系统维护指南- VESDA_VLF

操作站的显示器、工控机等设备上电;计 算机自检通过,检查确认Windows系统软件、JX-300X系统软件 及应用软件的文件夹和文件是否正确;硬盘剩余空间测试)
检查网络线缆,上电后做好网络冗余性能的 测试; 再对两块主控卡轮流进行冗余测试; 对每个机笼的数据转发卡进行冗余测试; 冗余卡件冗余测试。
严禁擅自改装、拆装系统部件;不得无 故拉动机笼接线、接地线、供电线路、 通信电缆等; 锁好柜门; 定时对控制站进行检查。
每年至少一次 冗余测试
卡件冗余测试 、通信冗余测试 、供电冗余
系统停电 维护内容 系统上电 系统测试 回路投运
点检目的 适用范围 点检业务流程 操作站点检工艺 控制站点检工艺
DCS系统的点检是指DCS系统经过一 定时间的运行后,须对系统尤其是可能 引起系统故障的关键点进行全面检测和 必要的部件更换,目的是将系统故障消 除在萌芽状态,以保证系统今后一段时 期内的安全可靠运行。点检的主要内容 有:系统检查、系统清扫、易损及消耗 部件的更换、系统性能检测等。

烟雾探测探测器选型如需更多信息,请与我们联系网站:/china艾克利斯公司(Xtralis Pty Ltd )是一个全球性机构,长期致力于为用户提供智能的、尖端的产品,改善用户的安全防范水平。
先进的烟雾探测系统、安防系统及语音报警/公共广播系统,已经使Xtralis 公司处于创新系统解决方案的领导行列。
VESDA ®吸气式烟雾探测系统已被公认为全球市场的领导产品,为世界各地的用户提供极早期烟雾探测解决方案。
VESDA 探测器经过数十年的时间,已在通讯、发电、仓库、无尘室及生产/仓储服务等众多领域得到了广泛认可。
VESDA 产品具备广泛的、经验丰富而专业的服务网络,能够给用户提供有力的支持。
艾克利斯公司(Xtralis Pty Ltd )不断创新,为全球各行各业的用户提供高可靠性的、前瞻性的烟雾探测技术。
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1. 簡介本發電機組是設計為重工業用途,並在設計上考慮了機組安放後只需註入水/冷卻液、燃料及電池液便即可以準備運行。
2. 安全2.1總體說明本機組在正常運作下甚為安全。
2.2 安裝、移動及運輸本手冊之第4章將會對機組的安裝、移動、運輸作出說明,請做出上述行動之前閱讀相關章節,並註意下列之預防安全措施:警告※!連接電線必須依照相關的標準、規範及其他要求,包括接地要求及漏電故障保護。

Solaris 8及SUN硬件常用的系统检测维护命令●OBP命令●ok probe-scsi-all用于检测系统SCSI设备的连接状况●ok printenv显示系统OBP参数设置●ok setenv ……..修改指定的OBP参数设置●ok reset-allRESET系统硬件,使得setenv操作有效●ok boot使用默认引导设备(boot-device变量定义的设备)引导系统●ok boot –s使用默认引导设备(boot-device变量定义的设备)引导系统到“单用户维护状态”进行系统维护●ok boot cdrom (-s)用操作系统光盘引导系统(安装系统或修复故障)●ok banner用于显示系统基本配置信息,CPU / MEM / EtherNet add /Hostid / OBP版本等●操作系统命令●# /usr/pl*/sunu/sbin/prtdiag –v用于检测系统的硬件配置和环境参数,可以诊断部分硬件故障。
★★●# df –k检查当前文件系统使用状况,相关文件/etc/vfstab,系统启动时控制挂接文件系统的系统文件。
●#more /var/adm/messages显示系统引导检测关闭是的信息,同时也是记录系统故障信息的文件。
★★★●# format系统硬盘操作命令,用来查看和修改系统硬盘分区信息。
(在操作有数据的硬盘时小心使用)●# ifconfig –a显示系统网络配置情况和参数,相关文件/etc/hosts ;/etc/hostname.eri0 /etc/hostname.hme0 ….. /etc/netmasks●# netstat –rn显示系统网络路由配置情况和参数,相关文件/etc/defaulerouter相关命令:route [add][del]……..●# ps –ef |grep xxxx搜索当前系统中运行的特定进程,主要用于:1.找到死锁进程,将其结束,2.查看某特定进程是否启动,●# iostat –xn 5查看当前系统硬盘I/O工作状态。

VESDA 产品的维护 ..................................................................... 4 LaserPLUS 和 LaserSCANNER 探测器的维护 ........................................... 4 更换空气过滤器 ............................................................... 5 更换底盘 ..................................................................... 6 更换 LaserPLUS 和 LaserSCANNER 探测器的吸气泵 .................................... 9 装配: ...................................................................... 11 更换模块 ...................................................................... 11 拆卸 ........................................................................ 11 装配: ...................................................................... 11 LaserSCANNER 探测器扫描仪阀门的检测和清洁 ...................................... 11 LaserCOMPACT 探测器的维护 ...................................................... 12 更换过滤器 .................................................................. 12 更换 LaserCOMPACT 探测器的吸气泵 ............................................... 13 装配: ...................................................................... 14 更换终端卡 .................................................................. 14 拆卸: ...................................................................... 15 装配: ...................................................................... 15 LaserFOCUS 探测器的维护 ........................................................ 15 更换过滤器 .................................................................. 15 更换步骤: .................................................................. 16 更换吸气泵 .................................................................... 16
维斯达自动火灾 烟雾探测报警系统安装、操作、维护和故障排除手册说明书

