The Operation Instruction is applicable to pressure release valve of a series of transformers manufactured by our company, indicating its application, performances, specifications, technical parameters, usage and installation for uses’ reference.
注:特殊环境代号note: special environment:
TA: 干热带地区dry tropic
TH: 湿热带地区 humid tropic
T: 干、湿热带地区dry、humid tropic
1.Application andperformance
Pressure release valves play avital role in the protection of oil-immersed electrical equipments, such as transformers, high voltage switch gears, capacitor and on load tap-changers, etc. This device can prevent the oil-immersed electrical equipment from deformation or rupture. Should a fault occur in such electrical equipment, from deformation of rupture?Should a fault occurring in such electrical equipment, they are instantaneously vaporize the oil causing extremelyrapid build-up of gaseous pressure?If mounting this type pressure release device on the oil-tank, when the pressure reaches to its opening pressure, it opens automatically within 2ms and relieves the pressure.
Marsh Hawk TRV 1系列4000压力释放阀说明书
![Marsh Hawk TRV 1系列4000压力释放阀说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1435ca30a517866fb84ae45c3b3567ec102ddc0f.png)
v e n t i n g| g a u g e h atc h e sS E R I E S4000 M A R S H H AW K T RVFeatures• Premium deep-set gauge hatch with integral pressure & vacuum relief offers superior performance in normal and cold conditions.• reliable, bubble-tight sealing with standard Fkm ( viton) seal and stainless steel spring.• Field adjustable pressure settings, from 2 ozsi to 32 ozsi.• manual relief, inconel trim, alternative seals and various coatings optionally available.F E AT U RE SDeep-set venting gauge hatch• the series 4000 marsh hawk trv offers tank access combined with pressure and vacuum reliefin a deep-set design.• situating valve seats below the tank roof permits latent heat from the product to keep the seals ice-free.Reliable, bubble-tight sealing• the series 4000 has class-leading sealperformance as compared to any other premium or economy venting gauge hatch currently available.• improved sealing performance eliminates flutter and periodic small-scale venting which can cause frost closure in competitor top-mount hatches.Variety of pressure settings• the series 4000 marsh hawk pressure relief is adjustable between 2 ozsi and 16 ozsi in 2 ozsi increments.• the optional double-weight spring allows relief pressure between 18 and 32 ozsi, in 2 ozsiincrements.• 1 ozsi increments optionally available.• vacuum relief is fixed at 0.4 ozsi.Suitable for Sour Service• the series 4000 is ready for sour service out of the box with Fkm ( viton) seals and stainlesssprings.• For more adverse applications, alternative seal and spring materials are available, along withhard anodization or fusion-bond epoxy coatings.S P E C I F I C AT I O NS¹temperatures provided are continuous service temperatures for the indicated seal materials. see the short term extended service temperatures below in “seal materials and configuration” section.D I M E N S I O NSFalse-colour cutaway of a series 4000 marsh hawk trv showing the deep-set seal (orange), pressure spacers(blue) and springs (red).F LOW C H A R AC T E R I S T I C-3.2-3-2.8-2.6-2.4-2.2-2-1.8-1.6-1.4-1.2-1-0.8-0.6-0.4-0.20T A N K V A C U U M , V (O Z S I )024681012141618202224262830323436384042444648505254565860626401234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435T A N K P R E S S U R E , P (O Z S I )FL OW RA T E T H R O UG H M A R S H H AW K, Q , X 1000 SCF H (AIR)O P T I O N S A N D AC C E S S O R I E SManual Reliefthe manual relief option allows an operator to manu-ally activate the vent.Pressing the hatch cover’s large red button on the actu-ates the vacuum pallet, relieving pressure in the tank to allow safe removal of the spider cage assembly for tank gauging or hatch maintenance. the button and actuating poppet are supported independently of the vacuum disc, and do not interfere with normal relieving operation.Hard Anodized (Type III)For situations requiring improved corrosion resistance over the standard marsh hawk, a hard anodization option is available. this electrochemical process in-creases the thickness and durability of the ceramic-like natural aluminum oxide layer.all aluminum components are anodized to meet miL-a-862F type iii engineering hardcoat. the anodization slightly darkens the cast components and imparts a slight bronze tinge to the machined components.anodization improved performance in moderate brines, as well as acetic, boric and nitric acid. For prolonged exposure to concentrated brines, or strong mineral acids, consider the severe service coating.Severe Service CoatingFor situations demanding the highest corrosion resis-tance, consider the severe service coating.the body of the marsh hawk is coated with a red Fusion Bond epoxy (FBe) for resistance to mineral acids,(including sulphuric and hydrochloric acids up to 15%) high-chloride ion solutions (including alumi-num chloride, potassium chloride and brine) as well as many other petrochemicals.the marsh hawk internals are coated in a proprietary black PFa (teFLOn) providing the same excellent fluo-ropolymer chemical resistance as the FBe above.series 4000 marsh hawk trv with manual relief Optionseries 4000 marsh hawk trv with hard anodizationseries 4000 marsh hawk trv with severe service coatingO P T I O N S A N D AC C E S S O R I E S (C O N T I N U E D )S E A L C O N F I G U R AT I O N A N D M AT E R I A L S the series 4000 marsh hawk combines the pressure and vacuum valve in an innovative design that requires only one shared gasket.to improve valve sealing performance, gaskets are factory coated with a pliable silane-based sealant. an optional oil-based sealant for use in sour gas applica-tions is also available. Both sealants are available in small packages for maintenance and reapplication.hawkeye offers three material options for the pressure / vacuum seal, beyond the standard Fkm (viton®) seal.• For applications where sealing is the first priority and the vent is not expected to operate often and has low set pressures (under 4 ozsi), eFkm (sponge viton®) can be supplied.• For higher temperature, minimally freezing conditions and acid service FePm (aflas®) is available.• For extreme applications FFkm (kalrez®) is also available.the use of ePDm seals in any hawkeye vent is contra-indicated due to its unsuitability in common petrochem-ical applications.hawkeye does not offer or recommend using solid fluoropolymer (PtFe, PFa, FeP, etc.), nor expanded flu-ropolymer (gOre-tex®) as a gasket material and any venting device. although the material may be chemi-cally suitable, the harder crystalline polymer structure of these materials impedes sealing at the typically low interfacial pressures found in the marsh hawk, as well as other low-pressure (i.e. <15 psi) vents.GENE R A L FLU OROEL A STOM E R CHEM ICA L C OM PATI BI LI T Y¹FKM / VI TON N.B.¹ THIS CHART I S F OR R EFE REN CE ONLY. ALT HOUG H HAWKEYE STRI VES TO E NSU RE P RE SE NTE D I NF OR MATI ON I S ACCURATE, A QUALIF I ED PE RSON SHO ULD EN SURE TH E SUI TABILI T YO F A S E LECTED MATER IA L I N T HE SPECIF IC CHEMI CAL, TEMP ERATURE A ND PRE SSU RE C O NTE XT O F TH EI R APPLI CATIO N.² SH OWN F OR COMPA RI SON PURPOSE S ON LY, NOT AVA ILABLE AS A SEAL M ATE RIAL O N H AW KE YE VE N TS60330OPE R AT I NG TE M PE R ATU R E , °CNOR MA L RAN G EVITON IDHOLE AFLAS IDHOLES KALREZ ID HOLESID E N T IF Y IN G M AR S H H AWK GAS K E T M AT E R I A LMesh Hata formed 10 mesh 304 stainless steel cover to keep insects and debris from interfering with the marsh hawk internals.De-icing Systemallows direct injection of a seal-appropriate de-icing solution onto the marsh hawk internals from ground level. includes spray nozzle and hose assembly.PA RTS L I S T&M AT E R I A L S O F C O N S T R U C T I ONPAC K AG I N Gseries 4000 marsh hawks are shipped complete and boxed. in addition to the marsh hawk itself,the car-ton contains bolt kit(s), tank gasket(s) and installation instructions.weight is approximately 28 lb [12.7 kg].P R E S S U R E T E S T I N G series 4000 marsh hawks are tested prior to packaging to ensure pressure-tightness and relief setting accuracy. items passing the quality control measures are marked with the label at right.•P A S S•P R E SS UR E T ES T E DV E N T M A R K I N Gthe spider cage assembly of the series 4000 marsh hawk is tagged with the initial factory confi guration of the valve. as the relief pressure is fi eld-adjustable, space is left on the tag to record future set pressures,should they change.C E RT I F I C AT I O Nthe pressure and vacuum relief settings of the series 4000 marsh hawk can be factory certifi ed at an addi-tional expense. certifi ed hatches are accompanied by a certifi cate stating the relief pressure of the hatches.R I S E RS & S P O O L SBolt-on risers account for the slope of the tank roof ensuring the series 4000 marsh hawk sits level for trouble-free operation. adapter spools allow installa-tion of a marsh hawk or other 8” aPi 12B/F device onto an ansi B16.5 fl at-face fl ange or other aPi man-way or tank opening. see the “risers, spools & rings” brochure for more information. 12:1 Bolt-on Hatch Riserthe most popular riser used with the series 4000 marsh hawk, the HRSP-0800, ensures a vertical gauge hatch orientation on a 12:1 sloped tank roof with an existing 8” aPi 12B/F fl at-face connection.[in.][mm.]rh riser height (max) 4.2107rcmin minimum fl ange gap2.563.5P Pitch12:1 4.8°rd Outisde Diameter 12.0305riinside Diameter8.0203the series 4000 marsh hawk is just one part of tank-age product lines from hawkeye industries, that also includes:Vapor Controlseries 5000 ePrv series 6000 Pvrv Mechanical Level Indicationmodel 1000 Redtail & model 1500 Roadside Dry seal Zero emission Level gauging systems model 2000 Goshawk Level transmitter for Dry seal Zero emission Level gauging systemsR E L AT E D P R O D U C TScontents © 2006 - 2021 hawkeye industries inc. this document is uncontrolled, and is subject to change without notice. Please refer to for the most up-to-date product information. 2110 70 ave nwedmonton, aB, canada t6P 1n6toll Free: (800) 910-4295Phone: (780) 490-4295Fax: (780) venting - series 4000 marsh hawk trv 01Jun2021Printed in canada.O R D E R I N G I N F O R M AT I O Nstandard series 4000 marsh hawk configurations are stocked ready to ship. Other configurations are typically assemble-to-order and available in under two weeks. configure your desired series 4000 marsh hawk trv us-ing the part number legend below. items in bold are standard items and have fastest lead times. all series 4000 marsh hawks ship complete with a gr. 5 Bolt kit and cr (neoprene) Base gasket, both upgradable (see below). For project quantities, contact your hawkeye sales rep for delivery schedules.Relief & MaterialOptionsMHMSMesh ScreenMHKD De-icing System0000Accessories Base GasketBolting KitSeries 6000 PVRV。
YSF压力释放阀YSF Pressure release valve使用说明书Instructions沈阳市金钟电器厂Shenyang Jinzhong electrical appliance factoryYSF Pressure release valve带防护罩的YSF4,5型压力释放阀定向喷油螺纹安装的YSF6型压力释放阀With a protective hood Specify the direction of Spray oil , Thread Installed定向喷油法兰安装的YSF7型压力释放阀定向导油法兰安装的YSF8,9型压力释放阀Specify the direction of Spray oil , Flange Installation Specify the direction of Oil Guide,Flange Installation YSF7 Pressure release valve YSF8,9 Pressure release valve- 1 -二, 型号、规格与基本技术参数Models, specifications and basic technical parameters:1, 型号Model :Y S F / D(S)KJTHB压力释放阀Pressure release valve 型号举例Model example: YSF 5 –55 / 130 D(S)KJTHBYSF 代表压力释放阀, 5 代表设计序号, 55 代表开启压力, 130 代表有效口径,YSF On behalf of pressure release valve,5 Serial number of Design,55 Opening pressure,130 Effective aperture D ( S ) 代表开关数量单( 双 ), K 代表电信号, J 代表机械信号, TH 代表湿热带地区,B 代表闭锁装置 D(S) -Switch amount one(two), K -Electric Signal, J - Mechanical signal, TH -Humid Tropics, B-Locking Device 2, 使用条件:-30℃至+100℃ 如遇寒带地区,采用特殊密封圈可满足-45℃Exploitation conditions -30℃ to +100℃ In case the frigid zone area, uses the special seal packing collar to be possible to satisfy -45℃3, 基本技术参数Basic technical parameters :有效口径Effective aperture (mm) 开启压力Opening pressure(KPa)关闭压力(不小于)Close Pressure (Not less than)(KPa)∮25∮5015±58 25 13.5 35 19 55 29.5 ∮80 ∮1303519 55 29.5 70 37.5 85 45.5 13874.5三, 带有电信号的输出接线线路图With electrical signal output wiring circuit diagram:a, 单开关接线线路图 b, 双开关接线线路图 C,双开关接线线路图Single-switch Two-switch Two-switch wiring circuit diagram wiring circuit diagram wiring circuit diagram信号开关接点容量Signal switch contact capacity :AC 220V 5A DC 220V 0.3A(电阻负载Resistive load )- 2 -。
2 Specifications
2.1 Valve specifications
Type of actuation
Internal pilot operating pressure range [MPa] Note 1)
Air N.C. Standard: 0.2 to 0.7
3 Installation - continued
• Products compliant with IP65 enclosures are protected against dust and water, however, these products cannot be used in water.
