
金融高质量发展研究的国内外文献综述1. 国外文献综述国外有大部分学者就金融发展与经济增长二者之间的关系进行了研究。
Panicos (1996)等探究了金融发展与经济增长的关系,他们对16个国家的时间序列数据进行研究,研究表明,在相当多的国家,经济增长系统性地导致金融发展,总的来说,金融发展和经济增长之间的关系是双向的[1]。
Simon (2004)等以中国为例进行研究金融开放与地理位置之间的关系,他们认为尽管信息的电子传输会大大减少由于距离而导致的金融信息获取受阻,但地理因素仍然为金融服务主要集中于北京等特定地区的关键性因素[2]。
Arjana (2007)等利用了宏观和行业数据,分析国际金融一体化与金融发展对欧洲经济增长的非线性影响,结果显示出具有显著的非线性效应,认为金融一体化可能不会对增长本身产生积极的影响,其影响取决于国家金融市场的发展、宏观经济的稳定和机构的质量[3]。
Matías (2007)等认为国内金融发展对贸易和资本流动开放的国家的增长影响要小于在两个方面都封闭的国家,在允许资本流动的情况下,非贸易部门的规模对于国内金融体系自由化的机会具有重要作用[4]。
2. 国内文献综述目前有关金融高质量发展的研究主要分成三方面,学者对于金融高质量发展面临的问题的研究、学者对金融发展质量内涵的界定以及学者关于高质量发展的研究。

互联网金融论文文献综述关于互联网金融冲击下我国传统商业银行变革的文献综述摘要:第三方支付、大数据金融、P2P 网络信贷、众筹融资等为代表的互联网金融正以强劲的势头迅猛发展,迅速占领进军中国资本市场,给传统商业银行带了空前的挑战和压力。

农村互联网金融发展问题研究国内外文献综述1.国外研究现状Economides N. C. Himmelberg(2014)认为,互联网金融是建立在传统金融业务基础上的新兴业务。
Kirsty Best (2015)的研究表明,2002年联合国贸易和发展会议为发展中国家建构网络金融提供了广泛的认知,其建构了覆盖发展中国家的互联网金融发展条件和发展形势,这也是本文研究中对于互联网金融类别进行划分的重要依据[6]。
Andrew Crockett (2017)针对互联网金融的概况进行了研究。
Chester Brown(2017)认为,互联网金融发展的背景下,应当结合互联网金融的发展特征和产业特点,积极引进人才,提高人才的储备水平,重视互联网金融的特征,提高互联网金融各主体对人才的吸纳水平,完善人才的知识结构,推动互联网金融人才具有扎实的业务功底和理论功底,使得人才兼备金融实操经验和互联网意识,提升互联网金融的发展水平[8]。
Muneer M.Abbad (2016)《约旦网上银行》中认为,农村金融机构应当有效协调传统支付模式与购买模式和当前技术环境和需求环境之间的鸿沟。




Hsien Tang Tsai,Leo Huang,Qmng Gee Lin(2005)的观点是,每个年龄的群体对互联网金融发展的推动力在程度上是不同的。
Mark Gertler & Nobuhiro Kiyotaki(2011)的观点是在网络金融快速发展的时代背景下,科学技术及信息发生了巨大的变化,网络银行也只有跨行也行,网络银行的风险要比之前的金融风险更高,而且并不是受到市场价格波动。
Dilip K. Patro & Min Qi & Xian SunS(2012)认为随着互联网金融的发展,网络银行的兴起,为金融业与其他行业的混合经营提供了一个较大的发展平台,这对目前的传统银行业经营模式产生了不小冲击,金融业的三驾马车:银行业、证券业、保险业之间,在互联网金融发展的推动下又产生了新的合作方式,而现有的法律法规框架体系存在一定的滞后性,对互联网金融快速发展下存在的一些问题没有顺手可用的应对措施,这就导致面临各种问题,金融行业的监管难度不断上升[3]。

参考文献1参见袁博,李永刚,张逸龙:“互联网金融发展对中国商业银行的影响及对策分析”、《金融理论与实践》、2013年第12期2 宫晓林:“互联网金融模式对传统银行业的影响”、《南方金融》、2013年第5期3陈明昭:“互联网金融的主要模式对商业银行发展的影响分析”、《经济研究导刊》、2013年第31期4赵南岳:“互联网金融对银行业的冲击及机遇”、《西部金融》、2013年第10期5袁博,李永刚,张逸龙:“互联网金融发展对中国商业银行的影响及对策分析”、《金融理论与实践》、2013年第12期。

商业银行互联网金融业务发展策略研究国内外文献综述目录商业银行互联网金融业务发展策略研究国内外文献综述 (1)1 国内研究发展现状 (1)(1)互联网金融的概念 (1)(2)互联网金融对商业银行的冲击 (1)(3)商业银行面对冲击的应对策略 (2)(4)互联网金融风险防控 (2)2 国外研究发展现状 (2)参考文献 (4)1 国内研究发展现状与国外网上银行的研究相比,我国对互联网金融的研究始于2013年,但作为后来者,我国互联网金融的发展让世界刮目相看,并在该领域掀起了热潮,特别是在互联网金融相关理论,互联网金融对传统金融业的冲击,金融机构发展互联网金融业务的战略以及互联网金融风险防控等方面。

30282 其中,大多数的文献围绕的是P2P网络借贷现实意义层面。
Eric C. Chaffee,Geoffrey C. Rapp(XX)指出P2P 网络借贷模式是一种创新型的互联网金融模式。
Brad Slavin(XX)主要介绍了Prosper网站和Zopa网站,分别对比了它们的运作模式和盈利模式,作者指出了P2P网络借贷对于人们对于人们的日常借贷、理财而言,十分便捷高效,它不仅拥有银行的很多功能,同时可以代替信用卡和payday贷款。
Galak, Small, 和 Stephen (XX)通过研究了借贷的背景以及借款人的主要个人特征,针对民间借贷进行研究后发现,在民间借贷中,出借人往往贷款给他们熟悉的借款人。
Eric C. Chaffee,Geoffrey C. Rapp(XX)研究发现由于 P2P 网络借贷模式是一种比较创新型的互联网金融模式,所以在监管方面,也是需要不断加强、不断完善的。

二、互联网金融的发展历程互联网金融的发展可以追溯到上世纪 90 年代,当时电子商务的兴起促使金融机构开始探索线上金融服务。
21 世纪初,第三方支付的出现标志着互联网金融进入了一个新的阶段。
随后,P2P 网贷、众筹融资、互联网保险、互联网银行等新兴模式不断涌现,互联网金融逐渐形成了多元化的发展格局。
(二)P2P 网贷P2P 网贷是指个人通过互联网平台向其他个人借款的一种金融模式。

Meyer Tet al.(XX)认为P2P网络借贷指的是当借款人与出借人在没有金融机构中介平台时,P2P网络借贷平台可以为他们提供便利的信贷服务,使得用户可以更加方便的借贷。
29482(二)P2P网络借贷风险相关理论介绍信用风险(Credit risk)是指签订交易合同的双方违背契约内容,造成另一方经济利益受损的风险。
1.道德风险道德风险(Moral Hazard)是指签订交易合同的一方要承受对手可能改变行为,使自身经济受损的风险。
许荣等(XX) 认为不健全的个人信用体系以及不完备的网络借贷平台设计机制,使P2P网络借贷存在道德风险。

P2P 互联网金融作为其中的重要组成部分,引起了广泛的关注和研究。
本文旨在对相关的外文文献进行翻译和梳理,以加深对 P2P 互联网金融的理解。
P2P 互联网金融,即 peertopeer lending,是指个人通过互联网平台向其他个人或企业提供贷款的一种金融模式。
与传统金融机构不同,P2P 平台主要依靠互联网技术和大数据算法来实现借贷双方的匹配和风险管理。
在众多外文文献中,学者们对 P2P 互联网金融的发展历程、特点、优势和风险进行了深入的探讨。
一些研究指出,P2P 互联网金融的出现打破了传统金融机构的垄断,为投资者提供了更多的投资选择,同时也为借款人提供了更便捷、高效的融资渠道。
而 P2P 平台通过简化审批流程、降低门槛,使得这些群体能够更容易地获得所需资金,从而促进了经济的发展。
然而,P2P 互联网金融也并非完美无缺。
一方面,由于缺乏有效的监管和规范,一些 P2P 平台存在欺诈、跑路等风险,给投资者带来了巨大的损失。
另一方面,P2P 平台的信用评估体系尚不完善,难以准确评估借款人的信用风险,从而增加了平台的坏账率。
此外,网络安全问题也是P2P 互联网金融面临的一大挑战。
首先,政府应加强对 P2P 互联网金融的监管,建立健全相关法律法规,明确平台的准入标准和运营规范。
其次,P2P 平台应加强自身的风险管理能力,完善信用评估体系,提高风险识别和控制能力。
在对 P2P 互联网金融的研究中,国外学者还运用了多种研究方法和模型。

互联网金融论文文献综述互联网金融(Internet Finance)是指利用互联网技术和信息通信技术,创新金融服务模式,提供在线金融服务的一种金融形式。

文献信息:文献标题:Evaluating credit risk and loan performance in online Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending(点对点(P2P)网络借贷的信用风险与贷款绩效评估)国外作者:Riza Emekter, Yanbin Tu, Benjamas Jirasakuldech, Min Lu 文献出处:《Applied Economics》, 2015, 47(1):54-70字数统计:英文3063单词,15818字符;中文5110汉字外文文献:Evaluating credit risk and loan performance in onlinePeer-to-Peer (P2P) lendingAbstract Online Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending has emerged recently. This micro loan market could offer certain benefits to both borrowers and lenders. Using data from the Lending Club, which is one of the popular online P2P lending houses, this article explores the P2P loan characteristics, evaluates their credit risk and measures loan performances. We find that credit grade, debt-to-income ratio, FICO score and revolving line utilization play an important role in loan defaults. Loans with lower credit grade and longer duration are associated with high mortality rate. The result is consistent with the Cox Proportional Hazard test which suggests that the hazard rate or the likelihood of the loan default increases with the credit risk of the borrowers. Finally, we find that higher interest rates charged on the highrisk borrowers are not enough to compensate for higher probability of the loan default. The Lending Club must find ways to attract high FICO score and high-income borrowers in order to sustain their businesses.Key words: Peer-to-Peer lending; credit grade; FICO score; default riskI.IntroductionWith the advent of Web 2.0, it has become easy to create online markets and virtual communities with convenient accessibility and strong collaboration.One of the emerging Web 2.0 applications is the online Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending marketplaces, where both lenders and borrowers can virtually meet for loan transactions. Such marketplaces provide a platform service of introducing borrowers to