INSTALLATION,OPERATION,MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLE-SHOOTING MANUAL OF VESDA AUTOMATIC FIRE / SMOKEDETECTION WITH ALARM SYSTEMINFULLY AIR CONDITIONED RAILWAY COACHES INTRODUCTIONXtralis VESDA system is a very early warning aspiration type smoke detection system. VESDA system works on the principle of laser light scattering incorporating particle counting function with a fully integrated detection chamber.The particle counting mechanism is used to prevent false alarms due to large volumes of dust or fibers or large airborne particulates presented in the sampled air and not for the purpose of smoke density measurement and detection.The Xtralis VESDA system installed is a proven and established technology system on International Railway systems for the protection of Rail coaches.The Xtralis VESDA Aspiration Smoke Detection System installed consists of the following components.∙Xtralis VESDA LASER FOCUS Detectors-Model No: VLF-500Installed in the passage(attendant location)inside each coach∙Xtralis VESDA System Manager Graphical Software–Model No: VSM-4 Installed in the Pantry Car for control and monitoring of detectors installed in each coach∙Air sampling pipe network with capillary sampling points and sampling holes to transport air to the detection systemI nstalled across the length of the coach covering passenger seating area, toilets,return air path, electrical cabinets and general area.∙Sounder and Strobe lightI nstalled in the passage (attendant location) for audio visual annunciation ofalarm conditionThe detector installed is capable of indicating an alarm in four stages viz., Alert, Action, Fire1 and Fire2. The strobe light(visual indication) is triggered when the ‘Action’ Stage of Alarm is trigged and the sounder (audible indication) is triggered when the ‘ Fire1’Stage of Alarm is triggered.1X TRALIS VESDA D ETECTOR O PERATIONThe diagram below illustrates the different parts of an Air Sampling Smoke Detection System1.Air is sampled by the Xtralis VESDA detector through a pipe network speciallydesigned to the requirements of the individual train coaches.2.The air sample is filtered by the Xtralis VESDA detector to remove dust and dirtbefore it is passed through the laser detection chamber.The filter used for filtering the air borne dust particles is indicated in the below diagram.HighefficiencyFilterchamber Dust FilterFirst stage of the filter removes dust and dirt from the air sample before the sample enters the laser detection chamber for smoke detection. The second (ultra fine) stage provides an additional clean air supply to keep the detector’s optical surfaces free from contamination, ensuring stable calibration and longer detector life. The detector constantly monitors the filter efficiency and a fault is raised automatically on the detector when the filter needs to be replaced.3.The air sample after filtration enters the laser detection chamber. The laserdetection chamber used for smoke measurement and detection is indicated in the below diagramWhen smoke is present,the laser light gets scattered within the detection chamber that is detected by a very sensitive receiver system using sophisticated electronics. This signal is processed to represent the absolute level of smoke present. When the smoke density reaches the set threshold an alarm is raised.4.The sampled air is expelled via an exhaust port at the top of the detector.The Xtralis VESDA detector components are housed inside a polycarbonate enclosure positioned on a standard mounting bracket supplied with the detector. The detector receives power and communicates with the host equipment via screw terminal connections within the unit. Alarms and troubles are communicated to the host equipment via programmable relays and via an RS232 asynchronous communications port. The front of the detector includes a sophisticated user interface to display the operating state, alarm and fault status of the detector.2X TRALIS VESDA L ASER FOCUS(VLF)D ETECTOREach detector covers an area of up to 500m2for open space protection and maximum pipe length of 50 meters.Instant Recognition display and Instant Fault Finder TM on detector–allows easy determination of detector status and alarm and fault detail3M ONITORING AND C ONTROL S YSTEMTo set up a centralised monitoring system, a VESDAnet loop(RS485)is created by networking all the Xtralis VESDA Detectors installed in each coach in peer to peer/daisy chain.The following block diagram indicates the system setup.This VESDAnet loop is used for PC based monitoring and control using VSM-4 software.V E S D A S y s t e m M a n a g e r-4G r a p h i c S o f t w a r e B a s e d C e n t r a l M o n i t o r i n gThe VESDAnet loop is interfaced using High Level Interface (HLI) with a PC installed at the monitoring location. VESDA System Manager-4 (VSM-4) software is installed on the PC for complete monitoring and control of all the VESDA detectors installed.Key features of VSM-4 software are as follows:∙3-D Floor Plan: showing the entire area and the location of each detector within the area∙Real-time Smoke Trending: Click on a detector and see the real time smoke level in the area. You could also see alarm settings, filter status, event log etc.∙Group Trend Graphs: The Operator could compare the smoke level in multiple areas on real time basis in a single graph. This feature is particularly useful, when the operators monitoring finds all of a sudden smoke level rising in a particular coach, then they could compare the smoke level of this coach with the adjacent coach or farthest coach. The supervisor could also review history of the event across multiple detectors on the same graph to ascertain extent and trends of smoke movement.∙Text2Speech Option: provides an audible warning to operators.∙Status Bar: highlights the latest and most important event (prioritised and colour coded)∙Graphical Location information: exact event location is pinpointed on the floor plan.∙Remote Event Log Retrieval, Viewing and Sorting∙Multiple Event Log Database Management∙Auto-discovery of detector network: wiring order and device configurations.∙Full Remote Programming of all the detectors: change any function or parameter through multiple editing views.∙Event Response notification by Email and SMS to defined users on defined events using SMS module4P IPE N ETWORK L AYOUT AND S AMPLING M ETHODSThe following diagram indicates the typical pipe layout in each coach.The typical arrangement of a concealed sampling point is shown in the diagram below.These sampling points are installed at locations with public (passengers) access–passage and seating area.Inside equipment cabinet,normal sampling holes are considered.In certain locations of the train, Heat Activated Sampling Point (HASP) is used. These areas include engine room of the Power Car,Kitchen Area of Pantry Car and in all Lavotories of all the coaches.The picture below is a sample of HASP sampling head.The HASP head operates on thermal detectors principle in its normal operating mode. As fire starts and develops, heat (ambient temperature) increases to such point that the sampling hole is opened and it becomes a normal air sampling hole, hence the detection of the fire and alarm from Xtralis VESDA detectors. As per the Certificate of Appraisal, issued by National Building Technology Centre of Australian Government, the heat activation temperature is 68 C.DETECTOR INSTALLATION&OPERATIOND ETECTOR MOUNTINGThe VESDA Laser FOCUS can be installed upright, inverted or horizontally.Note:Ensure the smoke detector is mounted away from obstructions and below ceiling LevelCaution:An exhaust deflector must be fitted for upright mounting, unless the exhaust port is connected to a return air pipe.Caution:Do not install this unit on its side. There is a risk of particulate and condensation collecting on critical elements of the detector chamber reducing the detectors performance.Ensure that there is sufficient clearance to mount the detector, noting the location of air sampling pipes and cable entry points.Owing to the rigid nature of the plastic pipe, installation must provide for sufficient movement in all pipework (air inlet, air exhaust and cable pipes) to allow pipe ends to be easily fitted and removed.Mounting locationInstalling the smoke detectorIn all installation cases the mounting bracket must be fitted (upright) as shown in figure.Note:Ensure the mounting surface is flat. This will permit an air tight seal to be achieved between the sampling pipe and the tapered air ports on the detector. Warning:Prior to drilling the attachment holes for the mounting bracket, ensure that all mounting surfaces (i.e. walls, cabinet sides, etc.). are clear of electrical wiring and plumbing.When the pipe network and cabling are already fitted, the bracket can be used to aid alignment of the detector with the pipes. The Installation procedure below explains this process.Installation procedureCut the air inlet pipe and exhaust pipe (if used) at 90 deg., and to the same length (for normal and inverted mounting). Remove all rough edges. This is critical to obtain an air tight seal with the smoke detector.1. Position the air inlet centerline mark (A), see Figure, of the mounting bracket against the end of the air inlet pipe.2. In the cut out section of the mounting bracket mark a line across the top of the cut out if metric size pipe is used or mark a line across the bottom of the cut out if Imperial size pipe is used.3. Slide the mounting bracket down (up for inverted mounting) until the top of the bracket aligns with the marked line.4. Mark off and drill the 2 bracket mounting holes (H).5. Screw the bracket to the mounting surface.6. Hook the smoke detector onto the mounting bracket tabs and pull it down into place.7. Use the two M4 x 20 mm locking screws provided and screw them into the screw holes on the left and right side of the detector. See the items marked (F) in the Figure Detector removal.8. The air sampling pipe can now be attached and power connected.(See section wiring connections for connection information).Mounting bracket orientation for upright mountingMounting Bracket Rear ViewAir inlet pipe connectionsThe tapered shape of the air inlet port is designed to accept standard pipes of OD 25 mm (ID 21 mm) or IPS¾ in (OD 1.05 in) and provide an air tight seal.Note:Do not glue the air inlet pipe to the detector. This will void your warranty.Detector cabling requirementsThe screw type terminals located on the termination card within the VESDA Laser FOCUS will accept wire sizes from 0.2sq. mm to 2.5sq. mm(30–12 AWG).To reach the terminal block, open the field service access door,(see Controls and indicators section), and then unscrew the front cover retaining screws. Lift off and swingdown the front cover. The terminal block is located on the right hand side of the detector.Terminal blockGPI–General Purpose Input (Terminals 1 & 2)The General Purpose Input (GPI) is a programmable input. When the GPI function parameter is set to external,the detector shall indicate an external equipment fault condition by monitoring the line impedance. An End of Line (EOL) resistor is supplied with the product and must be assembled in parallel with the device to be monitored. The EOL resistor provides a known termination to the external equipment, this allows the VLF to detect open or short circuits. The detector monitors the EOL resistor, see Figure, and reports any faults when the GPI function is set to any value, except None.Caution:These terminal blocks come assembled and should NOT be disassembled.If GPI will not be used we recommend that you leave the EOL resistor assembled.Power supply (Terminals 8, 9, 10 & 11)It is recommended that the power supply be compliant with local codes and standards required by the regional authority.Caution:Check the product termination wiring label during installation and subsequent Maintenance visits.Operating voltage: 24 VDC nominal (18-30 VDC)Power consumption: 5.2 W nominal, 7.0 W in alarmCurrent consumption: 220 mA nominal, 295 mA in alarmRelays (Terminals 12-20)The relays allow alarm and fault signals to be hard wired to external devices, such as fire alarm control panels and loop interface modules away from the detector (example, sounding a siren at Action threshold).Note:By default, the Fault relay is normally energized when no fault is present. For example when there is no fault present, terminal 12 is held open and terminal 14 is held closed. When there is a fault present, terminal 12 is held closed and terminal14 is held open.Interface cardThe VESDA LaserFOCUS allows for the installation of network interface card used for networking multiple detectors to form a VESDAnet.Network CardInstalling the VESDAnet Card into VLFCaution:The detector must be powered down before installing or swapping an interface card otherwise damage may occur.Detector with front cover open showing the space for interface card inside thedetector1.Ensure the detector is powered off.2.Open the VLF. See the VLF product guide for details.3.Plug the interface cable from the VESDAnet Interface Card into the socketmarked (A).4.Place the card in the space provided, ensuring that the mount for the screwmatches up with the hole on the card. The interface cable should fold under thecard.5.Once the card is seated firmly, use the screw provided to secure the card.Themounting screw must be installed as it also grounds the card.6.Power up the detectorDetector with front cover open with interface card installed inside the detectorTesting the Installed VESDAnet Interface CardThe VESDAnet Interface Card uses LEDs to signify certain conditionsTo test the card:1.Apply power to the VLF.2.View green Power LED and flashing SYS OK LED on the card.3.View amber DET LED lit.4.View amber LEDs lit corresponding to correct Port A and B connections to thenext device.Typical Wiring to VESDAnet–Network of detectors installed in different coachesRS232 Compatible serial portThe RS232 serial port requires a standard 9-pin DB9 PC COM serial extension cable (male to female) for configuring the detector using a PC with VESDA System Configurator (VSC)installed, for status monitoring and command input, and for event log extraction and software upgrades.9 Pin connector and RS232 serial portInstallation ChecklistPerform the following checks listed below to ensure that all the necessary items are completedInstallation ChecklistC OMMISSIONING SMOKE TESTIt is recommended that a smoke test be carried out to prove the integrity of the pipe network, to demonstrate that the system is working and to measure the transport time to the detector.This test involves introducing a smoke sample at the furthest sampling hole and then measuring the time taken for the smoke to travel to the detector. Results are logged and compared to subsequent tests to note variations of the system.P RODUCT I NTERFACEThe VESDA LaserFOCUS provides the following information and control options without the need for additional configuration tools.• Detector status: Normal, Alarm, Disabled and Fault.• Alarm levels: Alert, Action, Fire 1 and Fire 2.• Smoke levels relative to Fire 1.• Detector fault types (Instant Fault Finder).• Test, Reset and Disable.• AutoLearn Smoke (setting alarm thresholds).• AutoLearn Flow (setting baseline for normalizing air flow and flow thresholds).Instant Recognition DisplayThe Instant Recognition display provides you with an immediate understanding of smoke levels relative to Fire 1 alarm threshold.Detector control buttonsSmoke level displayThe smoke level is displayed on the Smoke Dial and provides incident information essential for effective response in very early warning situations. This display provides you with an instant understanding of the smoke event relative to the Fire 1 Alarm Threshold. Between 1 and 10segments may illuminate. Each segment is equivalent to 1/10 of a Fire 1 warning.Smoke level and fault condition displayDETECTOR SPECIFICATIONPower Supply-Supply Voltage 24 VDC nominal (18-30 VDC) Power Consumption @ 24 VDC- 5.2 W nominal, 7.0 W in alarmCurrent Consumption @ 24 VDC-220 mA nominal, 295 mA in alarmCase Dimensions (WHD)-245 mm x 175 mm x 90 mm(95/8 in. x 6 7/8 in. x 31/2 in.)Weight- 2 kg (approx. 4.4 lbs)IP Rating-IP30Mounting-Upright, inverted or horizontal with appropriatemounting bracketOperating ConditionsDetector Ambient0o C to 40o C (32o F to 104o F)Sampled Air0o C to 40o C (32o F to 104o F)Humidity (non-condensing)5% to 95%Sampling NetworkAir inlet pipe(PVC pipe)OD 25 mm (ID 21 mm) / IPS ¾ in. (OD 1.05 in.) Single pipe length50 m max.Branch pipe length30m (50 ft.) max. per branchArea Covered-Upto500 m2Field WiringAccess 3 x 25 mm (1 in.) Cable entries (1 rear entry) Terminals0.2 mm2-2.5 mm2 (30-12 AWG)Interfaces Power In/Out.Fire 1 Relay(changeover, 2A @ 30 VDC).Action Relay(changeover, 2A @ 30 VDC).Fault Relay(changeover, 2A @ 30 VDC).General Purpose Input(clean contact).External display port(with power limited output).RS232 programming port.Alarm RangesAlert, Action0.025–2.0% obs/m (0.008–0.625% obs/ft.)*Fire 1, Fire 20.025–20% obs/m (0.008–6.25% obs/ft.)* Individual Delays0-60 seconds2 Threshold sets (1 & 2)Day and nightDisplay4 Alarm State Indicators(Alert, Action, Fire 1 and Fire 2).Fault and Disabled Indicators.10-sector Smoke Level Indicators.VESDA®LaserFOCUS VLF-250 Product Guide3710-sector Instant Fault Finder.Reset, Disable and Test Controls.Smoke and Flow AutoLearn Controls and Indicators.Event LogUp to 18 000 events stored.Smoke trend, flow trend, faults events, configuration events and operational events.Date and time stamp.AutoLearn Smoke & FlowMinimum 15 minutes, maximum 15 days (default 14 days). During AutoLearn, thresholds are NOT changed from pre-set values.TROUBLESHOOTINGInstant Fault FinderWhen a fault is registered on the detector, the fault light remains ON for Major Fault situations and flashes for Minor Fault.The Instant Fault Finder function is operated by pressing the Reset and Disable buttons together.Instant Fault Finder provides rapid fault diagnosis and is an additional function of the Smoke Dial display. One or more segments of the Smoke Dial will illuminate, indicating the fault by number.The Instant Fault Finder function aids rapid diagnosis of faults.Instant fault finder diagnosisMAINTENANCEThe VESDA LaserFOCUS smoke detector continuously monitors its own operation and conducts frequent health checks. There are two serviceable items, the air filter cartridge and the aspirator.Caution:Electrostatic discharge precautions need to be taken prior to removing the front cover from the detector otherwise damage may occur to the detector.Maintenance-replaceable itemsPrior to any work or maintenance being carried out on the VESDA LaserFOCUStake the necessary steps to advise the monitoring authority that power may be removed and the system disabled.Maintenance scheduleMaintenance should be conducted by a qualified service contractor.Maintenance scheduleReplace the Filter Cartridge (VLF)The VESDA Laser FOCUS smoke detector uses a disposable dual stage air filter cartridge. This filter removes dust contamination from sampled air and provides a clean air bleed to preserve the detector chamber optics. The detector constantly monitors filter efficiency. To maintain the operational integrity of the smoke detector, it is recommended that the filter be replaced every2 years, or when a filter fault occurs or more often for environments that experience high levels of contamination.A fault is raised on the detector, when the filter needs to be replaced. During the replacement process the detector needs to be informed that a new filter has been installed.Note:Ensure the area surrounding the filter is clear of dirt and debris prior to replacement.Note:The filter is for single use only, it cannot be cleaned and re-used.Filter replacement stepsEnsure the detector remains powered up during filter replacement and a new filter cartridge is available:1. Push in the security tab and lift up the field service access door (A).2. Set the detector to‘Standby’ mode by pressing the Disable button for 6 seconds. The Disabled LED begins to flash. After releasing the Disable button the disabled LED will slowly flash.3. Undo the recessed retaining screw (C) and pull out the old filter (B).4. Using your finger, firmly press the filter switch (D) (in the filter recess of the detector)5 times within 5 seconds to confirm to the detector that a new filter is about to beinstalled (see inset). A LED next to the serial interface will flash each time you push the filter switch, and will continue flashing once you have successfully pressed the switch 5 times in 5 seconds.5. Insert the new filter (VSP-005) and tighten the retaining screw.6. Press the Disable button for 6 seconds to return the detector to normal operation.7. Record the filter replacement date on the filter.8. Close the field service access door.Filter replacementAspirator replacementCaution:Electrostatic discharge precautions need to be taken prior to removing the front cover from the detector otherwise damage may occur to the unit.Aspirator removal (assumes normal mounting, see Figure):1. Disconnect power to the detector.2. Push in the security tab and lift up the field service access door.3. Unscrew the two front cover retaining screws, lift and swing down the front cover.4. Only disconnect the fan wiring loom from the connection point (E) at the aspirator.5. Undo the retaining screw on the aspirator (A).6. Swing out the aspirator, then lift and remove it from the detector.LegendNote:Any time the aspirator is removed ensure the area surrounding the aspirator is clear of dirt and debris prior to replacement.Note:Care must be taken during aspirator replacement. The aspirator must be correctlyseated; this is essential so that gaskets are not damaged or dislodged from the underside of the aspirator.Aspirator replacement steps1. Clip the aspirator (VSP-715) into the retaining clip (D) and swing it back into the detector.2. Tighten the retaining screw (A) (do not over tighten).3. Reconnect the fan loom to the aspirator (E).4. Replace the front cover and screw it into place.5. Close the field service access door.6. Reconnect power to the detector.Aspirator replacementCleaning Sampling PipesFollow the instructions below to clean the sample pipe network.1.Ensure that detectors are isolated from the monitoring panel and fire suppressionsystems.2.Notify the relevant authorities that the work is being performed.3.Check and record the current airflow for before and after comparison.4.Disconnect the detector power supply.5.Remove all pipes from the detector inlet(s) and exhausts then cover them toensure that no further dust can enter the detector.6.Ensure that end caps are set firmly in place.7.Connect a vacuum cleaner to the detector end of each pipe in turn. When turnedon, it will extract dust and contaminants that have built up inside the pipes. 8.Alternatively, introduce compressed air (400 KPa for 2 minutes) at the detectorend of each pipe in turn to blow dust and contaminants out through the sample holes.9.Take precautions to ensure that dust is not blown into undesired areas. Ensurethat end caps are still set firmly in place.pare the before and after flow rates. Ideally, the flow should be close to100% for each used pipe. If this is not the case, the capillaries and detector may need closer inspection. If the sample pipe network appears to be OK, continue with the remainder of this section to determine the cause of the reduced airflow.11.Once the system has been serviced, cleaned, tested and is operating fault-free,return it to its normal operating mode.。

