



关于钢铁制造企业的物料控制研究参考文献综述学号408417011320,姓名党杨前言:依美国生产及库存管理学会(American Production and Inventory Control Sociery,APICS)的定义,物料(Materials)是指制造产品或提供服务时所需直接或间接投入的物料。












因为学校对毕业论文中的外文翻译并无规定,为统一起见,特做以下要求:1、每篇字数为1500字左右,共两篇;2、每篇由两部分组成:译文+原文.3 附件中是一篇范本,具体字号、字体已标注。

外文翻译(包含原文)(宋体四号加粗)外文翻译一(宋体四号加粗)作者:(宋体小四号加粗)Kim Mee Hyun Director, Policy Research & Development Team,Korean Film Council(小四号)出处:(宋体小四号加粗)Korean Cinema from Origins to Renaissance(P358~P340) 韩国电影的发展及前景(标题:宋体四号加粗)1996~现在数量上的增长(正文:宋体小四)在过去的十年间,韩国电影经历了难以置信的增长。













软件工程毕业论文文献翻译中英文对照学生毕业设计(论文)外文译文学生姓名: 学号专业名称:软件工程译文标题(中英文):Qt Creator白皮书(Qt Creator Whitepaper)译文出处:Qt network 指导教师审阅签名: 外文译文正文:Qt Creator白皮书Qt Creator是一个完整的集成开发环境(IDE),用于创建Qt应用程序框架的应用。


本文提供了一个推出的Qt Creator和提供Qt开发人员在应用开发生命周期的特点。

Qt Creator的简介Qt Creator的主要优点之一是它允许一个开发团队共享一个项目不同的开发平台(微软Windows?的Mac OS X?和Linux?)共同为开发和调试工具。

Qt Creator的主要目标是满足Qt开发人员正在寻找简单,易用性,生产力,可扩展性和开放的发展需要,而旨在降低进入新来乍到Qt的屏障。

Qt Creator 的主要功能,让开发商完成以下任务: , 快速,轻松地开始使用Qt应用开发项目向导,快速访问最近的项目和会议。

, 设计Qt物件为基础的应用与集成的编辑器的用户界面,Qt Designer中。

, 开发与应用的先进的C + +代码编辑器,提供新的强大的功能完成的代码片段,重构代码,查看文件的轮廓(即,象征着一个文件层次)。

, 建立,运行和部署Qt项目,目标多个桌面和移动平台,如微软Windows,Mac OS X中,Linux的,诺基亚的MeeGo,和Maemo。

, GNU和CDB使用Qt类结构的认识,增加了图形用户界面的调试器的调试。

, 使用代码分析工具,以检查你的应用程序中的内存管理问题。

, 应用程序部署到移动设备的MeeGo,为Symbian和Maemo设备创建应用程序安装包,可以在Ovi商店和其他渠道发布的。

, 轻松地访问信息集成的上下文敏感的Qt帮助系统。



附件5 论文及外文翻译写作格式样例附录1 内封格式示例(设置成小二号字,空3行)我国居民投资理财现状及发展前景的研究(黑体,加粗,小二,居中,空2行)The Research on Status and Future of Inhabitants’Investment and Financial Management in China (Times New Roman体,加粗,小二,居中,实词首字母大写,空5行)院系经济与管理学院(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符)专业公共事业管理(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符)班级 6408101 (宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符)学号 200604081010 (宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符)姓名李杰(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符)指导教师张芸(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符)职称副教授(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符)负责教师(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符)(空7行)沈阳航空航天大学(宋体,四号,居中)2010年6月(宋体,四号,居中)附录2 摘要格式示例(设置成三号,空2行)摘要(黑体,加粗,三号,居中,两个字之间空两格)(空1行)我国已经步入经济全球化发展的21世纪,随着市场经济的快速增长和对外开放的进一步深化,我国金融市场发生了巨大的变化。





毕业设计外文资料翻译设计题目: 译文题目: 太阳能蒸笼学生姓名:学号:专业班级:指导教师:正文:外文资料译文附件:外文资料原文太阳能蒸笼罗达.斯坦塔食品和营养学助理许多不同的系统介绍了太阳能炊具。


























外文文献翻译题目间接体验对降低犯罪感和亲社会行为的影响导师姓名苏园林学生姓名朱智奇学院(部)仁济学院专业班级应用心理学完成时间2014-8-24(以下为翻译正文)降低内疚感:个人相对间接的体验对降低犯罪感和亲社会行为的影响Hanyi Xu1,2*, Laurent Bègue1 and Brad J. Bushman3,4摘要:几个世纪以来人类通过洗手来降低犯罪感。










