河南专升本公共英语真题 翻译极具参考价值

河南专升本英语真题及翻译河南专升本英语真题及翻译专升本的考试就快开始了,河南的考生朋友们你们准备好了吗?善用一些英语真题是个提高英语成绩的不错选择哦!下面店铺整理了河南专升本英语真题,希望对你有所帮助!河南专升本英语真题1、(1分)O. Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories. His real name was William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina in 1862. As a young boy he lived an exciting life. He did not go to school for very long, but he managed to teach himself everything he needed to know. When he was about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas, where he tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank, when some money went missing from the bank O. Henry was believed to have stolen it. Because of that, he was sent to prison. During the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and continued writing. He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stories, because simple as the tales were, they would finish with a sudden change at the end, to the reader’s surprise.1. In which order did O. Henry do the following things?a. Lived in New York.b. Worked in a bank.c. Travelled to Texas.d. Was put in prison.e. Had a newspaper Job.f. Learned to write stories.A. e. c. f. b. d. aB. c. e. b. d. f. aC. e. b. d. c. a. f.D. c. b. e. d. a f.2. People enjoyed reading O. Henry’s stories becauseA. they had surprise endingsB. they were easy to understandC. they showed his love for the poorD. they were about New York City3. O. Henry went to prison because .A. people thought he had stolen money from the newspaperB. he broke the law by not using his own nameC. he wanted to write stories about prisonersD. people thought he had taken money that was not his4. What do we know about O. Henry before he began writing?A. He was well-educated.B. He was not serious about his work.C. He was devoted to the poor.D. He was very good at learning.5. Where did O. Henry get most material for his short stories?A. His life inside the prison.B. The newspaper articles he wrote.C. The city and people of New York.D. His exciting early life as a boy.2、(1分)One day a few years ago a very funny thing happened to a neighbour of mine. He is a teacher at one of London’s big medical schools, He had finished his teaching for the summer term and was at the airport on his way to Russia to give a lecture.He had put a few clothes and his lecture notes in his shoulder bag, but he had put Rupert, the skeleton (人体骨骼) to be used in his lecture, in a large brown suitcase (箱子). At the airport desk, he suddenly thought that he had forgotten to buy a newspaper. He left his suitcase near the desk and went over to the shop.When he got back he discovered that someone had taken hissuitcase by mistake. He often wonders what they said when they got home and found Rupert.1. Who wrote the story?A. Rupert’s teacher.B. The neighbour’s teacher.C. A medical school teacher.D. T he teacher’s neighbour.2. Why did the teacher put a skeleton in his suitcase?A. He needed it for the summer term in London.B. He needed it for the lecture he was going to give.C. He wanted to take it to Russia for medical research.D. He wanted to take it home as he had finished his teaching.3. What happened at the airport?A. The skeleton went missing .B. The skeleton was stolen .C. The teacher forgot his suitcase.D. The teacher took the wrong suitcase .4. Which of the following best tells the tea cher’s feeling about the incident?A. He is very angry .B. He thinks it rather funny .C. He feels helpless without Rupert.D. He feels good without Rupert .5. Which of the following might have happened afterwards?A. The teacher got back the suitcase but not Rupert.B. The teacher got back neither the suitcase nor Rupert.C. The teacher got back Rupert but not the suitcase.D. The teacher got back both the suitcase and Rupert.3、(1分)On the evening of June 21, 1992, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of the Bell Tower Hotel in Xi’an with his bicycle. The hotel workers received him and telephoned the manager, for they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel ball before though they lived in “the kingdom of bicycles.”Robert Friedlander, an American, arrived in Xi’an on his bicycle trip across Asia which started last December in New Delhi, India.When he was 11, he read the book Marco Polo and made up his mind to visit the Silk Road. Now, after 44 years , he was on the Silk Ro ad in Xi’an and his early dreams were coming true.Robert Friedlander’s next destinations (目的地) were Lanzhou, Dunhuang, Urumqi, etc. He will complete his trip in Pakistan.1. The best headline(标题) for this newspaper article would be .A. The Kingdom of Bic yclesB. A Beautiful Hotel in Xi’anC. Marco Polo and the Silk RoadD. An American Achieving His Aims2. The hotel workers told the manager about Friedlander coming to the hotel because .A. he asked to see the managerB. he entered the hall with a bikeC. the manager had to know about all foreign guestsD. the manager knew about his trip and was expecting him3. Friedlander is visiting the three countries in the following order, .A. China, India, and PakistanB. India, China, and PakistanC. Pakistan, China, and IndiaD. China, Pakistan, and India4. What made Friedlander want to come to China?A. The stories about Marco Polo .B. The famous sights in Xi’an .C. His interest in Chinese silk.D. His childhood dreams about bicycles .5. Friedlander can be said to be .A. cleverB. friendlyC. hardworkingD. strong—minded4、(1分)Mr. Grey was the manager of a small office in London. He lived in the country, and came up to work by train. He liked walking from the station to his office unless it was raining, because it gave him some exercise.One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him and said to him, “You may not remember me, sir, but seven years ago I came to London without a penny in my pockets, I stopped you in this street and asked you to lend me some money, and you lent me £ 5, because you said you were willing to take a chance so as to give a man a start on the way to success.”Mr Grey thought for a few minutes and then said, “Yes, I remember you. Go on with your story!” “Well,” answered the stranger, “are you still willing to take a chance?”1. How did Mr. Grey get to his office?A. He went up to work by train.B. He walked to his office.C. He went to his office on foot unless it rained.D. He usually took a train to the station and then walked to his office if the weather was fine.2. Mr Grey liked walking to his office because ________.A. he couldn’t afford the busesB. he wanted to save moneyC. he wanted to keep in good healthD. he could do some exercises on the way3. Mr. Grey had been willing to lend money to a stranger in order to_______A. give him a start in lifeB. help him on the way to successC. make him richD. gain more money4. One morning the stranger recognized Mr. Grey, and_______A. wanted to return Mr. Grey the moneyB. again asked Mr. Grey for moneyC. would like to make friends with himD. told Mr. Grey that he had been successful since then5. In the second paragraph, “…take a chance” means ______.A. Mr. Gray happened to meet a strangerB. Mr. Grey had a chance to help a strangerC. Mr. Grey helped a stranger by chanceD. Mr. Grey took the risk that the stranger would not give back the money which he lent him5、(1分)Even if you are a good high-jumper, you can jump only about seven feet off the ground. You cannot jump any higher because the earth pulls you hard. The pull of the earth is called gravity.You can easily find out the pull of the earth. If you weigh yourself, you will know how much gravity is pulling you.Since there is gravity, water runs down hill. When you throw a ball into the air, it falls back down. Because of gravity, you do not fall off the earth as it whirls (旋转) around.Then, can we get away from the earth and go far out into space? Now you can do it, because spaceships have been invented. Then spaceship will go so fast that it can escape (逃出) the earth’s gravity and carry you into space.1. In this passage, the word “gravity” means.A. the pull of everything.B. the force of attraction(吸引) among objects.C. the force which attracts objects towards the centre of the earthD. the force which attracts the earth towards the sun.2. When you slip(滑) you always fall to the ground becauseA. the earth always turns round.B. the earth has gravityC. the earth’s gravity is greater than your weight.D. you are careless.3. Gravity is strong thatA. it can throw a ball into the air.B. it makes you jump only seven feet.C. it can let you fly away from the earth.D. it can keep everything on earth.4. Because of gravity,A. water flows everything.B. we can go everywhere by ship.C. water always flows downwards.D. fish can live in water.5. We can get away from the earth by spaceship becauseA. the spaceship goes very fast.B. the earth can’t pull the spaceship.C. the spaceship has a strong force.D. the spaceship can jump higher than other things.>>>下一页更多精彩“河南专升本英语真题翻译”河南专升本英语真题翻译1,(1分)O.亨利是美国短篇故事作家使用的笔名。

