
2019年9-12月雅思口语新题题库(完整版)Topic Pool——Part One(2019.09-12)Study/ Work Hometown Accommodation Voice HaircutWalking Languages Jeans Concentration FriendsCities/countryside Weather Time Being Sharingmanagement/plan punctualThe area you live Movies Holiday/vacation Street market Sleep inRubbish Math Tea and coffee Music Film starsOutdoor activities Travelling Visit relatives (Wild) PhotosAnimalsPatience Email/ Social media Crowded place Transportation LettersReading Smile Borrowing/lending Handwriting Perfume 注:红色为必备话题;蓝色为本季新题;黑色为保留旧题。
Study or work1. Are you a student or do you work now?2. What subject are you studying?3. Why did you choose that subject?like about it?4. Is there anything that you d on’t5. What would you like to do in the future?6. What are the most popular subjects in China?7. What are your favourite classes/ courses/ subjects at school/ university?important to choose a subject you like?8. Do you think it’s(What work do you do?Why did you choose to do that type of job?Do you like your job?What do you like best about your job?Do you miss being a student?)Hometown1. Where do you come from?2. What's the most attractive part of your hometown?3. What’s the weather like in your hometown?4. Do you know much about the history of your hometown?5. Has your hometown changed much these years?6. Would you say your hometown is a big city or a small town?7. For you, what benefits are there living in a big city?8. Do you think you will be still living in your hometown in the future?Accommodation1. What kind of housing do you live in?2. Do you live in a house or a flat?3. Do you live alone or with your family?4. Could you please describe the place you live in?5. Can you describe the room you live in?6. Which is your favourite room in your home?7. Is there anything which needs to be improved in your flat?8. What can you see when you look out the window of your room?VoiceHas your voice ever changed?Do you like your voice?Is your voice similar with your parents?Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?HaircutWhat’syour favorite hairstyle?How often do you have your haircut?Do you often change your haircut?WalkingDo you walk a lot?Do you walk more or less than in the past?Do you walk on your own or with others?Would you say that your city is a good place for walking?Do you think people will take a walk more often or not in the future?LanguagesWhat languages can you speak?Why do you learn English?difficult to learn a new language?Do you think it’sWill you learn another language in the future?JeansDo you wear jeans?How often do you wear jeans?Do you like to wear jeans?Why do you think jeans are popular in China?ConcentrationWhen do you need to be focused?What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?What do you do to help you concentrate?Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?Friends1. What makes a good friend?2. What do you usually do with your friends?3. How do you make friends?4. Do you havemany friends?5. Are you a good friend to others?Sky1. How often do you look at the sky?2. Do you prefer the sky in the morning or sky at night?3. Can you see the moon and stars at night from where you live?4. Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?Cities/countryside1. What are the benefits of living in cities?2. Which city do you like to go to/ live in?3. Would you like to live in a city or countryside in the future?4. What’s the difference between living in the big city and living in thecountryside?5. What do people who live in the countryside like to do?Weather1. What's the weather usually like in your hometown?2. How is the weather here different to the weather in your hometown?3. Would you say the weather in your hometown is suitable for working (orstudying)?4. What sort of weather do you like the most?5. Do you prefer hot or cold weather?6. How does bad weather affect your life (or, your mood)?7. Would you like to move to a place with different weather?8. Has the weather in your country changed much in the past few years?9. Do you (usually) pay attention to the weather forecasts?Time management/plan1. Do you make plans every day?2. Are you good at managing your time?3. Is it difficult to manage your time well?4. Will you allow your children to manage their own time?5. Do you think young people organize their time in the same way?Being punctual1. Are you always on time?2. Do you think being punctual is very important?3. Is it easy for you to be on time?4. How do you remind yourself to be on time?5. Why are some people always late?6. Do you think people these days are as punctual as they were in the past?7. What will you do if you are waiting for someone?Sharing1. Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?2. What kind of things do you like to share with others?3. What kinds of things are not suitable for sharing?4. Do you have anything to share with others recently?The area you live in1. Do you like the area that you live in now?2. What are some of the changes in the area you live in for the recent 10 years?3. Are there anything special in your area?4. Do you know any famous people in your area?5. What do you like to do in your area?Movies1. Do you watch movies?2. How often do you watch movies?3. What kind of movies do you like?4. Do you prefer to go to a movie atone or with others?5. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?Holiday/vacation1. What did you do during the last holiday?2. What do other people in your country usually do on public holiday?3. What would you like to do during the next holiday?4. How important are holidays to you?5. (If you are working) Do you get paid during your holidays?6. Do you prefer spending holidays alone or with other people?7. Is there anything you dislike doing during holidays?Street market1. Are there many street markets in your country?2. Which do people in your country prefer? Street market or supermarket?3. What do you usually buy from street markets?4. When was the last time you went to a street market?5. Do you go to street market more now than when you were younger?Sleep1. How many hours do you sleep every day?2. Is it necessary to sleep enough?3. How long should people sleep for the benefit of the health? Why?4. Is taking a nap important?5. Do old people sleep a lot? Why?6. What do you do to improve sleeping quality?7. Do you think staying up late in a good thing?Rubbish1. Do you think your city is clean?2. Would people just throw rubbish on the street?3. How do you feel when you see someone throw rubbish on the street?4. Do you think it’s easy to teach people not to throw rubbish around?5. What do you do with garbage when you are on the street?6. How important do you think it is to keep the city clean?Math1. Are you good at math?2. Do you like doing math homework?3. How often do you use a calculator?4. Do you think it’s difficult to learn math well?5. Do you think it’s important to learn math well?6. Have your parents ever taught you math?7. Would you say girls are generally better at math than boys?Tea and coffee1. Do people in your country like to drink tea or coffee?2. Do you prefer tea or coffee for guests at home?3. When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?Music1. Do you often listen to music?2. How much time do you spend listening to music every day?3. Which types of music do you like the best?4. What benefits do children gain by studying music?5. Did you often listen to music when you were a child?6. How does music affect people?7. Compare the music that young people like and the music that old people like. Film stars。

2019年9-12月雅思口语话题库(新题)Part1新题Tiredness 疲倦What things make you tired?What do you do when you feel tired?Who do you prefer to talk to when you feel mentally tired, your friends or your families?Do you want to talk to strangers when you feel mentally tired?Sun 阳光Do you like sunshine?What do you do on sunny days?Have you ever used suncreen?Amusement park 游乐园Do you like amusement parks?How often do you go to amusement parks?What do you usually do at amusement parks?Forest 森林When was the last time you went to a forest?Do you like going to a forest if you are free?Eating 饮食How often do you eat with your family?Do you like eating healthy food?Do you eat out a lot?Do you prefer eating at home or at a restaurant?Makeup 化妆Do you often wear makeup?What does wearing makeup mean to you?Do you give makeup as gifts?What do you think when you see a man wearing makeup?Island 岛屿Have you ever been to an island?Are there any island in your country?Do you want to live on an island if you have a chance?What do you like to do when you are on an island?Part2&3新题technological product 科技产品Describe an important technological product you boughtYou should say:What it isHow you use itWhy you bought itAnd explain why you think it is importantPart3What do you think is the most important euipment in the workplace?Which technological product do you think is most useful at home?Do you think there will be no teachers to teach in schools in the future?Do you think some technological products make people lazier? Why?artificial intelligence 人工智能Describe a product or application which is based on artificial intelligenceYou should say:What it isWhat it is used forHow it is usedAnd explain what you think of itPart3How will artificial intelligence affect our lives?Will artificial intelligence have emotions in the future?taught an older person 教老年人Describe a time when you taught an older person something newYou should say:When it happenedWho you taughtWhy you taught this personAnd explain how you felt about itPart3Do you think old people know more things than young people?Is it easy for old people to use new technology?Why do some old people refuse to use new technology?What are the advantages and disadvantages for old people to use smart phone?female leader 女领导Describe a female leader you would like to meetYou should say:Who she isWhat she doesWhat she is likeAnd explain why you would like to meet herPart3Do women have more responsibility for taking care of children?Do you think there is equality in the workplace for men and women nowdays?software 常用软件Describe a piece of software you use oftenYou should say:What it isWhat does it use forHow did you know itAnd explain why you use itPart3What are the advantages of using instant messengers?Will instant messengers replace Email?spent a lot of money 花钱Describe a time that you spent a lot of money on somethingYou should say:When you spent the moneyWhat you boughtWhere you bought itAnd explain why you spent a lot of money on itPart3Why do people save money?Do you think rich people are happier than those who are not rich? Do you think children should learn money management?Why do many people apply for credit cards nowadays?。

雅思口语题库(完整版)口语test 分成三个部分,下面按照顺序发part 1 注意:部分问题也可能在part 3 中被问到1。
Basic Information what is your full name? what can I call you? what is your ID number? Characteristics: Authentic, Showy(Good Custom, Tense excellence, V ocabulary, Communication Skills, idiom) 2. Working or Studying Are you working or studying? What do you usually do?(worker only) where do you work? what are the advantages and disadvantages of your work? what is your ideal job? where do you study? what are the advantages and disadvantages of your school or university? what subject/major do you have?(College students only) what are the advantages and disadvantages of your subject or major?(College students only) Characteristics: Special Idea, V ocabulary, Case, And fixed sentence structure 3.Hometown and Home1Which town or city do you come from? what's the best thing about living there? Is there anything you don't like? which places would you recommend a tourist to visit? where are you living now? can you describe your home to me? what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your home? how can you improve it? what's the most interesting object in your home? 4. Learning English Please some ideas how to study English how do you think about English? what do you think of English and other languages? how learn English well?(how to improve your English?) when did you begin to study English? what is the key about studying English? are there some difficulties about studying English? why don't you study another language? 5. Watching TV what TV programs do you like to watch? what are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV? do you think there should be a TV in the student's dormitory room?2do your parents let you watch TV as you like? 6. Health Food what are the difference between people eat 20 years ago and today? what do you like to eat? what is the health food? do you think Chinese eating is better or worse than before? 7. Shopping who prefer shopping, men or women? when do you go shopping? who always go with you? which places where young people like to go shopping now? which kind of things you like to buy? do you always go shopping? what kind of place people like to go for shopping? 8. Photograph do you like to take photos? do Chinese people like to take photographs?Is taking photos popular in China? which kind of photos you like to take? how do arrange your photos? are there some photos in the past you got? which kind of photos you like? 9.Music what kind of music you like?3have you ever play some instruments? when do you listen to music? do children should play instruments? whether children play instruments will change their thinking about music? do the instruments could change a person's life who plays it ? 10. Reading how much time you take a day about reading?why? do you like reading? which kind of books do you like to read? what is the meaning of reading for you? 11. Sport do you like sports? which kind of sports do you like?why? which kind of people like sports?which dislike? do chinese like sports? which kind of sports do people in your home town like? do you think sports have some benefits to young people?which kind? do you do some sports in school? 12.Travel do you like traveling alone or with people? which another country's city you ever go? are there some benefits about traveling?4what you will learn about traveling? 13.Transport which kind of transport do you like?why?what are the advantages and disadvantages? which kind of transport you by when you traveling? whatare the pros and cons? tell me something about the transportation in futute? 14. Computer do you use computer? which do you use computer to do? how do you study the knowledge about computer? which kind of effects do computer does for our lives? do you think which kind of contents can give your some bad influence in computer? always using computer is good or bad?why? tell me something about email? 15.Seasons which season do you like?why?what people do in this season? tell me sth about the climate in your hometown tell me sth about the seasons in your hometown? 16.Friends what do you do with your friends? hhow could become best friends? tell me sth about your best friend 17.Fashion(时装)5do you like fashion?why? which kind of clothes do you like to wear? do you like to buy clothes?why? what are the differences between people wearing now and in the past? what is your opinion about the trend of fashion? what is the meaning of fashion?part 2 and 3 注意:要制定每天的计划。

