Two kinds分析文


two kinds 总结

two kinds 总结

two kinds 总结问题,总结《两样东西》这篇小说的主题并提供一个1500-2000字的分析文章。

























Mike HuangENG 111 CNProfessor MillerArgument Paper21 June , 2013Jing-Mei's Mother Gave Her StressAmy Tan say:’’Mom believes any dreams come true in the united states,you can do everything you want to do’’. (Tan 1 )At first, her mother took her to the barber shop, I hope she became China's Shirley Temple. In addition, the mother is still a day after dinner for her to be tested, the end result is tired of this test her, mother gave up hope for her daughter.Later, her mother saw a very good TV show, so take her to the neighbors to learn piano, her daughter does not agree to learn piano. A few weeks later , Old Chong and mother conspired to have her play in a talent show that was t o be held in the church hall, performing a mess, let her mother disappointed again.Finally, she can not stand all this, she did not want to do anything, she was his mother wanted to return to their. Therefore, she and her mother growing contradiction between. One day, she would play the piano, but his mother had died, she finally realized what had mother's hopeMother wanted her to become a genius, her mother took her to the barber shop, I hope she became China's Shirley Temple. Barber to cut her hair like a boy, but it made her actually look forward to my future fame. I think this is from her own internal stress.Mother to let her become a genius tried different solutions. Mother every night for her to do the test, but this allows the jing-mei arrived tired, she said ”I won’t let her change me, I promised myself. I won’t be what I’m not”. (Tan 1 ) After the test she is listless look, her mother gave up the final test. Withstandthe stressfromhermother, it’s Type A stress.Motherlet herlearn the piano, her motherwanted her toperformwell. She did not wantto learnthe piano, she thinksher mother'stoo much to ask. Finally found a mother to her piano teacher,and produced a study plan, for such a plan she protested, but eventually executed. One day, mother let her participate in a talent show, she was very confident, also veryconfidentand did notknow what istension, but whenthe show began, performing worse mess, after that her mother completely lost hope. In this case the stress from her own internal, this stress is foreseeable but not avoidable, this is a Type C stress situation.Some things always had a very long time to understand. After that performance for a long time, the mother again just let her practice piano, and this time she screamed say "No". She refused to do anything, she wanted togo back myself. Because these conflicts with her mother more and more serious, so until his mother died. In herthree-year-old birthday, his mother gave her the piano again, and later or purely sentimental reasons, she put a child playing song and play it again, This time she was surprised to find that playing is so smooth. This time she finally understood her mothe rwhen all hope. For these external causes stress generated, which are neither foreseeable nor avoidable, thses are Type B stress situations.From the beginning, Jing-Mei is arranged in the mother thing, though reluctantly, but still do it. Such a life that she can not do her favorite things, so will produce a strong antagonistic emotions. From the beginning of cut head and testing to later learn the piano, do these things when there is reluctance emotions, but to the mother's death she knows her mother do it all. Before the encounter is whether foreseeable or unforeseeable stress, she should be seriously addressed. Mother's reasons for doing so is to become more outstanding Jing-Mei, she should not have let her mother so disappointed.Works CitedElkind, David. ”Types of Stress for Young People.”ENG 095: Reading and Composition Strategies. Pitt Community College: Pearson, 2009. 201- 204. Print.Tan, Amy. “Two Kinds.”The Joy Luck Club. London:Penguin Books, 2006.132-147. Champion Valley Union High School. Wed. 23 April 2013.。


















two kinds的主题

two kinds的主题

two kinds的主题
《Two Kinds》是美国华裔女作家艾米丽·唐的一篇短篇小说,主要讲述了一个母亲和女儿之间的冲突和磨合。

















总之,《Two Kinds》通过母女之间的冲突和磨合,反映了文化冲突、自我认同


two kinds原文和 翻译 two kinds译文

two kinds原文和 翻译 two kinds译文

two kinds原文和翻译two kinds译文导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“two kinds译文”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持!Two Kinds 译文妈相信,在美国,任何梦想都能成为事实。







