1. 登录华为交换机。
ssh -l username。
2. 查看交换机当前配置。
display current-configuration。
3. 配置交换机接口。
interface Vlanif1。
ip address。
4. 配置交换机VLAN。
vlan 10。
这条命令将创建一个VLAN ID为10的VLAN。
5. 配置交换机路由。
ip route-static。
一.准备网口转串口线(母头),串口(公头)转USB线,光转电模块,PC机,IPOP软件IPO 4.1.EXE二.连接将交换机consle口与电脑连接好之后,打开IPOP软件后,点击终端工具使用COM口进行连接操作,在管理里查看COM端口,三.配置1.配置交换机Telne验证方式为AAA认证<s5700>sys[s5700] user-interface vty 0 4[s5700-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode aaa[s5700-ui-vty0-4] quit2.配置Telnet登录用户参数,用户名、密码、用户级别。
配置用户名为admin,密码也为xinwei@123,用户级别为15级(最高级别)[s5700] aaa[s5700-aaa] local-user admin password cipher xinwei@123[s5700-aaa] local-user admin privilege level 15[s5700-aaa] local-user admin service-type telnet[s5700-aaa]q<s3700>save3.添加VLAN[s5700] vlan 2[s5700-vlan2] quit4.设定端口模式并将端口与vlan做映射[s5700]interface Ethernet0/0/1Access模式[s5700- GigabitEthernet0/0/1 ]port link-type access[s5700- GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port default vlan 2[s5700- GigabitEthernet0/0/1] description To_xiuyingTrunk模式[s5700- GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type trunk[s5700- GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 2[s5700- GigabitEthernet0/0/1] description To_xiuying[s5700-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]quit5.给VLAN添加IP[s5700]interface vlanif 2[s5700-Vlanif2]ip address[s5700-Vlanif2] description To_xiuying 可根据具体情况进行说明6.查看交换机配置[s5700]dis cu7.Telnet连接通过光转电模块用网线将PC与配置好的VLAN端口连接,电脑IP配成与VLAN网关同网段下。
Realize Your Potential华为技术有限公司Huawei S9300系列交换机详版彩页01 Huawei S9300系列交换机Huawei S9300系列是华为公司面向融合多业务的网络架构而推出的新一代高端智能T比特核心路由交换机。
该产品基于华为公司智能多层交换的技术理念,在提供稳定、可靠、安全的高性能L2/L3层交换服务S9303 S9306 S9312S9310产品特点S9300敏捷交换机,让网络更敏捷地为业务服务• S9300 敏捷单板内置高速灵活的以太网络处理器ENP,针对以太网专属设计。
通过微码编程实现新业务,客户无需更换新的硬件,快速灵活,6个月即可上线,而传统AS I C 芯片采用固定的转发架构和转发流程,新业务无法快速部署,需要等待1~3年的硬件支持。
• 凭借敏捷单板,S9300支持统一用户管理功能,屏蔽了接入层设备能力和接入方式的差异,支持802.1X/ MAC/Portal等多种认证方式,支持对用户进行分组/分域/分时的管理,用户、业务可视可控,实现了从“以设备管理为中心”到“以用户管理为中心”的飞跃。
• 凭借敏捷单板,S9300支持iPCA网络包守恒算法,改变了传统利用模拟流量做故障定位的检测模型,可对任意业务流随时随地逐点检测网络质量,无需额外开销;可在短时间内立刻检测业务闪断性故障,检测直接精准到故障端口,实现从“粗放式运维”到“精准化运维”的大转变。
• 凭借敏捷单板,S9300支持1588v2和同步以太,满足网络设备间的高精度时间同步,相比GPS的时间不同方案,提升安全的同时降低成本。
创新的CSS集群技术• S9300可通过集群卡连接和业务口连接两种方式实现虚拟化。
(完整版)华为交换机配置命令手册.doc为 QuidWay 交换机配置命令手册:1、开始建立本地配置环境,将主机的串口通过配置电缆与以太网交换机的 Console 口连接。
在主机上运行终端仿真程序(如Windows 的超级终端等),设置终端通信参数为:波特率为 9600bit/s 、8 位数据位、 1 位停止位、无校验和无流控,并选择终端类型为 VT100。
需要帮助可以随时键入“?“2、命令视图(1)用户视图(查看交换机的简单运行状态和统计信息):与交换机建立连接即进入 (2)系统视图 (配置系统参数 )[Quidway]:在用户视图下键入system- view(3)以太网端口视图(配置以太网端口参数在系统视图下键入(4)VLAN视图 (配置 VLAN参数 )[Quidway-Vlan1]:在系统视图下键入vlan 1(5)VLAN接口视图 (配置 VLAN和 VLAN汇聚对应的 IP 接口参数)[Quidway-Vlan-interface1]:在系统视图下键入interface vlan-interface 1(6)本地用户视图(配置本地用户参数)[Quidway-luser-user1]:在系统视图下键入 local-useruser1(7)用户界面视图 (配置用户界面参数 )[Quidway-ui0]:在系统视图下键入 user-interface3、其他命令设置系统时间和时区 clock time Beijing add 8设置交换机的名称[Quidway]sysname TRAIN-3026-1[TRAIN-3026-1]配置用户登录 [Quidway]user-interface vty 0 4[Quidway-ui-vty0]authentication-mode scheme创建本地用户 [Quidway]local-user huawei[Quidway-luser-huawei]password simple huawei[Quidway-luser-huawei] service-type telnet level3 4、VLAN配置方法『配置环境参数』SwitchA 端口属于 VLAN2,属于 VLAN3『组网需求』把交换机端口加入到VLAN2,加入到 VLAN3数据配置步骤『 VLAN配置流程』(1)缺省情况下所有端口都属于 VLAN 1,并且端口是 access端口,一个access端口只能属于一个 vlan;(2)如果端口是 access端口,则把端口加入到另外一个vlan 的同时,系统自动把该端口从原来的 vlan 中删除掉;(3)除了VLAN1,如果VLAN XX不存在,在系统视图下键入VLAN XX,则创建VLANXX并进入 VLAN视图;如果 VLAN XX已经存在,则进入VLAN视图。
华为交换机基本配置命令详解1、配置文件相关命令[Quidway]display current-configuration 显示当前生效的配置[Quidway]display saved-configuration显示flash中配置文件,即下次上电启动时所用的配置文件reset saved-configuration 檫除旧的配置文件reboot 交换机重启display version 显示系统版本信息2、基本配置[Quidway]super password 修改特权用户密码[Quidway]sysname 交换机命名[Quidway]interface ethernet 1/0/1 进入接口视图[Quidway]interface vlan 1进入接口视图[Quidway-Vlan-interfacex]ip address配置VLAN的IP地址[Quidway]ip route-static静态路由=网关3、telnet配置[Quidway]user-interface vty 0 4 进入虚拟终端[S3026-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode password 设置口令模式[S3026-ui-vty0-4]set authentication-mode password simple xmws123设置口令[S3026-ui-vty0-4]user privilege level 3 用户级别4、端口配置[Quidway-Ethernet1/0/1]duplex {half|full|auto} 配置端口工作状态[Quidway-Ethernet1/0/1]speed {10|100|auto} 配置端口工作速率[Quidway-Ethernet1/0/1]flow-control 配置端口流控[Quidway-Ethernet1/0/1]mdi {across|auto|normal} 配置端口平接扭接[Quidway-Ethernet1/0/1]port link-type {trunk|access|hybrid} 设置端口工作模式[Quidway-Ethernet1/0/1]undo shutdown 激活端口[Quidway-Ethernet1/0/2]quit 退出系统视图5、链路聚合配置[DeviceA] link-aggregation group 1 mode manual 创建手工聚合组1[Qw_A] interface ethernet 1/0/1 将以太网端口Ethernet1/0/1加入聚合组1 [Qw_A-Ethernet1/0/1] port link-aggregation group 1[Qw_A-Ethernet1/0/1] interface ethernet 1/0/2 将以太网端口Ethernet1/0/1加入聚合组1[Qw_A-Ethernet1/0/2] port link-aggregation group 1[Qw_A] link-aggregation group 1 service-type tunnel # 在手工聚合组的基础上创建t unnel业务环回组。