彼拉多说,拿水,让他在众人面前洗手,说I am innocent of the blood of this just person’。


内疚感内疚感是一种不愉快的情绪体验,来帮助人们了解自己做错了一些事情(e.g., Baumeister et al., 1994; Ferguson and Stegge, 1998)。


(节选)新能源材料外文翻译----Ti3C2 MXene作为金属(Li、Na、K、Ca)离子电池的高容量电极

(节选)新能源材料外文翻译----Ti3C2  MXene作为金属(Li、Na、K、Ca)离子电池的高容量电极
二维材料作为金属离子电池的主要材料具有特殊性,归因于它们独特的形态学特点,表面完整的暴露可以加快离子扩散和提供更多的离子插入通道。最近,二维早期过度金属碳化物和碳氮化物的一个族系通过MAX相的原子在室温下使用氢氟酸(HF)选择性刻蚀的方法被合成,称为“MXenes”。MAX相是三元金属碳化物的一个很大的族系(超过60个相),成分为Mn+1AXn,其中M是一个早期过度金属,A是A组基础元素之一,X是指碳或者氮,n可以是1或2或3。目前,下列MXenes已用试验方法合成:Ti3C2,Ti2C,(Ti0.5Nb0.5)2C,Ta4C3,(V0.5Cr0.5)3C2,Ti3CN,V2C和Nb2C。由于这些发现,MXenes赢得了很大的关注并且呈现出有趣的性能。例如,多层MXenes的导电性可与多层石墨烯相比拟。在MXenes系统的实验发现之后不久关于不同性能的理论研究也开始了。Shein和Ivanovskii曾研究其结构特点和MXene Tin+1Cn与Tin+1Nn(n=1,2,3)之间的稳定性关系。密度泛函理论(DFT)的计算显示MXenes在可调带隙作用下能够成为半导体,可调带隙可以通过改变表面终端来控制,但是没有终端的MXenes是金属的并且有希望拥有最高的导电性。Ivanovskiiet al.利用密度泛函理论估计出MXenes的内面弹性常数,超过了500GPa,这意味着MXenes有希望拥有比结构钢(400GPa)更高的刚性。