策略1. 定期系统检查和维护- 每月进行系统巡检,检查系统的各项指标和性能。
- 定期对硬件设备进行维护和保养,确保其正常运行。
- 对系统进行备份和恢复测试,以保证数据的完整性和可恢复性。
2. 及时更新和升级- 及时安装系统和应用程序的软件更新,包括安全补丁和功能改进。
- 定期进行系统和应用程序的版本升级,以提高系统的性能和安全性。
3. 监控和预警- 配置系统监控工具,实时监测关键指标和性能。
- 设定预警机制,及时发现并解决潜在的问题。
4. 故障处理和问题解决- 当系统出现故障或问题时,及时响应并进行排查和修复。
- 建立故障处理流程和问题解决方案,确保问题能够得到有效解决。
5. 定期培训和知识分享- 为系统维护人员提供定期培训和知识分享机会,提升其技术水平和维护能力。
- 建立知识库,记录和分享经验和教训,以便于今后的系统维护工作。
步骤1. 建立系统维护团队,明确各成员的职责和权限。
2. 制定系统维护计划,包括巡检时间表、更新和升级计划等。
3. 配置系统监控工具,确保能够实时监测系统的性能和指标。
4. 定期进行系统巡检,记录巡检结果并及时处理异常情况。
5. 根据巡检结果进行故障排查和修复,确保系统的稳定运行。
6. 按计划进行软件更新和升级,确保系统的安全性和性能。
7. 建立问题解决流程,确保故障能够及时得到解决。
8. 定期组织培训和知识分享活动,提升团队的维护能力和问题解决能力。


