VR技术的核心(héxīn):通过头带式显示屏〔head mounted disp lais, HMDS〕的设备,触觉反响 感,使人产生视、听、触模拟的感觉,在计算机工 作站中形成动态化,虚拟的内环境。医师在虚拟环 境中,通过提供给医师的立体图象装置,把医师带 到一个可视、听、触虚拟的病灶〔如肿瘤〕空间去, 从各个方向检查肿瘤,模拟手术过程,到达最小损 伤组织的真正“微创〞境地一种预先演习。
VR技术的根底——计算机融合技术和导航技术。 “融合〞是计算机将CT、MRI、DSA等图像配准 融合为一体,还可将立体定向显微镜,轨迹监视等 得以一个计算机图像。“导航〞是手术之前把带有 标记物,标定在病人的CT或MRI图像上,并输入 到计算机工作站,根据这些资料进行多维重建,手 术时进行配准,使术前扫描(sǎomiáo)图像和手术实时 相结合并融为一体,根据导航系统进行手术。
Classical Anatomical Or Physical Planning, IMRT
具体来说:就是利用计算机对大量数据信息的 高速处理和控制能力,对CT、MRI等图信息进 行多维重建,为外科医师提供给手术时了解病变 部位、手术径路和肿瘤切除范围等进行手术模拟、 手术导航、手术定位、制定手术方案,使手术方 案客观、准确、直观在显示屏上实时(shí shí)显象。
线加速器安装在机器人的机械臂上,可以灵活地做任意方向的 旋转。采用(cǎiyòng)计算机立体定位导向,自动跟踪靶区,无需 使用定向仪框架和体架。,他提供多种治疗选择——正向治疗 方案或逆向治疗方案,它无需中心投射,可分期分次治疗,使病 人放射剂量和病变部位到达最大的均匀分布和适形性。
标签:微透析;透析液;立体定位;rACC脑区;大鼠前扣带皮层(anterior cingulate cortex,ACC),尤其是其吻侧部(rostral ACC,rACC)是参与情绪情感反应的重要中枢[1-3]。
1 定位1.1 微透析探针的选取微透析探针的供应商有瑞典的CMA公司,美国的BAS公司和日本的EICOM公司,另外也有实验室采用自制的微透析探针。
EICOM公司的脑组织探针主要有三个系列,本实验室选用的探针样式为A-Z系列带有导管、内芯和导管配套的螺帽,探针规格为管长4 mm,膜长2 mm,膜材料:人造纤维素,50 kDa截留分子量,见图1。
List of StructuresNames of the structures are listed in alphabetical order.Each name is followed by abbreviation of the structure.1-10 cerebellar lobules 1-103rd ventricle 3V4th ventricle 4VAA1 noradrenaline cells A1A11 dopamine cells A11A12 dopamine cells A12A13 dopamine cells A13A2 noradrenaline cells A2A4 noradrenaline cells A4A5 noradrenaline cells A5A7 noradrenaline cells A7A8 dopamine cells A8abducens nucleus 6accessory abducens nucleus Acs6accessory abducens/facial nucleus 7accessory abducens/facial nucleus Acs6/7accessory facial nucleus Acs7accessory neurosecretory nuclei Accaccessory nucleus of the ventral horn Acsaccessory olfactory bulb AOBaccessory olfactory tract aotaccessory optic tract aoptaccessory trigeminal nucleus Acs5accumbens nucleus Acbaccumbens nucleus, core AcbCaccumbens nucleus, rostral part AcbRaccumbens nucleus, shell AcbShacoustic radiation aracoustic stria asagranular insular cortex AIagranular insular cortex, dorsal part AIDagranular insular cortex, posterior part AIPagranular insular cortex, ventral part AIValar nucleus Alalveus of the hippocampus alvambiguus nucleus Ambamygdalohippocampal area AHiamygdalohippocampal area, anterolateral part AHiAL amygdalohippocampal area, posteromedial part AHiPMamygdaloid fissure afamygdaloid intramedullary gray IMGamygdalopiriform transition area APiramygdalostriatal transition area AStrangular thalamic nucleus Angansa lenticularis alansoparamedian fissure apmfanterior amygdaloid area AAanterior amygdaloid area, dorsal part AADanterior amygdaloid area, ventral part AAVanterior commissure acanterior commissure, anterior part acaanterior commissure, intrabulbar part acianterior commissure, posterior part acpanterior cortical amygdaloid nucleus ACoanterior hypothalamic area AHanterior hypothalamic area, anterior part AHAanterior hypothalamic area, central part AHCanterior hypothalamic area, posterior part AHPanterior lobe of the pituitary APitanterior olfactory nucleus, dorsal part AODanterior olfactory nucleus, external part AOEanterior olfactory nucleus, lateral part AOLanterior olfactory nucleus, medial part AOManterior olfactory nucleus, posterior part AOPanterior olfactory nucleus, ventral part AOVanterior perifornical nucleus APFanterior pretectal nucleus APTanterior pretectal nucleus, dorsal part APTDanterior pretectal nucleus, ventral part APTVanterior tegmental nucleus ATganterodorsal preoptic nucleus ADPanterodorsal thalamic nucleus ADanteromedial thalamic nucleus AManteromedial thalamic nucleus, ventral part AMVanteroventral periventricular nucleus AVPeanteroventral thalamic nucleus AVanteroventral thalamic nucleus, dorsomedial part AVDManteroventral thalamic nucleus, ventrolateral part AVVLaqueduct (Sylvius) Aqarcuate hypothalamic nucleus Arcarcuate hypothalamic nucleus, lateroposterior part ArcLParcuate hypothalamic nucleus, medial posterior part ArcMParcuate nucleus, dorsal part ArcDarcuate nucleus, lateral part ArcLarcuate nucleus, medial part ArcMarea postrema APascending fibers of the facial nerve asc7BB4 serotonin cells B4B9 serotonin cells B9Barrington's nucleus Barbasal nucleus (Meynert) Bbasilar artery basbasolateral amygdaloid nucleus BLbasolateral amygdaloid nucleus, anterior part BLAbasolateral amygdaloid nucleus, posterior part BLPbasolateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventral part BLVbasomedial amygdaloid nucleus BMbasomedial amygdaloid nucleus, anterior part BMAbasomedial amygdaloid nucleus, posterior part BMPbed nucleus of stria terminalis, fusiform part Fubed nucleus of stria terminalis, supracapsular part BSTSbed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract BAOTbed nucleus of the anterior commissure BACbed nucleus of the stria terminalis BSTbed nucleus of the stria terminalis, intraamygdaloid division BSTIAbed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral division BSTLbed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral division, dorsal part BSTLDbed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral division, intermediate part BSTLI bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral division, juxtacapsular part BSTLJ bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral division, posterior part BSTLP bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral division, ventral part BSTLVbed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division BSTMbed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division, anterior part BSTMA bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division, posterior part BSTMP bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division, posterointermediate part