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G i v e p e a c e a c h a n c e(o r i g i n a l)

As a synonym of "ideal society", "Utopia" was originated from the book named by the British writer Thomas Moore in the sixteenth Century. In that book, there is an island with a perfect social system, apart from the poverty and evil. Under the protection of the ideal system, all the residents of the island shares equality and brotherhood.

Zootopia is also a city of idealism like Utopia. All animals live together without the distinction of race, and every animal can be what it wants to be. Just like the movie shows Zootopia is a place where anyone can become everything. Although the room is small and old, the wall is greasy, and the neighbors are quarrelling all day, I really love it. This is the Zootopia, a place all animals look forward to.

Zootopia is not only an abstract concept of utopia. It also reflects the real society. The thing most of us always do is to stick labels to others. For example, we think rabbit is a kind of small and cute animal. How can a rabbit be a policewoman! That is surely impossible. Big animals, such as elephants, polar bears and bulls, should be responsible for that dangerous work. And so is our society. We have the prejudice that the weak is weak, and the strong is strong. Is it really like this? I take a different opioion.

As a fable, there are many characters that are nonmasked(脸谱化) in the movies. The lion is always a ruler in the reality, but the lion in this movie is not competent for mayor. The fox is always cunning in the reality, but the fox in this movie is full of justice and integrity. The mouse is always tiny and weak, but the mouse in the movie unexpectedly becomes a gang boss. And the sheep is always a compliant animal, but the sheep is the ultimate criminal beyond imagination. All of this in the movie indicates that don’t judge a man by his face. Man is not always what he looks like.

So is our society. Regardless of their height, the tiny giants, Churchill and Napoleon, did the world famous thing all the same. There is no necessary connection between your shape and your success. It is your effort that counts.

Although born in the ideal city with freedom and equality, Judy has still received the discrimination from others. It is said that the archetype of Judy is a policewoman from America. Because of her sex, there is no one who want to be her partner in the police station. And the reason is those policemen don’t think a woman can protect them. It’s obviously sex discrimination. Besides, the sheep deputy mayor has also suffered the discrimination from the lion mayor. She was only used as a secretary. Prejudice can lead to unfairness and many other conflicts. And getting rid of prejudice is what this movie advocated. So throw away the prejudice and discrimination, which will make our life better.

Another theme I personally think is the racialism. In this grand city all animals, both the carnivorous animals and the herbivorous animals, live together. But there is an impassable gap between the carnivorous