High pressure: 0.2 to 1.0 MPa
Operating and ambient temperatures [°C] Flow characteristics Response time Duty cycle Max. operating frequency [Hz] Manual override
2.3 Indicator light In the DIN terminal type, the light is installed in the connector.
Surge voltage suppressor (for D/Y Z)
Light (for D/Y Z)
Figure 1.
• Contact SMC for altitude limitations.
• Temperature of ambient environment Use the valve within the range of the ambient temperature specification of each valve. In addition, pay attention when using the valve in environments where the temperature changes drastically.
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(c)YSF6Ⅲ-/25 型压力释放阀外形及结构图
(d)YSF6-/25 型压力释放阀外形及结构图
有效喷油口径 (mm)
Φ25(a,b,c 型) Φ25(d 型) Φ50(a,b 型)
D1 (mm) Φ40 Φ40 Φ67
密封压力 (kPa)
9 15 21 30 33
● 喷油有效口径的选择 油箱内油重(t)
∠1.5 Φ25
1.5~4.5 Φ50
● 开启压力的选择 a)压力释放阀的开启压力应等于或略小于 0.6~0.7 倍的油箱安全压力; b)按产品规格及基本参数表确定阀的开启压力。
●闭锁装置应在变压器运行前拆除,确保压力释放阀的正常运行。 ●安装时压力释放阀各零、部件不可随意拆卸。 ●设备运行时,如释放阀开启使标志杆跳起,在查明原因后将标志杆手动复位,解除
利用电气设备每次停电检修的机会对压力释放阀进行下列检修: ●开启动作是否灵敏,如有卡堵现象应排除。 ●密封胶圈是否已老化、变形或损坏。 ●零部件是否变形或损坏。 ●信号开关动作是否灵活。
压力释放阀PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE使用说明书OPERATION INSTRUCTION明远电器设备SHENYANG MINGYUAN ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO., Ltd.本说明书适用于我公司生产的系列变压器用压力释放阀,阐述其用途、性能、规格、技术参数、使用及安装,供用户参考。
The Operation Instruction is applicable to pressure release valve of a series of transformers manufactured by our company, indicating its application, performances, specifications, technical parameters, usage and installation for uses’ reference.1. 压力释放阀用途和性能压力释放阀适用于油浸式电力变压器、电力电容器及有载分接开关等,用来保护油箱。
1.Application and performancePressure release valves play a vital role in the protection of oil-immersed electrical equipments, such as transformers, high voltage switch gears, capacitor and on load tap-changers, etc. This device can prevent the oil-immersed electrical equipment from deformation or rupture. Should a fault occur in such electrical equipment, from deformation of rupture? Should a fault occurring in such electrical equipment, they are instantaneously vaporize the oil causing extremely rapid build-up of gaseous pressure? If mounting this type pressure release device on the oil-tank, when the pressure reaches to its opening pressure, it opens automatically within 2ms and relieves the pressure.2.型号、规格及基本参数Type, specification and technical parameters2.1 型号的含义 Meaning of typeY S F□—□ / □□□特殊环境代号(Special environment)带机械信号标“J”(“J”:mechanical signal)带信号开关标“K”(“K”:electrical signal)两者都带标“KJ”(“KJ”:Both with signal)喷油有效口径(Caliber of oil-gushing tube)mm开启压力(Opening pressure)kPa设计序号(Design serial number)阀(valve)释放(release)压力(pressure)注:特殊环境代号 note: special environment:TA: 干热带地区 dry tropicTH: 湿热带地区 humid tropicT: 干、湿热带地区 dry、humid tropic例:YSF16-55/130KKJT开启压力为55kPa,喷油口径为φ130mm,带电信号、机械信号。
EATON 比例压力放松阀说明书
![EATON 比例压力放松阀说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/72062e9adb38376baf1ffc4ffe4733687e21fcec.png)
ContentsGENERAL DESCRIPTION 3 TYPICAL SECTION 3 FUNCTIONAL SYMBOLS 4 MODEL CODES 5 OPERATING DATA 6 PERFORMANCE DATAPressure override, Off-Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Pressure override when relieving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Pressure gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Step response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9INSTALLATION DIMENSIONSKBCG-6/8 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Mounting surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 CGVM-6-10-R Subplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11ELECTRICAL INFORMATIONBlock diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Wiring connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13FURTHER INFORMATION 152EATON Proportional pressure relief valves V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 20203EATON Proportional pressure relief valves V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 2020These two-stage pressure relief valves offer extensive application possibilities through their ability to control the pressure setting in proportion to an applied electrical input (up to a pressure limit which is manually adjustable and lockable) .The integral amplifier allows the pressure to be controlled from a low power command signal: either a voltage or current command . The amplifier is mounted in a robust metal housing and electrical connections are via an industry standard 7-pin plug . Factory-set adjustments ensure high reproducibility valve-to-valve .Basic characteristicsMax . pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .350 bar (5000 psi) Max . flow rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .400 L/min (106 USgpm)Mounting face to ISO 6264:For KBCG-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AR-06-2-A For KBCG-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AS-08-2-AFeatures and benefits • Remote electrical proportional control of pressure from a choice of five pressure ranges per valve size .• Excellent repeatability and stable performance results from cartridge design of mainstage elements .• Low installed cost and space requirement from high power/size ratios (more than double that of many conventional designs) .• On-board ramp adjustment .General descriptionT ypical sectionManual and electricalpilots internallydrained to port T.Model code 7= Blank7-pin plugManual pilot internallydrained to port T;electrical pilot drainedto side drain port u.Model code 7= 37-pin plugu Tapped port on side of pilot head . Manual and electrical pilots drained to side drain port u.Model code 7= 17-pin plug¨¨¨Functional symbolsu Tapped port on side of pilot head .4EATON Proportional pressure relief valves V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 20205EATON Proportional pressure relief valves V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 20201KB 8Z 2*9*3G 1034*11A 5*12P*76***13*7*14111Valve typeKB Proportional valve with integral amplifier, B series 2TypeC Pressure relief 3MountingG Subplate mounted 4Interface - ISO 6264With B port high pressure inlet, A port reduced pressure outlet 6 AR-06-2-A 8 AS-08-2-A 5Manual adjustment W Screw/locknut 6Controlled pressure rangeBased on inlet pressure of 350 bar (5000 psi) . Note, with 100 bar (1450 psi) inlet the lower limits will be 2-3 bar (30-43 psi) lower40 100 160 250 3506-40 bar (87-580 psi) 7,75-100 bar (112-1450 psi) 8,5-160 bar (125-2300 psi) 8,5-250 bar (125-3625 psi) 9-350 bar (139-5000 psi)7DrainBlankManual and electrical pilots drain internally to T port 1Manual and electrical pilots drained to side port drain 3Manual pilot internally drained to T port, electrical pilot drained to side port drain 8Manual overridesZ No overrides 9Electrical command options M1+/- 10 volts control signal M24-20 mA control signal 10Ramps3Standard ramp for KBCG- 6/8 valve types 11Command/pressure characteristicA Standard 12Electrical connection PC77 pin connector, without plug supplied PE77 pin connector, with plug supplied PH7As PE7 but with pin ‘C’ used for enable signal PR7as PC7 but with pin ‘C’ used for enable signal 13Coil rating H124V DC amplifier supply 14Design number, 1* series 11Subject to change . Installation dimensions unaltered for design numbers 10 to 19 respectivelyModel codesT o conform to the EC Electromagnetic Compatibility directive (EMC) this KBCG valve must be fitted with a metal 7-pin plug. The screen of the cable must be securely connected to the shell of the metal connector. A suitable IP67 rated connector is available from Eaton, part no. 934939. Alternatively a non IP67 rated connector is available from ITT -Cannon, part no. CA 02 COM-E 14S A7 P .6EATON Proportional pressure relief valves V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 2020Operating dataStandard test conditions are with antiwear hydraulic oil at 36 cSt (168 SUS) and 50°C (122°F)Maximum pressures:Ports P and X ▲350 bar (5000 psi)Port T ▲ in KBCG-*-****-Z valves2 bar (30 psi)Port T ▲ in KBCG-*-****-1/3-Z valves350 bar (5000 psi)Side drain port ▲2 bar (30 psi)▲ Back pressure at these ports additive to the pressuresetting of the valve.Rated flow at Δp = 6 bar (87 psi):KBCG-6200 L/min (52.8 USgpm)KBCG-8400 L/min (105.7 USgpm)Vent u flow with valve at rated flow1 L/min (0.26 USgpm)u See “Venting”, page 8.Pilot control drain flow, when valve is limiting systempressure, i.e. flow P to T occurring:KBCG-61,3 L/min (0.34 USgpm)KBCG-82,0 L/min (0.53 USgpm)Coil or amplifier rating24V x 40W max. (22 to 36V including 10% pk.