四川师范大学 写作学 高等写作思维训练·上编·课件
第一章:从“边缘”到“中心”: 信息社会、写作时代与写作学科
第1节 信息社会:人类进入“写作时代” 第2节 写作,在信息社会的作用和地位 第3节 信息社会需要建立独立的写作学科 第4节 信息社会需要独立的写作学科
第1节 信息社会:人类进入“写作时代”
新的经济要求掌握符号形象抽象的技巧,要 求合乎逻辑地说明问题和表达的能力,以及其他 方面的能力。
在这个文字密集的社会里,我们比以前更需 要具备基本的读写技能。但是我们的教育部门却 在制造日益低劣的产品。
第1节 信息社会:人类进入“写作时代”
• 一.信息社会的特征
• ⑴其决定作用的生产要素不是资本而是信息知 识;
• ——美国著名社会学家 约翰·奈比斯特
• 《大趋势——改变我们生活的十个方面》
第2节 写作,在信息社会的作用和地位
• 四.作为学习方法、过程的写作行为
• 写作要分析和综合,写作有助于能力的发展,写作能 发展勇气,还能帮助人们学习阅读,学会科学和教学。 ——美国某大学“写作过程实验室”
• 学习通过写作 ——美国80年代以来的学习观
• 八边法: 边学习——边发现——边读书——边思考 边补课——边写作——边解决——边积累
公司老总要求本周内在所有部门主任都有空的时候开个会,前题主任们必须都 参加,让秘书调查,秘书联系各位主任后回来向老总汇报(今天是周二)。 秘书调查情况如下:
而且,如果你在任何一家纽约的 办公室周围转一转,你会发现几 乎没有一个不留短络腮胡子或胡 髭的人。
你知道吗?我简直难以相信,在商业圈子 里,男人面部蓄须已达到了如此被广泛接受的 程度。
在苏黎世…… 在纽约…… 还有,在伦敦……
1.3向读者展示的写作结构应该具有金字塔的四个基本 特征
下越详细,并且都对希 望表达的主题思想起着 解释和支持的作用。
图 文章中的思想应形成单一思想统领下的金字塔结构
段 落
句 子
同级同机级关机或关者或 互不者隶互属不机隶关属 之如间函机行的是关文行最之。文典间。型的 的平如型行函的文是平。最行典文
封面页 摘要页 目录页
分 总
转场页 内容页 内容页 ……
转场页 内容页 内容页 ……
转场页 内容页 内容页 ……
四川师范大学 写作学 立意的思维操作
![四川师范大学 写作学 立意的思维操作](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6e95e18483d049649b665880.png)
作者关于自然、人类、社会的某种哲理性、象 征性、隐喻立意。 ●思维操作模型1: (1)他相似思维——发现、寻求、感悟两种不 同类型事物之间的某种性质的相似性,从而产生某 种哲理和隐喻的立意。
(2)自相似分析与综合———发现、寻求、感悟 事物局部与整体之间的某种性质的相似性,从而产 生某种哲理性和典型性认识。
9. 历史分析与综合
写作思维方法 分析与综合)
3. 历时分析与综合
10. 过程分析与综合 4. 数量分析与综合 11. 程度分析与综合 12. 同类他相似分析与 综合
13.异类他相似分析与综合 5. 相似分析与综合 14.性质自相似分析与综合 15.空间自相似分析与综合 16.时间自相似分析与综合
(一)中西现代写作理论中的立意概念 中国——立意:识见,识见的确立 西方——主题:对象、主要东西的提炼。 theme:主旋律的 subject:统帅性的
(二)中国古代文写作理论中的立意概念 立意:凡为文……苟意不先立,止以文采辞句,绕前 捧后,是言愈多而理愈乱。 ——[唐]杜牧
2、深远性立意(意远) ●什么是深远性立意?
作者站得高,看得远,其思想观点具有一种远见 措施时,能防患于未然,具有前瞻性。
意义,从而产生对事物发展的预见性认识观点; (2)措施分析——在功能分析的基础上产生应 对策略、办法、手段、途径上的决策。
《高等写作思维训练》课程大纲(第一学期)课程名称:高等写作思维训练英文名称:ADVANCED TRAING OF WRITING THOUGHTS课程编号:学时数及学分:13周,每周6课时,78学时,4学分。
名校高级教师写作新思维高级课程讲义第一章:句子概述 (一)(一)句子结构基本模式—两点定位,五步造句法Case 1: On a bright summer morning, Jeremy Goodfellow, a young man of simple means and honest intentions, left the quiet country town in which he’d been raised, and set off on the bold errand he’d been preparing for all his life.Case 2: One morning in 1905, or the 31th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of Qing Dynasty, two brothers, full of excitement and chatter, set out by boat from their hometown Boa-ah, a mountain hamlet in Fujian province on the southern coast of China, for the port city of Xiamen, some sixty miles away.主体部分Main Part.导入部分lead-in part从句Dependent Clause: , Maria went to sleep.分词短语Participial Phrase: , Maria went to sleep.形容词短语Adjectival phrase: , Maria went to sleep.同位语Appositive: , Maria went to sleep.插入部分in-between part附加部分add-on part练习一:翻译下列句子a)计算机带来变化b)工业破坏价值观1c)全球化的时代已到来d)问题在于e)学生接触社会come into contact with the worldf)影响学习interfere with studiesg)剥夺机会deprive …of the opportunityh)解释现象account for the phenomenoni)阻碍发展hamper / impede the developmentj)减轻压力alleviate the tension2k)促进发展accelerate the developmentl)控制人口增长curb the rapid grows of the population练习二:按照要求扩展句子a)加导入部分: "The storm roared across the countryside."答案Although it wasn't forecast, the storm roared across the countryside.b)加导入部分:"Paige listened to music."答案To forget about her boyfriend, Paige listened to music.c)加插入部分:"The horse rolled in the mud."答案The horse, a golden palomino, rolled in the mud.d)加插入部分:"Taylor ate the cookie."答案Taylor, a chubby six-year-old, ate the cookie.e)加附加部分:"Leaves are falling."答案Leaves are falling, coming down in dancing streams of gold and brown.3f)加附加部分:"The computer broke."答案The computer broke, leaving us all without a means of communicating.g)加附加部分:"She called her friend."答案She called her friend, hoping that he would be home, afraid that he would not be.h)加导入和附加部分:"The children laughed."答案In spite of the warning, the children laughed, ending the solemn atmosphere.i)加插入和附加部分:"The cat chased the mouse."答案The cat, a fat Cheshire, chased the mouse, pouncing on it with glee.j)加导入,插入和附加部分: "The wedding was approaching."答案Since it was September, the wedding, an extravagant affair, was approaching, sending the future bride into fits of apprehension.