lenders, which can offer some advantages for both borrowers and lenders. Borrowers can get micro loans directly from lenders, and might pay lower rates than commercial credit alternatives. On the other hand, lenders can earn higher rates of return compared to any other type of lending such as corporate bonds, bank deposits or certificate of deposits. One of the problems in online P2P lending is information asymmetry between the borrower and the lender. That is, the lender does not know the borrower's credibility as well as the borrower does. Such information asymmetry might result in adverse selection (Akerlof, 1970) and moral hazard (Stiglitz and Weiss, 1981). Theoretically, some of these problems can be alleviated by regular monitoring, but this approach poses a challenge in the online environment because the borrowers and the buyers do not physically meet. Fostering and enhancing the lender's trust in the borrower can also be implemented to mitigate adverse selection and moral hazard problems. In the traditional bank-lending markets, banks can use collateral, certified accounts, regular reporting, and even presence of the board of directors to enhance the trust in the borrower. However, such mechanisms are difficult to implement in the online environment which will incur a significant transaction cost.To reduce lending risks associated with information asymmetry, current online P2P lending has the following arrangements. First, the Lending Club screens out any potential high-risk borrowers based on the FICO score. The minimum FICO score to be able to participate is 640. Second, the typical size of the loans produced in this market is small, which is under $35 000 at the Lending Club. Therefore, these loans are essentially microloans which pose a relatively small loss in case of default. Third, the market maker offers matchmaking systems which can be used to generate portfolio recommendations and minimize lending risks. Fourth, if a borrower fails to pay, the market maker will report the case to a credit agency and hire a collectionagency to collect the funds on behalf of the lender. Although there are certain structures imposed in the online P2P that help to minimize the risk, this form of lending is inherently associated with greater amount of risk compared to the traditional lending.The purpose of this article is to evaluate the credit risk of borrowers from one of the largest P2P platforms in the United States provided by the Lending Club, which help lenders to make more informed decisions about the risk and return efficiency of loans based on the borrowers' grade. There are two related research questions this article will address: (1) What are some of the borrowers' characteristics that help determine the default risk? and (2) Is the higher return generated from the riskier borrower large enough to compensate for the incremental risk? Lenders can allocate their investments more efficiently if they know what characteristics of the borrower affect the default risk. Each borrower is classified by credit grade with corresponding borrowing rate assigned by the Lending Club. To make an efficient allocation, a lender should know whether the higher interest rates set for high-risk borrowers are sufficient to compensate the lenders for the higher probabilities of a potential loss.Our findings suggest that borrowers with high FICO score, high credit grade, low revolving line utilization and low debt-to-income ratio are associated with low default risk. This finding is consistent with the studies by Duarte et al. (2012) who report that borrowers with a trustworthy characteristic will have better credit scores but low probability of default. This result also suggests that besides the loan applicants' social ties and friendship as reported by Freedman and Jin (2014) and Lin et al. (2013), the four factors discussed above are also important in explaining the default risk. When comparing with US national borrowers, the results show that the Lending Club should continue to screen out the borrowers with lower FICO score and attract the highest FICO score borrowers in order to significantly reduce the default risk. In relating the risk to the return, it shows that higher interest rate charged for the riskier borrower is not significant enough to justify the higher default probability. Our finding here is consistent with the study by Berkovich (2011) who reports that high quality loans offer excess return.II.Literature ReviewThree main streams of research have emerged in response to the growing popularity of P2P lending. The first stream of research examines the reasons for the emergence of online P2P lending. The second stream of research focuses on determining the factors that explain the funding success and default risk. The last stream of research investigates the performance of online P2P loan for a given level of the risk.Peer group lending has been emerging in local communities and has attracted the research in this area. Conlin (1999) develops a model to explain the existence of peer group micro-lending programmes in the United States and Canada. He finds that peer groups enable fixed costs to be imposed on the entrepreneurs while minimizing the programme's overhead costs. Ashta and Assadi (2008) investigate whether Web 2.0 techniques are integrated to support the advanced social interactions and associations with lower costs for P2P lending. Hulme and Wright (2006) study a case of online P2P lending house, Zopa, in the United Kingdom. They suggest that the emergence of online P2P lending is a direct response to social trends and a demand for new forms of relationship in financial sector under the new information age.There