高中英语期末复习 短文改错专项训练 按错误类型 分类训练 单句改错 英语改错题
![高中英语期末复习 短文改错专项训练 按错误类型 分类训练 单句改错 英语改错题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7d14029165ce050876321396.png)
4. Last summer I ___ take a part-time job in the lnternational Camp for children. took
1. Anyone can borrow books if he or she wish. ___ ______ wishes 2. Here are __ the information about Manchester is University. _______ 3. When our six children were young, suppertime were ___ always being interrupted by neighborhood children ringing the bell. was
改错题主要测试考生发现、判断以及考查 学生在语篇中综合运用英语的准确性。
句法 行文逻辑等
通过对近5年高考短文改错试题的分析与研 究,错误的类型主要包括以下几个方面:
1.名词单复数 3.主谓一致 5.冠词 7.形容词和副词 9.非谓语动词 11.句子结构 2.动词时态和语态 4.代词 6.介词 8.连词 10.固定搭配
a.I’m looking forward to hear from you soon. hearing b. I had always wanted return to the village after moving away. to c. The boss make them to work twelve hours a day.
2017年高考真题谓语动词语法填空1. (2017北京)—______you ________(call) that company to see how they think of our product yesterday?—Yes. They are happy with it.2. (2017北京)In the 1950s in the USA,most families had just one phone at home,and wireless phones__________________( not invent) yet.3. (2017北京)People (have) better access to health care than they used to,and they’re living longer as a result.4.(2017天津)Nowadays,cycling,along with jogging and swimming,__________ (regard) as one of the best all-round forms of exercise.5.(2017天津)I ______________ (drive) down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road.6.(2017江苏)The publication of Great Expectations,which (be) both widely reviewed and highly praised,strengthened Dickens,status as a leading novelist.7.(2017江苏)He hurried home,never once looking back to see if he_______________ (follow) .8.(2017江苏)He’s been informed that he _________ (qualify) for the scholarship because of his academic background.9. (2017全国卷I) When fat and salt (remove) from food, the food tastes as if is missing something.10. (2017全国卷I) Even worse, the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. Fast food __________ (be) full offat and salt.11. (2017全国卷II) Steam engines _____________(use) to pull the carriages and it must have been fairly unpleasant for thepassengers, with all the smoke and noise.12. (2017全国卷II) Later, engineers ___________(manage) to construct railways in a system of deep tunnels (隧道), whichbecame known to the tube.13. (2017全国卷III)Sarah ___________ (tell) that she could be Britain’s new supermodel earning a million dollars in the new year.14. (2017全国卷III) But at the moment, school ____________ (come) first. I don't want to get too absorbed in modeling.答案:1. Did you call 2. hadn’t been invented 3. have 4. is regarded 5. was driving6. was7.was being followed8. doesn’t qualify9. are removed 10. is11. were used 12.managed 13. was told 14. comes。
不得 改变原文意思)【一】Hi , my name Jane . 1.____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ 8. ____________ 9. ____________ 10. ___________ These a re two pho t oes o f my fami ly . They i s n ice . These a re m y grandfa ther bu t g randmother . They a re in the one pho to . My paren t a re he re . Alan i s on the nex t pho to . He i s a ac to r . MySis te r job i s a t a pol i ce s ta t ion . Here’s a dog. It’s name i s Wangwang .【二】I t ’s Sunday morn ing . There a re much people in the park . Some boys a re p lay ing the baske tba l l . There i s some g i r l s under a b ig t ree . They ’re s ing ing and danc ing . What a re those wo man do ing? They a re d r ink ing t ea . Looking a t the wo man in a b lue coa t . Wha t i s she? She ’s my mother . She i s t a lk to L in Feng . L in Feng i s his s tuden t . He s tudies ve ry hard .1. ____________2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________5. ____________6. ____________7. ____________8. ____________9. ____________ 10. ___________ He ’s good fo r a l l t he sub jec t s . And he ’s f r i end ly (友好的) to a l l h i s t eachers wi th h i s f r i ends .【三】On weekends , J im ge t up a t 6:30. He has b reakfas t on 7:00 and then he goes to schoo l . He goes to school and h i s f r i end , Roy.1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________ 10.___________He goes to schoo l a t abou t 7:30 every day . He don’t l ike to be l a te . They s ta r t s c lasses a t 8:00. They have lunch a t school in t he midd le on the day . In the a f t e rnoon , they f in i sh school a t 3:00, and J im goes to home a t about 4:00. Bu t they of ten p lay the baske tba l l , and he ge t s ho me a t 5:00. He has supper a t abou t 6:00 wi th h i s pa rent .In the even ing , J im does h i s homeworks . He goes to bed a t abou t 10:30.