SAE J434




冷床 Cold-frame
• 建成最具核心竞争力的特钢企业
850初轧机 Blooming mill 20MN快锻 ∮250~450mm
750 Mill ∮120~320mm 45MN快锻
• 建成最具核心竞争力的特钢企业
• 建成最具核心竞争力的特钢企业
AISI/SAE4340 E4340
9Cr 13Cr
• 建成最具核心竞争力的特钢企业
高炉BF:430m3、2000m3 电炉EAF:60t*2;LF/VD:60t RH: 80t
Hale Waihona Puke • 建成最具核心竞争力的特钢企业
电弧炉 EAF 60t
精炼炉+真空 LF+VD 60t
650-连轧 Rolling line∮16~120mm
• 建成最具核心竞争力的特钢企业
4130M7 AISI/SAE4135
≥15 ≥45
≥16 ≥50
≥13 ≥40
≥1000 ≥15 ≥55
≥1103 ≥14 ≥45

SAE J429-2013中文

SAE J429-2013中文
5 组 合 4#~
螺钉 5/8
低碳或 淬火 0.15 0.30 0.025 0.025
中碳钢 回火
0.003 340℃
低碳硼 淬火
0.15 0.25 0.025 0.025 0.0005 0.003 425℃ 回火
加硼 、
0.25 0.55 0.025 0.025
表 3 含碳量与 90%马氏体之最小奥氏体淬火硬度比较表
含碳量 %
硬度 HRC

SAE J434-2004

SAE J434-2004

SURFACEVEHICLESTANDARD SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report isentirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2004 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)FIGURE 1—CLASSIFICATION OF GRAPHITE SHAPE IN CAST IRONS (FROM ASTM A 247)D400D450FIGURE 2—TYPICAL MATRIX MICROSTRUCTURES (PHOTOS COURTESY OF CLIMAX RESEARCH SERVICES)SAE J434 Revised FEB2004D500D550FIGURE 2—TYPICAL MATRIX MICROSTRUCTURES (CONTINUED)(PHOTOS COURTESY OF CLIMAX RESEARCH SERVICES)--``,,`,```,``,,``,,`,,```,`,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---D700D800FIGURE 2—TYPICAL MATRIX MICROSTRUCTURES (CONTINUED) (PHOTOS COURTESY OF CLIMAX RESEARCH SERVICES)7.Quality AssuranceIt is the responsibility of the manufacturer to demonstrate process capability. The specimen(s) used to do so shall be of a configuration and from a location agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser. Sampling plans shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser. The manufacturer shall employ adequate controls to ensure that the parts conform to the agreed upon requirements.8.General8.1Castings furnished to this standard shall be representative of good foundry practice and shallconform to dimensions and tolerances specified on the casting drawing.8.2Minor imperfections usually not associated with the structural functioning may occur in castings.These imperfections are often repairable; however, repairs should be made only in areas and by methods approved by the purchaser.8.3Purchaser and manufacturer may agree to additional casting requirements, such as manufactureridentification, other casting information, and special testing. These should appear as additionalproduct requirements on the casting drawing.9.Notes9.1Marginal IndiciaThe change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.PREPARED BY THE SAE AUTOMOTIVE IRON & STEEL CASTINGS COMMITTEE- 11 -。



SAEJ403SAE碳钢化学成分SAE碳钢化学成分SAE J403 (2001年11⽉修订)1. 范围1941年,SAE 钢铁部与美国钢铁协会合作在表达SAE钢铁成分范围⽅⾯发⽣了很⼤的变化。