2019年9-12雅思口语Part3高频考题列表Part3Topic(与第一版part2题号相同)Topic1:室内游戏Topic29:电视综艺节目Topic2:喜欢和家人做的休闲活动Topic30:让你笑的小孩Topic3:很累但要保持清醒Topic31:想获得的奖Topic4:难忘的特别的一天Topic32:公共场所陌生人打电话Topic5:使用网络解决问题的经历Topic33:鼓励和帮助你实现目标的人Topic6:学会的实用技能Topic34:给他人建议Topic7:获得不准确信息的经历Topic35:空闲时间乐于帮助他人的人Topic8:早起的经历Topic36:擅长某个工作的人Topic9:邀请家人/朋友吃晚饭Topic37:经常坐飞机的人Topic10:拜访朋友Topic38:有着有趣想法的人Topic11:庆祝成就Topic39:有趣的谈话Topic12:愉快的一天Topic40:初见某人Topic13:色彩丰富的地方Topic41:东西失而复得Topic14:喜欢的天空Topic42:借东西Topic15:花费长时间准备的礼物Topic43:喜欢的歌手或乐队Topic16:花费长时间选择的礼物Topic44:想见的外国名人Topic17:家中喜欢的一幅画/照片Topic45:理想的房子Topic18:景点纪念品Topic46:印象深刻的广告Topic19:去过并想了解更多的历史建筑Topic47/48:常穿的衣服(男女生版)Topic20:想去拜访的新公共场所Topic49:想做的水上运动Topic21:去过的公园/花园Topic50:擅长外语的人Topic22:读书写字的地方Topic51:家乡特产Topic23:一次不同寻常的旅行Topic52:儿时学校Topic24:和朋友相处的快乐时光Topic53:儿时玩具Topic25:想拥有的一日假期Topic54:想要与人分享/谈论的电影Topic26:交通工具坏掉的经历Topic55:撒谎Topic27:突然改变计划的经历Topic56:选工作或专业的建议Topic28:与他人在一起无聊的经历Topic1室内游戏1.Why do people like playing cellphone games now?I think it’s because cellphone games are mindless entertainment1.After all,playing a cellphone game isn’t challenging.You don’t have to focus that much on it.So it can help people relax and get rid of stress after a long day at work or school.Plus,cellphone games are designed to get you addicted.So it makes sense2that lots of people like playing them.2.Some people say playing games is a waste of time,what do you think of it?Well,I suppose that playing games has some value.It’s healthy to have a way to relax,especially after a long day of work or school.So it’s not a complete waste of time if it helps you feel calm.But it’s easy to spend too much time playing games instead of actually being productive and getting stuff done3.You have to be careful about it.3.Do teamwork games have any benefit?Yeah,I think teamwork games have lots of benefits.For one,they make you improve your communication skills.You have to talk with the members of the team in order to do well.So it makes you more social and helps you listen to others.They also teach you how to respect others and build better relationships with them. Sometimes,teamwork games can also teach you leadership skills.(因各个考官给出的时长不同,在练习中可根据提供思路继续删减或扩展内容练习。

2019年雅思口语话题库(附范文)1.What do you do?I am a teacher and I work for MQ learning school,Shanghai.2.Where do you come from?I belong to China,and my hometown is called as Magic city,Shanghai, which is the commercial capital of our country.3.Do you like your country?As a matter of fact,I would say,I am proud that I am a Chinese and yes,I love and respect my country a lot.4.What do you like about your country?Well,my country has the world's largest population.Additionally,you won't be able to find another nation like China with its vast diversity in culture,language,customs.The simple and amiable people who represent the country are quite helpful to others.Our country has a vast diversity of natural beauty and if you travel to China,you can in a sense say that you have travelled the entire Asia.5.What street do you live in?As I have already mentioned,I live in the city of Shanghai,and the street where I live is Guoding Road Street.6.Do you like your street?By contrast to the other streets,this is my favourite one.The most significant reason for this could be the fact that,it's one of the busiest streets in the city with all types of shopping destinations.7.What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?For the past30years I have lived in a house with my family.And I think if I can move out and start making a living on my own,I would try my best to have an independent place where I can plan and design a house layout to suit myself since sharing a room or a flat with strangers sounds so troublesome to me.8.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?Well definitely I’ll spend some me-time there.I study,I chill out by reading,drawing and dancing all by myself.Sometimes I also invite one or two friends to spend time with.We’ll watch some movies together and tell each other endless stories.9.Who do you live with?I live with my family.There are5of us and we all have our own room, which is way more comfortable as the older we grow,the more privacy we need for ourselves.I think our house is big enough for us yet stilla warm and cozy place that I call home.10.How long have you lived there?Although during my childhood my family had to move a lot,I’ve lived in the most recent house for almost ten paring to the old houses,I think this house has been the best so far.11.Do you plan to live there for a long time?The answer would be yes if the respondent is my parents,since moving in and out is too time-consuming and exhausting.Cleaning and arranging everything all over again would be like torture to them.For me,on the other hand,as I’m thinking of moving out to start my adult life,hopefully soon I’ll be able to afford to live in a flat or an apartment.12.What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?As I’ve already mentioned my family moved several times when I was younger.And the most current house where we’ve been living for about ten years is the best house so far.All of us have separate rooms forour need of privacy yet a big dining room where we can spend the whole evenings together watching TV or having dinner.13.Can you describe the place where you live?/Please describe the room you live in.Briefly,my humble house locates in a small and quite street,so coming home to me is like all the craziness happened outside is left behind.Just beside my house stands a big old tree.I have my own room with walls painted violet,which is kinda a peaceful color.The air outside is fresh.I usually open the window to enjoy the wind and sunshine,which will help cool down my room without an air conditioner.Since I spend most of my time staying at home,my room means the whole world to me.It’s like a friend who is always there to share ups and downs with me.So yeah,I would always miss my house,my room whenever I’m away.14.Which part of your home do you like the most?It’s the dining room where my family spends our time together.Not only lunch or dinner but all our family reunions take place in the dining room where we can enjoy a harmonious atmosphere.We always try to keep the family dinner as something we cannot go a day without,since for us it’s the family bonding that lies behind.Holiday1.What public holidays do you have in your country?My country has a great range of public holidays but to me the most important one is the national Day,which is annually celebrated on October1st.This day are to celebrate the day the China secured independence after the second world war and civil war.2.Do people in your country celebrate foreign festivals?Of course we do.We celebrate Christmas with extraordinarily colorful lights and decorations similar to those found in Western countries.It is a grand party when the fun-loving and sociable citizens,whether being a Christian or not,celebrate with gusto.Besides,there are also sparkling lighting decorations on the streets and in front of houses,turning particular places into Christmas ually the shops will have their signs advertising sales for Christmas seasons,and the piercing cold is a wonderful chance for people to get dressed up.3.What do you usually do during public holidays?Well,I often spend my time gathering with my beloved family and friends.Maybe go shopping and take advantage of the sales which my favorite shops are offering or hanging out with friends and having a whale of time at some entertaining places.4.Do you like short holidays or long holidays?Both options have their own merits,but if I have to choose one,I would pick short holidays.The reason for this is that I can feel more prepared to go back to study and feel less fatigued than spending a week for playing or traveling.The purpose of holiday should be to give people a temporary rest and help them recharge the batteries for a fresh period ahead.Therefore,it is not recommended that people turn their days off into a long holiday,indulge themselves and neglect their study and work.Movies1.Do you like to watch films?I’m really into watching films because some films are very entertaining and provoking.I sometimes go to cinema with my friends and family to enjoy our leisure time in the weekends.2.Do you prefer foreign films or Chinese films?Well,if I were to choose between the two,I will probably go with the foreign films,especially the Hollywood films because most of them are well-acted,with lots of charismatic celebrities and always are enormous box-office hit;whereas you know,the Chinese films are almostlow-budget,so they are not as attractive as their American counterparts.3.How often do you go to a cinema or watch a movie?I go to cinema to watch movies from time to time.Normally if I’m not busy with my work,I’ll check out the movies to see whether there are any movies that attract me;but if I have lots of things on my hands,I’ll probably focus on my work.4.Do Chinese people like to go to a cinema to watch a film?It’s kind of hard to say but people that I know around me tend to like watching movies in the cinema,but maybe for others,they just prefer stay at home and watch TV programmes.5.What kinds of movies do you like best?As for me,I like the drama films the best because sometimes they just tell simple but warm and heartfelt stories with provoking endings,which would touch on my deepest emotions.6.What was the first film that you watched?The first film that I watched was the The Lion King many years ago in the cinema with my parents.What I can remember now is the terrific animation and the amazing soundtrack.I particularly liked the song Can You Feel the Love Tonight that I knew it was produced by Elton John later. And I’d learned lessons from this movies.It was about living up to our responsibilities,no matter how hard it is.Drawing or Art1.Are you good at art?Art is a really vast subject,I believe and if it is about drawing things here and there,I would say I am pretty fine at it.But,I am surely not one of those swho can go on to make some master pieces.I think I am good at,all thanks to the art classes that I attended during my teen years.They were a great help during my growing years and taught me lot of creativity.Now,I can easily draw simple day to day things like pen or a face.2.Did you learn art at school when you were a child?Yes.We did had an arts subject during our school days and we were taught lot of basic things like how to color,shade or different kinds of paintings.No,I did not.In our school,there was a choice between arts and music and I opted music.3.What kind of art do you like?I love sketching human faces.I really am fascinated by the different moods a face can easily depict.There is lot that be can said with a human face.I like sketching natural things,the ones that are very near to nature.It could be mountains or rivers or the trees,anything that is near to nature.4.Is art popular in your country?I would say,art surely does gets importance as people really like to see great art work but when it comes down to choosing arts as a career it is not a very popular choice among people.They prefer pursuing their art goals a mere hobby.5.Have you ever been to an art gallery?I am not particularly an art fan.So,I have never visited any art gallery, although I do like watching the paintings made by my friends.Oh!I have gone there so many times.I love them.It is so much fun to see people portray so much on a single canvas>6.Do you think children can benefit from going to art galleries?I think definitely yes.Art is that part of our lives that brings out the creative side of ours.If children go and visit art galleries,they might be able to understand things better and may be feel motivated to draw things and explore their creative side.I don’t think children will be very much benefited by just going to art gallery.It is very important for them to understand what is being shown, what is the meaning,how it has been made and why is art important.It is only when they understand the answers to the questions,it makes sense to make children visit art gallery.photos1.Do you like to take photographs?Why?。