2、连接交换机,通过超级终端连接交换机下图是超级终端软件:点击文件-新建输入连接的名字这里随便起名子,方便记忆就好然后选择要连接的COM口从电脑硬件管理里可以看到有几个COM口可以使用选择需要的COM口点确定出现下面的对话框如图:在商品设置的第一项选择9600 华为交换机为这个波特率在数据流控制上选择无即可这样就可以连接到交换机了如果没有出现提示就按下回车键如图:输入正确的密码就可以登录进交换机了下面我们开始配置WEB的一系列操作首先我们要查看一下交换上有没有WEB的系统文件,通过DIR 命令查看如下图:记住这个文件名,后面会用到这个文件名要加载这个文件才能开启WEB功能然后进入到系统模式输入密码登录后是查看模式很多命令是不支持的,所在要进入到系统模式下输入system 进入到系统模式下先加载一下刚才说的WEB配置文件,用下面的命令加载[S5700-24]http server load s5700-v200r005c00spc500.web.7z这样就把WEB文件加载好了,下一步开启HTTP安全服务执行命令:http secure-server 这个命令就是开启WEB安全服务这个命令必须在加载WEB配置文件后才能执行继续执行开启HTTP 命令:http server enable 这个命令是开启HTTP功能,到现在为止已经把WEB配置文件及服务已经开启但现在还是不能登录的,因为还没有配置用户和用户级别下面开始配置用户及用户级别等我们本配置用户需要先配置AAA 配置执行命令:AAA 进入到AAA配置,配置用户名和密码执行下面的命令:local-user admin password cipher hw123456 解释一下这个命令的含义:admin 是用户名hw123456 是密码配置用户级别命令为:local-user admin privilege level 15 配置用户级别是15 也是最高的级别。
CSS 或堆叠),是将 华为S9312集群CSS 配置CSS 简介:CSS 是Cluster Switch System 的简称,又被称为集群交换机系统(简称为 2台交换机通过专用的堆叠电缆链接起来,对外呈现为一台逻辑交换机。
目的:随着数据中心数据访问量的逐渐增大以及网络可靠性要求越来越高,单台交换机已经无法满足 需求,而通过交换机的堆叠能够实现数据中心大数据量转发和网络高可靠性。
受益:CSS 特性给运营商带来了明显的收益:扩容网络时,保护已有投资。
原理描述:在主控板SRU 的子卡槽位插入堆叠卡 VSTSA ,原有主控板、接口板、机框不用更新,就可以支 持堆叠。
两台设备都有两块主控板的情况下,通过专用的堆叠电缆将这 8组堆叠口按照图1规则连接起来。
堆叠口连接规则是固定的,所 有堆叠口都要插上堆叠线缆,不能随意连接。
命令参考: css enable 命令用来使能设备的堆叠功能。
undo css enable 命令用来去使能设备的堆叠功能。
undo css enable [ all | frame frame-id ]图1堆叠电缆连接规则all去使能堆叠系统中所有设备的堆叠功能。
set css {id new-id | priority priority } [ frame frame-id ]id new-id表示配置生效后的堆叠机框ID。
缺省值为1.priority priority表示配置生效后的堆叠竞争优先级。
frame frame-id指定要修改配置的堆叠机框当前ID。
华为S9306 S9303 S9312简单实用配置合集
![华为S9306 S9303 S9312简单实用配置合集](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2c69b4647fd5360cba1adbd8.png)
InUti/OutUti: input utility/output utility
Interface PHY Protocol InUti OutUti inErrors outErrors
Ethernet0/0/0 down down 0% 0% 0 0
Connector Type :LC
Wavelength(nm) :850
Transfer Distance(m) :500(50um),300(62.5um)
Digital Diagnostic Monitoring :YES
GigabitEthernet1/0/1 transceiver information:
华为交换机常用指令一、交换机设备登陆及配置:1、设备登陆配置我中心维护汇聚和热点交换机,交换机类型为5300、2300和GPON,交换机使用secure CRT软件登录。
刷交换机所需要的信息:在3a模式下用户名和密码;snmp 为网络管理协议,配置网管所需的指令,固定不变; telnet配置——远程登陆配置信息。
System //进入配置模式sysname SDJN-WLAN-SW-ZRSJGC-1-S5328 //给交换机命名vlan 1 2001 2101 2126 to 2127 2218 2501 //创建vlanbpdu-tunnel reserved03 group-mac 0100-5e99-9999 //交换机支持sim认证使用,网维提供的。
配置图如下:1、在路由器AR1设置本地登录用户视图(console端口)登录密码<Huawei>system-view //进入系统视图[Huawei]user-interface console 0//进入用户视图[Huawei-ui-console0]authentication-mode password //配置用户视图密码,最长16位Please configure the login password (maximum length 16):wltx //输入密码wltx[Huawei-ui-console0]set authentication password cipher 123 //修改用户视图验证密码,可跟56位密文[Huawei-ui-console0]return //回到用户视图,如前面的是<Huawei>,说明回到了用户视图。
<Huawei>save//保存配置The current configuration will be written to the device.Are you sure to continue? (y/n)[n]:y //按y确认保存<Huawei>quit //退出Configuration console exit please press any key to log onLogin authenticationPassword: //再次登录用户视图需要输入密码此时登录则需要输入密码才能进入用户视图,如果要取消安全认证,则执行以下命令。
支持DHCP Snooping,防止欺骗的DHCP服务器;支持动态ARP检测,防止中间人攻击和ARP拒绝服务;支持BPDU guard,Root guard;支持uRPF(单播反向路径检测),杜绝IP源地址欺骗,防范病毒和攻击
硬件支持分布式IPv4线速处理,并提供中文版IPv4路由协议和组播协议的操作手册和命令行手册,其中路由协议必须支持RIPng、OSPF V3、IPv6 IS-IS和IPv6 BGP,组播协议必须支持IGMP V1/V2/V3 Snooping、PIM-SM、PIM-DM、PIM-SSM
硬件支持分布式IPv6线速处理,并提供中文版IPv6路由协议和隧道协议的操作手册和命令行手册,其中路由协议必须支持RIPng、OSPF V3、IPv6 IS-IS和IPv6 BGP,隧道协议必须支持IPv6手动隧道、6to4隧道和ISATAP隧道;支持MLD Snooping和IPv6 PIM
支持路由协议的Graceful Restart技术;
