
华中师范大学语言学历年考研试题目录华中师范大学语言学历年考研试题 (1)华中师范大学2003年研究生入学考试试题 (1)华中师范大学2004年语言学真题 (2)华中师范大学2004年研究生入学考试试题 (4)华中师范大学2005年语言学真题 (5)华中师范大学2005年研究生入学考试试题 (7)华中师范大学2006年研究生入学考试试题 (8)华中师范大学2006年研究生入学考试试题 (10)华中师范大学2007年研究生入学考试试题 (11)华中师范大学2007年研究生入学考试试题 (12)华中师范大学2008年研究生入学考试试题 (14)华中师范大学2009年研究生入学考试试题 (17)华中师范大学2010年研究生入学考试试题 (19)华中师范大学2011年研究生入学考试试题 (22)2012年华中师范大学文学院大综合真题试卷 (24)2013年华中师范大学考研真题 (27)2014年考研华中师范大学文学院真题 (28)2014年考研华中师范大学语言所真题 (30)华中师范大学2003年研究生入学考试试题一、填空(30分)1、语言主要属性包括---------性、---------性、---------性和---------性。


华中师范⼤学学科语⽂历年真题.1doc华中师范⼤学学科语⽂历年真题.1doc华中师范⼤学2019年⽂学院硕⼠研究⽣招⽣专业⽬录联系电话:027-******** 传真:027-******** 邮政编码:430079 地址:⼆号教学楼招⽣⼈数:学术型历年真题如下:2019年⽂学类⼤综合题⽬名词解释普通话词类活⽤形声字古诗⼗九⾸性灵派问题⼩说简答什么是轻声? 轻声的作⽤?七个字的古今义⽡,⾍,谤,遭,诛,暂,(还有个想不起来了)韩孟诗派诗歌理论的主张孙犁⼩说的艺术特点印度史诗《摩柯婆罗多》艺术特点?三论述《三国演义》当中曹操奸雄的性格特征,试分析九⼗年代以来新⼥性⼩说特点。
2019年教育学部分:⼀、名词解释:美育、因材施教⼆、简答:1、简要回答全⾯发展教育的组成部分及其各⾃的地位作⽤?2、简要回答影响⼈⾝⼼发展的因素及其各⾃的地位作⽤? 3、简要回答教育的本体功能?三、论述:1、结合我国今年来对应试教育和素质教育的讨论,谈谈你对素质教育的认识和理解?教育⼼理学部分:⼀、简答:1、简要介绍⼏种主要的动机理论?⼆、论述:1、什么是创造性?如何对学⽣的创造性进⾏培养?中国教育史部分:⼀、名词解释:《论语》、蔡元培⼆、试分析论述陶⾏知的⽣活教育思想及其当代价值?外国教育史部分:⼀、名词解释:《理想国》、终⾝教育⼆、评述20世纪60年代美国的课程改⾰?2019年教育学部分:⼀、简答:1、简要回答教育过程应处理好的集中关系?2、简要回答我国教育⽬的的基本精神?⼆、论述:1、论影响⼈⾝⼼发展的因素及其各⾃作⽤?2、列出我国基础教育中存在的主要问题两例,并就其中⼀例作出深⼊剖析。
(完整word版)汉硕 真题

现代汉语部分一、填空(10分)1. 联合国目前共有六种法定的工作语言,除汉语外,还有英语、_____、_____、西班牙语、阿拉伯语。
词汇 C.语法D。
陈述式 C.支配式D。
作家——--诗人 B.维他命——--维生素C。
制服——-—军装 D.文人——--文豪6。

(40分)(一) 中国音四声和现代汉语普遍话四声在调类方面有何异同?(12分)(二) 本议和引申义之间的意义关系有哪几种类型?(15分)(三) 解释下列的固定格式。
(13分)1.“如……何“例:以君之力,曾不能损魁父之丘,如太形王屋何?(《列子·汤问》)2.“……孰与……”例:吾孰与城北徐公美?(战国策·齐策一)3.“无乃……与”例:孔子曰:“求!,无乃尔是过与?”(论语·委氏)三、非衙史方向考生必做题(40分)(一) 联系汉语史,谈谈“繁荣市场”、“丰富生活”之类动宾结构的特点。
(15分)(二) “张”字的声母,现代有些方言中读为d,请联系汉语语音史对此类现象试作阐释。
(13分)(三) 解释下列句子中的“之”字的意义和用法(12分)1.不虞君之涉吾地也。

华中师范大学中国语言文学基础(710)真题2018年华中师大710中国语言文学基础真题一名词解释1单纯词 2形声字 3互文见义 4赋比兴 5元杂剧 6人的文学二简答题1什么是兼语句?兼语句主要有哪几种类型。
5 简述古希腊悲剧《俄狄浦斯王》的艺术特色三论述题1 结合具体作品,评价白居易政治讽喻诗的优缺点。
2017年华中师大710中国语言文学基础真题一名词解释1词类活用 2异体字 3语音4古文运动5《左传》 6社会剖析小说二简答题1古今词义异同2什么是句子?句子结构分类有哪些?3简析新月派前后期的艺术变化4如何理解《聊斋志异》“以传奇法而志怪”?5简析《双城记》的艺术特征。
2016年华中师大710中国语言文学基础真题一名词解释1塞擦音 2六书 3平水韵 4《毛诗序》 5唐传奇 6百花文学二简答题1《茶馆》的“图卷式”创新形式。
2015年华中师大710中国语言文学基础真题一名词解释(5分×6)1调值 2会意字 3反切法 4花间词派 5南戏 6审美“日常生活化”二简答题1什么是方言?方言有哪些类型?(15分)2举例说明普通名词作状语的作用。
2014年高考真题精校精析纯word可编辑·2014高考真题解析 语文湖北a卷

2014·湖北A卷(课标语文)一、语文基础知识(共15分,共5小题,每小题3分)1.[2014·湖北卷] 下列各组词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一组是()A.笑靥.(yè)盥.(ɡuàn)洗粗犷.(guǎng) 蓦.(mù)然回首B.书箧.(qiè) 装帧.(zhēn)碑帖.(tiè) 博闻强识.(zhì)C.敷.(fū)粉脂.(zhǐ)肪烙.(lào)印刀耕火种.(zhòng)D.采撷.(jié) 竹笋.(sǔn)咋.(zé)舌拈.(niān)轻怕重1.B[解析] 本题考查识记现代汉语普通话常用字的字音。
A. 蓦(mò)然回首;C. 脂(zhī)肪;D. 采撷(xié)。
2.[2014·湖北卷] 下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是()A.俸禄切蹉投桃报李一笑泯恩仇B.发轫枢纽并行不悖久旱逢甘霖C.花哨原委如雷贯耳时事造英雄D.调剂伸张促不及防真人不露相2.B[解析] 此题考查识记并正确书写现代常用规范汉字。
A. 切磋;C. 时势造英雄;D. 猝不及防。
3.[2014·湖北卷] 依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是()①湖北的国画创作受浪漫瑰丽的荆楚文化的______,源远流长,底蕴丰厚。
A.滋润绚丽多彩顽固框定B. 滋养绚丽多彩稳固锁定C. 滋润多姿多彩稳固框定D. 滋养多姿多彩顽固锁定3.D[解析] 此题考查正确使用词语,特别是近义词语。

华中师范大学(汉语基础)考研真题2013年(总分140,考试时间90分钟)一、填空题1. 语言是人类最重要的交际工具和______工具。
2. 语言是______的产物。
3. ______是书面语的源泉,对书面语的发展起着决定性作用。
4. 语言的发展具有渐变性和______性。
5. 现代汉民族共同语以______为标准音。
6. 汉语的音节中______音占优势。
7. 单句的结构类型可分为主谓句和______。
8. 现代汉语缺乏严格意义的形态变化,以语序和______为主要的语法手段。
9. 现代汉语构词主要采用______法。
10. 元音i的发音特征是______。
11. 普通话有______个韵母。
12. 韵母内部分为韵头、______和韵尾。
13. 语体首先可以分为______语体和书面语体。
14. 交际原则最重要的是______原则和礼貌原则。
15. 《汉语拼音方案》包括字母表、声母表、韵母表、声调符号和______五个部分。
16. 声母的j国际音标是______。
17. 停顿可分为______停顿和逻辑停顿两种。
18. 汉语方言的差异突出表现在______方面。
19. ______是语音的最基本属性。
20. 普通话辅音声母属于边音的是______。
21. 普通话中辅音______一般不作声母,只做韵尾。
22. 音节kun有______个元音。
23. 普通话上声的调值是______。
24. 普通话同四呼韵母都能配合的声母有______。
25. “书本”是______式复合词。
26. ______是指语音形式完全相同而意义没有联系的一组词。
27. 新词创生的方式主要表现在新造和______两个方面。