BSTMPIbed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division, posterolateral part BSTMPL bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division, posteromedial part BSTMPMbed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division, ventral part BSTMVblood vessel bvbrachium of the inferior colliculus bicbrachium of the superior colliculus bscbrachium pontis (stem of middle cerebellar peduncle) bpBotzinger complex BoCC1 adrenaline cells C1C2 adrenaline cells C2C3 adrenaline cells C3caudal interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus CIcaudal linear nucleus of the raphe CLicaudal periolivary nucleus CPOcaudate putamen (striatum) CPucaudoventral respiratory group CVRGcaudoventrolateral reticular nucleus CVLcell bridges of the ventral striatum CBcentral amygdaloid nucleus Cecentral amygdaloid nucleus, capsular part CeCcentral amygdaloid nucleus, lateral division CeLcentral amygdaloid nucleus, medial division CeMcentral canal CCcentral cervical nucleus CeCvcentral gray of the pons CGPncentral gray, alpha part CGAcentral gray, beta part CGBcentral gray, gamma part CGGcentral medial thalamic nucleus CMcentral nucleus of the inferior colliculus CICcentral tegmental tract ctgcentrolateral thalamic nucleus CLcerebellum Cbcerebral cortex Cxcerebral peduncle, basal part cpchoroid plexus chpcingulate cortex, area 1 Cg1cingulate cortex, area 2 Cg2cingulum cgcircular nucleus Circlaustrum Clcochlear root of the vestibulocochlear nerve 8cncommissural stria terminalis cstcommissure of the inferior colliculus ciccommissure of the lateral lemniscus cllcommissure of the superior colliculus csccopula of the pyramis Copcorpus callosum cccortex-amygdala transition zone CxAcrus 1 of the ansiform lobule Crus1crus 2 of the ansiform lobule Crus2cuneate fasciculus cucuneate nucleus Cucuneiform nucleus CnFDdecussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle xscpdeep cerebral white matter dcwdeep gray layer of the superior colliculus DpGdeep mesencephalic nucleus DpMedeep white layer of the superior colliculus DpWhdentate gyrus DGdorsal 3rd ventricle D3Vdorsal acoustic stria dasdorsal cochlear nucleus DCdorsal cortex of the inferior colliculus DCICdorsal corticospinal tract dcsdorsal endopiriform nucleus DEndorsal fornix dfdorsal hippocampal commissure dhcdorsal hypothalamic area DAdorsal hypothalamic nucleus Dodorsal lateral geniculate nucleus DLGdorsal lateral olfactory tract dlodorsal longitudinal fasciculus dlfdorsal motor nucleus of vagus 10dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus DLLdorsal nucleus of the spinal cord (Clarke) Ddorsal paragigantocellular nucleus DPGidorsal peduncular cortex DPdorsal peduncular pontine nucleus DPPndorsal periolivary region DPOdorsal raphe nucleus DRdorsal raphe nucleus, caudal part DRCdorsal raphe nucleus, dorsal part DRDdorsal raphe nucleus, interfascicular part DRIdorsal raphe nucleus, ventral part DRVdorsal raphe nucleus, ventrolateral part DRVLdorsal root of spinal nerve drdorsal spinocerebellar tract dscdorsal tegmental bundle dtgdorsal tegmental decussation dtgxdorsal tegmental nucleus DTgdorsal tegmental nucleus, central part DTgCdorsal tegmental nucleus, pericentral part DTgPdorsal tenia tecta DTTdorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract DTdorsal transition zone DTrdorsal tuberomammillary nucleus DTMdorsolateral fasciculus dldorsolateral orbital cortex DLOdorsolateral periaqueductal gray DLPAGdorsolateral pontine nucleus DLPndorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus DMdorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, compact part DMCdorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, dorsal part DMDdorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, ventral part DMVdorsomedial periaqueductal gray DMPAGdorsomedial pontine nucleus DMPndorsomedial spinal trigeminal nucleus DMSp5dorsomedial spinal trigeminal nucleus, dorsal part DMSp5Ddorsomedial spinal trigeminal nucleus, ventral part DMSp5Vdorsomedial tegmental area DMTgdysgranular insular cortex DIEectorhinal cortex Ectectotrigeminal nucleus E5Edinger-Westphal nucleus EWentorhinal cortex Entependyma and subependymal layer Eepifascicular nucleus EFepilemniscal nucleus ELmepirubrospinal nucleus ERSethmoid thalamic nucleus Ethexternal capsule ecexternal cortex of the inferior colliculus ECICexternal cuneate nucleus ECuexternal medullary lamina emlexternal plexiform layer of the accessory olfactory bulb EPlAexternal plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb EPlextreme capsule excFF cell group of the vestibular complex FVefacial nerve or its root 7nfacial nucleus 7facial nucleus, dorsal intermediate subnucleus 7DIfacial nucleus, dorsolateral subnucleus 7DLfacial nucleus, dorsomedial subnucleus 7DMfacial nucleus, lateral subnucleus 7Lfacial nucleus, ventral intermediate subnucleus 7VIfacial nucleus, ventromedial subnucleus 7VMfasciculus retroflexus frfasciola cinereum FCfield CA1 of hippocampus CA1field CA2 of hippocampus CA2field CA3 of hippocampus CA3fields CA1-3 of hippocampus CA1-3fimbria of the hippocampus fiflocculus Flforceps major of the corpus callosum fmjforceps minor of the corpus callosum fmifornix ffrontal association cortex FrAGgelatinous layer of the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus Ge5gemini hypothalamic nucleus Gemgenu of the corpus callosum gccgenu of the facial nerve g7gigantocellular reticular nucleus Gigigantocellular reticular nucleus, alpha part GiAgigantocellular reticular nucleus, ventral part GiVglomerular layer of the accessory olfactory bulb GlAglomerular layer of the olfactory bulb Glglossopharyngeal nerve 9ngracile fasciculus grgracile nucleus Grgranular cell layer