
模具合同范本英文Mold ContractThis Mold Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into as of [date] and between [Supplier's Name] ("Supplier") and [Buyer's Name] ("Buyer").1. Description of MoldThe mold to be supplied the Supplier is described as follows:Mold Name: [Mold Name]Mold Specifications: [Specifications]Mold Function: [Function]2. Price and Payment TermsThe total price for the mold is [Amount] (inclusive of taxes and other charges).The Buyer shall make the following payments:A deposit of [Deposit Amount] within [Number of Days] days after the signing of this Contract.The balance payment of [Balance Amount] upon the acceptance and approval of the mold the Buyer.3. Delivery ScheduleThe Supplier shall deliver the mold to the Buyer's designated location on or before [Delivery Date].4. Quality AssuranceThe mold shall be manufactured in accordance with the agreed specifications and quality standards. The Supplier warrants that the mold will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Warranty Period] from the date of delivery.5. Inspection and AcceptanceThe Buyer has the right to inspect the mold within [Inspection Period] days after delivery. If the mold meets the agreed requirements, the Buyer shall issue an acceptance certificate. In case of any non-conformity, the Supplier shall rectify the defects within a reasonable time.6. Intellectual Property RightsThe Supplier warrants that the mold does not infringe any third-party intellectual property rights.7. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to keep all information related to this Contract confidential.8. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any delay or flure in performance due to force majeure events beyond their control.9. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fls, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration or litigation in accordance with the applicable laws.10. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations and understandings.Supplier: [Supplier's Signature and Name]Buyer: [Buyer's Signature and Name]Date: [Date]。

模具合同范本中英文MOLD CONTRACTThis Mold Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into onthe date of __________ ("Effective Date"), by and between__________ ("Manufacturer"), with its principal place of business at __________, and __________ ("Client"), with its principal place of business at __________.PREAMBLEWHEREAS, the Client desires to engage the Manufacturer to produce molds for the production of certain products; and WHEREAS, the Manufacturer agrees to manufacture such molds in accordance with the specifications and terms set forth herein.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. SCOPE OF WORK1.1 The Manufacturer shall produce molds ("Molds") as per the specifications provided by the Client. The molds shall be designed and manufactured to meet the Client's requirementsfor the production of the specified products.2. DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE2.1 The Manufacturer shall deliver the Molds to the Client within __________ days from the date of order confirmation. The Client shall inspect the Molds within __________ days ofdelivery and either accept or reject the Molds.3. PRICE AND PAYMENT TERMS3.1 The total price for the Molds shall be __________ ("Price"). The Client shall pay the Price in accordance with the following schedule:a. __________% upon signing this Contract;b. __________% upon delivery and acceptance of the Molds;c. __________% within __________ days after the acceptance of the Molds.4. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY4.1 The Manufacturer shall retain all intellectual property rights in the molds. However, the Client shall have the right to use the molds for the production of the specified products.5. WARRANTY5.1 The Manufacturer warrants that the Molds will be freefrom defects in material and workmanship for a period of__________ from the date of acceptance.6. CONFIDENTIALITY6.1 Both parties shall treat all information received fromthe other party as confidential and shall not disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of the disclosing party.7. TERMINATION7.1 Either party may terminate this Contract upon __________ days' written notice if the other party breaches any material term of this Contract and fails to cure such breach within__________ days after receipt of written notice.8. DISPUTE RESOLUTION8.1 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the __________.9. GOVERNING LAW9.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of __________.10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT10.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the Effective Date.MANUFACTURER: __________By: __________ Name: __________CLIENT: __________By: __________ Name: __________ Title: __________[This page intentionally left blank]MOLD CONTRACTThis Mold Contract ("合同") is made and entered into on the date of __________ ("生效日期"), by and between __________ ("制造商"), with its principal place of business at __________, and __________ ("客户"), with its principal place of business at __________.序言鉴于客户希望委托制造商生产用于生产特定产品的模具;并且鉴于制造商同意按照本合同中规定的规格和条款生产此类模具。

二、模具规格及技术要求1. 模具规格:详见附件[具体模具规格清单]。
2. 技术要求:乙方应按照甲方提供的技术图纸、工艺文件和相关标准进行模具的设计、制造和加工,确保模具的质量和性能符合甲方的要求。
三、加工周期1. 乙方应在收到甲方预付款后的[具体天数]个工作日内开始模具的加工制作。
2. 模具的加工周期为[具体周期天数],如因不可抗力等不可预见因素导致工期延误,双方应另行协商确定新的交付时间。
四、费用及支付方式1. 模具加工费用总计为人民币[具体金额]元(大写:____________________元整)。
2. 支付方式:合同签订后[具体天数]个工作日内,甲方支付乙方合同总金额的[具体比例]%作为预付款;模具交付验收合格后[具体天数]个工作日内,甲方支付乙方合同总金额的[具体比例]%;剩余合同总金额的[具体比例]%作为质量保证金,在模具正常使用[具体期限]个月后无质量问题时支付给乙方。
五、模具交付及验收1. 乙方应在约定的加工周期内将模具交付至甲方指定地点。
2. 甲方应在收到模具后的[具体天数]个工作日内组织验收,如发现模具存在质量问题,应及时通知乙方,乙方应在接到通知后的[具体天数]个工作日内进行整改,直至验收合格。
3. 验收合格以甲方签署的验收报告为准。
六、质量保证1. 乙方对所加工的模具提供[具体期限]的质量保证期,自模具交付验收合格之日起计算。