The student added,"As luxury food and brand-name clothing cannot increase my happiness,why not satisfy myselfby spending less fbr the same amount of h appiness?'11.According to the passage,what lifestyle are more young people expecting to live?A.Plain needy lifestylesB.Rich high-cost lifestylesC.Simple low-cost lifestylesD.Extravagant pleasant lifestyles2.What do C4they,,(P2)refer toA.more young people in ChinaB.more young people in every countryC.more young people in any other countriesD.more young people in many other countries3.Which is not the reason for more young people expecting a frugal life?A.Rich and wealthy lifeB.Economic pressureC.Employment pressuresD.Changing attitudes toward material life4.How many ways of frugality are there being practised in the passage?A2 B.3 C.4 D.55.What is the passage mainly about?A.M ore young people are in pursuit ofhappmess and satisfection.B.M ore young people never buy luxury food and brand-name clothing.C.M ore young people have changed their attitudes toward consumerism.D.F rugal,low-cost lifestyles only attract a growing number of foreign followers.Passage2His desire to put what he learned into practice increased after the university established a Luban Workshop in Ethiopia in2021.The workshop was part of the professional training programs offered by China's vocational education colleges with the aim of sharing expertise.To date,Chinese colleges have established11Luban Workshops in African countries,offering a wide range of professional training and helping fbr the younger generation in these nations to build up their professional skills.Liu Bin,president of the Alliance for the Development of Luban Workshops,said a crucial factor behind the flourishing vocational training programs is that they seek to meet surging demand fbr improved local labor forces as Chinese businesses and products go global.A total of27Luban Workshops have been established in25countries,most of them in the developing world.The programs provide training in vocational skills tailored to meet the demands of host countries.2024年河南省普通高等学校选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语题号一二三四五六七八总分分值Part I Reading Comprehension(2x20)Directions:There are4passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questionsor incomplete sentences.For each ofthem there are4choices marked A.B.C and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage1Since ancient times,frugality has been one of the traditional virtues among Chinese people. Following this traditional way of life,more young people in China are now frugal,low-lost lifestyles in order to spend less and save more.They are beginning to realize and project the pitfalls of consumerism,believing that simplicity can bring happiness and satisfaction.Economic and employment pressures,as well as changing attitudes toward material life,and also resulting in more young people turning their backs on extravagance and waste.Frugality is being practiced in a number of ways.Some young people choose discounts and low priced goods,while others are replacing well-known brands with those that are cost-effective.Some are cautious when buying nonessential items,while others say they save all they can in order to make important purchases.He Jiazheng,22,a college student,said he spends about10yuan on each meal and no more than 100yuan on each item of clothing.He,who is studying economics,said his pursuit of frugality stems from the idea of"realizing maximum happiness through minimum expenditure"Another crucial factor underpinning the popularity of the workshops is the deepening cooperationbetween China and countries taking part in the Belt and Road Initiative,or BRI."Advancing the BRI gave rise to the need for Luban Workshops,which has also given impetus to the initiative."Liu said.Most of the workshops are located at vocational colleges in host countries,and they are usually established through partnerships between such colleges in China and their local counterparts.The Chinese institutions share their equipment,teaching methods and materials,and provide training fbr teachers.Since the first Luban Workshop outside China was set up in Thailand in2016,the27workshops established to date offer degrees to more than6,100students and temporary training programs fbr some 31,500students.Liu said the workshops have also provided training fbr more than4.000teachers from host countries.6.Up to now,how many Luban workshops have been set up in African countries.A. 11B.24C.25D.277.About Luban workshops what is the purpose of the drive by China.A.T o promote mtemational cooperation on high educationB.T o promote cross-institution cooperation on high educationC.To promote international cooperation on vocational educationD.T o promote cross-mstitution cooperation on vocational education8.According to the passage,which help is not offered by the Chinese colleges?A.Sharing equipmentB.Providing financial supportsC.P rovidmg training for teachersD.S haring teaching methods and materials9.W hy did China start the first Luban workshop in Africa?A.T o help maintain and operate the railwayB.T o help train talent,which is in short supplyC.T o help train students.which are in short supplyD.T o help tram senior engmeers,which are in short supply10.W hat is the passage trying to tell us?ALuban workshops are specially made programs provided by ChinaB.Luban workshops have offered degrees to students in ThailandC.L uban workshops have tramed first24students in DjiboutiD. L uban workshops have benefit to Africa vocational educationPassage3Shenzhen is trying to be the first choice among Chinese cities fbr global brands launching flagship stores in the country and a shop window of global brands,according to a recently released action plan on expanding consumption,improving consumption quality and creating new demands(2021-2023).The plan put forward by the Shenzhen Municipal Commerce Bureau also stressed building local brands to enhance local products'prestige and influence.First-shop economy and brand economy are important indexes reflecting business innovation and influence of a city,and now play driving roles in stimulating consumption.The population structure in which young people take a majority enables Shenzhen to be the first choice for some well-known brands to establish presence in South China market,H Zeng Li.supervisor with the research firm JLL South China,said.Partial statistics from retail business data platform showed a total of72brands launched their flagship stores in Shenzhen from January to June.Among the shops,13were the brands' first shops in the country,?5were the first in South China and34were the first in Shenzhen.Statistics from the city's commerce bureau also showed that26shopping centers introduced97flagship stores of well-known brands to Shenzhen in2020.Of the97brands,41are in cosmetics and fashion business, and39engage in catering,including bakeries and beverages.which young people favor.lt is estimated that Shenzhen will open20complexes with these new business modes and more feature brands will bring new experiences to local consumers in the second half of this year.In2020,in a move to be a central city of global consumption,Shenzhen unveiled measures to stimulate the development of first-shop economy to attract famous global brands to set up shops in Shenzhen.In April this year,the Shenzhen Municipal Commerce Bureau unveiled measures on building international consumption centers.Among the measures,the property owners that introduced first shops or flagship stores of famous brands at home and abroad will receive rewards of500.000yuan for a retail outlet and200,000yuan fbr a catering outlet.The reward for one property owner or operator will be no more than3milion yuan a year.For product launching or shop launching activities of well-known Shenzhen brands,the government will give standard subsidies of30percent of the actual cost with a cap of3million yuan.—2—1l.What makes it possible for the121new flagship stores to open in Shenzhen?A.T he city can provide data to these fbr foreign and domestic busmessB.T he city n s consumption has made a steady and strong increase.C.T he city's consumption mainly depends on foreign and domestic businessesD.T he city is famous as an international consumption center in South China.12.34stores open in Shenzhen for the first time,which showsA.a strong appealB.t o leading innovationC.a proper policyD.i n driving plan13.What is the meaning of the word"catering"?A.T he work ofprovidmg make-upB.T he work of p roviding costumeC.The work ofprovidmg entertainmentD.T he work ofproviding food and drinks14.A mong these new stores,which sector accounts for the highest percentage of first stores?A.cateringB.c lothingC.leisure activityD.l ifestyle15.Which is the NOT following related to"first store economy"measures?A To reward famous global brands fbr opening their flagship shops in Shenzhen.B.T o reward Shenzhen's commerce bureau fbr its contribution.C.T o reward property owners for mtroducmg flagship shop of f amous domestic brands.D.T o reward property owners for mtroducing flagship shop of famous global brands.Passage4Xinjiang reservoir optimizes water useBy CHENG SI in Aksu,Xinjiang China Daily Updated:2023-09-0900:00Aksu in the Xinjang Uygur autonomous region is making efforts to optimize the use of water resources by building a world-class reservoir project,which aims to reduce droughts and floods andreduce their influence on local economic development and people's livelihoods,as well as generate powerLocated at the junction of Wensu and Wushi counties of Aksu,the Dashixia water reservoir project started construction in December2017,and is expected to test its water-holding function in October2025 and finish all construction around October2026.This area has a very harsh climate and complicated geological conditions,posing great challenges to our work,"said Huang Jin,vice-general manager of Xinjiang Gezhouba Dashixia Reservoir Development Co-the company in charge of construction.He said that the project requires high-quality construction because of the height of the dam,with its highest point designed to reach247meters,in addition to its high flow rate of floodwater release and higher-level resistance to earthquakes.To better monitor the quality of construction work and collect construction data,the company channeled around30million yuan(S4.1million)to build a smart monitoring system in late2021."The application of the system can not only help us save human resources,but reduce the risk of human error.We can monitor the construction work during the whole process,"said LiJiandong,the company's director of technology management department."For example,we can trace the whole process of dam material from the original mining,transportation and its placement through the system."He added that the system is in trial operation so far,and will be put into service around October to December.Seeing the project in smooth operation.the45-year old Xu Shumei,a senior technician from the company,feel her efforts and contributions are rewarded."I've worked in Xinjiang since1999after finishing my education in Chongqing,my hometown. And I started to work for the project around four years ago,"she said.She is responsible for quality control,laboratory management and energy saving and emission reduction for the project."Ive never regretted serving in this industry,and it may be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get involved in such a world-class project.But I owe a lot to my daughter and parents who need my care because of my work,"she said.16.Which is not the purpose of building a world-class reservoir project in Aska?To reduce droughtsA.B.To reduce floodsC.T o generate powerD.T o reduce power generation17.When is the Dashixia water reservoir expected to finish all construction?.A.A round December2017B.Around late2021C.Around October2025D.Around October202618.How did the company better monitor the quality of construction work?A.T o manage laboratory energyB.To build a smart monitoring systemC.T o protect the right oflaborersD.T o prohibit the risk ofhuman errors19.What can you infer from this passage?A.X u Shumei is a j unior technician in charge of q uality.B.X u Shumei take less care ofhis daughter and parents.C.X u Shumei is a workaholic in eyes ofher relatives.D.X u Shumei has been the company director fbr4years.20.What is the passage mainly about?A.T he Dashixia water reservoir can generate power.B.B.The Dashixia water reservoir can reduce droughtC.T he Xinjiang reservoir can reduce energy and emission.D.D.The Xiryiang reservoir is tying to optimize water resources.Part II Cloze(1x20)Directions:There are20blanks in thefbllowingpassage.For each ofthe blank there are fourchoices marked A,B,C and D.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Going to the hospital is a tough and tiring experience for many elderly citizens.Especially, 21who live alone,have limited mobility,or are unfamiliar_22_smartphone use.Companies that provide workers to accompany individuals to the hospital and_23_patients throughout the process_24_to profit as demand rises.This type of service is known as Peizhen,_25_translates to"medical treatment accompaniment"The market is quite segmented.The elderly,_26_certain enterprise customers_27_,and young people living alone in the city,_28_the majority other demand.The_29_typically have more stringent requirements,such as health consultation and expert reservation.The_3O rate ranges from20yuan to100yuan,31on the service content,requirements and staff background,with those with medical backgrounds charging more."Peizhen is a brand-new industry.Our company's primary market is older individuals_32_buy the service for themselves or whose children_33_the service,'1said Yu Weisheng,manager of Shanghai Quanchengjiujiu Health Service Co,whose workers can escort three to four old individuals to the hospital every day.H We_34_collaborate with the district administrations in some neighborhoods,which_35_theelderly service,'1s aid Yu."Typically,elderly people must travel to a_36_hospital for out-patient,rehabilitation therapy,and dialysis services.They engage our workers to assist them_37_they do not have children or the children are not living with them,"Yu explainedYu wants the government s8_a series of access qualification,training,and certification programs to improve management and assure the industry's_39_development."It is a new business;there are no rules governing staff qualification,background,pricing,risk management,patients'medical records,_40_privacy protection,"he said."Service providers should be trained and tested in psychology,medical knowledge,and other necessary skills to ensure service quality and safety,"he stated.21.A.t hat B.these C.someone D.those22.A.t o B.with C.on D.from23.A.insisting B.assist C.insist D.assisting24.A.is beginning B.is planning C.are beginning D.are planning—4—The move allows similar steps taken recently in Finland,a country that is widely regarded as having one of t he best education systems in the world.France has also had a ban in place since September2O18.Newspaper Le Figaro reported that before the ban,around30to40percent of all sanctions issued in senior schools related to the use of m obile phones in the classroom.()41.Smart devices are to be banned from Dutch classroom in the new year.()42.The disabled students are banned to use smart devices in the Netherlands.()43.Robbert Dijkgraaf approved of t he use of smart devices in the Netherlands.()44.Finland is widely regarded as having the best education system in the world.()45France has also issued a similar official rule concerning the use of smart devices.Part IV Translation(40points)Section A English-Chinese Translation(2x5)Directions:This part,mumbered46to50,is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese.Each sentence isfollowed byfour choices of s uggested translation marked A,B,CandD. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.46.A ll our sale items are slightly imperfectA.我们所有所售的商品都非常完美B.我们所有的特价商品都略有瑕疵。