of the olfactory bulb GrOgranular insular cortex GIgranular layer of the cochlear nuclei GrCgranular layer of the dentate gyrus GrDGgranule cell layer of the accessory olfactory bulb GrAHhabenular commissure hbchilus of the dentate gyrus Hilhippocampal fissure hfhypoglossal nucleus 12Iindusium griseum IGinferior cerebellar peduncle (restiform body) icpinferior olive IOinferior olive, beta subnucleus IOBeinferior olive, cap of Kooy of the medial nucleus IOKinferior olive, dorsal nucleus IODinferior olive, dorsomedial cell group IODMinferior olive, medial nucleus IOMinferior olive, principal nucleus IOPrinferior olive, subnucleus A of medial nucleus IOAinferior olive, subnucleus B of medial nucleus IOBinferior olive, subnucleus C of medial nucleus IOCinferior olive, ventrolateral protrusion IOVLinferior salivatory nucleus ISinfracerebellar nucleus Infinfralimbic cortex ILinfundibular stem InfSinner blade of the dentate gyrus IBlinteranterodorsal thalamic nucleus IADinteranteromedial thalamic nucleus IAMintercalated amygdaloid nucleus, main part IMintercalated nuclei of the amygdala Iintercalated nucleus of the medulla Inintercollicular nucleus InCointercrural fissure icfinterfascicular nucleus IFintergeniculate leaf IGLintermediate gray layer of the superior colliculus InGintermediate interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus II intermediate lobe of the pituitary IPitintermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus ILLintermediate reticular nucleus IRtintermediate white layer of the superior colliculus InWh intermediodorsal thalamic nucleus IMDintermediolateral cell column IMLintermediomedial cell column IMMintermedioventral thalamic commissure imvcintermedius nucleus of the medulla InMinternal arcuate fibers iainternal capsule icinternal medullary lamina imlinternal plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb IPlinteroculomotor nucleus I3interpeduncular fossa IPFinterpeduncular nucleus IPinterpeduncular nucleus, apical subnucleus IPAinterpeduncular nucleus, caudal subnucleus IPCinterpeduncular nucleus, dorsolateral subnucleus IPDL interpeduncular nucleus, dorsomedial subnucleus IPDM interpeduncular nucleus, intermediate subnucleus IPI interpeduncular nucleus, lateral subnucleus IPLinterpeduncular nucleus, rostral subnucleus IPRinterpeduncular nucleus, rostrolateral subnucleus IPRL interpedunculotegmental tract iptinterposed cerebellar nucleus, anterior part IntAinterposed cerebellar nucleus, dorsolateral hump IntDLinterposed cerebellar nucleus, dorsomedial crest IntDMinterposed cerebellar nucleus, posterior part IntPinterposed cerebellar nucleus, posterior parvicellular part IntPPCinterstitial nucleus of medial longitudinal fasciculus, greater part IMLFG interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus IMLFinterstitial nucleus of the posterior limb of the anterior commissure IPAC interstitial nucleus of the posterior limb of the anterior commissure, lateral part IPACLinterstitial nucleus of the posterior limb of the anterior commissure, medial part IPACMinterstitial nucleus of the vestibulocochlear nerve I8intertrigeminal nucleus I5interventricular foramen IVFintramedullary thalamic area IMAislands of Calleja ICjislands of Calleja, major island ICjMJjuxtarestiform body jxjuxtatrigeminal area Jx5KKölliker-Fuse nucleus KFLlacunosum moleculare layer of the hippocampus LMollambdoid septal zone Ldlamina dissecans of the entorhinal cortex Dsclateral (dentate) cerebellar nucleus Latlateral accumbens shell LAcbShlateral amygdaloid nucleus Lalateral amygdaloid nucleus, dorsolateral part LaDLlateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventrolateral part LaVLlateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventromedial part LaVMlateral cerebellar nucleus, parvicellular part LatPClateral cervical nucleus LatClateral entorhinal cortex LEntlateral funiculus of the spinal cord lfulateral globus pallidus LGPlateral habenular nucleus LHblateral habenular nucleus, lateral part LHbLlateral habenular nucleus, medial part LHbMlateral hypothalamic area LHlateral lemniscal fields LLFlateral lemniscus lllateral mammillary nucleus LMlateral olfactory tract lolateral orbital cortex LOlateral parabrachial nucleus LPBlateral parabrachial nucleus, central part LPBClateral parabrachial nucleus, crescent part LPBCrlateral parabrachial nucleus, dorsal part LPBDlateral parabrachial nucleus, external part LPBElateral parabrachial nucleus, internal part LPBIlateral parabrachial nucleus, superior part LPBSlateral parabrachial nucleus, ventral part LPBVlateral paragigantocellular nucleus LPGilateral periaqueductal gray LPAGlateral pontine nucleus LPnlateral posterior thalamic nucleus LPlateral posterior thalamic nucleus, laterocaudal part LPLClateral posterior thalamic nucleus, laterorostral part LPLRlateral posterior thalamic nucleus, mediocaudal part LPMClateral posterior thalamic nucleus, mediorostral part LPMRlateral preoptic area LPOlateral recess of the 4th ventricle LR4Vlateral reticular nucleus LRtlateral reticular nucleus, parvicellular part LRtPClateral reticular nucleus, subtrigeminal part LRtS5lateral septal nucleus, dorsal part LSDlateral septal nucleus, intermediate part LSIlateral septal nucleus, ventral part LSVlateral spinal nucleus LSplateral stripe of the striatum LSSlateral superior olive LSOlateral tegmental tract ltglateral terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract LTlateral ventral pallidum LVPlateral ventricle LVlateral vestibular nucleus LVelateral vestibulospinal tract lvslateroanterior hypothalamic nucleus LAlaterodorsal tegmental nucleus LDTglaterodorsal tegmental nucleus, ventral part