



























227切斯特曼翻译伦理视角下政府工作报告英译研究文/郝姗 钱聪炜 徐萌【摘要】随着中国的进一步对外开放,并与世界上其他国家之间的交流日益密切,中国在世界舞台上吸引了越来越多的目光。







【关键词】翻译伦理;政府工作报告;翻译策略【Abstract】With the further opening to the outside world and the closer exchanges with other countries, Chinahas attracted more and more attention from the world. And the annual government work report has undoubtedly become the most authoritative channel forChina to convey the information to the world. In order to better convey the voice of China to foreign readers, the Chinese Government will entrust professionaltranslators to conduct the translation of the report accurately. Since many cultural, political, and ideological conflicts are supposed toappearinevitablyduring the translation activity, the coordination of these conflicts will require the guidance of the translation ethics. At the same time, more and more scholars begin to pay attention to the English translation of government work reports. This paper takes the five models of translation ethics proposed by Andrew Chesterman as the theoretical guidance, selects the government work report of the State Council in 2017 as the research material, and analyzes some specific expressions of the English translation of the report from the perspective of ethical models. Then, we can find the guiding significance of the theory to translation activities more directly. What’s more, it is hoped that this paper can provide some references for the Chinese-English translation of government work report and other related research.【Key words】Translation Ethics; Government Work Report; Translation Strategies【作者简介】郝姗(1981-),女,讲师,天津大学外国语言与文学学院;钱聪炜,天津大学外国语言与文学学院;(通讯作者)徐萌(1995-),女,天津大学外国语言与文学学院,2018级硕士。



目的论指导下政治类新闻汉译发表时间:2019-08-30T11:06:23.437Z 来源:《知识-力量》2019年10月39期作者:刘雅建1 牛彤2[导读] 政治类新闻作为新闻体裁的一种特殊文体,内容包括政府颁布的相关政策、国家事务、国际关系等,还会涉及其他国家政治文化。



(1.外国语学院,河北唐山 063200;2.华北理工大学,河北唐山 063200)摘要:政治类新闻作为新闻体裁的一种特殊文体,内容包括政府颁布的相关政策、国家事务、国际关系等,还会涉及其他国家政治文化。




译者只有在正确理解源意义及其文化内容的基础上,充分把握翻译目的,并遵循目的论中的目的原则、忠实原则和连贯原则才能有效实现翻译目的,达到传播文化的目的(史耕山,胡晓红 85)。

















2目的论翻译理论最初,Katharina Reiss将功能范畴引入翻译,认为理想的翻译应该是交际翻译,译者应重视译本的功能;随后,Hans J Vermeer在此基础上提出了目的论,认为翻译是以原文为基础的有目的、有结果的行为,同时提出翻译应该坚持目的原则和连贯原则;后来,Christiane Nord 又提出了翻译的“忠实”原则,从而完善了该理论。





























翻译目的论(Skopos Theory)是一种以翻译目的为核心的理论框架,它强调翻译活动应服务于特定的目的和目标受众。









二、翻译目的论概述翻译目的论(Skopos Theory)起源于20世纪70年代的德国,由翻译学者汉斯维尔姆弗里曼(Hans J. Vermeer)和凯瑟琳雷斯(Katharina Reiss)提出。







例 2:Beijing is an open family.The city pro~
求 达 到预 期 目的[3]。而 翻 译 同样 作 为 一种 行 动 , vides a good working environm ent full of chal~ 需 要行 动者 在 翻译 目的 的 引 导 下 ,综 合 考 虑 一 切 lenge and passion. Everyone puts his shoulder to
一 、 “目的论 ”翻译 理 论 、方 法及 类型
翻译 目的论 主要 是 由凯 瑟琳 在 2O世纪 70年 代首先提出的,但是 当时的“目的论”还未完全成 型 ,主要 强 调 以 功 能 为 目的 。在 翻 译 文 章 的过 程 中 ,已经 不再重 视文 章 的原 本框 架 ,而 是 主要 突 出 文 章翻译 的功 能 。“目 的论 ”在 发 展 的 过 程 中,被 众多学者不断地 丰富和完善 ,其 中克里斯丁 ·诺 得 为 了纠正 功 能 论 中过 重 的 目的 色 彩 ,在 翻译 的 过程 中将“忠诚”原则引入 了翻译 论 当中,这也纠 正 了“目的论 ”当中 的过激 翻 译 目的l_1]。在 翻译 的 过 程 中 ,不能 仅仅将 文 章一 字 不 落地 翻 译 出来 ,这 种 机械 式 的 翻译 方 法 ,不 能 适 应 政 府 进 行 整 治 宣 传的 目的 ,所以应该在政府 网站的翻译过程中,充 分体现翻译在人类主体活动 中的特点 ,应该根 据
梁 君 :“目的论”视域 下的政府 英文 网站翻译探 索— — 以北京政府 网英文版为例 123
本 所要 达 到 的重要 内容 。[2
的影 响 。
在翻译 的过 程 中经常使用 信息 文本 翻译 方 法 、表 情文 本 翻 译 方 法 、文献 性 翻 译 方 法 、逐 字 翻 译方法 、语文学翻译法 、异化翻译等众多的方式。



