

富 士 PXR4温控表说明书

富   士  PXR4温控表说明书

− 1 −− 2 −注) 上段(PV)显示消失(无显示)时,请在参数DP13的设定值上加64。

2接线3使用方法(请在使用前阅读)6关于温度调节器的功能− 3 −− 4 −7为熟练使用温度调节器Modbus RTU 是modicon 公司的商标。

8请在显示异常时阅读* DC4-20mA 输入时,除使用250Ω的外置电阻外,还请作为DC1-5V 输入使用。

注1) 仅同一类型中可以变更代码。

注1) 输入精度为±0.5%FS±1digit±1°C 。

但,采用热敏电阻时,则为±1%FS±1digit 。

R 热电偶0~500°CB 热电偶0~400°C注2) 采用测温电阻时,即使低于-150°C ,也不显示LLLL 。



*1 微型控制器X 系列与其他机型的不同点如下表所示,请加以注意。

*2 连接计算机时,需要通信变换器。

另行准备(推荐产品) (株)RA 系统公司生产 RC-77(隔离型) http://www.ras.co.jp (株)lineeye 公司生产 SI-30A(隔离型) http://www.lineeye.co.jp (株)系统sacom 公司生产 KS485(非隔离型) http://www.sacom.co.jp 规 格电源电压:AC100(-15%)~240V(+10%)、50/60Hz 、DC/AC 24V(±10%)功耗:10VA 以下(AC100V),12VA 以下(AC220V),12VA 以下(AC/DC24V)继电器接点输出:控制输出1 1c 接点AC220V/DC30V ,3A(阻性负载)控制输出2 1a 接点AC220V/DC30V ,3A(阻性负载)SSR/SSC 驱动输出*1(电压脉冲输出):ON 时 DC24V(DC17~25V)OFF 时 DC0.5V 以下最大电流 DC20mA 以下负载电阻 850Ω以上DC4-20mA 输出:容许负载电阻 600Ω以下报警输出(最多2点):继电器接点(1a 接点) AC220V/DC30V 1A(阻性负载)加热器断线报警输出:继电器接点(1a 接点) AC220V/DC30V 1A(阻性负载)通信功能*2:RS-485接口传输方式/半双工位串行起止同步传输速度/9600bps通信协议/符合Modbus RTU 或Z-ASCII (PXR 协议)传输距离/最大500m(连接总长度)连接台数/31台数字量输入:输入点数2点 (ON 判定:DC3V 以上,OFF 判定:DC2V 以下)输入接点容量 DC5V / 2mA 输入脉冲宽度 最小0.5秒传送输出:输出精度 ±0.3%以下容许负载电阻 600Ω以下远程SV 输入:输入精度 ±0.5%FS 以下(无输入断线检测功能)设定分辨率 3000以上带输入滤波功能使用及贮存温度:-10°C ~50°C ,90%RH 以下(无结露)-10°C ~45°C(密集安装时)-20°C ~60°C(贮存温度)时间精度:±0.5%以内SSR/SSC 驱动输出DC4-20mA 输出容许负载电阻电压最大电流PXR3DC15V 20mA 100~500ΩPXR4/5/7/9DC24V 20mA 600Ω以下PXV3DC5.5V 20mA 600Ω以下PXV/W/Z DC24V 60mA 600Ω以下[所谓过量程方向]输入在范围之外或异常时的输出方向。



PXR 系列数字式温度控制器说明书PXR3系列选型说明 代号 数字位规格 45678-9101112 13 - 14面板尺寸H ×W 4 24×48 3 输入信号 热电偶(℃) T 热电偶(℉) R RTD/Pt100欧姆(℃) N RTD/Pt100欧姆(℉。

) S 1~5V DC A 54~20mA DC B 控制输出1 继电器接点输出 A SSR/SSC 驱动输出 C 64~20mA DC 输出 E 控制输出2 无 Y 继电器接点输出 注1 A SSR/SSC 驱动输出 注1 C 74~20mA DC 输出 注1 E 8版本号 1- 附加功能1 无报警 0 1个报警 1 8段斜坡/保温程序 4 1个报警+8段斜坡/保温程序 5 两个报警 注2 F 9.两个报警+8段斜坡/保温 注2 G 操作说明书 电源电压 无 100~240V AC N 日文 100~240V AC Y 英文 100~240V AC V 无 24V AC/24DC C 日文 24V AC/24DC A 10英文 24V AC/24DC B 附加功能2 无 0 0 0 RS485(Modbus)通讯 M 0 0 RS485(Z-ASC11) 通讯 N 0 0 再传输输出+1点数字输入 注3 Q 0 0 再传输输出 注3 R 0 0 2点数字输入 T 0 0 RS485(Modbus) 通讯+1点数字输入 V 0 0 111213RS485(Z-ASC11) 通讯+1点数字输入 W 0 0 无标准功能14 无标准参数设定(非标) - F 注1:两个过程报警(即选项9中的F 和G )不能一起选。

注2:控制输出2(即选项7中的A 、C 、E )不能一起选。

注3:控制输出2,两个报警和24V 电源(即选项7中的A 、C 、E 、选项9中的F 和G ,选项10中的A 、 B 、C )不能一起选。

PXR4系列选型说明 代号 数字位规格 45678-910 11 12 13面板尺寸W ×H 4 48×48mm 4 输入信号 热电偶(℃) T 热电偶(℉) R RTD/Pt100欧姆(℃) N RTD/Pt100欧姆(℉。






RC4 中文操作手册范本

RC4 中文操作手册范本

手册引导内容提要1介绍1.1手册结构1.2补充文件1.3操作手册使用人群1.4手册中使用的信号和警示1.5使用的方式和缩写1.6版本附件2设备描述2.1目的2.2潜在的危险3总述3.1电源3.2外加24VDC3.3使用的电缆型号3.4安全须知3.4.1Congrav RC-4使用安全须知3.4.2安装安全须知3.4.3接线安全须知3.4.4使用和操作安全须知4硬件描述4.1Congrav RC-4:类型4.2Congrav RC-4A:显示和按键4.2.1集成按键及其功能4.2.2显示和功能组成4.3参数更改4.3.1数字输入4.3.2固定参数设置的选择4.3.3如果….,更改参数不被接受4.4Congrav RC-4B:4.5Congrav RC-4的插卡槽4.5.1现场的可能连线4.6Congrav RC-4的基本功能4.6.1插入卡RC4-MSIO4.6.1.1XS1.1:与主计算机的连接4.6.1.2XS1.2:与ISC现场总线的连接4.6.1.3XS1.3:与调试解调器和工控电脑的连接4.7Congrav RC-4的选项卡4.7.1CDIO插入卡4.7.2DIOP插入卡4.7.2.1输入输出模式-数字式RC-4的终端功能4.7.3ANOP插入卡4.7.3.1输入输出模式-模拟式RC-4的终端功能4.7.4Profibus模式5调试5.1安装5.2调试,Congrav RC-4的开机5.3Congrav RC-4:软件升级5.4ISC-CM:软件升级6菜单页F100安装结构6.1F110:安装模式6.2模拟结构6.3F120:主计算机操作6.4F130:显示内容改变6.5连锁停机6.6时间和日期6.7F150:配方处理6.7.1设定值斜线,设定值阈值6.7.2调试操作7F200:打印机结构,内存值重设7.1打印功能7.2F210:如何清除记忆内容8F300:设定值输入和选择8.1安装设定值8.2加料器设定值8.2.1`设定值的模拟控制8.2.2设定值斜线,设定值阈值(菜单页F150)8.3选项8.4F310:滞后时间8.5报警停机9F400:安装的实际值,总产量重设9.1F430:总产量重设10单台加料器操作10.1加料器页的抬头10.2Kxx0:加料器控制10.3操作功能10.3.1开机 5410.3.2停机 5410.3.3报警重设10.3.4补料 5510.3.5删除 5510.3.6开始试样10.3.7开始去皮10.3.8右侧行实际值的显示10.4Kxx1:产品参数10.4.1自动去皮10.4.2检查最大输出10.4.3堆积密度10.4.4体积最大输出10.4.5十进制转换10.4.5.1十进制转换的设置10.4.6模式 5910.4.6.1失重式加料(GF)体积式控制(VR)体积式设置(VS)排料(DI)检查最大输出(CM)重量式排料(GD)体积式加料(VF)测量(M)运行过程中GF和VF模式转换10.5Kxx2:控制参数10.5.1PID控制的设置10.5.1.1控制成套配合10.5.1.2重量式计算最大输出10.值的存储11F500:报警报告和开机条件11.1报警报告11.2缺省的开机条件11.3系列驱动控制操作的错误代码11.3.1系列变频器11.3.2振动放大器控制器ISC-VC11.4Kxx5:报警结构12硬件结构12.1 Kxx8:ISC-CM(-A)的硬件结构12.1.1 速度输入12.1.2 传感器(重量读取)的结构12.1.3 驱动控制器12.1.4 ISC-CM-A模拟输入输出的结构12.1.4.1 ISC-CM-A上单台控制的选项12.1.4.2 Kxx8:模拟输入12.1.4.3 Kxx8:模拟输出12.2 ANOP模拟输入输出的结构12.2.1 安装控制和安装的实际值12.2.1.1 菜单页F190的参数12.2.2 ANOP的组分功能12.2.2.1 模拟输入:模拟单台控制12.2.2.2 模拟输出:总操纵量或实际值12. 模拟输出信号范围的定义12.3 CDIO的数字输入输出12.4 DIOP的数字输入输出12.4.1 DIOP:功能描述12.5 ISC现场总线机构12.5.1 如果构建总线通讯12.5.2 总线通讯的关闭12.6 调试解调器的机构12.7 主计算机操作机构12.7.1 MISO卡上的主计算机接口12.7.2 Profibus DP操作结构12.7.3 以太网接口的结构13校正程序13.1加料器参数13.2加料器参数功能解释13.2.1CP02-加料范围13.2.2CP04-欠载13.2.3CP03-最大输出量13.2.4CP05-过载13.2.5CP06-粗去皮13.2.6CP07-平均重量取数13.2.7CP08-总产量累计分值13.2.8CP09-最小速度13.2.9CP010-最大速度13.2.10CP11-控制偏差13.2.11CP12-报警停机滞后时间13.2.12CP13-联锁类型13.2.13CP14-实际值指示13.2.14CP15-杠杆臂值13.2.15CP16-料斗内容13.2.16CP17-最小补料料位13.2.17CP18-最大补料料位13.2.18CP19-Window/K1/滤波IDL/F, AED 13.2.19CP20-数字速度13.2.19.1标准速度监控13.2.19.2FlexWall-Plus加料器的运动监控13.2.19.3数字式速度取数13.2.19.4推荐输入13.2.20CP21-最大补料时间13.2.21CP22-补料优化13.2.22CP23-稳定时间13.2.23CP24-测样时间13.2.24CP25-防振(AV)切断时间13.2.25CP26-PID控制器接近时间13.2.26CP27-控制器自动化13.2.26.1控制器自动化13.2.26.2开机自动化13.重复的开机自动化13.总体开机自动化13.2.27CP28-滤波限制13.2.28CP29-实际值的接纳13.2.29CP30-总操纵量的接纳13.2.30CP31-体积控制(VR)实际值的接纳13.2.31CP32-开机滞后时间13.2.32CP33-称重桥(LWB)的长度13.2.33CP34-重量测试值(WTV)13.2.34CP35-摄取(AP)13.2.35CP36-自动去皮范围13.2.36CP37-无负载时间自动去皮13.2.37CP38-有比例的皮带速度13.2.38CP39-皮带长度13.2.39CP40-dead time way13.3附加参数13.3.1AP01-05 校正13.3.2AP11-可用的称重范围13.3.3AP12-drop out13.3.4AP13-速度模式13.3.5AP14-滑动影响13.3.6AP15-滑动值13.3.7AP16-速度接纳性13.3.8AP17-无负载时间13.3.9AP18-AT时间13.3.10AP19-驱动控制2最小13.3.11AP20-驱动控制2最大14硬件测试功能14.1F140:输入输出测试-外围(安装)14.2Kxx3:输入输出状态显示-外围14.3Kxx4:测试功能和模拟14.3.1模拟模式14.3.2输入输出测试(加料器)15名词解释附件11915.1技术数据15.2电磁兼容性15.3零配件清单15.4可能显示的模式清单15.5菜单页清单插图表图4-1:Congrav RC-4后部视图图4-2:Congrav RC-4后部视图(带ProfiBus模式)1 总介绍1.1手册的结构现有的操作手册包括:RC-4的:●技术操作和●RC-4 HGC软件(其版本请参见封页)按照下列顺序,每章独立描述一个完整的主题:●设备的描述●使用特性●硬件执行●硬件功能定义●操作●软件描述●参数描述和●结构例举1.2附加文件●ISC系统的描述●ISC-CM,ISC-FC和ISC-VC的技术手册●相应主计算机程序手册1.3操作手册所适用的人群操作手册适用于以下两组人群:●经过授权和培训过的专业技术人员来进行安装和其它电气工作。