练习三:找出下列句子的导入部分a)N OW IF NATURE SHOULD INTERMIT(中断)HER COURSE and leave altogether, though it were but for awhile, the observation of her ownlaws; if those principal and mother elements of the world, whereof (of whom)all things in this lower world are made, should lose the qualities which now they have; if the frame of that heavenly arch erected over our heads should loosen and dissolve(溶解,衰减)itself; if celestial(天体的)spheres should forget their wonted motions(惯常运动), and by irregular volubility(流利)turn themselves any way as it might happen; if the prince of the lights of heaven which now as a giant doth run his unwearied course, should, as it were through a 4languishing(凋萎, 衰退)faintness, begin to stand and to rest himself; if the moon should wander from her beaten way, the times and seasons of the year blend themselves by disordered and confused mixture, the winds breathe out their last gasp, the clouds yield(生产)no rain, the earth be defeated of heavenly influence, the fruits of the earth pine away(消瘦, 憔悴)as children at the withered breasts of their mother no longer able to yield them relief — what would become of man himself, whom these things now do all serve?—from Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polityb)But, if this world is not merely a bad joke, life a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance of the stars, and existence an empty laugh brayingacross the mysteries; if these intimations of a something behind and beyond are not evil humor born of indigestion, or whimsies sent by the devil to mock and madden us, if, in a word, beauty means something, yet we must not seek to interpret the meaning.c)If, instead of listening to the war-mongers of the military-industrial establishment, the politicians had only listened to what people hadbeen writing in their letters and in the newspaper columns, if they had only listened to what the demonstrators had been shouting in the streets and on the campuses, if they had only listened to what was in their hearts, the war would have ended long ago.d)For small pieces of weather -- and to a global forecaster, small can mean thunderstorms and blizzards -- any prediction deterioratesrapidly.e)As she emerged from her drifting cloud of gun smoke with the water churned to foam beneath her bow, her flags flying, pennantswaving, sails filling in the breeze, and the red and gold of her superstructure ablaze with colour, she presented a more majestic spectacle than Stockholmers had ever seen before.f)Moreover, unlike some of the other insect eaters, spiders never do the harm to us or our belongings.g)Unlike most of his contemporaries in Hollywood, Hart actually knew something of the old West.h)Except for one or two places such as Zermatt and Chamonix, which had rapidly become popular, Alpine village tended to be5impoverished settlements cut off from civilization by the high mountains.i)For men accustomed to eating seven-course dinners and sleeping between fine linen sheets at home, the change to the Alps must havevery hard indeed.j)But as soon as a the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are aroused.k)So, faced with the Danish advance, Alfred did not risk open battle but harried the enemy.l)As the time and cost of making a chip drop to a few days and a few hundred dollars, engineers may soon be free to let their imaginations soar without being penalized by expensive failures.m)But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.n)Living in a world in which undeclared aggression, war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy and impending immolation are part of our daily lives, we all want a code to live by.o)In the breaking and remaking, in the timing, interweaving, beginning afresh, the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind when he began.p)And if this something else is rightly chosen, if it is really attended by the illumination of another field of interest, gradually, and often quite swiftly, the old undue grip relaxes and the process of recuperation and repair begins.q)As for the unfortunate people who can command everything they want, who can gratify every caprice and lay their hands on almost 6every object of desire -- for them a new pleasure, a new excitement is only an additional satiation.r)But, contrary to a popular assumption, it is far from being the only one, or even the greatest.