28. 数词可以分为基数词和______。
29. 现代汉语里典型的动态助词有______。
30. “他们夫妻”是______短语。
二、判断题1. 古代汉语双音节词占优势。
A. 正确B. 错误2. 古今汉语词缀都比较缺乏,但现代汉语的构词词缀有所增加。

绝密★启用前2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(湖北卷)语文试题注意事项: 注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、试室号、 座位号填写在答题卡上.用2B 铅笔将试卷类型(A )填涂在答题卡相应位置上. 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂 黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上.3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使 用铅笔和涂改液.不按以上要求作答的答案无效.4.作答选做题时,请先用2B 铅笔填涂选做题的题号对应的信息点,再作答.漏涂、 错涂、多涂的,答案无效.5.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁.考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回.一、选择题:本题共35小题,每小题4分,共140分。
一、语文基础知识 (共15分,共5小题,每小题3分) 1.下列各组词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一组是A. 笑靥(yè) 盥(guán )洗 粗犷(gu ǎng ) 暮(m ǜ)然回首B. 书箧(qiè) 装帧(zhēn ) 碑帖(tiè) 博闻强识(zhì)C. 敷(fú)粉 脂(zhi )肪 烙(lào )印 刀耕火种(zhòng )D. 采撷(jié) 竹笋(s ǔn ) 咋(zé)舌 拈(niān )轻怕重 2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是A .俸禄 切磋 投桃报李 一笑泯恩仇B .发轫 枢纽 并行不悖 久旱逢甘霖C .花哨 原委 如雷贯耳 时事造英雄D .调剂 伸张 促不及防 真人不露相 3. 依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①湖北的国画创作受浪漫瑰丽的荆楚文化的 ,源远流长,底蕴丰厚。

现பைடு நூலகம்汉语 一、名词解释
1.合作原则 2.同性异类 3.语言
二、简答题 1.同义词的辨析 2.主谓谓语句的类型 3.影响话语交际的因素
三、分析短语的结构 马上走() 分析多重复句
古史 一、名词解释
1.《史记》五体 2.元杂剧 3.边塞诗派
二、简答题 1.《窦娥冤》的艺术成就 2.《左传》的叙事艺术 3.杜牧诗歌的艺术成就
四、论述题 《红楼梦》的人物塑造艺术
您所下载的资料来源于 获取更多考研资料,请访问



7.普通话的音变现象主要有 等。
、 、 、增音、减音、轻声
【解析】普通话存在音变现象,常见的有:①同化是指一个音位影响另 外一个音位,使它变成跟自己相同或相近的音位。如汉语普通话
三、分析句子成分。 1.昨天村里走了两个游击战士。 2.叮铃铃,叮铃铃,一阵电话铃声把老杨从回忆中惊醒过来。 四 、加标点并回答问题。
1.加标点。 2.解释加点的字词句。 (1)郤克伤于矢 (2)病 (3)若之何 (4)御
2015年华中师范大学354汉语基础[专业硕士]考研真题(回忆版) 壹 现代汉语基础知识(共80分) 一、填空题(每小题1分,共10分)
是在原有意义的基础上通过隐喻、转喻等方式引申出来的。隐喻是指两 现象之间有“相似”的关系。相似可以是外形的相似、某种性质的相似、 整体部分关系的相似,等等。比如,“耳”本来指“人的耳朵”,而“木 耳”的“耳”指的是“形状像人的耳朵的东西”;转喻,也叫“换喻”,它是指
2014年华中师范大学354汉语基础[专业 硕士]考研真题(回忆版)
2015年华中师范大学354汉语基础[专业 硕士]考研真题(回忆版)
2015年华中师范大学354汉语基础[专业 硕士]考研真题(回忆版)及详解
2016年华中师范大学354汉语基础[专业 硕士]考研真题(回忆版)
2014年华中师范大学354汉语基础[专业硕士]考研真题(回忆版) 现代汉语 一、填空题

华中师范大学2007年至2011年研究生文学理论考试试题华中师范大学2007年至2011年研究生文学理论考试试题华中师范大学2007年研究生入学考试试题招生专业:中国语言文学各专业考试科目及代码:文学理论 615考试时间:元月21日上午一、术语解释(每题5分,共30分)1、互文性2、主题的多义性3、戏剧情境4、艺术构思5、文学思潮6、共鸣二、请指出下列著作的作者(每题1分,共10分)1、“遵四时以叹逝,瞻万物而思纷;悲落叶于劲秋,喜柔条于芳春”。
华中师范大学2008年研究生入学考试试题招生专业:中国语言文学研究方向:各研究方向考试科目及代码:文学理论 321考试时间:元月15日上午一、术语解释 (每题6分,共30分)1、艺术思维2、意象叠加3、潜台词4、灵感5、边缘文学体裁二、请指出下列著作和言论的作者(每题1分,共10分)1、《随园诗话》2、《宋元戏剧考》3、《诗艺》4、《拉奥孔》5、《作为艺术的手法》6、《朦胧的七种类型》7、《机械复制时代的艺术》8、缀文者情动而辞发,观文者披文以入情9、有了小感触,就写些短文……得到较整齐的材料,则还是做短篇小说。

一、名词解释(每题5分,共30 分)
二、简答题(共60 分)
2 词义引申的规律
三、论述题(每题20 分,共60 分)

华中师范大学二〇一四年研究生入学考试试题院系、招生专业: 外国语学院英语语言文学外国语言文学及应用语言文学考试时间:元月5日午考试科目代码及名称:713基础英语I. In each of the following sentences, 4 WWORDS or PHRASES have been underlined. Choose the one word or phrase that would NOT be appropriate in standard English. Write your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (15/150)1.Studies have suggested that eating nuts—almonds in particular—might help toAlower blood cholesterol levels in humans and reducing the risk of heart diseaseB Cby protecting the blood vessels.D2. Last summer, when Mary’s aunt and uncle flew from Turkey to visit their relativesAand tour the United States, Marry invited Sandy and I to her house to meet them.B C D3. Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations is a novel which the main character becomesAso obsessed with the idea of becoming a gentleman that his moral judgment isB C Dtemporarily affected.4. My roommate, a drama major, claimed that Ibsen’s plays, unlike Ionesco, areA Btotally conventional in their style.C D5. Because our casserole was smelling surprisingly badly as it baked, the food scienceAteacher came over to ask us what we had put it.B C D6. The problem of storing the sun’s heat is supposed to be studied by scientistsA Ball over the world in the past decades.C D7. It is difficult to predict what kinds of books will be popular in the years ahead,A Bbecause tastes change and topics either get overexplored and lost their relevance.C D8. Ms. Kovak proudly displayed her research group’s most ingenious invention, aA Bvacuum cleaner that empties its own dust bag when pressing a button.C D9. Susan is considered to be as intelligent, or more intelligent than the other studentsA B Cin her class.D10. Large sums of money have to spend each year in painting the steel works ofA B Cbridges, ships, and other exposed structures.D11. Only when the book has assumed its final form an author can declare to the readerA Bwhat he thinks he has accomplished.C D12. Betty spent all evening talking about her book, which none of us had ever heard.A B C D13. I have no idea of Mr. Smith having been promoted to the new post. Y ou should tellA B C me about it earlier.D14. It was years after I had visited my hometown, and I was determined to enjoyA B Cmy stay.D15. The more complex a subject becomes, the more necessary is it to break it up into aA B C number of parts which the reader can visualize.DII. Find the ONE choice that best completes the sentence. Write your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (15/150)1. She called her friend before she left the city to her friend would miss her.A. insureB. ensureC. assureD. reassure2. The students begin to themselves to their studies after long summer vocation.A. applyB. engageC. convertD. exert3. Before moving to California, Tom Warren has to of his house and the furniture.A. dispenseB. discardC. disposeD. discharge4. The central government is now making unremitting efforts to its policy of poverty relief in the remote rural areas.A. constructB. implementC. demonstrateD. integrate5. Accuracy and expressiveness are the two in translation. The first is to express the exact thought of original article and the second is to make the translation readily understood.A. acquisitionB. inquiriesC. requestsD. requisites6. It is believed that the deal between the two enterprises is finally made through theof the local government.A. conventionB. preventionC. interventionD. termination7. There is no perfect trading system, and each of the proposed ones has its .A. limitationsB. bordersC. frontiersD. prohibitions8. Dr. Hill has just received an invitation from Washington University to join theas a full-time professor.A. committeeB. associationC. facultyD. branch9. People find that expected noise are usually more than unexpected ones of the like magnitude.A. manageableB. controllableC. revocableD. tolerable10. Y ou will have to be very if you want him to come around and approve of the plan.A. diplomaticB. industriousC. vigilantD. sensitive11. The sell their military equipment to whoever needs it, with the purpose of making profit.A. uniqueB. unanimousC. soleD. singular12. Expects suggested that speech stages are reached in the fixed sequence and at a constant age, but there are cases where speech has started late in a child who turns out to be of high IQ.A. automaticallyB. eventuallyC. inverselyD. contradictorily13. He has been coughing all day and and has a cold.A. evidentlyB. correspondinglyC. normallyD. admittedly14. This book is wide attention because it gives a detailed description of the life of Princess Diana.A. composed ofB. regardless ofC. worthy ofD. ignorant of15. Would you please these invitations to all the teachers of English department?A. hand overB. hand outC. hand downD. hand