Huawei S9300 SwitchProduct BrochuresRealize Your Potential01 Huawei S9300 Switch Product S9303 S9306S9312 Product OverviewProduct FeaturesAgile Switch, Enabling Networks to Be More Agile for Services• The high-speed ENP is tailored for Ethernet networks. The ENP's flexible packet processing and traffic control capabilities can meet current and future service requirements and help build a highly scalable network. The ENP has a fully programmable architecture, in which customers can define their own forwarding models, forwarding behaviors, and lookup algorithms. Microcode programmability enables new services to be provisioned within six months, without the need of replacing the hardware. In contrast, with traditional ASIC chips, new services cannot be provisioned until new hardware is developed to support the services, which may take 1 to 3 years, because ASIC chips use a fixed forwarding architecture and follow a fixed forwarding process.• By using an ENP board, the S9300 supports the unified user management function to authenticate both wired and wireless users, ensuring a consistent user experience regardless of whether they use wired or wireless access devices to connect to the network. The unified user management function supports various authentication methods, including 802.1x, MA C, and Portal authentications, and is capable of managing users based on user groups, domains, and time ranges. This function visualizes user and service management and enables the transformation from device-centric management to user-centric management.• The ENP board supports the Packet Conservation Algorithm for Internet (iPCA) function, which changes the traditional method of using simulated traffic for fault location. iPCA technology can monitor network quality for any service flow at any network node, at any time, and without extra costs. It can detect temporary service interruptions in a very short time and precisely identify faulty ports. This cutting-edge fault detection technology turns "extensive management" to "fine granular management."• Huawei's IEEE 1588v2 and Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) solutions enable high-precision time synchronization between network devices. Compared with the Global Positioning System (GPS) time synchronization solution, Huawei's solutions enhance security while reducing costs. Innovative CSS Technology• S9300 switches can set up a clustering switch system (CSS) through cluster cards or service ports. The CSS providesindustry-leading 320 Gbps inter-chassis bandwidth dueto Huawei's novel approach of using the switching fabric clustering technology in CSS. Member switches can be connected through the service ports on LPUs. Theseservice ports can be configured as stack member portsand added to a logical stack port to enable connectionthrough SFP+ optical modules and fibers, or direct connection through SFP+ stack cables. Virtualization technology improves link use efficiency and preventssingle-point failures through inter-chassis link aggregation.• The S9300 uses route hot backup technology to backup and uninterruptedly forward all data of the controland data planes at Layer 3. This technology significantly improves reliability and performance of the S9300. Theinter-chassis links in a CSS can be bundled to improve linkuse efficiency and eliminate single-point failures.• The S9300 can use common service ports as cluster ports,and member switches can be connected through opticalfibers. This increases the permitted distance between switches in the CSS.• All member switches in a CSS are managed through asingle IP address, which simplifies network device and topology management, improves network operationefficiency, and reduces maintenance costs.Carrier-Class Reliability• The S9300's key components, such as MPUs, power supplies, and fans trays, use a redundant design, and all modules are hot swappable to ensure stable network running.• The S9300 supports 3.3 ms hardware-based BFD for staticroutes and routing protocols such as RIP, OSPF, BGP, IS-IS, VRRP, PIM, and MPLS. Hardware-based BFD significantly improves network reliability.• The S9300 supports High-speed Self Recovery (HSR) technology. Using Huawei's ENP cards, the S9300 is the industry's only switch that implements end-to-end IPMPLS bearer network protection switchover within 50 ms, improving network reliability.• The S9300 supports hardware-based Ethernet OA Min compliance with IEEE 802.3ah, 802.1ag, and ITU-Y.1731. Hardware-based Ethernet OAM can collect precise network parameters, such as transmission latency andjitter, to help customers monitor network operating statusin real time and to realize fast fault detection, location,and failover.