剑桥雅思9口语真题+解析Test3-Part3摘要:剑桥雅思9口语真题+解析Test3-Part3,剑桥雅思9Test3口语Part3讨论话题举例:Reasons for daily travel,有需要的同学抓紧时间下载吧!Discussion topics:Reasons for daily travelExample questions:· Why do people need to travel every day?为什么人们每天都需要出行?笨鸟雅思口语名师点题本题询问人们为什么每天穿梭于各地。
高分示例People need to travel for lots of different reasons. Almost everybody has to travel to work, so they can earn money and provide for their families. If a person is lucky, then they will live very close to the place where they work, so they can travel on foot or by bicycle. Sometimes, however, people live very far away, so they must travel by bus, train, car, or even sometimes by plane or boat! Lots of people also travel to see friends and family members, who might live in a different city, or even a different country. But often people just like to travel for fun, to go to somewhere new, or to see a famous tourist site or place of natural beauty.参考译文人们有各种各样的理由来来往往。
【最新2019】雅思考试口语回忆-范文word版 (1页)

【最新2019】雅思考试口语回忆-范文word版本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思考试口语回忆杭州208 part 2一样, part 1和3: major , free time ,男人女人空闲时间谁多,为什么,过去现在空闲时间的差别等等福州师大考场209 一个帅气的白人 part 1 study travel dacing part 2 a leader you admire part 3 the qualities of a leader how to become a leader华师412一中年英国女人,挺和蔼的,一直笑,可惜我太紧张了。
p 1:study , color , weather p 2: a song heard in a patulcar time 说的各种没逻辑,废了。
P 3 围绕 music industry 展开, internet 对产业的影响,为社么有的人可以红遍全球等等。
求 rp 阿!希望不太难看!第二部分是新题,第三部分针对音乐产业的发展以及因特网的影响!郑州9点30 RM 09 男考官,很可爱,爱笑,肚子大哈哈! P 1问了专业,颜色,朋友家人看重哪个 P 2外国电影,没答完第一个就打断我了,问,你准备继续重看电影吗?其实应该是让我回答下一个吧,结果我直接说不了,就把东西收回继续P 3了。
郑州郑州轻工业学院8:30,考官35岁左右,体态微胖的一个白人大叔~ part 1问家庭情况,有没有车,第一次开车经历; part 2介绍一个你的好朋友,怎么与他认识的、多久见面一次、与他交流经常说什么 part 3你用什么方法交到新朋友、觉得网络交朋友可靠吗、会在现实生活中与他见面吗。

雅斯口语题库(完整版)口语test 分成三个部分,下面按照顺序发part 1注意:部分问题也可能在part 3 中被问到1 。
Basic Informationwhat is your full name?what can I call you?what is your ID number?Characteristics: Authentic, Showy(Good Custom, Tense excellence,Vocabulary, Communication Skills, idiom)2. Working or StudyingAre you working or studying?What do you usually do?(worker only)where do you work?what are the advantages and disadvantages of your work?what is your ideal job?where do you study?what are the advantages and disadvantages of your school or university?what subject/major do you have?(College students only) what are the advantages and disadvantages of your subject or major?(College students only)Characteristics: Special Idea, Vocabulary, Case, And fixed sentence structure3. Hometown and HomeWhich town or city do you come from?what's the best thing about living there?Is there anything you don't like?which places would you recommend a tourist to visit?where are you living now?can you describe your home to me?what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your home?how can you improve it?what's the most interesting object in your home?4. Learning EnglishPlease some ideas how to study English how do you think about English?what do you think of English and other languages?how learn English well?(how to improve your English?) when did you begin to study English?what is the key about studying English?are there some difficulties about studying English?why don't you study another language?5. Watching TV what TV programs do you like to watch?what are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV?do you think there should be a TV in the student's dormitory room?do your parents let you watch TV as you like?6. Health Foodwhat are the difference between people eat 20 years ago and today? what do you like to eat?what is the health food?do you think Chinese eating is better or worse than before?7. Shopping who prefer shopping, men or women?when do you go shopping? who always go with you?which places where young people like to go shopping now?which kind of things you like to buy?do you always go shopping?what kind of place people like to go for shopping?8. Photograph do you like to take photos?do Chinese people like to take photographs?Is taking photos popular in China? which kind of photos you like to take?how do arrange your photos?are there some photos in the past you got?which kind of photos you like?9. Music what kind of music you like?have you ever play some instruments?when do you listen to music?do children should play instruments?whether children play instruments will change their thinking about music?do the instruments could change a person's life who plays it10. Reading how much time you take a day about reading?why?do you like reading?which kind of books do you like to read?what is the meaning of reading for you?11. Sport do you like sports?which kind of sports do you like?why?which kind of people like sports?which dislike?do chinese like sports?which kind of sports do people in your home town like?do you think sports have some benefits to young people?which kind?do you do some sports in school?12. T ravel do you like traveling alone or with people?which another country's city you ever go?are there some benefits about traveling?what you will learn about traveling?13. T ransportwhich kind of transport do you like?why?what are the advantages disadvantages?and which kind of transport you by when you traveling? what are the pros and cons?tell me something about the transportation in futute?14. Computer do you use computer?which do you use computer to do?how do you study the knowledge about computer?which kind of effects do computer does for our lives?do you think which kind of contents can give your some bad influence in computer?always using computer is good or bad?why?tell me something about email?15.Seasons which season do you like?why?what people do in this season?tell me sth about the climate in your hometown tell me sth about the seasons in your hometown?16.Friends what do you do with your friends?hhow could become best friends?tell me sth about your best friend17.Fashion(时装) do you like fashion?why?which kind of clothes do you like to wear?do you like to buy clothes?why?what are the differences between people wearing now and in the past?what is your opinion about the trend of fashion?what is the meaning of fashion?part 2 and 3注意:要制定每天的计划。

2019年雅思口语话题库(附范文)1.What do you do?Iam a teacher and Iwork for MQ learning school,Shanghai.2.Where do you come from?Ibelong to China,and my hometown iscalledas Magic city,Shanghai, which isthe commercial capitalof our country.3.Do you likeyour country?As a matter of fact,Iwould say,Iam proud that Iam a Chinese and yes,I love and respect my country a lot.4.What do you likeabout your country?Well,my country has the world's largestpopulation.Additionally,y ou won't be able to find another nation likeChina with itsvast diversity in culture,language,customs.The simple and amiable people who represent the country are quite helpfulto others.Our country has a vast diversity of natural beauty and ifyou travelto China,you can in a sense say that you have travelledthe entireAsia.5.What street do you livein?As Ihave already mentioned,Ilivein the cityof Shanghai,and the street where IliveisGuoding Road Street.6.Do you likeyour street?By contrast to the other streets,thisismy favouriteone.The most significant reason for thiscould be the factthat,it's one of the busiest streetsin the citywith all types of shopping destinations.7.What kind of housing/accommodation do you livein?For the past30years Ihave livedin a house with my family.And Ithink if Ican move out and startmaking a living on my own,Iwould trymy best to have an independent place where Ican plan and design a houselayout to suitmyself since sharing a room or a flat with strangers sounds so troublesome to me.8.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?Well definitely I’ll spend some me-time there.Istudy,Ichill out by reading,drawing and dancing all by myself.Sometimes Ialso inviteone or two friendsto spend time with.We’ll watch some movies together and tell each other endless stories.9.Who do you livewith?Ilivewith my family.There are5of us and we all have our own room, which isway more comfortable as the older we grow,the more privacy we need for ourselves.Ithink our house isbig enough for us yet stilla warm and cozy place that Icallhome.10.How long have you lived there?Although during my childhood my family had to move a lot,I’ve livedin the most recent house for almost ten paring to the old houses, Ithink thishouse has been the best so far.11.Do you plan to livethere for a long time?The answer would be yes ifthe respondent ismy parents,since movingin and out istoo time-consuming and exhausting.Cleaning and arranging everything all over again would be liketorture to them.For me,on the other hand,as I’m thinking of moving out to startmy adult life,h opefully soon I’ll b e able to afford to livein a flat or an apartment.12.What’s the difference between where you are livingnow and where you have lived in the past?As I’ve already mentioned my family moved severaltimes when Iwas younger.And the most current house where we’ve been living for about ten years isthe best house so far.Allof us have separate rooms forour need of privacy yet a big dining room where we can spend the whole evenings together watching TV or having dinner.13.Can you describe the place where you live?/Please describe the room you livein.Briefly,m y humble house locates in a small and quite street,so coming home to me islikeall the crazinesshappened outside isleft behind.Just beside my house stands a big old tree.Ihave my own room with walls painted violet,which iskinda a peaceful color.The airoutside isfresh.I usuallyopen the window to enjoy the wind and sunshine,which will help cool down my room without an airconditioner.Since Ispend most of my time staying at home,my room means the whole world to me.It’slikea friendwho isalways there to share ups and downs with me.So yeah,I would always miss my house,my room whenever I’m away.14.Which part of your home do you likethe most?It’sthe dining room where my family spends our time together.Not only lunch or dinner but all our family reunions take place in the dining room where we can enjoy a harmonious atmosphere.We always tryto keep the family dinner as something we cannot go a day without,since for us it’sthe family bonding that lies behind.Holiday1.What public holidays do you have in your country?My country has a great range of public holidays but to me the most important one isthe national Day,which isannually celebrated on October1st.This day are to celebrate the day the China secured independence after the second world war and civil war.2.Do people in your country celebrate foreign festivals?Of course we do.We celebrate Christmas with extraordinarily colorful lightsand decorations similarto those found in Western countries.Itisa grand party when the fun-loving and sociable citizens,w hether being a Christianor not,celebrate with gusto.Besides,there are also sparkling lightingdecorations on the streetsand in front of houses,turning particular places into Christmas ually the shops willhave their signs advertisingsalesfor Christmas seasons,and the piercing cold isa wonderful chance for people to get dressed up.3.What do you usually do during public holidays?Well,Ioften spend my time gathering with my beloved family and friends.Maybe go shopping and take advantage of the saleswhich my favoriteshops are offeringor hanging out with friendsand having a whale of time at some entertaining places.4.Do you likeshort holidays or long holidays?Both options have theirown merits,but ifIhave to choose one,Iwould pick short holidays.The reason for thisisthat Ican feelmore preparedto go back to study and feellessfatigued than spending a week for playing or traveling.The purpose of holiday should be to give people a temporary restand help them recharge the batteriesfor a fresh period ahead.Therefore,itisnot recommended that people turn theirdays off into a long holiday,indulge themselves and neglect theirstudy and work.Movies1.Do you liketo watch films?I’m really into watching filmsbecause some filmsare very entertaining and provoking.Isometimes go to cinema with my friendsand family to enjoy our leisuretime in the weekends.2.Do you prefer foreign films or Chinese films?Well,ifIwere to choose between the two,Iwillprobably go with the foreign films,especiallythe Hollywood filmsbecause most of them are well-acted,with lotsof charismatic celebrities and always are enormous box-office hit;whereas you know,the Chinese filmsare almostlow-budget,so they are not as attractive as theirAmerican counterparts.3.How often do you go to a cinema or watch a movie?Igo to cinema to watch movies from time to time.Normally ifI’m not busy with my work,I’ll check out the movies to see whether there are any movies that attractme;but ifIhave lotsof things on my hands,I’ll probably focus on my work.4.Do Chinese people liketo go to a cinema to watch a film?It’skind of hard to say but people that Iknow around me tend to like watching movies in the cinema,but maybe for others,they justprefer stay at home and watch TV programmes.5.What kinds of movies do you