XRS-4 X光源操作手册说明书

XRS-4 X光源操作手册说明书

XRS-4X-RAY SOURCEOPERATOR’S MANUALCONTENTSITEM PAGE1.0 INTRODUCTION (2)2.0 WARNINGS (2)DUTY CYCLE (2)3.0 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION (3)HIGH VOLTAGE PULSER/TUBEHEAD (3)BASE (3)BATTERY PACK (3)BATTERY CHARGER (3)CONTROL MODULE (4)CABLE CONNE CTOR DIAGRAM (5)4.0 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION (6)BLOCK DIAGRAM (6)5.0 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (7)OPERATING PRECAUTIONS (7)EXCLUSION ZONE (7)PULSE SELE CTION (7)REMOTE CABLE OPTION (8)DELAY MODE OPTION (8)REAL TIME IMAGING OPTION (8)PULSE SETTINGS (8)6.0 SOFTWARE (9)7.0 MAINTENANCE (9)DOSE MEASUREMENT (9)TUBE RE PLACEMENT (9)8.0 TROUBLE-SHOOTING (10)9.0 INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPAIR (10)FUSE REPLACEMENT (10)REMOVING BOARDS (10)BOARD INSTAL LATION (11)BATTE RY DISPOSAL (11)10.0 WARRANTY (13)RETURNING REPAIR INSTRUCTIO NS (13)11.0 SPECIFICATIONS (14)PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS (14)X-RAY OUTPUT (14)ELECTRICAL & THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS (14)12.0 SPAR E PARTS (14)1.0 INTRODUCTIONThe XRS-4 produces high levels of radiation and must be operated by qualified personnel who have read the Warning and Operations section of the manual before operating the device.The XRS-4 is a small, lightweight x-ray generator that operates on its own removable battery pack. The XRS-4 is a pulsed x-ray device that produces x-ray pulses of very short duration (50 nanoseconds). It produces a relatively low dose rate comparable to a 0.25 ma constant potential machine. The energy produced by the XRS-4 is up to 370KVP, which makes it possible to radiograph up to one (1.5) inch (3.81 cm) of steel.XRS-4 standard accessories are two keys, two battery packs, and one battery charger. Remote cable, carrying case, and film developing equipment are also common accessories.2.0 WARNINGSThe XRS-4 is a pulsed X-ray generator that emits hazardous ionizing radiation when pulsing. The XRS-4 should only be operated by authorized personnel who are properly trained to safely operate the generator. The XRS-4 must be registered with proper authorities prior to use and should not be used to intentionally expose humans.Develop and closely follow a safe operating system for using the XRS-4. The safe operating system must ensure that no one is exposed to radiation above the permissible limits which are 2 mR (0.02 mSv) per hour for a member of the public. The safe operating system must ensure the XRS-4 is used within federal and state guidelines.All operators and users of the XRS-4 x-ray machine must wear a personal radiation monitoring device, such as a TLD (thermo luminescent dosimeter), film badge, and/or a pocket dosimeter consistent with the appropriate federal, territorial or provincial standards (note: an electronic dosimeter will not detect the XRS-4 radiation pulses).Due to the short pulse width of the XRS-4, survey meters of the Geiger-Mueller and scintillator type do not accurately detect the radiation emitted from the x-ray source.Survey meters should be of the ionization type and should be used in the integration mode. Survey meters must not be used in the rate mode because the XRS-4 does not produce constant radiation. The XRS-4 produces very high rates of radiation for very short periods of time resulting in either unrealistically high readings or no readings for a survey meter in rate mode.The XRS-4 has no explosion proof rating and should not be used in an explosive atmosphere. The Spark Gap is vented to the air and could be a source of ignition.DUTY CYCLE WARNING.The XRS-4 is a light duty machine that is not made to pulse continuously. The maximum duty cycle for the XRS-4 is 200 pulses every four minutes (3000 pulses per hour). Two consecutive pulse trains of 99 pulses can be fired then the unit should rest at least four minutes. Exceeding the duty cycle will shorten the life of the tube and head.3.0 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONFigure 1: XRS-4 X-ray UnitHIGH VOLTAGE PULSER/TUBEHEAD. The main body of the XRS-4 is the tube head which contains the tube cavity, cold cathode type X-ray tube, spark gap, high voltage capacitor, and transformer. The standard collimator located on the front of the head limits the X-ray beam to 40 degrees. Special order collimators up to 85 degrees are available.BASE . The base of the XRS-4 contains the identification label and a threaded ¼-20 insert that can be attached to any standard camera tripod. Identification label indicates the model, manufacturer, and serial number is located on the bottom of the XRS-4 base.BATTERY PACK . The standard battery pack is a DeWalt 18V nickel-cadmium battery. Optional battery chemistry or voltage may be available.BATTERY CHARGER : The standard battery charger is the DeWalt DW9116 110V charger or DE9108 220V charger. Battery charge time is one hour. See battery charger manual for additional instructions and warnings.BATTERYCONTROL MODULEHANDLEBASEHEADCOLLIMATORKEYBEAM ANGLE LABELRADIATION WARNING LABEL3.5 CONTROL MODULEFigure 3: Control ModulePOWER ON LIGHT: Illuminates when battery voltage is applied to control module.RED X-RAY PULSING LIGHT: Blinks after time delay button or remote cable button is pressed to warn that the XRS-4 is going to pulse. The light stays on continuously while the XRS-4 is pulsing. This is a failsafe warning light. If the light does not work the X-ray unit will not pulse .LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY (LCD): Two digit LCD displays selected pulse, time before unit pulses, software version, and total number of pulses on the unit.RANGE SWITCH: Used to alternate LCD between tens digit and ones digit.UNITS SWITCH: Used to change the value of the tens digit or units digit from 0 to 9. The UNITS SWITCH is also used with the EMERGENCY STOP SWITCH to alter the default pulse setting.DELAY SWITCH: Initiates delay mode.EMERGENCY STOP SWITCH: Stops the unit before it begins pulsing or stops the unit in the middle of a pulse train. This switch can also be pressed with the UNITS SWITCH to alter the default pulse setting when the XRS-4 is first powered up.CABLE CONNECTOR: Lemo connector located on the back of the control module beneath the battery receives the remote cable or imaging system cable. See Rear View Diagram on page 5 for details.BACK PLATE: Covers the Oscillator board and contains battery terminal connectors.XRS-4 REAR VIEW/CABLE CONNECTORREMOTE CONNECTOR: LEMO EPG.0B.305.HLN MATING CABLE PLUG: L EMO FGG.0B.305.CLAD 56Z5 432 14.0 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONThe block diagram below illustrates how the XRS-4 functions. The following sequence of events takes place each time the XRS-4 is fired:1. User initiates operation of the machine.2. The control section sends a signal to the converter section to begin oscillating.3. Once oscillating, the converter section changes the 18 volts DC to 22Khz AC.4. The transformer charges the High Voltage Capacitor to about 9000 volts.5. The spark gap arcs after the High Voltage Capacitor reaches proper voltage.6. The pulse detector signals the control block that the unit has pulsed.7. As the High Voltage Switch is closed, a high voltage transient of approximately 270,000 volts and50 nanoseconds in duration is applied across the x-ray tube generating x-rays.The closing of the High Voltage Switch produces an audible pulsing sound. The XRS-4 cannot produce x-rays without the pulsing sound so it serves as an additional warning the XRS-4 is functioning.This unit generates x-rays through high voltage bombardment of a tungsten target. The XRS-4 does not contain radioactive materials. All the high voltage is contained within the aluminum canister and as long as the canister is not punctured the operator is not exposed to dangerous voltages.BLOCK DIAGRAM5.0 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSOPERATING PRECAUTIONS: The operator should always stand at least 20 feet behind the X-ray unit and clear all personnel at least 20 feet behind the unit or at least 100 ft. from the front of the unit before pulsing. The exclusion zone (below) should be a controlled area free of all personnel while X-ray pulses.Figure 4: Exclusion ZonePULSE SELECTION1. Attach a charged battery and turn on the X-ray generator.2. Press the RANGE BUTTON. The one’s digit of the LCD will blink twice and then goblank.3. Press the UNITS BUTTON to adjust the ones digit from 0 to 9.4. Press the RANGE BUTTON again and the tens digit of the LCD will blink twice and go blank.5. Press the UNITS BUTTON to change the tens digit from 0 to 9.6. Press the RANGE or UNITS BUTTON again to accept the new pulse setting.7. Both tens digit and units digit will blink to indicate acceptance of the new pulse setting. (IfRANGE or UNITS BUTTON is not selected after entering the pulse count the generator will automatically accept the entered pulse setting after six seconds).8. Press the UNITS BUTTON and EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON simultaneously to lock in pulsesetting. XRS-4 will retain locked in pulse setting until it is changed.Select ones digit Enter ones value(0-9) Enter tens value (0-9)Change pulse default(optional)DELAY MODE OPTION1. Press