1Features•Utilizes the AVR ® RISC Architecture•AVR – High-performance and Low-power RISC Architecture–90 Powerful Instructions – Most Single Clock Cycle Execution –32 x 8 General-purpose Working Registers –Up to 4 MIPS Throughput at 4 MHz •Nonvolatile Program Memory–2K Bytes of Flash Program Memory –Endurance: 1,000 Write/Erase Cycles–Programming Lock for Flash Program Data Security •Peripheral Features–Interrupt and Wake-up on Low-level Input–One 8-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler –On-chip Analog Comparator–Programmable Watchdog Timer with On-chip Oscillator–Built-in High-current LED Driver with Programmable Modulation •Special Microcontroller Features–Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes –External and Internal Interrupt Sources–Power-on Reset Circuit with Programmable Start-up Time –Internal Calibrated RC Oscillator •Power Consumption at 1 MHz, 2V , 25°C –Active: 3.0 mA –Idle Mode: 1.2 mA–Power-down Mode: <1 µA •I/O and Packages–11 Programmable I/O Lines, 8 Input Lines and a High-current LED Driver –28-lead PDIP , 32-lead TQFP , and 32-pad MLF •Operating Voltages–V CC : 1.8V - 5.5V for the ATtiny28V –V CC : 2.7V - 5.5V for the ATtiny28L •Speed Grades–0 - 1.2 MHz for the ATtiny28V –0 - 4 MHz For the ATtiny28LPin ConfigurationsPDIPTQFP/QFN/MLF8-bit Microcontroller with 2K Bytes of ATtiny28L ATtiny28V SummaryNote: This is a summary document. A complete documentis available on our Web site at .2ATtiny28L/V1062FS–AVR–07/06DescriptionThe ATtiny28 is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR RISC archi-tecture. By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle, the ATtiny28 achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz, allowing the system designer to optimize power consumption versus processing speed. The AVR core combines a rich instruction set with 32 general-purpose working registers. All the 32 registers are directly con-nected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), allowing two independent registers to be accessed in one single instruction executed in one clock cycle. The resulting architec-ture is more code efficient while achieving throughputs up to ten times faster than conventional CISC microcontrollers.Block DiagramFigure 1. The ATtiny28 Block DiagramThe ATtiny28 provides the following features: 2K bytes of Flash, 11 general-purpose I/O lines, 8 input lines, a high-current LED driver, 32 general-purpose working registers, an 8-bit timer/counter, internal and external interrupts, programmable Watchdog Timer with internal oscillator and 2 software-selectable power-saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the timer/counter and interrupt system to continue functioning.The Power-down mode saves the register contents but freezes the oscillator, disabling all other chip functions until the next interrupt or hardware reset. The wake-up or inter-3ATtiny28L/V1062FS–AVR–07/06rupt on low-level input feature enables the ATtiny28 to be highly responsive to external events, still featuring the lowest power consumption while in the power-down modes.The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density, nonvolatile memory technology.By combining an enhanced RISC 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel ATtiny28 is a powerful microcontroller that provides a highly flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications. The ATtiny28 AVR is supported with a full suite of program and system development tools including: macro assemblers, pro-gram debugger/simulators, in-circuit emulators and evaluation kits.Pin DescriptionsVCC Supply voltage pin.GNDGround pin.Port A (PA3..PA0)Port A is a 4-bit I/O port. PA2 is output-only and can be used as a high-current LED driver. At V CC = 2.0V, the PA2 output buffer can sink 25 mA. PA3, PA1 and PA0 are bi-directional I/O pins with internal pull-ups (selected for each bit). The port pins are tri-stated when a reset condition becomes active, even if the clock is not running.Port B (PB7..PB0)Port B is an 8-bit input port with internal pull-ups (selected for all Port B pins). Port B pins that are externally pulled low will source current if the pull-ups are activated.Port B also serves the functions of various special features of the ATtiny28 as listed on page 27. If any of the special features are enabled, the pull-up(s) on the corresponding pin(s) is automatically disabled. The port pins are tri-stated when a reset condition becomes active, even if the clock is not running.Port D (PD7..PD0)Port D is an 8-bit I/O port. Port pins can provide internal pull-up resistors (selected for each bit). The port pins are tri-stated when a reset condition becomes active, even if the clock is not running.XTAL1Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.XTAL2Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.pulses longer than 50 ns will generate a reset, even if the clock is not running. Shorter pulses are not guaranteed to generate a reset.4ATtiny28L/V1062FS–AVR–07/06Notes:1.For compatibility with future devices, reserved bits should be written to zero if accessed. Reserved I/O memory addressesshould never be written.2.Some of the status flags are cleared by writing a logical “1” to them. Note that the CBI and SBI instructions will operate on allbits in the I/O register, writing a one back into any flag read as set, thus clearing the flag. The CBI and SBI instructions work with registers $00 to $1F only.Register SummaryAddressNameBit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0Page$3F SREG ITHSVNZCpage 6$3E Reserved ...Reserved $20Reserved $1F Reserved $1E Reserved $1D Reserved $1C Reserved $1B PORTA ----PORTA3PORTA2PORTA1PORTA0page 32$1A PACR ----DDA3PA2HCDDA1DDA0page 32$19PINA ----PINA3-PINA1PINA0page 32$18Reserved $17Reserved $16PINB PINB7PINB6PINB5PINB4PINB3PINB2PINB1PINB0page 32$15Reserved $14Reserved $13Reserved $12PORTD PORTD7PORTD6PORTD5PORTD4PORTD3PORTD2PORTD1PORTD0page 33$11DDRD DDD7DDD6DDD5DDD4DDD3DDD2DDD1DDD0page 33$10PIND PIND7PIND6PIND5PIND4PIND3PIND2PIND1PIND0page 33$0F Reserved $0E Reserved $0D Reserved $0C Reserved $0B Reserved $0A Reserved $09Reserved $08ACSR ACD -ACO ACI ACIE -ACIS1ACIS0page 44$07MCUCS PLUPB -SE SM WDRF -EXTRF PORF page 19$06ICR INT1INT0LLIE TOIE0ISC11ISC10ISC01ISC00page 22$05IFR INTF1INTF0-TOV0----page 23$04TCCR0FOV0--OOM01OOM00CS02CS01CS00page 35$03TCNT0Timer/Counter0 (8-bit)page 36$02MODCR ONTIM4ONTIM3ONTIM2ONTIM1 ONTIM0MCONF2MCONF1MCONF0page 43$01WDTCR ---WDTOEWDEWDP2WDP1WDP0page 37$00OSCCALOscillator Calibration Registerpage 95ATtiny28L/V1062FS–AVR–07/06Instruction Set SummaryMnemonicOperandsDescriptionOperationFlags# ClocksARITHMETIC AND LOGIC INSTRUCTIONSADD Rd, Rr Add Two RegistersRd ← Rd + Rr Z,C,N,V,H 1ADC Rd, Rr Add with Carry Two Registers Rd ← Rd + Rr + C Z,C,N,V,H 1SUB Rd, Rr Subtract Two Registers Rd ← Rd - Rr Z,C,N,V,H 1SUBI Rd, K Subtract Constant from Register Rd ← Rd - K Z,C,N,V,H 1SBC Rd, Rr Subtract with Carry Two Registers Rd ← Rd - Rr - C Z,C,N,V,H 1SBCI Rd, K Subtract with Carry Constant from Reg.Rd ← Rd - K - C Z,C,N,V,H 1AND Rd, Rr Logical AND RegistersRd ← Rd • Rr Z,N,V 1ANDI Rd, K Logical AND Register and Constant Rd ← Rd • K Z,N,V 1OR Rd, Rr Logical OR RegistersRd ← Rd v Rr Z,N,V 1ORI Rd, K Logical OR Register and Constant Rd ← Rd v K Z,N,V 1EOR Rd, Rr Exclusive OR Registers Rd ← Rd ⊕ Rr Z,N,V 1COM Rd One’s Complement Rd ← $FF - Rd Z,C,N,V 1NEG Rd Two’s Complement Rd ← $00 - Rd Z,C,N,V,H 1SBR Rd, K Set Bit(s) in Register Rd ← Rd v K Z,N,V 1CBR Rd, K Clear Bit(s) in Register Rd ← Rd • (FFh - K)Z,N,V 1INC Rd Increment Rd ← Rd + 1Z,N,V 1DEC Rd DecrementRd ← Rd - 1 Z,N,V 1TST Rd Test for Zero or Minus Rd ← Rd • Rd Z,N,V1CLR Rd Clear Register Rd ← Rd ⊕ Rd Z,N,V 1SER Rd Set Register Rd ← $FF None 1BRANCH INSTRUCTIONSRJMP k Relative JumpPC ← PC + k + 1None 2RCALL kRelative Subroutine Call PC ← PC + k + 1None 3RET Subroutine Return PC ← STACK None 4RETI Interrupt Return PC ← STACKI 4CPSE Rd, Rr Compare, Skip if Equal if (Rd = Rr) PC ← PC + 2 or 3None 1/2CP Rd, Rr CompareRd - Rr Z,N,V,C,H 1CPC Rd, Rr Compare with CarryRd - Rr - C Z,N,V,C,H 1CPI Rd, K Compare Register with Immediate Rd - KZ N,V,C,H 1SBRC Rr, b Skip if Bit in Register Cleared if (Rr(b) = 0) PC ← PC + 2 or 3None 1/2SBRS Rr, b Skip if Bit in Register is Set if (Rr(b) = 1) PC ← PC + 2 or 3None 1/2SBIC P, b Skip if Bit in I/O Register Cleared if (P(b) = 0) PC ← PC + 2 or 3None 1/2SBIS P, b Skip if Bit in I/O Register is Set if (P(b) = 1) PC ← PC + 2 or 3None 1/2BRBS s, k Branch if Status Flag Set if (SREG(s) = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRBC s, k Branch if Status Flag Cleared if (SREG(s) = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BREQ k Branch if Equal if (Z = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRNE k Branch if Not Equal if (Z = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRCS k Branch if Carry Set if (C = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRCC k Branch if Carry Cleared if (C = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRSH k Branch if Same or Higher if (C = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRLO k Branch if Lower if (C = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRMI k Branch if Minus if (N = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRPL k Branch if Plusif (N = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRGE k Branch if Greater or Equal, Signed if (N ⊕ V = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRLT k Branch if Less than Zero, Signed if (N ⊕ V = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRHS k Branch if Half-carry Flag Set if (H = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRHC k Branch if Half-carry Flag Cleared if (H = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRTS k Branch if T-flag Set if (T = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRTC k Branch if T-flag Cleared if (T = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRVS k Branch if Overflow Flag is Set if (V = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRVC k Branch if Overflow Flag is Cleared if (V = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRIE k Branch if Interrupt Enabled if (I = 1) then PC ← PC + k + 1None 1/2BRIDkBranch if Interrupt Disabledif (I = 0) then PC ← PC + k + 1None1/26ATtiny28L/V1062FS–AVR–07/06DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONSLD Rd, Z Load Register Indirect Rd ← (Z)None 2ST Z, Rr Store Register Indirect (Z) ← Rr None 2MOV Rd, Rr Move between Registers Rd ← Rr None 1LDI Rd, K Load Immediate Rd ←K None 1IN Rd, P In Port Rd ← P None 1OUT P, RrOut PortP ← Rr None 1LPMLoad Program MemoryR0 ← (Z)None3BIT AND BIT-TEST INSTRUCTIONS SBI P, b Set Bit in I/O Register I/O(P,b) ← 1None 2CBI P, b Clear Bit in I/O Register I/O(P,b) ←None 2LSL Rd Logical Shift LeftRd(n+1) ← Rd(n), Rd(0) ← 0Z,C,N,V 1LSR Rd Logical Shift Right Rd(n) ← Rd(n+1), Rd(7) ← 0Z,C,N,V 1ROL Rd Rotate Left through Carry Rd(0) ← C, Rd(n+1) ← Rd(n), C ← Rd(7)Z,C,N,V 1ROR Rd Rotate Right through Carry Rd(7) ← C, Rd(n) ← Rd(n+1), C ← Rd(0)Z,C,N,V 1ASR Rd Arithmetic Shift Right Rd(n) ← Rd(n+1), n = 0..6Z,C,N,V 1SWAP Rd Swap Nibbles Rd(3..0) ← Rd(7..4), Rd(7..4) ← Rd(3..0)None 1BSET s Flag Set SREG(s) ← 1SREG(s)1BCLR s Flag Clear SREG(s) ← 0SREG(s)1BST Rr, b Bit Store from Register to T T ← Rr(b)T 1BLD Rd, bBit Load from T to Register Rd(b) ← T None 1SEC Set Carry C ← 1C 1CLC Clear Carry C ←0C 1SEN Set Negative Flag N ← 1N 1CLN Clear Negative Flag N ← 0N 1SEZ Set Zero Flag Z ←1Z 1CLZ Clear Zero Flag Z ← 0Z1SEI Global Interrupt Enable I ← 1I 1CLI Global Interrupt Disable I ←I 1SES Set Signed Test FlagS ← 1S 1CLS Clear Signed Test Flag S ←0S 1SEV Set Two’s Complement OverflowV ←1V 1CLV Clear Two’s Complement Overflow V ← 0V 1SET Set T in SREG T ← 1T 1CLT Clear T in SREG T ← 0T 1SEH Set Half-carry Flag in SREG H ← 1H 1CLH Clear Half-carry Flag in SREG H ←H 1NOP No Operation None 1SLEEP Sleep(see specific descr. for Sleep function)None 1WDRWatchdog Reset(see specific descr. for WDR/timer)None1Instruction Set Summary (Continued)MnemonicOperandsDescriptionOperationFlags# Clocks7ATtiny28L/V1062FS–AVR–07/06Notes:1.This device can also be supplied in wafer form. Please contact your local Atmel sales office for detailed ordering informationand minimum quantities.2.Pb-free packaging alternative, complies to the European Directive for Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS direc-tive).Also Halide free and fully Green.Ordering InformationSpeed (MHz)Power Supply (Volts)Ordering Code Package (1)Operation Range 42.7 - 5.5A Ttiny28L-4AC A Ttiny28L-4PC A Ttiny28L-4MC32A 28P332M1-A Commercial (0°C to 70°C)A Ttiny28L-4AI A Ttiny28L-4AU (2)A Ttiny28L-4PI A Ttiny28L-4PU (2)A Ttiny28L-4MI A Ttiny28L-4MU (2)32A 32A 28P328P332M1-A 32M1-A Industrial (-40°C to 85°C)1.21.8 - 5.5A Ttiny28V-1AC A Ttiny28V-1PC A Ttiny28V-1MC32A 28P332M1-A Commercial (0°C to 70°C)A Ttiny28V-1AI A Ttiny28V-1AU (2)A Ttiny28V-1PI A Ttiny28V-1PU (2)A Ttiny28V-1MI A Ttiny28V-1MU (2)32A 32A 28P328P332M1-A 32M1-AIndustrial (-40°C to 85°C)Package Type32A 32-lead, Thin (1.0 mm) Plastic Quad Flat Package (TQFP)28P328-lead, 0.300" Wide, Plastic Dual Inline Package (PDIP)32M1-A32-pad, 5x5x1.0 body, Lead Pitch 0.50mm, Quad Flat No-lead/Micro Lead Frame Package (QFN/MLF)8ATtiny28L/V1062FS–AVR–07/06Packaging Information32A9ATtiny28L/V1062FS–AVR–07/0628P310ATtiny28L/V1062FS–AVR–07/0632M1-A11ATtiny28L/V1062FS–AVR–07/06ErrataAll revisionsNo known errata.12ATtiny28L/V1062FS–AVR–07/06Datasheet Revision HistoryPlease note that the referring page numbers in this section are referred to this docu-ment. The referring revision in this section are referring to the document revision.Rev – 01/06G 1.Updated chapter layout.2.Updated “Ordering Information” on page 7.Rev – 01/06G1.Updated description for “Port A” on page 25.2.Added note 6 in “DC Characteristics” on page 54.3.Updated “Ordering Information” on page 7.4.Added “Errata” on page 11.Rev – 03/05F1.Updated “Electrical Characteristics” on page 54.2.MLF-package alternative changed to “Quad Flat No-Lead/Micro Lead Frame PackageQFN/MLF”.3.Updated “Ordering Information” on page 7.1062FS–AVR–07/06© 2006 Atmel Corporation . All rights reserved. ATMEL ®, logo and combinations thereof, Everywhere You Are ®, AVR ®, AVR Studio ®, and oth-ers, are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of oth-ers.Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise,to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN ATMEL’S TERMS AND CONDI-TIONS OF SALE LOCATED ON ATMEL’S WEB SITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDEN-TAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABIL ITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBIL ITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel’s products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life.Atmel CorporationAtmel Operations2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311Fax: 1(408) 487-2600Regional HeadquartersEuropeAtmel SarlRoute des Arsenaux 41Case Postale 80CH-1705 Fribourg SwitzerlandTel: (41) 26-426-5555Fax: (41) 26-426-5500AsiaRoom 1219Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong KongTel: (852) 2721-9778Fax: (852) 2722-1369Japan9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg.1-24-8 ShinkawaChuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033JapanTel: (81) 3-3523-3551Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581Memory2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311Fax: 1(408) 436-4314Microcontrollers2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311Fax: 1(408) 436-4314La Chantrerie BP 7060244306 Nantes Cedex 3, France Tel: (33) 2-40-18-18-18Fax: (33) 2-40-18-19-60ASIC/ASSP/Smart CardsZone Industrielle13106 Rousset Cedex, France Tel: (33) 4-42-53-60-00Fax: (33) 4-42-53-60-011150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd.Colorado Springs, CO 80906, USA Tel: 1(719) 576-3300Fax: 1(719) 540-1759Scottish Enterprise Technology Park Maxwell BuildingEast Kilbride G75 0QR, Scotland Tel: (44) 1355-803-000Fax: (44) 1355-242-743RF/AutomotiveTheresienstrasse 2Postfach 353574025 Heilbronn, Germany Tel: (49) 71-31-67-0Fax: (49) 71-31-67-23401150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd.Colorado Springs, CO 80906, USA Tel: 1(719) 576-3300Fax: 1(719) 540-1759Biometrics/Imaging/Hi-Rel MPU/High Speed Converters/RF DatacomAvenue de Rochepleine BP 12338521 Saint-Egreve Cedex, France Tel: (33) 4-76-58-30-00Fax: (33) 4-76-58-34-80Literature Requests/literature。