Sensor ReplacementModels: D4+, E4+, F4+Section 1Safety InformationPlease read this entire instruction sheet before operating this equipment. Pay attention to all danger, warning, and caution statements in this instruction sheet. Failure to do so could result in serious personal injury or damage to the equipment.Make sure that the protection provided by this equipment is not impaired. Do not use or install this equipment in any manner other than that specified in the instruction sheet.1.1Safety Precautions603051_RevNMaintenance2Section 1Maintenance1.1Installing Sensor to the ControllerNote: System figures may look slightly different than your actual system.Procedure:Warning: This product may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.• Shut off the water supply.Note: Solenoid and Cool Touch valve are not used in all systems.• Open a tap downstream of the UV unit to release pressure. Then, close this tap.• Disconnect main power source and allow the unit to cool for 10 minutes.Note: Ensure there is no other power sourceconnected, such as solenoid, junction box and remote alarms.• Disconnect the sensor cable from the controller.Maintenance3• Connect the sensor cable to the controller.Note: Perform thedisinfection procedure prior to turning the system on. Refer to Owner’s Manual.• Restore power and connect the other devices such as solenoid, junction box and remote alarms.• Turn on the water supply.Note: Solenoid and Cool Touch valve are not used in all systems.425 Clair Rd. W, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1L 1R1t. (+1) 519.763.1032 • tf. (+1) 800.265.7246 (US and Canada only) t. (+31) 73 747 0144 (Europe only) • f. (+1) 519.763.5069e-mail:**************。