” 妈将一切未遂的心愿、希望,都寄托在美国这片土地上。


















Two kinds Summary

Two kinds Summary

《Two Kinds》梗概Two Kinds by Amy Tan from the Joy Luck Club tells us a story among mothers and their own daughters. It reveals the bittersweet relationships between the mothers and the daughters. This passage mainly focuses on the relationship between Suyan Woo and her daughter Jing-mei.Although Suyan Woo has become the citizen of America, her mind is still traditional and her thought is rooted in Chinese culture. Consequently, she puts all her hope on her daughter, along with that of those twin babies and wants to change her into obedient child just like the traditional Chinese children. Nevertheless, Jing-mei receives the American-style education. She does n’t like the assignments her mother arranged and often plays tricks, becoming disobedient and having her own mind. She wants to have her own life style. As a result, their conflicts break out. What impresses me most in the passage is Suyan Woo forces Jing-mei to play the piano, hoping her to have achievements in it. While Jing-mei just wants to be herself, so she pays no interest in playing the piano on purpose.After her awful piano performance on the talent show of the China town, she has a fierce quarrel with her mother and refuses to play piano anymore. At last, she wins.When she grows up, she becomes mature, generallyunderstanding and realizing her mother’s expectation and deep love to her. She eventually plays the piano again and believes that her mother can hear the melody, though her mother has died.。



piano lessons
performance in the talent bad performance show, high expectation
the most fierce quarrel being disobedient &
giving up hope
be herself
“Two kinds”, which is taken from it, is about the story of one of mothers and daughters: Suyuan Woo(吴夙愿)
and Jing-mei(精美)
1 Warm-Up 2 Background Introduction 3 Genre & organization 4 Details to the text 5 Rhetorical device & assignment
Lesson 2
About Amy Tan & Joy Luck Club
The Joy Luck Club is Amy Tan's first and most successful novel
About the lives of four Chinese women in pre-1949 China and their American-born daughters in California
pleading child
Why did the Jingmei think she is a pleading child before? When she was a child, she only saw one side and couldn’t understand her mother, regarding her mother’s hope as tormenting pressure and regard herself as pleading child.

two kinds景梅的人物性格分析

two kinds景梅的人物性格分析

two kinds景梅的人物性格分析《喜福会》是美国著名的华裔女作家谭恩美的第一部长篇小说,也是她的成名作,甫一出版即大获成功,当年曾经连续八个月荣登《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜,旋即改编为同名影片,影响深远。








中国的母爱:从孩子生下来起,直到他(她) 成家,发展到近年父母们为儿女找对象、为他们张罗婚礼、婚房、办喜筵、生下孩子又帮助带,有的一家三口,做父母的都三四十岁了,却还要啃老过日。





Two Kinds of Football

Two Kinds of Football

Two Kinds of Football两种足球American football, not to be confused with the football called soccer, is the American national sport. It developed from the British game of rugby and, although it is played in no other country in the world (except Canada). It excites tremendous enthusiasm. Intercollegiate games (games between universities)are great social occasions. More than 100 thousand mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, students and football fans from the general public, crowd into the huge, luxurious stadiums. During a recent college final in the Rose Bowl at Pasadena, California, there were severe earthquake tremors , but nobody noticed! 美式足球(美式橄榄球),不要与叫做英式足球的足球混淆了,美式足球是一种美国民族体育运动。