【四】Today i s Sunday . There i s a lo t o f 1.____________ 2.____________ch i ld ren on the par k . Some a re watch i ngf lowers . Some a re run ing . Be t ty i s f lying a k i t e . His b ro ther i s s tudy ing chess (国际象棋) under t he t ree . Look a t ! Those chi ld a re p laying foo tba l l . The ch i ld wi th a red sh i r t i s John . He does we l l in p laying the foo tba l l . He p lay ing i t fo r t wo 3.____________ 4.____________ 5.____________ 6.____________ 7.____________ 8.____________ 9.____________ 10.___________hours everyday .【五】To morrow i s Jenny ’s twelve b i r thday. She i s ve ry happ i ly. Every year he r paren t s have a b i r thday par ty fo r he r . And th i s yea r her good f r i ends would l ike hav ing 1.____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4.____________ a b i r thday par ty for he r .Jenny i s good a t do spor t s and she l ikes p lay ing baske tba l l ve ry much , so Tony choose a baske tba l l fo r he r . Jenny l ikes na tu re (大自然), because Ka te makes her a spec ia l b i r thday ca rd wi th some l ea f . Lucy wants g ives J enny a book because read i s J enny ’s favour i t e .5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________ 10.___________ 【六】All my fami ly l ike use ing compute rs . W e l ive in Chinese , but my unc le l ive in Aust ra l i a . M y fa the r o f ten sends emai l s fo r my unc le . M y mother i s a Engl i sh t eacher and s he o f ten search fo r in formation . On the In te rnet my bro ther wi th I o f te n p lay compute r games . My parents don’t like us to play i t . My brothe r l ikes l i s t en ing to mus ic and I l ike look ing m ovies . Somet imes m y bro ther t a lks to h i s f r i ends in the I nte rne t . My paren t s , m y bro ther and I a l ways do some shop on i t .【七】1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________ 10.___________ Here i s f ive k inds of an imals . 1.____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4.____________ 5.____________ 6.____________ 7.____________ 8.____________Elephan ts ea t s p lant s and f ru i t . They l i ke water . The zebra l i ve in Afr ica . I t ea t s l ea f s and g rass . There a re on ly abou t 1800 panda in Chi na . They ea t bamboo and the o ther p lan t s . The t ige r i s in As ia . I t i s l a rge and s t rongly . I t ea t s mea t . I t i s good a t swim. Monkeys l ive in Afr ica ,Asia and A mer ican. They ea t f ru i t,l eaves, meats,and even eggs.9.____________10.___________【八】This i s my school.I t i s ve ry much b ig and beau t i fu l. You can see ing many f l owers in i t. There a re much s tuden ts and t eachers in my school. You can see e igh th c lass rooms, two labs,f ive o f f i c es and two l ib ra rys in my school. Our c lass roo m are b ig and c lean.W e has l e ssons in i t. The t eachers 1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.____________plan them lessons i n the o f f i ces. We have a b ig playground.The boys and g i r l s p lay spor tand have funny there.I l ike my school.【九】At school I have a good f r i end. She i s an Engl i sh boy. He name i s To m. He i s t welve.W e are in No.3 Middle school. We’re indi f fe ren t c l a s s. He is in Class 2. I’m in Class 3. Tom’s sister is a student,a l so. Her name i s Jane. She i s f ive. She i s a n ice g i r l. Mr. Gao i s myEngl i sh t eacher. She i s th i r ty year o l d.She’s favour i t e f ru i t i s app les. Because app lesare hea l th food. Mr. Wang is Tom’s Chinese teacher. He i s th i r ty,too. They a re good teacher.【十】1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.___________Hi, my name i s Tony Smi th.I comes f rom Ca mbr idge.I t s a smal l c i ty inEngl i sh. I’m thirteen years old. Tonyi s my las t name and Smi th i s my 1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.___________f i r s t name. I’m in Class 4 Grade 7.In my c lass, Daming and I am goodf r i end. Da ming i s his f i r s t name.He i s f rom Bei j ing. He i s four teen year s old,too. My favour i t e spor t s i s foo tbal l. She favour i t e spor t i s foo tba l l,too.外研版英语七年级(上)专项练习篇【短文改错】参考答案【一】’s6.paren t s 【二】2.photo7.in3.a re8.an4.and5.f i r s t10.I t s9.s i s t e r’s1.many 6.who2.去掉the3.a re8.her4.wo men9.a t5.Look10.and 7.ta lk ing【三】1.ge t 6.of2.a t3.wi th4.doesn’t5.s ta r t7.goes 8.baske tba l l9.paren t s10.home work【四】1.a re2.in7.in 3.runn ing 4.Her 5.Look6.ch i ld ren 8.