7. 以下哪种期权交易策略在股价大涨和大跌时的收益是对称的(B)
(A)对角组合(Diagonal Spreads) (B)跨式组合(Straddle) (C)条式组合(Strip) (D)带式组合(Strap) 8. 以下期权交易策略中(B)在期初时不需要现金投入。 I) 用看涨期权构造的牛市差价组合 II) 用看涨期权构造的熊市差价组合 III) 用看跌期权构造的牛市差价组合 IV) 用看跌期权构造的熊市差价组合
2. 假设某一不支付红利的股票现价为 50 元。对于投资者来说,银行存款利率(rl)为
5.0%(连续复利),贷款利率(rb )为 5.3%(连续复利)。股票交易费率为 1%。 对于该股票的 3 个月远期价格,以下哪一个存在套利机会?(B)
(A)50.5 (B)50.0 (C)51.0 (D)50.8
投资者处在一个“风险中性世界”,在这个世界中,投资者对 dz 风险不敏感,所 有与 dz 风险相关的资产按照无风险利率增长,所有与 dz 风险相关的现金流均按
(C)买入 40 份 S&P500 指数期货合约 (D)卖出 40 份 S&P500 指数期货合约
4. 某企业与银行签订远期利率协议(FRA),预计将在两个月后贷款人民币 1000 万
元,贷款期为半年。该 FRA 的种类和该企业在这份协议中持有的头寸为:(C)
(A)2×6,多头 (B)2×6, 空头
6. 蝶式差价组合可以通过(D)来构造。
penicillin acylase
全合成药物 全合成药物
化学合成药物 Me S H2 N 半合成药物 半合成药物 N Me O COOH 基因工程药物
Partinal synthesis 9.5%
古柯碱 -苯佐卡因 -优卡因- 普鲁卡因
1856年,从古柯树叶中得到古柯碱。 1865年,化学家洛逊(Lossen)将古柯碱完全水解,得到三种成 分:爱康宁(托品环)、苯甲酸和甲醇。
1890年,化学家制得结构较为简单的对-氨基苯甲酸乙酯(苯 佐卡因),发现也有局麻作用,此药被称作麻因。
自改革开放以来,我国医药工业发展速度加快,以每年约 20%的发展速度递增,医药工业总产值由1978年的64亿元增加 到2000年的2330亿元。但与发达国家相比,我国的医药总产值 还相当低,亟待发展。
1、科研经费严重不足 医药工业规模太小,中小企业居多, 大多企业无优势品种,生产利润低微,一般挣扎在盈亏平衡线 上。因此根本无力创建自己的研发体系。大多数企业由于资金 不足,连基本科研仪器也很难配齐,仪器落后,技术落后,根 本不具备仿制国外专利药品的能力。
甾体激素类药物如肾上腺皮质激素和性激素的广泛研 究和应用,对调整内分泌失调起重要作用。
以青霉素为代表的抗生素的出现和半合成抗生素的研 究、神经系统药物、心脑血管治疗药以及恶性肿瘤的 化学治疗等都显示出很大的进步。 从药物化学的角度看,
边缘刻蚀原理反应方程式: 3Si + 4HNO3+18HF =3H2 [SiF6] + 4NO2 ↑ + 8H2O
2.2 去PSG原理:
SiO2+4HF=SiF4+2H2O SiF4+2HF=H2[SiF6] SiO2+ 6HF=H2[SiF6]+2H2O 去PSG工序检验方法: 当硅片从HF槽出来时,观察其表面是否脱水,如果脱水, 则表明磷硅玻璃已去除干净;如果表面还沾有水珠,则表明源自 完成安排的其他工作
关注当天的效率、碎片率、良品率等参数、化学品用量,对于出现的外观不良、漏电或是 效率低下等异常,及时联系其余工序的工程师进行排查。
确定工艺方案与工艺控制参数(腐蚀量、刻蚀线宽),药液使用寿命以及设备维护周期, 上报主管工程师。 对于日常工作中,根据需要,与其他职能部门(如设备、生产等部门)进行沟通,共同寻 找解决问题的方案。 对于助理工程师汇报的异常情况,视情况到场解决或是电话给出解决方案,若不能解决的, 及时通知工艺主管。 定期进行刻蚀参数优化实验或是安排刻蚀异常时的排查实验,根据实验结果提出改进措施。 负责编写刻蚀工段的工艺文件、作业指导书,并组织相关人员进行学习。
一方面应该提醒产线员工注意放片规范,减少叠片和歪 片;另一方面,应巡查上述主要地方,及时找到并清理 在设备中残留的碎片,杜绝更多碎片的产生。
4.4 吹不干 调整吹干气体流量,无效果,通知设备。
小学数学应用题-浓度问题1、【来源】纯酒精含量分别为60%、35%的甲、乙两种酒精混合后的纯酒精含量为40%.如果每种酒精都多取20克,混合后纯酒精的含量变为45%.求甲、乙两种酒精原有多少克?2、【来源】2016年吉林长春南关区东北师范大学附属中学实验小学小升初(明珠校区)第19题6分2019~2020学年浙江杭州上城区天长小学六年级上学期期中第33题5分2019~2020学年11月广东深圳福田区深圳外国语学校东海附属小学六年级上学期周测A卷第9题2019年浙江杭州上城区杭州市崇文实验学校六年级上学期单元测试《分数乘法、百分数》第20题有浓度为3.2%的食盐水500克,为了把它变成浓度是8%的食盐水,需要使它蒸发掉多少克的水?3、【来源】2018~2019学年四川成都双流县四川师范大学附属圣菲小学六年级下学期期末第18题8分2019~2020学年10月四川成都龙泉驿区四川师范大学附属上东小学六年级上学期周测D卷第27题6分2019年重庆沙坪坝区重庆市第一中学小升初入学真卷第21题5分陕西西安小升初专题39第28题5分2019年陕西咸阳秦都区西北工业大学启迪中学小升初入学真卷第22题7分甲种酒含纯酒精40%,乙种酒含纯酒精36%,丙种酒含纯酒精35%.将这三种酒混在一起得到含纯酒精38.5%的酒11千克.已知乙种酒比丙种酒多3千克,那么甲种酒有多少千克?4、【来源】甲、乙两瓶盐水,甲瓶盐水的浓度是乙瓶盐水浓度的3倍.将100克甲瓶盐水与300克乙瓶盐水混合后得到浓度为15%的新盐水,那么甲瓶盐水的浓度是多少?5、【来源】2015~2016学年北京六年级上学期期末用含盐5%的盐水和含盐8%的盐水及100克水混合成含盐6%的盐水700克,那么,这两种盐水应各取多少克来混合?6、【来源】2018~2019学年四川成都温江区成都实验外国语附属小学六年级下学期开学考试第28题5分2018年四川成都郫都区成都市外国语学校小升初第31题8分2018年四川成都成都七中嘉祥外国语学校小升初寒假系列训练题C9第17题6分2016年四川成都小升初2018~2019学年浙江杭州西湖区学军小学六年级下学期期末第34题甲容器中有纯酒精11升,乙容器中有水15升,第一次将甲容器中的一部分纯酒精倒入乙容器,使酒精与水混合;第二次将乙容器中的一部分混合液倒入甲容器中,这时甲容器中酒精含量为62.5%,乙容器中酒精含量为25%,那么第二次从乙容器中倒入甲容器的混合液是多少升?7、【来源】2019年浙江杭州西湖区求是教育集团星洲小学六年级上学期单元测试《统计》第11题20克糖完全溶解在80克水中,则该糖水的含糖率为%.8、【来源】2011年四川成都小升初现有浓度为3%的盐水500克,为了制成浓度为4%的盐水,需要蒸发掉克水.9、【来源】2019~2020学年北京朝阳区六年级上学期期中第22题有三杯糖水,甲杯里糖和水的比是1:9;乙杯里用20克糖配成180克糖水;丙杯里先倒入200克水,再加入20克糖;这三杯糖水中,哪杯糖水最甜?写出你的理由.10、【来源】2011~2012学年浙江台州椒江区三甲中心校六年级上学期统测第16题2分现有含盐3%的盐水240克,如果要变成含盐4%的盐水,需加盐克,或蒸发掉水克.1、【答案】甲酒精原有4克,乙酒精原有16克.;【解析】方法一:由“60%和35%的甲和乙两种酒精混合后的纯酒精含量为40%”,可设甲酒精溶液原来有克,乙原来有克,得60%+35%=+×40%;由“如果每种酒精都多取20克,混合后纯酒精的含量变为45%”,得+20×60%++20×35%=++ 40×45%,解方程组即可.设甲酒精溶液原来有克,乙原来有克,得如下两个方程:60%+35%=(+p×40%①(+20)×60%+(+20)×35%=(++40)×45%②,由①得:0.60+0.35=0.4+0.4,即=0.25③,由式②得:0.1−0.15=1式④,把式③代入式④:0.1−0.15×0.25=1,解得:=16,把=16代入③,得:=4.故答案为:甲酒精原有4克,乙酒精原有16克.方法二:2次十字交叉,再利用差不变化连比,也可求.1:1:差:2:2,一份=20÷6−1,1=4(克),1=4×4=16(克),【标注】(浓度十字交叉法)2、【答案】300克.;【解析】500−500×3.2%÷8%=300(克);答:需要使它蒸发掉300克的水.【标注】(抓不变量)3、【答案】7千克;【解析】除去3千克乙种酒.剩下的11−3=8(千克)中乙、丙两种酒含量相等,这时乙、丙混合酒的含酒精36%+35%÷2=35.5%,剩下的8千克中含酒精38.5%×11−36%×3= 3.155(千克),假设这8千克都是乙、丙混合酒,则含有酒精8×35.5%=2.84(千克),根据“假设法”可求出甲种酒有3.155−2.84÷40%−35.5%=7(千克).【标注】(浓度十字交叉法)4、【答案】30%.;【解析】方法一:依题意,100克甲瓶盐水与300克乙瓶盐水所含溶质相同,所以,甲瓶盐水的溶质为混合溶液溶质的12,又甲瓶溶液是混合溶液的14,所以甲瓶盐水的浓度为1×15%×12÷14= 30%.答:甲瓶盐水的浓度是30%.方法二:解:设乙瓶盐水的浓度为l,则甲瓶盐水的浓度为3l,根据甲盐+乙盐=总盐列方程:100×3l+300×l=(100+300)×15%,解得=10,则乙瓶盐水的浓度为10%,甲瓶盐水的浓度为30%.【标注】(已知溶质溶液求浓度)(抓不变量)5、【答案】含盐5%的盐水应取200克,含盐8%的盐水取400克来混合;【解析】设取含盐5%的盐水克,则应取含盐8%的盐水600−克.5%+8%600−= 700×6%,5+8600−=700×6,5+4800−8=4200,3=600,=200,600−200=400(克).所以,含盐5%的盐水应取200克,含盐8%的盐水取400克来混合.【标注】(求用两种浓度配置一种浓度各需要多少)6、【答案】6升.;【解析】第二次乙倒给甲,不改变乙的浓度,所以第一次甲倒给乙后,乙的浓度就已经是25%了;第一次甲倒给乙,100%与15升0%混合成25%,根据十字交叉,5升100%与15升0%混合成20升25%;说明第一次甲倒给乙后,甲乙两容器中的状态为甲:6升100%,乙:20升25%;第二次乙倒给甲,25%与6升100%混合成62.5%,根据十字交叉,6升25%与6升100%混合成12升62.5%;即第二次从乙容器倒出的溶液质量为6升.【标注】(已知溶质浓度求溶液)7、【答案】20;【解析】糖水共有100克,所以含糖率为20÷20+80×100%=20%【标注】(已知溶质溶液求浓度)8、【答案】125;【解析】500×0.03=15,15÷0.04=375,500−375=125克.【标注】(求配置一种浓度需要多少加水的问题)(求配置一种浓度需要多少加水的问题)9、【答案】乙杯最甜.;【解析】甲杯中糖占1份,水占9份,则糖占糖水的110;乙杯中糖占糖水的20÷180=19;丙杯中糖占糖水的20÷(20+200)=111;19>110>111,故乙杯最甜.【标注】(已知溶质溶液求浓度)10、【答案】2.5;60;【解析】240克含盐3%的盐水中,含盐240×3%=7.2克,含水240−7.2=232.8克.要将含盐率变成4%,如果只加盐的话,那么水的质量不变,加盐之后的盐水重量为232.8÷1−4%=242.5克,说明加了242.5−240=2.5克盐.如果只蒸发水的话,那么盐的重量不变,蒸发掉一些水之后,盐水的重量为7.2÷4%=180克,说明蒸发了240−180=60克水.【标注】(百分数浓度问题)(百分数浓度问题)。
谈列系义主由自道天—— 录谈对堂天子老与子孔�话茶堂天