is extant literature that identifies the factors determining the funding success and default risk. Using the Canadian micro-credit data, Gomez and Santor (2003) find that group lending offers lower default rates than conventional individual lending does. Study by Iyer et al. (2009) shows that lenders can evaluate one third of credit risk using both hard and soft data about the borrower. Lin et al. (2013) analyse the role of social connections in evaluating credit risk and discover that strong social networking relationship is an important factor that determines the borrowing success and lower default risk. Lin et al. (2013) further report that applicants' friendship could increase the probability of successful funding, lower interest rates on funded loans, and these borrowers are associated with lower ex post default rates at Prosper. The importance of social ties in determining loans funded is also examined by Freedman and Jin (2014). The result shows that borrowers with social ties are more likely tohave their loans funded and receive lower interest rates. However, they also find evidence of risks to lenders regarding borrower participation in social networks.Several other studies examine whether certain borrowers' characteristics and personal information determine the success of loan funding and default risk. Herzenstein et al. (2008) show that borrowers' financial strength, their listing and publicizing efforts, and demographic attributes affect likelihood of funding success. Study by Duarte et al. (2012) further argues that borrowers who appear more trustworthy have better credit score with higher probabilities of having their loans funded and default less often. Larrimore et al. (2011) demonstrate that borrowers who use extended narratives, concrete descriptions and quantitative words have positive impact on funding success. However, humanizing personal details or loan justifi cations have negative influences on funding success. Qiu et al. (2012) further reveal that in addition to personal information and social capital, other variables, including loan amount, acceptable maximum interest rate and loan period set by borrowers, significantly influence the funding success or failure.Galak et al. (2011) further show that lenders tend to favour individual over group borrowers and borrowers who are socially proximate to themselves. They also find that lenders prefer the borrowers who are more like themselves in terms of gender, occupation and first name initial. More interestingly, Gonzalez and Loureiro (2014) have similar findings: (1) when perceived age represents competence, attractiveness has no effect on loan success; (2) when lenders and borrowers are of the same gender, attractiveness might lead to a loan failure (i.e., the ‘beauty is beastly' effect) and (3) loan success is sensitive to the relative age and attractiveness of lenders and borrowers. Herzenstein et al. (2011) find that herding in the loan auction is positively related to its subsequent performance, that is whether borrowers pay the money back on time.III.DataIn this section, the loan applicants' data is first described, followed by loan distribution based on loan purposes, credit grade and loan status and it ends with thedetailed descriptive statistics of the loan applicants. This study uses 61 451 loan applications in the Lending Club from May 2007 to June 2012 obtained from . Over the study period, the Lending Club lent about $713 million to borrowers. To address the borrowers' behaviour in online P2P lending, we first examine the main reasons for borrowing money from others. Table 1 lists the borrowers' self-claimed reasons summarized in the Lending Club. Almost 70% of loan requested are related to debt consolidation or credit card debts with a total loan amount requested of approximately $387 million and $108 million, respectively. The number of loan applications for education, renewable energy and vacation contribute less than 1% of total loans with the total loan requested ranging from 1 to 3 million. The borrowers state that their preferences to borrow from the Lending Club are lower borrowing rate and inability to borrow enough money from credit cards. The second purpose for borrowing is to pay home mortgage or to re-model home.Table 1. Loan distributions by loan purpose (May 2007–June 2012)Notes: The data is obtained from 61 451 loan applicants in the Lending Club, , from May 2007 to June 2012.The loan-seeking persons are asked to provide the reasons for requesting loans.The Lending Club uses the borrower's FICO credit scores along with other information to assign a loan credit grade ranging from A1 to G5 in descending credit ranks to each loan. The detailed procedure is as follows: after assigning a base score based on FICO ratings, the Lending Club makes some adjustments depending on requested loan amount, number of recent credit inquiries, credit history length, total open credit account, currently open credit accounts and revolving line utilization todetermine the final grade, which in turn determines the interest rate on the loan.Table 2 reports the loan distribution by credit grade. The majority of borrowing requests have grades between A1 and E5. The Highest loan amounts requested are from borrowers with ‘B' credit grade, which contribute 29.56% of total amount of loans requested. The total number of applicants for this ‘B' credit grade group is 18 707, which represents total loans of approximately $210 million. The lowest loan amounts requested are from borrowers with the lowest ‘G' credit grade which accounts for 1.53% of total loans. There are only 608 loan applicants for this lowest credit rating ‘G' group and it represents