供应链管理 第三版 Unit1 习题与答案

or in anticipation of customer orders.
Answer: False
Difficulty: Moderate
accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.
Answer: True
Difficulty: Moderate
14. The objective of customer order entry is to maintain a record of product receipt
customer request.
Answer: True
Difficulty: Moderate
3. A supply chain could be more accurately described as a supply network or
supply web.
and accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain
Answer: False
Difficulty: Moderate
13. The objective of customer order entry is to ensure that orders are quickly and
6. Every supply chain must include all 5 stages.

(完整版)供应链管理_第三版_Unit1_习题与答案Chapter 1Understanding the Supply ChainTrue/False1. A supply chain includes only the organizations directly involved in supplyingcomponents needed for manufacturing.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate2. A supply chain could be more accurately described as a supply network orsupply web.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the overall value generated.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy4. Every supply chain must include all 5 stages.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy5. The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain aredivided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successivestages.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate6. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that theprocesses in a supply chainare divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy7. The objective of customer order entry is to maintain a record of product receiptand complete payment.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard8. The replenishment cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard9. The manufacturing cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate10. The procurement cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy11. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operationaldecisions, because it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate12. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategicdecisions relating to supply chain design, because it categorizes processesbased on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate13. Pull processes may also be referred to as reactive processes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy14. Pull processes may also be referred to as speculative processes.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy15. All supply chain activities within a firm belong to one of three macro processes –CRM, ISCM and SRM.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy16. There is a close connection between the design and management of supplychain flows and the success of a supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: EasyEssay/Problems1. Explain the 3 decision phases (categories) that must be made in a successfulsupply chain.Answer: The 3 decision phases that occur within a supply chain are supply chain strategy (or design), supply chain planningand supply chain operation. Decisions relate to the flow of information, product and funds. The difference between categories depends upon the frequency of each decision and the time frame over which it has an impact. During the supply chain strategy phase, a companydetermines what the chain’s configurations will be, how resources will beallocated, and what processes each stage will perform. This will establish thestructure of the supply chain for several years. Supply chain planning deals withdecisions with a time frame from 3 months up to a year. The planning phasemust work within the constraints established in the strategy phase. Planningdecisions include which markets to supply from which locations, subcontractingof manufacturing, inventory policies and timing and size of marketing promotions.The supply chain operation phase operates on a weekly or daily time horizon and deals with decisions concerning individual customer orders.Difficulty: Hard答:决策的3阶段发生在一个供应链的供应链战略(或设计),供应链与供应链运作。

它是供应链的最基本模式产业供应链(extended supply chain)由单元供应链组成,是企业联合其他上下游企业,通过联盟和外包等各种合作方式建立一条经济利益相关、业务关系紧密、优势互补的产业供需关系网链,企业充分利用产业供应链上的资源来适应新的竞争环境,实现合作优化,共同增强竞争力。

供应链(S C)第一章1、供应链:生产及流通过程中,设计将产品或服务提供给最终用户的上游和下游企业所形成的网链结构2、供应链特征:复杂性动态性交叉性面向客户需求3 、供应链类型:1)稳定SC的和动态的SC 2)平衡SC的和倾斜的 SC3)有效性SC和反应性SC4、使用环节法分析供应链流程:1)顾客订购环节(顾客抵达,顾客订单递交,顾客订货接收,顾客订单完成) 2)补充库存环节(零售订货的发起,零售订单的递交,零售订单的完成,零售订货的接收)3)生产环节(订单到达,生产安排,生产和运输,订货5、接收)4)原料获取环节5、推拉法分析供应链流程:依据相对于顾客需求的执行顺序,供应链上的所有流程可以分为两类:推动流程和拉动流程。
6 、供应链管理(SCM):利用计算机网络技术全面规划供应链中的商流、物流、信息流,并进行组织、协调与控制。
7 、SCM内涵:1)信息管理 2)客户管理 3)库存管理 4)关系管理 5)风险管理8、 SCM特点:(一)与传统管理方法相比较的特点: 1)以客户为中心2)跨企业的贸易伙伴之间密切合作、共享利益和共担风险 3)集成化管理4)供应链管理是对物流的一体化管理(二)与物流管理相比较的特点1)供应链管理的互动特性2)供应链管理成为物流的高级形态 3 )供应链管理决策的发展 4)供应链管理的协商机制 5)供应链管理强调组织外部一体化6)供应链管理对共同价值的依赖性7)供应链管理是“外源”整合组织 8)供应链管理是一个动态的响应系统9 、SCM的目标: 1)总成本最低化 2)客户服务最优化 3)总库存成本最小化4)总周期最短化5)物流质量最优化第二章1 、建树价值链的九种价值活动分为哪两类,分别包含哪些内容一)基本活动:内部物流生产作业外部物流市场和销售服务二)辅助活动:采购技术开发人力资源管理企业基础设施2 、价值分析的主要内容:1)识别价值活动 2)确定活动类型每种基本和辅助活动由三种类型:直接活动简介活动质量保证3、核心竞争力形成过程:1)锁定目标。