s CMOS and TTL Compatible I/O s Automatic Page Write Operation:– 1 to 64 Bytes in 10ms – Page Load Timers End of Write Detection:– Toggle Bit – DATA Pollings Hardware and Software Write Protection s 100,000 Program/Erase Cycles s 100 Year Data RetentionFEATURESs 3.0V to 3.6V Supplys Read Access Times: 200/250/300 ns s Low Power CMOS Dissipation:– Active: 15 mA Max.– Standby: 150 µA Max.s Simple Write Operation:– On-Chip Address and Data Latches – Self-Timed Write Cycle with Auto-Clears Fast Write Cycle Time:– 10ms Max.s Commercial, Industrial and AutomotiveTemperature RangesDESCRIPTIONThe CAT28LV256 is a fast, low power, low voltage CMOS Parallel E 2PROM organized as 32K x 8-bits. It requires a simple interface for in-system programming.On-chip address and data latches, self-timed write cycle with auto-clear and V CC power up/down write protection eliminate additional timing and protection hardware.DATA Polling and Toggle status bits signal the start and end of the self-timed write cycle. Additionally, the CAT28LV256 features hardware and software write protection.The CAT28LV256 is manufactured using Catalyst’s advanced CMOS floating gate technology. It is designed to endure 100,000 program/erase cycles and has a data retention of 100 years. The device is available in JEDEC–approved 28-pin DIP, 28-pin TSOP or 32-pin PLCC packages.BLOCK DIAGRAMA 6A 256K-Bit CMOS PARALLEL EEPROMCAT28LV256CAT28LV256PLCC Package (N, G)DIP Package (P, L)PIN CONFIGURATIONTSOP Top View (8mm X 13.4mm) (H)1234567891011121314282726252423222120191817I/O 6I/O 5I/O 4GND I/O 2A 1A 2V CC WE A 8A 9A 11OE A 7A 6A 5A 4A 3A 10I/O 7A 121615I/O 3I/O 1I/O 0A 0A 13A 14I/O 2V SSI/O 6I/O 5A 1A 0I/O 0I/O 1OE A 10CE I/O 7A 5A 4A 3A 2A 14A 12A 7A 6A 9A 11V CC WE A 13A 8A 6A 5A 4A 35678A 2A 1A 0NC 9101112I/O 013A 8A 9A 11NC 29282726OE A 10CE 25242322I/O 721I /O 1I /O 2V S SN CI /O 3I /O 4I /O 5141516171819204321323130A 7A 12A 14N C V C C W EA 13I/O 4I/O 3I/O 6TOP VIEWPIN FUNCTIONSPin Name Function Pin Name Function A 0–A 14Address Inputs WE Write Enable I/O 0–I/O 7Data Inputs/Outputs V CC 3.0 to 3.6 V Supply CE Chip Enable V SS Ground OEOutput EnableNCNo ConnectCAT28LV256CAPACITANCE T A = 25°C, f = 1.0 MHzSymbol TestMax.Units Conditions C I/O (1)Input/Output Capacitance 10pF V I/O = 0V C IN (1)Input Capacitance6pFV IN = 0VNote:(1)This parameter is tested initially and after a design or process change that affects the parameter.(2)The minimum DC input voltage is –0.5V. During transitions, inputs may undershoot to –2.0V for periods of less than 20 ns. Maximum DCvoltage on output pins is V CC +0.5V, which may overshoot to V CC +2.0V for periods of less than 20 ns.(3)Output shorted for no more than one second. No more than one output shorted at a time.(4)Latch-up protection is provided for stresses up to 100mA on address and data pins from –1V to V CC +1V.*COMMENTStresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions outside of those listed in the operational sections of this specifica-tion is not implied. Exposure to any absolute maximum rating for extended periods may affect device perfor-mance and reliability.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Temperature Under Bias .................–55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature.......................–65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin withRespect to Ground (2)...........–2.0V to +V CC + 2.0V V CC with Respect to Ground ...............–2.0V to +7.0V Package Power DissipationCapability (Ta = 25°C)...................................1.0W Lead Soldering Temperature (10 secs)............300°C Output Short Circuit Current (3)........................100 mA RELIABILITY CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter Min.Max.Units Test MethodN END (1)Endurance 100,000Cycles/Byte MIL-STD-883, Test Method 1033T DR (1)Data Retention 100Years MIL-STD-883, Test Method 1008V ZAP (1)ESD Susceptibility 2000Volts MIL-STD-883, Test Method 3015I LTH (1)(4)Latch-Up100mAJEDEC Standard 17MODE SELECTIONModeCE WE OE I/O Power ReadL HL D OUT ACTIVE Byte Write (WE Controlled)LH D IN ACTIVE Byte Write (CE Controlled)L H D IN ACTIVE Standby, and Write Inhibit H X X High-Z STANDBY Read and Write InhibitX H HHigh-ZACTIVECAT28LV256D.C. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSV CC = 3.0V to 3.6V, unless otherwise specifiedNote:(1)This parameter is tested initially and after a design or process change that affects the parameter.(2)V IHC = V CC –0.3V to V CC +0.3V.(3)Output floating (High-Z) is defined as the state when the external data line is no longer driven by the output buffer.CAT28LV256A.C. CHARACTERISTICS, Write Cycle V CC = 3.0V to 3.6V, unless otherwise specified28LV256-2028LV256-2528LV256-30Symbol Parameter Min.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.Units t WC Write Cycle Time 101010ms t AS Address Setup Time 000ns t AH Address Hold Time 100100100ns t CS CE Setup Time 000ns t CH CE Hold Time 000ns t CW (3)CE Pulse Time 150150150ns t OES OE Setup Time 000ns t OEH OE Hold Time 000ns t WP (3)WE Pulse Width 150150150ns t DS Data Setup Time 505050ns t DH Data Hold Time000ns t INIT (1)Write Inhibit Period After Power-up 510510510ms t BLC (1)(4)Byte Load Cycle Time0.151000.151000.15100µsC L INCLUDES JIG CAPACITANCEINPUT PULSE LEVELSREFERENCE POINTS2.0 V0.6 VV CC - 0.3V0.0 VFigure 1. A.C. Testing Input/Output Waveform (2)28LV256 F04Note:(1)This parameter is tested initially and after a design or process change that affects the parameter.(2)Input rise and fall times (10% and 90%) < 10 ns.(3)A write pulse of less than 20ns duration will not initiate a write cycle.(4)A timer of duration t BLC max. begins with every LOW to HIGH transition of WE . If allowed to time out, a page or byte write will begin;however a transition from HIGH to LOW within t BLC max. stops the timer.Figure 2. A.C. Testing Load Circuit (example)28LV256 F05CAT28LV256ADDRESSCEOEWEDATA OUTDATA INDEVICE OPERATIONReadData stored in the CAT28LV256 is transferred to the data bus when WE is held high, and both OE and CE are held low. The data bus is set to a high impedance state when either CE or OE goes high. This 2-line control architecture can be used to eliminate bus contention in a system environment.Byte WriteA write cycle is executed when both CE and WE are low,and OE is high. Write cycles can be initiated using either WE or CE , with the address input being latched on the falling edge of WE or CE , whichever occurs last. Data,conversely, is latched on the rising edge of WE or CE ,whichever occurs first. Once initiated, a byte write cycle automatically erases the addressed byte and the new data is written within 10 ms.Figure 3. Read Cycle28LV256 F0628LV256 F07CAT28LV256ADDRESSCEOEWEDATA OUTDATA INPage WriteThe page write mode of the CAT28LV256 (essentially an extended BYTE WRITE mode) allows from 1 to 64bytes of data to be programmed within a single E 2PROM write cycle. This effectively reduces the byte-write time by a factor of 64.Following an initial WRITE operation (WE pulsed low, for t WP , and then high) the page write mode can begin by issuing sequential WE pulses, which load the address and data bytes into a 64 byte temporary buffer. The page address where data is to be written, specified by bits A 6to A 14, is latched on the last falling edge of WE . Each byte within the page is defined by address bits A 0 to A 5(which can be loaded in any order) during the first and subsequent write cycles. Each successive byte load cycle must begin within t BLC MAX of the rising edge of the preceding WE pulse. There is no page write window limitation as long as WE is pulsed low within t BLC MAX .Upon completion of the page write sequence, WE must stay high a minimum of t BLC MAX for the internal auto-matic program cycle to commence. This programming cycle consists of an erase cycle, which erases any data that existed in each addressed cell, and a write cycle,which writes new data back into the cell. A page write will only write data to the locations that were addressed and will not rewrite the entire page.28LV256 F09CAT28LV256WECEOEI/O 6DATA PollingDATA polling is provided to indicate the completion of write cycle. Once a byte write or page write cycle is initiated, attempting to read the last byte written will output the complement of that data on I/O 7 (I/O 0–I/O 6are indeterminate) until the programming cycle is com-plete. Upon completion of the self-timed write cycle, all I/O’s will output true data during a read cycle.Toggle BitIn addition to the DATA Polling feature, the device can determine the completion of a write cycle, while a write cycle is in progress, by reading data from the device.This results in I/O 6 toggling between one and zero. Once the write is complete, however, I/O 6 stops toggling and valid data can be read from the device.Figure 7. DATA Polling28LV256 F10Figure 8. Toggle Bit28LV256 F11Note:(1)Beginning and ending state of I/O 6 is indeterminate.CAT28LV256SOFTWARE DATAPROTECTION ACTIVATED(1)(4)Noise pulses of less than 20 ns on the WE or CEinputs will not result in a write cycle.SOFTWARE DATA PROTECTIONThe CAT28LV256 features a software controlled data protection scheme which, once enabled, requires a data algorithm to be issued to the device before a write can be performed. The device is shipped from Catalyst with the software protection NOT ENABLED (the CAT28LV256is in the standard operating mode).Figure 9.Write Sequence for Activating SoftwareData ProtectionFigure 10.Write Sequence for DeactivatingSoftware Data Protection28LV256 F1228LV256 F13Note:(1)Write protection is activated at this point whether or not any more writes are completed. Writing to addresses must occur within t BLCMax., after SDP activation.HARDWARE DATA PROTECTIONThe following hardware data protection features are incorporated into the CAT28LV256.