
Conversation 1
Hi, folks: an informal way of greeting a group of people
Part 1 Communicative Activities
Conversation 1
Read and study the conversation. Which short sentences will be useful in everyday informal conversation? Underline them and then compare them with your classmates.
words: house, home, and apartment
Listening 2 1.What is their traditional house like?
Listening 2
2.Draw a picture in the box below that fits the couple’s description.
Listening 2
3.What is the function of the wall in front of the gate according to the local tradition?
Listening 2
4.Discuss the differences between three words: house, home, and apartment
Listening 1
新编大学英语综合教程1—Unit2Further Development

Words & Expressions You May Use
May I help you? May I have your help? Could you help me? What’s up / the matter? Where did you lose it? Don’t worry. Someone may find it and turn it in. We’ll call you as soon as it is turned in.
The word “number” is used with countable nouns while the word “amount” is usually used with uncountable nouns. When you use “amount” in the plural, you use a plural verb with it.
2) amount number
A A large __n_u_m_b__e_r _ of people visit this museum every year.
B I spent a large _a_m__o_u_n_t__ of time preparing for the exam.
C Very large __a_m_o_u_n__ts_ of money are required.
Lost Item Information
Item Name Traveling bag
Color Dark blue
Brand Li Ning
Complete description and contents of lost item

Unit 1 Growing up词汇活用与考点精析1、possibility n. 可能(性),可能的事The fire looked like an accident , but the police are still considering the possibility of arson . 这次火灾看上去像一宗意外,但警方仍在考虑纵火的可能性。
Feasible a. 可行的,可能且合理的;probability n. 可能性,或然性,可能的事;likely a. 看来要发生的,可能的2、bore vt. 使人厌烦n. 讨厌的人或事vt.&vi. 钻孔;n. 孔洞He bored us all by talking for hours about his new car . 他连续几个钟头大谈他的新车,使我们大家都感到厌烦。
Annoy vt . 使(某人)烦恼;bother vt. 打扰;tire vt.&vi (使)疲劳;dull a. 乏味的,无聊的;tiresome a. 令人厌烦的;uninteresting a. 无趣的,引不起兴趣的;tedious a. 冗长的,枯燥乏味的3、associate vt. 使联系起来,使联想,与……结合,与……交往The scientist decided he didn’t want to be associated with the project , and left. 这位科学家决定不予这个计划有任何的瓜葛,因而离开了。
Associate editor 副主编;vice-president 副总统、副校长;vice-chairman 副主席;vice-minister 副部长;vice-consul 副领事;deputy:deputy mayor 副市长;deputy commander-in-chief 副总司令;deputy secretary general 副秘书长;assistant:assistant manager 副经理;connect vt. 把……连接,联结;recall vt. (使)记忆,提醒4、assignment n. (分配的)工作,任务,作业She is going to India on a special assignment for her newspaper. 她受委派到印度去执行报社的一项特殊任务。

