
1.购物的英语表达购物在英语中有多种表达方式,常见的有:shopping(购物)、go shopping(去购物)、do some shopping(逛购物)等。
此外,还可以用“hit the mall”(逛商场)或者“go on a shopping spree”(疯狂购物)来表示购物。
以下是一些常见的购物词汇:- 商品:item(项目)、product(产品)、goods(商品)- 价格:price(价格)、cost(成本)、expense(费用)- 优惠:discount(折扣)、sale(促销)、special offer(特别优惠)- 购物袋:shopping bag(购物袋)、carrier bag(环保购物袋)- 退换货:return(退货)、exchange(换货)、refund(退款)3.购物场景示例现在让我们通过一个简单的购物场景来学习如何运用这些表达。
假设我们要去商场买一件衣服,可以这样描述:- I"d like to go shopping for a new shirt.(我想去买一件新衬衫。
)- Let"s hit the mall this weekend.(这个周末我们去逛商场吧。
)- I"m looking for a product that is both stylish and comfortable.(我在找一件既时尚又舒适的商品。
)- Can I have a discount on this item?(这个商品能打折吗?)- I found a special offer on this good.(我发现这个商品有特别优惠。

日常生活常用英语购物对话在我们日常生活中有哪些常见的有关购物的英语口语呢?下面店铺为大家带来日常生活常用英语购物口语对话,欢迎大家学习!日常生活英语购物对话(一)Jack: Ben, I'm preparing for TEM8 exam. Where can I get some cheap reference books?杰克:本,我在准备英语专业八级考试。
我去哪儿能买到便宜的参考书?Ben: How about buying some online? I know a famous bookselling web, Dangdang, which is thebiggest online bookseller in China. And books there are much cheaper.本:去网上买如何?我知道一家非常著名的网上书籍销售网站——当当网,它是中国最大的在线书商,而且那儿的书都很便宜。
Jack: I've never bought books online before. Is it quickly delivered? I want to start my studyingas soon as possible.杰克:我从没在网上买过书。
Ben: According to my experience, if you order online before 12 noon, you can receive yourbooks at the next day. And if you order after 6 p.m., you'll get your books two days later. Theirexpress is great.本:据我的经验,如果你在正午12点以前下单,第二天可以收到书。

整理了日常购物英语口语对话带翻译,欢迎阅读!日常购物英语口语对话带翻译篇一A:Excuse me...打扰一下...B:Yes, sir. How may I be of service?是的,先生,需要什么服务吗?A:I would like to return this item... Are refunds allowed?我想把这个东西推掉...可以退款吗?B:Certainly. The customer is always right, we are here to serve you. Is there a reason that you would like to return it? Did you have problems with our product or services?当然可以.顾客总是对的,我们随时为您服务.为什么要退掉?您对我们的产品和服务有什么问题吗?A:No, no... It was just the wrong size.不,不是的...只是大小不合适.B:Would you be interested in an exchange as opposed to a refund? I think I can help you to find the appropriate size.那你想调换一下还是要退款?我想我能帮你找到合适的尺寸.A:No. I would rather just return it.不用了.我还是想退掉.B:Sure, no problem. Do you happen to have the receipt?当然可以,没问题.你带收据了吗?A:Yeah, right here.带了,在这儿...B:Ok, just a moment, please. Here you are, I need you to sign here, please. And here is your refund. Is there anything else I can help you with?好的,请等一下.给您,请在这里签字.这是你的退款.还有什么需要我帮忙的?A:No, thank you.没有了,谢谢你.B:You're welcome. Have a nice day!别客气.祝你一天都开心!日常购物英语口语对话带翻译篇二Customer:Do you have any English newspapers?Customer:你们有没有英语报纸?Shop Assistant:Yes,just over there.Shop Assistant:有,就在那边。

A:WhataboutthioneItalovelydre,itverymart.Shortkirtareinfahionnow.W ouldyouliketotryit这件怎么样这件很好看,非常时髦。