(1)V CC sense provides write protection when V CC fallsbelow 2.0V min.(2) A power on delay mechanism, t INIT (see AC charac-teristics), provides a 5 to 10 ms delay before a write sequence, after V CC has reached 2.4V min.(3)Write inhibit is activated by holding any one of OElow, CE high, or WE high.CAT28LV256To activate the software data protection, the device must be sent three write commands to specific addresses with specific data (Figure 9). This sequence of commands (along with subsequent writes) must adhere to the page write timing specifications (Figure 11). Once this is done,all subsequent byte or page writes to the device must be preceded by this same set of write commands. The data protection mechanism is activated until a deactivate sequence is issued, regardless of power on/off transi-tions. This gives the user added inadvertent write pro-tection on power-up in addition to the hardware protec-tion provided.To allow the user the ability to program the device with an E 2PROM programmer (or for testing purposes) there is a software command sequence for deactivating the data protection. The six step algorithm (Figure 10) will reset the internal protection circuitry, and the device will return to standard operating mode (Figure 12 provides reset timing). After the sixth byte of this reset sequence has been issued, standard byte or page writing can commence.Figure 11. Software Data Protection TimingFigure 12. Resetting Software Data Protection Timing分销商库存信息:ONSEMICAT28LV256G25CAT28LV256G-25T CAT28LV256GI25 CAT28LV256GI-25T。
STK520 .............................................................................................. User GuideSTK520 User Guide 3Table of ContentsSection 1Introduction............................................................................................1-2Section 2Using the STK520 Top Module.............................................................2-42.1Connecting the STK520 to the STK500 Starter Kit..................................2-42.1.1Placing an AT90PWM3 on the STK520.............................................2-42.1.2Placing an AT90PWM2 on the STK520.............................................2-52.2Programming the AVR..............................................................................2-72.2.1In-System Programming....................................................................2-72.2.2High-voltage Programming................................................................2-82.3JTAGICE mkII Connector.........................................................................2-92.4STK520 Jumpers, Leds & Test Points....................................................2-112.5DALI Interface.........................................................................................2-122.6Potentiometer.........................................................................................2-13Section 3Troubleshooting Guide........................................................................3-14Section 4Technical Specifications......................................................................4-16Section 5Technical Support ...............................................................................5-17Section 6Complete Schematics .........................................................................6-20IntroductionSection 1IntroductionThe STK520 board is a top module designed to add AT90PWM family support to theSTK500 development board from Atmel Corporation.The STK520 includes connectors and hardware allowing full utilization of the new fea-tures of the AT90PWM, while the Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) socket allows easy to use ofSO24 & SO32 packages for prototyping.This user guide acts as a general getting started guide as well as a complete technicalreference for advanced users.Notice that in this guide, the word AVR is used to refer to the target component(AT90PWM2, AT90PWM3...)Figure 1-1. STK520 Top Module for STK500Introduction1.1Features STK520 is a New Member of the Successful STK500 Starter Kit Family.Supports the AT90PWM2 & AT90PWM3.DALI Hardware Interface.Supported by AVR Studio® 4.Zero Insertion Force Socket for SO24 & SO32 Packages.High Voltage Parallell Programming.Serial Programming.DALI Peripherals can be Disconnected from the Device.6 Pin Connector for On-chip Debugging using JTAG MKII Emulator.Potentiometer for the Demo Application.Quick Reference to all Switches and Jumpers in the Silk-Screen of the PCB.Using the STK520 Top Module Section 2Using the STK520 Top Module2.1Connecting the STK520 to theSTK500 Starter Kit Connect the STK520 to the STK500 expansion header 0 and 1. It is important that the top module is connected in the correct orientation as shown in Figure 2-1. The EXPAND0 written on the STK520 top module should match the EXPAND0 written beside the expansion header on the STK500 board.Figure 2-1. Connecting STK520 to the STK500 BoardNote:Connecting the STK520 with wrong orientation may damage the board.2.1.1Placing anAT90PWM3 on theSTK520The STK520 contains both a ZIF socket for a SO32 package. Care should be taken so that the device is mounted with the correct orientation. Figure 2-2 shows the location of pin1 for the ZIF socket.Using the STK520 Top ModuleFigure 2-2. Pin1 on ZIF SocketCaution: Do not mount an AT90PWM3 on the STK520 at the same time as an AVR ismounted on the STK500 board or at the same time as an AT90PWM2 is mounted on theSTK520 board. None of the devices might work as intended.2.1.2Placing anAT90PWM2 on theSTK520The STK520 contains both a ZIF socket for a SO24 package. Care should be taken so that the device is mounted with the correct orientation. Figure 2-2 shows the location of pin1 for the ZIF socket.Figure 2-3. Pin1 on ZIF SocketPIN1PIN1Using the STK520 Top Module Caution: Do not mount an AT90PWM2 on the STK520 at the same time as an AVR is mounted on the STK500 board or at the same time as an AT90PWM3 is mounted on the STK520 board. None of the devices might work as intended.Using the STK520 Top Module2.2Programming theAVR The AVR (AT90PWM2, AT90PWM3...) can be programmed using both SPI and High-voltage Parallel Programming. This section will explain how to connect the programming cables to successfully use one of these two modes. The AVR Studio STK500 software is used in the same way as for other AVR partsNote:The AT90PWM3 also support Self Programming, See AVR109 application note for more information on this topic.2.2.1In-SystemProgramming Figure 2-4. In-System ProgrammingTo program the AT90PWM3 using ISP Programming mode, connect the 6-wire cable between the ISP6PIN connector on the STK500 board and the ISP connector on the STK520 board as shown in Figure 2-4. The device can be programmed using the Serial Programming mode in the AVR Studio4 STK500 software.Note:See STK500 User Guide for information on how to use the STK500 front-end software for ISP Programming.Using the STK520 Top Module2.2.2High-voltageProgramming Figure 2-5. High-voltage (Parallel) ProgrammingTo program the AVR using High-voltage (Parallel) Programming, connect the PROGC-TRL to PORTD and PROGDATA to PORTB on the STK500 as shown in Figure 2-5. Make sure that the TOSC-switch is placed in the XTAL position.As described in the STK500 User Guide (jumper settings), mount the BSEL2 jumper in order to High-voltage Program the ATmega devices. This setting also applies to High-voltage Programming of the AVR.The device can now be programmed using the High-voltage Programming mode in AVR Studio STK500 software.Note:See the STK500 User Guide for information on how to use the STK500 front-end software in High-voltage Programming mode.Note:For the High-voltage Programming mode to function correctly, the target voltage must be higher than 4.5V.Using the STK520 Top Module2.3JTAGICE mkIIConnector See the following document :“JTAGICE mkII Quick Start Guide” which purpose is “Connecting to a target board with the AVR JTAGICE mkII”.This note explains which signals are required for ISP and which signals are required for debugWIRE.Figure 2-6 shows how to connect the JTAGICE mkII probe on the STK520 board. Figure 2-6. Connecting JTAG ICE to the STK520The ISP connector is used for the AT90PWM3 built-in debugWire interface. The pin out of the connector is shown in Table 2-1 and is compliant with the pin out of the JTAG ICE available from Atmel. Connecting a JTAG ICE to this connector allows On-chip Debug-ging of the AT90PWM3.More information about the JTAG ICE and On-chip Debugging can be found in the AVR JTAG ICE User Guide, which is available at the Atmel web site, .分销商库存信息: ATMELATSTK520。
