非平稳时间序列建模一.确定消费与收入是否为平稳序列,如果是非平稳的,请确定单整的阶数;对消费进行单位根检验H0:r=1 H1:r<1(常数)检验P值为0.2593,p值很大,接受原假设,消费是非平稳序列。
Null Hypothesis: CONS has a unit rootExogenous: Constant, Linear TrendLag Length: 1 (Automatic - based on SIC, maxlag=4)t-Statistic Prob.*Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic -2.665442 0.2593Test critical values: 1% level -4.5325985% level -3.67361610% level -3.277364另外,在同时有常数和变量或两者都没有(none)的检验中,p值都很大,所以也接受原假设,消费是非平稳序列。
Null Hypothesis: CONS has a unit rootExogenous: Constant, Linear TrendLag Length: 1 (Automatic - based on SIC, maxlag=4)t-Statistic Prob.*Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic -2.665442 0.2593Test critical values: 1% level -4.5325985% level -3.67361610% level -3.277364*MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values.Warning: Probabilities and critical values calculated for 20 observationsand may not be accurate for a sample size of 19Null Hypothesis: CONS has a unit rootExogenous: NoneLag Length: 2 (Automatic - based on SIC, maxlag=4)t-Statistic Prob.*Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic 2.082985 0.9874Test critical values: 1% level -2.6997695% level -1.96140910% level -1.606610*MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values.Warning: Probabilities and critical values calculated for 20 observationsand may not be accurate for a sample size of 18对消费数据一阶差分后回归的p值仍旧很大,所以仍不平稳形式一:Null Hypothesis: D(CONS) has a unit rootExogenous: ConstantLag Length: 1 (Automatic - based on SIC, maxlag=4)t-Statistic Prob.*Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic -2.423252 0.1496 Test critical values: 1% level -3.8573865% level -3.04039110% level -2.660551*MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values.Warning: Probabilities and critical values calculated for 20 observationsAnd may not be accurate for a sample size of 18形式二:Null Hypothesis: D(CONS) has a unit rootExogenous: Constant, Linear TrendLag Length: 1 (Automatic - based on SIC, maxlag=4)t-Statistic Prob.*Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic -2.757380 0.2283 Test critical values: 1% level -4.5715595% level -3.69081410% level -3.286909*MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values.Warning: Probabilities and critical values calculated for 20 observationsAnd may not be accurate for a sample size of 18形式三:Null Hypothesis: D(CONS) has a unit rootExogenous: Constant, Linear TrendLag Length: 1 (Automatic - based on SIC, maxlag=4)t-Statistic Prob.*Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic -2.757380 0.2283 Test critical values: 1% level -4.5715595% level -3.69081410% level -3.286909*MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values.Warning: Probabilities and critical values calculated for 20 observationsand may not be accurate for a sample size of 18再进行二阶差分检验(none),P值为0.0013,p值很小,消费是二阶非平稳序列。
计量经济学导论 第五版 答案