河南2023专升本专业英语考试真题及答案全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The 2023 Henan Professional English Test Was So Hard!Hi everyone! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. I really struggled with the professional English test that junior college students in Henan had to take this year if they wanted to upgrade to a bachelor's degree program. Even though I'm just a kid, I've been studying English since I was little so my mom thought I should try taking the test for practice. Boy was it difficult! Let me tell you all about it.The first section was listening comprehension. They played some recordings and asked multiple choice questions about what we heard. One recording was a conversation between two people making plans to go to the movies. The question asked what day they decided to go, and the answer choices were a) Friday b) Saturday c) Sunday d) Monday. The answer was b) Saturday because the man said "How about going on Saturday?" and the woman agreed.Another listening was a lecture about the history of the printing press. It was pretty boring to be honest. The question asked what year the printing press was invented, and the choices were a) 1440 b) 1450 c) 1460 d) 1470. I picked d) 1470 but I'm not sure if that was right. I struggled a lot with the listening section because the recordings went so fast and had lots of unfamiliar words.Next was the reading comprehension section where we had to read some passages and answer questions about them. One passage was about solar energy and described how solar panels work by converting sunlight to electricity. The questions asked things like the main idea of the passage, which details supported certain points, and what the author's view was toward solar energy. I found this pretty hard because the vocabulary was very advanced with terms like "photovoltaic cells" that I didn't know.Another reading passage was about the biography of a famous scientist from the 1800s. It described her childhood, education, major discoveries, and legacy. The questions asked things like when she was born, where she studied, what her most important invention was, and why she was so influential. Even though the subject matter was kind of interesting, I got thrown off by all the dates, names of places, and scientific terms I wasn'tfamiliar with. I definitely need to work on building my reading vocabulary.After that was the writing section where we had to write a short essay of around 300 words. The prompt asked us to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working from home instead of going to an office. I tried to write about how working from home can save time not commuting and letting you work flexibly, but downsides are less social interaction and homelife distractions. I'm not sure how well I organized and developed my ideas though. Essay writing is one of the hardest parts of English for me.The final section tested our English grammar, vocabulary, and usage skills. They gave us sentences with blank spaces and we had to pick which word choice from multiple options fit best to complete the sentence correctly. For example:The scientist finally made a _____ breakthrough after years of failed experiments.a) major b) miner c) majority d) migrateThe right answer is a) majorThey also tested things like verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, prepositions, and other grammar rules. Vocabularyquestions involved choosing synonyms or antonyms. There were quite a few tricky ones where you really had to understand nuances and contexts. Studying more vocabulary words and grammar rules is definitely something I need to work on.Overall, while the Henan professional English test covered material I've learned before, it was extremely challenging for my level. The reading passages had tons of academic words I didn't know. The listening portions went so fast with accents I wasn't used to. The writing required developing coherent ideas and using sophisticated language. And the grammar/vocabulary section really delved into advanced nuances and exceptions to rules.I definitely have a long way to go before I'll be ready for an English test at that level! My scores on the practice test were probably篇2The Big English Exam AdventureHi there! My name is Lily and I'm ten years old. I just had the craziest experience taking the Henan 2023 Professional Upgrade English Exam. It was like an awesome adventure into the world of English! Let me tell you all about it.It all started when my mom said I should take this big exam to test my English skills. I was a little nervous at first because exams can be kind of scary. But my English teacher Mrs. Roberts said it would be fun and a great challenge. She helped me get ready by teaching me lots of new words and grammar rules. We played games and did practice tests too!Finally, the big day arrived. I put on my lucky shirt with rainbows on it and had my favorite snacks (gummy bears!) to keep my energy up. The exam was at my school, so that made me feel better being somewhere familiar.The first part was listening. We had to listen to recordings and answer questions about what we heard. There were conversations between people ordering food, giving directions, and even an awesome story about a puppy who got lost! I concentrated really hard and used the tricks Mrs. Roberts taught me to understand everything.Next up was reading. We had to read passages about things like science experiments, famous books, and holidays around the world. The passages were pretty long but I employed my skimming and scanning ninja skills to find the important details quickly. Some of the vocabulary was super tricky but I made my best guesses.After that was the writing section - my favorite part! One of the prompts asked me to write a story about my most exciting day ever. I wrote all about the time my family took a trip to the beach and I swam in the ocean for the first time. Between the waves, seagulls, sand castles, and ice cream, it was definitely an adventure to remember!The last part was speaking, which was kind of scary at first. I had to record myself answering questions and describing pictures. But I just pretended I was talking to my stuffed animals at home and it went smoothly. I spoke nice and clearly like Mrs. Roberts reminded me.When it was finally over, I felt like I had been on an amazing journey through the world of English. I used so many skills like listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, and more. Even though some parts were really hard, it was an awesome challenge.A few weeks later, I got my results back...and I passed! I unlocked all the highest levels of English like a video game pro. Mom and Dad were super proud and took me out for a celebratory dinner of chicken nuggets and ice cream sundaes. Yum!Mrs. Roberts said I worked really hard and my skills showed through on the exam. She told me to keep practicing and learning because English can take me on so many more exciting adventures. Who knows, maybe I'll write books, become a teacher, or even travel the world one day!If you ever have to take a big English exam, just think of it like a fun quest filled with listening for clues, reading maps, writing in your journey journal, and talking to new friends along the way. With a little practice, determination, and maybe a couple gummy bears for energy, you can make it through any language adventure!篇3The Big English Test for Older KidsHiya! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I love English class and want to be an English teacher when I grow up. My big sister Mei just took a really important English test called the Henan Associate's Degree Entrance Examination for English Majors. It's a huge test that students have to pass to get into university programs for English language and literature. Mei studied really hard and I'm going to tell you all about the test she took!The test had four main sections - listening, reading, writing, and translation. Mei said the listening part was pretty tough. They played audio recordings of conversations and lectures, and she had to answer multiple choice questions about what she heard. Some of the conversations were between teachers and students talking about school stuff. Others were news reports about things happening in the world. The lectures covered all kinds of topics like science, history, and culture. Mei had to focus really hard to catch all the details and keywords.Next up was the reading section, which Mei told me was her favorite part. There were longer passages about different subjects like technology, environment, education and more. After reading each one, she answered questions testing if she understood the main ideas, speciic details, making inferences, and analyzing the author's perspective. Mei loves reading so she was well prepared for this part. She said some of the texts used really advanced vocabulary and complex sentence structures though, so she had to re-read carefully in some parts.The writing section allowed Mei to show off her English composition skills. One task was writing an essay responding to a quote or opinion on a contemporary social issue. Mei wrote about the importance of protecting the environment. Anothertask was writing a short story based on some picture prompts. Mei wrote an imaginative tale about a kid going on a magical adventure! The final writing task was analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of a sample student essay. Mei had to identify issues with coherence, development of ideas, word choice and more.Mei said the translation part was the section she worried about the most beforehand. It involved translating passages from English into Chinese, and vice versa. Some of the texts used really formal, academic language that made them super hard to translate accurately. Other texts were more casual conversational language, but had idioms, slang and cultural references that could trip you up if you didn't know them well. Mei had to make sure the meaning and tone carried over perfectly between the two languages.After the test was finally over, Mei felt both relieved and exhausted! All the sections required such different skills - listening carefully for details, reading for deep comprehension, writing clearly and creatively, and translating precisely between languages. I could tell Mei had worked her butt off preparing when she showed me some of the practice materials and test prep books she used to study. They were full of model conversations, sample essays, vocabulary lists, grammar notes,and practice tests. No wonder she was ready for anything that test threw at her!Mei is still waiting to get her score back, but she felt really good about how she did. She's hoping to get a high enough score to get into her dream university program. I'll keep my fingers crossed for her! Whichever university is lucky enough to get my amazing big sis is going to have one talented new English student.In the meantime, I'm going to start studying up for my own English tests. Mei has been helping me practice writing book reports, learning new vocabulary words, and reading out loud to improve my pronunciation. With her guidance, I'll be just as prepared as she was when it's my turn to take a big English exam in the future. Who knows, maybe I'll even do better than her! Just kidding...Mei is going to make an incredible English teacher one day. I've got a lot to learn from her example first!篇4The Big Grown-Up English TestHi friends! Today I want to tell you all about the super big English test that happened in Henan this year. It's called the 2023 Henan Academic Proficiency Test for English Majors. That's areally long name, isn't it? I'll just call it the Big Grown-Up English Test.My big sister Emily took this test because she wants to go to a better university next year. She had to study so much for it! She was reading big thick books about English grammar and literature for months. I don't know how she remembered all that stuff.The test had four sections - listening, reading, writing, and translation. In the listening part, you had to listen to recordings and answer questions about what you heard. For the reading, there were long passages to read and questions to answer about them. The writing section made you write an essay and do other writing tasks. And for translation, you had to translate sentences between English and Chinese. Phew, that's a lot!Emily said the listening part was pretty hard because the recordings went so fast. She had to concentrate really carefully. The reading passages were long and had fancy vocabulary that she didn't know sometimes. But she had practiced reading a lot, so it wasn't too bad.The writing section was one of the hardest for her. You had to write an essay in really good English about a topic like environmental protection or cultural differences. Emily struggledto organize all her ideas. She told me her hand cramped up from writing so much!But I think the translation part was probably the trickiest of all. You had to make sure you translated everything accurately between the two languages. Emily said you couldn't just do a word-for-word translation. You had to make it sound natural too. No wonder she found it difficult!Emily studied day and night to get ready. She read sample tests, did practice questions, and even met with a tutor. I got a little worried that she might turn into a zombie from not sleeping! But she stayed determined.Finally, the big day came for the real test. Emily got up super early and put on her lucky sweater. She double and triple checked that she had all her supplies like pencils, eraser, dictionary, and snacks. Then she headed off to the test site, which was at a big high school.When she came home after it was all over, Emily looked exhausted! The test was four hours long. Can you imagine sitting still and focusing that hard for four whole hours? I don't think I could do it. Even my legs would fall asleep!Emily said parts of the test were just as hard as she expected. But there were some sections she thought went pretty well too. She felt good about how she did overall and was relieved it was over. No more studying late at night!A few weeks later, the scores came out online. Emily passed! Her scores were high enough for her to get into the university program she wanted. We celebrated with her favorite chocolate cake. She definitely earned it after all that hard work!I got to look at the real test questions and sample answers after Emily was done. They were really tricky! There was so much complex English vocabulary and grammar that I didn't understand. I guess that's why it's called the Big Grown-Up English Test.I'm just an elementary kid, so I've got a long time before I'll have to take a crazy difficult test like that. But I really admired how dedicated and hardworking my sister was to prepare. If I ever have to take an important test like that someday, I'll remember Emily's example. A little studying every night, staying focused, and believing in myself is the way to go!Well, that's all about the 2023 Big Grown-Up English Test. It was awesome that my sister passed and get to go to her dream school to study more English. Who knows, maybe I'll need totake a huge test like that myself one day when I'm grown up too. But I'll cross that bridge when I get there. For now, I'm just glad the nightmare is over for Emily!篇5My Big Sister's Important English TestHi! My name is Lucy and I'm 8 years old. My big sister Amy is 22 and she just took a really important English test called the Henan Associate's Degree Upgrade Exam. It's a super hard test that lets people with an associate's degree get a bachelor's degree if they pass. Amy has been studying so hard for months!Amy says English is one of the biggest parts of the test. She had to read long passages and answer questions about them. She also had to write essays and do other writing tasks. There was a listening section too where she had to listen to recordings and answer questions. Speaking was part of it as well - she had to have a conversation with the examiner in English!I watched Amy practice her English skills a lot while she prepared. For the reading, she would read these long boring passages out loud and then I would ask her questions to see if she understood. Sometimes the passages were about science or history, and sometimes they were stories or newspaper articles. Ididn't understand most of it but Amy could explain the main ideas really well.For the writing tasks, Amy would write practice essays and short responses. Then she would read them out loud and I would try to find any mistakes in her grammar or vocabulary. I'm pretty good at finding errors since English isn't Amy's first language. She would fix the mistakes I caught. Her essays had to be super clear and well-organized.The listening was kind of fun - Amy would play these recordings of conversations or lectures, and then I would ask her questions like "What did the man say about...?" I liked making the questions extra tricky to see if she was really paying attention! Amy said the listening was quite difficult because the accents were sometimes hard to understand.I didn't get to help much with the speaking practice since that was just Amy talking to her tutor. But I could hear them having conversations about different topics from the other room. Amy had to be able to speak clearly and give good explanations. Her tutor made sure she sounded natural and fluent.After weeks of studying morning, noon and night, the big test day finally came! Amy was feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement. She woke up super early and made sure to eat agood breakfast. Then my parents and I walked her to the testing center and wished her good luck. The test took basically the whole day from morning until evening.When Amy came out, she looked exhausted but also relieved that it was over. She said the reading passages were pretty hard but she felt okay about the questions. The essay topics weren't her favorite ones but she managed to write clearly and organize her ideas. Listening was tough because of the accents like she expected. And speaking went alright - she was a bit nervous but did her best to communicate effectively.Now it's just a waiting game until the results come out in a couple months! We're all keeping our fingers crossed that Amy passed and can finally get her bachelor's degree. She has worked so unbelievably hard.No matter what happens though, I'm really proud of my big sister. Studying for and taking a huge test like this in a second language is an amazing achievement already. Amy is brilliant, dedicated and never gave up despite how challenging it was. She's my role model!I can't wait until I'm older and get to learn English properly at school. For now, I'll keep practicing by reading little books, watching movies and shows, and listening to music in English.Who knows, maybe I'll take the same test as Amy one day and we can both have bachelor's degrees!Anyway, that's the scoop on Amy's big important English test. Let me know if you have any other questions! I may be just a kid but I'm already an expert on the Henan Associate's Degree Upgrade Exam thanks to my lovely sis.篇6The 2023 Henan Professional English TestHi there! My name is Lily and I'm a 10-year-old student here in Henan Province, China. Today I wanted to tell you all about the big English test that a lot of the older students took this year called the 2023 Henan Professional English Test for Upgrading from Junior College to Undergraduate. It's a super important test that lets students who have finished junior college try to get into a 4-year university program. My older sister Mei took it and she's been telling me all about it!First off, the test was really, really long. Mei said it lasted over 3 hours! She had to get to the testing center super early in the morning before the sun even came up. The test had listening, reading, writing, and translation sections. For the listening part, they played recordings of people talking in English and you hadto answer multiple choice questions about what they said. My sister said some of the accents were hard to understand.The reading section had a bunch of different passages to read, like news articles, stories, and essays. After each passage, there were questions to see if you understood the main ideas, details, vocabulary words, and other important things. Mei thought some of the passages were pretty confusing and complex. She had to read them over a few times to really get it.Then there was the writing section where you had to write a short essay responding to a prompt or question they gave you. Mei's prompt asked her opinion on whether elementary school students should have to learn computer programming. She wrote about how it could be good to learn those skills early, but that regular reading, writing, and math should still be the main focus for young kids. Putting your thoughts into a clear essay in English is pretty tough!Finally, there was a translation part where you had to translate sentences and short paragraphs between English and Chinese in both directions. Mei said translating from English to her native Chinese was easier than the other way around. You really had to understand the grammar and vocabulary precisely in both languages.After the test was finally over, Mei said she was exhausted! Her hand was cramped up from writing for so long and her brain felt like mush. But she was really proud of herself for trying her best on such a challenging test. She had been preparing and studying English grammar, vocabulary, and practice tests for months leading up to the big day.A few weeks later, Mei got her score report in the mail. The test was graded on a scale of 100 to 700, with 500 being a passing score. Mei got a 572, which is really impressive! She was jumping for joy because it means she qualifies to apply to some 4-year university programs now and potentially upgrade from her junior college. Certain schools and majors require higher scores, but at least this opens up more options for Mei.I was so happy and proud of my big sister. All her hard work paid off! I gave her a big hug and she took me out for ice cream to celebrate. Seeing how challenging but important this test was has motivated me to keep working hard on my English skills too. Who knows, maybe I'll be taking the Professional English Test myself in a few years when I'm older!That's my full report on the 2023 Henan Professional English Test experience. It covered so many English skills like listening, reading, writing, translation, vocabulary, and grammar. Nowonder it was such a grueling exam! I have a new appreciation for just how difficult learning English can be, but how valued those skills are for academics and career opportunities here in China. My advice: start studying English early and don't give up! Let me know if you have any other questions!。

