高一第二学期期末复习 3
授课教案教学标题 期末复习(三) 教学目标 1 、不等式知识点归纳与总结 教学重难点重点:不等式基础知识点的熟练掌握难点:不等式在实际应用中的相互转换上次作业检查授课内容:一、数列章节知识点复习1 等差数列(1)性质:a n =an+b ,即a n 是n 的一次性函数,系数a 为等差数列的公差;(2) 等差{n a }前n 项和n d a n d Bn An S n ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=+=22122 即S n 是n 的不含常数项的二次函数;若{a n },{b n }均为等差数列,则{a n ±n n },{∑=k1i ka},{ka n +c}(k ,c 为常数)均为等差数列;当m+n=p+q 时,a m +a n =a p +a q ,特例:a 1+a n =a 2+a n-1=a 3+a n-2=…;当2n=p+q 时,2a n =a p +a q ; ① 等差数列依次每k 项的和仍成等差数列,其公差为原公差的k 2倍...,,232k k k k k S S S S S --; ② 若等差数列的项数为2()+∈N n n ,则,奇偶nd S S =-1+=n na a S S 偶奇;等差数列等比数列 定义 d a a n n =-+1)0(1≠=+q q a a nn 递推公式 d a a n n +=-1;()n m a a n m d =+-q a a n n 1-=;m n m n q a a -= 通项公式 d n a a n )1(1-+=11-=n n q a a (0,1≠q a )中项2kn k n a a A +-+=(*,,0n k N n k ∈>>))0( k n k n k n k n a a a a G +-+-±=(*,,0n k N n k ∈>>)前n 项和)(21n n a a nS +=d n n na S n 2)1(1-+=()⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≠--=--==)1(111)1(111q q qa a qq a q na S n n n 重要性质),,,,(*q p n m N q p n m a a a a qp n m +=+∈+=+),,,,(*q p n m N q p n m a a a a qp n m +=+∈⋅=⋅③ 若等差数列的项数为()+∈-N n n 12,则()n n a n S 1212-=-,且n a S S =-偶奇, 1-=n n S S 偶奇 (4)常用公式:①1+2+3 …+n =()21+n n ②()()61213212222++=+++n n n n③()2213213333⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+=++n n n[注]:熟悉常用通项:9,99,999,…110-=⇒n n a ; 5,55,555,…()11095-=⇒nna .2 等比数列 (1)性质当m+n=p+q 时,a m a n =a p a q ,特例:a 1a n =a 2a n-1=a 3a n-2=…,当2n=p+q 时,a n 2=a p a q ,数列{ka n },{∑=k1i ia}成等比数列。
F3=7N,它们的合力大小不可能的是( )
力的分解是力的合成的逆运算,遵守平行四边形法则。 1、合力的大小一定时,两分力随二力夹角的增大而增大。
如果没有其它限制,一个力可以分解成无数对大 小、方向不同的分力。
3、一杯子装满水,杯的底部有一个小 孔,在水从小孔不断流出的过程中,杯 连同杯中水的共同重心将( ) A、一直下降 B、一直上升 C、先升后降 D、先降后升
练习 4、关于重力的大小,以下说法正确的是 [ A.悬挂在竖直绳子上的物体,绳子对它的 ]
(1)两个力的大小一定时,合力随二力夹角的增大而减小。 (2)两个力的大小一定时, | F1-F2|≤F≤(F1+F2)。
(3)合力可以比分力大,也可以比分力小,还可以和分力 大小相等。
练习 15、下面关于合力和它的两个分力的叙述中, 正确的是 ( ) A.两个力的合力,一定大于其中任意的一个力
(1)按力的实际作用效果分解 (2)正交分解
18、如图所示,轻绳 AO 和 BO 共同吊起质量 为 m 的重物.AO 与 BO 垂直,BO 与竖直方向 的夹角为 θ,OC 连接重物,则( )
A.AO 所受的拉力大小为 mgsinθ B.AO 所受的拉力大小为
mg sin
F1 =10N
A. 10N,方向向左
高一数学(理)期末备战试题3一、单选题1.复数5i 2-的共轭复数是()A .2i+B .2i-+C .2i--D .2i-2.下列说法正确的是()A .直四棱柱是正四棱柱B .圆锥的顶点与底面圆周上任意一点的连线都是母线C .两个面平行且相似,其余各面都是梯形的多面体是棱台D .以直角三角形的一条边所在直线为旋转轴,其余两边旋转形成的曲面所围成的几何体叫做圆锥3.独角兽企业是指成立时间少于10年,估值超过10亿美元且未上市的企业.2021年中国独角兽企业行业分布广泛,覆盖居民生活的各个方面.如图为某研究机构统计的2021年我国独角兽企业的行业分布图(图中的数字表示各行业独角兽企业的数量),其中京、沪、粤三地的独角兽企业数量的总占比为70%.则下列说法不正确的是()A .2021年我国独角兽企业共有170家B .京、沪、粤三地的独角兽企业共有119家C .独角兽企业最多的三个行业的占比超过一半D .各行业独角兽企业数量的中位数为134.△ABC 的三内角A 、B 、C 所对边的长分别是a 、b 、c ,设向量()()p a c b q b a c a =+=-- ,,,,若p q∥,则角C 的大小为()A .π6B .π3C .π2D .2π35.在下列判断两个平面α与β平行的4个命题中,真命题的个数是().(1)α、β都垂直于平面r ,那么α∥β.(2)α、β都平行于平面r ,那么α∥β.(3)α、β都垂直于直线l ,那么α∥β.(4)如果l 、m 是两条异面直线,且l ∥α,m ∥α,l ∥β,m ∥β,那么α∥βA .0B .1C .2D .36.在ABC ∆中,角A 、B 、C 的对边分别为a 、b 、c ,若cos cos a bA B=,222c a b ab =+-,则ABC ∆是()A .钝角三角形B .等边三角形C .直角三角形D .等腰直角三角形7.在ABC 中,角A 、B 、C 所对的边分别为a 、b 、c ,3cos 10C =,若92CB CA ⋅= ,则c 的最小值为()A .2B .4C D .178.《易·系辞上》有“河出图,洛出书,圣人则之”之说,河图、洛书是中华文化、易经八卦和阴阳五行术数之源.如图所示的河图中,白圈为阳数,黑点为阴数.若从这10个数中任取3个数,则这3个数中至少有2个阳数的概率为()A .14B .13C .12D .239.已知a 与b 为单位向量,且a ⊥b ,向量c 满足||2b c a --=rr r ,则|c |的可能取值有()A .6B .5C .4D .310.已知在正四面体P -ABC 中,D ,E ,F 分别在棱PA ,PB ,PC 上,若PE =4,PF =PD =2,则点P 到平面DEF 的距离为()A 2B .42211C D .311.我国古代数学家刘徽在其《海岛算经》中给出了著名的望海岛问题及二次测望方法:今有望海岛,立两表,齐高三丈,前后相去千步,令后表与前表三相直.从前表却行一百二十三步,人目着地取望岛峰,与表末三合.从后表却行一百二十七步,人目着地取望岛峰,亦与表末三合.问岛高及去表各几何?这一方法领先印度500多年,领先欧洲1300多年,其大意为:测量望海岛PQ 的高度及海岛离岸距离,在海岸边立两根等高标杆,AB CD (,,PQ AB CD 共面,均垂直于地面),使目测点E 与P 、B 共线,目测点F 与P 、D 共线,测出AE CF AC 、、,即可求出岛高PQ 和EQ 的距离(如图).若,,,AB CD r AE a CF b EF d =====,则PQ =()A .drb a-B .dr b a+C .dr a b-D .()d a r b a-+12.如图,在棱长为2的正四面体ABCD 中,点N ,M 分别为ABC 和ABD △的重心,P 为线段CM 上一点.()A .AP BP +的最小为2B .若DP ⊥平面ABC ,则4CP CM= C .若DP ⊥平面ABC ,则三棱锥P -ABC 外接球的表面积为92πD .若F 为线段EN 的中点,且DP MF ∥,则25MP MC =二、填空题13.已知向量()2,3a =- ,()3,b m = ,且a b ⊥ ,则m =________.14.在ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c ,且(sin sin )()(sin sin )a A C b c B C -=-+,3b =,则ABC 的周长的最大值是______.15.在锐角△ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,若2cos b a a C -=,则ac的取值范围是______.16.已知在三棱锥P -ABC 中,PA =4,BC =PB =PC =3,PA ⊥平面PBC ,则三棱锥P -ABC 的外接球的表面积是________.三、解答题17.根据要求完成下列问题:(1)关于x 的方程2(2i)i 10x a x a +--+=有实根,求实数a 的取值范围;(2)若复数22(2)(23)i z m m m m =+-+--(R m ∈)的共轭复数z 对应的点在第一象限,求实数m 的集合.18.在ABC 中,角A 、B 、C 所对的边分别为a 、b 、c ,且()2,cos n a c C =- 与(),cos m b B =共线.(1)求B :(2)若2BD D C =,且1CD =,AD =,求ABC 的面积.19.如图,在四棱锥P -ABCD 中,平面PCD ⊥平面ABCD ,PCD 为等边三角形,112AB AD CD ===,90BAD ADC ∠=∠=︒,M 是棱上一点,且2CM MP = .(1)求证:AP ∥平面MBD ;(2)求二面角M -BD -C 的余弦值.20.第24届冬奥会于2022年2月在北京举行,志愿者的服务工作是冬奥会成功举办的重要保障.某高校承办了北京志愿者选拔的面试工作.现随机抽取了100名候选者的面试成绩,并分成五组:第一组[45,55),第二组[55,65),第三组[65,75),第四组[75,85),第五组[85,95),绘制成如图2所示的频率分布直方图.已知第三、四、五组的频率之和为0.7,第一组和第五组的频率相同.(1)求a ,b 的值;(2)估计这100名候选者面试成绩的平均数和第60%分位数(分位数精确到0.1);(3)在第四、第五两组志愿者中,现采用分层抽样的方法,从中抽取5人,然后再从这5人中选出2人,以确定组长人选,求选出的两人来自不同组的概率.21.如图所示,在平面五边形ABCDE 中,已知120A ∠=︒,90B ∠=︒,120C ∠=︒,90E ∠=︒,3AB AE ==.(1)当2BC =时,求CD ;(2)当五边形ABCDE 的面积S ⎡∈⎣时,求BC 的取值范围.22.已知梯形ABCD 中,224CD CB BA ===,90ABC BCD ∠=∠= ,E 为线段CD 上一点(不在端点),沿线段AE 将ADE 折成AD E ' ,使得平面BD E '⊥平面ABC .(1)当点E 为CD 的中点时,证明:平面AD E '⊥平面CD E ';(2)若AD '与平面BD E '求平面D AE '与平面D BC '所成的锐二面角的余弦值.高一数学(理)期末备战试题3参考答案1.B2.B3.C4.B5.D6.B7.C8.C9.D10.B11.A12.D13.24.915.22⎝⎭16.43π17.(1)1a =±(2)312(,)【解析】(1)设0x 是其实根,代入原方程变形为200021()i 0x ax a x ++-+=,由复数相等的定义,得20002100x ax a x ⎧++=⎨+=⎩,解得1a =±;(2)由题意得22(2)(23)i z m m m m =+----,∴2220(23)0m m m m ⎧+->⎨--->⎩,即2220230m m m m ⎧+->⎨--<⎩,解得312m <<,故实数m 的集合为3(1,)2.18.(1)3π【解析】(1)解:在ABC 中,A B C π++=,因为向量n 与向量m共线,则()2cos cos a c B b C -⋅=⋅,由正弦定理可得()2sin sin cos sin cos A C B C -⋅=⋅,所以,()2sin cos sin sin A B B C A ⋅=+=,A 、()0,B π∈,则sin 0A >,所以,1cos 2B =,因此,3B π=.(2)解:2BD DC =,且1CD =,AD =,2BD ∴=,3BC =,在ABD △中,由余弦定理有2222cos AD AB BD AB BD B =+-⋅⋅,即27422cos3AB AB π=+-⨯,即2230AB AB --=,0AB > ,解得3AB =,所以,11sin 922ABC S AB BC B =⋅⋅=⨯⨯△19.【解析】(1)连接AC ,记AC 与BD 的交点为H ,连接MH .由90BAD ADC ∠=∠=︒,得AB CD ∥,12AB AH CD HC ==,又12PM MC =,则AH PMHC MC=,∵平面PCD ⊥平面ABCD ,平面PCD 平面ABCD =CD ,∴PO ⊥平面ABC D.以O 为原点,OB 为x 轴,OC 为y 轴,OP 为x 轴,建立空间直角坐标系,则()0,1,0D -,()0,0,3P ,1230,,33M ⎛⎫⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,()1,0,0B ,()0,1,0C ,1231,,33BM ⎛⎫=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,()1,1,0BD =-- .设平面BDM 的法向量(),,n x y z = ,则1230330n BM x y z n BD x y ⎧⋅=-++=⎪⎨⎪⋅=--=⎩,取x =1得231,1,3n ⎛⎫=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ ,平面BCD 的一个法向量()0,0,1m = .设二面角M -BD -C 的平面角为θ,则10cos 5m n m nθ⋅==⋅ .∴二面角M -BD -C 的余弦值为105.20.(1)0.005,0.025a b ==;(2)估计平均数为69.5,第60%分位数为71.7;(3)25.【解析】(1)()()20.0450.0201010.0450.020100.7a b a ⎧+++⨯=⎪⎨++⨯=⎪⎩,解得:0.0050.025a b =⎧⎨=⎩,所以0.005,0.025a b ==;(2)500.00510600.02510700.04510800.02010900.0051069.5⨯⨯+⨯⨯+⨯⨯+⨯⨯+⨯⨯=,故估计这100名候选者面试成绩的平均数为69.5;前两组志愿者的频率为()0.0050.025100.30.6+⨯=<,前三组志愿者的频率为()0.0050.0250.045100.750.6++⨯=>,所以第60%分位数落在第三组志愿者中,设第60%分位数为x ,则()650.0450.60.3x -⨯=-,解得:71.7x ≈,故第60%分位数为71.7(3)第四、第五两组志愿者的频率比为4:1,故按照分层抽样抽得的第四组志愿者人数为4,分别设为a b c d ,,,,第五组志愿者人数为1,设为e ,这5人中选出2人,所有情况有()()()()()()()()()(),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a b a c a d a e b c b d b e c d c e d e ,共有10种情况,其中选出的两人来自不同组的有()()()(),,,,,,,a e b e c e d e 共4种情况,故选出的两人来自不同组的概率为42105=21.(1)332;(2))3,33⎡⎣.120//901203060DEB CBE ∠=∠=︒,所以在ABE △中3AB AE ==,由余弦定理得2222cos12027BE AE AB AE AB =+-⋅︒=,∴33BE =,过C 点作CM BE ⊥于M ,可得33cos604BM BC =⋅︒=,∴3322CD BE BM =-=;(2)由193sin12024ABE S AB AE =⋅⋅⋅︒= ,又五边形ABCDE 的面积63,93S ⎡⎤∈⎣⎦,∴153273,44BCDE S ⎡⎫∈⎪⎢⎪⎣⎭,设BC x =,则()()1133333222BCDE S BE CD CM x x=⨯+⨯=⨯+-⨯,整理得2156327x x ≤-<,解得333x ≤<或3353x <≤,又2330DC BE BM x =-=->,即33x <,∴BC 的取值范围是)3,33⎡⎣.22.【解析】(1)当点E 为CD 的中点时,由题得AE CD ⊥,故AE ED ⊥',AE EC ⊥, ED EC E ⋂='且都在平面CD E '中,故AE ⊥平面 CD E '.又AE ⊂平面AD E ',故平面AD E '⊥平面CD E'(2)如图过A 作AO BE ⊥交BE 于点O ,连D O ',则平面 BD E '⊥平面 ABC ,平面 BD E '⋂平面 ABC BE =,AO BE ⊥,AO ⊂平面 ABC ,故AO ⊥平面BD E'所以D O '是直线AD '在平面BD E '上的投影直线AD '与平面BD E '所成角即为直线AD '与直线D O '所成角,即为AD O∠'10sin 5AD O ∠'∴=,又22AD AD ==',∴在Rt AD O ' 中,45230,55AO D O '==,∴在Rt ABO 中,25sin 5ABO ∠=,则tan tan 2BEC ABO ∠∠==251,5CE BO ∴==5BE ∴=,355EO =352303555cos cos 3D EB D EO ∠∠''∴==2BD ∴'=,则BD BE'⊥所以平面 BD E '⊥平面ABC ,平面BD E 'I 平面ABC BE =,BD BE '⊥,BD '⊂平面BD E ',故BD '⊥平面ABC 法1:由上易证AB ⊥平面,BCD CE '⊥平面BCD '所以BCD ' 是AED '△的投影三角形设平面D AE '与平面D BC '所成的锐二面角为θ则2cos 3BCD AED S S θ''== 法2:分别取AD AB '、的中点M N 、,连接,,MN EM EN 易证平面EMN ∥平面CD B'所以平面D AE '与平面D BC '所成的锐二面角即为二面角A EM N --所成角由上可得AN ⊥平面EMN ,且可得EMN 中,1,5,2MN EM EN ===AEM △中,2,5,5AM EM AE ===过N 作NH EM ⊥交EM 于点H ,连AH 由AN ⊥平面EMN ,且NH ⊂面EMN所以AN EM ⊥又NH EM ⊥,可证EM ⊥面AHN 所以AH EM⊥所以AHN ∠为二面角A EM N --的平面角在Rt AHN 中,2535,1,55HN AN AH ===所以2cos 3HN AH θ==。
常熟浒浦高级中学高一下期末复习 (3)