今天由®⽆忧考⽹给⼤家分享了超市购物的英语⼝语表达,赶紧来看看吧!【篇⼀】超市购物的英语⼝语表达 1.I'm going toTesco.我要去乐购。
2.I'm going to Walmart.我要去沃尔玛。
3.I'm heading to the market.我要去商场。
4.The one down the street.在街边的那⼀家呀。
5.Do you have a shopping list.我有⼀份购物清单。
6.It's always so crowded there.那⾥⼀直都很挤啊。
7.Not enough customers.因为去那⾥买东西的⼈不多啊。
8.I always go to that market.我⼀直都是去那⾥买东西的。
9.The market is going out of business.那家商场要关门了。
10.It has a bigger selection of things.那⾥的东西要多很多。
11.Where is the biggest shopping center?哪有的购物中⼼? 12.Is there a department store around here?附近哪有百货商店? 13.I still like the smaller one.我还是更喜欢去⼩⼀点的地⽅买。
14.Excuse me. Where are the dairy products?请问乳类制品在哪⾥? 15.Could you put the eggs in a separate bag?你能把鸡蛋单独放⼀个袋⼦吗? 16.I usually save my bag in the free locker.我通常把包存进免费储物柜⾥。

Todd: So, Rebea, talking about shopping, isshopping something you enjoy doing?托德:丽贝卡,我们来聊聊购物,你喜欢购物吗?Rebea: Yes, when Im in the mood for it.Definitely.丽贝卡:喜欢,我想去购物时很喜欢。
Todd: So I guess when you talk about shopping, wetalk about clothes shopping, mainly right, so how often do you go clothes shopping?托德:我认为在谈到购物时,我们指的是买衣服,你多长时间买一次衣服?Rebea: Not very often. Maybe once every three months. It depends on my money. If I havethe money.丽贝卡:我不常去。
Todd: Do you usually follow the fashions? Try to stay hip, and you know?托德:你一般会紧跟时尚潮流吗?保持时尚?Rebea: No, because sometimes the fashions arent fortable. I prefer fortableclothing.丽贝卡:不会,有时时尚并不是那么舒服。
Todd: So are you a bargain shopper?托德:你买衣服时会讨价还价吗?。

精心采集了平时购物英语对话带翻译,供大家赏识学习!平时购物英语对话带翻译篇1A:IwanttotakeapresentforCathy.Doyouhavesomegoodidea?我想要买个礼品给凯西,你有什么好建议吗?B:ThenearbyhaveaCommodityshop,wecango andhavealook.这邻近恰好有家小商品店,我们能够去看看A:Ok.好的.C:Goodmorning!MayIhelpyou?清晨好,我能够帮到你吗?B:Wearelookingfirst.我们先看看。
B:Thisisclayfigurine..Thisone?Ok,DoyouhaveSun Wukongclayfigurine?这是黏土塑像。