去掉the 9.p lays 10.every day 【五】1.twel f th 6.chooses2.happy7.so3.But4.to have9.to g ive5.do ing8.leaves 10.read ing【六】 ing/to use 6.and2.China7.them3.to4.an5.sea rches8.watch ing/see ing 9.on 10.shopping【七】1.a re2.ea t3.l ives4.leaves5.pandas10.mea t6.o ther7.s t rong8.swim ming9.A mer ica【八】1.very 6.i s2.see3.many8.the i r4.e igh t5.l ib ra r ies10.fun 7.have 9.spor t s【九】1.He2.His3.School8.Her 4.c lasses9.hea l thy5.too6.Mrs/Ms/Miss7.years 10.teachers 【十】e 6.a re2.I t’s3.England8.th i r t een4.f i r s ts t 7.f r i ends 9.spor t10.HisAsia and A mer ican. They ea t f ru i t,l eaves, meats,and even eggs.9.____________10.___________【八】This i s my school.I t i s ve ry much b ig and beau t i fu l. You can see ing many f l owers in i t. There a re much s tuden ts and t eachers in my school. You can see e igh th c lass rooms, two labs,f ive o f f i c es and two l ib ra rys in my school. Our c lass roo m are b ig and c lean.W e has l e ssons in i t. The t eachers 1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.____________plan them lessons i n the o f f i ces. We have a b ig playground.The boys and g i r l s p lay spor tand have funny there.I l ike my school.【九】At school I have a good f r i end. She i s an Engl i sh boy. He name i s To m. He i s t welve.W e are in No.3 Middle school. We’re indi f fe ren t c l a s s. He is in Class 2. I’m in Class 3. Tom’s sister is a student,a l so. Her name i s Jane. She i s f ive. She i s a n ice g i r l. Mr. Gao i s myEngl i sh t eacher. She i s th i r ty year o l d.She’s favour i t e f ru i t i s app les. Because app lesare hea l th food. Mr. Wang is Tom’s Chinese teacher. He i s th i r ty,too. They a re good teacher.【十】1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.___________Hi, my name i s Tony Smi th.I comes f rom Ca mbr idge.I t s a smal l c i ty inEngl i sh. I’m thirteen years old. Tonyi s my las t name and Smi th i s my 1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.___________f i r s t name. I’m in Class 4 Grade 7.In my c lass, Daming and I am goodf r i end. Da ming i s his f i r s t name.He i s f rom Bei j ing. He i s four teen year s old,too. My favour i t e spor t s i s foo tbal l. She favour i t e spor t i s foo tba l l,too.外研版英语七年级(上)专项练习篇【短文改错】参考答案【一】’s6.paren t s 【二】2.photo7.in3.a re8.an4.and5.f i r s t10.I t s9.s i s t e r’s1.many 6.who2.去掉the3.a re8.her4.wo men9.a t5.Look10.and 7.ta lk ing【三】1.ge t 6.of2.a t3.wi th4.doesn’t5.s ta r t7.goes 8.baske tba l l9.paren t s10.home work【四】1.a re2.in7.in 3.runn ing 4.Her 5.Look6.ch i ld ren 8.去掉the 9.p lays 10.every day 【五】1.twel f th 6.chooses2.happy7.so3.But4.to have9.to g ive5.do ing8.leaves 10.read ing【六】 ing/to use 6.and2.China7.them3.to4.an5.sea rches8.watch ing/see ing 9.on 10.shopping【七】1.a re2.ea t3.l ives4.leaves5.pandas10.mea t6.o ther7.s t rong8.swim ming9.A mer ica【八】1.very 6.i s2.see3.many8.the i r4.e igh t5.l ib ra r ies10.fun 7.have 9.spor t s【九】1.He2.His3.School8.Her 4.c lasses9.hea l thy5.too6.Mrs/Ms/Miss7.years 10.teachers 【十】e 6.a re2.I t’s3.England8.th i r t een4.f i r s ts t 7.f r i ends 9.spor t10.HisAsia and A mer ican. They ea t f ru i t,l eaves, meats,and even eggs.9.____________10.___________【八】This i s my school.I t i s ve ry much b ig and beau t i fu l. You can see ing many f l owers in i t. There a re much s tuden ts and t eachers in my school. You can see e igh th c lass rooms, two labs,f ive o f f i c es and two l ib ra rys in my school. Our c lass roo m are b ig and c lean.W e has l e ssons in i t. The t eachers 1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.____________plan them lessons i n the o f f i ces. We have a b ig playground.The boys and g i r l s p lay spor tand have funny there.I l ike my school.【九】At school I have a good f r i end. She i s an Engl i sh boy. He name i s To m. He i s t welve.W e are in No.3 Middle school. We’re indi f fe ren t c l a s s. He is in Class 2. I’m in Class 3. Tom’s sister is a student,a l so. Her name i s Jane. She i s f ive. She i s a n ice g i r l. Mr. Gao i s myEngl i sh t eacher. She i s th i r ty year o l d.She’s favour i t e f ru i t i s app les. Because app lesare hea l th food. Mr. Wang is Tom’s Chinese teacher. He i s th i r ty,too. They a re good teacher.【十】1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.