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常熟浒浦高级中学高一期末复习 (3)一、填空题(本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分,请将答案填写在答题卷相应位置上)1. 2. 153.4. 60 5. 18 6. 5 7. (1)(2)(4) 8. 2 9. 4 10.5911. [)0,1 12.17 13. 2 14. 2≥k二、解答题:本大题共6小题,共计90分.请在答题卡指定位置.......内作答,解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.16. 解:(1)由()=2f x 在⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-21,3上有两个不相等的实数根,即 ()()2210g x f x x mx =-=+-=在⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-21,3上有两个不相等的实数根, ()301021322g g m ⎧⎪->⎪⎪⎛⎫>⎨ ⎪⎝⎭⎪⎪-<-<⎪⎩()3823m m Z ⇒<<∈ 2m ⇒= 从而()221f x x x =++ ………7分 (2) 由 ()52f x x -≤ ,得 21016028x x x -+≤⇒≤≤ 而当[]2,x t ∈总有()52f x x -≤成立,max 8t = ………14分17.18. (Ⅰ)根据题意得100800315k k =∴=⨯+ 3分 800()56,0835f x x x x ∴=++≤≤+ 7分 (Ⅱ)800()2(35)580535f x x x =++-≥-+ 11分 当且仅当8002(35)35x x =++即5x =时min ()75f x =. 14分 答:宿舍应建在离厂5km 处可使总费用()f x 最小为75万元. 15分19. 解;(1)令m =1, 11n n S a qS --=,11n n S a qS +-=,两式相减得:1(2)n n a qa n +=≥, 令n =2, 21a qa =,所以数列{}n a 是等比数列,(2)不妨设,3,6i i i ++,若36,,i i i S S S ++成等比数列,362i i i S S S ++=+,333i i q S q S +=,q =1,若36,,i i i S S S ++成等比数列,362i i i S S S ++=+,360i i q S q S +=,q =,若36,,i i i S S S ++成等比数列,632i i i S S S ++=+,3360i i q S q S ++=,q =,20. 解:(1)令1==n m ,则)1()1()1(f f f +=,0)1(=∴f …………………………2分 令21,2==n m ,则)21()2()212()1(f f f f +=⨯=,1)2()1()21(-=-=∴f f f …4分 (2)设210x x <<,则112>x x 当1>x 时,0)(>x f 0)(12>∴x x f ……………………………………………6分 )()()(()(11211212x f x x f x f x x x f x f >+=⨯=……………………………………9分 所以)(x f 在),0(+∞上是增函数…………………………………………………10分(3)x y sin 4= 的图像如右图所示又4)44()16(,2)22()4(=⨯==⨯=f f f f由)(x f y =在),0(+∞上单调递增,且 0)1(=f ,4)16(=f 可得)(x f y =的图像大致形状如右图所示,由图像在]2,0[π内有1个交点,在]4,2(ππ内有2个交点,在]5,4(ππ内有2个交点,又ππ6165<<,后面)(x f y =的图像均在x y sin 4=图像的上方。
高一英语必修2 Unit 3--4期末复习题一.短语翻译1. 结果2. 保护…免受3. 关心, 担心4. 处于危险中5. without mercy6. for sure7. 注意,关注8. 灭绝9. 形成10. in peace 11. 根据,依据12. watch over13. in a way 14. 在…的帮助下15. 充分利用16. 和...相比17. after all 18. have…in common二、单项选择:1. He often tells lies, and _______, nobody wants to make friends with him.A. as a resultB. above allC. in reliefD. in turn2. If we don’t take measures to protect wildlife, they will ______ some day.A. die awayB. die offC. die outD. die of3. It will be ____ wonderful world if all nations live in _____ peace with each other.A. a, aB. the, theC. a, theD. a, /4. We should take action immediately to prevent the earth from _______.A. washing awayB. being washed awayC. to wash awayD. to be washed away5. I will appreciate _____ if you help me do the task together.A. itB. thatC. whichD. what6. With the help of his friend, he _____ in moving the big rock.A. failedB. managedC. succeededD. tried7. ______ many old people, he likes this kind of song.A. With the help ofB. According toC. In common withD. As a result of8. The WWF_______ the panda reserve regularly so that the panda there are well protected.A. inspectsB. expectsC. inspiresD. explore9. ---Have you moved into the new house? ---Not yet. The rooms ______.A. are being paintingB. are paintingC. are paintedD. are being painted9. With nothing _____ to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out.A. leavingB. leftC. leaveD. to leave10. ______ the exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this week.A. BesidesB. WithC. As forD. Because of11. Great attention must be paid ______ welfare, especially in the poor area.A. developB. to developC. to developingD. to developing12. “Do you know when Obama ______?” he asked me.A. came into officeB. came into forceC. came into beingD. came into service13. During the course of doing exercises, students will develop their _____ skills to solve the problems.A. analyticalB. artificialC. technologicalD. universal14. It is not rare _____ that people _____ are going to university for further education.A. in the 1990s; in their fiftiesB. in 1990s; in their fiftyC. in the 1990s; in their fiftyD. in the 1990; in their fifties15. The English in this story has been ______ to make it easier to understand.A. simplifiedB. educatedC. calculatedD. delivered16. He has _____ few friends that he often feels ____.A. such; lonelyB. such a; aloneC. so; lonelyD. so; alone17. I can’t tell you the exact time I’ll get there, maybe at eight or nine or even later. _____, I’ll be there asearly as I can.A. AnyhowB. HoweverC. ThusD. Therefore18. There used to be a truck _______ and I can’t get through.A. in the wayB. in no wayC. in a wayD. by the way19. Trees of this kind are so __________ that they can been seen everywhere.A. usualB. ordinaryC. normalD. common20. The old books take up too much room. You should think of ways to_________ them.A. put up withB. deal withC. agree withD. get along with三、用下列动词或动词的适当形式填空:burst into/out pay attention to compared with/to belong to go by employ inspect explore watch over decrease come into being make up respond1. He drinks wine every day. In fact, he should _______________________ his health.2. The boss asked him to take away the things _____________________ him.3. __________________ African countries, China is much larger.4. Much to my surprise, he suddenly __________________ song at the sight of the notice.5. There is a story about how the word “sandwich” ________________________.6. As time ___________, the little girl is getting prettier and prettier.7. She didn’t want to go to the party, so she ______________ an excuse.8. His interest in this subject gradually _________________ because of some failures in the exams.9. The driver hurt in the accident _____________________ in hospital all the time by the doctor yesterday.10. Some experts are __________________ every part of the island, seeing whether life once existed there.高一英语必修2 Unit 1—2期末复习题一、短语翻译:1. 很有价值的2. be decorated with3. 对…高度评价4. serve as5. 作为回报6. at war7. 在乎,在意8. 令某人惊讶的是9. 搜寻,寻找10. 反过来,轮流11. 代表,象征12. in charge13. pick up 14. promise sb. to do 15. change one’s mind16. apart from 17. 和某人结婚18. put forward二、单项选择:1. ---- How long have they _____? ---- They _______ more than twenty years ago.A. been married; got marriedB. married; marriedC. got married; were marriedD. got married; got married2. Our headmaster will __________us in the discussion this afternoon.A. take part inB. join inC. joinD. attend3. __________the Olympic Games is a great honor and a great responsibility for a country.A. HostingB. HostC. To hostD. Hosted4 — I won't go in for mountaineering because it is too dangerous. —______ you've told me you would.A. SinceB. BecauseC. ButD. For参考答案:选择:ACDBA CCAABB CBAAA CAADB填空:1. pay attention to 2. belonging to 3. Compared with 4. burst into5. came into being6. goes by7. made up8. decreases9. was being watched over 10. exploring。
从t=0开始计时,则下列说法中正确的是()A.A物体在3秒末时刻的加速度是初始时刻的5/11倍B.t>4秒后,B物体做匀加速直线运动C.t = 4.5秒时,A物体的速度为零D.t>4.5秒后,AB的加速度方向相反6.如图所示,在水平拉力F作用下,物体B向右缓缓运动中,A物体匀速上升。
2013-2014学年第二学期高一物理期末复习【第三章】一、近四年期末质检第一章考查的题量近四年期末质检第三章考查的题量分析 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014预测单选 4 3 2 3 双选 0 1 0 0 实验 0 0 0 0 计算 1 1 1 1 小计5534二、近四年期末质检第一章考点考查情况★★★万有引力定律及其应用、经典时空观和相对论时空观【教材51页、53页例题一定要看】 2010【1、3、10、11】 2011【1、7、8、14、20】 2012【10、11】 2013【5、10、19】 ★物理学史:托勒密——“ ”; ——“日心说”;开普勒——“ ” ——“万有引力定律”;卡文迪许——“ ”★万有引力定律:宇宙间的 都是互相 的,两个物体间引力的方向在 ,引力的大小跟它们的质量的乘积成 ,跟它们之间的距离的 成反比。
数学表达式: 引力常数G=★★★万有引力定律应用的两个前提:天体运动——匀速圆周运动;万有引力提供所需向心力 两种类别:在中心天体表面【mg R m =2M G】;在绕中心天体运行轨道上【ma h R m=+2)(M G 】 两个质量:中心天体【M 】;表面物体或卫星【m 】;两个半径:中心天体【R 】;轨道半径【r=R+h 】两个加速度:重力加速度【g 】;向心加速度【a 】;两个速度:线速度【v 】;角速度【ω】; 两个周期:中心天体自转周期【T 0】;卫星公转周期【T 】常规计算: ①由22Mm v G m r r = 得GM v r = ②由22Mm G m r r ω= 得3GM rω= ③由2224Mm G m r r T π= 得234r T GMπ=★ 经典力学的适用范围:★ 经典时空观: 、 、 ★ 狭义相对论的两条基本假设: 、 ★ 狭义相对论时空观: 、 、 、 ★ 实验证实光具有粒子性, 实验证实光具有粒子性 例题1、已知两个质点相距为r 时,它们之间的万有引力大小为F 。
2021-2022学年第二学期期末考试复习试卷(三)高一年级英语I. Listening Comprehension 20% 略II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21. It still remains a mystery _________the watery flows across the surface of the Mars come from.A. howB. thatC. whereD. why22. After lying in bed for three days, he seemed ________from the fever, though he still looked pale.A. to recoverB. recoveringC. to be recoveringD. recovered23. Svetlana Alexievich, __________non-fictions document the voices of the powerless, has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. whose24. Vehicles are often held up at the school gate because of the cars ________on either side of the road to pick up the students.A. parkingB. to be parkedC. parkedD. having been parked25. In a situation _________you find it difficult to manage your emotion, just stop the conversation and find yourself a place to calm down.A. whereB. whenC. thatD. what26. ___________various apps allow students to better interact with the lessons, they sometimes hinder the students’ ability to think for themselves.A. WhenB. WhileC. IfD. SinceSection BDirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.In 1988,American vocalist Bobby McFerrin released “Don’t worry, Be happy.” Accompanied by an entertaining video____27____(feature) comic actor Robin Williams and Bill Irwin, McFerrin’s a cappella song had a catchy tune, but it was the simple, upbeat message ____28_____ lifted it to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100._____29____is stated in the American Declaration of Independence of 1776, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are inalienable rights. Happiness motivates us; without it, our lives would be empty and meaningless.Of