APPENDIX ASOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMSA.1 (i) $566.(ii) The two middle numbers are 480 and 530; when these are averaged, we obtain 505, or $505.(iii) 5.66 and 5.05, respectively.(iv) The average increases to $586 while the median is unchanged ($505).A.3 If price = 15 and income = 200, quantity = 120 – 9.8(15) + .03(200) = –21, which is nonsense. This shows that linear demand functions generally cannot describe demand over a wide range of prices and income.A.5 The majority shareholder is referring to the percentage point increase in the stock return, while the CEO is referring to the change relative to the initial return of 15%. To be precise, the shareholder should specifically refer to a 3 percentage point increase.$45,935.80.≈ $40,134.84. When exper = 5, salary = exp[10.6 + .027(5)] ≈A.7 (i) When exper = 0, log(salary) = 10.6; therefore, salary = exp(10.6) (ii) The approximate proportionate increase is .027(5) = .135, so the approximate percentage change is 13.5%.14.5%, so the exact percentage increase is about one percentage point higher.≈(iii) 100[(45,935.80 – 40,134.84)/40,134.84)A.9 (i) The relationship between yield and fertilizer is graphed below. (ii) Compared with a linear function, the functionyieldhas a diminishing effect, and the slope approaches zero as fertilizer gets large. The initial pound of fertilizer has the largest effect, and each additional pound has an effect smaller than the previous pound.APPENDIX BSOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMSB.1 Before the student takes the SAT exam, we do not know – nor can we predict with certainty – what the score will be. The actual score depends on numerous factors, many of which we cannot even list, let alone know ahead of time. (The student’s innate ability, how the student feels on exam day, and which particular questions were asked, are just a few.) The eventual SAT score clearly satisfies the requirements of a random variable.B.3 (i) Let Yit be the binary variable equal to one if fund i outperforms the market in year t. By assumption, P(Yit = 1) = .5 (a 50-50 chance of outperforming the market for each fund in each year). Now, for any fund, we are also assuming that performance relative to the market isP(Yi2 = 1) P(Yi,10 = 1) = (.5)10 = 1/1024 (which is slightly less than .001). In fact, if we define a binary random variable Yi such that Yi = 1 if and only if fund i outperformed the market in all 10 years, then P(Yi = 1) =1/1024.⋅independent across years. But then the probability that fund i outperforms the market in all 10 years, P(Yi1 = 1,Yi2 = 1, , Yi,10 = 1), is just the product of the probabilities: P(Yi1 = 1).983. This means, if performance relative to the market is random and independent across funds, it is almost certain that at least one fund will outperform the market in all 10 years.≈P(Y4,170 = 0) = 1 –(1023/1024)4170 ⋅⋅⋅ P(Y2 = 0)⋅= 1/1024. We want to compute P(X ≥ 1) =1 – P(X = 0) = 1 –P(Y1 = 0, Y2 = 0, …, Y4,170 = 0) = 1 – P(Y1 = 0)θ)distribution with n = 4,170 and θ(ii) Let X denote the number of funds out of 4,170 that outperform the market in all 10 years. Then X = Y1 + Y2 + + Y4,170. If we assume that performance relative to the market is independent across funds, then X has the Binomial (n,(iii) Using the Stata command Binomial(4170,5,1/1024), the answer is about .385. So there is a nontrivial chance that at least five funds will outperform the market in all 10 years..931.