翻译转换理论视角下政府工作报告英译本研究Research on the English Translation of Government Work Report from the Perspective of Translation Conversion TheoryTranslation conversion theory is a theory of translation that emphasizes the conversion of the source language into the target language. It is a theory of translation that emphasizes the conversion of the source language into the target language. It is a theory of translation that emphasizes the conversion of the source language into the target language. It is a theory of translation that emphasizes the conversion of the source language into the target language.In the translation of government work report, the translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language.First of all, the translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language.Secondly, the translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language.Finally, the translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into thetarget language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language.In conclusion, the translation of government work report should be based on the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language.In this way, the translator can ensure the accuracy and fluency of the translation of the government work report. The translation of the government work report should be based on the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of thesource language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language.In this way, the translator can ensure the accuracy and fluency of the translation of the government work report. The translation of the government work report should be based on the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language.In this way, the translator can ensure the accuracy and fluency of the translation of the government work report. The translation of the government work report should be based on the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. The translator should pay attention to the conversion of the source language into the target language. 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翻译目的论视阈下的中国政治文本翻译文献综述1. 引言1.1 研究背景翻译目的论是翻译研究领域的一个重要理论框架,是指对翻译活动中翻译目的的探讨和分析。








1.2 翻译目的论的重要性翻译目的论作为翻译研究的重要理论基础之一,在翻译实践中扮演着至关重要的角色。







2. 正文2.1 翻译目的论视角下的中国政治文本翻译特点1. 文化差异影响:中国政治文本涉及到政治体制、法律制度等特定领域,而中西文化差异较大,翻译时需要考虑这些文化差异对译文的影响,避免产生歧义。

2. 政治术语翻译难度大:政治术语具有专业性和严谨性,翻译时需要准确表达政治概念,避免歧义和误解。


周刊 2008年第 7 期 ○ 文学语言学研究
( 郑州轻工业学院 外语系, 河南 郑州 450002)
摘 要: 本文以功能派翻译理论目的论为依据, 对外宣政 治文献翻译的实质、目的和译文的预期功能进行了分析, 认为 实现译文在译语文化中的预期目的和功能是此类材料翻译应 遵循的主要原则。文章认为翻译时应在这一原则的指导下选 择有助于达到译文目的的灵活多样的翻译方法。
王宪生1997还有不少中文特有的带有数字的简称在翻译时为了照顾译文读者的文化习惯达到译文预期目的在翻译方法上也应该做这样的调三讲教育译文一threeemphaseseducation译文二tostresstheoreticalstudypoliticalawarenessgoodconduct译文一thethreeprocessingonecompeationtrade译文二processingsuppliedmaterialsprocessingaccordingclientsuppliedsamplesassemblingimportedcomponentscompeationtradeforeigntradebusiness菜篮子工程译文一vegetablebasketproject译文二aprojectestablishingproductionbasesincreasingnonstaplefoodsupply这些在中国人生活中司空见惯的名词简称对于生活在完全不同的社会环境中的外国人来说如同天书翻译时绝不能像译文一样简单地照字面直译而应该将这些简称所指的完整内容解释清楚这样才能起到服务读者传达信息宣传中国 料 、广 告 、外 宣 材 料 等 的 翻 译 。 二 、外 宣 政 治 文 献 的 预 期 目 的 和 功 能 外 宣 政 治 文 献 的 题 材 范 围 广 泛 , 包 括 联 合 公 报 、备 忘 录 、