course, _____30____makes a person happy differs greatly from individual to individual. For some, money, fame, or power; for others, ifs family, relationships, work, adventure, creativity, or peace of mind In its short refrain, “Don’t worry,Be happy” offers a straightforward formula for happiness—one____31___ most people would agree with—but not worrying and being happy____32___(be) not always so easy. Or is it possible that by simplifying our lives, by reducing the clutter that worries and burdens us, we can find true happiness?Section CDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Every two years, cities around the world make bids to the International Olympic Commission(IOC)to host the Olympic Games.Originally, a host city was selected ___33____based on its strength of being a popular place for certain sports. Today, a city was selected through a much more ____34 ___ process.First, the city must prove that it is big enough to handle the Olympics. With the games come a huge number of tourists, athletes and journalists. The city must show that it can host the games in new stadiums, accommodate all the people in hotels and transport everyone from place to another with a ____35 ___mass transit system.Second, the city needs to ____36. ____convince(使明白)residents that the expenses of hosting the Olympics are worthwhile.Finally, the city needs to maintain a highly positive media_____37 ___ to carry the games.If the IOC decides that a city has fulfilled the three points above, the city is considered a “Candidate City” and goes into the second phase of the process.After submitting(提交)an application and an application fee, the IOC makes a final judging on which city is the best candidate for the coming Summer or Winter Olympic Games.The application fee is incredibly high.This is meant to ___38____cities that are not committed to the efforts necessary for hosting the Olympics. But once selected, the host city ____39__needs to spend even more on construction projects , including an “Olympic Village”, new sports stadiums, and transportation systems.But if the Olympics are so expensive, why do cities want to host the games? There are a variety of reasons---the eagerness to be in the international ____40. ____ for two weeks, the opportunity to bring new jobs into the community, to name but a few.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill ineach blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Children’s independent access to their local streets may be important for their own personal, mental and psychological development. Allowing them to get to know their own neighborhood and community gives them a ‘sense of _____41____’. This depends on ‘___42___ exploration’, which is not provided for when children are passengers in cars. (Such children may ___43____ more, but they learn less.) Not only is it important that children be able to get to local play areas by themselves, but walking and cycling journeys to school and to other destinations provide ___44___ play activities in themselves.The reduction in children’s freedom may also contribute to a weakening of the sense of local ____45____ . As fewer children and adults use the streets as pedestrians (行人), these streets become less sociable places. There is less opportunity for children and adults to have the spontaneous(自然的)___46____that help to have a feeling of community. This in itself may increase fear associated with attack of ___47_____ , because there are fewer adults available who know their neighbors’ children, and who can ___48___ for their safety._____49____ our roads become more dangerous, more parents drive their children to more places, thus contributing to increased levels of danger for the remaining pedestrians. Anyone who has experienced either the ___50__ volume of traffic in peak hour during school holidays, or the traffic jams near schools at the end of a school day, will not need ___51___ about these points. Thus, there are also important environmental implications of children’s ____52___ of freedom.As individuals, parents strive to provide the best upbringing they can for their children. _____53____, in doing so (e.g. by driving their children to sport, school or recreation) parents may be contributing to a more dangerous environment for children _____54___. The idea that ‘streets are for cars and backyards and playgrounds are for children’ is a strongly held belief, and parents have little choice as individuals but to keep their children off the____55____ if they want to protect their safety.41. A. pride B .place C. safety D. responsibilty42. A. practical B. frequent C. traffic D. personal43. A. do B. think C. see D. hear44. A. imaginable B. favorite C. popular D. actual45. A. community B. culture C. customs D. language46. A. exchange B. guidance C. response D. company47. A. tourists B. strangers C. neighbors D. children48. A. stand out B. look out C. check up D. trap49. A. While B. As C. Before D. Unless50. A. increased B. maintained C. reduced D. released51. A. asking B. bothering C. convincing D. doubting52. A. love B. gain C. symbol D. loss53. A. However B. Therefore C. Furthermore D. Otherwise54. A. generally B. roughly C. carelessly D. regularly55. A. playgrounds B. streets C. sport D. communitySection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Margaret, married with two small children, has been working for the last seven years as a night cleaner, cleaning offices in a big building.She trained as a nurse, but had to give it up when her elder child became seriously ill. “I would have liked to go back to it, but the shifts are all wrong for me, as I have to be home to get the children up and off to school.”So she works as a cleaner instead, from 9 p.m. till 6 a.m. five nights a week for just £90, before tax and insurance. “It’s better than it was last year, but I still think that people who work ‘unsocial hours’ should get a bit extra.”The hours she’s chosen to work meant that she sees plenty of the children, but very little of her husband. However, she doesn’t think that puts any pressure on their relationship.Her work isn’t physically very hard, but it’s not exactly pleasant, either. “I do get angry with people who leave their offices like a place for raising pigs. If they realized people like me have to do it, perhaps they’d be a bit more careful.”The fact that she’s working all night doesn’t worry Margaret at all. Unlike some dark buildings at night, the building where she works is fully lit, and the women work in groups of three. “Since I’ve got to be here, I try to enjoy myself——and I usually do, because of the other girls. We all have a good laugh, so the time never drags.”Another challenge Margaret has to face is the reaction of other people when she tells them what she does for a living. “They think you’re a cleaner because you don’t know how to read and write,” said Margaret. “I used to think what my parents would say if they knew what I’d been doing, but I don’t think that way any more. I don’t dislike the work though I can’t say I’m mad about it.”56. Margaret quit her job as a nurse because _______A. she wanted to earn more money to support her familyB. she had suffered a lot of mental pressureC. she needed the right time to look after her childrenD. she felt tired of taking care of patients57. Margaret gets angry with people who work in the office because _______.A. they never clean their officesB. they look down upon cleanersC. they never do their work carefullyD. they always make a mess in their offices58. When at work, Margaret feels _______.A. light-hearted because of her fellow workersB. happy because the building is fully litC. tired because of the heavy workloadD. bored because time passed slowly59. The underlined part in the last paragraph implies that Margaret’s parents would _______.A. help care for her childrenB. regret what they had saidC. show sympathy for herD. feel disappointed in her(B)We have designed all our bank cards to make your life easier.How to use your NatWest Servicecard .As a Switch card, it lets you pay for all sorts of goods and services, wherever you see the Switch logo. The money comes straight out of your account, so you can spend as much as you like as long as you have enough money ( or an agreed overdraft (透支) to cover it. It is also a cheque guarantee for up to the amount shown on the card. And it gives you free access to your money from over 31,000 cash machines across the UK.How to use your NatWest CashcardYou can use your Cashcard as a Solo card to pay for goods and services wherever you see the Solo logo. It can also give you access to your account and your cash from over 31,000 cash machines nationwide. You can spend or withdraw what you have in your account, or as much as your agreed overdraft limit.Using your cards abroadYou can also use your Servicecard and Cashcard when you’re abroad. You can withdraw cash at cash machines and pay for goods and services wherever you see the Cirrus or Maestro logo displayed.We take a commission charge (手续费) of 2.25% of each cash withdrawal you make. . We also apply a foreign-exchange transaction fee of 2.65%.How to use your Nat West Credit CardWith your credit card you can do the following:* Pay for goods and services and enjoy up to 56 days interest-free credit.