likebest?As forme,Ilikethe drama filmsthe best because sometimes they justtell simple but warm and heartfelt storieswith provoking endings,which would touch on my deepest emotions.6.What was the first film that you watched?The first filmthat Iwatched was the The Lion King many years ago in the cinema with my parents.What Ican remember now isthe terrific animation and the amazing soundtrack.Iparticularly likedthe song Can You Feel the Love Tonight that Iknew itwas produced by Elton John later. And I’d learned lessons from thismovies.Itwas about living up to our responsibilities,no matter how hard itis.Drawing or Art1.Are you good at art?Art isa really vast subject,Ibelieve and ifitisabout drawing things here and there,Iwould say Iam pretty fineat it.But,Iam surely not one of those swho can go on to make some master pieces.Ithink Iam good at,all thanks to the artclassesthat Iattended duringmy teen years.They were a great help during my growing years andtaught me lotof creativity.Now,Ican easilydraw simple day to daythings likepen or a face.2.Did you learn art at school when you were a child?Yes.We did had an artssubject during our school days and we were taught lotof basic things likehow to color,shade or differentkinds of paintings.No,Idid not.In our school,there was a choice between artsand music and Iopted music.3.What kind of art do you like?Ilove sketching human faces.Ireally am fascinated by the different moods a face can easilydepict.There islotthat be can said with a human face.Ilikesketching natural things,the ones that are very near to nature.It could be mountains or rivers or the trees,anything that isnear to nature.4.Isart popular in your country?Iwould say,artsurelydoes gets importance as people really liketo see great artwork but when itcomes down to choosing artsas a career itis not a very popular choice among people.They prefer pursuing theirart goals a mere hobby.5.Have you ever been to an art gallery?Iam not particularly an artfan.So,Ihave never visitedany artgallery, although Ido likewatching the paintings made by my friends.Oh!Ihave gone there so many times.Ilove them.Itisso much fun to see people portray so much on a singlecanvas>6.Do you think children can benefit from going to art galleries? Ithink definitely yes.Art isthat part of our lives that brings out the creativeside of ours.Ifchildren go and visit artgalleries,t hey might be able to understand things better and may be feelmotivated to draw things and explore theircreativeside.Idon’t think children will be very much benefited by justgoing to art gallery.Itisvery important for them to understand what isbeing shown, what isthe meaning,how ithas been made and why isartimportant.Itis only when they understand the answers to the questions,itmakes sense to make children visit artgallery.photos1.Do you liketo take photographs?Why?。

广州倍梯™老师2019年9月-12月雅思口语新增题目和高频旧题大杂烩第一部分:2019年9月-12月雅思口语新增题目Part1TirednessWhat things make you tired?What do you do when you feel tired?Who do you prefer to talk to when you feel mentally tired, your friends or your families? Do you want to talk to strangers when you feel mentally tired?SunDo you like sunshine?What do you do on sunny days?Have you ever used suncreen?Amusement parkDo you like amusement parks?How often do you go to amusement parks?What do you usually do at amusement parks?ForestWhen was the last time you went to a forest?Do you like going to a forest if you are free?EatingHow often do you eat with your family?Do you like eating healthy food?Do you eat out a lot?Do you prefer eating at home or at a restaurant? MakeupDo you often wear makeup?What does wearing makeup mean to you?Do you give makeup as gifts?What do you think when you see a man wearing makeup? ShoppingDo you like going shopping?Do you shop online?Does shopping take you a lot of time?What’s the best part about shopping?IslandHave you ever been to an island?Are there any island in your country?Do you want to live on an island if you have a chance? What do you like to do when you are on an island?Part2科技产品Describe an important technological product you boughtYou should say:What it isHow you use itWhy you bought itAnd explain why you think it is important人工智能Describe a product or application which is based on artificial intelligence You should say:What it isWhat it is used forHow it is usedAnd explain what you think of it去过的城市Describe a city you once went to with your familyYou should say:What the city wasWhy you went thereWhat the city was likeAnd explain how you felt about it教老年人Describe a time when you taught an older person something new You should say:When it happenedWho you taughtWhy you taught this personAnd explain how you felt about it开车旅行Describe a journey that you went on by carYou should say:When was isWhere you wentWho you were withAnd how you felt about the journey女领导Describe a female leader you would like to meetYou should say:Who she isWhat she doesWhat she is likeAnd explain why you would like to meet her常用软件Describe a piece of software you use oftenYou should say:What it isWhat does it use forHow did you know itAnd explain why you use it花钱Describe a time that you spent a lot of money on somethingYou should say:When you spent the moneyWhat you boughtWhere you bought itAnd explain why you spent a lot of money on itPart3科技产品What do you think is the most important euipment in the workplace? Which technological product do you think is most useful at home?Do you think there will be no teachers to teach in schools in the future? Do you think some technological products make people lazier? Why? 人工智能How will artificial intelligence affect our lives?Will artificial intelligence have emotions in the future?去过的城市What kind of city do you like?What are the advantages of living in a city?Why do many people nowadays prefer living in suburbs?教老年人Do you think old people know more things than young people?Is it easy for old people to use new technology?Why do some old people refuse to use new technology?What are the advantages and disadvantages for old people to use smart phone? 开车旅行Do you think cars are a daily necessity?What will cars look like in the future?Is driving a skill that everybody must learn?What are the downsides of having a car?女领导Do women have more responsibility for taking care of children?Do you think there is equality in the workplace for men and women nowdays?常用软件What are the advantages of using instant messengers?Will instant messengers replace Email?花钱Why do people save money?Do you think rich people are happier than those who are not rich?Do you think children should learn money management?Why do many people apply for credit cards nowadays?第二部分:2019年9月-12月雅思口语高频旧题大杂烩Part1Work or study 工作学习What work do you do?Do you like your job?Why did you choose to do that type of work(or, that job)?Do you miss being a student?Why did you choose to study that subject/ Why did you choose to study those subjects? What subjects are you studying?Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?Are you looking forward to working?Do you like your subject?(Why?/Why not?)Home/accommodation 住宿Who do you live with?What kinds of housing/accommodation do you live in?Do you live in a house or a flat?what's the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? Can you describe the place where you live?What room does your family spend most of the time in?How long have you lived there?What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?Do you plan to live there for a long time?Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Please describe the room you live in?Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?What part of your home do you like the most?The area you live in 住所DO you like the area that you live in?What are some changes in the area recently?Do you know any famous people in your area?Where do you like to go in that area?Perfume 香水Do you use perfume?How do you feel by using perfume?What kind of perfume do you like?Are you willing to spend money on perfume?Have you bought perfume for others as gifts?Rubbish 垃圾Why do some people throw garbage on the street?What do you do with garbage when you are on the street?How do you feel when you see people throw garbage on the street? Do you think your city is clean or not?Smile 微笑When do people smile to others?Do you smile when someone take photos for you?Can you feel it when someone’s smile is fake?Plan 计划Do you make plans every day?Are you good at managing your time?What is the latest plan you made?What is the hardest part about making plans?Visit relatives 探亲Do you often visit your relatives?What do you do when visiting relatives?When was the last time you visited a relative?Why do people visit their relatives?Market 市场What do street markets sell?Are there many street markets in China?What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?Do you often go to the supermarket?Borrowing/lending 借贷Have you borrowed books from others?Have you ever borrowed money from others?Do you like to lend things to others?How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you? Part2擅长外语foreign language wellDescribe a person who speaks a foreign language wellYou should say:Who this person iswhat kind of language he or she speakswhat he learns this language forExplain why you think he or she speak this foreign language wellP3Is learning a foreign language important?What benefits can a foreign language bring to one’s career?Do you think English will be the mainstream language of the world in the future?When learning a foreign language,which part is easier?Speaking or writing?实用技能practical skillDescribe a practical skill you knowYou should say:What it ishow do you know itdo you want to learn itwhy you think this skill is practicalP3What is the most important practical skill in modern society?What kinds of skills are difficult to learn?What kinds of professions require practical skills?What are some special skills that people can learn?印象广告 impressive advertisementDescribe an impressive advertisementYou should say:Where you saw or heard itWhat kind of advertisement it wasWhat the content of the advertisement wasP3Why do some people hate advertisements?Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?Is music useful in advertising?What are the advantages of TV advertisements?How about internet advertisements?纪念品tourist attractionDescribe something that you brought home from a tourist attractionYou should say:what it iswhere you got itwhy you brought it homeP3What souvenirs would people buy from tourist attractions?Why do people like to take photos when travelling?Is it good that locals sell things to tourists?What are the pros and cons of taking professional cameras when travelling?早起经历got up earlyDescribe a time that you got up extremely earlyYou should say:when it waswhat time did you get upexplain why you got up so earlyP3What kind of people usually get up early?And why?Is it easier for older people to get up early than young people?What are the benefits of getting up early?What effect does sleeping in late have on a person’s life patterns?孩子们逗你笑的经历children made you laughDescribe a time that children made you laughYou should say:who he or she iswhat he or she didwhy he or she made you laughhow you felt about itP3What can make children laugh?What do you think is the best age for people to have children?Do you think people should be trained before they become parents?Do you think childhood is the most important in one’s development?网络问题solved internet problemDescribe a time when you solved a problem through the internetYou should say:When it wasWhat the problem wasWhat you didHow you felt about this experienceP3What do people do online in their free time?What impacts does the Internet have on schools?Do you think many people waste their time online?What can people do with the Internet in the future?And how?邀请吃饭invite dinnerDescribe a time when you invite someone to have dinner at home or a restaurant You should say:When it wasWho you invitedWhat you ateHow do you feelP3Do chinese people like to eat at home or dine our?What are the differences of food chinese people have in festival?Why more and more people love to eat out (at the restaurant) rather than eat at home? Which one is better?Eat at home or at the restaurant?Which is more expensive?why people love to go to the resaurant to eat?In the future,will people all eat at resraurant?陌生电话receive a callDescribe a time you receive a call from somebody you do not know in the public place You should say:when it waswhere it waswhat this call was abouthow you felt about this callP3Why do you think some people talk aloud on public transport?Should people be banned from talking aloud in public places?Is it bad to talk on the phone in public places?Why do some people always break rules in public places?错误信息incorrect informationDescribe an occasion when you received an incorrect informationYou should say:what it waswhen it waswhy it was incorrecthow you feel about itP3What kinds of professions are related to giving information to others?What’s the difference between giving information by phone and by email?How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?Do people trust the information online?竞赛节目game show on TVDescribe a quiz program or game show on TVYou should say:what it iswhen you watch itwho you watch it withhow you feel about itP3Why do people like to watch TV shows?What kinds of TV shows do people like to watch?What is the difference between the games people play now and those people played in the past?Why do some people watch TV shows online?