托福阅读真题第151篇TwoKindsofLizards(答案文章最后)Two Kinds of LizardsParagraph 1:Lizards can be divided into two types according to the way they look for food: sit-and-wait foragers and active foragers. Sit-and-wait lizards normally remain in one spot from which they can survey a broad area. These motionless lizards detect the movement of an insect visually and capture it with a quick run from their observation site. Sit-and-wait lizards may be most successful in detecting and capturing relatively large insects like beetles and grasshoppers. Active foragers, on the other hand, spend most of their time on the ground surface, moving steadily and poking their heads under fallen leaves and into crevices in the ground. These lizards apparently rely largely on chemical cues to detect insects, and they probably seek out local concentrations of prey such as termites. Active foragers appear to eat more insects than do lizards that are sit-and-wait predators. Thus, the different foraging behaviors of lizards lead to differences in their diets, even when the two kinds of lizards occur in the same habitat.1. According to paragraph 1, sit-and-wait foragers and active foragers are different in all of the following EXCEPTO the methods that they primarily use to detect insectsO the number of insects they typically eatO the habitats in which they can be foundO the amount of time they spend moving2. According to paragraph 1, compared to the insects typically consumed by sit-and-wait lizards, insects typically consumed by active lizardsO move more quicklyO are generally found in smaller groupsO are often hidden from viewO spend more time on the surface of the groundParagraph 2:The different foraging modes also have different consequences for lizards regarding their exposure to predators. A lizard that spends 99 percent of its time resting motionless is relatively inconspicuous, whereas a lizard that spends most of its time moving is easily seen. Sit-and-wait lizards are probably most likely to be discovered and captured by predators that are active searchers, whereas widely foraging lizards are likely to be caught by sit-and-wait predators. Because of this difference, foraging modes may alternate at successive levels in the food chain: insects that move about may be captured by lizards that are sit-and-wait foragers, and those lizards may be eaten by active predators, whereas insects that are sedentary are more likely to be discovered by lizards that are active foragers, and those lizards may be caught by sit-and-wait predators.3. In paragraph 2, why does the author contrast the visibility of lizards that remain motionless most of the time with the visibility of lizards that move most of the time?O To show that it is possible for lizards to alternate their foraging modes at successive levels in the food chain O To suggest that sit-and-wait lizards are more likely than active lizards to be attacked by predatorsO To explain why sit-and-wait lizards are more successful than active lizards at preying on insectsO To explain how a lizard's foraging strategy affects the type of predator likely to attack itParagraph 3:The body forms of sit-and-wait foragers mayreflect selective pressures different from those that act on active foragers. Sit-and-wait lizards are often stout bodied, short tailed, and colored to match their background. Many of these species have patterns of different-colored blotches that probably obscure the outlines of the lizard's body as it rests motionless on a rock or a tree trunk. Active foragers are usually slim and elongated with long tails, and they often have patterns of stripes that may produce optical illusions as they move. However, one predator-avoidance mechanism, the ability to break off their tails when they are seized by predators, does not differ among lizards with different foraging modes.4. Paragraph 3 supports which of the following ideas about active-forager lizards?O They are less likely to break off their tails when seized by predators than sit-and-wait lizards are.O They tend to vary widely in their individual colors.O They lack well-developed mechanisms for avoiding predators.O They may be easier to identify when they are not moving than when they are moving.Paragraph 4:What physiological characteristics are necessary to support different foraging modes? The energy requirements of a quick motion that lasts for only a second or two are quite different from those of locomotion that is sustained nearly continuously for several hours. Sit-and-wait lizards and active foragers differ in their relative emphasis on the two ways that most animals use adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that transports energy within