• The S9300 supports Graceful Restart (GR) technology to implement nonstop forwarding (NSF) and ensure reliableand high-speed operation of the entire network.02Powerful Service Processing Capabilities• The S9300 provides high-density 10GE ports and provide 4 x 100GE line card, Each S9312 chassis can provide a maximum of 576 x 10GE ports and 48 x 100GE ports, meeting the requirements of bandwidth-consuming applications, such as multimedia conferencing and data access.• Based on a multi-service routing and switching platform, the S9300 provides wireless access, voice, video, and data services for network access, aggregation, and core layers, helping customers build a highly reliable, low-latency, and multi-service network.• The S9300 supports distributed MPLS L2/L3VPN functions including MPLS, virtual private LA N service (VPLS), hierarchical VPLS (HVPLS), and virtual leased line (VLL), to provide secure access for VPN users.• The S9300 supports comprehensive Layer 2 and Layer 3 multicast protocols, including Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse Mode (PIM SM), PIM Dense Mode (DM), PIM Source-Specific Multicast (SSM), Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD), and Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping, to ensure high-quality HD video surveillance and video conferencing services.• The Service Chain feature virtualizes the value-added service processing capabilities, such as firewall, so that campus networks can utilize these capabilities in an undifferentiated manner. That is, these capabilities can be used without location constraint.• The software platform where the S9300 runs supports various routing protocols (including IPv6) to meet carriers' network requirements and allows carriers to smoothly upgrade their networks to IPv6.Various Network Traffic Analysis Functions• The S9300 supports NetStream, including V5/V8/V9 versions. The NetStream features involve aggregation traffic template, real-time traffic sampling, dynamic report generation, traffic attribute analysis, and traffic exception alarms. The S9300 sends traffic statistics logs to master and backup servers simultaneously to avoid data loss. NetStream helps monitor the operating status and traffic model on the entire network. It also provides fault pre-detection, effective fault rectification, fast problem handling, and security monitoring capabilities to help customers optimize network structure and adjust service deployment.Comprehensive Security Measures• The S9300 supports MAC security (MACSec) that enables hop-by-hop secure data transmission. The S9300 can beapplied to scenarios that pose high requirements on data confidentiality, such as government and finance sectors.• NGFW is a next-generation firewall card installed on an S9300. In addition to the traditional defense functions, such as identity authentication and Anti-DDoS, the NGFW supports IPS, anti-spam, web security, and application control functions.• The S9300 provides comprehensive network admission control (NAC) solutions, involving MAC, 802.1x, and Portal authentications as well as authentication triggered by DHCP snooping. These authentication methods ensure the security of various access users, such as dumb terminals, mobile users, and users allocated dynamic IP addresses. Comprehensive IPv6 Solution• The S9300 software and hardware platforms support IPv6. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has certified the S9300 as IPv6 network-access compliant and has awarded IPv6 Ready Logo Phase 2 certification.• The S9300 supports IPv6 routing protocols such as RIPng, OSPFv3, IS-ISv6, as well as IPv6 static routes, and supports BGP4+, MLD v1/v2, MLD snooping, PIM-SM/DMv6, and PIM-SSMv6.• The S9300 supports various IPv4-to-IPv6 technologies to ensure seamless network migration. The technologies include IPv6 manual tunnel, 6to4 tunnel, Intra-site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP) tunnel, Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnel, and IPv4-compatible automatic tunnel.Innovative Energy Saving Design• The S9300 uses a rotating ventilation channel to improve heat dissipation efficiency and a variable-current chip to dynamically adjust power according to traffic volume. These technologies reduce power consumption of the entire chassis by 11%. The S9300 supports port sleeping. Idle ports enter the sleeping state to reduce power consumption.• The S9300 supports intelligent fan-speed adjustment, in which fans are grouped into multiple zones and fan speed in each zone is adjusted individually based on service loads. This technology lowers power consumption, reduces noise, and extends the service life of fans.