
江苏大学学术论文写作--- 试卷+答案+讲解Part IDirections: Answer the following question on the Answer Sheet. 10% What are the main strategies (listed at least Five) for international journal paper submission? P1491)Select an article published in your own field from your target journal and preferably written by a native speaker of English; analyze its structure and language characteristics.2)Read Instruction for Authors/Guide for Authors carefully to know more about its specific requirements. 3)Respect international readers by taking differences in culture, reading habits, and use of languages into consideration4)Tailor for the r eferee’s taste:learn about the referee’s requirements beforehand in order to meet the general review expectations.5)Pay attention to self-checklists to ensure that the manuscript has such academic merits as being original in content, standard in language, and consistent in style.6)Think about the research grants.7)Invite recommendations.8)Remember to express your gratitude to the people concerned.Part IIDirections: Judge the following statements about academic writing by giving T (True) or F (False). 10%1.A professional paper is a formal document in which professionals present their views and research findings on any deliberately chosen topic.2.A literature review chapter requires a number of structural elements, which help guide the reader from one sentence and paragraph to the next in a logical and seamless fashion.3.S ince the Acknowledgements part is highly personal, the language used in this part can be informal and colloquial.4.T he reader can see fully annotated references for each source used in one paper within its abstract.5.C areful note taking and an understanding of how to document sources will keep you from the reality and the appearance of plagiarism.6.D o not write results inconsistent with expectation.7.O ne should avoid, if possible, trade names, acronyms, abbreviations, or symbols in writing an abstract.8.T he Discussion part generally follows the same order of the research questions.9.H aving decided the target journal, you can read Introduction for Authors carefully to get more detailed information.10.The discussion section addresses the question “What was found or invented in the study”.1-5 TTFFT 6-10 FTTTFPart IIIDirections: Discuss the general linguistic features of English academic writing as demonstrated in the following article. Illustrate these features with examples from the article. 15% P6-9The grain drill is tractor propelled vehicle used primarily to sow grain seeds. In order to optimize the application of the grain drill, the width of the rollers may be adjusted manually. Therefore, the recent years have witnessed some new approaches to develop more controlled sowing metering systems. Despite these advancements in trying to improve the performance of the grain drill, a full system that provides a feedback from the seeds about their flow is yet to be tackled.In order to equip the grain drill with a feedback mechanism of its operation, it is necessary to develop a sensing system which can estimate the flow rate of grain seeds under the operational conditions. Therefore, there has been a need to test these systems outdoors, so as to adapt any sensing system developed indoors to the outdoors operational conditions where environmental effects may beuncontrolled. Consequently,the objective of this research work was to adapt the sensing system developed by the authors to outdoor operational conditions. This could be achieved by installing the sensors on the grain drill, and modifying the mass estimation model and its governing algorithm算法、运算法则to the outdoor operational conditions including machine vibration, dust, and different tractor running speeds. (An excerpt from The Age of Revolution by Eric Friedman, 2015:55)Formality, complexity, explicitness, accuracy, conciseness, objectivity/hedging, responsible此问题,回答要点,并举例说明,比如:Formality:There are no contractions, no colloquialisms, no abbreviations, no phrasal verbs and second person pronouns. Complexity:In order to ….conditions. a long sentence Explicitness:The objective isAccuracy:Algorithm, terminologyConciseness:ConsequentlyObjectivity:Hedging: may, might …Responsible: the author should acknowledge the source he/she consults in the paper, such as (An excerpt from the Age of Revolution by Eric Friedman, 2015:55)Part IVDirections: Read the following abstract and analyze its structural elements. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 15% P117ABSTRACT1 The main aim of this study was to determine if there was a positive relationship between prosocial忠于社会道德准则video game use and prosocial behaviour in children and adolescents.2 This study had a cross-sectional correlational design. 3Data were collected from 538 9—15 year old children and adolescents between March and December 2014. 4 Participants completed measures of empathy同理心, prosocial behaviour and video game habits. 5 Teachers rated the prosocial behaviour of participants. 6 The socioeconomic status of participants was also gathered. 7Multiple linear regressions回归、复原、退化were conducted on these data. 8 Prosocial video game use was positively associated with the tendency to maintain positive affective情感relationships, cooperation and sharing as well as empathy. 9This association remained significant after controlling for gender, age, school type (disadvantaged/ non-disadvantaged), socioeconomic status, weekly game play and violent video game use. 10 These findings provide evidence that prosocial video game use could develop empathic concern and improve affective relationships in a diverse population ofyoung people.Objective: 1 The main aim of this study was to determine if there was a positive relationship between prosocial video game use and prosocial behaviour in children and adolescents.Method: 2-6 This study had a cross-sectional correlational design. 3 Data were collected from 538 9—15 year old children and adolescents between March and December 2014. 4 Participants completed measures of empathy同理心, prosocial behaviour and video game habits. 5 Teachers rated the prosocial behaviour of participants. 6 The socioeconomic status of participants was also gathered.Results: 7-9 Multiple linear regressions were conducted on these data. 8 Prosocial video game use was positively associated with the tendency to maintain positive affective relationships, cooperation and sharing as well as empathy. 9 This association remained significant after controlling for gender, age, school type (disadvantaged/ non-disadvantaged), socioeconomic status, weekly game play and violent video game use.Conclusions: 10These findings provide evidence that prosocial video game use could develop empathic concern and improve affective relationships in a diverse population of young people.Part VDirections: The following sentences are taken from the introduction to a research paper. The sentences are not presented in their proper order. Number the sentences in the order you think they appeared in the original introduction. 10% P81A.T he present study explored how BIM (with its 3D visualization and data storage capabilities) can facilitate fire safety management, which is frequently carried out in a two-dimensional (2D) environment. Purpose/objectiveB.C urrently, researchers worldwide are considering potential applications of BIM. Latest researchC.H owever, many possible applications require further investigation to examine the relevant benefits/challenges of using BIM, including integration with simulations of operations for scheduling purposes, structural safety analysis, and fire safety management. Research questionD.S ome BIM-based applications are mature and have been widely used in practice, such as for construction interference detection, four-dimensional (4D) schedule visualizations, and quantity take-offs. Topic/importanceE.Building information modeling (BIM)首次出现is effective in three dimensional (3D) visualization and data/information storage for planning, constructing and operating/maintaining building construction projects.Background information EDBCAPart VIDirections: A: What purposes does Discussion Section have?4% P46B: Read the following discussion section and complete the following tasks. 11%1.W hat is the objective of this research?2.F ind out the sentences relating the findings to similar studies.3.D oes the section mention any limitations of the study? If yes, point them out.总结、关键信息4.W hat is the main take-home message of the study? DISCUSSIONThe study tested the mediational assumptions implied by Pekrun’s (2006) control-value theory of achievement emotions in more direct ways. Specifically, the study examined the link between critical thinking and trigonometry三角学achievement for engineering students with negative academic emotions as the mediating variable.The five negative academic emotions (anger, shame, boredom, anxiety and hopelessness) were negatively correlated with final grade, but anxiety and hopelessness registered the highest negative correlation with final grade.Therefore, the more the engineering students get anxious and hopeless in performing their tasks (e.g., problem solving), the lower would be their final grade in trigonometry. As hypothesized, critical thinking was positively correlated with final grade. Thus, more critical thinking could result to higher final grade. This confirmed previous study (Eshel & Kohavi, 2003) that the use of cognitive strategies (e.g., critical thinking) was reported to have significant positive correlation with math achievement.Furthermore, anger, shame, boredom, anxiety and hopelessness negatively predicted engineering students’ final grade, whereas critical thinking positively predicted final grade. This supported extant theories (Linnenbrink & Pintrich, 2000; Pekrun, 1992) that negative emotions could interfere with the cognitive processing needed to do the academic task thus, inhibiting achievement.However, only two negative academic emotions (anxiety and hopelessness) significantly mediated the relation between critical thinking and final grade. Results of Sobel test showed that indirect effects of both anxiety (activating) and hopelessness (deactivating) do not equal the total effect, thus, the effect of critical thinking on final grade is completely mediated by anxiety and hopelessness.First, anxiety completely mediated the relation between critical thinking and achievement. It was expected that students who employ critical thinking strategy have deeper engagement and a positive approach to do the academic tasks. In doing so, they became less anxious about academic tasks they are completing, thus achieving high final grade. Consistent with previous research (Ellis & Ashbrook 1988; Levine & burgess, 1997) anxiety could reduce working memory resources leading to an impairment of performance of complex or difficult tasks. But the present finding implied that anxiety could be inhibited when students critically engage in thinking in doing challenging tasks.Second, hopelessness completely mediated the relation between critical thinking and achievement. The results suggested that when students engage in critical thinking, their cognitive resources are used appropriately for the task to be completed, making them less hopeless, hereby increasing their achievement.Therefore, it was favorable for students to think critically about academic tasks because that would inhibit them from experiencing negative emotions. Consequently, their performance would increase. In sum, students experienced less of anxiety and hopelessness when engaged in more task-relevant thinking, increasing cognitiveresources available for task purposes, prompt more analytical and detailed way of processing information, thereby increasing academic achievement. (Source: Villavicencio, F. T, (2001). Critical Thinking, Negative Academic Emotions, and Achievement: A Mediational Analysis. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 20(1):118-126.)5.W hat purposes does Discussion Section have?4%The discussion section has four purposes: interpret the results; answer the research questions; justify the approach; and critically evaluate the study.6.W hat is the objective of this research? 3%The research question is “What is the link between critical thinking and trigonometry achievement for engineering students with negative academic emotions as the mediating variable?”7.F ind out the sentences relating the findings to similar studies. 3%This confirmed previous study (Eshel & Kohavi, 2003) that the use of cognitive strategies (e.g., critical thinking) was reported to have significant positive correlation with math achievement. (in Para. 2)This supported extant theories (Linnenbrink & Pintrich, 2000; Pekrun, 1992) that negative emotions couldinterfere with the cognitive processing needed to do the academic task thus, inhibiting achievement. (in Para. 3) Consistent with previous research (Ellis & Ashbrook 1988; Levine & burgess, 1997) anxiety could reduce working memory resources leading to an impairment of performance of complex or difficult tasks. (in Para. 4)8.D oes the section mention any limitations of the study? If yes, point them out. 2%No9.W hat is the main take-home message of the study? 3%In sum, students experienced less of anxiety and hopelessness when engaged in more task-relevant thinking, increasing cognitive resources available for task purposes, prompt more analytical and detailed way of processing information, thereby increasing academic achievement. (in Para. 6)Part VIIDirections: A: List the general structural features of conclusions (7%) P54B: Read the Conclusion Section of “Underlying Knowledge of Construction Management Consultants in China” and identify some of these features in this Conclusion Section. (8%)1CMS make a significant contribution to the rapid growth of China’s construction sector. In order to provide quality construction management services to clients/owners and maintain competitive advantage effectively, it is important for CMCS to possess a diverse, dynamic, and reasonable knowledge structure. In this study, a total of 22 important CMC knowledge areas were identified and grouped into four categories, namely, technology, economy, management and law. A Reference to the purpose 2Significantly, it is found that the perceived level of importance for each area is almost identical to the level of improvement needed in current practice in China, with knowledge of cost planning and project management, civil engineering construction, and engineering contract and law among the most highly rated. Furthermore, management-related knowledge such as cost planning and project management is gaining more and more importance for qualified CMCS as clients/owners tend to involve them in earlier stages of projects. Conclusion3The findings of this research offer a knowledge framework for CMCS to enhance their quality of service in China. For foreign CMCS, especially for those who are intended to enter the Chinese CMS market, there is an urgency to evaluate their current knowledge structure against those items identified here. Although theimportant role of CMCS knowledge in CMS has been acknowledged in the current study, the success of CMS might depend on some other potential factors, such as effective communication among CMSC and MCS professional ethics伦理学、道德标准. Arguably, these factors might play an increasingly important role in construction management programs as well as in practice in the future.Comments4This research has some limitations with respect to the lack of potential knowledge areas while designing the questionnaire, although extensive investigation was conducted to guarantee the comprehensiveness of indicators. The identified knowledge areas in the study are primarily based on the construction management curricula proposed by the Higher Education Advisory Panel, whereas the Chinese construction industry is undergoing a rapid change. Thus, future research is recommended to identify more comprehensive knowledge areas by taking into account the strong links between education and the development of the construction. Limitations1)The general features of conclusions:Conclusions based on sound evidenceA reference to the main purpose or hypothesis of the studyA brief summary of the main ideas in the paperComments on the main ideas in this paperPredictions for future developments of the topic Limitations of the work covered by the paperMention of further research2)Features of conclusion in this section:1.A reference to the main purpose or hypothesis of the study2.C onclusions based on sound evidence3.C omments on the main ideas in this paper4.L imitations of the work covered by the paper & Mention of further researchPart VIIIDirections: Identify the hedging expressions in the following sentences. 5%1.T here might be no difficulty in explaining how the structure contributes to the high survival rate.2.I t is possible to see that in our study short-time biochemical effects are also an important consideration.3.T here is experimental work to show that a week or 10 days may not be long enough and a fortnight to three weeks is probably the best theoretical period.4.C onceivably, smoking does not produce any impairment of cellular immunity.5.I n summary, GM technology could cause the transfer of a known allergen into new crops.1. might2. it is possible3. may4. probably5. conceivably6. couldPart IXDirections: Rewrite each of the following sentences, correcting any error in parallelism. 5%1.W e must either raise revenues or it will be necessary to reduce expenses.2.A company is not only responsible to its shareholders but also customers and employees as well.3.T he new instructor was both enthusiastic and she was demanding.4.I t is a truism that to give is more rewarding than getting.5.A battery powered by aluminum is simple to design, clean to run, and it is inexpensive to produce.1.W e must either raise revenues or reduce expenses.2.A company is not only responsible to its shareholders but also to customers and employees.3.T he new instructor was both enthusiastic and demanding.4.I t is a truism that to give is more rewarding than to get.5.A battery powered by aluminum is simple to design, clean to run, and inexpensive to produce.。

