FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTfor the supply of kit (goods and services only) Reference number: [ SW YY/CAP/???]FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTbetweenSCOTTISH WATERas Employerand_as SupplierTHIS AGREEMENT is made between:1. SCOTTISH WATER, a body corporate established under section 20 ofthe Water Industry (Scotland) Act 2002 and having its principal office atCastle House, 6 Castle Drive, Carnegie Campus, Dunfermline KY118GE (“The Employer”) and2. …………………. (Company Number) whose registered office is at(“The Supplier”)WHEREASThe Employer and Supplier wish to enter into a relationship whereby theEmployer may, as required, engage the Supplier to provide Work Packages,advice for a proposed Work Package or other associated matters from time totime.IT IS AGREED thatThe Employer and Supplier enter into a Framework Agreement details ofwhich are set out in the Agreement Data and the Framework Information onthe terms set out in the NEC3 Framework Contract (June 2005) togetherwith the Additions and Amendments to Conditions of Framework Agreement.This Agreement shall commence on the date of the last signing party of this Agreement.IN WITNESS WHEREOF: these present on this page together with thedocuments referred to above are executed as follows:SUBSCRIBED for and on behalf of EmployerAt…………………………………….on the………………………………………day of 201[ ]by ................................................ Director/Company Secretary/Authorised Signatory ................................................ Full Name ................................................before this Witness................................................ Witness ................................................ Full Name ................................................ ................................................ Address ................................................ ................................................SUBSCRIBED for and on behalf of Supplier At……………………………………..on the day……………………………………….of 201[ ]by ................................................ Director/Company Secretary/Authorised Signatory ................................................ Full Name ................................................before this Witness................................................ Witness ................................................ Full Name ................................................ ................................................ Address ................................................AGREEMENT DATAPart One - Data Provided by the EmployerThe Data which will apply to all work under the Framework Agreement is;▪The conditions of this Agreement are the Clauses of the NEC3 Framework Contract (June 2005) and Z Clauses, incorporating the Additions and Amendments to Conditions of Framework Agreement.▪The Employer is;Name SCOTTISH WATERAddress Castle HouseCarnegie CampusDunfermlineFife KY11 8GEOthers are specified in the Approved List contained in Appendix One.The Employer’s (or Others) Framework Manager isNameAddress SCOTTISH WATERWatermarkAlba CentreLivingstonEH54 7HH▪The Supplier’s Framework Manager isNameAddressThe Framework Information is in the document titled Framework Information accompanying the Framework Agreement.The Scope is the supply of goods and services including where applicable, without limitation, equipment, plant, materials, including installation and commissioning and the production of associated documentation. The scope is further detailed in the Framework Information.The agreement award guidance is in the Framework Information▪The quotation procedure is the provision of a quotation by the Supplier for the cost of the Work Package or Time Charge Order. The quotation information shall be the Pricing Models in the Framework Information wherever possible.▪The commencement date is the date of signing the Framework Agreement by the last signing party.▪The end date is xxxxxx after the commencement date with a further xxx extensions if the Employer chooses to extend the FrameworkAgreement.If Option Z is used▪The additional conditions of this Agreement are:Z Clause DescriptionZ1 Additional DefinitionsZ2 Award of agreementsZ3 Changes to Framework InformationZ4 Best ValueZ5 Client Direct AgreementZ6 ConfidentialityZ7 Dispute Resolution ProcedureZ8 Entire AgreementZ9 Financial InformationZ10 Supplier DevelopmentZ11 InsuranceZ12 Mandatory Use of Framework Agreements Z13 No Guarantee of WorkZ14 No LiabilityZ15 Parent Company GuaranteeZ16 Performance MeasurementZ17 PersonnelZ18 Quality AssuranceZ19 SparesZ20 Standards and SpecificationsZ21 Volume RebateZ22 No AssignationZ23 WarrantyZ24 Health and SafetyZ25 Set OffZ26 Limits of LiabilityZ27 Corrupt PracticesZ28 Data SecurityThe Data which will apply to all Time Charge Orders is:The Agreement Data Part One entries from the NEC3 Professional Services Contract.The Data which will apply to all Package Orders is:The Agreement Data entries from the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract.Part Two - Data Provided by the SupplierThe Data which will apply to all work under the Framework Agreement is;The Supplier is;NameAddressThe Data which will apply to all Time Charge Orders is:The Agreement Data Part Two entries from the NEC3 Professional Services Contract.The Data which will apply to all Package Orders is:The Agreement Data entries from the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract.ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO CONDITIONS OF FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTAdditional and Amended ClausesThe conditions of Framework Agreement are the Clauses of the NEC3 Framework Contract (June 2005) as amended by these Additions and Amendments to the Conditions of Framework Agreement. AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING CLAUSESIdentified andDefined Terms1111.2(2) 11.2(4)Delete sub-clause 11.2(2) and replace with:“Framework Information is inform ation which specifies how the Parties and Others work together and is in the document which the Agreement Data states it is in.”Add the following at the end of clause 11.2(4) after ‘Package’:“and includes for the avoidance of doubt the following options:(a) NEC3 Engineering and Construction ShortContract (as amended) (hereinafter the“NEC3 Short Contract”); or(b) Purchase Order (as defined in 11.2(8)).The applicable option(s) shall be contained in the Framework Information”.11.2(6) 11.2(7)Insert a new sub-clause 11.2(6) as follows: Others means the people or organisations engaged by the Employer (or those acting on the Employer’s behalf) to carry out activities on behalf of the Employer as listed in the Approved List as amend ed from time to time.”11.2(8)Insert a new sub-clause 11.2(7) as follows: Where an NEC3 Short Contract or Purchase Order (defined in 11.2(8) below) is issued, and there is a conflict between its terms or conditions and the agreement including these conditions of contract, the agreement including these conditions of agreement shall take precedence over, and shall apply instead of, the terms and conditions of the NEC3 Short Contract or Purchase order. Subject to the preceding sentence, in respect of matters not expressly drafted for in the agreement including these conditions of contract, the NEC3 Short Contract or Purchase Order shall take precedence over the agreement including these conditions of contract.The Employer, acting