• The S9300 supports Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) in compliance with IEEE 802.3az. Transceivers on line cards can quickly transition to the lower power idle state to reduce power consumption when no traffic is being transmitted.03VXLAN• VXLAN is used to construct a Unified Virtual Fabric (UVF). As such, multiple service networks or tenant networks can be deployed on the same physical network, and service and tenant networks are isolated from each other. This capability truly achieves 'one network for multiple purposes'. The resulting benefits include enabling data transmission of different servicesor customers, reducing the network construction costs, and improving network resource utilization. The S9300 series switches are VXLAN-capable and allow centralized and distributed VXLAN gateway deployment modes. These switches alsosupport the BGP EVPN protocol for dynamically establishing VXLAN tunnels and can be configured using NETCONF/YANG.OPS• Open Programmability System (OPS) is an open programmable system based on the Python language. IT administratorscan program the O&M functions of a switch through Python scripts to quickly innovate functions and implement intelligentO&M.Big Data Security Collaboration• Agile switches use NetStream to collect campus network data and then report such data to the Huawei Cybersecurity Intelligence System (CIS). The purposes of doing so are to detect network security threats, display the security posture acrossthe entire network, and enable automated or manual response to security threats. The CIS delivers the security policies to theAgile Controller. The Agile Controller then delivers such policies to agile switches that will handle security events accordingly.All these ensure campus network security.Intelligent Diagnosis• Open Intelligent Diagnosis System (OIDS) integrates the device health monitoring and fault diagnosis functions – that are typically deployed on a Network Management System (NMS) – into the switch software to implement intelligent diagnosison a single switch. After OIDS is deployed on a switch, the switch periodically collects and records the running informationand automatically determines whether a fault occurs. If a fault occurs, the switch automatically locates the fault or helpslocate the fault. All these merits increase fault locating efficiency of O&M staff while improving device maintainability.04Product Specifications0506Product List07080910111213 Applications Applications in Carriers' MANs Applications in Large-Scale Data Centers The S9300 provides carrier-class reliability, security, and manageability. By converging DSLAM, LAN, and enterprise access services, the S9300 provides large-capacity switching and high-density 10G interfaces. At the convergence layer, the interface rate can be smoothly upgraded from 10GE to 40GE/100GE, meeting the increasing bandwidth requirements of ISP networks. The S9300 supports features such as RRPP , Ethernet OAM, VRRP , and MPLS L2/L3VPN, and satisfies the requirements for IPTV, high speed Internet (HSI), and enterprise leased lines.The S9300 switches function as high-density 10G core and aggregation nodes in large-scale data centers, helping enterprises build highly reliable, non-blocking, and virtualized data center networks. The S9300 switches use various technologies, including IP FRR, hardware-level BFD, NSF, VRRP , and E-Trunk, to ensure uninterrupted services. In addition, the S9300 switches support the CSS function to improve network IT efficiency and reduce network maintenance costs.For more information, visit / or contact your local Huawei sales office.Web & Email Application Application Database S2300Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2018. All rights reserved.Trademark NoticeGeneral Disclaimer, HUAWEI, and are trademarks or registered trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Other trademarks, product, service and company names mentioned are the property of their respective owners.The information in this document may contain predictive statements including, without limitation, statements regarding the future financial and operating results, future product portfolio, new technology, etc. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the predictive statements. Therefore, such information is provided for reference purpose only and constitutes neither an offer nor an acceptance. Huawei maychange the information at any time without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.Huawei Industrial Base Bantian Longgang Shenzhen 518129,P.R.China Tel: +86 755 。