approximately $11 million in total loan value. According to the Lending Club's policy, a loan credit grade is used to determine the interest rate and the maximum amount of money that a borrower can request. The higher the loan grade, the lower the interest rate. A borrowing request with a low grade renders a higher interest rate as a compensation for a high risk held by lenders. Table 2. Loans distribution by credit grades (May 2007–June 2012)Notes: The Lending Club uses the borrowers’ FICO credit scores along with other information to classify a loan from Grade A1 to G5 in descending credit risk. Therefore, A1 credit grade represents the highest credit quality/low-risk borrowers, whereas G5 credit grade represents the lowest credit quality/ high-risk borrowers. Total amount of loans requested as a percentage of total loan is 19.35% for credit grade group ‘A’, 29.56% for ‘B’, 19.94% for ‘C’, 14.84% for ‘D’, 10.15% for ‘E’, 4.59% for ‘F’ and 1.53% for ‘G’.Finally, Panel A of Table 3 shows the loan status for all the loan requests on 20 July 2012. Overall, the default rate is 4.60% with total losses of approximately $29 million. Another 2.45% of total loan requests which constitute $18.6 million could be potentially lost because the borrowers are late in making payment within 30 days or 120 days and not paying the normal instalments. 17.98% of the loans are fully paid with an approximate value of $108 million. The $557 million loans are in current status account for 74.91% of total loans. Naturally, loans with a lower grade demonstrate a higher default rate. Therefore, study on risk management on P2P lending is relevant for the lenders to optimize their investment portfolios. Panel B of Table 3 reports the loan status for the matured loans. The overall loss rate is much higher for matured loans. Among 4904 matured loans, 914 loans are charged-off, which represent 18.6%. The total loss is $5.5 million which represents 13% of all matured loans amount. Less than 1% of the matured loans are late in terms of making payment with the unpaid balance of approximately $27 000. 80.77% or $33 million of matured loans are fully paid.Table 3. Loan distribution by the loan status (May 2007–June 2012)Table 4 reports the general characteristics and credit history of the online P2P loan applicants from the Lending Club. Based on our sample of 61 451 loanapplicants, the average monthly interest charged on a loan is 12.34%. On average, 471 days passed from the issue date of the loan. The average credit grade of a borrower is 25, which corresponds to credit category between B and C. The average size of a typical loan is $11 604 and the average monthly payment is $351. The borrower in general pays back $4384 a month and has $7873 left to be paid. The average ratio of the remaining balance to total loans is 63%.Examining the borrowers' characteristics, it shows that the mean income of a borrower from the Lending Club is $5796 with the debts to income ratio of 0.1381. On average, a borrower has 9.56 open credit lines and 22 total credit lines, carries $14 315 average revolving credit balance and almost half (51.6%) of his or her credit limit. In the last six months, there is 1 credit inquiry requested by an average borrower. Average FICO score category of a typical borrower is 3.48, which corresponds to a FICO score between 680 and 750.Table 4. Descriptive statistics (May 2007–June 2012)Notes: Credit Grade is the grade assigned by the Lending Club based on the FICOrano credit rating information along with other information. Credit Grade ‘1’ is the loan category of ‘G’ which is the riskiest class of loans. Credit Grade ‘7’ is the loan category of ‘A’ which is the lowest risk borrowers. FICOrano is the credit rating of the borrowers rated by credit card companies. FICO 6 corresponds to borrowers with the FICO score above 780, FICO 5 corresponds to FICO score between 750–779, FICO 4 = 714–749, FICO 3 = 679–713, FICO 2 = 660–678 and FICO 1 = 640–659, respectively.IV.ConclusionsCredit risk is an important concern for the P2P loans. This study employs the data from the Lending Club to evaluate the credit risk of the P2P online loans. We findthat credit score, debt-to-income ratio, FICO score and revolving line utilization play an important role in determining loan default. The credit categorization used by the Lending Club successfully predicts the default probability with one exception of next lowest credit grade ‘F'. In general, higher credit grade loan is associated with lower default risk.The mortality risk also increases with the maturity of the loans. Loans with lower credit grade and longer duration are associated with high mortality rate. The Cox Proportional Hazard Test results show that as the credit risk of the borrowers increases, so does the likelihood of loan being default. However, the higher interest rate currently charged for the riskier borrower is not significant enough to justify the higher default probability. This suggests that the lenders would be better off to lend only to the safest borrowers in the highest grade category of 7 or Grade A. Increasing spreads on riskier borrower may lead to a more severe adverse selection resulting in higher default risk.The Lending Club lenders should either extend credits only to the highest grade borrower or try to find more creative ways to lower the default rate among current borrowers. When comparing with the US national consumers, borrowers with relatively higher income and potentially higher FICO scores do not participate in the P2P market. Creating incentives to attract these types of borrowers would have a significant potential to decrease the default risk in this market.中文译文:点对点(P2P)网络借贷的信用风险与贷款绩效评估摘要近年来点对点(P2P)网络借贷开始兴起。