微电网系统运维技术手册1. 概述微电网系统是一种基于分布式能源资源的可靠、灵活和高效的能源供应系统。
2. 系统监控与维护2.1 监控系统2.1.1 安装监控系统软件在微电网系统中安装专用监控系统软件,以监测系统的各项参数和状态。
2.1.2 连接监控设备将微电网系统的各个关键设备连接至监控系统,确保实时监测系统运行状况。
2.1.3 数据采集与处理通过监控系统实时采集系统数据,并对采集的数据进行处理和分析,以便及时发现潜在问题。
2.2 系统日常巡检2.2.1 电池组巡检定期检查电池组的电压、温度和电阻等参数,确保电池组的正常运行。
2.2.2 逆变器巡检检查微电网系统的逆变器是否正常运行,包括检查逆变器的输出功率、电压和频率等参数。
2.2.3 发电机巡检检查微电网系统的发电机运行状态,包括发电机的燃油、冷却系统和机械部件等。
2.3 故障排除与修复2.3.1 故障诊断当微电网系统出现故障时,根据监控系统提供的数据进行故障诊断,确定故障原因。
2.3.2 故障修复根据故障诊断结果,采取相应的措施修复系统故障,并确保系统正常运行。
3. 安全管理3.1 防护设备3.1.1 安装监控摄像头在微电网系统的关键设备周边安装监控摄像头,保障系统安全运行。
3.1.2 安装防火墙为微电网系统配置专用防火墙,阻止潜在的网络攻击和非法访问。
3.2 运行权限管控3.2.1 用户权限管理对微电网系统的不同用户设置不同的权限,限制其对系统的访问和操作。
3.2.2 安全漏洞修补及时更新微电网系统软件和设备的安全补丁,修复已知的安全漏洞。
3.3 应急响应3.3.1 应急预案制定微电网系统的应急预案,明确各项应急措施和责任分工。
3.3.2 定期演练定期组织微电网系统的应急演练,提高应急处置能力和反应速度。
4. 数据管理与分析4.1 数据采集与存储4.1.1 实时数据采集通过监控系统实时采集微电网系统的各项数据,并进行记录和存储。