reasonably, shall resolve any ambiguities or inconsistencies arising between the agreement including these conditions of contract and the NEC3 Short Contract or Purchase Order.Insert a new sub-clause 11.2(8) as follows:A Purchase Order is an instruction issued by the Employer to the Supplier to carry out a Work Package other than the NEC3 Short Contract, the terms and conditions of which shall be either, Scottish Water’s Conditions of Contract for the Purchase of Goods and Services contained in Section 6 of the Framework Information or where the Supplier and its sub-contractor agrees, an alternative set of terms and conditions (including those of one of the Others) (the “Alternative Terms and Conditions”) provided that in all cases, whatever terms and conditions are used, the provisions of clause 21.4 of the NEC3 Short Contract and clause 8 of Scottish Water’s Conditions of Contract for the Purchase of Goods and Services, shall be applicable to all PurchaseOrders and any inconsistent provisions of theAlternative Terms and Conditions with the saidclauses of 21.4 and 8, shall to that extent beinapplicable.The Parties’20Obligations20.1Delete sub-clause 20.1 and replace it with:“When the Employer or Others require(s) workto be carried out within the scope, they considerthe agreement allocation guidance and allocatethat work to the supplier of their choice”.20.2In sub-clause 20.2, insert the following additionaltext after “Employer”:“or Others”20.3In sub-clause 20.3, insert the following additionaltext after “Framework Information”:“and Package Orders”Time Charge Order2121.1Delete sub-clause 21.1 and replace with:“If the Employer or Others require(s) advice fromthe Supplier for a proposed Work Package orother matters associated with the scope, theEmployer or Others issues a Time Charge Orderto the Supplier.”Package Order2222.1Delete sub-clause 22.1 and replace with:“If the Employer or Others require(s) a WorkPackage to be carried out, the Employer orOthers may instruct the Supplier to submit aquotation for a proposed Work Package andprovide(s) the additional Contract Data specific tothe Work Package.”22.2Delete sub-clause 22.2 and replace with:“The Supplier submits a quotation inaccordance with the quotation procedure. TheSupplier submits details of his assessment withthe quotation. The assessment is made using thequotation information. The Employer or Othersreplies(y) to the submission within one week ofreceiving the quotation. The Employer’s orOthers’ reply is- issue of a Package Order accepting thequotation,- an instruction to submit a revised quotationor- a notification with reasons, which mayinclude (but are not be limited to) reasons oftime, cost or quality, that the proposedPackage Order will not be issued to theSupplier.”22.3Delete sub-clause 22.3 and replace with:“If a quotation is to be revised, the Employer orOthers advise(s) the Supplier of the reasons fornot accepting the quotation and the Suppliersubmits a revised quotation within one week ofreceiving the Employer’s or Others’reply.”Completion3030.1In sub-clause 30.1, insert the following additionaltext after “Employer”;“or Others”Termination9090.2Delete sub-clause 90.2, bullet points 1 and 2and replace with:-“the Employer or Others may not issue aTime Charge Order or Package Order, and- the Supplier complies with instructions tosubmit quotations or revised quotationsand completes time charge work and WorkPackages ordered before the notification.” Z CLAUSESAdd the following additional Conditions of Contract as Z Clauses.OPTION Z: Additional Conditions of Framework AgreementFor the avoidance of doubt, the Z clauses shall be applicable to the Framework Agreement and where applicable, the Short Contract.Z1AdditionaldefinitionsZ1.1Approved List means the list referred to in sub-clause 11.2(6) and set out in Appendix 1.In relation to the NEC3 Short Contract, unless thecontext otherwise requires, the following terms shallhave the following meaning:Client means Scottish Water;Commissioning means without limitation, allprocedures, steps, checks, tests and actionsrequired to be performed by the Supplier as specifiedin the Works Information of the NEC3 ShortContract.Good Industry Practice means using standards,practices, methods and procedures conforming toLaw, and exercising that degree of skill and care,diligence, prudence and foresight which wouldreasonably and ordinarily be expected from a skilledand experienced person engaged in the same type ofundertaking as that to which each subcontractworks relates under the same or similar circumstances to those in which each subcontract works is provided;Goods means any goods, articles or materials supplied or to be supplied as specified in the Works Information of the NEC3 Short Contract.Government means either the Scottish Executive and/or the Government of the United Kingdom;Intellectual Property Rights means all intellectual property rights (including patents, trade marks, designs, design rights, copyright, inventions, trade secrets, know-how, and confidential information) and all applications for protection of any of the same;Law means(a) Any applicable statute or proclamation or any delegated or subordinate legislation in force in Scotland;(b) Any enforceable community right within the meaning of Section 2(1) of the European Communities Act 1972 in force in Scotland; and (c) Any applicable judgement of a relevant court of law which is a binding precedent in Scotland;Personal Data means personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998 which is supplied by one Party to the other Party pursuant to this Agreement;Scottish Water means Scottish Water, a body corporate established under Section 20 of the WaterIndustry (Scotland) Act 2002 and having itsprincipal office at Castle House, 6 Castle Drive,Carnegie Camps, Dunfermline KY11 8GE;Services means any services including installation orCommissioning to be supplied as specified in theWorks Information of the NEC3 Short Contract .Water Industry Commissioner (WIC)means theperson so appointed under the Water Industry(Scotland) Act 2002;WIC Reporting Requirements means therequirements from time to time for the provision ofinformation by the Client to the WIC; andWorking Day means a day (other than a Saturday orSunday) on which banks are open for domesticbusiness in Scotland.Award of agreements Z2Z2.1This Framework Agreement enables Work Packages,Package Orders, Time Charge Orders and PurchaseOrders to be awarded by the Employer or any of theOthers listed on the Approved List.Z2.2When a Work Package, Package Order or TimeCharge Order is awarded, the Supplier shall enterinto a subcontract with the party awarding the WorkPackage, Package Order or Time Charge Order in theform set out in the Framework Information unlessthe Supplier and the party awarding the WorkPackage, Package Order or Time Charge Orderconsiders an alternative form of contract to be moreappropriate.Z2.3When a Purchase Order is awarded the Suppliershall enter into a contract with the party awardingthe Purchase Order under the conditions of contractfor the Purchase of Goods and Services set out in theFramework Information, unless the Supplier and theparty awarding the Purchase Order considers an alternative form of contract to be more appropriate. The form of Purchase Order is not defined in this Agreement.Changes to Framework Information Z3The Framework Information may be changed with the agreement of both