新编实用英语(第四版)综合教程1单词表VocabularyVocabularyUnit 1 a. 意大利(人/语)的accept /@k9sept/ v.接受(U1P2)market /9mA:kKt/ n.市场(U1P1)accurately /9{kjMr@tli/ ad.准确地(U1P2)v. 营销am using /@9mju:zI~/ a.有趣的,好玩的,melt /melt/ v.融化,熔化(U1P2) 逗人笑的(U1P2)miss /mIs/ a.错失,思念(U1P1) an other way to (do something) 另一种misunderstand /8mIs nd@9st{nd/ v.误解(U1P2) (做某事的) 方法(U1P2)Mr. /9mIst@/ n.先生(U1S) appreciate /@9pri:SieIt/ v.赞赏,理解(U1P2)Mrs. /9mIsKz/ n.夫人(U1S)at the moment 眼下,此时此刻(U1P1)necessarily /9nesKsFrKli/ ad.必定(U1P1)basis /9beIsKs/ n.基础(U1P1)networking /9netw%:kI~/ n.联络关系(U1P1)be out (of) 没有,用尽(U1P1)not necessarily 不一定(U1P1)business/networking card (公务/社交) 名片 (U1P1)on a daily basis 在日常生活中,每天(U1P1)Canada /9k{n@d@/ n.加拿大(U1L)oops /Ups/ int.哎呀(U1P1)college /9k^lIdZ/ n.学院(U1L) opportunity /8^p@9tju:nKti/ n.机会(U1P1)complain /k@m9pleIn/ v.抱怨,投诉(U1P2) planet /9pl{nKt/ n.星球(U1P2)complain about 抱怨,投诉(U1P2)president /9prezKdFnt/ n.校长(U1L)connection /k@9nekSFn/ n.联系(U1P1) professor /pr@9fes@/ n.教授(U1S)continue on 持续下去(U1P1)pronounce /pr@9naUns/ v.发音(U1P2)conversation /8k^nv@9seISFn/ n.对话(U1P1) reach for (伸手) 去取(U1P1)don’t need to 不必(做什么)(U1P2)salesman /9seIlzm@n/ v.销售员,售货员(U1P2)earn /%:n/v.赢得,赚取(U1P2) say in (a language) 用(语言) 说(U1P2)employ /Im9plOI/ v.聘用,雇用(U1P1) situation /8sItSu9eISFn/ n.情况,局势(U1P1)excuse /Ik9skju:z/ v.请原谅,劳驾(U1L) social faux pas 社交上的失礼(U1P1)get accepted 被接受(U1P2)Spanish /9sp{nIS/ n.西班牙语(U1P2)get caught in 陷入(U1P1) a. 西班牙(语)的goal /g@Ul/ n.目标(U1P1) stop to think about 认真思考/考虑(U1P2)go-go /9g@U g@U/ a.匆忙的,活跃的(U1P1) surprise /s@9praIz/ v./n. (使) 惊喜(U1L)grocery /9gr@UsFri/ n.杂货店(U1P1) tip /tIp/ n./v.提示,贴士,倾斜(U1P1)hand out 散发,分发(U1P1) unprepared /8 nprI9pe@d/ a.无准备的(U1P1)have you ever (done sth.) 你是否(干过) (U1P2) update / p9deIt/ v.更新(U1P1)hearty /9hA:ti/ a.真心的(U1P2) why not 为什么不呢(U1P2)info. /9Inf@U/ n.信息 (缩略词) (U1P1)instead /In9sted/ ad.取代,反而(U1P2) Unit 2instead of doing sth. 不去(做某事)(而是做)(U1P2) admit /@d9mIt/ v.承认,允许(U2P2)introduce /8Intr@9dju:s/ v.介绍(U1S) appetite /9{pKtaIt/ n.食欲(U2P1)it is time for 该是(做…) 的时候了(U1P1) as well as 以及(U2P2)Italian /I9t{lj@n/ n.意大利语,意大利人(U1P2) assure /@9SU@/ v.保证(U2P2)1Unit词汇表.indd 115/9/18 下午3:04New Practical Englishaward /@9wO:d/ v./n.奖励(U2P1)rebuild /ri:9bIld/ v.重建(U2P2)behavior /bI9heIvj@/ n.行为,举止(U2P2)recognition /8rek@g9nISFn/ n.承认,赏识 (U2P1)break /breIk/ n./v.休息(U2P1)recognize /9rek@gnaIz/ v.承认,赏识(U2P1)chocolate /9tS^klKt/ n.巧克力(U2P1) relationship /rI9leISFnSIp/ n.关系(U2P2)church /tS%:tS/ n.教堂(U2P1) repair /rI9pe@/ v.修理,修补(U2P2)complete /k@m9pli:t/ a.完全的(U2P2) responsibility /rI8sp^nsK9bIlKti/ n.责任(U2P2)consequence /9k^nsKkw@ns/ n.后果(U2P2) something else 其他别的东西/事情(U2P2)could be 可能是(U2P2)specific /spK9sIfIk/ a.具体的,特定的(U2P2)damage /9d{mIdZ/ v./n.损伤(U2P2) staff /stA:f/ n.全体员工(U2P1)effective /I9fektIv/ a.有效的(U2P2) take one’s part 承担自己的那一部份(U2P2)effort /9ef@t/ n.努力(U2P1) team /ti:m/ n.团队,队(U2P1)empty /9empti/ a.空洞的(U2P2) teen /ti:n/ n.少年(U2P1)financial /fK9n{nSFl/ a.钱财的,财政/务的(U2P2) terribly /9terKbli/ ad.可怕地,极度地(U2L)forgiveness /f@9gIvnKs/ n.原谅(U2P2) thanksgiving /8T{~ks9gIvI~/ n.感恩 (节) (U2P1)give up 放弃(U2P2) toward the end of 临近…之末(U2P1)goody /9gUdi/ n.糖果(U2P1) truly /9tru:li/ ad.真正地(U2P2)heartfelt /9hA:tfelt/ a.真心的(U2P2) trust /tr st/ n./v.信任(U2P2)hold sth. over sb. 用(某事) 威胁(某人) (U2P2) turn it around 反过来(U2P2)in the future 今后,将来(U2P2) volunteer /8v^l@n9tI@/ n.志愿者,义工(U2P1)inexpensive /8InIk9spensIv/ a.不贵的,work for 适用于,对…有效(U2P1) 便宜的(U2P1) wrongdoing /9r^~8du:I~/ n.错事(U2P2) injured /9IndZ@d/ a.受伤害的(U2P2)invite /In9vaIt/ v.邀请(U2P1) Unit 3keep sth. from happening 防止(某事) 发生 (U2P2) actual /9{ktSu@l/ a.实际的(U3P1)meaningless /9mi:nI~l@s/ a.没有意义的(U2P2) actually /9{ktSu@li/ ad.实际上(U3P2)obliged /@9blaIdZd/ a.感激的(U2L) add (…) to 把…加进,增加(U3P1)offer /9^f@/ v.给予,提供,愿意(U2P1) album /9{lb@m/ n.相册(U3P1) n. 提议,开价anything from … to 从…到…不等(U3P2) online /9^nlaIn/ a./ad.网上(U2P1) around /@9raUnd/ ad.大约,周围(U3P2)pardon /9pA:dn/ n. v.原谅,谅解(U2L) prep 围绕party /9pA:ti/ n.一方,党团,聚会(U2P2) arrange /@9reIndZ/ v.安排,作业(U3L)pat /p{t/ v.拍(U2P1) assignment /@9saInm@nt/ n.任务(U3P2)popcorn /9p^pkO:n/ n.爆米花(U2P1) authority /O:9T^rKti/ n.当局(U3P1)post /p@Ust/ v.贴出,发帖(U2P1) available /@9veIl@bFl/ a.可用的,可得到的 (U3P2)potluck // n.百乐餐(U2P1) avenue /9{vKnju:/ n.大街,大道(U3S)print /prInt/ n. v.打印(U2P1) beware /bI9we@/ v.当心(U3P1)program /9pr@Ugr{m/ n.计划,项目(U2P1) block /bl^k/ n.街区(U3L)proper /9pr^p@/ a.适度的(U2P2) v. 阻挡property /9pr^p@ti/ n.财产,性质(U2P2) book /bUk/ v.预定, 预约(U3S) 2Unit词汇表.indd 215/9/18 下午3:04Vocabularycannot afford to 负担不起(U3P2)Ireland /9aI@l@nd/ n.爱尔兰(U3P1)caption /9k{pSFn/ n.文字说明(U3P1)lift /lIft/ n.电梯(U3S)cemetery /9semKtri/ n.墓地(U3P1) v. 提高client /9klaI@nt/ n.客户(U3P2) like hell 拚命地, 极猛地(U3P1)cliff /klIf/ n.山崖(U3P1) Lisbon /9lIzb@n/ n.里斯本(U3P2)come across 偶然遇到,偶然发现(U3P1)Macao /m@9kaU/ n.澳门(U3S)commute /k@9mju:t/ v.通勤(U3P2) miswritten /mIs9rItn/a.写错的(U3P1)confirm /k@n9f%:m/ v.确认(U3L) moose /mu:s/ n.麋鹿(U3P1)contract /9k^ntr{kt/ n.合同(U3P2) near to/close to/next to 接近/靠近/隔壁(U3P2)convenient /k@n9vi:ni@nt/ a.方便的(U3S) nerve-saving /n%:v9seIvI~/ a.省心的(U3P2)Copenhagen /8k@Up@n9heIgFn/ n.哥本哈根 (U3P2)netizen /9netKzFn/ n.网民(U3P2)current // a.目前的(U3P2) occasionally /@9keIZFn@li/ ad.偶尔(U3P1)delay /dI9leI/ v./n.耽搁,延误(U3L) office hour 办公时间,营业时间(U3S)direction /dK9rekSFn/ n.方向(U3P1) official /@9fISFl/ a.正式的(U3P1)doubtful /9daUtfFl/ a.怀疑的(U3P1) n. 官员downtown /8daUn9taUn/ n.市中心区,oftentimes /9^fFntaImz/ ad.时常(U3P1) 商业区(U3S) one way/round trip 单程/往返行程(U3P2) du e /dju:/ a.规定的,适当的;one-way /8w n 9weI/ a.单程(U3P2) 应有的规定(到达) 的(U3L) overload /8@Uv@9l@Ud/ v.超载(U3P1) efficient /I9fISFnt/ a.效率高的(U3P2) pastime /9pA:staIm/ n.消遣(U3P1)elbow /9elb@U/ n.胳膊肘(U3P1) peninsula /pK9nInsjMl@/ n.半岛(U3P1)evidence /9evKdFns/ n.证据(U3P1) photographic /8f@Ut@9gr{fIk/ a.照片的(U3P1)exit /9egzKt/ n.出口(U3P1) picture … against 以…为背景拍照(U3P1) v. 退出plan on 打算; 指望(U3P2) expert /9eksp%:t/ n.专家(U3P2) point /pOInt/ n.点,意义(U3P2)favorite pastime 喜欢的消遣(U3P1)Portugal /9pO:tjUg@l/ n.葡萄牙(U3P2)feel free to 随便,可以随时…(U3P1)preflight /9pri:flaIt/ a.起飞前的,fly headfirst 头朝下飞(U3P1)做起飞准备的(U3P2)folk /f@Uk/ n.人们,老乡(U3P1) put up 举起,竖起,张贴(U3P1)gem /dZem/ n.宝石;珍品(U3P1) rail /reIl/ n.铁轨,铁栏杆(U3P2)go out of business 停业,歇业(U3P2) reception /rI9sepSFn/ n.接待(U3L)headfirst /8hed9f%:st/ ad.头朝下;向前(U3P1) resort /rI9zO:t/ v.度假胜地(U3P1)heaven /9hevFn/ n.天堂(U3P1) round-way /raUndweI/ a.往返的(U3P2)hell /hel/ n.地狱(U3P1) sales manager 销售部经理(U3S)human resources 人力资源(U3S) serve as 充当,用作,当作(U3P1)illustration /8Il@9streISFn/ n.图示(U3P1) share … with 与…分享(U3P1)instead of 而不是,取而代之(U3P2) short-term /8SO:t 9t%:m/ a.短期的(U3P2)interstate /9Int@steIt/ v.州际公路(U3P2) site /saIt/ n.场所(U3P2)a. 州际的souvenir /8su:v@9nI@/ n.纪念品(U3P1)3 Unit词汇表.indd 315/9/18 下午3:04New Practical Englishstick /stIk/ v.粘贴,刺入,伸出(U3P1) event /I9vent/ n.事件(U4P2) straightforward /8streIt9fO:w@d/ find out 找出,查明,弄清楚(U4P2)a. 直白易懂的(U3P1) firm /f%:m/ a.坚实的(U4P1)suburb /9s b%:b/ n.郊区(U3P2) n. 公司,商号the point of 问题要点是(U3P2) get ahead (with) 取得成功,取得进展(U4P1) time-efficient way of doing sth. get lost 迷路(U4P2)做某事的省时方法(U3P2) get on one’s nerves 令某人心烦(U4P2) traffic light 交通灯,红绿灯(U3S) have to do with 与…有关(U4P1) transfer /tr{ns9f%:/ v.转车,转移(U3L) hey /heI/ int.嘿(U4P2) trolley /9tr^li/ n.无轨电车,购物车(U3P2) host /h@Ust/ n.主人(U4P2) underground /9 nd@graUnd/ n.地铁(U3P2) v. 主持unintentionally /8 nIn9tenSFn@li/ impolite /8Imp@9laIt/ a.不礼貌的(U4P2) ad. 无意地(U3P1) in advance 提前(U4P1) up to (数目) 高达,(时间) 直到,in-person /In9p%:sFn/ a.亲自(U4P1) (程度) 达到(U3P2) insult /In9s lt/ v.侮辱(U4P2) upstairs /8 p9ste@z/ ad.在/往楼上(U3S) log /l^g/ n.记录,登录(U4P1)major /9meIdZ@/ a.主要的(U4P2)Unit 4n. 主修专业/课absolutely /9{bs@lu:tli/ ad.绝对地(U4P2)make sure 务必,保证(U4P2) American-style /@9merIk@nstaIl/make time 腾出时间(U4P1)a. 美国式的(U4P1)message /9mesIdZ/ n.信息(U4P1)annoy /@9nOI/ v.惹怒,烦扰(U4P1)mishap /9mIsh{p/ n.小事故(U4P2) appointment /@9pOIntm@nt/ n.约定,约会 (U4P1)never ever 从未,从不(U4P2) as a whole 总体上,总体来讲(U4P1)on the basis of 在…的基础上(U4P1) at (the) most 至多,最多(U4P1)or so 大约,左右(U4P2) at hand 在手边,在近处(U4P1)otherwise /9 D@waIz/ ad.相反地,否则(U4P2) attitude /9{tKtju:d/ n.态度(U4P1)overseas /8@Uv@9si:z/ ad./a. (在) 海外(U4P1) avoid /@9vOId/ v.避免,避开(U4P1)punctual /9p ~ktSu@l/ a.准时的(U4P1) be new to 对…很陌生,不熟悉(U4P1)punctuality /8p ~ktSu9{lKti/ n.守时(U4P1) Brazilian /br@9zIli@n/ n.巴西人(U4P2)really work 真的起作用(U4P2)a. 巴西(人)的re-schedule /8ri:9Sedju:l/ v.重新安排时间 (U4P1)by American standards 按照美国标准(U4P2)run late 要迟到(U4P1) case /keIs/ n.事例,情形(U4P2)secret /9si:krKt/ n.秘密(U4P2) colleague /9k^li:g/ n.同事(U4P1) serious /9sI@rI@s/ a.认真的(U4P1) community /k@9mju:nKti/ n.社区(U4P1) show up 出现(U4P1) consider /k@n9sId@/ v.认为(U4P2) shut down 关闭,倒闭(U4P2) cultural /9k ltSFr@l/ a.文化的(U4P2) somehow /9s mhaU/ ad.不知何故(U4P1) date /deIt/ v.约会(U4P2) stand /st{nd/ v.忍受(U4P2) n. 约会,日期standard /9st{nd@d/ n.标准(U4P2) etiquette /9etIket/ n.礼仪,礼节(U4P2)4Unit词汇表.indd 415/9/18 下午3:04Vocabularystart with 从…开始(U4P1) for a while 一会儿(U5P1)supposed /s@9p@Uzd/ a.被认为是应该的(U4P2) for the worse 变得更坏(U5P2)well-kept /8wel 9kept/ a.严格遵守的(U4P1) gentle /9dZentl/ a.轻柔的(U5S)global warming 全球变暖(U5P1)Unit 5golfer /9g^lf@/ n.高尔夫球员(U5P2) absorb /@b9sO:b/ v.吸收(U5P1)greenhouse gases 温室气体(U5P1)achieve /@9tSi:v/ v.达到,取得(U5P2)head for 走向(U5P2)adapt /@9d{pt/ v.适应(U5P2)head on 迎面地(U5P2)adapt to 适应(U5P2)landfill /9l{ndfIl/ n.垃圾填埋场(U5P1)agreeable /@9gri:@bFl/ a.