cells for activity, and in how long that activity can be sustained. Sit-and-wait lizards move in brief spurts, and they rely largely on anaerobic metabolism to sustaintheir movements, namely the kind of metabolism that does not use oxygen. Anaerobic metabolism uses glycogen stored in the muscles and produces lactic acid as its end product. It is a way to synthesize ATP quickly (because the glycogen is already in the muscles), but it is not good for sustained activity because the glycogen is quickly exhausted and lactic acid inhibits cellular metabolism. Lizards that rely on anaerobic metabolism can make brief sprints but become exhausted when they are forced to run continuously. In contrast, aerobic metabolism uses glucose that is carried to the muscles by the circulatory system, and it produces carbon dioxide and water as end products. Aerobic exercise can continue for long periods because the circulatory system brings more glucose and carries carbon dioxide away. As a result, active foragers can sustain activity for long periods without exhaustion. Active species of lizards have larger hearts and more red blood cells in their blood than do sit-and-wait species. As a result, each beat of the heart pumps more blood, and that blood carries more oxygen to the tissues of an active species than a sit-and-wait species.5. According to paragraph 4, compared with active lizards, the movements of sit-and-wait lizards areO more suddenO more sustainedO more predictableO more frequent6. According to paragraph 4, all of the following are true about anaerobic metabolism in lizards EXCEPT:O It uses the glycogen in the muscles of lizards.O It produces lactic acid that interferes with metabolism within the cells of lizards.O It allows lizards to maintain their foraging activity over a long period of time.O It allows lizards to run fast for short periods of time.7. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4 about sit-and-wait lizards?O They have less glycogen than active-forager lizards.O They have highly variable heart rates.O They have metabolic systems that do not depend on the efficient removal of carbon dioxide.O They synthesize adenosine triphosphate continuously.8. According to paragraph 4, how are active-foraging lizards and sit-and-wait lizards different from each other?O Sit-and-wait lizards tend to have more red blood cells in their blood than active-foraging lizards do.O Active-foraging lizards' blood carries less oxygen to the tissues than sit-and-wait foraging lizards' blood does.O Sit-and-wait lizards carry out cellular metabolism more efficiently than active-foraging lizards do.O Active-foraging lizards tend to have larger hearts than sit-and-wait lizards do.Paragraph 3:The body forms of sit-and-wait foragers may reflect selective pressures different from those that act on active foragers. Sit-and-wait lizards are often stout bodied, short tailed, and colored to match their background. ■Many of these species have patterns of different-colored blotches that probably obscure the outlines of the lizard's body as it rests motionless on a rock or a tree trunk. ■Active foragers are usually slim and elongated with long tails, and they often have patterns of stripes that may produ ce optical illusions as they move. ■However, one predator-avoidance mechanism, the ability to break off their tailswhen they are seized by predators, does not differ among lizards with different foraging modes.■9. Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.Such visual effects make it harder for predators to catch these moving targets.Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selected THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. Drag your choices to the spaces where they belong. To review the passage, click on View Text.Answer ChoicesO Sit-and-wait lizards use brief spurts of energy to forage, while the movements of active lizards are more sustained.O Lizards that are active foragers are able to detect insects even when those insects are stationary, but sit-and-wait lizards are able to detect only moving insects.O Sit-and-wait lizards tend to have predators that are active, while active lizards tend to have sit-and-wait predators.O Sit-and-wait lizards have less need for bodies that match their environment than active lizards do because of the ease with which they can break off their tails to escape from predators.O The body forms and metabolic functions of the two types of lizards differ in ways that support the requirements of their different foraging behaviors.O Sit-and-wait lizards derive energy for movement from anaerobic metabolism alone, while active lizards rely almost equally on aerobic and anaerobic metabolisms.。