* Pay in over 24 million shops worldwide that display the Mastercard or Visa logos.* Collect one AIR MILE for every£20 of spending that appears on your statement(结算单).(This does not include foreign currency or traveller’s cheques bought,interest and other charges.)60. If you carry the Servicecard or the Cashcard , ________.A.you can use it to guarantee things as you wishB.you can draw your money from cash machines convenientlyC.you can spend as much money as you like without a limitD.you have to pay some extra money when you pay for services in the UK61. If you withdraw£200 from a cash machine abroad, you will be charged ________.62. Which of the following is TRUE about using your NatWest Credit Card?A.You have to pay back with interest within 56 days.B.You will be charged some interest beyond 56 days.C.You can use the card in any shop across the world.D.You will gain one air mile if you spend £20 on traveller’s cheques.63. The purpose of the passage is to show you how to ________.A.play your cards rightB.use your cards abroadC.draw cash with your cardsD.pay for goods with your cards( C )Against the supposition(假设)that forest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia warm the climate, scientists have discovered that cooling may occur in areas where burnt trees allow more snow to mirror more sunlight into space.This finding suggests that taking steps to prevent northern forest to limit the release of greenhouse gases may warm the climate in northern regions. Usually large fires destroyed forests in these areas over the past decade. Scientists predict that with climate warming, fires may occur more frequently over next several centuries as a result of a longer fire season. Sunlight taken in by the earth tends to cause warming, while heat mirrored back into space tends to cause cooling.This is the first study to analyze all aspects of how northern fires influence climate. Earlier studies by other scientists have suggested that fire in northern regions speed up climate warming because greenhouse gases from burning trees and plants are released into the atmosphere and thus trap heat.Scientists found that right after the fire, large amounts of greenhouse gases entered the atmosphere and caused warming. Ozone(臭氧)levels increased, and ash from the fire fell on far-off sea ice, darkening the surface and causing more radiation from the sun to be taken in. The following spring, however, the land within the area of the fire was brighter than before the fire, because fewer trees covered the ground. Snow on the ground mirrored more sunlight back into space, leading to cooling.“We need to find out all possible ways to reduce the growth of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.” Scientists tracked the change in amount of radiation entering and leaving the climate system as a result of the fire, and found a measurement closely related to the global air temperature. Typically, fire in northern regions occurs in the same area every 80 to 150 years. Scientists, however, found that when fire occurs more frequently, more radiation is lost from the earth and cooling results. Specifically, they determined when fire returns 20 years earlier than predicated, 0.5 watts per square meter of area burned are soaked up by the earth from greenhouse gases, but 0.9 watts per square meter will be sent back into space. The net effect is cooling. Watts are used to measure the rate at whichenergy is gained or lost from the earth.64. According to the new findings, taking steps to prevent northern forest fires may _______.A.result in a warming climateB.cause the forest fires to occur more frequentlyC.lead to a longer fire seasonD.protect the forests and the environment there65. The following are all the immediate effects after a forest fire EXCEPT _________.A.large amounts of greenhouse gases enter the atmosphereB.the levels of ozone which is a type of oxygen increaseC.snow on the ground mirrors more sunlight back into spaceD.ashes from the fire fall on the ice surface and take in more radiation from the sun66. Earlier studies about northern forest fires _________.A.analyze all aspects of how northern fires influence climateB.indicate that forest fires will pollute the atmosphereC.suggest that people should take measures to protect environmentD.suggest that the fires will speed up climate warming67. From the passage we can draw a conclusion that forest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia may __________. A.warm the climate as the supposition goesB.allow more snow to reflect more sunlight into space and thus cool the climateC.destroy large areas of forests and pollute the far-off sea iceD.help to gain more energy rather than release more energySection CDirections: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable statement from A-F for each blank. There are two extra statements, which you do not need.Dining in China: Culture ShockBefore coming to China, I thought of Chinese food as General Tso’s chicken, egg rolls, and fortune cookies.68 In my first few weeks here, the group I was working with went out to dozens of group dinners. We were introduced to the Chinese way of dining out, and there was quite a bit of culture shock involved.For one, the community style of dining was new to me. In America, I was used to sharing an appetizer with someone sometimes and then everyone ordering their own main course. In China, many dishes are ordered and placed on a lazy Susan. The table is spun around and you grab what you like. And we’re not just talking a starter, a main, and dessert here; a Chinese dinner is a marathon of food. 69 of course, there are always some staple foods around---rice, dumplings, or noodles. Soup comes last in a Chinese dinner instead of first, and dessert usually consists of a massive fruit plate.Using chopsticks was also new to me and took quite some time to get used to. It was always embarrassing at first when I couldn’t grab something tasty from the moving table and had to wait until the next time around. After years of practice, I can now confidently snatch a peanut as it’s flying by me on a lazy Susan---practice really doesmake perfect! In the first few months, I was laughed at so many times by Chinese people while they watched me struggle with chopsticks. That probably explains why one of my favorite things to do while dining out in many Western restaurants in town is watching young, trendy Chinese people struggle with their forks and knives.I had eaten chow mein before, as well as egg fried rice and Kung Pao chicken, but there were plenty of Chinese dishes that gave me culture shock in my first few months here. 70 While Americans basically only eat chicken breasts, wings, and thighs, Chinese will also dig into the liver, heart and especially the feet. There’s an old Chinese belief that eating an animal organ will benefit your corresponding organ---eating a heart is good for your heart, and eating a brain will make you smart. You can figure out the rest yourself.Despite all of this food-related culture shock, I can honestly say that one of the best things about living here is the food and dining out. Chinese cuisine is so complex and varied that you could spend an entire lifetime here and not taste it all. 71 To be honest, now when I go home to visit I actually end up missing Chinese food more. Sometimes, culture shock is a good thing!第Ⅱ卷I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72. 方便的话,请帮我从邮局取包裹。
18. 已知在 ABC 中,角 A ,B ,C 的对边分别为 a ,b ,c ,且 b sin A 3a cos B 3c .
(1)求角 A 的大小; (2)若 a 4 , D 为 BC 的中点, ABC 的面积为 3 3 ,求 AD 的长.
必修二 第 7 章 复数 期末考试复习
题型五: 平面向量的应用
13. O 是△ABC 所在平面内的一定点,P 是△ABC 所在平面内的一动点,若(―P→B -―P→C )·(―O→B ―→ ―→ ―→ ―→ ―→
+ OC )=( PC - PA )·( OA + OC )=0,则 O 为△ABC 的( )
2.(多选)下列命题中正确的是( )
A.向量 a 与 b 不共线,则 a 与 b 都是非零向量 ―→ ―→ ―→
B.已知 A,B,C 是平面内任意三点,则 AB + BC + CA =0 ―→ ―→ ―→ ―→ ―→
C.若 O 为△ABC 所在平面内任一点,且满足( OB - OC )·( OB + OC -2 OA )=0,则
ABC 的面积.
15.在△ABC 中,角 A,B,C 的对边分别为 a,b,c,且(2a﹣c)(a2﹣b2+c2)=2abccosC. (1)求角 B 的大小; (2)若 sin A 3 cos C 1 ,求 b 的值.
16.如图,在 ABC 中, B 60 , AB 8 , AD 7 ,点 D 在 BC 上,且 cos ADC 1 . 7
,且 a + b = 5,
O2 O1
b c
o o
当0 90 时,加速 o o 当90 180 时,减速 o F合 当 90 时,
Ft 切向分力,它产生切向加速度,改变线速度的大小. Fn 向心分力,它产生向心加速度,改变线速度的方向.
例题2、如图所示,在匀速转动 的圆筒内壁上紧靠着一个物体与圆 筒一起运动,物体相对桶壁静 止.则 ( ) A、物体受到4个力的作用 B、物体所受向心力是物体所受 的重力提供的 C、物体所受向心力是物体所受 的弹力提供的 D、物体所受向心力是物体所受 的静摩擦力提供的
例题2、绳系着装有水的水桶,在竖直平 面内做圆周运动,水的质量m= 0.5kg,绳 长L=80cm,求:(g=10m/s2) (1)最高点水不流出的最小速率? (2)水在最高点速率V=4m/s时 , 桶底对水的压力? (3)水在最低点速率V=4m/s时 , 桶底对水的压力?