壹、前言 (3)
一、课程大纲 (4)
二、系统目的 (5)
三、系统特色 (6)
贰、系统架构 (8)
一、系统主流程 (8)
二、统功能图 (9)
叁、基本信息管理 (10)
一、录入程序编号 (10)
二、录入组信息 (13)
三、录入用户编号 (15)
四、录入用户权限 (18)
五、录入多公司信息 (23)
六、录入子系统信息 (24)
七、录入数据表 (26)
肆、报表管理 (29)
一、组信息清单 (29)
二、用户清单 (31)
三、用户权限明细表 (34)
伍、派班中心基本操作说明 (36)

系统维护指南- VESDA_VLF

6 探测器概览
Xtralis VESDA VLF-250 产品指南
• 绝对烟雾值的激光探测 • 极宽的灵敏度范围 • 可编程报警阈值 • 二级空气过滤器 • 即时识别显示器 • Instant Fault FinderTM (即时故障探测) • AutoLearnTM Smoke (烟雾自学习) • AutoLearnTM Flow (气流自学习) • 超声波气流传感 • 参考探测器 (需要配备 VESDAnet 接口卡) • 现场维护检修门 • 独立事件记录 • 支持采样管网模型软件 - ASPIRE2TM • 用于现场的 Xtralis VESDA 系统配置软件 (Xtralis VSC)
Xtralis VESDA VLF-250 产品指南
A 即时故障探测器故障说明 B 二级空气过滤器 C 警报级别定义 D 控制按钮-复位、停用、(即时故障探测)和测试 E RS232 DB9F 串口 F 控制按钮 - AutoLearn Smoke (烟雾自学习), AutoLearn Flow (气
可以使用 VLF 探测器为开放区域、回风格栅或为机柜等众多小型区域提供保护,包括:
• 通讯设施 • 计算机室 • 控制室 • 存储设备 • 电气柜和开关柜
如需规范要求的详细信息,见页码 V 上 “ 空气采样烟雾探测的规范和标准 ”。
Xtralis VESDA VLF-250 产品指南
GPI 通用输入或接口卡接线故 障。

1. 简介本发电机组是设计为重工业用途,并在设计上考虑了机组安放后只需注入水/冷却液、燃料及电池液便即可以准备运行。
2. 安全2.1 总体说明本机组在正常运作下甚为安全。
2.2 安装、移动及运输本手册之第4章将会对机组的安装、移动、运输作出说明,请做出上述行动之前阅读相关章节,并注意下列之预防安全措施:警告※!连接电线必须依照相关的标准、规范及其它要求,包括接地要求及漏电故障保护。

二、系统组成与相关标识说明2.1 系统标识在DCS技术说明书以及各类DCS设备在实际维护、使用时,DCS的各设备是以系统标识的形式出现的。
2.1.3、通讯网络标识:通信线缆标识2. 控制站、工程师站及控制站至集线器的线缆标识:a)操作员站A网卡至A集线器(CC1-HUB-A)为:OS131 -A→CC1-HUB-A-1b)操作员站B网卡至B集线器(CC1-HUB-B)为:OS131 -B→CC1-HUB-B-1c)工程师站A网卡至A集线器(CC1-HUB-A)为:ES130-A→CC1-HUB-A-1d)工程师站B网卡至B集线器(CC1-HUB-B)为:ES130-B→CC1-HUB-B-1e)1#控制站1#主控卡A网口至A集线器(CC1-HUB-A)为:CS1-1 -A→CC1-HUB-A-1f)1#控制站1#主控卡B网口至B集线器(CC1-HUB-B)为:CS1-1 -B→CC1-HUB-B-1g)1#控制站2#主控卡A网口至A集线器(CC1-HUB-A)为:CS1-2- A→CC1-HUB-A-1h)1#控制站2#主控卡B网口至B集线器(CC1-HUB-B)为:CS1-2 -B→CC1-HUB-B-1注:OS131 -A→CC1-HUB-A-1,OS131-A指131号操作站A网卡,CC1-HUB-A-1指1号控制柜A 集线器的1号口。