This Data Sheet states AMD’s current technical specifications regarding the Products described herein. This Data Sheet may be revised by subsequent versions or modifications due to changes in technical specifications.Publication# 22181Rev: B Amendment/+1 Issue Date: March 23, 1999Am29F010A1 Megabit (128 K x 8-bit)CMOS 5.0 Volt-only, Uniform Sector Flash Memory DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICSs Single power supply operation—5.0 V ± 10% for read, erase, and program operations —Simplifies system-level power requirementss Manufactured on 0.55 µm process technology —Compatible with 0.85 µm Am29F010 devices High performance—45 ns maximum access times Low power consumption—20 mA typical active read current—30 mA typical program/erase current—<1 µA typical standby currents Flexible sector architecture—Eight uniform sectors—Any combination of sectors can be erased—Supports full chip erases Sector protection—Hardware-based feature that disables/re-enables program and erase operations in anycombination of sectors—Sector protection/unprotection can beimplemented using standard PROMprogramming equipment s Embedded Algorithms—Embedded Erase algorithm automatically pre-programs and erases the chip or anycombination of designated sector—Embedded Program algorithm automatically programs and verifies data at specified address s Erase Suspend/Resume—Supports reading data from a sector notbeing eraseds Minimum 100,000 program/erase cycles guaranteeds20-year data retention at 125°C—Reliable operation for the life of the systems Package options—32-pin PLCC—32-pin TSOPs Compatible with JEDEC standards—Pinout and software compatible withsingle-power-supply flash—Superior inadvertent write protections Data# Polling and Toggle Bits—Provides a software method of detecting program or erase cycle completionGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe Am29F010A is a 1 Mbit, 5.0 Volt-only Flash memory organized as 131,072 bytes. The Am29F010A is offered in 32-pin PLCC and TSOP packages. The byte-wide data appears on DQ0-DQ7. The device is designed to be programmed in-system with the standard system 5.0 Volt VCC supply. A 12.0 volt VPP is not required for program or erase operations. The device can also be programmed or erased in standard EPROM programmers. This device is manufactured using AMD’s 0.55 µm pro-cess technology, and offers all the features and benefits of the Am29F010, which was manufactured using 0.85µm process technology. In addition, the Am29F010A offers the erase suspend/erase resume feature.The standard device offers access times of 45, 55, 70, 90, and 120 ns, allowing high-speed microprocessors to operate without wait states. To eliminate bus conten-tion the device has separate chip enable (CE#), write enable (WE#) and output enable (OE#) controls.The device requires only a single 5.0 volt power sup-ply for both read and write functions. Internally generated and regulated voltages are provided for the program and erase operations.The device is entirely command set compatible with the JEDEC single-power-supply Flash standard. Com-mands are written to the command register using standard microprocessor write timings. Register con-tents serve as input to an internal state machine that controls the erase and programming circuitry. Write cycles also internally latch addresses and data needed for the programming and erase operations. Reading data out of the device is similar to reading from other Flash or EPROM devices.Device programming occurs by executing the program command sequence. This invokes the Embedded Pro-g ram al g or i thm—an i n ter n al al go ri th m th at automatically times the program pulse widths and verifies proper cell margin.Device erasure occurs by executing the erase com-mand sequence. This invokes the Embedded Erase algorithm—an internal algorithm that automatically preprograms the array (if it is not already programmed) before executing the erase operation. During erase, the device automatically times the erase pulse widths and verifies proper cell margin.The host system can detect whether a program or erase operation is complete by reading the DQ7 (Data# Polling) and DQ6 (toggle) status bits. After a program or erase cycle has been completed, the device is ready to read array data or accept another command.The sector erase architecture allows memory sectors to be erased and reprogrammed without affecting the data contents of other sectors. The device is erased when shipped from the factory.The hardware data protection measures include a low V CC detector automatically inhibits write operations during power transitions. The hardware sector protec-tion feature disables both program and erase operations in any combination of the sectors of memory, and is im-plemented using standard EPROM programmers.The system can place the device into the standby mode. Power consumption is greatly reduced in this mode. AMD’s Flash technology combines years of Flash memory manufacturing experience to produce the highest levels of qual ity, reliabilit y, and cost effectiveness. The device electrically erases all bits within a sector simultaneously via Fowler-Nordheim tunneling. The bytes are programmed one byte at a time using the EPROM programming mechanism of hot electron injection.2Am29F010AAm29F010A 3PRODUCT SELECTOR GUIDENote:See the AC Characteristics section for full specifications.BLOCK DIAGRAMFamily Part Number Am29F010ASpeed OptionV CC = 5.0 V ± 5%-45V CC = 5.0 V ± 10%-55 -70-90-120Max Access Time (ns)45557090120CE# Access (ns)45557090120OE# Access (ns)2530303550Input/Output BuffersX-DecoderY-Decoder Chip Enable Output EnableLogicErase Voltage Generator PGM Voltage GeneratorTimerV CC DetectorState Control Command RegisterV CC V SSWE#CE#OE#STBSTBDQ0–DQ7Data LatchY-GatingCell Matrix22181B-1A d d r e s s L a t c hA0–A164Am29F010ACONNECTION DIAGRAMS22181B-212345678910111213141516Standard TSOP22181B-3A11A9A8A13A14NC WE#V CC NC A16A15A12A7A6A5A432313029282726252423222120191817OE#A10CE#DQ7DQ6DQ5DQ4DQ3V SS DQ2DQ1DQ0A0A1A2A 322181B-412345678910111213141516A11A9A8A13A14NC WE#V CC NC A16A15A12A7A6A5A432313029282726252423222120191817OE#A10CE#DQ7DQ6DQ5DQ4DQ3V SS DQ2DQ1DQ0A0A1A2A 3Reverse TSOPPIN CONFIGURATIONA0–A16=17 AddressesDQ0–DQ7=8 Data Inputs/OutputsCE#=Chip EnableOE#=Output EnableWE#= Write EnableV CC=+5.0 Volt Single Power Supply(See Product Selector Guide for speedoptions and voltage supply tolerances) V SS=Device GroundNC=Pin Not Connected Internally LOGIC SYMBOL178DQ0–DQ7A0–A16CE#OE#WE#22181B-5Am29F010A56Am29F010AORDERING INFORMATION Standard ProductsAMD standard products are available in several packages and operating ranges. The order number (Valid Combination) is formed by a combination of the elements below.Valid CombinationsValid Combinations list configurations planned to be sup-ported in volume for this device. Consult the local AMD sales office to confirm availability of specific valid combinations and to check on newly released combinations.AM29F010A DEVICE NUMBER/DESCRIPTION Am29F010A1 Megabit (128 K x 8-Bit) CMOS Flash Memory 5.0 Volt-only Read, Program, and Erase-70E C OPTIONAL PROCESSING Blank =Standard ProcessingB =Burn-In(Contact an AMD representative for more information.)TEMPERATURE RANGE C = Commercial (0°C to +70°C)I=Industrial (–40°C to +85°C)E =Extended (–55°C to +125°C)PACKAGE TYPEJ =32-Pin Rectangular Plastic LeadedChip Carrier (PL 032)E =32-Pin Thin Small Outline Package(TSOP) Standard Pinout (TS 032)F =32-Pin Thin Small Outline Package(TSOP) Reverse Pinout (TSR032)SPEED OPTIONSee Product Selector Guide and Valid CombinationsBValid CombinationsAM29F010A-45JC, JI, JE,EC, EI, EE, FC, FI, FEAM29F010A-55V CC = 5.0 V ± 10%JC, JI, JE, EC, EI, EE, FC, FI, FEAM29F010A-70AM29F010A-90AM29F010A-120JC, JI, JE,EC, EI, EE, FC, FI, FEDEVICE BUS OPERATIONSThis section describes the requirements and use of the device bus operations, which are initiated through the internal command register. The command register it-self does not occupy any addressable memory location. The register is composed of latches that store the commands, along with the address and data infor-mation needed to execute the command. The contents of the register serve as inputs to the internal state ma-chine. The state machine outputs dictate the function of the device. The appropriate device bus operations table lists the inputs and control levels required, and the resulting output. The following subsections describe each of these operations in further detail.Table 1.Am29F010A Device Bus OperationsLegend:L = Logic Low = VIL, H = Logic High = VIH, VID = 12.0 ± 0.5 V, X = Don’t Care, AIN = Addresses In, DIN = Data In, DOUT = Data OutNotes:1.Addresses are A16:A0.2.The sector protect and sector unprotect functions must be implemented via programming equipment. See the “Sector Pro-tection/Unprotection” section.Requirements for Reading Array DataTo read array data