≈ 1) = 1 – P(X = 0) = 1 – (.8)12 ≥B.5 (i) As stated in the hint, if X is the number of jurors convinced of Simpson’s innocence, then X ~ Binomial(12,.20). We want P(X(ii) Above, we computed P(X = 0) as about .069. We need P(X = 1), which we obtain from1 – (.069 + .206) = .725, so there is almost a three in four chance that the jury had at least two members convinced of Simpson’s innocence prior to the trial.≈ 2) ≥ .206. Therefore, P(X ≈ (.2)(.8)11 ⋅ = .2, and x = 1:P(X = 1) = 12θ(B.14) with n = 12,B.7 In eight attempts the expected number of free throws is 8(.74) = 5.92, or about six free throws.X, and so the expected value of Y is 1,000 times the expected value of X, and the standard deviation of Y is 1,000 times the standard deviation of X. Therefore, the expected value and standard deviation of salary, measured in dollars, are $52,300 and $14,600, respectively.⋅B.9 If Y issalary in dollars then Y = 1000。
(1)use "D:\计量经济学\高级计量第1次作业+数据PT\401K.DTA", clear
Prate 均值为87.36291mrate均值为0.7315124
prate=83.07546 + 5.861079 mrate样本容量为1534, R2为0.0747。
(4)prate= 83.07546 + 5.861079 *3.5=103.5892
21、散点图2、求解过程matlab代码:[n,k]=size(x);X=[ones(n,1),x];%构建结构阵X,A=X'*X; %求算信息阵A,C=inv(A); %求算信息阵的逆阵,b=X\y, % 求算回归统计数向量,其中第一行为回归截距a,RSS=y'*y-b'*X'*y, %求算离回归平方和,MSe=RSS/(n-k-1),%求算离回归方差,Up=b.*b./diag(C);%求算偏回归平方和,其中第一行是a与0差异的偏平方和,F=Up/MSe,%F测验,其中第一行为a与0差异的F值,34sb=sqrt(MSe*diag(C)); %求算回归统计数标准误,t=b./sb, % 回归统计数的 t 测验,其中第一行为a 与0差异的t 测验值。
[t, t.^2, F],%验证t^2=F SSy=var(y)*(n-1) R2=(SSy-RSS)/SSy3、回归方程Y =−554.5943+0.2484x4、回归曲线图5、指标分析估计值 t 值 F 值 b0 −554.5943 -16.8745 284.7 b 10.2484 35.46841258.0 R 20.9836分析:我们可以很清楚的看到,t值和F值都表明回归的截距项和系数都比较大,显然这一定落在拒绝域中,那么我们可以知道回归方程的截距项和斜率系数都是显著的。
计量经济学第1章 计量经济学导论
1.2 经验经济分析的步骤
修订模型 不符合
是否符合标准 符合
经济理论 实际经济活动 搜集统计数据
1.3 经济数据的结构
㈠横截面数据(cross-sectional data) 定义:在给定时点对个人、家庭、企业、地 区等单位采集的数据。 特点:可假定为从样本背后的总体中通过随 机抽样而得到的。 例:2012我国31个省/直辖市城镇居民人均可支配
1.1 什么是计量经济学
建立第1个应用模型 经
Frisch Tinbergen Haavelmo
Stone Klein Leontief
1.1 什么是计量经济学
1.3 经济数据的结构
㈡时间序列数据(time series data) 定义:对同一个体(个人、家庭、企业、地 区等)在多个时期内收集到的数据。 特点: 按时间顺序排列 时间跨度一致 例:1978-2012年我国城镇居民人均可支配收入 和人均消费支出(以1978年价格核算)。
习题解答: 案例数据:
第1章 计量经济学的性质与经济数据
1.1什么是计量经济学 1.2经验经济分析的步骤 1.3经济数据的结构 1.4计量经济分析中的因果关系和其他条件不
计量经济学导论 第五版 答案
APPENDIX ASOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMSA.1 (i) $566.(ii) The two middle numbers are 480 and 530; when these are averaged, we obtain 505, or $505.(iii) 5.66 and 5.05, respectively.(iv) The average increases to $586 while the median is unchanged ($505).A.3 If price = 15 and income = 200, quantity = 120 – 9.8(15) + .03(200) = –21, which is nonsense. This shows that linear demand functions generally cannot describe demand over a wide range of prices and income.A.5 The majority shareholder is referring to the percentage point increase in the stock return, while the CEO is referring to the change relative to the initial return of 15%. To be precise, the shareholder should specifically refer to a 3 percentage point increase.$45,935.80.≈ $40,134.84. When exper = 5, salary = exp[10.6 + .027(5)] ≈A.7 (i) When exper = 0, log(salary) = 10.6; therefore, salary = exp(10.6) (ii) The approximate proportionate increase is .027(5) = .135, so the approximate percentage change is 13.5%.14.5%, so the exact percentage increase is about one percentage point higher.