加密狗解决方案-anywhere usb介绍

USB加密狗复制机“打狗棒1.0”的详细使用方法?悬赏分:10 | 解决时间:2010-4-9 00:05 | 提问者:keccong请高手给出详细的操作步聚,谢谢最佳答案一. 打狗棒1.0简介.打狗棒1.0是利用80386/80486的VM86技术模拟软件狗, 来实现解密的. 进行解密时,软件先带狗运行, 用打狗棒得到软件狗的相关数据; 然后拿去软件狗, 运行打狗棒, 则软件可以无狗运行了.二. 运行环境.它运行在DOS 3.0以上版本, 注意, 不支持HIMEM.SYS和QEMM.EXE, 因此, CONFIG.SYS 的配置最好如下:FILES=30BUFFERS=30三. 安装软件.把软盘上的CANE.EXE和*.LAD拷贝到硬盘上即可(未加密).四. 运行软件.在安装软件的当前目录键入CANE /H, 然后回车, 则显示帮助信息:-------------------------HELP------------------------CANE -----Emulate the softdogCANE /Axxx -----Analyse the softdog,xxx=extend mem keptCANE /R -----Read the softdog fileCANE /W -----Write the softdog fileCANE /U -----Free memory and to dosCANE /H -----Help其中, CANE 表示模拟软件狗运行软件.CANE /Axxx 表示分析软件狗相关的数据, xxx表示为数据留出的扩展内存数(以K为单位).CANE /R 表示读已分析的软件狗的数据.CANE /W 表示把分析的软件狗的数据写到文件中.CANE /U 表示把打狗棒程序从内存中撤消.CANE /H 表示帮助.因此, A> 要解密一个软件狗, 步骤如下:⑴. 把软件狗插到打印口, 进入到打狗棒所在的目录, 键入CANE /Axxx(其中xxx为要留的以K为单位的扩展内存数),然后运行要解密的软件.⑵. 运行完毕后, 回到打狗棒所在的目录, 运行CANE /W, 把软件狗相关的数据写到当前目录下的文件中.⑶. 运行CANE /U 退出VM86模式,回到实模式下.B> 要无狗运行软件, 则在打狗棒所在的目录下运行CANE然后回车, 再运行CANE /R然后回车, 再运行原来的软件即可.五. 软件中附带UCDOS5.0单用户版的解密数据(参考数据, 对于不同用户数据不一定相同),即D和D.六. *.LAD的数据格式*.LAD文件的数据格式如下:第1,2字节: 未用第3,4,5,6: 数据长度第7字节开始(存放数据): 属性端口数据...其中属性占1个字节, 00H: 输入一字节01H: 输入一字10H: 输出一字节11H: 输出一字端口占2个字节, 为输入/输出数据的端口, 如并口数据端口为0378H数据是输入输出的数据, 如果属性为X个字节, 则占X字节,七. 程序的编译和连接在当前目录下, 键入命令行: pasm cane, 然后回车即可.注意, 必须在PATH中设置BORLANDC++的路径. 例如, 如果BORLANDC++的目录为C:\BORLANDC, 则在AUTOEXEC.BAT文件的PATH中加入C:\BORLANDC\BIN;。


硬件克隆复制主要是针对国产芯片的加密狗,因为国产加密狗公司一般没有核心加密芯片的制造能力,因此有些使用了市场上通用的芯片,破解者分析出芯片电路 以及芯片里写的内容后,就可以立刻复制或克隆一个完全相同的加密狗。不过国外的加密狗就无法使用这种方法,国外加密狗硬件使用的是安全性很好的自己研制开 发的芯片,通常很难进行复制,而且现在国内加密狗也在使用进口的智能卡芯片,因此这种硬件克隆的解密方法用处越来越少。

Dongle Dell Micro-USB Para datos y cargaManual del usuarioNOTA: una NOTA indica información importante que le ayuda a hacerun mejor uso de su ordenador.PRECAUCIÓN: una PRECAUCIÓN indica un daño potencial al hardwareo pérdida de datos si no sigue las instrucciones.Copyright © 2014 Dell Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Este producto está protegido por las leyes de propiedad intelectual y derechos de copia de los EE.UU. e internacionales. Dell™ y el logotipo Dell son marcas de Dell Inc. en los Estados Unidos y/u otras jurisdicciones. Todas las marcas y nombres mencionados aquí pueden ser marcas de sus respectivas compañías.2014 – 06 Rev. A00Introducción 3IntroducciónEl dongle Dell Micro-USB le permite conectar dispositivos USB comounidades USB, discos duros externos, teclados, ratones y otros a su tablet. También le permite cargar su tablet mientras los dispositivos USB están conectados.Puede conectar simultáneamente múltiples dispositivos a la tablet usando un hub USB, Dependiendo del tipo y número de dispositivos USB, puede que necesite un hub USB alimentado.NOTA: este dongle es compatible con USB 2.0.Conectar el dongleNOTA: el cable de alimentación y el adaptador no se incluyen con el dongle. Utilice el cable y adaptador de alimentación incluidos con su tablet.PRECAUCIÓN: utilice sólo el adaptador de corriente diseñado para su tablet. El uso de adaptadores de alimentación o cables no autorizados podrían dañar seriamente su tablet.1. Conecte el dongle al puerto micro-USB de su tablet.2. Conecte el adaptador de corriente al dongle.3.Conecte un dispositivo USB estándar o un hub USB al dongle.Dongle Micro-USBDispositivo USB o hub USB Cable de alimentación (Micro USB)Fuente de alimentaciónToma de corrienteSolución de problemasProblemas Posibles causas Posibles soluciones Los dispositivos USBdejan de funcionar temporalmenteal conectar o desconectar el adaptador de corriente en el dongle.Esto es algo normal y el dispositivo continuará funcionandoautomáticamente.El disco duro USB no es detectado.El adaptador decorriente no estáconectado al dongle.Conecte el adaptadorde corriente USB aldongle Dell Micro-USB.El cable USB usadopara conectar el discoduro es demasiadolargo o no es estándar.Utilice un cableUSB más corto paraconectar el disco duroal dongle o utilice uncable de más calidad.La unidad que intentautilizar requiere másenergía de la disponiblea través del dongle.Utilice un hubUSB alimentado.PRECAUCIÓN: para evitar pérdida de datos, retire con seguridad los dispositivos de almacenamiento USB antes de desconectarlosdel dongle.4 Introducción。