日常英语购物交流口语100句1.Can I help you find something?2.How much does this cost?3.Do you have this item in stock?4.Where can I find the dairy products?5.Can I try this on?6.Do you accept credit cards?7.Are there any discounts available?8.Is there a sale going on?9.Can I return this if it doesn't fit?10.Can I have a receipt, please?11.What forms of payment do you accept?12.Are there any promotions happening today?13.Do you have this in a different color?14.Can I exchange this for a different size?15.Where can I find the checkout counter?16.Do you offer gift wrapping services?17.Are there any special offers for loyal customers?18.Do you have any organic produce available?19.Can I use this coupon for my purchase?20.Can I speak to a manager, please?21.Can you help me find the nearest restroom?22.Are there any delivery options for large items?23.Do you have any recommendations for this product?24.What's your return policy?25.Is there a minimum purchase requirement for using a credit card?26.Can you help me find a similar item?27.Can I get a rain check if this item is out of stock?28.Are there any additional fees for home delivery?29.Can I get a discount if I buy in bulk?30.Can I see a demonstration of how this product works?31.Do you offer a loyalty rewards program?32.Can I reserve this item for pickup later?33.Is there a warranty included with this product?34.Can you help me find a gift for a friend?35.Can I sign up for your mailing list to receive promotions?36.Do you have a price match guarantee?37.Can I get a rain check for this item if it's out of stock?38.Can you recommend a good brand for this product?39.Can I schedule a home delivery for this purchase?40.Are there any installment payment options available?41.Can I see a demonstration of how this appliance works?42.Is there an expiration date on this food item?43.Can I request a custom order for this product?44.Are there any restrictions on using coupons for this item?45.Can I pre-order this item before it's released?46.Can you check if there are any additional colors available?47.Do you have a size chart for these clothes?48.Can I get a refund if I change my mind about this purchase?49.Can I apply for a store credit card to receive discounts?50.Are there any eco-friendly options available for this product?51.Can you help me find the ingredients list for this food item?52.Can I see the product reviews before making a decision?53.Do you offer free samples of this product?54.Can I request a special order for this item?55.Can you recommend a good place to eat nearby?56.Are there any special deals for students or seniors?57.Can you offer a discount if I buy multiple items?58.Are there any clearance items available for a lower price?59.Can you match the price from a competitor's store?60.Can I negotiate the price for this item?61.Is there room for flexibility on the price?62.Can I speak to a manager to discuss pricing?63.Can I get a better deal if I pay in cash?64.Can you offer a price reduction for minor cosmetic defects?65.Can I trade in my old device for a discount on a new one?66.Can you throw in any accessories for free with this purchase?67.Can I get a discount for being a repeat customer?68.Can you lower the price if I buy in bulk?69.Can I get a discount if I pay upfront for a subscription?70.Can I get a discount if I sign up for automatic billing?71.Can you offer a discount for purchasing last season's merchandise?72.Can I get a discount if I refer friends to your store?73.Can I negotiate the price for a floor model or display item?74.Can you match the online price for this item in-store?75.Can I get a discount if I purchase the display model?76.Can you waive the shipping fee for this online order?77.Can I get a discount for purchasing a warranty with this item?78.Can I get a discount if I bring my own bag for groceries?79.Can you offer a discount for purchasing a complete set of items?80.Can I get a discount for pre-ordering this item before release?81.Can I negotiate the price for this service based on my budget?82.Can you offer a discount for paying for services in advance?83.Can I get a discount for purchasing floor samples or open-box items?84.Can you offer a discount for purchasing items as part of a packagedeal?85.Can I negotiate the price for customizing this product to mypreferences?86.Can I get a discount if I purchase the demo model or rentalequipment?87.Can I place a special order for an item that's currently out of stock?88.Can you order this item for me from another store location?89.Can I reserve this item online and pick it up in-store?90.Can I schedule a delivery date for this large item?91.Can I order this item online and have it shipped to the store for free?92.Can I order a custom-made version of this product?93.Can I request a rush order for this item if I need it urgently?94.Can you help me with ordering items in bulk for my business?95.Can I pre-order this item before it's released to ensure availability?96.Can I order this item online and pay for it in-store?97.Can I order this item through your mobile app for pickup?98.Can you assist me with ordering personalized gifts for a specialoccasion?99.Can I order this item now and pay for it later with a deposit?100.Can I set up a recurring order for this product to be delivered regularly?。

日常购物英语常用句型实用对话出国旅游,即使没有一口流利的英语,了解一些常用的旅游英语口语也是很有必要的!今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些日常购物英语常用句型,希望这些实用口语会对大家有所帮助!日常购物英语常用句型:购物英语1.I'm just looking我只是随便看看。
在美国逛街买衣服,“I'm just looking.” 这一句一定要先学会。
因为一般当你走进一家店时,小姐们通常都会走过来亲切地和你打招呼,问你“May I help you?” (需要帮忙吗?) 或是“Are you looking for something?” (你想找什么样的衣服?) 如果你只是想随便看一看,不妨客气地跟她说声:I'm just looking. 这样子她们就不会继续纠缠下去,会让你在店里随便逛。
但如果你是真的要找某一件特定的商品,比方说你想找一件高领毛衣,你就可以说:I'm looking for a turtle neck sweater. Could you help me? (我在找一件高领的毛衣能帮我一下吗?)或是 Do you have any turtle neck sweaters? (你们有卖高领的毛衣吗?)2. May I try this on? 我能试穿这一件吗?3. Let me ring that up for you! 让我帮你结帐吧!买方结帐最标准的讲法是check out,例如你衣服都买好了,就可以拿到收银台 (cash register),跟店员说,“I want to check out.”她就会帮你算钱。
4. 对不起,我们这儿只有…… Sorry, we only have +其他商品.5. 看看这些。
Look at these ones.6. 您要什么颜色?What color do you want?7. 您要多大号?What size do you want?8. 我穿…号。