比如,如果只依据收益来评估销售部门, 只依据成本来评估制造部门,公司的总体利润就难以达到最大化。

Chapter 1Un dersta nding the Supply ChainTrue/False1. A supply cha in in cludes only the orga ni zati ons directly in volved in suppl yingcomp onents n eeded for manu facturi ng.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate2. A supply cha in con sists of all parties in volved, directly or in direct ly, in fulfilli nga customer request.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. A supply cha in could be more accurately described as a supply n etwork orsupply web.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4. The objective of every supply cha in is to maximize the overall value gen erated.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. The objective of every supply cha in is to maximize the value gen erated for themanu facturi ng comp onent of the supply cha in.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate6. Every supply cha in must in clude all 5 stages.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Easy7. The cycle view of a supply cha in holds that the processes in a supply cha in aredivided into a series of activities performed at the in terface betwee n successivestages.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate8. The cycle view of a supply cha in holds that the processes in a supply cha in aredivided into 2 categories depe nding on whether they are in itiated in resp onse to or in an ticipati on of customer orders.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate9. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chainare divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy10. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chainare divided into a series of activities performed at the interface betweensuccessive stages. Answer: False Difficulty: Easy11. The objective of the customer arrival process is to maximize the conversion ofcustomer arrivals to customer orders. Answer: True Difficulty: Moderate12. The objective of the customer arrival process is to ensure that orders are quicklyand accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chainprocesses. Answer: False Difficulty: Moderate13. The objective of customer order entry is to ensure that orders are quickly andaccurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.Answer: True Difficulty: Moderate14. The objective of customer order entry is to maintain a record of product receiptand complete payment. Answer: False Difficulty: Hard15. The replenishment cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface.Answer: True Difficulty: Hard16. The replenishment cycle occurs at the distributor/manufacturer interface.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard17. The replenishment cycle is initiated when a supermarket runs out of stock of aparticular item. Answer: True Difficulty: Hard18. The replenishment cycle is initiated when customers load items intended forpurchase into their carts.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard19. The manufacturing cycle occurs at the distributor/manufacturer interface.Answer: True Difficulty: Moderate20. The manufacturing cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: False Difficulty: Moderate21. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to theorder entry process in the replenishment cycle. Answer: True Difficulty: Hard 22. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to theorder fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard23. The procurement cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy24. The procurement cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy25. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operationaldecisions, because it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member ofthe supply chain. Answer: True Difficulty: Moderate26. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operationaldecisions, because it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiatedin response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate27. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategicdecisions relating to supply chain design, because it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate28. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategicdecisions relating to supply chain design, because it specifies the roles andresponsibilities of each member of the supply chain. Answer: False Difficulty:Moderate29. Pull processes may also be referred to as reactive processes. An swer: TrueDifficulty: Easy30. Pull processes may also be referred to as speculative processes. An swer:FalseDifficulty: Easy31. Push processes may also be referred to as speculative processes. An swer:TrueDifficulty: Easy32. Push processes may also be referred to as reactive processes. An swer:FalseDifficulty: Easy33. All supply cha in activities within a firm bel ong to one of three macroprocesses CRM, ISCM and SRM.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Easy34. There is a close conn ecti on betwee n the desig n and man ageme nt ofsupply cha in flows and the success of a supply cha in.An swer: TrueDifficulty: EasyMultiple Choice1. Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?a. Customersb. Retailersc. Wholesalers/Distributorsd. Manu facturerse. All of the above are stages withi n a typical supply cha in.An swer: eDifficulty: Easy2.Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?a. Customersb. Retailersc. Wholesalers/Distributorsd. Mercha ndiserse. Comp onen t/Raw material suppliersAn swer: dDifficulty: Easy3. Supply chain profitability isa. not correlated to the value generated by the various stages of the supplychain.b.c. the total profit to be shared across all supply chain stages.the difference between the revenue generated from the customer and the overall cost across the supply chain.d. e. the total revenue generated by the distributor stage of the supply chain. b and c onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Difficult4. Successful supply chain management requires which of the following decision phases?a. b.c.d.e. supply chain strategy/design supply chain planning supply chain operation all of the above a and b onlyAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate5. The decision phases in a supply chain includea. b.c.d.e. production scheduling. customer relationship management. supply chain operation.supply chain orientation. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate6. The cycle view of a supply chain holds thata. b. the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories. theprocesses in a supply chain are divided into a series of activitiesperformed at the interface between successive stages.c. all processes in a supply chain are initiated in response to a customerorder.d. all processes in a supply chain are performed in anticipation of customerorders.e. None of the above are true.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate7. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds thata. the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activitiesperformed at the interface between successive stages.b. all processes in a supply chain are initiated in response to a customerorder.c. all response in a supply chain are performed in anticipation of customerorders.d. the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories dependingon whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customerorders.e. None of the above are true.Answer: d Difficulty: Moderate8. Which of the following is not a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?a. Analysis cycleb. Customer order cyclec. Replenishment cycled. Manufacturing cyclee. Procurement cycleAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate9. Which of the following is not a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?a. Customer order cycleb. Replenishment cyclec. Manufacturing cycled. Procurement cyclee. All of the above are part of the supply chain cycle view.Answer: eDifficulty: Moderate10. The customer order cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy11. Which of the following is not a process in the customer order cycle?a. Customer arrivalb. Customer qualificationc. Customer order entryd. Customer order fulfillmente. Customer order receivingAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate12. Customer arrival refers toa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate13. The objective of the customer arrival process is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at thelowest possible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicatedto other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy14. Customer order entry isa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate15. The objective of customer order entry is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at thelowest possible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicatedto other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy16. Customer order fulfillment refers toa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate17. The objective of customer order fulfillment is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at the lowestpossible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicatedto other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy18. Customer order receiving isa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocates product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate19. The replenishment cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy20. The processes involved in the replenishment cycle includea. retail order receiving.b. retail order entry.c. retail order trigger.d. retail order fulfillmente. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate21. The processes included in the replenishment cycle include all of the followingexcepta. retail order receiving.b. retail order entry.c. retail order trigger.d. retail order fulfillmente. none of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate22.The processes included in the replenishment cycle include a. order arrival.b. production scheduling.c. retail trigger.d. manufacturing.e. receiving.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate23.The replenishment cycle is initiated whena. the customer walks into the supermarket.b. the customer calls a mail order telemarketing center.c. customers load items intended for purchase into their carts.d. a supermarket runs out of stock of a particular item.e. a product is received into stock at a store.Answer: dDifficulty: Hard24.The manufacturing cycle occurs at the a. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the above Answer: cDifficulty: Easy25.The processes involved in the manufacturing cycle include a. receiving.b. manufacturing and shipping.c. production scheduling.d. order arrival.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate26.The processes involved in the manufacturing cycle include a. order trigger.b. production scheduling.c. order fulfillment.d. order entry.e. manufacturing order analysis.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate27. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to thea. order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.b. order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.c. order entry process in the replenishment cycle.d. order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard28. The manufacturing and shipping process in the manufacturing cycle is equivalentto thea. order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.b. order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.c. order entry process in the replenishment cycle.d. order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.e. none of the aboveAnswer: b Difficulty: Hard29. The procurement cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: d Difficulty: Easy30. The relationship between the manufacturer and supplier during the procurementcycle is very similar to the relationship betweena. customer and retailer.b. retailer and distributor.c. retailer and manufacturer.d. distributor and manufacturer.e. manufacturer and customer.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate31. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operationaldecisions, becausea. it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in responseto or in anticipation of customer orders.b. it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supplychain.c. processes are identified as either reactive or speculative.d. it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.e. it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard32. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategicdecisions relating to supply chain design, becausea. it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in responseto or in anticipation of customer orders.b. it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supplychain.c. it clearly defines the processes involved and the owners of each process.d. it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.e. it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard33. Which of the following statements about pull processes is accurate?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in anticipation of customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand must be forecast.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy34. Which of the following is not an accurate statement about pull processes?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in response to a customer order.c. At the time of execution, demand is known with certainty.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. All of the above are accurate. Answer: aDifficulty: Easy35. Which of the following statements about push processes is accurate?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in response to customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand is known with certainty.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy36. Which of the following is not an accurate statement about push processes?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in anticipation of customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand must be forecast.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. All of the above are accurate. Answer: dDifficulty: Easy37. Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?a. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)b. Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM)c. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)d. all of the abovee. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy38. Supply chain macro processes include which of the following? a.b.c.d.e.Internal Relationship Management (IRM)Customer Relationship Management (CRM)External Relationship Management (ERM) SupplyChain Relationship Management (SCRM) none ofthe aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: ModerateSupply chain macro processes include which of the following? a. Internal Relationship Management (IRM)b. External Relationship Management (ERM)c. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)d. Supply Chain Relationship Management (SCRM)e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: ModerateActivities involved in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) macro process includea. planning of internal production and storage.b. order fulfillment.c. marketing.d. supply planning.e. demand planning. Answer: cDifficulty: HardActivities involved in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) macro process include all of the following excepta. demand planning.b. marketing.c. sales.d. order management.e. call center management.Answer: a Difficulty: HardActivities involved in the Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) macro process includea. marketing.b. order fulfillment.c. sales.d. order management.e. call center management.Answer: b Difficulty: HardActivities involved in the Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) macro process include all of the following excepta. planning of internal production and storage.b. order fulfillment.c. supply pla nning.d. dema nd pla nning.e. order man ageme nt. An swer: eDifficulty: Hard44.Activities in volved in the Supplier Relati on ship Man ageme nt (SRM)macro process in cludea. pla nning of in ter nal product ion and storage.b. order fulfillme nt.c. supply pla nning.d. supplier evaluati on a ndselect ion.e. order man ageme nt.An swer: dDifficulty: Moderate45. Activities in volved in the Supplier Relati on ship Man ageme nt (SRM)macro process in clude all of the follow ing excepta. n egotiati on of supply terms.b. desig n collaborati on.c. supply pla nning.d. supplier evaluati on and select ion.e. supply collaborati on.An swer: cDifficulty: Hard46.The phe nomenal success of 7-Eleve n Japa n is attributed toa. being in the right place at the right time.b. its supply cha in desig n and man ageme nt ability.c. hav ing 9000 locati ons.d. serv ing fresh food.e. none of the aboveAn swer: bDifficulty: Moderate47.A key issue facing Toyota isa. develop ing an in ter net market ing system.b. whether to specialize in a particular market.c. desig n of its global producti on and distributi on n etwork.d. how to impleme nt model cha nges.e. all of the aboveAn swer: cDifficulty: HardEssav/ProblemsExpla in the 3 decisi on phases (categories) that must be made in a successful 1.supply cha in.Answer : The 3 decision phases that occur within a supply chain are supply chain strategy (or design), supply chain planning and supply chain operation. Decisions relate to the flow of information, product and funds. The difference betweencategories depends upon the frequency of each decision and the time frame over which it has an impact. During the supply chain strategy phase, a companydetermines what the chain ' s configurations will be, how resources will beallocated, and what processes each stage will perform. This will establish thestructure of the supply chain for several years. Supply chain planning deals withdecisions with a time frame from 3 months up to a year. The planning phase must work within the constraints established in the strategy phase. Planning decisionsinclude which markets to supply from which locations, subcontracting ofmanufacturing, inventory policies and timing and size of marketing promotions.The supply chain operation phase operates on a weekly or daily time horizon and deals with decisions concerning individual customer orders.Difficulty: Hard2. Describe the cycle view of the processes within a supply chain.Answer: The cycle view divides the supply chain into a series of 4 cycles between the 5 different stages of a supply chain. The cycles are the customer order cycle,replenishment cycle, manufacturing cycle and procurement cycle. The customerorder cycle occurs at the customer/retailer interface and includes all processesdirectly involved in receiving and filling the customer. The replenishment cycleoccurs at the retailer/distributor interface and includes all processes involved inreplenishing retailer inventory. The manufacturing cycle typically occurs at thedistributor/manufacturer (or retailer/manufacturer) interface and includes allprocesses involved in replenishing distributor (or retailer) inventory. Theprocurement cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface and includes allprocesses necessary to ensure that the materials are available for manufacturing according to schedule.Difficulty: Moderate3. Explain the push/pull view of the processes within a supply chain.Answer: The push/pull view of the supply chain divides supply chain processesinto two categories based on whether they are executed in response to acustomer order or in anticipation of customer orders. Pull processes are initiatedin response to a customer order. Push processes are initiated and performed inanticipation of customer orders. The push/pull boundary separates pushprocesses from pull processes. This view is very useful when consideringstrategic decisions relating to supply chain design, because it forces a moreglobal consideration of supply chain processes as they relate to the customer.Difficulty: Moderate4. Explain the three macro processes within a supply chain.Answer: All processes within a supply chain can be classified into three macroprocesses which are Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM), and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM).Customer Relationship Management (CRM) includes all processes that focus onthe interface between the firm and its customers such as marketing, sales, callcenter management and order management. Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) includes all processes that are internal to the firm such as preparation ofdemand and supply plans, preparation of inventory management policies, orderfulfillment and planning of capacity. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)includes all processes that focus on the interface between a firm and its suppliers such as evaluation and selection of suppliers, negotiation of supply terms andcommunication regarding new products and orders.Difficulty: Moderate5. Explain why supply chain flows are important.Answer: Supply chain flows are important, because there is a close connectionbetween the design and management of supply chain flows (product, information, and cash) and the success of a supply chain. The success of many companiescan be directly traced to the design and management of an appropriate supplychain. The failure of many businesses can be linked directly to their inability toeffectively design and manage supply chain flows.Difficulty: Moderate。

供应链管理-第一章-练习和答案Chapter 1Understanding the Supply ChainTrue/False1. 供应链仅包括直接参与供应所需零件的制造的组织。
F2. 供应链由直接或间接地履行顾客需求的各方组成。
T3. 供应链管理可以更准确地描述为一个供应网或供应网络。
T4. 供应链的目标是产生供应链整体价值最大化。
T5. 供应链的目标是为了供应链的制造环节产生价值最大化。
F6. 每个供应链必须包括所有5个环节。
F7. 供应链的循环观点认为供应链运作的流程可以分为一系列循环,每一个循环在供应链两个相邻的环节进行。
T8. 供应链的循环观点认为供应链的流程被分为两类,这取决于他们是响应顾客订货还是预计顾客订货。
F9. 供应链的推拉观点认为供应链的流程被分为两类,这取决于他们是响应顾客订货还是预计顾客订货。
T10. 供应链的推拉观点认为供应链运作的流程可以分为一系列循环,每一个循环在供应链两个相邻的环节进行。
F11. 顾客到达流程的目标是最大限度地将顾客抵达转化为顾客购买。
T12. 顾客到达流程的目标是确保订单的快速、准确抵达和告知其他受影响的供应链流程。
F13. 顾客订单提交的目的是确保订单的快速、准确抵达和告知其他受影响的供应链流程。
T14. 顾客订单提交的目标是为了维护客户订单入口的记录并完成付款收据产品。
F15. 补货循环发生在零售/经销商的接口。
T16. 补货循环发生在经销商/制造商的接口。
F17. 补货循环从超市失去某一特定的项目的存货时开始。
T18. 补货循环从顾客购买所购买的货物进入他们的手推车时开始。
F19. 制造循环发生在经销商/制造商的接口。
T20. 制造循环发生在生产商和供应商的接口。
F21. 在制造循环中的生产调度的过程与补货循环中的订单录入的过程相似。
T22. 在制造循环中的生产调度的过程与补货循环中的订单完成的过程相似。
F23. 采购循环发生在生产商和供应商的接口。

Chapter 1Un dersta nding the Supply ChainTrue/False1. A supply cha in in cludes only the orga ni zati ons directly in volved in suppl yingcomp onents n eeded for manu facturi ng.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate2. A supply cha in could be more accurately described as a supply n etwork orsupply web.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. The objective of every supply cha in is to maximize the overall value gen erated.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Easy4. Every supply cha in must in clude all 5 stages.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Easy5. The cycle view of a supply cha in holds that the processes in a supply cha in aredivided into a series of activities performed at the in terface betwee n successive stages.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate6. The push/pull view of a supply cha in holds that the processes in a supply cha inare divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in an ticipati on of customer orders.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Easy7. The objective of customer order entry is to maintain a record of product receiptand complete payme nt.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Hard8. The reple ni shme nt cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor in terface.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Hard9. The manu facturi ng cycle occurs at the manu facturer/supplier in terface.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate10. The procureme nt cycle occurs at the manu facturer/supplier in terface.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Easy11. The cycle view of the supply cha in is useful whe n con sider ing operati onal decisions,because it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supply chai n.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate12. The push/pull view of the supply cha in is useful whe n con sideri ng strategic decisionsrelating to supply chain design, because it categorizes processes based on whether they are in itiated in resp onse to or in an ticipati on of customer orders.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate13. Pull processes may also be referred to as reactive processes. An swer: TrueDifficulty: Easy14. Pull processes may also be referred to as speculative processes.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Easy15. All supply chain activities within a firm belong to one of three macro processes CRM,ISCM and SRM.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Easy16. There is a close conn ecti on betwee n the desig n and man ageme nt of supply cha inflows and the success of a supply cha in.An swer: TrueDifficulty: EasyEssay/ProblemsExpla in the 3 decisi on phases (categories) that must be made in a successful supplycha in.1.Answer: The 3 decision phases that occur within a supply chain are supply chainstrategy (or desig n), supply cha in pla nning and supply cha in operati on. Decisi onsrelate to the flow of in formatio n, product and fun ds. The differe nee betwee ncategories depe nds upon the freque ncy of each decisi on and the time frame overwhich it has an impact. During the supply cha in strategy phase, a compa ny determines what the chain ' s configurations will be, how resources will beallocated, and what processes each stage will perform. This will establish the structureof the supply chai n for several years. Supply chai n pla nning deals with decisi ons witha time frame from 3 mon ths up to a year. The pla nning phase must work withi n the constra ints established in the strategy phase. Planning decisi ons in clude which markets to supply from which locati ons, subc on tract ing of manufacturing, inventory policies andtiming and size of marketing promotions. The supply chain operation phase operates ona weekly or daily time horizon and deals with decisi ons concerning in dividual customerorders.Difficulty: Hard答:决策的3阶段发生在一个供应链的供应链战略(或设计),供应链与供应链运作。