USB 加密锁使用问题解决

(图9)(图10) Nhomakorabea(图11)
需要说明的,在Windows XP、Windows 2003上,USB加密锁更换了一个USB口后,就可能会出现本文所描述的问题,需要重新配置驱动,这个是系统和加密驱动底层的问题,厂商正在解决中。
(3)在图3的设备管理器界面中,有一个“USB Lock V1.71”的USB设备是打黄色的感叹号的,这个设备就是加密锁设备,由于安装的加密锁设备没有通过微软的徽标认证,所以设备并没有在系统中注册成功,此时需要手工加载一下驱动程序。方法如下:
(e)完成后,在“设备管理器”界面中,“USB Lock v1.71”的黄色感叹号已经没有了,并且名称已经变成了“SenseLock SENSE3 v1.70”(图11)。表示驱动已经更新,可以正常使用了。
赛耐孚(SafeNet) 精灵狗UGA(GeniusDog)加密狗备份

加密性能好1. 内置单片机,确保硬件不可仿制。
2. 数据交换随机噪声技术。
精灵狗支持目前最流行的几种操作系统,包括Windows 9X/ME/NT/2000/XP和Linux(RedHat7.1 RedHat7.2 RedHat7.3)。

(二)“加密狗服务”方式:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\gasoftDogServer=采用“加密狗服务”方式的安装过程:首先是在服务器端选择安装“服务器安装”后,在工作站上登录服务器,找到已经安装好的金算盘文件目录,然后进入该目录下的Setup文件夹,再运行其中的Netsetup.exe 进行工作站的安装,按照安装向导完成最终的安装过程。
DIGI anywhereUSB 14 安装配置指南

DIGI anywhereUSB/14安装配置指南一、产品概述AnywhereUSB/14远程I / O集线器是一个远程IP网络解决方案,利用USB over IP®技术,可以通过TCP/IP以太网来访问和监控远程USB和串口设备,与现有的操作系统和应用程序兼容,同时支持vmware虚拟化环境,多台ESXI主机可以同时连接一台AnywhereUSB/14设备。
1、AnywhereUSB/14 前面板LED状态说明:1)AnywhereUSB / 14 15面板上的发光二极管:一个系统状态LED和十四个USB端口LED。
3)USB LED:当一个USB端口属于某台主机时,USB端口LED是绿色;如果USB端口是没有连接主机,USB端口是关闭的。
2、AnywhereUSB/14 后面板二、设备安装1.硬件连接,包括电源和网络。
2.初始配置1)登陆/support,下载DIGI Device Discovery自动发现程序(免安装)到客户机;2)双击程序,进入如下界面,点击Refresh view,自动扫描并发现AnywhereUSB设备;3)选择发现的设备,单击Open web interface,进入web UI主页,页面显示了发现设备的型号、IP地址、MAC地址等信息。
如果需要配置DNS和修改设备名称,点击进入Advanced network setting进行配置。
配置完成后可以在Web浏览器直接输入管理地址,进入AnywhereUSB Web UI 进行相关的配置操作。


DIGI anywhereUSB/14安装配置指南一、产品概述AnywhereUSB/14远程I / O集线器是一个远程IP网络解决方案,利用USB over IP®技术,可以通过TCP/IP以太网来访问和监控远程USB和串口设备,与现有的操作系统和应用程序兼容,同时支持vmware虚拟化环境,多台ESXI主机可以同时连接一台AnywhereUSB/14设备。
1、AnywhereUSB/14 前面板LED状态说明:1)AnywhereUSB / 14 15面板上的发光二极管:一个系统状态LED和十四个USB端口LED。
3)USB LED:当一个USB端口属于某台主机时,USB端口LED是绿色;如果USB端口是没有连接主机,USB端口是关闭的。
2、AnywhereUSB/14 后面板二、设备安装1.硬件连接,包括电源和网络。
2.初始配置1)登陆,下载DIGI Device Discovery自动发现程序(免安装)到客户机;2)双击程序,进入如下界面,点击Refresh view,自动扫描并发现AnywhereUSB设备;3)选择发现的设备,单击Open web interface,进入web UI主页,页面显示了发现设备的型号、IP地址、MAC地址等信息。
如果需要配置DNS和修改设备名称,点击进入Advanced network setting进行配置。
配置完成后可以在Web浏览器直接输入管理地址,进入AnywhereUSB Web UI 进行相关的配置操作。
3.分配物理端口1)在Web UI页面选择RealPort USB,进入物理USB端口分配页面2)realport usb配置页面显示。

USB加密狗去功能限制的破解USB加密狗破解+去功能限制的破解使用于部分软件,仅供大家学习使用!一款商业管理系统用了USB狗验证不插入USB功能受到限制!破文开始:查壳:无壳Borland Delphi 6.0 - 7.0OD载入F9运行弹出:未检测到软件狗,试用版软件部分功能将受到限制!F12暂停-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7C92E514 > C3 retn ; (初始cpu 选择)7C92E515 . 8DA424 000000>lea esp,dword ptr ss:[esp]7C92E51C . 8D6424 00 lea esp,dword ptr ss:[esp]7C92E520 >/$ 8D5424 08 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+8]7C92E524 |. CD 2E int 2E7C92E526 \. C3 retn7C92E527 90 nop7C92E528 >/$ 55 push ebp7C92E529 |. 8BEC mov ebp,esp--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALT+K调用堆栈调用堆栈0012FD34 77D50877 ? user32.MessageBoxTimeoutA user32.77D50872 0012FD300012FD54 77D5082F ? user32.MessageBoxExA user32.77D5082A 0012FD500012FD58 00000000 hOwner = NULL0012FD5C 0063B9E0 Text = "未检测到软件狗,试用版软件0012FD60 004E0040 Title = "提示"0012FD64 00002040 Style = MB_OK|MB_ICONASTERISK|MB_T0012FD68 00000000 LanguageID = 0 (LANG_NEUTRAL)0012FD70 004E000A ? <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> Washgl.004E0005 0012FD6C0012FD74 00000000 hOwner = NULL0012FD78 0063B9E0 Text = "未检测到软件狗,试用版软件0012FD7C 004E0040 Title = "提示"0012FD80 00002040 Style = MB_OK|MB_ICONASTERISK|MB_T0012FD8C 0063B7DC ? Washgl.004DFFE4 Washgl.0063B7D7 在这句双击进去----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0063B79D . 55 push ebp0063B79E . 68 FFB86300 push Washgl.0063B8FF0063B7A3 . 64:FF32 push dword ptr fs:[edx]0063B7A6 . 64:8922 mov dword ptr fs:[edx],esp0063B7A9 . E8 0235EBFF call Washgl.004EECB00063B7AE . A2 00416400 mov byte ptr ds:[644100],al0063B7B3 . A1 EC496400 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[6449EC]0063B7B8 . 8A15 00416400 mov dl,byte ptr ds:[644100]0063B7BE . 8810 mov byte ptr ds:[eax],dl0063B7C0 . A0 00416400 mov al,byte ptr ds:[644100]0063B7C5 . 34 01 xor al,10063B7C7 . 84C0 test al,al0063B7C9 . 84C0 test al,al0063B7CB 74 5F je short Washgl.0063B82C 整个调用只有这一个能跳过所以改成jmp顺利跳过去了0063B7CD . B8 E0B96300 mov eax,Washgl.0063B9E00063B7D2 . BA 01000000 mov edx,10063B7D7 . E8 0848EAFF call Washgl.004DFFE4 双击进去在这,这就是关键CALL了0063B7DC . 