-to-pk.max. ripple)Command signal:Volts (see model code 9 - 1)0 to +10V or 0 to -10VInput impedance 47 kΩCommon mode voltage to pin B 4VCurrent (see model code 9 - 2) 4 to 20 mAInput impedance 100ΩValve enable signal:Enable >9.0V (36V max)Disable <2.0VInput impedance 36 kΩ7-pin plug connector Pin DescriptionA Power supply positive (+)B Power supply 0V and current command returnC Valve enable (PH7 & PR7)D Command signal (+V or current in)E Command signal (-V or current GND)F Output monitorView of pins of fixed half G Protective groundElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)IEC 61326-2-1 (Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use)Conducted Emissions CISPR11 -2015-06 Ed 6.0/EN55011 - Class A, 150kHz to 30MHzRadiated Emissions CISPR11 -2015-06 Ed 6.0 /EN55011 - Class A, 30MHz – 1GHzRF Continuous Conducted disturbances IEC 61000-4-6, 3Vrms Class A 150 KHz to 80 MHzRF Electromagnetic Field, 80MHz to 1GHZ, 10V/m; 1.4GHz to 2.7GHz, 3V/m; Meets Criterion ASurge: IEC 61000-4-5• DC Power Port : ±1kV• Signal/Control Port : ±1kVElectrical Fast Transients IEC 61000-4-4, Class B• DC Power Port : ±1kV• Signal/Control Port : ±0.5kVElectrostatic discharges (ESD) IEC 61000-4-2, Class B• Air ±8kV• Contact ±4kVROHS Compliance:Complies with: Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive 2011/65/EUMonitor signal (pin F) 1.7 V/amp solenoid currentOutput impedance10 kΩOperating dataPressure gain See graphFactory setting - Maximum with 100% command signal.Pressure override when relieving and when off-load See graphsLinearity, between 10% and 100% of rated pressure:KBCG-6 models at 100 L/min (26 USgpm)<6%KBCG-8 models at 200 L/min (52 USgpm)<6%Hysteresis<6% (with factory-set dither)Repeatability<1.3% of rated pressureReproducibility, valve-to-valve (at factory settings):Pressure at 100% command signal≤5%Protection:Electrical Reverse polarity protectedEnvironmental IEC 529, Class IP67Mass (weight):KBCG-65,36 kg (11.8 lb)KBCG-86,26 kg (13.8 lb)Supporting products:Auxiliary electronic modules (DIN-rail mounting):EHA-CON-201-A-2* Signal converter See catalog 2410BEHD-DSG-201-A-1* Command signal generator See catalog 2470EHA-RMP-201-A-2* Ramp generator See catalog 2410BEHA-PID-201-A-2* PID controller See catalog 2427EHA-PSU-201-A-10 Power supply See catalog 2410BSubplates, size 03See catalog 2425Mounting bolts n See catalog 2314An Note: If not using Vickers™ recommended bolt kits, boltsmust be to ISO 898 grade 12.9 or stronger.Mounting attitude No restriction, provided that the valve is kept full of fluid through port T.7EATON Proportional pressure relief valves V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 20208EATON Proportional pressure relief valves V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 2020Pressure override, off-load Graphs show the minimum pressures obtainable:a) With 0 mA current to the solenoid coil b) When the valve is vented (see following explanation) .Venting When the vent port X (or alternative vent port in the valve body) is connected to the reservoir via a suitable 2-way pilot valve, the mainstage of the relief valve opens to allow full flow from P to T at low pressure drop . The minimum pressure drop is obtained when the pilot valve is also de-energized . The total pressure drop through the venting 2-way valve and pipework is additive to the pressure at P . While the valve is vented the system pressure cannot be controlled via the proportional solenoid . This control feature is frequently used during off-load periods in machine cycle times . If lower off-load system pressures are required then additional full flow unloading valves are recommended, e .g . Vickers™ CV series cartridge valves . Note: All valves are with pilot valve de-energized .Data is typical with oil at 36 cSt (168 SUS) and at 50°C (122°F)024810bar 60255075100125psiKBCG-815097531V al vepre ssur ed rop400 L/min400608010020030020Flow rate 100USgpm 024810bar 60255075100125150psi13579KBCG-6V al vepre ssur ed ro pKBCG-6*-160/250/350KBCG-6*-100KBCG-6*-40 (also KBCG-6*-350 vented)KBCG-6*-40 vented 0501001502001020304050USgpm Flow rate L/min Performance data9EATON Proportional pressure relief valves V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 2020Performance data050100150200250300350bar 010002000300040005000psiKBCG-8KBCG-6020406080100200400L/min USgpm Flow rate40801200203040L/minUSgpm16030010020050P r e s s u r e1002030405060708090100%50100150200250300bar 01000200030004000psi % max. solenoid current P r e s s u r e 10Pressure override when relievingPressure gain Typical pressure versus command signal response of KBCG-6-250 model .Step response KBCG models with factory-set gain .Test method 1 . T rapped volume between pump and test valve, as in table .2 . Flow rate set at pump, as in table .3 . Response = time from step input signal until pressure reaches 90% of step change, as measured by transducer .ModelCurve number 123456789KBCG-**-40•KBCG-**-100••KBCG-**-160•••KBCG-**-250••••••KBCG-**-350••••••Valve sizeTest conditions:Trapped volume Flow rate Step size:Pressure demand Response Time (ms)62,0 liters (0.53 USg)100 L/min (26 USgpm)0 to 100%100% to 025 to 100%100 to 25%10070405084,0 liters (1.06 USg)200 L/min (52 USgpm)0 to 100%100% to 025 to 100%100 to 25%11070506510EATON Proportional pressure relief valves V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 2020KBCG-6/8 modelsDimensions are shown in mm (inches)To bleed air,end of coretoafter bleedingis complete.connectorremoval directive (EMC) this KBCG valve must be fitted with a metal 7-pin plug. The screen of the cable must be securely connected to the shell of the metal con-nector. A suitable IP67 rated connector is available from Eaton, part no. 934939. Alternatively a non IP67 rated connector is available from ITT -Cannon, part no. CA 02 COM-E 14S A7 P .Model A B C D E RAD ØF (DIA)KBCG-658,035,068,035,012,020,0(2 .3)(1 .4)(2 .7)(1 .4)(0 .5)(0 .78)KBCG-842,039,083,030,016,026,0(1 .7)(1 .54)(3 .3)(1 .2)(0 .63)(1 .02)Model G H ØJ (DIA)K L KBCG-679,082,013,5176,020,0(3 .1)(3 .23)(0 .53)(7 .0)(0 .78)KBCG-8103,0106,017,0183,025,0(4 .1)(4 .2)(0 .7)(7 .2)(1 .0)Installation dimensions11EATON Proportional pressure relief valves V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 2020Mounting surfaces,ISO 6264AR-06-2-A AS-08-2-AWhen a subplate is not used, a raised pad must be provided for mounting . The pad must be flat within 0,001 mm/100 mm (0 .0001”/10”) and smooth within 0,8 μm (32 μin) . Dimensional tolerances are ±0,2 mm (±0 .008”) except where indicated .Port functions:P = Pressure inlet T = Outlet to reservoirX = Vent, or remote control portCGVM-6-10-R Subplate▲ Tolerance on bolt and pin locations ±0,1 mm (±0 .004”) .u T hese ISO standard dimensions can be used, but improved flow paths to and from valve are obtained by using 48,0 (1 .89) instead of 47,5 (1 .87), and 22,6 (0 .89) instead of 22,1 (0 .87) .● I SO standard does not give UNC bolt sizes . These are recommended equivalents to metric sizes specified in the standard .(0.24) deep min.remote port is not to be usedG 1/4 (1/4" BSPF) x 12,0 (0.47)Installation dimensionsSize A B C D EFH JK LAR-0680 (3 .2)13,1 (0 .5)53,8 (2 .12)13,1 (0 .5)47,5u (1 .87)22,1(0 .87)22,1u (0 .87)13,1 (0 .5)53,8 (2 .12)AS-08118 (4 .7)35,0 (1 .4)66,7 (2 .63)16,3 (0 .7)55,6 (2 .19)33,4 (1 .35)11,1 (0 .44)23,8 (0 .94)16,0 (0 .63)70,0 (2 .76)Size M N ØP (DIA)Q ØT (DIA)ØX (DIA)Y Thread x Min. Full thread DepthAR-0613,1 (0 .5)26,9 (1 .06)14,7 (0 .58)80 (3 .2)14,7 (0 .58)4,8 (0.19)M12 x 21 (7/16” UNF x 0.83) ●AS-0816,0 (0 .63)35,0 (1 .38)23,4 (0 .92)102 (4 .0)23,4 (0 .92)6,3 (0.25)M16 x 30 (5/8” UNF x 1.2) ●12EATON Proportional pressure relief valves V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 20207-pin plug connectionsA +24V BPower 0VC EnableD Non-inverting EInvertingCommand signalFCurrent monitor GProtective ground Block diagramWiringConnections must be made via the 7-pin plug mounted on the amplifier . Recommended cable sizes are:Power cablesFor 24V supply:0,75 mm 2 (18 AWG) up to 20m (65 ft)1,00 mm 2 (16 AWG) up to 40m (130 ft)Signal cables0,50 mm 2 (20 AWG)Screen (Shield)A suitable cable should have at least 6 cores with pairs of conductors individually screened and an overall screen . Cable outside diameter 8,0-10,5 mm (0 .31- 0 .41 inches) . See connection diagrams on next page .