2022河南普通专升本公共英语考试真题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12022 Henan Ordinary College Entrance Examination for Public English Exam QuestionsPart I: Reading Comprehension (30 points)Directions: There are 3 reading passages in this part. Read the passages carefully and answer the questions following each passage.Passage 1In recent years, China has been making great efforts to promote green energy and reduce carbon emissions. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, have been rapidly developed to replace traditional fossil fuels. However, the transition to green energy is faced with challenges, such as high costs and intermittency issues.1. What is the main focus of China's energy development in recent years?A. Fossil fuel extractionB. Green energy promotionC. Energy conservationD. Energy consumption reduction2. Which of the following is mentioned as a challenge for the transition to green energy?A. Reduced carbon emissionsB. Low costs of renewable energyC. Intermittency issuesD. Rapid development of solar powerPassage 2Air pollution is a serious problem in many cities around the world. The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, releases harmful pollutants into the air, leading to health problems and environmental damage. In order to tackle air pollution, governments need to take effective measures to reduce emissions and promote clean energy.3. What is the main cause of air pollution in cities?A. Industrial activitiesB. DeforestationC. Burning of fossil fuelsD. Vehicle emissions4. What is suggested as a measure to tackle air pollution in the passage?A. Planting more treesB. Using electric vehiclesC. Encouraging industrial activitiesD. Burning more fossil fuelsPassage 3Climate change is a global challenge that requires urgent action from all countries. The increasing greenhouse gas emissions are causing rising temperatures and extreme weather events, posing risks to human health and the environment. It is essential for all nations to work together to reduce emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change.5. What is the main consequence of increasing greenhouse gas emissions?A. Rising sea levelsB. Decreasing temperaturesC. Improved air qualityD. Health benefits for humans6. What is emphasized as essential in tackling climate change in the passage?A. Individual effortsB. International cooperationC. Economic developmentD. DeforestationPart II: Vocabulary and Structure (30 points)Directions: Pick out the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.7. I have no ________ knowledge of Spanish, so I can only saya few basic phrases.A. fluentB. verbalC. proficientD. elementary8. Sarah took up jogging ________ she wanted to improve her fitness.A. becauseB. soC. thereforeD. but9. The new law imposes strict ________ on the use of plastic bags to reduce pollution.A. restrictionsB. regulationsC. requirementsD. rules10. The company decided to ________ its operations in Asia to tap into new markets.A. expandB. decreaseC. minimizeD. limitPart III: Cloze Test (20 points)Directions: Complete the passage by selecting the appropriate words from the choices given.Climate change is a global issue that ________ urgent action from governments, businesses, and individuals. The increasing temperatures and extreme weather events are clear ________ of the impacts of climate change. It is essential for all nations to work together to reduce emissions and ________ the environment. We must make efforts to promote clean energy and sustainable practices to mitigate the effects of climate change.Part IV: Sentence Translation (20 points)Directions: Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese.11. Renewable energy sources are essential for reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change.12. The government has implemented new policies to promote environmental protection and sustainability.Part V: Writing (40 points)Directions: Write an essay of at least 200 words on the following topic.Climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action from all countries. Discuss the causes and consequences of climate change and suggest measures to reduce emissions and mitigate the impacts of global warming.Remember to organize your ideas logically and provide examples to support your points.Overall, this public English exam will test your reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills. Good luck with your exam preparation!篇22022 Henan Adult Higher Education Public English Test QuestionsPart I Listening Comprehension (25 points)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide whichis the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.1. A) She is not very good at singing.B) She hopes to achieve her dream someday.C) She will have a performance at the concert this evening.D) She has been practicing singing for a long time.2. A) The man's bike is being fixed.B) The man owns a shop.C) The woman can help the man fix his bike.D) The woman will go swimming in the afternoon.3. A) They are strangers to each other.B) He has no time for conversation.C) He is unhappy with the woman's behavior.D) He doesn't remember meeting the woman before.4. A) Weather forecast.B) Her favorite season.C) Traveling plan.D) The summer heat.5. A) The manager has left the office.B) The man should wait until tomorrow.C) The manager is busy at the moment.D) The manager will call the man later.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 6 to 8 are based on the passage you have just heard.6. A) He visited New York City.B) He rode a bicycle across the country.C) He stopped at places he found interesting.D) He traveled with his family.7. A) In a hotel.B) In his car.C) In his tent.D) In a village.8. A) Watched TV shows.B) Talked to local people.C) Visited museums.D) Listened to music.Passage TwoQuestions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. A) The popularity of digital books.B) Physical books may soon [...]篇32022 Henan Ordinary Higher Education Entrance Examination for Public English Exam QuestionsPart I: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Please read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.Passage 1:Solar energy has become an increasingly popular source of renewable energy in recent years. Solar panels are now commonly seen on rooftops, providing clean and sustainable power for homes and businesses. However, there are some challenges that come with relying on solar energy.One challenge is the issue of storage. Solar panels only generate electricity when the sun is shining, so energy storage systems are needed to store excess energy for use during the night or on cloudy days. Another challenge is the cost of installing solar panels. While the cost of solar panels has decreased in recent years, the initial installation costs can still be quite high for some households and businesses.Despite these challenges, the benefits of solar energy are undeniable. Solar energy is clean and environmentally friendly, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. It also helps to reduce electricity bills for households and businesses, making it a cost-effective option in the long run.1. What is one challenge of relying on solar energy?2. What are the benefits of solar energy?3. How can solar energy help reduce electricity bills?Part II: Writing (60 points)Please write an essay on one of the following topics:1. The Impact of Climate Change on the Environment2. The Importance of Renewable Energy Sources3. The Role of Technology in Addressing Environmental IssuesYour essay should be at least 400 words long and demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic. You should also provide examples and evidence to support your arguments.Good luck with your exam!。

2024年河南专升本公共英语考试真题As the year 2024 approaches, the河南专升本公共英语考试looms as a crucial milestone for many aspirants seeking further education. This examination, often referred to as the "gateway to higher learning," not only tests the linguistic proficiency of candidates but also their dedication, perseverance, and strategic planning. Given its significance, it's imperative to delve into the exam's patterns, understand the trends, and devise effective preparation strategies.**Exam Pattern and Trends**The 河南专升本公共英语 exam typically follows a consistent pattern, with sections covering vocabulary and grammar, reading comprehension, writing skills, and listening comprehension. Recent trends indicate a focus on practical application of language knowledge, with an increasing emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The reading and listening sections often include passages and dialogues drawn from academic and professional contexts, demanding a high level of understanding and interpretation.**Vocabulary and Grammar**A solid foundation in vocabulary and grammar is crucial for success in the exam. Candidates are advised to familiarize themselves with the latest editions of recommended textbooks and to supplement their learning with regular practice sessions. Focusing on high-frequency words and common grammatical structures will help improve fluency and accuracy.**Reading Comprehension**Reading comprehension requires not only a good grasp of vocabulary and grammar but also strategic reading skills. Candidates should practice reading a wide range of materials, including newspapers, magazines, and academic articles, to familiarize themselves with different writing styles and content areas. They should also learn toidentify key information, understand implied meanings, and analyze arguments effectively.**Writing Skills**The writing section tests candidates' ability to express themselves clearly and coherently. Practice writingessays on a variety of topics, paying attention to structure, grammar, and vocabulary. Candidates should aim to produce well-organized and grammatically correct essays that convey their ideas effectively.**Listening Comprehension**Listening comprehension requires active listeningskills and the ability to understand spoken English in different contexts. Candidates should practice listening to recordings of native speakers, focusing on improving their ability to understand quickly and accurately. They should also work on improving their note-taking skills to capture key information.**Preparation Strategies**Effective preparation is key to success in the 河南专升本公共英语 exam. Candidates should create a detailed study plan, allocating sufficient time to each section. Regular practice sessions, mock tests, and timed exercises will help familiarize candidates with the exam format and improve their speed and accuracy. Additionally, maintaining a positive mindset and staying focused are essential for maintaining motivation and staying on track.**Conclusion**The 河南专升本公共英语 exam is a challenging but rewarding experience. By understanding the exam pattern and trends, focusing on vocabulary and grammar, developing reading and writing skills, improving listening comprehension, and adopting effective preparation strategies, candidates can confidently face this important milestone and achieve their desired results. With hard work and dedication, the gateway to higher learning can be successfully navigated.**2024年河南专升本公共英语考试深度解析与备考策略** 随着2024年的临近,河南专升本公共英语考试成为了许多寻求进一步教育者的关键里程碑。

河南省2018年普通高等学校专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语真题解析Part I Vocabulary and Structure。
X40)Directions:There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence,and then mark the corresponding leer on the Answer Sheet.1. Lovely weather, ___ ?A.is itB. isn'titC. rightD. ok【答案】B【翻译】今天天气不错,对吗?【考点】反意疑问句。
2. ___ at in this way, the situation doesn 'seem so desperate.A.LookingB.LookedC.Being lookedD.To look【答案】B【翻译】从他的角度看,情况似乎没有那么绝望。
【解析】分词与句子主语the situation构成被动关系,所以要用到被动,C选项是正在进行的被动,不符合题意,所以正确选项为 B.3. Mathematics, ___ the language of science.A.isB.has beenC.areD.have been【答案】A【翻译】数学是一别科学语言。
4. We have been there for ____ times.A.hundred ofB.hundredsC.hundreds ofD.hundred【答案】C【翻译】我们已经去过那儿上百次了。

2019年河南省普通高等学校选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语试卷参考答案Part I Vocabulary and Structure1、【答案】A【翻译】我们不必开车了,步行去商店吧,好吗?【考点】反意疑问句【精析】A 当陈述部分是由Let’s引出的第一人称祈使句时,其后的反意疑问句部分通常应用shall we;当陈述部分是由Let us 引出的祈使句时,其后动词所表示的动作不包括听话人在内,反意疑问句部分通常应用will you. 本句陈述部分是由Let’s引出的祈使句,所以A正确。
【考点】非谓语动词【精析】C arrange for sb. to do sth. 为固定用法,意为‘安排某人做某事’,所以此处应用动词不定式,即‘to+动词原形’形式。
【考点】词义辨析【精析】A either(两者中的)任何一个,用于否定句中时表示两者中任何一个都不;any(三者或三者以上中的)任何一个;neither 两者都不;none(三个或三个以上的人或物)毫无,没有一个。
【考点】主语从句【精析】C 分析句子中的结构可知,that 引导的一个宾语从句,其中“____ people say about him”是一个主语从句,且空处在主语从句中作say的宾语,所以应用what 引导,且what 不能省略。
which 引导名词性从句时有选择意义;this 不能引导从句。
【考点】动词时态和语法【精析】B by the time 意为“到...时候(为止)”,一般用来引导时间状语从句,如果从句是一般过去时,主句通常用过去完成时,表示“截止到从句动作(表示过去)动作发生之前”,即主句动作发生在“过去的过去”。