SAE J409已给出产品分析中铸造或热⼒限制要求。






SAE J409给出了不同标准产品的铸造或热⼒限制。

ISTC 部门1开发了⼀个程序,该程序允许维持⽂件中所列等级。





基于SAE J1081中的准则,新的铁成分将被视为新标准的铁,直⾄新的⽣产铁达到⽣产⽔平或使⽤⽔平,并作为标准铁。


且删除等级应在SAE J1249中存档。




序号 标准号 标准名称1 SAE J-266-1996 不变的方向的控制测试程序为了客车和光卡车 SAE J-266-96、SAE J-266、SAE J266-1996、SAE J266-96、SAE J2662 SAE J-2662-2003 项链等级为了能力拿-关装备填充 SAE J-2662-03、SAE J-2662、SAE J2662-2003、SAE J2662-03、SAE J2662 3 SAE J-2666-2003 软管标准尺评价程序 SAE J-2666-03、SAE J-2666、SAE J2666-2003、SAE J2666-03、SAE J26664 SAE J-2667-2004 STRSW (压榨类型反抗班点焊接) 装备接受标准为了碰撞修复工业 SAE J-2667-04、SAE J-2667、SAE J2667-2004、SAE J2667-04、SAE J26675 SAE J-323-2004 测试方法为了决定柔韧性塑胶材料的寒冷破裂 SAE J-323-04、SAE J-323、SAE J323-2004、SAE J323-04、SAE J3236 SAE J-326-1986 术语-水力的锄耕机 < SAE J-326-86、SAE J-326、SAE J326-1986、SAE J326-86、SAE J3267 SAE J-328-2005 轮-乘客汽车和光卡车履行需求和测试程序 SAE J-328-05、SAE J-328、SAE J328-2005、SAE J328-05、SAE J3288 SAE J-33-2000 1NOWMOBILE 定义和术语-普通 SAE J-33-00、SAE J-33、SAE J33-2000、SAE J33-00、SAE J339 SAE J-331-2000 声音水平为了摩托车 SAE J-331-00、SAE J-331、SAE J331-2000、SAE J331-00、SAE J33110 SAE J-332-2002 测试机器为了测量的同样客车和光卡车疲劳 SAE J-332-02、SAE J-332、SAE J332-2002、SAE J332-02、SAE J33211 SAE J-335-1995 MULTIPOSITION 小的引擎用尽系统火点火SUPRESSION SAE J-335-95、SAE J-335、SAE J335-1995、SAE J335-95、SAE J33512 SAE J-336-2001 声音水平为了卡车的士内部的 SAE J-336-01、SAE J-336、SAE J336-2001、SAE J336-01、SAE J33613 SAE J-339-1994 安全带硬件带子擦破测试PROCEDUR SAE J-339-94、SAE J-339、SAE J339-1994、SAE J339-94、SAE J33914 SAE J-34-2001 外部的声音水平测量法程序为了取乐MOTORBOATS SAE J-34-01、SAE J-34、SAE J34-2001、SAE J34-01、SAE J3415 SAE J-342-1991 火花避雷器测试程序为了大的大小引擎 SAE J-342-91、SAE J-342、SAE J342-1991、SAE J342-91、SAE J34216 SAE J-343-2004 测试和测试程序为了SAE 100R 系列水力的软管和软管集合 SAE J-343-04、SAE J-343、SAE J343-2004、SAE J343-04、SAE J34317 SAE J-345-1969 湿的或干的人行道客车疲劳山顶和锁定的轮闸牵引 SAE J-345-69、SAE J-345、SAE J345-1969、SAE J345-69、SAE J34518 SAE J-347-2002 DIESEL 燃料注射器集合类型7 (9.5毫米) SAE J-347-02、SAE J-347、SAE J347-2002、SAE J347-02、SAE J34719 SAE J-348-1990 轮楔 SAE J-348-90、SAE J-348、SAE J348-1990、SAE J348-90、SAE J34820 SAE J-349-1991 表面不完全的察觉在铁的杆 马齿龈 管 和金属丝 SAE J-349-91、SAE J-349、SAE J349-1991、SAE J349-91、SAE J34921 SAE J-350-1991 火花避雷器测试程序为了媒体大小引擎22 SAE J-356-1999 焊接闪光受约束的低碳钢装管标准化为了弯曲 两倍发光的 和玻璃珠 SAE J-356-99、SAE J-356、SAE J356-1999、SAE J356-99、SAE J35623 SAE J-357-1999 身体的和引擎油的化学的属性 SAE J-357-99、SAE J-357、SAE J357-1999、SAE J357-99、SAE J35724 SAE J-358-1991 非破坏性的测试 SAE J-358-91、SAE J-358、SAE J358-1991、SAE J358-91、SAE J35825 SAE J-383-1995 机动车安全带下锚点-设计推荐 SAE J-383-95、SAE J-383、SAE J383-1995、SAE J383-95、SAE J38326 SAE J-384-1994 机动车安全带下锚点-测试程序 SAE J-384-94、SAE J-384、SAE J384-1994、SAE J384-94、SAE J38427 SAE J-385-1995 机动车安全带下锚点-履行需求 < SAE J-385-95、SAE J-385、SAE J385-1995、SAE J385-95、SAE J38528 SAE J-386-1997 操作员抑制系统为了关-路工作机器 SAE J-386-97、SAE J-386、SAE J386-1997、SAE J386-97、SAE J38629 SAE J-387-1995 术语学-机动车照明 SAE J-387-95、SAE J-387、SAE J387-1995、SAE J387-95、SAE J38730 SAE J-390-1999 双的维 SAE J-390-99、SAE J-390、SAE J390-1999、SAE J390-99、SAE J39031 SAE J-391-1981 定义为了粒子 SAE J-391-81、SAE J-391、SAE J391-1981、SAE J391-81、SAE J39132 SAE J-392-2003 摩托车和设计电压的发动机受驱策的周期电的系统维护 SAE J-392-03、SAE J-392、SAE J392-2003、SAE J392-03、SAE J39233 SAE J-393-2001 术语-轮 集线器 和边为了商业的机动车 SAE J-393-01、SAE J-393、SAE J393-2001、SAE J393-01、SAE J39334 SAE J-397-2004 偏斜限制的卷-保护的结构实验室评价 SAE J-397-04、SAE J-397、SAE J397-2004、SAE J397-04、SAE J39735 SAE J-398-1995 燃料水槽装填物条件-PASENGER 汽车 MULTI-目的乘客机动车 和光义务卡车 SAE J-398-95、SAE J-398、SAE J398-1995、SAE J398-95、SAE J39836 SAE J-399-1985 阳极电镀铝汽车的部分 SAE J-399-85、SAE J-399、SAE J399-1985、SAE J399-85、SAE J39937 SAE J-316-1998 油-调节的碳-钢春天金属丝和春天 < SAE J-316-98、SAE J-316、SAE J316-1998、SAE J316-98、SAE J31638 SAE J-35-2002 DIESEL 烟测量法程序 SAE J-35-02、SAE J-35、SAE J35-2002、SAE J35-02、SAE J3539 SAE J-351-1998 油-调节的碳-钢阀春天质量金属丝和春天 SAE J-351-98、SAE J-351、SAE J351-1998、SAE J351-98、SAE J35140 SAE J-362-1982 机动车头巾门插销系统 SAE J-362-82、SAE J-362、SAE J362-1982、SAE J362-82、SAE J36241 SAE J-367-2003 客车门系统压碎测试程序 SAE J-367-03、SAE J-367、SAE J367-2003、SAE J367-03、SAE J36742 SAE J-368-1993 高度-力 结束 和调节的结构的钢43 SAE J-382-2000 挡风玻璃除霜系统履行需求-卡车 公共汽车和多种用途的机动车 SAE J-382-00、SAE J-382、SAE J382-2000、SAE J382-00、SAE J38244 SAE J-388-1998 动态流动FATIQUE.进行测验平板聚亚安酯泡沫 SAE J-388-98、SAE J-388、SAE J388-1998、SAE J388-98、SAE J38845 SAE J-389-1978 普遍的符号为了操作员控制 SAE J-389-78、SAE J-389、SAE J389-1978、SAE J389-78、SAE J38946 SAE J-39-1993 T-钩缝为了SECUREMENT 农业的装备的 SAE J-39-93、SAE J-39、SAE J39-1993、SAE J39-93、SAE J3947 SAE J-400-2002 .