英文模具合同范本英文模具合同范本(Sample English Mold Contract)IntroductionIn today's globalized world, the manufacturing industry relies heavily on molds for mass production. A mold contract is a vital legal document that outlines the terms and conditions between the buyer and the manufacturer. This article aims to provide a sample English mold contract, encompassing key aspects such as delivery, payment terms, intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution.1. PartiesThis section identifies the parties involved in the contract: the buyer and the manufacturer. It includes their legal names, physical addresses, and contact details. Additionally, any subsidiary or affiliated companies must be mentioned for clarity.2. Scope of WorkThe scope of work defines the mold design, specifications, and any additional requirements agreed upon by both parties. It should include detailed technical drawings, materials to be used, and any special testing or quality control measures. This section serves as a reference point to ensure that both parties understand the project's expectations.3. Delivery and AcceptanceThis section outlines the agreed delivery date, transportation arrangements, and the buyer's responsibilities upon delivery. It may include clauses related to potential delays, force majeure events, and how both parties should communicate regarding any changes in the delivery schedule.A provision for inspection and acceptance of the molds should also be included.4. Price and Payment TermsThe price section of the contract specifies the total cost of the molds, any applicable taxes or duties, and the currency in which the payment should be made. The payment terms should clearly state the agreed-upon milestones for payments, such as the down payment, progress payments, and final payment upon delivery or acceptance. A clause regarding late payment penalties or interest charges may also be included.5. Intellectual Property RightsIn the mold manufacturing industry, protecting intellectual property is crucial. This section should address the ownership and transfer of intellectual property rights related to the molds. It should specify whether the buyer will obtain exclusive rights or if the manufacturer retains any rights. Additionally, any confidentiality agreements or non-disclosure clauses should be mentioned.6. Warranty and LiabilityThe warranty and liability section clarifies the manufacturer's responsibility regarding defects and malfunctions. It should specify the duration of the warranty, how defects will be rectified, and any exclusions orlimitations to the warranty. Any indemnification clauses or disclaimers of liability should be clearly stated.7. TerminationThis section outlines the circumstances under which either party can terminate the contract, such as non-performance, breach of contract, or bankruptcy. It should include the notice period required and the process for resolving any pending issues.8. Dispute ResolutionDisputes are an unfortunate possibility in any business relationship. This section presents the methods of resolving disputes, such as mediation, arbitration, or litigation. It may also identify the jurisdiction and applicable laws for the resolution of conflicts.9. Governing Law and Entire AgreementThe governing law clause states the jurisdiction whose laws will govern the contract. In this section, both parties acknowledge that the contract constitutes the entire agreement and supersedes any previous discussions or negotiations. Additionally, any amendments to the contract must be made in writing and signed by both parties.ConclusionA well-drafted mold contract is essential for a successful business relationship between the buyer and the manufacturer. It protects both parties' interests, ensures clear communication, and provides a roadmap for resolving any potential disputes. The above-discussed sections serve as aguide for crafting a comprehensive and legally binding English mold contract. Remember, it is always recommended to seek professional legal advice to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.。

中英文模具合同模板1. 合同背景本合同由甲方(中国公司)和乙方(英国公司)双方共同订立,旨在规范双方围绕模具制造和相关服务展开的合作关系。
2. 合同条款2.1 合同对象甲方和乙方在本合同中被称为“合同方”,合同方共同确认本合同的有效性和可执行性。
2.2 合同目的本合同的目的是确保甲方按照乙方提供的要求制造模具,并提供相关技术支持和服务。
2.3 合同内容2.3.1 甲方将按照乙方提供的图纸和规格要求制造模具,并按时交付乙方。
2.3.2 甲方负责保证所提供的模具质量符合乙方的要求,并提供相关的测试证明文件。
2.3.3 甲方负责模具的运输和保险安排,确保模具在运输过程中不受损失。
2.3.4 乙方将按照双方约定的付款方式支付给甲方相关款项。
2.4 合同期限本合同自双方签字之日起生效,有效期为一年,到期自动终止。
2.5 合同违约2.5.1 若甲方未按照合同约定时间交付模具或提供不符合乙方要求的模具,甲方应承担相应的赔偿责任,包括但不限于损失赔偿和违约金支付等。
2.5.2 若乙方未按时支付款项,乙方应承担相应的违约责任,包括但不限于支付滞纳金等。
2.6 争议解决双方如对本合同的解释或执行发生争议,应通过友好协商解决。
2.7 合同变更本合同的任何修改或补充协议应经双方书面同意并签字生效。
2.8 合同终止合同期满后,双方如无其他约定,本合同自动终止。
3. 合同签署本合同正本一式两份,甲方和乙方各执一份。
甲方(签字):__________________ 日期:__________________乙方(签字):__________________ 日期:__________________4. 附则本合同一经签署生效,具有法律约束力。

中英文模具合同模板甲方(制造商):____________________乙方(采购方):____________________签订日期:____年__月__日签订地点:____________________鉴于甲方为模具制造领域的专业公司,乙方为模具产品的需求方,双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,就乙方委托甲方制造模具产品一事,达成如下合同条款:第一条产品规格与数量1.1 乙方委托甲方制造的模具产品应符合以下规格:_______________________1.2 模具产品的数量为:______________________。
第二条质量要求2.1 甲方应保证所制造的模具产品符合国家相关标准和乙方的具体要求。
2.2 模具产品应通过乙方的质量检验,若不符合要求,甲方应负责无偿修复或更换。
第三条交付期限3.1 甲方应在合同签订后______天内完成模具产品的制造。
3.2 甲方应保证模具产品在约定的交付期限内交付乙方。
第四条价格与支付方式4.1 模具产品的价格为:______________________。
4.2 乙方应在合同签订后______天内支付总价款的______%作为预付款。
4.3 余款在模具产品交付并验收合格后______天内一次性付清。
第五条违约责任5.1 若甲方未能按时交付模具产品,应按日支付违约金,违约金为未交付模具产品价值的______%。
5.2 若乙方未能按时支付货款,应按日支付违约金,违约金为未支付货款的______%。
第六条知识产权6.1 甲方保证所制造的模具产品不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权。
6.2 乙方对甲方提供的模具设计享有使用权,但不得转让或用于其他商业目的。
第七条争议解决7.1 本合同在执行过程中发生争议,双方应友好协商解决。
7.2 若协商不成,任何一方均可向合同签订地人民法院提起诉讼。
第八条其他条款8.1 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行协商补充。
8.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
模具合同范本 英文