练习四:找出下列句子的插入部分a)Chickens slaughtered in the United States, claim officials in Brussels, are not fit to grace European tables.b)Carver Mead, a pioneer in integrated circuits and a professor of computer science at the California Institute of Technology, notes thereare now work-stations that enable engineers to design, test and produce chips right on their desks, much the way an editor creates a newsletter on a Macintosh.c)For instance, Alex Au, a Stanford Ph. D. from Hong Kong, has set up a Taiwan factory to challenge Japan's near lock on thememory-chip market.d)But a bank customer, unlike, say, a buyer of goods, cannot complain that the law is loaded against him.e) A man without an education, many of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances deprived of one of the greatesttwentieth-century opportunities.f)Ironically, Europe, which had bequeathed the rabbit as a pest to Australia, acquired this man-made disease as a pestilence.g)'Rest', in terms of muscle relaxation and so on, can be achieved by a brief period lying, or even sitting down.h)Over the periods their saliva, a mild, digestive juice like our own, was converted into a poison that defies analysis even today.7i)King Gustavus Adolphus, 'The Northern Hurricane', then at the height of his military success in the Thirty Years' War, had dictated hermeasurements and armament.j)In 1953, a former electronics engineer in his fifties, Christopher Cockerell, who had turned to boat-building on the Norfolk Broads, suggested an idea on which he had been working for many years to the British Government and industrial circles.k)But a closer study of the evidence, supported by a deeper sense of the period, and particularly by a new consciousness of the philosophical undercurrents in the scientific revolution, has profoundly modified this view of Galileo.l)The adolescent, with his passion for sincerity, always respects a parent who admits that he is wrong, or ignorant, or even that he has been unfair or unjust.m)One, to my certain knowledge, spent nine months on a novel about Kashmir, then reset the whole thing in the Scottish Highlands.n)Professor Ronald Bracewell, a leading American radio astronomer, argued in Nature that such a superior civilization, on a visit to our own solar system, may have left an automatic messenger behind to await the possible awakening of an advanced civilization.o)As a reasonable guess, they might, on an average, be 100 light years away.p)Similarly, our own present primitive chemical rockets, though good enough to orbit men, have no chance of transporting us to the nearest other star, four light years away, let alone distances of tens or hundreds of light years.q)Custom, we have a way of thinking, is behaviour at its most commonplace.r)Traditional custom, taken the world over, is a mass of detailed behaviour more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions, no matter how aberrant.8s)Competition between our selves, person against person, community against community, still persists, however; and it is as fierce as it ever was.t)Insularity and self-containment, it is argued, go hand in hand.练习五:找出下列句子的附加部分a)I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of theworld could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield.b)One can tell the difference almost at a glance, for a spider always has eight legs and insect never more than six.c)They are hungry creatures, not content with only three meals a day.d)The early climbers were looking for the easiest way to the top, because the summit was the prize they sought, especially if it and never beenattained before.e)The food was simply local cheese accompanied by bread often twelve months old, all washed down with coarse wine.f)Alfred the Great acted his own spy, visiting Danish camps disguised as a minstrel.g)Every solid object will reflect a sound, varying according to the size and nature of the object.h)I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of theworld could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield.9i)But the significant thing is not the behaviour of the players but the attitude of the spectators: and, behind the spectators, of the nations whowork themselves into furies over these absurd contests, and seriously believe -- at any rate for short periods -- that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.j)For this reason there is no risk to the customer in the practice, adopted by banks, of printing the customer's name on his cheques.k)An individual human existence should be like a river -- small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls.l)I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.m)Errors and uncertainties multiply, cascading upward through a chain of turbulent features, from dust devils and squalls up to continent-size eddies that only satellites can see.n)It has expanded without any idea of the true nature of the human beings who run the machines, and without giving any consideration to the effects produced on the individuals and on their descendants by the artificial mode of existence