78 ..................................................................................... 道之善慈 七十七之话茶堂天 58 ..................................................................................... 难多税多 五十七之话茶堂天 38 ................................................................................. �道之武文 八十六之话茶堂天 08 ..................................................................................... 宝三邦安 七十六之话茶堂天 87 ..................................................................................... 为无为有 六十六之话茶堂天 67 .............................................................................................................................................................. 光之慎审 四十六之话茶堂天 17 ..................................................................................... 德以怨报 三十六之话茶堂天 96 ..................................................................................... 尊至格人 二十六之话茶堂天 76 ..................................................................................... 道之国大 一十六之话茶堂天 56 ..................................................................................... 下天临道 十六之话茶堂天 26 ..................................................................................... 心之心无 九十四之话茶堂天 06 ..................................................................................... 成若缺大 五十四之话茶堂天 75 ..................................................................................... 天关命人 四十四之话茶堂天 65 ..................................................................................... 言无教大 三十四之话茶堂天 45 ..................................................................................... 下益上损 二十四之话茶堂天 15 ..................................................................................... 品下品上 一十四之话茶堂天 94 ..................................................................................... 动反亦道 十四之话茶堂天 64 ................................................................................. �贱孰贵孰 九十三之话茶堂天 44 ..................................................................................... 德于高道 八十三之话茶堂天 14 ..................................................................................... 保不夕朝 三十二之话茶堂天 93 ..................................................................................... 争民与不 二十二之话茶堂天 73 ..................................................................................... 众容道天 一十二之话茶堂天 43 ..................................................................................... 我是就我 十二之话茶堂天 13 ..................................................................................... 今古贯道 四十之话茶堂天 82 ..................................................................................... 生重身贵 三十之话茶堂天 62 ..................................................................................... 道之福幸 二十之话茶堂天 42 ..................................................................................... 有于高无 一十之话茶堂天 22 ......................................................................................... �下孰上孰 十之话茶堂天 91 ............................................................................................. 退身成功 九之话茶堂天 71 ............................................................................................. 水若道政 八之话茶堂天 51 ............................................................................................. 后居下处 七之话茶堂天 31 ............................................................................................. 神女若道 六之话茶堂天 01 ............................................................................................. 等平而生 五之话茶堂天 8 ............................................................................................... 道天政宪 四之话茶堂天 5 ............................................................................................... 贤伤贤尚 三之话茶堂天 3 ............................................................................................... 对不反不 二之话茶堂天 1 ......................................................................................... 谬之”律规“ 一之话茶堂天
作�3�让成功者为自己工作。 � 19.所有父母都希望在自己的有生之年�看到儿女出人头地。 � 20.不断投资自己的大脑�我要我愿意。
� 1.用爱心做事业用感恩的心做人。 � 2.做事先做人小企业做事大事业做人。 � 3.认认真真做事踏踏实实做人。 � 4.一个人成功不是因为他很会做生意而是因为他很会做人。 � 5.人的品质是一切的根源。 � 6.言行一致是成功的开始。 � 7.所有的成功者都是付出者。 � 8.永远保持谦虚感恩的态度。 � 9.态度好的人�赚钱的机会比较多。 � 10.凡是只要对人、事、物保持一颗感恩的心�就一定会大成功。
� 21.坚持错误的想法�只能得到错误的结果。
� 11.不断为自己创造世界级成功的平台、学习的平台、人脉的平台。
� 销售开始于成交之后�销售的最高境界� 服务胜于销售�销售可以创造利润�服务 可以创造口碑。
D1=D×100−W 100
: 阻塞; 后备; 完成; 执行参考答案:执行题目2:10.作业一旦进入内存即为执行状态,与之相关的进程在作业进入内存时予以创建,该进程的初始状态为()。
: 就绪态; 运行态; 提交态; 阻塞态参考答案:就绪态题目3:15.现有3个作业同时到达,每个作业的计算时间都是1小时,它们在一台CPU 上按单道方式运行,则平均周转时间为()小时。
: 2; 1; 6; 3参考答案:2题目4:14.设某作业进入输入井的时间为S,开始运行的时间为R,得到计算结果的时间为E,则该作业的周转时间T为()。
: T=E-R; T=(S+R)+ E; T=E-S; T=E-(S+R)参考答案:T=E-S题目5:11.进程调度是根据一定的调度算法,从()队列中挑选出合适的进程。
: 就绪; 等待; 运行; 阻塞参考答案:就绪题目6:3.作业生存期共经历四个状态,它们是提交、后备、()和完成。
: 等待; 执行; 就绪参考答案:执行题目7:18. 在分页系统环境下,程序员编制的程序,其地址空间是连续的,分页是由()完成的。
: 编译地址; 程序员; 系统; 用户参考答案:系统题目8:12. 固定分区中各分区的大小是()。
: 相同或者不同,但预先固定; 相同的; 随进程个数而定; 根据进程要求确定参考答案:相同或者不同,但预先固定题目9:1. 通常,用户编写的程序中所使用的地址是()。
: 内存地址; 绝对地址; 逻辑地址; 物理地址参考答案:逻辑地址题目10:16. 最容易形成很多小碎片的可变分区算法是()。
: 以上都不是; 位示图法; 最佳适应算法; 最先适应算法参考答案:最佳适应算法题目11:22. 虚拟存储技术是()。
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .识知术技 .6 3 ......................................................................................................................................... 责职 3 ......................................................................................................................................... 务任 3 ......................................................................................................................................... 般一 .3 .5 .2 .5 .1 .5
.91 .B .81 .B .71 .B .61 .B .51 .B .41 .B .31 .B .21 .B .11 .B .01 .B .9 .B .8 .B .7 .B .6 .B .5 .B .4 .B .3 .B .2 .B .1 .B