进行测验表面被覆的碎片反抗 SAE J-400-02、SAE J-400、SAE J400-2002、SAE J400-02、SAE J40048 SAE J-4000-1999 辨认和最好的实行的测量法在倾斜操作的执行 SAE J-4000-99、SAE J-4000、SAE J4000-1999、SAE J4000-99、SAE J4000 49 SAE J-4001-1999 倾斜操作使用者手册的执行 SAE J-4001-99、SAE J-4001、SAE J4001-1999、SAE J4001-99、SAE J4001 50 SAE J-4002-2004 (R) H-点机器和设计工具程序和规格 SAE J-4002-04、SAE J-4002、SAE J4002-2004、SAE J4002-04、SAE J400251 SAE J-401-2000 选择和使用钢的 SAE J-401-00、SAE J-401、SAE J401-2000、SAE J401-00、SAE J40152 SAE J-402-1997 SAE 编号系统为了工作或包金箔的钢 SAE J-402-97、SAE J-402、SAE J402-1997、SAE J402-97、SAE J40253 SAE J-403-2001 的化学的写作SAE 碳钢 SAE J-403-01、SAE J-403、SAE J403-2001、SAE J403-01、SAE J40354 SAE J-404-2000 的化学的写作SAE 合金钢 SAE J-404-00、SAE J-404、SAE J404-2000、SAE J404-00、SAE J40455 SAE J-405-1998 的化学的写作SAE 工作不锈钢 SAE J-405-98、SAE J-405、SAE J405-1998、SAE J405-98、SAE J40556 SAE J-406-1998 (R) 的方法决定HARDENABILITY 钢的 SAE J-406-98、SAE J-406、SAE J406-1998、SAE J406-98、SAE J40657 SAE J-409-1995 产品分析-可允许的变更从规定热的化学的分析或钢的投掷 SAE J-409-95、SAE J-409、SAE J409-1995、SAE J409-95、SAE J40958 SAE J-411-1997 碳和合金钢 SAE J-411-97、SAE J-411、SAE J411-1997、SAE J411-97、SAE J41159 SAE J-412-1995 普通特征和热处理钢的 SAE J-412-95、SAE J-412、SAE J412-1995、SAE J412-95、SAE J41260 SAE J-413-2002 热宴请的机械的属性工作钢 SAE J-413-02、SAE J-413、SAE J413-2002、SAE J413-02、SAE J41361 SAE J-415-1995 热宴请学期的定义 SAE J-415-95、SAE J-415、SAE J415-1995、SAE J415-95、SAE J41562 SAE J-417-1983 硬测试& 硬数变换 SAE J-417-83、SAE J-417、SAE J417-1983、SAE J417-83、SAE J41763 SAE J-419-1983 的方法测量DECARBURIZATIONSAE J-419-83、SAE J-419、SAE J419-1983、SAE J419-83、SAE J419 64 SAE J-420-1991 磁的粒子检查 SAE J-420-91、SAE J-420、SAE J420-1991、SAE J420-91、SAE J420 65 SAE J-422-1983 包含的微观的决心在钢 SAE J-422-83、SAE J-422、SAE J422-1983、SAE J422-83、SAE J422 66 SAE J-423-1998 的方法测量事深 SAE J-423-98、SAE J-423、SAE J423-1998、SAE J423-98、SAE J423 67 SAE J-425-1991 电磁的测试在旋转当前的方法 SAE J-425-91、SAE J-425、SAE J425-1991、SAE J425-91、SAE J425 68 SAE J-426-1991 液体PENETRANT 测试方法 SAE J-426-91、SAE J-426、SAE J426-1991、SAE J426-91、SAE J426 69 SAE J-427-1991 敏锐的发散检查 SAE J-427-91、SAE J-427、SAE J427-1991、SAE J427-91、SAE J427 70 SAE J-428-1991 超声的检查 SAE J-428-91、SAE J-428、SAE J428-1991、SAE J428-91、SAE J428 71 SAE J-429-1999 机械的和材料需求为了外表上线扣件 SAE J-429-99、SAE J-429、SAE J429-1999、SAE J429-99、SAE J429 72 SAE J-430-1998 机械的和化学的需求为了NONTHREADED 扣件 SAE J-430-98、SAE J-430、SAE J430-1998、SAE J430-98、SAE J430 73 SAE J-431-2000 汽车的灰色铁铸件 SAE J-431-00、SAE J-431、SAE J431-2000、SAE J431-00、SAE J431 74 SAE J-434-2004 (R) 汽车的易延展的(小节的) 铁铸件 SAE J-434-04、SAE J-434、SAE J434-2004、SAE J434-04、SAE J434 75 SAE J-435-2002 汽车的钢铸件 SAE J-435-02、SAE J-435、SAE J435-2002、SAE J435-02、SAE J435 76 SAE J-437-1970 选择和热处理工具的和死亡钢 SAE J-437-70、SAE J-437、SAE J437-1970、SAE J437-70、SAE J437 77 SAE J-438-1970 工具和死亡钢 SAE J-438-70、SAE J-438、SAE J438-1970、SAE J438-70、SAE J438 78 SAE J-359-1991 红外线的测试 SAE J-359-91、SAE J-359、SAE J359-1991、SAE J359-91、SAE J359 79 SAE J-360-2001 (R) 卡车和公共汽车等级停车履行测试程序 SAE J-360-01、SAE J-360、SAE J360-2001、SAE J360-01、SAE J360 80 SAE J-361-2003 (R) 程序为了内部的的可视化的评价和外部的汽车的整齐的 SAE J-361-03、SAE J-361、SAE J361-2003、SAE J361-03、SAE J361 81 SAE J-363-1994 文件编档员底部装备 SAE J-363-94、SAE J-363、SAE J363-1994、SAE J363-94、SAE J363 82 SAE J-365-2004 测试反抗的方法到拖着脚走整齐的材料的 SAE J-365-04、SAE J-365、SAE J365-2004、SAE J365-04、SAE J365 83 SAE J-366-2001 外部的声音水平为了重的卡车和公共汽车 SAE J-366-01、SAE J-366、SAE J366-2001、SAE J366-01、SAE J36684 SAE J-369-2003 聚合的内部的材料的易燃-地平线的测试方法SAE J-369-03、SAE J-369、SAE J369-2003、SAE J369-03、SAE J369 85 SAE J-370-1998 门闩和CAPSCREW 为试尺码使用在建筑和工业的机器 SAE J-370-98、SAE J-370、SAE J370-1998、SAE J370-98、SAE J370 86 SAE J-371-1993 排水沟 装满和水平堵为了关-路 自己- SAE J-371-93、SAE J-371、SAE J371-1993、SAE J371-93、SAE J371 87 SAE J-373-1993 供给住宅内在的维为了单一的和二-盘子春天-LOADEDCLUTCHES SAE J-373-93、SAE J-373、SAE J373-1993、SAE J373-93、SAE J373 88 SAE J-374-2002 机动车屋顶力测试程序 SAE J-374-02、SAE J-374、SAE J374-2002、SAE J374-02、SAE J374 89 SAE J-375-1994 RADIUM-OF-LOAD 或繁荣角指出系统 SAE J-375-94、SAE J-375、SAE J375-1994、SAE J375-94、SAE J375 90 SAE J-376-1985 载入指出装置在举起起重机服务- SAE J-376-85、SAE J-376、SAE J376-1985、SAE J376-85、SAE J376 91 SAE J-377-2001 (R) 车的交通声音打信号装置 SAE J-377-01、SAE J-377、SAE J377-2001、SAE J377-01、SAE J377 92 SAE J-378-2004 (R) 舰队推进系统配线 SAE J-378-04、SAE J-378、SAE J378-2004、SAE J378-04、SAE J378 93 SAE J-379-2004 (R) GOGAN 闸衬里的硬 SAE J-379-04、SAE J-379、SAE J379-2004、SAE J379-04、SAE J379 94 SAE J-38-1991 举起臂支持装置为了加载器 SAE J-38-91、SAE J-38、SAE J38-1991、SAE J38-91、SAE J38 95 SAE J-380-2002 (R) 摩擦材料的特效药重力 SAE J-380-02、SAE J-380、SAE J380-2002、SAE J380-02、SAE J38096 SAE J-381-2000 挡风玻璃/边窗口除霜/除雾系统测试PROCEDUREAND 履行需求-卡车 公共汽车和多种用途的机动车SAE J-381-00、SAE J-381、SAE J381-2000、SAE J381-00、SAE J381 97 SAE J-439-1977 烧结物碳化物工具 SAE J-439-77、SAE J-439、SAE J439-1977、SAE J439-77、SAE J439 98 SAE J-44-2003 脚踏闸系统履行需求-雪上汽车 SAE J-44-03、SAE J-44、SAE J44-2003、SAE J44-03、SAE J44 99 SAE J-441-1993 剪切金属丝开枪 SAE J-441-93、SAE J-441、SAE J441-1993、SAE J441-93、SAE J441 100 SAE J-442-2001 (R) 测试剥 持有者和象徵物品为了开枪锤头 SAE J-442-01、SAE J-442、SAE J442-2001、SAE J442-01、SAE J442。