•试看部分内容第一部分考研真题精选一、选择题1. Derivational morpheme contrasts sharply with inflectional morpheme in that the former changes the _____ while the latter does not.(北二外2017研)A. meaningB. word classC. formD. speech sound【答案】B查看答案【解析】morpheme语素,分为自由语素和黏着语素,其中黏着语素包括词根和词缀两种类型,词缀分为派生词缀(derivational affixes)和屈折词缀(infl ectional affixes)。
2. Which of the following are homographs?(对外经贸2015研)A. lead, leadB. rest, wrestC. lie, lieD. beat, bit【答案】C查看答案【解析】homographs同形异义词,指在语法形式上拼写和发音完全相同,而意义不同的词。

Unit 2. Title, Author/Affiliation and Keywords(2hrs)The information about title &affiliation of an academic paper is often on the head page of a dissertation, but it may occupy different places of a periodical paper. The title is always at the very beginning of a periodical paper, with the author’s name and affiliation below the title, and a brief introduction to the author is always at the bottom of a front page of a periodical paper, or at the end ofthe paper.2.1. Titles2.1.1. General functionsA. Generalizing the TextA title should summarize the central idea of the paper concisely and correctly. By glancing at the title, the reader will immediately know, incorporating with the abstract, what is mainly dealt with in the paper.B. Attracting the ReaderIf a title is accurate, concise and distinct, it will attract readers a lot and stimulate readers to read the whole text. An interesting title may draw particular attention among professionals, for only when readers are interested in the title will they decide to read the whole paper.C. Facilitating the RetrievalA title usually provides leads for the international information retrieval organizations to choose the appropriate keywords contained in it when they organize index and secondary documents. So, a title serves as an important index of information retrieval to meet the needs of extensive paper communication and information dissemination.2.1.2 Linguistic FeaturesA. Using More Nouns, Noun Phrases and GerundsThe words or phrases used in a title are very often nouns, noun phrases or gerunds, nominalization, which usually are keywords for the paper, having the ability to sum up the whole text. Nouns or noun phrases used in a title can be added with pre-modifiers or/and post-modifiers. Therefore, a title can normally be composed of nouns or noun phrases, adjectives, prepositions, articles and conjunctions, and occasionally,pronouns. If a verb should be used in a title, it should be changed into its infinite verbal forms, for instance, present participles, past participles or gerunds. For example, we may easily find such titles as:(1) Civilization's Source and Its Implication.(2) A Multi-perspective Account of Met linguistic Negation.(3) Research on the Motivations of Lexis and V ocabulary Learning Strategies.(4) Emotional Therapeutics: New Rectifying App- roaches for Children's Behavior Problems.B. Using Incomplete SentencesA title is just a label of appellation of the paper, reflecting the main idea of the content, so even when there is a need to give a title in the form of a sentence, it does not need to be a complete sentence. A complete declarative sentence usually makes a title containing determining implication. Meanwhile, it appears lacking brevity and clarity.For example, the title Nitrendipine Is Effective on Severe Hypertension is not a standard one. It is a complete declarative sentence that contains the author's determining implication of the effect of the medicine Nitrendipine. So it should be revised into Effects of Nitrendipine on Severe Hypertension.2.1.3 Writing RequirementsA. ABC Principles for TitlesA is for accuracy,B is for brevity andC is for clarity, which is the so-called ABC principles. Accuracy means that a title can appropriately express and fit in the reality of the paper. Brevity asks the writer to summarize the necessary content with the most limited words. Clarity means a title should clearly reflect the distinguishing features of the paper.For example, Research and Development of Sound- transmitted Technology is not a title to express the specific content accurately. By analyzing the original writing material, we know it is a paper about sound-transmitted technology used in on-line monitoring for machine tools. So it should be corrected into On-line Monitoring for Cutting on Machine Tools by Using Sound-transmitted Technology.B. Being Brief and ConciseGenerally, a title is composed of no more than twenty words. If a title is too long, it will be difficult for readers to catch the meaning of the content and remember it. If the writer fails to state his idea clearly in a few words, he can use a subtitle. To be brief and concise, professional papers seldom use such decorative locutions as “on the ....”“regarding ....”“investigation on..., .... the method of..., .... some thoughts on..., .... aresearch of...,” and etc., which lead to redundancy. Of course, the title must be long enough to describe the content of the paper. Too short a title, sometimes, may bring about confusion.C. Being SpecificIn preparing the title of a paper, a general and abstract title should be avoided. For example, such a title as Computer Simulations of the Measurement will be regarded as too general and global, vague and empty, telling the reader nothing specific. It would be better to change the title into something like Computer Simulations of the Measurement of Quadratic Electro-optic Coefficients Associated with Rotations of the Principal Axes of the Optical Permittivity Tensor (Journal of Optics A: Pure Appl. Opt. 5, 2003,147), according to the content of the paper. The revised title can greatly highlight the emphasis and particularity of the work.D. Avoiding Question TitlesA question title means a complete sentence in the question form. Such titles are usually not used in an academic paper (especially in natural sciences), because they always include some redundant question words and marks, for example, “Is there....* .... When does...?” “Should the...? .... Is it...?” and so on. What is worse, such a title creates inconvenience for information retrieval. If your title really contains an interrogation, you may adopt the form of “the question words + inf in itive,” for example, How to Prepare the Title, Authors/Affiliations and Keywords. The title When Should Nerve Gaps Be Grafted? An Experimental Study on Rats should be changed into Optimal Time for Nerve Gaps Grafting: An Experimental Study on Rats.E. Being UnifiedThe parallel parts of a title should be grammatically symmetrical. That is to say, nouns should be matched with nouns, gerunds with gerunds, etc. In general, nouns and gerunds should not be mixed in a given title. For instance, the title Digital Laser Microinterferometer and Its Applying should be changed into Digital Laser Microinterferometer and Its Applications and the title Measuring of Surface Shape and Deformation by Phase-Shifting Image Digital Holography should be replaced by Measurement of Surface Shape and Deformation by Phase-Shifting Image Digital Holography (2003 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1267).F. Being StandardIn general, nonstandard abbreviations and symbols and/or any terms or phraseology intelligible only to the specialist should be avoided, because the use of them could be very unfavorable to efficient information retrieval.Prepositions used in titles should be correct. Prepositions are flexible. It should be noticed that they are usually used in some certain expressions. Preposition of should be paid more attention to because it is frequently used in some expressions. But readers will be bored if they find more than two of’s appearing in one title subsequently. If possible, prepositions on or for can replace of. Sometimes apostrophe can be used in a title. Additionally, with the development of language, it is common to use a noun to modify another noun.Recently, titles tend to be brief. So articles should be omitted when they are not necessary enough.2.1.4 Some Other Requirements for TitlesA. Words' Number LimitationGenerally, the number is limited within 10 words and shouldn't be over the limitation of 15 words. Certainly, the limitation is not absolute. If necessary, it can be exceeded. Here are only some referent figures. The general regulation is fixed: based on an accurate, brief and clear title, the fewer of the words we use, the better the title is.B. How to Name a TitleA title should give prominence to the central idea of the research paper. The most important key words, which show the main idea of a paper, are normally fixed first in a title. That will draw readers' attention.Recently, some authors like to crown a title with such words as:(1) Observation on, Comparison between, Improvement of, and etc. to show the aim of writing the paper.(2) Nuclear Energy in China, AIDS in the United States, Patients with Breast Cancer, Depression in Elderly, and etc. to tell readers the object of the research.(3) Experimental Study of Laser Processing of Analysis of, and etc. to tell the research method.(4) Results of, Verification of, Follow-up of, and etc. to show the result of the research.(5) Realizing the Importance of, Is Regression Analysis Necessary for... ? and etc. to introduce the thesis.It ought to be noticed that we should not apply the above expressions mechanically. But we should use them according to the certain situation. In general, the ABC principles are applicable forever.C. Abbreviations in TitlesWith the development of science and technology, a great amount of technological terms come intobeing. All these terms consist of nouns. It is inconvenient to be written and printed or recounted orally. Thus, they are expressed by the abbreviations of the formation of nouns, and most of them are the acronym formed by the first letter of every noun. But we should severely use the abbreviations in titles--only those abbreviations, whose full terms are rather long and which are generally acknowledged in the scientific field and very familiar to readers, can be used, such as:(1) LASER (light amplification by stimulatedemission of radiation, 激光).(2) DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid, 脱握拳核糖核酸).(3) AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome,(4) CT (computerized tomography, 电子计算机断(5) NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance, 核磁共振).(6) BCG (Bacilli Calmette-Guerin, 卡介苗).(7) SARS (severe acquired respiration syndrome,严重获得性呼吸道综合征,”非典”)Reader groups also restrict the using extent of abbreviations. Take the above abbreviations as examples, generally speaking, LASER, CT, AIDS and SARS are generally recognized and familiar in the whole scientific field and can be used in the titles in all sorts of learned journals; DNA, NMR, and BCG are normally known and familiar in the whole medical world and can be utilized in the titles in all medical journals. All in all, it is especially noticed that the use of abbreviations should be selected according to the various branches of learning and specialized subjects.D. Writing Patterns for TitlesWhether all the first letters of the principal words in a title should be capitalized or not, may depend upon the specific requirements set forth by the journal to which your manuscript is to be submitted. In general, there are three patterns for writing a title.(1) All the letters are capitalized, for instance, INTEGRATED MODEL FOR PERFORMANCE ANAL YSIS OF MULTIPLE CLASS-OF-SER VICE INTERNET. But if pH, α,β,γ, and etc. are contained in a title, p, α,β,γ and etc. are not capitalized. For instance, α-RAY, γ-RAY, β-PARTICLE.(2) The first letter of every notional word in a title should be capitalized, such as, A Comparison of an OFDM System and a Single Carrier System Using Frequency Domain Equalization, Array Antenna Assisted Doppler Spread Compensator for OFDM, Capacity Optimization in MC- CDMA Systems, and etc. Notes:a. The first letters of articles like a, an and the, conjunctions like and, but, or and nor and the prepositions containing less than four letters like of in, on, to, for, and etc. in a title are not capitalized. But the first letters of all the examples mentioned above should be capitalized when they are at the beginning or end of a title, or they are behind a colon or the first word of a sub-title. For instance, Scope of the Investigations: The First Phase, A New Broadband Uniform Accuracy DOA Estimator and The Research of Nuclear Structure Going On.b. The first letters of the prepositions containing four or more letters are capitalized. For instance, with, about, between, through, and etc. For example, The Relation Between the View of Scientific Development and the Strategy of Revitalizing China Through Talents.c. The infinitive mark to in a title should be written as To.* For instance, Compounds To Be Tested.d. The first letter of the word ray should not be capitalized when it is used in X-ray in a title.e. The first letter of the name for a genus should be capitalized, whereas the one of the name for a species is not capitalized, such as, Novel Metabolites of Siphonaria pectinata Bacillus Subtil Pneumo-coccus Aureus.f. The first letters of the two words in a compound in a title should be capitalized if it is used as an entirety to modify the other words, for instance, Laser-Produced Protons and Their Application as a Particle Probe and Wide-Angel Achromatic Prism Beam Steering for Infrared Countermeasure Applications.g. The abbreviation for measure unit should not be capitalized. But the first letter of the full form for it should be. Such as, Analysis of Milligram Amounts →...of 2mg.(3)The first letter of the only first word is capitalized while the others are not. For instance, Pair production via crossed laser, Dual-frequency sounder for UMTS frequency-division duplex channels, and etc.Note:a. Proper nouns should be capitalized whether they are at the beginning or not, for instance, Health care in the United States.b. The first letter of a noun to show directions of a country or an area is capitalized, but the adjective for the noun is not, such as, Northeast→ northeastern and Midwest→ midwestern.c. The first letter of the word earth used to denote a planet in the universe is capitalized.The last point should be noticed: Nowadays, some important international retrieval organizations have their own different requirements for titles. For instance, EI has the following requirements for titles:a. Try to avoid using articles (the, a and an) at the very beginning of a title;b. The first letter of the first word in a title is capitalized while the others are not except the first letters of proper nouns, every letter in abbreviations, the first letter of Germany nouns and the first letter of any word after the punctuation period in a title;c. The main title and the subtitle must be separated by period but not colon, semicolon or dash.d. Try to avoid using abbreviations in a title. If they have to be used, the full forms of them should be given in brackets;e. Try to avoid using some particular characters such as numbers and Greek letters in a title or use them less.Commonly used phrases and structures in titles:An analysis of…An assessment of…A comparison of …A description of…An evaluation on…An explanation of…An outline of…An overview of…Study of…A tentative study of…Experiments of…Experimental study of…Effect of…on…A preliminary report of…Observation on…Comparison between …and..Improvement of…Experimental research of…LASER processing of…Clinical analysis of…Results of…Verification of…Follow-up of…2.2. Author and Affiliation2.2.1.AuthorsWho should be an author? This question concerns ethic issue of academic authorship of published study. Conceptually, an “author”is generally considered to be someone who has made substantive intellectual contributions to the published study. In practice, there is no problem to provide one name of a single author, but providing the name of two authors often requires resolution in terms of who comes first. The problem gets more difficult as the number of authors increases. Given that, in the real world , academic authorship is a primary basis on which many academics are evaluated for employment, promotion, and tenure; such academic and financial implications of authorship have often resulted in the inappropriate inclusion of “honorary” authors or the exclusion of junior authors. Consequently, incorrect application of authorship rules occasionally leads to charges of academic misconduct and sanctions for the violator.There are many guidelines for assigning authorship that can help writers keep away from academic misconduct but the criteria for authorship vary between institutions and disciplines. The American Psychological Association (APA) gives clear criteria for authorship of publication in social science. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICNJE) and the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) regularly update the criteria for authorship and contributorship in medi- cal science. The criteria for authorship developed by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) are widely accepted in the disciplines of natural science. Authorship in the Social SciencesTo social science publications, neither the Modern Languages Association (MLA) nor the Chicago Manual of Style defines requirements for authorship, but the APA Publication Manual (APA, 2010) gives clear advice on allocating credit for authorship. It states th at “Authorship” is not limited to the writing of manuscripts, but must include those who have made substantial contributions to a study, such as, formulating the problem or hypothesis, structuring the experimental design, organ-izing and conducting the statisticalanalysis, interpreting the results, or writing a major portion of the paper. Specifically, in a journal article, the name of authors should be listed according to the following rules:~ The sequence of names of the authors to an article must reflect the relative scientific or professional contribution of the authors, irrespective of their academic status.~ The general rule is that the name of the principal contributor should come first, with subsequent names in order of decreasing contribution.~ Mere possession of an institutional position on its own, such as Head of the Research team, does not justify authorship.~ A student should be listed as a principal author on any multi- authored article that is substantially based on the student’s disserta tion or thesis.While the APA guidelines list many other forms of contributions to a study that do not constitute authorship, it does state that combinations of these and other tasks may justify authorship. Like medicine, the APA considers institutional position, such as Department Chair, insufficient for attributing authorship.2. 2. 1.2. Authorship in Medical ScienceIn medical science, a total of 876 journals follow The Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journal (The Uniform Requirements) a). The Uniform Requirement was initiated by a group of editors of general medical journals in 1978 and was adopted by ICM-JE in 1979. Since then, the ICMJE has gradually broadened its concerns to include ethical principles related to publication in biomedical journals. In May 2001, in the revised sections related to potential conflict of interest, the committee clearly defined the criteria for author-ship. In the latest version (April 2010)~, the criteria for “authorship and contributorship’ are listed under the issue of “Ethical Considerations in the Conduct and Reporting of Research”.The ICJME has recommended following criteria for authorship:1) Authorship credit should be based on (1)substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2)drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (3)final approval of the version to be published. Authors should meet conditions (1), (2) and (3).2)When a large, multicenter group has conducted the work, the group should identify the individuals who accept direct responsibility for the manuscript. These individuals should fully meet the criteria forauthorship/contributorship defined above, and editors will ask these individuals to complete journal-specific author and conflict-of-interest disclosure forms. When submit- ting a manuscript authored by a group, the corresponding author should clearly indicate the preferred citation and identify all individual authors as well as the group name. Journals generally list other members of the group in the Acknowledgments. The NLM indexes the group name and the names of individuals the group has identified as being directly responsible for the manuscript; it also lists the names of collaborators if they are listed in Acknowledgments.3) Acquisition of funding, collection of data, or general supervision of the research group alone does not constitute authorship.4)All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify should be listed.5)Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. All contributors who do not meet the above criteria for authorship should be listed in an acknowledgments section. Examples of those who might be acknowledged include a person who provided purely technical help, writing assistance, or a department chairperson who provided on- ly general support.2. 2. 1.3 Authorship in the Natural SciencesThe natural sciences have no universal standard for authorship, but some major multi-disciplinary journals and institutions have established guidelines for work that they publish. The journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)~defines the authorship in its editorial policy. It states that “Authorship should be limited to those who have contributed substan-tially to the work” and “The corresponding author must have obtained permission from al l authors for the submission of each version of the paper and for any change in authorship.” Furthermore, “Authors must indicate their specific contributions to the published work” as a foot-note. Such introduction of credit states exactly what each person did in the study and probably makes the ranking of authors less important (Gustavii, 2008). Nature journals do not require all authors of a research paper to sign the letter of submission, nor do they impose an order on the list of authors. Submission to a Nature journal is taken by the journal to mean that all the listed authors have agreed all of the contents. The corre- sponding (submitting) author is responsible for having ensured that this agreement has been reached, and for managing all communication between the journal and all co-authors, before and after publication.Any changes to the author list after submission, such as a change in the order of the authors, or the deletionor addition of authors, needs to be approved by a letter signed by every author.The above guidelines for authorship give clear criteria to distinguish authors and contributors to a study. Irrespective of the nature of their contributions -- intellectual (creative) or practical (doing the experi-ments) -- all members of the research team are usually acknowledged in the author byline and the contributors are listed in the acknowledge section. AffiliationJust below the author’s name lies affiliation, which makes it convenient for the readers to communicate with the author affiliation includes the author’s working place , address and postal code. Samples are given below.Sample 1:(source:姚吉刚.从语言模糊性看英语委婉语的语用功能.黄山学院学报,2008:131-133)Analysis of Pragmatic Functions of English Euphemism from the Perspective of Language Vagueness Yao Jigang(Department of Foreign Studies, Anhui Institute of Architecture and Industry, Hefei 230601,China)If there are more than one author affiliated with different working units for an academic paper, the authors and their respective affiliations should be made clear, as the flowing sample shows.Sample 2:(source: Patrick R. Thomas , Jacinta B. Mckay. Cognitive Styles and Instructional Design in University Learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 2010(20): 197-202)Cognitive Styles and Instructional Design in University LearningPatrick R. Thomas1 , Jacinta B. Mckay2(1.School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia2.School of Psychology, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia)The above two samples are of periodical papers, whose Title and Author/ Affiliation part is slightly different from that of the thesis or dissertation, which includes the information about:●the author’ s supervisor●the degree to be acquired●submission universitysubmission dateThe following sample is from a postgraduate student’s dissertation .Sample 3:(研究生学位论文)A Study of Translation of Mao Zedong’s Poetry from the Perspective of Translation EthicsBy Geng TiantianUnder the Supervision ofProfessor XXXSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Master of ArtsSchool of Foreign LanguagesJiangsu UniversityZhenjiang, ChinaJune, 20122. 3. KeywordsKeywords are the identification for science and technology research papers to be retrieved as documents. They are the natural language vocabulary to show the thematic concept of the documents. Keywords, the same with abstract, are a part of a research paper, but not the part of the main body of the paper.2.3.1 General FunctionsA. Easiness of RetrievalAs the name implies, keywords are the most important words and phrases representing the theme or subject matter of the paper, and frequently used in a paper. Readers can find out the theme of the paper by looking at the keywords.B. Easiness of HighlightingThe function of keywords is to facilitate the information retrieval and accentuate the gist of the paper. It is easy for the information retrieval clerks to make up the index and secondary document.2.2.2 Linguistic FeaturesA. NominalizationKeywords are usually used in the form of nouns, not verbs. For example, “investigation” i s used instead of “investigate”; “fabricate” should be replaced by “fabrication”; and “educate” ought to be replaced by “education.”B. Limited NumberThe number of the keywords for a paper should be limited. Four to six keywords are the average. In general, there should be at least 2 and at most 8.C. Designated Choice(1) The keywords of a paper usually come from the title and/or the abstract, where the key terms of words and phrases are usually contained.(2) But some free terms can be chosen in the following cases.a. Some other key terms which are obviously ignored in the keyword bank;b. Some new concepts that stand for new subject, new theory, new technology, new material, and etc.;c. The name for area, person, document, product, and etc. which are not contained in the word bank and the important data.d. Some concepts being collocated together may lead to polysemy. So the concepts can adopt free terms.2.3.3 Writing RequirementsA. Using Required TermsThe terms of “keywords” should be consistent wi th the requirements of the journal to which you submit your paper. The section “keywords” is also variously called “keywords index,” “keywords and phrases,” “indexing terms,” and etc.B. Placing in Right LocationThough keywords can be either above or below the abstract of a paper, they are yet, in most cases, placed below the abstract.C. Spacing the KeywordsKeywords are not necessarily all capitalized, except the first letter of keywords as a heading. Use comma (,) or semicolon (;) to separate the words. Larger partition or space can also be used instead of。
研究生英语读写佳境(苏州大学)作文复习 精品

Writing1.Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled “Leading Childrenin the Right Direction”. An outline has been given below.1)中国许多儿童优越的生活环境2)媒体对儿童造成的不利影响3)我们应该如何引导和教育儿童Leading Children in the Right DirectionSince the reform and opening up of China, our country has made great progress. Our world is now full of different colors and opportunities, especially for children. Children who have been regarded as flowers of our motherland are now taken better care of. They are really living in a very comfortable environment.This is good but it is sometimes bad for them since the golden age of innocence seems to have disappeared. The new generation of Chinese live in a culture saturated with Hollywood movies, rock music, and media which confronts them with sex and violence. As Children are naturally vulnerable both emotionally and spiritually, these things affect children most seriously.What shall we do so as to protect children from the media which seems to be seeping into every aspect of our lives. Obviously, there is no sense in trying to protect children from exposure to it because it is almost inevitable. We should teach them from an early age how to interpret what they are seeing. Teach them to dismiss sex and violence as tasteless trash. We can also use media at our disposal and show children the wonders of the world, inspire and stimulate them. It is our responsibility to lead them in the right direction.2.Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled “Health, Wealthand happiness”. An outline has been given below.1)不同的人对健康、财富和幸福的不同看法2)健康、财富和幸福之间的相互关系3)保持乐观的心态十分重要Wealth, health and happinessAs to what are the elements of happiness, the answers can be varied greatly. Yet, it is universally acknowledged that the most essential constituent is health. Without a fit body and sound mentality, how can you take on genuine smiles everyday? Then what about health, can it bring you happiness? It may be not. It is true that if a person possesses large sums of money, he or she is allowed to buy a wide range of articles, such as books, clocks, houses, but by no means will he or she be able to exchange them for knowledge, time and home. Without this spiritual fulfillment, they would still find it hard to be truly immersed in happiness.Nowadays, health has become an increasingly concerned topic among people from all walks of life. Different people adopt different measures to obtain health. Usually those who spend generous amount of money on exotic gourmet food and beauty saloons are anything but happy, because those fat-laden food may build up on their waist and years may still wrinkle their face and they may easily regain their weight by the smallest cheese burg. These can be the best proof of the truth that money can not buy health. But happiness, on the contrary, may generate health to some extent. A happy mind can take you everywhere. So long as you maintain a jocund mood, health will no longer be far away.Wealth, health and happiness are the common aspirations of everyone, but only those wise enough can achieve them at the same time. So try to strike a balance.3.Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled “Which Is Better,Working in a Multinational or as a Civil Servant?”. An outline has been given below.1)现在有人选择到跨国公司做白领,有人则到政府部门当公务员2)在跨国公司做白领或在政府部门当公务员的利弊3)我的选择Working in a Multinational Company or as a Civil Servant?A Decision to Make Before Graduation.Today, seeking a job in a large joint venture company is still one of the best choices for many university graduates. And yet, there is also a growing trend for graduating students to prepare for civil servant recruitment examinations to work for the government office.To be a white-collar in a multinational company or to be a civil servant, each has advantages and disadvantages of its own.First, a job with the former means high pay but longer working hours. They have to weigh the loneliness of being away from home against the opportunity to make new friends.Second, one might be able to develop his or her abilities rapidly and fully in a high competitive environment, which of course also makes his or her jobs an extremely tiring and stressful one. However, in my hometown, sheltered by family influence and surrounded by good friends, one might never meet the challenge of developing his or her unknown potential.Third, promotion in a multinational company is based largely on one’s merits and contributions, therefore one does not have to worry too much about strained relations, though it is by no means easy to get promoted in such companies.Despite all the advantages of being a white-collar, I have a strong desire to be a civil servant.For one thing, it is a stable job and has little risk in work and life in general.For another, the pay rises for civil servant has shown that working for the government is getting very desirable. Most important of all, I enjoy working for people, for the general public. So instead of being my mother’s baby all my life, I’ll make parents feel proud of me.Working in a multinational Company or as a civil Servant?Today, seeking a job with a multinational company is still one of the best choice for many university graduates. And yet, there is also a growing trend for graduating students to prepare for civil servant recruitment examinations. To be a white-collar in a multinational company or to be a civil servant , each has advantages and disadvantages of its own. First, a job with the former means high pay but longer working hours. Second , one might be able to develop his or her abilities rapidly and fully in a highly competitive environment, which of course also makes his or her job an extremely tiring and stressful one. Third , promotion in a multinational company is based largely on one's merits; therefore one does not have to worry too much about strained relations , though it is by no means easy to get promoted in such companies.Despite all the advantages of being a white-collar, I have a strong desire to be a civil servant. For one thing, it is a stable job. For another, the pay rises for civil servant has shown that working for the government is getting very desirable. Most important of all, I enjoy working for people, for the general public.4.Directions: In the information age, computers and internet come to transform the way people live and work , and shopping over the internet has become popular. In this part, you are allowed 40 minutes to write a composition of no fewer than 150 words on the title: Shopping over the internet or in stores. Your composition should be based on the following outline:1. 网上购物渐渐流行起来。