___________Hi, my name i s Tony Smi th.I comes f rom Ca mbr idge.I t s a smal l c i ty inEngl i sh. I’m thirteen years old. Tonyi s my las t name and Smi th i s my 1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.___________f i r s t name. I’m in Class 4 Grade 7.In my c lass, Daming and I am goodf r i end. Da ming i s his f i r s t name.He i s f rom Bei j ing. He i s four teen year s old,too. My favour i t e spor t s i s foo tbal l. She favour i t e spor t i s foo tba l l,too.外研版英语七年级(上)专项练习篇【短文改错】参考答案【一】’s6.paren t s 【二】2.photo7.in3.a re8.an4.and5.f i r s t10.I t s9.s i s t e r’s1.many 6.who2.去掉the3.a re8.her4.wo men9.a t5.Look10.and 7.ta lk ing【三】1.ge t 6.of2.a t3.wi th4.doesn’t5.s ta r t7.goes 8.baske tba l l9.paren t s10.home work【四】1.a re2.in7.in 3.runn ing 4.Her 5.Look6.ch i ld ren 8.去掉the 9.p lays 10.every day 【五】1.twel f th 6.chooses2.happy7.so3.But4.to have9.to g ive5.do ing8.leaves 10.read ing【六】 ing/to use 6.and2.China7.them3.to4.an5.sea rches8.watch ing/see ing 9.on 10.shopping【七】1.a re2.ea t3.l ives4.leaves5.pandas10.mea t6.o ther7.s t rong8.swim ming9.A mer ica【八】1.very 6.i s2.see3.many8.the i r4.e igh t5.l ib ra r ies10.fun 7.have 9.spor t s【九】1.He2.His3.School8.Her 4.c lasses9.hea l thy5.too6.Mrs/Ms/Miss7.years 10.teachers 【十】e 6.a re2.I t’s3.England8.th i r t een4.f i r s ts t 7.f r i ends 9.spor t10.His。
此文档下载后即可编辑高一英语单句改错专项训练考查类型:1. 多词1)不可数名词泛指时,多冠词,或不可数名词/抽象名词,多不当修饰词.2)谓语动词多不当助动词3)感官使役动词后不定式作宾语补足语时多了to 4)不是从句却加了关系词或连接词5)及物动词后多了介词或副词6)比较级前多词7)词义重叠 / 冗词错误8)作时间状语的名词短语前多了介词9)固定搭配中多词2. 缺词1)可数名词前缺限定词2)动词不定式缺to3)不及物动词后缺介词或副词4)固定搭配中缺词5)被动语态缺助动词be6)句子成分残缺(一般缺谓语动词或动词)3.错词1)不定冠词a / an、定冠词或物主代词错误2)可数名词复数少了-s3)动词时态与时间状语(或上下文)不一致4)语态错误5)非谓语动词形式错误6)主谓不一致7)代词和名词不一致8)词义辨析错误9)介词与名词、动词或形容词搭配错误10)连词错误11)词类错误12)关系代词或关系副词错误13)逻辑错误14)固定搭配和习惯用法错误短文改错口诀动词形,名词数,注意形和副;非谓动词细辨别,习惯用法要记住;句子成分多分析,逻辑错误须关注。
例如:My favourite sport is football. I was member of our school football team. isNow my picture and prize is hanging in the library. are上述两例分别属于时态错误和主、谓不一致错误。
例如:…so that I’ll get good marks in all my subject. subjects三、区分形和副即区分形容词和副词在句子中的作用和具体用法。
单句改错专项训练考查类型:1. 多词1)不可数名词泛指时,多冠词,或不可数名词/抽象名词,多不当修饰词.2)谓语动词多不当助动词3)感官使役动词后不定式作宾语补足语时多了to4)不是从句却加了关系词或连接词5)及物动词后多了介词或副词6)比较级前多词7)词义重叠 / 冗词错误8)作时间状语的名词短语前多了介词9)固定搭配中多词2. 缺词1)可数名词前缺限定词2)动词不定式缺to3)不及物动词后缺介词或副词4)固定搭配中缺词50被动语态缺助动词be 6)句子成分残缺(一般缺谓语动词或动词)3.错词1)不定冠词a / an、定冠词或物主代词错误2)可数名词复数少了-s3)动词时态与时间状语(或上下文)不一致4)语态错误5)非谓语动词形式错误6)主谓不一致7)代词和名词不一致8)词义辨析错误9)介词与名词、动词或形容词搭配错误10)连词错误11)词类错误12)关系代词或关系副词错误13)逻辑错误14)固定搭配和习惯用法错误短文改错口诀动词形,名词数,注意形和副;非谓动词细辨别,习惯用法要记住;句子成分多分析,逻辑错误须关注。
例如:My favourite sport is football. I was member of our school football team. isNow my picture and prize is hanging in the library. are上述两例分别属于时态错误和主、谓不一致错误。
例如:…so that I’ll get good marks in all my subject. subjects三、区分形和副即区分形容词和副词在句子中的作用和具体用法。
2019年高考英语短文改错专题——谓语动词(含答案)1.The door is open .Someone can have come in while I was out。
If she didn't fallen off the bike yesterday, she wouldn't be in hospital now. 3。
Most importantly,all of us must believe in each other and been honest in our daily life。
By the time the tornado ended, many houses had ruined.5。
I was seating in my classroom by myself.6.I am glad to hear that you are going to Canada to study. So I was writing to tell you something about this country。
7.It has been played in his country since the first settlers arrive。
2016-2019年新课标卷高考英语短文改错试题分析:年份试卷类型体裁词数考点分布2019年新课标卷I记叙文95 形容词;定语从句;冠词;连词;副词;固定搭配;名词的数;现在分词;固定搭配;固定搭配新课标卷II记叙文105 名词的数;形容词的用法;序数词;副词;介词;连词;there be句型形容词;形容词比较级;一般过去时新课标卷III说明文108 不定式;动词的时态;形容词固定搭配;介词;代词;定语从句动词的固定搭配;名词的数;冠词2018年新课标卷I 记叙文113 冠词;动词时态;不定代词;副词;名词复数定语从句;非谓语动词;形容词;介词;连词新课标卷II 记叙文108 名词;名词单复数;冠词;非谓语动词情态动词;代词;固定搭配;介词;时态宾语从句的连接词新课标卷III 记叙文102 时态;非谓语动词;连词;固定搭配;代词;固定结构;比较级;主谓一致;副词2017年新课标卷I 记叙文114 数词;冠词;连词;时态;单复数;非谓语动词;固定句型;副词;形容词;介词新课标卷II 记叙文92 不定代词;冠词;形容词;定语从句;副词;动词搭配;连接词;名词;时态;非谓语动词新课标卷III 记叙文110 介词;动词时态;连词;非谓语动词;动词时态;限定词;定语从句;形容词;形容词最高级;代词2016年新课标卷I 记叙文93 定语从句;连词;时态;词性;连词;非谓语动词;介词;冠词;代词;副词新课标卷II 记叙文106 特殊结构;情态动词;并列结构;连词;冠词;代词;名词单复数;虚拟语气;时态;代词。
The book was sold by a certain bookstore.(
The book is well sold.(
1. 1. She _________ (divorce) her husband after years of unhappiness and married again soon.
例 His mother gave him a present for his birthday. 可改为
He______________a present by his mother for his birthday. 3) 当“动词+宾语+宾语补足语”结构变为被动语态时,将宾语变为被动结构中的主语,其余不
1. Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. 2. All the preparations for the task have been pleted, and we're ready to start. 3. A new cinema is being built here.