Parties.With the agreement of both Parties, the FrameworkInformation may be updated to include productssupplied by the Supplier or used by the Employer orOthers which are not currently in the FrameworkInformation but fall within the scope.Best Value Z4Z4.1The Employer and Supplier will act with Others andwith each other in a spirit of mutual trust and co-operation to provide Best Value.Best Value shall include, but not be limited to“least whole life cost”, an express requirement ofthe Standards and Specifications.Client DirectAgreementZ5Z5.1The Supplier shall execute and deliver to theEmployer a Client Direct Agreement which shall bein the form contained in Schedule 1.Z5.2Where required in the Works Information applicableto any Work Package, the Supplier shall ensure thata subcontractor appointed by the Supplier shall,immediately upon his appointment, execute infavour of the Employer a warranty in terms mutatismutandis of the Client Direct Agreement appendedat Schedule 1 (or such other form as the Employerapproves).Confidentiality Z6Z6.1This Framework Agreement and any Package Ordersor Time Charge Orders entered into in terms of thisFramework Agreement, the subject matter thereofand any samples and information supplied by theEmployer and relating in any way to theEmployer’s business shall be used for the exclusivepurposes of performing this Framework Agreementor providing a Work Package or advice on a proposedWork Package and should be treated as and keptconfidential by the Supplier who shall not disclose itor any details thereof for any purpose whatsoever(including advertising, display or publication)without the Employer’s prior consent in writing.Z6.2The Employer may disclose information provided bythe Supplier in compliance with the Freedom ofInformation (Scotland) Act 2002 (“FOISA”) or theEnvironmental Information (Scotland) Regulations2004 (“EIRS”) (the decision of the Employer inrelation to their obligations under this legislationshall be final and conclusive), any other law or as aconsequence of an order by any court or tribunalwith the authority to order disclosure. Whendisclosing such information it is accepted by theSupplier that the Employer is unable to impose anyrestriction upon the information it provides and thatsuch disclosure shall not be a breach of theAgreement.The Supplier acknowledges that the Employer(a) is subject to FOISA and the EIRS;(b) may require to disclose information withoutconsulting with the Supplier;(c) shall be responsible for determining at itsabsolute discretion whether any informationheld by it is exempt from disclosure inaccordance with the requirements of FOISA orEIRS or is to be disclosed in response to arequest for information.Dispute ResolutionProcedureZ7Referral to Framework Managers Z7.1Prior to commencement of Referral to Senior Officers proceedings referred to in sub-clause Z7.2, eachParty may refer any dispute or difference arising outof this Framework Agreement to a joint meeting ofFramework Managers from the Employer or Othersand the Supplier, such Framework Managers to benominated from time to time by the Employer andthe Supplier. Each Framework Manager shall berequired to act in good faith in resolving the disputeor difference in question and in accordance with theEscalation Procedure defined in the FrameworkInformation.Referral to Senior Officers Z7.2Each Party may refer any dispute or difference arising out of this Framework Agreement to a jointmeeting of a senior officer from the Employer orOthers and the Supplier, such senior officers to benominated from time to time by the Employer andthe Supplier. Each senior officer shall be required toact in good faith in resolving the dispute ordisagreement in question.Entire Agreement Z8Z8.1This Framework Agreement supersedes any previousagreement between the Parties in relation to mattersdealt with herein and represents the entireunderstanding between the parties in relationthereto.FinancialInformationZ9Z9.1Prior to and throughout the duration of theFramework Agreement, the Employer requires theSupplier to produce a copy of its annual accounts orequivalent.Z9.2The Supplier shall provide the Employer and/ orScottish Water Solutions Limited and/or newlyappointed In House Delivery Partners with regularcommercial records, reports, data and informationon all Package Orders and Time Charge Ordersdelivered under this Framework Agreement in sucha manner as to enable the Employer to carry out aneffective financial audit of the Framework Agreementand all contracts entered into. The Employer or anyauditing firm appointed by the Employer may carryout an audit of these records at any reasonable timeuntil 12 months after the expiry or termination ofthis Framework Agreement.Z10SupplierDevelopmentZ10.1The Employer will operate and the Supplier willparticipate in the Supplier Development programmesdescribed in the Framework Information. Insurance Z11Z11.1The Supplier shall be obliged to provide the followinginsurances irrespective of whether the NEC3 ShortContract or the Purchase Order is used:(a) Employer’s liability insurance in accordancewith the legal requirement in force from timeto time for the duration of the agreement;(b) Public liability insurance to a minimum limitof indemnity or cover at £[I NSERT] for [theduration of the contract OR INSERT what theSupplier agrees in relation to period];(c) Product Liability insurance to a minimumlimit of indemnity or cover at £[INSERT] OR toa minimum of the value of the NEC3 ShortContract or Purchase Order [for the durationof the agreement OR INSERT what theSupplier agrees in relation to the period ;(d) Professional Indemnity insurance to aminimum limit of indemnity or cover at£[INSERT] [for the duraction of the agreementOR INSERT what the Supplier agrees inrelation to period][NOTE: CONSIDER WHICH INSURANCES AREAPPROPRIATE; (a) to (c) should be universallyprovided, (d) should be required where design orconsultancy/professional services are beingprovided. DELETE AS APPROPRIATE.THE LEVELS AND WHAT T HE SUPPLIER’SMARKET CAN OBTAIN COMMERCIALLY. SOMEORGANISATIONS ONLY PURCHASE INSURANCEANNUALLY AND SO CANNOT COMMIT TOHAVING AN INSURANCE IN PLACE FOR THETERM OF THE CONTRACT.This should be dealt with specifically on acontract by contract basis with input from legalas appropriate]Z12Mandatory Use ofFrameworkAgreementsZ12.1Scottish Water, the Employer,intends to enter orhas entered into framework agreements with anumber of suppliers for the provision of materials,services and labour.Z12.2The Supplier shall to the extent permitted under theframework agreements obtain:▪items of plant and materials;▪services; or▪equipment;for Work Packages from the appropriate supplierlisted unless permission has been obtained from theEmployer for the Supplier to procure items of plant,materials, services and equipment from anothersource.Z12.3 A list of the framework agreements entered into bythe Employer will be provided by the Employer to theSupplie r if requested by the Supplier to do so.Z13No Guarantee ofWorkZ13.1This Framework Agreement does not constitute acommitment to award any level of business andshall not be an exclusive arrangement between theEmployer and the Supplier either as to the contractsentered into or as to the Employer being bound tooffer subcontracts to the Supplier in preference tosubcontracts to any other supplier.No Liability Z14Z14.1If the Package Order or Time Charge Order isawarded by Others, Others