≈(iii) 100[(45,935.80 – 40,134.84)/40,134.84)A.9 (i) The relationship between yield and fertilizer is graphed below. (ii) Compared with a linear function, the functionyieldhas a diminishing effect, and the slope approaches zero as fertilizer gets large. The initial pound of fertilizer has the largest effect, and each additional pound has an effect smaller than the previous pound.APPENDIX BSOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMSB.1 Before the student takes the SAT exam, we do not know – nor can we predict with certainty – what the score will be. The actual score depends on numerous factors, many of which we cannot even list, let alone know ahead of time. (The student’s innate ability, how the student feels on exam day, and which particular questions were asked, are just a few.) The eventual SAT score clearly satisfies the requirements of a random variable.B.3 (i) Let Yit be the binary variable equal to one if fund i outperforms the market in year t. By assumption, P(Yit = 1) = .5 (a 50-50 chance of outperforming the market for each fund in each year). Now, for any fund, we are also assuming that performance relative to the market isP(Yi2 = 1) P(Yi,10 = 1) = (.5)10 = 1/1024 (which is slightly less than .001). In fact, if we define a binary random variable Yi such that Yi = 1 if and only if fund i outperformed the market in all 10 years, then P(Yi = 1) =1/1024.⋅independent across years. But then the probability that fund i outperforms the market in all 10 years, P(Yi1 = 1,Yi2 = 1, , Yi,10 = 1), is just the product of the probabilities: P(Yi1 = 1).983. This means, if performance relative to the market is random and independent across funds, it is almost certain that at least one fund will outperform the market in all 10 years.≈P(Y4,170 = 0) = 1 –(1023/1024)4170 ⋅⋅⋅ P(Y2 = 0)⋅= 1/1024. We want to compute P(X ≥ 1) =1 – P(X = 0) = 1 –P(Y1 = 0, Y2 = 0, …, Y4,170 = 0) = 1 – P(Y1 = 0)θ)distribution with n = 4,170 and θ(ii) Let X denote the number of funds out of 4,170 that outperform the market in all 10 years. Then X = Y1 + Y2 + + Y4,170. If we assume that performance relative to the market is independent across funds, then X has the Binomial (n,(iii) Using the Stata command Binomial(4170,5,1/1024), the answer is about .385. So there is a nontrivial chance that at least five funds will outperform the market in all 10 years..931.≈ 1) = 1 – P(X = 0) = 1 – (.8)12 ≥B.5 (i) As stated in the hint, if X is the number of jurors convinced of Simpson’s innocence, then X ~ Binomial(12,.20). We want P(X(ii) Above, we computed P(X = 0) as about .069. We need P(X = 1), which we obtain from1 – (.069 + .206) = .725, so there is almost a three in four chance that the jury had at least two members convinced of Simpson’s innocence prior to the trial.≈ 2) ≥ .206. Therefore, P(X ≈ (.2)(.8)11 ⋅ = .2, and x = 1:P(X = 1) = 12θ(B.14) with n = 12,B.7 In eight attempts the expected number of free throws is 8(.74) = 5.92, or about six free throws.X, and so the expected value of Y is 1,000 times the expected value of X, and the standard deviation of Y is 1,000 times the standard deviation of X. Therefore, the expected value and standard deviation of salary, measured in dollars, are $52,300 and $14,600, respectively.⋅B.9 If Y issalary in dollars then Y = 1000。