互联网金融文献综述互联网金融文献综述1.引言1.1 研究背景1.2 研究目的1.3 研究方法2.互联网金融的概念及发展历程2.1 互联网金融的定义2.2 互联网金融的起源2.3 互联网金融的发展历程3.互联网金融模式及分类3.1 众筹模式3.2 网上支付模式3.3 网络借贷模式3.4 股权众筹模式3.5 虚拟货币模式4.互联网金融的优势与挑战4.1 优势①降低交易成本②提高金融服务效率③促进金融创新4.2 挑战①信息安全风险②法律监管风险③信任风险5.互联网金融的影响及前景展望5.1 对传统金融业的影响5.2 对消费者的影响5.3 互联网金融的未来发展趋势6.互联网金融的监管政策与法律法规 6.1 互联网金融监管机构6.2 互联网金融监管政策6.3 相关法律法规解读7.互联网金融在国内外的应用实例7.1 国内互联网金融应用实例7.2 海外互联网金融应用实例8.结论8.1 研究总结8.2 研究成果展望附件:1.相关研究论文及报告2.互联网金融相关数据统计表格3.互联网金融实施方案案例法律名词及注释:1.互联网金融:通过互联网技术和信息通信技术,为用户提供金融产品和服务的一种新型金融业务模式。

1.引言1.1 研究背景1.2研究目的1.3 研究方法2.互联网金融的概念与定义2.1 互联网金融的概念界定2.2互联网金融发展形态3.互联网金融的发展历程3.1 互联网金融的起源3.2 互联网金融的快速发展阶段3.3互联网金融的成熟与规范阶段4.互联网金融的关键技术4.1区块链技术在互联网金融中的应用4.2 技术在互联网金融中的应用4.3大数据技术在互联网金融中的应用5.互联网金融的监管政策5.1 国内互联网金融监管政策的演变5.2 国际互联网金融监管政策的比较6.互联网金融的发展趋势6.1互联网金融的未来发展方向6.2 互联网金融面临的挑战与风险6.3 互联网金融的应对策略与措施结论:通过对互联网金融文献的综述和分析,我们可以看到互联网金融在金融服务领域的创新和突破,其带来的便利和效益不可忽视。
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本份文档包含:关于该选题的外文文献、文献综述一、外文文献标题: Online brokers lead the way for French internet finance作者: Caffard, Christophe期刊名称: International Financial Law Review卷: 20;期: 3;页: 20-24Online brokers lead the way for French internet finance1 Regulated brokersRegulated brokers are legal entities which have an investment services licence and are subject to the prudential regulations of the Comite de Reglementation Bancaire et Financiere (CRBF) and the Conseil des Marches Financiers (CMF).* Choice of legal form: regulated brokers are not required to be incorporated in a specific legal form; however, under article 13 of the MAF Law, the CECEI checks whether the legal form of the brokerage company is appropriate for providing investment services. In practice, any type of commercial company is admitted: societes de capitaux (limited companies) or societes de personnes (partnerships). The formalities of share transfer, tax and the scope of liability of a company's management will be relevant factors to the choice of legal form.* Application for an investment services licence from the CECEI: the most important part of the application is the description of the investment services, and a business plan including prospective financial statements for the following three years. The CMF will check whether the business plan is consistent with the investment services licence requested by the broker. The CECEI will ensure that the applicant's own initial funds are consistent with the business plan.The scope of the investment services licence is variable and covers one or more ofthe following investment services:Reception and transmission of orders to another investment services provider on behalf of investors, for execution. This is the core investment service provided by thebrokerage companies and, as such, a licence to provide this service is the minimum required for a brokerage company. Brokerage companies may request an investment services licence limited to the reception and transmission of orders. In this case, there will need to be a tripartite agreement between the investor, the broker and an investment services provider authorized to execute the orders of the investor. These single-- licensed brokerage companies are mere intermediaries remunerated by a commission paid by the investors. They are not entitled to benefit from the European passport under the ISD.Execution of such order other than for own account. This is defined as the execution of orders on behalf of a customer under the provision of an agency or a brokerage agreement. The brokerage company authorized to execute orders received from the investors offers a larger range of services with more potential. The broker with an investment services licence covering the execution of orders will be in charge of executing the final orders on the regulated markets, provided it is has been authorized as a market member. Unauthorized brokerage companies transmit the orders they have received to authorized market members. Authorized brokerage companies may offer investors a quasi-immediate execution of orders on the markets.Placing. This is the search for subscribers or purchasers on behalf of the issuer or seller of financial instruments. According to the CMF, in the case of a public offer of listed financial instruments placed by a market firm (for example on the Paris Stock Exchange or Nouveau March&), an online broker, which sells financial instruments online, is deemed to be providing his client with a reception-transmission of orders service and not a placing service. A placing service requires the broker to comply with capital adequacy ratios whenever it is associated with an underwriting commitment.Account-keeping, custody and clearing. These are not considered to be investment services, but assimilated services restricted to credit institutions or investment firms, and are subject to the CMF's General Regulations.CRBF regulators. CBF regulations subject brokerage companies to the following requirements: the minimum issued and paid-up share capital depends on the nature and number of investment services carried out; brokerage companies who offeraccount-keeping, custody and reception, transmission and execution of orders must have a minimum paid-up share capital of Ffrl million (about $160,000). This is reduced to Ffr350,000 when the brokerage company is not involved in account-keeping or custody services;* the minimum shareholder funds must be equal to the higher of- 25% of the overheads of the previous year, or overheads forecast in the business plan; and- the aggregate client positions divided by 150;* internal compliance procedures must be established; and* the brokerage company must comply with certain ratios relating to solvency and large