比如,如果只依据收益来评估销售部门, 只依据成本来评估制造部门,公司的总体利润就难以达到最大化。
供应链管理第三版Unit 习题与答案

Chapter 1Understanding the Supply ChainTrue/False1. A supply chain includes only the organizations directly involved in supplyingcomponents needed for manufacturing.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate2. A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling acustomer request.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. A supply chain could be more accurately described as a supply network orsupply web.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4. The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the overall value generated.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the value generated for themanufacturing component of the supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate6. Every supply chain must include all 5 stages.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy7. The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain aredivided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successivestages.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate8. The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain aredivided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response toor in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate9. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chainare divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in responseto or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy10. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chainare divided into a series of activities performed at the interface betweensuccessive stages.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy11. The objective of the customer arrival process is to maximize the conversion ofcustomer arrivals to customer orders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate12. The objective of the customer arrival process is to ensure thatorders are quicklyand accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chainprocesses.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate13. The objective of customer order entry is to ensure that orders are quickly andaccurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate14. The objective of customer order entry is to maintain a record of product receiptand complete payment.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard15. The replenishment cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard16. The replenishment cycle occurs at the distributor/manufacturer interface.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard17. The replenishment cycle is initiated when a supermarket runs out of stock of aparticular item.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard18. The replenishment cycle is initiated when customers load items intended forpurchase into their carts.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard19. The manufacturing cycle occurs at the distributor/manufacturer interface.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate20. The manufacturing cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate21. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to theorder entry process in the replenishment cycle.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard22. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to theorder fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard23. The procurement cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy24. The procurement cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy25. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operationaldecisions, because it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member ofthe supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate26. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operationaldecisions, because it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiatedin response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate27. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategicdecisions relating to supply chain design, because it categorizes processesbased on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customerorders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate28. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategicdecisions relating to supply chain design, because it specifies the roles andresponsibilities of each member of the supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate29. Pull processes may also be referred to as reactive processes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy30. Pull processes may also be referred to as speculative processes.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy31. Push processes may also be referred to as speculative processes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy32. Push processes may also be referred to as reactive processes.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy33. All supply chain activities within a firm belong to one of three macro processes 每CRM, ISCM and SRM.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy34. There is a close connection between the design and management of supplychain flows and the success of a supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: EasyMultiple Choice1. Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?a. Customersb. Retailersc. Wholesalers/Distributorsd. Manufacturerse. All of the above are stages within a typical supply chain.Answer: eDifficulty: Easy2. Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?a. Customersb. Retailersc. Wholesalers/Distributorsd. Merchandiserse. Component/Raw material suppliersAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy3. Supply chain profitability isa. not correlated to the value generated by the various stages of the supplychain.b. the total profit to be shared across all supply chain stages.c. the difference between the revenue generated from the customer and theoverall cost across the supply chain.d. the total revenue generated by the distributor stage of the supply chain.e. b and c onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Difficult4. Successful supply chain management requires which of the following decisionphases?a. supply chain strategy/designb. supply chain planningc. supply chain operationd. all of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate5. The decision phases in a supply chain includea. production scheduling.b. customer relationship management.c. supply chain operation.d. supply chain orientation.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate6. The cycle view of a supply chain holds thata. the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories.b. the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activitiesperformed at the interface between successive stages.c. all processes in a supply chain are initiated in response to a customerorder.d. all processes in a supply chain are performed in anticipation of customerorders.e. None of the above are true.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate7. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds thata. the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activitiesperformed at the interface between successive stages.b. all processes in a supply chain are initiated in response to a customerorder.c. all response in a supply chain are performed in anticipation of customerorders. d. the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories dependingon whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customerorders.e. None of the above are true.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate8. Which of the following is not a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?a. Analysis cycleb. Customer order cyclec. Replenishment cycled. Manufacturing cyclee. Procurement cycleAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate9. Which of the following is not a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?a. Customer order cycleb. Replenishment cyclec. Manufacturing cycled. Procurement cyclee. All of the above are part of the supply chain cycle view.Answer: eDifficulty: Moderate10. The customer order cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy11. Which of the following is not a process in the customer order cycle?a. Customer arrivalb. Customer qualificationc. Customer order entryd. Customer order fulfillmente. Customer order receivingAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate12. Customer arrival refers toa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership. e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate13. The objective of the customer arrival process is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at thelowest possible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicatedto other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy14. Customer order entry isa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate15. The objective of customer order entry is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at thelowest possible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicatedto other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy16. Customer order fulfillment refers toa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate17. The objective of customer order fulfillment is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at thelowest possible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicatedto other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy18. Customer order receiving isa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocates product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takes ownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate19. The replenishment cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy20. The processes involved in the replenishment cycle includea. retail order receiving.b. retail order entry.c. retail order trigger.d. retail order fulfillment.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate21. The processes included in the replenishment cycle include all of the followingexcepta. retail order receiving.b. retail order entry.c. retail order trigger.d. retail order fulfillment.e. none of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate22. The processes included in the replenishment cycle includea. order arrival.b. production scheduling.c. retail trigger.d. manufacturing.e. receiving.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate23. The replenishment cycle is initiated whena. the customer walks into the supermarket.b. the customer calls a mail order telemarketing center.c. customers load items intended for purchase into their carts.d. a supermarket runs out of stock of a particular item.e. a product is received into stock at a store.Answer: dDifficulty: Hard24. The manufacturing cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy25. The processes involved in the manufacturing cycle includea. receiving.b. manufacturing and shipping.c. production scheduling.d. order arrival.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate26. The processes involved in the manufacturing cycle includea. order trigger.b. production scheduling.c. order fulfillment.d. order entry.e. manufacturing order analysis.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate27. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to thea. order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.b. order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.c. order entry process in the replenishment cycle.d. order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.e. none of the above Answer: cDifficulty: Hard28. The manufacturing and shipping process in the manufacturing cycle is equivalentto thea. order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.b. order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.c. order entry process in the replenishment cycle.d. order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard29. The procurement cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy30. The relationship between the manufacturer and supplier during the procurementcycle is very similar to the relationship betweena. customer and retailer.b. retailer and distributor.c. retailer and manufacturer.d. distributor and manufacturer.e. manufacturer and customer.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate31. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operationaldecisions, becausea. it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in responseto or in anticipation of customer orders.b. it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supplychain.c. processes are identified as either reactive or speculative.d. it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.e. it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard32. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategicdecisions relating to supply chain design, becausea. it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in responseto or in anticipation of customer orders.b. it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supplychain.c. it clearly defines the processes involved and the owners of each process.d. it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.e. it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard33. Which of the following statements about pull processes is accurate?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in anticipation of customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand must be forecast.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy34. Which of the following is not an accurate statement about pull processes?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in response to a customer order.c. At the time of execution, demand is known with certainty.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. All of the above are accurate.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy35. Which of the following statements about push processes is accurate?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in response to customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand is known with certainty.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy36. Which of the following is not an accurate statement about push processes?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in anticipation of customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand must be forecast.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. All of the above are accurate.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy37. Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?a. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)b. Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM)c. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)d. all of the abovee. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy38. Supply chain macro processes include which of the following? a. Internal Relationship Management (IRM)b. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)c. External Relationship Management (ERM)d. Supply Chain Relationship Management (SCRM)e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate39. Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?a. Internal Relationship Management (IRM)b. External Relationship Management (ERM)c. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)d. Supply Chain Relationship Management (SCRM)e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate40. Activities involved in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) macroprocess includea. planning of internal production and storage.b. order fulfillment.c. marketing.d. supply planning.e. demand planning.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard41. Activities involved in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) macroprocess include all of the following excepta. demand planning.b. marketing.c. sales.d. order management.e. call center management.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard42. Activities involved in the Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) macroprocess includea. marketing.b. order fulfillment.c. sales.d. order management.e. call center management.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard43. Activities involved in the Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) macroprocess include all of the following excepta. planning of internal production and storage.b. order fulfillment.c. supply planning.d. demand planning.e. order management.Answer: eDifficulty: Hard44. Activities involved in the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) macroprocess includea. planning of internal production and storage.b. order fulfillment.c. supply planning.d. supplier evaluation and selection.e. order management.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate45. Activities involved in the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) macroprocess include all of the following excepta. negotiation of supply terms.b. design collaboration.c. supply planning.d. supplier evaluation and selection.e. supply collaboration.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard46. The phenomenal success of 7-Eleven Japan is attributed toa. being in the right place at the right time.b. its supply chain design and management ability.c. having 9000 locations.d. serving fresh food.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate47. A key issue facing Toyota isa. developing an internet marketing system.b. whether to specialize in a particular market.c. design of its global production and distribution network.d. how to implement model changes.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: HardEssay/Problems1. Explain the 3 decision phases (categories) that must be made in a successfulsupply chain.Answer: The 3 decision phases that occur within a supply chain are supply chainstrategy (or design), supply chain planning and supply chain operation. Decisionsrelate to the flow of information, product and funds. The difference betweencategories depends upon the frequency of each decision and the time frame overwhich it has an impact. During the supply chain strategy phase, a companydetermines what the chain*s configurations will be, how resources will beallocated, and what processes each stage will perform. This will establish thestructure of the supply chain for several years. Supply chain planning deals withdecisions with a time frame from 3 months up to a year. The planning phasemust work within the constraints established in the strategy phase. Planningdecisions include which markets to supply from which locations, subcontractingof manufacturing, inventory policies and timing and size of marketing promotions.The supply chain operation phase operates on a weekly or daily time horizon anddeals with decisions concerning individual customer orders.Difficulty: Hard2. Describe the cycle view of the processes within a supply chain.Answer: The cycle view divides the supply chain into a series of 4 cyclesbetween the 5 different stages of a supply chain. The cycles are the customerorder cycle, replenishment cycle, manufacturing cycle and procurement cycle.The customer order cycle occurs at the customer/retailer interface and includesall processes directly involved in receiving and filling the customer. Thereplenishment cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface and includes allprocesses involved in replenishing retailer inventory. The manufacturing cycletypically occurs at the distributor/manufacturer (orretailer/manufacturer) interfaceand includes all processes involved in replenishing distributor (or retailer)inventory. The procurement cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interfaceand includes all processes necessary to ensure that the materials are availablefor manufacturing according to schedule.Difficulty: Moderate3. Explain the push/pull view of the processes within a supply chain.Answer: The push/pull view of the supply chain divides supply chain processesinto two categories based on whether they are executed in response to acustomer order or in anticipation of customer orders. Pull processes are initiatedin response to a customer order. Push processes are initiated and performed inanticipation of customer orders. The push/pull boundary separates pushprocesses from pull processes. This view is very useful when consideringstrategic decisions relating to supply chain design, because it forces a moreglobal consideration of supply chain processes as they relate to the customer.Difficulty: Moderate4. Explain the three macro processes within a supply chain.Answer: All processes within a supply chain can be classified into three macroprocesses which are Customer Relationship Management (CRM), InternalSupply Chain Management (ISCM), and Supplier Relationship Management(SRM). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) includes all processes that focus on the interface between the firm and its customers such as marketing,sales, call center management and order management. Internal Supply ChainManagement (ISCM) includes all processes that are internal to the firm such aspreparation of demand and supply plans, preparation of inventory managementpolicies, order fulfillment and planning of capacity. Supplier RelationshipManagement (SRM) includes all processes that focus on the interface between afirm and its suppliers such as evaluation and selection of suppliers, negotiation ofsupply terms and communication regarding new products and orders.Difficulty: Moderate5. Explain why supply chain flows are important.Answer: Supply chain flows are important, because there is a close connectionbetween the design and management of supply chain flows (product, information,and cash) and the success of a supply chain. The success of many companiescan be directly traced to the design and management of an appropriate supplychain. The failure of many businesses can be linked directly to their inability toeffectively design and manage supply chain flows.Difficulty: Moderate。