① The plan worked out successfully. ② The lamps on the wall turned off. ③ The bike needs repairing. =The bike needs to be repaired. ④ The picturebook is well worth reading.=The picturebook is very worthy to be read. ⑤ This problem is difficult to work out. ⑥ Who is to blame for starting the fire? 结论: (3) 当 break out、take place、shut off、turn off、work out 等动词词组表示"发生、关闭、 制定"等意思时; (4) want,require,need 后面的动名词用主动表示被动含义。 (5) be worth doing 用主动形式表示被动含义。 (6) 在"be + 形容词 + to do"中,不定式的逻辑宾语是句子的主语,用主动代被动。 ※ 注意:这些形容词有 nice,easy,fit,hard,difficult,important,impossible,pleasant,interesting 等。 另外:be to blame(受谴责),be to rent(出租)也用主动形式表被动。 拓展补充: 被动语态与系表结构的区别: 此处的系表结构指“连系动词+用作表语的过去分词”结构,它与被动语态的形式完全一样。要 注意它们的区别: 被动语态强调______________;系表结构表示____________________________。
谓语动词专项训练:一.用所给词的正确时态填空:1.Japan (lie) to the east of China.2.There (be) no bus stop here last year.3.Tom (watch) TV at home last night3.When I (be) young, I often (play) soccer4.He (be) not with me at that time5.She (stay) with me tomorrow6.Jim (see) a film next Sunday.7.There (be) a sports meeting next Friday8.look!,the children (swim) in the river9.She (come) here soon10.We (have) a picnic if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.11.The students (read) English in the classroom now12.Don’t make a noise ,my father (sleep)13.Where is Tom?He (work) in the garden.14.It’s nine o’clock,the students (have) a class15.What are you doing for vacation? I (visit) my grandparents.16. What you (do) tomorrow?17.Listen,who (sing) an English song.18.She (catch) the first bus every day.19.He often (write) to his parents20.Who (teach) us English next term21. I (drink)a bottle of orange just now22In much of China,winter (last) from November to January23.Please be quick.or you (be) late for class.24.He (buy) a card for me yesterday.25,If my parents (be) free tomorrow, we (go) for a picnic26.Mr Li is out,but he (be) here ten minutes ago.27.He (be) here soon28.They (go) home ten minutes ago.29.If it (rain) tomorrow, I (stay) at home.30.He (start)golfing when he was five31As soon as (一…就…)I get there ,I (tell) you.32.He (bear) in May .198933He (join) the army in 2004.34.He (can) play the guitar when he was six.35.The earth (move) around the sun36.What will he be when he (grow) up37.She (feel) very bad,and couldn’t (have) dinner38.- you (buy) it last week?No. I it yesterday.39.A bus came, I (got) on it40.They (leave) for Beijing next month.41.My father (get) up early in the morning.42.She (have) good habits.43If I (be) free ,I’ll go with you.非谓语动词专项训练:用所给词的真确形式填空:1,Thanks for (tell) me the truth2.How about (watch)Tv at home3.We are busy (study) English4,He is good at (swim)5.He spent five days in (finish) it6.He had great fun (skate) on the rael ice.7.I enjoy (drink)8.We finished (clean) the room quickly9.He practiced (play) the piano last Sunday10These flowers need (water)11.He needs (see) a doctor12.We stoped (talk)when the teacher came in 13.I’m too tired I need to stop (have) a rest.14.He likes (sing) but he doesn’t like today.15.I hate (fly )to Beijing16.He tries (learn) English well17.Do you mind my (smoke) here?18. I went (hike) last week19.Would you like (go ) with us?20 I want Be )a teacher.21.He hopes (have) some free time.22.There are some birds (sing) in the tree.22.The parents stopped us (sleep) in class.23.My parents keep me (study)for long24.I decided (finish) it by myself.25He learned (play) chess at the age of six.26.We planned (travel) to the Uk27.The children can’t wait (open) the presents.28.They agreed (help) us at last29.Don’t forget (close) the door when you leave.30.I remember (see)him somewhere, butI forget his name.31.It’s easy (say)but it’s hard (do)32. (say) is easier than doing33To see is (believe)34.It’s time for us (speak) English.35.It’s my turn (dinner) today36Please take turns (tell) me your names.37.My mother told me (buy) a book for her.38.He invited me (join) them39.The teacher asked us (not play) football in the street.40.He help me (study)math.41.He is too short (get) on the bus.42.The water is warm for us enough (swim)43.We are ready (have) a test.44It took me two hours (write )the letter45.I don’t know how (do) it46.Let’s (begin) our class now.47 You’d better (take) bus48.Would you please (not open )the door?49.I have a math problem (work) out.50.We should exercise more (keep) healthy.51.He is happy (see) hie mother52.The boss made the workers (work) all day long.53.He is the first (leave) school.54.Why not (get)up early?55.I saw a boy (run) at 6:00 in the morning.56.My hobby is (look) after the baby.57.He went to work without (have) breakfast.58.Sorry,I kept you (wait) for a long time.59.I don’t know what (say)60.Let him (be) our friend61.I’m sorry for (be) late.62.I want to get something (eat)63.(learn) English is not easy.64.I t’s important (learn) English well65.We’ll go (skate)tomorrow.66.Take the second (turn) on the right.67.I’m (interest) in (smoke)68.Thanks for your (invite)69.He works on (build) the bridges.70,The (visit) are busy the gifts here.71She doesn’t know what (do) andwhere (go)72.M o t h e r a l w a y s t e l l s m e__________(n o t r e a d)i n b e d.。
练习题一:1. They is going to the concert tomorrow.2. My brother don't like playing football.3. The book is belong to her.4. She have been studying English for five years.5. We goes to the beach every summer.练习题二:1. I will meet you at the train station on 9am.2. He has gone to the supermarket to buy some apples.3. We is going to visit the museum next week.4. They wasn't able to attend the meeting yesterday.5. Are you have dinner with us tonight?练习题三:1. She has visited Paris when she was a child.2. The students has finished their homework.3. I have seen this movie last night.4. They is waiting for the bus at the bus stop.5. He doesn't like to eat tomatoes because it taste bad.练习题四:1. My father is one of the best chef in town.2. The dog wagged it's tail happily.3. The weather is too hot to go outside.4. We have been friends since a long time.5. The bus is come late today.练习题五:1. Lucy has broke her leg while playing basketball.2. My sister like to read books in her free time.3. His parents are very proud for his achievements.4. The cat is chasing it's own tail.5. The cake taste delicious.解答练习题一:1. They are going to the concert tomorrow.2. My brother doesn't like playing football.3. The book belongs to her.4. She has been studying English for five years.5. We go to the beach every summer.解答练习题二:1. I will meet you at the train station at 9am.2. He has gone to the supermarket to buy some apples.3. We are going to visit the museum next week.4. They weren't able to attend the meeting yesterday.5. Are you having dinner with us tonight?解答练习题三:1. She visited Paris when she was a child.2. The students have finished their homework.3. I saw this movie last night.4. They are waiting for the bus at the bus stop.5. He doesn't like to eat tomatoes because they taste bad.解答练习题四:1. My father is one of the best chefs in town.2. The dog wagged its tail happily.3. The weather is too hot to go outside.4. We have been friends for a long time.5. The bus is coming late today.解答练习题五:1. Lucy has broken her leg while playing basketball.2. My sister likes to read books in her free time.3. His parents are very proud of his achievements.4. The cat is chasing its own tail.5. The cake tastes delicious.以上是句子改错练习题的答案,希望对您的英语学习有所帮助。
