玛勒基斯Malekith.神域的军队打来了Asgard's forces are upon us.派诅咒之师出阵Send in the Kursed!不是鱼死就是网破Their deaths will mean our survival.战争远没有结束This was is far from over.雷神黑暗世界以太粒子唤醒了我们The Aether awakens us.天体聚合再度开始The Convergence returns.这是我的遗产阿尔戈利姆Look upon my legacy, Algrim.我几乎忘记了没有光的日子I can barely remember a time before the light.我们的复兴是你最大的遗产Our survival will be your legacy.我们受的苦要让神域人加倍偿还The Asgardians will suffer as we have suffered.我要夺回以太粒子I will reclaim the Aether.我要恢复我们的世界I will restore our world.我要彻底终结这个败坏的宇宙And I will put an end to this poisoned universe.天体聚合即将形成The worlds are nearly aligned.你将成为最后一个诅咒战士Y ou will be the last of the Kursed.我愿意献出生命Let my life be sacrificed.像我们的人民一样It is no less than our people did,像你一样or you have done.你会成为黑暗精灵Y ou will become darkness.受到这个世界诅咒直至完全同化cursed to this existence until it consumes you.到那时我们的敌人将再也无法阻止你Until then, no power our enemies possess can stop you.我要彻底粉碎他们为你打造一个全新的宇宙I will tear down their defenses and ensure your return to a universe reborn.痊愈吧你需要自己的力量夺回以太粒子Heal.Y ou will need your strength to reclaim the Aether.等你醒来我们把他们斩尽杀绝And when you wake, we will kill them all.我们必须马上进攻We must strike now.不No.没有必要再去神域了Asgard is meaningless.以太正在回家的路上The Aether has found its way home.他是神域的敌人He is an enemy of Asgard.他是地牢里的囚犯He was a prisoner in their dungeons.不列颠群岛伦敦格林威治查林十字街站远在宇宙诞生之前世界一片黑暗Long before the birth of light, there was darkness,无边的黑暗孕育了黑暗精灵and from that darkness came the Dark Elves.数千年前Millennia ago残暴无度的黑暗精灵玛勒基斯the most ruthless of their kind, Malekith, 试图让我们的宇宙sought to transform our universe重新回归漫漫长夜back into one of eternal night.他能借助以太粒子Such evil was possible实现其罪恶的目的through the power of the Aether,这种古老的武器能毁灭一切an ancient force of infinite destruction.阿萨神域的正义之师The noble of armies of Asgard,在我父王波尔率领下led by my father, King Bor,与黑暗精灵展开一场殊死大战waged a mighty war against these creatures.九大国度同仇敌忾As the nine worlds converged above him玛勒基斯只能铤而走险动用以太粒子武器Malekith could at last unleash the Aether.阿萨神域的军队夺取了他的武器But Asgard ripped the weapon from his grasp.黑暗精灵随之瓦解Without it, the Dark Elves fell.尽管大势已去With the battle all but lost但玛勒基斯不惜牺牲一切Malekith sacrificed his own people企图与阿萨神域的军队血战到底in a desperate attempt to lay waste toAsgard's army.玛勒基斯被击败以太武器也被摧毁Malekith was vanquished, and the Aether was no more.至少我们这么认为Or so we were led to believe...陛下这就是以太要不要毁掉它Sire, the Aether, shall we destroy it? 我们无法毁掉它它的力量过于强大If only we could, but its power is too great.将它深埋地下Bury it deep.让它永远没有出头之日Somewhere no one will ever find it.洛基Loki.你好母后Hello, mother.你为我感到骄傲吗Have I made you proud.求求你别再火上浇油了Please, don't make this worse.此话怎讲Define "worse".够了Enough!我要和犯人单独谈一谈I will speak to the prisoner alone.我真不知道你们这是演的哪一出I really don't see what all the fuss is about.难道你真的不知道自己罪孽深重吗Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes?你在哪儿哪儿就有战争毁灭和死亡Wherever you go there is war, ruin and death.我作为仁慈的神去中土世界I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth统治地球的子民as a benevolent god,就像你一样just like you.我们并不是神We are not gods.我们也有生老病死和人类一样We are born, we live, we die, just as humans do.但我们有五千年的寿命Give or take five thousand years.今天这一切都源于洛基对王位的追求All this because Loki desires a throne.那是我应有的权力It's my birthright!你的权力Y our birthright是死亡was to die...是幼年夭折as a child!被丢弃在冰冷的岩石上Cast out onto a frozen rock.如果我没有收留你If I had not taken you in你就不会像现在这样恨我了you would not be here now to hate me.如果我不该活着的话那就请你慈悲为怀If I am for the axe, then for mercy's sake,赐我一死just swing it.我并非不喜欢这次谈话It's not that I don't love our little talks,我只是it's just...我的确不喜欢I don't love them.如果不是弗丽嘉你早就一命呜呼了Frigga is the only reason you are still alive你再也见不到她and you will never see her again.我要让你一辈子待在地牢里Y ou will spend the rest of your days in the dungeons.那么索尔呢And what of Thor?你要让那个白痴去当国王让我把牢底坐穿Y ou'll make that witless oaf king while I rot in chains?索尔必须去收拾你留下的烂摊子Thor must strive to undo the damage you have done,他得让九大国度恢复秩序he will bring order to the nine Realms and then,是的他会是国王yes, he will be king.其实我已经完全掌握局势了I've got this completely under control!难怪这儿如此热闹Is that why everything's on fire!不用客气Y ou're welcome.看你的了All yours.你好Hello.我接受你的投降I accept your surrender.还有人吗Anyone else?看来下次我们得先拿个大的开刀Perhaps next time we should start withthe big one.我们接下来干什么Where do we go next?九大国度即将迎来和平Hogun, the peace is nearly won across the Nine Realms.你应该留下Y ou should stay here和你的人民在一起be with your people where your heart is,暂时不回阿萨Asgard can wait.真是太谢谢你了Y ou have my thanks.我也要谢谢你As you have mine.海姆达尔可以了吗Heimdall, when you're ready.瓦纳海姆安全了吗Is V anaheim secure?不亚于诺恩海姆和瑞亚As are Nornheim and Ria.您要是御驾亲征会更早结束Though our work would have gone more quickly with you at the fore.看来你把我当成马屁股了Y ou must think I'm a piece of bread最近没事就想拍一拍that needs to be buttered so heavily.我可没那个意思That was not my intent.自从彩虹桥遭到破坏以来For the first time since Bifrost was destroyed, 九大国度首次回归和平the Nine Realms are at peace.他们会记住我们的强大They're well reminded of our strength你赢得了他们的尊敬还有我的感谢and you have earned their respect and my gratitude.谢谢Thank you.一切都恢复了秩序除了你那无法平静的内心Nothing out of order except your confused and distracted heart.这跟简·福斯特无关父王This isn't about Jane Foster, father.人类的生命转瞬即逝Human lives are fleeting, they're nothing.你应该珍惜自己的大好前程Y ou'd be better served by what lies in front of you.我并非以众神之父的身份和你说话I'm telling you this not as the All-father,我是你父亲but as your father.你长大了到了接掌王位的时候了Y ou are ready, the time has come for you to take the throne.去享受和庆祝你的胜利Embrace and celebrate what you've won.到将士们中间Join your warriors,开怀畅饮跟他们彻夜狂欢eat and drink, revel in their celebration.至少也该做做样子吧At least pretend to enjoy yourself.再来一杯Another.有些狂欢至少应该持续几个星期There was a time when you would celebrate for weeks.我记得你曾醉心于庆祝哈罗金战役I remember you celebrated the Battle of Harokin以至于你差点又去打第二次so much that you nearly started the second.是啊第一次那么开心Well, the first was so much fun.陪我喝一杯Take a drink with me.你父王今晚不会再给你安排新任务了吧Surely the All-father could have no further task for you tonight.可是我给自己安排了任务No, this is one I set myself.我不是不知道你每晚都在玩消失It does not go unnoticed that you disappear each night.我们有九大国度There are Nine Realms,未来的国王可不能只盯着其中一个the future king of Asgard must focus on more than one.