比如,如果只依据收益来评估销售部门, 只依据成本来评估制造部门,公司的总体利润就难以达到最大化。

(T )(2)传统管理模式是以规模化需求和区域性的卖方市场为决策背景,通过规模效应降低成本,获得效益。
( F )(3)供应链管理这一名词最早出现于20世纪80年代,最初是由咨询业提出的。
(T )(4)让最终顾客更满意是供应链全体成员的共同目标,顾客满意的实质是顾客获得超出他们承担的产品价格以上的那部分“价值”。
(T )(5)供应链管理是以同步化、集成化生产计划为指导,以各种信息技术为支持,尤其以Internet/Intranet为依托。
(T )(6)供应链管理整体成本最小化意味着每个节点企业的成本都是最小。
( F )(7)从成本方面来看,供应链管理是通过注重产品最终成本来优化供应链的。
(T )(8)由于供应链节点企业有一个共同的追求目标,所以它们之间不再有竞争性。
(F )(9)供应链管理中的“零库存”就是指节点企业的库存为零。
( F )(10)从系统的观点出发,改进服务、缩短时间、提高品质与减少库存、降低成本是可以兼得的。
(T )二、单选题1、供应链是(C)结构。
A、直链B、支链C、网链D、环状2、供应链节点企业之间是一种(A )关系。
A、需求与供应B、支配C、平等D、利益3、供应链管理因企业战略和适应市场需求变化的需要,链上节点企业需要动态地更新,这就使得供应链具有明显的(B )。
A、复杂性B、动态性C、交叉性D、灵活性4、从20世纪80年代初到20世纪90年代初供应链管理处于(A )。
A、初级阶段B、发展阶段C、成熟阶段D、建设阶段5、按照道格拉斯·兰伯特的思想,企业主动召回有问题的已售商品,属于供应链业务流程的( B )程序?A、订单配送B、反向物流(回流)C、需求管理D、制造流程管理三、多选题1、传统“纵向一体化”管理模式存在的弊端有(ABCD )。

7、供应链合作伙伴关系是供应商与制造商之间、 制造商与销售商之间在一定时期内的共享信息、共 担风险、共同获利的( )。
A.同盟关系 B.协作关系 C.供应关系 D.对 等关系
8、供应链合作伙伴关系的制约条件有( ) A.合作企业间的冲突 B.企业间的相互依赖程度
2、从供应链的结构模型可以看出,供应链是一个 ( ),由围绕核心企业的供应商、供应商的供应 商和用户、用户的用户组成。
A.直线结构 B.网链结构 C.曲线结构 D.直 链结构
3、通常,一条完整的供应链包括供应商(原材料 供应商和零件供应商)、制造商(加工厂或装配 厂)、分销商(代理商或批发商)、( )以及消 费者。
A.集成性 B.连续性 C.合作性 D.流程性
13、供应链管理的实质内容不包括( )。 A.以顾客为中心,以市场需求为原动力 B.强调企业应专注于核心业务,建立核心竞争力,
在供应链上明确定位,将非核心业务外包 C.各企业紧密合作,共担风险,共享利益 D.对工作流程、实物流程、信息流程和资金流程进
新换代或服务提供给最终用户的上游企业或下游企 业所形成的( )
A.网络结构 B.专业结构 织结构
B. 用户 C.企业员工
D. 售
20、 成功的客户关系管理非常注重客户信息和数 据的( )管理。