模具合同范本英文Mold ContractThis Mold Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between [Supplier's Name], a pany incorporated under the laws of [Supplier's Country/Region] and having its principal place of business at [Supplier's Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Supplier"), and [Buyer's Name], a pany incorporated under the laws of [Buyer's Country/Region] and having its principal place of business at [Buyer's Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer").1. Description of the MoldThe Supplier shall manufacture and supply to the Buyer the mold(s) described in Appendix A attached hereto (the "Mold(s)"). The Mold(s) shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with the specifications and requirements provided the Buyer and mutually agreed upon both parties.2. Price and Payment2.1 The total price for the Mold(s) is [amount] (inclusive of all taxes and expenses) (the "Price").2.2 The Buyer shall make an advance payment of [percentage] of the Price upon signing of this Contract. The remning balance shall be pd within [number of days] days after the Buyer's acceptance of the Mold(s).2.3 Payments shall be made to the Supplier's bank account as specified in Appendix B.3. Delivery3.1 The Supplier shall deliver the Mold(s) to the Buyer's designated location on or before [delivery date].3.2 The risk of loss or damage to the Mold(s) shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery.4. Inspection and Acceptance4.1 The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the Mold(s) within [number of days] days after delivery. If the Mold(s) are found to be in conformity with the specifications and requirements, the Buyer shall issue an acceptance certificate.4.2 In case the Mold(s) do not meet the specifications and requirements, the Buyer shall notify the Supplier in writing within the inspection period, and the Supplier shall be responsible for rectifying the defects or replacing the Mold(s) at its own cost within a reasonable time.5. Warranty5.1 The Supplier warrants that the Mold(s) shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [warranty period] from the date of acceptance.5.2 During the warranty period, the Supplier shall, at its own expense, repr or replace any defective Mold(s) promptly upon the Buyer's notice.6. Intellectual Property RightsThe Supplier warrants that the Mold(s) and any related designs or technologies do not infringe upon any third party's intellectual property rights.7. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to keep all information related to this Contract confidential and not to disclose it to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.8. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any flure or delay in performing its obligations under this Contract due to force majeure events beyond its reasonable control, such as natural disasters, wars, or government actions.9. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fls, either party may submit the dispute to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [arbitration institution].10. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [applicable law]. Any legal action or proceeding arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be brought in the courts of [jurisdiction].11. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and agreements.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Supplier: [Supplier's Name]Signature: [Supplier's Signature]Date: [Date]Buyer: [Buyer's Name]Signature: [Buyer's Signature]Date: [Date]Appendix A: Specifications of the Mold(s)Appendix B: Supplier's Bank Account Information。

模具合同范本英文Mold Contract Template (English)This Mold Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [Insert Date], and between [Insert Name of Party A], a pany organized and existing under the laws of [Country of Party A] (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"), and [Insert Name of Party B], a pany organized and existing under the laws of [Country of Party B] (hereinafter referred to as "Party B").WHEREAS:1. Party A is engaged in the business of designing, manufacturing, and supplying molds (hereinafter referred to as the "Molds") for various industrial applications.2. Party B is a manufacturer in need of specific Molds for its production processes.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contned herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. RecitalsThe above recitals are true and correct, and the parties enter into this Contract with the intention of being legally bound its terms and conditions.2. DefinitionsMolds: Custom-made tools used in the manufacturing process to form or shape materials into desired products.Design Specifications: Detled plans and requirements for the Molds, including dimensions, materials, and performance criteria.Deliverables: The pleted Molds and any associated documentation.Lead Time: The period between the date of the order confirmation and the date of delivery of the Molds.Payment Terms: The terms and conditions under which payments are to be made Party B to Party A.Warranty Period: The period during which Party A guarantees the quality and functionality of the Molds.Intellectual Property Rights: Rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary, or artistic fields, including patents, designs, trademarks, and copyrights.3. Scope of Work3.1 Party A agrees to design, manufacture, and supply the Molds to Party B in accordance with the Design Specifications provided Party B.3.2 Party A shall use reasonable efforts to meet the agreed-upon Lead Time for the delivery of the Molds.4. Design Specifications4.1 Party B shall provide Party A with plete and accurate Design Specifications for the Molds.4.2 Party A shall review the Design Specifications and notify Party B of any potential issues or concerns within a reasonable time.5. Delivery and Acceptance5.1 Party A shall deliver the Molds to Party B at the agreed-upon delivery location.5.2 Upon delivery, Party B shall inspect the Molds and notify Party A of any defects or non-conformities within a specified period.5.3 If Party B accepts the Molds, it shall issue a written acceptance to Party A.6. Payment Terms6.1 Party B shall pay Party A for the Molds in accordance with the Payment Terms specified in the attached Schedule A.6.2 Payment shall be made in the currency specified in Schedule A, and shall be subject to any applicable taxes and duties.7. Warranty7.1 Party A warrants that the Molds will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Insert Warranty Period] from the date of delivery.7.2 In the event of a defect, Party A shall, at its sole discretion, repr or replace the defective Molds at no additional cost to Party B.8. Intellectual Property Rights8.1 All Intellectual Property Rights related to the Molds shall be owned Party A, except for any modifications or improvements made Party B, which shall be owned Party B.8.2 Party B shall not copy, reproduce, or distribute the Molds or any associated documentation without the prior written consent of Party A.9. Confidentiality9.1 Each party agrees to keep confidential and not disclose to any third party any Confidential Information (as defined below) obtned from the other party during the performance of this Contract.9.2 "Confidential Information" includes, but is not limited to, technical data, business plans, financial information, and any other proprietary information.10. Termination10.1 This Contract may be terminated either party upon written notice to the other party in the event of a material breach of any term or condition of this Contract.10.2 Upon termination, Party A shall deliver to Party B all Deliverables pleted up to the date of termination.11. Dispute Resolution11.1 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [Insert Name of Arbitration Association].11.2 The arbitration shall be conducted in [Insert Language], and the decision of the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding upon the parties.12. Miscellaneous12.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.12.2 This Contract may be amended or modified only a written instrument executed both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Mold Contract as of the date first above written.[Signature of Party A] _________________________ [Name of Party A] [Signature of Party B] _________________________ [Name of Party B]。