exposure.Regulated brokers are also subject to the CMF's rules on the appointment of a compliance officer, information and advice for clients, mandatory clauses to be inserted in clients' agreements, professional cards required from certain employees and reporting requirements to the CMF.2 Non-regulated brokersNon-regulated brokers are sole agents appointed by an investment firm authorized by the CECEI, or an appropriate authority of an EU member state. Sole agents are nonregulated entities and are neither subject to the minimum capital and shareholder funds requirements nor to the CMF/CRBF regulations.Sole agents enter into investment services agreements with clients on behalf and in the name of their principal, who must be a regulated investment services provider. These agreements are binding on who is, as a general rule, solely liable visa-vis clients and the supervisory authorities (the CMF and/or the Bank of France). In this respect, the incorporation and activities of a sole agent brokerage is simpler, safer and cheaper than for regulated brokers. However, sole agents are fully dependent on the principal since they are not authorized to be appointed by more than one investment firm and if, for any reason, the mandate is cancelled or terminated, sole agents must stop any brokerage activity, unless they get a new mandate or are granted an investment service licence by the CECEI. Sole agents do not benefit from theEuropean passport under the ISD, as they are not considered to be investment firms. It is important to note that the sole agent does not own the brokerage business, since clients simply have a contractual relationship. This is why sole agent status is generally more suitable when the principal and agent are companies within the same group or with long-term common interests.French branches of EU investment service providersThe licence for an EU investment service provider allows it to set up branches in France, subject to authorization from the authorities of its home state.This procedure is much simpler and quicker than an application for an investment services licence with the CECEI. The other advantages of operating in France in this way are that a branch is not required to show an endowment capital in France, and that prudential ratios of the home state apply to the French branch.As a general rule under the ISD, the home state authorities retain jurisdiction over the branch in the home state, with the exception of the public policy rules, which will apply to the branches. In France, the regulation referred to below is considered to be a public policy rule with which French branches operating online brokerage services in France must comply.Regulations applicable to brokerage servicesThe offer of brokerage services and the provision of brokerage services are regulated by reference to the nature of the financial instruments offered online.The offer of brokerage servicesAdvertising / marketingThe advertising of financial instruments is heavily regulated when advertisements are included in a public offering process. In this case the advertisement is in the form of a prospectus, which must comply with COB regulations, which provide detailed requirements regarding the form and content of the prospectus. As a general rule, any other form of advertising in a public offering process must refer to the prospectus approved by the COB.* The marketing in France of financial instruments listed on a foreign market must comply with COB regulation no. 99-04. This provides that, before anytransaction, the broker must send his clients an information memorandum presenting the foreign market and the financial instruments dealt on that market. This may be sent to clients via the internet.Any advertising of operations on the foreign market must include certain mandatory information, including the identification of the legal entity which is soliciting French clients.As a general rule, the advertising of collective investment schemes is subject to regulation by the COB, which ensures that any advertisement is consistent with the notice d'information and with regulations applicable to collective investment schemes generally. SICA Vs and FCPs subject to COB regulation no. 89-02 may not be marketed until the management company has been notified of the COB's approval.However, any direct or indirect solicitation to invest in collective investment schemes subject to the simplified COB approval procedure (less formal because the scheme only targets professional investors), must contain a disclaimer informing investors that any subscription or transfer of shares or units, is restricted to qualified investors or investors whose initial investment is at least euro500,000 ($457,000) or (depending on the scheme) euro,30,000. The disclaimer must also mention that these collective investment schemes are not approved by the COB and adhere to specific investment rules.* The COB has issued guidelines no. 99-02 relating to the marketing and sale via the internet of i) collective investment scheme units or shares; and ii) discretionary mandates. These guidelines are not binding. Its purpose is to clarify certain aspects of the COB regulations which apply to collective investment schemes (management company and depositary) and to any information on financial instruments disclosed during a public offering. The COB is preparing new guidelines relating to financial advice and information disseminated via the internet.* COB regulations and recommendations are applicable to online brokers whenever financial instruments (listed or otherwise) are offered to the public.* Under the CMF's regulations, regulated brokers are bound to inform and advise their clients after having assessed their financial knowledge.