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• The current Director-General (罗伯特阿 泽维多) began his first term on Sept. 1, 2013,
while his deputies begin service on 1 October 2013. Now will be in his second term on Sept. 1, 2017.
• Rationale: to avoid free riding
第一节 贸易待遇制度
最惠国待遇 国民待遇 特殊与差别待遇 中国入世议定书中的非歧视待遇
Most-Favored Nation (MFN) Treatment
in Trade in Goods 货物贸易领域的最惠国待遇
I. 最惠国待遇(MFN):条款
• 多边贸易制度的基石(外外平等)
• GATT第1条第1款:
– Conditions are permitted but cannot discriminate by(由) country of origin.(原产地)
– Conditions are permitted but that these must relate to the characteristics of the goods themselves (and not, e.g. differences in processes and production methods, PPMs)
• Director-General, Roberto Azevêdo
announced the appointment of
– Yi Xiaozhun of China 易小准 – Karl-Ernst Brauner of Germany – Yonov Frederick Agah of Nigeria and – David Shark of the United States (2016.3.17访问贸大) as his four Deputies Director-General.
III. WTO的基本问题:基于国际组织法的角度 --马拉喀什协定
• 功能与宗旨(article 1)
– 作为国际贸易条约群体的功能 – 作为谈判场所的功能 – 作为争端解决场所的功能
• WTO的管辖范围(article 2) • WTO的法律地位(article 8) • WTO的组织机构(article 4) • WTO 的决策程序(article 9)
补充了解:比较优势理论 (comparative advantage)
• Underpins(巩固) the economic rationale for free trade
• Paul Samuelson’s remark on the principle of comparative advantage—the only big idea that economics had produced that was both true and surprising
用于未来情形;GATT中的祖父条款出现在《关贸总协定临时适用议定书》的 第1条b款,规定缔约方适用关贸总协定第二部分时,不必与现行的国内法律 相抵触。】
– new trend on globalization and economic development • GATT时期的八轮多边贸易谈判(以乌拉圭回合为终结) • 1995年1月1日WTO正式成立:弱法增强趋势
• David Ricardo (classical economist)
• How this theory work? (Note: distinguishing it from absolute advantage-Adam Smith)
• Core: a country does not have to be best at anything to gain from trade
IV. WTO法的基本框架及内容
• 章程、基本法:建立世贸组织的协议 Agreement on Establishing the World Trade Organization
(马拉喀什协定) • 附件一:多边贸易协定 • 附件1A:货物贸易多边协定(GATT、ATC、TRIMs等) • 附件1B:服务贸易多边协定(GATS) • 附件1C:与贸易有关的知识产权措施(TRIPs) • 附件二:争端解决谅解备忘录(DSU) • 附件三:贸易政策审查机制 • 附件四:诸边(复边)贸易协定
(同类产品) of all other Members, is one of the bedrock principles of the WTO.
• Under the MFN rule, should WTO Member state A agree in negotiations with state B, to reduce the tariff on the same product X to 5%, this same "tariff rate" must also apply to all other WTO Members as well.
• In other words, if a country gives favorable treatment to one country regarding a particular issue, it must treat all Members
equally regarding the same issue. “Favor one, favor all”.
• Unconditionality
– No conditions at all can be attached to the extension of MFN treatment.
– No conditions can be imposed that require other countries to provide quid pro quos.
• Administering WTO trade agreements • Forum for trade negotiations • Handling trade disputes • Monitoring national trade policies • Technical assistance and training for developing countries • Cooperation with other international organizations
• 例外条款!! – 一般例外(GATT第20条, general exception) – 安全例外(GATT第21条, security exception)
• 争端解决 – 争端解决谅解备忘录(附件2,DSU) – GATT第22条(磋商,consultation) – GATT 第23条(Impairment and nullification)
• “MFN,” which requires Members to accord the most favorable tariff and regulatory treatment given to the product of any one
Member at the time of import or export of “like products”
• “Like products” :狭义or广义?
• Enormously contentious both in the case law and in mentary
• A narrow interpretations, essentially requiring products to be (almost) identical in their physical characteristics – concerning disputes over tariff classifications
• With respect to customs duties and charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation or imposed on the international transfer of payments for imports or exports, and with respect to the method of levying such duties and charges, and with respect to all rules and formalities in connection with importation and exportation, and with respect to all matters referred to in paragraphs 2 and 4 of Article III,* any advantage, favour, privilege or immunity granted by any contracting party to any product originating in or destined for any other country shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the like product originating in or destined for the territories of all other contracting parties.
国际贸易公法(I): WTO货物贸易法
2017年4月5日 宁远楼526
I. From GATT to WTO: Why?
• 二战后经济重建,成立ITO的计划失败:美国国会的反 对
• GATT临时适用议定书的出现与生效(1948.1.1,23个原 始缔约国,含中华民国)
• GATT的局限性: – contract rather than organization – grandfather clause【即立法变化以后,旧法适用于既成事实,新法适
II. WTO的基本概况
• *** • Location: Geneva, Switzerland (瑞士,日内瓦) • Established: 1 January 1995 • Created by: Uruguay Round negotiations (1986-
94) • Membership: 164 members on April, 5, 2017. • Budget: about 200 million Swiss francs per year • Secretariat staff: 634 • Head: Roberto Azevêdo (Director-General)
V. GATT/WTO框架下的货物贸易法
• GATT(1994,1947)及相关的货物贸易制度 (WTO协定附件1A)
• 基本原则:!! – 最惠国待遇原则(GATT第1条, Most-FavoredNation Treatment) – 国民待遇原则(GATT第3条, National Treatment on Internal Taxation and Regulation) – 一般禁止数量限制原则(GATT第11条, General Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions) – 其他:如透明度 (transparency) 等