8D55 F4 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C]0063B7DF . A1 2C656400 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[64652C]0063B7E4 . E8 5F89E1FF call Washgl.004541480063B7E9 . 8D45 F4 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C]0063B7EC . BA 18BA6300 mov edx,Washgl.0063BA180063B7F1 . E8 FE93DCFF call Washgl.00404BF40063B7F6 . 8B55 F4 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C]0063B7F9 . A1 2C656400 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[64652C]0063B7FE . E8 7589E1FF call Washgl.004541780063B803 . A1 08476400 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[644708]0063B808 . E8 2791DCFF call Washgl.004049340063B80D . A1 04476400 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[644704]0063B812 . E8 1D91DCFF call Washgl.004049340063B817 . 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]0063B81A . 8B80 FC020000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+2FC]0063B820 . 33D2 xor edx,edx0063B822 . E8 19A9E2FF call Washgl.004661400063B827 . E9 C5000000 jmp Washgl.0063B8F1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------再次尝试进入软件此时无提示进入软件而且,窗体上的(试用版已经没了)点关于:还是试用版功能依然限制!此时重新载入OD,查找字符串!(对于Borland Delphi这招很好用)超级字串参考+地址反汇编文本字串0051FE24 mov edx,Washgl.0051FEA0 退出0051FE30 mov eax,Washgl.0051FEA8 非法用户,系统将关闭!0051FE41 mov eax,Washgl.0051FEC0 非法用户,重新登录失败!0051FE61 mov eax,Washgl.0051FEDC 口令无效,请重新输入!005206EB mov edx,Washgl.00520774 试用版005206FA mov edx,Washgl.00520784 注册版00520712 push Washgl.00520794 v0052071E push Washgl.005207A0-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------在试用版那双击进入!005206CC |. 55 push ebp005206CD |. 68 5E075200 push Washgl.0052075E005206D2 |. 64:FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]005206D5 |. 64:8920 mov dword ptr fs:[eax],esp005206D8 |. 8BC3 mov eax,ebx005206DA |. E8 E5000000 call Washgl.005207C4005206DF |. E8 CCE5FCFF call Washgl.004EECB0005206E4 |. 84C0 test al,al 比较005206E6 |. 75 0F jnz short Washgl.005206F7 关键跳!jnz改jmp 直接跳到注册版005206E8 |. 8D45 FC lea eax,[local.1]005206EB |. BA 74075200 mov edx,Washgl.00520774 ; 试用版005206F0 |. E8 D742EEFF call Washgl.004049CC005206F5 |. EB 0D jmp short Washgl.00520704005206F7 |> 8D45 FC lea eax,[local.1]005206FA |. BA 84075200 mov edx,Washgl.00520784 ; 注册版005206FF |. E8 C842EEFFcall Washgl.004049CC00520704 |> 8B55 FC mov edx,[local.1]00520707 |. 8B83 00030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+300]0052070D |. E8 663AF3FF call Washgl.0045417800520712 |. 68 94075200 push Washgl.00520794 ; v00520717 |. A1 B8416400 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[6441B8]0052071C |. FF30 push dword ptr ds:[eax]0052071E |. 68 A0075200 push Washgl.005207A0 ; 00520723 |. 68AC075200 push Washgl.005207AC ; 版权所有(c) 2007-2017--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------总结:到此已经破解成功,保存运行已经是注册版,功能限制已经取消了,这套系统加密上明显存在缺陷,以至于USB验证形同虚设!在这里提醒一下新手朋友,不要碰到一些高级的加密验证方式就放弃了,要有种勇于探索的精神,crack是要不断的动手钻研,碰到困难要尽最大努力去克服这样才能进步!。



加密狗通常用于以下几个方面:1. 软件许可证保护:加密狗可以用于保护软件的许可证信息,确保软件只能在合法授权的计算机上运行。
2. 内容保护:加密狗可以用于保护数字内容,包括文档、图像、音乐和视频等。
3. 访问控制:加密狗可以用于控制对特定资源或系统的访问权限。
4. 盗版防护:加密狗可以用于防止软件盗版和非法复制。
以下是一些常见的应用场景:1. 软件加密保护:许多软件开发公司使用加密狗来保护其软件的许可证和源代码。

USB Network Server简介:USB Network Server 网络共享USB设备,基于IP的扩展USB总线,并且通过在客户端的USB驱动层中加入虚拟主控制器接口(VHCI)和在服务器端的USB驱动层中加入虚拟设备驱动(VDD)来实现USB,USB设备可跨平台。
USB Network Server主要优点:实现在驱动级的方法,与传统的远程过程调用共享设备的方法相比,提供了更多的设备和控制信息,减轻了服务器端的负担,且具有更好的安全性。
介绍:1.虚拟化技术USB Network Server基于软硬件的解决方案,通过局域网或互联网共享USB设备。
2.支持USB设备USB Network Server兼容99%以上USB key设备!不限于某些类型的USB设备。
B端口共享USB网络化的USB端口共享的特点,可以设置USB Network Server共享同一个USB端口和任何USB设备插入它会被自动共享,这将不会影响到其他的USB设备插入其他USB端口。
B设备自动连接当被激活时自动连接,允许连接到客户端计算机通过TCP/IP自动连接到USB Network Server USB设备。
8.系统USB Network Server支持64位操作系统和32位操作系统兼容。
9.虚拟化USB Network Server完全兼容Hyper-V、VMware、KVM、Virtualbox、Xen、Qemu、PC、esx、Citrix、Mware、xen、ESX server、HA、nas 实现虚拟化平台并通过网络支持USB key。

使用AnywhereUSB在虚拟化数据中心环境下部署USB加密狗AnywhereUSB实现了USB设备的在线访问,实质上是实现了USB overTCP/IP。
另外,AnywhereUSB也支持通过DHCP协议动态获取地址,这种情况可以在配置AnywhereUSB的PC机上直接安装AnywhereUSB Remote Hub ConfigurationUtility软件(可至其官网下载),通过此软件自动发现AnywhereUSB并配置。
在PC上运行AnywhereUSB Remote Hub Configuration Utility,会自动发现本网段的AnywhereUSB设备,如下图所示。
图1Step2:如图2,选中RealPortUSB MultiHost Hub[],点击Command菜单中的Web UI进入配置页面,如图3。