桥的 类型 平直 桥面 凸形 桥面
直线运动。 D.只要两个分运动是直线运动,合运动一定 也是直线运动。
五、小船渡河之“两最” 问题
当船垂直于河岸行驶 时,时间最短。
位移最小应等于河宽,合 位移与合速度应垂直河岸。
例题、一小船在静水中的速度为4m/s,它 在一条河宽200 m,水流速度为3m/s的河流中 渡河,则( ) A.小船不可能到达正对岸
高一下学期期末复习一、 选择题1.下列化学用语正确的是A. NH 4Cl 的电子式:B. 原子核内有8个中子的碳原子:C .F -离子结构示意图:D .二氧化碳的电子式:2.“玉兔”号月球车用U P 23894作为热源材料。
下列关于U P 23894的说法正确的是A. U P 23894与U 23892互为同位素B. U P 23894与U P 23994互为同素异形体C. U P 23894与U 23892具有完全相同的化学性质D. U P 23894与U P 23994具有相同的最外层电子数3.在“冰→水→水蒸气→氢气和氧气”的变化过程中,被破坏的作用力依次是 A.氢键、范德华力、共价键 B. 范德华力、氢键、共价键 C. 范德华力、共价键、共价键 D. 共价键、范德华力、共价键4.今年是门捷列夫诞辰180周年。
下列事实不能用元素周期律解释的只有 A.碱性:KOH>NaOH B.相对原子质量:Ar>K C.酸性:HClO 4 >H 2S O 4 D.元素的金属性:Mg>Al5.下列各组中两种微粒所含电子数不相等的是 A. H 3O + 和OH - B.CO 和N 2C. HNO 2和 NO -2D.CH +3和NH +46.下列有关元素的性质及其递变规律正确的是A.ⅠA 族与ⅦA 族元素间可形成共价化合物或离子化合物B.第二周期元素从左到右,最高正价从+1递增到+7C.同主族元素的简单阴离子还原性越强,最高价氧化物对应酸性越强D.同周期金属元素的化合价越高,其原子失电子能力越强 7.根据原子结构及元素周期律的知识,下列推断正确的是 A .同主族元素含氧酸的酸性随核电荷数的增加而减弱 B .核外电子排布相同的微粒化学性质也相同 C .Cl ‾、S 2‾、Ca 2+、K +半径逐渐减小D .3517Cl 与3717Cl 得电子能力相同8.X 、Y 、Z 均为短周期元素,X 、Y 处于同一周期,X 、Z 的最低价离子分别为X 2- 和Z -,Y +和Z -具有相同的电子层结构.下列说法正确的是 A .原子最外层电子数:X >Y >Z B .单质沸点:X >Y >Z C .离子半径:X 2->Y +>Z - D .原子序数:X >Y >Z9.如表所示的五种元素中,W 、X 、Y 、Z 为短周期元素,这四种元素的原子最外层电子数之和为22。
必修三算法框图基础训练1:如左图是某算法的程序框图, 当输入x 的值为5时,则其输出的 结果是 (A )1- (B )14(C )1 (D )22:如上右图所示的程序框图中,当13a =时, 输出的7b =,则2a 的值是 (A )3 (B )4 (C )7 (D )11 3:如下左图所示的程序框图中,输出的a 的值是 (A )2 (B )1 C )1-(D )4.如上右图所示的程序框图中,当x=1(A )-1 (B )1 (C )5:如右图,程序框图的输出结果是(A )1 (B )2 (C )2006 (D6. 如右图所示,程序框图所进行的求和运算是( )A.1+12+13+…+110B.1+13+15+…+119C.12+14+16+…+120D.12+122+123+…+12107已知某算法的流程图如图所示,若将输出的数组 (x,y)依次记为(x1,y1),(x2,y2),…,(x n,y n).则程序结束时,最后一次输出的数组(x,y)是( )A.(1 004,-2 006) B.(1 005,-2 008) C.(1 006,-2 010) D.(1 007,-2 012)第6题图第7题图第8题图8. 如图所示的程序框图,如果输入三个实数a,b,c,要求输出这三个数中最大的数,那么在空白的判断框中,应该填入下面四个选项中的( )A.c>x B.x>c C.c>b D.b>c9.阅读如右图的程序框图,则输出的S=( ) A.14 B.20 C.30 D.55 10.执行如图所示的程序框图,若输出的b的值为16,则图中判断框内①处应填( ) A.3 B.4 C.5 D.211.程序框图(即算法流程图)如图所示,其输出结果是________.第10题图第11题图第9题图必修三统计练习题一、选择题1.某校高中生共有900人,其中高一年级300人,高二年级200人,高三年级400人,现分层抽取容量为45的样本,那么高一、高二、高三年级抽取的人数分别为( )A.15,10,20 B.10,5,30C.15,15,15 D.15,5,252.某单位共有老、中、青职工430人,其中有青年职工160人,中年职工人数是老年职工人数的2倍.为了解职工身体状况,现采用分层抽样方法进行调查,在抽取的样本中有青年职工32人,则该样本中的老年职工抽取人数为( )A.9 B.18 C.27 D.363.为了了解某学校学生的身体发育情况,抽查了该校100名高中男生的体重情况,根据所得数据画出样本的频率分布直方图(如图),根据此图,估计该校2 000名高中男生中体重大于70.5公斤的人数为( )A.300 B.360 C.420 D.4504.某工厂对一批产品进行了抽样检测,如右图是根据抽样检测后的产品净重(单位:克)数据绘制的频率分布直方图,其中产品净重的范围是[96,106],样本数据分组为[96,98),[98,100),[100,102),[102,104),[104,106].已知样本中产品净重小于100克的个数是36则样本中净重大于或等于98克并且小于104克的产品的个数是( ) A.90 B.75 C.60 D.455.关于统计数据的分析,有以下几个结论:①一组数不可能有两个众数;②将一组数据中的每个数据都减去同一个数后,方差没有变化;③调查剧院中观众观看感受时,从50排(每排人数相同)中任意抽取一排的人进行调查,属于分层抽样;④一组数据的方差一定是正数;⑤如右图是随机抽取的200辆汽车通过某一段公路时的时速分布直方图,根据这个直方图,可以得到时速在[50,60)的汽车大约是60辆.则这5种说法中错误的个数是( )A.2 B.3 C.4 D.56. 已知回归直线斜率的估计值为1.23,样本点的(x ,y )为(4,5),则回归直线的方程为( ) A.y ^=1.23x +4B.y ^=1.23x +5 C.y ^=1.23x +0.08D.y ^=0.08x +1.23二、填空题7. 一个单位共有职工200人,其中不超过45岁的有120人,超过45岁的有80人.为了调查职工的健康状况,用分层抽样的方法从全体职工中抽取一个容量为25的样本,应抽取超过45岁的职工________8.某个容量为100的样本的频率分布直方图如下,则在区间[4,5)上的数据的频数为________.9.某校甲、乙两个班级各有5名编号为1,2,3,4,5的学生进行投篮练习,每人投10次,投中的次数如下表: 则以上两组数据的方差中较小的一个为s 2=________. 10.某路段检查站监控录像显示,在某时段内,有1 000辆汽车通过该站,现在随机抽取其中的200辆汽车进行车速分析,分析的结果表示为如图所示的频率分布直方图,则估计在这一时段内通过该站的汽车中车速不小于90 km/h 的约有________辆.(注:分析时车速均取整数) 三、解答题11.某单位有工程师6人,技术员12人,技工18人,要从这些人中抽取一个容量为n 的样本.如果采用系统抽样法和分层抽样法抽取,不用剔除个体;如果样本容量增加一个,则在采用系统抽样时,需要在总体中先剔除1个个体,求样本容量n . 12.在育民中学举行的电脑知识竞赛中,将九年级两个班参赛的学生成绩(得分均为整数)进行整理后分成五组,绘制如图所示的频率分布直方图.已知图中从左到右的第一、第三、第四、第五小组的频率分别是0.30,0.15,0.10,0.05,第二小组的频数是40.(1)求第二小组的频率,并补全这个频率分布直方图; (2)求这两个班参赛的学生人数是多少?(3)这两个班参赛学生的成绩的中位数应落在第几小组内? (不必说明理由)必修三概率练习一、选择题1.从1,2,…,9中任取2个数,其中①恰有1个是偶数和恰有1个是奇数; ②至少有1个是奇数和两个都是奇数;③至少有1个是奇数和两个都是偶数; ④至少有1个是奇数和至少有1个是偶数.上述事件中,是对立事件的是( ) A .① B .②④ C .③ D .①③2.在第3、6、16路公共汽车的一个停靠站(假定这个车站只能停靠一辆公共汽车),有一位乘客需在5分钟之内乘上公共汽车赶到厂里,他可乘3路或6路公共汽车到厂里,已知3路车、6路车在5分钟之内到此车站的概率分别为0.20和0.60,则该乘客在5分钟内能乘上所需要的车的概率为( )A .0.20 B .0.60 C .0.80 D .0.12 3. 一对年轻夫妇和其两岁的孩子做游戏,让孩子把分别写有“One”,“World”,“One”,“Dream”的四张卡片随机排成一行,若卡片按从左到右的顺序排成“One World One Dream”,则孩子会得到父母的奖励,那么孩子受到奖励的概率为( ) A.112 B.512 C.712 D.564. 一个袋子中有5个大小相同的球,其中有3个黑球与2个红球,如果从中任取两个球,则恰好取到两个同色球的概率是( ) A.15B.310C.25D.125. 设M 是半径为R 的圆周上一个定点,在圆周上等可能地任取一点N ,连结MN ,则弦MN的长超过2R 的概率为( ) A.15 B.14 C.13 D.126. 设集合A ={1,2},B ={1,2,3},分别从集合A 和B 中随机取一个数a 和b ,确定平面上的一个点P (a ,b ),记“点P (a ,b )落在直线x +y =n 上”为事件C n (2≤n ≤5,n ∈N),若事件C n 的概率最大,则n 的所有可能值为( )A .3B .4C .2和5D .3和47.从{a ,b ,c ,d ,e }的所有子集中任取一个集合,这个集合恰是集合{a ,b ,c }的子集的概率是( ).A .53 B .52 C .41 D .818.如图,某人向圆内投镖. 如果他每次都投入圆内,那么他投中正方形区域的概率为( ).A .π2B .π1C .32D .31二、填空题9.已知某台纺纱机在1小时内发生0次、1次、2次断头的概率分别是0.8,0.12,0.05,则这台纺纱机在1小时内断头不超过两次的概率和断头超过两次的概率分别为________和________.10.现有5根竹竿,它们的长度(单位:m)分别为2.5,2.6,2.7,2.8,2.9,若从中一次随机抽取2根竹竿,则它们的长度恰好相差0.3 m的概率为________.11. 某人随机地在如右图所示正三角形及其外接圆区域内部投针(不包括三角形边界及圆的边界),则针扎到阴影区域(不包括边界)的概率为________.12.某班委会由 4 名男生与 3 名女生组成,现从中选出 2 人担任正、副班长,其中至少有1名女生当选的概率是_________.三、解答题13.射手在一次射击训练中,射中10环、9环、8环、7环的概率分别为0.21、0.23、0.25、0.28,计算这个射手在一次射击中:(1)射中10环或7环的概率;(2)不够7环的概率.14.袋中有12个小球,分别为红球、黑球、黄球、绿球,从中任取一球,得到红球的概率为14,得到黑球或黄球的概率是512,得到黄球或绿球的概率是12,试求得到黑球、黄球、绿球的概率各是多少?15.已知关于x的二次函数f(x)=ax2-4bx+1.设集合P={-1,1,2,3,4,5}和Q={-2,-1,1,2,3,4},分别从集合P和Q中随机取一个数作为a和b,求函数y=f(x)在区间[1,+∞)上是增函数的概率;16.在矩形ABCD中,边AB=5,对角线AC=7. 现在这个矩形ABCD 内随机取一点P,求∠APB>90°的概率.必修四(一)知识点第一部分:平面向量4、平行向量基本定理___________________________________________________________5、平面向量基本定理:如果1e 和2e 是一平面内的两个不平行的向量,那么____________________________________________________________________________.6、向量a 的单位向量0a 的定义__________________;a 与0a 的关系式为________________.7、向量a 与b 的数量积定义式:__________________________;a 在b 方向上的正射影的数量为:_________________________ ; ⇔⊥b a _________________8、向量数量积的运算律表达式:(1)_________(2)_____________(3)____________________. 9、=+2)(b a _________________________;=-⋅+)()(b a b a ________________________ 10、设数轴上点A 与点B 的坐标分别为21x x 、,则向量AB 的坐标AB=________________; AB =____________________11、在平面直角坐标系中,设点),(),(2211y x B y x A 、,则=AB _____________________;线段AB 中点M 的坐标_____________________;=AB ________________________ 12、设),(21a a a =,),(21b b b =(1)=+b a _______________;=-b a _______________;=a λ_________________ (2)=⋅b a ___________________; =__________ ;>=<b a ,cos ________________O AC在图中分别标出OB OA +和OB OA -12.设M 为线段AB 的中点,则OM 与OB 、OA 的关系式为_______________________ 3.若A 、B 、P 三点共线,且AB t AP =,则OP 关于基底{}OB OA ,的分解式为_____________________________.(3)⇔=b a ______________;⇔⊥b a _______________;⇔b a //_______________ 第二部分:三角函数与三角恒等变换2、半径为r ,圆心角为α的扇形,则弧长l =_____________;面积S=__________________.3、在角α终边上任取一点P (x,y ),==OP r ___________, 角α的三角函数定义:αsin =___、αcos =___、αtan =___、=αsec ___、=αcsc ___、=αcot ___4、同角三角函数的基本关系式:_________________________、______________________.5、诱导公式:(1)=+)2cos(παk _____、=+)2sin(παk _____、=+)2tan(παk ______ (2)=-)cos(α_________、=-)sin(α_________、=-)tan(α__________ (3)=+)cos(απ_________、=+)sin(απ_________、=+)tan(απ__________ (4)=-)cos(απ_________、=-)sin(απ_________、=-)tan(απ__________ (5)=-)2cos(απ_________、=-)2sin(απ_________、=-)2tan(απ__________ (6)=+)2cos(απ_________、=+)2sin(απ_________、=+)2tan(απ__________6、在坐标系中画出正弦函数x y sin =两个半周期内的图像(标明五点)(1)定义域___________、值域___________(2)奇偶性____________、周期__________(3)单调增区间___________________________、单调减区间___________________________x(4)最大值 ,此时x= ;最小值 ,此时x= ; (5)对称轴 ;对称中心 7、在坐标系中画出余弦函数x y cos =两个半周期内的图像(标明五点)(1)定义域___________、值域___________(2)奇偶性____________、周期__________(3)单调增区间___________________________、单调减区间___________________________(4)最大值 ,此时x= ;最小值 ,此时x= ; (5)对称轴 ;对称中心 8、正切函数三个周期内的图像(____________、周期__________ (3)单调增区间_________________(4)对称中心9、正弦型函数)sin(ϕω+=x A y 与)cos(ϕω+=x A y )0,0(>>ωA 周期T=________;)tan(ϕω+=x A y )0,0(>>ωA 周期T=_______10、在箭头上填写图象变换的内容:变换一:x y sin = )3sin(π+=x y )32sin(π+=x y)32s i n (21π+=x y5)32s i n (21++=πx y变换二:x y sin = x y 2sin = )32sin(π+=x y)32s i n (21π+=x y 3)32s i n (21-+=πx y11、和角公式:=+)cos(βα___________________;=+βαβαsin sin cos cos _______________x=+)sin(βα____________________;=-βαβαsin cos cos sin __________________ =+)tan(βα_____________________;=-)tan(βα___________________________两角和的正切公式的变形公式:=+βαtan tan 12、将x b x a y cos sin +=化为一个正弦型函数:_______________________________ 13、倍角公式:=α2sin _____________________、=α2tan _________________________、=α2cos _____________________=____________________=_________________________ 降幂公式:=α2sin =α2cos 14.经典题目(1)已知函数sin()y A x ωϕ=+在一个周期内,当12π=x 时,取得最大值2;当127π=x 时,取得最小值-2,求这个函数的解析式。