Ⅰ. Goneup→increasedsetup→establishedPutupwith→toleratelookinginto→investigatingFigureout→determineputintopractice→implementComeupwith→developedmakeup→constituteGetridof→eliminatekeepup→maintainGonedown→decreasethinking→consideringⅡ.StructureofDataCommentaryDatacommentariesusuallyhastheseelementsinthefollowingorder.1.locationelementsand/orsummarystatements2.highlightingstatements3.discussionsofimplications,problems,exceptions,recommendations,orotherinterestingaspectsofthedata可能涉及到排序题,有例如下:①Acomputervirusisaprogramthatisspecificallyandmaliciouslydesignedtoattackaco mputersystem,destroyingdata.②Asbusinesshavebecomeinceasinglydependentoncomputers,e-mail,andtheInt ernet,concernoverthepotentialdestructivenessofsuchviruseshasalsogrow n.③TableXshowsthemostcommonsourcesofinfectionforU.S.businesses.④Ascanbeseen,inagreatmajorityofcases,theentrypointofthevirusinfection canbedetected,withe-mailattachmentsbeingresponsiblefornearly9outof10 viruses.⑤Thisveryhighpercentageisincreasinglyalarming,especiallysincewithacer tainamountofcautionsuchinfectionsarelargelypreventable.⑥Inconsequence,e-mailusersshouldbewaryofallattachments,eventhoesfroma trustedcolleagueoraknownsender.⑦Inaddition,allcomputersusedfore-mailneedtohaveacurrentversionofagood antivirusprogarmwhosevirusdefinitionsareupdatedregularly.⑧Whileitmaybepossibletolessenthelikelihoodofdownloadinganinfectedfile ,businessesarestillvulnerabletocomputervirusproblemsbecauseofhumaner rorandthethreatofnew,quicklyspreadingvirusesthatcannotbeidentifiedby antivvirussoftware.①②→Theoryandcommonbeliefs.③→Thestart④⑤⑥⑦⑧→Implications Ⅲ.信息性摘要Aninformativeabstract,asitsnameimplies,summarizesthekeypointsinth eRP.Itisanoverviewthatbrieflystatethe purpose,methods,results and conclu tions withquantitativeinformation.信息性摘要主要报道论文的研究目的、研究方法、研究结果与结论。

三、结论 在正文最后应有结论(Conclusions)或建议(Suggestions)。 (1) 关于结论可用如下表达方式:
① The following conclusions can be drawn from …(由……可得出如下结论) ② It can be concluded that …(可以得出结论……) ③ We may conclude that…或We come to the conclusion that…(我们得出如 下结论……) ④ It is generally accepted (believed, held, acknowledged) that…(一般认 为…)(用于表示肯定的结论) ⑤ We think (consider, believe, feel) that…(我们认为…)(用于表示留有商量 余地的结论)
• • • • •
… Thank you for your patience and kind attention. May you have a nice day! Best Regards Yours Sincerely …
• 编辑的回信 Dear*** • I understand your explanation that you made a simple mistake in Fig. 1b. If you wish to submit your revised paper, I will send it to another reviewer….
(2) 关于建议可用如下表达方式。
① It is advantageous to (do) ② It should be realized (emphasized, stressed, noted, pointed out ) that … ③ It is suggested (proposed, recommended, desirable) that … ④ It would be better (helpful, advisable) that…

研究生学术英语写作练习题Academic Writing Exercise for Graduate StudentsIntroduction引言Effective academic writing is an essential skill for graduate students as it allows them to communicate their research findings and ideas to a larger audience. In this exercise, we will explore various aspects of academic writing, including structure, language usage, and referencing. Through these practice exercises, graduate students can further enhance their academic English writing skills and produce high-quality research papers.1. Structure and Organization结构与组织The structure and organization of an academic paper play a crucial role in presenting research effectively. To achieve coherence and clarity, a typical research paper consists of the following sections:1.1 Introduction1.1 引言The introduction establishes the context and purpose of the study, providing background information, stating the research question or hypothesis, and outlining the significance of the research. It should be concise yet engaging, capturing the reader's interest and motivating them to continue reading.1.2 Literature Review1.2 文献综述The literature review evaluates existing research and scholarship related to the topic. It demonstrates the writer's understanding of the research field, identifies research gaps, and frames the research problem. The literature review should be well-organized, critically analyzing and synthesizing relevant sources to support the research.1.3 Methodology1.3 方法The methodology section describes the research design, data collection methods, and analysis techniques employed in the study. It should provide sufficient details to allow readers to replicate the study if desired. Clear and concise explanations of the chosen methodology enable readers to evaluate the validity and reliability of the research.1.4 Results1.4 结果The results section presents the findings of the research. It should be presented objectively, using appropriate statistical analyses, tables, and figures to convey the results effectively. The results should be stated clearly and be relevant to the research question or hypothesis.1.5 Discussion1.5 讨论The discussion interprets and explains the results, relating them to existing knowledge and theoretical frameworks. It should address the research question or hypothesis and, if applicable, compare the findings with previous studies. The discussion should be analytical, providing insights into the implications and limitations of the research.1.6 Conclusion1.6 结论The conclusion summarizes the key findings and their implications. It should restate the research question or hypothesis and highlight the contributions of the study to the research field. Concise and informative, the conclusion provides closure to the research paper.2. Language Usage语言运用2.1 Clarity and Precision2.1 清晰和准确Academic writing necessitates clear and precise language. To enhance clarity, use concise and specific language rather than vague or ambiguous expressions. Avoid using unnecessary jargon or technical terms that may confuse readers. Furthermore, make sure to define and explain any specialized terminology used in the paper.2.2 Formal Tone and Style2.2 正式语调和风格Maintain a formal tone and style throughout the paper. Avoid colloquial language, contractions, and personal pronouns. Instead, use objective language and present ideas in a scholarly manner. Maintain a consistent voice and ensure the use of appropriate verb tenses to accurately convey information.2.3 Cohesion and Coherence2.3 连贯性和一致性To achieve cohesion and coherence, use appropriate linking words and phrases to connect ideas and paragraphs. Clear topic sentences should introduce each paragraph, and logical transitions should guide the reader smoothly through the text. Additionally, use appropriate referencing to acknowledge the contributions of other researchers and avoid plagiarism.3. Referencing引用3.1 Citation Styles3.1 引用风格Different academic disciplines adopt specific citation styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago style. Students should familiarize themselves with the appropriate citation style for their research field and consistently apply it throughout the paper. Accurate and consistent referencing allows readers to locate the cited sources and verify the information.3.2 In-text Citations3.2 文中引用In-text citations are crucial for academic integrity and acknowledging the ideas of other researchers. When referring to an author's work or ideas, include the author's name, year of publication, and page number (if applicable) within the text. Use quotation marks for direct quotes and paraphrase or summarize information from other sources.3.3 Reference List3.3 参考文献列表At the end of the research paper, include a reference list that provides complete bibliographical details for all the sources cited in the text. Arrange the references alphabetically by the author's last name. Ensure the accuracy and consistency of the reference list by adhering to the specific citation style guidelines.Conclusion结论Mastering academic writing is a fundamental skill for graduate students. By understanding the structure, language usage, and referencing conventions of academic writing, students can produce well-organized, coherent, and impactful research papers. Through continuous practice and attention to detail, graduate students can enhance their academic English writing skills and effectively communicate their research findings to the academic community.。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版学术论文写作考试题1.What is term paper?In the university grade stage. It is usually accomplished under the guidance of experience teachers to gain the final credit.2.Define the readability of thesis.The text is smoothly, simple, clear chart, well-organized order and brief conclusion. 3.What are the principles and methods of selecting a subject of study?Focused up-to-date under control4.How is the first-hand source distinguished from the second-hand source?F is original opinions S is the original view reviews and comments5.What are the 4 kinds of note in the subject selection?Summary Paraphrase Direct Quotation Comment6.What are the two main kinds of outline? In what subjects do they cater to respectively?Mixed outline: used in humanities and social sciencesNumerical outline: used in science7.Give reasons of submitting a research proposalFirst, you have a good topic.Second, you have the ability to complete the paper.Third, you have a feasible research plan.8.How many components are there in the research proposal? What are they? Title Introduction Literature review Method Result Discussion Preliminary bibliography9.What is the use of literature review?Understand the background.Familiar the problemsHave a ability of preminary assessment and comprehensive the literature.10.What is abstract?Abstract is a concise and comprehensive summary or conclusion.11.What are the main components of abstract?Objective or purpose Process and methods Results Conclusion12.What is the use of conclusion in the thesis?It emphasized the most important ideas or conclusion clearly in this paper.13.What parties is the acknowledgment usually addressed to?For the tutor and teachers who give suggestion, help and support.For the sponsorFor the company or person which provide the dataFor other friends14.Specify MLA formatIt is widely used in the field of literature, history and so on.Pay attention in the original of the Reference.15.Specify Chicago formatThe subject of general format, used for books, magazines and so on.Divided into the humanities style and the author data system.16.Define footnotes.Also called the note at the end of the page. Appeared in the bottom of every page. 17.Define end-notes.Also called Concentrated note or end-notes appear in thetext.18.M:monographA: choose an article from the proceedings.J: academic journalD: academic dissertationR: research reportC: collected papersN: newspaper article19.Tell briefly about the distinctions between thesis and dissertation.Dissertation defined as a long essay that you do as part of a degree or other qualification. It refers to B.AThesis defined as a long piece of writing, based on your own ideas and research, that you do as part of a university degree. It refers to Ph.D.20.What are the general features of the thesis title?As much as possible use nouns, prep, general phrase and so on.The title can be used to express an Non-statement sentence.The first letter of the notional word in the title should be capital.Be cautious using abbreviations and try not to use punctuation marks.Remove unnecessary articles and extra descriptive words.21.What is the introduction of the research proposal concerned with?Research question Rationale Method FindingsDesign sample instruments22.How is abstract defined to American national standards institute?It is a concise summary of your work.Abstract should state the objectives of the project describe the methods used, summarize the significant findings and state the implications of the findings.23.How is thesis statement understood?It usually at the final part of the introduction in order that the readers could understood the central idea as quickly as possible. It is the point of view and attitude of the statement.1. Have a brief comment upon the study of ESPSpecial use English also called English for specific purpose. It includes tourism English, finance English, medical English, business English, engineering English, etc. In the 1960s, ESP is divided into scientific English, business English and social sciences, each branch can be divided into professional English and academic English.2. What is the research methods of literature?The external research : from society, history, age, environment and so on relationship to study.The internal research: from the works of rhyme, text, images, symbols and specific level to composed the text.3.Have a brief comment upon the study of interpretation.At present, people in the academia mainly focus on these topics, such as interpreting training, interpreting practices and so on. According to its mean of transfer, interpretation can be divided for simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation, whispering interpretation; According to different occasions and interpretation, it can be divided into the meeting interpretation, contact interpretation, media interpretation,etc.4.What is the analytic method in the study of linguistics?In linguistics, analytic method means to make some analysisand decomposition on the various elements of a language according to different research purposes and requirements, and to separate them from the interconnected entirety respectively and extract general and special method.5.In what respects is phonetics studies in the current research?Study on the phonology remains to be further studied, such as Chinese language learning and English phonology, phonological number is still worth discussing. Comparative study of phonology is worth advocating. The combination of researching and teaching for phonetics is also a major focus of current research.6. What is the deductive in linguistics?Deduction is the method to deduce from the general to the special, namely from the general principles of known to conclusions about the individual objects. he deductive method is also known as the study of testing hypothesis.1.What is term paper?2.Define the readability of thesis.3.What are the principles and methods of selecting a subject of study?4.How is the first-hand source distinguished from the second-hand source?5.What are the 4 kinds of note in the subject selection?6.What are the two main kinds of outline? In what subjects do they cater to respectively?7.Give reasons of submitting a research proposal8.How many components are there in the research proposal? What are they?9.What is the use of literature review?10.What is abstract?11.What are the main components of abstract?12.What is the use of conclusion in the thesis?13.What parties is the acknowledgment usually addressed to?14.Specify MLA format15.Specify Chicago format16.Define footnotes.17.Define end-notes.18.Tell briefly about the distinctions between thesis and dissertation.19.What are the general features of the thesis title?20.What is the introduction of the research proposal concerned with?21.How is abstract defined to American national standards institute?22.How is thesis statement understood?。

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"Ha perduro quaique cosa, signora? [Have you lost something, Madam?]" "There was a cat," said the? American girl.
