
1. Etiquette of meeting and introducing people 2. Etiquette of exchanging business cards 3. Basic sentence structures
Unit | One
Talking Face to Face
2) Exchanging Business Cards A: How do you do, Prof. White? Glad to meet you. B: How do you do, Prof. Wang? Glad to meet you, too. A: Here is my business card. B: Thanks. This is mine.
Window on Key Words 先生
1) Meeting People for the First Time A: Hello, Mr. David Green! I'm Lily Zhang. B: Hi, Miss Zhang! Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too. Mr. Green. B: Oh, please call me David.
very good time.
B: I'm glad you enjoyed it.
A: Thanks for inviting me. B: Thanks for coming.
Unit | One
Acting out the Tasks
Speak and Perform 2 Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.
Unit | One
Talking Face to Face
2) Exchanging Business Cards A: How do you do, Prof. White? Glad to meet you. B: How do you do, Prof. Wang? Glad to meet you, too. A: Here is my business card. B: Thanks. This is mine.
Window on Key Words 先生
1) Meeting People for the First Time A: Hello, Mr. David Green! I'm Lily Zhang. B: Hi, Miss Zhang! Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too. Mr. Green. B: Oh, please call me David.
very good time.
B: I'm glad you enjoyed it.
A: Thanks for inviting me. B: Thanks for coming.
Unit | One
Acting out the Tasks
Speak and Perform 2 Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.
英语综合教程3 Unit5ppt课件

cure n. [C, U (for)] treatment or substance that cures; remedy [常 与for连用]疗法;药物
transmit v. [(to)] send or pass from one person, place, or thing to another [常与to连用]传播,传染
related to our health?
Study the following quotes about health. Which quote(s) do you like best? Why?
A healthy body is the guest-chamber (房间) of the soul; a sick, its prison.
— Francis Bacon
Click Picture
Interpretation: Physical health and mental health are closely related. A sick body will certainly affect one’s mood, attitude and character, etc. Here, Francis Bacon compares the sick body vividly to a prison which greatly hampers (妨碍) the development of one’s spiritual life.
happen C) to tell people how to protect themselves from HIV
and AIDS D) to tell people about the two processes of
transmit v. [(to)] send or pass from one person, place, or thing to another [常与to连用]传播,传染
related to our health?
Study the following quotes about health. Which quote(s) do you like best? Why?
A healthy body is the guest-chamber (房间) of the soul; a sick, its prison.
— Francis Bacon
Click Picture
Interpretation: Physical health and mental health are closely related. A sick body will certainly affect one’s mood, attitude and character, etc. Here, Francis Bacon compares the sick body vividly to a prison which greatly hampers (妨碍) the development of one’s spiritual life.
happen C) to tell people how to protect themselves from HIV
and AIDS D) to tell people about the two processes of

Analyzing the structure
Break down the speech into its main sections and identify the transition words used to link ideas. This helps you understand how the speaker organizes their thoughts.
Ask short answer questions that require students to provide their own opinions or analyze specific parts of the article. These questions help to assess their critical thinking skills.
Identifying good writing traits: Noticing effective techniques used by experienced writers, such as powerful vocabulary, engaging sentence variety, and clear organization.
Vocabulary and sentence structure
Expanding vocabulary and using complex sentence structures to express ideas clearly and precisely.
Grammatical accuracy
Understanding context
It is essential to understand the context of the article, including the background, setting, characters, and plot. This helps students connect with the content and comprehend it better.
Break down the speech into its main sections and identify the transition words used to link ideas. This helps you understand how the speaker organizes their thoughts.
Ask short answer questions that require students to provide their own opinions or analyze specific parts of the article. These questions help to assess their critical thinking skills.
Identifying good writing traits: Noticing effective techniques used by experienced writers, such as powerful vocabulary, engaging sentence variety, and clear organization.
Vocabulary and sentence structure
Expanding vocabulary and using complex sentence structures to express ideas clearly and precisely.
Grammatical accuracy
Understanding context
It is essential to understand the context of the article, including the background, setting, characters, and plot. This helps students connect with the content and comprehend it better.

