
因此,戊公司是A 公司的境外经营【答案】A4、下列各项关于企业变更记账本位币会计处理的表述中,正确的是()。

国际会计师考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. 国际会计准则(IAS)规定,企业在编制财务报表时,应采用哪种计量基础?A. 历史成本B. 公允价值C. 净现值D. 现值答案:A2. 以下哪项不是国际财务报告准则(IFRS)的主要目标?A. 提供决策有用的信息B. 促进国际资本市场的效率C. 确保所有企业使用相同的会计政策D. 促进全球财务报告的一致性答案:C3. 根据国际会计准则第16号(IAS 16),固定资产的折旧方法应如何确定?A. 直线法B. 双倍余额递减法C. 任何合理的方法D. 只有当资产价值下降时答案:C4. 国际会计准则第36号(IAS 36)规定,当资产的可回收金额低于其账面价值时,应如何处理?A. 继续持有资产B. 立即出售资产C. 计提减值准备D. 增加资产账面价值答案:C5. 国际会计准则第18号(IAS 18)规定,收入的确认应基于什么原则?A. 成本加成原则B. 风险和报酬转移原则C. 现金收付实现制D. 权责发生制答案:D6. 根据国际会计准则第1号(IAS 1),财务报表的呈现应遵循什么原则?A. 重要性原则B. 一致性原则C. 可比性原则D. 所有上述原则答案:D7. 国际会计准则第38号(IAS 38)涉及的是什么类型的资产?A. 固定资产B. 无形资产C. 存货D. 投资性房地产答案:B8. 国际会计准则第21号(IAS 21)主要涉及哪种货币的会计处理?A. 企业本位货币B. 外币C. 任何货币D. 法定货币答案:B9. 国际会计准则第32号(IAS 32)规定,金融工具的分类应基于什么?A. 金融工具的类型B. 金融工具的用途C. 企业持有金融工具的意图D. 金融工具的公允价值答案:C10. 国际会计准则第39号(IAS 39)主要涉及的是什么?A. 金融资产和金融负债的分类B. 金融资产和金融负债的计量C. 金融资产和金融负债的披露D. 所有上述内容答案:D二、多项选择题(每题2分,共10分)11. 根据国际会计准则第8号(IAS 8),以下哪些项目应在财务报表中披露?A. 会计政策B. 会计估计的变更C. 会计政策变更的影响D. 所有上述项目答案:D12. 国际会计准则第12号(IAS 12)涉及的税种包括以下哪些?A. 所得税B. 增值税C. 消费税D. 营业税答案:A13. 根据国际会计准则第23号(IAS 23),在进行资本化时,以下哪些成本可以计入资产成本?A. 借款费用B. 管理费用C. 销售费用D. 直接材料和直接人工成本答案:A, D14. 国际会计准则第27号(IAS 27)要求对联营企业的投资采用哪种会计政策?A. 成本法B. 权益法C. 公允价值法D. 历史成本法答案:B15. 国际会计准则第37号(IAS 37)规定,以下哪些情况需要计提预计负债?A. 法律诉讼B. 环境清理义务C. 产品质量保证D. 所有上述情况答案:D三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. 简述国际会计准则第41号(IAS 41)。

2021年ACCA考试模拟练习题(a) 有关甜甜饼屋挂牌上市建议的报告致:甜甜饼屋董事由:考生姓名股票交易所在英国的资本市场占一个重要的席位,把长期融资的买家和卖家连在一起。
(6 分)(b) 甜甜饼屋的股份在股票市场上市的其中两种方法如下:要约销售要约销售是将公司股票出售给公众的一种方式,也是股票获得上市挂牌交易的常见方法。
(8 分)注:其他方法如凭招股说明书发行和介绍进入也可接受。
(c) 在股票交易所挂牌上市的好处如下:股份转让性股票有流通的市场,买卖较容易,投资者也较愿意作买卖。
天津财经大学 最新ACCA注册会计师考试 UK 模拟及答案