LDTgVlaterodorsal thalamic nucleus LDlaterodorsal thalamic nucleus, dorsomedial part LDDMlaterodorsal thalamic nucleus, ventrolateral part LDVLlateroventral periolivary nucleus LVPOlinear nucleus of the medulla Lilocus coeruleus LClongitudinal association bundle lablongitudinal fasciculus of the pons lfpMmagnocellular nucleus of the lateral hypothalamus MCLHmagnocellular nucleus of the posterior commissure MCPCmagnocellular preoptic nucleus MCPOmammillary peduncle mpmammillary recess of the 3rd ventricle MRemammillotegmental tract mtgmammillothalamic tract mtmarginal zone of the medial geniculate MZMGmedial (fastigial) cerebellar nucleus Medmedial accessory oculomotor nucleus MA3medial amygdaloid nucleus Memedial amygdaloid nucleus, anterodorsal part MeADmedial amygdaloid nucleus, anteroventral part MeAVmedial amygdaloid nucleus, posterodorsal part MePDmedial amygdaloid nucleus, posteroventral part MePVmedial cerebellar nucleus, dorsolateral protuberance MedDLmedial corticohypothalamic tract mchmedial eminence, external layer MEEmedial eminence, internal layer MEImedial entorhinal cortex MEntmedial entorhinal cortex, ventral part MEntVmedial forebrain bundle mfbmedial forebrain bundle, 'a' component mfbamedial forebrain bundle, 'b' component mfbbmedial geniculate nucleus MGmedial geniculate nucleus, dorsal part MGDmedial geniculate nucleus, medial part MGMmedial geniculate nucleus, ventral part MGVmedial globus pallidus MGPmedial habenular nucleus MHbmedial lemniscus mlmedial longitudinal fasciculus mlfmedial mammillary nucleus, lateral part MLmedial mammillary nucleus, medial part MMmedial mammillary nucleus, median part MMnmedial orbital cortex MOmedial parabrachial nucleus MPBmedial parabrachial nucleus external part MPBEmedial pontine nucleus MPnmedial preoptic area MPAmedial preoptic nucleus MPOmedial preoptic nucleus, central part MPOCmedial preoptic nucleus, lateral part MPOLmedial preoptic nucleus, medial part MPOMmedial pretectal nucleus MPTmedial rostroventrolateral medulla MRVLmedial septal nucleus MSmedial superior olive MSOmedial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract MTmedial tuberal nucleus MTumedial ventral pallidum MVPmedial vestibular nucleus MVemedial vestibular nucleus, magnocellular part MVeMCmedial vestibular nucleus, parvicellular part MVePCmedian accessory nucleus of the medulla MnAmedian eminence MEmedian preoptic nucleus MnPOmedian raphe nucleus MnRmediodorsal thalamic nucleus MDmediodorsal thalamic nucleus, central part MDCmediodorsal thalamic nucleus, lateral part MDLmediodorsal thalamic nucleus, medial part MDMmediodorsal thalamic nucleus, paralaminar part MDPLmedioventral periolivary nucleus MVPOmedullary reticular nucleus, dorsal part MdDmedullary reticular nucleus, ventral part MdVmesencephalic trigeminal nucleus Me5mesencephalic trigeminal tract me5microcellular tegmental nucleus MiTgmiddle cerebellar peduncle mcpminimus nucleus Minmitral cell layer of the accessory olfactory bulb MiAmitral cell layer of the olfactory bulb Mimolecular layer of the dentate gyrus Molmotor root of the trigeminal nerve m5motor trigeminal nucleus Mo5motor trigeminal nucleus, dorsolateral part Mo5DLmotor trigeminal nucleus, ventromedial part Mo5VMNnigrostriatal bundle nsnucleus O Onucleus of Darkschewitsch Dknucleus of origin of efferents of the vestibular nerve EVenucleus of Roller Ronucleus of the ansa lenticularis ALnucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus BICnucleus of the commissural stria terminalis CSTnucleus of the dorsal hippocampal commissure DHCnucleus of the fields of Forel Fnucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band HDBnucleus of the lateral olfactory tract LOTnucleus of the optic tract OTnucleus of the posterior commissure PComnucleus of the solitary tract Solnucleus of the solitary tract, central part SolCenucleus of the solitary tract, commissural part SolCnucleus of the solitary tract, dorsomedial part SolDMnucleus of the solitary tract, gelatinous part SolGnucleus of the solitary tract, intermediate part SolIMnucleus of the solitary tract, interstitial part SolInucleus of the solitary tract, medial part SolMnucleus of the solitary tract, rostrolateral part1-101-10 cerebellar lobules; OR 1-10 spinal cord layers SolRLnucleus of the solitary tract, ventrolateral part SolVLnucleus of the stria medullaris SMnucleus of the trapezoid body Tznucleus of the vertical limb of the diagonal band VDBnucleus X Xnucleus Y Ynucleus Z ZOobex Obexoculomotor nerve or its root 3noculomotor nucleus 3oculomotor nucleus, parvicellular part 3PColfactory bulb OBolfactory nerve layer ONolfactory tubercle Tuolfactory tubercle, densocellular part TuDColfactory tubercle, plexiform layer TuPlolfactory tubercle, polymorph layer TuPoolfactory ventricle (olfactory part of lateral ventricle) OVolivary pretectal nucleus OPTolivocerebellar tract ocolivocochlear bundle ocboptic chiasm oxoptic nerve 2noptic nerve layer of the superior colliculus Opoptic tract optoriens layer of the hippocampus Orouter blade of the dentate gyrus OBloval paracentral thalamic nucleus OPCPparaabducens nucleus Pa6parabigeminal nucleus PBGparabrachial nucleus, waist part PBWparabrachial pigmented nucleus PBPparacentral thalamic nucleus PCparacochlear glial substance PCGSparacollicular tegmentum PCTgparafascicular thalamic nucleus PFparafloccular sulcus pfsparaflocculus PFlparalambdoid septal nucleus PLdparalemniscal nucleus PLparamedian lobule PMparamedian raphe nucleus PMnRparamedian reticular nucleus PMnparamedian sulcus pmsparanigral nucleus PNparapyramidal nucleus PPypararubral nucleus PaRparasolitary nucleus PSolparastrial nucleus PSparasubiculum PaSparasubthalamic