模具开发协议(中英文)6篇篇1Mold Development AgreementThis Mold Development Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between [Company A], with its principal place of business at [address], and [Company B], with its principal place of business at [address], on [date].1. Scope of WorkCompany A engages Company B to develop and manufacture molds for the production of [product] according to the specifications provided by Company A. Company B agrees to design, prototype, test, and manufacture the molds in accordance with industry standards and best practices.2. PaymentCompany A agrees to pay Company B a total of [amount] for the development and production of the molds. Payment shall be made in [number] installments as follows: [details of payment schedule]. Company A shall be responsible for all costs associated with shipping, handling, and customs duties.3. Intellectual Property RightsAll intellectual property rights, including but not limited to patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets, related to the molds developed under this Agreement shall belong exclusively to Company A. Company B shall not use, disclose, or reproduce any confidential information shared by Company A without prior written consent.4. WarrantyCompany B warrants that the molds developed under this Agreement shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [number] years from the date of delivery. In the event of any defects, Company B shall repair or replace the molds at no additional cost to Company A.5. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to keep all terms and conditions of this Agreement confidential and not to disclose any information to third parties without prior written consent. This obligation shall survive the termination of this Agreement.6. TerminationEither party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the other party at least [number] days inadvance. Upon termination, Company B shall return all molds, prototypes, and materials to Company A.7. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by the laws of [jurisdiction] without regard to conflicts of law principles. Any disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in [city], [jurisdiction].8. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between Company A and Company B regarding the development of molds and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral. Any modifications to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.[Company A]By: [Signature]Name: [Printed Name]Title: [Title][Company B]By: [Signature]Name: [Printed Name]Title: [Title]篇2Mould Development AgreementThis Mould Development Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Company Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], having its principal place of business at [Address] ("Company"), and [Supplier Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], having its principal place of business at [Address] ("Supplier").WHEREAS, Company desires to engage Supplier for the design, development, and production of moulds for use in manufacturing products as specified by Company; andWHEREAS, Supplier has the capability, experience, and expertise in the design, development, and production of moulds;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Scope of WorkSupplier shall design, develop, and produce moulds according to the specifications provided by Company. Supplier shall deliver the moulds in a timely manner and in accordance with the quality standards agreed upon by the parties.2. ConfidentialitySupplier shall keep all information related to the mould design, development, and production confidential and shall not disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of Company.3. PaymentCompany shall pay Supplier the agreed-upon amount for the design, development, and production of the moulds. Payment shall be made in installments as specified in the Payment Schedule attached as Schedule A.4. OwnershipUpon full payment of the agreed-upon amount, the moulds designed, developed, and produced by Supplier shall become the property of Company.5. TerminationEither party may terminate this Agreement with written notice if the other party breaches any material term of this Agreement. Upon termination, Supplier shall deliver all moulds and related materials to Company.6. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country]. Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in [City], in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Association].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Company Name]By: ________________________Name: _______________________Title: _______________________[Supplier Name]By: ________________________Name: _______________________Title: _______________________Schedule APayment Schedule1. 50% upon signing of this Agreement2. 25% upon delivery of initial mould design3. 25% upon delivery of final approved mould篇3Mold Development AgreementThis Agreement is made and entered into on this [Date] by and between [Company Name], (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer") and [Mold Manufacturer Name], (hereinafter referred to as the "Manufacturer").Whereas, the Buyer wishes to engage the Manufacturer to design, develop, and produce molds for the production of [Product], in accordance with the Buyer's specifications and requirements.Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Scope of Work:a. The Manufacturer shall design, develop, and produce molds for the production of [Product] in accordance with the specifications provided by the Buyer.b. The molds shall be of high quality, durable, and suitable for the intended use.c. Any modifications or changes to the molds shall be subject to the Buyer's approval.2. Payment:a. The Buyer agrees to pay the Manufacturer the total sum of [Amount] for the design, development, and production of the molds.b. Payment shall be made in [Number] installments as follows: [Payment Schedule].c. Any additional costs incurred due to modifications or changes requested by the Buyer shall be borne by the Buyer.3. Delivery:a. The Manufacturer agrees to deliver the molds to the Buyer within [Timeframe] from the date of signing this Agreement.b. The Buyer shall inspect the molds upon delivery and notify the Manufacturer of any defects or issues within [Number] days.c. The Manufacturer shall rectify any defects or issues identified by the Buyer at no additional cost.4. Intellectual Property:a. The design and development of the molds shall be the intellectual property of the Manufacturer.b. The Buyer shall have the exclusive right to use the molds for the production of [Product] as per this Agreement.5. Confidentiality:a. Both parties agree to keep all information shared during the course of this Agreement confidential.b. The Manufacturer shall not disclose any details about the molds or the production process to any third party without the Buyer's consent.6. Termination:a. Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the other party.b. In the event of termination, the Buyer shall pay the Manufacturer for the work completed up to the date of termination.7. Governing Law:This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date first above written.Buyer: [Buyer Name] Manufacturer: [Manufacturer Name]Signature: _________________ Signature: _________________Date: ________________ Date: ________________篇4Mold Development AgreementThis Mold Development Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of [Date] by and between [Company Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Jurisdiction],with its principal place of business at [Address] ("Client"), and [Mold Manufacturer], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Jurisdiction], with its principal place of business at [Address] ("Mold Manufacturer").1. Scope of WorkMold Manufacturer agrees to design, engineer, and manufacture molds for Client in accordance with the specifications provided by Client. The molds may be used for the production of [Products].2. PaymentClient agrees to pay Mold Manufacturer [Amount] for the design, engineering, and manufacturing of the molds. Payment shall be made in [Number] installments as follows: [Payment Schedule]. Payment shall be made within [Number] days of receipt of invoice.3. ChangesIf Client wishes to make changes to the specifications after the molds have been designed, engineered, or manufactured, Client must provide written notice to Mold Manufacturer. Any additional costs incurred due to changes requested by Client shall be borne by Client.4. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to keep all information exchanged during the course of this Agreement confidential. This includes but is not limited to, design specifications, engineering data, and pricing information.5. Intellectual Property RightsAll intellectual property rights, including but not limited to, patents, trademarks, and copyrights arising from the development of the molds shall belong to Client.6. WarrantyMold Manufacturer warrants that the molds shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Number] years from the date of delivery. In the event of a defect, Mold Manufacturer shall repair or replace the molds at no cost to Client.7. TerminationEither party may terminate this Agreement by providing [Number] days written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, Client shall pay Mold Manufacturer for all work completed up to the date of termination.8. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in [Jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Client Name]By: _______________________Name: [Name]Title: [Title][Mold Manufacturer]By: _______________________Name: [Name]Title: [Title]篇5Mold Development AgreementThis agreement is made and entered into on [Date], by and between [Company Name], with a principal place of business at[Address], hereinafter referred to as "Company", and [Supplier Name], with a principal place of business at [Address], hereinafter referred to as "Supplier".WHEREAS, Company desires to develop a new mold for the production of [Product], and Supplier has the necessary expertise and capabilities to provide mold development services.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Scope of Work:Company agrees to provide Supplier with the necessary specifications, drawings, and requirements for the mold development project.Supplier shall use its best efforts to design and manufacture a high-quality mold that meets Company's specifications.2. Payment:Company agrees to pay Supplier a total project fee of [Amount] for the mold development services.Payment shall be made in installments as follows: [Payment Schedule].Supplier shall provide Company with an invoice for each payment installment.3. Ownership of Mold:Upon completion of the mold development project and payment in full, the mold shall become the exclusive property of Company.Supplier agrees to transfer all rights, title, and interest in the mold to Company.4. Confidentiality:Both parties agree to keep all project-related information confidential and not disclose it to any third party without the other party's consent.Supplier shall take all necessary measures to protect the confidentiality of Company's proprietary information.5. Warranty:Supplier warrants that the mold will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Warranty Period].If any defects are found during the Warranty Period, Supplier agrees to repair or replace the mold at no additional cost to Company.6. Termination:Either party may terminate this agreement in writing if the other party breaches any of its obligations under this agreement.Upon termination, Company shall pay Supplier for all services rendered up to the date of termination.7. Governing Law:This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in [City], [State/Country].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the date first above written.[Company Name]By:_____________________[Supplier Name]By:_____________________篇6Mold Development AgreementThis Mold Development Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into on this ___ day of _______, 20__, by and between [Company Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address] (“Company”), and [Manufacturer Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address] (“Manufacturer”).WHEREAS, Company desires to engage Manufacturer for the development and production of molds for specific products of Company; andWHEREAS, Manufacturer has the necessary expertise, resources, and capabilities to develop and produce molds in accordance w ith Company’s specifications and requirements;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Project Scope: Manufacturer agrees to design, develop, and produce molds for specific products of Company in accordance with the specifications and requirements provided by Company.2. Ownership: Company shall have full ownership rights over the molds developed by Manufacturer pursuant to this Agreement. Manufacturer shall not have any claim of ownership or rights over the molds.3. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to keep all information exchanged during the course of the project confidential and to use it solely for the purpose of fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement.4. Payment Terms: Company shall pay Manufacturer a fixed fee of [Amount] for the development and production of the molds. Payment shall be made in [Number] installments as follows: [Payment Schedule].5. Timeline: Manufacturer agrees to complete the development and production of the molds within [Number] days/weeks/months from the date of this Agreement.6. Quality Assurance: Manufacturer warrants that the molds developed and produced under this Agreement shall meet the quality standards specified by Company. In case of any defects or issues, Manufacturer shall rectify the same at no additional cost to Company.7. Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing a written notice of [Number] days to the other party. In case of termination, Company shall pay Manufacturer for the work completed up to the date of termination.8. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Company Name]By: ____________________[Manufacturer Name]By: ____________________This Mold Development Agreement is hereby accepted and agreed to by the parties as of the date first above written.【模具开发协议】《模具开发协议》(“协议”)于20__年___月___日由[公司名称](下称“公司”)与[制造商名称](下称“制造商”)签署。