电力供应系统维护方案1. 简介本文档旨在提供一个电力供应系统维护方案,以确保电力供应系统的稳定性和可靠性。
2. 维护目标与原则2.1 目标- 保障电力供应系统的稳定运行;- 提高电力供应系统的可靠性;- 减少系统故障和停机时间;- 延长设备寿命。
2.2 原则- 维护工作应遵循安全第一的原则;- 维护工作应尽量减少对用户供电的影响;- 维护工作应根据设备的实际情况和维护需求进行计划和执行。
3. 维护策略3.1 预防性维护预防性维护是指定期对设备进行检查和保养的维护方式,旨在预防故障的发生。
以下是预防性维护的主要内容:- 定期检查设备运行状态,包括电流、电压、温度等参数的监测;- 定期更换易损件和老化设备;- 定期清洁设备和通风系统;- 定期校准仪器和设备。
3.2 紧急维修紧急维修是指在设备发生故障或停机时立即进行的维护措施。
以下是紧急维修的要点:- 快速定位和诊断故障原因;- 立即采取修复措施,恢复设备运行;- 在修复后进行测试和验证,确保设备正常运行。
3.3 定期检查定期检查是指按照一定的频率对整个电力供应系统进行全面检查。
以下是定期检查的主要内容:- 检查电力线路和绝缘状况;- 检查开关设备和接线端子的连接情况;- 检查保护装置和自动控制系统的正常运行;- 检查电缆和电气设备的防护措施。
4. 维护计划为了有效地实施维护工作,制定一个维护计划是必要的。
维护计划应包括以下内容:- 维护工作的时间安排和频率;- 维护工作的具体内容和步骤;- 维护工作所需的人员和工具;- 维护工作的预算和资源需求。
5. 总结本文档介绍了电力供应系统维护方案的目标、原则、策略和计划。