- 231 -校园英语 / 翻译探究目的论视角下《政府工作报告》的英译分析西安外国语大学/张稳【摘要】政治外宣英译的优劣直接影响到西方人对中国政策方针的认识和中西方的互动交流,其利害关系,不言自明。


【关键词】目的论 目的原则 外宣翻译一、引言政治外宣文本有很强的目的性和政治严肃性以及典型中国特色语言,英译过程必然障碍重重。











1)“三公” official overseas visits, official vehicles and official hospitality“四风”f o r m a l i s m , b u r e a u c r a c y, h e d o n i s m a n d extravagance例1)中的缩略词 “三公”“四风”代表了具中国特色的典型政治用语,若直接音译,西方读者必然会感到云里雾里。




中心论和原著 中心论都 占据 了重要 地位 , 译者被 质量 的 《 政府工作报告》 英 译 文本 却 实 为 不 易 , 原 认 为既要 对 原作 忠 实 又 要 对 读 者 迎 合 奉 承 , 其 主 因在 于此 类 政 论 文 的 政 治 性 极 强 , 译 文 必 须 准 确 体性 完全 被 忽 视 。然 而 在 翻 译 过 程 中 , 源 文 作 者
注意 汉英 两种语 言 的差 异 , 考 虑 译 文 读 者 的反 应 ,
指的是译者在翻译中体现的一种 自觉的人格意识及 从译文的可理解性和可接受性 出发, 采用替代 或
其 在翻译 中的一 种创 造意 识 。 ” _ 4 而 在 同一 时期 , 查 省译 等方 法加 以翻译 。 明建 、 田雨也认 为 : “ 译者 主体 性是 指 作为 翻译 主体 的译 者在尊重 翻译 对象 的前 提下 , 为 实现 翻译 目的 而在翻译活动 中表 现出 的主观 能动性 。 ” _ 5
无误 ; 其次 , 文 中经 常会 出现 大 量 具有 典 型 中 国特 和译文读者都无 法参与 , 只有译 者始终处 于主 动 色 的表达 方式 , 英 文 中很 难 找 到对 应 的译 人 语 ; 同 地位 。译者的个人因素如知识面、 语言水平 、 立场 时, 英 汉 两种 语 言 在 语 句 结 构 等 方 面 的差 异 也 给
年政 府工作报告》 中英文版为语料 , 指出译者要充分考虑译 文读者 的语言 、 文化和思 维特点等 因素 , 采取相应 的
翻译 策略 , 从而更好 地传达源文 的内容 , 实现翻译 目的。
关键词 :外宣翻译 ; 译者主体性 ; ( 2 0 1 4年政府工作报告》 ; 翻译策 略
中 图 分 类 号 :H 3 1 5 . 9 文 献标 识 码 :A 文 章 编 号 :2 0 9 5 - 7 3 9 4 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 0 1 - 0 0 1 7 —0 4























w o r d s u n d e r t h e s k o p o s t h e o r y i n t h e r e p o r t i n 2 0 1 4 , t a k e “ 发展 ” a s a n e x a m p l e t o i l l u s t r a t e .
q ui t e i mp or t a n t d u e t o i t s f u n c t i o n. As C hi na ’ S d e v e l o p me n t g r o wi n g, t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l s o c i e t y w a n t t o k n o w mo r e a b o u t o u r p o l i c y,
目的 论 是 由 德 国 功 能 派 翻 译 理 论 家 汉
心 在于 “ s k o p o s ” , 该词 源 干 希 腊语 , 费米 尔 引进 这 个 词语 用 来表 示 翻 译 或 翻 译 行 为 的 目的【 2 】 。 目的 论 中 最重 要 的 就 是 目的论 的 三
学 术 论 坛
Байду номын сангаас
试析 政府工作报告 中高频词汇的翻译
以2 0 1 4 年 政府工作报告 中 “ 发展 "的英译为例
王 婷 ( 新疆 师范大学外 国语学 院 新 疆 乌鲁 木齐
8 3 0 0 0 0 )
摘 要: 政 府工作报 告作 为一种特殊 的政论 文体 , 是 国际社会 了解 中国形势和政策主 张的最重要 , 最权威 的来源 , 因此其翻译 便具有 了举 足 轻重 的作 用。 该 文以汉斯 ・ 费米 尔的 目的论 为理论 指导 , 基于2 0 1 4 年 新一 届政 府 工作报告 中的 高频词汇 的英译进 行统 计研 究, 探讨 其






