高一数学期末复习题(三)一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分)1.设集合M={x|-1≤x<2},N={x|x-k ≤0},若M ∩N ≠∅,则k 的取值范围是( ) A.k ≤2 B.k ≥-1 C.k>-1 D.-1≤k ≤2 解析:由图形可知k ≥-1.答案:B2.设f 是从集合A 到集合B 的映射,下列四个说法,其中正确的是( )①集合A 中的每一个元素在集合B 中都有元素与之对应 ②集合B 中的每一个元素在集合A 中也都有元素与之对应 ③集合A 中不同的元素在集合B 中的对应元素也不同 ④集合B 中不同的元素在集合A 中的对应元素也不同A.①和②B.②和③C.③和④D.①和④思路解析:根据映射的定义,从集合A 到集合B 的映射f ,只要求集合A 的每一个元素在集合B 中都有“唯一”“确定”的元素与之对应即可.即集合A 中不同的元素在集合B 中的对应元素可以相同,也没有要求集合B 中的元素在集合A 中都要有对应元素.解:①符合映射的定义,∴正确;映射的定义不要求集合B 中的元素在集合A 中都要有对应元素,∴②不正确;集合A 中不同的元素在集合B 中的对应元素可以相同,∴③不正确;④正确.∵如果集合B 中不同的元素在集合A 中的对应元素相同,那么就违背了映射定义的“唯一”性原则.综上,①和④正确,因此,选D. 答案:D3.函数y=(21)x -(21)-x是( ) A.奇函数,在(0,+∞)上是减函数 B.偶函数,在(0,+∞)上是减函数C.奇函数,在(0,+∞)上是增函数D.偶函数,在(0,+∞)上是增函数解析:利用奇偶性定义可知为奇函数,再取特殊点验证知在(0,+∞)上单调递减. 答案:A4.若函数f(x)=3sin(2x+5θ)的图象关于y 轴对称,则( )A.1052πθθ+=k ,k ∈Z B.552ππθ+=k ,k ∈Z C.552πθθ+=k ,k ∈Z D.55ππθ+=k ,k ∈Z 思路分析:∵函数f(x)=3sin(2x+5θ)的图象关于y 轴对称,∴当x=0时,有5θ=kπ+2π,k ∈Z ,∴θ=105ππ+k ,k ∈Z .故B 正确. 答案:B5.下列各等式中,正确的是( )A.44a =|a|B.3622)2(-=-C.a 0=1 D.21105)12()12(-=-思路解析:要想判断等式是否正确,首先要使等式两边都有意义,然后计算两边的值,如果相等则正确,如果不相等,则不正确,在计算时要充分应用幂的运算法则.解:44a =|a|,由于不知道a 的符号,因此A 不正确;∵62)2(->0,32-<0,∴62)2(-≠32-.因此B 不正确;如果 a=0,则a 0没有意义,因此C 也不正确;∵2>1,∴105)12(-=21105)12()12(-=-.∴D 正确.因此,选D. 答案:D6.已知0<α<2π<β<π,又sinα=53,cos(α+β)=54-,则sinβ等于( )A.0B.0或2524C.2524D.±2524思路分析:∵0<α<2π<β<π,∴2π<α+β<23π.∵sinα=53.∴cosα=54.由cos(α+β)=-54<0,得sin(α+β)=±53.∴sinβ=sin [(α+β)-α]=sin(α+β)·cosα-cos(α+β)·sinα053)54(5453=∙--∙±=或2524. 又∵2π<β<π,∴sinβ=2524.答案:C7.函数y=122+x x的值域是( )A.{x|0<x<1}B.{x|0<x ≤1}C.{x|x>0}D.{x|x ≥0} 思路解析:求值域要在定义域中求,本题中函数的定义域为R ,∴要求值域就要对函数解析式进行变形,由于分子和分母的“次数”相同,因此想到部分分式法.或者根据指数函数y= 2x 的值域为正,即2x >0来求解. 解法一:因此y=122+x x=1-121+x. 又∵2x +1>1,∴0<121+x <1,∴0<y <1. 因此,选A. 解法二:由2x =yy-1>0, 得0<y <1.因此,选A. 答案:A8.对于函数f(x)=2sin(2x+3π),给出下列结论: ①图象关于原点成中心对称;②图象关于直线x=12π成轴对称;③图象可由函数y=2sin2x 的图象向左平移3π个单位得到;④图象向左平移12π个单位,即得到函数y=2cos2x 的图象.其中正确结论的个数为( )A.0B.1C.2D.3解析:∵f(x)是非奇非偶函数,∴①错误. ∵f(x)是由y=2sin2x 向左平移6π得到的, ∴③错误. 把x=12π代入f(x)中使函数取到最值, ∴②正确.f(x)=2sin(2x+3π)−−−−→−个单位左移12πf(x)=2sin [2(x+12π)+3π]=2cos2x, ∴④正确.答案:C9.偶函数y=f(x)(x ∈R)在x<0时是增函数,若x 1<0,x 2>0且|x 1|<|x 2|,下列结论中正确的是( ) A.f(-x 1)<f(-x 2) B.f(-x 1)>f(-x 2)C.f(-x 1)=f(-x 2)D.f(-x 1)和f(-x 2)的大小关系不能确定 解析:由条件知-x 2<x 1,∴f(-x 2)<f(x 1),又f(x)是偶函数, ∴f(-x 1)=f(x 1),∴f(-x 2)<f(-x 1). 答案:B10.设函数f(x)=sin3x+|sin3x|,则f(x)为( )A.周期函数,最小正周期为3πB.周期函数,最小正周期为32πC.周期函数,最小正周期为2πD.非周期函数 解析:f(x)=sin3x+|sin3x|=⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧+<<++≤≤.3232332,0,33232,3sin 2πππππππk x k k x k x∴B 正确. 答案:B11.某种电热水器的水箱盛满水是200升,加热到一定温度,即可用来洗浴.洗浴时,已知每分钟放水34升,在放水的同时按4升/分钟2的匀加速度自动注水.当水箱内的水量达到最小值时,放水程序自动停止,现假定每人洗浴用水量为65升,则该热水器一次至多可供( ) A. 3人洗浴 B. 4人洗浴 C. 5人洗浴 D. 6人洗浴思路解析:设经过时间t 时水箱中的水量为y,可知y=2t 2-34t+200,当t=434=217时,y 取得最小值,此时放水为172,易求出至多可供四人洗浴.12.已知函数f(x)=asin(x-φ)(a≠0,x ∈R )在x=4π处取得最小值,则函数y=f(43π-x)是( )A.偶函数且它的图象关于点(π,0)对称B.偶函数且它的图象关于点(23π,0)对称C.奇函数且它的图象关于点(23π,0)对称 D.奇函数且它的图象关于点(π,0)对称思路解析:f(x)=asin(x-φ)的周期为2π,函数在x=4π处取得最小值,不妨设f(x)=sin(x-43π),则函数y=f(43π-x)=sin(43π-x-43π)=sinx , 所以y=f(43π-x)是奇函数且它的图象关于点(π,0)对称.答案:D二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分.答案需填在题中横线上)13.如果函数y=x 2+2x+m+3至多有一个零点,则m 的取值范围是_________________. 解析:Δ=4-4(m+3)≤0,解得m ≥-2. 答案:[-2,+∞) .14.在△ABC 中,若sinB·sinC=2cos 2A,则此三角形为_______.思路分析:∵A+B+C=π,∴A=π-(B+C).又∵sinB·sinC=cos 22A ,∴21[cos(B-C)-cos(B+C)]=21 (1+cosA),即cos(B-C)-cos(B+C)=1+cosA.又∵cos(B+C)=-cosA ,∴cos(B-C)=1. 又∵-π<B-C <π,∴B-C=0,即B=C. ∴△ABC 是等腰三角形. 答案:等腰三角形 .15.①已知函数y=21log (x 2-2x+a)定义域为R ,则a 的取值范围是_____________,②已知函数y=21log (x 2-2x+a)值域为R ,则a 的取值范围是________________.思路解析:两题乍一看似乎一样,但若仔细分析,其设问角度不同,解题方法也有区别.①对x ∈R ,x 2-2x+a >0恒成立,②由于当t ∈(0,+∞)时,21log t ∈R 故要求x 2-2x+a 取遍每一个正实数,换言之,若x 2-2x+a 的取值范围为D,则(0,+∞)∈D.①x 2-2x+a=(x-1)2+a-1≥a-1,故只要a-1>0则x ∈R 时,x 2-2x+a >0恒成立.因此,填a >1;②x 2-2x+a=(x-1)2+a-1≥a-1,故x 2-2x+a 的取值范围为[a-1, +∞],要求(0,+∞) ⊆[a-1, +∞)只要a-1≤0.因此,填a ≤1.答案:a >1 a ≤116.函数y=1gsinx+216x -的定义域是________________.思路解析:要使函数有意义,x 应满足下列不等式组⎩⎨⎧≥->.016.0sin 2x x 解得⎩⎨⎧≤≤-∈+<<.44),(22x Z k k x k πππ当k=0时,不等式组的解为0<x <π; 当k=-1时,不等式组的解为-4≤x <-π; 当k 取其他整数时,无解.所以定义域为{x|-4≤x <-π或0<x <π}. 答案:{x|-4≤x <-π或0<x <π}三、解答题(本大题共5小题,共56分.解答应写出必要的文字说明、解题步骤或证明过程)17.已知集合A={x|(x-2)[x-(3a+1)]<0},B={x|)1(22+--a x ax <0}. (1)当a=2时,求A ∩B;(2)求使B ⊆A 的实数a 的取值范围.解:(1)当a=2时,A=(2,7),B=(4,5),∴A ∩B=(4,5).(2)∵B=(2a,a 2+1) 当a<13时,A=(3a+1,2) , 要使B ⊆A ,必须⎩⎨⎧≤++≥212132a a a ,此时a=-1;当a=31时,A =∅,使B ⊆A 的a 不存在; 当a>31时,A =(2,3a +1),要使B ⊆A ,必须⎩⎨⎧+≤+≥131222a a a ,此时1≤a ≤3.综上,可知使B ⊆A 的实数a 的取值范围为[1,3]∪{-1}.18.(1).求函数y=sinx·cosx+sinx+cosx 的最大值.思路分析:sinx+cosx 与sinxcosx 有相互转化的关系,若将sinx+cosx 看成整体,设为新的元,函数式可转化为新元的函数式,注意新元的取值范围.解:设sinx+cosx=t ,t ∈[2,2-],则(sinx+cosx)2=t 2,即1+2sinxcosx=t 2,sinxcosx=212-t .1)1(2121)2(2121222-+=-+=-+=t t t t t y ,当t=2时,y max =212+(2).已知tanα-4sinβ=3,3tanα+4sinβ=1,且α是第三象限角,β是第四象限角,求α、β.思路分析:由已知利用方程组求出tanα和sinβ,再依据α和β所在的象限,确定其具体值,注意要写出所有的角.解:由⎩⎨⎧=+=-,1sin 4tan 3,3sin 4tan βαβα得⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-==.21sin ,1tan βα由tanα=1,α是第三象限角,∴α=2kπ+45π,k ∈Z . 由sinβ=21-且β是第四象限角,∴β=2kπ-6π,k ∈Z .19.已知函数2221()(xx a f x a+=-为常数). (1)证明:函数f(x)在()-∞,+∞上是减函数; (2)若f(x)为奇函数,求a 的值.解:(1)在()-∞,+∞上任取两个值12x x ,且12x x <,12122212222121()()()()xxx x a a f x f x ++-=--- 2121211222222121(21)(21)x x x xx x x x -++++=-=, ∵2>1且12x x <,∴21220x x->.又12(21)(21)0x x++>,∴12()()0f x f x ->,即12()()f x f x >. ∴函数f(x)在()-∞,+∞上是减函数. (2)∵f(x)为奇函数且在x=0处有意义,∴f(0)=0,即0022210a +-=.∴a=1.20.已知某海滨浴场的海浪高度y(m)是时间t(0≤t≤24,单位:h)的函数,记作y=f(t).下表是某日各时的浪高数据: t(h) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 y(m) 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.99 1.5 经长期观测,y=f(t)的曲线可近似地看成是函数y=Acosωt+b 的图象.(1)根据以上数据,求出函数y=Aco sωt+b 的最小正周期T 、振幅A 及函数表达式;(2)依据规定,当海浪高度高于1 m 时才对冲浪爱好者开放,请依据(1)的结论,判断一天内的上午8:00至晚上20:00之间,有多少时间可供冲浪爱好者进行运动? 解析:由表中数据,知周期T=12.∴ω=1222ππ=T =6π.① 由t=0,y=1.5,得A+b=1.5.② 由t=3,y=1.0,得b=1.0.由①②得A=0.5,b=1.0,∴振幅为21. ∴y=21cos 6πt+1. (2)由题知,当y >1时才可对冲浪者开放.∴21cos 6πt+1>1,∴cos 6πt >0. ∴2kπ-2π<6πt <2kπ+2π,即12k-3<t <12k+3.③故可令③中k 分别为0,1,2,得0≤t <3或9<t <15或21<t≤24.∴在规定的时间上午8:00至晚上20:00之间,有6个小时时间可供冲浪者运动,即上午9:00至下午15:00. 21.已知函数f(x)=log 11(xa x +-其中a>0且1)a ≠.(1)求函数f(x)的定义域;(2)判断函数f(x)的奇偶性并给出证明;(3)若12[0]x ∈,时,函数f(x)的值域是[0,1],求实数a 的值.解:(1)由条件知110x x +->,解得-1<x<1.∴函数f(x)的定义域为(-1,1). (2)函数f(x)为奇函数.证明:由(1)知函数f(x)的定义域关于原点对称.f(-x)=log 11x a x -+=-log 11()xa x f x +-=-.因此f(x)是奇函数.(3)f(x)=log 11x a x +-=log 121x a x -+- =log 1211()x a x x ---+=log 21(1)a x ---,记21()1x g x -=--,则21()1x g x -=--在12[0],上单调递增,因此当a>1时,f(x)在12[0],上单调递增, 由12()1f =,得a=3;当0<a<1时,f(x)在12[0],上单调递减, 由f(0)=1得出矛盾a ,∈;综上可知a=3。
高一级化学期末练习3班级 姓名 座号 成绩 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分100分。
可能用到的相对原子质量:H -1 D -2 C -12 N -14 O -16 F -19 S -32 Cl -35.5 Na -23 Ca -40第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共46分)一、单项选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题3分,共30分。