inⅢ. Proofreading: (30/150):(Do it in on the ANSWER SHEET)The following passage contains 15 errors. Each line contains a maximum of one error.Y ou should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.For a missing wor d, mark the position of the missing word with a“八”andwrite the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.For an unnecessary word, cross out the unnecessary word with a slash “/”and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.Fast food has grown remarkably, not only in the United States, but alsoaround the world. Restaurant chains represent a multi-billion-dollars (1)industry that shows no sign of slowing down. Innovations for operations (2)and products have kept the industry growing and, some cities wouldargue, leading to speeding up the pace of contemporary life. (3) From its inception, fast food has lived up its name. In the early (4)days of fast food, as Americans came to depend more on their cars, outletsoffered drive-in service, enabled customers to park and eat in their cars. (5)This service reduced the cost and established relative low prices. (6) Giving the popularity of fast food for lunch and dinner, it was only a (7)matter of time after marketers and franchisees realized they could (8)expand their line of products by offering breakfast to hungry peoplein a hurry.For many people, moreover, fast food has become symbolic of a (9)fast-paced lifestyle that is neither natural or healthy. An organization (10)called Slow Food was established in Italy in 1986 to oppose fast food andtheir assembly-line approach to cooking and eating. The Slow Food (11) manifesto, endorsing in Paris 1989 by delegates from 15 countries, states, (12)“We are slaved by speed and have all succumbed to the same insidiousvirus: Fast Life, who disrupts our habit, pervades the privacy of our (13)homes and forces us to eat Fast Foods.” To fight the positive connotations (14)of fast food, many companies now emphasize on the word “fresh” (15)in their advertising and use the term “quick service” to describe theiroperations.Ⅳ. Fill in each blank with THE BEST ANSWER from the four choices given under the correspondent number. Write your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (30/150)One of the most pressing challenges that the world will face in the next few decades is how to alleviate the growing stress that human activities are placing 1 the environment. The consequences are just too great to 2 . Wildlife habitats are being degraded or disappearing altogether as new developments 3 more land. Plant and animal species are becoming 4 at a greater rate now than at any time in Earth’s history. 5 as 30 percent of the world’s fish stocks are over-exploited. And the list goes on.6 , there is reason to have hope for the future.7 in computing power and molecular biology are among the tremendous increases in scientific capability that are helping researchers8 a better understanding of these problems. Recent developments in science and technology could provide the9 for some major, and timely actions that would 10 our understanding of how human activities affect the environment.One priority for research is improving hydrological forecasting. It has been 11 that the world’s water use could triple in the next two decades. Already, widespread water 12 have occurred in parts of China, India, North Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. The need for water also is taking its toll on freshwater ecosystems in the United States. Only two percent of the nation’s streams are considered in good 13 , and close to 40 percent of native fish 14 are rare to extinct.To prevent outbreaks