图2图3通过WEB UI给AnywhereUSB设置固定IP地址Step1:设置固定IP,首先在WEB UI中点击Network,然后选中Use the following IP address,填写固定IP地址,然后将Enable AutoIP address assignment勾选去掉,最后配置的结果如图4所示。

虚拟化环境识别和共享USB设备解决方案虚拟机(Virtual Machine)指通过软件模拟的具有完整硬件系统功能的、运行在一个完全隔离环境中的完整计算机系统。
AnywhereUSB 有2口,4口,5口和14口四种,这就解决了切换繁琐以及物理机USB接口不足的问题。
如AW-USB-5M 支持多主连接功能,可以通过设置,将5个USB口分别分配给上图中的5个虚拟机,每个虚拟机分到一个USB接口,也可以将其中的2个口分配给虚拟机1,剩下的分配给其他虚拟机,以此类推,任意分配。
AnywhereUSB,可以使USB认证钥匙、USB加密狗、USB指纹扫描仪等在VMware、MicrosoftVirtual Server和Xen等多数虚拟服务器上轻松实现虚拟化并通过网络得到支持。
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AnywhereUSB®REMOTE I/OCONCENTRATORInstallationGuideTable of Contents Introduction (2)Cabling AnywhereUSB (2)Installing the Drivers (2)Configuring AnywhereUSB (3)Configuring the PC to Connect to an AnywhereUSB (6)Discovering AnywhereUSBs on Other Networks (7)Configuring for Firewall Support (8)Uninstalling the Drivers (8)Interpreting the Status Lights (9)Using the Configuration Utility Program (10)AnywhereUSB Permitted Device List (16)Understanding Hubs (19)Regulatory and Other Information (20)IntroductionThe AnywhereUSB® Remote I/O Concentrator is the first remote networking solution to utilize USB Over IP® technology, breaking the traditional five meter distance limitation between USB device and host. Now USB devices may be located anywhere on a wired or wireless LAN – without a locally attached host PC. Since the host PC or server may be located remotely, AnywhereUSB enables devices to be deployed in harsh or non-secure environments, making it ideal for point-of-sale, kiosks, surveillance, industrial automation, or any mission-critical enterprise application. This Ethernet-attached solution provides five USB ports to connect peripheral devices such as bar-code scanners and receipt printers, as well as Digi’s Watchport® USB Cameras and Sensors.Cabling AnywhereUSBTo connect your AnywhereUSB to a network:1. Connect a standard Ethernet network cable to your AnywhereUSB. Then connect the otherend of the Ethernet cable to a 10/100/1000 BaseT switch or hub.2. Connect one end of the power supply* into the back of your AnywhereUSB and the otherend into an AC outlet.*Power to this product may be supplied by a UL Listed Direct Plug-In Power Unit marked “Class 2” or a UL listed power supply rated with a minimum rating of 5 V dc 2.5 A if used in the U.S. and Canada or a power supply with similar rating and approved by your local safety code if it is used elsewhere. For polarity, see the following:Installing the DriversFor Windows XP, 2000 and NT4.0 UsersYou must install the drivers using an account that has administrative privileges.1. Insert the ―AWUSB v2.00‖ CD into your CD drive. If the CD does not automatically start,then open the CD folder and double click on AwSplash.exe.A welcome screen allows you to view and print this guide, install the drivers, print theReadMe file, browse the CD, and check our web site for the latest information.2. Click the Install Drivers button to start the install process. Follow the on-screeninstructions to complete the installation of your AnywhereUSB.After installing the drivers, the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility automatically starts so that you may configure your AnywhereUSB, as described in the next section.Configuring AnywhereUSBFor initial configuration, AnywhereUSB must be connected to the same local area network as the PC that will be used to configure it. In order to configure your AnywhereUSB:1. From the Start menu launch the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility. The utility displaysa list of discovered AnywhereUSBs on your local subnet. The new AnywhereUSB will havea default IP address of You must configure the AnywhereUSB before it can beused by the host PC. You can identify each AnywhereUSB by its IP Address. If theAnywhereUSB is unconfigured, then the serial number can be used for identification.Unconfigured AnywhereUSBs are listed separately. For example, the AnywhereUSB withserial number SV441F086A below has not yet been configured.2. Double click on the Unconfigured AnywhereUSB entry, or select it and press the Configurebutton.3. Enter a Device Name that easily identifies the AnywhereUSB.DHCP Enabled Configuration Static IP Address Configuration 4. DHCP can be configured by selecting the