nucleus PSThparatenial thalamic nucleus PTparatrigeminal nucleus Pa5paratrochlear nucleus Pa4paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Paparaventricular hypothalamic nucleus, anterior magnocellular part PaAM paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, anterior parvicellular part PaAP paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, dorsal cap PaDC paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, lateral magnocellular part PaLM paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, medial parvicellular part PaMP paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, posterior part PaPo paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, ventral part PaV paraventricular thalamic nucleus PVparaventricular thalamic nucleus, anterior part PVAparaventricular thalamic nucleus, posterior part PVPparietal association cortex PtAparvicellular motor trigeminal nucleus PC5parvicellular reticular nucleus PCRtparvicellular reticular nucleus, alpha part PCRtApedunculopontine tegmental nucleus PPTgperiaqueductal gray PAGperifacial zone P7perifornical nucleus PeFperipeduncular nucleus PPperirhinal cortex PRhperitrigeminal zone P5periventricular fiber system pvperiventricular hypothalamic nucleus Pepineal gland Pipineal recess PiRepiriform cortex Pirpiriform-amygdaloid area PAApolymorph layer of the dentate gyrus PoDGpontine nuclei Pnpontine raphe nucleus PnRpontine reticular nucleus, caudal part PnCpontine reticular nucleus, oral part PnOpontine reticular nucleus, ventral part PnVposterior commissure pcposterior hypothalamic area PHposterior intralaminar thalamic nucleus PILposterior limitans thalamic nucleus PLiposterior lobe of the pituitary PPitposterior pretectal nucleus PPTposterior superior fissure psfposterior thalamic nuclear group Poposterior thalamic nuclear group, triangular part PoTposterodorsal preoptic nucleus PDPposterodorsal tegmental nucleus PDTgposterolateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus (C2) PLCoposterolateral fissure plfposteromedial cortical amygdaloid nucleus (C3) PMCoposteromedian thalamic nucleus PoMnpostsubiculum Postpre-Bötzinger complex PrB\232precommissural fornix pcfprecommissural nucleus PrCpreculminate fissure pcufpredorsal bundle pdprelimbic cortex PrLpremammillary nucleus, dorsal part PMDpremammillary nucleus, ventral part PMVprepositus nucleus Prprepyramidal fissure ppfprerubral field PRpresubiculum PrSprimary auditory cortex Au1primary fissure prfprimary motor cortex M1primary somatosensory cortex S1primary somatosensory cortex, barrel field S1BFprimary somatosensory cortex, dysgranular region S1DZprimary somatosensory cortex, forelimb region S1FLprimary somatosensory cortex, hindlimb region S1HLprimary somatosensory cortex, jaw region S1Jprimary somatosensory cortex, jaw region, oral surface S1JOprimary somatosensory cortex, trunk region S1Trprimary somatosensory cortex, upper lip region S1ULpprimary visual cortex, binocular area V1Bprimary visual cortex, monocular area V1Mprincipal mammillary tract pmprincipal sensory trigeminal nucleus Pr5principal sensory trigeminal nucleus, dorsomedial part Pr5DMprincipal sensory trigeminal nucleus, ventrolateral part Pr5VLProbst's bundle prbprosubiculum ProSpyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus Pypyramidal decussation pyxpyramidal fissure pfpyramidal tract pyRraphe interpositus nucleus RIPraphe magnus nucleus RMgraphe obscurus nucleus RObraphe pallidus nucleus RParecess of the inferior colliculus ReICred nucleus Rred nucleus, lateral horn RLHred nucleus, magnocellular part RMCred nucleus, parvicellular part RPCreticular thalamic nucleus Rtreticulotegmental nucleus of the pons RtTgreticulotegmental nucleus of the pons, pericentral part RtTgP retroambiguus nucleus RAmbretrochiasmatic area RChretroethmoid nucleus REthretrolemniscal nucleus RLretrorubral field RRFretrorubral nucleus RRretrosplenial agranular cortex RSAretrosplenial granular a cortex RSGaretrosplenial granular b cortex RSGbretrosplenial granular cortex RSGreuniens thalamic nucleus Rerhabdoid nucleus Rbdrhinal fissure rfrhinal incisura rirhomboid thalamic nucleus Rhroot of abducens nerve 6n。
[实验动物]雄性SD大鼠(200-300 g)Ⅱ大鼠脑切片制备[器材和药品]器械:手术刀、组织剪、止血钳、咬骨钳、无齿钳、5ml注射器、6号针头、灌注瓶、恒冷切片机液体:4%多聚甲醛溶液三、实验步骤Ⅰ大鼠脑立体定位(纹状体)1. 立体定位仪的一般校验2. 动物麻醉:动物称重后,水合氯醛溶液按3.6ml/kg作腹腔注射麻醉。
5.脑内核团定位:(1)根据脑图谱,确定所要纹状体的立体位置,(纹状体:前囟前1 mm, 旁开2.5 mm, 深 3.5 mm)。
6. 定位标记及组织学鉴定:(1)定位标记:根据定位坐标,插入微量注射针,注入染料。
(2)组织学鉴定:动物处死后,大鼠用左心室—主动脉插管(右心室开孔,便于灌洗液流出),先后用生理盐水和4%多聚甲醛溶液灌流固定, 取脑作冰冻连续切片,观察确定注射位置是否准确。
· 1604· 一步探讨其与年龄相关性改变, 旨在对比研究 MK MD 值在组织微观结构改变中的敏感性, 值、 为今后 DKI 这一新技术在中枢神经系统中得到更广泛的应 用奠定基础。 1 1. 1 材料与方法
临床放射学杂志 2016 年第 35 卷第 10 期
将 DKI 原始数据传输至 GE Advantage Windows 4. 3 工作站, 利用 Functiontools 中 DKI 软件包, 调节 b 值的扩散梯度编码方向的总数 测量范围的阈值, b0 数目为 5 , 目为 25 , 生成平均扩散峰度 ( mean kurtosis, MK) 图、 MD) 图。 平均弥散率( mean diffusivity, 依据鼠脑立体定位图谱 所标注的各结构解 剖位置( 图 1 ) , 在 DKI 图上手动绘制感兴趣区 ( region of interest, ROI ) : 两侧大脑皮层 ( cerebral cortex, CC ) 、 EC ) 、 两侧外囊 ( external capsule , 两侧尾壳 CPu ) ( 图 2A D ) 。 核( 纹状体 ) ( caudate putamen, ROI 尽量避开干扰组织, 如颅骨、 血管、 脂肪、 硬膜、 MD 值。 以上得 脑脊液等, 得到相应部位的 MK 值、 1 个月后重复测量, 到的各参数图像分别于 1 周、 取 3 次测量结果的平均值作为相应参数的参数值 。 1. 4 统计分析 应用 SPSS 17. 0 软件进行统计分析。采用配对 t 检验比较 CC 、 EC 、 CPu 各统计指标的侧别差异, 采 用完全随机设计资料的多样本方差分析 ( analysis of variance, ANOVA) 比较不同年龄组间 CC 、 EC 、 CPu 各 统计指标的差异及各年龄组各统计指标在不同部位 间的差异, 采用最小显著差异( least significant difference, LSD) t 检验进行两两比较。 2 2. 1 较 MD 的测量 两侧 CC 、 两侧 EC 、 两侧 CPu 的 MK、 结果及统计学分析结果见附表 ( 表 1 ) 。 配对 t 检验 结果显示: 两侧 CC 、 两侧 EC 、 两侧 CPu 的 MK 值、 MD 值侧别差异不存在统计学意义( P > 0. 05 ) 。 但在后续统计分析中, 为了更好地发现组间差 CC 、 EC 、 CPu 的弥散参数仍将两侧分别作为统 异性, 计量, 进行统计推断。 2. 2 两侧 CC 、 两侧 EC 、 两侧 CPu 不同年龄组之间 各弥散参数的比较 两侧 CC 、 两侧 EC 、 两侧 CPu 各年龄组 MK 统计 B ) 显示: 两侧 CC 、 学结果( 图 3A、 两侧 EC 13 个月 组与 3 /6 /10 个月组差异均存在统计学意义; 两侧 CPu 的 3 个月组与 6 个月组、 13 个月组与 6 /10 个月 组存在组间差异; 其余各组间不存在统计学差异。 两侧 CC 、 两侧 EC 、 两侧 CPu 各年龄组 MD 统计 D ) 显示: 左侧 CC 、 EC 13 个月组与 学结果( 图 3C 、 3 /6 /10 个月组差异均存在统计学意义; 左侧 CPu 3 13 个 月 组 与 6 / 10 个 月 组 组 间 月 个 组 与6 个 月 组 、 结果 CC 、 EC 、 CPu 左、 右侧别之间各弥散参数的比