Email Etiquette at WorkEmail is an essential pillar of communication in today's workplace but not everyone knows how to use it well.Since emails are not as formal as letters, experts say that many employees don't pay attention to the tone and composition of work-related email. But that can hurt professional credibility.Your emails make an impression on your managers, colleagues, clients, and on possible recruiters. Sloppy emails may show that you are not disciplined and risk causing misunderstanding among colleagues. A poorly-written email along with a job application can damage your chances of landing the job.So, next time you write an email, here are some rules of thumb to keep in mind:1. Writing style: 'Most youngsters tend to bring the informality of SMS into emails,' says Venkataramana B., chief people officer of the India unit of retail firm Landmark Group. That's a no-no for work emails.Follow the rules of grammar and punctuation when composing your email. Avoid slang, acronyms and short forms like 'u' instead of 'you'.Don't send emails without a spell check. Avoid exclamation marks, as that may seem immature. Avoid writing in capital letters, since in writing this can be interpreted as the equivalent of shouting.Ideally keep emoticons like ':)' out of official emails. 'There are other avenues like Facebook and Twitter for these things,' says PrashantDeo Singh, head of human resources at Panasonic India Pvt.You can always use your personal email for casual messages, says RunaMaitra, director of human resources at OSC Export Services Pvt., a provider of information technology and management services.2. Composition: Given the flood of email we get daily, it's best to keep your emails short and to-the-point. Don't write 'sentences that tend to be never-ending' says Mr. Venkataramana. If you have to make a number of points, use bullets to cover all your points briefly.If you are replying to a thread of email, consider deleting the older text in the body of your email, or summarizing it in a few lines.It's a good idea to add a signature at the end of your email, which includes your phone number and other contact details. This would be particularly useful for emails sent to clients or recruiters, or other people outside your organization.3. Subject line: The lack of a subject line or a vague subject like 'Hello' or 'I have a question' can be annoying to busy people. They also make it harder for the receiver to search for your email in their inbox.Be specific in your subject line and mention if the matter is urgent. Instead of saying 'I have a question', say 'My holiday plans; not urgent'.At the same time, don't make the subject line too long or detailed.Also, don't start discussing a new topic under the same subject line.This also makes it difficult to identify mails about specific queries. It's best to send separate emails for separate topics.4. Get the name right: Email recipients can get angry if the body of your email has the wrong spelling of their name or, even worse, if you address the person as 'Mr.' when it should really be 'Ms.' Always double-check spellings and titles before sending your email. If you are not sure whether the recipient is male or female, either use the person's first name or the full name.5. Caution on 'Reply All': This is a tricky button on our email box because if used without care, it can be a source of much embarrassment.One of the mos t common problems â ' you may not realize that your message has gone to people who should not be reading it.Imagine hitting Reply to All in a group message when you wanted to joke around with someone in particular or complain about your boss to a colleague. It happens even to people who've been using email for years.Also, sometimes employees use the Reply to All option because 'they want to show to others that they are doing some work,' says Mr. Singh. 'People mark copies to humanity,' he says, but that simply overloads the inbox of recipients and can be annoying.Use Reply to All infrequently and after careful thought.6. Before hitting 'Send': Emails can be easily forwarded and thus be read by more people than you think. So re-read your emails carefully before sending it, to make sure that it is not offensive and that it doesn't say anything that could get you into trouble.Emails are not a place for emotional outburst. Don't be in a rush to send angry emails, as they might come back to haunt you later. If you need to respond to an offensive email, carefully 'draft the mail, read through it, and press the send button only after (you have) calmed down,' suggests Mr. Venkataramana. In general, it's best to avoid this kind of emails.7. Time frame: How quickly you need to reply to an email typically depends on the nature of the email. In general, you should reply immediately. If you know you don't have an immediate answer to a particular query, reply to acknowledge the email and give the person a time frame of when you think you'll be able to respond.'Ideally you should reply within 24 hours,' says SnehalMantri, director of marketing at real estate firm Mantri Developers Pvt.8.Calling After Email: It might be tempting to call up the person you just emailed, but desist. It can be annoying for the recipient.Give the person some hours or even a day to think and respond, no matter how eager you may be for the reply.ÂIf it's urgent, mention that in the subject.If anything â ' if it is an important matter â ' call the person first alerting them to the email.9. Attachments: In general, avoid sending large files as attachmentssince they clog up the recipient's inbox. If the recipient is close to filling up his or her inbox capacity, your large files may even get deleted. If you are sending pictures, resize them to a smaller resolution. If you absolutely have to send a large file, call the recipient to check first.10. When not to send email: Don't send emails for every little thing and especially not for something that can be tackled easily over the phone or in person. 'Emails are there to save your time, not waste it,' says Mr. Singh of Panasonic.Avoid putting sensitive or confidential information in emails because you never know who ends up reading them. Finally, be careful about forwarding messages, especially jokes that can be offensive or misconstrued.译文电子邮件是如今工作场所重要的通信工具之一,但不是每个人都知道如何很好地使用这个工具。



Unit5 What are the shirs made of ?Section A 2d帕姆:中国的茶很有名,是吗?刘俊:是的,过去和现在都很出名。







Section A 3a在美国买美国的产品困难搜寻如果你想去另外一个国家,你想买哪类东西呢?在日本你会买相机吗?在法国买漂亮的衣服,在瑞士买手表?无论你买什么,也许你认为那些产品一定是在那些国家制造的。











Section B 2b普通物件中的美中国每个不同地区都有自己独特的传统艺术品。


















环境管理会计(EMA)是管理会计发展的趋势Christine Jasch摘要:组织机构和会计师们为什么应该关心环境问题?来自供应链、资金提供商、监管机构以及其他利益相关者对于环境绩效及其信息披露的压力,导致组织机构的与环境相关的成本不断增加。





正文:环境问题伴随者相关费用,收入和利益,正被世界上大多数国家的公民,政府组织,合作型领导人给予越来越多的关注.但是,有一个越来越广泛的共识,那就是,传统的会计不能为合理的支持在环境管理责任方面的决策制定提供准确的信息.为了填补这个差距,目前,EMA的新兴领域已经受到持续增加的关注.在19世纪九十年代早期,美国环保署是第一个成立了正式的项目去促进EMA的采纳的国家机构.从那时起,在30个国家的组织已经开始推动和落实EMA的许多不同类型的与环保相关的管理措施. 对于EMA的广泛关注是由于联合国可持续发展事务司对EMA的提倡以及其对EMA书籍的委托出版。