shall be solelyresponsible for all of its obligations and actionsunder the Package Order or Time Charge Orderincluding payment and no liability shall attach tothe Employer or any other party save as expresslyprovided for.Parent CompanyZ15GuaranteeZ15.1The Employer may require the Supplier to provide aParent Company Guarantee. The Supplier willsubmit a Parent Company Guarantee in favour ofthe Employer as appropriate in terms of the draftParent Company Guarantees, in Schedule 2 when sorequired.Where the Employer requires a Parent CompanyGuarantee, it shall be fully executed.Z16PerformanceMeasurementZ16.1The Employer will collect and monitor data in orderto manage the performance of the Supplier asdetailed in the Framework Information.Personnel Z17Z17.1Each Party shall nominate a Framework Manager toadminister the Framework Agreement and be theother Party’s main point of contact for all mattersrelating to the Framework Agreement, as furtherdescribed in the Framework Information.The Framework Manager for the Employer shall beeither an employee of the Employer or a secondedrepresentative of Scottish Water Solutions Limited ora seconded representative of a newly appointed InHouse Delivery Partners.The Framework Manager for the Supplier shall be anemployee of the Supplier.Z17.2The Framework Managers shall act as a first point ofcontact in the event of any dispute or differencearising out of this Framework Agreement.Z17.3Both Parties will use all reasonable endeavours tomaintain continuity of key personnel involved in theadministration of this Framework Agreement. Anychanges in key personnel shall be promptly notifiedto the other party.Quality Assurance Z18Z18.1The Supplier shall operate a Quality AssuranceSystem which complies with ISO 9002 or anequivalent system which has been approved by theEmployer.Spares Z19Z1.19.1Spares, consumables and specialist tools shall berecommended by the Supplier, supplied and storedall in accordance with clause Z20, Standards andSpecifications Issue 4.0, clause 501.31.1 Spares andConsumables, Spares and consumables matrix.Z20Standards andSpecificationsZ20.1Work Packages shall be performed in accordancewith the Standards and Specifications. TheStandards and Specifications are:-The Scottish Water Standards and SpecificationsIssue 4.0- Any additional Standards and Specificationslisted in the Framework InformationIt is the Supplier’s responsibility to ensure that hehas, and complies with, correct versions of theScottish Water Standards and Specifications.Volume Rebate Z21Z21.1The Supplier will pay to the Employer a VolumeRebate calculated in accordance with the FrameworkInformation.No Assignation Z22Z22.1The Supplier may not assign the benefit of thisFramework Agreement to a third party.Warranty Z23Z23.1 The Supplier warrants that the Goods shallconform to the Package Order, are of goodmaterial and workmanship, are free fromdefects, are of satisfactory quality and are fitfor purpose for which such Goods areordinarily used and for any particular purposemade known to the Contractor by SW. Inaddition, the Contractor warrants that theGoods shall be free from any liens andencumbrances.Z23.2 In relation to any service that requires to be provided by the Supplier under a PackageOrder, the Supplier warrants that the servicesupplied shall conform in all respects with thespecification in the Package Order. In addition,the Supplier warrants that it shall dischargeits obligations under a Package Order with alldue skill, care and diligence including but notlimited to Good Industry Practice and that allobligations of the Supplier pursuant to thePackage Order and service shall be performedand rendered by appropriately experienced,qualified and trained staff.Z23.3 The warranty given under clause Z23.1 shall be in effect for a period of two (2) years after:(a) the date of acceptance of the Goods by theEmployer where the Employer’s Conditionsof Contract for the Purchase of Goods andServices are used; or(b) the date of delivery of the Goods where anNEC3 Short Contract (as amended) is used;and this and any additional warranties andguarantees given to the Employer by theSupplier shall survive inspection, test,acceptance and payment, and shall benefit theEmployer, its successors, assignees andcustomers. Without prejudice to any rights theEmployer may have under statute, commonlaw or otherwise the Supplier shall withinseven (7) calendar days of notification by theEmployer repair or replace any part of theGoods which is or becomes defective duringthe period of two (2) years from the date ofacceptance. The Employer shall providereasonable assistance to the Supplier inrespect of any repair or replacement workrequired to be done by the Supplier.。
外贸框架合同英文模版As an international trade agreement, a framework contract is an essential document for companies engaged in foreign trade. It serves as a guide for the business relationship between the buyer and seller, outlining the terms and conditions that will govern their transactions. 外贸框架合同作为一种国际贸易协议,是从事外贸的公司必备的重要文件。
The framework contract typically includes provisions on pricing, payment terms, delivery, quality control, and dispute resolution mechanisms. These clauses help to mitigate risk and establish a clear understanding between the parties involved in the trade. 框架合同通常包括有关定价、付款条件、交货、质量控制和争端解决机制的条款。
When drafting a framework contract in English, it is essential to ensure that the terms are clear and unambiguous. Ambiguity in the language used can lead to misunderstandings and potential disputes down the line. 在英文起草框架合同时,确保条款清晰明了是至关重要的。
Strategic Co-operation Agreement战略合作框架协议This Strategic Co-operational Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and effective the [January 1st , 2017] 本战略合作框架协议(以下简称“协议”)于[2017年XX月XX日]签订并生效BETWEEN: XXXXXXXX (the “Party A”), a corporation organized andexisting under the laws of the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, with its head office located at: [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]AND: ICRAFT., LTD (the “Party B”), a corporation organized an dexisting under the laws of the REPUBLIC OF KOREA, with its head office located at:[12F DOOSAN B/D 105-7, Nonhyeon-dong, Seoul, KOREA]签订协议的一方[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX](以下简称“甲方”),一家依据中华人民共和国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX另一方:爱工艺(韩国)股份有限公司(以下简称“乙方”),一家依据大韩民国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:[韩国首尔市,江南区,论岘洞105-7 斗山大厦12F]In consideration of the terms and covenants of this agreement, and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:鉴于本协议所含之相互约定和承诺,订约双方协议如下:1. RECUTALSa. Both parties desire to join together for the pursuit of common business goals.b. Both parties have considered various forms of joint business enterprises for their business.c. Both parties desire to enter into a co-operation agreement as the most advantageous business formfor their mutual purpose.一.事实陈述a. 合作双方欲联合起来追求共同所需的商业目标。
购销合同FRAME CONTRACT AGREEMENT合同编号:Contract No. :BETWEENThe Buyer甲方:公司Tel:Fax:The Supplier乙方:公司Tel:经甲、乙双方相互交流,友好协商,本着诚实,守信的原则达成本合同条款,以供双方共同遵守。
Following friendly discussions and based on the principle of mutual interest, the Buyer agrees to purchase from the supplier the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below.I General terms of Purchasing1.订单发出:以此采购条款为依据发出的我公司的书面订单才具有法律约束力。