Green DELAY BUTTON on top of the control module.2. LCD displays 60 and X-ray begins 60 second time delay.3. Hold DELAY BUTTON down for 1.5 seconds and time delay goes from 60 to 15 seconds.4. X-ray makes audible beep and red pulsing light blinks as generator counts down to pulse.5. Audible warning and red warning light stay on while X-ray generator pulses.REMOTE CABLE OPTION1. Attach remote cable to back of control module.2. Retreat distance of the cable behind the unit.3. Press and hold down button on the end of the remote cable until generator completes pulsetrain.4. There is 5 second safety delay before generator begins pulsing. Audible beep and red pulsinglight blink.5. Audible warning and red pulsing light stay on while X-ray generator pulses.REAL TIME IMAGING OPTION1. Change pulse setting default to 99 pulses if it is not already set to 99 pulses.2. Attach imager cable to back of the control module unless using wireless option.3. Refer to imaging system operating instructions for details on pulse setting and pulsing thegenerator.4. There is no delay in this mode so the X-ray generator pulses immediately unless there is a timedelay on the imaging system.SUGGESTED PULSE SETTINGSThe chart below lists approximate pulses necessary to penetrate various materials. Settings vary greatly depending on imaging system used. Refer to imaging system instructions for moreThe following is true when using film or digital systems that generate a positive image. If the radiograph is too dark, the film is underexposed. If the radiograph is too light the film is overexposed. Underexposure can be corrected by increasing the number of pulses and/or decreasing the distance between the imaging medium and the XRS-4. Overexposure can be corrected by reducing the number of pulses and/or increasing the distance between the imaging medium and XRS-4.Underexposed Overexposed Correct exposure (pulse setting)6.0 SOFTWAREThe software program that controls the microcontroller can be identified by turning the key switch onwhile both push button switches (RANGE & UNITS) below the LCD are depressed. The LCD displaysthe software version “65”. After “65” is displayed the total number of pulses on the XRS-4 will bedisplayed in the LCD. Each digit represents 10,000 pulses. Example: If the LCD reads “04” the totalnumber of pulses on the XRS-4 is between 40,000 and 50,000 pulses. After the total number of pulsesis displayed the LCD will read “00” or the default pulse setting that was last stored on the unit.The software program is capable of determining the state of battery charge based on the time betweeneach pulse. As the battery loses charge the XRS-4 pulse rate slows, with more time between eachpulse. If there is more than 0.33 seconds between two consecutive pulses the following will occur: The XRS-4 continues the current pulse train to “00”.After the XRS-4 stops pulsing. The LCD goes back to the original pulse setting. The left and right digits blink alternately.The condition indicates a low battery.The XRS-4 will be inoperable until the key switch is turned off and on, or the battery is replaced.If there is more than one second between two consecutive pulses.The XRS-4 stops pulsing immediately and the LCD displays 00.This function prevents XRS-4 from pulsing continuously if there is a failure in detecting circuitry.This condition may indicate a low battery, electrical noise, or failure in detecting circuitry.The operator may need to replace the battery pack, turn key switch off and on, or send the XRS-4 back for repair.7.0 MAINTENANCEX-RAY DOSE MEASUREMENT Using a dosimeter, the average X-ray dose for new tube can be established.With the dosimeter located 1 foot from the front of the case and in line with the center of the beam angle label, the reading for 10 pulses should be 26 mR to 36 mR.The leakage sheet illustrates the X-ray dose and maximum allowable radiation leakage levels for each X-ray unit. A completed copy of this form accompanies each X-ray.TUBE REPLACEMENT If you have a tube replacement kit refer to instructional disk included with thekit. If you do not have a kit the unit must be sent back to Golden Engineering or an AuthorizedDistributor for tube replacement.Tube life is approximately 50,000 pulses. Under normal conditions the tube’s output will decrease slowly with use. If the tube is broken or the glass cracks the tube output willcease immediately.8.0 TROUBLESHOOTING9.0 INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPAIRFUSE REPLACEMENT Requires T-10 Torx driver & needle nose pliers.1. Remove the back plate. Remove the 5 screws in the back plate then pull the back plate off slowlymaneuvering the battery terminal connecting wires through the opening in the oscillator board.2. The 15 amp fuse is the white one inch long fuse on the left side of the oscillator board. The 2amp fuse is a small green fuse just to the right of the 15 amp fuse. See diagram on page 12.The 15 amp fuse can be removed with fingers. The 2 amp fuse may require needle nose pliers to pull it out of the board. It should be pulled in a downward direction to remove from the board. REMOVING THE BOARDS Refer to the diagram on page 12 for steps 1-4.1. Remove the back plate (see FUSE REPLACEMENT step 1). After the terminals are through theoscillator board, disconnect the red and black battery wires.2. There are three terminals on the lower left side of the oscillator board and one on the lower right.Disconnect the two blue wires, one red wire, and one green signal wire using Philips driver.3. There are three socket head cap screws holding the oscillator board in place. Two are in themiddle of the board and one is at the bottom. Remove these three screws.4. Disconnect the oscillator board from the counter board by pulling the bottom of the oscillatorboard up and away from the counter board. Disconnect the two pin white key switch connector, white three pin remote connector and black touch pad connector.5. Tilt the back of the counter board down until the LED clears the housing then pull the board out ofthe housing.6. Remove the top plate of the control module.7. The counter board is located on the bottom of the top plate.8. Disconnect the key switch connector and ribbon connector from the bottom of the counter board.BOARD INSTALLATION1. Slide counter board back into the top of the Control Module housing just below the screwreceptacles.2. Push the counter board up so LED goes through the appropriate hole in the control modulehousing.3. Connect the three white and one black connector.4. Screw the LED cover back on.5. Put the three cap screws through the oscillator board and then put the ½” offsets on the back ofthe screws.6. Plug the oscillator board back into the counter board and push it in position.7. Tighten the three screws holding the board in place.8. Insert the flat head screw in upper left corner of the oscillator board.9. Attach the two blue wires, one red wire, and green signal line.10. Reinstall the back plate.INSTRUCTIONS FOR BATTERY DISPOSAL Follow all federal, state, and local laws for disposal of nickel-cadmium batteries. Batteries may be returned to Golden Engineering for disposal.Figure 7:Oscillator BoardCounter Board10.0 WARRANTYGolden Engineering, Inc. warrants XRS-4 X-ray unit made and sold by it or its authorized representatives to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of shipment to the end user. Warranty does not cover maintenance required due to life. To make a claim under this limited warranty, customer must ship the entire unit (or the component believed to be defective) to Golden Engineering, post-paid. Golden Engineering, Inc. assumes no liability for units or components shipped until they are actually in the custody of Golden Engineering, Inc. Provided Golden Engineering, Inc. in its sole discretion, is satisfied that the failure is not the result of excessive use, abuse, misuse, accident, modification or improper disassembly or repair, Golden Engineering will provide parts and labor required to repair the unit. Golden Engineering reserves the right to use reconditioned and remanufactured components that meet original specifications. The unit or component will be return shipped to customer at customer's expense. THIS EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND GUARANTEES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED OR CREATED BY OPERATION OF LAW.THE XRS-4 X-Ray Source is manufactured by:GOLDEN ENGINEERING, INC.PO BOX 185CENTERVILLE, IN 47330 USAPhone: 1-765/855-3493Fax: 1-765/855-3492WEB: RETURNING UNIT FOR REPAIRComplete the repair form at /technical.html and include a copy of the printed form with the repair. If you do not have internet access prior to sending repair theninclude a letter containing a brief description of the problem, contact name, phone number, and return address.Remove battery before shipping the unit.Accessories are not necessary with units shipped back for repair.Be sure the unit is securely packaged for shipment and wrap in plastic bag if there is an oil leak.Ship to address:Golden Engineering6364 Means Road,Centerville, IN 47330 USAPhone: 1-765-855-3493EMAIL: *****************************11.0 SPECIFICATIONS12.0 SPARE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR THE XRS-4。