国际会计师联合会决定授权在由联合国科学发展司EMA工作组发表的最早的关于EMA 两本出版物的基础上发展一个关于EMA的指导性文件以整合关于EMA的最好的信息并与此同时进行必要的更新和添加.这个文件既不是有规定的要求的标准,也不是个描述性研究报告.它意在成为一个提供指导性信息的文件,作为监管要求,标准和纯粹信息的中间地带.这样, 它的目标是提供了一个总体框架和EMA的定义是相当全面,这是一致的可能与其他现有的,广泛应用于环境会计框架与EMA必须通力合作,以减少一些就这一重要议题的国际混乱功能。



Collaborative Relationships: School Counselors andNon-School Mental Health Professionals WorkingTogether to Improve the Mental Health Needs ofStudents浅议基于合作关系的学校辅导员和非学校的心理健康专家对学生心理健康需要的改善作用Chris Brown, Ph.D.David T. DahlbeckLynette Sparkman Barnes摘要:本研究调查了53名受聘于各初中、高中的辅导员和管理员关于他们对校内与校外心理健康专家协同工作来回应学生的心理健康需求的看法。


正文:为了努力提供一系列广泛的服务来帮助学生处理他们带进课堂的社交及情绪问题,学校和社会心理健康机构已经开始实施合作伙伴关系(Walsh & Galassi, 2002)。




在这些计划中,学校聘请的心理健康专业人员在强调有效地预防、评估和干预方面提供了无数的服务(Weist, Lowie, Flaherty, & Pruitt, 2001)。








二、基本格式1、文献应以英、美等国家公开发表的文献为主(Journals from English speaking countries)。







原文出处:期刊类文献书写方法:[序号]作者(不超过3人,多者用等或et al表示).题(篇)名[J].刊名(版本),出版年,卷次(期次):起止页次.原文出处:图书类文献书写方法:[序号]作者.书名[M].版本.出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页次.原文出处:论文集类文献书写方法:[序号]作者.篇名[A].编著者.论文集名[C]. 出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页次。






外文翻译-- 吸引和留住人才

外文翻译--   吸引和留住人才

外文翻译:吸引和留住人才原文来源:Issue of Contractor Tools and Supplies Magazine 2005,03译文正文:吸引和留住企业中的优秀雇员十分重要,高效率的雇员就是令人满意的雇员,这样的人才能为企业创造更好的业绩。

























电子商务外文文献Title: E-commerce: A Review of the Literature and Perspectives for Future ResearchE-commerce, or electronic commerce, has become a fundamental aspect of business and economic activity in the globalized digital age. The交易研究领域的一个重要组成部分。



The literature on e-commerce has been extensive, covering a range of topics from online retailing to global supply chain management. The Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) and Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR) are two of the leading journals in the field, publishing high-quality research on various aspects ofe-commerce. Additionally, several books and conference proceedings provide valuable insights into the development and evolution of e-commerce.E-commerce research has examined the impact of technology on business processes, explored innovative business models, andanalyzed the role of e-commerce in global trade and development. The literature has addressed a range of important issues, including security and privacy, electronic payment systems, and the impact of social media on e-commerce.Despite the significant progress made in e-commerce research, several areas for future exploration remn. These include the development of new e-commerce technologies, such as blockchn and artificial intelligence, and their potential impact on global trade and supply chns. Additionally, research on the role of e-commerce in sustnable development, particularly in terms of environmental sustnability and social inclusivity, represents an important area for future investigation.In conclusion, e-commerce has become a fundamental aspect of business and economic activity in the digital age. The literature on e-commerce has provided valuable insights into its development and evolution, but there remn several areas for future exploration. Future research should address these unexplored areas and contribute to the development ofe-commerce as a transformative force in global trade and development.商学院电子商务外文文献Title: E-commerce in Business Schools: A Critical Analysis of Curriculum, Teaching Methods, and Future TrendsThe rise of e-commerce in recent years has revolutionized business education, with business schools across the globe scrambling to keep up with the latest trends and prepare students for the digital economy. This article delves into the world of e-commerce education in business schools, exploring curriculum, teaching methods, and predicting future trends. E-commerce has become an integral part of modern business, and business schools are responding to this trend by incorporating e-commerce courses into their curriculum. The primary objective of these courses is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the e-commerce industry, including the latest trends, tools, and techniques. In addition to fundamental topics such as online marketing and web design, today's e-commerce courses also cover more specialized topics such as cloud computing, big data analysis, and social media marketing.Business schools are adopting a variety of teaching methods to impart knowledge on e-commerce, ranging from traditional classroom lectures to more innovative hands-onbs and simulations. These experiential learning opportunities allow students to gain practical experience in real-world settings, providing them with a deeper understanding of the dynamics and challenges of the e-commerce industry.With the continuous evolution of the internet and e-commerce landscape, it is essential to track and predict future trends in this field. Business schools are playing a crucial role in this regard by staying abreast of industry developments and incorporating relevant content into their courses. The trend towards more personalized and interactive learning experiences is likely to continue, with business schools tloring their teaching methods to suit the needs of individual students. Additionally, the integration of technology into every aspect of business will continue to drive changes in e-commerce education, with an increasing focus on areas such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.In conclusion, business schools have responded to the rise of e-commerce with a comprehensive approach that includes updating curriculum, adopting innovative teaching methods, and predicting future trends. However, there are still challengesahead, such as keeping up with the rapidly changing landscape and providing all students with equal opportunities to access e-commerce education. By continuing to adapt and innovate, business schools can help shape a brighter future fore-commerce and prepare students to thrive in the digital economy.电子商务外文翻译文献电子商务的发展及其影响:外文翻译文献随着全球互联网的迅速普及,电子商务在全球范围内得到了前所未有的发展。