每小题只有一个正确......答案) 1.下列说法错误..的是( ) A .浓硝酸应保存在棕色试剂瓶中 B .工业上利用合成氨实现人工固氮 C .带磨口玻璃塞的试剂瓶保存烧碱溶液 D .常温下用钢瓶贮存浓硫酸2.13C —NMR (核磁共振)、15N —NMR 可用于测定蛋白质、核酸等生物大分子的空间结构,下面关于13C 、15N 叙述正确的是 ( ) A .13C 与15N 有相同的中子数 B .13C 与C 60互为同素异形体 C .15N 与14N 互为同位素 D .15N 的核外电子数与中子数相同 3.下列离子组能大量共存的是( )A .Na + Ag + OH -Cl -B .Na + Mg 2+ SO 42-NO 3-C .K + NH 4+ CO 32-OH -D .H + Fe 2+ ClO -NO 3-4.下列叙述正确的是 ( )A .离子化合物中一定含有离子键B .含有共价键的化合物一定是共价化合物C .常温常压下,18 gD 2O 含有6.02×1024个电子 D .标准状况下,11.2L 四氯化碳所含3.01×1023个分子 5.右图装置不可..用于 ( ) A .除去碳酸钠固体中的碳酸氢钠杂质 B .实验室用氯酸钾与二氧化锰制备氧气 C .加热氯化铵与氢氧化钙固体混合物制取氨气D .实验室用二氧化锰与浓盐酸制氯气6.下列各组液体混合物,能用分液漏斗分离的是 ( ) A .醋酸和水B .CCl 4和苯C .乙醇和水 D.汽油和水7.下列叙述中,正确的是 ( )A .硫化氢的电子式为:B .石英、水晶、玛瑙的主要成分都是二氧化硅C .实验室用稀硝酸与锌单质制备氢气D .浓硫酸是一种干燥剂,能够干燥氨气、氢气等气体H +H +2-8.下列各组中的性质比较,正确的是( )①酸性:HClO4>HBrO4>HIO4②碱性:KOH>Ca(OH)2>Mg(OH)2③稳定性:HCl>H2S>PH3④原子半径:Na<Mg<AlA.①②④B.②③④C.①②③D.全部都正确9. 把V L含有MgSO4和K2SO4的混合溶液分成两等份,一份加入含a mol NaOH的溶液,恰好使镁离子完全沉淀为氢氧化镁;另一份加入含b mol BaCl2的溶液,恰好使硫酸根离子完全沉淀为硫酸钡.则原混合溶液中钾离子的浓度为A.2b aV-mol·L-1 B.b aV-mol·L-1 C.2(2)b aV-mol·L-1 D.2()b aV-mol·L-110. 在甲乙两烧杯溶液中,分别含有大量的Cu2+、K+、H+、Cl-、CO32-、OH-六种离子中的三种,已知乙烧杯中的溶液呈无色,则乙烧杯的溶液中大量存在的离子是A.Cu2+、H+、Cl- B.Cl-、CO32-、OH-C.K+、OH-、CO32- D.K+、H+、Cl-二、双选题(本题包括4小题,每小题4分,共16分。
高一数学《必修二》期末综合复习题(三)1.若复数z 满足(3-4i)z =|4+3i|,则z 的虚部为( )A .-4B .-45C .4D .45答案 D2.在一组样本数据的频率分布直方图中,共有5个小长方形,若中间一个小长方形的面积等于其他4个小长方形的面积和的25,且样本容量为280,则中间一组的频数为( ) A .56 B .80 C .112 D .120 答案 B3.(多选)直线m ,n 均不在平面α,β内,下列命题正确的有( )A .若m ∥n ,n ∥α,则m ∥α;B .若m ∥β,α∥β,则m ∥α;C .若m ⊥n ,n ⊥α,则m ∥α;D .若m ⊥β,α⊥β,则m ∥α. 答案 ABCD4.已知O 是平面上的一定点,A ,B ,C 是平面上不共线的三个动点,若动点P 满足OP →=OA →+λ(AB →+AC →),λ∈(0,+∞),则点P 的轨迹一定通过△ABC 的( ) A .内心 B .外心 C .重心 D .垂心 答案 C5.已知三棱锥D -ABC 中,AB =BC =1,AD =2,BD =5,AC =2,BC ⊥AD ,则该三棱锥的外接球的表面积为( )A .6πB .6πC .5πD .8π 答案 B6.△ABC 中,a =4,b =5,c =6,则sin 2Asin C=____.答案 17.如图,三棱锥ABCD 中,AB =AC =BD =CD =3,AD =BC =2,点M ,N 分别是AD ,BC 的中点,则异面直线AN ,CM 所成的角的余弦值是________.答案 788.已知:向量OA →=(3,-4),OB →=(6,-3),OC →= (5-m ,-3-m ),若∠ABC 为锐角,则实数m 的取值范围是________.答案 (-34,12)∪(12,+∞)9.设锐角△ABC 的三内角A ,B ,C 所对边分别为a ,b ,c ,且a =1,B =2A ,则b 的取值范围为______. 答案 (2,3)10.如图,三棱锥P -ABC 中,P A ⊥平面ABC ,P A =1,AB =1,AC =2,∠BAC =60°,M 是线段PC 上动点,若AC ⊥BM ,则PMMC=______.答案 1311.在△ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,向量m =(2sin B ,-3),n =(cos2B ,2cos 2B2-1),且m ∥n .(1)求锐角B 的大小;(2)如果b =2,求S △ABC 的最大值.解: (1)∵m ∥n ,∴2sin B (2cos 2B2-1)=-3cos2B ,∴sin2B =-3cos2B ,即tan2B =- 3.又∵B 为锐角,∴2B ∈(0,π),∴2B =2π3,∴B =π3.(2)∵B =π3,b =2,由余弦定理cos B =a 2+c 2-b 22ac ,得a 2+c 2-ac -4=0.又a 2+c 2≥2ac ,代入上式,得ac ≤4, 当且仅当a =c =2时等号成立. 故S △ABC =12ac sin B =34ac ≤3,当且仅当a =c =2时等号成立,即S △ABC 的最大值为 3.12.如图,AB 为圆O 的直径,点E ,F 在圆O 上,且AB ∥EF ,矩形ABCD 所在的平面和圆O 所在的平面互相垂直,且AD =EF =AF =1,AB =2. (1)求证:平面AFC ⊥平面CBF ;(2)在线段CF 上是否存在一点M ,使得OM ∥平面DAF ?并说明理由.解:(1)证明:∵平面ABCD ⊥平面ABEF , CB ⊥AB ,平面ABCD ∩平面ABEF =AB , ∴CB ⊥平面ABEF , ∵AF ⊂平面ABEF , ∴AF ⊥CB ,又∵AB 为圆O 的直径,∴AF ⊥BF , ∵CB ∩BF =B ,∴AF ⊥平面CBF .∵AF ⊂平面AFC ,∴平面AFC ⊥平面CBF .(2)取CF 中点记作M ,设DF 的中点为N ,连接AN ,MN ,则MN 綊12CD ,又AO 綊12CD ,则MN 綊AO ,∴MNAO 为平行四边形,∴OM ∥AN ,又AN ⊂平面DAF ,OM ⊄平面DAF , ∴OM ∥平面DAF .即存在一点M 为CF 的中点,使得OM ∥平面DAF .13.在△ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别是a ,b ,c ,已知A =π4,b 2-a 2=12c 2.(1)求tan C 的值;(2)若△ABC 的面积为3,求b 的值.解 (1)由b 2-a 2=12c 2及正弦定理得sin 2B -12=12sin 2C .所以-cos 2B =sin 2C .①又由A =π4,即B +C =34π,得-cos 2B =-cos2⎝⎛⎭⎫34π-C =-cos ⎝⎛⎭⎫32π-2C =sin 2C =2sin C cos C ,② 由①②解得tan C =2.(2)由tan C =2,C ∈(0,π)得sin C =255,cos C =55,因为sin B =sin(A +C )=sin ⎝⎛⎭⎫π4+C ,所以sin B =31010, 由正弦定理得c =223b ,又因为A =π4,12bc sin A =3,所以bc =62,故b =3.14.如图,四边形ABCD 为正方形,PD ⊥平面ABCD ,∠DPC =30°,AF ⊥PC ,FE ∥CD ,交PD 于点E . (1)证明:CF ⊥平面ADF ;(2)求二面角D -AF -E 的余弦值.(1)证明 ∵PD ⊥平面ABCD , AD ⊂平面ABCD ,∴PD ⊥AD . 又CD ⊥AD ,PD ∩CD =D , ∴AD ⊥平面PCD .∴AD ⊥PC . 又AF ⊥PC ,AD ∩AF =A ,∴PC ⊥平面ADF ,即CF ⊥平面ADF . (2)设AB =1,∵CF ⊥平面ADF ,∴CF ⊥DF . ∴在△CFD 中,DF =32, ∵CD ⊥AD ,CD ⊥PD ,AD ∩PD =D , ∴CD ⊥平面ADE .又∵EF ∥CD , ∴EF ⊥平面ADE .∴EF ⊥AE ,∴在△DEF 中,DE =34,EF =34, 在△ADE 中,AE =194,在△ADF 中,AF =72.由V A -DEF =13·S △ADE ·EF =13·S △ADF ·h E -ADF ,解得h E -ADF =38,设△AEF 的边AF 上的高为h ,由S △AEF =12·EF ·AE =12·AF ·h ,解得h =34×13314,设二面角D -AF -E 的平面角为θ.则sin θ=h E -ADF h =38×43×14133=13319,∴cos θ=25719.。
板块三 三角函数【知识要求】(1)定义:一般地,形如x y sin =,x y cos =,x y tan =的函数称为三角函数。
(2)图像(3)三角函数性质:定义域:sin y x =与cos y x =定义域均为R ;tan y x =的定义域为,2x x k k Z ππ⎧⎫≠+∈⎨⎬⎩⎭值域:sin y x =与cos y x =值域均为R ;tan y x =的值域为R 奇偶性:sin y x =与tan y x =是奇函数;cos y x =是非奇非偶函数周期性:sin y x =与cos y x =的最小正周期2T π=;tan y x =的最小正周期为T π= 单调性:sin y x =的单调增区间为[2,2]22k k ππππ-+(k Z ∈)减区间为3[2,2]22k k ππππ++(k Z ∈) cos y x =的单调增区间为[2,2]k k πππ-(k Z ∈) 减区间为[2,2]k k πππ+(k Z ∈) tan y x =的单调增区间为(,)22k k ππππ-+(k Z ∈) 无减区间对称性:sin y x =图像的对称轴为2x k ππ=+(k Z ∈),对称中心为(,0)k π(k Z ∈)cos y x =图像的对称轴为x k π=(k Z ∈),对称中心为(,0)2k ππ+(k Z ∈)tan y x =的图像无对称轴,对称中心为(,0)2kπ(k Z ∈)最值:当22x k ππ=+(k Z ∈)时,sin y x =取得最大值1;当322x k ππ=+(k Z ∈)时,sin y x =取得最小值1-当2x k π=(k Z ∈)时,cos y x =取得最大值1; 当2x k ππ=+(k Z ∈)时,cos y x =取得最小值1-;tan y x =无最值.(4)图像变换: 【经典题型】1、(1)用“五点法”作出函数⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=32sin 2πx y 的图像。
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高一第二学期期末复习(3)第一节:单选21. ---Will you go shopping with me this afternoon?--- It ________.A. is all dependedB. all dependsC. all dependD. is all depending22. Be careful of the handle—it’s not well ________ to the door!A. approachedB. approvedC. attachedD. attended23. Could you tell me ________ yesterday afternoon?A. you were looking forB. that you were looking forC. what were you looking forD. what you were looking for24. The fact is that there is only one correct answer to this question. Either you or I _____wrong.A. amB. isC. areD. have been25. In a word, I don't think what you said ________ at all.A. makes sensesB. has a senseC. makes senseD. takes sense26. --- Do you think it will snow tomorrow?--- ________. We've going to have a football match on the playground.A. Yes, I think itB. I'm afraid soC. I'm afraid of itD. I hope not27. The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point ______ he can walk correctlyand safely.A. whenB. whereC. whichD. whose.28. _____ is known to everyone is that the moon travels round the earth once every month.A. ItB. AsC. ThatD. What29. As soon as he came back from abroad, he _______ his father’s business.A. took inB. took upC. took overD. took on30. The train's late arrival made ________ quite impossible to get to Shanghai before eleven.A. themB. itC. thisD. what31. These days he has made _______ in his studies by working hard.A. many progressB. a lot of progressesC. much progressD. many a progress32. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt ________ a cure for AIDS will be found.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. whether33. The country life he was used to ______ greatly since 1980.A. changeB. has changedC. changingD. have changed34 The shocking news made his heart ________ faster than ever before.A. beatingB. jumpingC. beatD. jump35. --I believe the government has the ability to control the housing price.