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Health, wealth and happiness have always been what many people want to get. Different people have different opinions about them. Some people think health can bring us happiness, while some others think only wealth can make us live a happy life.
In my opinion, studying abroad is good for us to broaden ourminds(拓宽视野)and learn how to adapt to(适应)the society better, whichishelpfulfor our future development.
There are many ways of establishing(建立)harmonious relationship between people. Firstly, A smile can always shorten the distance from others. we should fill the world with love. Secondly, we should show our respect for others. We should care for each other and help those in need. In addition, being tolerant(容忍)and easy-going(随和)are also very important.

江⼤研究⽣学位英语考试试卷EST 1Part I Listening ComprehensionSection 1, Conversation (10 minutes, 10 points)Section 2, Passages (10 minutes, 10 points)Part II: Cloze Test (10 minutes, 15 points)Scientists who study the Earth's climate are convinced that volcano eruptions have a significant effect on general weather patterns. In fact, one of the many (36) which attempt to explain how an ice age begins holds that the (37) is a dramatic increase in volcanic eruptions. The volcanic explosions, besides causing local thunderstorms and lightning, inject great amounts of gas and (38)_into the stratosphere (同温层). At this (39),the volcanic material spreads all the way around the Earth. This volcanic material (40) a certain amount of sunlight and (41) some back into space. The net result is to (42) the planet's surface. For instance, 43 was perhaps the largest eruption occurred in 1883 when the Indonesia volcano Krakatoa exploded. The following year was (44) in Europe as the "year without summer" because the (45) was so cool and rainy. While there is (46) scientific agreement that volcanic eruption can lead to cooling, (47) of how this happens are not clear. As a result, scientists cannot (48) whether the volcanic activity which (49) past ice ages would result (50) sufficient cooling to cause a glacial period. Similarly, it is not possible for scientists to predict the climate effect of a future volcanic eruption with any confidence.36. A. theories B. inventions C. judgments D. discoveries37. A. cause B. course C. means D. case38. A. petroleum B. ash C. flame D. garbage39. A. relation B. instance C. moment D. altitude40. A. scatters B. releases C. constitutes D. absorbs41. A. carries B. converts C. reflects D. gathers42. A. cool B. warm C. freeze D. heat43. A. such B. what C. there D. that44. A. known B. reported C. marked D. testified45. A. air B. temperature C. sky D. weather46. A. committed B. optimistic C. general D. absolute47. A. indexes B. predictions C. details D. decisions48. A. analyze B. determine C. assure D. assume49. A. confronted B. promoted C. proceed D. preceded50. A. in B. from C. to D. withPart I ReadingPassage OneWe use emotive language to express our own attitudes and feelings. We also direct emotive language at other people to persuade them to believe as we do or to do as we want them to do; and, of course, other people direct emotive language at us to get us to believe or to do what they want.We are subjected to a constant stream of persuasion day in, day out, at home and in school, on the radio and on television. It comes from parents and teachers, from preachers and politicians, from editors and commentators, but, most of all, of course, from advertisers. Most of this persuasion is expressed in emotive language and is intended to appeal to our feelings rather than to be weighed up by our powers of reasoning.We should look at the motives behind all this persuasion. Why do they want to persuade us? What do they want us to do? We are not thinking very clearly unless we try to see through the veil of words and realize something of the speaker's purpose.An appeal to emotion is in itself neither good or bad. Our emotions exist and they are part of our personality. On some occasions people appeal to our emotions on the highest levels and from the best of motives. A case in point is Churchill's wartime speeches: whatever people thought of Churchill as a politician, they were united behind him when he spoke as national leader in those dark days --- their feelings responded to his call for resolution and unity.It is a characteristic of social groups that the members have a feeling of personal attachment to the group --- to the family in earliest childhood and extending later to the school, the team, the church, the nation, in patterns that vary from time to time. Hence a speaker from our group will find in us feelings to which he can readily and genuinely appeal, whether our reaction is favorable or not. We are at least open to the appeal and we appreciate the context in which it is made.1. The major functions of emotive language discussed in the passage are to - .A. extend our powers of reasoning and carry out a purposeB. advertise and produce the wanted social effectsC. show one's feelings and appeal to those of othersD. make others believe in us and respond to our feelings2. It is suggested in the third paragraph of this passage that we - .A should keep a cool head when subjected to persuasion of various kindsB need to judge whether a persuasion is made for good or badC. have to carefully use our emotive languageD. should avoid being easily seen through by an appeal from others3. The source from which emotive language flows upon us in its greatest amount is - .A. the mass mediaB. the educational institutionsC. the religious circlesD. the advertising business4. Churchill is mentioned in the passage as -'A. an example of how people weighed up persuasion with reasoningB. a national leader who brought out people's best feelingsC. a positive example of appealing to people's motionD. a politician who has been known as a good speaker5. What is NOT mentioned as relevant to our emotions in this passage?A. Social contextB. Personal experienceC. The personality of national leadersD. Religious belief6. It can be inferred from the passage that a persuasive speaker must .A. find out what group his audience is attached toB. vary his speech patterns from time to timeC. know how to adapt his way of speaking to the needs of the audienceD. be aware whether the listeners are favorable to his opinion or notPassage TwoAs goods and services improved, people were persuaded to spend their money on changing from old to new, and found the change worth the expenses. When an airline equipped itself with jets, for example, its costs ( and therefore air fare) would go up, but the new planes meant such an improvement that the higher cost was justified. A new car ( or wireless, washing machine, electric kettle) made life so much more comfortable than the old one that the high cost of replacement was fully repaid. Manufacturers still cry their wares as persuasively as ever, but are the improvements really worth paying for? In many fields things have now reached such a high standard of performance that further progress is very limited and very expensive. Airlines, for example, go to enormous expense in buying the latest prestige jets, in which vast research costs have been spent on relatively small improvements. If we scrap these vast costs we might lose the chance of cutting minutes away from flying times, but wouldn't it be better to see air fares drop dramatically, as capital costs become relatively insignificant? Again, in the context of a 70mph limit, with platoons of cars traveling so densely as to control each other's speeds, improvements in performance are virtually irrelevant; improvements in handling are unnecessary, as most production cars grip the road perfectly; and comfort has now reached a very high level indeed. Small improvements here are unlikely to be worth the thousands that anybody replacing an ordinary family car every two years may ultimately have spent on them. Let us instead have cars --- or wireless, electric kettles, washing machines, television sets --- which are made to last, and not to be replaced. Significant progress is obviously a good thing; but the insignificant progression from model-change to model-change is not.7. The author obviously is challenging the social norm that - .A. it is. important to improve goods and servicesB. development of technology makes our life more comfortableC. it is reasonable that prices are going up all the timeD. slightly modified new products are worth buying8. According to this passage, air fares may rise because -'A people tend to travel by new airplanesB. the airplane has been improvedC. the change is found to be reasonableD. the service on the airplane is better than before9. According to the author, passengers would be happier if they -'A. could fly in the latest model of reputable planesB. could get tickets at much lower pricesC. see the airlines make vital changes in their servicesD. could spend less time flying in the air10. When manufacturers have improved the performance of their products to a certain level, thenit would be_. .A. justified for them to cut the priceB. unnecessary for them to make any new changesC. difficult and costly to further better themD. insignificant for them to cut down the research costs11. In the case of cars, the author urges that we - .A. cancel the speed limitB. further improve the performanceC. improve the durabilityD. change models every two years12. The author's criticism is probably based on the fact that - .A. we have been persuaded to live an extravagant life todayB. many products we buy turn out to be substandard or inferiorC. inflation is becoming a big problem in the world todayD. people are wasting their money on trivial technological progressPassage ThreeRecent studies on the male-female wage gap predict that even though entry salaries for males and females in the same occupation are nearly equal because women's market skills have improved vastly, the chances of the overall gap closing in the foreseeable future are minimal. This is due to several factors that are likely to change very slowly, if at all. An important reason is that women are concentrated in occupations --- service and clerical --- that pay less than traditional male jobs. It is possible that more women than men in their twenties are hesitant to commit themselves to a year-round, lifetime career or job for many reasons There is lingering attitude on both the part of women and their employers that women are not cut out for certain jobs. Not only does this attitude channel women into lower-paying work, but it also serves to keep them from top management positions.Another significant factor in the widening wage gap between men and women entering the work force, even in comparable jobs, is that women often drop out at critical points in their careers to have a family. Women still have the primary responsibility for child-bearing; even if they continue to work, they often forgo overtime and promotions that would conflict with home responsibilities. The ages of 25 to 35 have been shown repeatedly to be the period when working consistently and hard is vital to advancement and job security. These are precisely the years when women are likely to have children and begin to slide away from men in earning power. Consequently, a woman's income is more likely to be seen as secondary to her husband's.13.According to recent studies on the male-female wage gap, -'A. there is much hope of narrowing the male-female wage gap in the near futureB. working women will have many opportunities to hold high-paying jobs in the near futureC. women's pay will still stay at a level below that of men in the near futureD. salaries for males and females in the same occupation will be equal in the near future14. Women are kept from top management positions partly because they - .A. decide to devote themselves to certain lifetime jobs in their twentiesB. are inclined to rank family second to workC. tend to have more quarrels with their employersD. still take an incorrect attitude towards themselves15. Which of the following is implied in the passage as a partial reason for women's concentration in certain occupations?A. Social division of labor.B. Social prejudice against themC. Employment laws.D. Physiological weakness.16. The word" forgo" in Paragraph 2 could be best replaced by - .A. give upB. drop outC. throwawayD. cut out17. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that - .A. men's jobs are subject to changeB. women tend to be employed off and on at the same jo bC. men' chances of promotion are minimalD. women used to be employed all the year round18. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Women's market skills have improved greatly.B. Child care is still chiefly women's workC. Women are typically employed in clerical and service jobs.D. Domestic duties no longer conflict with women's jobs.Passage FourIt seems that the life of a television reporter is fantastically admired by many people. But this is only one side of the coin. First, he never goes deeply into anyone subject --- he may be expert at mastering a brief in a short time and "getting up" a subject, but a week later he is on to the next subject, and a week later still he is on to the subject after that. He seldom grasps with a full-scale investigation anyone thing. He has to be able to forget what he was working on a few weeks before, otherwise his mind would become messed up.Second, a reporter does not have anything lasting to show for what he does --- there is no shelf of books, no studio full of paintings. He pours his life into something which flickers in shadows across a screen and is gone forever. I have seen people in many television jobs turn at the end of watching one of their own programs and say something like: " Well, that's all those days/weeks/months of work. Travel and worry sunk without trace." As a way of life it comes to seem like blowing bubbles ---entertaining to do, and the bubbles numerous and pretty to look at, and all different, but all disappearing into thin air. Third, the pace of life is too fast. Not only is it destructive of one's private life, one does not even have time togive proper consideration to the things one is professionally concerned with --not enough time to think, not enough time to read, not enough time to write one's commentary, prepare one's interviews and so on. When one disengages from it and allows one's perceptions, thinking, reading and the rest to proceed at their natural pace one gets an altogether unfamiliar sense of solidarity and well-being.Fourth, the reporter is at the mercy of events. A revolution breaks out in Cuba so he is off there on the next plane. Somebody shoots President Reagan so he drops everything he is doing and flies to Washington. He is like a puppet pulled by strings ---the strings of the world's affairs. He is not motivated from within. He does not decide for himself what he would like to do, where he would like to go, what he would like to work on. He is activated from without, and his whole life becomes a kind of reflex action, a series of high-pressure responses to external stimuli. He has ceased to exist as an independent personality.19.A TV reporter never makes an in-depth study of a subject because -'A. he usually gets one side of the pictureB. the subjects that he has to attend to often switch from one to anotherC. he does not know how to develop it to its full scaleD. that is the life that suits him20. A. it is implied but not stated that many people - .A. know nothing about