英文文献与翻译:产品生命周期理论外文翻译:产品生命周期理论原文来源:Raymond Vernon..《International investment and international trade in the product cycle》译文正文:产品生命周期(product life cycle),简称PLC,是产品的市场寿命,即一种新产品从开始进入市场到被市场淘汰的整个过程。


















西安科技大学高新学院本科毕业设计本科毕业设计((论文论文))外文翻译译文外文翻译译文学生姓名学生姓名学生姓名 : 熊 静 院院 (系): 建筑与土木工程 专业班级专业班级专业班级 : 工程管理0703 指导教师指导教师指导教师 : 胥卫平 完成日期完成日期完成日期 : 2010年10月10日求要 求1、外文翻译是毕业设计(论文)的主要内容之一,必须学生独立完成。







房 地 产 市 场 的 泡 沫 理查德赫林 苏珊沃特泽尔/ Lurie房地产中心工作文件#402理查德赫林沃顿商学院宾夕法尼亚大学宾夕法尼亚州费城,19104 herring@苏珊沃特沃顿商学院宾夕法尼亚大学宾夕法尼亚州费城,19104wachter@ 2002年3月2002年4月22-24日,在芝加哥编写了与世界银行,芝加哥联邦储备银行集团的会议“资产价格泡沫:货币的含义,法规,政策和国际政策。






但是,在一些国家,银行扮演更主导作用,如美国的大萧条之前,大(其中银行持有65%的总资产),或现今日(其中79%的资产银行持有的总数),或新兴 市场(如银行往往持有超过80%的资产总额),为的后果实体经济可以更加严峻。