imposed by the factory.o)This rabbit had no natural enemies in the Antipodes, so that it multiplied with that promiscuous abandon characteristic of rabbits.p)It was Hart who created the basic formula of the Western film, and devised the protagonist he played in every film he made, the good-had man, the accidental-noble outlaw, or the honest-but-framed cowboy, or the sheriff made suspect by vicious gossip; in short, the individual in conflict with himself and his frontier environment.q)The albatross is the king of the gliders, the class of fliers which harness the air to their purpose, but must yield to its opposition.10r)It tires not, nor does it boast of its power; but belongs to the air, travelling it may be six thousand miles to and from its northern nesting home, feeding its flown young as it flies, and slipping through a medium that seems to help its passage even when the wind is adverse.s)Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, the strangest of them being perhaps the hovercraft.t)the railway of the future may well be the 'hovertrain', riding on its air cushion over a single rail, which it never touches, at speeds up to 300 m.p.h.u)For the same reason, writers talk interminably about their own books, winkling out hidden meanings, super-imposing new ones, begging response from those around them.v)For this reason also the writer, like any other artist, has no resting place, no crowd or movement in which he may take comfort, no judgment from outside which can replace the judgment from within.w)Yet their (Morocco and California) present development is wholly different, not so much because of different people even, but because of the different thoughts that exist in the minds of their inhabitants.x)Imagine the effect on a reasonably advanced technological society, one that still does not possess the bomb, of making it aware of the possibility, of supplying sufficient details to enable the thing to be constructed.练习六:分析下列句子结构,找出导入,插入和附加部分a)When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money, repayment of which he may demand at any time, either incash or by drawing a cheque in favour of another person.11b)Primarily, the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor -- who is which depending on whether the customer's account is incredit or is overdrawn.c)With the invention of writing, a great advance was made, for knowledge could then be not only communicated but also stored.d)Knowing that millions of people around the world would be watching in person and on television and expecting great things from him — atleast one more gold medal for America, if not another world record — during this, his fourth and surely his last appearance in the World Olympics, and realizing that his legs could no longer carry him down the runway with the same blazing speed and confidence in making a huge, eye-popping leap that they were capable of a few years ago when he set world records in the 100-meter dash and in the 400-meter relay and won a silver medal in the long jump, the renowned sprinter and track-and-field personality Carl Lewis, who had known pressure from fans and media before but never, even as a professional runner, this kind of pressure, made only a few appearances in races during the few months before the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, partly because he was afraid of raising expectations even higher and he did not want to be distracted by interviews and adoring fans who would follow him into stores and restaurants demanding autographs and photo-opportunities, but mostly because he wanted to conserve his energies and concentrate, like a martial arts expert, on the job at hand: winning his favorite competition, the long jump, and bringing home another Gold Medal for the United States, the most fitting conclusion to his brilliant career in track and field.e)On the occasions when they have pushed to shore an unconscious human being they have much more likely done it out of curiosity or forsport, as in riding the bow waves of a ship.f)If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction, and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuablepowers of observation and independent judgment, they would not be so hurt, and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it.12(二) 句子内容确定记者提问法– journalists’ questionsquestion 1 : Whoquestion 2 : what13question 3 : when14question 4 : where15question 5 : how16question 6 : why171819202122参考文字练习一参考文字child missingFive