Financial Accounting (United Kingdom)Time allowed: 2 hoursALL FIFTY questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted.Do NOT open this paper until instructed by the supervisor.This question paper must not be removed from the examination hall.Fundamentals Pilot Paper – Knowledge moduleP a p e r F 3 (U K )The Association of Chartered Certified AccountantsALL 50 questions are compulsory and MUST be attemptedPlease use the Candidate Registration Sheet provided to indicate your chosen answer to each multiple choice question.1 Should details of material adjusting or material non-adjusting events after the balance sheet date be disclosed inthe notes to financial statements according to FRS 21 Events After the Balance Sheet Date?A Adjusting eventsB Non-Adjusting events(1 mark) 2At 30 June 2005 a company’s allowance for debtors was £39,000. At 30 June 2006 trade debtors totalled £517,000.It was decided to write off debts totalling £37,000 and to adjust the allowance for debtors to the equivalent of 5 per cent of the trade debtors based on past events.What figure should appear in the profit and loss account for the year ended 30 June 2006 for these items?A£61,000B£22,000C£24,000D£23,850(2 marks)3 In times of rising prices, what effect does the use of the historical cost concept have on a company’s asset valuesand profit?A Asset values and profit both understatedB Asset values and profit both overstatedC Asset values understated and profit overstatedD Asset values overstated and profit understated.(2 marks) 4The ASB’s Statement of principles for financial reporting gives qualitative characteristics that make financial informationreliable.Which of the following are examples of those qualitative characteristics?A Faithful representation, neutrality and prudenceB Neutrality, comparability and true and fair viewC Prudence, comparability and accrualsD Neutrality, accruals and going concern(2 marks)5The following bank reconciliation statement has been prepared by a trainee accountant:£Overdraft per bank statement 3,860less: Outstanding cheques 9,1605,300add: Deposits credited after date 16,690Cash at bank as calculated above 21,990What should be the correct balance per the cash book?A£21,990 balance at bank as statedB£3,670 balance at bankC£11,390 balance at bankD£3,670 overdrawn.(2 marks)6 Which of the following calculates a trader’s net profit for a period?A Closing net assets + drawings – capital introduced – opening net assetsB Closing net assets – drawings + capital introduced – opening net assetsC Closing net assets – drawings – capital introduced – opening net assetsD Closing net assets + drawings + capital introduced – opening net assets.(2 marks) 7 A sole trader took some goods costing £800 from stock for his own use. The normal selling price of the goods is£1,600.Which of the following journal entries would correctly record this?Dr Cr£ £A Drawings account 800Stock account 800B Drawings account 800Purchases account 800C Sales account 1,600Drawings account 1,600(1 mark)8The debit side of a company’s trial balance totals £800 more than the credit side.Which one of the following errors would fully account for the difference?A£400 paid for plant maintenance has been correctly entered in the cash book and credited to the plant asset account.B Discount received £400 has been debited to discount allowed accountC A receipt of £800 for commission receivable has been omitted from the recordsD The petty cash balance of £800 has been omitted from the trial balance.(2 marks)9 A company’s profit and loss account for the year ended 31 December 2005 showed a net profit of £83,600. It waslater found that £18,000 paid for the purchase of a motor van had been debited to the motor expenses account. It is the company’s policy to depreciate motor vans at 25 per cent per year on the straight line basis, with a full year’s charge in the year of acquisition.What would the net profit be after adjusting for this error?A£106,100B£70,100C£97,100D£101,600(2 marks)10 Should dividends paid appear on the face of a company’s profit and loss account?A YesB No(1 mark)11The following control account has been prepared by a trainee accountant:Debtors ledger control account£ £Opening balance 308,600 Cash received from credit customers 147,200 Credit sales 154,200 Discounts allowed to credit customers 1,400 Cash sales 88,100 Interest charged on overdue accounts 2,400 Contras against credit balances in creditors ledger 4,600 Bad debts written off 4,900Allowance for debtors 2,800Closing balance 396,800555,500 555,500 What should the closing balance be when all the errors made in preparing the debtors ledger control account have been corrected?A£395,200B£304,300C£309,500D£307,100(2 marks)12At 31 December 2004 Q, a limited liability company, owned a building that cost £800,000 on 1 January 1995. It was being depreciated at two per cent per year.On 1 January 2005 a revaluation to £1,000,000 was recognised. At this date the building had a remaining useful life of 40 years.What is the depreciation charge for the yeae ended 31 December 2005 and the revaluation reserve balance as at1 January 2005?Depreciation charge Revaluation reservefor year ended 31 December 2005 as at 1 January 2005£ £A25,000 200,000B25,000 360,000C20,000 200,000D20,000 360,000(2 marks)13P and Q are in partnership, sharing profits equally.On 30 June 2005, R joined the partnership and it was agreed that from that date all three partners should share equally in the profit.In the year ended 31 December 2005 the profit amounted to £300,000, accruing evenly over the year, after charginga bad debt of £30,000 which it was agreed should be borne equally by P and Q only.What should P’s total profit share be for the year ended 31 December 2005?A £95,000B£122,500C£125,000D £110,000(2 marks)14 A company has made a material change to an accounting policy in preparing its current financial statements.Which of the following disclosures are required by FRS 18 Accounting policies in the financial statements?1 The reasons for the change.2 The amount of the adjustment in the current period and in comparative information for prior periods.3 An estimate of the effect of the change on the next five accounting periods.A 1 and 2 onlyB 1 and 3 onlyC 2 and 3 onlyD1, 2 and 3(2 marks)15According to SSAP 9 Stocks and long-term contracts, which of the following costs should be included in valuing the stock of a manufacturing company?(1) Carriage inwards(2) Carriage outwards(3) Depreciation of factory plant(4) General administrative overheadsA All four itemsB1, 2 and 4 onlyC 2 and 3 onlyD 1 and 3 only(2 marks)16Part of a company’s cash flow statement is shown below:£’000Operating profit 8,640Depreciation charges (2,160)Increase in stock (330)Increase in trade creditors 440The following criticisms of the extract have been made:(1) Depreciation charges should have been added, not deducted.(2) Increase in stock should have been added, not deducted.(3) Increase in trade creditors should have been deducted, not added.Which of the criticisms are valid?A 2 and 3 onlyB 1 onlyC 1 and 3 onlyD 2 only(2 marks)17 Which of the following explains the imprest system of operating petty cash?A Weekly expenditure cannot exceed a set amount.B The exact amount of expenditure is reimbursed at intervals to maintain a fixed float.C All expenditure out of the petty cash must be properly authorised.D Regular equal amounts of cash are transferred into petty cash at intervals.(2 marks)18 Which of the following are differences between sole traders and limited liability companies?(1) A sole traders’ financial statements are private; a company’s financial statements are sent to shareholders and maybe publicly filed(2) Only companies have capital invested into the business(3) A sole trader is fully and personally liable for any losses that the business might make; a company’s shareholdersare not personally liable for any losses that the company might make.A 1 and 2 onlyB 2 and 3 onlyC 1 and 3 onlyD1, 2 and 3(2 marks)19 Which of the following documents should accompany a payment made to a supplier?A Supplier statementB Remittance adviceC Purchase invoice(1 mark)20 Goodwill should never be shown on the balance sheet of a partnership.Is this statement true or false?A FalseB True(1 mark)21 Which of the following journal entries are correct, according to their narratives?Dr CR£ £1 Suspense account 18,000Rent received account 18,000Correction of error in posting £24,000 cash receivedfor rent to the rent received account as £42,0002 Share premium account 400,000Share capital account 400,0001 for 3 bonus issue on share capital of 1,200,00050p shares3 Trade investment in X 750,000Share capital account 250,000Share premium account 500,000500,000 50p shares issued at £1.50 per share inexchange for shares in XA 1 and 2B 2 and 3C 1 onlyD 3 only(2 marks)22The plant and machinery account (at cost) of a business for the year ended 31 December 2005 was as follows:Plant and machinery – cost2005 2005£ £1 Jan Balance 240,000 31 March Transfer disposal account 60,00030 June Cash – purchase of plant 160,000 31 Dec Balance 340,000400,000 400,000 The company’s policy is to charge depreciation at 20% per year on the straight line basis, with proportionate depreciation in the years of purchase and disposal.What should be the depreciation charge for the year ended 31 December 2005?A£68,000B£64,000C£61,000D£55,000(2 marks)23 Which of the following should appear in a company’s statement of total recognised gains and losses?1 Profit for the financial year2 Amortisation of capitalised development costs3 Surplus on revaluation of fixed assetsA All three itemsB 2 and 3 onlyC 1 and 3 onlyD 1 and 2 only(2 marks)24 Which of the following statements are correct?(1) Capitalised development expenditure must be amortised over a period not exceeding five years.(2) Capitalised development costs are shown in the balance sheet under the heading of Fixed Assets(3) If certain criteria are met, research expenditure must be recognised as an intangible asset.A 2 onlyB 2 and 3C 1 onlyD 1 and 3(2 marks)25 A fire on 30 September destroyed some of a company’s stock and its stock records.The following information is available:£Stock 1 September 318,000Sales for September 612,000Purchases for September 412,000Stock in good condition at 30 September 214,000Standard gross profit percentage on sales is 25%Based on this information, what is the value of the stock lost?A£96,000B£271,000C£26,400D£57,000(2 marks) 26At 31 December 2004 a company’s capital structure was as follows:£Ordinary share capital(500,000 shares of 25p each) 125,000Share premium account 100,000In the year ended 31 December 2005 the company made a rights issue of 1 share for every 2 held at £1 per share and this was taken up in full. Later in the year the company made a bonus issue of 1 share for every 5 held, using the share premium account for the purpose.What was the company’s capital structure at 31 December 2005?Ordinary share capital Share premium account£ £A450,000 25,000B225,000 250,000C225,000 325,000D212,500 262,500(2 marks) 27The stock value for the financial statements of Q for the year ended 31 May 2006 was based on a stock count on 4 June 2006, which gave a total stock value of £836,200.Between 31 May and 4 June 2006, the following transactions took place:£Purchases of goods 8,600Sales of goods (profit margin 30% on sales) 14,000Goods returned by Q to supplier 700What adjusted figure should be included in the financial statements for stock at 31 May 2006?A£838,100B£853,900C£818,500D£834,300(2 marks)28In preparing a company’s bank reconciliation statement at March 2006, the following items are causing the difference between the cash book balance and the bank statement balance:(1) Bank charges £380(2) Error by bank £1,000 (cheque incorrectly debited to the account)(3) Lodgements not credited £4,580(4) Outstanding cheques £1,475(5) Direct debit £350(6) Cheque paid in by the company and dishonoured £400.Which of these items will require an entry in the cash book?A2, 4 and 6B1, 5 and 6C3, 4 and 5D1, 2 and 3(2 marks)29At 31 December 2005 the following require inclusion in a company’s financial statements:(1) On 1 January 2005 the company made a loan of £12,000 to an employee, repayable on 1 January 2006,charging interest at 2 per cent per year. On the due date she repaid the loan and paid the whole of the interest due on the loan to that date.