摘要: 这项研究,调查通报了垃圾车对环境、卫生、工人和国家能源安全的影响。



关键词: 绿色垃圾车、洁净燃料、天然气燃料卡车1 前言每天清晨, 垃圾车穿梭于全国的大街小巷,停靠在七千五百多万个都市和市郊家庭的附近。

这些垃圾车一路上不仅收集垃圾还回收废纸、塑料、以及金属,但是这些废料是由超过七百万企业和将近 100,000 州和地方政府所丢弃。











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西安工业大学北方信息工程学院毕业设计(论文)中期报告题目:扬浦大桥毕业设计系别:建筑工程系专业:土木工程班级:B100703姓名:邵续辉学号:B10070325导师:王璐外文出处:《PAUL QUIGLEY, FGSIrish Geotechnical Services Ltd》附件:1、原文2、译文2014年01月03日Xecution Of Ground Investigation For Earthdesigh And EworksPAUL QUIGLEY, FGSIrish Geotechnical Services LtdABSTRACTThe design and execution of ground investigation works for earthwork projects has become increasingly important as the availability of suitable disposal areas becomes limited and costs of importing engineering fill increase. An outline of ground investigation methods which can augment ‘traditional investigation methods’ particularly for glacial till / boulder clay soils is presented. The issue of ‘geotechnical certification’ is raised and recommendations outlined on its merits for incorporation with ground investigations and earthworks.KAYWARDS:earthwork investgation geotechnical certification1. INTRODUCTIONThe investigation and re-use evaluation of many Irish boulder clay soils presents difficulties for both the geotechnical engineer and the road design engineer. These glacial till or boulder clay soils are mainly of low plasticity and have particle sizes ranging from clay to boulders. Most of our boulder clay soils contain varying proportions of sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders in a clay or silt matrix. The amount of fines governs their behaviour and the silt content makes it very weather susceptible.Moisture contents can be highly variable ranging from as low as 7% for the hard grey black Dublin boulder clay up to 20-25% for Midland, South-West and North-West light grey boulder clay deposits. The ability of boulder clay soils to take-in free water is well established and poor planning of earthworks often amplifies this.The fine soil constituents are generally sensitive to small increases in moisture content which often lead to loss in strength and render the soils unsuitable for re-use as engineering fill. Many of our boulder clay soils (especially those with intermediate type silts and fine sand matrix) have been rejected at the selection stage, but good planning shows that they can in fact fulfil specification requirements in terms of compaction and strength.The selection process should aim to maximise the use of locally available soils and with careful evaluation it is possible to use or incorporate ‘poor or marginal soils’ within fillareas and embankments. Fill material needs to be placed at a moisture content such that it is neither too wet to be stable and trafficable or too dry to be properly compacted.High moisture content / low strength boulder clay soils can be suitable for use as fill in low height embankments (i.e. 2 to 2.5m) but not suitable for trafficking by earthwork plant without using a geotextile separator and granular fill capping layer. Hence, it is vital that the earthworks contractor fully understands the handling properties of the soils, as for many projects this is effectively governed by the trafficability of earthmoving equipment.2. TRADITIONAL GROUND INVESTIGATION METHODSFor road projects, a principal aim of the ground investigation is to classify the suitability of the soils in accordance with Table 6.1 from Series 600 of the NRA Specification for Road Works (SRW), March 2000. The majority of current ground investigations for road works includes a combination of the following to give the required geotechnical data: ▪Trial pits▪Cable percussion boreholes▪Dynamic probing▪Rotary core drilling▪In-situ testing (SPT, variable head permeability tests, geophysical etc.)▪Laboratory testingThe importance of ‘phasing’ the fieldwork operations cannot be overstressed, particularly when assessing soil suitability from deep cut areas. Cable percussion boreholes are normally sunk to a desired depth or ‘refusal’ with disturbed and undisturbed samples recovered at 1.00m intervals or change of strata.In many instances, cable percussion boring is unable to penetrate through very stiff, hard boulder clay soils due to cobble, boulder obstructions. Sample disturbance in boreholes should be prevented and loss of fines is common, invariably this leads to inaccurate classification.Trial pits are considered more appropriate for recovering appropriate size samples and for observing the proportion of clasts to matrix and sizes of cobbles, boulders. Detailed and accurate field descriptions are therefore vital for cut areas and trial pits provide an opportunity to examine the soils on a larger scale than boreholes. Trial pits also provide an insight on trench stability and to observe water ingress and its effects.A suitably experienced geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist should supervise the trial pitting works and recovery of samples. The characteristics of the soils during trial pit excavation should be closely observed as this provides information on soil sensitivity, especially if water from granular zones migrates into the fine matrix material. Very often, the condition of soil on the sides of an excavation provides a more accurate assessment of its in-situ condition.3. SOIL CLASSIFICATIONSoil description and classification should be undertaken in accordance with BS 5930 (1999) and tested in accordance with BS 1377 (1990). The engineering description of a soil is based on its particle size grading, supplemented by plasticity for fine soils. For many of our glacial till, boulder clay soils (i.e. ‘mixed soils’) difficulties arise with descriptions and assessing engineering performance tests.As outlined previously, Irish boulder clays usually comprise highly variable proportions of sands, gravels and cobbles in a silt or clay matrix. Low plasticity soils with