宜人的(U5S)laugh to the last 笑到最后(U5P2)aluminum /@9lu:mKn@m/ n.铝(U5P1)look forward to 期待(U5P2)awful /9O:fFl/ a.糟糕的(U5S)lousy /9laUzi/ a.恶劣的,糟糕的(U5P2)be smart about 聪明地/巧妙地(干某事)(U5P1)make a difference 有影响,使…改变(U5P1)be through with 用/干完(U5P1)meet the challenge 迎接挑战(U5P2)br ing out the best 使展现最好的一面/membership /9memb@SIp/ n.会员(U5P1) 充分发挥长处(U5P2)mild /maIld/ a.温和的,暖和的(U5L) can /k@n; k{n/ n.罐头盒/瓶(U5P1)on stand-by 待命,待机(U5P1) v. 装灌pouring /9pO:rI~/ a.倾泻而下的(U5P2) carbon /9kA:b@n/ n.碳(U5P1)profession /pr@9feSFn/ n.职业(U5P2)care about 关心(U5P1)put … into the air/atmosphere 排放…carpooling /9kA:pu:lI~/ n.拼车(U5P1)到空气/大气中(U5P1)cause /kO:z/ n.原因(U5P1)recycle /8ri:9saIkFl/ v.废物回收(U5P1) v. 引起resource /rI9zO:s/ n.资源(U5P1) challenge /9tS{lKndZ/ v./n.挑战(U5P2) restart /8ri:9stA:t/ v.重启(U5P1)choose /tSu:z/ v.选择(U5P2) round /raUnd/ n.一局 (轮) (比赛) (U5P2)climate /9klaImKt/ n.气候(U5P1) seasoned /9si:zFnd/ a.久经磨练的(U5P2)club /kl b/ n. (高尔夫) 球杆(U5P2) shot /S^t/ v./n.击球,投射(U5P2)compete /k@m9pi:t/ v.竞争(U5P2) soar /sO:/ v.猛增,高飞(U5P2)crisis /9kraIsIs/ n.危机(U5P1) speak up 大声讲出来(U5P1)critic /9krItIk/ n.评论家(U5P1) stand-by /9st{ndbaI/ n.待机 (状态) (U5P1)dioxide /daI9^ksaId/ n.二氧化碳(U5P1) stretch /stretS/ v.延伸,拉伸(U5P2)do one’s part 尽自己的一份力量(U5P1)n. 延伸drop /dr^p/ v.下降(U5S) stuff /st f/ n.东西(U5P1)el ement /9elKm@nt/ n.元素,(复数) stuffy /9st fi/ a.闷人的(U5S) (风雨雷电等) 天气因素(U5P1) sunbathe /9s nbeID/ n.日光浴(U5S) electricity /I8lek9trIsKti/ n.电(U5P1) swell /swel/ v.膨胀(U5P1)eliminate /I9lImKneIt/ v.淘汰,去除(U5P2) take action 采取行动(U5P1)fair /fe@/ a.晴朗的,合理的(U5P2) take advantage of 利用(U5P2)fairly /9fe@li/ ad.相当地,很好地(U5L) tournament /9tU@n@m@nt/ n.锦标赛(U5P2)5 Unit词汇表.indd 515/9/18 下午3:04New Practical Englishtrap /tr{p/ n.陷阱(U5P1) Olympiad /@9lImpi-{d/ n.奥林匹克运动会 (U6P2) v. 困住,陷入困境Olympic spirit 奥运精神(U6P2) trash /tr{S/ n.垃圾(U5P1) Paralympic /8p{r@9lImpIk/ a.残奥会(U6P2)turn off (lights) 关(灯) (U5P1) passion /9p{SFn/ n.热情(U6P1)unexpected /8 nIk9spektKd/ a.想不到的(U5P2) praise /preIz/ v.夸奖(U6P1)present /9prezFnt/ v.呈送给(U6P1)Unit 6progress /9pr@Ugres/ n./v.进步(U6P1) accordance /@9kO:dFns/ n.根据(U6P2)promise /9pr^mKs/ n./v.承诺(U6P1)achievements /@9tSi:vm@nts/ n.成就(U6P2)pulse /p ls/ n.脉搏(U6P1)assemble /@9sembFl/ v.集合,装配(U6P2)represent /8reprI9zent/ v.代表(U6P1)athlete /9{Tli:t/ n.运动员(U6P2)rival /9raIvFl/ n.对手(U6P2)awe /O:/ v.使敬畏(U6P2)role model 楷模(U6P2)BOCOG n.奥运会北京组委会(U6P2)seal /si:l/ n.印章(U6P1)call upon 呼唤(U6P1)slogan /9sl@Ug@n/ n.口号(U6P1)competitive /k@m9petKtIv/ a.竞争的(U6P2) stand for 代表(U6P1)conflict /9k^nflIkt/ v.冲突(U6P2) symbol /9sImbFl/ n.标志(U6P1)dazzling /9d{zFlI~/ a.令人目眩的(U6P2) symbolize /9sImb@laIz/ v.象征(U6P1)earn medals 赢得奖牌(U6P1)talent /9t{l@nt/ n.才华,天赋(U6P2)exceptional /Ik9sepSFn@l/ a.出色的(U6P2) th e International Olympic Committee(IOC)four years from now 四年后(U6P2)国际奥林匹克委员会(U6P1)give … high praise 给予…高度赞扬(U6P1) the Holy Fire 圣火(U6P1)glorious /9glO:ri@s/ a.辉煌的(U6P2) the host city 主办城市(U6P1)heritage /9herKtIdZ/ n.遗产(U6P1) the Olympic Movement 奥林匹克运动(U6P1)historical /hI9st^rIkFl/ a.历史的(U6P1) unify /9ju:nKfaI/ v.团结,联合(U6P2)hospitality /8h^spK9t{lKti/ a.热情好客(U6P1) venue /9venju:/ n.场馆(U6P2)in accordance with 按照(U6P2) vitality /vaI9t{lKti/ n.活力(U6P1)in conflict 处于争斗中(U6P2) wish the best for 为…送上最美好的祝福 (U6P2)inspire /In9spaI@/ v.激励(U6P2) witness /9wItnKs/ n./v.目睹(U6P2)intensively /In9tensIvli/ ad.集中地(U6P1)keep … alive 保持活力(U6P2) Unit 7learn about 了解(U6P2) a large choice of 很多可供选择的(U7P1)long for 渴望(U6P1) act as 充当(U7P2)make a commitment to 向…承诺(U6P1) arrive on schedule 按时到达(U7P2)mankind /8m{n9kaInd/ n.人类(U6P1) assume /@9sju:m/ v.设想(U7P1)marvel /9mA:vFl/ v.惊奇(U6P2) blessed /9blesKd/ a.赐福的(U7P1)marvel at 惊叹于(U6P2) candle /9k{ndl/ n.蜡烛(U7P1)modernization /8m^d@naI9zeISFn/ n.现代化(U6P1)carol /9k{r@l/ n.圣诞颂歌(U7P1)movement /9mu:vm@nt/ n.运动(U6P1) celebrate /9selKbreIt/ v.庆祝(U7P1)National Olympic Committee 国家奥委会 (U6P2) champagne /S{m9peIn/ n.香槟酒(U7P1) 6Unit词汇表.indd 615/9/18 下午3:04VocabularyChildren’s Day 儿童节(U7L)modest /9m^dKst/ a.谦逊的,简陋的(U7P2)chimney /9tSImnI/ n.烟囱(U7P1) Muslim /9mUzlKm/ n.穆斯林(U7P1)Christian /9krIstSFn/ n.基督教徒(U7P1) observe /@b9z%:v/ v.庆祝,遵守(U7S)Christmas Eve 圣诞前夜(U7S)occupy /9^kjMpaI/ v.占领,占据 (有) (U7P2)crush /kr S/ v.积压,压碎(U7P2) on a … scale 以…的规模(U7P1)delicious /dI9lIS@s/ a.鲜美的(U7L) picnic /9pIknIk/ n.野餐(U7L)delivery /dI9lIvFri/ n.送递(U7P1) pie /paI/ n.馅饼(U7P1)disappointment /8dIs@9pOIntm@nt/ n.失望(U7P2) Professional College 职业学院(U7S)Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 (龙舟节)(U7S)promote /pr@9m@Ut/ v.促销(U7P1)each other 相互(U7P1)public holiday 公共假日(U7P1)elaborate /I9l{bFrKt/ a.精心制作的(U7P2) pudding /9pUdI~/ n.布丁(U7P1) v. 详尽说明put out 摆设(U7P1) emotion /I9m@USFn/ n.情感(U7P2) regard sth. as a memento 看作纪念品(U7P2)exciting /Ik9saItI~/ a.令人激动的(U7L) remind /rI9maInd/ v.提醒(U7P2)fashion /9f{SFn/ n.时装,时尚(U7L) remind sb. of 使想起,提醒(U7P2)fashion show 时装表演(U7L)repeatedly /rI9pi:tKdli/ ad.再三地(U7P2)feature /9fi:tS@/ n.特色(U7P2) reunion /ri:9ju:nj@n/ n.团圆(U7P2) v. 体现特征roast /r@Ust/ v.烤(U7P1) feel at home 感到自在,舒服(U7P2)scale /skeIl/ n.规模(U7P1)festive /9festIv/ a.节日的(U7P1) seasoning /9si:zFnI~/ n.调味品,调料(U7P2)fishing tackle 钓具(U7S)secretary /9sekrKtFri/ n.秘书(U7P2)friendship /9frendSIp/ n.友谊(U7P2) service /9s%:vKs/ n.服务(U7P1)global /9gl@UbFl/ a.地球的,全球的(U7P1) set up 挂上(U7P1)go to work 上班(U7P1) short of 缺少(U7P2)Jesus /9dZi:z@s/ n.耶稣(U7P1) special /9speSFl/ a.特殊的(U7S)joyful /9dZOIfFl/ a.愉悦的(U7P1) speech contest /spi:tS 9k^ntest/ n.演讲比赛 (U7L)learn more about 更多地了解(U7P2) speech contest 演讲比赛(U7L)lock oneself in one’s loneliness St saint /seInt/ n.圣徒(U7P1) 闭门自己承受孤单(U7P2) Student Union/Club 学生会/俱乐部(U7S) lock /l^k/ n./v.锁(U7P2) Sweden /9swi:dFn/ n.瑞典(U7P1)loneliness /9l@UnlinKs/ n.寂寞(U7P2) temporary /9tempFr@ri/ a.暂时的(U7P2)Mexican-American /9meksIk@n@9merIk@n/the majority of 大多数(U7P1) n. 墨裔美国人(U7P2) the way of (做…) 的方式(U7P1) majority /m@9dZ^rKti/ n.大部分(U7P1) tie-clasp /taIklA:sp/ n.领带扣(U7P2)make-believe /9meIk bK8li:v/ a.虚构的(U7P1) tradition /tr@9dISFn/ n.传统(U7P1)Malaysia /m@9leIzI@/ n.马来西亚(U7P1) traditional /tr@9dISFn@l/ a.传统的(U7L)memento /mK9ment@U/ n.纪念物 (品) (U7P2) traditional 传统的(U7L)merry /9meri/ a.欢乐的(U7P1) turkey /9t%:ki/ n.火鸡(U7P1)mince /9mIns/ n.碎果馅(U7P1) typical /9tipikFl/ a.典型的(U7S)7 Unit词汇表.indd 715/9/18 下午3:04New Practical Englishvary /9ve@ri/ v.有异(U7P1) expense /Ik9spens/ n.费用(U8P1)with high spirits 热情高涨地(U7P1) fail to 未能(U8P1)fall into 陷入(U8P2)Unit 8fatal /9feItl/ a.致命的(U8P1) abuse /@9bju:s/ v.滥用,虐待(U8P1)flu /flu:/ n.流感(U8L)accident /9{ksKdFnt/ n.意外事故(U8P2)follow through 完成,进行到底(U8P1)accordingly /@9kO:dI~li/ ad.相应地(U8P1)funeral /9fju:nFr@l/ n.葬礼(U8P2)after all 毕竟(U8P1)granted /9grA:ntKd/ a.理所当然的(U8P1)alcoholism /9{lk@h^lIzFm/ n.酗酒(U8P1)harshly /9hA:Sli/ ad.粗暴地(U8P1)ask for 索求(U8P1)hate /heIt/ v.憎恨,不喜欢(U8S)awareness /@9we@nKs/ n.意识(U8P1)headache /9hedeIk/ n.头痛(U8S)be determined to 决心…(U8P2)health /helT/ n.健康(U8S)be donated to 被捐赠给(U8P2)hug /h g/ v./n.拥抱(U8P2)be in danger/despair 处于危险,绝望之中 (U8P2)hydrate /9haIdreIt/ v.补给水分(U8P1)be open about sth. 对于…看法很开放(U8P2)impact /9Imp{kt/ v./n.影响(U8P1)bleed /bli:d/ v.出血(U8L)impact on 对…的影响(U8P1)bond /b^nd/ n.连结,联系(U8P2)in one’s own self-interestbut /b@t; b t/ conj.仅仅(U8P1)为(某人) 自己的利益(U8P1)but one/two 只有1/2个(U8P1)in the media 在媒体上(U8P1)check /tSek/ n./v.检查(U8S) incredible /In9kredKbFl/ a.难以置信的(U8P1)chest /tSest/ n.胸(U8P2) intention /In9tenSFn/ n.愿望(U8P1)choke /tS@Uk/ v.哽咽,窒息(U8P2) license /9laIsFns/ n.执照(U8P2)coma /9k@Um@/ n.昏迷(U8P2) v. 发执照concern /k@n9s%:n/ v./n.关怀(U8S) lie down 躺下(U8L)conform /k@n9fO:m/ v.符合(U8P1) lifestyle /9laIfstaIl/ n.生活方式(U8P1)conform to 符合(U8P1)limit /9lImKt/ n.限制(U8P1)constant /9k^nst@nt/ a.经常的,不停的(U8P2) make sure 确保(U8P2)constructive /k@n9str ktIv/ a.建设性的(U8P1) match /m{tS/ n./v.比赛,匹配(U8P2)dental /9dentl/ a.牙齿的,牙科的(U8S) matter /9m{t@/ n.事情,问题(U8S)devoted /dI9v@UtKd/ a.忠诚的,献身的(U8P2) medical /9medIkFl/ a.医疗的(U8S)disciplined /9dIsKplKnd/ a.强制的(U8P1) medicine /9medsFn/ n.医药,药品(U8S)dizzy /9dIzi/ a.头晕(U8L) million /9mIlj@n/ n.百万(U8P2)donate /d@U9neIt/ v.捐赠(U8P2) mindfully /9maIndfFli/ ad.考虑周到地(U8P1)done /d n/ a.完结(U8P1) miracle /9mIr@kFl/ n.奇迹(U8P2)donor /9d@Un@/ n.捐赠者(U8P2) negative /9neg@tIv/ a.负面的(U8P1)drill /drIl/ v.钻,训练(U8S) nonstop /8n^n9st^p/ a.不间断的(U8P1)excess /Ik9ses/ n.超过,多余量(U8P1) nutrient /9nju:tri@nt/ n.营养(U8P1)excessive /Ik9sesIv/ a.过度的(U8P1) overeating /8@Uv@r9i:tI~/ a.贪吃的(U8P1)exhausted /Ig9zO:stKd/ a.耗竭的,疲劳的 (U8P1)patient /9peISFnt/ n.病人(U8S) 8Unit词汇表.indd 815/9/18 下午3:04Vocabularypay back 偿还,报复(U8P2) sob /s^b/ v.啜泣(U8P2)positive /9p^zKtIv/ a.积极的,正面的(U8P1) spirit /9spIrIt/ n.精神(U8P1)possession /p@9zeSFn/ n.财产(U8P1) spray /spreI/ v./n.喷雾,喷雾剂(U8P2)pray /preI/ n. v.祈祷(U8P2) stick sth. to 把…钉/贴到(U8P2)premature /9prem@tS@/ a.过早的,stretch into 延伸到(U8P2) 不成熟的(U8P1) take sth. for granted 认为理所当然(U8P1) prescription /prI9skrIpSFn/ n.处方(U8S) terrible /9terKbFl/ a.糟糕的,可怕的(U8S)prized /praIzd/ a.珍贵的(U8P1) tired /taI@d/ a.疲劳的(U8L)rather than 而非(U8P1) transplant /tr{ns9plA:nt/ v.移植(U8P2)recreation /8rekri9eISFn/ n.娱乐(U8P1) treatment /9tri:tm@nt/ n.治疗(U8L)resiliency /rI9zIli@nsi/ v.弹性(U8P1) trouble /9tr bFl/ n.麻烦(U8S)respond to 回应(U8P1) turn out as expected 结果和预期相同(U8P2)reward /rI9wO:d/ n.奖励,褒奖(U8P1) type /taIp/ n.类型(U8P2)schedule /9Sedju:l/ n./v.计划安排(U8P1) workaholic /8w%:k@9h^lIk/ n.工作狂(U8P1)self-repair /selfrI9pe@/ v.自我修复(U8P1)9 Unit词汇表.indd 915/9/18 下午3:04。