%Publicity translation plays an important role in the communication between China and the world . Nevertheless ,publicity translation strategies are distinguished from traditional translations on account of the cultural diversity as well as the political reasons .Viewing from the skopos of functionalist approaches to translation and based on the 2014 report on government work ,this essay proposes some C-E publicity translation strategies in order to deliver better methods of translating .【期刊名称】《河北联合大学学报(社会科学版)》【年(卷),期】2015(000)001【总页数】4页(P97-99,103)【关键词】外宣翻译;目的论;政府工作报告【作者】翟云超;王显志【作者单位】河北联合大学,外国语学院,河北唐山 063000;河北联合大学,外国语学院,河北唐山 063000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H3159随着经济的发展,中国在世界上的话语权愈发重要。







































从目的论角度看中英政治术语翻译【英语论文】唐山学院学年论文论文题目从目的论角度看中英政治术语翻译系别外语系班级 09英本1班姓名孙力指导教师冯占峰2012年7The Skopostheorie on the C-E translation of Political terms Student Sun LiSupervisor Feng ZhanfengDepartment of Foreign LanguagesTangshan CollegeJuly 2012中文摘要政治术语的翻译是一种带有鲜明语言特色和政治倾向的应用文体具有诸多的研究价值并且政治术语的翻译在国家的政治交流中起着举足轻重的作用本论文以目的论为切入点来探讨政治术语的翻译目的论突破了传统翻译对等理论的限制为翻译研究开辟了新的视角按照目的论翻译是一种目的性的复杂行为目的论强调的不是源语文本而是目的语文本译者的地位和译入语的读者译入语的目的决定翻译方法的选择本文详尽阐述了系列德国翻译大师的理论全文从译者主体性的视角来探讨政治术语的翻译应用本文由三个部分组成第一部分介绍了政治术语翻译的重要性由于政治翻译的误译导致的政治纠纷屡见不鲜为此误导政坛的见解丧失其应有的政治效应第二部分详细的介绍了目的论的发展过程和基础理论第三部分介绍了政治翻译的时新性和政治倾向性因此政治翻译必须注重信息的时效性和准确性以及政治立场译词要准确语言通顺文体贴切并且在此部分还分析了误译产生的原因如语言文化和政治立场的巨大差异总之本文总结了目的论在政治术语翻译中的有效应用该理论的主要缺陷在于过多的强调译者的主体性不够尊重源语文本并为进一步的研究提出了建议关键词政治术语目的论译者主体性AbstractPolitical terms which make great contribution to the political communication between China and western countries are a non-literary style with distinctive linguistic forms and featuresThis thesis discusses political termstranslation on the basis of skopostheorieAs a breakthrough with the traditional equivalence-oriented approaches Skopostheorie has offered a new perspective to translation studies According to Skopotheorie translation is a complex action designed to achieve a certain purpose which does not focus on the source text but rather on the target text the status of the translator and the target reader the translating method chosen by the translator is determined by the perpose of the target textThe author expounds the theories put forward by German translationmastersFrom the perspective of translatorssubjectivitythe thesis discusses how to apply the theories on the translation of the political termsThe thesis consists of three parts Part one is the introduction to the significance ofpolitical terms Part two the text discuss the original and development of the theories Part three it introduces the timely and political trend on the translation of political termsDue to the errors and the political trend on the translation of the political terms a practical guidance is badly needed therefore the translation is supposed to transmit information timely choose words correctly use smooth and popular languages and adopt appropriate stylesAs a whole the text sums up the practical application of Skopostheorie on the translation of the political terms criticizes that Skopostheorie does not pay sufficient attention to the source text and puts more emphasis on translators subjectivity The author puts forward suggestions for further studyKey words political terms Skopostheorie translators subjectivityContentPartⅠ Introduction11Brief introduction to the translation12Government reports explained13General priciples for governmet reports translting PartⅡA Literature Review of Skopostheorie21The original of Skopostheorie and its development 22Basic rules of SkopostheoriePartⅢApplication of Skopostheorie to the government reports translating31Government reports translating from the skopos view 32The role of translator in the government reports translation33Special issues of translator in the government reports translatingNotesBiographyAcknowledgementsPartⅠ Introduction11 The Theoretical Guide on English Translation of Chinese Political TermsOn the basis of normal Englishthe translation of Chinese political terms integrates traditional culture and thinkingpatterns of Chinese peopleThey express the typical political events and phenomena in Chinese society and reflect the development of Chinese political systemThe political terms play a very important role in the international communication and cooperationHoweverthe present translation techniques of political terms are mainly focused on literal translationfree translation and literal translation plus an explanationtransliteration can hardly be foundIn factit is the transliteration words that make the Chinese political terms have Chinese characteristicsThereforepeople should more frequently take transliteration in the translation of Chinese political terms to display Chinese characteristics The study of this thesis is both quantitative and qualitative the political terms are quite different from other styles of English and it needs particular translation criteria methods and priciple and also requires that the translator should have the right political trend In order to transmit the information translator should be confined by the original text which makes the translation of policies and political terms more difficult Beacause of the linguistic and cultural barriers between Chinese and Englishthe political trend differences communications some problems always found on the translationof political terms12 Framework of the ThesisThe thesis consists of three parts Part one is the introduction to the significance of political terms Part two the text discuss the original and development of the theoriesPart three it introduces the timely and political trend on the translation of political termsDue to the errors and the political trend on the translation of the political terms a practical guidance is badly needed therefore the translation is supposed to transmit information timely choose words correctly use smooth and popular languages and adopt appropriate stylesPart Ⅱ A Literature Review of Skopostheorie21 The origin of Skopotheorie and Its developmentThe Skopos theory is an approach to translation which was put forward by[ Hans Vemeer] and developed in Germany in the late 1970s and which oriented a more functionally and socioculturally concept of translation Translation is considered not as a process of translation but as a specific form of human action In our mind translation has a purpose and the word Skopos was from Greek Its used as the technical termfor the purpose of the translation In the frame work of this theory one of the most important factors determining the purpose of a translation is the address who is the intended receiver or audience