(2) The company has paid insurance £9,000 in 2005, covering the year ending 31 August 2006.(3) In January 2006 the company received rent from a tenant £4,000 covering the six months to 31 December2005.For these items, what total figures should be included in the company’s balance sheet at 31 December 2005?Current assets Current liabilities£ £A10,000 12,240B22,240 nilC10,240 nilD16,240 6,000(2 marks) 30How should a contingent liability be included in a company’s financial statements if the likelihood of a transfer of economic benefits to settle it is remote?A Disclosed by note with no provision being madeB No disclosure or provision is required(1 mark)31Which of the following material events after the balance sheet date and before the financial statements are approved are adjusting events?(1) A valuation of property providing evidence of impairment in value at the balance sheet date.(2) Sale of stock held at the balance sheet date for less than cost.(3) Discovery of fraud or error affecting the financial statements.(4) The insolvency of a customer with a debt owing at the balance sheet date which is still outstanding.A1, 2, 3 and 4B1, 2 and 4 onlyC 3 and 4 onlyD1, 2 and 3 only.(2 marks)32Alpha received a statement of account from a supplier Beta, showing a balance to be paid of £8,950. Alpha’s purchase ledger account for Beta shows a balance due to Beta of £4,140.Investigation reveals the following:(1) Cash paid to Beta £4,080 has not been allowed for by Beta(2) Alpha’s ledger account has not been adjusted for £40 of cash discount disallowed by Beta.What discrepancy remains between Alpha’s and Beta’s records after allowing for these items?A£690B£770C£9,850D£9,930(2 marks)33 The business entity concept requires that a business is treated as being separate from its owners.Is this statement true or false?A TrueB False(1 mark) 34Theta prepares its financial statements for the year to 30 April each year. The company pays rent for its premises quarterly in advance on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October each year. The annual rent was £84,000 per year until 30 June 2005. It was increased from that date to £96,000 per year.What rent expense and end of year prepayment should be included in the financial statements for the year ended30 April 2006?Expense PrepaymentA£93,000 £8,000B£93,000 £16,000C£94,000 £8,000D£94,000 £16,000(2 marks)35 Which of the following items could appear in a company’s cash flow statement?(1) Surplus on revaluation of fixed assets(2) Proceeds of issue of shares(3) Proposed dividend(4) Dividends receivedA 1 and 2B 3 and 4C 1 and 3D 2 and 4(2 marks)36 What is the role of the Financial Reporting Review Panel?A To create a set of accounting standardsB To ensure public and large private companies comply with relevant reporting requirements(1 mark) 37Q’s trial balance failed to agree and a suspense account was opened for the difference.Q does not keep debtors and creditors control accounts. The following errors were found in Q’s accounting records:(1) In recording an issue of shares at par, cash received of £333,000 was credited to the ordinary share capitalaccount as £330,000(2) Cash £2,800 paid for plant repairs was correctly accounted for in the cash book but was credited to the plant assetaccount(3) The petty cash book balance £500 had been omitted from the trial balance(4) A cheque for £78,400 paid for the purchase of a motor car was debited to the motor vehicles account as£87,400.Which of the errors will require an entry to the suspense account to correct them?A1, 2 and 4 onlyB1, 2, 3 and 4C 1 and 4 onlyD 2 and 3 only(2 marks) 38Mountain sells goods on credit to Hill. Hill receives a 10% trade discount from Mountain and a further 5% settlement discount if goods are paid for within 14 days. Hill bought goods with a list price of £200,000 from Mountain. VAT is at 17.5%.What amount should be included in Mountain’s sales ledger for this transaction?A£235,000B£211,500C£200,925D£209,925(2 marks)39 A computerised accounting system operates using the principle of double entry accounting.Is this statement true or false?A FalseB True(1 mark) 40 A company receives rent from a large number of properties. The total received in the year ended 30 April 2006 was£481,200.The following were the amounts of rent in advance and in arrears at 30 April 2005 and 2006:30 April 2005 30 April 2006£ £Rent received in advance 28,700 31,200Rent in arrears (all subsequently received) 21,200 18,400What amount of rental income should appear in the company’s profit and loss account for the year ended 30 April 2006?A£486,500B£460,900C£501,500D£475,900(2 marks) 41Annie is a sole trader who does not keep full accounting records. The following details relate to her transactions withcredit customers and suppliers for the year ended 30 June 2006:£Trade debtors, 1 July 2005 130,000Trade creditors, 1 July 2005 60,000Cash received from customers 686,400Cash paid to suppliers 302,800Discounts allowed 1,400Discounts received 2,960Contra between purchase and sales ledgers 2,000Trade debtors, 30 June 2006 181,000Trade creditors, 30 June 2006 84,000What figure should appear in Annie’s profit and loss account for the year ended 30 June 2006 for purchases?A£331,760B£740,800C£283,760D£330,200(2 marks)42The bookkeeper of Field made the following mistakes:Discounts allowed £3,840 was credited to the discounts received accountDiscounts received £2,960 was debited to the discounts allowed accountWhich journal entry will correct the errors?DR CRA Discounts allowed £7,680Discounts received £5,920Suspense account £1,760B Discounts allowed £880Discounts received £880Suspense account £1,760C Discounts allowed £6,800Discounts received £6,800D Discounts allowed £3,840Discounts received £2,960Suspense account £880(2 marks)43 Which of the following statements are correct?(1) Materiality means that only items having a physical existence may be recognised as assets.(2) The substance over form convention means that the legal form of a transaction must always be shown in financialstatements even if this differs from the commercial effect.(3) The money measurement concept is that only items capable of being measured in monetary terms can berecognised in financial statements.A 2 onlyB1, 2 and 3C 1 onlyD 3 only(2 marks) 44The total of the list of balances in Valley’s purchase ledger was £438,900 at 30 June 2006. This balance did not agree with Valley’s purchase ledger control account balance. The following errors were discovered:1 A contra entry of £980 was recorded in the purchase ledger control account, but not in the purchase ledger.2 The total of the purchase returns daybook was undercast by £1,000.3 An invoice for £4,344 was posted to the supplier’s account as £4,434.What amount should Valley report in its balance sheet as trade creditors at 30 June 2006?A£436,830B£438,010C£439,790D£437,830(2 marks)45 Which of the following statements are correct?(1) A cash flow statement prepared using the direct method produces a different figure for operating cash flow fromthat produced if the indirect method is used.(2) Rights issues of shares do not feature in cash flow statements.(3) A surplus on revaluation of a fixed asset will not appear as an item in a cash flow statement(4) A profit on the sale of a fixed asset will appear as an item under Capital Expenditure in a cash flow statement.A 1 and 4B 2 and 3C 3 onlyD 2 and 4(2 marks) 46Gareth, a VAT registered trader purchased a computer for use in his business. The invoice for the computer showed thefollowing costs related to the purchase:£Computer 890Additional memory 95Delivery 10Installation 20Maintenance (1 year) 251,040VAT (17.5%) 182Total 1,222How much should Gareth capitalise as a fixed asset in relation to the purchase?A£1,222B£1,040C£890D£1,015(2 marks) 47 A and B are in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3:2 respectively. Profit for the year was £86,500.The partners’ capital and current account balances at the beginning of the year were as follows:A B£ £Current accounts 5,750CR 1,200CRCapital accounts 10,000CR 8,000CRA’s drawings during the year were £4,300, and B’s were £2,430.What should A’s current account balance be at the end of the year?A£57,650B£51,900C£61,950D£53,350(2 marks)48 What is the correct double entry to record the depreciation charge for a period?A DR Depreciation expenseCR Accumulated depreciationB DR Accumulated depreciationCR Depreciation expense(1 mark)49 A company values its stock using the first in, first out (FIFO) method. At 1 May 2005 the company had 700 enginesin stock, valued at £190 each.During the year ended 30 April 2006 the following transactions took place:20051 July Purchased 500 engines at £220 each1 November Sold 400 engines for £160,00020061 February Purchased 300 engines at £230 each15 April Sold 250 engines for £125,000What is the value of the company’s closing stock of engines at 30 April 2006?A£188,500B£195,500C£166,000D£106,000(2 marks)50 A company’s motor vehicles at cost account at 30 June 2006 is as follows:Motor vehicles – cost£ £Balance b/f 35,800 Disposal 12,000Additions 12,950 Balance c/f 36,75048,750 48,750What opening balance should be included in the following period’s trial balance for motor vehicles – cost at 1 July 2006?A£36,750 DRB£48,750 DRC£36,750 CRD£48,750 CR(2 marks)AnswersPilot Paper F3 (UK) Answers Financial Accounting (United Kingdom)1 B2 B 37,000 + ((517,000 – 37,000)*5%) –39,000) = 22,0003 C4 A5 B -3,860 – 9,160 + 16,690 = 3,6706 A7 B8 B9 C 83,600 +18,000 – (18,000*25%) = 97,10010 B11 D Debtors ledger control account£ £Opening balance 308,600 Contras 4,600Credit sales 154,200 Cash received 147,200Interest charged 2,400 Discounts allowed 1,400Bad debts 4,900Closing balance 307,100465,200 465,20012 B 1,000,000/40years = 25,000; 1,000,000 – (800,000 – (800,000*2%*10years)) = 360,00013 B ((300,000 + 30,000) / 2 * ½ ) + (300,000 + 30,000) / 2 * 1/3) – (30,000 * ½ ) = 122,50014 A15 D16 B17 B18 C19 B20 A21 D22 D (240,000*20%) + (6/12*160,000*20%) – (9/12*60,000*20%) = 55,00023 C24 A25 D (318,000 + 412,000 – 214,000) – (612,000*75%) = 57,00026 B 125,000 + (500,000*1/2*25p) + (750,000*1/5*25p) = 225,000; 100,000 + (500,000*1/2*75p) –(750,000*1/5*25p) = 250,00027 A 836,200 – 8,600 + (14,000*70%) + 700 = 838,10028 B29 B 12,000 + (12,000*2%) + (9,000*8/12) + 4,000 = 22,24030 B31 A32 A (8,950 – 4,080) – (4,140 + 40) = 69033 A34 D (84,000*2/12) + (96,000*10/12) = 94,000; 96,000*2/12 = 16,00035 D36 B37 B38 D List Price 200,000Trade discount (20,000)180,000VAT (17.5%*95%*180,000) 29,925209,92539 B40 D Rent receivable£ £O/Balance 21,200 O/Balance 28,700Profit and Loss 475,900 Disposal 481,200C/Balance 31,200 C/Balance 18,400528,300 528,30041 A Purchase ledger£ £Cash paid 302,800 O/balance 60,000 Discounts received 2,960 Purchases 331,760 Contra 2,000C/balance 84,000391,760 391,76042 B43 D44 D 438,900 – 980-90 = 437,83045 C46 D 890 + 95 + 10 + 20 = 1,01547 D 5,750 + (86,500*3/5) – 4,300 = 53,35048 A49 A (300@230) + (500@220) + (50@190) = 188,50050 A。