1.Issue of orders:Our orders shall only be legally binding when issued in writing on the basis of these purchasing conditions. Different conditions contained in the order acceptance shall only be legally valid if we approve these differences in writing. The acceptance of the order or the delivery shall indicate that the supplier has recognized these purchasing conditions. The parties undertake to confirm forthwith any particular verbal agreement in writing.2.接受订单供应商收到订单后必须在2个工作日内以书面形式确认,除非具体合同中规定了其它条款。
20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX国际2024年合作框架合同中英文版版本合同目录一览第一条定义与解释1.1 合同术语1.2 适用法律第二条合作目标2.1 合作领域2.2 合作期限第三条合作内容3.1 资源共享3.2 技术交流3.3 市场开拓第四条责任与义务4.1 双方责任4.2 违约责任第五条权利与利益5.1 知识产权5.2 经济利益第六条保密条款6.1 保密信息6.2 保密期限第七条争议解决7.1 协商解决7.2 第三方调解7.3 法律诉讼第八条合同的生效、变更与终止8.1 生效条件8.2 合同变更8.3 合同终止第九条一般条款9.1 通知与送达9.2 合同的份数9.3 语言第十条税收10.1 税收责任10.2 税收抵免第十一条强制性规定11.1 符合法律法规11.2 不得违反强制性规定第十二条合同的签署与生效12.1 签署程序12.2 生效日期第十三条附则13.1 名词解释13.2 补充协议第十四条完整协议14.1 取代先前协议14.2 修改与补充第一部分:合同如下:第一条定义与解释1.1 合同术语1.1.1 本合同:指由双方签署的,关于国际2024年合作框架的合同。
1.1.2 双方:指参与本合同的各方,具体名称在合同首页注明。
1.1.3 合作领域:指本合同约定的合作范围,包括但不限于技术研发、市场推广、资源共享等。
1.1.4 合作期限:指本合同约定的合作开始和结束的时间,具体日期在合同第一条注明。
1.1.5 资源共享:指双方在合作过程中,根据约定共享的技术、信息、资源等。
1.1.6 技术交流:指双方在合作过程中,进行的技术讨论、培训、参观等活动。
1.1.7 市场开拓:指双方在合作过程中,共同开发新市场、推广产品等活动。
1.1.8 保密信息:指本合同签订过程中及合作过程中双方泄露的、不为公众所知的商业秘密、技术秘密等。
1.1.9 第三方:指本合同双方以外的其他个人或组织。
合作框架协议Cooperation Framework Agreement甲方: ____________________Party A: ____________________乙方: ____________________Party B: ____________________鉴于甲方和乙方均愿意在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则下,开展合作,共同实现互利共赢,特订立本合作框架协议。
Whereas Party A and Party B are both willing to carry out cooperation on the principles of equality, voluntariness, fairness, and good faith, in order to achieve mutual benefits and win-win results, this Cooperation Framework Agreement is hereby established.第一条合作宗旨1.1 本协议旨在明确甲方和乙方在合作过程中的权利、义务和责任,规范双方的合作行为,确保合作项目的顺利进行。
1.2 The purpose of this Agreement is to specify the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of Party A and Party B during the cooperation process, standardize their cooperative behaviors, and ensure the smooth progress of the cooperative project.第二条合作范围2.1 甲方和乙方同意在以下领域开展合作:(1)技术研发与创新;(2)市场拓展与销售;(3)人才培养与交流;(4)资源共享与优化;(5)其他双方约定的领域。
合同的中文与英文版本对照Contract Chinese-English Version Comparison协议书/合同编号:[编号]Agreement/Contract Number: [Number]甲方:[甲方名称]Party A: [Name of Party A]乙方:[乙方名称]Party B: [Name of Party B]一、目的1. Purpose根据甲乙双方当事人的协商一致,为了明确各自的权益和义务,双方达成如下统一意见,以便达成本协议。
In accordance with the mutual agreement of the Parties, in order to clarify respective rights and obligations, the Parties have reached the following unanimous agreement for the purpose of this Agreement.二、合同内容2. Contractual Content根据双方协商,本合同约定以下条款:In accordance with mutual negotiations, this Contract stipulates the following terms:2.1 合同目的和范围2.1 Purpose and Scope of Contract甲方同意向乙方提供如下服务:[具体服务内容]Party A agrees to provide the following services to Party B: [Specific details of services]2.2 合同期限和终止2.2 Duration and Termination of Contract本合同自[date]起生效,至[date]止,双方可以书面协商决定是否延期。
购销合同FRAME CONTRACT AGREEMENT合同编号:Contract No. :BETWEENThe Buyer甲方:公司Tel:Fax:The Supplier乙方:公司Tel:经甲、乙双方相互交流,友好协商,本着诚实,守信的原则达成本合同条款,以供双方共同遵守。
Following friendly discussions and based on the principle of mutual interest, the Buyer agrees to purchase from the supplier the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below.I General terms of Purchasing1.订单发出:以此采购条款为依据发出的我公司的书面订单才具有法律约束力。
1.Issue of orders:Our orders shall only be legally binding when issued in writing on the basis of these purchasing conditions. Different conditions contained in the order acceptance shall only be legally valid if we approve these differences in writing. The acceptance of the order or the delivery shall indicate that the supplier has recognized these purchasing conditions. The parties undertake to confirm forthwith any particular verbal agreement in writing.2.接受订单kY28796 707C 灼332006 7D06 紆38704 9730 霰20928 51C0 净33708 83AC 莬供应商收到订单后必须在2个工作日内以书面形式确认,除非具体合同中规定了其它条款。
框架合同中英文范本模板English:This Framework Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into on [Date], by and between [Company Name], a company incorporated under the laws of [Country], having its registered office at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Party A") and [Company Name], a company incorporated under the laws of [Country], having its registered office at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Party B"). Party A and Party B are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties". This Contract sets forth the terms and conditions governing the overall relationship between Party A and Party B for the provision of goods and/or services to each other in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.Translated content:本框架合同(“合同”)由[公司名称](以下简称“甲方”)和[公司名称](以下简称“乙方”)于[日期]签署,该公司根据[国家]法律成立,注册地址位于[地址]。
框架合同英文模板《框架合同》Contract Date:This Framework Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of Contract Date ("Effective Date") by and between Party A and Party B (each a "Party" and together the "Parties").1. SCOPE OF AGREEMENT1.1 Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, Party A agrees to provide, and Party B agrees to purchase from Party A, the products and/or services described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Products").1.2 The Parties agree that this Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated as provided in Section 10 below (the "Term").2. ORDER PROCESSING AND DELIVERY2.1 Party B shall submit purchase orders ("Orders") to Party A in writing or by electronic means, which shall specify the Products ordered, quantities, delivery dates, and any other terms and conditions applicable to such Orders.2.2 Party A shall confirm acceptance of each Order within a reasonable time after receipt thereof, and shall provide Party B with a delivery schedule for the Products specified in such Order.2.3 Party A shall use reasonable commercial efforts to deliver the Products to Party B on or before the delivery dates set forth in the delivery schedule, except for causes beyond its reasonable control.3. PRICE AND PAYMENT TERMS3.1 The purchase price for the Products shall be as set forth in Exhibit A.3.2 Party B shall make payment for the Products in accordance with the payment terms set forth in Exhibit A.4. WARRANTY4.1 Party A warrants that the Products conform to the specifications set forth in Exhibit A and are free from defects in materials and workmanship.4.2 The foregoing warranty is exclusive and Party A disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.5. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY5.1 Party A shall retain all right, title, and interest in and to all intellectual property rights in the Products, including without limitation all patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.5.2 Party B shall not use, reproduce, or distribute any of the Products in a manner that would infringe upon Party A's intellectual property rights.6. TERMINATION6.1 Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other Party if the other Party commits a material breach of any term or condition of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within 30 days after receipt of written notice thereof from the terminating Party.6.2 This Agreement may also be terminated by either Party upon written notice to the other Party if the other Party files for bankruptcy, becomes insolvent, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors.7. CONFIDENTIALITY7.1 The Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and any other confidential information exchanged between the Parties in connection with the Products, except to the extent such information is required to be disclosed by law or by a court of competent jurisdiction.8. INDEMNIFICATION8.1 Party A shall indemnify, defend, and hold Party B harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, and costs (including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or resulting from any breach of this Agreement by Party A.8.2 Party B shall indemnify, defend, and hold Party A harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, and costs (including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or resulting from any breach of this Agreement by Party B.9. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction of Party A, without regard to its conflict of laws principles.9.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by arbitrationin accordance with the rules of the [insert name of arbitration institution], and the decision of the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding upon the Parties.10. MISCELLANEOUS10.1 This Agreement may not be assigned by either Party without the prior written consent of the other Party.10.2 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether oral or written, of the Parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties。
20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX国际2024年合作框架合同中英文版版本合同目录一览1. 合作范围和目标1.1 合作项目的范围1.2 合作项目的目标2. 合作期限2.1 合作开始日期2.2 合作结束日期3. 合作双方的权利和义务3.1 合作双方的权利3.2 合作双方的义务4. 技术交流与转让4.1 技术交流的内容4.2 技术转让的条件5. 财务与资金5.1 财务预算5.2 资金支付方式6. 风险管理与保险6.1 风险管理措施6.2 保险责任与保险费用7. 争议解决7.1 争议解决方式7.2 争议解决的时间限制8. 合同的生效、变更与终止8.1 合同生效的条件8.2 合同变更的条件8.3 合同终止的条件9. 合同的适用法律与管辖法院9.1 适用法律9.2 管辖法院10. 保密条款10.1 保密信息的定义10.2 保密信息的保护措施11. 知识产权11.1 知识产权的保护11.2 知识产权的归属12. 信息与沟通12.1 信息交流的方式12.2 沟通机制的建立13. 违约责任13.1 违约行为的界定13.2 违约责任的具体措施14. 其他条款14.1 合同的翻译与版本14.2 合同的附件与补充协议第一部分:合同如下:1. 合作范围和目标1.1 合作项目的范围1.2 合作项目的目标2. 合作期限2.1 合作开始日期合作项目的开始日期为:(具体日期)2.2 合作结束日期合作项目的结束日期为:(具体日期)3. 合作双方的权利和义务3.1 合作双方的权利(在此详细列举合作双方在合作期间所享有的权利,如技术使用权、市场开发权、研究成果共享权等)3.2 合作双方的义务(在此详细列举合作双方在合作期间应承担的义务,如提供技术支持、共同进行研发、共享研发成果等)4. 技术交流与转让4.1 技术交流的内容(在此详细列举技术交流的具体内容,如技术研讨会、技术培训、共同研发等)4.2 技术转让的条件(在此详细列举技术转让的条件,如技术成熟度、转让方式、转让费用等)5. 财务与资金5.1 财务预算(在此详细列举合作项目的财务预算,包括各项费用的预算、预算的调整方式等)5.2 资金支付方式(在此详细列举资金支付的方式,如预付款、进度付款、验收付款等)6. 风险管理与保险6.1 风险管理措施(在此详细列举合作项目中应采取的风险管理措施,如风险评估、风险预警、风险应对等)6.2 保险责任与保险费用(在此详细列举合作项目中各方应承担的保险责任、保险费用承担方式等)8. 合同的生效、变更与终止8.1 合同生效的条件本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
A Co., Ltd.AndB Co.,Ltd有限公司和有限公司框架合同目录Table of Contents1.Definition and interpretation of terms 定义和术语解释 (4)2.Contract and Appendices 合同及其附件 (8)3.Contract Duration 合同有效期 (9)4.Scope and Nature of the Contract 合同范围和性质 (9)5.Offer, base orders and variation orders报价\基本订单及变更订单 (10)6.Prices合同价格 (10)7.Terms of Payment付款条款 (10)8.Product requirements产品要求 (11)9.Documentation文件 (11)10.Technical specification & Drawing技术规格、图纸 (11)11.Delivery 交付 (11)12.Packing and Marking of Contract Goods合同产品的包装和唛头(标注) (12)13.Quality and Standards 质量和标准 (12)14.Quality Assurance System质量保证体系 (12)15.Type test and routine test certificates 型式试验和例行试验报告 (14)16.Liability for Defects缺陷责任 (14)17.Systematic Failure Warranty 系统故障保证 (16)18.Warranty Period 质保期 (17)19.Spare Parts备件 (17)20.Warranty Spares 质保备件 (17)21.Liquidated Damages违约金 (17)22.Confidential Information 保密信息 (21)23.Intellectual Property Rights IPR 知识产权 (22)24.Changes变更 (22)25.Options 选项 (23)26.Transfer of Contract 合同转让 (23)27.Disputes and Cancellation of Contract分歧与合同解除 (24)28.Dispute Resolution纠纷的解决 (25)erning Law准据法 (25)30.General 总则 (25)31.Import/Export restrictions进出口限制 (26)C Approval CCC认证 (26)33.Contract Wordings 合同语言 (26)34.Contact Person联系人 (26)35.Publicity公开宣传 (27)36.Approval of Contract 合同的批准 (27)Appendix 1. Base order附件1 基本订单1.1 Description, qty, prices and total value of Contract Goods合同产品的品名、数量、单价和总价1.2 Technical specifications & drawings of Contract Goods合同产品的技术规格和图纸1.3 Deliveries交付1.4 Payment terms付款条件1.5 Project specific terms项目特殊条款1.6 Other terms and conditions其余条款Appendix 2 Variation Request/Offer/Order变更请求/变更报价/变更订单Appendix 3 Contact & Address of B and SUPPLIERB和供应商联系人的地址Appendix 4 Annual Price Agreement (if any)年度价格协议(如果有的话)This Frame Contract (hereafter called the Contract)is made on 2012-01-13 between Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter called ) and Co.,Ltd (Hereinafter called the SUPPLIER) for the purchase and supply of Contract Goods on the terms and conditions in accordance with the Contract and appendices.有限公司(以下简称)和有限公司(以下简称供应商)于2014年05月14日制订本框架合同(以下简称合同),根据本合同及其附件的条款,购销合同产品。
购销合同FRAME CONTRACT AGREEMENT合同编号:Contract No. :BETWEENThe Buyer甲方:公司Tel:Fax:The Supplier乙方:公司Tel:经甲、乙双方相互交流,友好协商,本着诚实,守信的原则达成本合同条款,以供双方共同遵守。
Following friendly discussions and based on the principle of mutual interest, the Buyer agrees to purchase from the supplier the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below.I General terms of Purchasing1.订单发出:以此采购条款为依据发出的我公司的书面订单才具有法律约束力。
1.Issue of orders:Our orders shall only be legally binding when issued in writing on the basis of these purchasing conditions. Different conditions contained in the order acceptance shall only be legally valid if we approve these differences in writing. The acceptance of the order or the delivery shall indicate that the supplier has recognized these purchasing conditions. The parties undertake to confirm forthwith any particular verbal agreement in writing.2.接受订单供应商收到订单后必须在2个工作日内以书面形式确认,除非具体合同中规定了其它条款。
外贸框架合同英文模版英文回答:Master Purchase Agreement.THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this [DATE], by and between [BUYER NAME] ("Buyer"), a [BUYER TYPE]organized and existing under the laws of [BUYER LOCATION], with its principal offices at [BUYER ADDRESS], and [SELLER NAME] ("Seller"), a [SELLER TYPE] organized and existing under the laws of [SELLER LOCATION], with its principal offices at [SELLER ADDRESS].WITNESSETH:WHEREAS, Buyer is in the business of [BUYER'S BUSINESS], and Seller is in the business of [SELLER'S BUSINESS]; and.WHEREAS, the parties desire to establish a frameworkfor the purchase and sale of goods and services by Buyerfrom Seller on a long-term basis.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:1. Definitions.The following terms shall have the following meanings when used in this Agreement:"Affiliate" means any entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with a party."Confidential Information" means any non-public information disclosed by one party to the other party, whether orally or in writing, that is designated as confidential or that reasonably should be considered confidential under the circumstances."Contract" means this Master Purchase Agreement and any amendments or supplements to this Agreement."Goods" means the goods to be purchased by Buyer from Seller pursuant to this Agreement."Intellectual Property Rights" means all patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and otherintellectual property rights, whether registered or unregistered."Order" means a purchase order issued by Buyer to Seller for the purchase of Goods."Parties" means Buyer and Seller."Party" means either Buyer or Seller."Services" means the services to be provided by Seller to Buyer pursuant to this Agreement."Term" means the initial term of this Agreement, as specified in Section 10.1.2. Purchase and Sale.2.1. Seller agrees to sell and