新编实用英语综合教程1笔记一、Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions。
1. 重点词汇。
- greeting: n. 问候;招呼。
例如:A friendly greeting makes people feel warm.(一个友好的问候让人感觉温暖。
)- introduction: n. 介绍。
常见搭配:make an introduction(做介绍)。
例如:Let me make an introduction for you two.(让我给你们俩做个介绍。
)- self - introduction: 自我介绍。
例如:A good self - introduction can leave a good impression.(一个好的自我介绍能留下好印象。
)2. 常用句型。
- Nice to meet you.(很高兴见到你。
)回答通常是Nice to meet you, too.- How do you do?(你好!)回答也是How do you do? 这种表达比较正式。
- My name is...(我的名字是……)用于自我介绍。
例如:My name is Tom.I'm from China.(我的名字是汤姆。
)二、Unit 2 At the Airport。
1. 重点词汇。
- airport: n. 机场。
例如:There are many people at the airport.(机场有很多人。
)- flight: n. 航班。
例如:What's the flight number?(航班号是多少?)- check - in: 办理登机手续。
例如:We need to go to the check - in counter.(我们需要去办理登机手续的柜台。
)- boarding pass: 登机牌。
例如:Show your boarding pass before boarding.(登机前出示你的登机牌。

英语综合教程1Unit 1: Meeting New PeopleIn this unit, we will learn how to meet and greet new people in different social settings. Making new friends and connections is an important part of personal and professional growth. The following sections will guide you through the process of introducing yourself, engaging in small talk, and making a favorable impression.Section 1: Introducing YourselfWhen meeting new people, it is crucial to introduce yourself effectively. Remember to:1. State your name clearly and confidently.2. Share some basic information about yourself, such as where you are from or what you do.3. Engage in active listening by asking about the other person's interests or background.Section 2: Small TalkEngaging in small talk is an excellent way to break the ice and establish a connection. Here are some tips to make small talk more comfortable:1. Initiate a conversation with a friendly greeting or a casual comment about the surroundings.2. Ask open-ended questions to encourage the other person to share more about themselves.3. Show genuine interest by actively listening and responding appropriately.Section 3: Making a Favorable ImpressionMaking a favorable impression is crucial when meeting new people. Here are some strategies to consider:1. Maintain eye contact and have an open and friendly body language.2. Use appropriate humor to lighten the atmosphere and create a positive impression.3. Be a good listener and show empathy towards others.Unit 2: Daily RoutinesIn this unit, we will explore how to talk about our daily routines and schedules. Having a well-organized daily routine helps us to manage our time effectively and prioritize our tasks. Let's dive into the various aspects of discussing daily routines and scheduling.Section 1: Describing Daily RoutinesWhen describing your daily routine, it is important to use accurate and descriptive language. Some points to remember include:1. Start by stating the time you wake up and the activities you do in the morning.2. Discuss your work or school schedule and any extracurricular activities you engage in.3. Mention your evening routine, such as dinner plans and leisure activities.Section 2: Talking about SchedulesIn this section, we will focus on discussing schedules and time management. Consider the following tips:1. Use time-related vocabulary to communicate your schedule effectively.2. Talk about your daily or weekly commitments and how you plan your time.3. Discuss any challenges you face in managing your schedule and possible solutions.Remember, effective time management is key to achieving your goals and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Be proactive and organized in planning your daily routines and schedules. (Note: The content above does not include any repeated wording from the titles. However, it is necessary to use some common phrases related to the topics.)。
新标准大学英语 综合教程1 笔记unit2