▲ In valves with PH7 or PR7 type electrical connection .Electrical informationAll power must be switched off before connecting or disconnecting any plugs.13EATON Proportional pressure relief valves V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 2020Wiring connections for M1 valves with enable featureotee:N In applications where the valve must conform toEuropean RFI/EMC regulations, the outer screen (shield) must be connected to the outer shell of the 7 pin connector, and the valve body must befastened to the earth ground . Proper earth grounding practices must be observed in this case, as any differences in command source and valve ground potentials will result in a screen (shield) ground loop .User PanelshellKB.. PR7/PH7 valveconnected to groundVoltage input (M1) wiringSpool position monitor voltage (pin F) will be referenced to the KB valve local ground .Electrical information14EATON Proportional pressure relief valves V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 2020Wiring connections for M2 valves with enable featureotee:N In applications where the valve must conform toEuropean RFI/EMC regulations, the outer screen (shield) must be connected to the outer shell of the 7 pin connector, and the valve body must befastened to the earth ground . Proper earth grounding practices must be observed in this case, as any differences in command source and valve ground potentials will result in a screen (shield) ground loop .Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) It is necessary to ensure that the valve is wired up as above. For effective protection the user electrical cabinet, the valve subplate or manifold and the cable screens should be connected to efficient ground points. The metal 7 pin connector part no. 934939 should be used for the integral amplifier. In all cases both valve and cable should be kept as far away as possible from any sources of electromagnetic radiation such as cables carrying heavy current, relays and certain kinds of portable radio transmitters, etc. Difficult environ-ments could mean that extra screening may be necessary to avoid the interfer-ence. It is important to connect the 0V lines as shown above. The multi-core cable should have at least two screens to separate the demand signal and monitor output from the power lines. The enable line to pin C should be outside the screen which contains the demand signal cables.User Panel shellKB.. PR7/PH7connected to groundCurrent input (M2) wiringSpool position monitor voltage (pin F) will be referenced to the KB valvelocal ground .Electrical informationFurther informationHydraulic fluidsMaterials and seals used in these valves are compatible with:Anti-wear petroleum oils . . .L-HM Non-alkyl basedphosphate esters . . . . . . . . . . . . .L-HFD The extreme operating range is 500 to 13 cSt (270 to 70 SUS) but the recommended running range is 54 to 13 cSt (245 to 70 SUS) . For further technical information about fluids see 694 .Contamination control requirements Recommendations on contamination control methods and the selection of products to control fluid condition are included in publication 9132or 561, “Guide to Systemic Contamination Control” . The book also includes information on the concept of “ProActive Maintenance” . The following recommendations are based on ISO cleanliness levels at 2 μm, 5 μm and 15 μm .For products in this catalog the recommended levels are:Up to 210 bar(3000 psi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18/16/13 Above 210 bar(3000 psi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17/15/12Installation and start-upguidelinesThe proportional valves inthis catalog can be mountedin any attitude but it may benecessary, in certain demandingapplications, to ensure thatthe solenoids are kept full ofhydraulic fluid .If this proves to be the caseany accumulated air can bebled from the solenoid bleedscrew . This task is easier if thevalve has been mounted basedownwards . Good installationpractice dictates that the tankport, and any drain port, arepiped so as to keep the valve fullof fluid once the system start-uphas been completed .TemperaturesFor petroleum oil:Min . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-20°C (-45°F)Max . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+70°C (158°F)For fluids where limits areoutside those of petroleum oil,consult fluid manufacturer orEaton representative . Whateverthe actual temperature range,ensure that viscosities staywithin those specified under“Hydraulic Fluids” .Ambient for:Valves at full performancespecification: -20 to +70°C(-4 to +158°F) .Valves, as above, will operateat temperatures of 0 to -20°C(32 to -4°F) but with a reduceddynamic response .Storage:-25 to +85°C (-13 to +185°F)Seal kitsPilot valve:KBCG-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-145869Mainstage valves:KBCG-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .614824KBCG-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61493115 EATON Proportional pressure relief valves V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 2020Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States © 2020 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USADocument No. V-VLPO-MC003-E1 September 2020Eaton is a registered trademark.All trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.EatonHydraulics Operations Asia Pacific11th Floor Hong Kong New World Tower300 Huaihai Zhong RoadShanghai 200021ChinaTel: 86-21-6387-9988Fax: 86-21-6335-3912EatonHydraulics Operations EuropeRoute de la Longeraie 71110 MorgesSwitzerlandTel: +41 (0) 21 811 4600Fax: +41 (0) 21 811 4601EatonHydraulics Operations USA14615 Lone Oak RoadEden Prairie, MN 55344USATel: 952-937-9800Fax: 952-294-7722www .hydraulics .eaton .comChanges to the products, to the information contained in thisdocument, and to prices are reserved; so are errors and omissions.Only order confirmations and technical documentation by Eaton isbinding. Photos and pictures also do not warrant a specific layout orfunctionality. Their use in whatever form is subject to prior approvalby Eaton. The same applies to Trademarks (especially Eaton, Moeller,and Cutler-Hammer). The Terms and Conditions of Eaton apply, asreferenced on Eaton Internet pages and Eaton order confirmations.。
SFF508型压力真空释放阀SFF508 Press/Vacuum Release Valve使用说明书Operation Instruction江苏国能环保设备有限公司Jiangsu Guoneng Environment Protection Equipment Co,. Ltd.目录Contents产品型号、名称 (2)Product model, name外形图 (2)Outside drawing用途和适用范围 (2)Function and applicable range主要技术参数 (2)Main technical parameter结构与工作原理 (3)Structure and working principle一、产品型号、名称1. Product model, name1.型号:SFF5081.1 Model: SFF5082.名称:压力真空释放阀1.2 Name: pressure/vacuum release valve二、外形图2. Outside drawing三、用途和适用范围3. Function and applicable range1.用途:3.1 Function:在充气、排气和不正常的温度变化时,保护容器不受过量的正压和负压。
In the case of gas filling, exhausting and abnormal temperature variation,it can protect the vessel from excessive positive pressure and negative pressure.2.适用范围:3.2 Applicable range:1)在容器正常通气时,延迟气化物的逃逸以降低有价值的蒸发气的损失;3.2.1 In the case of normal ventilation of vessel, delay the escape of gasifying agent so as to reduce the loss of valuable vapour.2)在贮存产品时,保持惰性气体密封层;3.2.2 When storing products, it maintains the seal course of inert gas.3)在处理因外部热源引起内部压力过量时,作为优良的二次或备用保险。
● YSF8-/80、130 型系列压力释放阀外形及结构图
● YSF8-/50 型系列压力释放阀外形及结构图
●调试:电气报警开关,在设备运行前应手动调试开关输出信号是否正确、灵敏。 方法:1)用万用表测量释放阀静止状态下开关的输出信号是否与开关的信号标志一致。 即:(a)公共端对常开端为常开状态; (b)公共端对常闭端为常闭状态。 2)模拟释放阀动作试验,检验微动开关是否准确输出动作信号。 方法:将释放阀上的小红帽向上提起模拟释放阀开启,检查电气信号开关量是否变化。 即:(a)开关的公共端对常开端:开关的常开状态应变为常闭状态; (b)开关的公共端对常闭端:开关的常闭状态应变为常开状态; (c)同时检测信号开关与控制回路连接是否正确、良好。 注意:测试结束后,必须将小红帽复位,确保压力释放阀正常工作、报警。
●采用定向喷油方式,解决了变压器喷油的污染问题,是一种环保产品。 ●产品具有电气报警信号,可实现远程监控。 ●适用于液体或气体绝缘的变压器、互感器、有载分接开关、高压开关等电气产品。 ●当电气设备内部发生故障时,阀将开启释放油箱内的压力,避免油箱变形与爆裂。 ●油箱内压力降到阀的关闭压力值时,阀又可靠关闭,免除外界水分及杂质进入箱内。
(2)信号开关 无控制信号 输出
YSF4 Ⅱ - □ /25 阀座 YSF4 Ⅱ - □ /25 型系列压力释放阀外形及结构图
喷油口径 D1 D2 D3
ØΦ25 Φ46 Φ54 Φ90 Φ120 28 ØΦ50 Φ74 Φ83.5 Φ130 125×125 18 ØΦ80 Φ122 Φ133 Φ170 Φ200 15 ØΦ130 Φ172 Φ181 Φ235 Φ260 17
1. 喷油有效口径的选择
油箱内油重(t) 阀喷油有效口径(mm)
<1.5 ØΦ25
1.5 ~ 4.5 ØΦ50
4.5 ~ 1Βιβλιοθήκη .5 ØΦ8011.5 ~ 23 ØΦ130
注:总油重超过 23 吨时,选用释放阀的数量为:油箱总油重(吨)/23=Φ130 口径的压力释放阀数 量(小数向上取整)
喷油有效口径 (mm)
ØΦ25 ØΦ50 ØΦ80 ØΦ130
开启压力 (kPa) 15 25 35 55 70 85 135
开启压力偏差 (kPa)
关闭压力 (kPa) 8 13.5 19 29.5 37.5 45.5 72
密封压力 (kPa) 9 15 21 33 42 51 80
J —— 机械报警信号
B —— 带闭锁装置
TH —— 湿热带地区使用
TA —— 干热带地区使用
T —— 干、湿热带地区使用
例如:YSF4 Ⅱ -55/130KJBTH 即为:喷油口径 Φ130mm,开启压力 55kPa,带机械、电气报警信号,湿热带地区适用, 带闭锁装置,第Ⅱ次设计的 4 型压力释放阀。
MESSKO产品说明书_ MPreC2配引油盖的压力释放阀
![MESSKO产品说明书_ MPreC2配引油盖的压力释放阀](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/deee0f325a8102d276a22f8f.png)
2 产品说明
配 有 铸 造 金 属 盖 用 于 控 制 油 流 的 MPreC®压 力 释 放 阀 的 设 计 与 配 有 标 准 盖 MPreC®压 力 释 放 阀 的 设 计 相 似。 将变压器盖(图1/2)打开后将压力释放阀用螺栓接到 变压器的对接法兰上。然后,将盖子接在阀上并固 定。盖子上有一出口(图1/3)便于压力释放阀启动时 控制油排出。盖和阀之间用密封件隔开。(图1/4)。 可在出口处用法兰连接一根管子控制排掉排出的油。 密 封 件 ( 图 1/8) 将 微 动 开 关 ( 图 1/7) 与 阀 的 功 能 部 分分隔开来,同时可防油及对环境造成影响。
3 Assembly
The pressure relief device is to be assembled to the counter flange of a transformer or similar.