SURFACEVEHICLESTANDARD SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report isentirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2004 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)4.HardnessThe hardness ranges shown in Table 1 are for guidelines only.4.1The area or areas on the castings where hardness is to be checked should be established byagreement between manufacturer and purchaser.4.2The foundry shall exercise the necessary controls and inspection techniques to insure compliancewith the typical hardness range. Brinell hardness shall be determined according to ASTM E 10,Standard Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials, after sufficient material has been removed from the casting surface to insure representative hardness readings. The 10mm tungsten ball and 3000kg load shall be used unless otherwise agreed upon.5.Heat Treatment5.1The heat treatment of castings and test specimens produced to this standard in order to meethardness or other mechanical property requirements, for thermal stress relief or for other purposes is permissible only with the express approval of the casting purchaser.5.2Purchaser approval may be blanket or may be issued on a case-by-case basis, as agreed.5.3Unless otherwise agreed, the heat treat cycles employed; times, temperatures, rates, quenchants,etc. shall be at the option of the manufacturer.5.4Unless otherwise agreed, any separately cast test specimens or any removed from the castings,must accompany the castings they represent as part of the same heat treatment lot(s) or besubjected to the same thermal cycle as the castings they represent, in all respects.6.MicrostructureThe graphite component of the microstructure shall consist of at least 80% spheroidal graphite conforming to Types I and II (per ASTM A247) in Fig. 1 (nodularity rating chart developed by the Ductile I ron Society may be used as a guide). The matrix microstructure shall consist of ferrite, ferrite and pearlite, pearlite, tempered pearlite, or tempered martensite, or a combination of these. The microstructure shall be substantially free of primary cementite. The microstructure shall be substantially free of undesirable carbides, the details of which are agreed upon between the casting manufacturer and the purchaser. Examples of matrix microstructures for each grade are shown in Fig. 2.FIGURE 1—CLASSIFICATION OF GRAPHITE SHAPE IN CAST IRONS (FROM ASTM A 247)D400D450FIGURE 2—TYPICAL MATRIX MICROSTRUCTURES(PHOTOS COURTESY OF CLIMAX RESEARCH SERVICES)D500D550FIGURE 2—TYPICAL MATRIX MICROSTRUCTURES (CONTINUED)(PHOTOS COURTESY OF CLIMAX RESEARCH SERVICES)D700D800FIGURE 2—TYPICAL MATRIX MICROSTRUCTURES (CONTINUED)(PHOTOS COURTESY OF CLIMAX RESEARCH SERVICES)7.Quality AssuranceIt is the responsibility of the manufacturer to demonstrate process capability. The specimen(s) used to do so shall be of a configuration and from a location agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser. Sampling plans shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser. The manufacturer shall employ adequate controls to ensure that the parts conform to the agreed upon requirements.8.General8.1Castings furnished to this standard shall be representative of good foundry practice and shallconform to dimensions and tolerances specified on the casting drawing.8.2Minor imperfections usually not associated with the structural functioning may occur in castings.These imperfections are often repairable; however, repairs should be made only in areas and by methods approved by the purchaser.8.3Purchaser and manufacturer may agree to additional casting requirements, such as manufactureridentification, other casting information, and special testing. These should appear as additionalproduct requirements on the casting drawing.9.Notes9.1Marginal IndiciaThe change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.PREPARED BY THE SAE AUTOMOTIVE IRON & STEEL CASTINGS COMMITTEEA.3.5Typical microstructures of the grades of ductile iron are as follows:D400 (D4018) is a ferritic ductile iron most commonly made by annealing. The annealing time and temperature cycle is such that primary carbides, if present in the as-cast structure, are decomposed, and the resulting matrix is ferritic.D450 (D4512) is ferritic ductile iron supplied either as-cast or heat-treated. The matrix, is predominantly ferrite, but this grade can contain pearlite, depending on section size.D500 (D5006) is ferritic-pearlite ductile iron supplied either as-cast or heat-treated. The matrix, is essentially pearlite. This grade may contain substantially more ferrite than Grade D550.D550 (D5504) is pearlitic-ferritic ductile iron supplied either as-cast or heat-treated. The matrix, is essentially pearlite. This grade may contain less ferrite than D500.D700 (D7003) is either as-cast or air quenched to a specified hardness range. The resulting matrix is pearlite.D800 is either as-cast or air or liquid quenched and tempered to a specified hardness range.The resulting matrix is pearlite or tempered martensite.DQ&T is a liquid quenched and tempered grade. The resulting matrix is tempered martensite.A.4C asting Mechanical PropertiesA.4.1The mechanical properties are shown in Table 1. Since properties may vary with location in agiven c asting, the suitability of a particular grade for an intended use is best determined bylaboratory or service t ests.A.4.2The mechanical properties will vary with microstructure that, especially in the as-cast condition, isdependent upon section size as well as chemical composition and some foundry processes.A.4.3For optimum mechanical properties in the quenched and tempered grade, section size forunalloyed iron should generally not exceed 19mm (3/4 inch) to insure uniform, thoroughhardened structure.A.4.4 A young's Modulus value of 166GPa (24Mpsi) is typically found for ductile iron when measuredper ASTM E111, Standard Test Method for Young's Modulus, Tangent Modulus and ChordModulus. Ductile Iron components used for high strain rate applications should use a reducedvalue of the modulus stated above (some designers have used up to 15% less than the modulus stated above).A.4.5T ypical un-notched Charpy impact energy properties are shown in Table A2. These typicalresults are from low residual element content iron (especially phosphorus). Impact values areaffected by microstructure and section size.- 11 -RationaleNot Applicable.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO StandardNot Applicable.ApplicationThis SAE standard covers the minimum mechanical properties measured on separately cast test pieces of varying thickness and microstructural requirements for ductile iron castings used in automotive and allied industries. Castings may be specified in the as-cast or heat-treated condition. If castings are heat-treated, prior approval from the customer is required.The appendix provides general information on chemical composition, microstructure and casting mechanical properties, as well as other information for particular service conditions.In this standard SI units are primary and in-lb units are derived.Reference SectionASTM E10—Standard Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic MaterialsASTM E23—Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic MaterialsASTM E111—Standard Test Method for Young's Modulus, Tangent Modulus and Chord ModulusASTM A247—Standard Test Method for Evaluation the Microstructure of Graphite in Iron CastingsASTM A536—Standard Specification for Ductile Iron CastingsSTP-455—Gray, Ductile, and Malleable Iron Castings Current Capabilities (out-of-print)Metals Handbook, Vol. 1,2 and 5, 8th Edition, ASM International, Materials Park, OH (out-of-print)Gray and Ductile Iron Castings Handbook, Gray and Ductile Iron Founder's Society, Cleveland, OHH.D. Angus, Physical Engineering Properties of Cast ron, British Cast ron Research Association,Birmingham, EnglandDeveloped by the SAE Automotive Iron & Steel Castings Committee。



SAE-J434-2004(标准参考)翻译1 范围该SAE标准涵盖了应用于汽车球墨铸铁铸件和相关的行业的铸铁试件的金相组织和最低机械性能要求。




在此标准的SI单位是磅2.2参考文献2.1 相关出版物The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply2.1.1 ASTM 国际出版物Available from ASTM INTERNATIONAL, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959ASTM E10 –-Standard Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic MaterialsASTM E23—Standard Test Methods forNotched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic MaterialsASTM E111—Standard Test Method for Young's Modulus, Tangent Modulus and Chord ModulusASTM A247—Standard Test Method for Evaluation the Microstructure of Graphite in Iron CastingsASTM A536—Standard Specification for Ductile Iron CastingsSTP-455—Gray, Ductile, and Malleable Iron Castings Current Capabilities (out-of-print)2.1.2其他出版物Metals Handbook, Vol. 1, 2, and 5, 8th Edition, American Society for Metals, Metals Park, OH Gray and Ductile Iron Castings Handbook, Gray and Ductile Iron Founder Society, Cleveland, OH H. D. Angus, Physical Engineering Properties of Cast Iron, British Cast Iron Research Association, Birmingham, England3.3 牌号机械性能和冶金描述如表1所示。