of 15 diseases in plants, animals, and humans, more study is needed on how pathogens, parasites, and disease-carrying species——as 16 as humans and other species they infect——are 17 by changes in the environment. The overuse of antibiotics both in humans and in farm animals has 18 to the growth of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. Researchers 19 new technologies in genetics and computing to better monitor and 20 the effects that environmental changes might have on disease outbreaks.1. A. at B. in C. cover D. on2. A. notice B. speculate C. ignore D. emphasize3. A. take over B. take up C. take in D. take on4. A. dangerous B. risky C. extinct D. insecure5. A. As B. So C. Too D. very6. A. Likewise B. Y et C. Consequently D. Furthermore7. A. Advances B. projects C. Inventions D. Proposals8. A. hold B. receive C. gain D. pay9. A. basis B. base C. stage D. ground10. A. affirm B. consolidate C. hinder D. improve11. A. advocated B. expected C. estimated D. calculated12. A. supply B. use C. pollution D. shortage13. A. health B. condition C. status D. situation14. A. foods B. products C. species D. races15. A. serious B. infectious C. fetal D. deadly16. A. much B. long C. well D. far17. A. affected B. restricted C. distributed D. compensated18. A. referred B. allocated C. contributed D. attributed19. A. call in questionB. take advantage ofC. give rise toD. bring into operation20. A. see B. report C. guess D. predictV. Read the following passages carefully and choose THE ONE BEST ANSWER to each question from the four choices given. Write your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (20/150)Text A[1] “Aggression”means a mixture of three features: injury (real or symbolic), intent, and emotion. Having a toe trodden upon may or may not make you the object of aggression: it all depends on the emotion and intent of a man inside the boot. One recurring question is the exact nature of the motivation. If the answers to this and similar questions were known, better solutions might be offered. Instead, the expects continue to offer contradictory opinions. It has been suggested that competitive sports decrease aggression. But many have suggested that such sports may cause it. Similar conflicting opinions have been offered about violence on film and television. How do we begin to make sense of rival views? One way is by looking at how the ideas developed historically.[2] When Freud first considered human aggression, he suggested that it originated from the blocking of a pleasure-seeking drive. He later changed his mind, suggesting that the aggressive drive was something independent of the blocking of pleasure, and that aggression was inherent part of human conditions. These two very different views have formed the basis of contemporary thinking on the nature of aggression. Freud’s earlier idea, that it originated from the blocking of a pleasure drive, led to the frustration theory. It suggested that interference with any pleasure including, or rewarding activity, once this had begun, would produce a state of frustration, which would then evoke anger. The frustration theory has stimulated much research on both human and animals. But its limitations in explaining all human aggression are now very apparent. If you are frustrated, for example, by someone turning up to an appointment on time, anger is indeed a likely outcome. Bur so other reactions: anxiety and nervousness, trying to find the missing person, or making light of the situation by joking.