谢谢你的骁勇善战和坦诚相见希芙小姐I thank you for your sword and for your counsel, good Lady Sif.你好Hi.你好Hi.你有什么心事吗So what's the story with you?为什么要有心事我没心事Why does there have to be a story, there's no story.要知道自从我们见面以后Y ou spent the first ten minutes of our date 你一直在研究菜谱可那上面只有三种选择hiding behind a menu that has three choices on it.无非是鸡肉蔬菜和鱼It's either chicken, vegetarian or fish, Jane.所以我认为你有心事I think there's a story而且一定是和某个男人有关系and I'm thinking the story involves a guy?这可说来话长了It's complicated.他还在这儿吗Is he still around?不他No, he...他离开了went away.我能理解I've been there.分手是非常痛苦的对吗The going away. It's hard, isn't it?我曾经追过一个女孩后来她去了纽约工作I was seeing a woman and uh...she took a job in New Y ork,我们还是输给了距离eventually the distance killed it.其实其实她And...and the fact that she uh...她一直和其他男人上床she kept sleeping with other dudes.- 不- 哦无数人- No! - Oh, so many.嗨呃能给我们来点红酒吗Hi. Um...could we get some wine please? 当然我也想喝Sure, I'd love some.理查德这位是达茜Richard, this is Darcy.你来干什么What are you doing here?噢你好Oh, hello.听着我刚才去你的实验室就是你妈妈家上班So, I show up to work at the lab/your mom's house,我本来以为你会穿着睡衣转来转去fully expecting you to be mopingaround in your pajamas一边吃冰淇淋一边想念那个人eating ice cream obsessing about... you know who...可是你没有你穿了淑女装But you're not! Y ou're wearing lady clothes, 还洗了澡对吗闻着挺香you even showered, didn't you? Y ou smell good.你到底有什么事Is there a point to all this,我说你总不会平白无故地来找我吧because there really needs to be a point to all this.对Right.记得那些你已经失去兴趣的科学仪器吗Y ou know all that scientific equipment you don't look at anymore?也许你应该再看上一眼Y ou might wanna start looking at it again.为了它才大老远跑来的This is the reason we came all the way out here. 它出故障了It's malfunctioning.我也这么说That's what I said.我也这么做That's what I did!我以为你处理事情会科学点I thought you'd do something a little more scientific.- 我想问题不大- 是啊- I'm sure it's nothing. - Y eah, it's...恐怕没那么简单It doesn't look like nothing.它的读数像语无伦次的艾瑞克Kind of looks like the readings that Erikwas rambling about.我们的朋友艾瑞克有点走火入魔Our friend Erik, kind of went banana-balls.他对他没兴趣He's not interested.- 我也没兴趣- 我有兴趣- I'm not interested. - I'm interested.我想你该走了It's time for you to go now.好吧Okay.短暂而美妙Short but sweet.她有点二She needs help.我想点一条鲈鱼I think I'm gonna have the sea bass.鲈鱼好吧鲈鱼好吃Sea bass. Y eah, sea bass is good.鲈鱼鲈鱼鲈鱼鲈鱼Sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass,鲈鱼鲈鱼鲈鱼鲈鱼鲈鱼sea bass, sea bass, sea bass...sea bass. Sea bass...- 鲈鱼- 简- Sea bass. - Jane,别再念叨鲈鱼了好吗maybe you should stop saying "sea bass"去找你的朋友吧and go after your friend.我真的很开心This was so fun.好吧下面轮到我念叨鲈鱼了Y ou know, I'll just stay here and say "Sea bass" alone.我恨死你了And I hate you.怎么了我说他很可爱What?! I said he was cute.闭嘴开你的车Just shut up and drive.下个路口左转Y ou need to take the next left.他是谁Who's he?我的实习生He's my intern.你的实习生Y ou have an intern?哦是的Oh, yeah.你好福斯特博士我Hello, Dr. Foster. It's uh...我很荣幸能和你共事It's such a great honor to be working with you.好吧我给艾瑞克打个电话Right. I need to call Erik.哦向右转Oh, uh...take a right.再向左And a left.我对伦敦路况已经了如指掌了I have totally mastered driving in London.嗨艾瑞克还是我我说你在哪儿Hi, Erik, it's me again.Where are you?我来是因为你说有新的发现I came here because you said you were onto something可我找不到你and then you vanish.现在我正在巨石阵现场I'm here at Stonehenge,为大家报道今天发生的新闻事件for what has been an interesting unfolding of events today.上午11点刚过The police were called to the scene警察便接到电话赶到这里shortly after 11 a.m. this morning,一位看似很正常的步行者来到附近after a seemingly harmless rambler approached the area随后他决定脱光衣服then, decided to strip naked他随身携带的科学仪器把周围的旅行者吓得不轻and effectively terrorize tourists there with scientific equipment但是他却扬言要拯救他们while shouting that he was trying to save them.随后确认该名男子正是著名天文物理学家The man later identified as noted astrophysicist艾瑞克·萨维格博士Dr. Erik Selvig目前他已被带回警局接受讯问has been called in for questioning by police.快点太激动人心了Come on, this is exciting!你瞧实习生多兴奋Look, the intern is excited.伊安"Ian".你需要相位计吗Do you want the phase meter?- 不- 拿上相位计- No. - Bring the phase meter.像烤面包机的那个The toaster-looking thing.好我知道什么是相位计Y eah. I know what the phase meter is.怎么才能把这手机铃声给换掉How do I change the ringtone on this thing?拥有三个学位的天体物理学家An astrophysicist with three degrees不应该问这种问题should be able to change her own ringtone.为什么打电话Why are you calling me?因为我不想喊叫I didn't want to shout.实习生说在这边Intern says it's this way.伊安我我叫伊安"Ian". My name is Ian.我可不想为了科学献身I am not getting stabbed in the name of science. 有话好说我们是美国人It's okay, we're Americans!这样他们就喜欢我们了Is that supposed to make them like us?他们能让它消失They'll make it go away.噢几个孩子Oh, they're kids.你们是警察吗Are you the police?不我们是科学家至少我是No, we're scientists. Well, I am.- 谢谢- 我们刚刚发现- Thanks. - We just found it.能让我看看吗Can you show us?好像不太对劲儿That doesn't seem right.它去哪儿了Where'd it go?真是That's...真是难以置信that's incredible.怎么回事What happened?它们有时候回来有时候不回来Sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't.我也想扔点什么简把你的鞋给我I want to throw something. Jane, give me your shoe.我还从没见过这样的读值I haven't seen readings like this since...除了在since...新墨西哥New Mexico?什么都不要动Don't touch anything!把鞋给我Give me your shoe.那是车钥匙吗Were those the car keys?达茜Darcy!你来晚了Y ou're late.欢乐有时候比战争更令人难以忍受Merriment can sometimes be a heavier burden than battle.是你的欢乐方式有问题Then you're doing one of them incorrectly.可能吧Perhaps.各星球情况如何How fare the stars?依然在闪烁Still shining.从这里我可以看到九大国度和数万亿的生灵From here I can see nine realms and ten trillion souls.记得我跟你讲过天体聚合吗Do you recall what I told you of the Convergence?记得所有国度排成一列Y es, the alignment of the worlds.即将出现对吗It approaches, doesn't it?从我开始守望以来The universe hasn't seen this marvel还从未见过这样的宇宙奇观since before my watch began.知道它的人很少见过的人更少Few can sense it, even fewer can see it. 尽管它存在一定的风险But while its effects can be dangerous,可的确美不胜收it is truly beautiful.我看不出来I see nothing.也许它并不是你追求的那种美Or perhaps that is not the beauty you seek.她怎么样了How is she?你的人类女友很聪明She's quite clever, your mortal.尽管她还不了解天体聚合She doesn't know it yet,但她正在进行研究but she studies the Convergence as well.甚至Even...怎么What?她不见了I can't see her.简Jane!你到底去哪儿了Where the hell were you?别告诉我你已经报警了Tell me you didn't call the police!那我还能干什么What was I supposed to do?不应该报警Not call the police!你吓坏我了I was freaking out.