days ago, after school was over, a fat six-year-old schoolboy, in sneakers and red T-shirt, and speaking with strong Sichuan accent, turned up missing and has not returned home ever since. Please contact us if anyone should happen to know the child’s whereabouts. Our telephone number is …练习二参考文字complaint about a dogI am an overseas student who moved here several months ago and I am now writing to complain about two little dogs in our neighborhood. These dogs, bought by my neighbor one month ago, have been haunting our beautiful public garden ever since, causing lots of inconveniences to both residents and passers-by.Most of the neighbors and I can hardly put up with them and hope that the department concerned will look into this matter. I shall be very grateful if you could deal with it as soon as possible.练习三参考文字Donation to Disaster Area –tsunamiOn December 26, 2004, the earthquakes and resulting tsunamis in the Indian Ocean caused tremendous suffering to a large number of countries in Southeast Asia and beyond, killing tens of thousands of people, destroying their infrastructures and properties and plunging the survivors into desperate shortage of money needed for rehabilitation and livelihood. Whoever in this residential area wishes to donate money to the needy is requested to send his or her donation to the office of the Neighborhood Committee within 3 days.练习四参考文字women seeking men28 YO, , single mother, OHAC, genuine, active WLTM reliable, affectionate, family-oriented professional gent with similar attributes, n/s, GSOH, 30-45, for a long term relationship.练习五参考文字Notice – Lecture to be heldUnder the auspices of the Student Union, a lecture will be given on “How Entry into WTO Will Affect China’s Market” by professor David Yang at Classroom 203 of the Main Building on Friday, March 04, 2005 at 3:00 p.m.23练习六参考文字Gratitude for the medical help you get from the nursesIt was your kindness and comforts that saw me through the tough period and helped me stand up to the pains during my medical treatment at your Hospital. Without your cards, flowers, smiling faces and your encouragement I could not have recovered so soon.练习七参考文字Invitation to dinnerThe secretary of State for education and Mrs. Smith request the pleasure of the company of Mr. G. Johnson at dinner on the 4th March , 2005 at 8:00 p.m. to meet His excellency Mr. Liu Mingsheng Minister of Education of P. R. China at Buckingham. R.S.V.P.组合句子练习练习1.1.Hartford is the capital of Connecticut. It is the second largest city in the state.答案The capital of Connecticut, Hartford is the second largest city in the state.OR, better yet: Hartford, the capital of Connecticut, is the second largest city in the state. OR: Hartford, the secondlargest city in the state, is the capital of Connecticut.242.Hartford was once known as an industrial center.It was the home of several manufacturers.They made firearms, typewriters, bicycles, and even cars.答案Once known as an industrial center, Hartford was the home of manufacturers of firearms, typewriters,bicycles, and even cars.3.Today, though, several insurance companies make Hartford their home.Aetna, the Travelers, the Hartford, and Cigna are in Hartford.Their home offices are within miles of one another.25答案Today, though, several insurance companies -- Aetna, the Travelers, the Hartford, and Cigna -- have homeoffices in Hartford within miles of one another.One writer prefers this version: "Today, several insurance companies, Aetna, the Travelers, the Hartford, and Cigna, whose home offices are within miles of each other, make Hartford their home.Still another writer prefers this rendering: "Today in Hartford, though, the insurance companies of Aetna, the Travelers, the Hartford and Cigna all have home offices within miles of one another."4.Manufacturers once took advantage of Hartford's access to the Connecticut River.They also enjoyed Hartford's well-educated workforce.答案Manufacturers once took advantage of Hartford's access to the Connecticut River and the city'swell-educated workforce.5.Eventually, cheap labor in the southern states lured manufacturing away from Hartford.Large empty factories were all that was left of Hartford's industrial past.26答案Eventually, after cheap labor in the southern states lured manufacturing away from Hartford, large emptyfactory buildings were all that was left of Hartford's industrial past.OR, a definite improvement suggested by Gerald E. Smyth: Eventually, cheap labor in the southern states lured manufacturing away from Hartford, leaving large empty factories as the only remnants of Hartford's industrialpast.6.Some of these factories have been torn down.Some of them have been converted to artists' studios.