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①account 账目,账户 budget account 预算账户

current account 活期存款账户 deposit account 定期存款

②accountant 会计师

③accountancy 会计师工作


⑤adjustment 调整适应调节。例:She went through a period of emotional

adjustment after her marriage broke up

⑥airline 航空公司 international airlines 国际航空公司



⑧administer 管理(国家)治理(公司,企业等);执行,施行

例:①:to administer a charity 管理一家慈善机构

②:The questionnaire was administered by the trained interviewers.

⑨agenda 议事日程

⑩allocate 划拨分给......东西

allocation 划拨的东西分拨的东西

allowance 津贴补助金(collateral 抵押品担保品)

analyst 分析者化验员 political analyst 政治分析员 food analyst 食品化验员announcement 公布公告;宣布宣告

assess –assessment –assessor {顾问;(财产,费用等的)估价员}

asset 财产,资产{a thing of value ,especially property that a company or person owns ,which can be used or sold to pay debts} assume—assumption—{(假定,假设) (责任的承担,权力的获得)}

例:The court assumed the responsibility for the girl’s welfare. 法院承担了这个女孩儿福利金的责任。

audit 审计检查, an annual audit 年度审计 {v :审查检查;旁听(大学课程)} audition 试演试音试场(n ,v) We auditioned over 200 children for the part. auditor 审计员稽核员;(大学课程的)旁听生

authorize 批准,授权。如:I can authorize payments up to RMB 2000.我仅能批准付2000元人民币

banker 银行家银行老板 a merchant banker 商人银行家(bank draft 银行汇票)biotechnology生物科技

bond 债券公债;按揭贷款,按揭贷款协议

bonus 奖金红利

boom 激增繁荣(n ,v)Living standards improved rapidly during the post-war boom . Business is booming 生意兴隆

boost 使增长使兴旺 to boost exports 增加出口

borrower 借款人借方

breach { (违反,违背) ;(中断,中止)}

如: a breach of contact 违反合同

a breach in Franco-German relations 法德关系的中断

broadband 宽频带宽波段;

宽带(We have broadband at home now. 我们家里现在装了宽带)

broke (a) 没钱的,破产的,囊中羞涩的 I’m always broke by the end of the month.

During the recession thousands of small business went broke.

broker (n) 经纪人,掮客 an insurance broker 保险经纪人

brokerage (n) 经济业务;经纪人回扣

burden (n) 负担重担 the heavy tax burden on working people

carrier (n)【尤指航空经营的】运输公司互联网公司

cater (v)提供饮食承办酒席 Most of our work now involves catering for wedding.我们的工作大部分是用来承办酒席。

cater for sb/sth满足需要适合 (The class caters for all ability ranges. 这个班对各种不同水平的人都适合。) [catering (n)饮食服务]

clause (n) 条款

chartered(adj) 包租的,租赁的 a chartered plane 包机

合格的,特许的 a chartered accountant 特许会计师

commodity (n) 商品,有用的东西,有使用价值的事物(Crude oil is the most important commodity in the world 原油是世界上最重要的商品)

compensate (v)补偿,给......赔款(Her lawyers say she should be compensated for the sufferings she had suffered .她的律师说她应该为所受的痛苦而得到赔偿。)compensation (n )补偿物赔偿金;to pay compensation for injuries at work

支付工伤赔偿金(compo 工伤赔偿金)