ACCA考试模拟试题Professional Level – Essentials Module,Professional Accountant1 (a) (i) Three Kohlberg levelsAt the preconventional level of moral reasoning, morality is conceived of in terms of rewards, punishments andinstrumental motivations. Those demonstrating intolerance of regulations in preference for self-serving motives aretypical preconventionalists.At the conventional level, morality is understood in terms of compliance with either or both of peer pressure/socialexpectations or regulations, laws and guidelines. A high degree of compliance is assumed to be a highly moral position.At the postconventional level, morality is understood in terms of conformance with ‘higher’ or ‘universal’ ethicalprinciples. Postconventional assumptions often challenge existing regulatory regimes and social norms and sopostconventional behaviour is often costly in personal terms.Level 1: Preconventional levelStage/Plane 1: Punishment-obedience orientationStage/Plane 2: Instrumental relativist orientationLevel 2: Conventional levelStage/Plane 3: Good boy-nice girl orientationStage/Plane 4: Law and order orientationLevel 3: Postconventional levelStage/Plane 5: Social contract orientationStage/Plane 6: Universal ethical principle orientation(ii) The level that Jack Mineta operated atThe evidence from the case suggests that Mr Mineta operated at the preconventional level. Although he seemed lessconcerned with punishment, his actions were strongly driven by the incentives of financial rewards suggesting a rewardsorientation consistent with preconventional thinking. He seemed prepared to ignore internal control systems (‘I’m in thisjob for what I can get for myself – big risks bring big returns and big bonuses for me.’). The internal c ontrol systems atGlobal-bank placed clear limits on traders’ behaviour in terms of limits and exposure to the highest risk derivativeinstruments. Mr Mineta was unconcerned about compliance with controls and prevailing rules would have suggestedconventional thinking. Had he complied with the internal control constraints, he would not have lost the large amountof money. Nor would he have made the large prior profits but these were manifestly not sustainable. Miss Hubu’scomment that he ‘didn’t believe in ri ght and wrong’ excludes any suggestion that his ignoring of rules was driven bypostconventional assumptions.(iii) Stage most appropriate for a professional bank employeeThe most appropriate level of moral development for Mr Mineta in his work is stage 4 within the conventional level (level2). This level stresses compliance with laws and regulations rather than the 3rd stage which is about compliance withnorms to gain social acceptance.Stage 4 is concerned with legal and regulatory compliance and the moral right is that which is the most compliant withprevailing regulatory systems.[Tutorial note: it is possible to argue for other stages. Credit should be given for this only when robustly defended withevidence. Unsupported assertions should not be rewarded.](b) FIVE typical causes of internal control failure and the performance of Global-bankThere are several possible causes of internal control failure. The UK Turnbull report (in paragraph 22) gives examples ofcauses of failure but this list is not exhaustive.Poor judgement in decision-making. Internal control failures can sometimes arise from individual decisions being made basedon inadequate information provision or by inexperienced staff.Human error can cause failures although a well-designed internal control environment can help control this to a certain extent.Control processes being deliberately circumvented by employees and others. It is very difficult to completely prevent deliberatecircumvention, especially if an employee has a particular reason (in his or her opinion) to do so, such as the belief that higherbonuses will be earned.Management overriding controls, presumably in the belief that the controls put in place are inconvenient or inappropriate andshould not apply to them.The occurrence of unforeseeable circumstances is the final cause referred to in the Turnbull Report. Control systems aredesigned to cope with a given range of variables and when an event happens outwith that range, the system may be unableto cope.Tutorial note: accept other, equivalent explanations or references to other governance codes if valid. Study texts makereference obliquely rather than as a ‘list’ to learn. The above points can be expressed in different ways.Time allowedThis paper is divided into two sections:Section A – This ONE question is compulsory and MUST be attemptedSection B – TWO questions ONLY to be attemptedDo NOT open this paper until instructed by the supervisor.During reading and planning time only the question paper maybe annotated. You must NOT write in your answer booklet untilinstructed by the supervisor.This question paper must not be removed from the examination hall.The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants。

2019年数据:- 销售收入:500万美元- 销售成本:400万美元- 管理费用:50万美元- 借款利息:10万美元2020年数据:- 销售收入:600万美元- 销售成本:450万美元- 管理费用:55万美元- 借款利息:12万美元问题1:请计算2019年的净利润和净利润率,并与2020年进行比较。
根据上述数据,2019年的净利润可通过以下公式计算:净利润=销售收入-销售成本-管理费用-借款利息净利润=500万美元-400万美元-50万美元-10万美元净利润=40万美元净利润率可通过以下公式计算:净利润率=(净利润/销售收入)×100%净利润率=(40万美元/500万美元)×100%净利润率=8%同样的方式,我们可以计算2020年的净利润和净利润率:净利润=600万美元-450万美元-55万美元-12万美元净利润=83万美元净利润率=(83万美元/600万美元)×100%净利润率=13.83%通过比较2019年和2020年的净利润和净利润率,我们可以得出以下结论:- 净利润从40万美元增加到83万美元。
- 净利润率从8%增加到13.83%。
根据净利润和净利润率的变化,我们可以推断公司可能采取了以下经营策略:1. 成本控制:销售成本从400万美元减少到450万美元,管理费用从50万美元增加到55万美元。
2. 销售增长:销售收入从500万美元增加到600万美元。

【参考答案:跨期摊配】5.与资产负债表中财务状况的计量直接联系的要素是: ..。
【参考答案:资产 ;负债 ;权益】6.的会计实务体系被公认为当今在世界范围内影响最大的会计模式。
【参考答案:美国】7.《编报财务报表的框架》特别提及的会计基本假设包括 .。
【参考答案:权责发生制 ;持续经营】8.指在机构和组织中,等级制度和权力的不公平分配能被接受的程度。
【参考答案:右方 ;左方】11.根据协议,1973年成立的国际会计准则委员会作为国际会计师联合会的团体成员,独立制定和发布国际会计准则和审计准则。
(知识点5 国际会计协调化和趋同化的国际组)A.正确B.错误【参考答案:B】12.国际会计准则委员会的总部设在,是民间机构。
ACCA F1精选模拟测试题

ACCA F1精选模拟测试题第1 题(单选)What name is given to a ‘task culture’ by Charles Handy.A. AthenaB. ApolloC. ZeusD. Dionysus第2 题(单选)How is ‘true and fair view’ generally defined for practical purposes?A. Managers have promised that the accounts are correctB. The accounts have been produced with the best intentionsC. All statements are honest and unlikely to deceiveD. The accounts are accurate and not misleadin第3 题(单选)In order for the purchase of a non-current asset to be processed, what must the manager of the department which requires the asset firstly fill out?A. Business caseB. Purchase requisitionC. Company chequeD. Order form第4 题(单选)‘The usefulness of information is reduced if it does not appear until long after the period to which it relates.’To which feature of good accounting information does this sentence relate?A. ReliabilityB. ObjectivityC. TimelinessD. Relevance第5 题(单选)Why does unemployment result in loss of output?A. Unemployed people earn less than employed peopleB. Unemployed labour will gradually lose its skills, and ability to contribute to production levelsC. Unemployment brings social problemsD. The economy is not producing as much as it could, because the potential labour force is not fully utilize第6 题(单选)What does Porter analyse the micro environment into?A. Generic competitive factorsB. Five competitive forcesC. PEST factorsD. Product/market strategies第7 题(单选)Lee , Mark, Bridget and Joey work for a company that makes coffee machines. A free packet of coffee is supplied with each machine sold. Lee repairs faulty machines which customers have sent back. Mark works in the warehouse and is in charge of storing the coffee. Bridget, the warehouse manager, is Mark’s supervisor. Joey monitors the number of machines in the warehouse and the coffee supplies in order to ensure that customer demand can be met.Whose work is NOT related to inbound logistics?A. LeeB. MarkC. BridgetD. Joey第8 题(单选)Which of the following provides an example of ‘ad-hoc’ outsourcing?A. Employing programmers on a short-term contractB. Ongoing website managementC. A third party owns or is responsible for equipment and staffD. Contractual hardware maintenance第9 题(单选)For information to be cost beneficial, it should cost ________ to obtain it, when compared with the benefit obtained from using it.Which word best completes this sentence?A. The sameB. MoreC. LessD. Nothing第10 题(单选)Buying behaviour is an important aspect of marketing. What is an inhibitor?A. An individual’s personalityB. A factor that makes a person less likely to purchase somethingC. An individual’s social classD. An individual’s culture第11 题(单选)Which of the following statements concerning directors’ remuneration is NOT accurate?A. The packages of individual directors need not be disclosed, for reasons of confidentialityB. Directors' remuneration should be set by a remuneration committeeC. Remuneration should be dependent upon performanceD. Accounts should disclose remuneration policy第12 题(单选)What does ‘GAAP’ stand for?A. Generally accepted accounting policyB. Generally accepted accounting procedureC. Generally accepted accounting principlesD. Generally accepted accounting process第13 题(单选)When there is an input to X Ltd’s invoicing module, authorising the despatch of an invoice to a customer, there are automatic links to the receivables ledger which then updates the customer’s account.This is a feature of what type of system?A. Database management systemB. Internal control systemC. Executive information systemD. Integrated accounting system第14 题(单选)Separating the signing of cheques from the authorisation of payments is an example of which type of control?A. Physical controlB. Internal checkC. Segregation of dutiesD. Reconciliation第15 题(单选)What is the usual intention behind a research and development function?A. To improve products or processesB. To attract resources and fundingC. To provide employee trainingD. To understand buyer behavior第16 题(单选)Which one of the following is a benefit of the informal organisation?A. Social networkingB. Knowledge sharingC. Getting work done more quicklyD. Prompt communication of company policies第17 题(单选)Committees are a key part of organisational ________ processes.Which word best completes this sentence?A. CommunicationB. PayrollC. TrainingD. Development第18 题(单选)Which of the following is regarded as a primary stakeholder?A. One who is more strategically important than othersB. The governmentC. One who has a contractual relationship with the organisationD. An external stakeholder第19 题(单选)Which of the following is NOT a factor when considering social class?A. Educational attainmentB. Inherited wealthC. Number of childrenD. Status第20 题(单选)Value _________ are the means by which a firm creates value in its products.Which word correctly completes this sentence?A. InputsB. ActivitiesC. PromotionsD. Outputs第21 题(单选)Why are the accounting statements drawn up by a management accountant often prepared and presented very differently from those of the financial accountant?A. They are mainly interested in reporting to external partiesB. They are not concerned with policy or decision makingC. They do not need to comply with company law or accounting standardsD. They do not need to be done on a regular basis第22 题(单选)Which one of the following is NOT a type of internal check?A. Sequential invoicingB. Pre-listC. Post-listD. Control total第23 题(单选)How is ‘structural unemployment’caused?A. Long-term changes occur in the conditions of an industryB. Strong trade unions resist a fall in their wagesC. The demand for labourfluctuates throughout the yearD. There is difficulty in matching workers with jobs.第24 题(单选)Which of the following is NOT a potential disadvantage of outsourcing?A. An organisation may find itself locked in to an unsatisfactory contractB. There is no onus upon internal management to keep up with new developmentsC. Certain functions may be too important to be contracted outD. There is often a long-term contract where services are specified for a fixed price第25 题(单选)Which of the following could be found as a feature of an organisational health and safety policy?A. Employees’ medical assessmentsB. Detailed instructions on how to use equipmentC. The company mission statementD. An analysis of employee benefits in kind, including private health care第26 题(单选)Which of the following would cause a firm’s demand curve for labour to shift to the right?A. A rise in the demand of a firm’s productB. A fall in the level of wagesC. An increase in the supply of labourD. A fall in output per worker第27 题(单选)Why can conflict between stakeholders be quite common?A. Different shareholders will have different risk/return profilesB. Managers do not need to take their views into accountC. Their interests will generally be widely differentD. All of the above第28 题(单选)The term ________ is often used to describe the process of gathering external information. Which phrase correctly completes this sentence?A. Environmental scanningB. SWOT analysisC. Data captureD. PEST analysis第29 题(单选)Which of the following features typifies a ‘role culture’ within an organisation?A. Capable of adapting quickly to meet changeB. Power and influence stems from a central sourceC. A formal structure, operated by well-established rulesD. Best suited to smaller entrepreneurial organisations第30 题(单选)What does the ‘informal organisation’ consist of?A. Social relationshipsB. Casual communication networksC. Behavioural normsD. All of the above第31 题(单选)Which of the following attitudes reflects a marketing orientation?A. ‘Customers will buy whatever we produce’B. ‘Add more features to the product’C. ‘Customers must be persuaded to buy’D. ‘Determine the needs, wants and values of our target market’第32 题(单选)Asim, Bill, Claire and Dennis work for a construction company. Dennis sometimes requests a list of advances of employee pay for his department. Asim usually produces this. Dennis also sometimes requests an analysis of employee training expenditure. Bill produces this list. A report on aged receivables is usually produced by Claire. If Asim, Bill or Claire need to claim back expenses then Dennis has to authorise this.Who is most likely to work as a payables clerk?A. AsimB. BillC. ClaireD. Dennis第33 题(单选)What is the ‘purchasing mix’?A. Quantity, price, supply, demandB. Quantity, quality, demand, costC. Quantity, price, quality, deliveryD. Quantity, cost, demand, delivery第34 题(单选)A rise in the price of a good accompanied by a fall in the quantity sold would result fromA. A decrease in supplyB. An increase in demandC. A decrease in demandD. An increase in supply第35 题(单选)Which of the following best describes a ‘standing committee’?A. It is formed to deal with routine business delegated to it on a permanent basisB. One with the power to govern or administerC. Formed to co-ordinate the activities of two or more committeesD. Appointed to relieve the parent committee of some of its routine work第36 题(单选)The strength of the threat of a new entrant into an industry can depend on?A. The price awareness of consumersB. The likely response of existing competitors to the new entrantC. How much the customer buysD. How critical the product is to the customer第37 题(单选)What is an ‘employee report’?A. An analysis of recruitment figuresB. A productivity assessmentC. A disciplinary procedureD. Financial information for issue to employees第38 题(单选)Which of the following is NOT a key feature of the Accounting Standards Board?A. It is concerned with departures from accounting standardsB. It issues Financial Reporting StandardsC. It is supported by the Urgent Issues Task ForceD. It is overseen by the Financial Reporting Council第39 题(单选)What does the term ‘information market’ refer to?A. The transfer of information between networks and systems can be carried outB. Systems are likely to be superseded by newer onesC. Any user can share or exchange informationD. Information is a commodity which can be bought, sold or exchanged第40 题(单选)When a country is in deficit, it is__________ more goods and services than it is______. Which words, in correct order, correctly complete this sentence?A. Exporting; importingB. Importing; exportingC. Buying; sellingD. Selling; buying第41 题(单选)Which of the following areas is covered by company law?A. Pollution controlB. Directors and their dutiesC. Unfair dismissalD. Safety procedures第42 题(单选)Why is the study of population relevant for all types of business?A. An ageing population is less likely to buy new productsB. It affects demand for servicesC. It affects an organisations supply of labourD. A declining population is a sign of a declining economy第43 题(单选)What is a possible symptom of board members losing touch with their shareholders?A. Concealment of problems or errorsB. Manipulation of accountsC. Not carrying out necessary questioning of senior managementD. Payment of excessive remuneration packages第44 题(单选)What is Schein’s ‘third level’ in determining culture?A. BehaviourB. AttitudesC. Values and beliefsD. Assumptions第45 题(单选)H Co is a firm of chartered certified accountants. Vimal and Kate work as trainee accountants for H Co, for a manager called Lesley. Lesley is keen for the trainees to pass their exams and so shesends Kate and Vimal on accountancy training courses on a regular basis with a training company called PBB. PBB supply Vimal and Kate with all of the books and courses that they need to pass the exams. Which one of the following options is/are connected stakeholders of H Co?A. The Association Of Chartered Certified AccountantsB. Kate and VimalC. PBBD. Lesley第46 题(单选)The diagram below relates to the demand for and supply of ginThe market is initially in equilibrium at point X. The government imposes a specific tax on gin whilst at the same time, the price of whisky (a substitute for gin) rises. Which point, A, B, Y, or Z represents the new market equilibrium?A. AB. BC. YD. Z第47 题(单选)Which of the following provides an example of a ‘boundary’ separating an organisation from its environment?A. A divisional structureB. Systems and proceduresC. Factory gatesD. Recruitment policy第48 题(单选)What was the main conclusion of the Hawthorne studies?A. Job status is a strong motivatorB. Informal groups exercise a powerful influence in the workplaceC. Group psychology has a strong effect on establishing normsD. Informal networks indicate who people trust第49 题(单选)What kind of information would be found at the ‘tactical level’ in a finance information system?A. Sources of funds for borrowingB. Bank reconciliationsC. Cash flow forecastsD. All of the above第50 题(单选)L Co have a management committee meeting every month. Pippa, Ben, Joanne and George all attend the meetings. Pippa has a sound knowledge of the relevant issues and gives immediate rulings on points of dispute during the meeting. After the meetings, Ben communicates the decisions made. Joanne is the manager of the administration department of L Co. George works as a receptionist on the front desk at L Co. Which member of L Co is likely to be the management committee secretary?A. PippaB. BenC. JoanneD. George。