Passage1My grandparents live in a town twenty kilometers away from where I live. But I can’t see them frequent because of my studies. Only through the phone can we be connecting. However, the 20-kilometer gap have never formed a heart gap. One day, I see a video on TV. It was a story about old man with Alzheimer’s. He put dumplings into his pocket during a meal but talked to himself, “My grandson loves them.” Upon seeing it, I burst into tears. I remembered all the beautiful memory with my grandparents. That weekend, I visited to my grandparents without telling them in advance. To their surprise, they had prepared that I like.Passage 2My classmates and I decide to do something for our coming graduation. After the heated discussion, we agreed on making a video to record their school life experiences.Material collecting took us a whole week—we interviewed our teachers or took pictures of almost every aspect of our school life. Edit the interview videos and pictures were tough. We debated about what to put into the video. Some compromises and arguments were unavoidable, but the video turned out to be perfectly. Several days later, when the video played at the graduation ceremony, it was well received. Thestudents and teachers had a great time. That surely gave us a great sense of achievements.Passage 3During my last winter holiday, I went to countryside with my father to visit my grandparents. I find a big change there. The first time I went there, they were living in a small house with dogs, ducks, and another animals. Last winter when I went here again, they had a big separate house to raise dozens of chicken. They also had a small pond which they raised fish. My grandpa said last summer they earned quite a lot by sell the fish. I felt happily that their life had improved. At the end of our trip, I told my father that I planned to return for every two years, but he agreed.Passage 4Not all people like to work and everyone likes to play. All over the world, men and woman, boys and girls enjoy sports. Since many years ago, many adults and children have call their friends together to spend hours, even days play games. One of reasons why people like to play is that sports help them to live happily. In other words, they help to keep people strong and health. When people are playing games, they move a lot of .That is because sports are good activities for their health. Having fun with their friends make them happy. Many people enjoy sports by watch others play.Passage 5The teenage year from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me . They were also the best and worse years in my life . At the first, I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by yourself. However, my parents didn’t seem to think such. They always tell me what to do and how to do it. At one time , I even felt my parents couldn’t understand me so I hoped I could be freely from them. I showed them I was independentby wear strange clothes. Now I am leaving home to college. At last, I will be on my own, but I still want to have my parents to turn to whenever need help.短文改错专项训练(五)答案与解析Passage 11. ... see them frequent ... frequent → frequently2. ... we be connecting. connecting → connected3. ... have never formed ... have → has4. ... see a video ... see → saw5. ... old man with ... old前加an6. ... but talked to ... but → and7. ... beautiful memory with ... memory → memories8. ... I visited to ... 去掉to9. To their surprise ... their → m y10. ... that I like. that → whatPassage 2My classmates and I decidedecidedto do something for our cominggraduation. After theaheated discussion, we agreed on making a video torecord theirourschool life experiences.Material collecting took us a whole week—we interviewed our teachers orandtook pictures of almost every aspect of our school life.Edit Editing the interview videos and pictures werewastough. We debated aboutwhat to put into the video. Some compromises and arguments were unavoidable, but the video turned out to be perfectlyperfect. Several days later, when the video ·was played at the graduation ceremony, it was well received. The students and teachers had a great time. That surely gave us a great sense of achievementsachievement.解析:① 考査动词的时态。
总分:2017语法填空真题班级:姓名:Cloze 1 2017全国卷Ⅰ,15分话题:饮食与健康词数:196阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. This trend,which was started by the medical community(医学界) 1 a method of fighting heart disease, has hadsome unintended side 2 (effect) such as overweight and heart disease —the very thing the medicalcommunity was trying to fight.Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet. They are required 3 (process) the food that we eat, torecover from injury and for several other bodily functions. When fat and salt 4 (remove) from food, thefood tastes as if it is missing something. As 5 result, people will eat more food to try to make up for thatsomething missing. Even 6 (bad), the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. Fast food 7(be) full of fat and salt; by 8 (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in theirdiet.Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals and willimprove the taste of your food. However, be 9 (care) not to go to extremes. Like anything, it is possibleto have too much of both, 10 is not good for the health.Cloze 2 2017全国卷Ⅱ,15分话题:地下客运铁路词数:181In 1863 the first underground passenger railway in the world opened in London. It ran for just under sevenkilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible 1 (crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and2 work. It took three years to complete and was built using an interesting method. This included digging upthe road, 3 (lay) the track and then building a strong roof over 4 top. When all those hadbeen done, the road surface was replaced.Steam engines 5 (use) to pull the carriages and it must have been 6 (fair)unpleasant for the passengers, with all the smoke and noise. However, the railway quickly proved to be a greatsuccess and within six months, more than 25,000 people were using 7 every day.Later, engineers 8 (manage) to