想见的外国明星 foreign starDescribe a foreign star that you would like to meetYou should say:Who it ishow you know him or herwhy you would like to meet him or herP3How can people become famous?What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a celebrity?What influences can famous people have on the society?Why can some celebrities stay famous for a long time while some cannot?水上运动water sportsDescribe a water sports you would like to try in the futureYou should say:What it isWhen you would like to tryWhat you do in this sportAnd explain why you would like to itP3What’s the difference between outdoor sports and indoor sports?What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?Why should we develop water transport?Do you think it is necessary for everyone to learn to swim?有趣想法 interesting ideas or opinionsDescribe a person who has interesting ideas or opinionsYou should say:Who the person isHow you know the personWhat the interesting ideas the person haveAnd explain why you think the ideas interestingP3When do children begin to have their own ideas?Why are there more and more differences between children and their parents?What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for children?Is there someone with good ideas that has changed many p eople’s lives?想得的奖prize you would like to winDescribe a prize you would like to winYou should say:What it isWhen you know the prizeWhat you need to doAnd explain why you would like to win itP3What rewards can children get from school?Should parents push their children to get prizes?Is it good for children to compete for prizes at school?What kinds of rewards can companies offer to their outstanding employees?工具故障The vehicle broke downDescribe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your travelYou should say:Where it happenedWhen it happenedWho you were with at that timeAnd what impacts this breakdown hadP3Who likes to travel more?Older people or younger people?Are there fewer people using private cars because of improved public transport?What do you think needs to be improved in public transport?What are the advantages and disadvantages of private transport?助你实现help you to achieve a goalDescribe a person who encouraged and helped you to achieve a goalYou should say:Who this person isWhat this person encouraged you to doHow this person helped youAnd explain why this encouragement helped you to achieve the goalP3Why is it important for teenagers to set goals?What will encourage children to learn more?Do parents and teachers punish children physically nowadays?Who do you think has the greater influence on the goal-setting of children?Teachers or parents?喜欢歌手favorite singerDescribe your favorite singer or bandYou should say:Who your favorite singer isWhat his/her personality isWhat kind of style his/her music belongs toAnd explain why he/she is your favorite singerP3What kind of music do people like at different ages?What kind of music is popular in China now and what kind will be in the future?Do people learn to sing nowadays?Do you think the most popular singer is the best one?和朋友出去went out with your friendsDescribe an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time You should say:Where you wentWhen you went putWhat you didAnd explain why you had a good timeP3Who should people spend more time with?Family or friends?What’s th e difference between staying with friends and staying with family?Do people prefer being with a large group of people or with a few friends?Do science and technology improve the relationship between people?没时间做的事didn't have enough timeDescribe a situation when you didn’t have enough timeYou should say:When it wasWhere you wereWho you were withWhat you tried to do or finishAnd explain why you didn’t have time for itP3Is time management important?Do you think most people can manage their time well?Do you think successful people have better time management skills than others?What are the effective ways to manage time?被骗经历didn't tell you the whole truthDescribe a time that someone didn’t te ll you the whole truth about something You should say:When this happenedWhat the situation wasWho you were withAnd why the person didn’t tell the whole truthP3Why do people lie sometimes?How would you define white lies?Do you think it’s important to teach children to be honest?What are the other ways to teach children about honesty except having parents or teachers teach them?Some people say that liars are those who have a good memory,what do you think?一起工作/学习的人study or workDescribe someone you would like to study or work withYou should say:Who this person isHow long you have known this personWhat you have done togetherAnd explain why you would like to work/ study with this personP3What kinds of people do you like to work with?Which one is more important to you at work, development in work related skills or the recognition from your supervisors?Do you think managers can be friends with their subordinates?空闲时光free timeDescribe a time you enjoyed your free timeYou should say:When it wasWhere you wereWhat you didAnd how you felt about itP3What do people like to do when they are free in your country?Do you think parents should make plans for their children?Do you think most people are able to manage their free time?What’s the difference between the things people did in their free time in the past and the things they do nowadays?。

以下为高频话题,请大家重点关注:(1)Part 1 高频新题有Tiredness,Haircut等话题。
(2)Part 2 高频新题:A school you went to in your childhood,A place where you read and write (not your home),A situation when you celebrated your achievement 等话题。
两个基本概念1. 回库题。
2. 旧题改编。
PART 11. Study/ Work(常规必考题)2. Accommodation(常规必考题)3. Hometown(常规必考题)4. Haircut ( 9月新题)What’s your favorite hairstyle?How often do you have your haircut?Do you often change your haircut?5. Jeans ( 9月新题)Do you wear jeans?How often do you wear jeans?Do you like to wear jeans?Why do you think jeans are popular in China?6. Bags ( 9月新题)Do you often use bags?What types of bags do you like?Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?Do you have different bags for different occasions?7. Tiredness ( 9月新题)What things make you tired?What do you do when you feel tired?Who do you prefer to talk to when you feel tired, your friends or family members? Do you want to talk to strangers when you feel mentally tired?8. Makeup ( 9月新题)Do you often wear makeup?What does wearing makeup mean to you?Do you give cosmetics as gifts?What do you think when you see a man wearing makeup?PART 2People1. A female leader you would like to meet. (9月新题)You should say:who she iswhat she doeswhat she is likeand explain why you would like to meet her2. A foreign star you want to meet in person.3. A person who often helps others in spare time.4. A child who did something and made you laugh.5. A person who has interesting ideas or opinions.6. A friend who encouraged you to achieve a goal.7. A singer or band you like.8. A person who speaks foreign language well.Places1. A school you went to in your childhood. (9月新题)You should say:where it waswhat it was likewhat you learned thereand explain how you felt about it2. A place where you read and write (not your home). (9月新题回库题)You should say:where it ishow often you go therewho you go there withand explain how you feel about this place3. A historical building you have been to.Event & Experiences1. A situation when you celebrated your achievement. (9月新题回库题)You should say:what you didwhen you celebrated itwho you celebrated it withand how you felt about it2. An experience that you visited a friend. (9月新题回库题)You should say:where you visited him or herwhat you didwhy you visited him or herand explain how you felt about it3. An interesting conversation you had with a stranger. (9月新题回库题)You should say:who this person waswhat the conversation was aboutwhy you had this conversationand explain how you felt about it4. A journey you went on by car. (9月新题回库题)5. An experience you found the solution to a problem on the Internet.6. A time that the vehicle broke down during your travel.7. An unusual vacation you had.8. A time you invited family members or friends to have dinner at home or in arestaurant.9. A time you received a call from somebody you didn’t know when you were in apublic place.10. A time you gave others advice.。

2019年9-12月雅思口语题库目录·Part 1 新题·Part 1 旧题·Part 2&3 事件类(新题+旧题)·Part 2&3 物品类(新题+旧题)·Part 2&3 人物类(新题+旧题)·Part 2&3 地点类(新题+旧题)Part 1新题Walking·Do you like to walk?·Where do you walk?·Did you walk a lot when you were a child?·Did you like walking when you were a child?·What do you think are the benefits of walking?·Do you like to walk on your own or with others?·Would you say that your city is a good place for walking?·What do you think of walking?Concentration·Is it important to focus on things?·When do people need to focus?·Is it easy to concentrate on things?·Can people focus on two different things at the same time? ·How to concentrate the mind on the particular object? Languages·Do Chinese people have many chances to practice oral English? ·Do you think it's important to know more than one language? ·What is the most difficult part about studying a foreign language? ·What languages can you speak?·Do you think it is difficult to learn a new language?·Will you learn other languages in the future?Jeans·Do you wear jeans?·How often do you wear jeans?·Do you like wearing jeans, why?·Why do you think jeans are popular?Haircut·How often do you have your hair cut?·How long have you had your current haircut?·Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience?·Do you like to have your hair cut?Voice·Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?·Do you like your own voice?·Has your voice ever changed?Friends·Are your friends mostly your age or different age? Why?·Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends?·Do you usually see your friends during week or at weekends? Why?·Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends?·The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?·What do you prefer: going out with your friends or spending your spare time staying at home?·Do you have many friends? Why? Why not?·Are friends as important to you as family?·What do you expect from a good friend?Movies·Do you watch movies?·How often do you watch movies?·What kind of movies do you like?·Do you prefer to go to a movie atone or with others?·Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?Animals·Do you like animals?·What's your favorite animal?·Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?·What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?·Are there many people keeping pets in China?·Have you ever had a pet when you were young?·What pet will you keep if you want?Part 1旧题Stars·Who is your favorite movie star?·Are international superstars popular in your country?·Have you ever met a celebrity/superstar in real life?·Do you want to be a superstar?Sky·How often do you look at the sky?·Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at night?·Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?·Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?·Do you like to watch the sky?·Have you learnt any courses about stars or planets?·Where is a good place to watch stars?·What is the sky like at night in your hometown?·What's your favorite star?Sleep·How much sleep do you need every day?·Do you like take naps at noon?·Do you like to read before bed?·How have your sleeping habits changed since you were young?The area you live in·Do you like the area that you live in?·What are some changes in the area recently?·Do you know any famous people in your area?·Where do you like to go in that area?Tea and coffee·Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?·Do you prepare tea or coffee for the guests at home?·When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?Public holiday·How many public holidays do you have in China?·Do you think people need more public holidays?·How do you usually spend your holidays?·Which holiday is your holiday?Handwriting·Do you often write with a pen?·Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?·Do you like to receive cards with hand-written words?·Can we tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting?·What’s the difference of writing with a pen and typing on a computer?Crowded place·What places do you think are often crowded?·When was the last time you were in a crowed place?·How do you feel when you are in crowded places?Email·How often do you write an E-Mail?·Who do you write to?·What kind of E-Mail do you receive that makes you happy?·Do you think it’s importantly to reply E-Mails quickly?Patience·Were you patient when you were young?·How do you feel when other people are not patient?·Were you less or more patient when you were angry?Transportation·Why did you choose that form of transport?·What form of transport do you usually use?·What vehicles (or, what means of transport) do people in China most often choose to use?·What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?·What do you think of the transport situation in your hometown?·Would you say transport costs are high in your hometown?·How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past few decades?Music·When do you listen to music?·How much time do you spend listening to music every day?·What kinds of music do you like to listen to?