年度 1X2X3 X451971 10227 112 121.3 776.8 4.89 793671972 10872 111 125.3 839.6 4.55 821531973 11350 111.1 133.1 949.8 7.38 850641974 8775 117.5 147.7 1038.4 8.61 867941975 8539 127.6 161.2 1142.8 6.16 858461976 9994 135.7 170.5 1252.6 5.22 887521977 11046 142.9 181.5 1379.3 5.5 920171978 11164 153.8 195.3 1551.2 7.78 960481979 10559 166 217.7 1729.3 10.25 988241980 8979 179.3 247 1918 11.28 993031981 8535 190.2 272.3 2127.6 13.73 1003971982 7980 197.6 286.6 2261.4 11.2 995261983 9179 202.6 297.4 2428.1 8.69 1008341984 10394 208.5 307.6 2670.6 9.65 1050051985 11039 215.2 318.5 2841.1 7.75 1071501986 11450 224.4 323.4 3022.1 6.31 109597第三题为了了解影响电信业务的发展情况,特收集了如下数据,请建模并估计合理的结果。
年电信业务总量邮政业务总量中国人口数市镇人口比重人均GDP人均消费水平1991 1.5163 0.5275 11.5823 0.2637 1.879 0.896 1992 2.2657 0.6367 11.7171 0.2763 2.287 1.070 1993 3.8245 0.8026 11.8517 0.2814 2.939 1.331 1994 5.9230 0.9589 11.9850 0.2862 3.923 1.746 1995 8.7551 1.1334 12.1121 0.2904 4.854 2.236 1996 12.0875 1.3329 12.2389 0.2937 5.576 2.641 1997 12.6895 1.4434 12.3626 0.2992 6.053 2.834 1998 22.6494 1.6628 12.4810 0.3040 6.307 2.972 1999 31.3238 1.9844 12.5909 0.3089 6.534 3.143第四题:X代表职工的工龄,Y代表薪水。
资料来源:EconomicReport ofthe President,2007,Table13-110,P.356.
第1 章解决问题的办法1.1(一)理想的情况下,我们可以随机分配学生到不同尺寸的类。
对于原因,我们将看到在第 2 章中,我们想的巨大变化,班级规模(主题,当然,伦理方面的考虑和资源约束)。
(三)鉴于潜在的混杂因素- 其中一些是第(ii)上市- 寻找负相关关系不会是有力的证据,缩小班级规模,实际上带来更好的性能。
1.2(一)这里是构成问题的一种方法:如果两家公司,说 A 和B,相同的在各方面比 B 公司à用品工作培训之一小时每名工人,坚定除外,多少会坚定的输出从 B 公司的不同?(二)公司很可能取决于工人的特点选择在职培训。
(iii )该金额的资金和技术工人也将影响输出。
许多因素上市部分(二)及(iii )可有助于寻找输出和培训的正相关关系,即使不在职培训提高工人的生产力。
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BA 1930年世界计量经济学会成立B 1933年《计量经济学》会刊出版C 1969年诺贝尔经济学奖设立D 1926年计量经济学(E conomi cs)一词构造出来3、外生变量和滞后变量统称为__________。
BA内生变量B 外生变量C 滞后变量D 前定变量7、描述微观主体经济活动中的变量关系的计量经济模型是__________。
AA微观计量经济模型B 宏观计量经济模型C 理论计量经济模型D 应用计量经济模型8、经济计量模型的被解释变量一定是__________。
CA控制变量B 政策变量C 内生变量D 外生变量9、下面属于横截面数据的是__________。
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过程*describetive statistc*tabstat prate mrate totpart,stat(max min mean p50 sd n)结果stats | prate mrate totpart---------+------------------------------max | 100 4.91 58811min | 3 .01 50mean | 87.36291 .7315124 1354.231p50 | 95.7 .46 276sd | 16.71654 .7795393 4629.265N | 1534 1534 1534过程summarize 全部的加总summarize prate mrate 两个变量summarize sole prate,detail结果summarizeVariable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+--------------------------------------------------------prate | 1534 87.36291 16.71654 3 100mrate | 1534 .7315124 .7795393 .01 4.91 totpart | 1534 1354.231 4629.265 50 58811totelg | 1534 1628.535 5370.719 51 70429 age | 1534 13.18123 9.171114 4 51 -------------+--------------------------------------------------------totemp | 1534 3568.495 11217.94 58 144387sole | 1534 .4876141 .5000096 0 1 ltotemp | 1534 6.686034 1.453375 4.060443 11.88025 summarize prate mrateVariable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+--------------------------------------------------------prate | 1534 87.36291 16.71654 3 100mrate | 1534 .7315124 .7795393 .01 4.91 summarize sole prate,detail= 1 if 401k is firm's sole plan-------------------------------------------------------------Percentiles Smallest1% 0 05% 0 010% 0 0 Obs 153425% 0 0 Sum of Wgt. 153450% 0 Mean .4876141Largest Std. Dev. .5000096 75% 1 190% 1 1 Variance .2500096 95% 1 1 Skewness .0495589 99% 1 1 Kurtosis 1.002456participation rate, percent-------------------------------------------------------------Percentiles Smallest1% 31.4 35% 53.8 8.810% 62.7 14.9 Obs 1534 25% 78 17.4 Sum of Wgt. 1534 50% 95.7 Mean 87.36291Largest Std. Dev. 16.71654 75% 100 10090% 100 100 Variance 279.4426 95% 100 100 Skewness -1.519626 99% 100 100 Kurtosis 5.258359 .end of do-file过程*cdf*tabulate prate结果累积participati |on rate, |percent | Freq. Percent Cum.------------+-----------------------------------3 | 1 0.07 0.078.8 | 1 0.07 0.1314.9 | 1 0.07 0.2017.4 | 1 0.07 0.2619.3 | 1 0.07 0.3320.1 | 1 0.07 0.3920.6 | 1 0.07 0.4621 | 1 0.07 0.5221.3 | 1 0.07 0.5922.1 | 1 0.07 0.6525.1 | 1 0.07 0.7226.1 | 1 0.07 0.7828.6 | 1 0.07 0.8529 | 1 0.07 0.9130.5 | 1 0.07 0.9831.4 | 1 0.07 1.0433.5 | 1 0.07 1.1734.2 | 1 0.07 1.2435.6 | 1 0.07 1.30 35.8 | 1 0.07 1.37 37 | 1 0.07 1.43 37.5 | 1 0.07 1.5037.7 | 1 0.07 1.5638.1 | 1 0.07 1.63 38.4 | 1 0.07 1.6938.7 | 1 0.07 1.7639.4 | 1 0.07 1.83 39.6 | 1 0.07 1.89 39.8 | 1 0.07 1.9641.5 | 1 0.07 2.0242.1 | 1 0.07 2.09 42.4 | 1 0.07 2.1542.5 | 1 0.07 2.2243.1 | 1 0.07 2.28 43.3 | 1 0.07 2.35 43.6 | 1 0.07 2.4143.8 | 1 0.07 2.4844.1 | 1 0.07 2.54 44.3 | 1 0.07 2.6144.7 | 2 0.13 2.7445.5 | 1 0.07 2.8045.8 | 1 0.07 2.8746.9 | 3 0.20 3.0647.3 | 1 0.07 3.1347.7 | 1 0.07 3.1948.2 | 1 0.07 3.26 48.6 | 2 0.13 3.39 48.8 | 1 0.07 3.4648.9 | 3 0.20 3.6549.2 | 1 0.07 3.72 49.6 | 2 0.13 3.8549.7 | 1 0.07 3.9150 | 1 0.07 3.98 50.2 | 1 0.07 4.04 50.3 | 1 0.07 4.11 50.7 | 1 0.07 4.1750.9 | 2 0.13 4.3051 | 1 0.07 4.37 51.3 | 1 0.07 4.43 51.5 | 1 0.07 4.5051.9 | 1 0.07 4.5652.3 | 1 0.07 4.63 52.4 | 1 0.07 4.6952.7 | 1 0.07 4.7653.1 | 1 0.07 4.8253.7 | 1 0.07 4.9553.8 | 1 0.07 5.0254.1 | 1 0.07 5.08 54.2 | 1 0.07 5.1554.9 | 2 0.13 5.2855.1 | 1 0.07 5.35 55.5 | 1 0.07 5.41 55.7 | 1 0.07 5.4855.9 | 1 0.07 5.5456.2 | 2 0.13 5.67 56.3 | 2 0.13 5.80 56.4 | 1 0.07 5.87 56.7 | 3 0.20 6.0656.8 | 1 0.07 6.1357 | 2 0.13 6.26 57.6 | 2 0.13 6.39 57.7 | 1 0.07 6.4557.8 | 2 0.13 6.5858 | 1 0.07 6.65 58.2 | 3 0.20 6.84 58.3 | 1 0.07 6.91 58.4 | 2 0.13 7.04 58.6 | 2 0.13 7.17 58.7 | 1 0.07 7.2458.8 | 1 0.07 7.3059 | 1 0.07 7.37 59.1 | 2 0.13 7.50 59.2 | 2 0.13 7.63 59.4 | 1 0.07 7.69 59.6 | 3 0.20 7.89 59.8 | 1 0.07 7.9559.9 | 2 0.13 8.0860.1 | 2 0.13 8.21 60.2 | 1 0.07 8.28 60.3 | 1 0.07 8.34 60.4 | 1 0.07 8.41 60.6 | 2 0.13 8.54 60.8 | 2 0.13 8.6760.9 | 2 0.13 8.8061.1 | 1 0.07 8.87 61.2 | 3 0.20 9.06 61.3 | 1 0.07 9.13 61.4 | 1 0.07 9.19 61.5 | 1 0.07 9.26 61.6 | 1 0.07 9.32 61.7 | 2 0.13 9.4561.8 | 2 0.13 9.5862 | 2 0.13 9.71 62.2 | 1 0.07 9.7862.6 | 1 0.07 9.91 62.7 | 2 0.13 10.0462.9 | 2 0.13 10.1763 | 3 0.20 10.37 63.3 | 2 0.13 10.50 63.4 | 1 0.07 10.56 63.6 | 1 0.07 10.6363.7 | 1 0.07 10.6964 | 1 0.07 10.76 64.3 | 1 0.07 10.82 64.4 | 3 0.20 11.02 64.6 | 4 0.26 11.28 64.7 | 1 0.07 11.3464.9 | 2 0.13 11.4765 | 2 0.13 11.60 65.1 | 3 0.20 11.80 65.3 | 1 0.07 11.86 65.5 | 3 0.20 12.06 65.6 | 2 0.13 12.1965.7 | 1 0.07 12.2666.2 | 1 0.07 12.32 66.3 | 2 0.13 12.45 66.5 | 1 0.07 12.52 66.6 | 5 0.33 12.8466.9 | 2 0.13 12.9767 | 1 0.07 13.04 67.1 | 1 0.07 13.10 67.2 | 2 0.13 13.23 67.3 | 3 0.20 13.43 67.6 | 2 