two kinds

two  kinds

小说《两类人》里的母女冲突<转自书斋原创天下>文/ 紫色王家思絮絮在小说《两类人》("two kinds") 里,作者美藉华裔小说家谭恩美(amy tan) 描述了一对住在加州的母女之间的关系和冲突。

故事的主人公吴景梅(景梅"珠妮",jing-mei "june" woo) 的母亲在中国出生长大,后来因为中国政局动荡的缘故而移居美国。








事实上这个故事只不过是作者的畅销书《喜福会》("the joy luck club")系列故事中的一个而已。


该书以包括景梅母女在内的四对在美的华裔母女为中心,分别描述她们几个家庭几十年的遭遇和矛盾冲突(tan 11)。

《两类人》是《喜福会》里的第八个故事,这本畅销书“交织了家庭里的女性因为代沟和不同的文化背景而导致的错综复杂的关系和矛盾” (schilb 346),这些故事基本上也是根据作者谭恩美亲身的家庭矛盾和中美之间的文化冲突而完成的。


Two kinds---Amy Tan para12--20

Two kinds---Amy Tan para12--20

Conflics in this part
Mother's expectation
Daughter's reaction
a genius
new thoughts filled with a lot of won'ts, lost interst
Ripley: a famous American cartoonist His first drawing life magazine called Champs and Chumps later changed to Believe It or Not. He liked China and signed his name as Rip Li. 300 newspapers in 33 countries with readership of 80 million.
appeared on May 2, 1885
offering tips for running a home,stories and articles
articles about home, food, fitness, beauty, health and family
a best-selling magazine with a large circulation published in a dozen of languages
扑克牌中的四种花色,即黑桃(spade)、红桃 (heart)、梅花(club)、方块(diamond),代表 一年中的春(spring)、夏(summer)、秋 (autumn)、冬(winter)四季;黑桃、梅花代表夜 晚,红桃、方块代表白天。J、Q和K共12张代表一年 有12个月(There are twelve months in a year)。除 大、小王外,共52张,说明一年有52个星期(There are fifty-two weeks in a year),而扑克牌中的每种 花色正好13张,说明每个季节正好有13个星期 (There are thirteen weeks in a season)。如果把 扑克牌中的总点数计算一下,J作11点,Q作12点,K 作13点,大小王各作半点,正好是365点,表示一年 有365天(There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year)。若有闰年,把大、小王各作一点, 刚好是366天。











1. 根据第1 段,坐等式觅食者和主动式觅食者在以下所有方面都不同,除了O 他们主要用来检测昆虫的方法O 他们通常吃的昆虫数量O 可以找到它们的栖息地O 他们移动所花费的时间2. 根据第1 段,与坐等蜥蜴通常食用的昆虫相比,活动蜥蜴通常食用的昆虫O 移动得更快O 通常出现在较小的群体中O经常隐藏在视线之外O 花更多时间在地面上第2 段:不同的觅食方式对蜥蜴在暴露于捕食者方面也有不同的影响。

99% 的时间都在静止不动的蜥蜴相对不显眼,而大部分时间都在移动的蜥蜴很容易被看到。



更有可能被活跃的觅食蜥蜴发现,3.在第2段中,为什么作者将大部分时间静止不动的蜥蜴的可见性与大部分时间移动的蜥蜴的可见性进行对比?O 表明蜥蜴有可能在食物链的连续水平上交替觅食模式O 建议坐等蜥蜴比活跃的蜥蜴更容易受到捕食者的攻击O 解释为什么坐等蜥蜴在捕食昆虫方面比活跃的蜥蜴更成功O 解释蜥蜴的觅食策略如何影响可能攻击它的捕食者类型第3 段:静坐觅食者的身体形态可能反映了与活跃觅食者不同的选择压力。



TwoKindsofFootballTwo Kinds of FootballAmerican football, not to be confused with the football called soccer, is the American national sport. It developed from the British game of rugby and, although it is played in no other country in the world (except Canada). It excites tremendous enthusiasm. Intercollegiate games (games between universities)are great social occasions. More than 100 thousand mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, students and football fans from the general public, crowd into the huge, luxurious (奢侈的)stadiums. During a recent college final in the Rose Bowl at Pasadena, California, there were severe earthquake tremors (震动), but nobody noticed!Then there is the razzamatazz (商业性广告宣传)-the splendidly-trained brass bands, the teams of pretty girls twirling batons and dressed in fancy costumes who march like well-drilled soldiers during the half-time show, the cheerleaders urging the fans to shout encouragement or applaud good play.The method of scoring (计分)in American football is the same as in rugby. Players try to carry the ba ll over the opponents’ line, and then to earn more points by kicking the ball between the upright goal posts above the bar. But that is where the likeness between the two games ends.America football has a reputation for being a brutal(残酷的)and dangerous game. This reputation is not really deserved. The players hurl themselves at each other fiercely, but today their uniforms and helmets (fitted with visors to protect their faces)are so skillfully padded that there are few serious injuries. By comparison, the rugby player is almost naked, having only a thinjersey (紧身套衫)and a pair of shorts to protect him from his opponents’ boots and tackling (阻截铲球).The football coach is a very important member of the college staff -- more important than the professors, some say!The coach picks promising football players from the high schools, and recommends that they be given scholarships. This is the only way some boys from poor families with no intellectual background can get to college. Quite a few of these students go on to become professional football players. The names of professional football clubs are as well known to Americans as professional soccer clubs are to Europeans and South Americans.The Americans are addicted to (很容易)crazes. When they take something up, they do so wholeheartedly, and often the rest of the world follows their lead. Jogging is an example of this. The Americans now have another craze, a game which most other countries call "football", but which they call soccer. Soccer is spreading like wildfire through all the States and gaining in popularity on baseball. It is being run by big business and TV advertisers, who are doing everything they can to sell it to the public. They are employing famous fashion designers to design novel (新奇的)uniforms for the players. They have introduced a musical background to the games, and there is a big screen in the stadium which explains to spectators (观众)what is happening. Most important, they have hired, at enormous expense, famous coaches and players from Europe and South America. They have also changed some of the rules, including the offside (越位)roles to make the game more exciting.Soccer games can now draw crowds of over 70 thousand in cities where baseball attracts a mere 20 thousand spectators. The soccer stadiums are much more luxurious than the vast majorityof European and South American league(俱乐部联合会)grounds. There is a seat for everyone and a parking lot for 25 thousand cars. Soccer is being brilliantly promoted, like any other promising American product.Two Kinds of Football美式足球,不要与英式足球混淆,它是美国国家运动。