construct railways in a system of deep tunnels (隧道), whichbecame known as the Tube. This development was only possible with the 9 (introduce) ofelectric-powered engines and lifts. The Central London Railway was one of the most 10 (success) ofthese new lines, and was opened in 1900. It had white-painted tunnels and bright red carriages, and provedextremely popular with the public.Cloze 3 2017全国卷Ⅲ,15分话题:上学的同时兼职做模特词数:196She looks like any other schoolgirl, fresh-faced and full of life. Sarah Thomas is looking forward to thechallenge of her new A-level course. But unlike her school friends, 16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term1 (rest). Instead, she is earning £6,500 a day as2 model in New York.Sarah 3 (tell) that she could be Britain’s new supermodel, earning a million dollars in the next year. Her father Peter, 44, wants her to give up school to model full-time. But Sarah, 4 has taken part in showsalong with top models, wants 5 (prove) that she has brains as well as beauty. She is determined to carryon with her 6 (educate).She has turned down several 7 (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.After school she plans to take a year off to model full-time before going to university to get a degree 8 engineering or architecture.Sarah says, "My dad thinks I should take the offer now. But at the moment, school 9 (come) first. Idon’t want to get too absorbed in modeling. It is 10 (certain) fun but the lifestyle is a little unreal. Iore."don’t want to have nothing else to fall back on when I can’t model any m2017短文改错高考真题Correction 1 2017全国卷Ⅰ,10分(每个1分)In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons. I still remember how hard0first day was. Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructor’s orders, so once I started the car, my mind goes blank. I forgot what he had said to me altogether. The instructor kept repeating the word, "Speedup!" "Slow down!" "Turning left!" I was so much nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left. A few minutes late, the instructor asked me to stop the car. It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in the middle on the road.Correction 2 2017全国卷Ⅱ,10分(每个1分)Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school. They live far from the school, and it takes them about a hourand a half to go to work every day. In their spare time, they are interesting in planting vegetables in their garden, that is on the rooftop of their house. They often get up earlier and water the vegetables together. They have also bought for some gardening tools. Beside, they often get some useful informations from the Internet. When summer came, they will invite their students pick the fresh vegetables!Correction 3 2017全国卷Ⅲ,10分(每个1分)When I look at this picture of myself, I realize of how fast time flies. I had grown not only physically, andalso mentally in the past few years. About one month after this photo was took, I entered my second year of high school and become a new member of the school music club. Around me in picture are the things they were very important in my life at that time: car magazines and musical instruments. I enjoyed studying difference kinds ofcars and planes, playing pop music, and collecting the late music albums. This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high school days.2017年全国卷语法填空真题答案Cloze 1本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了一种低脂肪、低盐的饮食趋势及其对人们健康的影响。
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
The other day our school carry out a survey about how the youth would choose between careers and families. Here is the result. There is about 26 percent of the surveyed students assuming the youth should focus on careers with the aim of living independently and achieve their goals. Therefore, about a third of the students hold a different view. They think that in spite the importance of one’s enterprise, the company and warm of families are the most crucial things. The rest of the students support the opinion which there should be a properly balance. In the summary, I argue that not only should we work hard, but we are supposing to devote some time to our family members.2.短文改错The summer holiday is coming, that makes me excited. I have been looking forward to relax myself. I’d like to go swimming, climb mountains and saw several movies. I can play the basketball with my classmates. How a wonderful time I’ll have during the summer holiday! However, my parents think different. They don’t want me go out. They are afraid I’ll be knocked down by a truck, fall off a tree, or fight about others. Besides, they are worried that I may lose my ways. I really hate being treated like a bird kept in a cage. To get more freedom, I will try to persuade him.3.短文改错Dear Steven,From your letter, I know it is hard for you to make friends.The following suggestions may be for some help to you.To begin with, walking to your classmates and talk with them. After several talks, you will happy find that they are likely to consider you as a warm-heart person. Gradually, you will enjoyeach other company. Besides, you’d better to give them a hand when they are in trouble. It is advisable to participate in different kind of activities, which you can communicate with different people.All in all, follow my advice above, and you would find that it isn’t big deal to make some friends.Yours,Jack 4.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。
语法专项提升专题五Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.More than 60 percent of the world's radio programmes are(be) in England.解析句意:世界上超过百分之六十的广播节目来自英国。
2.“All are(be) present and all is(be) going on well,” our monitor said.解析句意:班长说:“所有人都在场,一切顺利。
3.Yesterday the League secretary and monitor was_asked(ask) to make a speech at the meeting.解析句意:昨天,我们的团委书记,也是我们的班长,被要求在会议上发言。
4.Mary as well as her sisters is_studying(study) Chinese in China now.解析句意:玛丽和她的姐妹现在在中国学习汉语。
Mary为单数意义词,尽管其后连接由as well as引导的短语,谓语动词的数仍然要由Mary这个词决定。
5.It is known to all that the rich are(be) not always happy.解析句意:人们都知道富人并非总是快乐的。
6.The police were_searching(search) for the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.解析句意:警察正在到处寻找凶手,这时,他突然出现在剧院。
感悟高考 1)单句语法填空
1. This cycle goes (go) day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset(抵消)for the outside temperatures. (2015. 全国 II)
二. 单句改错
1. In the past two and a half years, our school
had organized many activities. has
2. Computers are widely using all over used
the world. are using 与 are used
played basketball match.
are played 与 are playing 的区别
被动语态(be +done)
一般现在时 do / does
am / is / are done
一般过去时 did
was / were done
主语+ did A and did B.
4. Although we have arguments sometimes,
we make up soon and forgot the unhappiness.
主语+ do A and do B.
