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第四课时Vacabulary practice, Unit task & Fun time



本课时系教材《英语2》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的第四课时,为vocabulary consolidation + unit task + fun time部分,具体内容为:通过各种方式,利用具体的语境使用和练习词汇,从而巩固本单元的重点词汇。并让学生运用本单元所学的语言材料完成一个真实的交际任务,通过一系列步骤让学生在真实环境中应用语言。培养学生在朗读英语时养成良好的语音习惯,重视句子中的单词重读。








学生能够理解并掌握本单元的重点词汇以及以下四个动词的词语搭配:go, have, play, make







Step One Lead-in (7 mins)

1.Collect the Ss' homework and get some of them to tell others key phrases of what they will talk

today. Get others to guess.

SI (Li Jie): went swimming bathed in the sun walked along the beach

T: What did Li Jie do last vacation?

S2: She went swimming, bathed in the sun and walked along the beach.

T: Where did she go?

53to SI: Did you go to Sanya?

SI: No, I didn't.

54to S1: Did you go to Qingdao?

S1: No, I didn't. I went to Thailand.

T: Who did she go with?

55to SI: Did you go with your parents?

SI: Yes, I did.

(设计意图:这一步骤教师既能对学生的作业情况进行及时地检查,教师在并听的过程中边提出问题,并且问题是结合上一课时的知识点,又可以检查学生们对于一般过去时的掌握情况。教师让说的学生故弄玄虚,不把完整的信息全部告诉大家,更增添了其他同学的好奇心, 鼓励学生用上一课时学过的句型进行提问和回答。教师因此也达到了复习一般过去时的目的。同时,教师也为下一班即将要进行的表演做了铺垫c)

2.Present the phrases the Ss mentioned and make a list, omitting the verbs.

football a wonderful time a snowman a lot of fun sailing swimming shopping skiing a long holiday a terrible time volleyball skating to a park tennis a trip to Beijing computer games with my friends with my parents to the zoo the piano a birthday cake coffee a birthday party a great time the zoo mountains apples the birthday present songs stories



Step Two Vocabulary pracice (10 mins)

football a wonderful time a snowman go

have play make Others: visit the zoo pick apples sang


1. Activity 20: Get the Ss to find the words that go together.

a lot of fun sailing swimming shopping skiing a long holiday a terrible time volleyball skating to a park tennis a trip to Beijing computer games with my friends with my parents to the zoo the piano a birthday cake coffee a birthday party a great time the zoo mountains apples the birthday present

songs stories

climb mountains

open the birthday present told stories

(设计意图:学生在把词组归类的过程中,不但复习了不同词组的搭配,也对本单元的重点 词汇进行了很好的回顾。)

2. Activity 19: Match the sentences.

Tell the Ss that we're going to hold a funny story acting competition. There are some sentences that may be helpful to them. Get the Ss to do it by themselves and check it with the whole class.

(设计意图:在完成词汇的复习之后,让学生完成活动19的句子之间的逻辑关系的匹配。要 求学生认真完成该练习,这将会对他们马上要进行的讲故事竞赛有帮助。)

Step Three Unit task (22 mins)

T: Everyone has some experiences that are very funny. Our class is to hold a funny story acting


1. Ss work in groups of four. The Ss share their stories in the group.

2. Choose a representitive for the competition.

3. Vote for the funniest storyteller in the class.

Tell the Ss that they can use as many expressions in Activity 20 & 21 as possible.