你报警就会惊动政府Y ou call the cops, they tell the Feds,接着神盾局的人会从四面八方赶来the next thing you know we have S.H.I.E.L.D crawling all over,把这儿变成51区"Area 51-ing" the place.- 简- 我们发现了稳定的重力异常- Jane! - We had a stable gratification anomaly,而且可以随意研究We had unimpeded access.我们的竞争对手只有几个孩子Our only competition was ten years old! 简你失踪了整整五个小时Jane, you were gone for five hours!什么What?奇怪That's weird.老一套Typical.简Jane.对不起我只是确认你是不是真的Sorry. I just needed to make sure you were real,今天一整天都怪怪的it's been a very strange day.我是真的简Well, I am. Jane what...你去哪儿了Where were you?!你去哪儿了Where were you?海姆达尔看不到你Heimdall could not see you.我就在我们分手的地方I was right here where you left me.我一直苦苦等待一边等一边哭I was waiting and then I was crying后来又出去找你and then I went out looking for you.你说过你会回来Y ou said you were coming back.知道知道可是彩虹桥被破坏了I know, I know, but the Bifrost was destroyed.要知道九大国度乱作一团The Nine Realms erupted into chaos,烽烟四起掠夺者趁火打劫wars were raging, marauders were pillaging. 我必须先结束动乱I had to put an end to the slaughter.如果真是这样那还说得过去As excuses go, it's not terrible.可我在电视上看到你了你你在纽约But I saw you on TV, you were...you were in New Y ork!简我去那儿是为了保护人类不受上界的侵扰Jane, I fought to protect you from the dangers of my world,可是我错了我是个傻瓜but I was wrong, I was a fool.但我相信是命运让我们走到一起But I believe that fate brought us together.简我不知道你去了哪儿做了什么Jane, I don't know where you were or what happened,可是我知道but I do know this.什么What?我知道I know...你知道Y ou do?知道什么Do what?什么What?嗨Hi.这是你干的Is this you?呃我们正在讨论问题Uh...we're kind of in the middle of something here.嗯可是我们肯定会被抓起来Um...I'm pretty sure we are getting arrested.别忘了刚才说的Hold that thought.瞧瞧你Look at you!四肢还是那么发达天上怎么样Still all muscly and everything. How's space?挺好的Space is fine.对不起Excuse me?- 你是简·福斯特- 我是- Are you Jane Foster? - Y es.你认识他吗Do you know this man?他是我的实习生He's my intern.实习生的实习生My intern's intern.这是私人领地This is private property你们涉嫌非法入侵and you're trespassing, the lot of you.跟我走一趟Y ou'll have to come with me.简Jane!简Jane?索尔Thor.你还好吗Y ou alright?发生了什么事What just happened?把你的手放在头上往后退Place your hands on your heads, step back! 这位女士身体不适This woman is unwell.她很危险She's dangerous.我也一样So am I.请求特警现场支援Requesting armed response officers to the scene.抓紧我Hold on to me.你想干嘛What are you doing?我的天呐Holy shit!我们又来了一次We have to do that again.你好Hi.阿萨神域欢迎你Welcome to Asgard.那是什么What's that?安静Be still.这是非地球物质见过吗This is not of Earth, what is it?从没见过We do not know.不过她体内翻腾的能量足以令她致命But she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her.那是量子场发生器对吗That's a quantum field generator, isn't it?这是灵魂锻造炉It's a Soul Forge.那么灵魂锻造炉可以使分子能量进行迁移对吗Does a Soul Forgetransfer molecular energy from one place to another?是的Y es.还是量子场发生器Quantum field generator.我的话就像耳旁风对你完全不起作用吗My words are mere noises to you that you ignore them completely?她生病了She's ill.她是凡人She is mortal.凡人当然会生病Illness is their defining trait.我带她来是因为我们可以帮她I brought her here because we can help her.她不能进我们阿萨神域的殿堂She does not belong here in Asgard就像有些菜不能上台面一样anymore than a goat belongs at a banquet table.他怎么Did he just...?你以为你是谁啊Who do you think you are?我是奥丁众神之王I'm Odin. King of Asgard.九大国度的保护者Protector of the Nine Realms.哦我Oh. Well, I'm...我知道你是谁简·福斯特I know very well who you are, Jane Foster. 你跟你父亲说过我Y ou told your dad about me?她体内存在某种物质父王Something is within her, father,我从未见过的物质something I have not seen before.人类世界有自己的治疗师叫医生Her world has its healers. They are called "doctors."让医生处理吧Let them deal with it.卫兵马上送她回地球Guards, take her back to Midgard.不别No, I wouldn't...碰她...touch her.简你没事吧Jane, are you alright?这不可能It's impossible.她体内的物质在保护她The infection, it's defending her.不No,它在保护自己it's defending itself.跟我来Come with me.有一些宇宙形成前残留的物质There are relics that predate the universe itself.她体内的东西似乎是其中的一种What lies within her appears to be one of them.九大国度并非一成不变The Nine Realms are not eternal.它们有黎明当然也有黄昏They had a dawn as they will have a dusk. 在黎明之前黑暗势力But before that dawn the dark forces,也就是黑暗精灵一统天下the Dark Elves, reigned absolute独霸一方and unchallenged.起源于无边黑暗的"Born of eternal night,黑暗精灵要把光偷走the Dark Elves comes to steal away your light."我知道那些故事小时候妈妈给我讲过They were these stories mother told them to us as children.他们的首领玛勒基斯Their leader, Malekith利用黑暗制造了一种武器made a weapon out of that darkness,叫做以太and it was called the Aether.其它的残留物通常很像石头While the other relics often appeared as stones,但以太是液体并且不断变化the Aether is fluid and everchanging.它把各种物质转化成黑暗物质It changes matter into dark matter,它寻找寄居的宿主it seeks out to host bodies,从宿主的生命力中吸取能量drawing strength from their life force.玛勒基斯企图通过以太的力量Malekith sought to use the Aether's power使宇宙重新回归黑暗to return the universe to one of darkness.但是经过不屈不挠的浴血奋战But after eternities of blood shed,我的父王波尔最终获得胜利my father Bor, finally triumphed,因此赢得了持续数千年的和平ushering in the peace that lasted thousands of years.他怎么取胜的What happened?他消灭了他们He killed them all.你肯定吗Are you certain?据说以太也同时被消灭了The Aether was said to have been destroyed with them可如今再度献身and yet here it is.黑暗精灵的确消亡了The Dark Elves are dead.你的书中有没有提到怎么排出它们Does your book happen to mention how to get it out of me?没有没有涉及No, it does not.让我们负责看管俘虏未免太大材小用了Acting as caretakers to these scoundrels is beneath us.噢没错Oh, please.你的身材的确够大我的朋友If they were beneath you my rotund friend,能把人压死they'd all be dead.排好队Keep in line.走快点Move it!奥丁不断地为我提供新的朋友Odin continues to bring me new friends. 真的很体贴How thoughtful.我送来的书你不感兴趣是吗The books I sent, do they not interest you? 你想让我后半辈子当书虫吗读书Is that how I'm to wile away eternity, reading?我已经竭尽全力让你过得舒适一些了洛基I've done everything in my power to make you comfortable, Loki.是吗Have you?奥丁是否也这么想Does Odin share your concern?还有索尔Does Thor?让他们日夜为我操心我还真有点过意不去It must be so inconvenient them asking after me day and night.你走到今天这一步完全都是你咎由自取Y ou know full well it was your actions that brought you here.咎由自取My actions.我只不过是揭穿了那个I was merely giving truth to the lie欺骗了我一生的谎言而已that I've been fed my entire life,说什么我生而为王that I was born to be a king.当国王A king?真正的国王勇于承认错误A true king admits his faults.你在地球上残害了多少生命What of the lives you took on Earth?跟伟大的奥丁杀的人相比那点人根本不值一提 A mere handful compared to the number Odin has taken himself.你父亲Y our father...他不是我的父亲He's not my father!我也不是你母亲吗Then am I not your mother?你也不是Y ou're not.