PXR 系列数字式温度控制器说明书PXR3系列选型说明 代号 数字位规格 45678-9101112 13 - 14面板尺寸H ×W 4 24×48 3 输入信号 热电偶(℃) T 热电偶(℉) R RTD/Pt100欧姆(℃) N RTD/Pt100欧姆(℉。

) S 1~5V DC A 54~20mA DC B 控制输出1 继电器接点输出 A SSR/SSC 驱动输出 C 64~20mA DC 输出 E 控制输出2 无 Y 继电器接点输出 注1 A SSR/SSC 驱动输出 注1 C 74~20mA DC 输出 注1 E 8版本号 1- 附加功能1 无报警 0 1个报警 1 8段斜坡/保温程序 4 1个报警+8段斜坡/保温程序 5 两个报警 注2 F 9.两个报警+8段斜坡/保温 注2 G 操作说明书 电源电压 无 100~240V AC N 日文 100~240V AC Y 英文 100~240V AC V 无 24V AC/24DC C 日文 24V AC/24DC A 10英文 24V AC/24DC B 附加功能2 无 0 0 0 RS485(Modbus)通讯 M 0 0 RS485(Z-ASC11) 通讯 N 0 0 再传输输出+1点数字输入 注3 Q 0 0 再传输输出 注3 R 0 0 2点数字输入 T 0 0 RS485(Modbus) 通讯+1点数字输入 V 0 0 111213RS485(Z-ASC11) 通讯+1点数字输入 W 0 0 无标准功能14 无标准参数设定(非标) - F 注1:两个过程报警(即选项9中的F 和G )不能一起选。

注2:控制输出2(即选项7中的A 、C 、E )不能一起选。

注3:控制输出2,两个报警和24V 电源(即选项7中的A 、C 、E 、选项9中的F 和G ,选项10中的A 、 B 、C )不能一起选。

PXR4系列选型说明 代号 数字位规格 45678-910 11 12 13面板尺寸W ×H 4 48×48mm 4 输入信号 热电偶(℃) T 热电偶(℉) R RTD/Pt100欧姆(℃) N RTD/Pt100欧姆(℉。