deliver to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller, the Goods andServices in accordance with the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement.2.2. Seller shall provide Buyer with a quotation forthe Goods and Services, which shall include the price, quantity, delivery schedule, and other relevant information.2.3. Buyer shall issue a purchase order to Seller for the Goods and Services. The purchase order shallincorporate the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any applicable specifications.2.4. Seller shall deliver the Goods and Services to Buyer in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the purchase order.2.5. Buyer shall inspect the Goods upon delivery and notify Seller of any discrepancies or defects.2.6. If Buyer is not satisfied with the Goods or Services, Buyer may reject the Goods or Services and return them to Seller at Seller's expense.3. Price and Payment.3.1. The price for the Goods and Services shall be as specified in the purchase order.3.2. Buyer shall pay Seller within [NUMBER] days of receipt of invoice.3.3. Seller may invoice Buyer for partial shipments of Goods or Services.3.4. Seller may charge Buyer for any additional costs incurred by Seller as a result of Buyer's breach of this Agreement.4. Quality.4.1. Seller warrants that the Goods and Services will be of good quality and free from defects.4.2. Seller shall provide Buyer with a certificate of quality for the Goods and Services.4.3. If the Goods or Services do not meet the quality standards specified in this Agreement, Buyer may reject the Goods or Services and return them to Seller at Seller's expense.5. Delivery and Acceptance.5.1. Seller shall deliver the Goods and Services to Buyer in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the purchase order.5.2. Buyer shall inspect the Goods upon delivery and notify Seller of any discrepancies or defects.5.3. Buyer shall accept the Goods and Services if they conform to the specifications in the purchase order.5.4. Buyer may reject the Goods or Services if they do not conform to the specifications in the purchase order.6. Inspection and Testing.6.1. Buyer may inspect the Goods and Services atSeller's premises prior to delivery.6.2. Seller shall provide Buyer with reasonable access to Seller's premises for the purpose of inspection.6.3. Buyer may test the Goods and Services prior to acceptance.7. Intellectual Property Rights.7.1. All Intellectual Property Rights in the Goods and Services shall remain the property of Seller.7.2. Seller grants Buyer a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use the Intellectual Property Rights in the Goods and Services for the purpose of operating and using the Goods and Services.7.3. Buyer shall not reproduce, modify, or distribute the Goods or Services without Seller's prior written consent.8. Confidentiality.8.1. The parties agree to keep confidential all Confidential Information disclosed by one party to the other party.8.2. The parties.。
20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX国际2024年合作框架合同中英文版本合同目录一览第一条定义与解释1.1 合同术语1.2 合同的生效日期第二条合作目标2.1 合作领域的确定2.2 合作目标的实现方式第三条合作内容3.1 合作项目的确定3.2 双方的权利与义务第四条合作期限4.1 合作项目的开始日期4.2 合作项目的结束日期第五条资源共享5.1 资源共享的方式5.2 资源共享的具体措施第六条技术交流与培训6.1 技术交流的内容6.2 培训计划的制定与实施第七条知识产权保护7.1 知识产权的保护措施7.2 知识产权的归属与使用第八条费用与财务8.1 费用的承担方式8.2 财务管理与报告第九条沟通与协调9.1 沟通机制的建立9.2 协调事项的处理第十条违约责任10.1 违约行为的界定10.2 违约责任的承担方式第十一条争议解决11.1 争议解决的方式11.2 争议解决的程序第十二条合同的变更与终止12.1 合同变更的条件12.2 合同终止的情形第十三条保密条款13.1 保密信息的界定13.2 保密信息的保护措施第十四条一般条款14.1 适用法律14.2 合同的生效与终止14.3 合同的副本第一部分:合同如下:第一条定义与解释1.1 合同术语(1)合作方:指本合同双方,即甲方和乙方。
1.2 合同的生效日期本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为____年,自合同生效之日起计算。
第二条合作目标2.1 合作领域的确定(1)技术研发与创新(2)产品生产与销售(3)市场拓展与推广(4)人才培养与交流2.2 合作目标的实现方式(1)共同研发新产品和技术,实现技术成果的共享和转化。
[Your Name][Your Company Name][Your Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Company Name][Recipient's Address][City, State, ZIP Code]Subject: Framework AgreementDear [Recipient's Name],I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to outline the terms ofa potential framework agreement between our respective companies, [Your Company Name] and [Recipient's Company Name]. We believe that a collaboration between our companies can lead to mutual success and growth in the industry.This framework agreement ("Agreement") is intended to provide a general outline of the terms and conditions that will govern our proposed business relationship. We hope that both parties will find the terms outlined in this Agreement to be fair and reasonable. However, we understand that certain details may require further negotiation and discussion. We are open to discussing any and all aspects of this Agreement and look forward to reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.1. Scope of Collaboration:Under this Agreement, both parties agree to collaborate and work together in the [industry/field] to achieve mutual goals and objectives. The specific projects and deliverables will be further outlined in separate project-specific agreements ("Project Agreements").2. Duration:This Agreement shall commence on the date of execution and shall continue for a period of [duration], unless terminated earlier by either party in writing. The initial term may be extended by mutual agreement of both parties.3. Confidentiality:Both parties agree to maintain strict confidentiality of any and all proprietary and confidential information shared between them, unless such information is publicly available or rightfully obtained from a third party. The confidentiality obligations shall survive the termination of this Agreement.4. Intellectual Property:All intellectual property rights arising out of or in connection with the collaboration under this Agreement shall be owned by [Your Company Name] or [Recipient's Company Name], as applicable. The parties agree to execute any necessary documents to evidence such ownership.5. Compensation and Payment Terms:The compensation for the services and deliverables provided under this Agreement shall be as specified in the Project Agreements. Payment terms shall be outlined in the Project Agreements as well.6. Indemnification:Each party agrees to indemnify and hold the other party harmless from any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses (including attorney's fees) arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement, except to the extent such claims, damages, losses, andexpenses are directly caused by the other party's gross negligence or intentional misconduct.7. Termination:Either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party if the other party breaches any material term or condition of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within [number] days after receipt of written notice.8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction], excluding its conflict of laws principles. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through binding arbitration in [location], conducted in accordance with the rules of the [arbitration organization].In conclusion, we believe that this framework agreement will provide a solid foundation for a successful collaboration between our companies. We are confident that the terms outlined in this Agreement are fair and reasonable, and we are eager to move forward with discussing the specifics of our collaboration.Please review this Agreement at your earliest convenience and provide any feedback or suggestions you may have. We are open to negotiation and discussion to ensure that both parties are fully satisfied with the terms of our Agreement.Thank you for considering our proposal, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Company Name]。