参考标准:NFA32-101 and NF A32-201 1987NF EN ISO 945 1994NF EN 1561&NF EN 1563 1997SAE J431 2000SAE J434 19862.材料要求A)化学成分和工艺以下仅供参考。






D)结构(按NF EN ISO 945 1994年11月)球墨铸铁中石墨:石墨:对照表结构:=》对照表;当在保持限定范围内,小部件中一个区域到另一个区域允许20%变动。




序号标准号标准名称1 SAE J-266-1996不变的方向的控制测试程序为了客车和光卡车SAE J-266-96、SAE J-266、SAE J266-1996、SAE J266-96、SAE J266 2 SAE J-2662-2003 项链等级为了能力拿-关装备填充 SAE J-2662-03、SAE J-2662、SAE J2662-2003、SAE J2662-03、SAE J2662 3 SAE J-2666-2003 软管标准尺评价程序SAE J-2666-03、SAE J-2666、SAE J2666-2003、SAE J2666-03、SAE J2666 4 SAE J-2667-2004 STRSW (压榨类型反抗班点焊接) 装备接受标准为了碰撞修复工业SAE J-2667-04、SAE J-2667、SAE J2667-2004、SAE J2667-04、SAE J2667 5 SAE J-323-2004 测试方法为了决定柔韧性塑胶材料的寒冷破裂 SAE J-323-04、SAE J-323、SAE J323-2004、SAE J323-04、SAE J323 6 SAE J-326-1986 术语-水力的锄耕机 < SAE J-326-86、SAE J-326、SAE J326-1986、SAE J326-86、SAE J326 7 SAE J-328-2005 轮-乘客汽车和光卡车履行需求和测试程序 SAE J-328-05、SAE J-328、SAE J328-2005、SAE J328-05、SAE J328 8 SAE J-33-2000 1NOWMOBILE 定义和术语-普通 SAE J-33-00、SAE J-33、SAE J33-2000、SAE J33-00、SAE J33 9 SAE J-331-2000 声音水平为了摩托车 SAE J-331-00、SAE J-331、SAE J331-2000、SAE J331-00、SAE J331 10 SAE J-332-2002 测试机器为了测量的同样客车和光卡车疲劳 SAE J-332-02、SAE J-332、SAE J332-2002、SAE J332-02、SAEJ332 11 SAE J-335-1995 MULTIPOSITION 小的引擎用尽系统火点火SUPRESSION SAE J-335-95、SAE J-335、SAE J335-1995、SAE J335-95、SAE J335 12 SAE J-336-2001 声音水平为了卡车的士内部的 SAE J-336-01、SAE J-336、SAE J336-2001、SAE J336-01、SAE J336 13 SAE J-339-1994 安全带硬件带子擦破测试PROCEDUR SAE J-339-94、SAE J-339、SAE J339-1994、SAE J339-94、SAE J339 14 SAE J-34-2001 外部的声音水平测量法程序为了取乐MOTORBOATS SAE J-34-01、SAE J-34、SAE J34-2001、SAE J34-01、SAE J34 15 SAE J-342-1991 火花避雷器测试程序为了大的大小引擎 SAE J-342-91、SAE J-342、SAE J342-1991、SAEJ342-91、SAE J342 16 SAE J-343-2004 测试和测试程序为了SAE 100R 系列水力的软管和软管集合 SAE J-343-04、SAE J-343、SAE J343-2004、SAE J343-04、SAE J343 17 SAE J-345-1969 湿的或干的人行道客车疲劳山顶和锁定的轮闸牵引SAE J-345-69、SAE J-345、SAE J345-1969、SAE J345-69、SAE J345 18 SAE J-347-2002 DIESEL 燃料注射器集合类型7 (9.5毫米) SAE J-347-02、SAE J-347、SAE J347-2002、SAE J347-02、SAE J347 19 SAE J-348-1990 轮楔 SAE J-348-90、SAE J-348、SAE J348-1990、SAE J348-90、SAE J348 20 SAE J-349-1991 表面不完全的察觉在铁的杆马齿龈管和金属丝 SAE J-349-91、SAE J-349、SAEJ349-1991、SAE J349-91、SAE J349 21 SAE J-350-1991 火花避雷器测试程序为了媒体大小引擎22 SAE J-356-1999 焊接闪光受约束的低碳钢装管标准化为了弯曲两倍发光的和玻璃珠SAE J-356-99、SAE J-356、SAE J356-1999、SAE J356-99、SAE J35623 SAE J-357-1999 身体的和引擎油的化学的属性SAE J-357-99、SAE J-357、SAE J357-1999、SAE J357-99、SAE J35724 SAE J-358-1991 非破坏性的测试SAE J-358-91、SAE J-358、SAE J358-1991、SAE J358-91、SAE J35825 SAE J-383-1995 机动车安全带下锚点-设计推荐SAE J-383-95、SAE J-383、SAE J383-1995、SAE J383-95、SAE J38326 SAE J-384-1994 机动车安全带下锚点-测试程序SAE J-384-94、SAE J-384、SAE J384-1994、SAE J384-94、SAE J38427 SAE J-385-1995 机动车安全带下锚点-履行需求 <SAE J-385-95、SAE J-385、SAE J385-1995、SAE J385-95、SAE J38528 SAE J-386-1997 操作员抑制系统为了关-路工作机器SAE J-386-97、SAE J-386、SAE J386-1997、SAE J386-97、SAE J38629 SAE J-387-1995 术语学-机动车照明SAE J-387-95、SAE J-387、SAE J387-1995、SAE J387-95、SAE J38730 SAE J-390-1999 双的维SAE J-390-99、SAE J-390、SAE J390-1999、SAE J390-99、SAE J39031 SAE J-391-1981 定义为了粒子SAE J-391-81、SAE J-391、SAE J391-1981、SAE J391-81、SAE J39132 SAE J-392-2003 摩托车和设计电压的发动机受驱策的周期电的系统维护SAE J-392-03、SAE J-392、SAE J392-2003、SAE J392-03、SAE J39233 SAE J-393-2001 术语-轮集线器和边为了商业的机动车SAE J-393-01、SAE J-393、SAE J393-2001、SAE J393-01、SAE J39334 SAE J-397-2004 偏斜限制的卷-保护的结构实验室评价SAE J-397-04、SAE J-397、SAE J397-2004、SAE J397-04、SAE J39735 SAE J-398-1995 燃料水槽装填物条件-PASENGER汽车 MULTI-目的乘客机动车和光义务卡车SAE J-398-95、SAE J-398、SAE J398-1995、SAE J398-95、SAE J39836 SAE J-399-1985 阳极电镀铝汽车的部分SAE J-399-85、SAE J-399、SAE J399-1985、SAE J399-85、SAE J39937 SAE J-316-1998 油-调节的碳-钢春天金属丝和春天 <SAE J-316-98、SAE J-316、SAE J316-1998、SAE J316-98、SAE J31638 SAE J-35-2002 DIESEL烟测量法程序SAE J-35-02、SAE J-35、SAE J35-2002、SAE J35-02、SAE J3539 SAE J-351-1998 油-调节的碳-钢阀春天质量金属丝和春天SAE J-351-98、SAE J-351、SAE J351-1998、SAE J351-98、SAE J35140 SAE J-362-1982 机动车头巾门插销系统SAE J-362-82、SAE J-362、SAE J362-1982、SAE J362-82、SAE J36241 SAE J-367-2003 客车门系统压碎测试程序SAE J-367-03、SAE J-367、SAE J367-2003、SAE J367-03、SAE J36742 SAE J-368-1993 高度-力结束和调节的结构的钢43 SAE J-382-2000挡风玻璃除霜系统履行需求-卡车公共汽车和多种用途的机动车SAE J-382-00、SAE J-382、SAE J382-2000、SAE J382-00、SAE J382 44 SAE J-388-1998 动态流动FATIQUE.进行测验平板聚亚安酯泡沫 SAE J-388-98、SAE J-388、SAE J388-1998、SAE J388-98、SAE J388 45 SAE J-389-1978 普遍的符号为了操作员控制 SAE J-389-78、SAE J-389、SAE J389-1978、SAE J389-78、SAE J389 46 SAE J-39-1993 T-钩缝为了SECUREMENT 农业的装备的 SAE J-39-93、SAE J-39、SAE J39-1993、SAE J39-93、SAE J3947 SAE J-400-2002 .进行测验表面被覆的碎片反抗 SAE J-400-02、SAE J-400、SAE J400-2002、SAE J400-02、SAE J400 48 SAE J-4000-1999 辨认和最好的实行的测量法在倾斜操作的执行 SAE J-4000-99、SAE J-4000、SAE J4000-1999、SAE J4000-99、SAE J4000 49 SAE J-4001-1999 倾斜操作使用者手册的执行 SAE J-4001-99、SAE J-4001、SAE J4001-1999、SAE J4001-99、SAE J4001 50 SAE J-4002-2004 (R) H-点机器和设计工具程序和规格 SAE J-4002-04、SAE J-4002、SAE J4002-2004、SAE J4002-04、SAE J4002 51 SAE J-401-2000 选择和使用钢的 SAE J-401-00、SAE J-401、SAE J401-2000、SAE J401-00、SAE J401 52 SAE J-402-1997 SAE 编号系统为了工作或包金箔的钢 SAE J-402-97、SAE J-402、SAE J402-1997、SAE J402-97、SAE J402 53 SAE J-403-2001 的化学的写作SAE 碳钢 SAE J-403-01、SAE J-403、SAE J403-2001、SAE J403-01、SAE J403 54 SAE J-404-2000 的化学的写作SAE 合金钢 SAE J-404-00、SAE J-404、SAEJ404-2000、SAE J404-00、SAE J404 55 SAE J-405-1998 的化学的写作SAE 工作不锈钢 SAE J-405-98、SAE J-405、SAE J405-1998、SAE J405-98、SAE J405 56 SAE J-406-1998 (R) 的方法决定HARDENABILITY 钢的 SAE J-406-98、SAE J-406、SAE J406-1998、SAE J406-98、SAE J406 57 SAE J-409-1995 产品分析-可允许的变更从规定热的化学的分析或钢的投掷 SAE J-409-95、SAE J-409、SAEJ409-1995、SAE J409-95、SAE J409 58 SAE J-411-1997 碳和合金钢 SAE J-411-97、SAE J-411、SAE J411-1997、SAE J411-97、SAE J411 59 SAE J-412-1995 普通特征和热处理钢的 SAE J-412-95、SAE J-412、SAE J412-1995、SAE J412-95、SAE J412 60 SAE J-413-2002 热宴请的机械的属性工作钢 SAE J-413-02、SAE J-413、SAE J413-2002、SAE J413-02、SAE J413 61 SAE J-415-1995 热宴请学期的定义 SAE J-415-95、SAE J-415、SAE J415-1995、SAE J415-95、SAE J415 62SAE J-417-1983 硬测试& 硬数变换 SAE J-417-83、SAE J-417、SAE J417-1983、SAE J417-83、SAE J417 63 SAE J-419-1983 的方法测量DECARBURIZATIONSAE J-419-83、SAE J-419、SAE J419-1983、SAE J419-83、SAE J41964 SAE J-420-1991 磁的粒子检查SAE J-420-91、SAE J-420、SAE J420-1991、SAE J420-91、SAE J42065 SAE J-422-1983 包含的微观的决心在钢SAE J-422-83、SAE J-422、SAE J422-1983、SAE J422-83、SAE J42266 SAE J-423-1998 的方法测量事深SAE J-423-98、SAE J-423、SAE J423-1998、SAE J423-98、SAE J42367 SAE J-425-1991 电磁的测试在旋转当前的方法SAE J-425-91、SAE J-425、SAE J425-1991、SAE J425-91、SAE J42568 SAE J-426-1991 液体PENETRANT测试方法SAE J-426-91、SAE J-426、SAE J426-1991、SAE J426-91、SAE J42669 SAE J-427-1991 敏锐的发散检查SAE J-427-91、SAE J-427、SAE J427-1991、SAE J427-91、SAE J42770 SAE J-428-1991 超声的检查SAE J-428-91、SAE J-428、SAE J428-1991、SAE J428-91、SAE J42871 SAE J-429-1999 机械的和材料需求为了外表上线扣件SAE J-429-99、SAE J-429、SAE J429-1999、SAE J429-99、SAE J429 72 SAE J-430-1998 机械的和化学的需求为了NONTHREADED扣件SAE J-430-98、SAE J-430、SAE J430-1998、SAE J430-98、SAE J430 73 SAE J-431-2000 汽车的灰色铁铸件SAE J-431-00、SAE J-431、SAE J431-2000、SAE J431-00、SAE J431 74 SAE J-434-2004 (R) 汽车的易延展的(小节的) 铁铸件SAE J-434-04、SAE J-434、SAE J434-2004、SAE J434-04、SAE J434 75 SAE J-435-2002 汽车的钢铸件SAE J-435-02、SAE J-435、SAE J435-2002、SAE J435-02、SAE J435 76 SAE J-437-1970 选择和热处理工具的和死亡钢SAE J-437-70、SAE J-437、SAE J437-1970、SAE J437-70、SAE J437 77 SAE J-438-1970 工具和死亡钢SAE J-438-70、SAE J-438、SAE J438-1970、SAE J438-70、SAE J438 78 SAE J-359-1991 红外线的测试SAE J-359-91、SAE J-359、SAE J359-1991、SAE J359-91、SAE J359 79 SAE J-360-2001 (R) 卡车和公共汽车等级停车履行测试程序SAE J-360-01、SAE J-360、SAE J360-2001、SAE J360-01、SAE J36080 SAE J-361-2003 (R) 程序为了内部的的可视化的评价和外部的汽车的整齐的SAE J-361-03、SAE J-361、SAE J361-2003、SAE J361-03、SAE J36181 SAE J-363-1994 文件编档员底部装备SAE J-363-94、SAE J-363、SAE J363-1994、SAE J363-94、SAE J36382 SAE J-365-2004 测试反抗的方法到拖着脚走整齐的材料的SAE J-365-04、SAE J-365、SAE J365-2004、SAE J365-04、SAE J36583 SAE J-366-2001 外部的声音水平为了重的卡车和公共汽车SAE J-366-01、SAE J-366、SAE J366-2001、SAE J366-01、SAE J36684 SAE J-369-2003 聚合的内部的材料的易燃-地平线的测试方法SAE J-369-03、SAE J-369、SAE J369-2003、SAE J369-03、SAE J36985 SAE J-370-1998 门闩和CAPSCREW为试尺码使用在建筑和工业的机器SAE J-370-98、SAE J-370、SAE J370-1998、SAE J370-98、SAE J37086 SAE J-371-1993 排水沟装满和水平堵为了关-路自己-SAE J-371-93、SAE J-371、SAE J371-1993、SAE J371-93、SAE J37187 SAE J-373-1993 供给住宅内在的维为了单一的和二-盘子春天-LOADEDCLUTCHESSAE J-373-93、SAE J-373、SAE J373-1993、SAE J373-93、SAE J373 88 SAE J-374-2002 机动车屋顶力测试程序SAE J-374-02、SAE J-374、SAE J374-2002、SAE J374-02、SAE J374 89 SAE J-375-1994 RADIUM-OF-LOAD或繁荣角指出系统SAE J-375-94、SAE J-375、SAE J375-1994、SAE J375-94、SAE J375 90 SAE J-376-1985 载入指出装置在举起起重机服务-SAE J-376-85、SAE J-376、SAE J376-1985、SAE J376-85、SAE J376 91 SAE J-377-2001 (R) 车的交通声音打信号装置SAE J-377-01、SAE J-377、SAE J377-2001、SAE J377-01、SAE J377 92 SAE J-378-2004 (R) 舰队推进系统配线SAE J-378-04、SAE J-378、SAE J378-2004、SAE J378-04、SAE J378 93 SAE J-379-2004 (R) GOGAN闸衬里的硬SAE J-379-04、SAE J-379、SAE J379-2004、SAE J379-04、SAE J379 94 SAE J-38-1991 举起臂支持装置为了加载器SAE J-38-91、SAE J-38、SAE J38-1991、SAE J38-91、SAE J3895 SAE J-380-2002 (R) 摩擦材料的特效药重力SAE J-380-02、SAE J-380、SAE J380-2002、SAE J380-02、SAE J38096 SAE J-381-2000 挡风玻璃/边窗口除霜/除雾系统测试PROCEDUREAND履行需求-卡车公共汽车和多种用途的机动车SAE J-381-00、SAE J-381、SAE J381-2000、SAE J381-00、SAE J38197 SAE J-439-1977 烧结物碳化物工具SAE J-439-77、SAE J-439、SAE J439-1977、SAE J439-77、SAE J43998 SAE J-44-2003 脚踏闸系统履行需求-雪上汽车SAE J-44-03、SAE J-44、SAE J44-2003、SAE J44-03、SAE J4499 SAE J-441-1993 剪切金属丝开枪SAE J-441-93、SAE J-441、SAE J441-1993、SAE J441-93、SAE J441100 SAE J-442-2001 (R) 测试剥持有者和象徵物品为了开枪锤头SAE J-442-01、SAE J-442、SAE J442-2001、SAE J442-01、SAE J442继续阅读。