- 定期检查电力供应系统的设备,包括发电机、变压器、配电板等。
- 针对每个设备,制定详细的检修计划,包括检查点、工作流程和时间表。
- 随时关注设备运行数据,及时发现异常情况,并采取相应修复措施。
- 配备专业维修团队,随时处理电力供应系统的故障。
- 建立故障处理流程,确保故障能够及时定位、排除,并记录故障处理过程。
- 在故障处理过程中,保持与相关部门和技术支持的沟通,以获得必要的支持和协助。
- 制定详细的电力供应系统安全规范,包括安全操作指南、应急预案等。
- 提供必要的安全培训,确保员工熟悉并遵守安全规范。
- 定期进行安全演练和检查,确保电力供应系统的安全性和可靠性。
- 根据设备和系统的维护需求,制定定期维护计划。
- 定期清洁设备,更换老化零部件,以延长设备的使用寿命。
- 对定期维护计划进行记录和跟踪,确保计划的执行和效果。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
在缺省设置中,该按钮不起作用。要想启 用此按钮,需使用 Xtralis VESDA 系统配 置软件 (Xtralis VSC)。
注意 : 在测试开始之前,须通知监测部 门。
要启用此按钮,需要按下和松开 Fire 1 (火警 1)测试按钮。这样就可以激活烟 雾指示刻度盘上的各个部分以及直至火警 1 的报警条件 (在所设置的延时后)。再 次按下 Fire 1 (火警 1)测试按钮以便停 止测试,并解除所有锁定的报警。
Xtralis VESDA
6 探测器概览
Xtralis VESDA VLF-250 产品指南
• 绝对烟雾值的激光探测 • 极宽的灵敏度范围 • 可编程报警阈值 • 二级空气过滤器 • 即时识别显示器 • Instant Fault FinderTM (即时故障探测) • AutoLearnTM Smoke (烟雾自学习) • AutoLearnTM Flow (气流自学习) • 超声波气流传感 • 参考探测器 (需要配备 VESDAnet 接口卡) • 现场维护检修门 • 独立事件记录 • 支持采样管网模型软件 - ASPIRE2TM • 用于现场的 Xtralis VESDA 系统配置软件 (Xtralis VSC)
表示已达到 “ 火警 2” 阈值 表示已达到 “ 火警 1” 阈值 表示已达到 “ 行动 ” 阈值 表示已达到 “ 警告 ” 阈值 表示设备已经停用 (持续)或处于待机模式 (闪烁) 在探测器通电时发光 故障灯持续发光表示紧急故障 (UF)。闪烁表示非紧急故障 (NUF)
LED 指示灯 颜色 红色 红色 红色 红色 黄色 绿色 黄色
图 23 - VLF 探测器前视图
Xtralis VESDA
Xtralis VESDA VLF-250 产品指南
即时识别显示器可以使用户即时了解烟雾浓度 (相对于 “ 火警 1” 报警阈值)的情况。
A FIRE 2 (火警 2) B FIRE 1 (火警 1) C ACTION (行动) D ALERT (警告) E DISABLED (停用) F POWER (电源) G FAULT (故障)
利用即时故障探测器对 VLF 探测器进行故障诊断
故障 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
类型 过滤器故障 吸气泵故障
低气流故障 未使用 外部设备 / 供 电电源故障 接口卡故障
解释 如果因为灰尘或烟雾污染,或 者达到了寿命期限,就应当更 换空气过滤器。
当探测器上的一个故障被确认之后,如果是紧急故障 (UF),故障指示灯 (D)会持续发光,如 果是非紧急故障 (NUF),故障指示灯会闪烁。
同时按下复位和停用按钮,即时故障探测功能就会启动。即时故障探测功能可以提供快速故障诊 断,它是烟雾浓度指示刻度盘的一个附加功能。 烟雾浓度指示刻度盘上的一个或多个部分会发 光,以数字形式显示故障。下表提供了详细故障信息和操作建议。
A 烟雾浓度指示刻度盘及故障类型显示 C Disable (停用)按钮 器
B Reset (复位)按钮
D Fault (故障)按钮
图 27 - 烟雾浓度及故障情况显示器
Xtralis VESDA VLF-250 产品指南
Xtralis VESDA
启动后使火警继电 器输出停用并报告 故障 按住 Disable (停 用)按钮 6 秒钟就 会使探测器进入待 机状态。
按住此按钮可测试设备上 LED 指示灯的功 能。
要想启用或锁定此按钮,需要使用 Xtralis VESDA 系统配置软件 (Xtralis VSC)软件。
松开此按钮可以解除锁定的故障和报警。 这时报警灯和故障灯将会灭掉。如果系统 仍处于报警或故障模式,在适当的延时后 这些灯会重新发光。
即时故障探 测器
指示探测器当前出 现的故障
同时按住复位按钮和停用按钮后,可在烟 雾指示刻度盘上以数字形式显示故障类 型。
见第 26 页上 “ 利用即时故障探测器对 VLF 探测器进行故障诊断 ” 中的故障定 义。
Fire 1 (火警 1) 测试
Hale Waihona Puke 模拟 Fire 1 (火警 1) 条件,在适当的延 迟后报警继电器会 被激活。
AutoLearn Flow (气流 自学习)
探测器可以自动测 量进入采样管的气 流并设置气流阈值
见 17 页上 “AutoLearn Flow (气流自学 习)”。
按下凹形的 AutoLearn Flow (气流自学 习)按钮即可对气流故障阈值进行设置, 并对探测器的进行气流标定。在自学习过 程 (持续 14 天,这也是缺省周期)中, 按钮旁边的 LED 指示灯会持续发光。要想 启用这一功能,可以再次按下 AutoLearn Flow (气流自学习)按钮。
该按钮可以让操作员在停用模式和常规模 式之间切换。在停用后,不再向系统报告 烟雾和气流 (例如,FACP 火灾报警控制 器)。
要想启用或锁定此按钮,需要使用 Xtralis VESDA 系统配置软件 (Xtralis VSC)软件。
VLF 探测器停用后吸气泵的风扇将继续转 动,但在待机状态下会停止运转。
可以使用 VLF 探测器为开放区域、回风格栅或为机柜等众多小型区域提供保护,包括:
• 通讯设施 • 计算机室 • 控制室 • 存储设备 • 电气柜和开关柜
如需规范要求的详细信息,见页码 V 上 “ 空气采样烟雾探测的规范和标准 ”。
Xtralis VESDA VLF-250 产品指南
流自学习功能) G 控制按钮定义 H 保险舌
图 26 - VLF 探测器,现场维护检修门打开
Xtralis VESDA VLF-250 产品指南
Xtralis VESDA
按钮 复位
Disable (停用)
使系统复位并重新 正常运行
注意 : 请记住要在测试结束后使系统回 复正常模式。
Xtralis VESDA
Xtralis VESDA VLF-250 产品指南
AutoLearn Smoke (烟 雾自学习)
Automatically (烟雾自学习)可 以在常规工作环境 的基础上自动设置 报警阈值
注意 :
图 24 - 即时识别显示器
我们提供了两套即时识别显示器图标,在本手册中经常出现。用户无需阅读图标旁 的英文说明就能够通过国际通用图标对故障进行确认。
Xtralis VESDA VLF-250 产品指南
Xtralis VESDA
Xtralis VESDA VLF-250 产品指南
A 即时故障探测器故障说明 B 二级空气过滤器 C 警报级别定义 D 控制按钮-复位、停用、(即时故障探测)和测试 E RS232 DB9F 串口 F 控制按钮 - AutoLearn Smoke (烟雾自学习), AutoLearn Flow (气
打开现场维护检修门后可以找到控制按钮。 用平头螺丝刀按下位于探测器右侧的保险舌,检修门 就会打开,然后利用检修门两侧的卡头抬起检修门 (见下图)。
A 保险舌
B 卡头
C 现场维护检修门
B 图 25 - 现场维护检修门的保险舌和卡头
Xtralis VESDA
VLF 烟雾探测器的即时识别显示器可以显示警报级别和探测器状态等信息。 作为即时识别显示器 的一部分,烟雾指示刻度盘 (见 19 页上 “VLF 探测器前视图 ”, 中的 (F),第 3 页上 “ 空气 采样烟雾探测的规范和标准 ”)可以提供烟雾事件的明确信息(相对于 “ 火警 1” 报警阈值)。 在使用即时故障探测功能时,该显示器还能够标识出系统和运行故障。 烟雾指示刻度盘上的各部 分都对应着一个特殊的故障状况。
7 产品界面
在无需额外配置工具的情况下, VLF 探测器可以提供下列信息和控制选项:
• 探测器状态:正常、报警、停用和故障; • 警报级别:“ 警告 ”、“ 行动 ”、“ 火警 1” 和 “ 火警 2” ; • 对应 “ 火警 1” 的烟雾浓度; • 探测器故障类型 (即时故障探测) • 测试、复位和停用; • AutoLearn Smoke (烟雾自学习) (设置警报阈值) • AutoLearn Flow (气流自学习) (为标准气流和气流阈值设定基准)
探测器上有一个现场维护检修门,这样就在探测器调试的过程中方便地访问 AutoLearn (自学 习)功能。 提供它,可以更换过滤器,还可以连接电脑以便进行全面的设置和诊断。
探测器使用超声波气流传感,通过对采样管中气流变化的探测,监视采样管网的完整性。 超声波 气流传感不受温度、湿度和压力的影响。
探测器中的历史事件是由非易失性独立事件记录功能提供的。包括烟雾趋势数据、气流趋势数 据、故障事件、配置事件和运行事件等。使用 VSC 软件就可以对这些事件类型分别进行过滤。
表 6 - 探测器按钮
在正常运行条件下,环状烟雾浓度指示刻度盘可以显示出采样空气中的烟雾浓度。通过即时故障 探测器,烟雾浓度指示刻度盘可以暂时将各段转化为故障指示灯,其中每段都对应一个特定的故 障情况。