Unit 1
Return to Menu
Passage A
Passage B
Passage A
• Think About It • Read About It • Talk About It • Write About It
1. What is the message that the tree frog tries to send us?
We must take the responsibility for the planet to stay livable before it is too late.
2. What has happened to frogs?
The frog was endangered by the worsening environment.
Frog Story
A couple of odd things have happened lately.
I have a log cabin in those woods of Northern Wisconsin. I built it by hand and also added a greenhouse to the front of it. It is a joy to live in. In fact, I work out of my home doing audio production and environmental work. As a tool of that trade I have a computer and a studio.
3. How are we and frogs related?
Return to Menu
Passage A
Passage B
Passage A
• Think About It • Read About It • Talk About It • Write About It
1. What is the message that the tree frog tries to send us?
We must take the responsibility for the planet to stay livable before it is too late.
2. What has happened to frogs?
The frog was endangered by the worsening environment.
Frog Story
A couple of odd things have happened lately.
I have a log cabin in those woods of Northern Wisconsin. I built it by hand and also added a greenhouse to the front of it. It is a joy to live in. In fact, I work out of my home doing audio production and environmental work. As a tool of that trade I have a computer and a studio.
3. How are we and frogs related?
综合英语教程 3 - Unit 03 课件

Book 3-Unit 3
3. What did the speaker decide to do then? After hesitating for a while, the speaker decided that he had to do something. He unfastened his seat belt, got up and followed the hostess into the pilot’s cockpit.
Book 3-Unit 3
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
be in difficulty/trouble/danger have difficulty/trouble (in) doing something have a hard time doing something be left stranded on/in/at, etc. be landed with (unpleasant tasks, people, etc.) be caught/stuck/jammed in (a traffic jam, etc.) get stuck
Book 3-Unit 3
afraid, alarmed, anxious, startled, unnerved frightened, scared, horrified, astounded,
panicky become hysterical (歇斯底里的) act frantically/furiously/desperately
Book 3-Unit 3
Reference Answers
1. What went wrong when the aeroplane was over the airport? The airplane was circling over the airport and moving unsteadily through the air. In fact, the pilot had fainted and nobody was flying the plane.
3. What did the speaker decide to do then? After hesitating for a while, the speaker decided that he had to do something. He unfastened his seat belt, got up and followed the hostess into the pilot’s cockpit.
Book 3-Unit 3
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
be in difficulty/trouble/danger have difficulty/trouble (in) doing something have a hard time doing something be left stranded on/in/at, etc. be landed with (unpleasant tasks, people, etc.) be caught/stuck/jammed in (a traffic jam, etc.) get stuck
Book 3-Unit 3
afraid, alarmed, anxious, startled, unnerved frightened, scared, horrified, astounded,
panicky become hysterical (歇斯底里的) act frantically/furiously/desperately
Book 3-Unit 3
Reference Answers
1. What went wrong when the aeroplane was over the airport? The airplane was circling over the airport and moving unsteadily through the air. In fact, the pilot had fainted and nobody was flying the plane.

b. Chinese cuisine and table manners represent their collectivism while Western table manners reflect their individualism. Chinese generally share one dish and Americans would have individual portions.
Unit 6, Book 4
4. What difference is there between typical Westerners and Chinese in their behavior in a restaurant?
In a restaurant Westerners look for a good position from where to see and to be seen. They are there to be entertained socially, and eating seems to be the by-product. When Chinese go to restaurants, they ask for a small room to themselves, where they can relax and enjoy their food whole-heartedly.
and sour sauce 糖醋排骨 sweet and sour spareribs 鱼香肉丝 shredded pork with garlic sauce 走油扣肉 steamed fried pork
Unit 6, Book 4
4. What difference is there between typical Westerners and Chinese in their behavior in a restaurant?
In a restaurant Westerners look for a good position from where to see and to be seen. They are there to be entertained socially, and eating seems to be the by-product. When Chinese go to restaurants, they ask for a small room to themselves, where they can relax and enjoy their food whole-heartedly.
and sour sauce 糖醋排骨 sweet and sour spareribs 鱼香肉丝 shredded pork with garlic sauce 走油扣肉 steamed fried pork
综合英语教程第三版 3 Unit 6 ppt