4.我国企业会计准则规定,在我国境内的企业应以为记帐本位币5.会计要素的核算主要解决_____ 等三⽅⾯的问题。

xx年ACCA(P3)考试模拟真题Section A – This ONE question is pulsory and MUST be attemptedThe following information should be used when answering question 11 IntroductionHammond Shoes was formed in 1895 by Richard and William Hammond, two brothers who owned and farmed landin Petatown, in the country of Arnland. At this time, Arnland was undergoing a period of rapid industrial growth andmany panies were established that paid low wages and expected employees to work long hours in dangerous and dirty conditions. Workers lived in poor housing, were largely illiterate and had a life expectancy of less than forty years.The Hammond brothers held a set of beliefs that stressed the social obligations of employers. Their beliefs guided theiremployment principles – education and housing for employees, secure jobs and good working conditions. Hammond Shoes expanded quickly, but it still retained its principles. Today, the pany is a private limited pany whose shares are wholly owned by the Hammond family. Hammond Shoes still produce footwear in Petatown, but they nowalso own almost one hundred retail shops throughout Arnland selling their shoes and boots. The factory (and surrounding land) in Petatown is owned by the pany and so are the shops, which is unusual in a country where most mercial properties are leased. In many respects this policy reflects the principles of the family. They are keento promote ownership and are averse to risk and borrowing. They believe that all stakeholders should be treated fairly.Reflecting this, the pany aims to pay all suppliers within 30 days of the invoice date. These are the standard termsof supply in Arnland, although many panies do, in reality, take much longer to pay their creditors.The current Hammond family are still passionate about the beliefs and principles that inspired the founders of thepany.Recent historyAlthough the Hammond family still own the pany, it is now totally run by professional managers. The last Hammond to have operational responsibility was Jock Hammond, who missioned and implemented the lastupgrade of the production facilities in 1991. In the past five years the Hammond family has taken substantial dividends from the pany, whilst leaving the running of the pany to the professional managers that they had appointed. During this period the pany has been under increased petitive pressure from overseas suppliers who have much lower labour rates and more efficient production facilities. The financial performance of thepanyhas declined rapidly and as a result the Hammond family has recently missioned a firm of business analysts to undertake a SWOT analysis to help them understand the strategic position of the pany.SWOT analysis: Here is the summary SWOT analysis from the business analysts’ report.StrengthsSignificant retail expertise: Hammond Shoes is recognised as a suessful retailer with excellent supply systems,bright and weling shops and shop employees who are regularly recognised, in independent surveys, for their excellent customer care and extensive product knowledge.Excellent puter systems/software expertise: Some of the suess of Hammond Shoes as a retailer is due to itsinnovative puter systems developed in-house by the pany’s information systems department. These systems not only concern the distribution of footwear, but also its design and development. Hammond is acknowledged, by the rest of the industry, as a leader in puter-aided footwear design and distribution.Significant property portfolio: The factory in Petatown is owned by the pany and so is a significant amount of the surrounding land. All the retail shops are owned by the pany. The pany also owns a disused factory in the north of Arnland. This was originally bought as a potential production site, but increasingly petitive importsmade its development unviable. The Petatown factorysite incorporates a retail shop, but none of the remaining retailshops are near to this factory, or indeed to the disused factory site in the north of the country.WeaknessesHigh production costs: Arnland is a high labour cost economy.Out-dated production facilities: The actual production facilities were last updated in 1991. Current equipment is notefficient in its use of either labour, materials or energy.3 [P.T.O.Restricted inter site: Software development has focused on internal systems, rather than inter development.The current website only provides information about Hammond Shoes; it is not possible to buy footwear from the pany’s website.OpportunitiesIncreased consumer spending and consumerism: Despite the decline of its manufacturing industries, Arnland remains a prosperous country with high consumer spending. Consumers generally have a high disposable ine and are fashion conscious. Parents spend a lot of money on their children, with the aim of ‘making sure that they geta good start in life’.Increased desire for safe family shopping environment: A recent trend is for consumers to prefer shopping in safe,car-free environments where they can visit a variety of shops and restaurants. These shopping villages are increasinglypopular.Growth of the green consumer: The numbers of ‘greenco nsumers’ is increasing in Arnland. They are conscious ofthe energy used in the production and distribution of the products they buy. These consumers also expectsuppliersto be socially responsible. A recent television programme on the use of cheap and exploited labour in Orietaria wasgreeted with a call for a boycott of goods from that country. One of the political parties in Arnland has emphasisedenvironmentally responsible purchasing in its manifesto. It suggests that ‘shorter shipping dis tances reduce energy use and pollution. Purchasing locally supports munities and local jobs’.ThreatsCheap imports: The lower production costs of overseas countries provide a constant threat. It is still much cheaperto make shoes in Orietaria, 4000 kilometres away, and transport the shoes by sea, road and train to shops in Arnland,where they can be offered at prices that are still significantly lower than the footwear produced by Hammond Shoes.Legislation within Arnland: Arnland has prehensive legislation on health and safety as well as a statutoryminimum wage and generous redundancy rights and payments for employees. The government is likely to extend itsemployment legislation programme.Recent strategiesSenior management at Hammond Shoes have recently suggested that the pany should consider closing its Petatown production plant and move production overseas, perhaps outsourcing to established suppliers in Orietaria and elsewhere. This suggestion was immediately rejected by the Hammond family, who questioned the values of the senior management. The family issued a press release with the aim of re-affirming the core values which underpinnedtheir business. The press release stated that ‘in our view, the day that Hammond Shoes ceases to be a Petatown pany, is the day that it closes’. Consequently, the senior management team was asked to propose an alternative strategic direction.The senior management team’s alternative is for the pany to upgrade its production facilities to gain labour andenergy efficiencies. The cost of this proposal is $37·5m. At a recent scenario planning workshop the managementteam developed what they considered to be two realistic scenarios. Both scenarios predict that demand for Hammond Shoes’ footwear would be low for the next three years. However, increased productivity and lower labour costs wouldbring benefits of $5m in each of these years. After three years the two scenarios differ. The first scenario predictsa continued low demand for the next three years with benefits still running at $5m per year. The team felt that this option had a probability of 0·7. The alternative scenario (with a probability of 0·3) predicts a higher demand forHammond’s products due to changes in the external environment. This would lead to benefits of $10m per year in years four, five and six. All estimated benefits are based on the discounted future cash flows.Financial information: The following financial information (see Figure 1) is also available for selected recent years forHammond Shoes manufacturing division.Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted2 IntroductionFlexipipe is a suessful pany supplying flexible pipes to a wide range of industries. Its suess is based on a veryinnovative production process which allows the pany to produce relatively small batches of flexible pipes at very petitive prices. This has given Flexipipe a significant petitive edge over most of its petitors whose batch set-up costs are higher and whose lead times are longer. Flexipipe’s innovative process is partly automated and partlyreliant on experienced managers and supervisors on the factory floor. These managers efficiently schedule jobsfromdifferent customers to achieve economies of scale and throughput times that profitably deliver high quality productsand service to Flexipipe’s customers.A year ago, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Flexipipe decided that he wanted to extend the automatedpart of theproduction process by purchasing a software packagethat promised even further benefits, including the automationof some of the decision-making tasks currently undertaken by the factory managers and supervisors. He had seenthis package at a software exhibition and was so impressed that he placed an order immediately. He statedthat thepackage was ‘ahead of its time, and I have seennothing else like it on the market’.This was the first time that the pany had bought a software package for something that was not to be used in a standard application, such as payroll or aounts. Most other software applications in the pany, such as the automated part of the current production process, have been developed in-house by a small programming team. The CEO felt that there was, on this oasion, insufficient time and money to develop a bespoke in-house solution. He aepted that there was no formal process for software package procurement ‘but perhaps we can put one in place as t his project progresses’.This relaxed approach to procurement is not unusual at Flexipipe, where many of the purchasing decisions are taken unilaterally by senior managers. There is a small procurement section with two full-time administrators, but they onlybee involved once purchasing decisions have been made.It is felt that they are not technically proficient enough to get involved earlier in the purchasing lifecycle and, in any case, they are already very busy with purchase orderadministration and aounts payable. This approach to procurement has caused problems in the past. For example, the pany had problems when a key supplier of raw materials unexpectedly went out of business. This caused short-term production problems, although the CEO has now found an aeptable alternative supplier.The automation projectOn returning to the pany from the exhibition, the CEO missioned a business analyst to investigate the current production process system so that the transition from the current system to the new software package solution couldbe properly planned. The business analyst found that some of the decisions made in the current production processwere difficult to define and it was often hard for managers to explain how they had taken effective action. They tendedto use their experience, memory and judgement and were still innovating in their control of the process. One mented that ‘what we do today, we might not do tomorrow; requirements are constantly evolving’.When the software package was delivered there were immediate difficulties in technically migrating some of the datafrom the current automated part of the production process software to the software package solution. However, aftersome difficulties, it was possible to hold trials with experienced users. The CEO was confident that these users didnot need training and would be ‘able to learn the software as they went along’. However, in reality, they found thesoftware very difficult to use and they reported that certain key functions were missing. One of the supervisors mented that ‘the monitoring process variance facility is missing pletely. Yet we had this in the old automated system’. Despite these reservations, the software package solution was implemented, but results were disappointing.Overall, it was impossible to replicate the suess of the old production process and early results showed that costshad increased and lead times had bee longer.After struggling with the system for a few months, support from the software supplier began to bee erratic.Eventually, the supplier notified Flexipipe that it had gone into administration and that it was withdrawing support forits product. Fortunately, Flexipipe were able to revert to the original production process software, but the ill-fatedpackage selection exercise had cost it over $3m in costs and lost profits. The CEO missioned a post-project reviewwhich showed that the supplier, prior to the purchase of the software package, had been very highly geared and hadvery poor liquidity. Also, contrary to the statement of the CEO, the post-project review team reported that there wereat least three other packages currently available in the market that could have potentially fulfilled the requirements ofthe pany. The CEO now aepts that using a software package to automate the production process was an inappropriate approach and that a bespoke in-house solution should have been missioned.6Required:(a) Critically evaluate the decision made by the CEO to use a software package approach to automating the production process at Flexipipe, and explain why this approach was unlikely to sueed. (12 marks)(b) The CEO remends that the pany now adopts a formal process for procuring, evaluating and implementing software packages which they can use in the future when a software package approach appears to be moreappropriate.Analyse how a formal process for software package procurement, evaluation and implementation would have addressed the problems experienced at Flexipipe in the production process project. (13 marks)(25 marks)7 [P.T.O.3 IntroductionThe country of Mahem is in a long and deep economic recession with unemployment at its highest since the countrybecame an independent nation. In an attempt to stimulate the economy the government has launched aPrivate/Publicinvestment policy where the government invests in capital projects with the aim of stimulating the involvement ofprivate sector firms. The building of a new munity centre in the industrial city of Tillo is an example of such aninitiative. Community centres are central to theculture of Mahem. They are designed as places where people canmeet socially, local organisations can hold conferences and meetings and farmers can sell their produce to thelocalmunity. The centres are seen as contributing to a vibrant munity life. The munity centre in Tillo is in a sprawling old building rented (at $12,000 per month) from a local landowner. The current munity centre is also relatively energy inefficient.In xx a business case was put forward to build a new centre on local authority owned land on the outskirts of Tillo.The costs and benefits of the business case are shown in Figure 1. As required by the Private/Public investment policythe project showed payback during year four of the investment.Construction of the centre xx–xxIn October xx the centre was missioned with a planned delivery date of June xx at a cost of $600,000 (as per Figure 1). Building the centre went relatively smoothly. Progress was monitored and issues resolved in monthlymeetings between the pany constructing the centre and representatives of the local authority. These meetings focused on the building of the centre, monitoring progress and resolving issues. Most of these issues were relativelyminor because requirements were well specified in standard architectural drawings originally agreed between theproject sponsor and the pany constructing the centre. Unfortunately, the original project sponsor (an employee of the local authority) who had been heavily involved in the initial design, suffered ill health and died in April xx. Thenew project sponsor (again an employee of the local authority) was less enthusiastic about the project and began toraise a number of objections. Her first concern wasthat the construction pany had used sub-contracted labour and had sourced less than 80% of timber used in the building from sustainable resources. She pointed out the contractual terms of supply for the Private/Public policy investment initiatives mandated that sub-contracting was notallowed without the local authority’s permission and that at least 80% of the timber used must e from sustainableforests. The pany said that this had not been brought to their attention at the start of the project. However, theywould try to ply with these requirements for the rest of the contract. The new sponsor also refused to sign off aeptance of the centre because of the poor quality of the internal paintwork. The construction pany explained that this was the intended finish quality of the centre and had been agreed with the previous sponsor. They produceda letter to verify this. However, the letter was not counter-signed by the sponsor and so its validity was questioned. Inthe end, the construction pany agreed to improve the internal painting at their own cost. The new sponsor felt that she had delivered ‘value for money’ by challenging the construction pany. Despite this problem with theinternal painting, the centre was finished in May xx at a cost of $600,000. The centre also included disabilityaess built at the initiative of the construction pany. It had found it difficult to find local authority staff willingand able to discuss disability aess and so it was therefore left alone to interpret relevant legal requirements.Fortunately, their interpretation was correct and the new centre was deemed, by an independent assessor, to meet aessibility requirements.8Unfortunately, the new centre was not as suessful as had been predicted, with ine in the first year well below expectations. The project sponsor began to be increasingly critical of the builders of the centre and questioned thewhole value of the project. She was openly sceptical of the project to her fellow local authority employees. She suggested that the project to build a cost-effective centre had failed and called for an inquiry into the performance ofthe project manager of the construction pany who was responsible for building the centre. ‘We need him to explainto us why the centre is not delivering the benefits we expected’, she explained.Required:(a) The local authority has missioned the independent Project Audit Agency (PAA) to look into how the project had been missioned and managed. The PAA believes that a formal ‘terms of reference’ or ‘project initiation document’ would have resol ved or clarified some of the problems and issues encountered in the project. It also feels that there are important lessons to be learnt by both the local authority and the construction pany.Analyse how a formal ‘terms of reference’ (project initiation document) would have helped address problems encountered in the project to construct the munity centre and lead to improved project management in future projects. (13 marks)(b) The PAA also believes that the four sets ofbenefits identified in the original business case (rental savings, energysavings, increased ine and better staff morale) should have been justified more explicitly.Draft an analysis for the PAA that formally categorises and critically evaluates each of the four sets ofproposed benefits defined in the original business case.(12 marks)(25 marks)9 [P.T.O.4 Jayne Cox Direct is a pany that specialises in the production of bespoke sofas and chairs. Its products areadvertised in most quality lifestyle magazines. The pany was started ten years ago. It grew out of a desire to provide customers with the chance to specify their own bespoke furniture at a cost that pared favourably with standard products available from high street retailers. It sells furniture directly to the end customer. Its website allowscustomers to select the style of furniture, the wood it is to be made from, the type of upholstery used in cushion andseat fillings and the textile position and pattern of the covering. The current website has over 60 textile patternswhich can be selected by the customer. Once the customer has finished specifying the kind of furniture they want, aprice is given. If this price is aeptable to the customer, then an order is placed and an estimated delivery date isgiven. Most delivery dates are ten weeks after the order has been placed. This relatively long delivery timeisunaeptable to some customers and so they cancel the order immediately, citing the quoted long delivery time as their reason for cancellation.Jayne Cox Direct orders wood, upholstery and textiles from long-established suppliers. About 95% of its wood is currently supplied by three timber suppliers, all of whom supplied the pany in its first year of operation. Purchaseorders with suppliers are placed by the procurement section. Until last year, they faxed purchase orders through tosuppliers. They now email these orders. Recently, an expected order was not delivered because the supplier claimedthat no email was received. This caused production delays. Although suppliers like working with Jayne Cox Direct,they are often critical of payment processing. On a number of oasions the aounts section at Jayne Cox Direct hasbeen unable to match supplier invoices with purchase orders, leading to long delays in the payment of suppliers.The sofas and chairs are built in Jayne Cox Direct’s factory. Relatively high inventory levels and a relaxed productionprocess means that production is rarely disrupted. Despite this, the pany is unable to meet 45% of the estimateddelivery dates given when the order was placed, due to the required goods not being finished in time. Consequently,a member of the sales team has to telephone the customer and discuss an alternative delivery date.Telephoning the customer to change the delivery date presents a number of problems. Firstly, contacting the customerby telephone can be difficult and costly. Secondly, many customers are disappointed that the original, promised delivery date can no longer be met. Finally, customers often have to agree a delivery date much later than the new delivery date suggested by Jayne Cox Direct. This is because customers often get less than one week’s notice of thenew date and so they have to defer delivery to much later. This means that the goods have to remain in the warehousefor longer.A separate delivery problem arises because of the bulky and high value nature of the product. Jayne Cox Directrequires someone to be available at the delivery address to sign for its safe receipt and to put the goods somewheresecure and dry. About 30% of intended deliveries do not take place because there is no-one at the address to aept delivery. Consequently, furniture has to be returned and stored at the factory. A member of the sales staff will subsequently telephone the customer and negotiate a new delivery date but, again, contacting the customer by telephone can be difficult and costly.Delivery of furniture is made using the pany’s own vans. Each of these vans follow a defined route each day of the week, irrespective of demand.The pany’s original growth was primarily due to the innovative business idea behind specifying petitively priced bespoke furniture. However, established rivals are now offering a similar service. In the face of this petitionthe managing director of Jayne Cox Direct has urged a thorough review of the supply chain. She feels that costs andinventory levels are too high and that the time taken from order to delivery is too long. Furthermore, in a recentcustomer satisfaction survey there was major criticism about the lack of information about the progress of the orderafter it was placed. One mented that ‘as soon as Ja yne Cox Direct got my order and my money they seemed to forget about me. For ten weeks I heard nothing. Then, just three days before my estimated delivery date, I receiveda phone call telling me that the order had been delayed and that the estimated delivery date was now 17 June. I had already taken a day off work for 10 June, my original delivery date. I could not re-arrange this day off and so I hadto agree a delivery date of 24 June when my mother would be here to receive it’.People were also critical about after-sales service. One mented ‘I aidently stained my sofa. Nobody at Jayne Cox Direct could tell me how to clean it or how to order replacement fabrics for my sofa’. Another said‘organising thereturn of a faulty chair was ve ry difficult’.When the managing director of Jayne Cox Direct saw the results of the survey she understood ‘why our customer retention rate is so low’.10Required:(a) Analyse the existing value chain, using it to highlight areas of weakness at Jayne Cox Direct. (12 marks)(b) Evaluate how technology could be used in both the upstream and the downstream supply chain to address the problems identified at Jayne Cox Direct. (13 marks)(25 marks)。