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I--巧之书-汲c -I I II I, I , ,I IJ 串今_I I I , , II I I ,I I I , , , II I , 一一一,一一一一一,一一一---r --一一一,一一一--�-----r --一一,一一一---r -----.---一一,---,II , I, , I ,I I,IIII,II ,I I I ,, ,, II I I 觅II I , , , , II I ---'---__ .J ___ ___ L __---'---__上_____ L __ __ J ___ ___ J.. __ ---'---__ .J ___,I I , I , , ,I I I II , I , I ,I I , ,I I II I I I I ,,II , ,I, ,I I II I I I , , II I I 跪III, , I, II I 一一一1一一一一一才一一一---r--一一一1一一一一一于一一---�--一一�------;---一一一1一一一一一才一一一, , I, , , , I II, ,I ,I, , , ,,II I I ,, II II I 拗I I I , ,, , I I IIII , , , III ---,一一一--勹---一--,-----,一一一--;--------------一一-j" -----,一一一--勹---, II , ,, , , ,I ,,I, , II,II,I I I , , , , I I I 确I II , , , , II I ---•-----.J ------L ----_,_ --一一.l -----L -----'---一一一L -----•---__ J ___,II , I , , , I , I ,I , II, , I I I I I , , , , I I I II I I , , , ,I I I 击II I , , , , II I , I , , , , , , II 一一一,一一一一一,一一一---r--一一一,一一一--�-----r ----, 一一一---r --一一一,一一一一一,一一一,I I , , I, , , I I II, , , I I I III I I , , ,I II I 轻III , , I, , ,I --_,_ --__ 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完形填空1When Chico Max decided to mount an exhibition of photographs of recent immigrants to Brazil, he had a harder time finding subjects than he expected. That is___1_____just 600,000 of the 204 m people living in the country are foreign-born. The small pool of potential sitters surprised Mr. Max. ____2____everyone in Brazil is descended from immigrants or African slaves; only the United States has a bigger non-indigenous population. The country’s president is the daughter of a Bulgarian; the vice-president has a road ___3_____ him in Lebanon. All of Mr. Max’s grandparents came from Portugal between the two world wars. As the title of his show this month in Sao Paulo proclaimed,“We are all____4____”.Yet Brazil’s foreign-born population ____5____ at 73% of the total at the start of the 20th century and has been dwindling ever since. It is now a fifth of Latin America’s low average and a fraction of that in melting pots like the United States. That is a ____6____. Brazil needs millions of well-qualified workers____7____ its mediocre schools are not providing them. ____8____ more immigration, analysts warn, Brazil faces a “skills blackout”.Some of the reasons for which migrants shun Brazil are obvious. It is not a rich country. Its language, Portuguese, is not widely spoken elsewhere. Yet Argentina, with a fifth of Brazil’s population and an equally troubled____9____, attracts more than double the number of newcomers — about 280,000 people a year, mostly poor laborers from other Spanish-speaking countries. They could easily master enough____10___to work in Brazil, although they would not solve the skills shortage.They do not come because Brazil needlessly ____11____ additional roadblocks. Its legislation on immigration is “anachronistic (不合时代的)”,admits BetoVasconcelos, who handles the issues at the justice ministry in Brasilia. The main law dealing with immigration, enacted by generals who ruled from 1964 to 1985, _____12___ foreigners as a menace to national security and to Brazilian workers. It ____13____ non-Brazilians from taking part in political rallies, owning stakes in newspapers or participating actively in trade unions.It also imposes cumbersome (麻烦的)conditions on foreign workers. Securing a work permit can ___14_____ months and cost thousands of dollars in legal and administrative fees. Most work visas are tied to an employer, so changing a job requires starting the ____15____process from scratch. Brazil’s enlightened refugee law, by contrast, grants asylum-seekers a work permit withina week of arrival, free of charge.1. A.why B.because C what D.since2. A.Nearly B.Hardly C.Rarely D.Scarcely3. A.instead of d after C.regardless of D.celebrated with4. A.human beings B.immigrants C slaves D.citizens5. A.lowered B.peaked C.tightened D.strengthened6. A. problem B.puzzle C.surprise D.headache7. A.therefore B.otherwise C.but D.although8. A.With B.Besides C.Except D.Without9. A.economy B.reason nguage 10. A.English B.Spanish C.Portuguese D.French11. A.put out B.put up C.put down D.put forward12. A.serves B.thinks C.treats D.welcomes13. A.supports B.bars C.establishes D.warns14. A.take B.demand C.spend D.require15. A.application C.working D.immigration完形填空2Only a naive sports fan would be shocked by a new round of doping allegations. In cycling’s Tour de France from 1998 - 2013, 38% of the top-ten f inishers were____1____for using performance-enhancing drugs, and a ____2____ of track-and-field athletes’ blood test results earlier this year showed that around one-seventh were “highly suggestive of doping” . Yet the report on Russian athletes published on November 9th by the World Anti-Doping Agency still represents a new kind of ___3_____— or, more precisely, a very old one. __4______merely citing individual athletes, WADA claims that Russia has maintained an organized___5____doping programme of the sort that was thought to have ended with the cold war.Russia first found itself in WADA’s cross-hairs last December, when a German TV station aired _____6___ of rampant PED use. In June the agency noted that Russia led the world in PED violations in 2013, with 11.5% of the global total. But once its investigators started ____7____, what they found was “worse than we thought”, said Dick Pound, the report’s co-author and a former WADA president. “It may be a residue(残余)of the ___8_____ Soviet Union system. ’’The report’s main smoking gun (确凿证据) ___9_____Sergey Portugalov, the chief medical officer of the All-Russian Athletics Federation. In an e-mail, he ____10____ Yuliya Stepanova, a runner, to increase her use of ____11____ testosterone( 睾丸素). Ms Stepanova later secretly recorded her coach, Vladimir Mokhnev, while he allegedly gave her PEDs. The report also ____12____ Dr. Portugalov of directly delivering injections of banned substances to athletes, though it does not provide specifics. Dr. Porugalov could not be reached for comment.In addition, WADA has levelled wider allegations of u direct intimidation and interference by the Russian state'' to____13____ doping. Many of the claims, such as assertions that Russia had set up a “pre-screening” lab to