中英开模费合同范本合同编号(Contract No.):________________甲方(Party A):公司名称(Company Name):________________法定代表人(Legal Representative):________________地址(Address):________________联系电话(Telephone Number):________________乙方(Party B):公司名称(Company Name):________________法定代表人(Legal Representative):________________地址(Address):________________联系电话(Telephone Number):________________鉴于甲方需要乙方为其开发模具,乙方具备相应的技术和能力,双方经友好协商,就开模事宜达成如下协议:一、模具信息1. 模具名称(Mold Name):________________2. 模具规格(Mold Specification):________________3. 模具用途(Mold Usage):________________二、开模费用及支付方式1. 本次开模费用总计为人民币(大写)______元整(小写:¥______元)。
2. 甲方应在本合同签订后的______个工作日内,向乙方支付开模费用的______%作为预付款,即人民币(大写)______元整(小写:¥______元)。
3. 乙方完成模具开发并经甲方验收合格后的______个工作日内,甲方应向乙方支付开模费用的______%,即人民币(大写)______元整(小写:¥______元)。
4. 甲方支付款项的方式为:[具体支付方式,如银行转账、支票等]三、模具交付时间及地点1. 乙方应在______年______月______日前完成模具的开发,并将模具交付至甲方指定的地点:________________2. 如因乙方原因导致模具交付延迟,乙方应按照每延迟一天向甲方支付开模费用的______%作为违约金。

二、工作内容及要求1. 甲方应根据乙方的需求,进行模具的设计与制造。
2. 乙方需提供详细的技术要求及规格,作为甲方设计制造模具的依据。
3. 甲方应确保所开发的模具质量符合乙方的要求,并满足相关的行业标准。
三、开发进度1. 甲方应在协议签订后的XX个工作日内,提交初步设计方案给乙方。
2. 乙方应在收到初步设计方案后的XX个工作日内,给予反馈意见或确认。
3. 甲方在得到乙方确认后,开始模具制造,并在XX个工作日内完成制造。
4. 如遇特殊情况,双方可协商调整开发进度。
四、费用及支付方式1. 模具开发总费用为人民币______元(大写:______元整)。
2. 乙方应在协议签订后XX个工作日内,支付总费用的XX%作为预付款。
3. 甲方完成模具制造并提交初步验收合格后,乙方支付剩余款项。
4. 如因甲方原因未能按时完成模具开发,乙方有权拒绝支付剩余款项。
五、验收标准与方式1. 甲方提交的模具应符合双方约定的技术要求和规格。
2. 乙方应在收到甲方提交的模具后的XX个工作日内,组织验收工作。
3. 如验收不合格,甲方应根据乙方的意见进行整改,并承担相关费用。
六、保密条款1. 双方应对涉及本协议的所有技术信息和商业信息予以保密。
2. 未经乙方同意,甲方不得将乙方的技术信息和商业信息泄露给第三方。
模具合同范本 英文