of the target text with their world language Every translation is directed at an intended audience The theory focuses above all on the purpose of the translation which determines the translation methods and strategies that are to be employed in order to produce a functionally adequate result Vermeer regards it as an offer of information that is partly or wholly turned into an offer of information for the target audience From this view the status of the source is clearly much lower in Skopos theory than the equivalence theory Skopos theory is the nucleus of German Functional School The main idea of Skopos theory is that translators should hold the thought from the perspective of the target readers during the process of translation Therefore translators should bear in mind what the function of translation text is what the target readers demand is and even what communicative situation is Consequently the choice of translation strategies is decided by the purpose of the translation textin order to achieve a better function textThere are three main rules which are skopos rule coherencerule and fidelity rule1 Skopos RuleSkopos is a Greek word for"aim"or"purpose" "The top-ranking rule for any translation is thus theskopos rule which means that a translation action is determined by its skopos that isthe end justifies the means"by Reiss and Vermeer Vermeer also stresses on many occasions that the skopos rule is a general rule and translation strategies and methods are determined by the purpose and the intended function of the target text2Coherence RuleThe coherence rule states that the target text "must be interpretable as coherent with the target text receivers situation"In other wordsthe target text must be translated in such a way that it is coherent for the target text receiversgiven their circumstances and knowledge In terms of coherence rulethe source text is no longer of most authority but only part of the translation beliefeIt is only an offer of information for the translatorwho in turn picks out what he considers to be meaningful in the receivers situationSkopos theory takes seriously factors which have alwaysbeen stressed in action theory and which were brought into sharp relief with the growing need in the latter half of the twentieth century for the translation of non-literary text types In the translation of scientific and academic papers instructions for use tourist guides contracts etc the contextual factors surrounding the translation cannot be ignored These factors include the culture of the intended readers of the target text and of the client who has commissioned it and in particular the function which the text is to perform in that culture for those readers Skopos theory is directly oriented towards this function22Basic Concept of the SkopotheorieSkopos theory is an approach to translation which was developed in Germany in the late 1970s Vermeer 1978 and which reflects a general shift from predominantly LINGUISTIC and rather formal translation theories to a more functionally and socioculturally oriented concept of translation cf ACTION THEORY OF TRANSLATORIAL ACTION COMMUNICATIVEFUNCTIONAL APPROACHES This shift drew inspiration from communication theory action theory text linguistics and text theory as well as from movements in literary studies towards reception theories see for example Iser 1978 Apart from Hans Vermeerthe founder of skopos theory other scholars working in the paradigm include Margret Ammann 19891990 Hans Hnig and Paul Kussmaul 1982 Sigrid Kupsch-Losereit 1986 Christiane Nord 1988 and Heidrun Witte 1987a see also articles in the journal TEXTconTEXT published since 1986 by Groos in Heidelberg Skopos theory takes seriously factors which have always been stressed in action theory and which were brought into sharp relief with the growing need in the latter half of the twentieth century for the translation of non-literary text types In the translation of scientific and academic papers instructions for use tourist guides contracts etc the contextual factors surrounding the translation cannot be ignored These factors include the culture of the intended readers of the target text and of the client who has commissioned it and in particular the function which the text is to perform in that culture for those readers Skopos theory is directly oriented towards this functionTranslation is viewed not as a process of transcoding but as a specific form of human action Like any other human action translation has a purpose and the word skopos derived from Greek is used as the technical term for the purpose of a translation Skopos must be defined before translation can begin inhighlighting skopos the theory adopts a prospective attitude to translation as opposed to the retrospective attitude adopted in theories which focus on prescriptions derived from the source textSkopos theory has helped to bring the target text into focus As a text a translation is not primarily determined by a source text but by its own skopos This axiom provides a theoretical argument for describing translations in terms of original text production and against describing those in the more traditional terms of EQUIVALENCE with another text in another language see also Jakobsen 1993156 Translation is a DECISION MAKING process The criteria for the decisions are provided by the skopos ie the concrete purpose and aims in a concrete translation commissionPartⅢ A Brief Survey of Political terms31 Characters of Chinese political termsWestern studies of China have traditionally focused on Chinese culture whence the term Sinologyimplying that the study of China constituted a science or discipline in its own right This approach became incorporated into the self-conscious movement toward a scientific method in political science cresting in the generation following WorldWar II in the concept of political culture Sinology assumes that China is sufficiently different from the west that it cannot be understood in terms assumed in the west The concept of political culture is more universalistic the product of an ambition to extend the scientific study of politics to the new political systems taking shape in the wake of decolonization Political culture was especially a feature of modernization theoryThere are beyond these disciplinary rationales particular reasons for making political culture a central theme in the study of Chinese politics the role and place of Chinese culture has itself been a central theme in Chinese politics proper for more than a century and a half Along of course with many other themes Chinese political discourse has argued over whether the