Enable button. When DHCP is enabled the IPAddress, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway fields are grayed out. Note that if you enable DHCP, you MUST have a DHCP server on you network. When enabled, the AnywhereUSB will wait for up to four DHCP requests. If a DHCP response is not received, theAnywhereUSB will default to its initial unconfigured state. Also, AnywhereUSB will look for option 26 in order to determine the MTU size (with 1500 being the default).If you do not have a DHCP server or choose not to use it, select the Disable button. Enter the IP address and Subnet Mask. You may need to contact your Network Administrator for IP address assignment. Enter the Gateway for your network. (In a network using subnets, the Gateway is the router that forwards traffic to a destination outside the subnet of the AnywhereUSB.) The MTU size is configurable between 576 and 1500 bytes, with 1500 being the default. For the changes to take effect you must click the Update button, which resets the AnywhereUSB.5. Enabling a Configuration PasswordThe AnywhereUSB can be configured to have a Configuration Password. When aConfiguration Password is configured, subsequent configuration attempts via theAnywhereUSB Concentrator Configuration Utility will require a password to be entered prior to allowing the user to configure the unit.To enable the password for a given AnywhereUSB unit, click the Set Password button and enter the desired password into the following dialog box:Once the configuration password has been set and the AnywhereUSB unit has rebooted, the Configuration Utility will display the ―Unlock‖ button for the given unit as displayed below:To configure the AnywhereUSB with a Configuration Password enabled, click the Unlock button and enter the appropriate password.Configuring the PC to Connect to an AnywhereUSB1.From the Start menu launch the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility. The utility displaysa list of all AnywhereUSBs on your local subnet and on any subnet configured in theDiscovery List.2. Select an AnywhereUSB and press the Connect button to add the AnywhereUSB’s IPaddress to the Connection List. The host computer then attempts to connect to theAnywhereUSB. For a list of the AnywhereUSBs to which you are currently configured toconnect, from the Edit menu select Connection List.3. The Found New Hardware Wizard prompts you to search for the drivers: one time for theRemote Hub and two times for the USB Host Controllers and the USB Root Hubs. Selectthe Install software automatically (Recommended) option and click the Next button. Ifyou get the warning message indicating that the drivers have not yet passed WindowsLogo Testing, click the Continue Anyway button. Follow the on-screen instructions tocomplete the installation of the drivers.Discovering AnywhereUSBs on Other Networks To discover AnywhereUSBs on other networks, you must add their network address to the Discovery list in the Discovery List Manager dialog box.1. From the Edit menu select Discovery List.2. Add the Subnet addresses or the IP address of the individual device to the Discovery ListManager. For example, to add the Class C network 192.168.2.x, you must enter192.168.2.255. Note that your routers must be configured to pass subnet broadcasts.3. When you have completed adding the subnet address to the Discovery List, click on theClose button to save the list. The screen will refresh within a few seconds.Configuring for Firewall SupportTo access an AnywhereUSB that is behind a firewall:Your firewall must have a well known static IP address (for example AnywhereUSB must have an IP address on the private subnet (for example192.168.1.10).Your firewall must be configured to allow TCP/IP and UDP/IP packets to pass through port3422.The firewall must be configured to send these TCP/IP and UDP/IP packets directed to theIP Address of the AnywhereUSB (in this example: must manually add the address of the firewall to the Connection List.Note that you can access only one AnywhereUSB through each firewall. For more information on how to configure your firewall, refer to your firewall manual.At this point the PC will attempt to connect to the AnywhereUSB.If you would like