【单选题】甲公司的主营业务是销售商品,其他业务是提供运输劳务,当年利润表中“主营业务收入”为4 500万元,销项税发生额为765万元,其他业务收入650万元。

2021年ACCA考试模拟试题:财务管理(1)1.在有限责任公司中,所有者的责任仅限于A.公司的债务B. 已发行普通股的市场价值C. 已发行普通股的票面价值D. 注册资本的价值2. 历史成本原则A. 不适用于资产负债表上的任何资产项目B.适用于资产负债表上某些负债项目C.适用于资产负债表上某些资产项目D. 适用于资产负债表上所有资产、负债项目3. 在进行财务比率分析时,假设货币价值A. 保持不变B. 变化可以预测C. 变化不可预测D. 不相关4. 企业评价投资项目时,计算全部现金流入量、现金流出量的现值,并将其进行比较,所得到的计算结果称为A. 回收期B.内部收益率C.会计报酬率D. 净现值5. 有4种评价投资的主要方法,其中考虑了货币时间价值的方法有A. 净现值法和内部收益率法B.内部收益率法和回收期法C.回收期法和会计报酬率法D. 会计报酬率法和净现值法6. 在存在资金限额的条件下,备选方案的排序应按下列哪种标准来进行A.现在已筹集到的资金的每元净现值B.尚需筹集的资金的每元净现值C. 尚需筹集的资金的每元内部收益率D.现在已筹集到的资金的每元内部收益率7. 在投资项目评价中,税款支出应A. 包含于现金流量之中B. 不包含在现金流量之中C. 包含于利润之中D.不包含在利润之中8. 抵押贷款是【】A. 一方以资产为担保借钱给另一方B.一种法律责任,以拥有的资产作担保的一项贷款C.一方向另一方借钱,并且以财产作担保,但不一定承担法律责任D.将款项支付给贷出方,其担保物是财产9. 营运资本应该【】A. 尽可能多B. 与企业的经营规模相适应C. 尽可能少D. 与长期资本一样多10. 存货周转率反映【】A. 商品销售的速度B. 商品付款的速度C. 客户购买存货付款的速度D. 购买商品的速度11. 一项兼并受到目标公司董事的反对,这项兼并称为【】A. 善意兼并B. 敌意兼并C. 横向兼并D. 企业的分立12. 给予现有普通股东购买新增发股票的权利是【】A. 发行可转换证券B. 发放贷款C. 发放奖金D. 发行优先认股权2021年ACCA考试模拟试题:财务管理(2)The following information should be used when answering questions 1, 2 and 3.ScenarioCAET have implemented a bespoke Human Resources (HR) system. The system has gone live but it has not proved very popular or successful, with users claiming that it only partly fulfils their requirements. A consultant has been hired toexamine their claims and to suggest how their concerns might be tackled.The consultant’s report has highlighted the role played by the Requirements Specification. He suggests that theRequirements Specification’s reliance on ambiguous textual specifications has led to problems of ill-defined and poorlycommunicated requirements. He claims that the‘analyst’s failure to use diagrammatic models has meant that manyrequirements were not fully understood before they were programmed. Specifications without diagrams are very difficult toquality assure.’ His report quotes several examples of textual specifications. Two specifications are reproduced below;Specification 1(field names are shown in italics)The system should hold information about Jobs (job number, job description, grade) and about the Departments (department name, department head) that these Jobs are in. A Department may have many Jobs allocated to it, but oneJob is only in one Department. When these Jobs become vacant they should be advertised in both Internal and Externalmedia. The information that must be stored isdate advertised, size of advertisement, noticeboard location(for internaladvertisement only),newsletter reference(for internal advertisement only),newspaper edition(for external advertisementonly) and cost of advertisement(for external advertisement only). Information about Applicants (applicant name, applicantaddress) is required, specifying which Job they are applying for and where they saw the Job advertised.Specification 2When an application form is received from an Applicant, a Clerk enters the information on the form into the system. As itis entered, it is validated against Job details to ensure that the Applicant is applying for a valid Job. Once details have beenentered they are stored on an Applicant database. Overnight a batch process is run to send an acknowledgement letter toeach Applicant. The date that the letter is sent is noted on the Applicant details held in the system.Redefinition ProjectThe consultant has suggested a Redefinition Project to address the problems encountered by the users. He says that,‘I am suggesting a mini-project with agreed Terms of Reference and a project plan. These problems need to be addressedin a planned manner’.The consultant is keen to stress that he does not wish to over-engineer the software solution. ‘We have to ensure that thetrade-off between time, cost and quality is appropriate for the delivered software’, he says, ‘the delivered software must beappropriately located on the time/cost/quality triangle.’1The consultant has recognised that ambiguous textual specification has contributed to the software’s problems. Heclaims that the ‘analyst’s failure to use diagrammatic models has meant that many requirements were not fullyunderstood before they were programmed.’ The implication is that the use of such diagrammatic models in analysiswould have solved many of the ambiguities of the specification.(a)Specification 1 in the scenario describes static structures, which could be modelled with a class model, entity-relationship model or logical data structure model.(i)Briefly explain the notation of EITHER a class model OR an entity-relationship model OR a logical datastructure model;(4 marks)(ii)Using this notation, model the information given in Specification 1. Note any assumptions you havemade or issues you would need to clarify with the user. Your answer should indicate the fields in eachentity/class.(6 marks)2021年ACCA考试模拟试题:财务管理(3) An organisation is reviewing the way that Information System (IS) projects are accounted for in the organisation. Atpresent the Information Systems department (which undertakes the IS projects) is a non-recharged cost centre.However, the organisation wishes to explore the advantages and disadvantages of other charging approaches.Four approaches are being considered(1)Non-rechargeable cost centre (current situation)(2)Recharged at cost(3)Recharged at a mark up (profit centre)(4)Setting up a separate IS companyRequired:FOR EACH of the FOUR approaches listed above:(i)briefly describe the principle of the approach;(1 mark)(ii)briefly describe ONE advantage of the approach;(2 marks)(iii)briefly describe ONE disadvantage of the approach.(2 marks)The mark allocation shown is for each approach, four approaches are listed.(20 marks)5(Designing Information Systems)An organisation wishes to purchase a software package to administer its workflow requirements. It is currently drawingup an Invitation to Tender (ITT) to send out to potential suppliers.Required:(a)Identify and briefly describe the contents of FOUR possible sections of the Invitation to Tender which will be sent to the potential suppliers.(12 marks)(b)Some of the managers are sceptical about the formal drawing up of an ITT. Project manager, Mary Mendes, claims ‘our approach is to select a software package from a well-established software house, show it to the usersand convince them that it is what they want. Ours is a much quicker approach than all this formal ITT stuff’.Explain the potential problems of Mary’s approach to software package selection and explain how these are overcome by a formal approach that includes the production of an ITT.(8 marks)(20 marks)46(Evaluating Information Systems)An examination board currently has a system where the following details are held about examinations. There are currently 1,000 examinations on file, set by 100 examiners. Each examiner has set 10 examinations. There is asimple computer file (called ASSESSMENT) containing 1,000 records. Each record has the following structure: ASSESSMENT fileField nameLength of fieldType of fieldExamination number4NumericExamination name30CharacterExaminer name30CharacterExaminer address50CharacterPassmark2Numeric2021年ACCA考试模拟试题:会计师与企业(1)Section A–BOTH questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted 1 Doric Co,a listed company,has two manufacturing divisions:parts and fridges.It has been manufacturing parts for domestic refrigeration and air conditioning systems for a number of years,which it sells to producers of fridges and air conditioners worldwide.It also sells around 50% of the parts it manufactures to its fridge production division.It started producing and selling its own brand of fridges a few years ago.After limited initial success,competition in the fridge market became very tough and revenue and profits have beendeclining.Without further investment there are currently few growth prospects in either the parts or the fridge divisions.Doric Co borrowed heavily to finance the development and launch of its fridges,and has now reached its maximum overdraft limit.The markets have taken a pessimistic view of the company and its share price has declined to 50c per share from a high of $2.85 per share around three years ago.Extracts from the most recent financial statements:A survey from the refrigeration and air conditioning parts market has indicated that there is potential for Doric Co to manufacture parts for mobile refrigerationunits used in cargo planes and containers.If this venture goes ahead then the parts division before-tax profits are expected to grow by 5% per year.The proposed venture would need an initial one-off investment of $50 million.Suggested proposalsThe Board of Directors has arranged for a meeting to discuss how to proceed and is considering each of the following proposals:1.To cease trading and close down the company entirely.2.To undertake corporate restructuring in order to reduce the level of debt and obtain the additional capital investment required to continue current operations.5.To close the fridge division and continue the parts division through a leveraged management buy-out,involving some executive directors and managers from the partsdivision.The new company will then pursue its original parts business as well as the development of the parts for mobile refrigeration business,described above.All the current and long-term liabilities will be initially repaid using the proceeds from the sale of the fridge division.The finance raised from the management buy-out will pay for any remaining liabilities,the additional capital investment required to continue operations and re-purchase the shares at a premium of 20%.The following information has been provided for each proposal:Cease tradingCorporate restructuringThe existing ordinary shares will be cancelled and ordinary shareholders will be issued with 40 million new $1 ordinary shares in exchange for a cash payment at par.The existing unsecured bonds will be cancelled and replaced with 270 million of $1 ordinary shares.The bond holderswill contribute $90 million in cash.All the shares will be listed and traded.The bank overdraft will be converted intoa secured ten-year loan with a fixed annual interest rate of 7%.The other unsecured loans will be repaid.In addition to this,the directors of the restructured company will get 4 million $1 share options for an exercise price of$1.10,which will expire in four years.An additional one-off capital investment of $80 million in machinery and equipment is necessary to increase sales revenue for both divisions by 7%,with no change to the costs.After the one-off 7% growth,sales will continue at the new level for the foreseeable future.It is expected that the Doric's cost of capital rate will reduce by 550 basis points following the restructuring from the current rate.Management buy-outThe parts division is half the size of the fridge division in terms of the assets and liabilitiesattributable to it.If the management buy-out proposal is chosen,a pro rata additional capital investment will be made to machinery and equipment on a one-off basis to increase sales revenue of the parts division by 7%.Salesrevenue will then continue at the new level for the foreseeable future.All liabilities categories have equal claim for repayment against the company's assets.It is expected that Doric's cost of capital rate will decrease by 100 basis points following the management buy-out from the current rate.The following additional information has been provided:Redundancy and other costs will be approximately $54 million if the whole company is closed,and pro rata for individual divisions that are closed.These costs have priority for payment before any other liabilities in case of closure.The taxation effects relating to this may be ignored.Corporation tax on profits is 20% and losses cannot be carried forward for tax purposes.Assume that tax is payable in the year incurred.All the non-current assets,including land and buildings,are eligible for tax allowable depreciation of 15% annually on the book values.The annual reinvestmentneeded to keep operations at their current levels is roughly equivalent to the tax allowable depreciation.The $50 million investment in the mobile refrigeration business is not eligible for any tax allowable depreciation.Doric's current cost of capital is 12%.Required:Prepare a report for the Board of Directors,evaluating the financial and non-financial impact of all the three proposals to Doric Co's main stakeholder groups,that includes:(i)An estimate of the return the debt holders and shareholders would receive in the event that Doric Co ceases trading and is closed down.(5 marks)(ii)An estimate of the income position and the value of Doric Co in the event that the restructuring proposal is selected.State any assumptions made.(8 marks)(iii)An estimate of the amount of additional finance needed and the value of Doric Co if the management buy-out proposal is selected.State any assumptions made.(8 marks)(iv)A discussion of the impact of each proposal on the existing shareholders,the unsecured bond holders,and the executive directors and managers involved in the management buy-out.Suggest which proposal is likely to be selected.(12 marks)Professional marks will be awarded in question 1 for the appropriateness and format of the report.(4 marks)(55 marks)2 Fubuki Co,an unlisted company based in Megaera,has been manufacturing electrical parts used in mobility vehicles for people with disabilities and the elderly,for many years.These parts are exported to various manufacturers worldwide but at present there are no local manufacturers of mobility vehicles in Megaera.Retailers in Megaera normally import mobility vehicles and sell them at an average price of $4,000 each.Fubuki Co wants to manufacture mobility vehicles locally and believes that it can sell vehicles of equivalent quality locally at a discount of 57.5% to the current average retail price.Although this is a completely new venture for Fubuki Co,it will be in addition to the company's corebusiness.Fubuki Co's directors expect to develop theproject for a period of four years and then sell it for $16 million to a private equity firm.Megaera's government has been positive about the venture and has offered Fubuki Co a subsidised loan of up to 80% of the investment funds required,at a rate of 200 basis points below Fubuki Co's borrowing rate.Currently Fubuki Co can borrow at 500 basis points above the five-year government debt yield rate.A feasibility study commissioned by the directors,at a cost of $250,000,has produced the following information.1.Initial cost of acquiring suitable premises will be $11 million,and plant and machinery used in the manufacture will cost $5 million.Acquiring the premises and installing the machinery is a quick process and manufacturing can commence almost immediately.2.It is expected that in the first year 1,500 unitswill be manufactured and sold.Unit sales will grow by 40% in each of the next two years before falling to an annual growth rate of 5% for the final year.After the first yearthe selling price per unit is expected to increase by 5% per year.5.In the first year,it is estimated that the total direct material,labour and variable overheads costs will be $1,200 per unit produced.After the first year,the direct costs are expected to increase by an annual inflation rate of 8%.4.Annual fixed overhead costs would be $2.5 million of which 60% are centrally allocated overheads.The fixed overhead costs will increase by 5% per year after the first year.5.Fubuki Co will need to make working capital available of 15% of the anticipated sales revenue for the year,at the beginning of each year.The working capital is expected to be released at the end of the fourth year when the project is sold.Fubuki Co's tax rate is 25% per year on taxable profits.Tax is payable in the same year as when the profits are earned.Tax allowable depreciation is available on the plant and machinery on a straight-line basis.It isanticipated that the value attributable to the plant and machinery after four years is $400,000 of the price at which the project is sold.No tax allowable depreciation is available on the premises.Fubuki Co uses 8% as its discount rate for new projects but feels that this rate may not be appropriate for this new type of investment.It intends to raise the full amount of funds through debt finance and take advantage of the government's offer of a subsidised loan.Issue costs are 4% of the gross finance required.It can be assumed that the debt capacity available to the company is equivalent to the actual amount of debt finance raised for the project.Although no other companies produce mobility vehicles in Megaera,Haizum Co,a listed company,produces electrical-powered vehicles using similar technology to that required for the mobility vehicles.Haizum Co's cost of equity is estimated to be 14% and it pays tax at 28%.Haizum Co has 15 million shares in issue trading at $2.55 each and $40 million bonds trading at $94.88 per $100.The five-year government debt yield is currently estimated at 4.5% and the market risk premium at 4%.Required:(a)Evaluate,on financial grounds,whether Fubuki Co should proceed with the project.(17 marks)(b)Discuss the appropriateness of the evaluation method used and explain any assumptions made in part(a)above.(8 marks)(25 marks)2021年ACCA考试模拟试题:会计师与企业(2)1 Bravado,a public limited company,has acquired two subsidiaries and an associate. The draft statements of financial position are as follows at 51 May 2009:Bravado Message Mixted$m $m $mAssets:Non-current assetsProperty,plant and equipment 265 250 161Investments in subsidiariesMessage 500Mixted 128Investment in associate - Clarity 20 Available-for-sale financial assets 51 6 5 - - -764 256 166- - -Current assets:Inventories 155 55 75Trade receivables 91 45 52Cash and cash equivalents 102 100 8- - -528 200 115- - -Total assets 1,092 456 279- - -Equity and liabilities:Share capital 520 220 100Retained earnings 240 150 80Other components of equity 12 4 7- - -Total equity 772 574 1872021年ACCA考试模拟试题:会计师与企业(3)On 1 June 2007,Bravado acquired 6% of the ordinary shares of Mixted. Bravado had treated this investment asavailable-for-sale in the financial statements to 51 May 2008 but had restated the investment at cost on Mixted becoming a subsidiary. On 1 June 2008,Bravado acquired a further 64% of the ordinary shares of Mixted and gained control of the company. The consideration for the acquisitions was as follows:Holding Consideration$m1 June 2007 6% 101 June 2008 64% 118- -70% 128- -Under the purchase agreement of 1 June 2008,Bravado is required to pay the former shareholders 50% of the profits of Mixted on 51 May 2010 for each of the financial years to 51 May 2009 and 51 May 2010. The fair value of this arrangement was estimated at $12 million at 1 June 2008 and at 51 May 2009 this value had not changed. This amount has not been included in the financial statements.At 1 June 2008,the fair value of the equity interestin Mixted held by Bravado before the business combination was $15 million and the fair value of the non-controlling interest in Mixted was $55 million. The fair value of the identifiable net assets at 1 June 2008 of Mixted was $170 million (excluding deferred tax assets and liabilities),and the retained earnings and other components of equity were $55 million and $7 million respectively. There had been no new issue of share capital by Mixted since the date of acquisition and the excess of the fair value of the net assets is due to an increase in the value of property,plant and equipment (PPE)。

英语会计模拟考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a primary financial statement?A. Balance SheetB. Income StatementC. Cash Flow StatementD. Payroll ReportAnswer: D2. The process of measuring the value of a company's assets and liabilities is known as:A. ValuationB. ReconciliationC. DepreciationD. AmortizationAnswer: A3. What is the formula for calculating the Return on Investment (ROI)?A. (Net Income / Total Assets) * 100B. (Net Income / Total Equity) * 100C. (Return - Investment) / Investment * 100D. (Return / Investment) * 100Answer: D4. Which of the following is an example of a contingent liability?A. Accounts PayableB. Unearned RevenueC. Warranty ObligationsD. Notes PayableAnswer: C5. The accounting equation is:A. Assets = Liabilities + EquityB. Assets = Liabilities - EquityC. Assets - Liabilities = EquityD. Equity = Assets + LiabilitiesAnswer: A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)6. The term "double-entry" in accounting refers to thepractice of recording each transaction in at least ________ accounts.Answer: two7. When a company pays off its debts, it is known as ________.Answer: debt reduction8. The accounting principle that requires companies to report revenues and expenses in the period in which they are earnedor incurred is called the ________.Answer: matching principle9. The process of estimating the useful life of an asset is known as ________.Answer: depreciation10. A budget is a financial plan that outlines a company's expected ________ and expenses for a specific period.Answer: revenues三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)11. Explain the difference between an asset and a liability.Answer: An asset is a resource controlled by a company as a result of past events and provides future economic benefits.A liability is an obligation or debt that arises from past events, which the company has little or no discretion to avoid, and involves the transfer of assets or services toother entities in the future.12. What is the purpose of an income statement?Answer: The purpose of an income statement is to summarize a company's revenues, gains, expenses, and lossesduring a specific period, providing information on the company's profitability.13. Describe the accounting cycle.Answer: The accounting cycle is a systematic process that includes identifying, recording, and summarizing business transactions. It starts with the analysis of transactions, journalizing, posting to ledger accounts, preparing an adjusted trial balance, closing entries, and finally, preparing financial statements.14. What is the purpose of a balance sheet?Answer: The purpose of a balance sheet is to provide a snapshot of a company's financial position at a specific point in time, showing the company's assets, liabilities, and equity.15. Explain the concept of depreciation.Answer: Depreciation is the systematic allocation of the cost of a tangible asset over its useful life. It is a non-cash expense that reflects the consumption of the asset's economic benefits over time.四、计算题(每题10分,共40分)16. Calculate the depreciation expense for a machine that costs $100,000 with a useful life of 5 years and no residual value using the straight-line method.Answer: Depreciation Expense = (Cost - Residual Value) / Useful Life = ($100,000 - $0) / 5 = $20,000 per year.17. If a company has revenues of $500,000 and expenses of $300,000, what is the net income?Answer: Net Income = Revenues - Expenses = $500,000 - $300,000 = $200,000.18. A company has total assets of $1,200,000 and total liabilities of $600,000. What is the equity?Answer: Equity = Total Assets - Total Liabilities = $1,200,000 - $600,000 = $600,000.19. Calculate the return on investment (ROI) for an investment of $50,000 that returns $10,000.Answer: ROI = (Return / Investment) * 100 = ($10,000 / $50,000) * 100。