模具合同范本英文Mold ContractThis Mold Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between [Supplier's Name] (the "Supplier") and [Buyer's Name] (the "Buyer").1. Description and Specifications of the MoldThe Supplier shall manufacture and supply to the Buyer the mold (the "Mold") described in detl in Appendix A attached hereto. The Mold shall conform to the specifications, designs, and quality standards mutually agreed upon the parties.2. Price and Payment TermsThe total price for the Mold is [amount] (inclusive of taxes and other charges). The Buyer shall make the following payments to the Supplier:A deposit of [percentage] of the total price, i.e., [amount], within [number of days] days after the signing of this Contract.The balance payment of [amount] shall be made within [number of days] days after the Buyer's acceptance of the Mold.3. Delivery Time and PlaceThe Supplier shall deliver the Mold to the Buyer at the location specified the Buyer on or before [delivery date]. Any delay in delivery shall be subject to the penalties as stipulated in this Contract.4. Quality AssuranceThe Supplier warrants that the Mold shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [warranty period] from the date of delivery. During the warranty period, the Supplier shall, at its own expense, repr or replace any defective Mold.5. Inspection and AcceptanceThe Buyer shall have the right to inspect the Mold within [number of days] days after delivery. If the Mold is found to be in pliance with the agreed specifications and quality standards, the Buyer shall issue an acceptance certificate. If the Mold is found to be defective or non-pliant, the Buyer shallnotify the Supplier in writing within the inspection period, and the Supplier shall take corrective actions within a reasonable time.6. Intellectual Property RightsThe Supplier represents and warrants that the Mold and its manufacture do not infringe any third party's intellectual property rights. The Buyer shall have the sole and exclusive rights to use the Mold for the intended purpose.7. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to keep confidential all information related to this Contract and the Mold, and not to disclose it to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.8. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any flure or delay in performing its obligations under this Contract due to force majeure events such as natural disasters, wars, or government actions. However, the affected party shall promptly notify the other party of the force majeure event and take reasonable measures to minimize the impact.9. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fls, either party may submit the dispute to arbitration or litigation in accordance with the applicable laws and jurisdiction.10. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and agreements.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Supplier: [Supplier's Name and Signature]Buyer: [Buyer's Name and Signature]Please note that the above is a basic template and may need to be customized and adjusted based on the specific detls and requirements of your transaction. It is remended to seek legal advice before finalizing any contract.。

Open Mould ContractContract No.:Date:PartyA甲方:PratyB:乙方:经过友好协商和在公平、平等的原则基础上,双方约定如下:After friendly consultations and proceeding on principles of fairness and equality,the Parties have agreed the following:二、模具开发周期及要求/Work Day &Requirement1) 模具的开发周期/ Mould Work Day首件样件完成时间/Time of finishing first product of mold:从接到订单到首件样品完成需要30天/30days from building time ARO (after receipt of order)to first POM (product of mold) sample pour;2) 模具验收/ MouldInspection:模具必须符合买方的技术要求。
The product shall completely fit the technical requirements.3) 由于模具的开发周期和质量问题造成甲方项目延期,乙方将赔偿甲方的一切损失。
If the PartyAproject delayed due to the work day and the quality of the mouldthe PartyBshould compensate the PartyAor all the losses。
三、模具的维护/Mold Maintenance正常使用寿命内的模具在生产过程中发生的损坏或磨损,相关的维修及保养等都由乙方负责。
If the mouldis within the normal working life but damaged or worn during the production process, the Party B should be responsible for the related repair and maintenance.四、开模费用的支付/Open mouldPayment Terms在铸件得到甲方确认后1年之内100%电汇。

模具加工中英文合同模板This Contract is entered into on [date] by and between [Company Name], with its principal place of business at [address] ("Buyer"), and [Manufacturer Name], with its principal place of business at [address] ("Manufacturer").1. Scope of Work1.1 The Buyer agrees to engage the Manufacturer to produce moulds according to the specifications and requirements set forth in the attached Purchase Order.1.2 The Manufacturer shall use its best efforts to complete the moulds in a timely manner and in accordance with the specifications provided by the Buyer.1.3 Any changes to the specifications must be agreed upon in writing by both parties.2. Purchase Price2.1 The Buyer agrees to pay the Manufacturer the total purchase price of [amount] for the moulds specified in the Purchase Order.2.2 Payment shall be made in [currency] and shall be due in [number] installments as follows:- [amount] upon signing of this Contract;- [amount] upon completion of [specific milestone];- [amount] upon final completion and delivery of the moulds.2.3 In the event that the Buyer fails to make any payment when due, the Manufacturer may suspend work on the moulds until payment is received.3. Delivery3.1 The Manufacturer agrees to deliver the completed moulds to the Buyer at [address] by the agreed-upon deadline specified in the Purchase Order.3.2 The Buyer shall be responsible for any shipping costs associated with the delivery of the moulds.3.3 The Buyer shall inspect the moulds upon delivery and notify the Manufacturer of any defects or non-conformities within [number] days of receipt.4. Intellectual Property Rights4.1 All intellectual property rights associated with the moulds, including but not limited to design, drawings, and specifications, shall be owned by the Buyer.4.2 The Manufacturer agrees not to use or disclose any of the Buyer's confidential information or trade secrets for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract.5. Warranty5.1 The Manufacturer warrants that the moulds shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [number] months from the date of delivery.5.2 In the event of any defects or non-conformities, the Manufacturer shall repair or replace the moulds at no additional cost to the Buyer.6. Limitation of Liability6.1 The Manufacturer's liability under this Contract shall be limited to the total purchase price paid by the Buyer.6.2 The Manufacturer shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental, or punitive damages arising from the performance of this Contract.7. Governing Law7.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].7.2 Any disputes arising under this Contract shall be resolved through arbitration in [city], [country].In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Buyer Name] [Manufacturer Name]Signature: ______________________ Signature: ______________________Printed Name: ____________________ Printed Name: ____________________Title: ___________________________ Title: ___________________________Date: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________。