·What’s your favorite kind music?·Have you ever been to a concert before?Photos·Do you like to take photos?·Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos?·How often do you take photos?·In what situations do you take photos?·How do you keep your photos?Weather·What’s the weather like in your country?·Which months have the best weather in your country?·Does it bother you much when it rains?·What's the weather in your country?·Does the weather affect your mood?·Do you like rainy days?·What is your favorite season?·Do you like winters?Accommodation·Can you describe the place where you live?·How long have you lived there?·Who do you live with?·Do you plan to live there for a long time?·What is the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?·Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?·In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?·What kind of neighborhood/environment/ surroundings/ home would you like to live in?·What do you usually do I your house/flat/room?·Which room does your family spend most of the time in?·What part of your home do you like the most?·Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Work or Study·Why did you choose that subject?·Is it interesting?·What subjects are you studying?·Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?·Are you looking forward to working?·Do you like your subject?·What work do you do?·Why did you choose to do that type of work?·Do you miss being a student?·Do you like your job?Mathematics·Do you think mathematics is important?·Do you think it’s difficult to learn mathematics?·Are girls generally good at mathematics?·Do you often use calculators?Street Market·Do you like visiting street markets?·Are street markets very common in your country?·What is usually sold in these street markets?·Do people in your country prefer to shop at a street market, or in normal shops and shopping malls?·Would you visit a street market in a foreign country?Hometown·What’s (the name of) your hometown (again)?·Is that a big city or a small place?·Please describe your hometown a little.·How long have your lived there?·Do you like it?·Do you like living there?·What do you like (most) about your hometown?·Is there anything you dislike about it?·Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?·Do you plan to continue living there for a long time?·Where would you like to live?Smile·Do you like to smile?·When do people smile at others?·Do you smile when people take pictures of you?·Can you recognize a fake smile?Reading·Do you like reading?·What kind of books do you read?·Do you read electronic books?·Do you read books related to your profession?Rubbish / Garbage·Why do some people throw garbage on the street?·What do you do with garbage when you are on the street?·How do you feel when you see people throw garbage on the street?·Do you think your city is clean or not?Indoor/Outdoor activities·What do you do in your spare time?·Do you like outdoor activities?·How much time do you spend outdoors every week?·How often do you do outdoor activities?·Do you play any indoor activity?·Do you prefer to play indoor activity or outdoor activity?·What indoor activity did you play when you were a child?·Is there any particular indoor activity that you liked (when you were a child)?·What sorts of indoor games do children play now?Plan·What is the hardest part about making plans?·What is the latest plan you made?·Do you make plans every day?·Are you good at managing your time?Visiting relatives·When was the last time you visited a relative?·Do you often visit your relatives?·Why do people visit their relatives?·What do you do when visiting relatives?Borrowing/Lending·How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you?·Have you ever borrowed money form others?·Do you like to lend things to others?·Have you ever borrowed books from others?Social network·What kinds of social networking website do you like to use?·Are you a social person?·What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites? ·Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking websites?·What kinds of chatting app or software do Chinese people like to use? Travelling·Do you like traveling?·Which cities have you travelled to?·What kind of cities do you like to travel to?·What is the place that left you the deepest impression when traveling? Daily routine·What is the busiest part of the day for you?·What part of your day do you like best?·Do you usually have the same routine every day·What is your daily routine?·Do you ever change your routine?·Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?·What would you like to change in your day to day routine?·Are all your days the same?·When time do you get up?Teachers·Do you think you could be a teacher?·Do you have a favorite teacher?·What are the qualities of a good teacher?·Should teachers use discipline in the classroom?·Do you want to be a teacher someday?·Why people choose to become teachers?·What kind of person makes a good teacher?Perfume·Do you use perfume?·What kind of perfume do you like?·What does perfume mean to you?·Do you give perfume as a gift?Part 2&3 事件类新题家庭休闲活动Describe a leisure activity you do with your familyYou should say·What it is·When you do it·How you do it·And how you feel about itPart 3·What leisure activities are popular in China?·What leisure activities do young people like?·Do leisure activities should be educational?·Do men and women like different leisure activities?借过的好用东西Describe something useful you borrowed from othersYou should say·What it was·When you borrowed it·Who you borrowed it from·And explain why you borrowed itPart 3·What kind of things do people borrow from each other?·What other things that peo ple don’t choose to lend to others?初见某人的时刻Describe a time when you first met someoneYou should say:·Where you met him or her·When you met him or her·What you talked about·And how you felt about itPart 3·How do Chinese people make new friends·Do you think it’s strange to make friends online?·Why do some people have new friends?·Which is more important, new friendships or old ones?室内游戏Describe an experience that you played an indoor game with others? You should say:·What you played·Who you played it with·Why you played it·And explain how you felt about itPart 3·Is teamwork important to individuals?·What qualities should team leaders have?·What indoor games do children like to play nowadays?·What do you think of people spending too much time playing computergames?很累却要保持清醒Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awakeYou should say:·When it happened·Why you were sleepy·Why you had to stay awake·And how you stayed awakePart 3·What kind of people like sleep?庆祝成就Describe an occasion when you celebrated your achievementYou should say:·What you achieved·How you celebrated it·Who you celebrated it with·And how you felt about itPart 3·How do Chinese people celebrate their family events? Is thereanything different from other countries?·Why is it important for sports fans to celebrate when their favoriteteam wins?·Do people prefer winning in a team or on their own?特别的一天Describe a special day that you remember well.You should say:·Where you were·Who you were with·What you did·And explain why you remember it wellPart 3·Do people spend too much money on their birthday parties orweddings?·How much do you think people should spend on their birthday partiesor weddings?选工作或专业的建议Describe an advice you received on choosing your major or workYou should say:·What it was·When you received it from·And how you felt about itPart 3·Why do so many young people choose communication and media studiesas their major?·Why do young people find it hard to make career choices?无聊经历Describe an experience that you got bored when you were with othersYou should say:·When it was·Who you were with·What you did·And explain why you were boredPart 3·Why do people get bored?·Why are people less interested in reading books nowadays?·Are all the boring jobs going to be done by robots in the future?不用工作或者学习的一天Describe a time you enjoyed a free day off work or schoolYou should say:·Where you were·What you did·Who you were with·And how you felt about itPart 3·Do people have more free time than those in the past?Part 2&3 事件类旧题车抛锚的经历Describe a time the vehicle when you were traveling broke down.You should say:·Where you were going·Who you were with·How long it took to fix the vehicle·And explain how you felt about it.Part 3·Where can people find help when the vehicle they are traveling inbreaks down?·Do old people and young people consider the same thing beforepurchasing a new vehicle?·Do you think it’s necessary to learn how to repair a vehicle?·Are you good at dealing with problems by yourself?·What will you consider before choosing a form of transport for atrip?通过网络解决问题Describe a time you solved a problem online.You should say:·When and where it happened·What problem you solved·How long it took you to solve the problem·And explain how you felt about itPart 3·Other than going online, what other ways can help people solveproblems these days?·Is the internet more efficient in solving problems?·How can you motivate old people to use the internet forproblem-solving?·What are the disadvantages of solving problems online?·As a manager of a company, would you prefer your customersto · solveproblems online or offline in a customer service center?早起Describe a time you got up extremely early.You should say:·When it was·What time you got up·How you felt when you got up·And explain why you got up early.Part 3·How can students be motivated to get up early to study?·What are the ways to ensure you get up on time?·Would you recommend others to get up early if they want to work moreefficiently?·Do people get up earlier or later than people 30 years ago?·Under what situations do people usually get up extremely early?错误信息Describe a time you got incorrect information.You should say:·When you got the information·Who gave you the information·How you found out the information was incorrect·And explain how you felt about it.Part 3·What would you do if your employee gives an incorrect information?·How can you make sure to give correct details?·What will you do if you find out that you have given wronginformation to others?·Is it easy for people to admit their mistakes in daily life?·Why do some people never make mistakes in their work?被蒙骗的经历Describe a time that someone didn’t tell you whole truth aboutsomething.You should say:·When this happened·What the situation was·Who you were with·And why this person didn’t tell you the whole truthPart 3·How would you define white lies?·Do you think it's important to teach children to be honest?·Why do people lie sometimes?·Some people say that liars are those who have a good memory, what doyou think?·What are the other ways to teach children about honesty excepthaving parents or teachers teach them?糟糕服务Describe a time you received bad service at a shop or a restaurant.You should say:·what goods or services you bought;·who you were with when you were served;·why you went there;·And explain how you felt about the service.Part 3·What kinds of services are bad services?·Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive badservices?·Who should be responsible for bad services?·As a boss, what would you do to prevent bad services?教晚辈Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person.You should say:·When it happened;·what you taught;·who you taught it to;·why you taught it to this person;·And explain how you felt about it.Part 3·What skills should be taught to children?·What can children learn from teachers and parents?·What are the skills that you want to learn?·What skills do adults need to have?·How can people be motivated to learn new things?参加过的派对Describe a party that you joined.You should say:·When it took place·Where it was·Whose party it was·What you did there·And how you felt about the partyPart 3·What do children often do in a birthday party?·What do adults do at parties?·Do Chinese people like to throw parties?·Should parents spent a lot of money on their children’s birthdayparties?·Do you think people can make more friends if they often attendparties?上网搜信息Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet.You should say·When it happened·What you were looking for·Where you were searching on the internet·And how you felt about the informationPart 3·What ways can people get information these days?·What are the differences between getting information from libraryand getting information from newspaper?改变计划Describe a time that you had to change your plan/you changed mind.You should say:·When this happened·What made you change the plan·What the new plan was·And how you felt about the changePart 3·Do old people often change plans?·Do young people like to change plans?·What are the common reasons when people need to change plans?·How would you tell your friends when you must change your plan?·What kinds of plan are practical?想做但没时间做的事Describe something you want to do but don’t have time for.You should say:·When it was·Where you were·Who you were with·What you tried to do or finishPart 3·Is time management important?·Do you think most people can manage their time well?·Do you think successful people have better time management skillsthan others?·What are the effective ways to manage time?