框架合作协议 英文翻译
框架合作协议英文翻译英文翻译:Framework Cooperation AgreementThis Agreement is entered into on [date] by and between [Party A] and [Party B], hereinafter referred to as "the Parties".1. Basic Information of the PartiesParty A:Address:Legal Representative:ContactPerson:Phone:Email:Party B:Address:Legal Representative:ContactPerson:Phone:Email:2. Identification, Rights, Obligations, Performance, Term and Breach of the Parties2.1 Identification: Party A and Party B are [insert identification, such as individuals, companies, organizations, etc.].2.2 Rights and Obligations:(a) Party A shall provide [insert specific services or products that Party A shall provide].(b) Party B shall provide [insert specific services or products that Party B shall provide].2.3 Performance:(a) Party A shall [insert specific obligations that Party A shall perform].(b) Party B shall [insert specific obligations that Party B shall perform].2.4 Term: This Agreement shall be effective on the date of signing and shall be valid for [insert term, such as years, months, etc.].2.5 Breach:(a) If Party A breaches this Agreement, it shall be liable for [insert specific penalty, such as compensation, damages, etc.].(b) If Party B breaches this Agreement, it shall be liable for [insert specific penalty, such as compensation, damages, etc.].3. Compliance with Chinese Laws and RegulationsThe Parties shall comply with all applicable Chinese laws and regulations during the performance of this Agreement.4. Rights and Obligations of the Parties4.1 The Parties shall have the right to [insert specific rights, such as terminate the Agreement, modify the Agreement, dispute resolution, etc.].4.2 The Parties shall have the obligation to [insert specific obligations, such as maintain confidentiality, provide accurate information, etc.].5. Legal Effectiveness and Enforceability5.1 This Agreement shall be legally binding and have the same validity and force of law as a written agreement signed by the Parties.5.2 Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiation or mediation. If negotiation or mediation fails to resolve the dispute, the Parties agree to submit the dispute to [insert specific court or arbitration commission].This Agreement shall be executed in duplicate. Each Party shall keep one copy.Party A:[signature]Party B:[signature]。
合同编号:采购框架合同Purchase Frame Contract需方:地址:供方:地址:开户行:账户:采购框架合同供、需双方以平等互利为原则,经协商一致,特对本《采购框架合同》〔以下称“合同”〕如下约定:This ‘Purchase Frame Contract’ (hereinafter “Contract”) of the following items was made, on the principle of mutual benefit, after friendly consultation, by and between Purchaser and Supplier hereof:1.标的Object本合同的标的为供方依据相应规定提供给需方的产品和/或服务。
The Object in this contract means Supplier delivers products and/or services to Purchaser pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. During the period of this contract, Purchaser shall, on the basis of this contract, deliver ordered products and/or services.2.价格条款Price2.1 供、需双方书面约定的产品和服务的价格条款,以本合同附件采购订单为准。
Both Purchaser and Supplier hereby agree to the price terms of the products and services through written agreement; nevertheless, the aforementioned shall be final confirmed by Purchase Order annexed hereof.2.2 合同或订单中的总价应包含所订购产品的运费、包装费、装卸费等费用,以及所有与产品/服务相关的税,包括关税、增值税、消费税等。
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购销合同FRAME CONTRACT AGREEMENT合同编号:Con tract No.:BETWEENThe Buyer甲方:_公司Tel:Fax:The Supp lier乙方: ______ 公司Tel:经甲、乙双方相互交流,友好协商,本着诚实,守信的原则达成本合同条款,以供双方共同遵守。
Follow ing frie ndly discussi ons and based on the principle of mutual in terest, the Buyer agrees to pu rchase from the supp lier the un der men ti oned goods on the terms and con diti ons stated below.I General terms of Purchasing1.订单发出:以此采购条款为依据发出的我公司的书面订单才具有法律约束力。
1.Issue of orders:Our orders shall only be legally binding whe n issued in writ ing on the basis of these p urchas ing con diti ons. Different con diti ons contained in the order acce ptance shall only be legally valid if we app rove these differe nces in writ ing. The acce ptance of the order or the delivery shall in dicate that the supp lier has recog ni zed these pu rchas ing con diti ons. The p arties un dertake to confirm forthwith any p articular verbal agreeme nt in writi ng.2.接受订单供应商收到订单后必须在2个工作日内以书面形式确认,除非具体合同中规定了其它条款。
2.Acceptance of orders:Our orders must be ack no wledged in writ ing withi n 2 work ing days of their rece ipt by the supp lier, uni ess other con diti ons were agreed for a sp ecific con tract. Electr onic orders do no t require an exp licit con firmati on.3.价格除非交货条件另有说明,所有价格都是固定且有效的,包括所有交付买方工厂( ______________________ )和包装费用,运输保险费和法定增值税,均由乙方负责。
3.Prices:All prices are fixed prices and including all delivery to the buyer 'factory ( _________________________________ ) packagingcost, as well as transport in sura nee charges and the statutory VAT shall all be p aid by the sdeller.4.交货时间:约定的期限和限期有法律约束力,不可抗力除外。
4.Delivery times:The agreed deadli nes and time limits shall be binding, excludi ng the in terve nti on of force majeure. The arrival of the goods at the sp ecified delivery address shall be decisive in determ ining whether the delivery deadli ne or time limit has bee n met. If there is a delay in the supp lier services, the n, if we so choo s e, we are en titled, hav ing set a reas on able p eriod of grace and after exp irati on of the same, assert ing our rights. If the supp lier realizes any delay in deliveries, he must inform us without delay.5.交货:仅交付采购的数量。
5.Deliveries:On ly the ordered qua ntities may be delivered. Excess deliveries may be returned by us without no tice at the expense of the supplier and the approp riate deduct ions may be made from his in voice. In all cases we shall be obliged to make approp riate p ayme nt on the basis of the agreed delivery time. If there are differe nces in qua ntity or weight, the n the qua ntities or weights determ ined in our Incoming Goods Dep artme nt shall be decisive.III Payme nts and Inv oic ing1.付款:在货物/服务收到和验收合格后,付款将按协议支付。
1.Payme nts:We will effect p ayme nt as agreed - p rovided that the goods/services have p reviously bee n received and app roved formally.All the incoming goods data will be checked by both p arty by end of each mon th, if no disagreeme nts, Ibex will arra nge p ayme nt by 20th of next mon th. Measureme nts / Craftsma nshi p / Raw material prop erties and rep orts are critical poin ts. Ibex reserve its right to hold p ayme nt in case of com plain from the final customer.2.发运:供应商应该随货将一份包含定单数据的详细发运单提供给甲方。
2.Disp atch:A sin gle copy of a p recisely itemized dis patch note containing our order data should be sent to the buyer.3.发票:每月账单核对完成后,乙方应该向甲方开具发票。
3.In voices:Origi nal VAT In voices should be released to the buyer, and sent after the mon thly incoming check by both arty .In voices must in clude our order descri pti on and our order nu mber. Deliveries made to differe nt plants may not be grouped together for in voic ing purpo ses; sep arate in voices should be issued in each case. Only the dime nsions, weights and qua ntities determ ined by us shall be decisive for in voici ng purpo ses.V Con fide ntiality, Warra nty, Breach of Con tract1.故障通知/保证书:供应商保证在生产期间采用加工过程质量管理并且进行最终检查,相应地彻底检查待交付的包装材料是否符合质量要求。