1. 首先,连接华为交换机到电源,并将其连接到本地网络。
2. 连接到交换机的计算机上,打开一个浏览器,并输入交换机的IP地址。
3. 在登录页面上,输入正确的用户名和密码。
4. 成功登陆后,您将进入华为交换机的控制面板。
5. 如果您想配置VLAN,在控制面板上找到“VLAN”选项,并点击进入。
6. 如果您想设置端口安全性,找到“安全性”选项,并点击进入。
7. 如果您想配置子接口,在控制面板上找到“接口”选项,并点击进入。
在接口页面上,您可以配置交换机的子接口参数,如VLAN ID,IP地址等等。
8. 配置完成后,记得保存并应用您的改动。
一、首先将电脑连接交换机C ONSOLE口,这里介绍终端仿真程序secureCRT使用方法
dis cu 查看全局配置
sys 进入配置模式
int GigabitEthernet1/0/4 进入交换机端口1/0/4
dis th 查看端口的配置
shutdown 闭掉该端口
undo shutdown 解闭端口
[SDZOZ-MC-CMNET-SW10-S9312-ZXL2]int gi 1/0/4
[SDZOZ-MC-CMNET-SW10-S9312-ZXL2-GigabitEthernet1/0/4]dis th
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4
undo negotiation auto
description TO-[BeiEr]-PTN-GongYingCangKu
eth-trunk 3
carrier down-hold-time 200
一、基本配置命令:1.设置设备主机名:[HUAWEI] sysname Switch //将设备主机名设置为Switch2.配置管理口:[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1 //进入GigabitEthernet 0/0/1接口[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type access //设置接口类型为access[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port default vlan 10 //设置默认VLAN为103.配置IP地址:[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] ip address //配置接口IP地址为192.168.1.1,子网掩码为255.255.255.04.设置设备登录认证:[Switch] aaa //进入AAA视图[Switch-aaa] local-user admin //创建本地用户admin[Switch-aaa] password simple admin123 //设置密码为admin1235.开启SSH远程登录:[Switch] ssh server enable //开启SSH服务[Switch] ssh user admin //创建SSH用户admin[Switch-ssh-user-admin] authentication-type password //设置认证方式为密码[Switch-ssh-user-admin] service-type stelnet //设置服务类型为SSH二、端口配置命令:1.查看端口状态:[Switch] display interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1 //查看GigabitEthernet 0/0/1接口的状态信息2.端口速率设置:[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1 //进入GigabitEthernet 0/0/1接口[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] speed 100 //设置速率为100Mbps 3.端口流量控制:[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1 //进入GigabitEthernet 0/0/1接口[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] flow-control //开启流量控制4.端口VLAN成员关系设置:[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1 //进入GigabitEthernet 0/0/1接口[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type trunk //设置接口类型为trunk[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 1020 //设置允许通过的VLAN为10和20三、VLAN配置命令:1.创建VLAN:[Switch] vlan 10 //创建VLAN 10[Switch-vlan10] quit //退出VLAN 10视图2.VLAN接口配置:[Switch] interface vlanif 10 //进入VLAN 10接口[Switch-Vlan-interface10] ip address //配置接口IP地址为192.168.10.1,子网掩码为255.255.255.03.VLAN端口关联:[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1 //进入GigabitEthernet 0/0/1接口[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type hybrid //设置接口类型为hybrid(混合)[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port hybrid vlan 10 untagged //设置接口为VLAN 10的未标记端口四、其他常用命令:1.查看设备信息:[Switch] display version //查看设备版本信息[Switch] display interface brief //查看所有接口的基本信息2.保存配置:[Switch] save //保存当前配置3.重启设备:[Switch] reboot //重启设备以上是一些常用的华为交换机配置命令。
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华为9312交换机log信息下载操作指引通过display logbuffer命令可以查询到华为9312交换机上的log信息,但是由于logbuffer 的大小有限,往往只能看到很短时间内的日志信息,历史的log信息就无法通过该命令进行查看;需要查询历史log信息,需要通过FTP方式登陆9312交换机,下载历史log信息,具体操作步骤如下1、开启9312交换机的FTP访问权限,在全局模式下输入命令:[GDGZ-MA-IPMAN-FC-SW01-S9312]ftp server enable2、登陆账号FTP访问权限放通。
在service-type中增加ftp,另外需要配置ftp-directory,没有配置ftp-directory,则无法成功FTP登陆[GDGZ-MA-IPMAN-FC-SW01-S9312-aaa] local-user hjy139******** service-type ftp telnet [GDGZ-MA-IPMAN-FC-SW01-S9312-aaa]local-user hjy139******** ftp-directory cfcard:/3、在全局模式下查看9312交换机的历史log文件,历史log文件存放位置在cfcard:/ logfile<GDGZ-MA-IPMAN-FC-SW01-S9312>dirDirectory of cfcard:/Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time FileName0 drw- - Jan 28 2011 08:00:56 logfile1 -rw- 198 Jan 05 2011 17:14:40 $_patchstate_a2 -rw- 4 Jan 28 2011 13:40:20 snmpnotilog.txt3 -rw- 8,882 Jan 15 2011 10:04:30 private-data.txt4 -rw- 6,693 Jan 28 2011 14:25:16 vrpcfg.zip5 -rw- 1,730,668 Jan 05 2011 16:20:56 s9300v100r001sph017.pat6 -rw- 22,313,196 Dec 05 2009 13:44:16 7 -rw- 140,708 Jan 05 2011 17:14:40 