AnywhereUSB Information to be displayed in the discovery window of the configuration utility, you may add the address of the firewall into the Discovery List. Note that AnywhereUSBs behind firewalls, as displayed in the discovery window, show the IP address of their private network.Uninstalling the DriversTo uninstall the AnywhereUSB drivers:1. From the Start menu launch the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility.2. From the File menu select Preferences and then click on the Uninstall button. You mustreboot your PC to complete the driver removal.Interpreting the Status LightsThe AnywhereUSB has six LEDs on the front panel, the System Status LED and five hub LEDs. Each LED is capable of displaying three colors: red, green, or orange.System Status LightsOn initial power up the system status LED is orange for two seconds while the system initializes and then blinks green. If DHCP is enabled and it is first coming up, the system status light will be orange while the AnywhereUSB searches for a DHCP server. If it cannot find a DHCP server, it will return to the default configuration to allow the Configuration Utility to assign a static IP address.Hub LightsGreen hunting pattern across all LEDs Not connected to a host.Orange alternating on ports 1-3-5 and 2-4 Updating image in Flash. Do not remove powerfrom AnywhereUSB while flash is being updated.Doing so will damage your AnywhereUSB.Solid Green Hub port is powered.Green over Red hunting pattern Please call customer service.Using the Configuration Utility ProgramThe AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility displays AnywhereUSBs grouped by their subnet. The Utility automatically discovers AnywhereUSBs on your local subnet. To discover AnywhereUSBs on other networks, you must add their network address to the Discovery list.Icon Color Legend:(Green) Available for Connection(Gray, Bold Text) Connected to this computer(Gray) In use by other Host PC(Red) Firmware is being updated.AnywhereUSB IP Address has not yet been configured.Note: After the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility has been launched it will reside in your system tray. To open the utility, double click the AnywhereUSB icon (leftmost icon in the picture below) inthe system tray. If you try to start this utility from the Start menu and it does not launch, check the system tray.Menu OptionsFile Menu: PreferencesAllows you to configure how frequently the utility queries for AnywhereUSBs on the network. You can also enable the logging of driver events to the system event log and uninstall the drivers.Edit Menu: Connection ListDisplays the IP addresses of the AnywhereUSB to which the PC will try to connect. When an IP address is added to this list, the Host PC immediately tries to connect to the AnywhereUSB. If an IP address in this list is deleted, all USB devices attached to this AnywhereUSB will be removed from this Host PC.Edit Menu: Discovery ListThis command displays a list of subnet addresses of remote networks or IP addresses of individual units where the configuration utility will search for AnywhereUSB.This command allows configuration of the TCP/IP parameters in the AnywhereUSB. In a static IP address configuration the MTU size is configurable between 576 and 1500 bytes, with 1500 being the default. Note that when DHCP is enabled the AnywhereUSB looks for DHCP option 26 in order to determine the MTU size (with 1500 being the default). You can add this IP address to the Connection List by checking the Add to Connection List check box. The Set Password and Clear Password buttons are for enabling and disabling the AnywhereUSB’s Configuration Password. The optional debug log address is for technical support use only.Command Menu: ConnectThis command allows you to add the IP address of the AnywhereUSB to the Connection List.This command retrieves event information from AnywhereUSB. Use this to gather information for Technical Support. This dialog also allows you to save and clear the event log.Command Menu: RebootThis command causes the AnywhereUSB to reboot.Command Menu: Lock / UnlockWhen an AnywhereUSB’s is password protected, the Unlock menu is required in order to open the unit’s configuration dialog. Once