[3] Freud’s later idea—that there is a separate aggressive drive—influenced a totally different set of ideas. Most important among these is the notion that the act of violence can release a tense which has previously built up in someone. Ideas of this sort not only have a long history, but also have a intuitive appeal because of thefeeling of relief that often follows an emotional act, such as an aggressive outburst. The later Freud saw aggression as a drive building up spontaneously until the act occurred, which then reduced the tension. This embodies a profoundly pessimistic belief about human nature. It led Freud to comment that it is fruitless to try to eliminate human violence, but we can only provide safe outlets for it.[4] One extension of the frustration approach is my own discrepancy theory, which I originally put forward to explain the animal fighting. Animal fight in response to sudden pain or novelty or frustration. All three situations can be thought of in terms of animal finding a large discrepancy between events and what is expecting on the basis of its past experience. When this happens, either fear or aggression is likely to occur, though many traditional factors will determine which of the two takes place in a given situation. On this view, aggression occurs because the animal compares events in its environment with its expectations built up from the past experiences.[5] The same idea can be extended to human aggression. We are likely to become angry when our expectations, wishes, beliefs or attitudes are not fulfilled by what we experience. One very clear example occurs after a person has lost a marriage partner, close relative or friend. There is distress, and attempts to escape, at first. These are replaced later by aggression.1. The author of the passage believes that if we know the nature of aggressionA. we may find better ways to deal with human violenceB. we may better understand people’s intent and emotionC. we may have a clear view of its historical developmentD. experts may stop arguing about violence on film and television2. Freud thought later on that human aggression was caused byA. the blocking of a pleasure driveB.an inherent aggressive driveC. frustration, anger and anxietyD. unexpected failures3. Freud’s later idea is pessimistic because it implies thatA. it’s impossible to eliminate human violenceB. it’s impossible to find safe outlets for violenceC. man will never understand the nature of aggressionD. man will never find ways to reduce tension4. The author’s own theory is influenced byA. Freud’s earlier ideaB. Freud’s later ideaC. research on animalsD. studies on frustration5. according to the author, whether fear or aggression occurs in a situation of discrepancy is determined byA. the extent of discrepancyB. the degree of frustrationC. our expectationsD. other factorsText B[1] Consider the puppy. At only three weeks of age, this tiny ball of fur has already begun gnawing, pawing, and tugging at its littermates. At four to five weeks, its antics rival those of a rambunctious child, chasing and wrestling with its siblings at all hours of the day and night.[2]Such behavior is not unusual among social animals. From human children to whales to sewer rats, many groups of mammals and even some birds play for a significant fraction of their youth. Brown bear cubs, like puppies and kittens, stalk and wrestle with one another in imaginary battles. Wolves play solitary games with rocks and sticks.Chimpanzees tickle one another.[3]However fascinating these displays of youthful exuberance may be, play among animals was ignored by scientists for most of this century. Biologists assumed that this seemingly purposeless activity had little effect on animal development, was not a distinct form of behavior, and was too nebulous a concept either to define or to study. Even the term "play" caused problems for researchers, because it suggests that watching animals goof off is not an activity for serious scientists.