English to communicate.