filter out positive tests,seem to rely on hearsay. But the agency did _____14___ statements of guilt from people involved in the cover-up. Staff at a WADA- accredited lab in Moscow told investigators that its director, Grigory Rodchenkov,had ordered them to get rid of some sample. Mr. Rodchenkov, who resigned on November 10th, admitted himself that he had destroyed 1,417 test results before an inspection in 2014. And Liliya Shobukhova,a marathon runner, acknowledged paying €450,000 to ARAF in exchange for the destruction of samples that tested _____15___.1. A.praised B. punished C. shocked D.charged2. A.demonstration B. leak C. publication D.title3. A.affair B. rumour C. scandal D.incident4. A.Other than B. Except for C. Rather than D.Apart from5. B. national C. external D.internal6. A.congratulationsB. accusations C. quarrels D.honours7. A.digging B. leveling C. pulling D.drawing8. A.novel B. wonderful C. old D.energetic9. A.involves B. contains C. includes D.occupies10. A.prevented B. encouraged C. recommended D.introduced11. eful B. useless C. legal D.banned12. A.accused B. blamed C. charged D.criticized13. A.condemn B. conceal C. reveal D.expose14. A.make B. obtain C. deny D.admit15. A.negative B. positive C. neutral D.ordinary完形填空3I am on holiday in Bavaria, where, in between the beer and schnitzels, I have been contemplating the nature of trust. A rather old-fashioned guest house happily took our reservation and let us run up a bill of nearly €1 ,000 without ever ____1____more than a signature. Not for the Bavarians the pre-authorized credit card. Our room keys were stored in an unlocked cabinet in a quiet corridor, along with the keys of every other guest in the place. It made me ____2____ why anyone was bothering with keys in the first place. Nevertheless, our belongings were not stolen and we paid our _____3___ when we left. The trust had been justified.Since Germany is one of the most successful ____4____ in the world and Bavaria is one of the most successful economies in Germany, the thought did cross my ____5____that trust might be one of the secrets of economic success. Steve Knack, an economist at the World Bank with a long-standing interest in trust, once told me that if one takes a broad enough view of____6___, “it would explain basically all the difference between the per capita income of the United States and Somalia”. In other words,without trust — and its vital complement, trustworthiness — there is no ____7____ of economic development.Simple activities become arduous in a low-trust society. How can you be sure you won9t be robbed on the way to the comer store? Hire a___8_____? (Can you trust him?) The watered- down milk is in a locked fridge. As for something more complex like arranging a mortgage, forget about it.Prosperity not only requires trust, it also____9____it. Why bother to steal when you are already comfortable? An example of poverty breeding____10____ comes from Colin Turnbull’s ethnographic (人种学的)study The Mountain People (1972),about the Ik,a displaced tribe ravaged by Ugandan drought in the 1960s. If Turnbull’s account is itself ___11_____(it may not be), in the face of extreme hunger, the Ik had abandoned any pretence at ethical behaviour and would lie, cheat and steal whenever possible. Parents would ___12_____ their own children,and children betray their own parents. Turnbull’s story had a horrific logic. The Ik had no hope of a future, so they saw no need to protect their_____13___ for fair dealing.One of the underrated achievements of the modem world has been to develop ways to____14____ the circle of trust by depersonalizing it. Trust used to be a very personal thing:you would trust your friends or friends of friends. But when I withdrew €400 from a cash machine, it was not because the bank ____15____ me but because it could verify that my bank would repay the money. This is a cold corporate miracle.1. A. putting B. demanding C. giving D. writing2. A. wonder B. confuse C. puzzle D. realize3. A. taxes B. bills C. duties D. tips4. A. developers B. economies C. pioneers D. leaders5. A. soul B. mind C. spirits D. heart6. A. trust B. fame C. relation D. bond1. A. destination B. prospect C. necessity D. fortune8. A. helper B. servant C. bodyguard D. keeper9. A. popularizes B. encourages C. stimulates D. accompanies10. A. temper B. mistrust C. anger D. worry11. A. trustworthy B. funny C. wrong D. interesting12. A. await B. abandon C. allow D. alleviate13. A. tribe B. country C. reputation D. race完形填空4Samsung has launched a high-end “phablet”,that competes with BlackBerry on security features prized by business users, while out-innovating Apple with an iris-scanning feature.The Galaxy Note 7 is being introduced against a backdrop of ____1____ smartphone sales growth that the South Korean company has handled better than its rivals, with its mobile sales last month __2______its best quarterly results in more than two years.The Note 7 smartphone, with its supersized 5. 