the work of a TV repor1erB. think the life of a TV reporter dull and boringC. have a biased opinion against the job of a TV reporterD. tend to underestimate the hard part of being a TV reporter21 TV reporting, according to this passage, is something_______.A. profitable for a person to take upB. interesting to do but quick to fade outC. causing a person to forget his previous workD. producing a lasting effect22.A TV reporter is in most need of - .A. being a master of his timeB. proper consideration of his professionC. a comfortable life of his ownD. disengaging himself from work23. The activities of a TV reporter are largely geared to - .A. his motivationB. his working styleC. current affairsD. reflex to pressures24. The title of this passage would best be given as - .A. What a TV Reporter Can and Cannot AccomplishB. The Sorrows of TV ProfessionalsC. The Confession of a TV ReporterD. The Drawbacks in the Life of a TV ReporterPaper TwoPart IV Reading and Answering Questions (25 minutes, 10 points)The conflict between what in its present mood the public expects science to achieve in satisfaction of popular hopes and what is really in its power is a serious matter because. even if the true scientists should all recognize the limitations of what they can do in the field of human affairs, so long as the public expects more there will always be some who will pretend, and perhaps honestly believe, that they can do more to meet popular demands than is really in their power. It is often difficult enough for the expert, and ce11ainly in many instances impossible for the layman, to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate claims advanced in the name of science. The enormous publicity recently given by the media to a report pronouncing in the name of science of The Limits to Growth, and the silence of the same media about the devastating criticism this report has received from the competent experts, must make one feel somewhat apprehensive about the use to which the prestige of science can be put. But it is by no means only in the field of economics that far-reaching claims are made on behalf of a more scientific direction of all human activities and the desirability of replacing spontaneous processes by "conscious human control".If I am not mistaken, psychology, psychiatry and some branches of sociology, not to speak about the so-called philosophy of history, are even more affected by what I have called the scientistic prejudice, and by specious claims of what science can achieve.Questions :What is the main thought of the passage? What should be our correct attitude towards science?回答该项问题⼀般要注意,第⼀问主要是结合⽂章回答问题,可以或多或少的引⽤⽂中内容回答,第⼆问主要是考察我们研究⽣对某个现象的认识。

Unit 8. Result, Discussion and ConclusionTopical HighlightsSection of Results: general functions and contents of results, writing requirements for results, examples and some useful expressionsSection of Discussion: general functions and main elements of discussion, writing requirements for discussionSection of Conclusion: general functions and main elements of conclusion, requirement for writing a conclusion, samples for conclusion and useful expressions in writing a conclusion Special Attention: conciseness (1)-using non-finites, using replacement of attributes, using adverbsTheme Presentation1. Section of ResultsThe section of results is one of the most important elements in a professional paper, because any research should have an outcome, no matter what it may be. It is in this section that the final result of the paper is presented.1) General Functions and Contents of ResultsThe value of a research lies in the value of its final results and the author‟s interpretation of the results. If the preceding sections of a paper (Introduction, Investigations, Experiments, Calculations, etc.) are designed to explain how the author obtains the results, and the following sections of the paper (Analysis, Discussion, Summary or Conclusion, etc.) are to tell what the results should mean. Then, in the section of results, the author(s) should bring about a solidfoundation on which the whole paper rests, by boiling down all the facts and data he has gained.In terms of content, research results are usually presented together with the corresponding analysis concerned. So in this section the author should present the essential results and data and then generalize them to a theoretical height. Therefore there are usually two ingredients in the section of result: full presentation of the specific data of the work and detailed analysis of the results (esp. when there is no special section of Dada Analysis in the paper).2) Writing Requirements for ResultsIn the section of result, the following two points should be kept in mind.First, any data shown in this section must be meaningful. Among all the tested variables, only those that affect the reaction or the conclusion can become the terminating data, while those with no meaningful functions should never appear in this section. So sorting out and selecting data should be highly necessary. Just as Dr. Jolin Powell, a noted American geologist, says: -- “The fool collects facts; the wise man selects them.”Second, the presentation of results should be short without verbiage] and be of crystal clarity. This is because it is the research result that contains new ingredients of knowledge or findings which the writer can claim as his own contribution to the science world, and that builds the basis for the whole paper of the author. In writing this section, redundancy should be avoided. For example, the statement “It is clearly shown in Table 1 that the information desire grows with the development of industry” (18 words) should be replaced by “The information desire grows with the development of industry (Table 1)”(11 words). Such kind of wordy sentences often occur when the role of antecedents2 like “it” is violated. (As to how to achieve conciseness, please see Special Attention of Units 8 -- 10.) Meanwhile, although the presentation of result is the mostimportant part of a paper, it is often the shortest section, particularly if it is preceded by a well-written part of Experiment or Materials and Methods, and followed by a well-written part of Analysis, Discussion, Summary or Conclusion. Sometimes, the result may possibly have just one sentence: “The results are shown in Table 1 (or Figure 1)”. Of course, not all sections of result are as short as such.The following points are usually reported in the results section (although not every point must be included, depending on the content and nature of the thesis):● a brief summary of what has been done in the experiment, reporting accomplishmentsby highlighting major findings● a description of the results providing key information if necessary●further suggestions concerning the effects or plan of the experiment●anticipation and potential criticismThe results section is begun by presenting the “big picture” or overview of the experiments. Sufficient details should be presented so that the readers can draw their own inferences and construct their own explanations. The theoretical question at hand should be focused on without repeating the experimental details described in the Experimental Procedures.The following reminders are essential for a logical, effective results section:●Mention both negative and positive results. Do not interpret results—save that for thediscussion.●Do not try and combine this part with the Conclusion part. You need to carefully presentyour results first with no further interpretation.●Do not discuss the implication of the results here as they are presented in discussionsection.3) Examples and Some Useful ExpressionsLet‟s see two examples of “results”:Ex. 8-1Test ResultsThe results of all measurements of the chloride ion permeability3 are given in Table 4. The values in this Table range from extremely high (more than 20 000 Coulombs) to extremely low (less than 100 Coulombs). As indicated, the tests had to be stopped in certain cases because the intensity of the heat generated in the specimens was too high. In these cases, the values indicated in the Table were simply extrapolated4 from the curves of the number of Coulombs passed versus time.To understand the significance of the results in Table 4, reference can be made to two different publications in which a classification of the various values of the chloride ion permeability has been proposed. It has been suggested that a value of 4 000 Coulombs or more represents a high chloride ion permeability, 2 000 to 4 000 Coulombs as average permeability, I 000 to 2 000 Coulombs a low permeability, 100 to 1 000 Coulombs a very low permeability, and less than 100 Coulombs a negligible permeability. On the basis of tests performed recently, other investigators have suggested that a value of more than 6 500 Coulombs represents a high chloride ion permeability, 5 000 to 6 500 Coulombs an average permeability, 2 500 to 5 000 Coulombs a low permeability, and less than 2 500 Coulombs a very low permeability.Ex. 8- 2ResultsThe results of the identification function for the nasal consonants, 5/rd and/m/, that were increased in duration are illustrated in Figure 1 and 2 respectively. The vertical axis indicates the percentage of identification of a moraic and a non-moraic nasal. The horizontal axis indicates the rates of increased nasal duration (rate 1.0= the original onset nasal duration in/nata/and/mapa/).Figure 1: Identification functions for a nasal consonant/n/that is increased in duration. (omitted)Figure 2: Identification functions for a nasal consonant/m/that is increased in duration. (omitted)As can be seen from Figure 1, when the rate reached 1.4, a moraic nasal began to be recognized. When it exceeded 2.4, it was always recognized. Although the rates were different, the same result was observed in Figure 2.The examples cited above comply with the above-said guidelines for preparing the section of result. it can be seen that when composing the Result section, the most important results always come first, followed by less important ones. Also, tables and graphs can help enhancing the overall effects if there are any. Lastly, do bear in mind that if the Results and Discussions are of two sections, do not interpret results in this section.ReminderFigures and tables can be placed either within the text of the results section (preferred), or in the appendix. Each figure must be numbered consecutively and complete with caption (caption goes under the figure). Each table must be titled, numbered consecutively and complete with heading (title with description goes above the table). Each figure and table must be sufficiently complete that it could stand on its own, separate from text.Listed below are some useful expressions frequently encountered in the section of result.●The research we have done suggests an increase in...●As a result of our experiments we concluded that...●This fruitful work gives an explanation of...●Our experimental data are briefly summarized as follows...●Figure 3 shows the results obtained from studies of...●Table 5 presents the data provided by the experiments on...●This table summarized the data collected during the experiment of...●Some of the author‟s findings are listed in tables.●The direct outcome was then reported in...●Sufficient result for.., has been observed with the new method...●This work did provide...●Most recent experiments to the same effect have led the authors to believe that...●As a result of our experiments, we concluded that...●Results of the analysis illustrate the significance of …●These experiments were run in order to…●This appears to have resulted in…●This result indicates that…●Results from the above mentioned experiment suggest that…●Laboratory results in this case have demonstrated that…●…is suggested to enhance the results intended in the experiment.●We observed the desired effects of…●Note that…●To…, model… was testified in the lab.●Figure shows…●Data in table suggest…●The data also suggest that…●The data show no conclusive evidence that…Notes1. verbiage: too many unnecessary words in a speech or a writing 冗词2. antecedent: (Fr.) the noun or noun phrase to which a pronoun or a relative pronoun refers to 先行词3. chloride ion permeability: 氯离子渗透力4. extrapolate: (from) to work out (the value of a number which depends on measurements), to guess from the facts already known 推算,推断5. nasal consonant: speech sounds or letters produced by human nosal cavity 鼻辅音2. Section of DiscussionThe section of discussion is generally considered to be the most difficult section to write. And, whether you know it or not, many submitted papers are rejected by the editors because of a faulty discussion, even though the data of the paper might be both valid and interesting. What is even more likely, the true meaning of the data in a paper may be completely obscured by the interpretation presented in the discussion, again resulting in rejection.1) General Functions and Main Elements of DiscussionIf the section of result functions to show the facts observed by the researcher, then the purpose of the section of discussion is to expound the interrelations among the observed facts. Therefore the primary objective in writing this section is to show the relationship between the facts, their underlying causes, their effects, and their theoretical implications, as well as to explain the facts denoted by symbols or signs of mathematics.The discussion section differs from the results in that it deals with facts and is thus descriptive while the Results with points and thus interpretive. The results should be a completely objective report without interpretations.In the discussion, past tense is used to describe the events that have happened, including the procedures that have been conducted as well as the results that have been observed, and present tense is used to describe generally accepted facts.Following the section of result where data are presented, the consequent steps and essential elements of discussion usually include:(1) Analyzing the DataTry to present the basic principles, factual relationships, and successful generalizations of the results. Bear in mind that, in a good discussion, what you need to do is to discuss but not recapitulatet the results.(2) Pointing out DoubtsPoint out any exceptions or any lack of correlation, and define unsettled points or doubts, the limitations, failures, as well as points for attention, if any.(3) Expounding ViewpointsGive your judgment, evaluation, analysis, and show how your results and interpretationsagree (or contrast) with previously published work.(4) Stating the SignificancePoint out the theoretical implications of your work, as well as any possible practical applications.