PURPOSECRT - 04 温控器说明书

PURPOSECRT - 04 温控器说明书

PURPOSECRT - 04 is equipped to:CONTROLLERS FEATURES:The CRT-04 controller is multi-function, programmable electronic devices which enable control of heating or cooling devices in order to maintain a stable room temperature, as well as to control ambient and substance temperatures in industrial conditions, with the option of supervising technological processes. The operation time and required temperature are achieved according to the individual program set by the user. The controller is equipped with a calendar and a real time clock which enable switching the controlled device on and off at preset hours within the following cycles: 24-hour, weekly, business-day (Mon. Fri.) or weekend (Sat., Sun.).- controlling panel use for programming and monitor to work of regulator- timer of real time with automatic function of change time summer - winter- possibilty of connection temperature probe RT4- output of relay 1P with current load 16A- control panel for programming and monitoring;- operation modes: HEATING and COOLING to maintain a preset temperature according to programmed hours and days;- CONTINUOUS operating mode to maintain a single preset temperature value while ignoring other program entries;- MEASUREMENT operating mode display of an actual temperature value without controlling a connected machine;- 50 program entries;- INTERVAL this feature enables the user to program up to 8 required temperature values (3 in the MY1, MY2 and MY3 modes, and an additional 5 in modes called MORNING, WORK, DINNER, DAY, and NIGHT for everyday time windows related to the users' lifestyle;- DELAY programmable time of response delay while exceeding limit temperature values;- CORRECTION related to the temperature read-out error against the model thermometer;- SENSORS visual signalisation of the temperature sensor failure;- DST automatic DST time implementation with programmable shift to manual mode;- LIGHT selection of display illumination mode.- LANGUAGE program menu in three languages: Polish, English or RussianCRT-04.plul. Konstantynowska 79/81tel/fax 48 42 2270971 POLANDe-mail:***********.pl95-200 PabianiceF&F products are covered by an 24 months warranty from date of purchaseDIGITAL TEMPERATUREREGULATORDESCRIPTION OF CONTROL PANEL:To work and programming of regulator CRT-04 is use control panel. It include two line with eight sign on alfanumerical display and keyboard with five buttons, which is situated under the display.In automatic or constant work mode at upper line is displaied value of temperature which is set by user, but at lower line is presented value of actual temerature which is measure by sensor which is connect to regulator .In measurement mode is displaied only lower line which present actual temperaure read from sensor.Signs on the left side of display, signalize work mode of regulator in position of output relay. This sign present:BUTTONS FUNCTIONS:In standard work mode regulator enable to make cyclic programs which wereset by user at memory. Possible is make to 50 programming registry which needed define:- day or days when will be make program. Possible is choose sibgle days( from monady to fsunday), work days, weekand and another.d- time of start program- one of eight definite by user value of task temerature (INTERVAL)FUNCTIONING:ATTENTION! Numberof program are given automaticly by regulator when the is set new program.Programs are make in chronology, it mean they start with set time and date. Stop of program is make at the moment when the nextprogram is start.EXAMPLE:The First program with temperature …morning” is execute at work days (RO) and is start at 6.00 am. The Second program with temperature …night” will be execute every day since 9 pm. The third program will be execute only weekand since 9 am. The last program with temperature “work” will be execute every Monday since 3 pm.u n d a y o u r . 0:00u n d a y ,o u r 9:00 a mo n d a y ,o u r 09:00 p mo n d a y ,o u r 06:00 a mo n d a y ,o u r 03:00 p mo n d a y o u r 09:00 p mu e s d a y ,o u r 06:00 a mu es d a y ,o u r 09:00 p me n d e s d a y ,o u r 06:00 a mExecute programATTENTION! Programs which were save at higher position are processing earlier than programs from lower position. It mean, if we have two programs with the same action and time, than will be execute program with higher number.Pass to programming mode is possible by push button MENU.Structure of main menu:PROGRAMMINGTo select position from menu we use buttons “UP” and “DOWN”. If you want pass to selected position then you need push button OK. Pass to main menu is possible by push button MENU.Menu -> MODERegulator make measurement result temperature between actual temperature from sensor C1 and task temperature Tprog. Which is set to executing program and for set width of hysteresis area H.Regulator in HEATING mode:T T P1T Regulator make measurement result temperature between actual temperature from sensor C1 and task temperature Tprog. Which is set to executing program and for set width of hysteresis area H.If temperature on input of sensor C1 fall to lower than value (Tprog H), it cause close of joint P1. Open a joint P1 will make after the temperature on input C1 will be higher than temperature (Tprog + H).Regulator in COOLING mode:T T T P1If temperature on input of sensor C1 increase to higher than value ( Tprog+ H), it cause close of joint P1. Open a joint P1 will make after the temperature on input C1 will be lower than temperature (Tprog - H).Regulator make measurement result temperature between actual temperature from sensor C1 and constant temperature Tconst, which is set by user at the moment when is select work mode and for set width of hysteresis area H.In this mode device is use only to display value of temperature.Joint P1 stay in open position.TT P1T Regulator in CONTINUOUS mode:Regulator in MEASUREMENT mode:If temperature on input of sensor C1 fall to lower than value ( Tconst H), it cause close of relay joint P1. Open of realy joint P1will make after the temperature on input C1 will be higher thantemperature (Tconst + H).Choose work mode:1. By button MENU pass to main menu of regulator.2. Push a button OK to enter pass to menu3. By buttons “UP” and “DOWN” choose work mode and enter by button OK.4. When you choose Continuous mode you should set temperature which will be hold by regulator.The first of all you set a digit of decimal position ( digit which is edit is signalize by blinking underline sign), afterwards you pass to set next position by push a button MENU. After set all digits oftask temperature enter by button OK.Menu -> ProgramOrders from menu Program make possibility to create, edit and delete programs which define behaviour of regulator in automatic work.CREATE A NEW PROGRAM:Stage of create a new program are following:1. After pass to Menu -> Program and select program- > set and enter by button OK, by buttons “UP” and “DOWN” set a minute, enter by OK and set hour for start program ( value which is edit is signalize by blinking underline minute and hour)2. Push button OK and by buttons “UP” and “DOWN” set a day when will be start program. We have following option:Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Program will be start in choosen dayProgram will be start in every work day (from Monday to Friday).Program will be start at Saturdy and Sunday Program will be start at every day of week.RO - Work days WEeekendy DO - free dayEnter selected day by button OK.3. By buttons “UP” and “DOWN” set a task temperature for present program.ATTENTION!! Possible is choose one of eight values of temperature which were definite in MENU -> interval. Everyone of values are signed by parameters: Morning, Work, Dinner, Day, Night, Mine1, Mine 2, mine 3. Changes value of temperature for present program is automaticly set for every programs with this parameter.4. Save program in memory by button OK.At any time possible is out from create new program mode, without save all registry, by button MENU.Example of create a new program:EDITION OF EXIST PROGRAM:1. After pass to menu Program need to choose option Program -> edit and enter by button OK.2. By buttons “UP” and “DOWN” select program which will be edit and enter by button OK3. Next operation are similarly as create new program.Edition of program without save all change, could break by push button MODE.DELETE PROGRAM1. After pass to menu Program need to choose option Program -> delete and enter by button OK.2. By buttons “UP” and “DOWN” select program which will be delete and enter by button OK.3. Confirm delete of program by button OK.ATTENTION! Delete program cause automaticly change numbers of rest programs.Menu -> IntervalOrdered value of temperature in programs which are make by regulator CRT-04 is not define in program code, but by group of eight parameters which comes from menu interval.If you want change value of temperature which is connect with selected parameter need to:1. After pass to menu Interval by buttons “UP” or “DOWN” select edited parameter.2. Enter by button OK.3. By buttons “UP” or “DOWN” set correct value for decimal position of degree.4. If you wont pass to edit temperature on next position, push button Menu (edit position will be signalize by blinking underline sign)5. Repeat procedure from point 3 and 4 need set all numbers with new value of ordered temperature.6. Enter all changes by button OK.Push a button any time in edit mode cause out from edition mode without save all changes.Example of set a new value of temperature:Menu -> TimerThis mode is use only for change date and time.Set a DATE:1. After pass to menu timer by buttons “UP” or “DOWN” select timer -> DATE and push button OK.2. By buttons “UP” or “DOWN” set correct month, enter OK3. By buttons “UP” or “DOWN” set correct day.Example of procedure:SET TIME:1. After pass to menu timer by buttons “UP” or “DOWN” select menu TIMER and push button OK.2. By buttons “UP” or “DOWN” select timer -> Hour and push button OK.3. By buttons “UP” or “DOWN” set correct minute, enter OK4. By buttons “UP” or “DOWN” set correct hour.5. Push button OK.. cause enter changes and start count time from set value.Example of procedure:AUTOMATIC CHANGE TIME FUNCTION:Regulator CRT-04 could automaticly change time from winter tosummer and from summer to winter. This function will be make automatic or handwork, it is set by user.If you want set function DST need to:1. After pass to menu timer by buttons “UP” or “DOWN” select function DST.2. Enter by button OK.3. By buttons “UP” or “DOWN” choose option Atomatic (if regulator have automatic change time function) or handwork (when change of time will not make).4. Enter by button OK..Menu -> SystemThis mode make possible to define additional functions of regulatorCRT-04.DELAYThis parameter make possibility to put delay of reconnection realyoutput by ordered time. In practic this function will be use at the situation when we wait for turn ON/OFF of heater, it will make when temperature go out from allow regulation area.Example with use time delay by value Tzw and regulator is presented at under picture. In this cause condition of enclose is fall a temperature under value (Tprog H) for time Tzw, but condition of excluse is increase temperature higher than value (Tprog + H) for time Tzw.T T P1T If you need set a delay time of reconnection follow procedure:1. Pass to menu -> System and by buttons “UP” or “DOWN” select option System -> Delay.2. Enter by button OK.3. By buttons “UP”and “DOWN” set value of delay.4. Enter by button OK.Push a button any time in edit parameter cause out from edition mode without save all changes.ATTENTION!: Delay time could be set in range 0 ÷ 15 min.,with step1 min.Example of setting delayHYSTERESISThis parameter make possibility to define precision and cleanliness with in will be reconnect output of relay at regulation of temperature. If value of hysteresis is smoler than precision is higher but enclose of heater component will be oftenly. But if the value of hysteresis is large that cause lower frequency of connection heater component and precision of regulation is lower.Examples characteristics with two different hysteresis areas:T T P1T S m a l l a r e a o f h y s t e r e s i sTT T L a r g e a r e a o f h y s t e r e s i sIf you need set value of hysteresis follow with procedure:1. Pass to Menu -> System and by buttons “UP” or “DOWN” select option -> Hyst.2. Enter by button OK.3. By buttons “UP” or “DOWN” set value of hysteresis.4. Enter by push button OK.At any time possible is out from edit parameter mode, without save all registry, by push button MENU.ATTENTION: Hysteresis could be set in range 0÷10°C, with step 0,1°C.Example of setting hysteresis:CORRECTIONThis parameter is use for correction indication from sensor. To set correction indication of sensor follow the procedure:1. Pass to Menu -> System and by buttons “UP” or “DOWN” select option System -> Correction2. Enter by button OK.3. By buttons “UP” or “DOWN” set value of correction.4. Enter by button OK.At any time possible is out from edit parameter mode, withoutsave all registry, by push button MODE.ATTENTION ! Correction of sensor indication could set in range 5.0 ÷ 5.0 °C, with step 0,1°C.Example of setting temperature correction:SELECT REPORT LANGUAGEThis parameter make possiblity to choose on of three language in which will be display reports. If you need change language you need pass to menu System -> Language by buttons “UP” or “DOWN” select language and enter by button OK. Return to main menu is possible by push button MODE.LIGHTING OF DISPLAYThis parameter make possibility to lighting a display of regulator. Possible is set lighting for all the time for display or lighting only for some second after push any buttonIf you need way of lighting you need to pass menu System -> Light and select by buttons “UP” or “DOWN” correct option and enter by button OK.. Return to main menu is possible by push button MODE.REATURN TO DEFAULT SETTINGSDefault settings make possibility to return all settings of regulator to target values. If you need restore default settings pass to menu System -> default settings and enter by button OK. Next by buttons “UP” or “DOWN” set value YES and push button OK.ATTENTION! Return to default settings cause delete all earlier configurations with saved programs.Rest of parameters of regulators are set with values:ModeHandwork Tzad (handwork)25,0°C Hysteresis0,0°C Delay0min Sensor correction0,0°C Correction of odered value0,0°CInterval20,0°C (everyone)Lighting of displayAll time DST AutomaticDate / Time01.01.2008 00:00QUICK CONFIGURATIONRegulator CRT-04 make possibility choose work mode and change value of order temperature without pass to programming mode.QUICK CHANGE VALUE OF WORK TEMPERATUREIf you need change work mode in standard work you need push button MODE, next follow with instructions as select work mode which is presented in programming mode section.QUICK CHANGE OF ODERED VALUETo change ordered value of temperature in standard work of regulator use buttons “UP” or “DOWN”. Pushing once time button “UP” cause increase ordered temperature by 0,5°C, but pushing button “DOWN” cause fall ordered temperature by 0,5°C. Increas temperature higher than default value is siganlize by display in upper line a sign , but fall temperature is siganlize by sign .ATTENTION!Handwork correction of ordered temperature will be force at all next work in automatic mode. Also after start program to next step of program, forced value will be change by value from handwork correction Return to deafult settins is possible in causes:- hadwork configuration to moment when arrow will disappear from display.- reconnection regulator to continuous work mode.,Example of quick configuration of ordered temperatureDISPLAY ACTUAL DATE AND TIMEDisplay to date and time, need to in standard work of regulatorpush button OK..ERRORS SYGNALINGAfter 3 sec. regulator return to earlier window.In the cause break or wrong work of sensor, regulator displayunderline report :In this cause first of all need to check connection of sensor.sensor DS18S20dimensions of sensorŘ5LiYY 3×0,34mm˛ l=2,5m; h=30mmsensor isolationtherm jacketcablePROBE RT4TECHNICAL DATAASSEMBLY:supply230V ACcurrent load<16Ajoint separated 1Prange of regulation temperature0÷60°Chysteresis setting range 0÷10°Cprecision 0,1°Cmodel correction±5°Cdelay reconnection- to set1÷15minpower consumption1,5Wworking temperature-20÷40°Cterminal screw terminals 2,5mm²dimensions 3 modules (52,5mm)fixing on rail TH-351. Take OFF the power.2. Regulator put on the rail in the switchgearbox.3. Connect supply: L to joint 1; N to joint 2.4 Out cable of temperature probe connect to realy with marksWHITE cable(7) to joint 8, BROWN cable (9) to joint 9 .5. System of enclose receiver connect in line to joints 11-126. Set program to regulation temperature.For use seprtated reconnection of joint 1P, were accept ininstruction configuration:ATTENTION!CRT-047WGB R89111210WIRING DIAGRAMATTENTION!Do not any change in device. It impend break or wrong work ofdevice, it will cause break contolled device or menace for user. Inthis cause producer is not responsible of arise accidents andcould refuse given warranty for regulator in cause submit a claim.A090701。

PXR 系列数字温度控制器

PXR 系列数字温度控制器

PXW5 (conve ntional )
New model
New model
PXR series digital controller
前面防水机能: IP66/NEMA-4X
• 防水机能构造可以提供面板上的PXR以抗水洗能 力!
• 防水机能作为一种标准,所以客户无需在 增加任何费用!
可追加技能VII: 广泛的报警输出
• 可选择1,2,3点报警输出 • 使用按键可以在15种警报中选 择
– 绝对值警报 – 偏差值警报 – 范围警报
PXR series digital controller
插入式PCB构造以节省零件 以便维护
• 3块插入式PCB板可提供超过2000零件:
– PCB I: 主PCB板以及第1控制输出 – PCB II: 电源以及警报输出 – PCB III: 可追加PCB班,第2控制输出, 对应多种输入
PV retransmission
Temperature input (PV)
Control output Oil
Auto power regulator
PXR series digital controller
可追加技能II: 8 段 ramp soak 机能
2 points(at max.)
• PXR 系列
6 + 5 + 7 = 18 种!!
PXR series digital controller
插入式结构以减少零件 更便于维护
• PCB I: Main PCB ① T/C or RTD input



PXR 系列数字式温度控制器说明书PXR3系列选型说明 代号 数字位规格 45678-9101112 13 - 14面板尺寸H ×W 4 24×48 3 输入信号 热电偶(℃) T 热电偶(℉) R RTD/Pt100欧姆(℃) N RTD/Pt100欧姆(℉。