7-inch screen, is the first mass-market Android phone to ____3____ a retina scanner. ____4____ unlocking users’ phones, the iris scanning can also be used to authenticate purchases through the Samsung Pay service.David Lowes,Samsung Europe senior vice-president,said the company wanted to “ show that we are the mobile company that takes ___5_____really seriously”.The focus on security ___6_____Black Berry’s efforts to reinvigorate its enterprise handset business by____7____ “the world’s most secure Android smartphone” last week.Samsung also hopes to____8____ younger users with entertainment features such asHDR video streaming, while changes to the camera make it easier to take selfies with one hand.The company is ____9____ users who ‘‘have found a work-life blend”,according to Mr. Lowes. “Previously at Samsung we maybe focused very much on the technology or durability parts of the device,but now I think we’ve brought the __10______ in as well,” he added•Differentiating its products on more than just the strength of its technology is becoming___11_____important for Samsung, as it faces growing competition in the Android market and the continuing ____12____from the iPhone9s superior app offerings.Privately owned Chinese group Huawei has ____13____ from producing cheap white-label phones to launching its own premium handsets, and has publicly proclaimed its desire to unseat Apple and Samsung in global____14____sales.Fellow Chinese company Xiaomi is also looking to _____15___overseas,and recently bought some 1,500 patents from Microsoft to boost its ability to fend off lawsuits.1. A. increasing B.slowing C. decending D.rising2. A. encouraging B.driving C. pushing D.raising3. A. introduce C. install D.feature4. A. Rather than B.Except for C. Other than D.As well as5. A. security B.production C. sales D.service6. A. reflects B.echoes C. responds D.showcases7. A. launching B.releasing C. relieving D.pushing8. A. absorb B.attract C. focus D.seduce9. A. attempting. B. targeting C. producing D. establishing10. A. ability B. creativity C. desirability. reality11. A. increasingly B. sharply C. decreasingly D. largely12.A. challenge B. confrontation C. battle D. war13. A. enrolled B. graduated C. researched D. explored14. A. smartphone B. television C. computer D. scanner15. A. reach B. expand C. open D. enlarge完形填空5The number of calories eaten in Britain is being undercounted by up to 50 per cent, creating confusion over growing obesity levels.The Behavioral Insights Team (BIT), a part-privatised government agency, said national surveys are not ___1_____ the changes in the way food is eaten, particularly snacking outside the home.‘‘ Such a large _____2___ of calorie intake could misinform the policy debate and lead to less effective strategies to _____3___ the current national obesity crisis.”It ___4_____ that people are likely to under-report the amount they eat, both deliberately and unconsciously, and that fewer overweight people are ____5____ recording the amount they eat in surveys.BIT questioned the 40-year trend in official statistics that has shown a steep___6_____ in calorie consumption, even as obesity has increased.Obesity in the UK is the highest it has ever been and is putting a growing ___7____ on the finances of the National Health Service, its head, Simon Stevens, has said, because of the_____8___of treating obesity-related illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes.He has repeatedly____9____ the government to take measures to combat obesity and has____10____the food and drink industry for using too much sugar.The government has said it will___11_____a sugar tax on sugary carbonated drinks in 2018 and is planning to publish a strategy to __12______childhood obesity.The food and drink industry has tried to deflect criticism by pointing to the official data which implies that people are getting fatter___13_____they are exercising less.The report refutes this, saying that reductions in physical activity do not provide a realistic ____14____ for the rise in obesity rates over the last 40 years”.Its findings imply that calorie consumption has not decreased significantly over time and that attempts to get people to exercise _____15___ should not distract from the central message that people need to eat less in order to lose weight.1. A.avoiding B.capturing C.making D.illustrating2. A.underestimate B.underachievement C.understatement D.understanding3. A.change bat C.cause D.face4. A.said B. told C. added D. informed5. A.gladly B. willingly C. accurately D. carefully6. A.rise B. decline C. reach D. position7. A.task B. trouble C. burden D. question8. A.value B. cost C. price D. profit9. A.called in B. called on C. called off D. called out10. A.asked B. criticized C. urged D. punished11. A.introduce B. put C. lay D. issue12. A.tackle B. lighten C. manage D. kill13. A.while B. when C. after D. because14. A.state B. explanation C. reason D. fact15. A.willingly B. regularly C. less D. more完形填空6More than a third of international students say they are now less likely to study at a UK university following last month’s vote to leave the EU,a survey has found.Of 1,014 students____1____this month by Hobsons International, a careers advisory service, 30 per cent said they were less likely to study in the UK, ____2____6% said they would definitely not study in the UK as a result of the vote.Many UK universities have embarked on ___3_____ expansion plans that are reliant on high fees from overseas students, who typically pay twice as much as ___4_____ students. Hobson’s said 83 per cent of respondents were from outside the EU.Income from international students is forecast to reach £4. 2bn in the next academic year and £4. 