fines contents of around 10 to 15% often present the most difficulties. BS 5930 (1999) now recognises these difficulties in describing ‘mixed soils’ – the fine soil constituents which govern the engineering behaviour now takes priority over particle size.A key parameter (which is often underestimated) in classifying and understanding these soils is permeability (K). Inspection of the particle size gradings will indicate magnitude of permeability. Where possible, triaxial cell tests should be carried out on either undisturbed samples (U100’s) or good quality core samples to evaluate the drainage characteristics of the soils accurately.Low plasticity boulder clay soils of intermediate permeability (i.e. K of the order of 10-5 to 10-7 m/s) can often be ‘conditioned’ by drainage measures. This usually entails the installation of perimeter drains and sumps at cut areas or borrow pits so as to reduce the moisture content. Hence, with small reduction in moisture content, difficult glacial till soils can become suitable as engineering fill.4. ENGINEERING PERFORMANCE TESTING OF SOILSLaboratory testing is very much dictated by the proposed end-use for the soils. The engineering parameters set out in Table 6.1 pf the NRA SRW include a combination of the following:▪Moisture content▪Particle size grading▪Plastic Limit▪CBR▪Compaction (relating to optimum MC)▪Remoulded undrained shear strengthA number of key factors should be borne in mind when scheduling laboratory testing:▪Compaction / CBR / MCV tests are carried out on < 20mm size material.▪Moisture content values should relate to < 20mm size material to provide a valid comparison.▪Pore pressures are not taken into account during compaction and may vary considerably between laboratory and field.▪Preparation methods for soil testing must be clearly stipulated and agreed with the designated laboratory.Great care must be taken when determining moisture content of boulder clay soils. Ideally, the moisture content should be related to the particle size and have a corresponding grading analysis for direct comparison, although this is not always practical.In the majority of cases, the MCV when used with compaction data is considered to offer the best method of establishing (and checking) the suitability characteristics of a boulder clay soil. MCV testing during trial pitting is strongly recommended as it provides a rapid assessment of the soil suitability directly after excavation. MCV calibration can then be carried out in the laboratory at various moisture content increments. Sample disturbance can occur during transportation to the laboratory and this can have a significant impact on the resultant MCV’s.IGSL has found large discrepancies when performing MCV’s in the field on low plasticity boulder clays with those carried out later in the laboratory (2 to 7 days). Many of the aforementioned low plasticity boulder clay soils exhibit time dependant behaviour with significantly different MCV’s recorded at a later date – increased values can be due to the drainage of the material following sampling, transportation and storage while dilatancy and migration of water from granular lenses can lead to deterioration and lower values.This type of information is important to both the designer and earthworks contractor as it provides an opportunity to understand the properties of the soils when tested as outlined above. It can also illustrate the advantages of pre-draining in some instances. With mixed soils, face excavation may be necessary to accelerate drainage works.CBR testing of boulder clay soils also needs careful consideration, mainly with the preparation method employed. Design engineers need to be aware of this, as it can have anorder of magnitude difference in results. Static compaction of boulder clay soils is advised as compaction with the 2.5 or 4.5kg rammer often leads to high excess pore pressures being generated –hence very low CBR values can result. Also, curing of compacted boulder clay samples is important as this allows excess pore water pressures to dissipate.5. ENGINEERING CLASSIFICATION OF SOILSIn accordance with the NRA SRW, general cohesive fill is categorised in Table 6.1 as follows:▪2A Wet cohesive▪2B Dry cohesive▪2C Stony cohesive▪2D Silty cohesiveThe material properties required for acceptability are given and the design engineer then determines the upper and lower bound limits on the basis of the laboratory classification and engineering performance tests. Irish boulder clay soils are predominantly Class 2C. Clause 612 of the SRW sets out compaction methods. Two procedures are available: ▪Method Compaction▪End-Product CompactionEnd product compaction is considered more practical, especially when good compaction control data becomes available during the early stages of an earthworks contract. A minimum Target Dry Density (TDD) is considered very useful for the contractor to work with as a means of checking compaction quality. Once the material has been approved and meets the acceptability limits, then in-situ density can be measured, preferably by nuclear gauge or sand replacement tests where the stone content is low.As placing and compaction of the fill progresses, the in-situ TDD can be checked and non-conforming areas quickly recognised and corrective action taken. This process requires the design engineer to review the field densities with the laboratory compaction plots and evaluate actual with ‘theoretical densities’.6. SUPPLEMENTARY GROUND INVESTIGATION METHODS FOR EARTHWORKSThe more traditional methods and procedures have been outlined in Section 2. The following are examples of methods which are believed to enhance ground investigation works for road projects:▪Phasing the ground investigation works, particularly the laboratory testing▪Excavation & sampling in deep trial pits▪Large diameter high quality rotary core drilling using air-mist or polymer gel