Chapter 1Un dersta nding the Supply ChainTrue/False1. A supply cha in in cludes only the orga ni zati ons directly in volved in suppl yingcomp onents n eeded for manu facturi ng.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate2. A supply cha in con sists of all parties in volved, directly or in direct ly, in fulfilli nga customer request.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. A supply cha in could be more accurately described as a supply n etwork orsupply web.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4. The objective of every supply cha in is to maximize the overall value gen erated.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. The objective of every supply cha in is to maximize the value gen erated for themanu facturi ng comp onent of the supply cha in.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate6. Every supply cha in must in clude all 5 stages.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Easy7. The cycle view of a supply cha in holds that the processes in a supply cha in aredivided into a series of activities performed at the in terface betwee n successivestages.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate8. The cycle view of a supply cha in holds that the processes in a supply cha in aredivided into 2 categories depe nding on whether they are in itiated in resp onse to or in an ticipati on of customer orders.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate9. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chainare divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy10. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chainare divided into a series of activities performed at the interface betweensuccessive stages. Answer: False Difficulty: Easy11. The objective of the customer arrival process is to maximize the conversion ofcustomer arrivals to customer orders.Answer: True Difficulty: Moderate12. The objective of the customer arrival process is to ensure that orders are quicklyand accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chainprocesses. Answer: False Difficulty: Moderate13. The objective of customer order entry is to ensure that orders are quickly andaccurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.Answer: True Difficulty: Moderate14. The objective of customer order entry is to maintain a record of product receiptand complete payment. Answer: False Difficulty: Hard15. The replenishment cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface.Answer: True Difficulty: Hard16. The replenishment cycle occurs at the distributor/manufacturer interface.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard17. The replenishment cycle is initiated when a supermarket runs out of stock of aparticular item. Answer: True Difficulty: Hard18. The replenishment cycle is initiated when customers load items intended forpurchase into their carts.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard19. The manufacturing cycle occurs at the distributor/manufacturer interface.Answer: True Difficulty: Moderate20. The manufacturing cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: False Difficulty: Moderate21. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to theorder entry process in the replenishment cycle.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard22. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to theorder fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard23. The procurement cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy24. The procurement cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy25. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operationaldecisions, because it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member ofthe supply chain. Answer: True Difficulty: Moderate26. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operationaldecisions, because it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiatedin response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate27. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategicdecisions relating to supply chain design, because it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate28. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategicdecisions relating to supply chain design, because it specifies the roles andresponsibilities of each member of the supply chain. Answer: False Difficulty:Moderate29. Pull processes may also be referred to as reactive processes. An swer: TrueDifficulty: Easy30. Pull processes may also be referred to as speculative processes. An swer:FalseDifficulty: Easy31. Push processes may also be referred to as speculative processes. An swer:TrueDifficulty: Easy32. Push processes may also be referred to as reactive processes. An swer:FalseDifficulty: Easy33. All supply cha in activities within a firm bel ong to one of three macroprocesses CRM, ISCM and SRM.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Easy34. There is a close conn ecti on betwee n the desig n and man ageme nt ofsupply cha in flows and the success of a supply cha in.An swer: TrueDifficulty: EasyMultiple Choice1. Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?a. Customersb. Retailersc. Wholesalers/Distributorsd. Manu facturerse. All of the above are stages withi n a typical supply cha in.An swer: eDifficulty: Easy2.Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?a. Customersb. Retailersc. Wholesalers/Distributorsd. Mercha ndiserse. Comp onen t/Raw material suppliersAn swer: dDifficulty: Easy3. Supply chain profitability isa. not correlated to the value generated by the various stages of the supplychain.b.c. the total profit to be shared across all supply chain stages.the difference between the revenue generated from the customer and the overall cost across the supply chain.d. e. the total revenue generated by the distributor stage of the supply chain. b and c onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Difficult4. Successful supply chain management requires which of the following decision phases?a. b.c.d.e. supply chain strategy/design supply chain planning supply chain operation all of the above a and b onlyAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate5. The decision phases in a supply chain includea. b.c.d.e. production scheduling. customer relationship management. supply chain operation.supply chain orientation. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate6. The cycle view of a supply chain holds thata. b. the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories. theprocesses in a supply chain are divided into a series of activitiesperformed at the interface between successive stages.c. all processes in a supply chain are initiated in response to a customerorder.d. all processes in a supply chain are performed in anticipation of customerorders.e. None of the above are true.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate7. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds thata. the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activitiesperformed at the interface between successive stages.b. all processes in a supply chain are initiated in response to a customerorder.c. all response in a supply chain are performed in anticipation of customerorders.d. the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories dependingon whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customerorders.e. None of the above are true.Answer: d Difficulty: Moderate8. Which of the following is not a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?a. Analysis cycleb. Customer order cyclec. Replenishment cycled. Manufacturing cyclee. Procurement cycleAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate9. Which of the following is not a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?a. Customer order cycleb. Replenishment cyclec. Manufacturing cycled. Procurement cyclee. All of the above are part of the supply chain cycle view.Answer: eDifficulty: Moderate10. The customer order cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy11. Which of the following is not a process in the customer order cycle?a. Customer arrivalb. Customer qualificationc. Customer order entryd. Customer order fulfillmente. Customer order receivingAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate12. Customer arrival refers toa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate13. The objective of the customer arrival process is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at thelowest possible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicatedto other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy14. Customer order entry isa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate15. The objective of customer order entry is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at thelowest possible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicatedto other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy16. Customer order fulfillment refers toa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate17. The objective of customer order fulfillment is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at the lowestpossible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicatedto other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy18. Customer order receiving isa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocates product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate19. The replenishment cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy20. The processes involved in the replenishment cycle includea. retail order receiving.b. retail order entry.c. retail order trigger.d. retail order fulfillmente. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate21. The processes included in the replenishment cycle include all of the followingexcepta. retail order receiving.b. retail order entry.c. retail order trigger.d. retail order fulfillmente. none of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate22.The processes included in the replenishment cycle include a. order arrival.b. production scheduling.c. retail trigger.d. manufacturing.e. receiving.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate23.The replenishment cycle is initiated whena. the customer walks into the supermarket.b. the customer calls a mail order telemarketing center.c. customers load items intended for purchase into their carts.d. a supermarket runs out of stock of a particular item.e. a product is received into stock at a store.Answer: dDifficulty: Hard24.The manufacturing cycle occurs at the a. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the above Answer: cDifficulty: Easy25.The processes involved in the manufacturing cycle include a. receiving.b. manufacturing and shipping.c. production scheduling.d. order arrival.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate26.The processes involved in the manufacturing cycle include a. order trigger.b. production scheduling.c. order fulfillment.d. order entry.e. manufacturing order analysis.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate27. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to thea. order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.b. order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.c. order entry process in the replenishment cycle.d. order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard28. The manufacturing and shipping process in the manufacturing cycle is equivalentto thea. order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.b. order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.c. order entry process in the replenishment cycle.d. order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard29. The procurement cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: d Difficulty: Easy30. The relationship between the manufacturer and supplier during the procurementcycle is very similar to the relationship betweena. customer and retailer.b. retailer and distributor.c. retailer and manufacturer.d. distributor and manufacturer.e. manufacturer and customer.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate31. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operationaldecisions, becausea. it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in responseto or in anticipation of customer orders.b. it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supplychain.c. processes are identified as either reactive or speculative.d. it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.e. it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard32. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategicdecisions relating to supply chain design, becausea. it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in responseto or in anticipation of customer orders.b. it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supplychain.c. it clearly defines the processes involved and the owners of each process.d. it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.e. it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard33. Which of the following statements about pull processes is accurate?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in anticipation of customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand must be forecast.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy34. Which of the following is not an accurate statement about pull processes?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in response to a customer order.c. At the time of execution, demand is known with certainty.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. All of the above are accurate. Answer: aDifficulty: Easy35. Which of the following statements about push processes is accurate?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in response to customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand is known with certainty.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy36. Which of the following is not an accurate statement about push processes?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in anticipation of customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand must be forecast.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. All of the above are accurate. Answer: dDifficulty: Easy37. Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?a. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)b. Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM)c. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)d. all of the abovee. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy38. Supply chain macro processes include which of the following? a.b.c.d.e.Internal Relationship Management (IRM)Customer Relationship Management (CRM)External Relationship Management (ERM) SupplyChain Relationship Management (SCRM) none ofthe aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: ModerateSupply chain macro processes include which of the following? a. Internal Relationship Management (IRM)b. External Relationship Management (ERM)c. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)d. Supply Chain Relationship Management (SCRM)e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: ModerateActivities involved in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) macro process includea. planning of internal production and storage.b. order fulfillment.c. marketing.d. supply planning.e. demand planning. Answer: c Difficulty: HardActivities involved in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) macro process include all of the following excepta. demand planning.b. marketing.c. sales.d. order management.e. call center management.Answer: a Difficulty: HardActivities involved in the Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) macro process includea. marketing.b. order fulfillment.c. sales.d. order management.e. call center management.Answer: bDifficulty: HardActivities involved in the Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) macro process include all of the following excepta. planning of internal production and storage.b. order fulfillment.c. supply pla nning.d. dema nd pla nning.e. order man agementAn swer: eDifficulty: Hard44. Activities in volved in the Supplier Relati on ship Man ageme nt (SRM) macro process in cludea. pla nning of in ter nal product ion andstorageb. order fulfillme nt.c. supply pla nning.d. supplier evaluati on and select ion.e. order man ageme nt.An swer: dDifficulty: Moderate45. Activities in volved in the Supplier Relati on ship Man ageme nt (SRM) macroprocess in clude all of the follow ing excepta. n egotiati on of supply terms.b. desig n collaborati on.c. supply pla nning.d. supplier evaluati on and selection.e. supply collaborati on.An swer: cDifficulty: Hard46. The phe nomenal success of 7-Eleve n Japa n is attributed toa. being in the right place at the right time.b. its supply cha in desig n and man ageme nt ability.c. hav ing 9000 locati ons.d. serv ing fresh food.e. none of the aboveAn swer: bDifficulty: Moderate47. A key issue facing Toyota isa. develop ing an in ter net market ing system.b. whether to specialize in a particular market.c. desig n of its global producti on and distributi on n etwork.d. how to impleme nt model cha nges.e. all of the aboveAn swer: cDifficulty: HardEssay/Problems1. Expla in the 3 decisi on phases (categories) that must be made in a successfulsupply cha in.Answer : The 3 decision phases that occur within a supply chain are supply chain strategy (or design), supply chain planning and supply chain operation. Decisions relate to the flow of information, product and funds. The difference betweencategories depends upon the frequency of each decision and the time frame over which it has an impact. During the supply chain strategy phase, a companydetermines what the chain ' s configurations will be, how resources will beallocated, and what processes each stage will perform. This will establish thestructure of the supply chain for several years. Supply chain planning deals withdecisions with a time frame from 3 months up to a year. The planning phase must work within the constraints established in the strategy phase. Planning decisionsinclude which markets to supply from which locations, subcontracting ofmanufacturing, inventory policies and timing and size of marketing promotions.The supply chain operation phase operates on a weekly or daily time horizon and deals with decisions concerning individual customer orders.Difficulty: Hard2. Describe the cycle view of the processes within a supply chain.Answer: The cycle view divides the supply chain into a series of 4 cycles between the 5 different stages of a supply chain. The cycles are the customer order cycle,replenishment cycle, manufacturing cycle and procurement cycle. The customerorder cycle occurs at the customer/retailer interface and includes all processesdirectly involved in receiving and filling the customer. The replenishment cycleoccurs at the retailer/distributor interface and includes all processes involved inreplenishing retailer inventory. The manufacturing cycle typically occurs at thedistributor/manufacturer (or retailer/manufacturer) interface and includes allprocesses involved in replenishing distributor (or retailer) inventory. Theprocurement cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface and includes allprocesses necessary to ensure that the materials are available for manufacturing according to schedule.Difficulty: Moderate3. Explain the push/pull view of the processes within a supply chain.Answer: The push/pull view of the supply chain divides supply chain processesinto two categories based on whether they are executed in response to acustomer order or in anticipation of customer orders. Pull processes are initiatedin response to a customer order. Push processes are initiated and performed inanticipation of customer orders. The push/pull boundary separates pushprocesses from pull processes. This view is very useful when consideringstrategic decisions relating to supply chain design, because it forces a moreglobal consideration of supply chain processes as they relate to the customer.Difficulty: Moderate4. Explain the three macro processes within a supply chain.Answer: All processes within a supply chain can be classified into three macroprocesses which are Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM), and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM).Customer Relationship Management (CRM) includes all processes that focus onthe interface between the firm and its customers such as marketing, sales, callcenter management and order management. Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) includes all processes that are internal to the firm such as preparation ofdemand and supply plans, preparation of inventory management policies, orderfulfillment and planning of capacity. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)includes all processes that focus on the interface between a firm and its suppliers such as evaluation and selection of suppliers, negotiation of supply terms andcommunication regarding new products and orders.Difficulty: Moderate5. Explain why supply chain flows are important.Answer: Supply chain flows are important, because there is a close connectionbetween the design and management of supply chain flows (product, information, and cash) and the success of a supply chain. The success of many companiescan be directly traced to the design and management of an appropriate supplychain. The failure of many businesses can be linked directly to their inability toeffectively design and manage supply chain flows.Difficulty: Moderate。
(完整word版)供应链管理 第三版 Unit1 习题与答案