日常英语口语对话大全以下是一些日常英语口语对话大全的例子:1. Greeting (问候)A: Good morning! How are you today?B: I'm good, thank you. How about you?2. Ordering food in a restaurant (在餐厅点餐)A: What would you like to order?B: I'll have the grilled chicken with mashed potatoes, please.3. Shopping (购物)A: Excuse me, where can I find the shoes section?B: It's on the second floor, on your right.4. Asking for directions (问路)A: Excuse me, how can I get to the train station?B: Go straight ahead for two blocks, then turn left.5. Making a phone call (打电话)A: Hi, is John there?B: I'm sorry, he's not available at the moment. Can I take a message?6. Making plans (制定计划)A: What are you doing this weekend?B: I'm not sure yet. I might go hiking or just relax at home.7. Talking about the weather (谈论天气)A: The weather is so nice today, isn't it?B: Yes, it's perfect for a picnic in the park.8. Asking about someone's day (询问对方的一天)A: How was your day?B: It was busy, but overall, it was good. How about yours?9. Talking about hobbies (谈论爱好)A: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?B: I like reading books and playing the guitar.10. Expressing gratitude (表达感激)A: Thank you so much for your help.B: You're welcome. I'm glad I could assist you.。

英语日常交流口语对话情景剧场景一:购物角色:客户(Customer)、店员(Salesperson)对话内容:Customer:Excuse me, where can I find the men’s shirts?Salesperson:Men’s shirts are on the second floor, just go straight and turn left.Customer: Thank you.场景二:订餐角色:顾客(Customer)、服务员(Waiter)对话内容:Customer: Could I have a menu, please?Waiter: Here you go. What would you like to order?Customer:I’ll have the steak, medium-rare, please.Waiter: Sure, anything to drink?Customer:I’ll have a glass of water, thank you.场景三:乘坐公共交通工具角色:乘客(Passenger)、车站工作人员(Station Staff)对话内容:Passenger: Excuse me, which platform is the train to London?Station Staff: Platform 3, the train will be arriving in 5 minutes.Passenger: Thank you for your help.场景四:医生诊所角色:病人(Patient)、医生(Doctor)对话内容:Patient:I’ve b een feeling dizzy lately, can you help me?Doctor: Let me check your blood pressure and temperature first.Patient: Is it serious, doctor?Doctor: It seems like you just have a minor cold, rest well and drink lots of water.场景五:交友聚会角色:朋友A(Friend A)、朋友B(Friend B)对话内容:Friend A: Have you met the new guy in our group?Friend B:Not yet, what’s he like?Friend A:He’s really friendly and funny, you’ll like him.Friend B:I can’t wait to meet him at the next gathering.以上是一些日常生活中可能会遇到的情景对话,希望对大家的英语口语交流有所帮助。

购物英语情景对话篇1A:I want a pair of sports shoes, Adidas.A:我想买双运动鞋,要阿迪达斯的。
B:What size do you want?B:您要多大的?A:I wear size 40.A:我穿40号的。
B:How about this one? Ifs the latest design.B:这种怎么样?是最新式。
A:Oh. I like the color.A:噢,我喜欢这种颜色。
购物英语情景对话篇2A:Good morning, sir.Can I help you?A:早晨好,先生。
您买什么?B:I'm looking for a Citizen for my wife's birthday.B:妻子过生日,我要买一块西铁城表送给她。
A: Oh,we have many kinds. Do you like this design?A:噢,我们有很多种。
你喜欢这种式样吗?B: Oh,it's beautiful.B:哟。
购物英语情景对话篇3A:Excuse me, please show me that business suit, the dark one.A:麻烦您拿那套商务装,黑色的那套给我看看。
A:May I try it.A:我可以试一试吗?B:Go ahead.B:当然,试吧。
购物英语情景对话篇4The customer has found a pair of shoes she likes.顾客找到了一双她喜欢的鞋子。
C: I'll try one of these on. ( The customer tries one of the shoes on. ) It's too big. It slides up and down my heel when I walk around.顾客:我要试穿其中的一只鞋看看。

【导语】购物英语⽇常⽤语你会说吗?⽆忧考现在整理出购物英语⽇常⽤语供⼤家参考购物英语⼝语 1.Let' s go shopping!去购物。
I have something I want to buy. Would you like to come with me?Let's go shopping! 2.In the store在商店 Hello.May I come in?/Is there anyone here? Can you help me, please?/Is there anything I can do for you? What can I do for you?/Can I do something for you? May I help you? 3.I am just looking around.随便逛逛。
I want to look around and take my time to get the ones I really like. I am just looking around. 短对话 A:May I help you find something, or are you just looking?要我帮您挑选点什么还是您⾃⼰先看看? B:I'm just looking.我就看⼀看。
A:Then.take your time, please.那请您慢慢看。
B:Thank you.谢谢。
4.What is this?这是什么? Please show me this article了Where was this made? What is this used for? I don't know much about it. What can you recommend? 5.Looking for something找东西 Do you have one like this?/Show me a better one. It seems quite good. 6.I like/I don't like.我喜欢/我不喜欢。