答案Some of these factories have been torn down, others converted to artists' studios.OR -- as Sandy Weiss suggests: "Some of the factories have been torn down or converted to artists' studios."7.Today, great wealth abounds in Hartford.The wealth is centered in the insurance industry.However, few manufacturing jobs are still available.27答案Although there is much wealth centered in Hartford's insurance industry today, there are fewmanufacturing jobs available.练习2.1. Mark Twain is the author of Huckleberry Finn.Huckleberry Finn is a classic American novel.Mark Twain's real name was Samuel L. Clemens.He lived in Hartford for several years.答案The author of the classic American novel Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain, whose real name was Samuel L. Clemens, lived in Hartford for several years.2. Mark Twain's house was very elaborate and elegant.It was on Farmington Avenue.It was in an area called Nook Farm.He was a neighbor of Harriet Beecher Stowe.Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin.28答案Mark Twain's elaborate and elegant house on Farmington Avenue was in an area called Nook Farm, where he was aneighbor of Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.3. Mark Twain's home has a large side porch.Windows and a balcony overlook the porch.Today, people say the windows and balcony remind them of a steamboat.In his youth, Twain piloted steamboats on the Mississippi.答案Today, people say that the balcony and windows overlooking the large side porch on Twain's home remindthem of a steamboat, the kind of Mississippi steamboat young Mark Twain used to pilot.4. Mark Twain was one of the first three people in Hartford to own a telephone.The telephone was first used commercially in nearby New Haven.There was practically no one to talk to.Mark Twain never really liked this newfangled gadget.29答案Although there was practically no one else to talk to in Hartford and he never really liked the newfangledgadget, Mark Twain was one of the first three people in Hartford to own a telephone, a device first usedcommercially in nearby New Haven.5. Mark Twain loved industrial inventions.He lost a fortune investing in them.One of these inventions was the elaborate Paige typesetter.Unfortunately for Twain, this machine was developed at the same time as the Linotype.The Linotype machine was much simpler and less expensive.答案Mark Twain loved industrial inventions and lost a fortune investing in machines such as the elaborate Paige typesetter -- which, unfortunately for Twain, was developed at the same time as the much simpler and less expensive Linotype machine.6. Mark Twain's beloved daughter, Susy, died in the Hartford home.She died of spinal meningitis.Twain never felt the same about the house again.He soon left the house and Hartford.30He returned only once.He came back for the funeral of his friend, Charles Dudley Warner.答案After Mark Twain's beloved daughter, Susy, died of spinal meningitis in the Hartford home, he never felt the same about the house again and soon left the house and Hartford, to return only once, for the funeral of his friend, CharlesDudley Warner.练习31.One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a novel written by Ken Kesey.Its protagonist is Randall Patrick McMurphy.He pretends to be insane to escape a work farm.He discovers he is now trapped in an asylum.He shows other characters the truth of their situation.答案The protagonist of Ken Kesey's novel, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," Randall Patrick McMurphy, escapes a31work farm by pretending insanity but then becomes trapped in an asylum, where he shows other characters their true situation.2.Tiger Woods is the name of a young American golfer.He set a record in the 1997 Master's Tournament.He surprised all the veterans.He was 22 at the time.答案An American golfer, Tiger Woods, was only 22 when he surprised all the veterans and set a record in the 1977 Master's Tournament.OR (suggested by a reader from New Brunswick, NJ)At the age of 22, Tiger Woods, the young American golfer, surprised all the veterans when he set the record in the 1997 Master's Tournament.OR (suggested by a reader from Vancouver)Twenty-two-year-old American golfer Tiger Woods surprised all veterans when he set a record in the 1997 Master's Tournament.3.Ramonita Espinoza used to coach at Notre Dame University.She now works at UConn.She is the new soccer coach.32答案Ramonita Espinoza, the new soccer coach at UConn, was formerly a coach at Notre Dame University.4.Ronald E. Pepin is a well known translator of medieval texts.He has two honorary degrees from Fordham University.He recently published his fourth book on ancient medical practices.He was only forty-four years old at the time.