历史时期Describe a historical period you would like to know.You should say:When it wasHow you heard of itWhat you are interested inWhat you have knownAnd Why you would like to know morePart 3How do you learn history?How can we protect old buildings?What’s the difference between history taught in primary school andthe history taught in high school?Why do some people have no interest in history?特别的旅游经历Describe an unusual experience of travelingYou should say:When and where you wentWho you went withWhat you did thereAnd explain why it was unusual.Part 3What are the advantages and disadvantages of having an unplannedtrip?What’s the difference between old people and young people whentraveling overseas?Do people have to go somewhere to have an unusual vacation?Do you think tourism in China has already reached a peak or needsfurther development?Why do many people like to travel abroad?What do people usually do during a long holidays?保健方式Describe something or activity you do to stay healthyYou should say:What the activity isWhen and where you usually do itHow you do itAnd explain why it can keep you healthyPart 3What do old people in your country do to stay healthy?How do you deal with pressure?Why do some people hate to play sports?Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?What else can people do to stay healthy besides sports?What can parents do to make their children like sports?给别人建议Describe a time that you gave advice to others.You should say:Who you gave advice toWhat the advice wasWhy you gave adviceAnd how you felt about the advicePart 3What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?How do experts give advice to others?(e.g. a doctor gives advice tohis patients) What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?Whose advice is more helpful? Parents’ or friends’?邀请聚餐Describe an occasion when you invite your family of friends todinnerYou should say:When you invited themWhere you had the dinnerWhy you invited themAnd explain how you felt about this personPart 3Do you think it is possible that everyone will eat at restaurantsinstead of at home in the future?Where do Chinese people usually eat? At restaurants or at home?What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at restaurants?Why do more and more people like to eat at restaurants rather thanat home?水上运动Describe a water sport you would like to try in the futureYou should say:What it isWhere you would like to try itHow difficult it isAnd why you would like to try itPart 3What’s the difference between outdoor sportsand indoor sports?What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?Why should we develop water transport?Do you think it is necessary for everyone to learn to swim?和朋友出去Describe an experience that you went out with your friends and had agood time You should say:Where you wentWhen you went out What you didAnd explain why you had a good timePart 3Who should people spend more time with? Families or friends?What's the difference between staying with friends and staying withfamily?Do people prefer being with a large group of people or with a fewfriends?Do science and technology improve the relationship between people?陌生人在公共场合打电话Desc ribe a time you heard someone you didn’t know talking on thephone in a public place.You should say:When and where it wasWhat the person was aboutWhat you were doing at that timeAnd explain how you felt about it.Part 3Do you think it’s legitimate to make use of the information youoverheard?How can people protect their privacy when talking in a public space?In your country, do people talk loud in public?What do you think of people who talks loud in public?健康生活Describe something you do to keep healthy.You should say:what the activity iswhen you do ithow often do you do itAlso, explain, why it is a good way to look after your health.Part 3What can doctors do to help people solve health-related problems?How should schools teach students to live healthily?What do people in your country do to maintain health?What kind of lifestyle are unhealthy?对工作/ 学习有助的事情Describe something you do to help you study or work.You should sayWhat it isHow you learn itWhen you do itAnd how you feel about the methodPart 3What’s the routine of people in your country?What are the routine activities that old people and young people inyour country do?What do you like to do in your spare time?朋友的成功Describe a success your friend has achievedYou should say:Who the person isWhen the success wasWhat he or she didPart 3What does it take to become successful?Do you think a university degree would guarantee one’s success incareer?What are the reasons for failure?What kinds of people would be considered successful in the society?户外运动Describe an outdoor sport you played for the first timeYou should say:What it isWhen you first playedWho you played it withHow you learned to play the sportAnd how you felt about the sportPart 3What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing outdoor sports?What kinds of outdoor sports are popular in your country?What sports involve teamwork?Part 2&3 物品类新题房间的照片Describe a picture or photograph you like in your roomYou should say·What is in it·Where it is·How you got it·And explain why you like itPart 3·What is the advantages and disadvantages of taking photos withsmartphones?·What is the benefit of learning painting for children?·Can anyone become a famous artist throng hard work?美丽天空Describe a beautiful sky you enjoyed seeing。

雅斯口语题库(完整版)口语test分成三个部分,下面按照顺序发part 1注意:部分问题也可能在part 3中被问到1。
Basic Informationwhat is your full name?what can I call you?what is your ID number?Characteristics:Authentic,Showy(Good Custom, Tense excellence, Vocabulary,Communication Skills,idiom)2. Working or StudyingAre you working or studying?What do you usually do?(worker only)where do you work?what are the advantages and disadvantages of your work?what is your ideal job?where do you study?what are the advantages and disadvantages of your school or university?what subject/major do you have?(College students only)what are the advantages and disadvantages of your subject or major?(College students only)Characteristics:Special Idea, Vocabulary,Case,And fixed sentence structure3.Hometown and HomeWhich town or city do you come from?what's the best thing about living there?Is there anything you don’t like?which places would you recommend a tourist to visit?where are you living now?can you describe your home to me?what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your home? how can you improve it?what’s the most interesting object in your home?4。

9月7日雅思口语真题回忆:Part 1考题总结考题总结必考话题Work/StudyDo you work or are you a student?What is your favourite subject?Do you like studying?Where do you study? / What school do you study at?How do you go to school every day?Is your school a good place for studying?Do you like your school?What do you like most about your school?How do you think your school could be improved?Do you work or are you a student?What work do you do?Do you enjoy that work?Why did you choose to do that type of work?How do you go to work every day?Would you say that’s a good company to work for?Would you like to change the place where you work?How do you think your workplace could be improved?What’s the most important part of your work?Do you do anything that especially helps you in your work?How do you think you could improve your efficiency at work?Your AccommodationDo you live in a house or a flat?Have you lived there for a long time?What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived before?What's your favourite room?What kinds of places would you like to live in (in the future)?人相关话题CelebrityHave you ever met a celebrity in real life?Who is your favourite movie star?Are international superstars popular in your country?FriendsDo you think you are a good friend for others?What kinds of people do you like to make friends with?Do you keep in touch with friends from your childhood?What do you think makes good friends?地点相关话题Your Living AreaWhere are you living at the moment? / Where do you live at the moment? Have you lived there for a long time?Do you like living there?Are you planning to move to another area to live?What changes have you seen in this area?What improvements would you like to see in this area?Street MarketWhat do street markets sell?What is the difference between street markets and supermarkets?Do you often go to the supermarkets?Are there many streets in China?OutdoorDo you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?Did you like to go outside when you were young?Did you often go over to your friends’ house when you were young?Is it important for children to play outdoors?IslandHave you ever been to an island?Is there any island in your country?Do you want to live on an island if you have a chance?What do you like to do when you are on an island?Amusement ParkDo you like amusement parks?How often do you go to amusement parks?What do you usually do at amusement parks?物品相关话题JeansDo you wear jeans?How often do you wear jeans?Do you like to wear jeans?Why do you think jeans are popular in China?VoiceHas your voice ever changed?Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?ForestWhen was the last time you went to a forest?Do you like going to a forest if you are free?HaircutWhat’s your favourite hairstyle?How often do you have your haircut?Do you often change your haircut?AnimalsWhat wild animals do you like most?Have you ever seen any wild animals before?Do you like to go to the zoo?Have you ever kept pets?MoviesDo you want to be a movie star?What kinds of movies do you think young people like?Do your friends like this movie?What’s your favourite movie?RubbishWhy do some people throw rubbish on the streets?What do you do with rubbish when you are on the streets?How do you feel when you see people throw rubbish on the streets? Do you think your city is clean or not?PerfumeDo you like perfume? / Why?Do you wear perfume?Do you have many bottles of perfume? / Why?What kind of perfume do you like?Have you ever given perfume as a gift? / Why?Would you give perfume as a gift?How much would you like to spend on a bottle of perfume? / Why?MathDo you think math is important?Do you think it is difficult to learn math well?Are girls generally good at math?Do you often use a calculator?LanguageWill you learn other languages in the future?Do you think it is difficult to learn a new language?What language can you speak?Why do you learn language?Daily routineWhat do you usually do on weekends?Has your daily routine changed? And how?What is the difference between people’s daily routine in the past and that at the present?Will you change your daily routine in the near future?Social NetworkHow often do you use social networking applications?Why do you use social networking applications?What are the disadvantages of social networking apps?Do you think it is good to make friends online?Make-upDo you often wear make-ups?What does wearing make-ups mean to you?Do you give cosmetics as gifts?What do you think when you see a man wearing make-ups?事件相关话题TirednessWhat things make you tired?What do you do when you feel tired?Who do you prefer to talk to when you feel tired, your friends or family members? Do you want to talk to strangers when you feel mentally tired?TrustWho do you trust most?Have you ever lost trust in someone?What kind of people do you trust?Do you trust artificial intelligence?EatingHow often do you eat with your family?Do you like eating healthy food?Do you eat out a lot?Do you prefer eating at home or a restaurant?ConcentrationWhen do you need to be focused?What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?What do you do to help you concentrate?Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?WalkingDo you think people will walk more in the future?Do you walk a lot?Do you walk more than the past?Where do you usually take a walk?Borrowing/LendingHave you ever borrowed a book from others?Have you ever lent a book to others?Have you ever borrowed money from someone else?Would you lend money to someone else?Do you like to lend things to others?TravellingDo you like travelling?What kinds of cities do you like to travel to?What is the most beautiful place you have been to (in your country)?Where would you like to travel for a vacation? Why?Would you prefer to travel to one place or to different places on a vacation? Do you think travelling is difficult?ReadingDo you like reading?What kinds of books do you read?Do you read electronic books?Do you read books related to your profession?SmileDo you like to smile?When do people smile at others?Do you smile when people take pictures of you?Can you recognize a fake smile?PlanWhat is the hardest part about making plans?What is the last plan you made?Do you make plans every day?Are you good at managing your time?Visit RelativesDo you keep in touch with your relatives?Do you often visit your relatives? Why?When was the last time you visited them? / What did you do?Do you prefer to spend time with friends or relatives?Part 2考题总结考题总结人相关话题1.Describe a female leader you would like to meet.2.Describe a foreign star you want to meet in person.3.Describe a person who often helps others in spare time.4.Describe a child who made you laugh.5.Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions.6.Describe a friend who encouraged you to achieve a goal.7.Describe a singer or band you like.8.Describe a person who speaks foreign language well.地点相关话题9.Describe a school you went to in your childhood.10.Describe a place where you read and write (not your home).11.Describe a place you remember well that is full of colours.12.Describe a new public place you would like to visit.13.Describe a historical building you have been to.