除了你自己你好像已经把所有的人都看透了Y ou're always so perceptive about everyone but yourself.你去地球找我是因为我遇到了麻烦When you came for me, you knew I was in trouble.海姆达尔看不到你了你不在地球上When Heimdall had lost sight of you, you were no longer on Earth.那怎么可能呢Well, how's that possible?我认为你在可你不在I believe you were and you weren't.九大国度运行于宇宙生命之树The Nine Realms travel within Yggdrasil,它们围绕中庭旋转犹如地球围绕太阳orbiting Midgard in much the way your planet orbits the sun.每过五千年它们就会呈直线排列And every five thousand years the worlds align perfectly,我们称之为天体聚合and we call this the Convergence.在这段时间各国边界会出现混淆During this time the boarders between worlds become blurred.可能你已经发现了一些端倪It's possible you found one of these points. 幸好这情况还会改变We are lucky that it remained open.天体聚合过后直列现象结束Once the worlds pass out of alignment,混淆情况就会消失the connection is lost.我非常喜欢你的表述方式I liked the way you explained things.我会有什么事吗What's gonna happen to me?我会想办法救你简I'll find a way to save you, Jane.你父王说根本Y our father said there was...我父王并非无所不知My father doesn't know everything.这话可别让他听到Don't let him hear you say that.简·福斯特请拜见弗丽嘉Jane Foster, please meet Frigga,阿萨神域王后我母亲Queen of Asgard, my mother.你好Hi.快Move!都去地牢To the dungeons!快点Come on!我觉得你应该走左侧的楼梯Y ou might want to take the stairs to the left. 监狱出事了The prisons.洛基Loki.去吧我会照顾好她Go, I will look after her.看来他们坐牢久了有点情绪It is as if they resented being imprisoned. 有些家伙就是不识好歹There's no pleasing some creatures.现在只要回到牢房概不追究责任Return to your cells, no further harm will come to you.我向你们保证Y ou have my word.非常好那我就不用客气了V ery well, you do not have my word.现在马上派人去武器库Send a squadron to the weapons vault,不惜一切代价守住确保地牢安全defend it at all costs. Secure the dungeon.奥丁Odin.弗丽嘉Frigga.快Go!小事一桩不必多虑It's a skirmish, nothing to fear.你从来都不会撒谎Y ou've never been a very good liar.带她去你的寝宫事态平息了我去找你Take her to you chambers, I'll come for you when it's safe.多保重Y ou take care.经历过那么多风风雨雨Despite all I have survived,我的王后对我还是一往情深my queen still worries over me.因为我对你一往情深才能让你逢凶化吉It's only because I worry over you that you have survived.现在你听好了Listen to me now,无论我说什么你都要照办不得违抗I need you to do everything I ask and no questions.遵命夫人Y es, ma'am.国王王位被毁坏了快去保护国王The throne of Asgard is destroyed! To the king!弗丽嘉Frigga.别再往前走了Stand down, creature.我可以饶你不死And you may still survive this.你可奈何不了我女人I have survive worse, woman.你是谁Who are you?我是玛勒基斯I am Malekith.来取回属于我的东西And I would have what is mine.你拿了我的东西孩子Y ou have taken something, child.还给我Give it back.你这巫婆Witch.以太在哪儿Where is the Aether.我不会告诉你I'll never tell you.这我相信I believe you.不No.宇宙运行以五千年为一个周期The universe rotates on a five thousand years cycle.每个周期都会出现直列现象And once a cycle, all the worlds align.你们想象一下这是我们的星球Imagine... imagine that this is our world,呃谢谢oh, thank you,这是另一个星球and this is another world,通常它们是分开的normally, they're seperate.可是直列期间But during the Alignment,整个宇宙互相连接everything is connected,包括九大国度九大国度会互相穿行all nine realms. All nine realms are passing through each other,。
一、《钢铁侠》系列1. "I am Iron Man." -Tony Stark(我就是钢铁侠。
)2. "Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk." -Tony Stark(有时候你得在学步前开始跑。
)3. "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." -Tony Stark(天才、亿万富翁、花花公子、慈善家。
)4. "I love you three thousand." -Tony Stark(我爱你三千遍。
)5. "Genius is not enough, it takes bravery and sacrifice." -Tony Stark(天才不能让你迈出下一步,需要的是勇气和牺牲。
二、《美国队长》系列6. "I can do this all day." -Steve Rogers(我可以这样做一整天。
)7. "I'm just a kid from Brooklyn." -Steve Rogers(我只是个来自布鲁克林的孩子。
1. “英雄所做之事并非出于权力,而是为了他们的人民。
2. “我们爱的人使我们更强大,那些我们失去的人则使我们更勇敢。
3. “害怕失败是自我毁灭的先兆。
4. “我们是复仇者,我们会致力于保护那些无助的人们,即使这意味着要冒着生命危险。
5. “你把智商当成了作弊小抄,而我把它当成了生存手段。
6. “有时候我们必须失去,才会明白我们真正想要的是什么。
7. “我们不是要成为英雄,而是想保护那些我们爱的人。
8. “有时候就是这样,失败是成功之母。
9. “你的弱点和你的才能,经常是同一件事。
10. “即使是被黑暗包围,我们依然要找到光明。
- 去追寻便好,哪怕是须臾的光亮。
- 如果我们要再会,就在夕阳与海面相遇的地方再会吧。
- 深山踏红叶,耳畔闻鹿鸣。
- 勇气不也是这样吗?一帆风顺的人不会明白它的可贵,可当你身处绝境勇气就是令你奋起抗争、走出绝境的唯一之光。
- 在黎明到来之前,必须要有人稍微照亮黑暗。
- 年年今日,灯明如昼。
- 正是因为有大家的寄托,烟花才能以如此美妙的姿态一直存在下去吧。
- 心有所向,日复一日,必有精进。
- 用自己的双脚丈量土地,将未知变为知识。
- 若知是梦何须醒,不比真如意相会。
- 飘摇风雨中,睹物思故乡。
《复仇者联盟》剧本中英对照:探索英语学习的全新途径一、剧情简介二、剧本片段中英对照1. 钢铁侠(Tony Stark)台词:中文:我是钢铁侠,有话直说,别藏着掖着。
English: I'm Iron Man. Speak directly, don't beat around the bush.2. 美国队长(Captain America)台词:中文:我们必须团结一致,才能战胜敌人。
English: We must stand united if we are to defeat the enemy.3. 雷神(Thor)台词:中文:为了阿斯加德,为了地球,战斗吧!English: For Asgard, for Earth, fight!4. 黑寡妇(Black Widow)台词:中文:我从不逃避战斗,因为我知道,逃避不能解决问题。
English: I never run from a fight, because I know that running won't solve anything.5. 绿巨人(Hulk)台词:中文:浩克砸!English: Hulk smash!三、英语学习要点提炼1. 学会表达直接观点:如钢铁侠的台词“有话直说,别藏着掖着”,我们可以学习如何用英语表达直接观点。
2. 团结协作的表达:美国队长的台词“我们必须团结一致,才能战胜敌人”,让我们学会如何在英语中表达团结协作的重要性。
3. 英雄气概的展现:雷神的台词“为了阿斯加德,为了地球,战斗吧!”展现了英雄的勇敢与担当,我们可以从中学习如何在英语中表达豪情壮志。
4. 坚定信念的表达:黑寡妇的台词“我从不逃避战斗,因为我知道,逃避不能解决问题”,让我们学会如何在英语中表达坚定的信念。
5. 简洁有力的表达:绿巨人的台词“浩克砸!”虽然简短,但充满力量,我们可以学习如何在英语中运用简洁有力的表达。
复仇者联盟里的名句英文1、Everybody wants a happy ending,But it doesn't always roll that way.每个人都渴望美好的结局,但现实总是不尽人意。
——铁人2、I love you three thousand.我爱你三千遍。
——铁人&铁人闺女3、I am Iron man.我就是钢铁侠。
——铁人4、I am inevitable.我就是天命。
——灭霸5、Avengers,Assemble!复仇者们,集合!——美队6、Whatever it takes.不惜一切代价!——寡姐7、Part of the journey is the end.死亡也是人生经历的一部分。
——铁人8、When I drift off, I will dream about you. It’s always you.在我离开之际,我会在梦中见到你。
——铁人9、I keep telling everybody they should move on. Some do, but not us.我一直告诉大家应该向前走,有些人做得到,但我们决不。
——美队10、We lost. All of us. We lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of ourselves. This is the fight of our lives.所有人都损失惨重,我们失去了朋友,失去了家人,也感到十分迷茫,这是我们的存亡之战。
——美队11、Natasha Romanoff: Even if there's a... small chance, we owe this to everyone who's not in this room to try.无论希望多么渺茫,为了逝去的战友,我们都要竭尽全力。