Chapter 1Understanding the Supply ChainTrue/False1. A supply chain includes only the organizations directly involved in supplyingcomponents needed for manufacturing.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate2. A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling acustomer request.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. A supply chain could be more accurately described as a supply network orsupply web.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4. The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the overall value generated.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the value generated for themanufacturing component of the supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate6. Every supply chain must include all 5 stages.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy7. The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain aredivided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate8. The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain aredivided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate9. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chainare divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy10. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chainare divided into a series of activities performed at the interface betweensuccessive stages.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy11. The objective of the customer arrival process is to maximize the conversion ofcustomer arrivals to customer orders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate12. The objective of the customer arrival process is to ensure that orders are quicklyand accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chainprocesses.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate13. The objective of customer order entry is to ensure that orders are quickly andaccurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate14. The objective of customer order entry is to maintain a record of product receiptand complete payment.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard15. The replenishment cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard16. The replenishment cycle occurs at the distributor/manufacturer interface.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard17. The replenishment cycle is initiated when a supermarket runs out of stock of aparticular item.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard18. The replenishment cycle is initiated when customers load items intended forpurchase into their carts.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard19. The manufacturing cycle occurs at the distributor/manufacturer interface.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate20. The manufacturing cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate21. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to theorder entry process in the replenishment cycle.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard22. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to theorder fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard23. The procurement cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy24. The procurement cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy25. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operationaldecisions, because it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate26. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operationaldecisions, because it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate27. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategicdecisions relating to supply chain design, because it categorizes processesbased on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate28. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategicdecisions relating to supply chain design, because it specifies the roles andresponsibilities of each member of the supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate29. Pull processes may also be referred to as reactive processes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy30. Pull processes may also be referred to as speculative processes.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy31. Push processes may also be referred to as speculative processes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy32. Push processes may also be referred to as reactive processes.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy33. All supply chain activities within a firm belong to one of three macro processes –CRM, ISCM and SRM.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy34. There is a close connection between the design and management of supplychain flows and the success of a supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: EasyMultiple Choice1. Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?a. Customersb. Retailersc. Wholesalers/Distributorsd. Manufacturerse. All of the above are stages within a typical supply chain.Answer: eDifficulty: Easy2. Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?a. Customersb. Retailersc. Wholesalers/Distributorsd. Merchandiserse. Component/Raw material suppliersAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy3. Supply chain profitability isa. not correlated to the value generated by the various stages of the supplychain.b. the total profit to be shared across all supply chain stages.c. the difference between the revenue generated from the customer and theoverall cost across the supply chain.d. the total revenue generated by the distributor stage of the supply chain.e. b and c onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Difficult4. Successful supply chain management requires which of the following decisionphases?a. supply chain strategy/designb. supply chain planningc. supply chain operationd. all of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate5. The decision phases in a supply chain includea. production scheduling.b. customer relationship management.c. supply chain operation.d. supply chain orientation.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate6. The cycle view of a supply chain holds thata. the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories.b. the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activitiesperformed at the interface between successive stages.c. all processes in a supply chain are initiated in response to a customerorder.d. all processes in a supply chain are performed in anticipation of customerorders.e. None of the above are true.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate7. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds thata. the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activitiesperformed at the interface between successive stages.b. all processes in a supply chain are initiated in response to a customerorder.c. all response in a supply chain are performed in anticipation of customerorders.d. the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories dependingon whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customerorders.e. None of the above are true.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate8. Which of the following is not a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?a. Analysis cycleb. Customer order cyclec. Replenishment cycled. Manufacturing cyclee. Procurement cycleAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate9. Which of the following is not a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?a. Customer order cycleb. Replenishment cyclec. Manufacturing cycled. Procurement cyclee. All of the above are part of the supply chain cycle view.Answer: eDifficulty: Moderate10. The customer order cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy11. Which of the following is not a process in the customer order cycle?a. Customer arrivalb. Customer qualificationc. Customer order entryd. Customer order fulfillmente. Customer order receivingAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate12. Customer arrival refers toa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate13. The objective of the customer arrival process is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at thelowest possible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicatedto other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy14. Customer order entry isa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate15. The objective of customer order entry is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at thelowest possible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicatedto other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy16. Customer order fulfillment refers toa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate17. The objective of customer order fulfillment is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at thelowest possible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicatedto other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy18. Customer order receiving isa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocates product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate19. The replenishment cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy20. The processes involved in the replenishment cycle includea. retail order receiving.b. retail order entry.c. retail order trigger.d. retail order fulfillment.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate21. The processes included in the replenishment cycle include all of the followingexcepta. retail order receiving.b. retail order entry.c. retail order trigger.d. retail order fulfillment.e. none of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate22. The processes included in the replenishment cycle includea. order arrival.b. production scheduling.c. retail trigger.d. manufacturing.e. receiving.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate23. The replenishment cycle is initiated whena. the customer walks into the supermarket.b. the customer calls a mail order telemarketing center.c. customers load items intended for purchase into their carts.d. a supermarket runs out of stock of a particular item.e. a product is received into stock at a store.Answer: dDifficulty: Hard24. The manufacturing cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy25. The processes involved in the manufacturing cycle includea. receiving.b. manufacturing and shipping.c. production scheduling.d. order arrival.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate26. The processes involved in the manufacturing cycle includea. order trigger.b. production scheduling.c. order fulfillment.d. order entry.e. manufacturing order analysis.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate27. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to thea. order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.b. order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.c. order entry process in the replenishment cycle.d. order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard28. The manufacturing and shipping process in the manufacturing cycle is equivalentto thea. order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.b. order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.c. order entry process in the replenishment cycle.d. order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard29. The procurement cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy30. The relationship between the manufacturer and supplier during the procurementcycle is very similar to the relationship betweena. customer and retailer.b. retailer and distributor.c. retailer and manufacturer.d. distributor and manufacturer.e. manufacturer and customer.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate31. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operationaldecisions, becausea. it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in responseto or in anticipation of customer orders.b. it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supplychain.c. processes are identified as either reactive or speculative.d. it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.e. it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard32. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategicdecisions relating to supply chain design, becausea. it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in responseto or in anticipation of customer orders.b. it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supplychain.c. it clearly defines the processes involved and the owners of each process.d. it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.e. it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard33. Which of the following statements about pull processes is accurate?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in anticipation of customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand must be forecast.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy34. Which of the following is not an accurate statement about pull processes?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in response to a customer order.c. At the time of execution, demand is known with certainty.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. All of the above are accurate.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy35. Which of the following statements about push processes is accurate?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in response to customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand is known with certainty.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy36. Which of the following is not an accurate statement about push processes?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in anticipation of customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand must be forecast.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. All of the above are accurate.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy37. Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?a. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)b. Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM)c. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)d. all of the abovee. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy38. Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?a. Internal Relationship Management (IRM)b. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)c. External Relationship Management (ERM)d. Supply Chain Relationship Management (SCRM)e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate39. Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?a. Internal Relationship Management (IRM)b. External Relationship Management (ERM)c. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)d. Supply Chain Relationship Management (SCRM)e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate40. Activities involved in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) macroprocess includea. planning of internal production and storage.b. order fulfillment.c. marketing.d. supply planning.e. demand planning.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard41. Activities involved in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) macroprocess include all of the following excepta. demand planning.b. marketing.c. sales.d. order management.e. call center management.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard42. Activities involved in the Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) macroprocess includea. marketing.b. order fulfillment.c. sales.d. order management.e. call center management.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard43. Activities involved in the Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) macroprocess include all of the following excepta. planning of internal production and storage.b. order fulfillment.c. supply planning.d. demand planning.e. order management.Answer: eDifficulty: Hard44. Activities involved in the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) macroprocess includea. planning of internal production and storage.b. order fulfillment.c. supply planning.d. supplier evaluation and selection.e. order management.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate45. Activities involved in the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) macroprocess include all of the following excepta. negotiation of supply terms.b. design collaboration.c. supply planning.d. supplier evaluation and selection.e. supply collaboration.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard46. The phenomenal success of 7-Eleven Japan is attributed toa. being in the right place at the right time.b. its supply chain design and management ability.c. having 9000 locations.d. serving fresh food.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate47. A key issue facing Toyota isa. developing an internet marketing system.b. whether to specialize in a particular market.c. design of its global production and distribution network.d. how to implement model changes.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: HardEssay/Problems1. Explain the 3 decision phases (categories) that must be made in a successfulsupply chain.Answer: The 3 decision phases that occur within a supply chain are supply chain strategy (or design), supply chain planning and supply chain operation. Decisions relate to the flow of information, product and funds. The difference betweencategories depends upon the frequency of each decision and the time frame over which it has an impact. During the supply chain strategy phase, a companydetermines what the chain’s configurations will be, how resources will beallocated, and what processes each stage will perform. This will establish thestructure of the supply chain for several years. Supply chain planning deals withdecisions with a time frame from 3 months up to a year. The planning phasemust work within the constraints established in the strategy phase. Planningdecisions include which markets to supply from which locations, subcontractingof manufacturing, inventory policies and timing and size of marketing promotions.The supply chain operation phase operates on a weekly or daily time horizon and deals with decisions concerning individual customer orders.Difficulty: Hard2. Describe the cycle view of the processes within a supply chain.Answer: The cycle view divides the supply chain into a series of 4 cyclesbetween the 5 different stages of a supply chain. The cycles are the customerorder cycle, replenishment cycle, manufacturing cycle and procurement cycle.The customer order cycle occurs at the customer/retailer interface and includesall processes directly involved in receiving and filling the customer. Thereplenishment cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface and includes allprocesses involved in replenishing retailer inventory. The manufacturing cycletypically occurs at the distributor/manufacturer (or retailer/manufacturer) interface and includes all processes involved in replenishing distributor (or retailer)inventory. The procurement cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interfaceand includes all processes necessary to ensure that the materials are availablefor manufacturing according to schedule.Difficulty: Moderate3. Explain the push/pull view of the processes within a supply chain.Answer: The push/pull view of the supply chain divides supply chain processesinto two categories based on whether they are executed in response to acustomer order or in anticipation of customer orders. Pull processes are initiated in response to a customer order. Push processes are initiated and performed inanticipation of customer orders. The push/pull boundary separates pushprocesses from pull processes. This view is very useful when consideringstrategic decisions relating to supply chain design, because it forces a moreglobal consideration of supply chain processes as they relate to the customer.Difficulty: Moderate4. Explain the three macro processes within a supply chain.Answer: All processes within a supply chain can be classified into three macroprocesses which are Customer Relationship Management (CRM), InternalSupply Chain Management (ISCM), and Supplier Relationship Management(SRM). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) includes all processes thatfocus on the interface between the firm and its customers such as marketing,sales, call center management and order management. Internal Supply ChainManagement (ISCM) includes all processes that are internal to the firm such aspreparation of demand and supply plans, preparation of inventory managementpolicies, order fulfillment and planning of capacity. Supplier RelationshipManagement (SRM) includes all processes that focus on the interface between a firm and its suppliers such as evaluation and selection of suppliers, negotiation of supply terms and communication regarding new products and orders.Difficulty: Moderate5. Explain why supply chain flows are important.Answer: Supply chain flows are important, because there is a close connectionbetween the design and management of supply chain flows (product, information, and cash) and the success of a supply chain. The success of many companiescan be directly traced to the design and management of an appropriate supplychain. The failure of many businesses can be linked directly to their inability toeffectively design and manage supply chain flows.Difficulty: Moderate。

第一章:供应链管理概述1. 什么是供应链管理?答案:供应链管理是指通过有效的协调和控制,将原材料供应商、制造商、分销商和最终用户连接在一起,以实现产品从生产到消费的全过程管理。
2. 为什么供应链管理对企业至关重要?答案:供应链管理可以帮助企业降低成本、提高效率、提升客户满意度和竞争力。
第二章:供应链战略规划1. 什么是供应链战略规划?答案:供应链战略规划是指企业在制定供应链战略时所进行的规划活动。
2. 供应链战略规划的重要性是什么?答案:供应链战略规划可以帮助企业确定供应链的长期发展方向,提高企业的竞争力和市场地位。
第三章:供应链设计与优化1. 什么是供应链设计?答案:供应链设计是指根据企业的需求和目标,设计供应链的结构和流程。
2. 如何进行供应链优化?答案:供应链优化可以通过优化供应链流程、改进供应链合作伙伴关系、提高供应链信息系统的效率等方式来实现。
第四章:供应链执行与控制1. 什么是供应链执行?答案:供应链执行是指按照供应链计划和要求,进行供应链活动的实施和管理。