A contractual right to exchange financial instruments with another enterprise under conditions that are potentially favorable.
–––– 703 53
nil 45
308 12 50
370 1171
Consolidated balance sheet
Non-current Assets
Property, plant and equipment 633
Investments – in Salvador
Minority interest Non-current liabilities Deferred tax
Current liabilities Trade payables Bank overdraft Current tax payable
Equity and liabilities
400 40 15 248 –––– 703 53
Value of debt----present value of the cash will be received
1.Choose the coupon rate of normal loan note :10% as discount rate
2. PV of interest:
annual interest: 3m X 0.06
additional dep.
( 5)
minority % x20%
ACCA F8 2013年12月份试题及答案

P a p e r F 8 ( I N T )ALL FIVE questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted1Minty Cola Co (Minty) manufactures fizzy drinks such as cola and lemonade as well as other soft drinks and its year end is 31 December 2013. You are the audit manager of Parsley & Co and are currently planning the audit of Minty.You attended the planning meeting with the engagement partner and finance director last week and recorded the minutes from the meeting shown below. You are reviewing these as part of the process of preparing the audit strategy.Minutes of planning meeting for MintyMinty’s trading results have been strong this year and the company is forecasting revenue of $85 million, which is an increase from the previous year. The company has invested significantly in the cola and fizzy drinks production process at the factory. This resulted in expenditure of $5 million on updating, repairing and replacing a significant amount of the machinery used in the production process.As the level of production has increased, the company has expanded the number of warehouses it uses to store inventory. It now utilises 15 warehouses; some are owned by Minty and some are rented from third parties. There will be inventory counts taking place at all 15 of these sites at the year end.A new accounting general ledger has been introduced at the beginning of the year, with the old and new systemsbeing run in parallel for a period of two months.As a result of the increase in revenue, Minty has recently recruited a new credit controller to chase outstanding receivables. The finance director thinks it is not necessary to continue to maintain an allowance for receivables and so has released the opening allowance of $1·5 million.In addition, Minty has incurred expenditure of $4·5 million on developing a new brand of fizzy soft drinks. The company started this process in January 2013 and is close to launching their new product into the market place.The finance director stated that there was a problem in November in the mixing of raw materials within the production process which resulted in a large batch of cola products tasting different. A number of these products were sold;however, due to complaints by customers about the flavour, no further sales of these goods have been made. No adjustment has been made to the valuation of the damaged inventory, which will still be held at cost of $1 million at the year end.As in previous years, the management of Minty is due to be paid a significant annual bonus based on the value of year-end total assets.Required:(a)Explain audit risk and the components of audit risk.(5 marks)(b)Using the minutes provided, identify and describe SIX audit risks, and explain the auditor’s response to eachrisk, in planning the audit of Minty Cola Co. (12 marks)(c)Identify the main areas, other than audit risks, that should be included within the audit strategy documentfor Minty Cola Co; and for each area provide an example relevant to the audit. (4 marks)(d)Describe substantive procedures the audit team should perform to obtain sufficient and appropriate auditevidence in relation to the following three matters:(i)The treatment of the $5 million expenditure incurred on improving the factory production process;(ii)The release of the $1·5 million allowance for receivables; and(iii)The damaged inventory.Note: The total marks will be split equally between each part.(9 marks)(30 marks)22(a)(i)Define a ‘test of control’ and provide an example of a test of control in relation to the audit of wages and salaries; and(ii)Define a ‘substantive procedure’ and provide an example of a substantive procedure in relation to the audit of wages and salaries.Note: The total marks will be split equally between each part.(4 marks)(b)ISA 500 Audit Evidence requires auditors to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence. Appropriateness isa measure of the quality of audit evidence; that is, its relevance and its reliability.Required:Identify and explain THREE factors which influence the reliability of audit evidence.(3 marks)(c)Auditors are required to perform an overall review of the financial statements before they provide their auditopinion.Required:Explain THR EE procedures an auditor should perform in conducting their overall review of the financial statements.(3 marks)(10 marks)3[P.T.O.3You are a member of the recently formed internal audit department of Oregano Co (Oregano). The company manufactures tinned fruit and vegetables which are supplied to large and small food retailers. Management and those charged with governance of Oregano have concerns about the effectiveness of their sales and despatch system and have asked internal audit to document and review the system.Sales and despatch systemSales orders are mainly placed through Oregano’s website but some are made via telephone. Online orders are automatically checked against inventory records for availability; telephone orders, however, are checked manually by order clerks after the call. A follow-up call is usually made to customers if there is insufficient inventory. When taking telephone orders, clerks note down the details on plain paper and afterwards they complete a three part pre-printed order form. These order forms are not sequentially numbered and are sent manually to both despatch and the accounts department.As the company is expanding, customers are able to place online orders which will exceed their agreed credit limit by 10%. Online orders are automatically forwarded to the despatch and accounts department.A daily pick list is printed by the despatch department and this is used by the warehouse team to despatch goods.The goods are accompanied by a despatch note and all customers are required to sign a copy of this. On return, the signed despatch notes are given to the warehouse team to file.The sales quantities are entered from the despatch notes and the authorised sales prices are generated by the invoicing system. If a discount has been given, this has to be manually entered by the sales clerk onto the invoice.Due to the expansion of the company, and as there is a large number of sale invoices, extra accounts staff have been asked to help out temporarily with producing the sales invoices. Normally it is only two sales clerks who produce the sales invoices.Required:(a)Describe TWO methods for documenting the sales and despatch system; and for each explain an advantageand a disadvantage of using this method.(6 marks)(b)List TWO control objectives of Oregano Co’s sales and despatch system.(2 marks)(c)Identify and explain SIX deficiencies in Oregano Co’s sales and despatch system and provide arecommendation to address each of these deficiencies.(12 marks)(20 marks)44Salt & Pepper & Co (Salt & Pepper) is a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants which has seen its revenue decline steadily over the past few years. The firm is looking to increase its revenue and client base and so has developed a new advertising strategy where it has guaranteed that its audits will minimise disruption to companies as they will not last longer than two weeks. In addition, Salt & Pepper has offered all new audit clients a free accounts preparation service for the first year of the engagement, as it is believed that time spent on the audit will be reduced if the firm has produced the financial statements.The firm is seeking to reduce audit costs and has therefore decided not to update the engagement letters of existing clients, on the basis that these letters do not tend to change much on a yearly basis. One of Salt & Pepper’s existing clients has proposed that this year’s audit fee should be based on a percentage of their final pre-tax profit. The partners are excited about this option as they believe it will increase the overall audit fee.Salt & Pepper has recently obtained a new audit client, Cinnamon Brothers Co (Cinnamon), whose year end is31 December. Cinnamon requires their audit to be completed by the end of February; however, this is a very busytime for Salt & Pepper and so it is intended to use more junior staff as they are available. Additionally, in order to save time and cost, Salt & Pepper have not contacted Cinnamon’s previous auditors.Required:(a)Describe the steps that Salt & Pepper should take in relation to Cinnamon:(i)Prior to accepting the audit; and(5 marks)(ii)To confirm whether the preconditions for the audit are in place.(3 marks)(b)State FOUR matters that should be included within an audit engagement letter. (2 marks)(c)(i)Identify and explain FIVE ethical risks which arise from the above actions of Salt & Pepper & Co; and(ii)For each ethical risk explain the steps which Salt & Pepper & Co should adopt to reduce the risks arising.Note: The total marks will be split equally between each part.(10 marks)(20 marks)5[P.T.O.5(a)ISA 510 Initial Audit Engagements – Opening Balances requires auditors to undertake additional audit procedures for confirming opening balances for new audit engagements. In addition, the ISA gives guidance on audit report implications if auditors are unable to confirm opening balances or if they contain misstatements.Required:(i)Describe procedures the auditor should undertake to confirm opening balances for a new auditengagement; and(ii)Explain the impact on the audit report if the auditor is unable to confirm the opening balances, or if the opening balances contain misstatements.Note: The total marks will be split equally between each part.(4 marks) You are an audit manager in Brown & Co and you are nearing completion of the audit of Paprika & Co (Paprika). The audit senior has produced extracts below from the draft audit report for Paprika.Auditor’s responsibility(1)Our responsibility is to express an opinion on all pages of the financial statements based on our audit. Weconducted our audit in accordance with most of the International Standards on Auditing.(2)Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtainmaximum assurance as to whether the financial statements are free from all misstatements whether caused by fraud or error.(3)We have a responsibility to prevent and detect fraud and error and to prepare the financial statements inaccordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.(4)An audit involves performing procedures to obtain evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financialstatements. The procedures selected depend on the availability and experience of audit team members. We considered internal controls relevant to the entity; and express an opinion on the effectiveness of these internal controls.(5)We did not evaluate the overall presentation of the financial statements, as this is management’s responsibility.We considered the reasonableness of any new accounting estimates made by management. We did not review the appropriateness of accounting policies as these are the same as last year. In order to confirm raw material inventory quantities, we relied on the work undertaken by an independent expert.The extracts are numbered to help you refer to them in your answer.Required:(b)Describe the factors to consider and steps Brown & Co should take, prior to placing reliance on the work ofthe independent expert, in order to confirm raw material quantities.(4 marks)(c)For the above audit report extracts, identify and explain SIX elements of this report which requireamendment.Note: Redrafted audit report extracts are not required.(12 marks)(20 marks)End of Question Paper6。

acca设计考试科目一模拟试题及答案ACCA设计考试科目一模拟试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共20分)1. 根据ACCA准则,以下哪项不是会计信息质量要求?A. 可靠性B. 相关性C. 及时性D. 可比性答案:C2. 在财务报表中,以下哪项属于非流动资产?A. 存货B. 应收账款C. 固定资产D. 现金及现金等价物答案:C3. 以下哪项不是财务报表的组成部分?A. 资产负债表B. 利润表C. 现金流量表D. 预算表答案:D4. 根据权责发生制原则,以下哪项交易应该在发生时确认?A. 收到现金B. 销售商品C. 支付工资D. 收到发票答案:B5. 以下哪项不是财务报表分析的目的?A. 评估企业的盈利能力B. 评估企业的流动性C. 评估企业的市场价值D. 评估企业的长期偿债能力答案:C...(此处省略其他选择题)二、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. 解释什么是会计政策,并给出两个例子。
2. 什么是现金流量表?它在财务分析中的作用是什么?答案:现金流量表是一份记录企业在一定时期内现金和现金等价物流入和流出情况的财务报表。
...(此处省略其他简答题)三、计算题(每题10分,共30分)1. 假设某公司本年度的营业收入为500,000元,营业成本为300,000元,销售和管理费用为100,000元,利息费用为20,000元,税收为50,000元。
答案:净利润 = 营业收入 - 营业成本 - 销售和管理费用 - 利息费用 - 税收 = 500,000 - 300,000 - 100,000 - 20,000 - 50,000 = 30,000元。
2. 如果上述公司有100,000元的应收账款和50,000元的存货,计算其流动资产总额。

12月ACCA考试P1模拟试题及答案2016年12月ACCA考试P1模拟试题及答案Section A – This ONE question is compulsory and MUST be attempted1 Rowlands & Medeleev (R&M),a major listed European civil engineering company,was successful in its bid to become principal (lead) contractor to build the Giant Dam Project in an East Asian country. The board of R&M prided itself in observing the highest standards of corporate governance. R&M‘s client,the government of the East Asian country,had taken into account several factors in appointing the principal contractor including each bidder‘s track record in large civil engineering projects,the value of the bid and a statement,required from each bidder,on how it would deal wit h the‘sensitive issues’ and publicity that might arise as a result of the project.The Giant Dam Project was seen as vital to the East Asian country’s economic development as it would provide a large amount of hydroelectric power. This was seen as a ‘clean energy’ driver of future economic growth. The government was keen to point out that because hydroelectric power did not involve the burning of fossil fuels,the power would be environmentally clean and would contribute to the East Asian country’s ability to meet its internationally agreed carbon emission targets. This,in turn,would contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases in the environment. Critics,such as the environmental pressure group‘Stop-the-dam’,however,argued that the project was far too large and the cost to the local environment would be unacceptable. Stop-the-dam was highly organised and,according to press reports in Europe,was capable of disruptingprogress on the dam by measures such as creating ‘human barriers’ to the site and hiding pe ople in tunnels who would have to be physically removed before proceeding. A spokesman for Stop-the-dam said it would definitely be attempting to resist the Giant Dam Project when construction started.The project was intended to dam one of the region’s la rgest rivers,thus creating a massive lake behind it. The lake would,the critics claimed,not only displace an estimated 100,000 people from their homes,but would also flood productive farmland and destroy several rare plant and animal habitats. A number of important archaeological sites would also be lost. The largest community to be relocated was the indigenous First Nation people who had lived on and farmed the land for an estimated thousand years. A spokesman for the First Nation community said that the ‘true price‘ of hydroelectric power was ’misery and cruelty’。