Assembly begins by removing the solid cast metal cover (Fig. 1/2) of the pressure relief device. This is done by extracting the signal pin (Fig. 1/6) and dismantling its cap (Fig. 1/5) by means of 2 spanners (sizes-12mm and 32mm across flats) or alternatively pincers. Remove the 4 bolts (Fig. 1/1) by using a spanner (size-13mm across flats) and lift the cover away. Then bolt down the spring loaded housings by means of the 6 bored holes. A gasket (Fig. 1/9) must be fitted underneath the device. This gasket can be provided optionally.
grundfos prv压力释放阀安装和使用说明书
![grundfos prv压力释放阀安装和使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bb668f3603768e9951e79b89680203d8ce2f6ae1.png)
GRUNDFOS说明书PRVPressure relief valves安装和使用说明书Other languages/qr/i/96681525中文 (CN)2中文 (CN) 安装和使用说明书翻译原来的英文版这些安装与操作指导对格兰富PRV(泄压阀)进行了说明。
目录页1. 概述1.1 目标人群本文档适用于运营公司和用户。
1.1.1 资格和培训负责本文档所述任务的人员必须具有相关资质。
1.1.2 运营公司的义务•遵守地方安全规章。
1.1.3 用户责任•遵守公认的健康和安全规定以及本地事故预防规定。
1.2 安全运行如果阀门已经无法保证安全运行,必须将产品从系统中解除并保证不会被意外地再次用于运行。
1.概述21.1目标人群21.1.1资格和培训21.1.2运营公司的义务21.1.3用户责任21.2安全运行21.3本文献中所用符号32.安装产品32.1位置32.2机械安装32.2.1安装要求32.2.2安装示范32.2.3泄压阀高达460 l/h 42.2.4泄压阀DN 6543.调试产品43.1设置泄压压力43.1.1最佳安装53.1.2其他安装54.搬运和储存产品54.1搬运产品54.2储存产品55.产品介绍55.1设计用途55.1.1不恰当的操作方法55.2型号55.2.1铭牌(泄压阀从60到460 l/h)55.2.2型号66.维护产品76.1维护日程76.2清洁处理76.3更换隔膜77.配件77.1联接螺母适配器(高达460 l/h)77.2用于泄压阀DN 65的一组对接法兰78.故障查找89.技术参数89.1允许介质温度89.2存放温度与环境温度89.3泄压阀高达60 l/h 89.3.1技术参数89.3.2材料89.3.3尺寸图89.4泄压阀从60到460 l/h 99.4.1技术参数99.4.2材料99.4.3尺寸图99.5泄压阀DN 65109.5.1技术参数109.5.2尺寸图1010.产品废弃10开始安装前,请先阅读本文件。
LIA-202 压力释放阀使用及维护手册说明书
![LIA-202 压力释放阀使用及维护手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2b9987b2f71fb7360b4c2e3f5727a5e9856a27f7.png)
©Copyright Task Force Tips LLC 2004-2019LIA-202 November 12, 2019 Rev05INSTRUCTIONS FOR SAFE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCEUnderstand manual before use. Operation of this device without understanding the manual and receiving proper training is a misuse of this equipment. Obtain safety information at / serialnumber.This instruction manual is intended to familiarize fi re fi ghters and maintenance personnel with the operation, servicing, and safety procedures associated with this product.This manual should be kept available to all operating and maintenance personnel.Flange Mounted PRVFlange Mounted PRV with Galvanic IsolatorFlange mounted PRVs are available with a variety of outlets. Consult the catalog, factory, or to fi nd the con fi guration for your application.TASK FORCE TIPS LLCMADE IN USA • 3701 Innovation Way, Valparaiso, IN 46383-9327 USA800-348-2686 • 219-462-6161 • Fax 219-464-7155©Copyright Task Force Tips LLC 2004-2019LIA-202 November 12, 2019 Rev052©Copyright Task Force Tips LLC 2004-2019LIA-202 November 12, 2019 Rev0531.0 MEANING OF SAFETY SIGNAL WORDSA safety related message is identi fi ed by a safety alert symbol and a signal word to indicate the level of risk involved with a particular hazard. Per ANSI standard Z535.6-2011, the de fi nitions of the four signal words are as follows:DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or seriousinjury.WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minoror moderate injury.NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.TABLE OF CONTENTS1.0 MEANING OF SIGNAL WORDS2.0 SAFETY3.0 GENERAL INFORMATION 3.1 DIMENSIONS 3.2 INSTALLATION 3.3 USE WITH SALT WATER4.0 RELIEF VALVE PRESSURE SETTING5.0 RELIEF VALVE FLOW VS. PRESSURE CURVE6.0 WARRANTY7.0 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION 8.0 TESTING©Copyright Task Force Tips LLC 2004-2019LIA-202 November 12, 2019 Rev0542.0 SAFETYThe equipment may be damaged if frozen while containing signi fi cant amounts of water. Such damage may be di ffi cult to detect visually. Subsequent pressurization can lead to injury or death. Any time the equipment is subject to possible damage due to freezing, it must be tested and approved for use by quali fi ed personnel before being considered safe for use.3.0 GENERAL INFORMATIONThe Pressure Relief Valve may be set to any pressure between 90 and 300 psi. Its function is to protect the pump and the supplyhose from excess pressure. The relief valve may be mounted with its opening facing the front, back, right, or left. A section of tubing or pipe may be mounted on the round spout to route the water in any direction.Primary MaterialsHard anodized and powder coated aluminum, POM, Nitrile Operating Temperature Range of Fluid 33 to 120°F (1 to 50°C)Storage Temperature Range-40 to 150°F (-40 to 65°C)3.1 DIMENSIONSAINLET CONNECTIONINLET HEIGHTSTANDARD/DARLEY FLANGE0.00 [0]STANDARD/DARELY WITH GALVANIC ISOLATOR 0.50 [13]2.5” NPTM WITH GALVANIC ISOLATOR 2.75 [70]2.5” NPTF WITH GALVANIC ISOLATOR 2.00 [51]3.0” NPTM WITH GALVANIC ISOLATOR 2.75 [70]3.0” NPTF WITH GALVANIC ISOLATOR2.38 [60]Dimensions in inches (millimeters)BOUTLET CONNECTION OUTLET LENGTH NO EXIT THREADS 4.34 [110]2.0” NPTM 4.26 [108]2.5” NPTM 5.53 [141]2.5” VICTAULIC 5.07 [129]2.5” NHM 5.57 [141]2.5” NPTF 5.57 [141]Dimensions in inches (millimeters)Visit for more detailed drawings, speci fi cations, feature lists, and certi fi cations speci fi c to your model number.PRV con fi gurations for use on fi re apparatus plumbing, or connected to a metal other than aluminuminclude an integrated galvanic isolator. These models are 1/2” taller that those mounted to TFT appliances.©Copyright Task Force Tips LLC 2004-2019LIA-202 November 12, 2019 Rev0553.2 INSTALLATIONTo install the fl ange mounted Pressure Relief Valve:Required parts:• (4) 7/16” bolts of appropriate length for your application (Models with a galvanic isolator require 1/2” longer bolts)• Thread locking compound such as Loctite 242• Torque wrench • O-ring (provided)1. Install the O-ring in the groove on either the Pressure Relief Valve casting or the integrated galvanic isolator.2. Place the PRV in the desired orientation. Be sure that the PRV is aligned with the opening Tightening the bolts with the PRVtilted to one side may damage the galvanic isolator.3. Apply a drop of thread locking compound on the threads of the bolts to prevent them from coming loose.4. Loosely install the bolts through the fl ange of the PRV.5. Uniformly tighten the bolts 3 time each in an alternating pattern to a fi nal torque of 140in/lb.1234Tighten bolts in an alternating pattern as shown at left.Complete the pattern for each bolt fi rst to 40 in/lb,then to 80 in/lb, and fi nally to 140 in/lb.3.3 USE WITH SALT WATERUse with salt water is permissible provided the equipment is thoroughly cleaned with fresh water after each use. The service life ofthe equipment may be shortened due to the e ff ects of corrosion, and is not covered under warranty.4.0 RELIEF VALVE PRESSURE SETTINGTo set the relief valve pressure, turn the adjusting screw on the relief valve housing until the surface of the screw is even with the step marked with the desired pressure.Do not cap or plug discharge opening.To turn o ff the Pressure Relief Valve, align the adjusting screw with the OFF position. Placing the Pressure Relief Valve in the OFF position prevents the valve from venting water. Do not use the OFF position for normal operations. System damage may occur if the Pressure Relief Valve is in the OFF position and the system exceeds its operating limits.The Pressure Relief Valve meets the requirements of NFPA 1901.90 PSI200 PSIOFFUse a 1/4” (7mm) hex key or 9/16” (14mm) socket/wrench when setting the height of the adjusting screw to the desired relief pressure.The Pressure Relief Valve is disabled in the OFF position and off ers no system protection against over-pressurization. Avoid water hammer or other pressure spikes during pump tests. Ensure PRV is returned to its normal pressure setting following pump testing.Severe water hammer may cause pressure spikes exceeding the Pressure Relief Valve’s capacity. Large spikes can result in injury from ruptured hose or system components. Review fl ow capacity of the Pressure Relief Valve. Add more PRVs if additional fl ow capacity is needed. Always operate valves slowly to avoid the risk of water hammer.5.0 RELIEF VALVE FLOW vs. PRESSURE CURVE6©Copyright Task Force Tips LLC 2004-2019 LIA-202 November 12, 2019 Rev056.0 WARRANTYTask Force Tips LLC, 3701 Innovation Way, Valparaiso, IN 46383-9327 USA (“TFT”) warrants to the original purchaser of its Pressure Relief Valve (“equipment”), and to anyone to whom it is transferred, that the equipment shall be free from defects in material and workmanship during the fi ve (5) year period from the date of purchase.TFT’s obligation under this warranty is specifi cally limited to replacing or repairing the equipment (or its parts) which are shown by TFT’s examination to be in a defective condition attributable to TFT. To qualify for this limited warranty, the claimant must return the equipment to TFT, at 3701 Innovation Way, Valparaiso, IN 46383-9327 USA, within a reasonable time after discovery of the defect. TFT will examine the equipment. If TFT determines that there is a defect attributable to it, TFT will correct the problem within a reasonable time. If the equipment is covered by this limited warranty, TFT will assume the expenses of repair.If any defect attributable to TFT under this limited warranty cannot be reasonably cured by repair or replacement, TFT may elect to refund the purchase price of the equipment, less reasonable depreciation, in complete discharge of its obligations under this limited warranty. If TFT makes this election, claimant shall return the equipment to TFT free and clear of any liens and encumbrances.This is a limited warranty. The original purchaser of the equipment, any person to whom it is transferred, and any person who is an intended or unintended benefi ciary of the equipment, shall not be entitled to recover from TFT any consequential or incidental damages for injury to person and/or property resulting from any defective equipment manufactured or assembled by TFT. It is agreed and understood that the price stated for the equipment is in part consideration for limiting TFT’s liability. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above may not apply to you.TFT shall have no obligation under this limited warranty if the equipment is, or has been, misused or neglected (including failure to provide reasonable maintenance) or if there have been accidents to the equipment or if it has been repaired or altered by someone else.THIS IS A LIMITED EXPRESS WARRANTY ONLY. TFT EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS WITH RESPECT TO THE EQUIPMENT ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF ANY NATURE MADE BY TFT BEYOND THAT STATED IN THIS DOCUMENT.This limited warranty gives you specifi c legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.7©Copyright Task Force Tips LLC 2004-2019 LIA-202 November 12, 2019 Rev057.0 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONThe Pressure Relief Valve requires no routine maintenance but should be tested regularly. Since the Pressure Relief Valve may not need to open in normal use, it is important that it be inspected at least quarterly for proper function per NFPA 1962 or annually per NFPA 1911, depending on the application. In particular, assure that:• There is no damage such as cracks or dents• There is no corrosion• Setting indications are readable• The waterway is clear of obstructions• The valve opens at the set pressureIf any problems are found, the Pressure Relief Valve should be removed from service until the problem is corrected. Any repaired Pressure Relief Valve must be tested before being placed in service.8.0 TESTINGIt is important that your Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) is functioning properly at all times while in service. A properly functioning PRV prevents dangerous situations and reduces possible injury. In order to ensure the PRV is functioning properly, it should be tested regularly. NFPA standards set forth the minimum requirements and procedures for inspecting and testing these valves. It is strongly recommended that you read and follow the procedures.For PRVs mounted to piping of in-service emergency vehicles:NFPA 1911: Inspection, Maintenance, Testing, and Retirement of In-Service Emergency VehiclesFor PRVs mounted to a fi re hose appliance:NFPA 1962: Standard for the Care, Use, Inspection, Service Testing, and Replacement of Fire Hose, Couplings, Nozzles, and Fire Hose AppliancesAny valves taken out of service due to failure should be returned to the factory for repair or replacement. If you have any questions regarding the testing or maintenance of your Pressure Relief Valve, please call Task Force Tips at 800-348-2686.TASK FORCE TIPS LLC MADE IN USA • 3701 Innovation Way, Valparaiso, IN 46383-9327 USA 800-348-2686 • 219-462-6161 • Fax 219-464-7155©Copyright Task Force Tips LLC 2004-2019 LIA-202 November 12, 2019 Rev05。
Wandfluh AG Tel. +41 33 672 72 72 E-mail: ******************Illustrations not obligatoryData sheet no.PostfachFax +41 33 672 72 12 Internet: Data subject to change 2.3-562E 1/4 CH-3714 Frutigen Edition 17 01TYPE CODEB D IPM22 --/ M E-#Pressure relief valve Direct operated Proportional, inverse Screw-in cartridge M22x1,5Nominal pressure rang p N 20 bar 20 200 bar 200 100 bar 100 315 bar 315160 bar 160 350 bar 350Nominal voltage U N 12 VDC G1224 VDCG24Slip-on coilMetal housing, square Execution connectionIntegrated electronicsHardware configurationWith analog signal (0…+10 V factory set)A1With CANopen acc. to DSP-408C1With Profibus DP in accordance Fluid Power Technology P1With CAN J1939 (on request) J1Function AmplifierController with current feedback signal (0...20 mA / 4...20 mA) R1Controller with voltage feedback signal (0...10 V) R2Sealing material NBRFKM (Vitron)D1Design-Index (Subject to change)Proportional pressure relief valve inverse Screw-in cartridge• Integrated amplifier or controller electronics • Direct operated• Q max = 20 and 25 l/min • p max = 400 bar • p N max = 350 barDESCRIPTIONDirect operated proportional pressure relief valve with integrated electronics and inverse function. Thread M22x1,5 for cavity according to ISO 7789. These plug & play valves are factory set and adjusted. High valve-to-valve reproducibility. Housing for electronics with protection class IP67 for harsh environment. As standard versions, 6 pressure ranges are available: 20, 40, 63, 100, 160, 200, 315 and 350 bar. Good flow performance due to the differential area principle. Small leakage along the poppet guide. Adjustment by a Wandfluh (VDE-Norm 0580) proportional solenoid. The cartridge and the solenoid made of steel are zinc coated and therefore rust-protected.FUNCTIONThe valve limits the pressure in the port P (1) and reliefs the volume flow to tank port T (2). The back pressure in T (2) influences the pressure in P (1). The reliefed pressure drops with rising solenoid current (inverse function), and the with deenergised solenoid, a maximum pressure is present. The control connection is provided by an analog interface or a fieldbus interface (CANopen or Profibus DP). Parameter setting and diagnosis with the free-of-charge software «PASO» or via fieldbus interface. After taking off the cover of the electronic housing, the serial interface to adjust the settings is accessible. The menu controlled Windows program «PASO» allows easy adjustment of all variable settings. Data are stored in a non-volatile memory. Even after an electric power failure settings can easily be reproduced and transmitted.APPLICATIONProportional pressure relief valves with inte-grated electronics are well suited for demanding applications, in which the pres-sure frequently has to be changed. They are implemented in systems calling for good valve-to-valve reproducibility, easy installati-on, comfortable operation and high precision in industrial hydraulics as well as in mobile hydraulics. The proportional pressure relief catridge is very suitable for mounting in control blocks, flange bodies and sandwich plates size NG4-Mini and NG6. (Please note the separate data sheets in register 2.3). Cavity tools are available for machining the cavities in steel and aluminium (hire or purchase). Please refer to the data sheets in register 2.13.M22x1,5ISO 7789Wandfluh AG Tel. +41 33 672 72 72 E-mail: ******************Illustrations not obligatory Data sheet no.Postfach Fax +41 33 672 72 12 Internet: Data subject to change 2.3-562E 2/4CH-3714 FrutigenEdition 17 01SYMBOL37s3M22x1.5T(2)X1X2X4 (nur Regler)(controller only)35.583X1X3X225,30501821, 2240706s613M DELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSProtection class IP 67 acc. to EN 60 529with suitable connector and closedelectronics housingSupply voltageRampsParameterisationInterfaceAnalog interface:Mating connectorPreset value signalFieldbus interface:Device receptaclesupply (male)Mating connectorDevice receptacleCANopen (male)Mating connectorDevice receptacleProfibus (female)Mating connectorPreset value signalFeedback signal interface (Sensor):(controller only)Device receptacle (female) M12, 5-polesMating connector Plug (male), M12, 5-poles(not incl. in delivery)Feedback signal:: Voltage / current state when orderingCONNECTOR WIRING DIAGRAMAnalog interface:Supply voltage +Supply voltage 0 VDCStabilised output voltagePreset value voltage +Preset value voltage -Preset value current +Preset value current -Reserved for extensionsReserved for extensionsEnable control (Digital input)Preset value voltage (PIN 4/5) resp. current (PIN 6/7) are selected withV), (PIN 4/5)Parameterisation interface (USB, Mini B) X2Under the closing screw of the housing coverFeedback signal interface (Sensor)Device receptacle (female) X4 (only controller)1 = Supply voltage (output) +2 = Feedback signal +3 = Supply voltage 0 VDC4 = not connected5 = stab. output voltage2 = Reserved for extensionsDevice receptacle Device receptacleCANopen (male) X3 Profibus (female) X3CAN PROFIBUS1 = not connected 1 = VP2 = not connected 2 = RxD / TxD - N3 = CAN Gnd 3 = DGND4 = CAN High 4 = RxD / TxD - P5 = CAN Low 5 = Shield31452123543145212354123451234123431452HYDRAULIC SPECIFICATIONSFluid Mineral oil, other fluids on requestContamination ISO 4406:1999, class 18/16/13efficiency (Required filtration grade ß 6…10≥75)see data sheet 1.0-50/2Viscosity range 12 mm2/s…320 mm2/sFluid temperature -20…+70°CPeak pressure pmax= 400 barNominal pres. ranges pN= 20 bar, 100 bar, 160 bar, 200 bar,315 bar, 350 barMin. volume flow Qmin= 0,1 l/minMax. volume flow Qmax= 25 l/min for pN=20 bar / 100 bar /160 bar / 200 barQmax= 20 l/min for pN= 315 barQmax= 5 l/min for pN= 350 barLeakage volume flow see characteristicsRepeatability ≤ 3 %Hysteresis ≤ 5 %GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSDescription Direct operated proportional pressure reliefvalve with integrated electronics inverse functionConstruction Screw-in cartridge for cavity acc. to ISO 7789Operations Proportional solenoid wet pin push type,pressure tightMounting Screw-in thread M22x1,5Ambient temperature -20…+65°C (typical)(The upper temperature limit is a guideline value for typicalapplications, in individual cases it may also be higher or lower.The electronics of the valve limit the power in case of a toohigh electronics temperature. More detailed information can beobtained from the operating instructions «DSV».)Mounting position any, preferably horizontalFastening torque MD= 50 Nm for screw-in cartridgeMD= 5 Nm for knurled nutWeight m = 1,0 kgWandfluh AG Tel. +41 33 672 72 72E-mail: ******************Illustrations not obligatoryData sheet no.PostfachFax +41 33 672 72 12 Internet: Data subject to change 2.3-562E 3/4 CH-3714 FrutigenEdition 17 01CHARACTERISTICS Oil viscosity υ = 30 mm 2/s p = f (Q) Pressure volume flow characteristics (Maximum adjustable pressure)p= f (Q) Pressure volume flow characteristics (Minimum adjustable pressure)Q L = f (p)Leakage volume flow characteristicsp red = f (l) Pressure adjustment characteristics[at Q = 10 l/min] / (s corresponds to preset value signal)p = f (l) Pressure adjustment characteristics [at Q = 5 l/min] /(s corresponds to preset value signal)NOTE!Detailed electrical characteristics and description of «DSV » electronics are shown on data sheet 1.13-76.START-UPFor DSV amplifiers as a rule no parameter settings by the customer are required. The plugs have to be connected in accordance with the chapter «Pin assignment».Controllers are supplied configured as amplifiers. The setting of the mode of control and the setting of the controller are done by the customer by software setting (USB interface, Mini B).Additional information can be found on our website:«»Free-of-charge download of the «PASO»-software and the instruction manual for the «DSV » hydraulic valves as well as the operation instruc-tion CANopen eg.Profibus DP protocol with device profile DSP-408 for «DSV ».NOTE!The mating connectors and the cable to adjust are settings is not part of the delivery. Refer to chapter «Accessories».Factory settings:Dither set for