Xig u , iIn ,ta j 2 n g T n q r I b g c 1 . h ℃M s 2 , 彳 ” 2 0 3 O O ; . ” ff l P £ H0户 厶z “ g “( j 0 6) 2 j s 0 F 厂J £g t
N A( <o O ) [ o c s n h A 1 x r s n w ss n i nl u e u t h ri 0 rt w t t cr r1 e r a e Y P . 1 . c n1 i ]T e c ^ p e i a i |c t r l e i t eba f a i i r ee a h mor g , uo I e so g fa y g adn n s hna b h
_h fcs o o i a n t e Ex r sin f I r eEfe t f Na y ’ n o h p es0 o CAM ‘ i h an 0 t t pei e t J nta e e r l 1 n t e Br i f Ra s wih Ex rnln a I r c r b a He Hlr 窖 1 n r ha e Z}i h ,Ii Yiui 』
浙 江 中 医 药大 学 学 报 2 0 o 9年 3月 第 3 3卷第 2期
实 验 性 脑 出血 大 鼠脑 内 I AM. 表 达 C 1 及 脑 溢 安 的保 护 作 用
智屹 惠 黎 杏 群 李
彤。 万 赛 英 唐
1 江 中 医大学 附属 第一 医 院 .浙
学 院 第 一 附 属 医 院
血模 型 , 别 观 察 I A 1 位 杂 交和 wet nb t 变化 及 脑 溢安 对 其 的 干预 作用 。[ 果 ]模 型 组 可见 IAM_ 表 达 增 强 , 溢 分 c M_ 原 se l 的 r o 结 ( : 1 脑 安 能 明显 降低 1 A 1 表 达 ( < oo ) 结论 ]实验 性脑 出血 大鼠脑 内 IAM_ 表 达增 强 , 溢 安 对其 具 有保 护 作 用 。 c M_ 的 P . 1 。[ c 1 脑
体激活后第二信使、G 蛋白、膜离子流、调控蛋白及
图 2 LTP 电位示意图
⑶突触前或突触后结构的可塑性,包ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้突触前树突棘体积增大,数目增多 ,
(蔡 葵)
实习二 大鼠海马 LTP 的实验观察
1. LTP 的基本概念
LTP(long-term potentiation, 长时程增强), 对突触前神经元进行高频强直
兔脑:兔的头部固定在脑定位仪上时,其前囟(Bregma,即冠状缝与矢 状缝的交点)比λ(人字缝与矢状缝的交点)高 1.5mm,在这种情况下,以通过 前囟的水平面作参考平面,而以在该平面下 12mm 处的水平面作为水平标准 平面(HO, 零平面),在此平面上方为 V+,在此平面下方为 V-。经过前囟并 与矢状缝垂直又与水平面垂直的面,作为额面标准平面(APO),在此平面之 前为 AP+,在此平面之后为 AP-。
单管玻璃微电极是一根尖端开口很细的硬质玻璃管,内充电解质溶液作 为电极。由于电解质溶液可以导电,利用单管玻璃微电极可以记录到中枢神 经系统神经元的电活动。用于细胞内记录的微电极,其尖端直径应小于 0.5mm,尖端的倾斜度应相当缓和,以免穿入细胞膜时造成大的伤害。这种 微电极适合于从细胞内引导电活动和测量膜电位。用于细胞外记录的微电 极,其尖端直径约在 1~5mm。一般认为尖端内径 1~4mm 的玻璃微电极适宜 于记录神经元胞体的电活动。微电极的长度应视需要而定,但插入脑组织内 的部分不宜太粗,以免插入时造成显著的损伤。制作玻璃微电极应选用熔点 高,化学稳定性高,电阻率高和膨胀系数低的硬质玻璃管。国外常用 Pyrex 玻璃管,国内一般采用 GG17 和 95 玻璃管。 3.3.2 多管玻璃微电极
AbstractNeuroscience is an important topic in nowadays, and rat is one of the broadest experimental animals. However, the huge amount of data collected by neuroscientists will become meaningless if we cannot give them a precise description of th eir locations. The Rat Brain Atlas is a powerful tool for such questions.This work is supported by the project of “3D reconstruction of rat brain atlas and MR image analyzing system”, which comes from Wuhan Institute of Physics & Mathematics the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The purpose of this project is to further implement the image analysis and visualization functions based on the former work “3D MR image processing system”.This thesis focuses on the following aspects of MR image visualization: preprocessing of MR and atlas images; 3D reconstruction and visualization; anatomical structures registration, localization and labeling.In the preprocessing part, the vectorial atlas slices are transformed into scalars. The brain of the rat is extracted from MR images with SNAKE model. Then, the two type slices are re-sampled with the same resolution.In the part of 3D reconstruction and visualization, we implemented volume rendering of rat brain based on ray-casting and texture mapping separately, surface rendering based on MC algorithm, and 3D arbitrary cutting view utilizing VTK.A manual registration method is introduced, f u rthermore, an automatic registration strategy based on PCA is implemented in the part of registration between atlas and MR image. In addition, the localization and labeling of ROI in 2D and 3D MR image are completed at last.Considering customers’ require, taking the engineering's principle of Object Oriented (OO) and stability and compatibility into account, this system is designed and implemented with Visual C++6.0 and VTK on windows platform. Practice proved that this system has a higher capability than our former MRI processing system in rat brain anatomic structure analysis.Key Words:MR Image, Rat Brain Atlas, ROI (Region of Interesting), 3D visualization, VTK, Image Registration, Localization and Labeling独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。
附4%多聚甲醛的配制:40g多聚甲醛⽤0.1mol/L PB(pH7.4)溶解后定容⾄1L,过滤后置于4℃保存。
切片方法如下图,在切片之前首先要用刀片对SD 大鼠脑进行粗切,可平分为5段,粗切之后进行切纹状体,海马,黑质的精细切分。
具体切片方案如下根据大鼠脑立体定位图谱(第三版)在PD 模型中,所需部位主要为鼠大脑的纹状体、黑质以及海马部位:⑴纹状体区:前囟1.70mm至-0.4mm,共2.10mm,由前往后平均分为以下四个区间(每区段0.5mm):+1.70mm---+1.20mm,+1.20mm---+0.70mm,+0.70 mm ---+0.20mm,+0.20mm--- -0.40mm,+1.70mm---+1.20mm,+1.70mm---+1.20mm, +1.20mm---+0.70mm, +0.70 mm ---+0.20mm,+0.20mm--- -0.40mm,可分为四个小瓶来装片,于10ml 的棕色玻璃瓶中( 内盛6ml的0.01mM PBS,pH7.4配制的5%多聚甲醛溶液),每个区段长度为0.50mm,理论上可切30μm的脑片16张,实际保留时至少保证12张脑片。
并从前到后标明区段1(+1.70mm-+1.20mm),区段2(+1.20mm-+0.70mm),区段3(+0.70mm-+0.2mm),区段4(+0.2mm-- -0.4mm).⑵黑质区:前囟-4.52mm至-6.04mm,共1.52mm,理论上一共可切56张30μm的脑片。
de Groot大鼠脑立体定向图谱参考文献: de Groot J. The rat hypothlamus in stereotaxic coordinates.J Comp Neurol 1959, 113:389-400使用说明(一)图谱使用范围本图谱使用范围主要是下丘脑及其周围结构,也涉及到视前区和中脑上部。
在冠状平面,自前而后每隔0.4mm 取一切片,共14张。
3.矢状零平面(L0)通过前囟并与H0 A0两平面均垂直相交的平面称L0。
Konig及Klippel 大鼠脑立体定向图谱参考文献: Konig JFR, et al. The rat brain: a stereotaxic atlas of the forebrain and lower parts of the brain stem. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore,1963使用说明本图谱所用的鼠为体重150克雌性大白鼠(Wistar BR46)(一)图谱的制作1. 照片图的制作鼠脑先放在8%的福尔马林中固定一周,用白明胶包埋,并用冰冻法切成25um的连续切片,用苏丹黑B染色。
Bibliographic Elements
– Authors (use et al. after 6 authors, if there areplete names should not be written. “et al” must be in italics)
• Websites or web pages /Homepage/Web site
– [Internet]. New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources, Inc.; c2000-01 [updated 2002 May 16; cited 2002 Jul 9]. Available from: /.