0.13 13.5667.8 | 1 0.07 13.6268 | 1 0.07 13.69 68.3 | 1 0.07 13.75 68.5 | 1 0.07 13.82 68.6 | 1 0.07 13.89 68.7 | 3 0.20 14.08 68.8 | 2 0.13 14.2168.9 | 2 0.13 14.3469.2 | 1 0.07 14.41 69.3 | 1 0.07 14.47 69.4 | 1 0.07 14.54 69.6 | 1 0.07 14.60 69.8 | 1 0.07 14.6769.9 | 2 0.13 14.8070 | 2 0.13 14.93 70.2 | 2 0.13 15.06 70.3 | 2 0.13 15.19 70.5 | 1 0.07 15.25 70.6 | 2 0.13 15.3870.9 | 3 0.20 15.6571.1 | 1 0.07 15.71 71.4 | 1 0.07 15.78 71.5 | 1 0.07 15.84 71.6 | 2 0.13 15.97 71.7 | 4 0.26 16.2371.9 | 2 0.13 16.3672 | 2 0.13 16.49 72.1 | 1 0.07 16.56 72.3 | 1 0.07 16.62 72.5 | 2 0.13 16.75 72.6 | 2 0.13 16.88 72.7 | 1 0.07 16.95 72.8 | 2 0.13 17.0872.9 | 3 0.20 17.2873 | 4 0.26 17.54 73.2 | 1 0.07 17.60 73.4 | 3 0.20 17.80 73.5 | 5 0.33 18.12 73.6 | 1 0.07 18.19 73.7 | 3 0.20 18.38 73.8 | 4 0.26 18.6473.9 | 4 0.26 18.9074 | 4 0.26 19.17 74.1 | 2 0.13 19.30 74.3 | 2 0.13 19.43 74.4 | 1 0.07 19.49 74.5 | 1 0.07 19.56 74.6 | 2 0.13 19.69 74.7 | 4 0.26 19.9574.8 | 1 0.07 20.0175 | 1 0.07 20.08 75.1 | 3 0.20 20.27 75.2 | 3 0.20 20.47 75.3 | 7 0.46 20.93 75.4 | 2 0.13 21.06 75.5 | 3 0.20 21.25 75.6 | 1 0.07 21.32 75.7 | 4 0.26 21.58 75.8 | 1 0.07 21.6475.9 | 3 0.20 21.8476.1 | 1 0.07 21.90 76.2 | 1 0.07 21.97 76.3 | 3 0.20 22.16 76.4 | 5 0.33 22.49 76.5 | 3 0.20 22.6976.9 | 2 0.13 22.8277 | 4 0.26 23.08 77.2 | 4 0.26 23.3477.4 | 3 0.20 23.92 77.5 | 2 0.13 24.05 77.6 | 2 0.13 24.19 77.7 | 3 0.20 24.38 77.8 | 1 0.07 24.4577.9 | 3 0.20 24.6478 | 6 0.39 25.03 78.1 | 2 0.13 25.16 78.2 | 2 0.13 25.29 78.3 | 1 0.07 25.36 78.4 | 1 0.07 25.42 78.5 | 4 0.26 25.68 78.6 | 2 0.13 25.81 78.7 | 3 0.20 26.0178.8 | 4 0.26 26.2779 | 4 0.26 26.53 79.1 | 1 0.07 26.60 79.2 | 2 0.13 26.73 79.3 | 5 0.33 27.05 79.4 | 1 0.07 27.12 79.5 | 2 0.13 27.25 79.6 | 1 0.07 27.31 79.7 | 4 0.26 27.57 79.8 | 3 0.20 27.7779.9 | 1 0.07 27.8480 | 2 0.13 27.97 80.1 | 1 0.07 28.03 80.2 | 1 0.07 28.10 80.4 | 2 0.13 28.23 80.5 | 2 0.13 28.36 80.6 | 4 0.26 28.62 80.7 | 2 0.13 28.75 80.8 | 1 0.07 28.8180.9 | 5 0.33 29.1481 | 4 0.26 29.40 81.1 | 2 0.13 29.53 81.2 | 2 0.13 29.66 81.3 | 3 0.20 29.86 81.5 | 2 0.13 29.99 81.6 | 1 0.07 30.05 81.7 | 2 0.13 30.1881.8 | 3 0.20 30.3882 | 2 0.13 30.51 82.1 | 2 0.13 30.64 82.2 | 2 0.13 30.77 82.3 | 1 0.07 30.83 82.5 | 6 0.39 31.23 82.6 | 5 0.33 31.55 82.7 | 2 0.13 31.6882.9 | 2 0.13 31.9483 | 1 0.07 32.01 83.2 | 1 0.07 32.07 83.3 | 2 0.13 32.20 83.4 | 1 0.07 32.27 83.5 | 3 0.20 32.46 83.6 | 2 0.13 32.59 83.7 | 3 0.20 32.79 83.8 | 2 0.13 32.9283.9 | 2 0.13 33.0584 | 1 0.07 33.12 84.1 | 2 0.13 33.25 84.2 | 2 0.13 33.38 84.3 | 3 0.20 33.57 84.5 | 2 0.13 33.70 84.6 | 4 0.26 33.96 84.7 | 2 0.13 34.0984.9 | 4 0.26 34.3585 | 2 0.13 34.49 85.1 | 5 0.33 34.81 85.2 | 2 0.13 34.94 85.3 | 4 0.26 35.20 85.4 | 1 0.07 35.27 85.5 | 3 0.20 35.46 85.6 | 2 0.13 35.59 85.7 | 5 0.33 35.9285.8 | 5 0.33 36.2586 | 2 0.13 36.38 86.1 | 2 0.13 36.51 86.2 | 1 0.07 36.57 86.3 | 4 0.26 36.83 86.4 | 2 0.13 36.96 86.5 | 3 0.20 37.16 86.6 | 1 0.07 37.22 86.7 | 1 0.07 37.29 86.8 | 1 0.07 37.3586.9 | 2 0.13 37.4887 | 2 0.13 37.61 87.1 | 2 0.13 37.74 87.2 | 2 0.13 37.87 87.3 | 2 0.13 38.01 87.4 | 4 0.26 38.27 87.5 | 2 0.13 38.40 87.6 | 4 0.26 38.66 87.7 | 2 0.13 38.79 87.8 | 1 0.07 38.8587.9 | 1 0.07 38.9288 | 3 0.20 39.11 