美国制动软管SAEJ844认证,SAEJ1402认证介绍美国SAE J 844 & 1402简介一.基本介绍SAE全称Society of Automotive Engineers:是美国机动车工程师学会的缩写。



其中SAE J 844 标准对空气制动系统非金属管产品进行了相关规定,包括产品的物理性能,测试项目及评判标准等。

而SAE J 1402标准则是对汽车空气制动软管及软管组件进行了相关规定。

二.SAE J 844标准适用范围:该标准涵盖了对用于空气制动系统的非金属管材的最低要求。



来源:临安科达认证韦小姐,QQ:2956482524三.SAE J 844主要测试项目:1. Leak Test 泄漏测试(详情参见SAE J 844 para.9.1)确保指定销售给消费者的管材成功通过该测试。

2. Moisture Absorption 吸水率测试(详情参见SAE J 844para.9.2)依据测试标准,吸水率不应超过(重量)的2%。

3. Ultraviolet Resistance 抗紫外线性能(详情参见SAE J 844 para.9.3)用Q-Panel QUV加速老化测试仪进行测试。

4. Cold Temperature Flexibility 低温伸缩性测试(详情参见SAE J 844 para.9.4)依据标准进行测试后,管材应没有裂纹出现。

5. Heat Aging 热老化测试(详情参见SAE J 844 para.9.5)进行两次单独的热老化试验,样品应承受不低于标准规定的爆破压力值。

6. Resistance to Zinc Chloride 对氯化锌的耐受性(详情参见SAE J 844 para.9.6)依据标准,将样品浸入50%(重量)的氯化锌溶液中200小时后,样品没有裂纹出现。



SAE 目录代号名称1. SAE TSB002-1992 SAE 技术报告的准备2. SAETSB003-1999 SAE 使用公制(Metric)单位的规则3. SAE TSB004-1998 技术委员会指南4. SAE J 10-2000 汽车和非道路车辆气制动储气罐性能要求和识别要求5. SAE J 17-2003 天然泡沫橡胶6. SAE J 18-2002 海绵橡胶和多孔橡胶制品7. SAE J19-1997 汽车用乳胶浸渍制品和涂料8. SAE J 20-2003 冷却系统软管9. SAE J20-1-2002 冷却软管(政府用于替代MS52130 部分而对SAE J20 进行的增补)10. SAE J 20-2-2001 钢丝缠绕支撑冷却软管的正常使用(SAE J20 的增补件)11. SAE J 30-1998 燃油和机油软管12. SAE J 31-1986 液压式铲车举升能力13. SAE J33-2000 雪地车定义和术语—总则14. SAE J 34-2001 机动游艇外部噪声测量规程15. SAE J 38-1991 装载机举升臂支撑装置16. SAE J 43-1988 工业轮式装载机和铲车轴载荷17. SAE J 44-2003 雪地车行车制动系统性能要求18. SAE J 45-2003 雪地车制动系统试验规程19. SAE J 46-1993 车轮打滑制动控制系统道路试验规程20. SAE J 47-1998 摩托车潜在最大噪声声级21. SAE J 48-1993 液面指示器指南22. SAE J49-1980 液压铲车技术参数的定义23. SAE J 51-1998 汽车空调软管24. SAE J56-1999 道路车辆—带调节器的交流发电机—试验方法和一般要求25. SAE J57-2000 公路载货车轮胎噪声声级26. SAE J 58-1998 带凸缘的12 角头螺钉27. SAE J 64-1995 雪地车识别代号28. SAE J 67-1998 铲斗,抓斗和挖斗额定容量29. SAE J 68-1991 雪地车开关装置和部件试验30. SAE J 75-1999 机动车制动液容器兼容性31. SAE J 78-1998 钢制自攻螺钉32. SAE J 79 制动盘和制动鼓热电偶安装33. SAE J 80-1997 汽车用橡胶垫34. SAE J 81-1997 滚丝螺钉35. SAE J 82-1998 机制螺钉机械和质量要求36. SAE J 88-1995 非道路工作机械外部噪声测量37. SAE J89-1995 雪地车坐椅动态缓冲性能标准38. SAE J 90-1995 汽车非金属垫圈材料标准分类体系39. SAE J 92-1995 雪地车节气门控制系统40. SAE J 95-1986 工业设备前照灯 1 代号名称41. SAE J 96-1986 工业设备闪光警报灯42. SAE J 98-1998 通用工业机械人员防护43. SAE J 99-2003 公路上使用的工业设备灯光和标志44. SAE J 100-1999 A 类车辆风窗玻璃阴影区域45. SAE J 101-1989 汽车鼓式制动器液力分泵46. SAE J 107-1996 摩托车操纵件和显示器47. SAE J 108-2000 摩托车制动系统试验代码48. SAE J 109-2000 摩托车和动力驱动自行车行车制动系统性能要求49. SAE J 112a 电动风窗玻璃刮水器开关50. SAE J 113 冷拔机械弹簧钢丝和弹簧51. SAE J 114-1994 座椅安全带织带磨损性能要求52. SAE J 115-2003 安全标志53. SAE J 119-1987 纤维板褶皱弯曲试验54. SAE J 121M-1997 淬硬和回火螺纹紧固件的脱碳55. SAE J 121-1997 淬硬和回火螺纹紧固件的脱碳56. SAE J 122-1998 螺母表面的不连续性57. SAE J 123-1994 用于疲劳载荷的螺栓,螺钉和双头螺栓的表面不连续性58. SAE J 125-1988 铸铁温升性能59. SAE J 126-1986 冷、热轧钢板和钢带的选择和说明60. SAE J 128-1994 乘用车和轻型载货车乘员约束系统评价61. SAE J 129-1981 发动机和传动系识别号码62. SAE J 131-2003 摩托车转向信号灯63. SAE J 133-2003 商用挂车和半挂车牵引销性能64. SAE J 134-1993 乘用车和轻型载货车与挂车组成的列车制动系统道路试验代码65. SAE J 135-1993 乘用车与挂车组成的列车行车制动系统性能要求66. SAE J 138 试验人体动力学研究摄影分析指南67. SAE J 139-1999 点火系统术语68. SAE J 140-1995 座椅安全带硬件试验规程69. SAE J 141-1995 座椅安全带硬件性能要求70. SAE J 153-1987 操作人员预防措施71.SAE J 156-2000 保险丝72. SAE J 159-2002 额定容量系统73. SAE J 160-2001 摩擦材料在暴露在温度升高的环境中时尺寸的稳定性74. SAE J 163-2001 低压电线和电缆终端接头及铰接夹75. SAE J 164-1997 散热器盖和加水口颈76. SAE J 167-2002农用拖拉机顶部防护—试验规程和性能要求77. SAE J 169-1985 非道路车辆操作人员空间内空调系统的设计指南78. SAE J 174-1998 英制钢螺纹紧固件力矩-应力试验规程79. SAE J 174M-1998 公制钢螺纹紧固件力矩-应力试验规程80. SAE J 175-2003 道路车辆车轮冲击试验规程81. SAE J 176-1994 非道路自驱动工作机械快速加油设备82. SAE J 179-2001 载货车盘式车轮和可拆卸轮辋—表识 2 代号名称83. SAE J 180-2002 建筑和工业机械充电系统84. SAE J 182-1997 机动车辆基准标志和三维参考系85. SAE J 183-2002 发动机油性能和发动机维修分类(除节能方面外)86. SAE J 184-1998 噪声数据获得系统的检定87. SAE J 185-2003 非道路机械的接近系统88. SAE J 187 载货车识别号码89. SAE J 188-2003 高体积膨胀型动力转向压力软管90. SAE J 189-1998 低压动力转向回油软管91. SAE J 190-1998 钢丝编织动力转向压力软管92. SAE J 191-2003 低体积膨胀型动力转向压力软管93. SAE J 192-2003 雪地车外部噪声等级94. SAE J 193-1996 球节及球座总成试验规程95. SAE J 195-1988机动车辆自动车速控制器96. SAE J 198-2003 载货车、大客车及多用途车风窗玻璃刮水系统97. SAE J 200-2001 橡胶材料分类体系98. SAE J 201-1997 乘用车和轻型载货车在用制动器性能试验规程99. SAE J 207-1985 汽车金属装饰件和结构件的镀铬和镍100.101. SAE J 211-1-2003 冲击试验用仪器—第 1 部分—电子仪器102. SAE J 211-2-2001 冲击试验用仪器—第2 部分—摄影仪器103. SAE J 212-1998 乘用车制动系统测功机试验规程104. SAE J 213-1997 摩托车分类105.106. SAE J216-1999 乘用车玻璃—电路107. SAE J 217-1994 不锈钢17-7PH 弹簧钢丝和弹簧108. SAE J 218-1981 乘用车识别术语109. SAE J 220-1998 起重机起重臂限位装置110. SAE J 222-2000 驻车灯(前位置灯)111. SAE J 224-1980 碰撞变形分类112. SAE J 225-2003 商用车制动系统扭矩平衡试验代码113. SAE J 226-1995 发动机预热器114. SAE J 228-1995 空气流量参考标准115. SAE J 229-1993 乘用车行车制动器结构总成试验规程116. SAE J 230-1994 不锈钢,SAE 30302,弹簧钢丝和弹簧117. SAE J 232-1994 工业旋转割草机118. SAE J 234 电动风窗玻璃清洗器开关119. SAE J 235 电动鼓风机电机开关120. SAE J 238-1998 螺母和锥形弹簧垫圈总成121. SAE J 240-2002 汽车蓄电池寿命试验122. SAE J 243 汽车密封胶,粘结剂和缓冲胶剂的试验方法123. SAE J 244-1992 柴油机进气或排气流量测量124. SAE J 246-2000 球面和凸缘管接头125. SAE J 247-1987 测量车内噪声脉冲的仪器3 代号名称126. SAE J 249-1988 机械制动灯开关127. SAE J 250 合成树脂塑料密封胶—不干型128. SAE J 253-1989 前照灯开关129. SAE J 254-1993 废气排放测量用仪器和测量技术130. SAE J 257-1997 商用车制动器额定功率要求131. SAE J 259 点火开关132. SAE J 264-1998 视野术语133. SAE J 265-2002 柴油机燃油喷嘴总成—8,9,10 和11 型134. SAE J 266-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车稳态方向控制试验规程135. SAE