New Standard College EnglishAn Integrated Course 1Ye Can’s NoteUnit 2 Food, glorious food!Active Reading 1 The First OysterNew Words, Phrases and Expressions1. glorious: wonderful and extremely enjoyable2. oyster: a large flat shellfish. Some types of oyster can be eaten cooked or uncooked and others produce shiny white jewels called pearls.3. "Nonsense, how do you know you don't like it if you haven't tried it," he reasoned. reason: to form a judgement about a situation by considering the facts and thinking in a logical way.She reasoned that she must have left her bag on the train.4. Just slide it into your mouth.5. I thought the oyster looked rather nasty.nasty: having a bad appearance, smell, taste etc.6. a French seaside resortresort: a place where a lot of people go for holidays7. the waiter had already brought an enormous portion of seafood, crabs, prawns, lobsters and all sorts of shellfish clinging onto each other.(1) prawn: a shellfish with ten legs and a long tail, that can be eaten. Prawns turn pink when cooked. (BrE: prawn = AmE: shrimp)(2) shellfish: a sea or water animal that does not have a backbone, but has a shell, and can be eaten as food, such as crabs, lobsters, and oysters.8. my father had decided to take me, his ten-year-old son, to lunch, and to mark an important event in my life, as important to my father as coming of age: my first oyster.come of age: reach adult statusHe’ll inherit the money when he comes of age.9. rock pool: a small pool of water between rocks by the sea. (BrE) (=tide pool AmE)10. juicy bacon sandwichjuicy: containing a lot of juice and good to eatHe ordered a juicy rump steak.11. Outside the skies were grey and a strong wind was blowing off the sea. It looked as gloomy as I felt.gloomy: sad and without hope, because you think the situation will not improveI can tell by your gloomy face that the news is bad.12. striking a note of compromiseTo strike a note of something means to speak in a particular manner or tone.compromise: an agreement made between two people or groups in which each side gives up some of the things they want so that both sides are happy at the end13. the clear perception14. On his plate was a pile of discarded lobster claws, and alongside was a battery of implements used to crack the shells, and scrape out every last piece of meat.(1) discard: get rid of sth. because it is uselessdiscard an old pair of shoes / discard old beliefs(2) a battery of: a group of many things or people of the same typea battery of medical tests(3) implement: a tool or instrument, especially a fairly large one with no motor, especially one used for outdoor physical workagricultural implements15. He paused every mouthful and raised his glass. Now and then he waved the oyster at me, teasing me to eat it.(1) mouthful: an amount of food or drink that you put into your mouth at one timeHe took a mouthful of sweet country air.I'm so full I couldn't eat another mouthful.handful: the amount of sth that can be held in one handarmful: a quantity that you can carry in one or both arms(2) now and then: at times, occasionally(3) tease: to laugh at someone and make jokes in order to have fun by embarrassing them, either in a friendly way or in an unkind wayShe used to tease me about my hair.16. I just looked at my empty plate in despair.despair: a feeling that you have no hope at all for the futureDefeat after defeat filled us with despair.17. a silent tear slid down my cheek.slid: pt of slide18. I knew it was all over.19. I took it between a finger and thumb, and held it to my lips.20. I did as I was told.21. The oyster was slippery.slippery: difficult to hold or to stand on or walk on, because it is smooth, wet or greasy.slippery like a fishThe road was slippery after the rain.22. half smilingKey Words1. portionn.(1) a part of something larger, especially a part that is different from the other partsThe factory represents only a small portion of the company’s interests.The rent on his portion of the apartment was $500 a month.The front portion of the rocket breaks off.(2) an amount of food for one person, especially when served in a restaurantShe cut the cake into six small portions.a huge portion of roast beefHe served generous portions of soup from the pot.(3) a share of something, such as responsibility, blame, or a duty, that is divided between a small number of peopleThe other driver must bear a portion of the blame for the accident.2. clingv.(1) to stick to someone or something, to fit very tightly on somethingHis wet shirt clung to his body.(2) to hold someone or something tightly, especially because you do not feel safesurvivors clinging to a raftcling to old ideasShe clung to the hope that her son was not dead.3. perceptionn.(1) the way that you notice things with your senses of sight, hearing etcvisual perceptionHis perception of the change came in a flash.(2) the natural ability to understand or notice things quicklyHis analysis of the problem showed great perception.(3) the way you think about something and your idea of what it is likeParents’ views influence their children’s perceptions of the world.public perception of the police / doctorThere is a general public perception that…4. crackvt./vi.to break or to make something break, either so that it gets lines on its surface, or so that it breaks into piecesHe cracked a couple of eggs into a pan.He has cracked a bone in his arm.Don’t put boiling water in the glass or it will crack.Concrete is liable to crack in very cold weather.Her lips were dry and cracked.5. scrapev.(1) to remove something from a surface by moving sth sharp and hard like a knife across itScrape the carrots and slice them thinly.(2) to rub against a rough surface by accident so that it causes slight damage or hurtI must have scraped some of the paint off when I was parking the car.She fell and scraped her knee.Notes1. district / region / vicinity / area,这一组名词都有“区域”的意思。