(5) Arriving at a ConclusionProvide the outcome and/or the end-results of the research, etc., as clearly as possible; and summarize your evidence for each conclusive statement.All the above can be regarded not only as the functions but also as the essential contents of the section of discussion.2) Writing Requirements for DiscussionBesides the functions and basic components of this section stated above, there are still some further requirements for writing it.Firstly, you should sufficiently analyze the presented data and point out the factual relationships. In this respect, the primary purpose of a discussion is to show the relationship among observed facts. Facing the same group of data, different professionals may have different conclusions--the relationships between these data. And it is the breakpoint of some scientific research. So, enough attention should be paid to this point so as to make clear the factual relationships that can really reflect his research results and therefore can lead him to their logical conclusions.Secondly, since the purpose of the professional paper is to confirm the‟author‟s research work, it is beneficial for him to fully review what he has done in his work. That means he has to fully evaluate his own success rather than just make a summary of facts.Thirdly, the writer has to admit his weak points or failure frankly, if any. It does not mean that the writer simply confesses that he has met with failure during his research, but means that he is advised to relate his failure to the failing data or state the limitations of his experiment (investigation) conditions, so that the reader will focus on his argument rather than on his fault.Fourthly, brief and forceful expressions should be used in the section of discussion. This means the writer will give the reader an impression of his academic capability.Finally, keep in mind never to write more words than necessary. Excessive words or phrases mayonly reduce the force or disperse the reader‟s attention, even destroy the value of the whole paper.Also, the writer must make it crystal clear to the reader which statements are observations and which are interpretations. In most circumstances, this is best accomplished by physically separating statements about new observations from statements about the meaning or significance of those observations. The following tips might be helpful:●Do not simply restate the results●Clearly contrast and compare your interpretations with previous studies and findings.●Discuss the theoretical implications and practical applications that can be foreseen. Becareful to keep theoretical projections in proportion to the scope of the experiment.●Do not claim more for the results than the data really shows. Avoid speculation.Let us see an example of discussion:Title: Influence of Drying on the Chloride Ion Permeability of HPC (high performance concrete)Source: Concrete International, February 1993, pp. 65-69Ex. 8-3Analysis and DiscussionIt is clear from the data in Table 4 that for all concretes tested, drying at 23℃ for 28 or 90 days always had a positive influence on the chloride ion permeability. In all cases, the value determined after drying is significantly lower than the value obtained after 7 days of curing in water...The influence of drying on the chloride ion permeability can be more clearly seen in Fig. 1 to 4, where the results obtained for the thirteen basic mixtures after the various drying periods are shown graphically. The results after 28 and 90 days of drying for the mixture made with the normal Portland cement2 are shown in Fig. 1 and 2, respectively...The data in Fig. 1 to 4 confirm that the use of silicon fume always reduces very significantly the chloride ion permeability of concrete. In fact, this reduction increases with the mount of silica fume that is used, as the results in Table 4 for mixture 14, 15 and 16 indicate. It has been known for many years that ...The most significant conclusion that can be drawn from the data in Fig. 1 to 4 concerns the influence that the composition of concrete has on the values of the chloride ion permeability determined after drying, particularly at 11 ~C. For all mixtures with water-eementitious material ratios of 0.45 and 0.35, drying at 11 ~C increases very significantly the chloride ion permeability, but for the mixtures with water-cementitious ratios of 0.25 or 0,22 that contain silica fume, such drying causes no significant increase. It is thus possible to make high-performance concretes that are extremely resistant to the internal damage that can result from drying...Listed below are some useful expressions frequently encountered in the section of discussion.●In this paper we have investigated…●The main purpose of this paper has been to…●The survey reported on in this study has produced…●The overall results indicate the application of… is plausible only if…●For this reason, it can be said that…●Thus, there is a strong argument for…●This chapter commenced with… I t reveals that…●Although… , there is general agreement that…●While…, little research has been done on… T his raises the question of…●However, the findings do not imply that…●…m eans that we cannot be certain as to…Notes1. recapitulate: to repeat the chief points of something that has been said2. Portland cement: a kind of cement that hardness under water made by burning a mixture of limestone and clay or similar material 波特兰(普通)水泥3. Section of ConclusionAs the end-result of the whole paper, conclusion (also called summary) is the final viewpoint drawn by the author (s) after investigations, experiments, inferences, discussions and so on. The conclusion draws all arguments and findings together. It helps to organize them as short numbered paragraph, in the most-to-the-least important order. They should be short, concise statements of the inferences. All the conclusions should be directly related be the research question stated in theprevious parts.1) General Functions and Main Elements of ConclusionTypical functions of the conclusion of a research paper may include: (1) summing up; (2) statement of conclusions; (3) statement of recommendations, and (4) graceful termination. For a particular paper, any one or any combination of these may be appropriate. Some papers do not need a separate concluding section, particularly if the conclusions or results have already been stated in the introduction.(1) Summing upSumming up is likely to be a part with its main function of summarizing the chief pieces of pure facts, data and information in the paper, where formal conclusions or recommendations usually have no place. If you include a summary, make certain (i) that you actually summarize, with due emphasis, the principal items of information in the main body of the paper and (ii) that you include only material that appeared earlier in an expanded form.(2) Statement of ConclusionsConclusions are convictions based on evidence. If you state conclusions, make certain (i) that they follow logically from the data presented actually in the main body of the paper and (ii) that they agree with whatever you may have promised to testify in the introduction.(3) Statement of RecommendationsRecommendations, at least formal ones, appear less frequently in professional papers than in, say, technical reports. If you include recommendations, be sure that they follow logically from the data and conclusions presented earlier, and do not dangle as1 proposals that you think are good but for which you have given no supporting evidence, and that, as with conclusions, they should neverclash with what you may have expected to do in your introduction.(4) Graceful TerminationGraceful termination is achieved when all the materials of the conclusion are smoothly woven together and satisfactorily round off the whole. The suggestions offered in (1)-(3) above will promote coherence. Be on guard against duplicating large portions of the introduction in the conclusion. Verbatim repetition can be boring and even create a false unity, which is definitely no compliment to the author‟s success.2) Requirements for Writing a ConclusionThe following are the points for attention in preparing the section of conclusion:(1) Be careful not to draw conclusions from data involving errors of observation, errors in arithmetic, compensating errors, systematic and personal errors.(2) Do not use mathematical formulas without clearly understanding of their derivations and all the assumptions involved.(3) Be cautious in comparing conclusions based upon experiments in which the influential conditions have been improperly controlled, and therefore not duplicated.(4) Avoid confusing facts with opinions of influences, not only in the investigation itself but also in preparing results for publication.(5) Do not draw a conclusion from too few data, or too broad a conclusion that is based on extrapolated curves.(6) Guard against failing to qualify a conclusion, in order to show the limits within which it applies, or the variation which is to be expected.(7) When you indulge in a speculation, be sure to remind your reader to know that it remainsa speculation.3) Samples for Conclusions and Useful Expressions in Writing a ConclusionEx. 8- 4Title: Production Management Systems for One-of-a-kind ProductsConcluding the above discussion, we may state the following:-- Information on customer-order specific products should be distinguished sharply from information on anonymous products.-- Information systems in the customer-order driven part of the supply chain should first of all support the creation of customer-order specific information by qualified engineers.-- Large investments made in products or processes should be reflected in the information system by automatic generation of customer-order specific information.Ex. 8-5Tire: Electronic CAD/CAM in ChinaIn this brief paper, only a part of the work in electronic CAIn/CAM5 has been surveyed. But even from the incomplete picture, some conclusions can be drawn.Firstly, China has plenty of resources in electronic CAD area. They have done some good research work and developed some experimental systems.Secondly, at any rate, China is still backward in this area. The reason for this is lack of advanced facilities, and shortage of such need in the electronics industry.Based on this situation, international cooperation in R & D of electronic CAD/CAM is hopeful and feasible. And China is looking forward to various kinds of cooperation in this field.Ex. 8-6Title: From Bonding to Biting: Conversational Joking and Identity DisplayWe have attempted here to sort out the fme distinctions in joking/teasing behavior, the variables that condition their use, and the possible outcomes of such exchanges in the context of face-to-face interaction. It is part of our communicative competence as native speakers of any language to understand the functions of such activity, but these functions and their limits are certainly below the level of consciousness.First, it is important to understand how far one can reasonably go with joking or teasing on certain topics and with certain interlocutors .6 An insight into what bonds boundaries, particularly with conflictive topics, interlocutors of certain social distance relationships and of the other gender. We have seen, for example, that CJ (Conversational Jokes) can function to display identity among strangers; we have seen that self-teasing can function to display and develop individual and relational identity and thus bond participants7; and we have seen that teasing among intimates is done on some intimates with relational identity, this is not necessarily true with friends, acquaintances and strangers. An understanding of how CJ as a verbal activity function ought to contribute to our knowledge of how to do things with words.We have found more similarities than differences in CJ across the speech communities studied here. Clearly, while humor is culture-specific, its social function in terms of individual and group identity formation appears to cross cultural boundaries. Works such as Hall (1993) on gossip and Le Page and Tabouret-Keller (1985) on acts of identity suggest that discourse is fundamental to the development of selfhood. This sense of self and of self as a member of a group can be observed at the micro level in speech events such as conversational joking, where participants display and develop either their individual or their relational identity. Situationalhumor is one of the speech genres8 that accomplishes these, and it does so poignantly9 because it is culture-specific; that is, it requires, more than any other speech genre, in-group knowledge. Thus, although we have found more similarities in our data than differences, this does not suggest that joking and teasing is done the same way in both of these communities. While joking across communities reveals structural similarities, the differences appear in the specific topics, taboos, l0 and ways of establishing bonds. Members of one community might engage in more teasing that bonds while the other do more teasing that bites. The universals lie in the notion that Conversational Joking functions on a continuum from ID to RID, 11 and that maximum RID can be accomplished through joking and teasing that bond.Certainly what makes for a good laugh differs across societies. The bottom line is, “We all enjoy a good laugh.” This study of conversational joking begins to elucidate 12 what makes for a good laugh and why in two different communities and in two different languages. (from Journal of Pragmatics)Useful expressions frequently used in writing conclusions are listed below:●On the basis of .... the following conclusion can be made...●From .... we now conclude...●To sum up, we have revealed...●We have demonstrated in this paper...●The results of the experiment indicate...●In conclusion, the result shows...●We have described .... we found...●Our argument proceeds in...●The research work has brought about a discovery of...●Finally, a summary is given of...●These findings of the research have led the author to the conclusion that...●The research has resulted in a solution of...●The strength of such an approach is that…●However exploratory, this study may offer some insight into…●This brief overview of…shows the overall direction of later experiments.●Consideration of… demonstrate that…●Given the observed trends of the application, it can be concluded that…●…i s highlighted here. It reinforced the proposition made in the previous chapter.●Based essentially on the argument outlined above, I maintain that…●From the above discussion above, it follows that… This adds to my proposition made inchapter…●The results of this study cannot be taken as evidence for theory of…●Not with standing its limitations, this study does suggest under certain conditions, theproposition… is usable.●Despite its preliminary character, the research reported here would seem to indicate…●This chapter has highlighted the importance of…It is evident that it is highlyrecommended to… However, the nature of… has not been explored.●This chapter brings to light two integral concepts related to module… This needs now tobe researched more actively in the setting of… to explore the question of…Notes。