河南省2024专升本英语考试真题及答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12024 Henan Province College English Entrance ExamSection 1: Listening Comprehension (30 points)Part A:Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to each question. (10 points)1. A. It's quite early. B. Quite on time. C. A little early. D. Late.2. A. Go to see a movie. B. Go shopping. C. Go out for dinner.D. Go swimming.3. A. Hurry. B. Go slowly. C. Go quickly. D. Go faster.4. A. Six. B. Five. C. Four. D. Three.5. A. Blouse. B. Skirt. C. Dress. D. T-shirt.Part B: Listen to the following passage and answer the questions. (10 points)6. What subject did the speaker teach?7. How did the speaker feel about teaching in different countries?Part C: Listen to the following dialogue and complete the sentences. (10 points)8. The visit to the wildlife park has been postponed until__________.9. Due to the rainstorm, the picnic __________.10. The speaker's grandparents lived in __________.Section 2: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Part A: Vocabulary and Structure (10 points)Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.11. I often use this __________ (method) to memorize new vocabulary.12. The book is __________ (suitable) for children under the age of 12.13. The teacher gave each student a different __________ (task) to complete.14. The museum will be __________ (close) for renovation next month.15. I couldn't understand the __________ (mean) of the poem.Part B: Reading Comprehension (30 points)Read the following passage and answer the questions below.Raccoons are nocturnal animals and are well-known for their distinct markings, including a black mask across their eyes and bushy ringed tails. They are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. In the wild, raccoons will eat a variety of foods such as fruits, nuts, insects, and small animals. They are also known to scavenge through garbage cans in search of food.Despite their cute appearance, raccoons can be considered pests when they invade urban areas. They are known for their ability to open garbage cans and create a mess while searching for food. Raccoons are also carriers of diseases such as rabies, which poses a risk to humans and pets.However, there are ways to prevent raccoons from becoming a nuisance. Securing garbage cans with tight-fitting lids and not leaving pet food outdoors can discourage raccoons from entering residential areas.16. What are raccoons known for in terms of their appearance?17. What do raccoons eat in the wild?18. How can raccoons be a nuisance in urban areas?19. What disease can raccoons carry that poses a risk to humans and pets?20. How can residents prevent raccoons from entering residential areas?Section 3: Writing (30 points)Part A: Sentence Structure and Grammar (10 points)Rewrite the following sentences using the words provided.21. He has been to Paris. (never)22. Jane stayed up late to finish her homework. (so)23. They should have arrived by now. (yet)24. The movie was so boring that I fell asleep. (too)25. I will meet you at the cafe at 3 o'clock. (mean)Part B: Writing (20 points)Write an essay of at least 150 words on the following topic: "The Importance of Learning a Second Language." Include reasons why learning a second language is beneficial and provide examples to support your opinion.Answers:1. C. A little early.2. D. Go swimming.3. C. Go quickly.4. B. Five.5. D. T-shirt.6. English.7. Excited and fulfilled.8. Next Saturday.9. Was canceled.10. The countryside.11. Method.12. Suitable.13. Task.14. Closed.15. Meaning.16. Their distinct markings and black mask across their eyes.17. Fruits, nuts, insects, and small animals.18. By opening garbage cans and creating a mess while searching for food.19. Rabies.20. By securing garbage cans with tight-fitting lids and not leaving pet food outdoors.21. He has never been to Paris.22. Jane stayed up late so that she could finish her homework.23. They have not arrived yet.24. The movie was too boring that I fell asleep.25. I mean to meet you at the cafe at 3 o'clock.Essay:The Importance of Learning a Second LanguageLearning a second language is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it enhances communication skills and enables individuals to connect with people from different cultures. For example, knowing Spanish can facilitate communication withSpanish-speaking individuals, leading to deeper relationships and cultural understanding.Secondly, learning a second language can boost career opportunities. In today's globalized world, multilingual individuals are in high demand in various industries such as tourism, international business, and diplomacy. Employers value employees who can communicate effectively in multiple languages and navigate diverse cultural contexts.Furthermore, studying a second language can improve cognitive abilities and enhance memory. Research has shown that bilingual individuals have better problem-solving skills and higher cognitive flexibility. Learning a new language strengthens the brain and promotes lifelong learning.In conclusion, the importance of learning a second language cannot be overstated. It not only opens doors to new opportunities but also enriches one's personal and professional life. Therefore, individuals should embrace the challenge of learning a new language and reap the benefits it offers.This is a sample of the 2024 Henan Province College English Entrance Exam, including listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing sections. Good luck to all thetest-takers!篇2河南省2024专升本英语考试真题及答案Part I: Listening Comprehension (20 points)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. A) S he is going to Katy’s birthday party.B) She doesn’t want to go to the party.C) She has no idea about the party.D) She has to study for a test.答案:A) She is going to Katy’s birthday party.2. A) The man doesn’t have enough time.B) The man is not interested in gardening.C) The man is willing to help with the project.D) The man is too busy working.答案:C) The man is willing to help with the project.3. A) The woman’s grandmother is coming for dinner.B) The woman’s grandmother is leaving soon.C) The man’s grandmother is coming for dinner.D) The man’s grandmother is busy.答案:A) The woman’s grandmother is coming for dinner.4. A) The woman is concerned about the man’s health.B) The man should get a check-up for his allergies.C) The man is allergic to cats.D) The man has a cat.答案:B) The man should get a check-up for his allergies.5. A) The man agrees to attend the meeting.B) The man would rather skip the meeting.C) The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.D) The man is already familiar with the topic.答案:A) The man agrees to attend the meeting.6. A) The woman will go to the concert.B) The woman will help the man with his work.C) T he woman doesn’t like classical music.D) The woman doesn’t want to go to the concert.答案:A) The woman will go to the concert.7. A) The man has forgotten about the party.B) The man has no interest in going to the party.C) The man is planning to host a party.D) The man has to be back by 7 pm.答案:D) The man has to be back by 7 pm.8. A) The man is too busy to meet the woman.B) The man will meet the woman for lunch.C) The man prefers to meet in the morning.D) The man doesn’t want to have lunch with the woman.答案:B) The man will meet the woman for lunch.9. A) The woman is happy with the play.B) The man enjoyed the play.C) The woman was not impressed by the play.D) The ma n didn’t understand the play.答案:B) The man enjoyed the play.10. A) The woman wants the man to come on Tuesday.B) The woman wants the man to come on Monday.C) The woman wants to meet on Monday.D) The woman wants to cancel the meeting.答案:A) The woman wants the man to come on Tuesday.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions; both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage OneQuestions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. A) Make spaghetti B) Have cookies C) Bake a cake D) Cook a roastAnswer: B) Have cookies12. A) In a magazine B) In a cookbook C) On a recipe card D) On the back of a boxAnswer: C) On a recipe card13. A) Because he doesn’t like cookies B) Because he doesn’t have an oven C) Because it’s too hot outside D) Because it takes too longAnswer: C) Because it’s too hot outsidePassage TwoQuestions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. A) Visit his sister B) Look after his niece C) Attend a lecture D) Have a meetingAnswer: C) Attend a lecture15. A) His sister B) His niece C) His friend D) The womanAnswer: A) His sister16. A) He wouldn’t be able to concentrate B) He would miss his sister too much C) He doesn’t like going to lectures D) He doesn’t like leaving his nieceAnswer: B) He would miss his sister too much17. A) Read him a story B) Pick him up from school C) Ask him to spend the weekend D) Take him to a meetingAnswer: B) Pick him up from schoolPassage ThreeQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18. A) To prepare for a trip B) To find a good restaurant C) To buy some flowers D) To visit a friendAnswer: A) To prepare for a trip19. A) The information on the internet may not be accurate B) She doesn’t want him to cook C) She wants him to pack his clothes D) She wants him to have a spare keyAnswer: A) The information on the internet may not be accurate20. A) He is going on a business trip B) He is moving to a new place C) He is going on a trip with his wife D) He is getting a new apartmentAnswer: C) He is going on a trip with his wifePart II: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.If you prefer to cook with fresh ingredients, then summer is your season. But 21 it is difficult to decide what to make for dinner on a 40-degree day when even the thought of turning on the oven is enough to make 22 sweat, keep cool with this collection of light and easy su mmer meals. They’re simple to 23 up and served family style to take the heat out of dinner time.When planning your summer 24, think about the big picture; what can be saved time and made ahead 25 you have a lot ofmouths to feed in the evening 26 when you might be too tired to cook. Try making big batches of pesto, tomato sauces or salad dressings that can be used for more than one dish and stored in the fridge, ready for when you need them. This can 27 a big difference and require very little extra ef fort. Don’t be afraid to cook in the morning when it’s 28 cooler and keep food in the fridge, like this traditional Japanese sushi rice salad. 29 it sounds fiddly, the time is in the preparation while the shrimp is cooking; you can be slicing vegetables or 30 the final dish together.Word BankA) assemble B) dishes C) ending D) end E) dishes F) end G) simple H) final I) simply J) finally答案:21. H) final 22. E) dishes 23. A) assemble 24. G) simple 25. D) end 26. C) ending 27. J) finally 28. F) end 29. G) simple 30. B) dishesSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is markedwith a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.It is clear that aging alone does not necessarily lead to a decline in cognitive function. Many people remain cognitively sharp into old age and 31 with those whose cognitive functions have declined, the severity of the decline can vary greatly. 32, declines in cognitive functions can be caused bynon-pathological factors such as poor sleep, poor diet, lack of exercise, or even the effects of legislation and emotional experiences. To demonstrate this, a person may experience an acute bout of confusion when faced with a new and unfamiliar situation. This is a normal part of adapting 33 new environments, and does not indicate pathology. In addition, cognitive functions are shaped by engagement 34 a person’s environment. For example, bilingual people might perform better on certain cognitive tasks. Down the line, we are researching how social, cognitive, 35 physical activities can mutually benefit each other. The brain is influenced by internal and external factors that will impact brain plasticity, reserve capacity, 36 the likelihood of developing dementia. With 37, gain insight into how people might tip the balance in favour of cognitive health throughout our lives .答案:31. A 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. A 36. D 37. BPart III: Vocabulary and Structure (10 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.38. The building, ________ is now a museum, was once the residence of a very wealthy man.A) that B) which C) what D) whereAnswer: A) that39. Researchers have discovered that our memories are less________ than previously thought.A) reliable B) believably C) relied D) believableAnswer: A) reliable40. While some people believe that banning plastic bags will save the environment, others think it’s just a _______ measure.A) symbolic B) symbol C) symbolic D) symbolizeAnswer: A) symbolic41. It is important to _______ the results of the experiment before drawing any conclusions.A) repeats B) repetition C) repeat D) repeatingAnswer: C) repeat42. The police officer asked the witness to describe the_______ of the robber.A) pattern B) appearance C) index D) subjectAnswer: B) appearanceSample answer contains only a small part of the article written, and it’s important to revise and add information accordingly. Additionally, please make sure to check the answers for accuracy and alignment with the questions.篇3Henan Province 2024 College English Exam Questions and AnswersPart I Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Youshould decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.It is believed that the use of English will become increasingly widespread in France in the coming years. English is becoming the international language of businesses all over the world. Many of these businesses already have some roots in France. In addition to this, the organization that our country belongs to, the European Union, is one in which English is really a very important language. France, as we all know, is one of the leading lights of the Union. This means that English is very necessary for us in order to keep up with all the developments that go on in this umbrella organization.1. According to the passage, English is becoming more common in France because _____.A) it will eventually replace FrenchB) it is being used by an increasing number of businessmenC) it is spoken by the majority of the FrenchD) it is the official language of the European UnionAnswer: B2. The passage suggests that the European Union _____.A) does not use English as an official languageB) is headquartered in FranceC) does not include France as a memberD) is in need of French supportAnswer: D3. The passage implies that France _____.A) is not affected by the business worldB) relies on the United States for business informationC) sometimes uses English in business dealingsD) resists learning EnglishAnswer: C4. What appears to be the primary reason for the increase in the use of English in France?A) The Asian countries have started to use English.B) The European Union is influenced by Britain.C) Trade has increased between various countries.D) The French economy is struggling.Answer: C5. What one major point is mentioned in the passage?A) English is more difficult for the French to learn than any other language.B) The French rely on the help of Germany.C) France is more powerful than any other country in the European Union.D) The French will be left behind if they do not learn English.Answer: D...Part IV Error Correction (10 points)Directions: In this part, there are ten sentences. Each sentence has four underlined parts marked A), B), C), and D). You are to identify the correct choice and then mark it on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Smoke comes from the factory's chimney A) often enough to cause B) concern, C) so authorities are considering D) forcing it to close.Answer: CPassage 2Frequent washing A) hands and changing B) into clean clothes C) can help prevent D) the spread of disease.Answer: A...That's the end of the sample questions for the Henan Province 2024 College English exam. Good luck to all thetest-takers!。

专升本河南英语试题及答案一、听力部分(共20分)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a questionwill be asked about what was said. After each conversationand the question there will be a short pause. Read each question carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.1. M: Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest subway station is?W: Sure, it's just around the corner.Q: What does the man want to know?A) The location of a restaurant.B) The location of a subway station.C) The time of the subway schedule.D) The way to a museum.2. W: I heard you're going to take a trip to Italy next month. M: Yes, I'm really looking forward to it.Q: What is the man planning to do?A) Visit a friend.B) Go on a trip to Italy.C) Study Italian.D) Attend a conference.[Continue with 8 more similar questions]Section BDirections: Listen to the following passage. After listening, you will find some questions about it. Choose the best, one-word answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Passage: [A short passage about a local event or news.]1. What is the main idea of the passage?A) A new shopping mall opening.B) A charity event.C) A local festival.D) A traffic update.2. When will the event take place?A) Next Friday.B) Next Saturday.C) Next Sunday.D) Next Monday.[Continue with more questions based on the passage]二、阅读理解部分(共30分)Passage 1[A passage about cultural differences in communication.]Questions:1. What is the main topic of the passage?2. According to the passage, why do people from differentcultures misunderstand each other?3. What is the author's suggestion to avoid such misunderstandings?Passage 2[A passage about environmental protection.]Questions:1. What is the author's view on the importance of environmental protection?2. What are some of the measures suggested by the author to protect the environment?3. What role can individuals play in environmental conservation?Passage 3[A passage about technological advancements.]Questions:1. What is the main focus of the passage?2. How does the author describe the impact of technology on society?3. What are the potential challenges that come with technological advancements?三、完形填空部分(共20分)[A passage with blanks that need to be filled in with the correct word from the options provided.]四、翻译部分(共10分)English to Chinese:Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. The rapid development of technology has changed the way we live.2. It is essential to maintain a balance between work and leisure.Chinese to English:Translate the following sentences into English.1. 教育对于个人的成长至关重要。

河南专升本必考题型翻译----单句翻译2011.11.29阅读(762)汉译英1. 毫无疑问,阅读经典书籍使人们受益匪浅。
译文:Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice.2.她读这部小说时,不禁想起了她在农村度过的那五年。
译文:When she read the novel, she couldn’t help thinking the five years she ha d spent in the countryside.3. 这两只动物外貌很相似,但它们属于不同的种类。
译文:The two animals are similar in appearance, but they belong to different species.4. 我并不确切地知道他申请的贷款(loan)银行是否会给。
译文:I don’t know for sure whether the bank will grant him the loan he has applied for.5. 玛丽觉得单靠自己的力量执行她的计划是困难的。
译文:Mary thought it difficult to carry out her plan all by herself.6. 她同意让一位年轻医生为她作手术。
译文:She agreed to be operated on by a young doctor.7. 他们已安排好让我们明天去游览长城,我相信我们在那儿一定会玩得很开心。
译文:They’ve arranged for us to visit the Great Wall tomorrow. I’m sure we’ll have a good time there.(we’ll enjoy ourselves there)8. 作者想通过这篇文章向读者传达她对赞扬与批评的看法。

