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一般现在时中将肯定句变成否定句或 一般疑问句:
be 动词
be + not
Be 提前 ? 一般疑问句
行为动词(do does) 两种判断方法 看主语
I/we/you/they/ 复数名词 (用do) he/she/it/ 单数名词 /不可数名词
3. I am Chinese, and I am a student.
I am not Chinese, and I am not a student 4. They know each other.
They don't know each oth. er.
概念:用 yes 或 no 来回答的疑问句叫做一般疑问句。 一般疑问句句首的第一个词一般读得比较重。
Study studies
fly flied
4.以辅音字母 +O结尾的词,一般情况是在词尾加 ES 读 作[Z]
go goes
do does
II 一般现在时的 否定式 1.Be 动词的否定式: be + not
I am a teacher.
I' m not a teacher
We are friends.
Are you friends?
2.对于实意动词,疑问句要求是:当主语是 I/Leabharlann Baidue/you/they/复数名词时,句子前面加Do; 当主语是he/she/it/单数名词/不可数名词时, 句前加Does ,并把动词变成动词原形。第 一人(I/we) 称换第二人称(you)。
1.Be 的用法:
I用 am, you用are, is用于他 (he) 、她 (she) 、它 (it) ,复数 (we,you,they) 全部都用 are.
练习: 1.Paul ——(be) a teacher. is
2.I —— (be) 30 years old am 3.Her parents both ——(be) teachers. are
You are a worker 否定句 You aren't a worker
She is a doctor
She isn't a doctor.
We are friends.
We aren't friends.
is not=isn't
are not=aren't
主语是 I/we/you/they/复数名词 ,在动词前加 don't(do not).主语是he/she/it/单数名词 /不可 数名词,在动词前加doesn't (does not),动 词用原形。
Ⅰ.陈述句(肯定句) Ⅱ.否定句 Ⅲ.一般疑问句 Ⅳ.特殊疑问句 Ⅴ.选择疑问句 Ⅵ.反意疑问句
Be 动词
Eg: I am a teacher . You are a worker. She/He is a student . We/You/They are students.
I like English.
She likes it very much. 否定句
We go to work by bike.
I don't like English.
She doesn't like it very much.
We don't go to work by bike.
Ex1. 将下列各句从肯定式改为否定式
1.对于be 动词,疑问句要求把be 提 前,第一人称(I/we)变成第二人称,
I am a teacher. 疑
You are a worker. 问
He is a student. 句
Are you a teacher? Are you a worker? Is he a student?
Tom doesn't get up at six in the morning. Does Tom get up at six in the morning?
They don't live in Shanhai.
3. 3DI.aoTmthhneeyotyliavesltuiinvdeSenhta.innhAaSir?ehyaonugahstauid.ent?
1. I talk to Peter because I like him.. I don't talk to Peter because I don't like him.
2. Kate comes from America. Kate works with Peter Kate doesn't come from America.Kate doesn't work with Peter.
请把下列句子变成否定句和疑问句。 1. The sun rises in the east.
The sun doesn't rise in the east. Does the sun rise in the east?
2. 2.Tom gets up at six in the morning.
I often go there. You like the music. He goes to work by bus . They like it.
Do you often go there ? Do you like the music.? Does he go to work by bus ? Do they like it?
2.行为动词: do 和does 行为动词do一般现在时第三人称单(he,she,it) 的构成规则:
1、一般动词,在词尾加 s ; 如: work--works, live--lives, play--plays, sing-- sings.
eg: She lives in Ningbo. 她住在宁波。
2、以/s/ /z/ 等音素结尾的动词,词尾加 -es ,如词尾为e, 只加-s. 读作 /iz /如:
teach------ teaches,
wash----- washes.
eg: My mother washes the coat.我母亲洗了大衣。
3.以辅音字母加 Y 结尾的词,把 Y变I 在加ES,读作[Z]