• Middle ages
•中世纪(约公元476年~公元 中世纪(约公元 年 公元1453年),是 年),是 中世纪 公元 欧洲历史上的一个时代(主要是西欧), ),自 欧洲历史上的一个时代(主要是西欧),自 西罗马帝国灭亡(公元476年)数百年后起, 西罗马帝国灭亡(公元 年 数百年后起, 在世界范围内,封建制度占统治地位的时期, 在世界范围内,封建制度占统治地位的时期, 直到文艺复兴时期(公元1453年)之后,资 直到文艺复兴时期(公元 年 之后, 本主义抬头的时期为止。 中世纪” 本主义抬头的时期为止。“中世纪”一词是 15世纪后期的人文主义者开始使用的。这个 世纪后期的人文主义者开始使用的。 世纪后期的人文主义者开始使用的 时期的欧洲没有一个强有力的政权来统治。 时期的欧洲没有一个强有力的政权来统治。 封建割据带来频繁的战争, 封建割据带来频繁的战争,造成科技和生产 力发展停滞,人民生活在毫无希望的痛苦中, 力发展停滞,人民生活在毫无希望的痛苦中, 所以中世纪或者中世纪早期在欧美普遍被称 黑暗时代” 作“黑暗时代”,传统上认为这是欧洲文明 史上发展比较缓慢的时期。 史上发展比较缓慢的时期。
Oliver Cromwell(克伦威尔) (克伦威尔)
奥利弗·克伦威尔是英国政治家、 奥利弗 克伦威尔是英国政治家、军 克伦威尔是英国政治家 事家、宗教领袖。 世纪英国资产阶 事家、宗教领袖。17世纪英国资产阶 级革命中,资产阶级――新贵族集团 级革命中,资产阶级 新贵族集团 的代表人物、独立派的首领。 的代表人物、独立派的首领。克伦威 尔生于亨廷登, 尔生于亨廷登,曾就读剑桥大学的雪 梨苏塞克斯学院,信奉清教思想。 梨苏塞克斯学院,信奉清教思想。在 1642年一 年一1648年两次内战中,先后统 年两次内战中, 年一 年两次内战中 铁骑军”和新模范军, 率“铁骑军”和新模范军,战胜了王 党的军队。 党的军队。1645年6月在纳西比战役 年 月在纳西比战役 中取得对王党的决定性胜利。 中取得对王党的决定性胜利。1649年, 年 在城市平民和自耕农压力下, 在城市平民和自耕农压力下,处死国 王查理一世,宣布成立共和国。 王查理一世,宣布成立共和国。1653 建立军事独裁统治,自任“ 年,建立军事独裁统治,自任“护国 主”。
Western dish. 4. Do you think cuisine represents the culteople? Why or why not?
Some Differences Between Chinese and Western Cuisine
b. Chinese cuisine and table manners represent their collectivism while Western table manners reflect their individualism. Chinese generally share one dish and Americans would have individual portions.
the common approach to food and Para. 2–Para. 4 eating among Chinese and Westerners
the popularity of Chinese food all over Para. 5–Para. 6 the world and its reasons
Unit 6, Book 4
Some Common Chinese Dishes (1) 北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck 宫保鸡丁 spicy diced chicken with peanuts 古老肉 sweet and sour pork 荷叶粉蒸肉 steamed pork wrapped in lotus leaf 家常豆腐 home style bean curd
Unit 6, Book 4
Some Differences Between
Chinese and Western Cuisine
Some Differences Between Chinese and Western Cuisine
b. Chinese cuisine and table manners represent their collectivism while Western table manners reflect their individualism. Chinese generally share one dish and Americans would have individual portions.
the common approach to food and Para. 2–Para. 4 eating among Chinese and Westerners
the popularity of Chinese food all over Para. 5–Para. 6 the world and its reasons
Unit 6, Book 4
Some Common Chinese Dishes (1) 北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck 宫保鸡丁 spicy diced chicken with peanuts 古老肉 sweet and sour pork 荷叶粉蒸肉 steamed pork wrapped in lotus leaf 家常豆腐 home style bean curd
Unit 6, Book 4
Some Differences Between
Chinese and Western Cuisine
综合英语教程第三版4 U3-Part 1.PPT