On “Two Kinds”In the story “Two Kinds”, the mother believed that people could be anything he/she wanted to be in America. That‟s how the story began. Based on this belief, the mother firmly believed that her daughter could be prodigy. She got all kinds of inspirations from TV or magazines and then put her daughter into various trainings. First, tests at home, from easy to difficult. Then piano, which was the focus of conflict between mother and daughter. The mother traded her labour so as to let her daughter have the opportunity to have piano training course every day. But the daughter, disappointed her again and again. In the end, the mother lost hope in her.This story is typical. It‟s about the conflict between mother and daughter. Mother wanted daughter to be prodigy. However, the daughter rebelled everytime. She just wanted to be herself, to be independent. As far as I‟m concerned, to a very large extent, the culture difference should be responsible for the conflict here. From the story, we know that the mother came from China in 1949 after she lost everything. She was born and raised in China and had lived there for decades. Chinese way of thinking and doing things were deeply rooted in her mind. In other words, although she then had been living in America for years, she was heavily affected by Chinese traditions. As we all know, China was quite different from America at that time even now. In China, parents thought what their children were to be and prepared for them rather than the children themselves. They had no choice but to work hard to live up to their parents‟expectations. That‟s the obedient children. However, the daughter was different. Althouth born by Chinese parents, she was born and brought up in America. She was exposed in a totally different environment in which people respect independence and freedom and pursue for them. I think this is the originof the conflict. If the mother were native American or the daughter were raised in China, maybe the conflict would not be so poignant.Now, I‟d like to talk about the characters in the story. First, the mother. Why did she force her daughter to learn so many things? Of course, for the sake of the daughter, parents always hope that their children could live a much better lfe. Just as the mother shouted in the story, “Only ask you to be your best. For you sake. Y ou think I want you be genius? Hnnh! What for! Who ask you!”And mothers in the world always think their children are better than others‟ and they believe that they can do everything well only if they try their best. All Jing-Mei‟s mother did was out of love, out of love for her which reminds me of Gump Forrest‟s mother. Much different as it is, they have one thing in common--love for their children. At the very beginning of the movie Gump Forrest, it is obvious that there‟s some difference between Forrest and other children. His legs have problem and so does his IQ. But Mrs Gump strongly believed that her boy was no different and he is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else. “Remember what I tell you, …you‟re no different than anyone else is‟, …you‟re the same as anyone else, you‟re no different.‟”“don‟t let anybody else tell you that they‟re better than you, Forrest.”I admire Forrest‟s mother very much for what she did for her boy.In this story, Jing-Mei‟s mother loved her deeply, but I think the way of showing love is wrong: putting her into all kinds of training without asking for her permission, which becomes a tragedy for her. Nowadays, this scene is typically prevailed in China. Children should have a happy time in summer and winter holiday, but in contrast, they‟re taken up by mountainous training classes.In addition, in my opinion, Jing-Mei‟s mother is kind of showing off. I watched the movie The Joy Luck Club which was based on this story, and I was a little shocked when I heard what Waverly said to her mother in the street after she won the chess champion and her mother told every body she knew ,“I wish you don‟t do that, telling everyone I‟m your daughter” “ why you had used me to show off, if you want to show off, then why don‟t you learn to play chess”. In this story, Jing-Mei‟s mother and Waverly‟s mother were talking about their daughters, proudly. I think they‟re showing off, too. They show off their children‟s achievement to meet their peacockery.At last, I‟d like to say something about the daughter, the roll as I‟m in the family. In this story, Jing-Mei was treasonous. She rebelled almost everything her mother poured on her. She is a bird, prefering to fly freely in the blue sky rather than being caged. Perhaps many of us were just like her when we were young. We hate to be astricted, we didn‟t live up to our parents‟ expectations and disappointed them again and again. But our parents are the greatest people in the world. Whatever how many mistakes we make, they always forgive us. Until one day we realise their painstaking. We are grown up but they‟re old.。