the correct password is entered, the AnywhereUSB transitions to an unlocked state. In order to enable the unit’s c onfiguration password again, the Lock option must be selected for the given unit(s).View Menu: Driver InformationThis command displays the version numbers of the AnywhereUSB drivers and firmware and allows you to uninstall the drivers.View Menu: Refresh (F5)This command updates the discovered AnywhereUSB list.AnywhereUSB Permitted Device ListAn option has been added to the AnywhereUSB product that will limit access to a set of select devices. This option allows an administrator to build a list of supported devices by adding specific VendorID/Product ID or Class values into the registry.The AnywhereUSB will compare the IDs of each USB device (when the USB device is connected), with the value(s) in the registry and if there is a match, the device will enumerate otherwise an ―unknown device‖ message will appear in the Notification Area.The key is located in the following location in the registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ionhubThe new key value is ―PermittedDevices.‖ This Multi String value contains a list of devices that the AnywhereUSB will enumerate all other devices will show as ―unknown device.‖The following are some examples of values in the permitted device listFor a hub use the value ―GENERICHUB‖ (Class_09 is not supported)For a composite device use the value ―COMPOSITE‖For specific device use Vid_xxxx&Pid_yyyy where xxxx and yyyy are the vendor id and product idof the deviceFor a device class such as mass storage use Class_xx where xx is the class of deviceCOMMUNICATIONS 02HUMAN INTERFACE 03PRINTER 07STORAGE 08VENDOR SPECIFIC FFExamples:To allow a specific USB device with an embedded hub (like an Edgeport/8):PermittedDevices REG_MULTI_SZ Vid_1608&Pid_0215 GENERICHUBTo allow all Human interface devices such as mouse or keyboard:PermittedDevices REG_MULTI_SZ Class_03To allow all mice and all printersPermittedDevices REG_MULTI_SZ Class_03 Class_07The USB Device’s Vid/Pid values can be found using the provided AnywhereUSB View utility. The fields are called idVendor and idProduct. In the following example, the highlighted USB Flash Drive has the following properties:idVendor: 0x13FEidProduct: 0x1D00The following is a view of the registry with the new Key of ―PermittedDevices‖:Double clicking on the key will bring up the Edit Multi-String dialog.Understanding HubsHubs, critical components in the plug-and-play architecture, are wiring concentrators that enable the attachment of multiple devices, thus converting a single attachment point into multiple attachment points. USB architecture allows a cascaded multiple hub configuration with certain power limitations (explained later in this section). See figure 1.Each hub has an upstream port, connecting to the host, and multiple downstream ports, connecting to downstream devices, including other hubs. A hub can detect attachment and detachment of downstream devices and enable and monitor the distribution of the power to downstream devices via their integral hardware and the operating system.Each USB device reports its power requirements to the operating system, which then enables and disables the device as a function of its power requirements and the amount of available power. High-speed devices typically need to be connected to a self-powered hub, which obtains power from its external power supply and provides up to 500 mA for each downstream port. Only simple devices, such as a mouse, can be connected to a bus-powered hub, which obtains power from its upstream host and provides up to 100 mA for each downstream port.Due to the limited available power for bus-powered hubs, cascading two bus-powered hubs is an illegal topology, and devices connected to the second hub will not function. (USB specifications limit the connection of a bus-powered hub to a self-powered hub or host only.)According to the USB Specification, the maximum limit of hubs cascaded in series cannot exceed five. In other words, you may have a maximum of five hubs between any device and the host. This does NOT mean that the maximum number of hubs in a system is five. Indeed, up to seven hubs can be connected