be punctual leave-taking be absent ask for leave take French leave ask for/have a day off
take/have sick
leave study leave maternity leave visiting leave leave of absence
citation: an award accompanied by a note
describing the reason for it
dumbfounded: people who are overwhelmed by the
situation and do not know what to say
Pre-listening Activity
Discuss the following questions in pairs.
1. What can policemen do to help us?
catch thieves, help lost children, get the key left in house, help the cat in the tree, keep order, direct traffic, deter potential trouble-makers, protect the interests of the public, etc.
Unit 3, Book 4
2. Has John’s job as a policeman been easy and safe? No. Being a policeman in New York is difficult and dangerous. Besides, he works in a rough neighborhood. He has been shot, spit at, and hit with bottles, rocks, sticks, and Molotov Cocktails. Once he risked his life to save a man from jumping off a ledge 23 stories up from the street.

▪ Eccentric (adj. / n.): considered by other people to be strange or unusual.
▪ e.g.: Most people considered him a harmless eccentric.
Pull up
more than
▪ His report is no more than a survey. ▪ To me, you are still nothing more than a little
boy. ▪ 对我而言,你不过是个小男孩。
▪ esthetic (a.) 美的;美感的;美学的
anything but pedestrian. ▪ A pedestrian/zebra crossing 人行横道 ▪ Intersection(n.) 交叉路口 ▪ Crossroad(n.) 十字路口
▪ Suburb(n.) 郊区[the pl.] ▪ Suburban(a.) ▪ a suburban shopping center 郊区购物中心 ▪ suburbia(n.) 近郊,【贬】郊外居民 ▪ urban(n.) 城市的 ▪ 在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁
移。 ▪ In some developing countries more and more
people are migrating to urban areas. ▪ Downtown(n.)&(a.)&(ad.) 城市商业区 ▪ Go downtown 进城
▪ Motel(n.) 汽车旅馆(motor与hotel二词的缩 合)
综合英语教程 3 - Unit 01 课件

Listen to “I Have a Brother” and
Task 1: Fill in the blanks with words and expressions your hear. Task 2: Answer the questions on page 2.
The following words in the recording may be new to you: arch enemy: it refers to the main enemy, the chief foe, the person you hate or dislike clash: fight, quarrel
Bookቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ3-Unit 1
Likes and Dislikes
love like enjoy be crazy/mad/nuts about something be keen on be interested in long for be longing to be eager to be hungry for be fond of be devoted to be thirsty for care for have a great/strong/ huge crush on someone a young girl’s crush on someone
Book 3-Unit 1
look like somebody resemble take after somebody have someone’s eyes/nose/hair… remind someone of someone else be similar to bear a resemblance to be like mirror echo

Unit 1
By the end of this unit, you are supposed to • grasp the author’s purpose of writing and make clear the
structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Text 1 Fresh Start. • comprehend the topic sentences in Text 1 thoroughly and be able to paraphrase them. • get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing. • be aware of the cross-cultural differences of a freshman’s experience in college.
The passage can be divided into three parts.
Part One: (Paragraphs 1)
this is the introductory paragraph.
1. What does “first-gradish” mean? (“having the qualities and characteristics of a first-grade student”)
5. How did the students react when she slipped and fell down? (They cheered and clapped. She felt embarrassed and humiliated.)
全新版大学英语综合教程第三册 Unit 3PPT课件

By locking our fears out, we become prisoners of our own making.
II. Various kinds of security devices: 1) Dead-bolt locks, security chains, electro-nic
Greene's frequent ink-stained trips to the past tell us that though we've gained much as time has marched forward, we have lost much as well. We have lost, as Greene emphasizes, our inability to escape the technology that aids us. This test “The Land of The Lock” is just a good example of his works.
I. Text Organization Part 1: Paras. 1-3:
In America the era of leaving the front door on the latch at night is over. Part 2: Paras. 4-15:
A new atmosphere of fear and distrust creeps into every aspect of daily life. As a result, security devices, in varied forms, are put to use. Part 3: Paras. 16-end:
II. Various kinds of security devices: 1) Dead-bolt locks, security chains, electro-nic
Greene's frequent ink-stained trips to the past tell us that though we've gained much as time has marched forward, we have lost much as well. We have lost, as Greene emphasizes, our inability to escape the technology that aids us. This test “The Land of The Lock” is just a good example of his works.
I. Text Organization Part 1: Paras. 1-3:
In America the era of leaving the front door on the latch at night is over. Part 2: Paras. 4-15:
A new atmosphere of fear and distrust creeps into every aspect of daily life. As a result, security devices, in varied forms, are put to use. Part 3: Paras. 16-end:
综合英语教程1(第三版)unit课件 PPT