My Appreciation of Two Kinds

My Appreciation of Two Kinds

My Appreciation of Two KindsThe arrangement of the Two KindsTwo Kinds is a story with detailed and reasonable plots and descriptions. First, as for the arrangement of the story, She started the story with exposition, providing readers with some information about the relationship between mother and daughter. As the plots move on, the relationship between mom and daughter was getting tenser. The girl seemed more and more resistant to the mother‟s planning and request for her. When the d aughter utters …I wish I wasn‟t your daughter,‟ such words hurt her mother deeply and that was the climax of conflict. Then the mother‟s sending piano to her daughter years later signals the end of the conflicts and the rapport established between them. At the end of the story, the author used the daughter‟s later epiphany as resolution, marking an ending fraught with significance and deep thoughts. two Kinds is a well-organized story, which succeeds in capturing the readers‟ emotion and attention, with gradually developing plots .The language of the Two KindsThe author uses simple but vivid expressive language in her depiction when the sound of the TV set shorted out, the mother would get up from her seat to adjust the set. This action was repeated so many times between her mother and the TV set. In her depiction, the author uses simple and small words like “up and down, back and forth, quite and loud”to express the action vividly. Here the simple words “my mother‟s blank face”, “my father‟s yawned”, “Auntie lindo‟s stiff-lipped smile”, and “Waverly‟s sulky expression”express their feeling .The mother had a blank face because her feeling at this moment were mixed. She had high hopes and expectations and she was nervous, too. Whatever she felt she must hide her feelings. The father yawned, showing he didn‟t care so much as the mother and he was bored by this children‟s activity. Auntie lindo‟a stiff-lipped smile revealed that she tried to put on a polite smile but only succeeded in awkward, unnatural smile. Obviously she was afraid that Suyuan‟s daughter‟s success might overshadow her own daughter. Waverly, being a child, failed to hide her unhappy feeling very well. The author use simple words to express effectively.The character of the Two KindsIn this story ,Jing-mei with the richness in personality grows or develops in the progress of the story. In the beginning ,jing-mei was excited as her mother about becoming a prodigy . Then ,when her mother was trying very hard to train her to be a genius, her hate it but not say it out. And her mother ask her to study piano make her feel unhappy. Their relationship become tenser . At last jing-mei has made mess the performance,she refused to playing piano , and she with her mother had the most fierce quarrel they had ever had. In the story. At first jing-mei was agree with her mother‟s decisions, and listen to her mother‟s word. With the development of the story , she don‟t listen to her mother and resistant to her mother‟s decisions. The author portrayed a girl with her mother‟s good relationship turn worse with gradually developing plots.The first-person narrationIt also used first-person narration to address the readers more effectively. and right here so that the effect fascinates people more easily.The whole story is narrated by “I”. Though the narrator remains the same, the point of view may change. Most of the story is narrated from the point of view of the daughter as a little girl and the last part is from the point of view of the same daughter when she has grown up. the first-person narrative is more effective than the third-person narrative. As the first-person narrator is part of the story, she/he can move freely within the fictional world and approach other fictional characters. The first person addresses the reader directly. The immediate and compelling quality of the first-person narration enables the author to capture the moment as if it were taking place this very instant and right here. The first person is either a participant or an eyewitness of the events. So there is authority in the first-person narration. The first person narration can also allow the reader to enter the mind of the narrator. The narrator tells us what happens in the physical world as well as the mental world. When we read the story, we not only follow the events, the external occurrences, but we are also able to perceive what is going on in the mind of the narrator, the internal progress of the girl as a character.。