今天©⽆忧考⽹主要给⼤家分享超市购物常⽤的英语⼝语对话,希望对你们有帮助!【篇⼀】超市购物常⽤的英语⼝语对话 贝蒂: Here, take one of these trolleys. What do you want exactly? 这⼉.来推⼀辆⼿推车。
你都想买些什么啊? 琼: I`m looking for things to stuff dumplings and spring rolls with; I also need some soy sauce and vinegar. Oh, and some lichens or honeydew melon. 我想买⼀些⽔饺和春卷馅。
贝蒂: The fruit and vegetables are over there. 蔬菜和⽔果在那边。
琼: Capsicums, eggplants, coconuts, pineapples? They do have everything! Look at the price for these bean sprouts-65 pence a pound. Now, that is expensive. 辣椒.茄⼦.椰⼦.菠萝--这⾥的东西很全阿!看看这些⾖芽的价格-每磅要65美分.这太贵了。
贝蒂: You`d probably get them cheaper in Sohu. But that`s a long way to go just to buy vegetables. 如果你去Sohu的话可能会便宜⼀些.但只是为了买蔬菜要跑很远。
琼: Where do I pay? 在哪⼉付钱? 贝蒂: Just put what you want in the trolley. We pay at the checkout. What else do you need? 只需把你想要的放在车⾥就⾏了。

以下是整理的购物的⽇常英语⼝语句⼦,欢迎阅读!1.购物的⽇常英语⼝语句⼦ Let's foot the bill.我们结账吧。
Is there a duty-free shop?这有免税店吗? We're all out of carrots.胡萝⼘全卖光了。
Cute but not very durable.可爱但是不耐穿。
I'd like to buy kitchenware.我想买厨房⽤具。
All the bacon is sold out.所有的培根都卖完了。
This is sold by package. 这个是⼀包⼀包卖的。
It performed as advertised.和卖家描述得差不多。
What time do stores open?什么时候商店开始营业? Where can I find the shampoos?请问洗发液在哪⾥? There's none in stock./It's out of stock.没有货了。
Where is the frozen foods section?冷冻⾷品区在哪⾥?2.如何提升英语⼝语⽔平 1、提⾼英语⼝语的关键在于说 相信很多⼈都知道,要想提⾼英语⼝语⽔平,那就⼤胆地开⼝讲英语,如果⼀直是哑巴英语,那是永远也学不好的。
2、营造地道的英语环境 在语⾔学习中,环境是很重要的,但是除了课堂以外,我们还有什么其他的学习英语⼝语途径吗?⼩编建议可以报班学习,每天与外教⼀对⼀地学习英语⼝语,在纯正的英语环境中提⾼英语⼝语⽔平。

商店日常购物英语对话精选john:welcome! please have a look at our selection of sunglasses.欢迎光临!看一下我们各款精选太阳镜吧。
lily:ok. i think these brown ones are great.好的。
john:brown-tinted glasses offer great protection from the sun.茶色眼镜可以很好地保护您的眼睛。
lily:and they totally go with my face. how much is this pair?也很适合我的脸型。
这副多少钱?john:we're offering a 50% discount for this pair, so the total price will only be 180 yuan.这副我们打五折,所以只要一百八十块。
lily:ok, i'll take them.好,我买了。
John:Hi, do you guys make special order cakes?嗨,你们这里可以定做蛋糕吗?Lily:We do. First, you should choose a cake you like, tell us what you want written on it, and then we'll see if it's possible.可以。
John:I want something that doesn't have chocolate. . .maybe vanilla crème and fruit?我不要巧克力的...香草和水果就行吧?Lily:Is this for a party or. . . ?是聚会用还是…?John:Yeah, it's for a big party.对,是要在大聚会上用的。