1. et al written after 4 authors it should have been written after 6 or more authors 2. Full stop after the end of the article title 3. 2006, 118 :882-887 this should have been written as 2006;118:882-7. 4. Correct ref would be Haggstrom AN, Drolet BA, Baselga E, Chamlin SL, Garzon MC, Horii KA, et al. Study of infantile hemangiomas: Clinical characteristics predicting complications and treatment. Pediatrics 2006;118:882-7.
Authors of the chapter
摘要目的:实验从脑病理组织切片、黑质部位凋亡细胞的形态和数量以及钙离子含量的变化方面来探讨疏筋解毒方对6—羟基多巴胺(6—hydroxydopaminne,6—OHDA)所致帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease,PD)大鼠模型的防治作用,从而揭示疏筋解毒方保护多巴胺(dopamine,DA)能神经元以及对PD治疗作用的可能机制,为中药治疗PD提供一定的实验依据和临床参考。
实验结果:1 疏筋解毒方对PD大鼠黑质组织形态的影响HE染色结果:与其它组相比,SJM组大鼠中脑黑质神经细胞较丰富,排列较密集,形态及体积基本接近正常。
2 疏筋解毒方对PD大鼠中脑黑质神经元凋亡的影响TUNEL染色结果:关于凋亡细胞数目,各治疗组与模型组比较均有显著性差异,P<0.01;而中药组与西药组比较也有显著性差异,P<0.01;且SJM组与其它组比较均有显著性差异,P<0.01。
3 疏筋解毒方对PD大鼠黑质纹状体钙结合蛋白含量的影响甲基百里香酚蓝比色法结果:LD组与模型组无差别;SJS组和SJL组与模型组比较有显著性差别,P<0.01,但与假手术组比较也有差别,P<0.05;而SJM组与模型组有差别,P<0.05,与假手术组无差别。
方法:利用脑立体定位仪在大鼠单侧前脑内侧束及黑质注射6-羟多巴胺(6-OHDA)溶液(12μg•4μL-1),两周后,腹腔注射阿扑吗啡(APO) (1mg•kg-1),观察大鼠旋转情况,以向健侧、首尾相接、环曲360°计一圈,记录5min,若>7r•min-1(完全毁损)视为建模成功;若<7r•min-1(部分毁损)及15min无旋转或向损毁侧旋转均视为建模失败。
【关键词】6-OHDA 帕金森模型【中图分类号】R965 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2013)30-0377-02帕金森病是中老年人常见的慢性中枢神经系统退行性疾病,其发病机制为黑质多巴胺能神经元变性、缺失,纹状体DA含量显著降低,造成兴奋性神经递质乙酰胆碱功能相对亢进。
1 仪器与材料1.1 动物SD雄性大鼠,体重250-280g,购自中国科学院上海实验动物中心,光暗周期12/12 h(光照时间8:00-20:00)下饲养。
1.2 仪器AE-240电子天平(梅特勒-托利多仪器有限公司),pHS-3C型pH计(上海雷磁仪器厂),脑立体定位仪(美国STOELTING公司),CMA/150温控垫(瑞典CMA公司)。
(10)申请公布号(43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 201510029295.X(22)申请日 2015.01.21A61D 1/00(2006.01)A61D 7/00(2006.01)(71)申请人湖南中医药大学地址410208 湖南省长沙市岳麓区含浦科教产业园学士路300号(72)发明人陈安 殷坚 李花 曾刚 吴丹李亮 余清平 陈红艳 李美丽(74)专利代理机构北京风雅颂专利代理有限公司 11403代理人李弘(54)发明名称一种大鼠脑立体定位手术中精确定位Bregma点的方法(57)摘要本发明公开了一种大鼠脑立体定位手术中精确定位Bregma 点的方法及巴氏消毒液显示Bregma 点的用途:将大鼠麻醉,固定大鼠头部,并将大鼠头部消毒、剪除被毛,用手术刀沿正中矢状线切开头顶部皮肤及软组织并拉向两侧,暴露出骨缝位置;用棉签沾取双氧水擦试大鼠头部矢状线与冠状线部位,显示出较宽的带状交叉区域,用生理盐水冲洗该区域并擦试干净;然后用棉签沾取巴氏消毒液,擦试所述交叉区域,直至Bregma点清晰显露为止,再次用生理盐水冲洗并擦试干净;最后使用脑立体定位仪确定颅骨三维坐标系统原点O 数值。
采用双氧水和巴氏消毒液联合应用腐蚀颅盖骨膜,出血量极少,手术视野清晰,显现冠状缝和矢状缝两条交叉线细而清晰,暴露Bregma 点非常清楚,从而定位精准。
(51)Int.Cl.(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请权利要求书1页 说明书3页 附图1页(10)申请公布号CN 104546204 A (43)申请公布日2015.04.29C N 104546204A1.一种大鼠脑立体定位手术中精确定位Bregma点的方法,其特征在于,包括如下步骤:将大鼠麻醉,固定大鼠头部,并将大鼠头部消毒、剪除被毛,用手术刀沿正中矢状线切开头顶部皮肤及软组织并拉向两侧,暴露出骨缝位置;用棉签沾取双氧水擦试大鼠头部矢状线与冠状线部位,显示出较宽的带状交叉区域,用生理盐水冲洗该区域并擦试干净;然后用棉签沾取巴氏消毒液,擦试所述交叉区域,直至Bregma点清晰显露为止,再次用生理盐水冲洗并擦试干净;最后使用脑立体定位仪确定颅骨三维坐标系统原点O数值。
20%氨基甲酸乙酯 0.6 ml/100g, i.p.