[4]But a steady accumulation of evidence over the past two decades now suggests that play is a distinct form of behavior with an important role in the social, physical, and mental development of many animals. In one study, kittens, mice, and rats were found to play the most at ages when permanent changes were occurring in their muscle fiber and the parts of their brains regulating movement. Kittens were 30 most playful between 4 and 20 weeks of age; rats, from 12 to 50 days; and mice, from 15 to 29 days. Development at those ages is comparable to that of a two-year-old human infant. At these precise times in the development of these animals, muscle fibers differentiate and the connections to areas of the brain regulating movement are made. Such changes apparently are not unique to kittens, mice, and rats,but apply to mammals in general.[5]Thus, research on play has given biologists an important tool with which to probe the development of the brain and 40 motor systems of animals. The study on rats, kittens, and mice may, for instance, provide a physiological explanation for why infant animals employ in their play the same kinds of behavior that they will later use as adults. By stalking and capturing imaginary prey over and over again, a kitten builds its muscle and brain connections in a way that allows it to perform those actions later in life.[6]Play may also provide insight into the social development of animals. When the rough-and-tumble of play ends traumatically with a yelp or a shriek, young animals may be learning the limits of their strength and how to control themselves among others. Those are essential lessons for an animal living in a close-knit group. Perhaps, some scientists guess, as mammals gathered into social groups, play took on the function of socializing members of the group. Not everyone agrees with this theory, though. Another explanation is that play may not have evolved to confer any advantage but is simply a consequence of higher cognitive abilities or an abundance of nutrition and parental care.[7]Why did play evolve? No one knows for certain, but after ten years of studying brown bears of Alaska, biologist R obert Fagen has his own opinion. “Why do people dance?” he asks. “Why do b irds sing?” For the bears, we are becoming increasingly convinced that aesthetic factors are primary." Sometimes, that is, animals play simply for the fun of it.6. In the paragraph 2, the references to animals primarily serve toA. emphasize physical similarities between and humansB. prove a controversial point about animal playC. suggest that animal play can be difficult to studyD. show the variety of animal play7. Which of the following claims do the findings of "one study" mentioned inParagraph 4 support?A. Play is a key factor in the social organization of some animal groups.B. Most animal species tend to begin playing as they approach adulthood.C. Research into play may help us understand animals’physiological development.D. Researchers do not always recognize behavioral similarities among diversespecies8. How do expect who agree with “this theory”mentioned in Paragraph 6 look at animal play?A. It is an enjoyable activity.B. It serves as a useful purpose.C. It occurs only among mammals.D. It varies from one animal to another.9.The discussion of Robert Fagen’s work serves toA. show that varying explanations may be logically relatedB. expand the discussion by introducing a