马勒基斯Malekith.阿斯加德的军队攻来了Asgard's forces are upon us.派出诅咒战士Send in the Kursed!消灭他们我们才能生存Their deaths will mean our survival.这场战争还远没有结束This war is far from over.以太粒子唤醒了我们The Aether awakens us.天体汇聚又开始了The Convergence returns.瞧瞧我留下了什么阿格姆Look upon my legacy, Algrim.我几乎记不清光明之前的日子了I can barely remember a time before the light.我们种族的延续将是你留给后世的遗产Our survival will be your legacy.我要让阿斯加德人尝尽我们吃的苦头The Asgardians will suffer as we have suffered.我要拿回以太粒子I will reclaim the Aether.我要恢复我们的世界I will restore our world.我要终结这饱受荼毒的宇宙And I will put an end to this poisoned universe.天体汇聚即将形成The worlds are nealy aligned.你将是最后一个诅咒战士You will be the last of the Kursed.我愿牺牲自己Let my life be sacrificed.就像我们的人民It is no less than our people did,和你那样or you have done.你将成为黑暗You will become darkness,并维持这一形态直到它耗尽你的生命cursed to this existence until it consumes you.在那之前我们的敌人将不是你的对手Until then, no power our enemies possess can stop you.我将摧毁他们的防线I will tear down their defenses让你回到一个崭新的宇宙中and ensure your return to a universe reborn.恢复吧夺回以太粒子你需要力气Heal. You will need your strength to reclaim the Aether. 等你醒来我们去把他们赶尽杀绝And when you wake, we will kill them all.我们得马上出击We must strike now.不No.不必去阿斯加德了Asgard is meaningless.以太自己送上门了The Aether has found its way home.他是阿斯加德的敌人He is an enemy of Asgard.他也被关在他们的地牢里He was a prisoner in their dungeons.早在光出现之前世界是一片黑暗Long before the birth of light, there was darkness,那黑暗孕育了黑暗精灵and from that darkness came the Dark Elves.一千年前Millennia ago最残暴的黑暗精灵马勒基斯the most ruthless of their kind, Malekith,企图将我们的宇宙sought to transform our universe重归于无尽黑夜back into one of eternal night.要实现这邪恶的计划Such evil was possible他必须借助以太粒子的力量through the power of the Aether,那是能带来无限毁灭的古老武器an ancient force of infinite destruction.阿斯加德的圣军The noble of armies of Asgard,在我父亲包尔王的率领下led by my father, King Bor,对这些邪恶的生灵发起了伟大的战争waged a mighty war against these creatures.九大王国的汇聚渐渐形成As the nine worlds converged above him马勒基斯终于可以释放以太粒子Malekith could at last unleash the Aether.但阿斯加德从他手上夺走了那武器But Asgard ripped the weapon from his grasp.没了武器黑暗精灵就此战败Without it, the Dark Elves fell.尽管大势已去With the battle all but lost马勒基斯仍不惜牺牲他的部下Malekith sacrificed his own people妄图与阿斯加德军队同归于尽in a desperate attempt to lay waste to Asgard's army.马勒基斯被击败以太粒子也被摧毁Malekith was vanquished, and the Aether was no more. 至少我们以为是这样Or so we were led to believe...陛下是否要摧毁以太粒子Sire, the Aether, shall we destroy it?只可惜它的力量太过强大我们无法摧毁If only we could, but its power is too great.将它深埋Bury it deep.藏在没人能找到的地方Somewhere no one will ever find it.洛基Loki.你好母亲Hello, mother.你为我骄傲吗Have I made you proud.求求你别让事情变得更糟Please, don't make this worse.怎样才算更糟Define "worse".够了Enough!我要单独跟犯人谈谈I will speak to the prisoner alone.有何必要如此大惊小怪I really don't see what all the fuss is about.你还没认识到你罪行的严重性吗Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes?你所到之处必是战争毁灭与死亡Wherever you go there is war, ruin and death.我是作为仁慈的神去米德加德I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth统治地球人民as a benevolent god,就像你一样just like you.我们不是神We are not gods.我们跟人类一样出生生活然后死去We are born, we live, we die, just as humans do.但是我们能活五千年Give or take five thousand years.这一切都是因为你想要王位All this because Loki desires a throne.这是我与生俱来的权利It's my birthright!你与生俱来的权利Your birthright是一出生was to die...就死去as a child!你本被丢弃在冰冷的岩石上Cast out onto a frozen rock.如果不是我当时收留了你If I had not taken you in此刻你就不会站在这里憎恨我you would not be here now to hate me.如果我该被处死那发发慈悲If I am for the axe, then for mercy's sake,赶紧动手吧just swing it.我并非不喜欢和你谈话It's not that I don't love our little talks,只是...it's just...我的确不喜欢I don't love them.你还活着完全是因为弗丽嘉不忍杀你Frigga is the only reason you are still alive你以后休想再见她了and you will never see her again.你会在地牢里度过余生You will spend the rest of your days in the dungeons.那托尔呢And what of Thor?我在牢里关到死你却要封那个蠢货为王吗You'll make that witless oaf king while I rot in chains?托尔必须尽力弥补你造成的损害Thor must strive to undo the damage you have done,他将恢复九大王国的秩序之后he will bring order to the nine Realms and then,是的他会成为王yes, he will be king.局面完全在我掌控之中I've got this completely under control!难怪四处火光连天Is that why everything's on fire!不用谢You're welcome.交给你了All yours.你好Hello.我接受你的投降I accept your surrender.还有谁Anyone else?也许下次我们该直接拿块头大的下手Perhaps next time we should start with the big one.接下来去哪Where do we go next?霍根九大王国都已基本恢复安宁Hogun, the peace is nearly won across the Nine Realms.你该留下You should stay here与你的人民在一起这也是你心之所向be with your people where your heart is,迟点回阿斯加德也无妨Asgard can wait.多谢你了You have my thanks.我也该谢你As you have mine.海姆达尔可以走了Heimdall, when you're ready.华纳海姆安定了吗Is Vanaheim secure?是的诺恩海姆和里亚也是As are Nornheim and Ria.但如果您率军亲征战事必能更早结束Though our work would have gone more quickly with you at the fore.你一定把我当成一块面包了You must think I'm a piece of bread需要时常涂上甜言蜜语that needs to be buttered so heavily.我不是这个意思That was not my intent.彩虹桥被毁之后这是九大王国For the first time since Bifrost was destroyed,第一次重归安宁the Nine Realms are at peace.他们会因此铭记我们的强大They're well reminded of our strength而你也赢得了他们的敬意和我的谢意and you have earned their respect and my gratitude.谢谢您Thank you.一切都安定了除了你茫然若失的心Nothing out of order except your confused and distracted heart.这与简·福斯特无关父王This isn't about Jane Foster, father.人类的生命转瞬即逝不值得挂心Human lives are fleeting, they're nothing.你该好好珍惜眼前人You'd be better served by what lies in front of you.我说这话不是以众神之父的身份I'm telling you this not as the All-father,而是以父亲的身份but as your father.你准备好了该接掌王位了You are ready, the time has come for you to take the throne.去享受庆祝你的胜利吧Embrace and celebrate what you've won.与你的将士一起Join your warriors,美酒佳肴举杯同庆eat and drink, revel in their celebration.至少也装出点开心的样子At least pretend to enjoy yourself.再来Another.你以前会欢庆上好几个星期呢There was a time when you would celebrate for weeks.我记得海拉根一战后你兴致高昂I remember you celebrated the Battle of Harokin差点挑起了第二次战役so much that you nearly started the second.谁让第一仗那么过瘾呢Well, the first was so much fun.跟我喝一杯吧Take a drink with me.众神之父今晚不会再派任务给你了吧Surely the All-father could have no further task for you tonight.对可我给自己派了任务No, this is one I set myself.我注意到你每晚都会消失It does not go unnoticed that you disappear each night.世间有九大王国There are Nine Realms,阿斯加德未来的国王不能只盯着其中一个the future king of Asgard must focus on more than one.谢谢你的英勇与谏言尊贵的希芙小姐I thank you for your sword and for your counsel, good Lady Sif.你有什么放不下的事So what's the story with you?为什么非得有事我没什么放不下的事Why does there have to be a story, there's no story.我们约会的前十分钟里You spent the first ten minutes of our date你都躲在一份只有三道菜的菜单后面hiding behind a menu that has three choices on it.你能选的就只有鸡肉蔬菜或鱼简It's either chicken, vegetarian or fish, Jane.我猜你有放不下的事I think there's a story而那件事是有关一个男人的对吗and I'm thinking the story involves a guy?一言难尽It's complicated.