traditional culture however defined or conceived should be preserved or overthrown whether this culture is an obstacle to Chinas wealth and power or a distinctive way to it whether it retains any relevance in the world today whether it can provide moral cohesion to a society battered by internal turmoil and foreign aggression Whether because China actually is distinct or because those who study it continue to find it so the study of Chinese politics has not been well-integrated into generalpolitical science In the general discipline political culture has lost much of its former cachet and while it may be less important in Chinese political studies than it once was there remains a sense that Chinese politics cannot properly be understood without some nod to the countrys cultural distinctivenessPolitical culture should be particularly relevant in Chinese studies since the role of Chinese culture has been a major political issue for close to 150 years There is also a tendency to couch this issue in terms of tradition and modernity however problematic the distinction may be analytically The concern with culture arises from the Chinese political process itself and is not a paradigm imposed upon it orientalist fashion from the outsideThe official vision accepted by both Nationalists and communists takes the Opium war as marking a major turning point in Chinese history marking the forcible incorporation of China into the world system China had been weak at various times in its history and under non-Chinese rule but previous conquerors had ruled China only on Chinese terms accepting the imperial system and the Confucian culture The western barbarians did not conquer the country but only bent it to their will and they didnot accept the superiority of Chinese cultureWith the development of China some Chinese characters translations have occurredSuch as CPPCC Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议 Communist Party of China 中国共产党 National Peoples Congress NPC 全国人民代表大会The Two Meetings CPPCC NPC 两会 reform and opening up policy 改革开放政策social programs社会事业 moderately prosperous society小康社会macroeconomic regulatory宏观调控 new socialist countryside 社会主义新农村rural migrant workers in cities农民工state-owned enterprises国有企业 compulsory education义务教育incorporated villages行政村combat corruption反腐socialist market economy社会主义市场经济ensure that all of the people share in the fruits of reform and development让全体人民共享改革发展的成果Those political terms are all included Chinese characters3 The Existing problems on the English Translation of Political termsChinese political terms are difficult to understand and translate because those terms are all alluding to special political meaningsThe cultures of the East and the West really distinguish each other a lot This is because the culture systemsare two separate systems on the whole The origin of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries China and India Both of the two cultures are gestated by rivers In China the mother river is the Yellow River while the Indian one is the Hindu River These two cultures were developed for several thousand years and formed their own styles Then in Dang Dynasty of China the Chinese culture gradually went overseas to Japan mixed into the Japanese society and shaped the Japanese culture nowadays One countrys political trend inflected the translation of political terms The priciple of the translation must base on the countrys policies33 The adoption of Skopostheorie on the translation of political termsAccording to Skopotheorie translation is more a decision-making process than a produce In the process the efforts made by the translator should be highly valued and the translators subjectivity is put on an unprecedented high position According to Skopos rule the status of Sltext is much lowered the Sltext is only an offer of informetion It is purpose that determines what to be translated how much to be translated and what strategied to take in the specific practice In line with the coherence rule the translated text should make sensein target readers communicative situation and culture and the reader should be able to understand it the translator should be loyal to the source language as well as the target language In the light of Skopostheorie every translator bears a given purpose in the mind before he starts to translate and one of the most important factors determining the purpose of a translation is the addressee who is the intended receivers of their expectations and their communicative needs And the political terms translation reflected the use of the Skopostheorie The translation of the Chinese political terms has some purpose sevived for the policies34Government report translation from the skopos point of viewConclusionPolitical terms reflected the policies of one country It provides a large quantity of information ranging from serious international affairs to a prominent persons private life With the rapid development of Chinas economy and society we badly need communication with countries all over the world Due to linguitic differences cultural barriers and the unique policies the priciples of the translation must base on the policies reflecting one countrys policies But sometimes thetheories from Skopos always have some bad inflection because every countrys translator will take the translation from their own priciples and political trendThe text summarys the application of the Skopostheorie on the translation of political terms And no doubt further studies have been excpted highlyNotes1 Katharina Ress born in 1923 German linguist and translation scholara defender of the skopos theory2 Hans-Josef Vermeer September 24 1930 - Heidelberg February 4 2010 German linguist and translation scholar3 Margret Ammann 1989 German linguist and translation scholar4 Hans Hnig and Paul Kussmaul 1982 German linguist and translation scholar5 Peter Newmark b A textbook of Translation Shanghai Shanghai Foreign language press 1993BibliographyPeter Newmark a Approches to Translation Shanghai Shanghai Foreign language press1993Peter Newmark b A textbook of Translation Shanghai Shanghai Foreign language press1993Eugene A NidaLanguage Culture and TranslationShanghai Shanghai Language PressKatharina ReissTranslation Criticism Potential and LimitationShanghai Shanghai Language Education Press Hans J Vermeer Linguistische und translatologische Publikationen und übersetzungen 1963- 1992 Registerband Stand com贾文波应用翻译功能论北京中国对外翻译出版公司2005金惠康跨文化交际翻译续篇北京中国对外出版公司2005张锦兰目的论与翻译方法中国科技翻译 Vol5 No3 200123-27陈明瑶浅论政治性的com22 No5 200133-35Venneer Hans J Skopos and commission in translational action [M] 世界图书出版公司 19895。