* In any event, there is a prohibition on advertising units of investment funds which invest in futures markets (Article 23 of the law of 23/12/1988), or to market non-OECD financial instruments in France without the prior consent of the French Ministry of Economy.3 Canvassing lawUnder the law of 1972 relating to financial canvassing, canvassing consists of contacting potential clients by way of visits, letters, circulars and telephone calls to: i) induce them to subscribe, purchase, exchange or sell securities or participate in such operations; and ii) offer services and advice on a regular basis.The law of 1972 is not adapted to the internet and legislative reform in this field is awaited. The CMF, the COB and the CECEI consider that offers to provide e-banking and e-brokerage services would be treated in the same manner as offers of services or advice by way of letters, circulars or telephone calls.It is difficult to determine which information systems or practices will qualify as financial canvassing (and therefore regulated) or merely as financial advertising (and therefore permitted); the CECEI and the COB have not yet given any clear guidance on this question.According to a discussion and research paper on internet risk released by the Commission Bancaire (the supervisory arm of the Bank of France) in July 2000, advertising messages, including a link to the seller's site (in the case of banks) displayed on general purpose websites, or posting information, advice or offers on sites or news groups in the client's country, would be viewed as financial advertising and would not constitute financial canvassing.The Bank of France takes the view that in these examples there is no active solicitation of clients since they access the financial advertisements deliberately and of their own accord, as if visiting the premises of a bank.In contrast with these passive marketing techniques, sending messages to email addresses would be equated with sending letters and as such would qualify as canvassing, according to the Bank of France.In any case, before soliciting French customers, the brokerage company mustnotify the Bank of France (CECEI) of its intention to solicit such customers; and employees of the brokerage company must be granted a specific solicitation card by the French authorities. Any breach of this rule would constitute a criminal offence.4 Public offering regulationsPublic offering regulations are applicable whenever financial instruments are issued or transferred to the public in France, using advertising, canvassing, credit institutions or investment service providers. Public offerings are heavily regulated and are subject to a number of requirements, including prior approval by COB of a prospectus, filing with the Commercial Registry of the French translation of the issuer's constitutional documents, publication of a legal notice in the BALO and continuing information obligations.The public offering regulations apply to offers of both listed and unlisted financial instruments. In this respect, online brokers offering listed shares to the public are subject to public offering regulations and in particular COB Regulation no. 99-08, under which the online broker must comply with the following disclosure and advertising rules:* the preparation of a simplified prospectus which must be approved by the COB and made freely available to the public; and * any advertisement must refer to the simplified prospectus and specify how to obtain a copy.A private placement (as opposed to a public offering) is defined as the issue or transfer of financial instruments to qualified investors or to a restricted circle of investors.In order to ensure a private placement via the internet, it is necessary to restrict electronic access to the broker's website by passwords granted solely to qualified investors. It is also mandatory under COB Regulation No. 99-09 that a private placement disclaimer be displayed on the webpages of the broker's website. The disclaimer must mention that:* offering materials (advertisements, information memoranda, etc) have not been submitted to the COB for its approval;* qualified investors must participate in the private placement for their ownaccount;* any offer to the public of the financial instruments subscribed or purchased by the qualified investors in the private placement would be subject to public offering regulations; and* if the investors are members of a restricted circle of more than 100, they must certify that they are associated with the management of the issuer on a professional or a personal basis. The provision of online brokerage servicesRules of conduct applicable to online brokers Regulated brokers and principals of non-regulated brokers are investment service providers and are subject to the rules of conduct set out in its General Regulation. The CMF has issued General Decision no. 99-07 providing regulations and guidelines. It implements the CMF rules of conduct.As a general rule, the message must clearly identify the issuer of a message offering the service of reception or transmission of orders. In particular, the website must display the legal status of the broker and the investment service it is authorized to provide. Regulated brokers and non-regulated brokers must be clearly distinguished, and the latter must disclose the identity of their investment service provider whom they are asking as agent.If the online broker is not in charge of account-keeping and custody services, whoever is must be clearly identified. Before entering into a contract with any new client, theonline broker must verify the client's identity