他还在你身边吗Is he still around?不他No, he...走了went away.我也经历过I've been there.心爱的人离开是很痛苦的事不是吗The going away. It's hard, isn't it?我以前交往过一个女人她去纽约工作了I was seeing a woman and uh...she took a job in New York,最终感情敌不过距离eventually the distance killed it.还有就是...And...and the fact that she uh...她一直跟别的男人上床she kept sleeping with other dudes.-不是吧-好多呢- No! - Oh, so many.你好能给我们上点红酒吗Hi. Um...could we get some wine please?好啊我也想来点Sure, I'd love some.理查德这是达西Richard, this is Darcy.你来干什么What are you doing here?你好Oh, hello.我去了实验室也就是你妈家So, I show up to work at the lab/your mom's house,满心以为会看到你穿着睡衣在屋里晃悠fully expecting you to be moping around in your pajamas吃着冰激凌念念不忘...那个谁eating ice cream obsessing about... you know who...可你居然没有你穿上了淑女装But you're not! You're wearing lady clothes,甚至还洗了澡对吧香喷喷的you even showered, didn't you? You smell good.有什么事Is there a point to all this,你跑到这儿来找我一定有什么要紧事because there really needs to be a point to all this.对Right.还记得你被你丢在一边的科学仪器吗You know all that scientific equipment you don't look at anymore?你现在得开始看了You might wanna start looking at it again.我们大老远跑来就是为了这个This is the reason we came all the way out here.出故障了It's malfunctioning.我也这么觉得That's what I said.我也这么做的That's what I did!还以为你做事会更科学点I thought you'd do something a little more scientific.-应该没什么问题-嗯...- I'm sure it's nothing. - Yeah, it's...看起来不像没问题It doesn't look like nothing.有点像艾瑞克之前念叨的那些读数Kind of looks like the readings that Erik was rambling about.我们的朋友艾瑞克他有点疯了Our friend Erik, kind of went banana-balls.他没兴趣He's not interested.-我有兴趣-我也没兴趣- I'm interested. - I'm not interested.你可以走了It's time for you to go now.好吧Okay.短暂但愉快Short but sweet.她该吃药了She needs help.我还是点份鲈鱼吧I think I'm gonna have the sea bass.鲈鱼嗯鲈鱼不错Sea bass. Yeah, sea bass is good.鲈鱼鲈鱼鲈鱼鲈鱼Sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass,鲈鱼鲈鱼鲈鱼鲈鱼...sea bass, sea bass, sea bass...sea bass. Sea bass...-鲈鱼-简- Sea bass. - Jane,你还是别念叨鲈鱼了maybe you should stop saying "sea bass"跟你朋友走吧and go after your friend.午餐很愉快This was so fun.我就自己在这儿念叨鲈鱼吧You know, I'll just stay here and say "Sea bass" alone.我恨你And I hate you.怎么了我都夸他了What?! I said he was cute.你还是闭嘴开车吧Just shut up and drive.下个路口左转You need to take the next left.他是谁Who's he?他是我的实习生He's my intern.你都有实习生了You have an intern?没错Oh, yeah.你好福斯特博士Hello, Dr. Foster. It's uh...能与你共事真是太荣幸了It's such a great honor to be working with you.好吧我得打给艾瑞克Right. I need to call Erik.右转Oh, uh...take a right.再左转And a left.在伦敦开车我已经驾轻就熟了I have totally mastered driving in London.喂艾瑞克还是我你在哪Hi, Erik, it's me again. Where are you?我过来是因为你说你有发现I came here because you said you were onto something结果你却消失了and then you vanish.我现在在巨石阵I'm here at Stonehenge,对今天发生的一则趣闻进行跟踪报道for what has been an interesting unfolding of events today.警方于今天上午点刚过时The police were called to the scene接到报警赶到现场shortly after a.m. this morning,一名看似正常的男游客来到这里after a seemingly harmless rambler approached the area随即开始裸奔then, decided to strip naked并举着科学仪器吓坏了游客and effectively terrorize tourists there with scientific equipment 嘴里喊着他是想救他们while shouting that he was trying to save them.此人随后被证实为著名天文物理学家The man later identified as noted astrophysicist艾瑞克·塞尔维格博士Dr. Erik Selvig他目前已被警方拘留待审has been called in for questioning by police.快走多令人激动啊Come on, this is exciting!看实习生都激动了Look, the intern is excited.我叫伊恩"Ian".要带上相位表吗Do you want the phase meter?-不要-拿上相位表- No. - Bring the phase meter.长得像面包机的那个The toaster-looking thing.我知道相位表长什么样Yeah. I know what the phase meter is.这手机的铃声要怎么换How do I change the ringtone on this thing?有三个学位的天文物理学家An astrophysicist with three degrees应该会自己换铃声should be able to change her own ringtone.为什么要打电话Why are you calling me?我不想大喊大叫I didn't want to shout.实习生说往这边走Intern says it's this way.伊恩我叫伊恩"Ian". My name is Ian.我可不想因为搞个科学被人捅死I am not getting stabbed in the name of science.没事的我们是美国人It's okay, we're Americans!这样说他们就会喜欢我们了吗Is that supposed to make them like us?他们能把它弄走They'll make it go away.只是孩子Oh, they're kids.你们是警察吗Are you the police?不我们是科学家我是No, we're scientists. Well, I am.-谢谢-我们无意中发现的- Thanks. - We just found it.能带我们去看看吗Can you show us?这可不太正常That doesn't seem right.去哪了Where'd it go?这真是...That's...太不可思议了that's incredible.怎么回事What happened?有时候能回来有时候回不来Sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't.我也想丢个东西简把你的鞋给我I want to throw something. Jane, give me your shoe. 我上次见到这样的读数还是在...I haven't seen readings like this since...在...since...新墨西哥吗New Mexico?什么都别碰Don't touch anything!把你的鞋给我Give me your shoe.那是车钥匙吗Were those the car keys?达西Darcy!你来迟了You're late.有时欢庆比战斗更累人Merriment can sometimes be a heavier burden than battle.那你一定有一样没做对Then you're doing one of them incorrectly.也许吧Perhaps.繁星都还好吗How fare the stars?一如既往地闪烁着Still shining.我在这儿能看到九个王国和亿万生灵From here I can see nine realms and ten trillion souls.记得我跟你说过的天体汇聚吗Do you recall what I told you of the Convergence?记得各个王国连成一线Yes, the alignment of the worlds.快要到来了是吗It approaches, doesn't it?这宇宙奇观上一次出现The universe hasn't seen this marvel是在我守卫开始之前了since before my watch began.很少有人能感觉到能看到的更少了Few can sense it, even fewer can see it.虽然它可能带来危险But while its effects can be dangerous,但真是美极了it is truly beautiful.我什么也看不到I see nothing.也许是因为那不是你想看的美景Or perhaps that is not the beauty you seek.她怎么样How is she?你的凡人还挺聪明She's quite clever, your mortal.她自己还不知道She doesn't know it yet,但她也在研究天体汇聚but she studies the Convergence as well.甚至...Even...怎么了What?我看不到她了I can't see her.简Jane!你去哪了啊Where the hell were you?你不会报警了吧Tell me you didn't call the police!不然我该怎么办What was I supposed to do?别报警啊Not call the police!我急疯了I was freaking out.你报警警察就会通知联调局You call the cops, they tell the Feds,紧接着神盾局就从天而降the next thing you know we have S.H.I.E.L.D crawling all over,把这里变成区"Area -ing" the place.-简-我们发现了一个稳定的重力异常场- Jane! - We had a stable gratification anomaly,并且能自由进行研究We had unimpeded access.我们唯一的竞争对手是十岁的孩子Our only competition was ten years old!简你失踪了五个小时Jane, you were gone for five hours!什么What?好诡异That's weird.总这样Typical.简Jane.抱歉我必须确认下你是真的Sorry. I just needed to make sure you were real,今天真的好诡异it's been a very strange day.我是真的简Well, I am. Jane what...你去哪了Where were you?!你又去哪了Where were you?海姆达尔看不到你Heimdall could not see you.