答案Ronald E Pepin, a well known translator of medieval texts and a recipient of two honorary degrees from Fordham University, recently published his fourth book on ancient medical practices when he was only forty-four years old.5.John F. Kennedy was inaugurated into office in January of 1961.He was assassinated in November of 1963.He spent only 1000 days in office.答案John F. Kennedy spent only 1000 days in office between his inauguration in January 1961 and the assassination ofNovember 1963.33。
写作思维学系列讲议 序论 第一章
![写作思维学系列讲议 序论 第一章](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9b237a0d844769eae009edf7.png)
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• 思维的相关知识简介 3、思维科学的分类(宏观): (1)基础科学; (2)技术科学; (3)工程技术科学。 4、思维的分类(中观):
(1)思维形式; (2)思维方式。
• 思维的相关知识简介 • (1)思维形式:思维借以实现的形式 。 在思维学研究中,思维形式实质上是一 种纯理论方面的研究、探讨,是一种宏 观的理论认识,或者说是一种理论上的 明确,思维形式并不具备运用价值。
竞争也需疏怕是 多方面的:或由于信息不灵,或由于求胜心 切,或由于业务不精,或由于方向不正,把 经济效益看得超过了社会效益。 • 其综合效应,便造成思虑不周,缺乏远 见卓识,再加上我们是一个十亿人口的小生 产的“汪洋大海”,科学文化水平又不高, 出现一些盲目性,恐乃势所必然。 • 所以,竞争也需疏导。
• 思维的相关知识简介 • 2、思维的内涵: • 思维是人在智力素养 基础之上表 现出来 的特有的能力,是人的意识掌握客 观事物的高 级形式。 • 思维是人类在社会实践的基础 上,在合乎 逻辑的理论体系的导引下, 对感性材料进行的 特定加工 形式;具体而言是人类运用一系列的 思维方式,通过 对感性材料进行加工,从而反 映客观事物的本质属性和运动规律。
• 思维的相关知识简介 • 示意图二:
• 思维的相关知识简介 • 示意图三:
• 思维的相关知识简介 (2)思维方式的定义: 思维方式是人们大脑活动的 内在 程式,它对人们的言行 (及至影 响外部世界)起决定 性作用。
• • • • •
下编 写作思维过程能力训练 - 四川师范大学汇总
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高等写作思维训练· 下编
第14章 瞬间洞察 全息贯通
——写作感思/ 立意思维操作技术训练 (上)
第1节 写作感思概述
一、写作感思的定义 生成写作念头和写作动机的瞬间思维活 动就是写作感思。 狭义写作行为的起点就是写作感思。
第2节 信息刺激 ——文章形态的胚胎性生成
一、文章胚胎的生成途径 (一)抓住突然刺激物或感受 (二)有意去发现 (三)压力促成 (四)指令性提供
(一)生存态度与胚胎生成 较高的精神追求是生成较高价值文章 胚胎的重要条件。海明威《老人与海》 (二)价值取向与胚胎生成 (三)思维方式与胚胎生成 (四)时空情绪与胚胎生成 时空情绪包括政治、社会、经济、人 文、民族无意识等多方面。
高等写作思维训练· 下编
写作思维过程能平教授 制作:马 容讲师
本课件教材根据教育部‚面向21世纪 课程教材‛之—— 马正平主编:《高等写作学教程系列》 第二册:《高等写作思维训练教程》 (中国人民大学出版社,2002年版) 制作。
在家长带领下,彩蛋很快大都到了华人孩子的篮筐 里,那些白人孩子哪里是对手?只好眼巴巴地看着华人 孩子兴高采烈地凯旋回家。 事后,一封投诉信交到了这位华裔市长手中。信中 说,募捐现场看不到华人的身影,华人家长对找彩蛋却 热情有加,提早让孩子动手不说,还亲自参与,‚这哪 里是公平的竞争游戏?‛ 为此,市长和华人代表进行了对话。一名华人代表不以为 然地说:‚他们(美国人)的孩子找不到鸡蛋,说明他 们的孩子没有我们的孩子机灵。孩子就应该让家长指点, 否则怎么能进步?再说,事先也没有规定父母不能在现 场做参谋。‛市长无言以对。
四川师范大学 写作学 写作措辞学·PPT
![四川师范大学 写作学 写作措辞学·PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a96f91c658f5f61fb7366683.png)
• 1、主体、行为、对象感觉程度准确化分析措辞 、主体、行为、 • 基本语义:我听到音乐 。 基本语义: • 功能语义:隐约地,我听到太阳清脆的铃声,海 功能语义:隐约地, 到太阳清脆的铃声 清脆的铃声,
1、主体、行为、对象 主体、行为、 感觉程度准确化 准确化分析渲染措辞 感觉程度准确化分析渲染措辞
基本语义:中国很禁锢。 中国很禁锢。 中国很禁锢 功能语义:可是在中国,那时是确无写处的,禁 可是在中国, 可是在中国 那时是确无写处的, 比罐头还严实。 —鲁迅《为了忘却的记念》 鲁迅《 锢比罐头还严实。 鲁迅 为了忘却的记念》 基本语义:那些又臭又长的文章没有价值。 那些又臭又长的文章没有价值。 那些又臭又长的文章没有价值 功能语义:那些又臭又长的文章,恐怕连牛粪都 那些又臭又长的文章, 那些又臭又长的文章 不如。 不如。 基本语义—效果描述(程度比较)—功能语义
(一)基本语义:自己想说或写的内部语言 • 1、概念:写作者心里所想的,向说给别人听或 、概念:写作者心里所想的, 读基本意思(句意、段意)。 读基本意思(句意、段意)。 • 2、特征:自明性、主干性、非修辞性(朴素 、特征:自明性、主干性、非修辞性( 性); (二)功能语义:给读者听者接受的外部语言 • 1、概念:听者接收到的语言或文句、文章 、概念:听者接收到的语言或文句、 • 2、特征:语境性、他明性、展开性、修辞性 、特征:语境性、他明性、展开性、
• ——朱自清:《背影》 朱自清: 背影》 朱自清
四川师范大学 写作学 法定行政公文写作(1)
![四川师范大学 写作学 法定行政公文写作(1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/66266c91b8f67c1cfbd6b842.png)
授 课 人 简 介
●代表性专著:《写作行为论》、《写作文化论》、 《写作生长伦》、《现代写作教学原理与实践》、 《现代写作学批判与建构》、《生命的空间:〈人间 词话〉当代解读》。
●代表性教材:国家教育部“面向21世纪课程教材”— —《高等写作学引论》、《高等写作思维训练教程》、 《高等文体写作训练教程:基本文体》、《高等文体 写作训练教程:实用文体》、《中学作文教学新思 维》。
中国 党政 机关 公文 分类
1、研策类: (1)调研报告:考察性、析因性、献策性、系统性、 参考性 (2)计划:前瞻性、目标性、措施性、阶段性
2、记事类(记述) (2)大事记:重要性、奇异性、突发性、资料性
中国 党政 机关 公文 分类
(一)上行文(4种) :
1、呈策类 (1)简报:动态性、快速性、灵巧性 (2)报告:完成性、信息性、事后性、被 动性、反映、汇报性 (3)总结:回顾性、反思性、概括性、规 律性、未来性、调整性 (4)典型材料:成绩性、细节性、经验性、 做法性、榜样性
一、上行文 ——2、行文方向 (一)论说类——3、思维方法
• • • • • 第一节 写作主体的素质概述: A、何谓写作主体: 指进入写作思维和写作行为中的人。 B、写作主体的素质主要包括什么: 生活素养· 学识修养· 人格品位· 审美理想
第一节 写作主体的素质
• 一、写作主体的生活素养: • A、生活素养的源泉: • 生活素养是人们从事一切文化创造活动的“根 须”。 • B、生活素养的升华: • 生活素养不但包括了见多识广,还包括认识深刻、 感受真切。 • 写作的过程是“独特的发现,独特的感受”。 • 如《丑石》
20Байду номын сангаас4-9-29
第二节:现代写作的特性· 实践操作性
• 2、实践操作性:
• A、写作 既是一种实践活动,又具 有劳动操作的性质。 • B、实践活动是指社会实践,离开了 社会实践,就离开了时代,也就离开 了读者,这恰如鱼和水的关系。
• C、操作性具体体现在“写”上。 “写”和“想”具有很大的差异。从 这样的意义上可以理解“文章不是写 出来的,而是改出来”的含义所在。 • D、“写”和“看”的差异:“眼高 手低”现象。
• 3、感受的培养和训练。 • 4、观察与感受的异同。 • 5、上次作文讲评。
• 请你回味一下, • 你看了以下画面后 • 的情感反应:
第一节 写作主体的素质
• • • • • • C、学识修养的培育: 博览群书 兴趣广泛 充满热忱 潜心钻研 从点到面