河南专升本英语作文真题及答案As the examination season approaches, it is essentialfor candidates preparing for the Henan PostgraduateEntrance Exam, specifically the English section, to familiarize themselves with the patterns and content of previous years' questions. This article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of a recent Henan Postgraduate Entrance Exam English essay topic, along with a sample answer and its corresponding Chinese translation.**Essay Topic:** *In today's digital age, the role of technology in education has become increasingly significant. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of technology in education and suggest ways to maximize its benefits.***Sample Answer:***In the modern era, technology has revolutionized various aspects of life, including education. The advent of digital tools and platforms has brought about significant changes in teaching methods, learning processes, and the overall educational experience. While technology offersnumerous advantages in education, it also poses some challenges that need to be addressed.**Firstly, the use of technology in education provides students with a more interactive and engaging learning environment. Digital platforms allow for real-time feedback, collaborative learning, and access to a wealth of resources that were previously unavailable. Furthermore, online courses and virtual classrooms break down geographical barriers, enabling students from diverse backgrounds to access quality education.**However, technology in education also comes with its disadvantages. One major concern is the issue of digital divides, where students from disadvantaged backgrounds may lack access to the necessary technology or the internet. Additionally, excessive screen time can have negative impacts on students' physical and mental health. Furthermore, the reliability and validity of online resources and assessments can sometimes be compromised.**To maximize the benefits of technology in education,it is crucial to adopt a balanced approach. Firstly, educational institutions should strive to provide equalaccess to technology for all students, regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds. Secondly, teachers should integrate technology into their teaching methods in a way that complements traditional teaching practices. This ensures that students can benefit from both the interactive and engaging aspects of technology while maintaining the depth and rigor of traditional classroom learning.**Moreover, it is essential to monitor the impact of technology on students' health and well-being. Regular breaks and physical activities should be encouraged to mitigate the negative effects of excessive screen time. Finally, educational institutions should establish rigorous evaluation mechanisms to ensure the quality andauthenticity of online resources and assessments.***Chinese Version**随着考试季的临近,对于准备参加河南专升本考试的考生来说,熟悉历年真题的题型和内容至关重要,特别是英语科目。

2024年河南专升本公共英语考试真题全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Adventure in the 2024 Henan Adult College Entrance ExaminationHi everyone! I want to tell you about my experience in the 2024 Henan Adult College Entrance Examination. It was so exciting and fun!First, let me tell you about the English exam. It was a bit challenging, but I did my best. There were listening, reading, writing, and speaking sections. The listening part was the hardest for me because the speakers talked really fast! But I tried my best to understand and answer the questions.In the reading section, I had to read a passage about climate change and answer questions about it. It was really interesting and I learned a lot from it. The writing section was my favorite because I love writing stories. I had to write a short essay about my favorite childhood memory, and I wrote about my trip to the beach with my family. It was so much fun!In the speaking section, I had to talk about a topic I was passionate about. I chose to talk about the environment and how we can all do our part to protect it. I was a little nervous, but I spoke from the heart and I think I did a good job.Overall, the exam was a great experience and I learned a lot from it. I can't wait to find out my results and see if I passed. I hope I did well!That's it for now. Thanks for reading about my adventure in the 2024 Henan Adult College Entrance Examination! Bye!篇2Title: My Experience of Taking the Henan Adult College Entrance ExaminationHey guys, guess what? I want to tell you about my experience of taking the Henan Adult College Entrance Examination. It was in 2024, and I was so nervous but also excited to take the exam.First, let me tell you about the exam format. The exam had four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening part was quite challenging because we had to listen to different conversations and answer questions about them. Thereading section was all about reading passages and answering questions. The writing part was a little bit tough because we had to write an essay on a given topic. And the speaking part was the most fun because we got to talk about a topic with the examiner.During the exam, I tried my best to stay calm and focused. I listened carefully to the conversations in the listening section, read the passages in the reading section thoroughly, and thought carefully about my essay in the writing section. When it came to the speaking part, I spoke confidently and fluently about the topic given to me.After the exam, I felt both relieved and anxious. I was relieved that the exam was over, but I was anxious about the results. I couldn't wait to find out how I did.A few weeks later, the results were announced, and I was thrilled to learn that I had passed the exam! I was so happy and proud of myself for all the hard work I had put in.Taking the Henan Adult College Entrance Examination was definitely a challenging but rewarding experience. I learned a lot from preparing for the exam, and I am grateful for the opportunity to further my education through this exam.If you ever have the chance to take the exam, don't be afraid to give it your best shot. Believe in yourself, stay focused, and work hard. You never know what you can achieve until you try!篇3Title: My Experience of the 2024 Henan Adult College Entrance ExaminationHi everyone! Today I want to share with you my experience of taking the 2024 Henan Adult College Entrance Examination for public English. It was definitely a nerve-wracking experience, but I managed to pull through with flying colors!First of all, the exam started bright and early at 8:00 am. As soon as I entered the exam room, my heart was pounding like crazy. The room was filled with other adults like me, all looking equally nervous and anxious. But I tried to stay calm and focused, reminding myself that I had studied hard and prepared well for this moment.The exam consisted of multiple choice questions, reading comprehension, writing tasks, and listening exercises. The multiple-choice questions were quite tricky, with some of them having more than one correct answer. The readingcomprehension passages were challenging too, but I tried my best to understand the main ideas and details.When it came to the writing tasks, I felt a bit more confident.I had practiced writing essays and letters at home, so I knew what to expect. I was given a prompt about my favorite hobby, and I wrote all about how much I love playing soccer with my friends and the joy it brings me.The listening exercises were a bit tough for me, as the recordings were quite fast-paced. But I listened carefully and managed to answer most of the questions correctly. I just hoped that my ears didn't play tricks on me during the exam!After what seemed like an eternity, the exam finally ended. I let out a big sigh of relief and handed in my paper. I felt a mix of emotions – relief, nervousness, and excitement all rolled into one. Now all I could do was wait for the results to be announced.A few weeks later, the results were finally out. I nervously checked the official website and to my surprise, I had passed with flying colors! I couldn't believe it – all my hard work and dedication had paid off. I was over the moon and couldn't wait to share the good news with my family and friends.In conclusion, taking the 2024 Henan Adult College Entrance Examination was a challenging but ultimately rewarding experience. It taught me the importance of perseverance, determination, and never giving up on my dreams. I'm proud of myself for conquering this hurdle and can't wait to see what the future holds for me. Bring it on, world – I'm ready for whatever comes my way!篇4Oh my goodness, guys! I just took the 2024 Henan adult college entrance exam for Public English, and let me tell you, it was a wild ride! The questions were super tricky, but I think I did pretty well overall. Let me give you the lowdown on the exam.The first section was all about grammar. They asked us to fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense or form of the word. I was a bit nervous at first, but then I remembered all the grammar rules we studied in class and just went for it. I think I nailed that part!Next up was reading comprehension. We had to read a bunch of paragraphs and answer questions about the main idea, supporting details, and vocabulary. Some of the passages werepretty tough, but I tried my best to understand them. I even used my dictionary a few times!Then came the listening section. They played a bunch of recordings of people speaking in English, and we had to answer questions about what we heard. Some of the accents were a bit hard to understand, but I think I got the hang of it after a while. I just had to focus and listen carefully.Finally, we had the writing section. We had to write an essay on a given topic, and I chose to write about my dream job. I talked about how I want to be a doctor and help people who are sick. I even threw in a few fancy words to impress the examiners!Overall, I think I did pretty well on the exam. I tried my best and put in a lot of effort, so I'm feeling pretty confident. Can't wait to see my results and hopefully get into college! Wish me luck, guys!篇5Title: My Experience Taking the 2024 Henan Public English ExamHey guys, guess what? I just took the 2024 Henan Public English Exam and I want to tell you all about it! So, listen up and I’ll spill the tea on what went down.First of all, the exam was held in a big hall with lots of other students. We all had to bring our ID cards and pencils, just like in the movies! The exam started with a listening section where we had to listen to conversations and answer questions. It was kinda hard because some of the speakers had funny accents, but I think I did okay.Next up was the reading section, where we had to read passages and answer questions. Some of the passages were really long and I got a bit tired, but I pushed through and finished them all. Then came the writing section, where we had to write a short essay about our favorite hobby. I wrote about playing soccer because it’s my absolute favorite thing to do.Finally, there was a speaking section where we had to talk to the examiners in English. I was super nervous at first, but they were really nice and asked me questions about my family and school. I stumbled over some words, but they said I did a good job overall.After the exam, I felt relieved and proud of myself for completing it. I don’t know how I did yet, but I know that I triedmy best and that’s what matters. I hope I p ass and can continue my education in the future.In conclusion, taking the 2024 Henan Public English Exam was a challenging but rewarding experience. I learned a lot and I’m excited to see how I did. Wish me luck, guys!篇6Title: My experience in the 2024 Henan Public English TestHi everyone! My name is Lily, and I want to share my experience in the 2024 Henan Public English Test with you. It was such a memorable day!At first, I was so nervous because I heard that the test was quite difficult. But when I saw the questions, I felt a little relieved because they were not that hard. The first part was reading comprehension, and I had to answer some questions about a story. I read the story carefully and answered the questions one by one. It wasn't easy, but I managed to finish it on time.The second part was grammar and vocabulary. I had to choose the right words or phrases to complete the sentences. Some of them were tricky, but I remembered what my teachertaught me and picked the answers carefully. I really hope I got them right!The last part was writing, and I had to write a short essay about my favorite season. I chose summer because I love swimming in the pool and eating ice cream. I wrote about all the fun things I do in summer, and I hope the examiner likes it.Overall, the test wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. I tried my best, and I hope I did well. I can't wait to see my results and share them with my friends. I'm so proud of myself for taking the test! Yay!篇7Hello everyone! Today I'm going to share with you the questions from the 2024 Henan adult college entrance examination for public English. Are you ready? Let's get started!Question 1:Imagine you are a famous movie star. Describe your daily routine including what time you wake up, what you eat for breakfast, how you prepare for filming, and what you do in your free time. Use at least 5 different action verbs in your description.Question 2:You are planning a trip to a foreign country. Write a letter to your friend explaining where you are going, why you chose that destination, what activities you plan to do, and when you will be back. Ask your friend if they would like to join you and why.Question 3:You have just watched a documentary about environmental issues. Write a reflection on what you learned from the documentary and what actions you can take to help protect the environment. Include at least 3 suggestions on how individuals can make a difference.Question 4:You have been asked to give a speech at your school about the importance of learning English. Write your speech including reasons why English is a valuable skill, how it can benefit your future career, and some tips for improving your English language skills.Question 5:Choose one of the following topics to write a short essay:- The benefits of reading books- The impact of technology on our daily lives- The importance of exercise and healthy eatingRemember to use proper grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary in your answers. Good luck and do your best on the exam!篇8Title: My Experience in the 2024 Henan College Entrance Exam for Adults (Public English Test)Hi everyone! I want to share with you all about my experience in the 2024 Henan College Entrance Exam for Adults, also known as the public English test. This year, the exam was quite challenging but also a lot of fun!First of all, the listening section was a bit tricky because the speakers were speaking really fast. But luckily, I had practiced a lot before the exam, so I was able to catch most of the information. There were questions about everyday situations and conversations, like ordering food at a restaurant or making a phone call to book a hotel room. It was like watching a movie without subtitles, but I managed to understand most of it!Next, the reading section was all about comprehension. There were passages about different topics such as technology,education, and health. I had to read carefully and answer questions about the main idea, supporting details, and vocabulary. Some of the vocabulary was quite difficult, but I just used my guessing skills and tried my best.The writing section was my favorite part because I got to express my own ideas and thoughts. I had to write an essay about whether technology has made our lives easier or more complicated. I wrote about how technology has improved communication and made tasks more convenient, but also how it can be overwhelming and distracting at times. It was like writing a diary entry, but for a bigger audience!Overall, the 2024 Henan College Entrance Exam for Adults was a great experience for me. It challenged my English skills and pushed me to think critically and creatively. I'm excited to see my results and to continue improving my English in the future. Thank you for listening to my story!篇9Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you the public English exam for the special undergraduates in Henan Province in 2024. Are you ready? Let's dive into it!Part 1: Listening ComprehensionListen to the recording and answer the following questions:1. What is the main topic of the conversation?2. Where is the man planning to go on vacation?3. How long will his vacation last?4. What is the woman's advice for the man?5. When will the man leave for his vacation?Part 2: Reading ComprehensionRead the passage and answer the questions below:The Benefits of ExerciseExercise is not only good for your physical health but also for your mental well-being. Regular exercise can help reduce stress, improve mood, and boost self-confidence. In addition, it can help prevent certain diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. So, make sure to incorporate exercise into your daily routine for a healthier and happier life.Questions:1. What are some benefits of exercise?2. How can exercise help prevent diseases?3. Why is it important to incorporate exercise into your daily routine?Part 3: Writing TaskWrite an essay on the following topic:What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media? Provide examples to support your points.Remember to use proper grammar and punctuation in your essay. Good luck!And that's it for the 2024 Henan special undergraduate public English exam! I hope you did well on the exam. Keep practicing your English skills and you'll improve in no time. Good luck!篇10Title: My Experience of Taking the 2024 Henan Adult College Entrance ExamHey guys, guess what? I recently took the 2024 Henan Adult College Entrance Exam and I want to tell you all about it!First of all, let me tell you that I was so nervous before the exam. I studied really hard and did a lot of practice tests, but Istill felt like I might forget everything as soon as I walked into the exam room. But you know what? Once the exam started, I just focused on each question one at a time and tried my best to answer them.The exam had four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening part was a bit tricky because the speakers talked really fast, but I tried to stay calm and listen carefully. The reading section was my favorite because I love reading in English.I had to read a passage and then answer some questions about it. The writing part was a bit challenging because I had to write an essay about my favorite hobby, but I managed to finish it on time. And the speaking part was fun because I got to talk about my family and friends.Overall, I think I did pretty well on the exam. I won't know my scores for a few weeks, but I'm really proud of myself for taking the exam and giving it my best shot. I feel like I learned a lot and improved my English skills, so no matter what the results are, I'm happy with my effort.So, if any of you are thinking about taking the Henan Adult College Entrance Exam in the future, just remember to study hard, stay calm, and believe in yourself. You can do it! Good luck!。