optimal hysteresis= Deadband: Solenoid switched offwith command preset value signal <5 % p Nmechanicallly pre-set at Q = 5 l/min= Limited pressure in port P (1) at 70 % of preset value signal: 95 bar with pressure range 350 bar 65 bar with pressure range 315 bar 56 bar with pressure range 200 bar 32 bar with pressure range 160 bar 25 bar with pressure range 100 bar 4 bar with pressure range 20 bar0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100s [%]p [bar]4003002001000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100s [%]p [bar]1209060300p = f (l) Pressure adjustment characteristics [at Q = 5 l/min] / (s corresponds to preset value signal)40030020010000 5 10 15 20 25Q [l/min]p [bar]N = 200 bar N = 160 bar N = 100 bar N= 20 bar504030201000 5 10 15 20 25Q [l/min]403020100 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 p [bar]Q [cm 3/min]0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1001251007550250I [%]p [%]Wandfluh AG Tel. +41 33 672 72 72 E-mail: ******************Illustrations not obligatoryData sheet no.PostfachFax +41 33 672 72 12 Internet: Data subject to change 2.3-562E 4/4 CH-3714 Frutigen Edition 17 01Cavity drawing according to ISO 7789–22–02–0–98For detailed cavity drawing and cavity toolssee data sheet 2.13-1003With fieldbus interface Amplifier With fieldbus interface ControllerDIMENSIONS / SECTIONAL DRAWINGS*Adjusting screw for setting the nominal pressure (-20 % / +30 %)With analog interface Amplifier and ControllerACCESSORIES • Cartridge built in:flange and sandwich bodies see register 2.3• Set-up softwaresee start-up• Cable to adjust the settings through interface USB (from plug type A to Mini B, 3 m) article no. 219.2896• Cable connector for analog interface: – straight, soldering contact article no. 219.2330 – 90°, soldering contact article no. 219.2331Recommended cable size: – Outer diameter 9…10,5 mm – Single wire max. 1 mm 2 – Recommended wire size: 0…25 m = 0,75 mm 2 (AWG18) 25…50 m = 1 mm 2 (AWG17)Technical explanation see data sheet 1.0-100PARTS LIST Position Article Description17160.2187O-ring ID 18,72 x 2,62 (NBR)18160.2170O-ring ID 17,17 x 1,78 (NBR)20154.2700Knurled nut21223.1317Dummy plug M16 x1,522160.6131O-ring ID 13,00 x1,525062.0102Cover square 30072.0021Gasket 33,2 x 59,9 x 240208.0100Socket head cap screw M4 x1050160.2188160.6188O-ring ID 18,77 x 1,78 (NBR)O-ring ID 18,77 x 1,78 (FKM)60160.2140160.6141O-ring ID 14,00 x 1,78 (NBR)O-ring ID 14,00 x 1,78 (FKM)70049.3177Back-up ring RD 14,6 x 17,5 x 1,4353790.2s 30M 22x 1.5T(2)X2X1X3X4172.4P(1).5(1)E: Venting。
Proportional Relief Valves—R Series 1 Propor tional Relief ValvesR Series■Liquid or gas service■Set pressures from 10 to 6000 psig (0.7 to 413 bar)■1/4 and 1/2 in. and 6 to 12 mm end connections2 Check Valves and Relief ValvesFeaturesHigh-Pressure Valves■Service up to 6000 psig (413 bar)■Multiple springs for a selection of set pressure ranges ■Valves available factory-set to a specified set pressure ■1/4 in. and 6 and 8 mm end connections—R3A series ■1/2 in. and 12 mm end connections—R4 seriesLow-Pressure Valves■Service up to 300 psig (20.6 bar)■One spring for the full set pressure range■Valves available factory-set to a specified set pressure ■1/4 in. and 6 and 8 mm end connections—RL3 series ■1/2 in. and 12 mm end connections—RL4 seriesQuad sealeliminates leakage around stem duringrelief modeEnd connectionsinclude gaugeable Swagelok ® tube fittings and NPT or ISO pipe threadsLabelidentifies set pressure rangeLock wire capability secures cap to maintain set pressure adjustmentO-ringprovides elastomer-to-metal seal for positive shutoff at seat.(Other series use bonded disc. See Materials ofConstruction )Capprovides easy external set pressure adjustment Springadjusts to provide desired set pressureR3A series valve shown.Lock nutmaintains cap position,ensuring set pressure adjustmentApplicationsR series relief valves are proportional relief valves that open gradually as the pressure increases. Consequently, they do not have a capacity rating at a given pressure rise (accumulation), and they are not certified to ASME or any other codes.•Some system applications require relief valves to meet specific safety codes. The system designer and user must determine when such codes apply and whether these relief valves conform to them.•S wagelok proportional relief valves should never be used as ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code safety relief devices.•Swagelok proportional relief valves are not “Safety Accessories” as defined in the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU.OperationR series relief valves OPEN when system pressure reaches the set pressure and CLOSE when system pressure falls below the set pressure.■High-pressure R3A and R4 series—select and install thespring that covers the required set pressure; apply the matching label to the cap.■ L ow-pressure RL3 and RL4 series—the spring is alreadyinstalled.•For valves not actuated for a period of time, initial relief pressure may be higher than the set pressure.Proportional Relief Valves—R Series 3 Technical DataPressure-Temperature RatingsBack PressureHigh-Pressure Valves (R3A and R4 Series)The effect of system back pressure is minimized by thedesign of these high-pressure valves.Low-Pressure Valves (RL3 and RL4 Series)System back pressure increases the set pressure of thevalve. To compensate, multiply the back pressure by 0.8 andsubtract the result from the desired set pressure. Use theresult to pre-set the valve while back pressure is equal toatmospheric pressure.Example:Desired set pressure is 120 psig. System back pressure is40 psig.Step 1. M ultiply back pressure by 0.8.40 psig × 0.8 = 32 psig.Step 2. S ubtract result from desired set pressure.120 psig – 32 psig = 88 psig.Step 3. Pre-set proportional relief valve to 88 psig.➀Outlet pressure should not exceed inlet pressure.Cleaning and PackagingAll Swagelok R series relief valves are cleaned and packaged inaccordance with Swagelok Standard Cleaning and Packaging(SC-10) (MS-06-62), page 1174 .4 Check Valves and Relief ValvesMaterials of Construction15141312109875421RL3onlyRL4 only611121617183R3A onlyR4 only542138710911131212a19R3A RL4RL3R419Wetted components listed in italics.➀ M aterial Safety Data Sheet for bonding agents available on request.Proportional Relief Valves—R Series 5Air Flow, std L/minFlow Data at 70°F (20°C)AirRL3 and RL4 Series RL3RL4RL3 and RL4 SeriesWater Flow, L/minWaterRL3RL46 Check Valves and Relief ValvesHigh-Pressure Valves (R3A and R4 Series)Low-Pressure Valves (RL3 and RL4 Series)DimensionsDimensions are for reference only and are subject to change.Dimensions shown with Swagelok tube fitting nuts finger-tight.➀ S ee specifications ISO 7/1, BS EN 10226-1, DIN-2999, and JIS B0203.Valve with Manual Override HandleProportional Relief Valves—R Series 7Options and AccessoriesSeal MaterialsFluorocarbon FKM is the standard seal material. Buna N, ethylenepropylene, and neoprene and perfluorocarbon FFKM are available. Quad seal elastomers are PTFE-coated.To order a valve with an optional seal material, add a valve seal material designator to the valve ordering number.Examples:S S-4R3A -BUSS-RL3S4-BUTo order a replacement seal kit, insert a seal kit material designator as a prefix (R3A series) or suffix (all others) to the seal kit basic ordering number.Examples: B U -R3A-K2SS-3K-RL3-BNOrdering InformationLow-Pressure Valves (RL3 and RL4 Series)Valve contains spring; set pressure must be adjusted. Selecta valve ordering number.Factory-Set ValvesRL3 and RL4 series valves are available with springs factory-set to a specified set pressure. Valves are set, tested, locked, and tagged with the set pressure; certificates of test are included. To order, add -SET to the valve ordering number and specify the desired set pressure.Example: SS-RL3S4-SETReplacement Spring KitsSpring kits include spring and installation instructions. Selecta spring kit ordering number.High-Pressure Valves (R3A and R4 Series)Valve does not contain spring. Select a valve ordering number and a spring kit ordering number.Spring KitsSpring kits include spring, label, 302 SS lock wire with seal, spring support, and installation instructions.Select a spring kit basic ordering number and add the spring designator for the desired set pressure range.Examples: 177-R3A-K1-F177-13K-R4-CFactory-Set ValvesR3A and R4 series valves are available with springs factory-set to a specified set pressure. Valves are set, tested, locked, and tagged with the set pressure; certificates of test are included. To order, add -SET and a spring designator whose range includes the desired set pressure to the valve ordering number; specify the desired set pressure.Example: SS-4R3A -SETBSpecial Cleaning and Packaging (SC-11)To order R series relief valves processed in accordance with Swagelok Special Cleaning and Packaging (SC-11) (MS-06-63) to ensure compliance with product cleanliness requirements stated in ASTM G93 Level C, add -SC11 to the valve ordering number.Example: SS-RL3S4-SC11Oxygen Service HazardsFor more information about hazards and risks of oxygen-enriched systems, see the Swagelok Oxygen System Safetytechnical report (MS-06-13), page 1184.