《会计专业英语》模拟试题及答案一、单选题(每题1分,共 20分)1. Which of the following statements about accounting concepts or assumptions are correct? 1) The money measurement assumption is that items in accounts are initially measured at their historical cost.2)In order to achieve comparability it may sometimes be necessary to override the prudence concept.3) To facilitate comparisons between different entities it is helpful if accounting policies and changes in them are disclosed.4)To comply with the law, the legal form of a transaction must always be reflected in financial statements.A 1 and 3B 1 and 4C 3 onlyD 2 and 32.Johnny had receivables of $5 500 at the start of 2010. During the year to 31 Dec 2010he makes credit sales of $55 000 and receives cash of $46 500 from credit customers. What is the balance on the accounts receivables at 31 Dec 2010?A.$8 500 DrB.$8 500 CrC.$14 000 DrD.$14 000 Cr3.Should dividends paid appear on the face of a company’s cash flow statement?A. YesB. NoC. Not sureD. Either4.Which of the following inventory valuation methods is likely to lead to the highestfigure for closing inventory at a time when prices are dropping?A. Weighted Average costB. First in first out (FIFO)C. Last in first out (LIFO)D. Unit cost5. Which of following items may appear as non-current assets in a company’s the statement of financial position?(1) plant, equipment, and property(2) company car(3) €4000 cash(4) €1000 chequeA. (1), (3)B. (1), (2)C. (2), (3)D. (2), (4)6. Whi ch of the following items may appear as current liabilities in a company’s balance sheet?(1) investment in subsidiary(2) Loan matured within one year.(3) income tax accrued untill year end.(4) Preference dividend accruedA (1), (2) and (3)B (1), (2) and (4)C (1), (3) and (4)D (2), (3) and (4)7. The trial balance totals of Gamma at 30 September 2010 are:Debit $992,640Credit $1,026,480Which TWO of the following possible errors could, when corrected, cause the trial balance to agree?1. An item in the cash book $6,160 for payment of rent has not been entered in the rent payable account.2. The balance on the motor expenses account $27,680 has incorrectly been listed in the trial balance as a credit.3. $6,160 proceeds of sale of a motor vehicle has been posted to the debit of motor vehicles asset account.4. The balance of $21,520 on the rent receivable account has been omitted from the trial balance.A 1 and 2B 2 and 3C 2 and 4D 3 and 48. Theta prepares its financial statements for the year to 30 April each year. The company pays rent for its premises quarterly in advance on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October each year. The annual rent was $84,000 per year until 30 June 2010. It was increased from that date to $96,000 per year. What rent expense and end of year prepayment should be included in the financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2010?Expense PrepaymentA $93,000 $8,000B $93,000 $16,000C $94,000 $8,000D $94,000 $16,0009. At 30 September 2010, the following balances existed in the records of Lambda:Plant and equipment: $860,000Depreciation for plant and equipment: $397,000During the year ended 30 September 2010, plant with a written down value of $37,000 was sold for $49,000. The plant had originally cost $80,000. Plant purchased during the year cost $180,000. It is the company.s policy to charge a full year depreciation in the year of acquisition of an asset and none in the year of sale, using a rate of 10% on the straight line basis. What net amount should appear in Lambda.s balance sheet at 30 September 2010 for plant and equipment?A $563,000B $467,000C $510,000D $606,00010. A company’s plant and machinery ledger account for the year ended 30 September 2010 was as follows:The company’s policy is to charge depreciation at 20% per year on the straight line basis, with proportionate depreciation in years of purchase and disposal. What is the depreciation charge for the year ended 30 September 2010?A $74,440B $84,040C $72,640D $76,84011. Listed below are some characteristics of financial information.(1) True(2) Prudence(3) Completeness(4) CorrectWhich of these characteristics contribute to reliability?A (1), (3) and (4) onlyB (1), (2) and (4) onlyC (1), (2) and (3) onlyD (2), (3) and (4) only12. The plant and machinery cost account of a company is shown below. The company’s policy is to charge depreciation at 20% on the straight line basis, with proportionate depreciation in years of acquisition and disposal.A. $67,000B. $64,200C. $70,000D. $68,60013. In preparing its financial statements for the current year, a company’s closi ng inventory was understated by $300,000. What will be the effect of this error if it remains uncorrected?A The current year’s profit will be overstated and next year’s profit will be understatedB The current year’s profit will be understated but there will be no effect on next year’s profitC The curr ent year’s profit will be understated and next year’s profit will be overstatedD The current year’s profit will be overstated but there will be no effect on next year’s profit.14. In preparing a company’s cash flow statement, which, if any, of the following items could form part of the calculation of cash flow from financing activities?(1) Proceeds of sale of premises(2) Dividends received(3) Issue of sharesA 1 onlyB 2 onlyC 3 onlyD None of them.15. At 31 March 2009 a company had oil in hand to be used for heating costing $8,200 and an unpaid heating oil bill for $3,600. At 31 March 2010 the heating oil in hand was $9,300 and there was an outstanding heating oil bill of $3,200. Payments made for heating oil during the year ended 31 March 2010 totalled $34,600. Based on these figures, what amount should appear in the company’s income statement for heating oil for the year?A $23,900B $36,100C $45,300D $33,10016. In times of inflation In times of rising prices, what effect does the use of the historical cost concept have on a company’s asset values and profit?A. Asset values and profit both undervaluedB. Asset values and profit both overvaluedC. Asset values undervalued and profit overvaluedD. Asset values overvalued and profit undervalued17. Beta purchased some plant and equipment on 01/07/2010 for $60,000. The estimated residual value of the plant in 10 years time is estimated to be $6,000. Beta’s policy is to charge depreciation on the straight line basis, with a proportionate charge in the period of acquisition. What should the depreciation charge for the plant be in Beta’s accou nting period of 18 months to 30/09/2010 ?A. $5400B. $900C. $1350D. $67518. A company’s income statement for the year ended 31 December 2005 showed a n et profit of $83,600. It was later found that $18,000 paid for the purchase of a motor van had been debited to the motor expenses account. It is the company’s policy to depreciate motor vans at 25 per cent per year on the straight line basis, with a full y ear’s cha rge in the year of acquisition. What would the net profit be after adjusting for this error?A.$97,100B.$70,100C.$106,100D.$101,60019. Which of the following statements are correct?(1) to be prudent, company charge depreciation annually on the fixed asset(2) substance over form means that the commercial effect of a transaction must always be shown in the financial statements even if this differs from legal form(3) in order to achieve the comparable, items should be treated in the same way year on yearA. 2 and 3 onlyB. All of themC. 1 and 2 onlyD. 3 only20. which of the following about accruals concept are correct?(1) all financial statements are based on the accruals concept(2) the underlying theory of accruals concept and matching concept are same(3) accruals concept deals with any figure that incurred in the period irrelevant with it’s paid or notA. 2 and 3 onlyB. All of themC. 1 and 2 onlyD. 3 only二、翻译题(共30分)1、将下列分录翻译成英文(每个2分,共10分)1.借:固定资产清理 30 000累计折旧 10 000贷:固定资产 40 0002.借:银行存款 10 500贷:交易性金融资产 10 000投资收益 5003.借:应付职工薪酬 1 000贷:库存现金 1 0004.借:银行存款 4 095贷:其他业务收入 3 500应交税费–应交增值税(销项税额) 5955.借:应付票据 40 000贷:银行存款 40 0002、将下列报表翻译成中文(每空1分,共20分)1.ABC group the statement of financial position as at 31/Dec/2010€2.Non-current assets3.Intangible assets4.Property, plant and equipment5.Investment in associates6.Held-for-maturity investment7.Deferred income tax assets8.Current Assets9.Trade and other receivables10.Derivative financial instruments11.Cash and cash equivalents12.Assets of discontinued operation13.Assets in total14.Current Liabilities15.Accrued payroll16.Accrued dividend17.Accrued accounts18.Non-current Liabilities19.Liabilities in total Assets三、阅读题(共30分)Research and development (R&D)Accounting treatment of R&DUnder International Accounting Standards the accounting for R&D is dealt with under IAS 38, Intangible Assets. IAS 38 states that an intangible asset is to be recognised if, and onlyif, the following criteria are met: it is probable that future economic benefits from the asset will flow to the entity, the cost of the asset can be reliably measured.The above recognition criteria look straightforward enough, but in reality it can prove to be very difficult to assess whether or not these have been met. In order to make this recognition of intangibles more clear, IAS 38 separates an R&D project into a research phase and a development phase.Research phaseIt is impossible to demonstrate whether or not a product or service at the research stage will generate any probable future economic benefit. As a result, IAS 38 states that all expenditure incurred at the research stage should be written off to the statement of comprehensive income as an expense when incurred, and will never be capitalised as an intangible asset.Development phaseUnder IAS 38, an intangible asset arising from development must be capitalised if an entity can demonstrate all of the following criteria: the technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset (so that it will be available for use or sale); intention to complete and use or sell the asset; ability to use or sell the asset; existence of a market or, if to be used internally, the usefulness of the asset; availability of adequate technical, financial, and other resources to complete the asset; the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. If any of the recognition criteria are not met then the expenditure must be charged to the income statement as incurred. Note that if the recognition criteria have been met, capitalisation must take place. Once development costs have been capitalised, the asset should be amortised in accordance with the accruals concept over its finite life. Amortisation must only begin when commercial production has commenced.Questions:1)Outline the criterias of recognition of intangible assets (5分)2)Criterias to recognised as development (5分)3)Identify the accounting treatment of research phase (10分)4)Identify the accounting treatment of development phase (10分)四、业务题(按要求用英文编制分录,每题2分,共20分)Johnny set up a business and in the first a few days of trading the following transactions occurred (ignore all the tax):1)He invests $80 000 of his money in his business bank account2)He then buys goods from Isabel, a supplier for $4 000 and pays by cheque, the goods isdelivered right after the payment3) A sale is made for $3 000 –the customer pays by cheque4)Johnny makes another sale for $2 000 and the customer promises to pay in the future5)He then buys goods from another supplier, Kamen, for $2 000 on credit, goods isdelivered on time6)He pays a telephone bill of $800 by cheque7)The credit customer pays the balance on his account8)He returened some faulty goods to his supplier Kamen, which worth $400.9)Bank interest of $70 is received10)A cheque customer returned $400 goods to him for a refund参考答案1、单选题1-5 CCACB 6-10 DCDCD 11-15 ABCDD 16-20 CBABA2、翻译题1)中翻英1.Dr disposal of fixed assetDepreciationCr fixed asset2. Dr BankCr Tradable financial assetInvestment income3.Dr accrued payrollCr cash4.Dr bankCr other operating revenueAccrued tax-V AT (output)5.Dr accrued notesCr bank2) 英翻中1.编制单位:ABC 资产负债表时间:2010年12月31日单位:欧元2.非流动资产3.无形资产4.固定资产5.长期股权投资6.持有至到期投资7.递延所得税资产8.流动资产9.应收账款及其他应收款10.货币资金11.非持续性经营资产12.资产总计13.负债14.流动负债15.应付职工薪酬16.应付股利17.应付账款18.非流动负债19.负债总计20.净资产3、阅读题1)Outline the criterias of recognition of intangible assets (5分)IAS 38 states that an intangible asset is to be recognised if, and only if, the following criteria are met: it is probable that future economic benefits from the asset will flow to the entity, the cost of the asset can be reliably measured.2)Criterias to recognised as developmentthe technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset (so that it will be available for use or sale); intention to complete and use or sell the asset; ability to use or sell the asset;existence of a market or, if to be used internally, the usefulness of the asset; availability of adequate technical, financial, and other resources to complete the asset; the cost of the asset can be measured reliably.3)Identify the accounting treatment of research phase (10分)IAS 38 states that all expenditure incurred at the research stage should be written off to the statement of comprehensive income as an expense when incurred, and will never be capitalised as an intangible asset.4)Identify the accounting treatment of development phase (10分)intangible asset arising from development must be capitalised Once development costs have been capitalised, the asset should be amortised in accordance with the accruals concept over its finite life. Amortisation must only begin when commercial production has commenced.4、业务题1)Dr bankCr capital2)Dr finished goodsCr bank3)Dr bankCr sales revenue4)Dr accounts receivableCr sales revenue5)Dr finished goodsCr accrued accounts6)Dr administrativeCr bank7)Dr bankCr accounts receivable8)Dr bankCr finished goods9)Dr bankCr financial expense10)Dr sales revenueCr bank。
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3 Mary Hobbes joined the board of Rosh and Company,a large retailer,as finance director earlier this year. Whilst she was glad to have finally been given the chance to become finance director after several years as a financial accountant,she also quickly realised that the new appointment would offer her a lot of challenges. In the first board meeting,she realised that not only was she the only woman but she was also the youngest by many years.
Rosh was established almost 100 years ago. Members of the Rosh family have occupied senior board positions since the outset and even after the company’s flotation 20 years ago a member of the Rosh family has either been executive chairman or chief executive. The current longstanding chairman,Timothy Rosh,has already prepared his slightly younger brother,Geoffrey (also a longstanding member of the board)to succeed him in two years’time when he plans to retire. The Rosh family,who still own 40% of the shares,consider it their right to occupy the most senior positions in the company so have never been very active in external recruitment. They only appointed Mary because they felt they needed a qualified accountant on the board to deal with changes in international financial reporting standards.
Several former executive members have been recruited as non-executives immediately after they retired from full-time service. A recent death,however,has reduced the number of non-executive directors to two. These sit alongside an executive board of seven that,apart from Mary,have all been in post for over ten years.