1. Is this a want or a need?
2. It will cost me an arm and a leg.
7. Does it work with the pieces already in my closet?
3. I'm just browsing.
4. Out of sight, out of mind!
5. I'm flat broke.
我一分钱也没有。பைடு நூலகம்
6. What a crowd! let's get out of here.
人太多了! 我们还是走吧。
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整理了日常购物英语口语,欢迎阅读!日常购物英语口语一JOY: Why don't we get you some shirts?LOUIS: I want to leave. We've already been here two hours.JOY: But we should get you some shirts while we're here. You need summer shirts.LOUIS: I would rather buy them somewhere else.JOY: Why? They have everything here.LOUIS: I don't like shopping in malls.I like shopping on the street. There is more variety.JOY: Let's just look and see what they have.LOUIS: Alright.JOY: What about these shirts? Do you see anything you like?LOUIS: The styles here are too boring for me. I told you. I like street shopping.JOY: Oh, come on! Don't be so sour. These are beautiful shirts.I know if we don't buy some today, you will never go shopping by yourself.LOUIS: Sure I would.JOY: Here. Look at this shirt. Try it on.LOUIS: Do they have it in LARGE.JOY: I don't know. Let me look on the rack. Here is one. LARGE. Try it on.LOUIS: Where is the fitting room? I don't see it.JOY: The fitting rooms are over there.LOUIS: Okay, I will try it on.JOY: It looks good on you.LOUIS: I look like a nerd.JOY: No, it looks great.Why are you always like this when you're shopping? You know it looks good.LOUIS: Well, I don't think it's the best style for me.JOY: I think we'll buy this one. And I want you to try on this one too.LOUIS: Alright. Alright.JOY: You should be happy I want you to look good.If I let you shop for yourself, you would never buy anything.LOUIS: Yes, maybe. But I like street shopping. There is more variety.I'm sorry. I just don't like malls.日常购物英语口语二SALESPERSON: May I help you?SARAH: Yes, I would like to return these slacks.SALESPERSON: Alright. Do you have your receipt?SARAH: Yes. Here it is. I bought them last week.SALESPERSON: And why are you returning them?SARAH: I bought them to go with a blouse of mine.But they don't really match.SALESPERSON: I see. Oh, wait. Ma'am, I'm sorry.These slacks were on sale.SARAH: Yes, they were thirty percent off.SALESPERSON: I'm sorry, but we don't allow returns on sale items.SARAH: I know many stores have that policy. But I have returned sale items here before.SALESPERSON: I'm sorry, but we usually don't do it. It is our policy.SARAH: I just bought these slacks a week ago. And I am a regular customer here.Can you make an exception this time?SALESPERSON: Well. Let me talk to the manager for a moment.Ma'am, the manager says I can do it this time.SARAH: Good. I'm a regular customer here. I am glad you can make an exception for me.SALESPERSON: Please show me your receipt again.SARAH: Here it is.SALESPERSON: I will have to give you store credit, Ma'am.If you find something else you like in the store, you can use the credit.SARAH: Store credit is okay with me.I'm sure I will find something I like. I shop here a lot.SALESPERSON: We appreciate your business, Ma'am.日常购物英语口语三STEVE: We need to buy some beer too. Where isthe beer?DEREK: They don't have beer in this supermarket.We have to go to the liquor store.STEVE: Huh? They don't have beer. How can thatbe?DEREK: It's a state law.This state doesn't allow supermarkets to sell beer.Only in liquor stores.STEVE: That's too strict. It's silly.DEREK: I know. I agree with you.DEREK: Excuse me. Do you sell organic vegetables here?EMPLOYEE: Yes, we do. They're right in front of you.The organic vegetables are marked with the blue label. Here. Do you see?DEREK: Sure. Thank you.You should have a sign. That way people could identify which are organic and which aren't.EMPLOYEE: They're labeled on the packet, sir.DEREK: One more question.EMPLOYEE: Yes?DEREK: We need to buy some soy sauce. Which aisle is the soy sauce in?EMPLOYEE: That would be in aisle 7, with the condiments. It is right next to the ketchup.DEREK: Thank you.Do you want paper or plastic bags?STEVE: Plastic bags.DEREK: And do you want to drive up?STEVE: What do you mean?DEREK: We can have someone put the bags in our trunk for us.We just drive up to that door over there.STEVE: Wow! That's convenient. But I think we can take the groceries by ourselves.DEREK: Yes, our car is not parked far away.I'll tell the cashier we don't want to drive up. It should be about ninety dollars all together.STEVE: Here is one-hundred. I will go look at the magazine rack, okay?。