Notes to Conversation 1
Welcome aboard: a colloquial expression for greeting a new member
you guys : you two people I’ll leave you two here to talk about
Toilet dishes搞笑的艺 术游戏用品,把吃饭 的盘子做成马桶形状
sucker马 桶抽赌器
Snap circuits儿童
电子线路插板,可以 制作电子玩具
Robot vacuum
cleaner自动真 空吸尘器
Towel rack家
Weather station
Mthurmouigshaambobrectchdadn dodnee desclirnibees her mum’s actions
And gets us all up for work and school.
I shout at her and make her blue, But I still love her, that’s true. I love her with all my heart, And I hope that we will never part.
summarize her feelings/ attitudes towards her mum
Book 1-Unit 3
Notes to My Dad
Tottenham: one of the best local football teams in England giggle: funny activity/event that causes a viewer/onlooker to
综合英语教程 3 Unit 02 ppt课件

直的 a tall ~ old man)
capable quick-witted graceful
Book 3-Unit 2
Negative expressions
clumsy (= awkard)
underhand (阴险的)
sneaky (卑劣的)
4. What happened weeks after John’s visit?
John received a package in which he found a wool sweater. A note from the director of the nursing home said that it was given to him by the old lady as a gift for visiting her. The old lady was very happy when she died a few days before.
chairwoman professor singer
Book 3-Unit 2
Commenting on Personalities
can’t stand (can’t) put up with It takes all sorts (to make a world).
(世界上什么样的人都有。) To err is human, to forgive is divine.
1. Why did John visit an old people’s nursing home?
John had to write an essay. The essay would be about an elderly person, but John knew little about old people. John’s teacher advised him to visit an old people’s nursing home.
capable quick-witted graceful
Book 3-Unit 2
Negative expressions
clumsy (= awkard)
underhand (阴险的)
sneaky (卑劣的)
4. What happened weeks after John’s visit?
John received a package in which he found a wool sweater. A note from the director of the nursing home said that it was given to him by the old lady as a gift for visiting her. The old lady was very happy when she died a few days before.
chairwoman professor singer
Book 3-Unit 2
Commenting on Personalities
can’t stand (can’t) put up with It takes all sorts (to make a world).
(世界上什么样的人都有。) To err is human, to forgive is divine.
1. Why did John visit an old people’s nursing home?
John had to write an essay. The essay would be about an elderly person, but John knew little about old people. John’s teacher advised him to visit an old people’s nursing home.