--I agree, that’s just what I was going to say —_________.A. facts speak louder than wordsB. great minds think alikeC. no pains, no gainsD. bad news travels fast第二节完型填空It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen 36 for almost a month. The crops were dying. Every day, my husband 37 to get water to the fields. But 38 we saw some rain soon, we would lose everything.However, one day I learned the true lesson of 39 and witnessed the only miracle I had 40 seen before. I was cooking in the kitchen when I saw my son, Billy, 41 toward the woods. He was walking 42 with effort, trying to be as still as possible. Minutes after he disappeared into the 43 , he came running back. I went on cooking, 44 that whatever he had been doing was finished. Moments later, 45 , he was once again walking slowly toward the woods. This activity went on for an hour. Finally I couldn’t help 46 him and saw the most amazing 47 .Several large deer stood in front of him. Billy walked right up to them. I 48 screamed(尖叫) for him to get away, because a huge deer was dangerously 49 to him at that time. But the deer didn’t even move as Billy knelt dow n(跪下). I saw a tiny 50 lying on the ground, obviously suffering from 51 , lifting its head to drink the water cupped in Billy’s hands. When the water was 52 , Billy ran back to get more. It then became quite 53 to me what my son was doing.I stood there, watching my 54 boy working so hard to save another life. As my tears began to hit the ground, they were suddenly joined by other drops. I looked up at the sky. It was as if God himself was 55 with pride. The rain that day saved our farm.36. A. water B. rain C. cloud D. storm37. A. decided B. chose C. tried D. offered38. A. before B. if C. until D. unless39. A. sending B. sharing C. forgiving D. begging40. A. ever B. never C. once D. yet41. A. running B. jumping C. walking D. riding42. A. slowly B. quickly C. hurriedly D. dangerously43. A. plants B. flowers C. vegetables D. woods44. A. thinking B. wondering C. worrying D. dreaming45. A. though B. besides C. however D. too46. A. beating B. following C. teaching D. hoping47. A. sign B. field C. world D. scene48. A. almost B. already C. just D. even49. A. weak B. ill C. close D. brave50. A. horse B. crop C. baby D. deer51. A. thirst B. diseases C. heat D. pain52. A. lost B. cleaned C. gone D. dried53. A. comfortable B. clear C. acceptable D. simple54. A. kind B. clever C. naughty D. honest55. A. speaking B. joking C. singing D. weeping第三部分:阅读理解CAmerican parents usually think that their children should not have more pocket money than the children with whom he regularly connects, even if they are wealthier. But neither are children expected to compare with the richer if a large family, heavy responsibility(责任) or other conditions make it necessary to give a child less spending money than customary (惯例) in the neighborhood.Whatever the pocket money is, its entire use is not controlled by the parents, because a child learns to use money correctly only through dealing with it himself. If a seven-year-old child get a quarter as a week pocket money and is made to put it all in his piggy bank to save it up, he gets no idea what the real use for the money is. He gets the shiny coins and they soon disappear. The idea of a bank account (帐号) is too early for so small a child , although he can be made to understand and enjoy saving his coins-not all of them, only a part of what he receives-to buy something he especially wants. By the time he is eight, he is old enough to take part in the opening of his own saving account, parents may take him to the bank, open a saving account for him, and encourage him to put a certain quantity of any checks he receives as gifts into the bank and watch his bank savings grow as entry by entry(存入) is made. He will be saving, earning, and spending suitable quantities all along in order to learn how to manage money and to keep him in a favorable position with his friends. The boy who can't join his fellows in a sweet shop once in a while, because he has to save every cent he gets or earns for some big unknown projects his parents have chosen for him, is a sorry child.63. What do you think a piggy bank is?A. It is a kind of bank run by children.B. It is something in the shape of a pig for saving coins.C. It is a certain place in which pig are raised.D. It is a bank whose building looks like a pig.64. Which of the following statements is true?A. Most of the rich people in American give children much pocket money.B. American children usually have their bank accounts until they are eight .C. American parents seldom care for their children's spending money.D. American children begin to learn how to manage money when very young.65. Suppose an 8-year-old child received 10 dollars as his birthday gift, he may probably___.A. spend the money on the things he wantsB. compare the gift with that of his friendC. have most of it saved in the bankD. put all the money in his piggy bank66. The writer thinks the boy is a sorry one if he saves every cent he gets or earns because________.A. he can not manage his money and is kept in an unfavorable positionB. he can not join the fellows in a sweet shop once in a whileC. he call not learn the use of money through spending it himselfD. he can not have any other choice but save, earn or spend moneyDThe Internet and the World Web (网) are great places to be right now. We use the word "place" because so many of the things you can do online are similar to the things you can do wherever people gather together-in homes , schools , libraries , shopping centers , or at family reunions or town meetings. The Net allows people to learn shop, find important information, and communicate, whether they're local, global or simply virtual (虚的) .The Web is useful. You can find old friends online. You can research and book flights, check the weather, find breaking news, find out information about schools and colleges. Yon can evenplace an order for books, CDs, computers and cars.The Internet is also fun. You can write to old friends or check out their web pages, enjoy web - based soap operas, laugh at online jokes, join in a live Net Event, chat with other Internet surfers(漫游者) , check to see if your name appears anywhere on the Web .Millions of users log on to the Net every day, and it's not just to do research. There's a lot of fun there. That's one reason why it's called web "surfing".Of course, the first step to use the Web for business or for fun is learning how to work a "web browser". If you’re new to computers, it may take a while before you are completely comfortable with your browser. Don't worry. You don't have to be a computer whiz. The basics of a web browser are very much like the basics of modem computers--learning how to point and click the mouse, learning how to scroll up and down a page of text, and learning how to use pull - down menus. Again, be patient. There's no time limit on web surfing. Give yourself a chance to explore (探索) the browser itself while you explore the Web.67. The writer compares the Web to _______.A. places to visit B . places to gather together inC. some easy jobD. things you can do online68. We can learn from the text that the Web is not only _______ but also ________.A. of great use; of great valueB. of great use ;of great enjoymentC. useful; funnyD. of some use; of a little interest69. The underlined word "whiz" probably refers to a person who __________.A. is a computer expertB. is a computer fanC. is lost in computer gamesD. owns a computer company70. To use the Web, all we have to do is to learn how to________ .A. use the computer mouseB. scroll up and down a page of textC. use pull- down menusD. all the above第四部分:根据首字母或中文提示填空(满分10分)81. While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she looked for the tall man but he was n________ to be seen.82. The Chinese language c_________ of many words borrowed from other languages.83. Then Cang Jie had the idea that he could use different shapes to r________ different objects.84. The volcano continued to erupt for the next two days. Many people were b______ alive.85. U____________, he failed in yesterday’s examination.86. English is the ____________(官方的)language of many countries in the world.87. Many of the old customs have been ____________(代替)by the new ones.88. Is it _____________(方便的) for you to have a word with us?89. The shoppers escaped from the store in _________ (惊慌) when the fire broke out.90. Do you have any ___________(有效的) methods for studying English to share with yourclassmates?高一英语参考答案单项选择: 21-25 BCDAC 26-30 DBDCB 31-35 CABCB完形填空: 36-40 BCDBB 41-45 CADAC 46-50 BDACD 51-55 ACBAD阅读理解:C篇63.B Piggy 是pig的形容词。