from the outputs, the system must drive the CE# and OE# pins to V IL. CE# is the power control and selects the device. OE# is the output con-trol and gates array data to the output pins. WE# should remain at V IH.The internal state machine is set for reading array data upon device power-up, or after a hardware reset. This ensures that no spurious alteration of the memory con-tent occurs during the power transition. No command is necessary in this mode to obtain array data. Standard microprocessor read cycles that assert valid addresses on the device address inputs produce valid data on the device data outputs. The device remains enabled for read access until the command register contents are altered.See “Reading Array Data” for more information. Refer to the AC Read Operations table for timing specifica-tions and to the Read Operations Timings diagram for the timing waveforms. I CC1 in the DC Characteristics table represents the active current specification for reading array data.Writing Commands/Command Sequences To write a command or command sequence (which in-cludes programming data to the device and erasing sectors of memory), the system must drive WE# and CE# to V IL, and OE# to V IH.An erase operation can erase one sector, multiple sec-tors, or the entire device. The Sector Address Tables indicate the address space that each sector occupies.A “sector address” consists of the address bits required to uniquely select a sector. See the “Command Defini-tions” section for details on erasing a sector or the entire chip.After the system writes the autoselect command se-quence, the device enters the autoselect mode. The system can then read autoselect codes from the inter-nal register (which is separate from the memory array) on DQ7–DQ0. Standard read cycle timings apply in this mode. Refer to the “Autoselect Mode” and “Autoselect Command Sequence” sections for more information.I CC2 in the DC Characteristics table represents the ac-tive current specification for the write mode. The “AC Characteristics” section contains timing specification tables and timing diagrams for write operations.Operation CE#OE#WE#Addresses(Note 1)DQ0–DQ7Read L L H A IN D OUT Write L H L A IN D IN Standby V CC ± 0.5 V X X X High-Z Output Disable L H H X High-Z Hardware Reset X X X X High-ZAm29F010A7Program and Erase Operation Status During an erase or program operation, the system may check the status of the operation by reading the status bits on DQ7–DQ0. Standard read cycle timings and I CC read specifications apply. Refer to “Write Operation Status” for more information, and to each AC Charac-teristics section in the appropriate data sheet for timing diagrams.Standby ModeWhen the system is not reading or writing to the device, it can place the device in the standby mode. In this mode, current consumption is greatly reduced, and the outputs are placed in the high impedance state, inde-pendent of the OE# input. The device enters the CMOS standby mode when the CE# pin is held at V CC ± 0.5 V. (Note that this is a more restricted voltage range than V IH.) The device enters the TTL standby mode when CE# is held at V IH. The device requires the standard access time (t CE) before it is ready to read data.If the device is deselected during erasure or program-ming, the device draws active current until the operation is completed.I CC3 in the DC Characteristics tables represents the standby current specification.Output Disable ModeWhen the OE# input is at V IH, output from the device is disabled. The output pins are placed in the high imped-ance state.Table 2.Am29F010A Sector Addresses Table Autoselect ModeThe autoselect mode provides manufacturer and de-vice identification, and sector protection verification, through identifier codes output on DQ7–DQ0. This mode is primarily intended for programming equipment to automatically match a device to be programmed with its corresponding programming algorithm. However, the autoselect codes can also be accessed in-system through the command register.When using programming equipment, the autoselect mode requires V ID on address pin A9. Address pins A6, A1, and A0 must be as shown in Autoselect Codes (High Voltage Method) table. In addition, when verifying sector protection, the sector address must appear on the appropriate highest order address bits. Refer to the corresponding Sector Address T ables. The Command Definitions table shows the remaining address bits that are don’t care. When all necessary bits have been set as required, the programming equipment may then read the corresponding identifier code on DQ7–DQ0. To access the autoselect codes in-system, the host system can issue the autoselect command via the command register, as shown in the Command Defini-tions table. This method does not require V ID. See “Command Definitions” for details on using the autose-lect mode.Sector A16A15A14Address Range SA000000000h-03FFFh SA100104000h-07FFFh SA201008000h-0BFFFh SA30110C000h-0FFFFh SA410010000h-13FFFh SA510114000h-17FFFh SA611018000h-1BFFFh SA71111C000h-1FFFFh8Am29F010ATable 3.Am29F010A Autoselect Codes (High Voltage Method) L = Logic Low = V IL, H = Logic High = V IH, SA = Sector Address, X = Don’t care.Sector Protection/UnprotectionThe hardware sector protection feature disables both program and erase operations in any sector. The hard-ware sector unprotection feature re-enables both program and erase operations in previously protected sectors.Sector protection/unprotection must be implemented using programming equipment. The procedure re-quires a high voltage (V ID) on address pin A9 and the control pins. Details on this method are provided in a supplement, publication number 20495. Contact an AMD representative to obtain a copy of the appropriate document.The device is shipped with all sectors unprotected. AMD offers the option of programming and protecting sectors at its factory prior to shipping the device through AMD’s ExpressFlash™ Service. Contact an AMD representative for details.It is possible to determine whether a sector is protected or unprotected. See “Autoselect Mode” for details. Hardware Data ProtectionThe command sequence requirement of unlock cycles for programming or erasing provides data protection against inadvertent writes (refer to the Command Defi-nitions table). In addition, the following hardware data protection measures prevent accidental erasure or pro-gramming, which might otherwise be caused by spurious system level signals during V CC power-up and power-down transitions, or from system noise.Low V CC Write InhibitWhen V CC is less than V LKO, the device does not ac-cept any write cycles. This protects data during V CC power-up and power-down. The command register and all internal program/erase circuits are disabled, and the device resets. Subsequent writes are ignored until V CC is greater than V LKO. The system must provide the proper signals to the control pins to prevent uninten-tional writes when V CC is greater than V LKO.Write Pulse “Glitch” ProtectionNoise pulses of less than 5 ns (typical) on OE#, CE# or WE# do not initiate a write cycle.Logical InhibitWrite cycles are inhibited by holding any one of OE# = V IL, CE# = V IH or WE# = V IH. To initiate a write cycle, CE# and WE# must be a logical zero while OE# is a logical one.Power-Up Write InhibitIf WE# = CE# = V IL and OE# = V IH during power up, the device does not accept commands on the rising edge of WE#. The internal state machine is automatically reset to reading array data on power-up.Description CE#Note:OE#WE#A16toA14A13toA10A9A8toA7A6A5toA2A1A0DQ7toDQ0Manufacturer ID: AMD L L H X X V ID X L X L L01h Device ID: Am29F010A L L H X X V ID X L X L H20hSector Protection Verification L L H SA X V ID X L X H L01h (protected)00h (unprotected)Am29F010A9COMMAND DEFINITIONSWriting specific address and data commands or se-quences into the command register initiates device operations. The Command Definitions table defines the valid register command sequences. Writing incorrect address and data values or writing them in the im-proper sequence resets the device to reading array data.All addresses are latched on the falling edge of WE# or CE#, whichever happens later. All data is latched on the rising edge of WE# or CE#, whichever happens first. Refer to the appropriate timing diagrams in the “AC Characteristics” section.Reading Array DataThe device is automatically set to reading array data after device power-up. No commands are required to retrieve data. The device is also ready to read array data after completing an Embedded Program or Em-bedded Erase algorithm.The system must issue the reset command to re-en-able the device for reading array data if DQ5 goes high, or while in the autoselect mode. See the “Reset Com-mand” section, next.See