) S 1~5V DC A 54~20mA DC B 控制输出1 继电器接点输出 A SSR/SSC 驱动输出 C 64~20mA DC 输出 E 控制输出2 无 Y 继电器接点输出 注1 A SSR/SSC 驱动输出 注1 C 74~20mA DC 输出 注1 E 8版本号 1- 附加功能1 无报警 0 1个报警 1 8段斜坡/保温程序 4 1个报警+8段斜坡/保温程序 5 两个报警 注2 F 9.两个报警+8段斜坡/保温 注2 G 操作说明书 电源电压 无 100~240V AC N 日文 100~240V AC Y 英文 100~240V AC V 无 24V AC/24DC C 日文 24V AC/24DC A 10英文 24V AC/24DC B 附加功能2 无 0 0 0 RS485(Modbus)通讯 M 0 0 RS485(Z-ASC11) 通讯 N 0 0 再传输输出+1点数字输入 注3 Q 0 0 再传输输出 注3 R 0 0 2点数字输入 T 0 0 RS485(Modbus) 通讯+1点数字输入 V 0 0 111213RS485(Z-ASC11) 通讯+1点数字输入 W 0 0 无标准功能14 无标准参数设定(非标) - F 注1:两个过程报警(即选项9中的F 和G )不能一起选。

注2:控制输出2(即选项7中的A 、C 、E )不能一起选。

注3:控制输出2,两个报警和24V 电源(即选项7中的A 、C 、E 、选项9中的F 和G ,选项10中的A 、 B 、C )不能一起选。

PXR4系列选型说明 代号 数字位规格 45678-910 11 12 13面板尺寸W ×H 4 48×48mm 4 输入信号 热电偶(℃) T 热电偶(℉) R RTD/Pt100欧姆(℃) N RTD/Pt100欧姆(℉。

FUJI PXW控制器使用说明

FUJI PXW控制器使用说明

富士PXW9温度控制仪操作指南名称功能输出1指示灯灯亮为输出1为ON输出2指示灯灯亮为输出2为ONPV(测量值) 指示测量值报警灯检测出报警时灯亮,报警输出为ONSV(设定值) 指示设定值,在设定参数时,指示参数数据SEL键参数选择键选择SV/PV显示,选择参数,选择参数和参数值显示等增/减键改变SV值,顺序选择参数。



一. 基本操作:1.1控制温度SV的设置:按∧键提高设定温度,按∨键降低设定温度(在锁定状态下不能修改)。

1.2第一组参数设定:在PV/SV显示模式下按 SEL键3秒后进入第一组参数设定模式,每按一次SEL键参数将依次显示。





二.有关参数的选择:2.1输入信号种类设定(P-n2) 输入信号 输人量程()℃代码(P-n2)输入信号输人量程()℃代码(P-n2)Ptl00 0~150 1 J 0~400 2 Ptl00 0~300 1 J 0~800 2 Ptl00 0~500 1K 0~400 3 Ptl00 0~600 1 K 0~800 3 Ptl00 -50~100 1 K 0~1200 3 Ptl00 -100~200 1 R 0~1600 4 Ptl00-150~600 1B 0~1800 5 热 电 阻Ptl00 -150~850 1S 0~1600 6 T -199~200 7 T-150~4007D C电压DC1~5V16E 0~800 8 E -199~800 8N 0~1300 12 D C 电流 DC4~20mA 刻度范围: -1999~9999对电流输入,应并接250Ω电阻。

富士电机 PXH数字显示式调节器 说明书

富士电机 PXH数字显示式调节器 说明书

1.2 设置及配线
· 本调节器适合于在下述的条件下设置。
环境温度 环境湿度 设置种类 污染度

根据IEC 1010-1
· 请确保温度传感器与达到或产生下表所示电压值的场所之间,保持下表所示的爬电距离和空间距离。 无法满足上述要求时,EN61010的安全承诺可能无效。
·CD-ROM ..................................................... 1张
通信功能使用说明书(Modbus) 通信示范程序
·安装配件...................................................... 2个
(控制参数组态) .............................40
(监视器) ........................................42
(输入输出定义) .............................42
使用前须知 安全注意事项
使用前请认真阅读该“安全注意事项”,正确使用本产品。 这里列出的注意事项记载着与安全有关的重要内容,请务必遵守。安全注意事项的等级分为“警告”和 “注意”。
警 告 如使用不当,可能导致死亡或者重伤。
如使用不当,可能导致使用人员受伤及 发生物质损失。


4. 运 行 .................................................................................................................... 16
4.1 运行准备.................................................................................................................................16 4.2 预热运行与运行 ......................................................................................................................16
ӿᬖ eఴֵ̖˝᭣᫸ྏ᜺ಪὋឯӇ‫ڙ‬థྏཀবචͳᄉဖܑ˖΍ၸὋՠѶԺᑞ࠭ᒰྏ ཀNj༡༪ኍ᧗ܷ̂஋nj
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e᧚࡚Nj੣ૈኍឯӇଋᝎᣤЙᣤѢቪߔᦉͮnjՠѶὋԺᑞ࠭ᒰᝎႂNjԩ͝nj eឯӇ‫ڙ‬ጙܰචͳѫౡ̀ᬃᤂխཎԢ΍ၸ௙༡njՠѶὋԺᑞ࠭ᒰ༡༪nj eឯӇ΍පѫΥЙጙܰචͳѫౡ̀njՠѶὋԺᑞ࠭ᒰᝎႂ੊̀ᛪЮᦉ༡༪nj