Exercises for Vocabulary and StructureUnit 1 Vocabulary 11. We have time and again ____declared____ that we will never be the first to use nuclear weapons.A. declaredB. accusedC. announcedD. blamed2. Since the matter was extremely __urgent______, we dealt with it immediately.A. toughB. tenseC. urgentD. roughrough: 粗糙的;粗略的;粗野的;艰苦的;未经加工的tough: 艰苦的,困难的;坚强的,不屈不挠的;坚韧的,牢固的;强壮的,结实的tense: 紧张的;拉紧的3. She was so ________ in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door.A. attractedB. absorbedC. drawnD. concentrated4. He is _________ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.A. outstandingB. optionalC. optimisticD. obvious5. The president could not go to the meeting, so Mr. Smith _______ him.A. recordedB. renewedC. representedD. recalled6. He wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won ________ and a scholarship.A. faithB. prestigeC. statusD. courage7. Jane was hit on the head by the robber and was knocked _________.A. mindlessB. unawareC. brainlessD. unconscious8. It is our _______ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.A. consistentB. continuousC. considerateD. continualconsistent: 始终如一的,一致的;坚持的9. The author of the report is well______ with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.A. informedB. acquaintedC. enlightenedD. acknowledgedwell informed: 见多识广的,消息灵通的,知识渊博的10. The manager lost his _________ just because his secretary was ten minutes late.A. moodB. temperC. mindD. passion11. Many Europeans _______ the continent of Africa in the 19th century.A. explodedB. exploredC. exposedD. expanded12. If you hear such a rumor, ________ it thoroughly.A. seekB. investigateC. searchD. explore13. The pressure _________ causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.A. to competeB. competingC. to be competedD. having competed14. Having decided to rent a flat, we _______ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.A. set aboutB. set onC. set outD. set upset about 着手;开始做…set on 突然攻击,袭击set about doing sth = set out to do15. The old couple decided to _______ a boy and a girl though they had three children of their own.A. adaptB. adjustC. adeptD. adopt16. Mike was being _________ for violent tendencies.A. contendedB. consultedC. counselledD. insultedcontend 主张;为...斗争counsel 为(某人)提供帮助(或专业咨询)17. I will ______ Mr. Walters on this point.A. refer toB. commit toC. contribute toD. defer to commit to 交付,把…投入;把…置于defer to 听从;遵从18. What happens in the next few days is ________ to our success.A. criticalB. criticC. priorD. valid19. She won’t ________ that there is a problem.A. conferB. concernC. acknowledgeD. contemplate confer 授予;给予contemplate 沉思;注视;思忖;预期20. This offer is _______ for travel before the end of April.A. effectiveB. ineffectiveC. invalidD. validUnit 1 Vocabulary 21._____ to British universities depends on examination results.A. AdmittanceB. EntryC. AdmissionD. Entrance admittance 进入;入场权;通道entry 进入;入口;条目;登记admission 容许,许可;接纳,录取2. The database is only ______ by authorized managers.A. provedB. accessibleC. approvedD. access3. This traditional _______ is of indigo blue.A. clothesB. diversityC. costumeD. institution4. These cigarettes are a ______ of the best tobaccos.A. blendB. bandC. mixtureD. messblend可指有技术的掺和调制,mix不强调技术mix是混合,不计较程度,可深可浅。
综合教程1 Unit 2 They Fun They Had

Paragraph 2
3) What is the conversation concerned with? A very old book about the old kind of school
with human teachers that existed about two centuries ago.
Paragraph 1
1) When did the story happen? The story took place on May 17, 2157.
2) What did Margie write in her diary on the night of May 17, 2157?
Margie wrote, “Today Tommy found a real book!”
A setting in outer space, on other worlds, or involving aliens;
Stories that involve technology or scientific principles that contradict known laws of nature;
Stories that involve discovery or application of new scientific principles, such as time travel or psionics, or new technology, such as nanotechnology, faster-than-light travel or robots, or of new and different political or social systems (e.g. a dystopia, or a situation where organized society has collapsed)

• 6. encounter: (fml) meet, esp. unexpectedly • Example: She encountered an old friend on the street. • 7. ... the lack of it: Here it refers to animal intelligence. • 8. reveal: make (sth.) known • Example: A survey of the Chinese diet has revealed that a growing number of children in cities are overweight. • 9. convince: make (sb.) feel sure by the use of argument or evidence (used in the patterns: convince sb. of sth., convince sb. that) • Examples: 1) His parents managed to convince him that teaching was the most suitable profession for him. • 2) We finally convinced the police of our innocence. • (be convinced: feel certain that sth. is true • Example: I was convinced that we were doing the right thing.)
• 10. dominant: ruling; stronger, more powerful, or more noticeable than other people or things • Examples: 1) Charlie Chaplin was a dominant figure in the American film industry. 2) a dominant position 统治地位 • 11. make a deal: reach an agreement or arrangement, esp. in business or politics • Examples: 1) I'll make a deal with you — you wash the car and I'll let you use it tonight. • 2) The car company has made a deal with a Japanese firm, which will supply engines in exchange for brakes. • 12. ... only to be met with a blank stare: • Only to (do sth.) is often used to indicate that sb. did sth. with a disappointing or surprising result. Infinitive to functions as result adverbial. • Examples: 1) He hurried to the railway station, only to find that the train had left. 2) He had once tried inviting her out, only to meet with a rather cool response.
(全新版)大学英语《综合教程》第一册 Unit 2

you have just said
• Examples: 1) The air fare was a hundred and ninety-nine pounds or something.
2) Here's some money. Get yourself a sandwich
• A surprising ending is usually adopted in stories. Many great writers have tried this writing method. The most typical one is O.Henry, American writer of short stories. He was best known for his ironic plot twists and surprise endings. His style of storytelling later became a model not only for short fiction, but also for American motion pictures and television programs.
Halloween is celebrated annually. It is on the night of 31 October, when people once believed that ghosts could been seen. Now, in Britain and America, it is a time when children have parties, dress up as witches, make lanterns out of pumpkins from which the inside has been removed, and play “trick and cheat”.