6bn in 2017 - 2018,and is the biggest____5____ of revenue growth for universities, according to the Higher Education Funding Council for England.Universities increased their spending on new buildings 43 per cent in the past six months compared with the previous year. _____6___ have been awarded for £ 1.5bn of projects, five of which are worth more than £ 50m each. A____7____£ 2bn of contracts is planned between 2017 and 2020, according to Barbour ABI, the construction analysts.Some students cited a less welcoming environment and a ( n) ____8____ in racist attacks since the referendum. One respondent said People have become so racist and with all the ongoing circumstances, I’d not feel_____9___ there. ’’Reported hate crimes rose 57 per cent in the weekend after the referendum, and the National Police Chiefs’ Council said last week that 6,293 such _____10___ had been reported to the police between mid-June and mid-July.Jeremy Cooper, managing director of Hobsons in Europe, said Market conditions for international student recruitment look set to toughen and universities need to send a clear__11______that the UK welcomes international students, as well as providing practical guidance and support.”Almost two-thirds of students surveyed felt it would become____12____ for them to obtain a visa, while almost half_____13___ it would become more difficult to get a job in the UK after graduating.Among ___14_____ who said(英国脱欧)made it more likely that they would come to the UK to study, 43 per cent said it was____15____ the fall in the value of the pound would make it cheaper.1. A.investigated B. surveyed C. found D.inquired2. A.when B. as C. while D.since3. A.ambitious B. available C. accessible D.affordable4. A.domestic B. international C. internal D.external5. A.source B. origin C. resource D.root6. A.Deals B. Businesses C. Plans D.Contracts7. A.little B. further C. more D.few8. A.decline B. increase C. drop D.addition9. A.depressed B. dangerous C. safe D.excited10. A.crimes B. incidents C. affairs D.events11. A.reminder B. report C. message D.research12. A.easier B. impossible C. harder D.more likely13. A.expected B. forecast C. warmed D.imagined14. A.those B. these C. themselves D.universities15. B. since C. for D.because完形填空7For a field supposedly starved of talent, data science seems to have been minting(造就)a lot of new experts in a hurry.The depth of interest was on display this week in San Francisco, where 1,600 people_____1___ for a data science summit ____2____ by Turi, a company run by University of Washington machine learning professor Carlos Guestrin.Mr. Guestrin argues that all software applications will need inbuilt intelligence within five years, making data scientists ——people trained to analyse large bodies of information 一key workers in this____3____ “cognitive” technology economy. Whether or not his argument is right, there is ____4____ a core of critical applications that ____5____ machine learning, led by recommendation programmes, fraud detection systems, forecasting tools and applications for predicting customer behaviour.The adaptation of what was until recently the preserve of research scientists into production- grade business applications could point to a ___6_____ change in corporate competitiveness. The companies ____7____ their skills in data science and machine learning at the Turi event — including Uber, Pinterest and Quora — were all born in the digital era.Some companies that grew up in the analogue (模拟数据的)world, such as Walmart,are also _____8___ massively in this field, says Anthony Goldbloom, chief executive of Kaggle, a company that runs online data science competitions. But he predicts that they are unlikely ever to catch up with Amazon and its like, which have a ____9____ start and are moving fast. Repeated across different sectors, that could point to wholesale change in industry leadership as intelligent systems take a more central role.One factor weighing on many traditional companies will be the high cost of mounting a serious machine-learning operation. Netflix is estimated to ___10_____$ 150m a year on a single ___11_____— its movie recommendation system — and the total bill is probably four times that once all its uses of the technology are taken into ____12____, says a person familiar with its applications.Many companies that were born digital — particularly internet outfits that have a lot of real time customer interactions to mine — are all-in ____13____ it comes to data science. Pinterest,for instance, ___14_____ more than 100 machine learning models that could be applied to differentclasses of problems, and it constantly deals with requests from managers eager to use this resource to _____15___ their business problems, says Jure Leskovec, its chief scientist.1. A.turned up B. turned down C. turned in D.turned out2. A.created B. organized C. opened D.popularized3. A.increasing B. rising C. ascending D.emerging4. A.already B. rarely C. nearly D.almost5. A.consist of B. come from C. depend on D.lead to6. A.minor B. profound C. little D.neutral7. A.showing off B. showing around C. showing through D.showing up8. A.investing B. pouring C. benefiting D.drawing9. A.head B. first C. late st10. A.cost B. spend C. take D.consume11. A.machine B. program C. application D.project12. A.thinking B. account C. being D.imagination13. A.while B. as C. when D.until14. A.produces B. sells C. introduces D.maintains15. A.cause B. tackle C. keep D.face完形填空8There are Methuselahs (年岁极高的老人)among us. These aged wonders of the natural world do not stalk the earth but glide through Arctic waters. Scientists surveying Greenland sharks,previously thought to live up to 200 years, found that they have far___1_____lifespans.One specimen was calculated, give or take a century, to be ___2_____400 years old, born more than a century before the U. S. was founded.The discovery, reported last week in the journal Science y is a record for a vertebrate (脊柱动物), and potentially gives help to those____3____ the secrets of longevity. Anti-ageing enthusiasts insist that life is merely the absence of the processes that lead to death, and that human lifespan could be____4____ dramatically. Their philosophy is to treat ageing as a disease :treat the disease