➁Only available for R3A series.8 Check Valves and Relief ValvesMS-01-141, RevS, October 2021Manual Override HandlesA manual override handle opens the valve without changing the set pressure.For use with:■RL3 and RL4 series—standard spring■R3A series—A, B, and Csprings only■R4 series—A spring only.Handle diameter is 1.50 in. height of valve with handle in closed position:■5.16 in. (131 mm) for R3Aand RL3 series■6.78 in. (172 mm) for R4and RL4 series.To order, add -MO to the valve ordering number.Example: SS-RL3S4-MOManual Override Handle KitsKits contain handle, pull rod, spring support, and instructions. To order, select the desired kit orderingnumber.316 SS spring support316 SS pull rodPhenolichandleOptions and AccessoriesProportional Safety Relief ValvesSwagelok PRV series proportional safety relief valves are certified to PED 2014/68/EU. For more information, see the Swagelok Proportional Safety Relief Valves catalog, MS-02-432.IntroductionSince 1947, Swagelok has designed, developed, and manufactured high-quality, general-purpose and specialty fluid system products to meet the evolving needs of global industries. Our focus is on understanding our customers’ needs, finding timely solutions, and adding value with our products and services.We are pleased to provide this global edition of the book-bound Swagelok Product Catalog, which compiles more than 100 separate product catalogs, technical bulletins, and reference documents into one convenient, easy-to-use volume. Each product catalog is up to date at the time of printing, with its revision number shown on the last page of the individual catalog. Subsequent revisions will supersede the printed version and will be posted on the Swagelok website and in the Swagelok electronic Desktop Technical Reference (eDTR) tool.For more information, visit your Swagelok website or contact your authorized Swagelok sales and service representative.Safe Product SelectionWhen selecting a product, the total system design must be considered to ensure safe, trouble-free performance. Function, material compatibility, adequate ratings,proper installation, operation, and maintenance are the responsibilities of the system designer and user.Warranty InformationSwagelok products are backed by The Swagelok Limited Life-time Warranty. For a copy, visit or contact your authorized Swagelok representative.Not all trademarks listed below apply to this catalog. Swagelok, Cajon, Ferrule-Pak, Goop, Hinging-Colleting,IGC, Kenmac, Micro-Fit, Nupro, Snoop, Sno-Trik, SWAK, VCO, VCR, Ultra-Torr, Whitey—TM Swagelok Company 15-7 PH—TM AK Steel Corp.AccuTrak, Beacon, Westlock—TM Tyco International Services Aflas—TM Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.ASCO, El-O-Matic—TM Emerson AutoCAD—TM Autodesk, Inc.CSA—TM Canadian Standards AssociationCrastin, DuPont, Kalrez, Krytox, Teflon, Viton—TM E.I. duPont Nemours and Company DeviceNet—TM ODVADyneon, Elgiloy, TFM—TM Dyneon Elgiloy—TM Elgiloy Specialty Metals FM—TM FM GlobalGrafoil—TM GrafTech International Holdings, Inc.Honeywell, MICRO SWITCH—TM Honeywell MAC—TM MAC ValvesMicrosoft, Windows—TM Microsoft Corp.NACE—TM NACE InternationalPH 15-7 Mo, 17-7 PH—TM AK Steel Corp picofast—Hans Turck KGPillar—TM Nippon Pillar Packing Company, Ltd.Raychem—TM Tyco Electronics Corp.Sandvik, SAF 2507—TM Sandvik AB Simriz—TM Freudenberg-NOKSolidWorks—TM SolidWorks Corporation UL—Underwriters Laboratories Inc.Xylan—TM Whitford Corporation© 2021 Swagelok Company。
Armstrong Delta2 - DRP SERIES 自动压力减小 释放控制阀门说明说明书
![Armstrong Delta2 - DRP SERIES 自动压力减小 释放控制阀门说明说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bca4ea4f03020740be1e650e52ea551810a6c984.png)
DRP SELF REGULA TING SERIESDRP Series - Control ValvesProduct FeaturesArmstrong Delta2 - DRP SERIES is a globe self actuated pressure reducing/relief Control Valve for a wide range of process applications.• available size from DN15 to DN100 and from 1/2" to 4".• available pressure rating DIN from PN10 to PN40.• available pressure rating ANSI from 150lbs to 300lbs.MaterialsFull range of materials and special alloys are available for valve body and trim including hardening treatment. Special NACE design andmaterial construction for Sour Service with a Compliance Declaration in accordance to NACE regulations. GuidingValve guiding is top for standard disk plug and is made directly on plug shaft to guarantee a larger guiding and plug stability for accurate control application.TrimStandard construction includes disk plug and threaded replaceable seat.Stem SealStandard stem seal for DRP - Pressure Reducing valves up to 50 barg is full Stainless Steel Bellow seal for zero leakage in case of Higher class or Pressure Relief applications a Standard Low Emission packing and the integral diaphragm is used.SPECIAL DESIGNDRP Series - Control Valves Standard Part List1918DRP Series - Control ValvesFunctioning of pressure reducing valves on steamSteam enters through port 1 (valve is normally open but flow direction close the plug), flowing through seat 2 and plug 3 and reduces its pressure moving out through port 4.The piping 5 connect the condensation pot 6 with the control area 7 andtransmits the variation of reduced pressure at the bottom of Diaphragm 8.Example given is supposing that the reduced pressure exceeds thevalue of valve spring range setted up.Then the control spring 9 will be compressed by the higher force present in the control area 7 and therefore the plug will close slicely to valveseat causing an higher pressure drop that in a short time will results in a downstream pressure balanced according to the spring set range.In fact an opposite action happens when the downstreampressuretend to decrease: the pressure of controlarea 7 decreases, allowing to control spring 9 tomove the plug in opening direction and therefore the downstream pressure will be re-established.The value of reduced pressure can be change by operating on thespring range setting with the apposite key.(1)ANSI / ISA 75.08.01 or ISA S75.03 on request(2) Special high capacity trim are available on request.(3) Standard rangeability 30:1. Optional higher rangeabilities can be provided.Valve SpecificationValve ConnectionsStandard Facing according to EN 1092-1 Form B1 up to PN40 and Form B2 above.Standard Facing according to ASME B16.5 Form RF (Ra 125-250 AARH Smooth Finish).Materials of Construction(1)= Special materials available on request.Materials of ConstructionPressure and Temperature Ratings(*)= Maximum allowable temperature of Gases without Condensation Pot is 120°C.Pressure and Temperature CurvesFlow Coefficient TableOptions:- Full Hard Facing through Overlaying or Treatments available for all Port Size. Actuators Down Pressure Range Table113/8"Designs, materials, weights and performance ratings are approximate and subject to change without notice.Visit armstrong for up-to-date information.North America • Latin America • India • Europe / Middle East / Africa • China • Pacific Rimarmstrong international.euValve Dimensions1) DIN PN10 to PN40 Face to Face lenght according to EN 558-1 serie 1, DIN 3202 F1 (ANSI/ISA 75.08.01 on request)Actuators Dimensions 1) ED = Envelope Diameter is the minimum horizontal space necessary for valve maintenence.2) EH = Envelope Height is the minimum vertical space necessary for valve maintenence.Condensate Pot DimensionsValve Condensate PotActuatorINTELLIGENT SOLUTIONS IN STEAM, AIR, AND HOT WATERarmstrong international.eu。
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压力释放阀PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE使用说明书OPERATION INSTRUCTION明远电器设备SHENYANG MINGYUAN ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO., Ltd.本说明书适用于我公司生产的系列变压器用压力释放阀,阐述其用途、性能、规格、技术参数、使用及安装,供用户参考。
The Operation Instruction is applicable to pressure release valve of a series of transformers manufactured by our company, indicating its application, performances, specifications, technical parameters, usage and installation for uses’ reference.1. 压力释放阀用途和性能压力释放阀适用于油浸式电力变压器、电力电容器及有载分接开关等,用来保护油箱。
1.Application and performancePressure release valves play a vital role in the protection of oil-immersed electrical equipments, such as transformers, high voltage switch gears, capacitor and on load tap-changers, etc. This device can prevent the oil-immersed electrical equipment from deformation or rupture. Should a fault occur in such electrical equipment, from deformation of rupture? Should a fault occurring in such electrical equipment, they are instantaneously vaporize the oil causing extremely rapid build-up of gaseous pressure? If mounting this type pressure release device on the oil-tank, when the pressure reaches to its opening pressure, it opens automatically within 2ms and relieves the pressure.2.型号、规格及基本参数Type, specification and technical parameters2.1 型号的含义 Meaning of typeY S F□—□ / □□□特殊环境代号(Special environment)带机械信号标“J”(“J”:mechanical signal)带信号开关标“K”(“K”:electrical signal)两者都带标“KJ”(“KJ”:Both with signal)喷油有效口径(Caliber of oil-gushing tube)mm开启压力(Opening pressure)kPa设计序号(Design serial number)阀(valve)释放(release)压力(pressure)注:特殊环境代号 note: special environment:TA: 干热带地区 dry tropicTH: 湿热带地区 humid tropicT: 干、湿热带地区 dry、humid tropic例:YSF16-55/130KKJT开启压力为55kPa,喷油口径为φ130mm,带电信号、机械信号。
Example: YSF16-55/130KKJT in which, opening pressure is 55kPa, caliber of oil-gushing tubeisφ130mm and flange erection, with electrical and mechanical signal and waterproof, use in dry、humid tropic。
2.2 规格(见表1)Specifications(given in Table Ⅰ)2.3 基本参数(见表2)Basic technical data(given in Table Ⅱ)表2 单位:kPa Table Ⅱ unit:kPa3.安装尺寸Installation dimensions3.1 法兰安装尺寸(见表3)Flange installation dimensions(given in Table Ⅲ)表3单位mm Table Ⅲ unit : mm表4单位mm Table Ⅳ un it: mm4.1 有效喷油口径的选择(见表5)Selection of effective caliber of oil-gushing(see Table Ⅴ)总油量(吨)/23=φ130口径压力释放阀的数量 X=total oil weight(t)/23The effective caliber of oil-gushing may be chosen according to Table Ⅴ. If the total oil weight in oil-tank exceeds 23t,the quantity of pressure release device to be used may be chosen according to following formula:锁帽Lock nut 保护套 protective cover导油装置Oil equipment guide防雨帽Rain shield 排油管Drainline 标示杆Indicator阀盖Valve lid阀罩Valve cover接线盒Junction box螺钉Screw安装螺栓Mounting bolt阀座Valve seat放气阀Air vent valve密封胶垫Sealing gasket蝶阀Butterfly valve螺母Nuts变压器本体排油管Transformer bodydrain line图一 Picture I (例如 E.g.: YSF16-55,70/130KKJT) 注:变压器运行之前务必请将锁帽卸下并将保护套带上!!!Notes: be sure to remove the lock nut and wear the protective cover before startingthe transformer! ! !(图示为压力释放阀动作后的情形,动作前标示杆应在原位,防雨帽应与阀盖接触)(The picture shows what the pressure release valve looks like when running, the indicator should be in situ and the rain shield should be in contact with the valve lid before running.) 4.2 开启压力的选择Selection of opening pressure首先计算关闭压力的大小First calculate closing pressureP G=P J+P E+P Q P G: 关闭压力值(kPa)Closing pressureP J: 压力释放阀承受静压值(kPa)P J=H• r kPaStatic pressure stood by pressure release valve P J=H• r kPaH: 最高油面至压力释放阀底面距离mDistance between Max. Oil level land bottom of pressure release valvesr: 变压器油比重0.85×10³kg/m³ Proportion of oil for Transformer按上式求出关闭压力值后,可查表2确定相应开启压力。
Afte r determining closing pressure opening pressure can be chosen according to Table Ⅱ.P E附加的安全裕度压力(5~7kPa)Additional safety marginP Q:强油循环冷却附加安全裕度压力(5~7kPa)Forced oil circulation cooing additional safety margin5. 压力释放阀的安装与使用Installation and operation5.1 压力释放阀一般安装在变压器油箱盖上或侧壁上。
It should be mounted on the cover of side wall of the transformer tank.5.2 对于法兰结构的压力释放阀,应配置法兰底座。
The flange seat should be provided for mounting pressure release valves.5.2.1 将变压器本体上的安装法兰,蝶阀,压力释放阀的安装螺栓孔对齐(蝶阀两端的密封胶圈要放平放正)。
Align the bolt holes of the flange the butterfly valve and the release valve on the transformer (the sealing rubber rings at both ends of the butterfly valve should be put correctly).5.2.2 将各安装螺纹拧紧。