我一直在原地等你I was right here where you left me.我一直在等你后来我哭了I was waiting and then I was crying再后来我到处去找你and then I went out looking for you.你说你会回来的You said you were coming back.我知道但是彩虹桥被毁了I know, I know, but the Bifrost was destroyed.九大王国爆发了战乱The Nine Realms erupted into chaos,战争肆虐劫盗成群wars were raging, marauders were pillaging.我必须制止杀戮I had to put an end to the slaughter.这个理由倒是不坏As excuses go, it's not terrible.但我在电视上看见你了你去了纽约啊But I saw you on TV, you were...you were in New York!简我那时努力保护你不受来自我的世界的侵害Jane, I fought to protect you from the dangers of my world,但我错了我太傻了but I was wrong, I was a fool.我相信是命运让我们走到一起But I believe that fate brought us together.简我不知道你去了哪发生了什么事Jane, I don't know where you were or what happened, 但我很清楚一件事but I do know this.什么What?我知道I know...真的知道吗You do?知道什么Do what?什么What?是你干的吗Is this you?我们有点事要忙Uh...we're kind of in the middle of something here.我确定我们要被捕了Um...I'm pretty sure we are getting arrested.等一下Hold that thought.看看你Look at you!还是那么肌肉发达宇宙怎么样Still all muscly and everything. How's space?挺好的Space is fine.打扰一下Excuse me?-你是简·福斯特吗-是的- Are you Jane Foster? - Yes.你认识这个人吗Do you know this man?他是我的实习生He's my intern.我实习生的实习生My intern's intern.这里是私人领地This is private property你们全都涉嫌非法入侵and you're trespassing, the lot of you.请你跟我们走一趟You'll have to come with me.简Jane!简Jane?托尔Thor.你没事吧You alright?刚刚怎么回事What just happened?把手放在头上退后Place your hands on your heads, step back!这位女士不舒服This woman is unwell.她很危险She's dangerous.我也是So am I.请求武警速到现场支援Requesting armed response officers to the scene.抱紧我Hold on to me.你要干什么What are you doing?我去Holy shit!我们得再来一次We have to do that again.欢迎来到阿斯加德Welcome to Asgard.这是什么What's that?别动Be still.这不是地球上的物质它是什么This is not of Earth, what is it?还不清楚We do not know.但她体内涌动的能量太大她撑不住的But she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her.这是量子场发生器对吗That's a quantum field generator, isn't it?这是灵魂冶炼炉It's a Soul Forge.灵魂冶炼炉能迁移分子能吗Does a Soul Forge transfer molecular energy from one place to another?是的Yes.就是量子场发生器Quantum field generator.我的话对你来说只是耳旁风吗My words are mere noises to you that you ignore them completely?她病了She's ill.她是凡人She is mortal.他们都会患病Illness is their defining trait.我带她来是因为我们能救她I brought her here because we can help her.她不属于阿斯加德She does not belong here in Asgard如同山羊肉上不了宴会台面一样anymore than a goat belongs at a banquet table.他刚刚是说...Did he just...?你以为你是谁啊Who do you think you are?我是奥丁阿斯加德国王I'm Odin. King of Asgard.九大王国的保护者Protector of the Nine Realms.我是...Oh. Well, I'm...我很清楚你是谁简·福斯特I know very well who you are, Jane Foster.你跟你爸提过我You told your dad about me?她体内有一些物质父王Something is within her, father,我从没见过的物质something I have not seen before.她的星球有自己的治疗师他们叫医生Her world has its healers. They are called "doctors."交给他们处理吧Let them deal with it.守卫送她回米德加德Guards, take her back to Midgard.不不要No, I wouldn't...碰她...touch her.简你没事吧Jane, are you alright?这不可能It's impossible.她感染的东西在保护她The infection, it's defending her.不No,是在保护它自己it's defending itself.跟我来Come with me.有些东西的历史可以追溯到宇宙成形之前There are relics that predate the universe itself.她体内的东西似乎就是这样的古物What lies within her appears to be one of them.九大王国并非永恒的The Nine Realms are not eternal.他们有诞生的黎明也将有坍圮的黄昏They had a dawn as they will have a dusk.但在那黎明之前黑暗势力But before that dawn the dark forces,黑暗精灵独霸宇宙the Dark Elves, reigned absolute无人匹敌and unchallenged.诞自永恒之夜"Born of eternal night,黑暗精灵将盗走你的光明the Dark Elves comes to steal away your light."小时候母后跟我们讲过他们的故事They were these stories mother told them to us as children. 他们的首领马勒基斯Their leader, Malekith用那黑暗创造了一个武器made a weapon out of that darkness,叫做以太粒子and it was called the Aether.其他古物大都是固体While the other relics often appeared as stones,以太粒子却是不停变化的流体the Aether is fluid and everchanging.它能将物体变成暗物质It changes matter into dark matter,它寻找寄主寄生it seeks out to host bodies,并汲取寄主的生命力drawing strength from their life force.马勒基斯想利用以太的能量Malekith sought to use the Aether's power让宇宙重归黑暗to return the universe to one of darkness.但历经了漫长的血战But after eternities of blood shed,我父王包尔终于取胜my father Bor, finally triumphed,从此开启了数千年的和平ushering in the peace that lasted thousands of years.怎么个取胜法What happened?他消灭了黑暗精灵He killed them all.您确定吗Are you certain?传说以太粒子跟他们一同被摧毁The Aether was said to have been destroyed with them但如今却又出现and yet here it is.黑暗精灵已经灭绝The Dark Elves are dead.书上提到怎么把它从我身体里取出来吗Does your book happen to mention how to get it out of me?没有No, it does not.看管这些无赖真是有失我们的身份Acting as caretakers to these scoundrels is beneath us.拜托Oh, please.如果他们压在了你的身下我壮硕的朋友If they were beneath you my rotund friend,他们肯定要没命了they'd all be dead.不要出队Keep in line.往前走Move it!奥丁总给我送新朋友来Odin continues to bring me new friends.真周到啊How thoughtful.我送来的书你不喜欢吗The books I sent, do they not interest you?我就这么打发余生吗读书Is that how I'm to wile away eternity, reading?我已经尽力让你过得舒坦些洛基I've done everything in my power to make you comfortable, Loki.是嘛Have you?奥丁也会操这份心吗Does Odin share your concern?托尔呢Does Thor?他们如此日夜挂念我一定很操劳啊It must be so inconvenient them asking after me day and night.你很清楚你落得这个下场完全是咎由自取You know full well it was your actions that brought you here.咎由自取My actions.你们一直骗我说我生来就该为王I was merely giving truth to the lie我不过是将这个谎言that I've been fed my entire life,变成了现实that I was born to be a king.为王A king?真正的国王会承认错误A true king admits his faults.你在地球大开杀戒要怎么说What of the lives you took on Earth?跟奥丁杀过的人相比简直九牛一毛A mere handful compared to the number Odin has taken himself.你父亲Your father...他不是我父亲He's not my father!那我也不是你母亲吗Then am I not your mother?不是You're not.你总能看透一切却看不透自己You're always so perceptive about everyone but yourself.你去找我的时候就知道我有麻烦了吗When you came for me, you knew I was in trouble.海姆达尔看不到你时你就不在地球上了When Heimdall had lost sight of you, you were no longer on Earth.这怎么可能啊Well, how's that possible?我认为你既在又不在I believe you were and you weren't.九大王国在宇宙树中游走The Nine Realms travel within Yggdrasil,像地球环绕太阳那样环绕米德加德orbiting Midgard in much the way your planet orbits the sun.每五千年这些王国列成一条直线And every five thousand years the worlds align perfectly,我们称之为天体汇聚and we call this the Convergence.在此期间各王国间的界线会变得模糊During this time the boarders between worlds become blurred.