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p r i o r i t y o f t h i s g o v e r n me n t .
例 2 :成功应对光伏 “ 双反”等重大贸 易摩擦 。 译 文 : Ma j o r t r a d e d i s p u t e s o v e r
a n t i -d u mp i n g a n d c o u n t e r v a i l i n g d u t i e s o n C h i n e s e p r o d u c t s ,s u c h a s p h o t o v o l t a i e s o l a r p r o d u c t s , we r e s u c c e s s f u l l y r e s o l v e d .
例1 中的简政放权是最近政治领域经常 提到 的热 词 ,如 果仅仅 只是单 纯的翻译 成

s i mp l y t h e a d mi ni s t r a t i o n a n d a b nd a o n t h e
理论 背景 首先 。 目的论 中最 中心的原则 其实就是 目的原则 , 也 就是翻译 行为是由其 目的决定 , 我们也可 以说 “ 目的决定手段” 。所 以 , 我 们一 般可 以认 为翻译 成果应该 能使你 的译 本满足其功能。而在 目的原则方面 , 解决直 译或意译 、 动态对等还是形式对等一直是 翻 译 的中心议题 。如何处理这些关 系由文本 的 目的决定但是也决定 了翻译的质量。 其次 , 连贯原则也是 目的论 的一个重要 原则 。 连贯原则 意味着译文一定要跟读 者的 所在环境存在着一定的连贯性 。不仅存 在于 内部连贯, 还必须与原文本有连贯关 系。
随着中国经济的快速发展 和进步 , 世界 形势也愈加复杂 ,中国越来越成 为其 中举足 轻重甚至是不可或缺的角色。中国在国际上 的影响力 日 益增强 。 并随着对外交流 的深入 发展和宣传力度 的不断扩大 , 中国受 到世界 越来越多的关注 。3 月 5日,李克强代表 国 务 院在十二届全 国人大二次会议上作 《 政府 工作报告 》 。 内容包括 2 0 1 3 年工作 回顾 , 2 0 1 4 年总体工作部署 以及 2 0 1 4年重点工作 。其 中内容包括政治 ,经济、文化 ,社会、生态 文 明建设等等各个领域 , 政府 工作报告对我 国最近时期 的政治走 向政治策 略有着 决定 性和指导性作用 。因此政府工作报告 的英译 作用 十分 突出 。本文 旨在从 目的论 的视角 下 ,以其为案例分析政治性文件的翻译 以及 讨论翻译翻译策 略的使用。