parallel at any given level. You must tally both external and embedded hubs when counting downstream hubs.Regulatory and Other Information© 2007 Digi, Digi International, the Digi logo, USB Over IP, AnywhereUSB, Watchport, Edgeport, and Hubport are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Digi International, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Digi International.Digi International provides this document ―as is,‖ without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the particular purpose. Digi International may make improvements and/or changes to this documentation or to the product(s) and/or program(s) described in this documentation at any time.Digi International assumes no responsibility of any errors, technical inaccuracies, or typographical errors that may appear in this documentation, nor liability for any damages arising out of its use. Changes are made periodically to the information herein; these changes may be incorporated in new editions of the publication.For U.S. Government use:Any provision of this document and associated computer programs to the U.S. Government is with ―Restricted Rights.‖ Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to the restrictions set forth in, subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause of DFARS 52.277-7013.For non-U.S. Government use: These programs are supplied under a license. They may be used, disclosed, and/or copied only as supplied under such license agreement. Any copy must contain the above copyright notice and restricted rights notice. Use, copying, and/or disclosure of the programs is strictly prohibited unless otherwise provided for in the license agreement.Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Regulatory Information (USA only) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receivingantenna.•Increase the separation between theequipment and the receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outletthat is on a circuit different from thereceiver.•Consult the dealer or an experiencedradio/TV technician for help.Warning: The connection of a non-shielded interface cable to this equipment will invalidate the FCC Certification for this device.FCC Regulation - Part 15Declaration of Conformity (DoC)This device complies with the requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations listed below:FCC Title 47 CFR, Part 15 Class B for a digital device.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:This device may not cause harmful interference, andThis device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Department of Communication (DOC)Notice (Canada only)This Class B digital apparatus meets the requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.Cet appareil numérique de la Classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouiller du Canada.European Community - CE MarkDeclaration of Conformity (DOC) According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014Manufacturer’s Name:Digi InternationalManufacturer’s Address:11001 Bren Road EastMinnetonka, MN 55343declares that the productProduct Name:AnywhereUSBModel Number(s):301-1130-01Product Options:Allconforms to the relevant EU Directives listed here:EMC Directive 89/336/EEC |Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EECAmending Directive 93/68 EECusing the relevant section of the following EU standards and other normative documents:Safety:IEC 950:1991 +A1, A2, A3, A4EN 60950:1992 + A1, A2, A3, A4EMCThe following summarizes the specifications and requirements for EN55024, EN55022 Class B & CISPR 22 Class B emission and immunity tests. If the actual test levels are higher or different than required, these levels are listed in the appropriate tables.EN 55022 Class BEuropean ContactDigi InternationalJoseph-von-Fraunhofer Str. 2344227 Dortmund, GERMANY49-231-9747-0UL/CSA Safety InformationThis device complies with the requirements of following safety standards below:UL 1950, 3rd editionCSA No. 950Quality ManagerAustin, TexasMarch 2007Digi International 11001 Bren Road EastMinnetonka, MN 55343@CorporateHeadquarters:952-912-3444877-912-3444Fax: 952-912-4952Digi Europe: +49-231-9747-0Digi Hong Kong: +852-2833-1008Digi North America: 877-912-3444。