你可能就是找到了这样一个模糊点It's possible you found one of these points.那个点没有关闭真是走运We are lucky that it remained open.一旦各王国偏离汇聚直线Once the worlds pass out of alignment,与彼此的连接就会中断the connection is lost.我喜欢你解释的方式I liked the way you explained things.我会怎么样What's gonna happen to me?我会想办法救你的简I'll find a way to save you, Jane.你父亲说没办法...Your father said there was...我父亲也并非无所不知My father doesn't know everything.可别让他听见你说这话Don't let him hear you say that.简·福斯特这位是弗丽嘉Jane Foster, please meet Frigga,阿斯加德的王后我母亲Queen of Asgard, my mother.快走Move!快去地牢To the dungeons!快走Come on!走左边的楼梯吧You might want to take the stairs to the left.是监狱The prisons.洛基Loki.去吧我会照顾她Go, I will look after her.他们简直像是讨厌被囚禁It is as if they resented being imprisoned.有些家伙就是不知足There's no pleasing some creatures.回牢房去事后概不追究Return to your cells, no further harm will come to you.我保证You have my word.好吧我收回Very well, you do not have my word.派一队人去武器库Send a squadron to the weapons vault,不惜一切代价保卫那里守住地牢defend it at all costs. Secure the dungeon.奥丁Odin.弗丽嘉Frigga.去啊Go!就是点小乱子不用担心It's a skirmish, nothing to fear.你一向不会撒谎You've never been a very good liar.带她去你房里等安全了我会去找你Take her to you chambers, I'll come for you when it's safe. 你小心You take care.历经了多少风风雨雨Despite all I have survived,我的王后还是会担心我my queen still worries over me.就是因为我担心你才能逢凶化吉It's only because I worry over you that you have survived.听好了Listen to me now,你要完全照我说的做不许多问I need you to do everything I ask and no questions.是夫人Yes, ma'am.阿斯加德的王座被毁了去保护国王The throne of Asgard is destroyed! To the king!弗丽嘉Frigga.退下怪物Stand down, creature.我尚可饶你一命And you may still survive this.我命大得很呢女人I have survive worse, woman.你是谁Who are you?我是马勒基斯I am Malekith.我要拿回我的东西And I would have what is mine.你拿走了一样东西孩子You have taken something, child.还给我Give it back.女巫Witch.以太粒子在哪Where is the Aether.我绝不会告诉你I'll never tell you.这我相信I believe you.不No.宇宙五千年一个循环The universe rotates on a five thousand years cycle.每轮循环中会有一次各个世界排列成直线And once a cycle, all the worlds align.把这个想象成我们的世界Imagine... imagine that this is our world,谢谢oh, thank you,这是另一个世界and this is another world,一般来说他们彼此分开normally, they're seperate.但世界汇聚时But during the Alignment,一切都彼此相连everything is connected,九大王国都在穿过彼此all nine realms. All nine realms are passing through each other,重力光甚至物质and gravity, light, and even matter都会从一个世界挤进另一个世界is crushing from one world to the other.如果这一切现在发生后果将是毁灭性的But if this happens to us now, the result could be cataclysmic.我的重力测量仪能稳定My gravimetric-spikes can stablize天体汇聚的界点the focus point of the Convergance.这样其他世界This time, the Alignment和他们的纵列就会跟我们擦肩而过and all the other worlds would just pass us by.太妙了It's beautiful.也很简单Simple.有什么问题吗Any questions?有能把我的鞋还给我吗Yeah, can I have my shoe back?简·福斯特Jane Foster?你得跟我们来You need to come with us.我们依然无法恢复王宫的屏障We are still unable to restore the palace shields.我们的大炮探测不到他们Our artillery cannot detect them,。
复仇者联盟2经典台词复仇者联盟2经典台词一1. 副局长希尔:they've gone their separate ways.他们都各奔东西了。
2. 局长尼克弗瑞:they'll come back.他们会回来的。
because we'll need them too.因为我们会需要他们。
3. 钢铁侠:i don't plawell with others.我不好相处。
4. 美国队长:are you here with a mission, sir?有任务找我?trto get me back in the world?让我融入新世界吗?( 书村网 mcqyy )5. 雷神:after all thitime, whreturn now?在经历着一切以后,为何又要回归?6. 浩克:we are not a tea we are a time bomb.我们不是一个团队,而是一个定时x弹。
复仇者联盟2经典台词二1、钢铁侠:i don't plawell with others.我不好相处。
2、美国队长:are you here with a mission, sir?有任务找我?trto get me back in the world?让我融入新世界吗?3、雷神:after all thitime, whreturn now?在经历着一切以后,为何又要回归?4、浩克:we are not a tea we are a time bomb.我们不是一个团队,而是一个定时x弹。
5、副局长希尔:they've gone their separate ways.他们都各奔东西了。
6、局长尼克弗瑞:they'll come back.他们会回来的。
because we'll need them too.因为我们会需要他们。
《复仇者联盟》英文台词 篇一:《复仇者联盟 2》经典英文台词赏析 智课网 IELTS 备考资料 《复仇者联盟 2》经典英文台词赏析 您当前的位置 ? 智课教育官网 ? 雅思 ? 雅思听力 ? 文章正文 出国英语考试有哪些 雅思 6.5 是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和 托福的区别 经典影片《复仇者联盟 2》让我们印象深刻,让我们一起来回顾下这部电影中的经典台 词吧! even if you get killed,just walk it off People should look up to the sky, see hope, and I will take away the first hope there is no dark side, not trustworthy we fought all the way, but is for a better home. I see enough people for our mistake and pay the price! after going through everything, why should I return? what can man do? They can only wait for death sir, withdrawal may be of no use! They have to go back to sleep? we're not enemies! Ants and your shoes are not my enemy! So you want to kill us? freedom is life's biggest lie! 看电影练英语,备考雅思的小伙伴们要多多练习哦~更多雅思信息可以关注智课教育雅思 频道。
篇二:《复仇者联盟》中英文台词 《复仇者联盟》中英文台词 “An ant has no quarrel with a boot.” – Loki reminds us that effective leaders recognize things they can control vs. things they cannot. 要有自知之明:“靴子和蚂蚁没有瓜葛。
1. “想要拿走我的权力?先问问我的锤子怎么说!”——雷神索尔这句话出自于影片中雷神索尔和洛基的对话,洛基企图夺取索尔的权力,但是索尔的锤子却成为了他的保护神。
2. “我是黑寡妇,而且我是在几分钟前才把你们的屁股踢出去的。
3. “好了,小子,时间到了。
4. “我们是复仇者联盟!”——美国队长史蒂夫·罗杰斯这句话是美国队长在影片高潮时说的,他用这句话来激励队友们团结一致,战胜外星人入侵。
5. “黑寡妇,我们需要一些支援。
6. “洛基,我已经厌倦了你的愚蠢。
7. “我是惟一的一个,不是?让我们来看看谁会胜出。
It's not a bad thing to find yourself not omnipotent. That way, you will start asking decent questions.2、那些你一笑就跟着笑的人,如果不傻,那就是爱你的人了。
Those who make you laugh and laugh with you, if not silly, it is the one who love you.3、It"s not a bad thing finding out that you don"t have all the answers. You start asking the right questions. 发现你没有说有问题的答案不是件坏事。
4、That a wise king never seeks out war,but must always be ready for it. 一位明君从不挑起战争,但必须时刻做好准备。
5、If there are two options: first class team, three stream of executive ability; two is the three stream team, first-class executive ability. I prefer the latter.如果有两种选择:一是一流的团队,三流的执行能力;二是三流的团队,一流的执行能力。
6、Use knowledge to defeat ignorance.要用知识来打败无知。
7、No doubt absolutely no one can do it faster than me. Nobody can do it.毫无疑问绝对肯定,没人能比我干这活更快,没人能。
..不对!就算她变得更讨厌我或者觉得我很蠢,我都不会改变!我连死都不怕,说出来又有什么可害怕的呢!本大爷的守护,才不是那种怕被拒绝的微不足道的玩意呢!!那个性格又烂……对我又很凶……总说我粗鲁,说我是个白痴……结果自己连个虫子都搞不定……又不灵活,又傻,又呆……总是对别人犯花痴的笨蛋在等着我!!因为没有我她自己根本就不行!!所以我!!怎可能由着那种傻瓜一个人哭泣?!怎可能在这种地方认输呢不好意思你找错人了1. 雷神托尔的经典语录神秘的铁拳飞弹,你问我的问题,我一个也答不上来,大概,我真的是只不会思考的野猴子。
优质文档你我共享 第 1 页 共 1 页 战雷经典台词
1. 雷神的力量
2. 我中意的武器
3. 人就喜欢瞧这出戏
4. 我的力量不是来自锤子
5. 愿你的钢铁之心再次燃起
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