and life need not end.Sharks and rays usually ____5____ their ages through the calcium deposits laid down each year in hard structures such as fins, but Greenland sharks, the largest fish in northern waters, have no such ____6____. Instead, researchers, presented with 28 females caught accidentally in fishing nets, looked to sharks’ eye lenses. Tissues formed in the lens at birth remain unchanged;its radiocarbon (a radioactive isotope of carbon) content can be____7____to the known levels of radiocarbon in the marine environment stretching back 500 years. In effect, a shark’s eye lens contains a radiocarbon time-stamp of its birth.An international team,led by academics at the University of Copenhagen, showed that the largest sharks — one stretched to 5 m ——were generally the oldest, with one ____8____ at about 392 years old. The females are estimated to reach sexual maturity at 156. Their eyes also____9____a sobering window on human history: the lenses of the youngest fishes contained a “bomb pulse”,a distinctive radiocarbon signature ____10____ nuclear weapons testing.The study intones,rightly, that we should guard these centenarians of the deep; their leisurely ____11____of maturity and reproduction has obvious consequences for conservation. But it also shows there are potentially many longer-lived species than_____12___, raising questions anewabout whether there really is any natural bar to humans living for centuries. After all, life expectancy has been rising for decades _____13___ we conquer the challenges — malnutrition, disease, war, mishap — that hasten our passing. Three centuries ago, a person would be hard pushed to____14____40; some scientists think those born today stand a fighting____15____ of reaching 150.1. A.shorter B. longer C. smaller D.bigger2. A.rarely B. barely C. constantly D.nearly3. A.paying attention to B. searching for C. dedicating to D.reaching for4. A.expanded B. stretched C. extended D.kept5. A.conceal B. reveal C. exhibit D.illustrate6. A.structures B. parts C. vessels D.functions7. B. matched C. opposed D.related8. A.calculated B. valued C. dated D.evaluated9. A.give B. show C. build D.provide10. A.resulting from B. resulting in C. leading to D.relying on11. A.rate B. ratio C. pace D.chance12. A.humans B. animals C. species anisms13. A.for B. although C. after D.as14. A. reach B. arrive C. get D. experience15. A. goal B. dream C. chance D. aim完形填空9Where does the drive to succeed come from? And if it ____1____ exceptional achievement (as defined by external norms such as power, status and wealth) does that have to go ___2_____ with being a troubled person?The latest evidence suggests that genes play little part and that nurture (后天培养)is_____3___, whether it be carrot or stick. In my case, _____4___, purely because I was the only boy with three sisters, I was treated completely differently by my father. Despite my repeated___5_____ at school, he constantly encouraged me to see myself as clever and I eventually did OK. He gave no such ____6____ to my sisters in their academic careers (fortunately, my mum did).I would go so far as to say that, had I been __7______ at conception(受孕)with one of my sisters, she would be writing these words. Each person’s ___8_____ history, starting before birth, sets them on particular ____9____, explaining why brothers and sisters differ.At the simplest level, performance is nurtured through teaching — for good or ill. I can teach my son his tables(乘法口诀表)but, ____10____, if I am a pickpocket by ____11____, show him how to do that.Then there is modelling. My driving is shamefully disobeying traffic regulations ( _____12___my father’s example) — perhaps my children will model that or perhaps they will______13__ my wife’s hard-working lawful approach. That ____14____our family vigor — perhaps my son will follow me;my daughter her mother. Which brings us to identification, in which the child makes the parent’s ____15____a part of themselves.1. A.results in B. picks up C. makes of D.grows up2. A.face to face B. step by step C. hand in hand D.on the spot3. A.serious B. satisfactory C. major D.critical4. a result B. for instance C. however D.otherwise5. A.victory B. failure C. performance D.practice6. A.encouragement B. speech C. improvement D.honor7. A.lived B. related C. compared D.exchanged8. A.mature B. important C. especial D.unique9. A.paths B. accesses C. traces D.zones10. A.additionally B. consequently C. equally D.interestingly11. A.profession B. nature C. birth D.accident12. A.set up B. learned from C. took out D.returned to13. B. oppose C. dislike D.copy14. A.focuses on B. depends on C. starts up D.follows up完形填空l0In office jobs,there’s one foolproof way to avoid being burdened with certain time-consuming tasks: develop a _____1___ for being rubbish at them. Act angrily and shocked around the coffee machine, or a jammed printer, and you’ll soon find nobody asks you to ___2_____ it next time around. There’s a broader (and less passive-aggressive) point here, about managing expectations in general: they’re ____3____ we’re judged by — so setting them too high is a recipe for being too ____4____.Hofstadter’s law, created by the cognitive scientist Douglas Hofstadter, states that things always take longer than you think — “ even when you take into _____5___ Hofstadter’s Law ” . ___6____: you just will underestimate how much time a task requires, even when you know that’s what you always do and try to plan ___7____. The best solution, if possible, is regularly scheduled blocks of hours, used as buffer(缓冲)zones. When it comes to planning your work or arranging meetings, ____8____ them as if they