patchhistory8 -rw- 0 Dec 17 2009 08:36:46 stickymac.txt9 -rw- 1,217,429 Mar 09 2010 15:36:22 s9300v100r001sph012.pat500,192 KB total (415,904 KB free)<GDGZ-MA-IPMAN-FC-SW01-S9312>cd logfile<GDGZ-MA-IPMAN-FC-SW01-S9312>dirDirectory of cfcard:/logfile/Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time FileName0 -rw- 7,150,374 Jan 28 2011 14:17:00 log.txt1 -rw- 204,765 Jan 14 2011 18:18:58 2011-01-14.18-18-52.diag.zip2 -rw- 237,550 Jan 14 2011 17:59:48 2011-01-14.17-59-41.diag.zip3 -rw- 5,512,736 Jan 28 2011 13:45:54 diag.txt4 -rw- 251,281 Jan 05 2011 21:30:12 2011-01-05.21-30-08.log.zip5 -rw- 264,187 Jan 14 2011 18:01:14 2011-01-14.18-01-09.log.zip6 -rw- 230,136 Jan 14 2011 18:21:34 2011-01-14.18-21-29.log.zip7 -rw- 205,445 Jan 14 2011 18:38:14 2011-01-14.18-38-08.diag.zip8 -rw- 231,180 Jan 14 2011 18:41:52 2011-01-14.18-41-46.log.zip9 -rw- 204,397 Jan 14 2011 18:57:14 2011-01-14.18-57-07.diag.zip10 -rw- 230,535 Jan 14 2011 19:02:04 2011-01-14.19-02-00.log.zip11 -rw- 205,018 Jan 14 2011 19:16:24 2011-01-14.19-16-19.diag.zip12 -rw- 245,137 Jan 14 2011 19:22:28 2011-01-14.19-22-23.log.zip13 -rw- 206,074 Jan 14 2011 19:35:36 2011-01-14.19-35-32.diag.zip14 -rw- 231,134 Jan 14 2011 19:42:34 2011-01-14.19-42-28.log.zip(省略N行)500,192 KB total (415,904 KB free)<GDGZ-MA-IPMAN-FC-SW01-S9312>4、登陆城域网网管服务器,将9312交换机上的历史log文件先FTP下载到城域网网管服务器上。
[root@CISCONMSGZ ~]# ftp fc-sw01Connected to FC-SW01.220 FTP service ready.530 Please login with USER and PASS.530 Please login with USER and PASS.KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication typeName (fc-sw01:root): hjy139********331 Password required for hjy139********.Password:230 User logged in.Remote system type is VRP.ftp> ls227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,27,43,200,52).125 ASCII mode data connection already open, transfer starting for *.drwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 0 Jan 28 08:00 logfile-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 198 Jan 05 17:14 $_patchstate_a-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 4 Jan 28 13:40 snmpnotilog.txt-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 8882 Jan 15 10:04 private-data.txt-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 6693 Jan 28 14:25 vrpcfg.zip-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 1730668 Jan 05 16:20 s9300v100r001sph017.pat-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 22313196 Dec 05 2009 -rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 140708 Jan 05 17:14 patchhistory-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 0 Dec 17 2009 stickymac.txt-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 1217429 Mar 09 2010 s9300v100r001sph012.pat226 Transfer complete.ftp> cd logfile250 CWD command successful.ftp> ls227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,27,43,202,227).125 ASCII mode data connection already open, transfer starting for *.drwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 0 Jan 28 08:00 .drwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 0 Jan 28 14:25 ..-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 7150374 Jan 28 14:17 log.txt-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 204765 Jan 14 18:18 2011-01-14.18-18-52.diag.zip-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 237550 Jan 14 17:59 2011-01-14.17-59-41.diag.zip-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 5512736 Jan 28 13:45 diag.txt-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 251281 Jan 05 21:30 2011-01-05.21-30-08.log.zip-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 264187 Jan 14 18:01 2011-01-14.18-01-09.log.zip-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 230136 Jan 14 18:21 2011-01-14.18-21-29.log.zip-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 205445 Jan 14 18:38 2011-01-14.18-38-08.diag.zip-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 231180 Jan 14 18:41 2011-01-14.18-41-46.log.zip-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 204397 Jan 14 18:57 2011-01-14.18-57-07.diag.zip-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 230535 Jan 14 19:02 2011-01-14.19-02-00.log.zip-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 205018 Jan 14 19:16 2011-01-14.19-16-19.diag.zip-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 245137 Jan 14 19:22 