and domicile by requesting the following documents:a photocopy of a valid official identity document (passport, identity card, driving licence);* bank details; and* written evidence of address.The broker must send confirmation that he has received these documents and, in doing so, check the client's address. These formalities and verifications may not be carried out via the internet.Once the identity and domicile ofthe new client have been checked, the onlinebroker can provide investment services to his client where:* the client has signed an agreement relating to the evidential rules and procedures applicable to the reception of orders via the internet;* the funds or financial instruments have been credited to the client's account. This does not apply to the broker if it is not the account keeper or the custodian;* the broker has checked that its client may receive the information on the relevant financial instruments and risks via the internet; and* the broker must ensure that the client receives in advance more detailed information regarding operations involving financial instruments which do not correspond to the client's regular dealings.In cases where the broker is responsible for account-- keeping, it should operate an automated system monitoring the accounts of the client and freezing any order in the event of insufficient provision or margin cover.The CMF also recommends that this automated system should freeze any order sent by the client which does not comply with market regulations.Compliance with these rules of conduct raises problems when the broker's website is outsourced to a third party, which happens frequently. The authorities are concerned that brokers may lose control over the operation of their websites and would be unable to take any operational responsibility, while remaining liable. This is why the Commission Bancaire is considering imposing an obligation on investment firms and credit institutions providing online financial services, to monitor their outside internet service providers and/or software companies.5 Regulation of contracts entered Into by online brokersContracts with clients These are subject to the CMF regulations, and in particular to CMF General Decision no. 98-28 relating to the mandatory clauses which must be included in agreements entered into with clients. It came into force in June 2000 and any existing contract is required to be duly amended.The agreements must contain a clause setting out the identity of the client and its legal capacity. In particular, qualified investors must be identified among other legal entities as well as the investment services provided. The categories of financialinstruments and financial services must also be stated in the agreement. This is important since it is taken into account when determining whether the broker has properly assessed the skills of his client. In this respect, it is recommended that high-risk speculative and/or complex operations, such as operations on futures markets, be restricted to informed clients or to qualified investors.In practice, the online broker asks new clients to answer a questionnaire which acts as proof that the broker has fulfilled its obligations to assess the skills ofits client.The agreement must contain a confidentiality clause which is binding. In this respect, it is useful for the online broker to provide exceptions to this obligation so that information on clients can be centralized within a member ofthe same group of companies, or accessed by an outside software company.Contracts with other investment services providersThe number of contracts entered into by brokers with other investment service providers depends on the scope of its licence. Non-regulated brokers must enter into an exclusive mandate with a licensed investment service provider.Regulated brokers which are not market members or not licensed for the execution of orders must conclude a transmission of orders agreement with market members or other investment service providers.These contracts are not subject to the CMF General Decision no. 98-28 or to other specific regulations, with the exception of.* clearing agreements;* when a client gives a broker with whom he has an account an order for transmission to another non-resident institution with comparable status, the broker is forbidden from being remunerated in the form of hard commission (a commission rebate) by the institution to which the order has been transmitted; and* a non account-keeping broker receiving orders from a client for transmission to another institution may be remunerated in the form of a hard commission, provided that the broker informs the client when entering into contractual relations (and thereafter annually) of the terms and conditions and amount of the hard commission.Contracts entered into with software companiesThese contracts might at first appear to have regulatory implications. However, recent financial regulations applicable to e-- brokerage now have a direct bearing on implications for IT agreements.In practice, brokers must ensure that the operation of the website and the reception and transmission of software orders complies with the CMF General Decision and any other applicable regulations applicable. The upgrade clause of the IT agreement entered into with the software company should address the question of the software being upgraded in the event of changes to applicable regulations.It is also recommended that any outsourcing agreement contains a clause which sets out how the online broker monitors the operation of the outsourced website.二、文献综述互联网金融发展文献综述摘要互联网金融的快速发展成为近年来中国经济金融领域备受瞩目的重要现象,国内学术界讨论互联网金融的文献数量也急速膨胀,但目前尚缺少对与互联网金融相关的各类文献进行全面梳理的综述类论文。