2. Expressions for trades and professions:
education, science, politics, farming, business, trade, medicine, manual labor, journalism, advertising, the army, the police, industry, banking, transportation
❖ Undaunted: not afraid of continuing to try to do sth in spite of difficulties or danger 顽强 e.g. Undaunted by his first setback, he decided to try once more. What an undaunted girl!
❖ Indebted adj. owing money to someone 负债的
e.g. The restaurant is heavily indebted to the bank.
❖ anonymous 1) (of a person 人) with a name that is not known or that is not made public 不知姓名的;名字不公开的
pack him off: (informal) to send someone to stay somewhere for a period of time e.g. My parents used to pack us off to camp every summer.
❖ calling 1 profession; trade 职业; 行业
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underprivileged i. maintain your dignity in the face of authority j. be modest
Unit 5, Book 4
How to maintain a good reputation
Suggested points
a. be empathetic by putting oneself in some else’s shoes
tempted by undue desires
Unit 5, Book 4
Extra Suggested Ideas for the Pre-reading Questions
1. Who are your role models ? Lei Feng, Dr. Henry Norman Bethune, Zhang Side, Jiao Yulu, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, etc.
incompetence when you can not do what is expected e. keep mottoes to warn oneself of selfishness,
greediness, and other evils f. keep role models in mind, especially when you are
Suggested points
a. keep one’s promise b. be honest and truthful c. be faithful to your work and the people in your life d. pursue a high quality of work and try to develop a sense
b. be aware of details of work and everyday life c. be persistent in work even when confronted with
difficulties d. be honest and brave enough to admit your
of professionalism e. keep your mind open to suggestions, ideas and even
criticisms from others f. be polite and ceful in managing inter-personal
relationships g. keep a loving spirit for the people in your life h. be sympathetic towards those who are
Beginning the article with a story, the author Para. 1–Para. 6 intends to tell us that the family’s good
reputation helped him win others’ respect and trust.
Unit 5, Book 4
2. Can you think of some mottoes to highlight honesty?
It’s easy for us to do one good deed in our life but difficult to do good deeds all our life. (一 个人一辈子做一件好事并不难,难的是一辈子做好 事)(Chinese saying) Do not think any virtue trivial, and so neglect it; do not think any vice trivial, and so practice it. (勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之)(Confucius) There is no such thing as a free lunch.(天下没 有白吃的午餐)(Anonymous)
Discuss the following questions. 1. How can one earn a good reputation? 2. How can one maintain a good reputation?
Unit 5, Book 4
How to earn a good reputation
Part II
Reading and Language Activities
Unit 5, Book 4
Reading and Language Activities
Pre-reading Task Comprehension Work Language Work
Return to Menu
Unit 5, Book 4 2
The author is discussing a good name and its corresponding responsibility: it helped him and his Para. 7–Para. 10 siblings to build up self-respect and prevent them from doing wrong; it cultivated in them a good sense of responsibility; it aroused in him a strong desire to constantly aim high in his life and career.
Unit 5, Book 4
Text Organization Probe the Text Essay Questions Difficult Sentences
Unit 5, Book 4
Text Organization
Task 1: Read the text and summarize the main idea of each part.
Unit 5, Book 4
How to maintain a good reputation
Suggested points
a. be empathetic by putting oneself in some else’s shoes
tempted by undue desires
Unit 5, Book 4
Extra Suggested Ideas for the Pre-reading Questions
1. Who are your role models ? Lei Feng, Dr. Henry Norman Bethune, Zhang Side, Jiao Yulu, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, etc.
incompetence when you can not do what is expected e. keep mottoes to warn oneself of selfishness,
greediness, and other evils f. keep role models in mind, especially when you are
Suggested points
a. keep one’s promise b. be honest and truthful c. be faithful to your work and the people in your life d. pursue a high quality of work and try to develop a sense
b. be aware of details of work and everyday life c. be persistent in work even when confronted with
difficulties d. be honest and brave enough to admit your
of professionalism e. keep your mind open to suggestions, ideas and even
criticisms from others f. be polite and ceful in managing inter-personal
relationships g. keep a loving spirit for the people in your life h. be sympathetic towards those who are
Beginning the article with a story, the author Para. 1–Para. 6 intends to tell us that the family’s good
reputation helped him win others’ respect and trust.
Unit 5, Book 4
2. Can you think of some mottoes to highlight honesty?
It’s easy for us to do one good deed in our life but difficult to do good deeds all our life. (一 个人一辈子做一件好事并不难,难的是一辈子做好 事)(Chinese saying) Do not think any virtue trivial, and so neglect it; do not think any vice trivial, and so practice it. (勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之)(Confucius) There is no such thing as a free lunch.(天下没 有白吃的午餐)(Anonymous)
Discuss the following questions. 1. How can one earn a good reputation? 2. How can one maintain a good reputation?
Unit 5, Book 4
How to earn a good reputation
Part II
Reading and Language Activities
Unit 5, Book 4
Reading and Language Activities
Pre-reading Task Comprehension Work Language Work
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Unit 5, Book 4 2
The author is discussing a good name and its corresponding responsibility: it helped him and his Para. 7–Para. 10 siblings to build up self-respect and prevent them from doing wrong; it cultivated in them a good sense of responsibility; it aroused in him a strong desire to constantly aim high in his life and career.
Unit 5, Book 4
Text Organization Probe the Text Essay Questions Difficult Sentences
Unit 5, Book 4
Text Organization
Task 1: Read the text and summarize the main idea of each part.