供应链管理-第三版-Unit1-习题与答案Chapter 1Understanding the Supply ChainTrue/False1. A supply chain includes only the organizations directly involved insupplying components needed for manufacturing.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate2. A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly,in fulfilling a customer request.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. A supply chain could be more accurately described as a supply network orsupply web.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4. The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the overall valuegenerated.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the value generatedfor the manufacturing component of the supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate6. Every supply chain must include all 5 stages.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy7. The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supplychain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages. Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate8. The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supplychain are divided into 2 categories depending on whether they areinitiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate9. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in asupply chain are divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy10. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in asupply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at theinterface between successive stages.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy11. The objective of the customer arrival process is to maximize theconversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate12. The objective of the customer arrival process is to ensure that ordersare quickly and accurately entered and communicated to other affectedsupply chain processes.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate13. The objective of customer order entry is to ensure that orders arequickly and accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate14. The objective of customer order entry is to maintain a record of productreceipt and complete payment.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard15. The replenishment cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard16. The replenishment cycle occurs at the distributor/manufacturer interface.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard17. The replenishment cycle is initiated when a supermarket runs out ofstock of a particular item.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard18. The replenishment cycle is initiated when customers load items intendedfor purchase into their carts.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard19. The manufacturing cycle occurs at the distributor/manufacturer interface.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate20. The manufacturing cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate21. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similarto the order entry process in the replenishment cycle.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard22. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similarto the order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard23. The procurement cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy24. The procurement cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy25. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when consideringoperational decisions, because it specifies the roles andresponsibilities of each member of the supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate26. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when consideringoperational decisions, because it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate27. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when consideringstrategic decisions relating to supply chain design, because itcategorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders. Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate28. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when consideringstrategic decisions relating to supply chain design, because itspecifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supplychain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate29. Pull processes may also be referred to as reactive processes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy30. Pull processes may also be referred to as speculative processes.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy31. Push processes may also be referred to as speculative processes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy32. Push processes may also be referred to as reactive processes.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy33. All supply chain activities within a firm belong to one of three macroprocesses – CRM, ISCM and SRM.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy34. There is a close connection between the design and management of supplychain flows and the success of a supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: EasyMultiple Choice1. Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?a. Customersb. Retailersc. Wholesalers/Distributorsd. Manufacturerse. All of the above are stages within a typical supply chain. Answer: eDifficulty: Easy2. Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?a. Customersb. Retailersc. Wholesalers/Distributorsd. Merchandiserse. Component/Raw material suppliersAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy3. Supply chain profitability isa. not correlated to the value generated by the various stages ofthe supply chain.b. the total profit to be shared across all supply chain stages.c. the difference between the revenue generated from the customer and the overall cost across the supply chain.d. the total revenue generated by the distributor stage of thesupply chain.e. b and c onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Difficult4. Successful supply chain management requires which of the following decision phases?a. supply chain strategy/designb. supply chain planningc. supply chain operationd. all of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate5. The decision phases in a supply chain includea. production scheduling.b. customer relationship management.c. supply chain operation.d. supply chain orientation.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate6. The cycle view of a supply chain holds thata. the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories.b. the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages.c. all processes in a supply chain are initiated in response to a customer order.d. all processes in a supply chain are performed in anticipation of customer orders.e. None of the above are true.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate7. The push/pull view of a supply chain holds thata. the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages.b. all processes in a supply chain are initiated in response to a customer order.c. all response in a supply chain are performed in anticipation of customer orders.d. the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.e. None of the above are true.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate8. Which of the following is not a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?a. Analysis cycleb. Customer order cyclec. Replenishment cycled. Manufacturing cyclee. Procurement cycleAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate9. Which of the following is not a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?a. Customer order cycleb. Replenishment cyclec. Manufacturing cycled. Procurement cyclee. All of the above are part of the supply chain cycle view.Answer: eDifficulty: Moderate10. The customer order cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy11. Which of the following is not a process in the customer order cycle?a. Customer arrivalb. Customer qualificationc. Customer order entryd. Customer order fulfillmente. Customer order receivingAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate12. Customer arrival refers toa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes a decision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and the retailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate13. The objective of the customer arrival process is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at the lowest possible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy14. Customer order entry isa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes a decision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and the retailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takes ownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate15. The objective of customer order entry is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at the lowest possible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy16. Customer order fulfillment refers toa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes a decision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and the retailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takes ownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate17. The objective of customer order fulfillment is toa. get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at the lowest possible cost.b. maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.d. ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy18. Customer order receiving isa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes a decision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and the retailer allocates product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takes ownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate19. The replenishment cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy20. The processes involved in the replenishment cycle includea. retail order receiving.b. retail order entry.c. retail order trigger.d. retail order fulfillment.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate21. The processes included in the replenishment cycle include all of the following excepta. retail order receiving.b. retail order entry.c. retail order trigger.d. retail order fulfillment.e. none of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate22. The processes included in the replenishment cycle includea. order arrival.b. production scheduling.c. retail trigger.d. manufacturing.e. receiving.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate23. The replenishment cycle is initiated whena. the customer walks into the supermarket.b. the customer calls a mail order telemarketing center.c. customers load items intended for purchase into their carts.d. a supermarket runs out of stock of a particular item.e. a product is received into stock at a store.Answer: dDifficulty: Hard24. The manufacturing cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy25. The processes involved in the manufacturing cycle includea. receiving.b. manufacturing and shipping.c. production scheduling.d. order arrival.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate26. The processes involved in the manufacturing cycle includea. order trigger.b. production scheduling.c. order fulfillment.d. order entry.e. manufacturing order analysis.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate27. The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to thea. order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.b. order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.c. order entry process in the replenishment cycle.d. order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard28. The manufacturing and shipping process in the manufacturing cycle is equivalent to thea. order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.b. order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.c. order entry process in the replenishment cycle.d. order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard29. The procurement cycle occurs at thea. customer/retailer interface.b. retailer/distributor interface.c. distributor/manufacturer interface.d. manufacturer/supplier interface.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy30. The relationship between the manufacturer and supplier during the procurement cycle is very similar to the relationship betweena. customer and retailer.b. retailer and distributor.c. retailer and manufacturer.d. distributor and manufacturer.e. manufacturer and customer.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate31. The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operational decisions, becausea. it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated inresponse to or in anticipation of customer orders.b. it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supply chain.c. processes are identified as either reactive or speculative.d. it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.e. it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard32. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategic decisions relating to supply chain design, becausea. it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.b. it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supply chain.c. it clearly defines the processes involved and the owners of each process.d. it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.e. it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard33. Which of the following statements about pull processes is accurate?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in anticipation of customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand must be forecast.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy34. Which of the following is not an accurate statement about pull processes?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in response to a customer order.c. At the time of execution, demand is known with certainty.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. All of the above are accurate.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy35. Which of the following statements about push processes is accurate?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in response to customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand is known with certainty.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy36. Which of the following is not an accurate statement about push processes?a. May also be referred to as speculative processes.b. Execution is initiated in anticipation of customer orders.c. At the time of execution, demand must be forecast.d. May also be referred to as reactive processes.e. All of the above are accurate.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy37. Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?a. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)b. Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM)c. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)d. all of the abovee. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy38. Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?a. Internal Relationship Management (IRM)b. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)c. External Relationship Management (ERM)d. Supply Chain Relationship Management (SCRM)e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate39. Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?a. Internal Relationship Management (IRM)b. External Relationship Management (ERM)c. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)d. Supply Chain Relationship Management (SCRM)e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate40. Activities involved in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) macro process includea. planning of internal production and storage.b. order fulfillment.c. marketing.d. supply planning.e. demand planning.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard41. Activities involved in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) macro process include all of the following excepta. demand planning.b. marketing.c. sales.d. order management.e. call center management.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard42. Activities involved in the Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) macro process includea. marketing.b. order fulfillment.c. sales.d. order management.e. call center management.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard43. Activities involved in the Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) macro process include all of the following excepta. planning of internal production and storage.b. order fulfillment.c. supply planning.d. demand planning.e. order management.Answer: eDifficulty: Hard44. Activities involved in the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) macro process includea. planning of internal production and storage.b. order fulfillment.c. supply planning.d. supplier evaluation and selection.e. order management.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate45. Activities involved in the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) macro process include all of the following excepta. negotiation of supply terms.b. design collaboration.c. supply planning.d. supplier evaluation and selection.e. supply collaboration.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard46. The phenomenal success of 7-Eleven Japan is attributed toa. being in the right place at the right time.b. its supply chain design and management ability.c. having 9000 locations.d. serving fresh food.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate47. A key issue facing Toyota isa. developing an internet marketing system.b. whether to specialize in a particular market.c. design of its global production and distribution network.d. how to implement model changes.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: HardEssay/Problems1. Explain the 3 decision phases (categories) that must be made in asuccessful supply chain.Answer: The 3 decision phases that occur within a supply chain aresupply chain strategy (or design), supply chain planning and supplychain operation. Decisions relate to the flow of information, productand funds. The difference between categories depends upon the frequency of each decision and the time frame over which it has an impact. During the supply chain strategy phase, a company determines what the chain’s configurations will be, how resources will be allocated, and whatprocesses each stage will perform. This will establish the structure of the supply chain for several years. Supply chain planning deals withdecisions with a time frame from 3 months up to a year. The planning。