Micro-controller XModel: PXR4/5/9Operation ManualECNO:406cTable of Contents1.Part Names and Functions (6)2.Operations (7)2-1 Parameter list (7)2-2 Basic operations (12)2-3 Parameter functions and method of settings (13)Standby setting (14)Local/remote operation setting (15)Ramp-soak control (16)Canceling the alarm latch (17)Auto-tuning function (18)Displaying ON-delay alarm or the remaining time of timers (19)Setting alarm 1, 2 and 3 (20)Upper limit of alarm 1, 2 and 3 (20)Lower limit of alarm 1, 2 and 3 (20)Key lock (21)Proportional band (22)Integral time (23)Derivative time (24)Hysteresis range for ON/OFF control (25)Cooling-side proportional band coefficient (26)Cooling-side proportional band shift (Dead band/Overlap band) (27)Output offset value (28)Anti-reset windup (28)Control algorithm (29)PV (Measured value) stable range (33)HYS (Hysteresis) mode at ON/OFF control (34)Cycle time of control output 1 (35)Cycle time of control output 2 (Cooling-side) (36)Input signal code (37)Setting the measuring range (Input range) (38)Selection °C / °F (38)Decimal point position (40)PV (Measured value) offset (41)SV (Setting value) offset (42)Time constant of input filter (43)Alarm types (44)Selecting ramp-soak patterns (47)Ramp-soak status display (48)1st to 8th target SV (48)1st to 8th ramp segment time (48)1st to 8th soak segment time (48)Ramp-soak modes (48)2Specifying control action and output direction at input burn-out (51)SV (Setting value) lower limiter (52)SV (Setting value) upper limiter (52)The time of ON-delay alarm or timer function (53)Displaying current detector input (55)HB (Set value of heater break alarm) (55)Hysteresis alarm 1, 2 and 3 (57)Options of alarm 1, 2 and 3 (58)Upper and lower limits for control output 1 (60)Upper and lower limits for control output 2 (60)Output limit types (61)Output value display (62)RCJ (Cold junction compensation) (63)Adjusting the PV (Measured value) display (0%) (64)Adjusting the PV (Measured value) display (100%) (64)DI1/2 (Digital input 1/2) operation (65)Station No. for communication (68)Parity for communication (69)Communication protocol setting (70)Re-transmission output type setting (71)Re-transmission base and span scale (72)Remote SV input (0%) adjustment (73)Remote SV input (100%) adjustment (73)Remote SV input filter constant (74)Remote SV input value display (75)Parameter display mask (76)3.Troubleshooting (77)Index (79)3PXR4Note 1: Cannot be combined with heater break alarm.( 2, 3, 6, 7, H cannot be specified on 9th digit.)Note 2: Cannot be combined with alarm (1 pc.) + heater break alarm, alarm (2 pcs.), or alarm (3pcs.).( 3, 7, F, G, H, M, P cannot be specified on 9th digit.)Note 3: Cannot be combined with RS485 + 1-point digital input.(V and W cannot be specified on 11th digit.)Note 4: In the case of control output 2, either of heater break alarm or remote SV input can be selected.(A, C, E and R on the 7th digit, and 2,3,6,7,H, D and P on the 9th digit cannot be specified.)Input signal, measurement range, and set value at the time of deliver are as follows.When thermocouple is specified: Thermocouple K, Measurement range; 0 to 400°C, Set value; 0°CWhen resistance bulb is specified: Pt, Measurement range; 0 to 150°C, Set value; 0°CWhen voltage/current is specified: Scaling; 0 to 100%, Set value; 0%For the cases other than the above, specify input signal and measurement range.Input signal of the thermocouple and the resistance bulb can be switched by key operation on the front panel.The actuating method of the control output has been set to reverse for control output 1, and to direct for controloutput 2 at the time of delivery. Note that reverse and direct actuation can be switched by key operation on thefront panel.4PXR5/9Note 1: Cannot be combined with heater break alarm.( 2, 3, 6, 7, H cannot be specified on 9th digit.)Note 2: Cannot be combined with RS485 + 1-point digital input.(V and W cannot be specified on 11th digit.)Note 3: In the case of control output 2, either of heater break alarm or remote SV input can be selected.(A, C, E and R on the 7th digit, and 2,3,6,7,H, D and P on the 9th digit cannot be specified.)Input signal, measurement range, and set value at the time of deliver are as follows.When thermocouple is specified: Thermocouple K, Measurement range; 0 to 400°C, Set value; 0°CWhen resistance bulb is specified: Pt, Measurement range; 0 to 150°C, Set value; 0°CWhen voltage/current is specified: Scaling; 0 to 100%, Set value; 0%For the cases other than the above, specify input signal and measurement range.Input signal of the thermocouple and the resistance bulb can be switched by key operation on the front panel.The actuating method of the control output has been set to reverse for control output 1, and to direct for controloutput 2 at the time of delivery. Note that reverse and direct actuation can be switched by key operation on thefront panel.56This chapter explains the part names and functions on the face panel. The face panel has the PV and SV displays, the status indicating lamp, and the setting keys, etc. Those functions are explained below. Please read and understand them before using the PXR. For details about the setting of parameters, see Chapter 2.q Lamp for control output 1Lights up while control output 1 stays ON.w Lamp for control output 2Lights up while control output 2 stays ON.e Alarm lampLights up on detecting an alarm. The alarm output is turned ON at the same time.If the optional heater break alarm is provided, the AL3lamp lights up on detecting a heater break.r PV (Measured value) displayDisplays the PV. When setting a parameter, its name appears.t SV (Setting value) displayDisplays the SV. When setting a parameter, its value appears.y SEL keyUsed to select a parameter block and a parameter, and register a set value.uUsed to change the SV , call parameters, and change pa-rameter values.i SV lampLights up while the SV is displayed in the SV display.When parameters and data are displayed, the SV lamp goes out.!0Auto-tuning/self-tuning lampFlashes under an auto-tuning or self-tuning operation.q w e Alarm lampr PV (Measured value) displayt SV (Setting value) display y SEL ukeysi SV lamp1Part Names and Functionso Auto-tuning/self-tuning lamp2OperationsThis chapter explains how to set the SV (Setting value) and the parameters for the PXR.2-1 Parameter listParameters for the PXR are classified under three blocks according to the frequency of use. The parameters of the secondand third blocks are used at initialization or when they are of absolute necessity.Note:The parameters for which * is marked with the page number in Reference page are related to Remediesof “4” on page 77.78Parameters of the second blockNote:The parameters for which * is marked with the page number inReference page are related to Remedies of “4” on page 77.Note: The parameters for which * is marked with the page number inReference page are related to Remedies of “4” on page 77.Note 1:When a customer does not specify the settings while ordering, the following settings are selected as factory defaults.Thermocouple input: Thermocouple K Measured range: 0 to 400°CResistance bulb input:Measured range: 0 to 150°CV oltage/Current input:Scaling: 0 to 100%910Parameters of the third blockNote: The parameters for which * is marked with the page number inReference page are related to Remedies of “4” on page 77.Note 2:The following settings are selected as factory defaults depending on the model you order.Seventh digit = Y model: 0Seventh digit = A model: 4Note: The parameters for which * is marked with the page number in2-2 Basic operationsJust after power-on:The display below appears just after power-on.How to switch parameters:The figure below shows the basic operations for the PXR.If it has not been used for 30 seconds, the display returns to the one just after power-on (PV/SV displayed).How to set values:key:One press increases the value by 1.Press and hold this key to increase the value fast.key:One press decreases the value by 1.Press and hold this key to decrease the value fast.How to register the set data:By pressing the SELNote that the SV (SV0) will be registered in 3 seconds without any operation.2-3 Parameter functions and method of settingsMethod of setting the SV (Setting value)[Description]•The SV is a target value for control.•Any SV that is outside of the range set in the parameters of (lower limit) and (upper limit) of the third block cannot be set. (See page 52.)[Setting example] Changing the SV from 250°C to 1195°CRelated parameters:(page 52) (page 52)Standby setting (Settings: oFF/on)[Description]•This parameter switches the control between RUN and Standby.•During standby, the control output and the alarm output stay OFF, like the standby for ramp-soak operation.•While the alarm with a hold is selected, the hold function takes effect after changing the Standby setting from ON to OFF.•is displayed during the standby for ramp-soak operations or the controller changes to the standby state in case of the occurrence of errors.•The other operations are the same as those of the ramp-soak standby.•The setting of ON/OFF for standby is saved after power-off.[Setting example] Starting the control•When the standby is set to ON during the auto-tuning,self-tuning, and ramp-soak operations, those operations will stop. (The PID constant will not be renewed.) Even through it is set to OFF later, the auto-tuning, self-tuning,and ramp-soak operations will not be re-started.•During standby, the ON-delay timer is reset. When returning to RUN from the standby state, the timer will start from the beginning.[Description]•This parameter is used to switch between local and re-mote operations.[Setting example] Switching to remote operationRelated parameters:(page 73) (page 73) (page 74) (page 75)* Local operation:Control by SV set by the keys on the front face, ramp-soak operation, SV selection determined by digital input,and SV setting via communication* Remote operation:Control by SV determined by RemoteSV inputRamp-soak control (Settings: oFF/rUn/hLd) (Option)[Description]•This function automatically changes the SV (Setting value) according to the program pattern set in advance as shown in the right line graph. Up to eight pairs of ramp-soak operation can be programmed.•The first ramp starts at the PV (Measured value) that is the one just before running the program.•The program can also automatically run at power-on (Power-on starting function). Refer to the parameter of(page 45).Related parameters:(page 48) to (page 48) to (page 48) to (page 48) (page 48) (page 47)[Setting example] Starting the ramp-soak operationRamp: the section in which the SV changes toward the target value.Soak: the section in which the SV is the target value, and remains unchanged.TM1r TM2r TM3rCanceling the alarm latch (Setting range: 0/1) (Option)[Description]•This parameter cancels the alarm latch when it is latching.[Setting example] Opening up the alarm latchRelated parameters:to(page 58)Auto-tuning function (Settings: 0/1/2)[Description][Setting example] Setting the auto-tuning operation to 1[Note]If the controller is powered off during auto-tuning, this makes the auto-tuning ineffective with each parameter of , , and unchanged. To start the auto-tuning operation, set to “1” or “2” again.•To suspend the auto-tuning, set to “0”. This makes the auto-tuning cancel with each parameter of , , and unchanged.•Once the parameters of , , and are set automatically by the auto-tuning, those parameters are stored in the controller even after it is powered off. Therefore, it is not necessary to execute the auto-tuning again.•By setting to “1” or “2” , the auto-tuning operation starts, and at the end of the tuning, will be displayed automatically to .•After the auto-tuning operation, the controller starts to operate at the automatically set values of , , and .•A decimal point at the right end of the SV display flashes during auto-tuning.•There are two codes for AT:Setting code [1]:SV standard typePerforms the auto-tuning based on the SV.Setting code [2]:Low PV typePerforms the auto-tuning based on the SV-10%FS.[Note]Since ON/OFF control is performed during auto-tun-ing, overshoot against the SV may occur. To reduce the overshoot, execute the auto-tuning operation with the setting code [2] (Low PV) selected.•The auto-tuning can be executed both just after power-on and in a control or stable status.Related parameters:(page 22) (page 23) (page 24) (page 28) (page 26)Displaying ON-delay alarm or the remaining time of timers(unit: seconds) (Option)[Setting example] Displaying ON-delay alarm or the remaining time of timers[Description]•These parameters display the remaining time of Timers 1, 2 and 3.•The remaining time of the ON/OFF-delay timer is counted down. When the counter shows , the alarm relay is closed.•During count-down, if the PV changes to the value of the temperature at which the alarm is set to OFF, or if “DI”for the timer is set to OFF, the counter is reset, and thealarm relay is opened.Remaining time (seconds)•display parameter[Setting example] Setting the operation value of alarm 2 to -10°C[Description]•These parameters are used to for settings of alarm 1, 2and 3.