2011-01-14.19-22-23.log.zip-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 206074 Jan 14 19:35 2011-01-14.19-35-32.diag.zip-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 231134 Jan 14 19:42 2011-01-14.19-42-28.log.zip(省略N行)226 Transfer complete.ftp> bin200 Type set to I.ftp> get 2011-01-02.09-58-00.log.ziplocal: 2011-01-02.09-58-00.log.zip remote: 2011-01-02.09-58-00.log.zip227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,27,43,200,162).125 BINARY mode data connection already open, transfer starting for 2011-01-02.09-58-00.log.zip.226 Transfer complete.258483 bytes received in 1.1 seconds (2.4e+02 Kbytes/s)ftp> bye221 Server closing.[root@CISCONMSGZ ~]# ls -ltotal 27548-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 190954 Oct 20 08:53 2010-10-13.15-35-11.log.zip-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 200062 Oct 20 08:56 2010-10-14.07-57-19.log.zip-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 258483 Jan 28 13:54 2011-01-02.09-58-00.log.zip-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 273550 Jan 27 22:21 2011-01-27.13-01-46.log.zip-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 290309 Jan 27 22:25 2011-01-27.20-01-08.log.zip-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 287129 Jan 27 22:26 2011-01-27.21-05-31.log.zip-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 249494 Jan 28 13:05 2011-01-27.21-24-16.diag.zip-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 292336 Jan 27 22:28 2011-01-27.22-09-34.log.zip-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 304690 Jan 27 22:30 2011-01-27.23-13-39.log.zipdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 4 2009 Desktopdrwxr-xr-x 19 1000 1000 4096 Jan 19 16:21 Python-2.5.1-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11060830 Sep 28 14:54 Python-2.5.1.tar-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1520 Sep 29 2008 anaconda-ks.cfg-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5036 Jul 26 2010 ciscocrs.js-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 139851 Oct 20 17:17 diag.gz-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8156741 Oct 20 16:45 diag.txt-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Dec 12 18:06 exit-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 880 Jan 5 2010 gzzhuji.txt-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 59877 Sep 29 2008 install.log-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5335 Sep 29 2008 install.log.syslog-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 123360 Oct 20 17:18 log.gz-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6120033 Oct 20 17:03 log.txt-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7145 Jan 5 2010 login.js-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 125 Apr 19 2010 mysh.sh-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7535 Jan 12 2010 nt.py.bak0120drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 20 08:12 pm-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1696 Jul 26 2010 syslog.jsdrwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Feb 11 2010 web[root@CISCONMSGZ ~]#4、在网管网终端上,进入dos界面,FTP登陆城域网网管服务器,下载历史log文件,完成下载后,可以在网管网终端的相关路径下(C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator)看到历史log文件C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ftp to (vsFTPd 2.0.1)User ( root331 Please specify the password.Password:230 Login successful.ftp> ls200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.150 Here comes the directory listing.2011-01-02.09-58-00.log.zip2011-01-27.22-09-34.log.zip2011-01-27.23-13-39.log.zipDesktopPython-2.5.1Python-2.5.1.taranaconda-ks.cfgciscocrs.jsdiag.gzdiag.txtexitgzzhuji.txtinstall.loginstall.log.sysloglog.gzlog.txtlogin.jsmysh.shnt.py.bak0120pmsyslog.jsweb226 Directory send OK.ftp: 收到301 字节,用时0.03Seconds 9.41Kbytes/sec.ftp> bin200 Type set to I.ftp> get 2011-01-02.09-58-00.log.zip200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 2011-01-02.09-58-00.log.zip (292336 bytes).226 File send OK.ftp: 收到292336 字节,用时0.09Seconds 3109.96Kbytes/sec.ftp>5、完成下载后,登陆城域网网管服务器,删除刚刚下载的文件,避免堆积太多文件[root@CISCONMSGZ ~]# rm 2011-01-02.09-58-00.log.ziprm: remove regular file `2011-01-02.09-58-00.log.zip'? y6、登陆城域网9312交换机,关闭FTP server[GDGZ-MA-IPMAN-FC-SW01-S9312]undo ftp serverInfo: Succeeded in closing the FTP server.[GDGZ-MA-IPMAN-FC-SW01-S9312]。