Unit 1agony ['ægənɪ] n. 苦恼;极大的痛苦;临死的挣扎career [kə'rɪə] n. 生涯;职业;事业;速度,全速finally ['faɪnəlɪ] adv. 最后;终于;决定性地reputation[repjʊ'teɪʃ(ə)n] n. 名声,名誉;声望severe [sɪ'vɪə] adj. 严峻的;严厉的;剧烈的;苛刻的anticipate[æn'tɪsɪpeɪt] vt. 预期,期望;占先,抢先;提前使用command [kə'mɑːnd] n. 指挥,控制;命令;司令部v. 命令,指挥;控制;远望formal['fɔːm(ə)l] adj. 正式的;拘谨的;有条理的respectable[rɪ'spektəb(ə)l] adj.可敬的;体面的;文雅的;tackle['tæk(ə)l] vt.处理,应付assign[ə'saɪn] vt.分配,分派compose[kəm'pəʊz] vt.创作image['ɪmɪdʒ]adj.形象;印象;(图)象rigid['rɪdʒɪd] adj.一成不变的;严格的tedious['tiːdɪəs] adj. 沉闷的;冗长乏味的associate[ə'səʊʃɪeɪt; -sɪeɪt] vt.联系起来;使联想distribute[dɪ'strɪbjuːt; 'dɪstrɪbjuːt] vt.分发,分配,分送inspire[ɪn'spaɪə] vt.激励,鼓舞scan[skæn]v.浏览,粗略的看violate['vaɪəleɪt] vt.违背,违反avoid[ə'vɒɪd] vt.避免extraordinary[ɪkˈstrɔːdnri] adj.不同寻常的;奇特的recall[rɪ'kɔːl] vt.回想起,回忆起sequence['siːkw(ə)ns] n.一连串相关的事物;次序,顺序vivid['vɪvɪd] adj.生动的,逼真的face up to 勇敢地接受或对付hold back 控制(感情、眼泪等)off and on 断断续续地;有时out of date 过时的put down 写下take hold 生根,确立,根深蒂固turn in 交(作业)turn out 编写;制造what’s more 而且,此外;更有甚者Unit 2absolutely['æbsəluːtlɪ]adv. 绝对地;完全地correspondence[kɒrɪ'spɒnd(ə)ns] n.通信;信件neighborhood['neɪbə,hʊd] n.街坊;四邻reunion[riː'juːnjən; -ɪən] n.(家人、朋友、同事长时间不见)重聚available[ə'veɪləb(ə)l]adj. 有效的,可得的;可利用的;空闲的destination[,destɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] n.目的地postpone[pəʊs(t)'pəʊn; pə'spəʊn] vt.推迟,使延期skip[skɪp] v.略过,跳过;跳跃awful['ɔːfʊl]adj.非常的,极大的;可怕的;糟糕的estimate['estɪmeɪt] vt.估计practically['præktɪk(ə)lɪ]adv. 实际地;几乎;事实上tough[tʌf]adj. 艰苦的,困难的;坚强的,不屈不挠的;坚韧的,牢固的;强壮的,结实的choke[tʃəʊk] v.(使)窒息;阻塞;mostly['məʊs(t)lɪ] adv.几乎全部;多半,大体reference['ref(ə)r(ə)ns] n.提及,谈到;参考,查阅urge['ɜːdʒ] v.力劝,催促a couple of 几个;一对,一双choke up (因激动等)哽咽得说不出话;堵塞go ahead 前进;进行;开始;继续keep in touch (with) (与...)保持联系,保持接触know/learn by heart 记住,能背出not much of a 不太好的right away 立刻all the way 自始至终,一直come up (尤指意想不到的)发生,出现go by (时间)逝去keep up 保持lose touch 失去联系on one’s mind 记挂在心头be lost in/lose oneself in 专心致志于every now and then 不时的,常常hang out 闲荡;徘徊kind of/sort of 有点,有几分might/may(just)as well 不妨,无妨or something 诸如此类的事Unit 3anyway['enɪweɪ] adv.不管怎么说competition[kɒmpɪ'tɪʃ(ə)n] n.竞争;比赛educate['edjʊkeɪt] vt.教育global['gləʊb(ə)l] adj. 全球的;总体的;球形的initiative[ɪ'nɪʃɪətɪv; -ʃə-] n.首创精神;主动proportion[prə'pɔːʃ(ə)n] n.比例;部分sufficient[sə'fɪʃ(ə)nt] adj. 足够的;充分的background['bækgraʊnd] n.背景concept['kɒnsept] n.概念ensure[ɪn'ʃɔː; -'ʃʊə; en-] vt.保证,确保grasp[grɑːsp] n.掌握,了解likely ['laɪklɪ] adj.可能的adv.可能rate[reɪt] n.速度;比率tend[tend] vi.倾向,趋向basis['beɪsɪs] n.基础contact['kɒntækt] vt.与.....接触entertain[entə'teɪn] vt.给...以欢乐;招待hence[hens] adv.因此;从此moreover[mɔːr'əʊvə] adv.而且,再者responsibility[rɪ,spɒnsɪ'bɪlɪtɪ] n.责任brief[briːf] adj.简洁的;短暂的convey[kən'veɪ] vt.传达;表达evident['evɪd(ə)nt] adj.明显的highly ['haɪlɪ] adv.很,非常precise[prɪ'saɪs] adj.精确的steady['stedɪ] adj.平稳的;稳定的at the moment 立刻,目前,此刻do without 没有.....而设法对付过去in the form of 以....形式;呈......形状put across 解释清楚,使被理解bring about 引起,导致fit into 适合;符合;属于in two minds 犹豫不决,三心二意put/turn the clock back 倒退,开倒车cut off 切断,中断;切下,剪下in terms of 从.....方面(或角度)来说;按照,根据lie in 在于slow down 减慢Unit 4assume[ə'sjuːm] vt.假设;以为determination[dɪ,tɜːmɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] n.决定;决心hunt[hʌnt] v.寻找;打猎,猎取property['prɒpətɪ] n.地产;财产wreck[rek] n.残破物;(尤指失事船只、飞机等的)残骸balance['bæl(ə)ns] n.平衡;余额diet['daɪət] n.日常饮食loan[ləʊn] vt.借,贷n.贷款;借,贷skilled[skɪld] adj.熟练的,有技巧的;技术性的capacity[kə'pæsɪtɪ] n.能力,才能discard [dɪ'skɑːd] vt.抛弃personnel[pɜːsə'nel] n.人事部门;全体人员,全体职员sometime['sʌmtaɪm] adv.某个时候character['kærəktə] n.(人的)品德;品质;性格giant['dʒaɪənt] adj.巨大的n.巨人precision[prɪ'sɪʒ(ə)n] n.精密;精确sponsor ['spɒnsə] vt. 为.....做保证人;主办,发起n.保证人;主办者,发起人confidence['kɒnfɪd(ə)ns] n.信心handle['hænd(ə)l] vt.管理,处理;操纵principle['prɪnsɪp(ə)l] n.信条;原则;原理weekly['wiːklɪ] adj.每周的;一周一次的above all 最重要的是do with 对待,处理turn away 拒绝帮助;不让.....进入call on 拜访for sale 待售turn down 拒绝check on 检查;调查;察看pass away 去世work out 制定出;解决;算出clean up 打扫,清楚send for 派人去叫,召唤;派人去取Unit 5acquaintance[ə'kweɪnt(ə)ns] n.相识的人;(略微的)了解executive[ɪg'zekjʊtɪv; eg-] n.(企业等中的)行政领导;管理人员manufacture[mænjʊ'fæktʃə] vt.大量制造replace[rɪ'pleɪs] vt. 代替,取代belove[bɪ'lʌvɪd; -'lʌvd] adj.深爱的;亲爱的favorite ['feɪvərɪt] n.特别受喜爱的人(或物)married['mærɪd] adj.结婚的;已婚的replacement[rɪ'pleɪsm(ə)nt] n.接替者,替代物classic['klæsɪk] n.典范;典型adj.典型的finance[faɪ'næns; fɪ-; 'faɪnæns] n.财政;金融;(pl)财源;财力monthly['mʌnθlɪ] adj.每月的;每月一次的retire[rɪ'taɪə] vi.退休compete[kəm'piːt] vi.竞争;对抗inquiry[ɪn'kwaɪrɪ] n.打听,询问odd[ɒd] adj.临时的,不固定的stock[stɒk] n.股票;证券;公债embarrass[ɪm'bærəs; em-] vt.使尴尬;使局促不安instantly['ɪnst(ə)ntlɪ] adv.立刻;马上option['ɒpʃ(ə)n] n.期权;选择survive[sə'vaɪv] v.比...活得长;经历...后幸存and (all) that 诸如此类的give up 放弃stay up 醒着;不去睡ask around 四处打听grab at 抓住,夺得straighten out 解决care for 照看;照顾look(sb)in the eye 直视某人die of 死于pick out 辨认出,分辨出Unit 6absorb[əb'zɔːb; -'sɔːb] vt.完全吸引住...的注意;吸收fertile['fɜːtaɪl] adj.肥沃的,富饶的hesitate['hezɪteɪt] vi.踌躇,犹豫overseas[əʊvə'siːz] adv.去(在)国外(的),去(在)海外(的)split[splɪt] v.(使)裂开;破裂wisdom['wɪzdəm] n.智慧;明智broaden['brɔːd(ə)n] v.(使)变宽;(使)扩大glow[gləʊ] n.光亮,光辉identify[aɪ'dentɪfaɪ] vt.识别previous['priːvɪəs] adj.早先的,先前的sustain[sə'steɪn] vt.支持;使(努力等)持续下去,保持bud[bʌd] v.发芽;萌芽n.(枝叶的)芽;花蕾grand[grænd] adj.宏伟的;壮丽的keen[kiːn] adj.强烈的;热切的reflect[rɪ'flekt] vt.反映,显示thoughtful['θɔːtfʊl; -f(ə)l] adj.深思的;体贴的correspond[kɒrɪ'spɒnd] vi.通信grateful['greɪtfʊl; -f(ə)l] adj.感激的locate [lə(ʊ)'keɪt] vt.找到...的位置;使坐落于sensible['sensɪb(ə)l] adj.通情达理的,理智的thrust[θrʌst] v.挤入;插入,猛推disgust[dɪs'gʌst] vt.使厌恶,使反感grip[grɪp] v.握紧,紧握margin['mɑːdʒɪn] n.页边空白slim[slɪm] adj.苗条的;细小的;微小的whichever[wɪtʃ'evə] pron.无论哪个或哪些be grateful to(sb.)for(sth.) 因(某事)而感激(某人)make one’s way 走去go sb.’s way 与某人同路more than a little 很,非常in response to 作为对....的回应take a chance(on sth.) 碰运气;冒险。
大学英语综合教程1 Unit 2 Growing up

If you’re anything like your father, you’ll be a smart boy. 1. What is the meaning of the sentence? The teacher believes that the boy can become a very clever student if he can learn something from his father.
Because he wanted to be independent and Q&A gain popularity in his own right. He did not want to stay in a place where he • Paragraph 9-13 was followed by his father’s good name and • 1. Why did he choose to attend a identity. never seemed to have his own college
beam 1. v. 1) smile brightly and happily He beamed his approval of the new idea. 2) emit or transmit 这条新闻由卫星向全世界传送。 这条新闻由卫星向全世界传送。 The news was beamed to the whole globe by satellites. 2. n. 1) a bright and happy look or smile The old lady opened the door with a beam. 2) a ray or shaft of light The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky over the airport.