didn’t exist. Then, when they roll around, use them to finish whatever you’re____9____ on.A uniquely tricky cause of busyness is the ____10____ of procrastination(拖延症)— not leaving them too late, but doing them too___11_____, just to have them done with, even though waiting might have meant less effort overall. That’s how you ___12_____wasting a whole day on small things, in search of that satisfying sensation of having cleared the desks — when all the while, more important stuff is ___13_____. The secret truth, especially ____14____ to e-mail, is that neglecting something for a few days often makes it go away entirely: people find____15____ solutions to their problems.1. A.container B. reputation C. habit D.project2. away with B. be satisfied with C. be angry with with3. A.what B. that C. anything D.nothing4. A.casual B. crowded C. busy D.stressful5. A.survey B. account C. research D.belief6. A.In summary B. In other words C. For example D.In addition7. A.diligently B. carefully C. previously D.accordingly8. A.think B. construct C. control D.treat9. A.behind B. late C. ahead D.dull10. A.key B. problem C. opposite D.rear11. A.advanced B. backward C. early D.front。
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安全验证(Safety Verification)
目的: •证明系统/设备的设计符合所需的安全功能/特色 要求或标准 对象: • 安全原则及规范要求的符合性评估界定的安全功 能/特色要求或标准 • 危害登记册内界定的测试,以证明有关减轻措施 的有效性
方法: • 实验室内进行的试验(Laboratory Tests) • 供货商厂内进行的试验(Factory Acceptance Tests) • 型式试验(Type Tests) • 调试试验(Commissioning Tests) • 整合试验(Integration Tests) • 模拟试验(Simulation Tests)
目的: ������ 应用量化风险评估分析在危害分析中被介定 为: - 剩余风险被评为R1或R2等级;及 - 会引至乘客/员工死亡的危害事项 ������ 若没有危害或故障符合上述条件,在业主要 求下,承包商须遵照业主指示进行一些“顶部事件” 例如列车失火、脱轨、撞击等之故障树分析
车辆安全=50%主动安全+30%被动 安全+20%安全意识 主动安全 防患于未然 入门级:ABS+EBD 中级:TCS+ESP
TCS起到的作用主要是防止车辆在刹车的时 候出现打滑,而ESP则是在车辆最容易出事故 的地方—弯道对车辆进行平衡性进行调整。 ESP的中文简称是电子稳定程序,奥迪A4上 它叫ESP,而在沃尔沃车上叫DSTC,在宝马 系列车被称为DSC。它能对车辆的实时状态 进行监控,向ABS、TCS发出指令,使车辆 在弯道出现转向不足或者转向过度时对车辆 行进路线进行调整。
• 人们对安全的态度,可影响他们的行为,继而亦 可影响安全的表现 • 人们以消极态度对待安全 – 安全被视为某部分人士的工作 – 安全只是一项活动,和日常运作是分割的 – 公司业务上的财政、市场推广及生产…等,比安 全更为重要 – 发生事故是「命运」的安排,难以避免
据API 618技术指南检查脉动 在设计阶段预测和消除问题 在优化工程中模拟假设条件进行分析 流量引起的振动 可以导入到CAD绘图软件AutoPLANT®,管线应 力分析软件AutoPIPE模型中 有助于发现振动问题,从而进行滤波器设计 自动生成天然气等混合气的气体属性
管线的振动往往会引起很大的管线应力,很多 时候可能引起管线过载而破坏管线。所以此处讨论一 下如何使用PULS分析设备振动引起的管线振动。
Bentley® PULS 是一个交互式的模拟软件,主要用 于分析管网中的流体在稳态脉动流条件下的动态响 应特性。 PULS 是基于一维波动理论,使用转移矩阵方法进 行模拟计算,可以非常有效的预测压力脉动大小和 声学激振力
用PULS 软件可以有效的解决管网和管道系统中由 于往复设备或者流体的流动产生的压力脉动问题, 例如压缩机,泵,控制阀和仪表等。
2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
接下来我们还 需要对输出报 告进行设置, 否则计算时会 出现错误
如果计算时还是出现 问题,则我们则可以 通过软件自带的 adjust Flow/Pulsation 调整一下模型(如下 图)
������ 操作简单,菜单驱动程序 ������ 减少了昂贵的咨询费用 ������ 模拟气体和流体系统 ������ 快速的转移矩阵解决方案,使求解在不到一分 钟就能完成。
属性包括:管道,体积,压降,三通,孔板和阀门。 管线属性包括由于黏性产生的阻尼,热膨胀和摩擦 效应。 脉动源包括压力,容积流量速度,孔板,球阀和球 心阀,和往复式压缩机,和往复试泵。
kBT b2
x x0
Fc=cb,即刃位错受到的攀移正应力 S
kBT b3
x x0
移。在不同温度下空位的平衡浓度为 x exp( G f kBT ) ,所以,在 1000K 和在 300K 下的空
Gb 2π(1
1 阻
Gb 1 2ππ(1 ) 阻
5 ᄡ1010 b 2 (1 0.3)
1 9.8 ᄡ105
1.16 ᄡ104 b
若两个位错是同号的,则两个位错相距的距离小于上面计算的 x 时,两位错相斥移动到距
离为 x 时保持不动;若两位错是反号的,则两个位错间的距离小于上面计算的 x 时,两位
6-9. 一个位错环能否各部分都是螺型位错?能否各部分都是刃型位错?为什么? 解:螺位错的柏氏矢量与位错线平行,一根位错只有一个柏氏矢量,而一个位错环不可能 与一个方向处处平行,所以一个位错环不能各部分都是螺位错。刃位错的柏氏矢量与位错线 垂直,如果柏氏矢量垂直位错环所在的平面,则位错环处处都是刃位错。这种位错的滑移面 是位错环与柏氏矢量方向组成的棱柱面,这种位错又称棱柱位错。
6-11. 晶体中,在滑移面上有一对平行刃型位错,它们的间距应为多大才不致在它们的交互 作用下发生移动?设位错的滑移阻力(切应力)为 9.8105 Pa,=0.3,G=51010 Pa。(答案以 b 表示) 解:两个平行刃型位错(设为 A 和 B),位错 A 处在坐标架的 z 轴,位错 A 对处在(x,y)位
2023-2024学年湖北省武汉市青山区七年级上学期期中数学试题1.-2的倒数是()A.-2B.−12C.12D.22.我们的祖国地域辽阔,其中领水面积约为370000B2.把370000这个数用科学记数法表示为()A.37×104B.3.7×105C.0.37×106D.3.7×106 3.单项式−23B5的系数与次数分别是()A.−23,5B.23,6C.−23,6D.−2,54.向东走7km记作+7km,那么-5km表示()A.向北走5km B.向南走5kmC.向西走5km D.向东走5km5.下列运算中,正确的是()A.52−32=2B.3+2=5B C.22+32=54D.92−9B2=06.苹果原价是每千克元,现按原价的8折出售,则现售价是每千克()A.1.25元B.元C.0.8元D.0.2元7.下列各组的两个数中,运算后结果相等的是()A.23和32B.−33和(−3)3C.−22和(−2)2D.−∣−2∣和−(−2)8.有理数,在数轴上的对应位置如图所示,则下列结论错误的...是()A.B<0B.<0C.+>0D.−<0 9.若|U=5,2=4且>,则+的值是()A.3B.7C.−3或5D.3或710.如图所示,将形状、大小完全相同的“●”和线段按照一定的规律摆成下列图形,第一幅图形中“●”的个数为1,第二幅图形中的“●”个数为2,第三幅图形中“●”的个数为3,…,以此类推,则15−14的值为()A.31B.30C.29D.2811.2023的相反数是______.12.温度由−4∘上升7℃是________∘.13.1.804精确到百分位的结果是__________.14.多项式2−B2+324−5是______次______项式,常数项是________.15.已知一个两位数的个位上的数是,十位上的数是,再把这个两位数的个位与十位上的数交换位置,所得的新两位数记为,则+=________.(用含,的式子表示)16.下列四个说法:①如果大于,那么的倒数小于的倒数;②若为任意有理数,则−|U≤0;③多项式−2−83+33+23+2−23+53的值与,都无关;④若是一个三次多项式,是一个四次多项式,则+一定是四次整式.其中正确的是________.(填写序号)17.计算:(1)(−20)+3−(−7)(2)−14×(−3)−[4−(−2)3]÷618.计算:(1)3−−5(2)(7−3p−2(8−5p19.解答下列各题(1)请把下列各数填入相应的集合中:72,−2,−3.5,−34,0,1.5.正分数集合:{_________________________…};整数集合:{_________________________…};负数集合:{_________________________…}.(2)在数轴上表示(1)中负数集合....中各数(标在数轴上方),并用“<”号连接.20.先化简,再求值:12+2(−+132)−(32−132),其中=−3,=2.21.“奶油草莓”是武汉某一草莓基地的一大特产,现有20筐草莓,以每管10千克为标准,超过或不足的千克数分别用正、负数来表示,记录如下表:与标准质量的差值(单位:千克)−0.3−0.2−0.1500.10.25筐数142328(1)20筐草莓中,与标准质量差值为−0.2千克的有________筐,最重的一筐重________千克;(2)与标准重量相比,20筐草莓总计超过多少千克或不足多少千克?(3)若草莓每千克售价40元,则出售这20筐草莓可卖多少元?22.阅读材料:我们知道,4−2+=(4−2+1)=3,类似地,若把(+p看成一个整体,则4(+p−2(+p+(+p=(4−2+1)(+p=3(+p.“整体思想”是数学解题中一种非常重要的数学思想方法,它在多项式的化简与求值中应用极为广泛.(1)把(−p2看成一个整体,合并:3(−p2−6(−p2+5(−p2=________;(2)已知−2=3,则3−6−5的值为________;(3)已知B+=−6,−B=−2.①+=________;②求2[+(B−p2]−3[(B−p2−p−B的值.23.阅读材料,解答以下问题:幻方历史悠久,最早出现在夏禹时代的“洛书”,即现在的三阶幻方.例如图1就是一个幻方,它的每行,每列,每条对角线上的三个数之和都为15,这个和称为幻方和,正中间的数5称为中心数.(1)如图1,幻方和是中心数的________倍;(2)如图2,已知幻方和是18,=3,=5,请利用(1)的结论,直接写出的值;(3)如图3,,,,,,是含字母的整式,且=,=2+2.①若=3+1,求整式(用含的式子表示);②若=B−1,幻方和是3,且,均为常数,求和的值.24.已知,两点在数轴上对应的有理数分别为,,且,满足:(+6)2+|−12|=0.(1)则=________;=________;(2)定义:若点为数轴上,两点之间一点,且到,两点的距离满足:其中一个距离是另一个距离的2倍,则称为,两点的“友好点”.①求,两点的“友好点”在数轴上对应的有理数;②点以每秒4个单位长度的速度从点出发,沿数轴向右运动,同时点以每秒1个单位长度的速度从点出发,沿数轴向右运动,当点、相遇则停止运动.设运动时间为秒,若整个运动过程中,,,三点中有一点是另两点的“友好点”,求值.。
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