p o w e r ” ,西方读者显然无法理解甚至对中国 的政治政策有所误会。 译者必须在翻译 目的 论 的指 引下去翻译 , 对简政放权的背景与定 义有着深 刻 的了解并且 了解句子 所要表 达 的本质含义 。 简政放权即是对精简现在臃肿 的中国政府 ,把经 营管理权下放到企业 。因 此 , 虽 然 是 短 短 四 字 , 却 要 翻 译 成
d e c i s i o n s nd a c o r r e c t i n g wr o n g d e c i s i o n s .
p o we r t o l o we r - l e v e l g o v e r n me n t s t h e t o p

例3 中 “ 维护群众权益机制 ”和 “ 行政 决策风险评估和纠错机制 ”是并列的短语 , 因此 为 了译 文 的紧凑 ,在 这里只用 了一个 m e c h ni a s m s ” , 并用两个结构词 “ f 0 r ” 体现 两者之间原有的并列关 系, 使译文意义更清 晰 。在例 3 中没有 主语 , 但是译者在翻译 时 还是加了 “ w e ” , 使译文更加符合英文的表达 。 2 .减译法 汉语和英语是两种差别非常大的语言 。 汉语侧重 意合 。 通过意义连接句子, 我们可 以 看到 政论 文中经 常会 出现 两个甚 至更 多 的 同义词来表达同一个意思, 以示强调肯定 。 而 英语侧重 形合 , 一般逻辑鲜 明,句式简洁。 而 且注重形式上的规范, 。 汉译英时如果完全按 照所 给的汉语原 文原词来 翻译句 子, 表达 出 的英语译文常常会出现语句不通 、 逻辑混乱 等现象 , 在这种情况下, 我们就需要按照语 意 上和修辞方面 的需要 , 或者根据上下文 的内 容, 减 少一些词 语以便能够 流利 通顺而又 准 确地道地用英语来表达原文的意思。
理 论广 角 2 0 1 4年 4月 ( 下)
目的论视角下 的政治性 文件 的英译
以2 0 1 4年 《 政府工作报 告》英译本为例
( 武 汉理工 大学外国语 学院,湖北 武汉 4 3 0 0 0 0 )
摘要:近年来我国综合 国力的大幅提高. 国际地位与 日 俱增, 世界 了解中国的愿望不断增强。中国对外宣传也越发 重要 罔 此, 对国 内政治性 文件翻译的要 求也越来 越 高。本文在 目的论的框架下, 以2 0 1 4 年政府工作报告为例. 通过研 究其英译版本. 分析其文本特点l 进而提 出一些灵 活的翻译策略, 以实现其翻译 目 的。 关键词:翻译 目 的论 ; 政 府工作报告 ;翻译策略
本届政府开 门第一件 大事 。
译 文 : We ma d e a c c e l e r a t i n g t h e
t r a ns f o r ma t i o n o ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ g o v e r n me n t f u n c t i o n s , s t r e a ml i n i n g a d mi n i s t r a t i o n a n d d e l e g a t i n g mo r e