88.1 | 3 0.20 39.3188.3 | 2 0.13 39.63 88.4 | 1 0.07 39.70 88.5 | 2 0.13 39.83 88.6 | 1 0.07 39.9088.8 | 3 0.20 40.0989 | 6 0.39 40.48 89.1 | 2 0.13 40.61 89.2 | 1 0.07 40.68 89.3 | 1 0.07 40.74 89.4 | 3 0.20 40.94 89.5 | 1 0.07 41.00 89.6 | 3 0.20 41.20 89.7 | 2 0.13 41.33 89.8 | 7 0.46 41.7989.9 | 6 0.39 42.1890 | 1 0.07 42.24 90.1 | 2 0.13 42.37 90.2 | 1 0.07 42.44 90.3 | 3 0.20 42.63 90.4 | 2 0.13 42.76 90.5 | 4 0.26 43.02 90.7 | 2 0.13 43.1690.8 | 5 0.33 43.4891 | 1 0.07 43.55 91.1 | 1 0.07 43.61 91.2 | 2 0.13 43.74 91.3 | 1 0.07 43.81 91.4 | 2 0.13 43.94 91.5 | 2 0.13 44.07 91.6 | 5 0.33 44.39 91.7 | 5 0.33 44.72 91.8 | 3 0.20 44.9291.9 | 3 0.20 45.1192 | 2 0.13 45.24 92.1 | 1 0.07 45.31 92.2 | 2 0.13 45.44 92.3 | 3 0.20 45.63 92.4 | 1 0.07 45.70 92.5 | 3 0.20 45.89 92.6 | 3 0.20 46.09 92.7 | 2 0.13 46.22 92.8 | 1 0.07 46.2892.9 | 2 0.13 46.4193 | 2 0.13 46.54 93.1 | 3 0.20 46.74 93.2 | 3 0.20 46.94 93.3 | 3 0.20 47.13 93.4 | 2 0.13 47.26 93.5 | 2 0.13 47.3993.7 | 3 0.20 47.65 93.8 | 2 0.13 47.7893.9 | 4 0.26 48.0494 | 2 0.13 48.17 94.2 | 4 0.26 48.44 94.4 | 4 0.26 48.70 94.5 | 1 0.07 48.76 94.6 | 2 0.13 48.89 94.8 | 2 0.13 49.0294.9 | 1 0.07 49.0995 | 5 0.33 49.41 95.1 | 1 0.07 49.48 95.2 | 1 0.07 49.54 95.3 | 2 0.13 49.67 95.4 | 2 0.13 49.80 95.6 | 2 0.13 49.93 95.7 | 6 0.39 50.33 95.8 | 3 0.20 50.5295.9 | 2 0.13 50.6596 | 3 0.20 50.85 96.1 | 3 0.20 51.04 96.2 | 1 0.07 51.11 96.3 | 3 0.20 51.30 96.4 | 1 0.07 51.37 96.5 | 3 0.20 51.56 96.6 | 1 0.07 51.6396.8 | 3 0.20 51.8397 | 2 0.13 51.96 97.1 | 1 0.07 52.02 97.2 | 2 0.13 52.15 97.4 | 1 0.07 52.22 97.6 | 2 0.13 52.35 97.7 | 3 0.20 52.54 97.8 | 3 0.20 52.7497.9 | 1 0.07 52.8098.1 | 2 0.13 52.93 98.3 | 1 0.07 53.00 98.4 | 1 0.07 53.06 98.5 | 1 0.07 53.13 98.6 | 2 0.13 53.26 98.7 | 1 0.07 53.32 98.8 | 2 0.13 53.4698.9 | 4 0.26 53.7299 | 3 0.20 53.91 99.1 | 4 0.26 54.17 99.2 | 4 0.26 54.43 99.3 | 2 0.13 54.56 99.4 | 1 0.07 54.63 99.5 | 2 0.13 54.7699.6 | 4 0.26 55.0299.7 | 1 0.07 55.0899.8 | 3 0.20 55.2899.9 | 4 0.26 55.54100 | 682 44.46 100.00 ------------+-----------------------------------Total | 1,534 100.00过程*pairwise correlation*pwcorr prate mrate totpart totelgpwcorr prate mrate totpart totelg,sig star(0.05)结果两两相比较| prate mrate totpart totelg -------------+------------------------------------prate | 1.0000mrate | 0.2733 1.0000totpart | 0.0042 0.0186 1.0000totelg | -0.0764 -0.0007 0.9761 1.0000 显著性pwcorr prate mrate totpart totelg,sig star(0.05)| prate mrate totpart totelg -------------+------------------------------------prate | 1.0000||mrate | 0.2733* 1.0000| 0.0000|totpart | 0.0042 0.0186 1.0000| 0.8703 0.4658|totelg | -0.0764* -0.0007 0.9761* 1.0000| 0.0028 0.9770 0.0000|.end of do-file过程*graph*histogram prate,width(5)frequencykdensity pratescatter prate mratetwoway(scatter prate mrate)(qfit prate mrate)graph save graphpractice1结果*graph*. histogram prate,width(5)frequency (bin=20, start=3, width=5). kdensity prate. scatter prate mrate. twoway(scatter prate mrate)(qfit prate mrate). graph save graphpractice1( saved).end of do-file过程twoway(scatter prate mrate)(lfit prate mrate) graph save graphpractice2graph combine graph1.gph graph2.gph结果 050100012345401k plan match rate participation rate, percentFitted values。