different opinionC. strengthen the earlier argument with corroborating evidenceD. illustrate the resistance conservative scientists to new ideas10.Fagan compares bears playing to people dancing in order to suggest that bothactivitiesA. have little practical functionB. promote physical coordinationC. are associated wills social developmentD. involve peer groups in shared physical activityⅥ. Read the following article and answer the questions about it in ENGLISH.Y ou may borrow words or phrases from the article, are but not allowed borrow clauses or sentences. Both the content and language accuracy of your answers will be considered. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40/150)[1]If the new art is not accessible to everyone, which certainly seems to be the case, this implies that its impulses are not of a generically human kind. It is an art not for people in general but for a special class who may not be better but who are evidently different.[2]Before we go further, one point must be clarified. What is it that the majority of people call aesthetic pleasure? What happens in their minds when they “like” a work of art; for example, a play? The answer is easy. They like a play when they become interested in the human destinies that are represented, when the love and hatred, the joys and sorrows of the dramatic personages so move them that they participate in it all as though it were happening in real life. And they call a work “good” if it succeeds in creating th e illusion necessary to make the imaginary personages appear like living persons. In poetry the majority of people seek the passion and pain of the human being behind the poet. Paintings attract them if they find in them figures of men or women it would be interesting to meet.[3]It thus appears that to the majority of people aesthetic pleasure means a state of mind that is essentially indistinguishable from their ordinary behavior. It differs merely in accidental qualities, being perhaps less utilitarian, more intense, and free from painful consequences. But the object toward which their attention and, consequently, all their other mental activities are directed is the same as in daily life: people and passions. When forced to consider artistic forms proper-for example, in some surrealistic or abstract art-most people will only tolerate them if they do not interfere with their perception of human forms and fates. As soon as purely aesthetic elements predominate and the story of John and Susie grows elusive, most people feel out of their depth and are at a loss as to what to make of the scene, the book, or the painting. A work of art vanishes from sight for a beholder who seeks in that work of art nothing but the moving fate of John and Susie or Tristan and Isolde. Unaccustomed to behaving in any mode except the practical one in which feelings are aroused and emotional involvement ensues, most people are unsure how to respond toa work that does not invite sentimental intervention.[4]Now this is a point that has to be made perfectly clear. Neither grieving nor rejoicing at such human destinies as those presented by a work of art begins to define true artistic pleasure; indeed, preoccupation with the human content of work is in principle incompatible with aesthetic enjoyment proper.Questions;1. How do you paraphrase the underline sentence in Paragraph 1?2. How does aesthetic pleasure happen to the majority of people?3. How do you paraphrase the underline sentence in Paragraph 3?4. Why, according to this article, can’t most people appreciate a work of abstract art?5. How do you paraphrase the underline sentence in Paragraph 4?。