J267-1999 车轮/轮辋—载货车—性能要求和试验规程136. SAE J 268-1989 摩托车后视镜137. SAE J 272-1981 车辆识别号码体系138. SAE J 273-1981 乘用车识别号码体系139. SAE J 274-1989 悬架弹簧额定承载能力140. SAE J 276-2002 铰接式装载机和拖拉机转向锁141. SAE J 277-1995 雪地车电气系统设计电压的维持142. SAE J278-1995 雪地车制动灯143. SAE J 279-1995 雪地车尾灯(后位置灯)144. SAE J 280-1984 雪地车前照灯145. SAE J 283-1999 带三点式挂接装置的农用拖拉机液压举升能力试验规程146. SAE J 284-2002 农用、建筑和工业装备安全警报信号147. SAE J 285-1999 汽油分配泵喷嘴148. SAE J 286-1996 SAE 第2 号离合器摩擦试验机械指南149. SAE J 287-1988 驾驶员手控制区域150. SAE J 288-2002 雪地车燃油箱151. SAE J 291-1980 制动液温度的确定152. SAE J 292-1995 雪地车及车灯、反射装置和相关装备153. SAE J 293-1995 车辆坡道驻车性能要求154. SAE J 294-1993 GVWR 大于4 500 公斤(10 000 lb)车辆的行车制动器总成试验规程155. SAE J 297-2002 工业装备操作人员控制件156. SAE J 299-1993 制动距离试验规程157. SAE J 300-1999 发动机机油黏度分级158. SAE J 301-1999 新的或已修订技术报告的有效日期159. SAE J 304-1999 发动机机油试验160. SAE J 306-1998 汽车齿轮润滑剂黏度分级161. SAE J 308-1996 轴和手动变速器润滑剂162. SAE J 310-2000 汽车润滑脂163. SAE J 311-2000 乘用车自动变速器液164. SAE J 312-2001 车用汽油165. SAE J 313-1998 柴油166. SAE J 314-2002 毛毡—羊毛和部分羊毛167. SAE J 315-1985 纤维板试验规程4 代号名称168. SAE J 318-2003 汽车气制动管接头169. SAE J 321-1999 推土机牵引机械操作人员防护轮罩170. SAE J 322-1996 非金属装饰材料—确定抗硫化氢腐蚀性的试验方法171. SAE J 323-1998 确定柔性塑料材料冷裂性的试验方法172. SAE J 326-1986 液压反铲挖掘机术语173. SAE J328-1994 乘用车及轻型载货车车轮性能要求和试验规程174. SAE J 331-2000 摩托车噪声声级175. SAE J 332-2002 测量乘用车和轻型载货车轮胎一致性的试验机械176. SAE J 335-1995 多位小型发动机排气系统点火抑制177. SAE J 336-2001 载货车驾驶室内部噪声声级178. SAE J 339-1994 座椅安全带织带磨损试验规程179. SAE J 342-1991 大型发动机火花防止器试验规程180. SAE J 343-2001 SAE 100R 系列液压软管和软管总成试验和试验规程181. SAE J 345a 干或湿路面乘用车轮胎最大和抱死时车轮制动力182. SAE J 347-2002 7 型(9.5 mm)柴油机燃油喷嘴总成183. SAE J 348-1990 车轮三角垫木184. SAE J 349-1991 黑色金属杆,棒,管和丝的表面缺陷检查185. SAE J 350-1991 中型发动机火花防止器试验规程186. SAE J 356-1999 可以抑制焊瘤的弯曲,双层扩口和卷边正火低碳钢187. SAE J 357-1999 发动机油的物理和化学特性188. SAE J 358-1991 非破坏性试验189. SAE J 359-1991 红外线试验190. SAE J 360-2001 载货车和大客车坡道驻车性能试验规程191. SAE J 361-1996汽车内饰件和外饰件视觉评价规程192. SAE J 363-1994 滤清器座的安装193. SAE J 365-1994 装饰材料抗擦伤性试验方法194. SAE J 366-2001 重型载货车和大客车外部噪声声级195.196. SAE J 369-2003 车辆内部聚合物材料燃烧特性—试验方法197. SAE J 370-1998 建筑和工业机械用螺栓和内六角螺钉尺寸198. SAE J 371-1993 非道路自驱动工作机械的放油、注油和油位螺塞199. SAE J 373-1993 单片和双片弹簧加载式离合器壳内尺寸200. SAE J 374-2002 车顶抗压试验规程201. SAE J 375-1994 负荷半径式悬臂角指示系统202. SAE J 376-1985 起重机举升负载指示装置203. SAE J 377-2001 车辆通行声音信号装置204. SAE J 378-1988 船用发动机布线205. SAE J 379-1996 制动衬片高氏硬度206. SAE J 380-2002 摩擦材料比重207. SAE J381-2000 载货车,大客车和多用途车风窗玻璃除雾系统试验规程和性能要求208. SAE J 383-1995 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点设计建议209. SAE J 384-1994 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点试验规程5 代号名称210. SAE J 385-1995 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点性能要求211. SAE J 386-1997 非道路工作机械操作人员约束系统212. SAE J 387-1995 机动车辆灯光术语213. SAE J 390-1999 双向尺寸214. SAE J391-1981 颗粒物尺寸定义215.216. SAE J 393-2001 商用车辆车轮,轮毂,轮辋术语217. SAE J 397-1995 防护结构试验室评价—偏转极限值218. SAE J 398-1995 乘用车,多用途车和轻型载货车燃油箱加注口条件219. SAE J 399-1985 阳极化处理的铝制汽车部件220. SAE J 400-2002 表面覆层的耐剥落试验221. SAE J 401-2000 钢的选择和使用222. SAE J 402-1997 锻制钢和轧制钢的SAE 编号系统223. SAE J403-2001 SAE 碳素钢的化学成分224. SAE J 404-2000 SAE 合金钢的化学成分225. SAE J 405-1998 SAE 锻制不锈钢的化学成分226. SAE J 406-1998 钢的可淬性确定方法227. SAE J 409-1995 产品分析—热处理或铸钢化学成分分析的容许变差228. SAE J 411-1997 碳素钢和合金钢229. SAE J 412-1995 钢的热处理和一般特性230. SAE J 413-2002 热处理可锻钢的机械性能231. SAE J 415-1995 热处理术语定义232. SAE J 417-1983 硬度试验和硬度值换算233. SAE J 419-1983 脱碳的测量方法234. SAE J 420-1991 磁粉检查235. SAE J 422-1983 用显微镜确定钢所含物质的方法236. SAE J 423-1998 硬化层深度测量方法237. SAE J 425-1991 用涡电流法进行电磁试验238. SAE J 426-1991 液体渗透剂试验方法239. SAE J 427-1991 渗透辐射检查240. SAE J 428-1991 超声波检查241. SAE J 429-1999 外螺纹紧固件机械性能和材料要求242. SAE J 430-1998 非螺纹紧固件碳素钢实心铆钉机械性能和材料要求243. SAE J 431-2000 汽车灰铸铁件244. SAE J 434-1986 汽车可锻(球墨)铸铁件245. SAE J 435-2002 汽车铸钢件246. SAE J 437a 工具和模具钢的选用和热处理247. SAE J438b 工具和模具钢248. SAE J 439a 硬质合金刀具249. SAE J 441-1993 切割钢丝喷丸250. SAE J 442-2001 喷丸处理用试验带,支架和钢带251. SAE J 443-2003 使用标准喷丸试验带的规程252. SAE J 444-1993 喷丸处理和喷砂清洗用铸丸和铸粒的规格 6 代号名称253. SAE J 445-1996 金属喷丸和喷粒的机械性能试验254. SAE J 447-1995 机动车辆车身及底盘部件的防腐255. SAE J 448a 表面质地256. SAE J449a 表面质地的控制257. SAE J 450-2002 屈服强度和屈服点术语的使用258. SAE J 451-1989 铝合金—基本原理259. SAE J 452-2003 SAE 铸铝合金的一般信息—化学组成,机械和物理性能260. SAE J 454-1991 锻制铝合金的一半数据261. SAE J 457-1991 SAE 锻制铝合金的化学组成,机械性能限值和尺寸公差262. SAE J459-1991 轴承和轴瓦合金263. SAE J 460-1991 轴承和轴瓦合金—SAE 轴承和轴瓦的化学组成264. SAE J 461-2002 锻铜和铸铜合金265. SAE J 462-1981 锻铜合金266. SAE J 463-2002 锻铜和铜合金267. SAE J 464-1989 镁合金268. SAE J 465-1989 铸镁合金269. SAE J 466-1989 锻镁合金270. SAE J 467b 特殊用途合金(超级合金)271. SAE J 468-1988 锌合金锭和压铸件锌合金的成分272. SAE J 469-1989 锌模铸合金273. SAE J 470c 锻镍和与镍有关的合金274. SAE J 471d 粉末冶金黑色金属部件275. SAE J 473a 焊锡276. SAE J 474-1985 电镀及抛光277. SAE J 476a 干密封式管螺纹278. SAE J 482-1998 高六角头螺母279. SAE J 483-1998 槽顶(暗,盖帽式)螺母280. SAE J 485-1998 安装开口销用螺栓和螺钉杆上的孔及螺母的槽281. SAE J 490-1996 球节282. SAE J 491-1987 转向球头销和球座总成283. SAE J 492 铆钉和铆接284. SAE J 493 杆端销和U 形夹285. SAE J 494 带槽销286. SAE J 495 圆柱销(实心)287. SAE J 496 弹性圆柱销288. SAE J 497 非淬火接地柱销289. SAE J 499a 装配用零件软拉孔直齿内花键290. SAE J 501 轴端291. SAE J 502 半圆键292. SAE J 503 半圆键槽和键沟2.。