将大鼠头部固定于脑立体定位仪上,门齿杆 -3.3 mm
切头皮,剥开皮下组织, 将骨缝暴露清晰,用铅笔在前囟和后囟各做一标志
某些颅外标记与颅内结构具有相对固定的位置关系 前囟(bregma):位于冠状缝和矢状缝的交接处 人字缝尖(lambda):位于后囟人字缝与矢状缝交会点
核团定位,做标志, 钻孔
LV(AP: -1.3 R 2.0 H: 3.5)mm
小心安放微量注射器,针尖斜面中点进入孔内时,记高度。缓慢进针至LV ,注入10 l 2%滂胺天蓝溶液(2 l/min),留针10 min后缓慢拔针
疡的发生10 。
胃缺血- 再灌注引起急性胃黏膜损伤的机制, 主要与细胞内钙超载、氧自由基过量生成、白细胞浸润等因素有关。
已有研究报道SS 对胃黏膜损伤具有保护作用,可能与对抗自由基引起的损伤有关2 。
胃缺血- 再灌注后胃窦黏膜内D 细胞通过分泌SS ,一方面抑制胃酸的分泌, 减轻溃疡的程度;另一方面, SS 可通过增强细胞对抗自由基引起的损伤而对胃黏膜起保护作用。
SS 的增多,可能是机体自然抗病的一种局部反应。
综上所述, 本实验结果提示: 胃窦黏膜D 细胞通过分泌SS 参与了大鼠GI - RI 的过程。
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4大鼠脑立体定位局部药物毁损大鼠双侧下丘脑对其摄食量的影响1.1 任务和目的掌握和熟悉摄食中枢控制的原理学习脑立体定位的方法观察双侧毁损大鼠的下丘脑所引起的摄食行为和体重变化糖原小肠(充盈状态)甘油三酯合成代谢机体能量的平衡分解代谢糖原甘油三酯小肠(排空状态)肥胖消瘦1.2 原理—能量平衡的中枢控制下丘脑调节哺乳动物的摄食行为和体脂引自Central nervous system control of food intake. Nature. 2000;404(6778):661-71.损毁双侧下丘脑外侧区会导致动物的厌食,即严重的食欲降低。
饥饿中枢饱中枢1.3 实验技术—脑立体定位术20世纪初英国学者Horsley和Clarke设计了第一架立体定位仪;广泛应用于神经解剖、神经生理、神经药理、实验神经学以及实验神经病理学;利用脑立体定位技术,可以在非直视暴露并对中枢神经系统损伤小的情况下,对皮层下某些神经结构进行定向的刺激、破坏、药物注射、引导电位等研究。
1.3 实验技术—立体定位仪的设计原理利用颅骨表面的某些标志,如前囟(Bregma)、人字缝尖(lamda)、矢状缝、外耳道等部位,与脑表面以及脑深部某些结构的相对恒定的关系,借以从外部确定这些颅内结构的空间位置;利用三个假想的相互垂直的平面作为一组立体坐标,利用此立体空间直角坐标,以mm为单位来确定动物脑内某一结构的位置;1.3 实验技术—脑立体定位仪1.3 实验技术—脑立体定位图谱George Paxinos, Charles Watson. The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates. 6th edition, 2008, AcademicPress1. Paxinos, G. and Watson C. The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, 6th ed.2008. Academic Press.2.王太一,韩子玉. 实验动物解剖图谱2000.用一坚固、准确而两侧对称的耳杆,将动物的头非常牢固地固定起来(不允许有0.1mm的移动);用一组准确性很高、三个互成直角的滑动尺构成电极移动架,滑尺的刻读要求读出0.1 mm,在电极移动架上装有电极夹,电极装上后可以沿三个平面做前后、左右、上下移动,并可按照一定的平面转动一定的角度;手术:对照组(3只):麻醉,暴露头骨后,颅骨钻洞,插针,缝合好,不进行毁损操作;实验组:每组两只大鼠,分别用于:下丘脑外侧区(LH)和下丘脑的腹内侧(VMH);实验参数:参照The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, 6th ed. Figure 54.LH: 前囟后2.52 mm; 中缝侧移2 mm; 头骨下9 mm;VMH:前囟后2.52 mm; 中缝侧移0.5 mm; 头骨下9.5 mm;门牙杆incisor bar比耳间连线低3.3 mm;前囟点和矢状缝尖几乎在同一水平高度。
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切头皮,剥开皮下组织, 将骨缝暴露清 晰,用铅笔在前囟和后囟各做一标志 核团定位,做标志, 钻孔
LV(AP: -1.3 R 2.0 H: 3.5)mm
小心安放微量注射器,针尖斜面中点进 入孔内时,记高度。缓慢进针至LV ,注 入10 l 2%滂胺天蓝溶液(2 l/min),留 针10 min后缓慢拔针
取下动物,腹腔注射过量的20%氨基甲酸乙 酯使动物死亡 以咬骨钳咬开颅骨,小心取出大脑,顺着注 射点将大脑切开,观察染料是否在侧脑室内
核团微量注射 电位引导 核团的刺激或损毁
大鼠,立体定位仪,哺乳类手术器械, 牙科钻,20%氨基甲酸乙酯,生理盐水, 2%滂胺天蓝溶液
20%氨基甲酸乙酯 0.6 ml/100g, i.p.
将大鼠头部固定于脑立体定位仪上,门齿杆 -3.3 mm 3个标准检测是否固定成功(鼻对正中,头 部不动,提尾不掉)
浙江大学医学院生理学系 梁华为
了解脑立体定位技术的原理,初步掌握 确定某一中枢核团的方法
某些颅外标记与颅内结构具有相对固定 的位置关系
前囟(bregma):位于冠状缝和矢状缝的交接处 人字缝尖(lambda):位于后囟人字缝与矢状缝 交会点