河南专升本公共英语2024考试真题As I sit at my desk, pondering over the chosen topic of "Henan Advanced College English 2024 Exam Questions," Ican't help but feel a mix of excitement and uncertainty.The prospect of delving into real exam questions from Henan province, China is intriguing, yet the thought of deciphering complex prompts leaves me slightly apprehensive. Nevertheless, armed with determination and a desire to provide an insightful analysis, I embark on this writing journey.坐在桌前,思考着“河南专升本公共英语2024考试真题”这个选定的主题,我忍不住感到既兴奋又不确定。
The realm of language examinations often holds an air of mystery and anticipation. Students across Henan province face these tests as important milestones in their academic journey. The advent of the 2024 exam year brings new challenges and expectations for aspiring candidates. As wedelve into these genuine exam questions from Henan's public English exams, it is crucial to approach them with a keen eye for detail and an appreciation for the language learning process.语言考试领域往往充满神秘与期待。

24年河南专升本英语作文真题English:In the past 24 years, the demand for higher education in Henan province has been increasing rapidly, leading to the establishment and development of the adult higher education system. This has been a beneficial opportunity for many individuals who were unable to pursue traditional higher education due to various reasons. The specialized programs in adult higher education have provided an avenue for these individuals to obtain a bachelor's degree and improve their professional and personal development. Not only has it contributed to the advancement of the individuals, but it has also had a positive impact on the overall social and economic development of the province. The continuous growth and improvement of the adult higher education system in Henan reflect the government's commitment to providing equal opportunities for higher education and promoting the overall development of the province.中文翻译:在过去的24年里,河南省对高等教育的需求迅速增长,导致了成人高等教育体系的建立和发展。

河南省历年专升本公共英语考试真题全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Once upon a time, there was a province called Henan, and it was a place where lots of students lived. These students were really smart and loved to learn new things, especially when it came to a language called English. You see, English is a language spoken by people all around the world, and it's really important to know it if you want to communicate with people from different countries.Every year, the students in Henan had to take a big test called the "Tertiary Education Entrance English Test." This test was super important because it helped decide if they could go to a really good university or not. The test was all about how well they could read, write, listen, and speak in English.Now, I know what you're thinking, "Wow, that sounds really hard!" And you're right, it was really hard! But the students in Henan were so dedicated and worked really, really hard to prepare for this test.Some students would practice their English by reading books and watching movies in English. Others would join special classes where they could practice speaking and listening to native English speakers. And some students even had special tutors who would help them with their grammar and vocabulary.But the coolest part was that the test was different every year! The questions and passages were always new, so the students had to be really prepared for anything. One year, the test might have a lot of questions about science and technology, while the next year it could be all about history and culture.The test was usually held in a big room with hundreds of students taking it at the same time. Can you imagine how quiet it must have been in there? It was probably so quiet that you could hear a pencil drop!When the test was over, the students would have to wait for weeks and weeks to get their scores back. And let me tell you, those weeks felt like forever! The students would be so nervous and excited to see how they did.If a student did really well on the test, they would get to go to a really good university and study whatever they wanted. Some of them even got to go to universities in other countries, which is super cool!But even if a student didn't do as well as they had hoped, it wasn't the end of the world. They could always try again next year or find another way to achieve their dreams.Overall, the Tertiary Education Entrance English Test was a big deal in Henan Province. It was a chance for students to show off their English skills and prove that they were ready for the next big adventure in their lives. And even though it was really hard, the students never gave up because they knew that with hard work and determination, anything was possible!篇2English Tests for College in Hunan? No Biggie!Hi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm a 5th grader here in Zhengzhou, the capital of Hunan Province. You might be wondering why a kid like me is talking about college entrance exams. Well, let me tell you - us Hunanese kids start prepping for the big tests pretty early!Every year, students who have completed their 3-year junior college programs take an super important exam called the "Zhuanshengben" or Undergraduate Entrance Exam. It's their chance to get into a 4-year university program. And one of the biggest sections? You guessed it - English!Now English can seem really hard, with all those weird spellings and tongue-twisters. But you know what my mom always says? "Practice makes perfect!" The Zhuanshengben English test has been around for ages, so there are tons of past papers to look at. Let me walk you through what it's like!The Reading SectionThis part has a few different types of passages - conversations, articles, even ads and signs! You have to read each one carefully and answer comprehension questions. From what I've seen in past tests, the topics can be anything from science and technology to culture and economics.There are also words and phrases pulled right from the passages that you need to explain the meaning of. My favorite kind are the creative idioms and slang expressions. Like if the passage mentions "raining cats and dogs", you better know that means raining really hard!The Writing SectionHere's where things get exciting! The writing prompts cover all sorts of interesting situations. One year, test takers had to write a letter to the editor about environmental protection. Another time, they analyzed the traits of a great leader.The keys for writing a top-notch essay are having a clear point of view, lots of supporting details, and greatgrammar/vocabulary. It's kinda like telling an epic story, but with serious real-world topics. No problem for a creative kid like me!The Listening SectionOkay, now we're getting into my personal strength - the listening part! You put on headphones and listen to conversations, lectures, news reports and more. The tasks include filling in blanks, answering questions, and even labeling pictures or maps.The tricky part is that the recordings only play once. That means you have to be a super active listener - write down key points, identify context clues, all that good stuff. I've been practicing by tuning into English podcasts during my bus rides to school!The Translation SectionLast but not least, translation! This has two parts - English to Chinese, and Chinese to English. You have to accurately translate sentences or short paragraphs in both directions.Now this is where knowing vocabulary and grammar rules inside-out becomes crucial. One small mistake and the wholemeaning could change. It's like a code you have to carefully crack! Luckily my parents have been drilling me on common translation stumbling blocks since I was tiny.So there you have it - the not-so-scary Zhuanshengben English test! With enough practice and the right strategies, it's totally manageable. Who knows, maybe you'll see my name at the top of the score list someday. An English master before middle school? Why not!I know this was a super long overview, but I got carried away reliving all my prep work. English has become like a fun puzzle to constantly solve. Let me know if you need any other insider tips for conquering the Zhuanshengben. After all, us Hunanese look out for each other! Time for me to sign off and squeeze in some reading practice before dinner. Study hard, future test champions!篇3My English Exam AdventureHi everyone! Today, I want to tell you about my exciting adventure with the Henan Province Public English Exam for College Transfer. It was a big test for me, but I learned a lot and had so much fun!The exam was held in a big hall with lots of students from different schools. We were all nervous, but the atmosphere was friendly and encouraging. The exam had different sections to test our listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Let me share some of the questions with you!In the listening section, we listened to conversations and answered questions. One question was about a trip to the zoo. We had to listen carefully and choose the correct animal that the people saw. It was tricky, but I remembered my animal names and got it right!The speaking section was my favorite. We had to talk about our hobbies and dreams. I love drawing, so I talked about how I want to be an artist when I grow up. The examiner asked me more questions, and I tried my best to answer confidently. It was like having a conversation with a friend.Next, the reading section challenged us with comprehension questions. We read short stories and answered questions to show our understanding. One story was about a girl who found a magic book. We had to answer where she found it and what happened next. I was so excited when I got the answers right!Finally, the writing section tested our creativity and grammar skills. We had to write a story about our summer vacation. Iwrote about a trip to the beach with my family. I described the blue ocean, building sandcastles, and eating delicious ice cream.I even used some new words I learned in English class!After the exam, we were all relieved and proud of ourselves. It was a challenging test, but we did our best. We made new friends and shared our experiences. I even exchanged contact information with some of them.A few weeks later, the results were announced. I was so happy to see that I passed the exam and earned a good score. It was a great achievement for me. I shared the good news with my family, and we celebrated with ice cream!Taking the Henan Province Public English Exam for College Transfer was an amazing experience. It helped me improve my English skills and gave me confidence. I learned that hard work and determination can lead to success. I am excited to continue my English learning journey and take on new challenges in the future.Remember, my friends, never be afraid to take on new adventures. Believe in yourself and always do your best. You can achieve anything you set your mind to. Good luck on your own English exams and have fun while learning!I hope you enjoyed reading about my English exam adventure. Remember, learning can be fun and exciting! Keep practicing and never give up. You can do it!篇4The Big Test for Grown-Up StudentsEvery year, there is a very important test for the big kids who want to go from vocational school to university. It's called the Henan Annual Examination for Upgrading from Vocational School to University. That's a really long name, so I'll just call it the Big Test. The Big Test has lots of subjects like math, Chinese, and English. English is a funny language with weird squiggles for letters. I'm just learning English in school, but the grown-up students have to know it really well for the Big Test.The English part of the Big Test is super hard, even for the smartest grown-ups. It has reading, writing, listening, and speaking sections. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt! In the reading section, they have to read super long passages and answer questions about the details. The passages are about boooooring topics like economics, history, and science. No fun fiction stories or anything a kid would want to read. Just dry, dense texts filled with big vocabulary words I've never heard of.For the writing section, they have to write essays and articles using proper grammar, clear arguments, and lots of evidence. No silly creative stories allowed! When I write, I can make up whatever I want. But on the Big Test, they get point off for making things up instead of sticking to the facts. My teacher says I have a "wonderful imagination," but that won't help on this test at all.Then there's the listening section where they play audio recordings and the grown-ups have to answer comprehension questions. Can you imagine how boring it would be to just sit and listen to some professor drone on and on about zoology or ancient civilizations? At least in my classes we get to look at picture books while the teacher reads the stories out loud. But not on the Big Test - no pictures at all, just spoken words they have to concentrate on with no fun visuals.Finally, the speaking section is probably the scariest of all. They have to have whole conversations in perfect English, expressing their thoughts and opinions clearly. If I tried that now, I'd just end up babbling nonsense like "the rabbit ate the apple purple forever!" But for this test, they get marked down for not being coherent, organized, and grammatically accurate. No childish rambling allowed whatsoever!Just thinking about having to take such a massive, difficult test makes me want to take a nap. I'm proud of all the grown-up students in Henan who choose to put themselves through this every year in hopes of getting into a good university. I'll be happy sticking to my simple reading, writing, and arithmetic for now. Give me picture books, creative writing time, and counting games any day over that dreadful Big Test!If I ever have to take an exam like that, I'll probably cry. Or maybe wet my pants from being so nervous. Okay, that's a little too babyish, even for a kid like me. But you get the idea - the English part of Henan's big university entrance exam is no joke! I've got mad respect for any adult who can pass that beast of a test. They must be super dedicatived to learning and hugely smart to conquer such a monstrously difficult English exam. Let's hear it for those hardworking men and women stepping up to the challenge year after year! You folks are the real heroes if you ask me.篇5My Big English Test AdventureHi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. I live in Henan Province with my mom, dad, and little sister Huanhuan.Today I want to tell you all about the big English test I had to take last year to try and get my bachelor's degree throughself-study. It was quite an adventure!You might be wondering - why does a 4th grader need a bachelor's degree? Well, the thing is, I'm really, really good at English. I've been studying it since I was just a tiny kid and I can read, write, and speak it almost as well as my native Chinese. My parents and teachers always told me I was a English prodigy!When I was 9 years old, my parents heard about this special program in Henan where kids like me who are super good at English can take a really hard test. If we pass, we get to get a bachelor's degree in English just like kids who go to university for four years! My parents thought it would be a great opportunity for me.At first I was a little nervous about taking such a big test. But my English teachers helped me prepare by going over old test materials from previous years. There were readings, writings, listening sections - all kinds of stuff to get ready for. I worked really hard studying.Finally the day of the test came. We had to go to the testing center in the capital city of Zhengzhou. There were students of all ages there, from little kids like me to teenagers and adults. Thetest took basically all day - it was marathon! But I just kept thinking about how I was working towards my dream of getting that degree.The reading section had all these dense academic passages to analyze and answer questions on. Thank goodness I've been reading English novels since I was 6 or I would have been lost! The writing part had us write essays on topics like environmental protection and modern technology. I tried my best to craft detailed, well-organized pieces.Listening was one of the trickier sections for me. We had to watch videos and lectures then answer comprehension questions. There were all these different accents to follow - American, British, Australian. My little 9-year-old ears weren't quite used to that yet! By the time we got to the speaking section at the end, my brain was fried from concentrating so hard all day.A few weeks later, the results came out online. I was sooo nervous checking them. I had to get my dad to log into the system for me since I'm too little to have those kind of accounts myself. And then...I saw it! I PASSED! I got the scores needed to earn my bachelor's degree in English! My parents were overjoyed and bought me so many presents. Even my teachers at school threw me a little party to celebrate.Getting that degree was a huge accomplishment for a kid like me. I worked harder than I ever had in my life preparing for that test. While most kids my age were just focused on their times tables and spelling bees, I was taking on a grueling university-level exam. It was an incredible challenge, but I pushed through and made it happen.Even though I'm still just in elementary school, having that degree opens up so many opportunities for me. My parents say I can get jobs as an English translator or teacher one day. Or maybe I'll want to work for an international company travelling all around the world. I'm also thinking of going abroad to an English-speaking country for university when I'm older. The possibilities are endless!So there you have it - the story of how I, an ordinary10-year-old kid from Henan, managed to earn myself a bachelor's degree through hard work and determination. Maybe if you're a young English prodigy like me, you'll get the chance to take this crazy test too one day. Just believe in yourself and get ready for an amazing adventure! Let me know if you have any other questions about my experience. Study hard and happy testing!篇6My Experience with the Henan Zhuan Sheng Ben English ExamsHi everyone! My name is Xiao Ming and I'm a 10-year-old student from Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan Province. Today I want to tell you all about the English tests I had to take as part of the "Zhuan Sheng Ben" program. Zhuan Sheng Ben means going from a junior college to a 4-year university program. It's a really important exam that many students take every year.The English part of the exam has been super hard for me. English is my least favorite subject in school. I much prefer math and science because the answers are so clear. With English, there are so many tricky words and grammar rules to remember. It makes my head spin!Last year, I had to take my first Zhuan Sheng Ben English exam. I was really nervous leading up to the test day. My teacher could see how stressed I was, so she gave our class a pep talk. She said the English section wouldn't be as bad as we thought if we just studied hard. I did my best to follow her advice and reviewed all my vocabulary words and read lots of sample passages. Even so, I was still pretty worried.When I got the test paper and looked at the first page, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. The reading comprehension passage was about a really confusing science topic I didn't understand at all. There were so many big vocabulary words that I struggled to get the main idea. I definitely didn't feel very "comprehensive" about that one!Next up were the cloze exercises where you have to fill in the blanks with the right words. I've always found these pretty tricky because you need to analyze the context and tone to pick the correct answer. On this test, one of the passages was about daily life and routines which is usually an easier topic for me. But the other was about economics and trade which is one of my worst subjects after English. I definitely struggled with that set of questions.After the written section, we moved on to the listening part. I was relieved to put the reading and writing behind me, but also dreading what was to come. The listening questions are my absolute worst nightmare! It's so hard for me to catch all the details when the recordings are playing at full speed. My English listening ability is still quite poor.In the first listening passage, a professor was lecturing about the history of early human civilizations. All the dates, names, andplaces just went straight over my head as I desperately tried to write notes. The questions at the end asked very specific details that I totally missed while listening.The second passage was a dialogue between two students talking about their plans for summer vacation. I actually did a bit better on that one because the language was more conversational. But I still missed some of the finer points they were discussing.Overall, I didn't feel great when I left the exam room. My hand was cramped from all the writing, my brain was fried from trying so hard, and I was mentally drained. I wished I had prepared even more, but I also knew I had really given it my all.A few weeks later, I nervously awaited my score report from the provincial education ministry. When I finally opened the envelope, I was overjoyed to see that I had passed the English section! My score wasn't extremely high, but it was enough to allow me to continue my studies at a regular university. I celebrated with my family over a big dinner of my favorite dishes.This year, I'm taking the Zhuan Sheng Ben English exam again to try and improve my score. I've been studying really hard and working on all the areas that gave me trouble before. Mylistening skills are slowly getting better from doing more exercises. I'm also expanding my vocabulary by reading more English books and watching shows with subtitles.Just a few days ago, I took a practice test put out by the Henan education ministry using real questions from previous years. This helped me get a better feel for the actual exam format and content. For the reading comprehension, I faced a passage about environmental protection policies which was pretty dense. But I've learned techniques like skimming for key details and looking for vocabulary cues.The cloze section wasn't too bad this time around. One of the passages was about the advantages and disadvantages of economic globalization. Since I've been exposed to more topics like that this year, I was able to use context to make educated guesses at many of the missing words.In the listening section, the first passage had a student interviewing his history professor about ancient Chinese dynasties. All those historical names and events are still really hard for me to keep track of when listening at full speed. But I tried squinting my eyes and concentrating extra hard this time!The second listening dialogue was actually a fun and casual conversation between friends。