Chrysler Group LLC Document Number: MS-10373<S> Material Standard Date Published: 2010-11-10 Category Code: B-4 Change Level: L EASL Requirement: YesRestricted: NoDUCTILE CAST IRON1.0 GENERAL1.1 Purpose of the StandardThis standard describes the requirements for ductile (nodular) irons used in either the as-cast or heat treated condition. Grades A and AA are ferritic grades that are used in high ductility and impact resistant applications. Grades B, BH and BN are pearlitic grades and BQT is a martensitic grade used in high strength applications. This standard does not cover the requirements for austempered ductile iron (MS-7959).1.2 Purpose of the MaterialFERRITIC grades of ductile iron are used in high ductility and impact resistant applications such as suspension components. PEARLITIC grades of ductile iron are used in high strength applications such as crankshafts and brackets. MARTENSITIC grades are typically used for gears and can be produced to a wide range of properties; depending on the final hardness, this grade offers the highest wear resistance and the highest strength with corresponding reduced toughness and ductility.1.3 Coverage of this StandardThis standard covers the chemical composition, mechanical properties, physical properties; microstructure and heat treat requirements for these materials.1.4 Correlation to Other Standards2.0 CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONThe chemical compositions in Table 2 are only recommended ranges. The chemistry is secondary to hardness, microstructure, and mechanical properties.3.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MATERIAL<S>3.1 Mechanical Properties and TestsThe hardness ranges listed are typical for the mechanical properties listed for each grade.The yield strength values listed are appropriate for section sizes up to 20mm. For larger section sizes refer to SAE J434.Mechanical properties should be confirmed with test bars taken from the casting when practical based on casting design and geometry. Otherwise, separately cast test bars per ASTM-A536 are permissible upon agreement.The location for measuring hardness will either be as shown on the drawing, or as agreed upon by the supplier, product engineering and the using facility.3.2 Other Requirements3.2.1 Microstructure3.2.2 Heat TreatmentParts cannot be salvage heat treated without approval of Product Engineering and Materials Engineering unless otherwise agreed upon; parts may require testing before approval will be given.3.2.3 Ultrasonic Velocity超声波Designated safety parts require 100% ultrasonic velocity inspection as outlined in PS-5450.All castings produced by the in-mold process require 100% ultrasonic velocity inspection as outlined inPS-5450 until process reliability for nodularity control has been established and approved by the Cast Metals Lab.The location for ultrasonic inspection will be designated on the part drawings.射线检测3.2.4 Radiographic Inspection***Castings that require radiographic inspection must follow the guidelines of PS-1011. Safety critical cast components shall be radiographic inspected on an audit basis per CS-10460. The minimum requirements will include one casting per cavity per shift at the production foundry, or a frequency agreed upon by the supplier and the Cast Metals Lab. Discontinuity severity levels are rated in comparison to the reference radiographs of ASTM E-446. Acceptance/rejection criteria for internal soundness will be established during the development phase of the component and will be based on the nature and seriousness of the indications and their location within the casting. Unless otherwise agreed upon or specified on the drawing, the acceptance criteria defaults to Level 2 per ASTM E-446. Areas of the casting that are deemed critical or require better than Level 2 shall be reflected on the part drawings, otherwise the whole part is assumed to meet Level 2. Changes in the pattern, molding or casting that may alter the internal soundness of the part require evaluation by radiographic inspection.3.2.5 Materials Engineering Guidelines for Approval and Continuing Conformance of Cast Components Refer to CS-10460 for guidelines to approval and continuing conformance of cast components.3.2.6 Safety PartsWhen PF-SAFETY<S> is listed in the CATIA Model or part drawing, the requirements of PF-SAFETY<S> and EM-10003<S> must be satisfied. For ductile iron castings the Primary Measurement requirement of EM-10003<S> shall be 100% nodularity inspection per 3.2.3 and the Secondary Measurement shall include hardness, microstructure and tensile testing to maintain lot control.4.0 MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICSThe following properties are not intended as material requirements. The properties are listed as typicalproperties to aid in the design of ductile iron castings.4.1 Poisson's RatioThe generally accepted value is 0.275 for most ductile irons.4.2 Modulus of ElasticityA commonly used value for all grades of ductile iron is 165 GPa (24 X 10exp6 psi).5.0 QUALITYRefer to CS-9801 for general quality requirements.5.1 Part Validation StandardsPart Validation Standards, which are described in CS-11171, are required for all critical components and encouraged for all non-critical components. Critical components are described and listed in CS-10460, which also provides test requirement guidelines for critical and non-critical cast components.6.0 DEFINITIONS/ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMSPVS: Part Validation Standard7.0 GENERAL INFORMATIONT hree asterisks “***” after the section/paragraph header denotes single or multiple technical changes to the section/paragraph. Specific technical changes within a section, subsection, table, or figure may be highlighted in yellow.Certain important information relative to this standard has been included in separate standards. Toassure the processes submitted meet all of Chrysler requirements, it is mandatory that the requirements in the following standards be met.CS-9800 - Application of this standard, the subscription service, and approved sources CS-9003 - Regulated substances and recyclabilityWithin Engineering Standards, the Regulatory (Government-mandated) requirements are designated by <S> and <E> which correspond to Safety and Emission Shields respectively. When applicable, theChrysler mandated requirements are designated by <D> which correspond to the Diamond symbol and by <A> for Appearance related objectives, respectively.For specific information on this document, please refer to the contact person shown in the "Publication Information" Section of this document. For general information on obtaining Engineering Standards and Laboratory Procedures, see CS-9800 or contact the Engineering Standards Department at engstds@.泊松比弹性模数8.0 REFERENCES9.0 ENGINEERING APPROVED SOURCE LIST***10.0 PUBLICATION INFORMATION***Contact/Phone Number: Philip Seaton / 248-576-6992Alternate Contact/Phone Number: Lin Zhang /248-576-0235Department Name & Department Number/Tech Club/Organization: Metallic Materials Engineering, Department 5810Date Standard Originally Published: 2000-08-25Date Published: 2010-11-10Change Notice:Description of Change:- Modified paragraph 3.2.4 Radiographic Inspection to add default acceptance criteria.- Updated EASL.- Updated contact information.# # # # #。

sae j2334 标准解析

sae j2334 标准解析

sae j2334 标准解析随着汽车工业的发展和全球化进程的加快,汽车安全和环保要求变得越来越严格。



其中,SAE J2334标准作为汽车防腐蚀测试方法,对汽车零部件的防腐蚀性能进行了规范和测试要求。

我们来看一下SAE J2334标准的背景和意义。

SAE J2334是一项针对汽车零部件防腐蚀性能测试的标准,它要求对汽车涂漆系统进行耐腐蚀性能测试,以确保涂层对盐雾环境的耐受能力。



接下来,让我们来了解一下SAE J2334标准的测试方法和要求。




当然,SAE J2334标准也存在一些局限性和争议性。


一些汽车制造商和供应商也反映,在实际应用过程中,SAE J2334标准存在解释不清晰和测试方法不明确的问题,导致测试结果的可重复性和准确性受到影响。

就我个人对于SAE J2334标准的理解和看法来说,我认为这项标准在确保汽车防腐蚀性能方面起着重要的作用,但在实际应用过程中还需要进一步的改进和完善。

SAE J434_2004 Nodularity

SAE J434_2004 Nodularity

SURFACEVEHICLESTANDARD SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report isentirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2004 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)FIGURE 1—CLASSIFICATION OF GRAPHITE SHAPE IN CAST IRONS (FROM ASTM A 247)D400D450FIGURE 2—TYPICAL MATRIX MICROSTRUCTURES (PHOTOS COURTESY OF CLIMAX RESEARCH SERVICES)SAE J434 Revised FEB2004D500D550FIGURE 2—TYPICAL MATRIX MICROSTRUCTURES (CONTINUED)(PHOTOS COURTESY OF CLIMAX RESEARCH SERVICES)--````,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---D700D800FIGURE 2—TYPICAL MATRIX MICROSTRUCTURES (CONTINUED) (PHOTOS COURTESY OF CLIMAX RESEARCH SERVICES)7.Quality AssuranceIt is the responsibility of the manufacturer to demonstrate process capability. The specimen(s) used to do so shall be of a configuration and from a location agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser. Sampling plans shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser. The manufacturer shall employ adequate controls to ensure that the parts conform to the agreed upon requirements.8.General8.1Castings furnished to this standard shall be representative of good foundry practice and shallconform to dimensions and tolerances specified on the casting drawing.8.2Minor imperfections usually not associated with the structural functioning may occur in castings.These imperfections are often repairable; however, repairs should be made only in areas and by methods approved by the purchaser.8.3Purchaser and manufacturer may agree to additional casting requirements, such as manufactureridentification, other casting information, and special testing. These should appear as additionalproduct requirements on the casting drawing.9.Notes9.1Marginal IndiciaThe change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.PREPARED BY THE SAE AUTOMOTIVE IRON & STEEL CASTINGS COMMITTEECopyright SAE InternationalProvided by IHS under license with SAE --````,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---- 11 -Copyright SAE InternationalProvided by IHS under license with SAE。

SAE碳素钢化学成分 SAEJ403-2009

SAE碳素钢化学成分 SAEJ403-2009

· 612 ·国外标准汇编——美国标准(2009)SAE碳素钢化学成分SAE J403:2009.12修定代替SAE J403:2001.11修订原理a. 表1——依据1002、1003、1004和1007钢号调查,修订了表中脚注1,添加了脚注2、4和5。















这些钢号的熔炼分析化学成分组成范围或界限值在表1、表2、表3A、表3B中给出,这些熔炼分析化学成分界限值或范围应满足SAE J409中所给出的产品分析标准偏差。



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