What is the meaning of “two kinds”?
Part I
(Para.1-3) the beginning of the story
Part II
(Para 4幻灯片 28 to 76) the middle of the story (6subsections)
(Para 77 to 93) the end of the Part III story (2subsections)
abusive husband in China. She was forced to leave her children behind when she escaped on the last boat to leave Shanghai before the Communist takeover in 1949. Her marriage to John Tan produced three children, Amy and her two brothers.
phrase "American Dream" in his 1931 book Epic of America:
"The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. … It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position."
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Mike Huang
ENG 111 CN
Professor Miller
Argument Paper
21 June , 2013
Jing-Mei's Mother Gave Her Stress
Amy T an say:’’Mom believes any dreams come true in the united states,you can do everything you want to do’’. (T an 1 )At first, her mother took her to the barber shop, I hope she became China's Shirley T emple. In addition, the mother is still a day after dinner for her to be tested, the end result is tired of this test her, mother gave up hope for her daughter.
Later, her mother saw a very good TV show, so take her to the neighbors to learn piano, her daughter does not agree to learn piano. A few weeks later , Old Chong and mother conspired to have her play in a talent show that was t o be held in the church hall, performing a mess, let her mother disappointed again.
Finally, she can not stand all this, she did not want to do anything, she was his mother wanted to return to their. Therefore, she and her mother growing contradiction between. One day, she would play the piano, but his mother had died, she finally realized what had mother's hope
Mother wanted her to become a genius, her mother took her to the barber shop, I hope she became China's Shirley T emple. Barber to cut her hair like a boy, but it made her actually look forward to my future fame. I think this is from her own internal stress.
Mother to let her become a genius tried different solutions. Mother every night for her to do the test, but this allows the jing-mei arrived tired, she said ”I won’t let her change me, I promised myself. I won’t be what I’m not”. (T an 1 ) After the test she is listless look, her mother gave up the final test. Withstandthe stressfromhermother, it’s Type A stress.
Motherlet herlearn the piano, her motherwanted her toperformwell. She did not wantto learnthe piano, she thinksher mother'stoo much to ask. Finally found a mother to her piano teacher,and produced a study plan, for such a plan she protested, but eventually executed. One day, mother let her participate in a talent show, she was very confident, also veryconfidentand did notknow what istension, but whenthe show began, performing worse mess, after that her mother completely lost hope. In this case the stress from her own internal, this stress is foreseeable but not avoidable, this is a Type C stress situation.
Some things always had a very long time to understand. After that performance for a long time, the mother again just let her practice piano, and this time she screamed say "No". She refused to do anything, she wanted to
go back myself. Because these conflicts with her mother more and more serious, so until his mother died. In herthree-year-old birthday, his mother gave her the piano again, and later or purely sentimental reasons, she put a child playing song and play it again, This time she was surprised to find that playing is so smooth. This time she finally understood her mothe rwhen all hope. For these external causes stress generated, which are neither foreseeable nor avoidable, thses are Type B stress situations.
From the beginning, Jing-Mei is arranged in the mother thing, though reluctantly, but still do it. Such a life that she can not do her favorite things, so will produce a strong antagonistic emotions. From the beginning of cut head and testing to later learn the piano, do these things when there is reluctance emotions, but to the mother's death she knows her mother do it all. Before the encounter is whether foreseeable or unforeseeable stress, she should be seriously addressed. Mother's reasons for doing so is to become more outstanding Jing-Mei, she should not have let her mother so disappointed.
Works Cited
Elkind, David. ”Types of Stress for Y oung People.”ENG 095: Reading and Composition Strategies. Pitt Community College: Pearson, 2009. 201- 204. Print.
T an, Amy. “Two Kinds.”The Joy Luck Club. London:Penguin Books, 2006.132-147. Champion Valley Union High School. Wed. 23 April 2013.。