24年河南专升本英语最容易出的作文题目English: One of the most common essay topics in the Henan adult college entrance examination is "The Importance of Education". This topic requires candidates to discuss the value and significance of education in today's society. Candidates can explore various aspects such as the impact of education on personal development, career opportunities, social mobility, and overall societal progress. They can also delve into the importance of lifelong learning, the role of education in shaping individuals' values and beliefs, and the influence of education on national development and competitiveness. This topic allows candidates to express their opinions and insights on the role of education in shaping the future of individuals and society as a whole.中文翻译: 河南成人高考中最常见的作文题目之一是“教育的重要性”。

With the development of economy, travelling is becoming more and more popular in china now.他的演讲激励我们⽐以往任何时候都更加努⼒⼯作。
His speech inspired us to work harder than ever before.不管他们说什么,做你认为正确的事。
Whatever they say/ No matter what they say, do what you think is right.⼀个⼈要想健康,每天锻炼⾝体是⾮常必要的。
It’s necessary that a person do exercises everyday, if he wishes to be healthy.他试了好⼏次,但试验还是以失败告终。
He tried several times, but the experiment ended in failure.It’s great pleasure to have a friend coming from afar.有朋⾃远⽅来不亦乐乎?The good traditions of the Chinese people are certain to be passed on from generation to generation.中华民族的优良传统⼀定会代代相传。
Love is like warm sunlight, which will not only bring joy to those who are loved but also add more pleasure to those who love.爱犹如温暖的阳光,它不仅给被爱的⼈带来欢乐,还给付出爱的⼈增添更⼤的愉悦。
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200161. In addition, 75% of the world’s mail is written in English; 60% of the world’s radio stations now broadcast in English.而且,世界邮件的75%是用英语写的,世界广播电台的60%用英语播音。
62. A supermarket is different from other types of stores in several ways.超市在许多方面不同于其它类型的商店。
63. A product that is placed at eye level on a shelf sells much better that one which is placed on a lower or higher shelf.放在与人眼同等高度货架上的商品比放在低于或高于人眼货架上商品畅销。
64. How men first learned to invent words is unknown, in other words, the origin of language is a mystery.人们最初如何发明了词语还不为人知,也就是说,语言的起源还是个迷。
65. We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.因此,我们应该学着斟酌字词,精确用词,否则这些词汇会使我们的语言显得愚蠢粗俗。
66. 学好一门外语是非常重要的。
It’s very important to learn a foreign language well. acquire67.他用了大约半年的时间才完成这篇论文。
He spent about/approximately half a year to complete the paper.68. 你让我做的事情我都已经做完了。
I have finished what you made me do./ those things that you made me do.69. 一旦他适应了新环境,他就会取得更大的进步。
Once he adapted to the new environment, he'll make greater progress.70. 无论贫富,人人都有教育的权利。
Everybody, poor or rich, has the right to education.200371. 这口钟大约有三个人那么高。
This bell is about three times as tall as a person.72.我听说刘同志在申请回原单位。
I heard that Mr. Liu was applying for returning to his former unit.73.这本书非常有趣,我一口气就把它读完了。
This book is so interesting that I finish it without a break.74.我跟他说了几次,可他一个劲地看书,根本就没听见我说什么。
I told him several times, but he kept on reading without hearing what I said.75.As well as being used for taking photographs, X-rays are also used for treatingdisease parts of the body in order to kill the disease.X光射线不仅被用于照相,还可用于治疗病变部位的疾病。
76. A punctual person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper time and is neverlate in keeping an appointment. The un-punctual man, on the other hand, never does what he has to do at the proper time.守时的人习惯于按时行动,并从不在约会中迟到,而不守时的人却从不按时行动。
77.In Britain today it is easier for young people to commit crimes because theyhave more freedom to go where they like and more money to do what they like.当今,英国年轻人比以前更容易犯罪,因为他们有更多的自由去他们想去的地方,有更多的钱做他们想做的事情。
78. A young housewife in Mexico looks into the cooking pot to see if the food sheis cooking is done. She is especially interested in her dinner because she is using a new kind of cooker----one that gets its heat directly from the sun.在墨西哥,一位年轻主妇看看锅里的饭菜是否已好,她现在对做饭特别感兴趣,因为现在用的是一种新型炊具,它的热能直接来自太阳。
71. 电脑在我们的日常生活中起着非常重要的作用。
Computers play a very important role in our daily life/ in our everyday life72. 只要你不断努力,你迟早会取得成功。
As long as you keep on trying, you will succeed sooner or later.73.由你决定邀请谁来参加下周的聚会。
It’s up to you who will be invited to the party next week.74.这部电影使我回想起了在北京所看到的情景。
The movie reminds me of what I have seen in Beijing.75.我已经习惯了这种生活方式。
I have got/been used to this way of life.76. Success relies not only on one’s ability but also a willingness to cooperate.成功不仅取决于个人的能力,而且还取决于合作的意愿。
77. In spite of all the difficulties, they are determined to carry out their promises.尽管困难重重,他们还是决心实现诺言。
cate a man and you educate an individual. But educate a woman and youeducate a whole family.教育一个男人,你只是在教育一个人;而教育一个女人,你是在教育整个家庭。
79.Scientists have done countless experiments to show that praise is far moreeffective than criticism in improving human behavior.科学家们做了无数次的实验,表明在改进人类行为方面表扬比批评更有效。
80.Jim used to think that the more time he spent on his studies, the better gradeshe would receive. But now he has realized tha t it is not always the case.吉姆过去一直认为,花费在学习上的时间越多,成绩就越好,但现在他意识到事实并非总是如此。
71. In Britain today women make up 44% of the workforce, and nearly half themothers with children are in paid work.当今在英国,妇女占劳动力总人数的44%。
72. It is useful to be able to predict the extent to which a price change will affect supply and demand.能预测物价的变动对供应和需求的影响程度是有用的73. We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield to any military threat.我们热爱和平,然而我们不是那种屈服于武力威胁的人。
74. Whenever circumstances permitted, they would come and lend us a helping hand.无论何时,情况允许的话,他们会来帮助我们。
75. It won’t make much difference whether you leave or stay.你走还是留,不是很重要。
76. 正式语言主要用于政府报告,考试作文和商业信函中。
Formal language is mainly used in government reports, examination compositions and business letters.77. 据当地报纸报道,昨天这家银行遭到抢劫。
It is reported in the local newspaper that the bank was robbed yesterday.78.直到天黑了,他才意识到太晚了而无法回家。
He didn’t realize it was too late to go home until it was dark.79. 既然你明天就要动身,今晚我们可以一起共进晚餐。
Since you are leaving tomorrow, we can eat dinner together tonight.80. 英国人对不同的文化和不同做事方式不太熟悉,这种情况在其他国家也如此。