techniques▪Small-scale compaction trials on potentially suitable cut material6.1PHASINGPhasing ground investigation works for many large projects has been advocated for many years –this is particularly true for road projects where significant amounts of geotechnical data becomes available over a short period. On the majority of large ground investigation projects no period is left to ‘digest’ or review the preliminary findings and re-appraise the suitability of the methods.With regard to soil laboratory testing, large testing schedules are often prepared with no real consideration given to their end use. In many cases, the schedule is prepared by a junior engineer while the senior design engineer who will probably design the earthworks will have no real involvement.It is highlighted that the engineering performance tests are expensive and of long duration (e.g. 5 point compaction with CBR & MCV at each point takes in excess of two weeks). When classification tests (moisture contents, particle size analysis and Atterberg Limits) are completed then a more incisive evaluation can be carried out on the data and the engineering performance tests scheduled. If MCV’s are performed during trial pitting then a good assessment of the soil suitability can be immediately obtained.6.2DEEP TRIAL PITSThe excavation of deep trial pits is often perceived as cumbersome and difficult and therefore not considered appropriate by design engineers. Excavation of deep trial pits in boulder clay soils to depths of up to 12m is feasible using benching techniques and sump pumping of groundwater.In recent years, IGSL has undertaken such deep trial pits on several large road ground investigation projects. The data obtained from these has certainly enhanced the geotechnical data and provided a better understanding of the bulk properties of the soils.It is recommended that this work be carried out following completion of the cable percussion boreholes and rotary core drill holes. The groundwater regime within the cut area will play an important role in governing the feasibility of excavating deep trial pits. The installation of standpipes and piezometers will greatly assist the understanding of the groundwater conditions, hence the purpose of undertaking this work late on in the ground investigation programme.Large representative samples can be obtained (using trench box) and in-situ shear strength measured on block samples. The stability of the pit sidewalls and groundwater conditions can also be established and compared with levels in nearby borehole standpipes or piezometers. Over a prominent cut area of say 500m, three deep trial pits can prove invaluable and the spoil material also used to carry out small-scale compaction trials. From a value engineering perspective, the cost of excavating and reinstating these excavations can be easily recovered. A provisional sum can be allocated in the ground investigation and used for this work.6.3HIGH QUALITY LARGE DIAMETER ROTARY CORE DRILLINGThis system entails the use of large diameter rotary core drilling techniques using air mist or polymer gel flush. Triple tube core drilling is carried out through the overburden soils with the recovered material held in a plastic core liner.Core recovery in low plasticity boulder clay has been shown to be extremely good (typically in excess of 90%). The high core recovery permits detailed engineering geological logging and provision of samples for laboratory testing.In drumlin areas, such as those around Cavan and Monaghan, IGSL has found the use of large diameter polymer gel rotary core drilling to be very successful in recovering very stiff / hard boulder clay soils for deep road cut areas (where cable percussion boreholes and trial pits have failed to penetrate). In-situ testing (vanes, SPT’s etc) can also be carried out within the drillhole to establish strength and bearing capacity of discrete horizons.Large diameter rotary drilling costs using the aforementioned systems are typically 50 to 60% greater than conventional HQ core size, but again from a value engineering aspect can prove much more worthwhile due to the quality of geotechnical information obtained.6.4SMALL-SCALE COMPACTION TRIALSThe undertaking of small-scale compaction trials during the ground investigation programme is strongly advised,particularly where ‘marginally suitable’ soils are present inprominent cut areas. In addition to validating the laboratory test data, they enable more realistic planning of the earthworks and can provide considerable cost savings.The compaction trial can provide the following:▪Achievable field density, remoulded shear strength and CBR▪Establishing optimum layer thickness and number of roller passes▪Response of soil during compaction (static v dynamic)▪Monitor trafficability & degree of rutting.A typical size test pad would be approximately 20 x 10m in plan area and up to 1.5m in thickness. The selected area should be close to the cut area or borrow pit and have adequate room for stockpiling of material. Earthwork plant would normally entail a tracked excavator (CAT 320 or equivalent), 25t dumptruck, D6 dozer and either a towed or self-propelled roller.In-situ density measurement on the compacted fill by nuclear gauge method is recommended as this facilitates rapid measurement of moisture contents, dry and bulk densities. It also enables a large suite of data to be generated from the compacted fill and to assess the relationship between degree of compaction, layer thickness and number of roller passes. Both disturbed and undisturbed (U100) samples of the compacted fill can be taken for laboratory testing and validation checks made with the field data (particularly moisture contents). IGSL’s experience is that with good planning a small-scale compaction trial takes two working days to complete.土方工程的地基勘察与施工保罗·圭格利爱尔兰岩土工程服务有限公司摘要:当工程场地的处理面积有限且填方工程费用大量增加时,土方工程的地基勘察设计与施工已逐渐地变得重要。