三、合作期限与保密义务1. 合作期限:本协议的生效日期自双方签字盖章之日起,至模具开发项目完成并交付甲方验收合格为止。
2. 保密义务:双方应对涉及本协议的所有技术信息和商业信息承担保密义务,未经对方同意,不得向第三方泄露。
四、费用与支付1. 费用:模具开发的总费用为____元人民币(或____美元),具体费用明细由双方另行协商确定。
2. 支付方式:甲方应按以下约定支付费用给乙方:(1)预付款:协议签订后__个工作日内支付总费用的__%作为预付款;(2)进度款:乙方完成模具设计并提交甲方确认后__个工作日内支付__%;(3)尾款:模具验收合格后__个工作日内支付剩余款项。
五、技术要求和验收标准1. 技术要求:乙方应按照甲方的技术要求进行模具设计和制造,确保模具的性能和质量满足甲方的需求。
2. 验收标准:模具验收按照双方约定的标准进行,具体验收标准附后。
六、知识产权归属1. 模具开发过程中产生的所有知识产权归乙方所有,但甲方有权使用模具生产的产品。
2. 双方应共同保护模具开发过程中产生的知识产权,未经对方同意,不得擅自使用或向第三方转让。
七、违约责任1. 若因乙方原因导致模具开发延期交付,乙方应承担违约责任,每延期一天支付违约金____元。
合同样本 模具合同范本(中英文双版本)

合同样本模具合同范本(中英文双版本)Mold Contract Template (Bilingual Version - Chinese and English)English Version:Mold Contract AgreementThis Mold Contract Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between [Party A Name], a company legally registered and existing under the laws of [Country/Region], with its registered address at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"), and [Party B Name], a company legally registered and existing under the laws of [Country/Region], with its registered address at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Party B").1. Purpose of the ContractThe purpose of this Agreement is to stipulate the terms and conditions governing the manufacture, delivery, and acceptanceof molds (hereinafter referred to as the "Molds") by Party B for Party A.2. Mold Specification and QuantityThe detailed specifications and quantities of the Molds to be manufactured by Party B for Party A are as follows: [List of Molds with Specifications and Quantities].3. Manufacturing Standards and Quality RequirementsParty B shall manufacture the Molds in accordance with the standards and quality requirements specified by Party A, ensuring that the Molds comply with all applicable industrial standards and quality specifications.4. Delivery and AcceptanceParty B shall deliver the Molds to Party A within [Specified Time Period] after the signing of this Agreement. Party A shall conduct an inspection and acceptance of the Molds upon delivery, and shall notify Party B in writing of any non-conformances or defects within [Specified Time Period] after the inspection.5. Payment TermsParty A shall pay Party B the contract price for the Molds in accordance with the payment schedule specified in the attached invoice.6. Warranty and MaintenanceParty B shall provide a warranty period of [Specified Period] for the Molds, during which Party B shall, at its own cost, repair or replace any defective or non-functioning part of the Molds. Additionally, Party B shall provide necessary technical support and maintenance services to Party A.7. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to maintain confidentiality of all technical and commercial information exchanged during the performance of this Agreement.8. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country/Region]. Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall besubmitted to [Specified Court/Arbitration Institution] for resolution.9. MiscellaneousThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties in relation to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes any previous agreements or understandings between the parties on the same subject matter. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a written instrument signed by both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first written above.Party A:Name: ___________________________________Signature: ___________________________________Date: ___________________________________Party B:Name: ___________________________________Signature: ___________________________________Date: ___________________________________Chinese Version:模具合同协议本模具合同协议(以下简称“本协议”)由以下双方签订:甲方,[甲方公司名称],依法在[国家/地区]注册并存续的公司,注册地址位于[地址](以下简称“甲方”);乙方,[乙方公司名称],依法在[国家/地区]注册并存续的公司,注册地址位于[地址](以下简称“乙方”)。

中英文模具合同模板Mold Purchase ContractThis Mold Purchase Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into on this _____ day of ______, 20___ (the "Effective Date"), by and between:[Buyer's Full Legal Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address] (the "Buyer").And[Seller's Full Legal Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address] (the "Seller").WHEREAS:1. Buyer wishes to purchase molds (the "Molds") from Seller, and Seller wishes to sell the Molds to Buyer, according to the terms and conditions specified in this Contract.2. Both Buyer and Seller agree to be bound by the provisions of this Contract, which governs the rights and obligations of both parties in relation to the purchase and sale of the Molds.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Purchase and Sale of Molds:1.1 Buyer agrees to purchase and Seller agrees to sell the Molds, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.1.2 The purchase price for the Molds shall be ______ [amount in currency], payable by Buyer to Seller in [currency], as specified in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.1.3 Title and risk of loss for the Molds shall pass from Seller to Buyer upon delivery of the Molds to the carrier for shipment to the agreed destination.2. Delivery and Shipment:2.1 The Molds shall be delivered to Buyer at [Address] within______ [number of days] days after the Effective Date of this Contract.2.2 The Seller shall be responsible for ensuring proper packaging and handling of the Molds to prevent any damage during shipment.2.3 Buyer shall be responsible for the costs, taxes, customs duties, and other charges associated with the transportation and deliveryof the Molds.3. Inspection and Acceptance:3.1 Buyer shall have the right to inspect the Molds within______ [number of days] days after the delivery date.3.2 If the Molds fail to conform to the specifications and quality requirements as described in Exhibit A, Buyer may reject the Molds by providing written notice to Seller within the inspection period.3.3 If the Buyer does not provide written notice of rejection within the inspection period, it shall be deemed that the Moldshave been accepted by Buyer.4. Warranty:4.1 Seller warrants that the Molds delivered under this Contract shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ______ [number of months] months from the delivery date.4.2 If any defects are discovered during the warranty period, Seller shall, at its own cost and expense, repair or replace the defective Molds.4.3 This warranty shall not cover damages caused by improper use, negligence, or unauthorized modification of the Molds after delivery.5. Intellectual Property:5.1 Seller represents and warrants that it has the right to sell the Molds and that the use of the Molds by Buyer will not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party.5.2 Seller shall indemnify, defend, and hold Buyer harmless from any claims, demands, losses, or damages arising from any allegations of intellectual property infringement related to the Molds.6. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:6.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].6.2 Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Country].7. Entire Agreement:7.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Mold Purchase Contract as of the Effective Date.Buyer: __________________________[Buyer's Full Legal Name]Seller: __________________________[Seller's Full Legal Name]Date: __________________________。