江苏考研英语作文范文模板英文:As a native of Jiangsu province, I am very familiar with the challenges and opportunities that come with the Jiangsu postgraduate entrance exam. In my opinion, the key to success in the exam lies in thorough preparation and a clear understanding of the exam format.First and foremost, it is essential to have a solid grasp of the English language. This includes not only a strong command of grammar and vocabulary, but also the ability to express oneself clearly and coherently in both written and spoken English. For example, in the writing section of the exam, candidates are often required to write essays on a wide range of topics, from social issues to scientific developments. Therefore, it is crucial to be able to articulate one's thoughts and ideas effectively in order to score well in this section.In addition to language proficiency, it is also important to be familiar with the specific requirements of the exam. This includes understanding the types of questions that are commonly asked, as well as the time constraints that are imposed on each section. For instance, in the listening section, candidates are often required to listen to a recording of a conversation or lecture and answer questions based on the information presented. Therefore, it is essential to practice listening to English audio materials in order to improve one's listening skills and be better prepared for this part of the exam.Furthermore, it is crucial to develop effective study habits and time management skills in order to make the most of the preparation period. This may involve creating a study schedule, setting specific goals for each study session, and regularly reviewing and practicing the material that will be tested. For example, I have foundthat setting aside dedicated time each day for English study, whether it be reading English newspapers, watching English TV shows, or practicing English speaking with friends, has greatly improved my language skills andoverall performance in the exam.In conclusion, success in the Jiangsu postgraduate entrance exam requires a combination of language proficiency, familiarity with the exam format, andeffective study habits. By focusing on these key areas, candidates can greatly improve their chances of achieving a high score and gaining admission to their desired postgraduate program.中文:作为江苏省的一个本地人,我对江苏研究生入学考试所带来的挑战和机遇非常熟悉。

江苏学位英语作文模版English: When writing an academic essay in Jiangsu degree English, it is essential to follow a clear and organized structure. Start by introducing the topic and providing background information to give readers context. Next, present your thesis statement, which clearly outlines the main point or argument of your essay. Support your thesis with evidence and examples, making sure to provide sufficient details and explanations. Use proper transitions to smoothly connect your ideas and create a logical flow. Finally, conclude your essay by summarizing your main points and restating your thesis in a way that reinforces your argument. By following this structure, you can effectively convey your ideas and make a strong impression on your readers.中文翻译: 在江苏学位英语写作中,遵循一个清晰的组织结构是非常重要的。

江苏考研英语作文范文With the rapid development of technology, social media has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. It has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with others. However, the impact of social media oninterpersonal relationships is a topic of increasing concern. While some argue that social media has strengthened relationships, others believe that it has created a barrier between individuals. In my opinion,social media has both positive and negative effects on interpersonal relationships.On the one hand, social media has brought people closer together. It allows us to connect with friends and family members who are far away, bridging the distance between us. Through platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, we can easily share our thoughts, experiences, and photos with others. This helps to maintain and strengthen relationships, as we can stay updated on each other's lives and provide support when needed. Moreover, social mediaprovides a platform for introverted individuals to express themselves more freely, as they may find it easier to communicate through writing rather than face-to-face interactions.On the other hand, social media has also created asense of disconnection among individuals. With the rise of social media, people are spending more time on their devices, scrolling through their news feeds, and engagingin virtual interactions. This has led to a decrease inface-to-face communication, which is essential for building deep and meaningful relationships. In addition, socialmedia often presents an idealized version of people's lives, leading to feelings of inadequacy and jealousy. This can create a sense of competition and comparison among individuals, further distancing them from each other.Furthermore, social media has also affected the quality of communication. Online interactions lack the nuances of non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and body language, which are crucial for understanding the true meaning behind someone's words. Misinterpretations andmisunderstandings are more likely to occur in online communication, leading to conflicts and strained relationships. Moreover, the constant exposure to social media can be overwhelming and distracting, making it difficult for individuals to fully engage in face-to-face conversations and form genuine connections.In conclusion, social media has both positive and negative effects on interpersonal relationships. While it has made it easier for us to connect with others and maintain long-distance relationships, it has also created a sense of disconnection and affected the quality of communication. It is important for individuals to strike a balance between online and offline interactions, and to prioritize face-to-face communication in order to build and maintain meaningful relationships.。

考研英语一作文江苏I can't believe I'm finally sitting down to write this essay. It feels like just yesterday I was strugglingthrough my undergraduate studies, and now here I am, preparing to take on the challenge of the postgraduate entrance exam.The pressure is definitely on, but I'm determined togive it my all. I've spent countless hours poring over textbooks and lecture notes, trying to absorb as much information as possible. It's been exhausting, but I knowit will all be worth it in the end.Of course, it's not just about the academic side of things. I've also had to deal with the stress of preparing for the exam itself. From practicing my test-taking strategies to managing my time effectively, there's been a lot to consider. But I'm doing my best to stay calm and focused, knowing that I've done everything I can to prepare.One thing that's been particularly challenging is the sheer volume of material I need to review. It's been a real test of my organizational skills, trying to keep track ofall the different topics and concepts I need to cover. ButI've been making steady progress, and I'm feeling more confident with each passing day.At the end of the day, I know that the most important thing is to stay positive and believe in myself. I've come this far, and I'm not about to let a few exams stand in the way of my dreams. I'm ready to tackle whatever comes my way, and I can't wait to see where this next chapter of my life takes me.。

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Unit 1 General Description of Literature Reading and Translation 1. Definition of LiteratureLiterature is a general term for professional writings in the form of books, papers, and other documentations.2. Classification of Literature1) Textbooks(教科书):In general, a textbook is a kind of professional writing specially designed for the students in a given branch of learning.2) Monographs(专著):A monograph is an artide or short book on one particular subject or branch of a subject that the writer has studied deeply.3) Papers(论文):A complete paper is usually composed of the following elements: title, author, affiliation, abstract, keywords, introduction, theoretical analysis and/or experimental description, results and discussion or conclusion, acknowledgments, references, etc.4) Encyclopedias(百科全书):An encyclopedia is a book or set of books dealing with every branch of knowledge, or with one particular branch, in alphabetical order.5) Periodicals(期刊):A periodical is a series of publications that appear at regular intervals.6) Special Documentation(特别文件):Special documentation refers to all the printed materials that are non-books or non-periodicals.3. Linguistic Features of Scientific Literature1) Stylistically(在文体上), literature is a kind of formal writing.2) Syntactically(在语句构成上), scientific literature has rigorous grammatical structures, andin most cases is rather unitary.3) Morphologically(在词法上), scientific literature is featured by high specialization, the useof technical terms and jargons, unambiguous implication and the fixed sense of the word.4) Besides, non-verbal language is also very popular in various literatures such as signs, formulas, charts, tables, photos, etc.4. Discussion4. How do you understand Mr. Yan’s three-word guide xin, da, ya ? What’s your opinion onthe principles or criteria of translation?Xin, da, ya namely, “faithfulness (信), expressiveness (达), and elegance (雅)”. The principles and criteria of translation are actually the two sides of the same coin. On the part of the translator, he or she should follow them while translating; whereas on the part of the reader or critic, he or she may use the principles and criteria to evaluate translation works.Accuracy (准确) and smoothness (流畅).5. What are literal translation(直译)and free translation(意译)? And what principles should a translator abide by in applying them?Literal translation means not to alter the original words and sentences. To keep the sentencesand style of the original .Free translation is an alternative approach which is used mainly to convey the meaning andspirit of the original without trying to reproduce its sentence patterns or figures of speech.In the application of literal translation, we should endeavor to rid ourselves of stiff patterns and rigid adherence to translation rules, trying to be flexible; while in the practice of free translation, we should be cautious of subjectivity, avoiding groundless affirmation or arbitrary fabrication.Unit 2 Professional Papers1. Definition of professional papersA professional paper is a typewritten paper in which professionals present their views and research findings on a chosen topic.2. Classification of professional papers1) Report Paper:The report paper summarizes and reports the findings of another on a particular subject.2) Research paper:A research paper can be intelligent, well informed, interesting, and original in its conclusions.3) Course Paper:Course papers are written after a specific course is learned or are designed at the end of a term, also called “term paper”.4) Thesis Paper:Unlike report papers, the thesis paper takes a definite stand on an issue. A thesis is a proposition or point of view that a writer or speaker is willing to argue against or defend.3. Linguistic Features of Professional Papers1) Formal Style(正式性):A professional paper deals with the study of some objective facts or problems, and the conclusion that is drawn should be based on relevant data, not on personal likes and dislikes. Generally speaking, formal writing sets an unusually high value on objectivity, meticulousness, accuracy, and restraint.2) Specialized Terms(专业性):The terms in professional papers are typically specialized.3) Rigid Sentence Structure(严谨的句式结构):The arguments in professional papers will be concisely and concretely.4) Formatted Elements(固定的内容格式):A complete professional paper usually has a regular format composed of the following elements: the title, author(s), affiliation(s), abstract, keywords, introduction, body of the paper (theoretical description including calculation, inference, reasoning, conclusion, etc. or experimental description including techniques, methods, materials, results and analysis, etc.), acknowledgments, appendices, references or bibliography, etc.5. Diction(1)This war is becoming the most important story of this generation.(event)这场战争将成为这一代人经历的最重大的事件。
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1.What are the general linguistic features of English academic writing?(10%)
A1:There are eight main features that are often discussed to represent the style of academic writing: complex, formal, objective, explicit,accurate, hedged, responsible and making reference to other writers’ work.
“Yes,” she said, “under the table.” Then: “Oh. I wanted it so much. I wanted a kitty.”
When she spoke English the maid’s face tightened.
“Come, Signora,” she said. “We must get back inside. You will be wet.”
A3:Generally speaking, the successful introduction of a paper should have the following four functions to facilitate the communication process.
introducing the subject; limiting the research scope; stating the general purpose; showing the writing arrangement.
------Excerpted from a short stห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ry by Hemingway
There is now widespread agreement that the changes now underway in the earth's climate system have no precedent in the history of human civilization (IPCC, 2007andStern, 2007). As a macro-driver of many kinds of environmental changes such as coastal erosion, declining precipitation and soil moisture, increased storm intensity, and species migration, climate change poses risks to human security (McCarthy,Canziani, Leary, Dokken, & White, 2001). In most parts of the world, the impacts of climate change on social–ecological systems will be experienced through both changes in mean conditions (such as temperature, sea-level, and annual precipitation) over long-time scales, but also through increases in the intensity and in some cases frequency of floods, droughts, storms and cyclones, fires, heatwaves, and epidemics. Outside of these short- and long-term changes, which are projected to occur with high levelsof certainty, there also exist somewhat more unquantifiable risks of high-impact events. These include melting of glaciers and permafrost which may add several meters to global sea-levels, collapse of the thermohaline circulation which may cause significant regional climate changes in the northern hemisphere, and large scale shifts in the Asian monsoon and the El Nino Southern Oscillation phenomenon (Oppenheimer andAlley, 2004,Vellinga and Wood, 2007andSchneider et al., 2007).
“I suppose so,” said the American girl.
They went back along the gravel path and passed in the door. The maid stayed outside to close the umbrella. As the American girl passed the office, the padrone bowed from his desk. Something felt very small and tight inside the girl. The padrone made her feel very small and at the same timereally important. She had a momentary feeling of being of supreme importance. She went on up the stairs. She opened the door of the room. George was on the bed, reading.
4. Revise the following abstract. (10%)
As we all know, water is life. In that, we cannot live without it. For some time now, the issue of our water system has become an important issue to focus on. There have been many water problems due to environmental degradations, such as water pollution. We must be aware of the importance of water in our society and the need to protect and prevent it from pollution. This paper introduces the survey of water resources in Zhenjiang, and then explains the sources and distribution of the major water pollution in the city. Through the data analysis of 5-years’ industrial water and living water, it points out the effectiveness of water pollution control of Zhenjiangand some problems that still needed to be resolved. Water pollution has a great effect on the social environment. The control strategies could be proposed to reduce water pollution and purify the environment, such as the consolidation of law system, the prevention and monitoring of water, the promotion of water-saving technologies, the introduction of processing technique and treatment of wastewater, etc.
2. Compare the stylistic features of the following two passages .(15%)
With the maid holding the umbrella over her, she walked along the gravel path until she was under their window. The table was there, washed bright green in the rain, but the cat was gone. She was suddenly disappointed. The maid looked up at her.
“Ha perduto qualque cosa, Signora? [Have you lost something, Madam?]”
“There was a cat,” said the? American girl.