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Understanding the Supply ChainTrue/False1.A supply chain includes only the organizations directly involved in supplying components needed for manufacturing.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate2.A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3.A supply chain could be more accurately described as a supply network or supply web.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4.The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the overall value generated.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5.The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the value generated for the manufacturing component of the supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate6.Every supply chain must include all 5 stages.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy7.The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate8.The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supplychain are divided into 2 categories depending on whether they areinitiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: FalseDifficulty: ModerateThe push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a9.supply chain are divided into 2 categories depending on whether they areinitiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: EasyThe push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a 10.supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at theinterface between successive stages.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy11.The objective of the customer arrival process is to maximize theconversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate12.The objective of the customer arrival process is to ensure that ordersare quickly and accurately entered and communicated to other affectedsupply chain processes.Answer: False Difficulty: Moderate13.The objective of customer order entry is to ensure that orders arequickly and accurately entered and communicated to other affected supplychain processes.Answer: True Difficulty: Moderate14.The objective of customer order entry is to maintain a record of productreceipt and complete payment.Answer: False Difficulty: Hard15.The replenishment cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface.Answer: True Difficulty: Hard16.The replenishment cycle occurs at the distributor/manufacturer interface. Answer: False Difficulty: HardThe replenishment cycle is initiated when a supermarket runs out of 17.stock of a particular item.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard18.The replenishment cycle is initiated when customers load items intendedfor purchase into their carts.Answer: False19.The manufacturing cycle occurs at the distributor/manufacturer interface. Answer: True Difficulty: Moderate20.The manufacturing cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: False Difficulty: Moderate21.The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similarto the order entry process in the replenishment cycle.Answer: True Difficulty: Hard 22.The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similarto the order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.Answer: False Difficulty: Hard23.The procurement cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy24.The procurement cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface.Answer: False Difficulty: Easy25.The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when consideringoperational decisions, because it specifies the roles andresponsibilities of each member of the supply chain.Answer: True Difficulty: Moderate 26.The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when consideringoperational decisions, because it categorizes processes based on whetherthey are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: False Difficulty: Moderate27.The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when consideringstrategic decisions relating to supply chain design, because itcategorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in response toor in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: TrueDifficulty: ModerateThe push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering 28.strategic decisions relating to supply chain design, because itspecifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supplychain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate29.Pull processes may also be referred to as reactive processes.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy30.Pull processes may also be referred to as speculative processes.Answer: False Difficulty: Easy31.Push processes may also be referred to as speculative processes.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy32.Push processes may also be referred to as reactive processes.Answer: False33.All supply chain activities within a firm belong to one of three macro CRM, ISCM and SRM.processes –Answer: True Difficulty: Easy34.There is a close connection between the design and management of supply chain flows and the success of a supply chain.Answer: True Difficulty: EasyMultiple Choice1.Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?a.Customersb.Retailersc.Wholesalers/Distributorsd.Manufacturerse.All of the above are stages within a typical supply chain.Answer: eDifficulty: Easy2.Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?a.Customersb.Retailersc.Wholesalers/Distributorsd.Merchandisersponent/Raw material suppliersAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy3.Supply chain profitability isa.not correlated to the value generated by the various stages ofthe supply chain.b.the total profit to be shared across all supply chain stages.c.the difference between the revenue generated from the customerand the overall cost across the supply chain.d.the total revenue generated by the distributor stage of thesupply chain.e.b and c onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Difficult4.Successful supply chain management requires which of the followingdecision phases?a.supply chain strategy/designb.supply chain planningc.supply chain operationd.all of the abovee.a and b onlyAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate5.The decision phases in a supply chain includea.production scheduling.customer relationship management.b.c.supply chain operation.d.supply chain orientation.e.all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: ModerateThe cycle view of a supply chain holds that6.a.the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories.b.the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series ofactivities performed at the interface between successive stages.c.all processes in a supply chain are initiated in response to a customer order.d.all processes in a supply chain are performed in anticipation of customer orders.e.None of the above are true.Answer: bDifficulty: ModerateThe push/pull view of a supply chain holds that 7.a.the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series ofactivities performed at the interface between successive stages.b.all processes in a supply chain are initiated in response to a customer order.c.all response in a supply chain are performed in anticipation of customer orders.d.the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categoriesdepending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.e.None of the above are true.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate8.not Which of the following is a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?Analysis cyclea.Customer order cycle b.Replenishment cyclec.d.Manufacturing cyclee.Procurement cycle Answer: a Difficulty: Moderate9.Which of the following is not a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?Customer order cyclea.b.Replenishment cycle Manufacturing cycle c.d.Procurement cyclee.All of the above are part of the supply chain cycle view.Answer: eDifficulty: ModerateThe customer order cycle occurs at the10.a.customer/retailer interface.b.retailer/distributor interface.c.distributor/manufacturer interface.d.manufacturer/supplier interface.e.none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy11.not a process in the customer order cycle?Which of the following isCustomer arrivala.Customer qualificationb.Customer order entry c.Customer order fulfillmentd.Customer order receivinge.Answer: b Difficulty: Moderate12.Customer arrival refers tothe point in time when the customer has access to choices anda.makes a decision regarding a purchase.the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchaseb.and the retailer allocating product to the customer.c.the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.the process where the customer receives the product and takesd.ownership.none of the abovee.Answer: a Difficulty: Moderate13.The objective of the customer arrival process is toget the correct orders to customers by the promised due date ata.the lowest possible cost.b.maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c.maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered andmunicated to other affected supply chain processes.none of the abovee.Answer: c Difficulty: Easy14.Customer order entry isa.the point in time when the customer has access to choices andmakes a decision regarding a purchase.b.the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchaseand the retailer allocating product to the customer.c.the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d.the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e.none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate15.The objective of customer order entry is toget the correct orders to customers by the promised due date ata.the lowest possible cost.maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.b. maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.c.ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered andmunicated to other affected supply chain processes.none of the abovee. Answer: d Difficulty: Easy16.Customer order fulfillment refers tothe point in time when the customer has access to choices anda.makes a decision regarding a purchase.the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchaseb.and the retailer allocating product to the customer.c.the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.the process where the customer receives the product and takesd.ownership.e.none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: ModerateThe objective of customer order fulfillment is to17.get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date ata.the lowest possible cost.b.maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.c.maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered andmunicated to other affected supply chain processes.none of the abovee. Answer: aDifficulty: Easy18.Customer order receiving isa.the point in time when the customer has access to choices andmakes a decision regarding a purchase.b.the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchaseand the retailer allocates product to the customer.c.the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d.the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e.none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate19.The replenishment cycle occurs at the customer/retailer interface.a.retailer/distributor interface.b.distributor/manufacturer interface.c. manufacturer/supplier interface.d.none of the abovee.Answer: b Difficulty: Easy20.The processes involved in the replenishment cycle includeretail order receiving.a.retail order entry.b.retail order trigger.c.d.retail order fulfillment.e.all of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Moderate21.The processes included in the replenishment cycle include all of theexcept followinga.retail order receiving.b.retail order entry.c.retail order trigger.d.retail order fulfillment.e.none of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Moderate22.The processes included in the replenishment cycle include order arrival.a.b.production scheduling.c.retail trigger.d.manufacturing.e.receiving.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate23.The replenishment cycle is initiated whena.the customer walks into the supermarket.b.the customer calls a mail order telemarketing center.c.customers load items intended for purchase into their carts.d.a supermarket runs out of stock of a particular item.e.a product is received into stock at a store.Answer: dDifficulty: Hard24.The manufacturing cycle occurs at thecustomer/retailer interface.a.retailer/distributor interface.b.distributor/manufacturer interface.c.manufacturer/supplier interface.d.none of the abovee.Answer: c Difficulty: Easy25.The processes involved in the manufacturing cycle includereceiving.a.manufacturing and shipping.b.c.production scheduling.d.order arrival.all of the abovee.Answer: e Difficulty:26.The processes involved in the manufacturing cycle include a.order trigger. production scheduling.b.order fulfillment.c.d.order entry.manufacturing order analysis.e.Answer: b Difficulty: Moderate27.The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similarto thea.order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.b.order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.c.order entry process in the replenishment cycle.d.order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.e.none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard28.The manufacturing and shipping process in the manufacturing cycle isequivalent to thea.order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.b.order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.c.order entry process in the replenishment cycle.d.order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.e.none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard29.The procurement cycle occurs at thecustomer/retailer interface.a.retailer/distributor interface.b.distributor/manufacturer interface.c.manufacturer/supplier interface.d.e.none of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Easy30.The relationship between the manufacturer and supplier during theprocurement cycle is very similar to the relationship between a.customer and retailer.b.retailer and distributor.retailer and manufacturer.c.d.distributor and manufacturer.e.manufacturer and customer.Answer: d Difficulty: ModerateThe cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering 31.operational decisions, becauseit categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated ina.response to or in anticipation of customer orders.it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of theb.supply chain.processes are identified as either reactive or speculative.c.it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.d.e.it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Difficulty: Hard32.The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when consideringstrategic decisions relating to supply chain design, becausea.it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated inresponse to or in anticipation of customer orders.b.it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of thesupply chain.c.it clearly defines the processes involved and the owners of eachprocess.d.it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.e.it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard33.Which of the following statements about pull processes is accurate?May also be referred to as speculative processes.a.Execution is initiated in anticipation of customer orders.b.At the time of execution, demand must be forecast.c. May also be referred to as reactive processes.d.None of the above are accurate.e.Answer: d Difficulty: Easy34.not an accurate statement about pull Which of the following isprocesses?May also be referred to as speculative processes.a.b.Execution is initiated in response to a customer order.c.At the time of execution, demand is known with certainty.May also be referred to as reactive processes.d.All of the above are accurate.e.Answer: a Difficulty: Easy35.Which of the following statements about push processes is accurate?a.May also be referred to as speculative processes.b.Execution is initiated in response to customer orders.c.At the time of execution, demand is known with certainty.d.May also be referred to as reactive processes.e.None of the above are accurate. Answer: a Difficulty: Easy36.Which of the following is not an accurate statement about pushprocesses?a.May also be referred to as speculative processes.b.Execution is initiated in anticipation of customer orders.c.At the time of execution, demand must be forecast.d.May also be referred to as reactive processes.e.All of the above are accurate.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy37.Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?a.CustomerRelationship Management (CRM)b.Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM)c.Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)d.all of the above none of the abovee.Answer: d Difficulty: Easy38.Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?Internal Relationship Management (IRM)a.Customer Relationship Management (CRM)b.c.External Relationship Management (ERM)d.Supply Chain Relationship Management (SCRM) none of the abovee.Answer: b Difficulty: Moderate39.Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?Internal Relationship Management (IRM)a.b.External Relationship Management (ERM)c.Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Supply Chain Relationship Management (SCRM)d.none of the abovee.Answer: c Difficulty: Moderate40.Activities involved in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) macro process include a.planning of internal production and storage.order fulfillment.b.c.marketing.d.supply planning.e.demand planning.Answer: cDifficulty: HardActivities involved in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) macro 41.process include all of the following excepta.demand planning.b.marketing.c.sales.d.order management.e.call center management.Answer: aDifficulty: HardActivities involved in the Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) macro 42.process includea.marketing.b.order fulfillment.c.sales.d.order management.e.call center management.Answer: bDifficulty: HardActivities involved in the Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) macro 43.process include all of the following excepta.planning of internal production and storage.b.order fulfillment.c.supply planning.d.demand planning.e.order management.Answer: eDifficulty: HardActivities involved in the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) macro 44.process includea.planning of internal production and storage.b.order fulfillment.c.supply planning.d.supplier evaluation and selection.e.order management.Answer: dDifficulty: ModerateActivities involved in the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) macro 45.process include all of the following exceptnegotiation of supply terms.a.b.design collaboration.c.supply planning.d.supplier evaluation and selection.e.supply collaboration.Answer: cDifficulty: HardThe phenomenal success of 7-Eleven Japan is attributed to46.a.being in the right place at the right time.b.its supply chain design and management ability.c.having 9000 locations.d.serving fresh food.e.none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate47. A key issue facing Toyota is a.developing an internet marketing system.b.whether to specialize in a particular market.design of its global production and distribution network.c.how to implement model changes.d.all of the abovee.Answer: c Difficulty: HardEssay/Problems1.Explain the 3 decision phases (categories) that must be made in asuccessful supply chain.Answer: The 3 decision phases that occur within a supply chain are supply chain strategy (or design), supply chain planning and supplychain operation. Decisions relate to the flow of information, productand funds. The difference between categories depends upon the frequency of each decision and the time frame over which it has an impact. During the supply chain strategy phase, a company determines what the chain's configurations will be, how resources will be allocated, and what processes each stage will perform. This will establish the structure of the supply chain for several years. Supply chain planning deals with decisions with a time frame from 3 months up to a year. The planning phase must work within the constraints established in the strategy phase. Planning decisions include which markets to supply from which locations, subcontracting of manufacturing, inventory policies and timing and size of marketing promotions. The supply chain operation phase operates on a weekly or daily time horizon and deals with decisions concerning individual customer orders.Difficulty: Hard2.Describe the cycle view of the processes within a supply chain.Answer: The cycle view divides the supply chain into a series of 4 cycles between the 5 different stages of a supply chain. The cycles are the customer order cycle, replenishment cycle, manufacturing cycle and procurement cycle. The customer order cycle occurs at thecustomer/retailer interface and includes all processes directly involved in receiving and filling the customer. The replenishment cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface and includes all processes involvedin replenishing retailer inventory. The manufacturing cycle typically occurs at the distributor/manufacturer (or retailer/manufacturer) interface and includes all processes involved in replenishingdistributor (or retailer) inventory. The procurement cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface and includes all processes necessary to ensure that the materials are available for manufacturing according to schedule.Difficulty: Moderate3.Explain the push/pull view of the processes within a supply chain.Answer: The push/pull view of the supply chain divides supply chain processes into two categories based on whether they are executed in response to a customer order or in anticipation of customer orders. Pull processes are initiated in response to a customer order. Push processesare initiated and performed in anticipation of customer orders. Thepush/pull boundary separates push processes from pull processes. Thisview is very useful when considering strategic decisions relating tosupply chain design, because it forces a more global consideration of supply chain processes as they relate to the customer.Difficulty: Moderate Explain the three macro processes within a supply chain.4.Answer: All processes within a supply chain can be classified into three macro processes which are Customer Relationship Management (CRM),Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM), and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) includes all processes that focus on the interface between the firm and its customers such as marketing, sales, call center management and order management. Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) includes all processes that are internal to the firm such as preparation of demand and supply plans, preparation of inventory management policies, order fulfillment and planning of capacity. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) includesall processes that focus on the interface between a firm and itssuppliers such as evaluation and selection of suppliers, negotiation of supply terms and communication regarding new products and orders. Difficulty: Moderate5.Explain why supply chain flows are important.Answer: Supply chain flows are important, because there is a close connection between the design and management of supply chain flows (product, information, and cash) and the success of a supply chain. The success of many companies can be directly traced to the design and management of an appropriate supply chain. The failure of manybusinesses can be linked directly to their inability to effectivelydesign and manage supply chain flows.Difficulty: Moderate。