•When the alarm type (,or ) is set to 0 to 15, alarms 1, 2 and 3 (, and ) can be set.•When the alarm type (,or) is set toany value other than 0 to 15, the upper and lower limitsof alarm 1, 2 and 3 (, , , , ,) can be set.[Note]Setting codes (12 to 15) cannot be selected in alarmtype 1 and 3 ( / ).Related parameters:, , (page 44), , (page 57), , (page 53),,(page 58)(Setting range:Absolute value alarm: 0 to 100%FS Deviation value alarm: -100 to 100%FS )(Option)}Setting alarm 1, 2 and 3Upper limit of alarm 1, 2 and 3Lower limit of alarm 1,2 and 3[Setting example] Setting the key lock to “2”Key lock (Setting range: 0−5)[Description]•This parameter makes the set values of parameters unchangeable. However, the parameter name and the set values can be displayed.•To reset the key lock, change to .•Even when the key lock is set, control and alarm functions can operate properly.•There are six levels of the key lock::Unlocked (reset):All settings are unchangeable from the controller, but changeable via communication.:Only the SV is changeable from the controller, and all settings are changeable via communication.:All settings are changeable from the controller, but unchangeable via communication.:All settings are unchangeable from the controller or via communication.:Only the SV is changeable from the controller, but all settings are unchangeable via communication.Proportional band (Setting range: 0.0 to 999.9% of the measured range)[Description]•To select the ON/OFF control (two-position control), setto 0.0. It is not necessary to set and .• can be automatically set by the auto-tuning operation.•When is too small, control will be unstable, and whenis too large, the response will be delayed.[Setting example] Changing the proportional band from 5.0% to 15.0%•Set the hysteresis of the ON/OFF control (two-positioncontrol) in the parameter.•If auto-tuning is run after the ON/OFF control is selected,the ON/OFF control changes to the PID control. To keep the ON/OFF control selected, do not execute the auto-tuning.Integral time (Setting range: 0 to 3200 seconds)[Description]• can be set automatically by the auto-tuning operation.•can also be set manually.[Setting example] Changing the integral time from 240 seconds to 600 seconds•When is set to 0, the integral operation does not start.•When is set to 0.0, this makes the setting of ineffec-tive.Derivative time (Setting range: 0.0 to 999.9 seconds)[Description]• can be set automatically by the auto-tuning operation.•can also be set manually.[Setting example] Changing the differential time from 60.0 seconds to 50.0 seconds•When is set to 0, the differential operation does not start.•When is set to 0.0, this makes the setting of ineffective.Hysteresis range for ON/OFF control (Setting range: 0 to 50%FS)[Description]•To select the ON/OFF control (two-position control), setto 0.0. It is not necessary to set and .•When the hysteresis range (Range of ON/OFF control) is too small, the output may switch the ON/OFF frequently.(This may affect the life of the device to be controlled,especially when contact output is selected.)•The unit of the set value of this parameter is ºC or ºF (engineering unit). The setting range varies according to the measured range of input.[Setting example] Changing the hysteresis range from 1˚C to 35˚C[Ex] Input Thermocouple K :At measured range of 0to 400 ºC, the setting range is 0 to 200 ºC.Resistance bulb :At measured range of 0to 150 ºC, the setting range is 0 to 75 ºC.Related parameters:(page 22)(page 34)Cooling-side proportional band coefficient (Option: Available for DUAL output only) (Setting range: 0.0 to 100.0)[Description]•This parameter is used for setting the cooling-side pro-portional band. (See the figure below.)[Setting example] Changing the cooling-side proportional band coefficient from 1.0 to 2.5•Before setting the cooling-side proportional band, set the heating-side proportional band to an optimum value. To select the two-position control for the cooling side, setto 0.0.Output•When is set to 0.0 and is set to 0.0 in the dualoutput type, the cooling output is as shown in the figure below. The hysteresis is fixed at 0.5%FS.Cooling-side proportional band=Proportional band (P)2× Coefficient Ex) When making the proportional band of 10% of thefull scale with the proportional band (P) being 50%:10% = × Coefficient50%2Consequently, the coefficient is 0.4.Related parameters:(page 25) (page 22) (page 27)Heating output (Output 1)ON 0.5%0.5% ONCooling output (Output 2)SVPVCooling-side proportional band shift (Dead band/Overlap band) (Option: Available for DUAL output only) (Setting range: -50.0 to +50.0)[Description]•This parameter is used for shifting the cooling-side pro-portional band from the set value. (See the figure below.)[Setting example] Shifting the cooling-side proportional band by 2.0•Related parameters:(page 22)•When is a positive value, it is called the "Dead band",and when it is a negative value, the "Overlap band".•Since the unit of is same one used for MV [%], if you want to set in the unit of deviation [%], must be converted using the equation below.OutputMV=50%Ex) When making a dead band with a deviation of1.0 [%] from the SV while the proportional band (P) is 5.0%:DB [%] = 1.0 × = 20 [%]1005.0100PDB [%] = Deviation × [%]Consequently, set the parameter to 20 [%].Output offset value (Setting range: -100.0 to 100.0 %)Anti-reset windup (Setting range: 0 to 100%FS)[Description]•The anti-reset windup ( ) is automatically set to anoptimum value by the auto-tuning operation.By setting , the amount of overshoot can be adjusted.[Note]By making use of the fuzzy control system equipped withPXR, the amount of overshoot can be minimized withoutsetting and .[Setting example] Changing the anti-reset windup from 60˚C to 80˚C.PVControl algorithm (Settings: PID/FUZY/SELF)[Description]•This parameter is used for selecting PID control, FUZZY -PID control, or PID control with self-tuning.•To select the PID control or FUZZY-PID control, it is necessary to set the parameters of , ,, and manually or by the auto-tuning in advance.[Setting example] Changing the control system from PID to FUZZY•For the ON/OFF control (Two-position control), select the PID control and then set to 0.0. For detailed infor-mation, refer to (page 22).•Refer to the next page for the PID control with self-tuning.[Self-tuning]1Function:With the self-tuning function, PID parameters are automatically re-optimised depending on the actual condition of device to be controlled and the setting temperature (SV).2How to execute:Follow the procedure shown below to set and execute the self-tuning. The self-tuning starts to run at the appropriate conditions. (See page 31)*1: How to set the parameter of :*2: Display during self-tuning is shown below:3Conditions under which the self-tuning runs:q At power-on:The self-tuning runs when all of the following conditions are met.•The SV that appears at power-on is not the same one when the , , , and were set previously. (i.e. the , , , and set by the self-tuning, auto-tuning, manual setting, and writing by communications tools at previous time)•The (SV-PV) at power-on is larger than (the value of × input range) or (the set value of ).w When the SV is changed:The self-tuning runs when all the conditions below are met.•The changed SV is larger than the SV that was set when the , , , and were selected previously.•The changed amount of the SV is larger than 0.•The changed amount of the SV is larger than (the set value of × input range) or (the set value of ).e When output becomes unstable:The self-tuning runs when control becomes unstable and the hunting of the operating output (MV) occurs. (The self-tuning runs only once as long as the SV is not changed.)r When the control standby mode is cancelled:The self-tuning runs by the same reason as "q At power-on" are met.* Only when the PXR is set to standby mode at power-on.4Conditions under which the self-tuning does not run:q During control standby modew During two-position control (Parameter of = 0)e During auto-tuning operationr During ramp-soak operationt Error display ( or is displayed.)y During dual output (The set value of the parameter of is larger than 4.)u When setting the parameters of , ,, and manually (including the setting written by communications tools)5Conditions under which the self-tuning is suspended:q At the condition described in 4shown abovew When the SV is changed during self-tuning operatione When the self-tuning operation can not be completed within approx. 9 hours6Cautionq Once the PID constant is set, the self-tuning does not operate at next power-on as long as the SV is not changed.w For an accurate tuning, be sure to power on the device to be controlled before or at the same time as the PXR is powered on. If the PXR has to be powered on first for reasons of the system configuration, perform the auto-tuning with the PID or FUZZY control.e If the device to be controlled is powered on under temperature change (especially when it rises), accuratetunings can not be performed. Be sure to power on the PYX when the temperature of device to be controlled is stabilized.r The self-tuning does not run for cooling system control under Direct Action output (Parameter = 2 or 3). t In case the control is not stable after performing the self-tuning, change the algorithm to the PID or FUZZY control and perform the auto-tuning.7Reference [About the self-tuning method]The PID constant is calculated in one of the following two methods.The method is selected automatically depending on the characteristics of the device to be controlled.• Step response method• Limit cycle methodThe following figures show the operations at power-on and changing the SV, and under unstable control. q Operations at power-onw Operations at changing the SVe Operation under unstable controlPV (Measured value) stable range (Setting range: 0 to 100%FS)[Description]•Self-tuning logic recognizes that control is stable if PV is staying within the SV ± .[Setting example] Changing the PV stable range from 2 to 3•It is not necessary to set this parameter under normal con-ditions.HYS (Hysteresis) mode at ON/OFF control (Settings: oFF/on)[Description]• This parameter is used for selecting the hysteresis opera-tion mode at ON/OFF control.• Default setting: ONStarts the ON/OFF control at the values ofSV+ and SV- .Starts the ON/OFF control at the values ofSV and SV+HYS, or SV and SV-HYS.HYS 2HYS 2::[Setting example] Setting the hysteresis mode to ONCycle time of control output 1 (Setting range: 1 to 150 seconds) [Description]•This parameter is applicable for to the contact output and SSR-driving output.•While input is within the proportional band, output changes between ON and OFF in cycles. These cycles are called cycle time.For contact output:The higher the frequency of output is, the more precise the control becomes. However a high frequency of out-put may shorten the life of the contacts and the device to be controlled. Be sure to adjust the proportional cycles considering controllability and the life of the device and the contacts.Typical: 30 secondsFor SSR-driving output:Use in short cycles if there is no problem with the device to be controlled.Typical: 1 to 2 secondstimetime[Setting example] Setting the cycle time from 30 seconds to 20 seconds•Do not set this parameter to "0".Cycle time of control output 2 (Cooling-side)(Setting range: 1 to 150 seconds) (Option: Available for DUAL output only) [Description]•By this parameter is set, the cycle time of control output 2.•While input is within the proportional band, outputchanges between ON and OFF in cycles. These cyclesare called cycle time.[Setting example] Setting the cooling-side cycle time from 30 seconds to 20 secondstimetimeFor contact output:The higher the frequency of output is, the more precisethe control becomes. However a high frequency of out-put may shorten the life of the contacts and the device tobe controlled. Be sure to adjust the proportional cyclesconsidering controllability and the life of the device andthe contacts.Typical: 30 seconds•Do not set this parameter to "0".Input signal code (Setting range: 0 to 16)[Description]•This parameter is used for selecting input signals. Input signal varies depending on the sensors (2 types below).Set a code that corresponds to the sensor you use.Type I :Thermocouples (9 kinds of signals)Resistance bulbs (1 kind of signal)Type II :V oltage, current•Input signals can be selected within the same type. It is impossible to select input signals of a different type.•For type II, to change from the voltage input to the cur-rent input, connect the supplied resistance of 250Ω be-tween terminals !7 and !8 (in the case of PXR4), and between terminals #5 and #6 (in the case of PXR5/9), in addition to changing the code.When changing from the current input to the voltage in-put, remove the resistance of 250 Ω as well as changing the code.[Note]After changing the codes, power off the PXR, and then power it on again.[Setting example] Changing from thermocouple K to thermocouple T in T ype I•Input signals and codes q Input signals code table。

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