模具开发合同英文版Mold Development ContractThis Mold Development Contract (“Agreement”) is made and entered into on [DATE] by and between [PARTY A], a company organized and existing under the laws of [COUNTRY], with its principal place of business at [ADDRESS] (hereinafter referred to as “Company A”), and [PARTY B], a company organized and existing under the laws of [COUNTRY], with its principal place of business at [ADDRESS] (hereinafter referred to as “Company B”).WHEREAS, Company A desires to engage Company B to develop molds as per Company A’s specifications and requirements;WHEREAS, Company B represents that it has the technical and professional expertise and capability to develop molds as per Company A’s specifications and requirements; andWHEREAS, the Parties desire to set forth their rights, obligations, and responsibilities with respect to the development of molds;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:1. DEFINITIONS1.1 “Mold” shall mean the molds that Company B will manufacture and develop for Company A in accordance with Company A’s specifications and requirements.2. SCOPE OF SERVICES2.1 Company B agrees to manufacture and develop Molds for Co mpany A in accordance with Company A’s specifications and requirements.2.2 Company A shall provide Company B with all the necessary information, designs, specifications, and technical drawings required for the manufacture and development of the Molds.2.3 Company B agrees to provide Company A with detailed reports on the progress of the development of the Molds on a weekly basis.2.4 Company B shall be responsible for ensuring that the Molds are developed and delivered to Company A on time, as per the timelines agreed upon between the Parties.3. PRICE AND PAYMENT3.1 Company A agrees to pay Company B the sum of [AMOUNT] as the total consideration for the development of the Molds.3.2 Company A shall pay Company B in accordance with the payment schedule set forth in Schedule A attached hereto.3.3 All payments under this Agreement shall be made in [CURRENCY] to Company B at its principal place of business.4. CONFIDENTIALITY4.1 Company B agrees to keep all information and data provided by Company A confidential and not to disclose or use such information except for the sole purpose of executing the services set forth in this Agreement.4.2 This confidentiality obligation shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.5. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY5.1 All intellectual property rights, including but not limited to patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, in and to the Molds and any other work product related to the development of the Molds shall be owned by Company A.5.2 Company B hereby assigns and agrees to assign to Company A, without further consideration, all right, title, and interest in and to any and all intellectual property rights, including any and all patents, design patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and any and all other proprietary rights, resulting from the manufacture and development of the Molds.5.3 Company B shall not use any of Company A’s intellectual property without Company A’s prior written consent.6. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS6.1 Both Parties hereby represent and warrant that they are duly authorized to enter into this Agreement and that the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement will not conflict with or violate any other agreement to which they are a party or by which they are bound.6.2 Company B further represents and warrants that the Molds shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship and shall conform to Company A’s specifications and requirements.7. TERM AND TERMINATION7.1 This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue until the completion of the development and delivery of the Molds.7.2 Either Party may terminate this Agreement with notice in writing if the other Party breaches any material term or condition of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within fifteen (15) days after receipt of written notice of such breach.7.3 Company A may terminate this Agreement at any time upon thirty (30) days written notice to Company B.8. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION8.1 Both Parties agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and codes in their execution of this Agreement.8.2 Each Party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other Party, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising out of or in connection with any breach of this Agreement by such Party.9. GOVERNING LAW9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [COUNTRY], exclusive of its choice of law provisions.10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT10.1 This Agreement represents the entire understanding between the Parties and supersedes all prior communications, representations, and agreements, whether oral or written, with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.11. AMENDMENTS AND MODIFICATIONS11.1 This Agreement may not be amended or modified, except in writing executed by both Parties.12. ASSIGNMENT12.1 Neither Party may assign or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior writtenconsent of the other Party, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.13. NOTICES13.1 Any notices, requests, demands, or other communications required under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered personally, by facsimile, or by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the Parties at the addresses set forth below:If to Company A:[ADDRESS]If to Company B:[ADDRESS]14. COUNTERPARTS14.1 This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the date first written above.[COMPANY A]By: __________________________________Name: ________________________________Title: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ [COMPANY B]By: __________________________________ Name: ________________________________ Title: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ SCHEDULE APayment SchedulePhase I: [AMOUNT]Phase II: [AMOUNT]Phase III: [AMOUNT]。
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Ope n Mould Con tract
Contract No.:
After friendly consultations and proceeding on principles of fairness and equality, the Parties have agreed the followi ng:
开模费用/ Open mould fee .
二、模具开发周期及要求/ Work Day & Requirement
1) 模具的开发周期/ Mould Work Day
首件样件完成时间/Time of finishing first product of mold :从接到订单到首件样品完成需要30天/
30 days from build ing time ARO (after receipt of order) to first POM (product of mold) sample pour;
2) 模具验收/ Mould Inspection: 模具必须符合买方的技术要求。
The product shall completely fit the
tech ni cal requireme nts.
3) 由于模具的开发周期和质量问题造成甲方项目延期,乙方将赔偿甲方的一切损失。
If the PartyA project delayed due to the work day and the quality of the mould the PartyB should compe nsate the
PartyA or all the losses.
三、模具的维护/Mold Maintenance
If the mould is with in the no rmal work ing life but damaged or worn duri ng the product ion process, the Party B should be
resp on sible for the related repair and maintenance.
四、开模费用的支付/ Open mould Payment Terms
T.T. Remitta nee with in one year after cast ing approval by The Party A
五、 模具所有权/ Ownership
Mould 'sownership belongs the Party A. Party A
enjoys the right to tak ing back and deali ng with the mold.
六、 其他约定/ Others
agreeme nt shall be gover ned by, and in terpreted in accorda nee with, the laws and regulati ons of the People ' s Republic of China.
Any amen dme nts to this agreeme nt
shall not be valid uni ess made by the Parties in writi ng. 本协议一式两份, 每份皆具有同等法律效力。
This agreeme nt is made in two origi nal copies, both of
which are equally valid.
This agreeme nt shall take effect immediately upo n the date of executi on by the Parties.
All the disputes and controversies of every kind and nature between the Parties arising out of or in connection with the agreeme nt or the executi on hereof shall be settled by frien dly n egotiatio n betwee n the Parties.
THE Party A
公司名 英文:。