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• When he became an adult, he became an official. He once served as a county leader and went to Shandong, Hebei, Henan and other places. Every time he went to a place, he investigated and studied the local agricultural production technology very carefully. He consulted some experienced old farmers and acquired a lot of agricultural production knowledge. After middle age, he returned to his hometown and started farming and animal husbandry, mastering a variety of agricultural production techniques.
CONTENT • The book consists of 10 volumes and 92 chapters,
which systematically summarize the farming and animal husbandry production experience of the laboring people in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River before the sixth century, the processing and storage of food, the utilization of wild plants, and the methods to control the famine.
It systematically summarized the agricultural science and technology knowledge in the Yellow River basin of China since theQin and Han dynasties, preserved the essence of the agricultural technology in the Han dynasty, and emphatically summarized the new experience and achievements in the dry land agriculture in the north
农学思想 • 顺应自然规律,发挥主观能动性。贾思勰认为,农作物生长是
• 以粮食为中心,多种经营。贾思勰重农,首先是重视粮食生产。 但他又并不把农业生产归结为生产粮食,而是要多种经营。
• 重生产成本,有经济核算。贾思勰在书中谈到,实际是教导农 民,首先要按市场条件来安排生产,其次要有适当的规模和合 理的田间布局来生产。要使用临时性雇工,以降低成本。要重 视成本核算和利润的计算。《齐民要术》列举了大量的实例, 教农民如何计算,甚至连运输、销售的费用都有计算。
Thank you for watching
• 贾思勰(xié),青州益都人。 北魏时期大臣,中国古代杰出 的农学家。
• 曾任高阳太守,著有综合性农 书《齐民要术》。
• Jia sixie was an outstanding agronomist in ancient China, he was born in a family of people who were engaged in farming for a generation. His ancestors were fond of reading and learning, and paid special attention to the study and research of technical knowledge of agricultural production, which had a great influence on jia sixie's life.
CONTENT • There are many observations about the growth and
development of plants and about farming techniques
• It emphasizes the comprehensive analysis of agricultural production, science and technology and economic benefits, and describes the feasibility of diversified management to increase farmers' income
CONTENT • 书中正文分成10卷92篇,11万字,其中正文约7万字,注释约4
万字。书中援引古籍近200种,所引《氾胜之书》、《四民月令》 等现已失传的汉晋重要农书,后人只能从此书了解当时的农业 运作。书前有自序、杂说各一篇,其中的序广泛摘引圣君贤相、 有识之士等注重农业的事例,以及由于注重农业而取得的显著 成效。收录1500年前中国农艺、园艺、造林、蚕桑、畜牧、兽 医、配种、酿造、烹饪、储备,以及治荒的方法,把农副产品 的加工(如酿造)以及食品加工、文具和日用品生产等形形色 色的内容都囊括在内。最后列举了很多的“非中国(指中国中部 中原)物”,就是北方不出产的蔬菜和瓜果。
Hale Waihona Puke CONTENT • It discusses in detail the problem of drought resistance
and soil moisture conservation.
• It raises the importance of breeding good varieties and the relationship between biology and environment.
CONTENT • It describes the agricultural production in the lower
reaches of the Yellow River basin,( the southeastern Shanxi Province, the south-central Hebei province, the northeastern Henan province and the north-central Shandong province), as well as the production technical knowledge of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishing and other sub-sectors
• Around the 19th century, it was spread to Europe. The British scholar Darwin (1809 -- 1882) referred to "an ancient Chinese encyclopedia" in his masterpieces "origin of species" and "variations of plants and animals in domestic care", and cited relevant examples as evidence of evolution. Some said that the book was "qi min yao shu". The book was introduced to Japan at the end of the tang dynasty.
INFLUENCE • Since its publication, the book has long been valued by
the Chinese government, and has often become a classic for studying the changes of ancient species.
《齐民要术》 贾思勰
Qimi Yaoshu
Qimi Yaoshu
• Qimin yaoshu was written in the late years of the Northern Wei Dynasty (AD 533-544). It was a comprehensive agricultural work written by Jia sixie, an outstanding Chinese agronomist, It is also one of the earliest monographs in the history of world agronomy and the earliest complete agricultural book in China.
• It describes the methods of raising cattle, horses, chickens, geese and so on
• It describes the production process of wine, vinegar, sauce, sugar and so on, as well as the preservation of food.