also “Requirements for Reading Array Data” in the “Device Bus Operations” section for more information. The Read Operations table provides the read parame-ters, and Read Operation Timings diagram shows the timing diagram.Reset CommandWriting the reset command to the device resets the de-vice to reading array data. Address bits are don’t care for this command.The reset command may be written between the se-quence cycles in an erase command sequence before erasing begins. This resets the device to reading array data. Once erasure begins, however, the device ig-nores reset commands until the operation is complete. The reset command may be written between the se-quence cycles in a program command sequence before programming begins. This resets the device to reading array data. Once programming begins, how-ever, the device ignores reset commands until the operation is complete.The reset command may be written between the se-quence cycles in an autoselect command sequence. Once in the autoselect mode, the reset command must be written to return to reading array data.If DQ5 goes high during a program or erase operation, writing the reset command returns the device to read-ing array data.Autoselect Command SequenceThe autoselect command sequence allows the host system to access the manufacturer and devices codes, and determine whether or not a sector is protected. The Command Definitions table shows the address and data requirements. This method is an alternative to that shown in the Autoselect Codes (High Voltage Method) table, which is intended for PROM program-mers and requires V ID on address bit A9.The autoselect command sequence is initiated by writ-ing two unlock cycles, followed by the autoselect command. The device then enters the autoselect mode, and the system may read at any address any number of times, without initiating another command sequence.A read cycle at address XX00h or retrieves the manu-facturer code. A read cycle at address XX01h returns the device code. A read cycle containing a sector ad-dress (SA) and the address 02h in returns 01h if that sector is protected, or 00h if it is unprotected. Refer to the Sector Address tables for valid sector addresses. The system must write the reset command to exit the autoselect mode and return to reading array data. Byte Program Command Sequence Programming is a four-bus-cycle operation. The pro-gram command sequence is initiated by writing two unlock write cycles, followed by the program set-up command. The program address and data are written next, which in turn initiate the Embedded Program al-gorithm. The system is not required to provide further controls or timings. The device automatically provides internally generated program pulses and verify the pro-grammed cell margin. The Command Definitions take shows the address and data requirements for the byte program command sequence.When the Embedded Program algorithm is complete, the device then returns to reading array data and ad-dresses are no longer latched. The system can determine the status of the program operation by using DQ7or DQ6. See “Write Operation Status” for informa-tion on these status bits.Any commands written to the device during the Em-bedded Program Algorithm are ignored. Programming is allowed in any sequence and across sector boundaries. A bit cannot be programmed from a “0” back to a “1”. Attempting to do so may halt the operation and set DQ5 to “1”, or cause the Data# Polling algorithm to indicate the operation was suc-cessful. However, a succeeding read will show that the data is still “0”. Only erase operations can convert a “0”to a “1”.10Am29F010ANote:See the appropriate Command Definitions table for program command sequence.Figure 1.Program OperationChip Erase Command SequenceChip erase is a six-bus-cycle operation. The chip erase command sequence is initiated by writing two unlock cycles, followed by a set-up command. Two additional unlock write cycles are then followed by the chip erase command, which in turn invokes the Embedded Erase algorithm. The device does not require the system to preprogram prior to erase. The Embedded Erase algo-rithm automatically preprograms and verifies the entire memory for an all zero data pattern prior to electrical erase. The system is not required to provide any con-trols or timings during these operations. The Command Definitions table shows the address and data require-ments for the chip erase command sequence.Any commands written to the chip during the Embed-ded Erase algorithm are ignored.The system can determine the status of the erase op-eration by using DQ7 or DQ6. See “Write Operation Status” for information on these status bits. When the Embedded Erase algorithm is complete, the device re-turns to reading array data and addresses are no longer latched.Figure 2 illustrates the algorithm for the erase opera-tion. See the Erase/Program Operations tables in “AC Characteristics” for parameters, and to the Chip/Sector Erase Operation Timings for timing waveforms. Sector Erase Command SequenceSector erase is a six bus cycle operation. The sector erase command sequence is initiated by writing two un-lock cycles, followed by a set-up command. Two additional unlock write cycles are then followed by the address of the sector to be erased, and the sector erase command. The Command Definitions table shows the address and data requirements for the sec-tor erase command sequence.The device does not require the system to preprogram the memory prior to erase. The Embedded Erase algo-rithm automatically programs and verifies the sector for an all zero data pattern prior to electrical erase. The system is not required to provide any controls or tim-ings during these operations.After the command sequence is written, a sector erase time-out of 50 µs begins. During the time-out period, additional sector addresses and sector erase com-mands may be written. Loading the sector erase buffer may be done in any sequence, and the number of sec-tors may be from one sector to all sectors. The time between these additional cycles must be less than 50µs, otherwise the last address and command might not be accepted, and erasure may begin. It is recom-mended that processor interrupts be disabled during this time to ensure all commands are accepted. The in-terrupts can be re-enabled after the last Sector Erase command is written. If the time between additional sec-tor erase commands can be assumed to be less than 50 µs, the system need not monitor DQ3. Any com-mand during the time-out period resets the device to reading array data. The system must rewrite the command sequence and any additional sector ad-dresses and commands.The system can monitor DQ3 to determine if the sector erase timer has timed out. (See the “DQ3: Sector Erase Timer” section.) The time-out begins from the rising edge of the final WE# pulse in the command sequence.Once the sector erase operation has begun, all other commands are ignored.When the Embedded Erase algorithm is complete, the device returns to reading array data and addresses are no longer latched. The system can determine the sta-tus of the erase operation by using DQ7 or DQ6. Refer to “Write Operation Status” for information on these status bits.22181B-6Figure 2 illustrates the algorithm for the erase opera-tion. Refer to the Erase/Program Operations tables in the “AC Characteristics” section for parameters, and to the Sector Erase Operations Timing diagram for timing waveforms.Erase Suspend/Erase Resume Commands The Erase Suspend command allows the system to in-terrupt a sector erase operation and then read data from, or program data to, any sector not selected for erasure. This command is valid only during the sector erase operation, including the 50 µs time-out period during the sector erase command sequence. The Erase Suspend command is ignored if written during the chip erase operation or Embedded Program algo-rithm. Writing the Erase Suspend command during the Sector Erase time-out immediately terminates the time-out period and suspends the erase operation. Ad-dresses are “don’t-cares” when writing the Erase Suspend command.When the Erase Suspend command is written during a sector erase operation, the device requires a maximum of 20 µs to suspend the erase operation. However, when the Erase Suspend command is written during the sector erase time-out, the device immediately ter-minates the time-out period and suspends the erase operation.After the erase operation has been suspended, the system can read array data from any sector not se-lected for erasure. (The device “erase suspends” all sectors selected for erasure.) Normal read and write timings and command definitions apply. Reading at any address within erase-suspended sectors produces