高中英语 短文改错 谓语动词(共46张PPT)
![高中英语 短文改错 谓语动词(共46张PPT)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/af899e88fc0a79563c1ec5da50e2524de518d02c.png)
『高考体验』 1.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)Now my dream is to open a cafe. Though it may appear simple, it required a lot of ideas and efforts.__re_q_u_i_re_d_→__r_e_q_u_ir_e_s
[解析] 此处是过去完成时,begin 应用过去分词。
4.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructor's orders, but once I started the car, my mind goes blank. I forgot what he had said to me altogether.___g_o_e_s_→__w_e_n_t____
[解析] 根据时间状语 One day during last holiday 可知,应用一般过去时,故把 travel 改为 travel(l)ed。
3.(2019·唐山摸底)Last summer, my class spend a week as volunteers in Yongping, Yunnan, which left a deep impression on us.____sp_e_n_d_→__s_p_e_n_t__
[解析] 由该句子的时间状语 in the past few years 可知,应用现在完成时,故把 had 改为 have。
7.(2016·全国卷Ⅰ)It is always crowded with customers at meal times. Some people even had to wait outside. My uncle tells me that...___h_a_d_→__h_a_v_e_____
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2017改错专项训练五(谓语动词)真题演练:1.I will write again and send you the photos we take together.(05)2.There are a lot of advantages for students to work while studying at school. One ofthem was that they can earn money. (05)3.Earning their own money allow them to spend on anything as they please.(05)4.We had guests last night who have not stayed in a B&B hotel before.(06)5.High over the water, they discover a hole in the balloon. The hole became bigger andbigger.(06)6.I took it in mine and we walked. Then I ask him, “Grandpa, how come you have somany lines on your hand?”(07)7.I meant to write a long letter and tell you all the things I’m doing at school, but thebell was ringing, so I just have to stop here.(07)8.I win a national prize for painting last week.(08)9.There exist now a park that has a small river running through.(09)10.I meant to give it back to you before four in the afternoon, butI was hold up on myway back.(09)11.She said it was the best gift she has ever had.(10)12.I feel very happy that I could change my clothes at last.(11)13.However, my father had to return to work on Monday so we fly back last Saturdayafternoon.(11)14.I was happy when the toys worked, but when things did wrong, I got angry and brokethem.(12)15.When I tear apart my fifth birthday toy train, my father said, “That’s it. No more toysfor you.”(12)16.The funny thing were that I forgot to turn on the camera.(12)17.For example, how many times have you walked out of a room and leave the lights ortelevision on when no one else was there.(12)18. Water is important. Yet it seemed water is becoming less and less.(12)19. I was only four when she passes away.(13)20. This custom soon becomes another meal of the day. Tea in China was traditionally drank from cups without handles.(13)21. At home my father often thinks I’m silly. He said if I decide to do something, it takeshim much time to stop me.(13)22.Since then- for all these years-we had been allowing tomatoes to self-seed wherethey please.(14)23.There are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We didn’t need to doso much homework.(14)24. Both Dad or I planned to do something on Mother’s Day.We get up early in themorning. Dad cleaned the house(16)25.Tony was scared and began to cry. Awoman saw him crying and telling him to waitoutside the shop. (15)26. It is always crowded with customers at meal times. Some people even had to waitoutside. My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest. (16)能力提升:1. So far, research showed that people who forgive can have more energy.2. Computers have improved our lives, but they brought problems, too.3. I used to think it is hard to grow up into a responsible member of the society.4. One Sunday morning we go fishing at a lake.5. Just as an old saying going, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”6. The sky is full of sunshine, so does my life.7. When I got home, it were already 6 p.m.8. Luckily, I had all my money in my pocket, the only clothes I had was those I had on.9. The understanding between two friends mean both of them have similar ideas and trust each other.10. Good night and remember, you, my dear diary, is my only souvenir from my past life.11. Nearly everybody enter for The Nicest Garden Competition each other.12. The early morning barking have been disturbing us as we are often up all night withthe baby.13. Dog owners who has attended the training since it was opened say they now feelmuch more at ease.14. Dog trainers say successful training are based on a simple rule: preparation.15. Fishing are my favorite sport.16. The injured were rescued and the dead was buried.17. People was moved when they read that the survivors comforted each other by saying:“Congratulations!”18. Control include the use of records and reports to compare actual work with standards.19. Finally, there were a sudden pull at the pole and a fish was caught.20. Now my friend Ann, together with me, are going to do field study.21. A million or so copies was sold and we became millionaires.22. We lived in a comfortable double-room with a big bath. What I like best were the freehigh-speed Internet connection.23. Li Ming is a student who have been living in Shanghai since he was born.24. In a word, obeying the traffic rules are what all of us should pay attention to.25. He failed in the exam, which prove that he wasn’t working hard enough.26. The news were so exciting that we were all excited about it.27. Not only his brother but also his sister like swimming a lot.28.Both my parents and I am interested in watching basketball games.29.One of the goals are to promote understanding and cooperation between the youngpeople of the two countries.30.Neither you nor your deskmate were at the meeting yesterday.31.The old is well looked after by the government.32.The whole class is listening to the teacher attentively.33.Every means have been tried, but in vain.34.Lucy, as well as her two brothers , are good at playing tennis.35.What Iexperienced in high school tell me that confidence determines a good future.36.The survey show that half of the students like reading news most.Keys:真题演练:1.take→took2.was→is3.allow→allow s4.have→had5.discover→discovered6.ask→asked7.was→is8.win→won9.exist→exists 10.hold→held 11.has→had12.feel→felt13.fly→flew 14.did→went 15.tear→tore 16.were→was17.leave→left18.seemed→seems19.passes→ passed20.drank→drunk21.said→says 22.had→have 23.didn’t→don’t 24.get→ got25.telling→told 26.had→ have能力提升:1.shown前加has2.brought前加have3.is→was4.go→went5.going→goes6.does→is7.were→was8.was→were9.mean→means 10.is→are 11.enter→enters 12.have→has13.has→have 14.are→is 15.are→is 16.was→were 17.was→were 18.include→includes 19.were→was 20.are→is21.was→were22.were→was 23.have→has 24.are→is25.prove→proves 26.were→was 27.like→likes 28.am→are 29.are→is 30.are→is 31.is→are 32.is→are 33.have→has 34.are→is 35.tell→tells 36.show→shows。