写作(一),讲义,第三章 写作思维与写作实践
![写作(一),讲义,第三章 写作思维与写作实践](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cbb4e0dca32d7375a517807a.png)
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二、“起承转合”的方法 起承转合” “凡做诗词,要当如常山之蛇,救首救尾, 凡做诗词,要当如常山之蛇,救首救尾, 不可偏也。 苕溪渔隐丛话》 不可偏也。”(《苕溪渔隐丛话》) 长篇须曲折三致意” 远志斋词衷》 “长篇须曲折三致意” (《远志斋词衷》) “一步一态,一态一变” (沈谦《填词杂 一步一态,一态一变” 沈谦《 说》) )、注重 注重“ 凤头” (一)、注重“起”式 ( “凤头” ) 开门见山、当头棒喝; 1 、开门见山、当头棒喝; 迂回入题、托物起兴。 2 、迂回入题、托物起兴。 “不见底下的,正是会做诗的写法” 不见底下的,正是会做诗的写法”
我的寂寞是一條長蛇, 我的寂寞是一條長蛇, 靜靜地沒有言語。 靜靜地沒有言語。 你萬一夢到它時, 你萬一夢到它時, 千萬啊,不要悚惧! 千萬啊,不要悚惧! 它是我忠誠的侶伴, 它是我忠誠的侶伴, 心裡害著熱烈的乡思; 心裡害著熱烈的乡思; 它想那茂密的草原--------它想那茂密的草原--------你頭上的、濃密的烏絲。 你頭上的、濃密的烏絲。 它月影一般輕輕地, 它月影一般輕輕地, 從你那兒輕輕走過; 從你那兒輕輕走過; 它把你的夢境銜了來, 它把你的夢境銜了來, 像一只緋紅的花朵。 像一只緋紅的花朵。
(二)叙事性文体 1 、人物的自我行为、细节、情节、活动、 人物的自我行为、细节、情节、活动、 事迹或语言、心理、 事迹或语言、心理、外貌的重复或对比 人物之间的性格或精神的“重复” 2、人物之间的性格或精神的“重复”与 对比” “对比” 以环境或景物来渲染或反衬人物性格、 3、以环境或景物来渲染或反衬人物性格、 精神。 精神。
一、赋形思维操作中主题的文体意识 ——即渲染 ——即渲染、强化什么的问题 即渲染、 二、赋形思维操作中材料的文体意识与思维 文体意识与 的特征 (一)抒情性文体 主要通过作者的瞬间心理体验、感觉、幻 主要通过作者的瞬间心理体验、感觉、 联想、想象、思考、景物、 想、联想、想象、思考、景物、细节等进行 渲染
(三)、聚焦“转”式。 聚焦“ )、聚焦 “转”是指结构上的跌宕和作者思路上 的转换(由事及理、由景及情、 的转换(由事及理、由景及情、由物及 人)。 词须愈转愈深,一转一深,一深一妙。 词须愈转愈深,一转一深,一深一妙。 ——(刘熙载《艺概》 ——(刘熙载《艺概》) 渡 汉 江 宋之问 岭外音书断,经冬复历春。 岭外音书断,经冬复历春。 近乡情更怯,不敢问来人。 近乡情更怯,不敢问来人。
文章结构的原理) 二、赋形思维的操作模型 (文章结构的原理) (一) “重复” 与 “对比” 重复” 对比” 1 、重复 在主题展开的行文过程中, 在主题展开的行文过程中, 选择那些和 自己的写作主题、文章立意的主题信息、 自己的写作主题、文章立意的主题信息、性 意思、情调相同、相似、 质、意思、情调相同、相似、相近的文章因 素进行谋篇、行文, 以增强感染力、说服力、 素进行谋篇、行文, 以增强感染力、说服力、 说明性程度的写作思维操作技术。 说明性程度的写作思维操作技术。 目的: 感受的强化, 渲染, 目的: 感受的强化, 渲染, 积累
无论“重复” 还是“对比” 无论“重复” 还是“对比”, 其本质都 是一种处理上下文关系的思维行为。 是一种处理上下文关系的思维行为。常常结 合使用。 合使用。
天净沙 . 秋思 枯藤老树昏鸦 小桥流水人家 古道西风瘦马 夕阳西下 断肠人在天涯
(二) 赋形思维注意事项 异构同质( 重复”的要求) 1、异构同质(“重复”的要求) 意思、主题、内涵同一, 材料性质有差异 意思、主题、内涵同一, 后现代写作中的重复是一种艺术手法 米勒《小说与重复》 米勒《小说与重复》 2 、异构异质(“对比”的要求) 异构异质( 对比”的要求) 3、非赋形思维
导论 写作与当代社会
导论 写作与当代社会
一、当代中国社会的特点 (一)经济建设取得巨大成就 (二 ) 文化修养的失范
1 、 工具化 2 、 庸俗化
二 、我们为什么学写作 (一)中国当代写作学的发展历程 (二)当代人写作能力低下的原因 1 、应试教育的后遗症 2 、网络写作对于写作的负面影响 深层原因: 3 、深层原因: 文化的工具化和庸俗 化的直接后果 (三) 大学写作课的意义
为什么要对文章立意进行赋形? 为什么要对文章立意进行赋形? “盖人情物象, 往往深迹幽香, 必非常 盖人情物象, 往往深迹幽香, 言能应其妙, 故赖有敷设之功, 言能应其妙, 故赖有敷设之功, 亦为玉者 绘画者端在渲染之能, 必须琢磨之益 , 绘画者端在渲染之能, 径 情直言, 未可谓之文也。 情直言, 未可谓之文也。” ——刘永济 ——刘永济 “主题结构化” 和“结构主题化” 主题结构化” 结构主题化”
高等写作思维训练· 高等写作思维训练·上编
二○○六年五月 ○○六年五月
本课件教材根据教育部“面向21 本课件教材根据教育部“面向21世纪 21世纪 课程教材” 课程教材”之—— 马正平主编: 高等写作学教程系列》 马正平主编:《高等写作学教程系列》 第二册: 高等写作思维训练教程》 第二册:《高等写作思维训练教程》 中国人民大学出版社,2002年版 年版) (中国人民大学出版社,2002年版) 制作。 制作。
上 编Байду номын сангаас
上编 写作思维模型建构 第1章 渲染成文 错综成采
——写作赋形思维模型的建构训练 ——写作赋形思维模型的建构训练 一、什么是“赋形思维” 什么是“赋形思维” 在主题展开的写作行文中, 在主题展开的写作行文中,作者对自己 所要写的文章的主题、立意(思想、情感、 所要写的文章的主题、立意(思想、情感、 氛围、性格、特征、信息)进行渲染化、 氛围、性格、特征、信息)进行渲染化、造 势化、清晰化的思维操作技术。 势化、清晰化的思维操作技术。
2、对比 主题展开的写作行文过程中, 主题展开的写作行文过程中, 选择那些 和自己的写作主题、文章立意的主题信息、 和自己的写作主题、文章立意的主题信息、 性质、意思、情调相反、相对、 性质、意思、情调相反、相对、相背的文 章因素进行谋篇、行文, 以增强(反衬) 章因素进行谋篇、行文, 以增强(反衬)文 说服力、 章的感染力 、说服力、说明力程度的思维 操作技术。 操作技术。 目的: 感觉反差、 鲜明。 目的: 感觉反差、 鲜明。对比度越大效 果越好。 果越好。 塞马、秋风、 塞马、秋风、蓟北 杏花、春雨、 杏花、春雨、江南
(二) “承”的方式摇曳多姿 必须依据文本中固有的景路、理路、 必须依据文本中固有的景路、理路、 情路往下承接 题破山寺后禅院 常建 清晨入古寺,初日照高林。 清晨入古寺,初日照高林。 曲径通幽处,禅房花木深。 曲径通幽处,禅房花木深。 山光悦鸟性,潭影空人心。 山光悦鸟性,潭影空人心。 万籁此俱寂,但馀钟磬音。 万籁此俱寂,但馀钟磬音。
君不见黄河之水天上来, 奔流到海不复回; 君不见黄河之水天上来, 奔流到海不复回; 君不见高堂明镜悲白发, 朝如青丝暮成雪。 君不见高堂明镜悲白发, 朝如青丝暮成雪。 对联一般都用“重复”,也可用对比。 对联一般都用“重复” 也可用对比。 十里平湖清静地,一群野鹤自由天 十里平湖清静地, 远水流经难离去, 远水流经难离去,白云飘去又回来 萧声明月夜, 萧声明月夜,花影艳阳天 材料不同, 意思相近相同。相似性越高, 材料不同, 意思相近相同。相似性越高, 表 达的意思、情绪就越明确突出。 达的意思、情绪就越明确突出。
三、怎样学习写作? 怎样学习写作? 1 、读 2 、写 修改, 3 、 修改,找出不足 4 、理论的学习与融会
四 、教材的特点
强调的是写作的“生长” 强调的是写作的“生长” 性,也即是写作思维的过程 和行文的过程的同一性。 和行文的过程的同一性。主 张写作者在进入有效的写作 状态之后的直接写作、 状态之后的直接写作、自由 思维,强调写作的当下性、 思维,强调写作的当下性、 即席性和随机性, 即席性和随机性,反对人为 的预设和构思。 的预设和构思。
三、赋形思维操作模型技术的分析 (一) 重复性赋形思维 有的文章可能只运用重复性赋形思维
西塞山前白鹭飞, 西塞山前白鹭飞, 桃花流水鳜鱼肥。 青箬笠, 绿蓑衣, 青箬笠, 绿蓑衣, 斜风细雨不须归。 鸡声茅店月 人迹板桥霜 重复以“三”为最佳单位 重复以“
(二) 对比性赋形思维 人物性格的对比: 人物性格的对比: 闰土与杨二嫂 黛玉归天与宝钗成礼 (三)重复与对比在现代写作中的运用 依据赋形思维的重复与对比, 依据赋形思维的重复与对比, 舍去自然 的结构(时空顺序、逻辑顺序), 的结构(时空顺序、逻辑顺序), 留下艺术的 结构。 结构。 用重复还是对比, 和作家性格气质有关。 用重复还是对比, 和作家性格气质有关。 对比更痛快、更清晰、更淋漓尽致。 对比更痛快、更清晰、更淋漓尽致。
第2章 分合自如 思如泉涌
——逻辑性写作路径思维操作模型的建构训练 ——逻辑性写作路径思维操作模型的建构训练
引言: 引言:关于沙尘暴的写作思维示例
原因分析:——为什么会出现沙尘暴? 原因分析:——为什么会出现沙尘暴? 为什么会出现沙尘暴 1、原始的过度放牧;2、森林的乱砍乱伐 原始的过度放牧; 功能分析:——沙尘暴的危害 功能分析:——沙尘暴的危害 不但影响人们健康; 1、不但影响人们健康;2、而且影响社会经济 的发展。 的发展。 措施分析:——寻求根治沙尘暴的对策 措施分析:——寻求根治沙尘暴的对策 树立自觉的生态意识; 实行科学放牧; 1、树立自觉的生态意识;2、实行科学放牧;3、 加强绿化; 加强绿化;
雨 巷
伊 沙 那样轻松的 你们 开始复述农业 耕作的事宜以及 春来秋去 挥汗如雨 收获麦子 你们以为麦粒就是你们 为女人迸溅的泪滴吗 麦芒就像你们贴在腮帮上的 猪鬃般柔软吗 你们拥挤在流浪之路的那一年 北方的麦子自个儿长大了
它们挥舞着一弯弯 阳光之镰 割断麦杆 自己的脖子 割断与土地最后的联系 成全了你们 诗人们已经吃饱了 一望无边的麦田 在他们腹中香气弥漫 城市中最伟大的懒汉 做了诗歌中光荣的农夫 麦子 以阳光和雨水的名义 我呼吁: 我呼吁:饿死他们 狗日的诗人 首先饿死我 一个用墨水污染土地的帮凶 一个艺术世界的杂种