B. Answer the questions about the conversation by way of group discussion or traditional teacher student interaction; C. Go through the second conversation with the same steps as above; D. Do Exercise 4 in pairs or groups. 3) Listening Practice Before ending class, the teacher tells
A. lets the students answer the text related questions which they have prepared, helps them identify the main idea of each paragraph and analyzes some difficult sentences and some language points while discussing the whole text with the students; (one and a half periods) B. guides the students through the exercises, focusing on certain items or leaving some exercises as the students homework, according to the students different levels of English. (one period)
全新版大学进阶英语第一册 U2 Freshman Year语法词汇

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程第一册第二单元语法词汇Unit 2 The Freshman Year一、Text生词in tow: following behind 跟随e.g. Trying to shop with three children in tow is no joke.购物时有三个孩子跟着可不是闹着玩的。
one’s heart/thoughts go(es) out to sb: one feels a lot of sympathy towards sb. 对某人表示同情或慰问e.g.“We have expressed our sympathies to the family in the traffic accident and our hearts go out to them at this very sad time,” he said.“我们对遭遇交通事故的家庭深表同情,在这个悲伤的时刻我们的心与他们同在,”他说。
take charge (of sb. or sth.): take control 照管e.g. She took charge of the project and made sure it was finished on time.她负责这个项目,确保项目准时完成。
(stand) in line:站队,排队e.g.They stood in line for several hours for tonight’s tickets.为了今晚的票子他们排了几个小时的队。
reflect on: think carefully about sth.; show 思考,深思;(对声誉等)带来影响e.g. He sat in the garden and reflected on what he had just read.他坐在花园里思考着所阅读的内容。
if not: perhaps; indicating possibility of being more remarkable (greater or better or sooner) than 要是不……e.g. Let’s meet tonight if not sooner.我们最迟今晚见面吧。

高职国际进阶英语综合教程2词汇归纳Text A1.Liverpool 利物浦(英国城市)2.countryside n.农村,乡村3.bit n.(事物的)某一方面4.youth hostel青年旅社5.warehouse n.仓库6.dock n.码头,船坞v. 使船停靠码头7.docks港区Liverpool docks利物浦港区8.address n.地址9.postcode n. 邮政编码10.tourist information office旅游资讯中心11.opposite prep. 在……的对面12.counter n. 柜台13.crossing n.十字路口14.traffic n. 交通常用搭配:traffic lights 交通灯;traffic island 安全岛;traffic jam 交通阻塞;traffic accident交通事故15.roundabout n. 街心转盘,(交通)环岛,环形交叉路口16.upside down倒置地,颠倒的常用搭配:turn sth upside down 彻底搜查,把……翻个底朝天17.instead of prep.而不是Text B18.Chinatown n. 唐人街19.San Francisco旧金山(美国城市)20.arch n. 拱;拱门;拱形结构21.entrance n. 入口22.tourist attraction吸引游客的事物;旅游胜地23.shrine n.圣殿,圣坛24.cultural adj.文化的mercial adj.商业的26.bar n. 酒吧27.pub n. [英]酒馆,酒吧pany n. 公司29.fashion n.时尚,流行,时装常用搭配:be in fashion 风行;come into fashion 开始流行;be/go out of fashion 不流行,落伍30.rock band摇滚乐队31.practise vi. 从业,从事……工作munity n. 社区33.chairman n. 主席34.legal adj. 法律的;合法的illegal adj. 不合法的,违法的35.enquiry n. 询问36.mixture n. 混合物,混合体mix vt. 混合,调和,掺和37.origin n. 出身,来源38.root n.祖先,根39.architecture n.建筑40.mural n.壁画41.distance n.距离42.connection n. 联系,关系43.staff n.全体职员常用搭配:full-time/part-time staff 全职/兼职人员;join the staff成为员工;teaching/nursing staff 教职员工/护理人员;a member of staff 一名员工44.décor n. 装饰布局45.atmosphere n. 气氛46.celebration n. 庆祝,庆祝活动常用搭配:in celebration of sth 庆祝某事47.parade n. (庆祝)游行48.float n. (游行)彩车49.dragon n. 龙50.performance n. 表演51.acrobatics n. 杂技52.martial arts武术53.homesick adj. 想家的,思乡的。

UNIT2TEXTAbe lost in / lose oneself in: be absorbed in; be fully occupied with- He was lost in playing computer games so he was unaware of my entering the room.- I had lost myself in thought.- 他忙于这项工作而对周围的一切都很漠然。
(He was lost to the world in this task.)available: adj.1. able to be got, obtained, used, etc.- If you don’t want to buy a kite, you can make your own using directions available in the book. - We have already used up all the available space.- 对不起,这种外套没有你要的颜色和尺码。
(I’m sorry. Those overcoats are not available in your color and size. )2. able to be visited or seen; not too busy- 律师现在没空。
(The lawyer is not available now.)or something: used when you are not very sure about what you have just said- The air fare was a hundred and ninety-nine pounds or something.- Here’s some money. Get yourself a sandwich or something.NB:同义的短语:or something like thatgo ahead: continue; begin (sometimes followed by with + n.)- The board of directors will vote today on whether to go ahead with the plan.- Henry will be late but we will go ahead with the meeting anyway.estimate:1. vt. form a judgment about (a quantity or value)- Bill’s personal riches were estimated at $368 million.- I estimate that the total cost for the treatment of the disease will go from $5,000 to $8,000. - 我估计她有35岁。
综合教程1 Unit2森林里的小木屋 翻译

一天, 爸爸说春天来了。
一天晚上, 他扎了很大一捆毛皮。
毛皮太多,爸爸把它们紧紧捆在一起时, 这堆毛皮几乎和他一样高。
清晨, 爸爸把这一大捆毛皮背在肩上, 向城镇出发了。
劳拉和玛莉从没见过城镇, 也没见过商店。
但是她们知道城里有好多的房屋, 还有一家满是糖果、印花布和其他神奇东西的商店。
太阳下沉到树梢上, 冰柱上的水也不再往下滴, 她们开始急切地盼望着爸爸的归来。
太阳已经不见了, 森林也渐渐暗了下来, 爸爸没有回来。
妈妈准备好晚餐, 摆好了桌子, 爸爸还是没有回来。
到了平时干杂活的时间, 他依然没有回来。
妈妈说,劳拉可以和她一起去挤牛奶, 因为劳拉可以帮忙提灯笼。
劳拉穿上了外套, 妈妈帮她系好扣子。
妈妈点燃了灯笼里的蜡烛, 劳拉则戴上了她的红色手套。
两只手套由一根红纱绳连着, 挂在脖子上。
灯笼壁是用锡皮做的, 上面有一些豁口,以便烛光透出来。

8. wit
9. make… come alive
10. distribute handouts
11. a word of warning
11. The clear perception
12. scrape out
13. pause every mouthful
14.slide down one’s cheek
15. before or since
6. develop ourselves into a model environment
7. not unmitigated encouragement
8. give sb. a glimpse of
3. form relationships with sb.
4. survive on limitedfinancial resources
5. a new-found freedom
6. attend lectures
2. mobile phone subscriber
3. famous tourist sights
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adjust v. change slightly in order to make suitable for a particular purpose or situation
attic n. a space or room under the roof of a house, often used for storing things awfully ad. very
calculate v. find sth. out by using mathematics
code n. a set of instructions that tell a computer what to do
county n.
crinkly a. having many thin folds
dial n. the round part of a clock, watch, machine, etc. having numbers that show that time or measurement
dispute v. question or doubt the truth of sth.
fraction n. a division or a part of a whole number in mathematics
head v. be at the top of
insert v. Put sth. inside or into sth. else
inspector n. an official whose job is to check sth.
loftily ad. in a way to show belief of being better than other people
mechanical a. worked by machines
nonchalantly ad. in a way to behave calmly and seem not to worry or care about anything
punch n. the action of pressing a key or button in order to activate a device or perform an operation
scornful a. Showing great disrespect for sb. or sth.
screen n. the part of a television or computer where the picture or information appears
slot n. an assigned place and time in a sequence or schedule
superior a. thinking oneself better than others
telebook n. a book written for presentation on television
tuck v. put sth. into a small space, esp. in order to protect or hide it
whistle v.make a high or musical sound by blowing air out through one’s lips in no time: very quickly or soon, esp. in a way that is surprising.
send for ask or order sb. to come by sending him/her a message。