物品相关话题14.Describe a product or application which is based on artificial intelligence.15.Describe an important technological product you bought.16.Describe a toy you got in your childhood.17.Describe an item of clothing that you wear on special occasions.18.Describe a special thing you took home from a tourist attraction.19.Describe a water sport you want to try in the future.事件相关话题20.Describe a situation when you celebrated your achievement.21.Describe an experience when you visited a friend.22.Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger.23.Describe a journey you went on by car.24.Describe a time when you first met someone.25.Describe a time when you visited a park.26.Describe an experience when you won a prize.27.Describe a good experience of online shopping.28.Describe a time when you spent a lot of money on something.29.Describe a special day that made you happy.30.Describe a leisure activity you do with your family.31.Describe an experience you found the solution to a problem on the Internet.32.Describe a time that the vehicle broke down during your travel.33.Describe an unusual vacation you had.34.Describe a time you invited family members or friends to have dinner at home or in a restaurant.35.Describe a time you received a call from somebody you didn’t know when you were in a public place.36.Describe a time you gave others advice.37.Describe a time you got a piece of incorrect information.38.Describe a time you got up early.抽象类39.Describe a film you would like to share with your friends.40.Describe a piece of advice you received on your subjects or work.41.Describe a TV programme you liked when you were little.42.Describe an award you really wanted to win.43.Describe an advertisement you remember well.44.Describe a quiz or game show you watched on TV.45.Describe a practical skill you learned.46.Describe something you do to stay healthy.雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导本次考试迎来了2019年的第三个换题季。

雅思口语题库(完整版)雅斯口语题库(完整版)口语test分成三个部分,下面按照顺序发part 1注意:部分问题也可能在part 3中被问到1。
Basic Informationwhat is your full name?what can I call you?what is your ID number?Characteristics: Authentic, Showy(Good Custom, Tense excellence, Vocabulary, Communication Skills, idiom)2. Working or StudyingAre you working or studying?What do you usually do?(worker only)where do you work?what are the advantages and disadvantages of your work?what is your ideal job?where do you study?what are the advantages and disadvantages of your school or university?what subject/major do you have?(College students only)what are the advantages and disadvantages of your subject or major?(College students only)Characteristics: Special Idea, Vocabulary, Case, And fixed sentence structure3.Hometown and HomeWhich town or city do you come from?what's the best thing about living there?Is there anything you don't like?which places would you recommend a tourist to visit?where are you living now?can you describe your home to me?what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your home?how can you improve it?what's the most interesting object in your home?4. Learning EnglishPlease some ideas how to study Englishhow do you think about English?what do you think of English and other languages?how learn English well?(how to improve your English?)when did you begin to study English?what is the key about studying English?are there some difficulties about studyingEnglish?why don't you study another language?5. Watching TVwhat TV programs do you like to watch?what are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV?do you think there should be a TV in the student's dormitory room?do your parents let you watch TV as you like?6. Health Foodwhat are the difference between people eat 20 years ago and today?what do you like to eat?what is the health food?do you think Chinese eating is better or worse than before?7. Shoppingwho prefer shopping, men or women?when do you go shopping? who always go with you?which places where young people like to go shopping now?which kind of things you like to buy?do you always go shopping?what kind of place people like to go forshopping?8. Photographdo you like to take photos?do Chinese people like to take photographs?Is taking photos popular in China?which kind of photos you like to take?how do arrange your photos?are there some photos in the past you got?which kind of photos you like?9.Musicwhat kind of music you like?have you ever play some instruments?when do you listen to music?do children should play instruments?whether children play instruments will change their thinking about music?do the instruments could change a person's life who plays it ?10. Readinghow much time you take a day about reading?why?do you like reading?which kind of books do you like to read? what is the meaning of reading for you?11. Sportdo you like sports?which kind of sports do you like?why?which kind of people like sports?which dislike?do chinese like sports?which kind of sports do people in your home town like?do you think sports have some benefits to young people?which kind?do you do some sports in school?12.Traveldo you like traveling alone or with people?which another country's city you ever go?are there some benefits about traveling?what you will learn about traveling?13.Transportwhich kind of transport do you like?why?what are the advantages and disadvantages?which kind of transport you by when you traveling? what are the pros and cons?tell me something about the transportation in futute?14. Computerdo you use computer?which do you use computer to do?how do you study the knowledge about computer?which kind of effects do computer does for our lives?do you think which kind of contents can give your some bad influence in computer?always using computer is good or bad?why?tell me something about email?15.Seasonswhich season do you like?why?what people do in this season?tell me sth about the climate in your hometowntell me sth about the seasons in your hometown?16.Friendswhat do you do with your friends?hhow could become best friends?tell me sth about your best friend17.Fashion(时装)do you like fashion?why?which kind of clothes do you like to wear?do you like to buy clothes?why?what are the differences between people wearing now and in the past?what is your opinion about the trend of fashion?what is the meaning of fashion?part 2 and 3注意:要制定每天的计划。
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(1)Part 1 高频新题有Haircut,Jeans,Makeup, Tiredness, Concentration等话题(2)Part 2 高频新题A place where you read and write, A place you remember well that if full of colors, An experience when you visited a friend, An experience when you first met someone, A special day that made you happy.具体题目1. Study/ Work2. Accommodation3. Hometown4. HaircutWhat’syour favorite hairstyle?How often do you have your haircut?Do you often change your haircut?5. JeansDo you wear jeans?How often do you wear jeans?Do you like to wear jeans?Why do you think jeans are popular in China?6. EatingHow often do you eat with your family?Do you like eating healthy food?Do you eat out a lot?Do you prefer eating at home or a restaurant?7. TirednessWhat things make you tired?What do you do when you feel tired?Who do you prefer to talk to when you feeltired, your friends or family members?Do you want to talk to strangers when you feel mentally tired?8. MakeupDo you often wear makeup?What does wearing makeup mean to you?Do you give cosmetics as gifts?What do you think when you see a man wearing makeup?9. TrustWho do you trust most?Have you ever lost trust in someone?What kind of people do you trust?Do you trust artificial intelligence?10. IslandHave you ever been to an island?Are there any island in your country?Do you want to live on an island if you have a chance?What do you like to do when you are on an island?11. ConcentrationWhen do you need to be focused?What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?What do you do to help you concentrate?Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?12. VoiceHas your voice ever changed?Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?13. ForestWhen was the last time you went to a forest?Do you like going to a forest if you are free?14. Amusement ParkDo you like amusement parks?How often do you go to amusementparks?What do you usually do at amusement parks?15.Rubbish16.Perfume17.Morning/Daily Routine18.Social Network19.Garbage20.Math21.Travelling22.Borrowing/lending23.Reading24.Smile25.Plan26.Visit relatives27.Street market28.Outdoor activitiesPART 2人物类1. Describe a female leader you would like to meet.You should say:who she iswhat she doeswhat she is likeand explain why you would like to meet her2.Describe a foreign star you want to meet in person.3.Describe a person who often helps others in spare time.4.Describe a child who made you laugh.5.Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions.6.Describe a friend who encouraged you to achieve a goal.7.Describe a singer or band you like.8.Describe a person who speaks foreign language well.地点类1. Describe a school you went to in your childhood.You should say:where it waswhat it was likewhat you learned thereand explain how you felt about it2. Describe a place where you read and write (not your home).You should say:where it ishow often you go therewho you go there withand explain how you feel about this place 3. Describe a place you remember well that is full of colors.You should say:where it iswhat it is likewhat it is used forand explain why you remember it well 4. Describe a new public place you would like to visit.You should say:where it iswhat it is likehow you knew this placeand explain why you would like to visit it 5.Describe a historical building you have been to.事件类1. Describe a situation when you celebrated your achievement.You should say:what you didwhen you celebrated itwho you celebrated it withand how you felt about it 2. Describe an experience when you visited a friend.You should say:where you visited him or herwhat you didwhy you visited him or herand explain how you felt about it 3. Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger.You should say:who this person waswhat the conversation was aboutwhy you had this conversationand explain how you felt about it 4. Describe a journey you went on by car.You should say:when it waswhere you wentwho you were withand explain how you felt about this journey 5. Describe a time when you first met someone.You should say:where you met him or herwhen you met him or herwhat you talked aboutand explain how you felt about it 6. Describe a time when you visited a park.You should say:when you visited itwho you went there withwhat you did thereand explain how you felt about it 7. Describe an experience when you won a prize.You should say:what the prize waswhen you won ithow you won itand explain how you felt about it 8. Describe a good experience of online shopping.You should say:when it happenedwhat you boughtwhy you bought itand explain why you think it was a good experience 9. Describe a time when you spent a lot of money on something.You should say:when it happenedwhat you boughtwhere you bought itand explain why you spent a lot of money on it 10. Describe a special day that made you happy.You should say:when it waswho you were withwhat you didand explain why it made you happy 11. Describe a leisure activity you do with your family.You should say:what it iswhen you do ithow you do itand explain how you feel about it 11.Describe an experience you found the solution to a problem on the Internet.12. Describe a time that the vehicle broke down during your travel.13. Describe an unusual vacation you had.14. Describe a time you invited family members or friends to have dinner at home or in a restaurant.15. Describe a time you received a call from somebody you didn’t know when you were in a public place.16. Describe a time you gave others advice.17. Describe a time you got a piece of incorrect information.18. Describe a time you got up early.物品类1. Describe a product or application which is based on artificial intelligenceYou should say:what it iswhat it is used forhow often you use itand explain what you think of it2. Describe an important technological product you bought.You should say:what it ishow you use itwhy you bought itand explain why you think it is important3. Describe a toy you got in your childhood.You should say:what it waswhen you got ithow you got itand explain how you felt about it4.Describe an item of clothing that you wear on special occasions.5.Describe a special thing you took home from a tourist attraction.6.Describe a water sport you want to try in the future.抽象类1. Describe a film you would like to share with your friends.You should say:where you watched itwhat it was aboutwho you watched it withand explain why you want to share it with friends.2. Describe an advice you received on your subjects or work.You should say:what it waswho you received it fromwhat you did after receiving itand explain how you felt about it3. Describe a TV program you liked when you were little.You should say:what it waswhen you watched ithow you knew itand explain why you liked it4.Describe an award you really wanted to win.5.Describe an advertisement you remember well.6.Describe a quiz or game show you watched on TV.7.Describe a practical skill you learned.8.Describe something you do to stay healthy.。