sta-tus data on DQ7–DQ0. The system can use DQ7 to determine if a sector is actively erasing or is erase-sus-pended. See “Write Operation Status” for information on these status bits.After an erase-suspended program operation is com-plete, the system can once again read array data within non-suspended sectors. The system can determine the status of the program operation using the DQ7 or DQ6 status bits, just as in the standard program oper-ation. See “Write Operation Status” for more information.The system may also write the autoselect command sequence when the device is in the Erase Suspend mode. The device allows reading autoselect codes even at addresses within erasing sectors, since the codes are not stored in the memory array. When the device exits the autoselect mode, the device reverts to the Erase Suspend mode, and is ready for another valid operation. See “Autoselect Command Sequence”for more information.The system must write the Erase Resume command (address bits are “don’t care”) to exit the erase suspend mode and continue the sector erase operation. Further writes of the Resume command are ignored. Another Erase Suspend command can be written after the de-vice has resumed erasing.Notes:1.See the appropriate Command Definitions table for erasecommand sequence.2.See “DQ3: Sector Erase Timer” for more information.Figure 2.Erase Operation。
产品承认书SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL客户名称(CUSTOMER):客户料号(PART NO.):客户品名(DESCRIPTION):U T 品名(DESCRIPTION): UT-MD070080 V.2 日期(DATE): 2011.7.1CONTENTS contents (2)Change description (3)1. Scope of application (3)2. Product Function Description (3)3. Standard Signal Input (3)4. Work Temp (3)5. Storage Temp (3)6. Operate Power Requirements (3)7. Specification (4)8. Power supply (9)9. Electrical parameters (9)10. LCD Specifications (9)11. Electrical circuit (10)12. Basic operating instructions (10)13. Testing equipment (12)14. Function test (12)15. Reliability test (14)16. Outgoing inspection standards (14)1. Scope of applicationThis standard applies to production for:AT080TN42.AT080TN01.AT080TN03.AT070TN83V.3.AT070TN82 V.1. AT102TN01.AT102TN03.A101VW01..AT080TN52.AT070TN92LCD display module driver board UT-MD070080 V.2 Inspection。
Publication Release Date: April 18, 20123V 128M-BITSERIAL FLASH MEMORY WITH DUAL AND QUAD SPITable of Contents1.GENERAL DESCRIPTION (5)2.FEATURES (5)3.PACKAGE TYPES AND PIN CONFIGURATIONS (6)3.1Pad Configuration WSON 8x6-mm (6)3.2Pad Description WSON 8x6-mm (6)3.3Pin Configuration SOIC 300-mil (7)3.4Pin Description SOIC 300-mil (7)3.5Ball Configuration TFBGA 8x6-mm (5x5 or 6x4 Ball Array) (8)3.6Ball Description TFBGA 8x6-mm (8)4.PIN DESCRIPTIONS (9)4.1Chip Select (/CS) (9)4.2Serial Data Input, Output and IOs (DI, DO and IO0, IO1, IO2, IO3) (9)4.3Write Protect (/WP) (9)4.4HOLD (/HOLD) (9)4.5Serial Clock (CLK) (9)5.BLOCK DIAGRAM (10)6.FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS (11)6.1SPI OPERATIONS (11)6.1.1Standard SPI Instructions (11)6.1.2Dual SPI Instructions (11)6.1.3Quad SPI Instructions (11)6.1.4Hold Function (11)6.2WRITE PROTECTION (12)6.2.1Write Protect Features (12)7.STATUS REGISTERS AND INSTRUCTIONS (13)7.1STATUS REGISTERS (13)7.1.1BUSY Status (BUSY) (13)7.1.2Write Enable Latch Status (WEL) (13)7.1.3Block Protect Bits (BP2, BP1, BP0) (13)7.1.4Top/Bottom Block Protect Bit (TB) (13)7.1.5Sector/Block Protect Bit (SEC) (13)7.1.6Complement Protect Bit (CMP) (14)7.1.7Status Register Protect Bits (SRP1, SRP0) (14)7.1.8Erase/Program Suspend Status (SUS) (14)7.1.9Security Register Lock Bits (LB3, LB2, LB1) (14)7.1.10Quad Enable Bit (QE) (15)7.1.11Status Register Memory Protection (CMP = 0) (16)7.1.12 Status Register Memory Protection (CMP = 1) (17)Publication Release Date: April 18, 20127.2 INSTRUCTIONS (18)7.2.1 Manufacturer and Device Identification ................................................................................ 18 7.2.2 Instruction Set Table 1 (Erase, Program Instructions) .......................................................... 19 7.2.3 Instruction Set Table 2 (Read Instructions) .......................................................................... 20 7.2.4 Instruction Set Table 3 (ID, Security Instructions) ................................................................ 21 7.2.5 Write Enable (06h) ............................................................................................................... 22 7.2.6 Write Enable for Volatile Status Register (50h) .................................................................... 22 7.2.7 Write Disable (04h) ............................................................................................................... 23 7.2.8 Read Status Register-1 (05h) and Read Status Register-2 (35h) ........................................ 24 7.2.9 Write Status Register (01h) .................................................................................................. 24 7.2.10 Read Data (03h) ................................................................................................................. 26 7.2.11 Fast Read (0Bh) ................................................................................................................. 27 7.2.12 Fast Read Dual Output (3Bh) ............................................................................................. 28 7.2.13 Fast Read Quad Output (6Bh) ............................................................................................ 29 7.2.14 Fast Read Dual I/O (BBh) ................................................................................................... 30 7.2.15 Fast Read Quad I/O (EBh) ................................................................................................. 32 7.2.16 Word Read Quad I/O (E7h) ................................................................................................ 34 7.2.17 Octal Word Read Quad I/O (E3h) ....................................................................................... 36 7.2.18 Set Burst with Wrap (77h) .................................................................................................. 38 7.2.19 Continuous Read Mode Bits (M7-0) ................................................................................... 39 7.2.20 Continuous Read Mode Reset (FFh or FFFFh) .................................................................. 39 7.2.21 Page Program (02h) ........................................................................................................... 40 7.2.22 Quad Input Page Program (32h) ........................................................................................ 41 7.2.23 Sector Erase (20h) ............................................................................................................. 42 7.2.24 32KB Block Erase (52h) ..................................................................................................... 43 7.2.25 64KB Block Erase (D8h) ..................................................................................................... 44 7.2.26 Chip Erase (C7h / 60h) ....................................................................................................... 45 7.2.27 Erase / Program Suspend (75h) ......................................................................................... 46 7.2.28 Erase / Program Resume (7Ah) ......................................................................................... 47 7.2.29 Power-down (B9h) .............................................................................................................. 48 7.2.30 Release Power-down / Device ID (ABh) ............................................................................. 49 7.2.31 Read Manufacturer / Device ID (90h) ................................................................................. 51 7.2.32 Read Manufacturer / Device ID Dual I/O (92h) ................................................................... 52 7.2.33 Read Manufacturer / Device ID Quad I/O (94h) ................................................................. 53 7.2.34 Read Unique ID Number (4Bh)........................................................................................... 54 7.2.35 Read JEDEC ID (9Fh) ........................................................................................................ 55 7.2.36 Read SFDP Register (5Ah) ................................................................................................ 56 7.2.37 Erase Security Registers (44h) ........................................................................................... 57 7.2.38 Program Security Registers (42h) ...................................................................................... 58 7.2.39 Read Security Registers (48h) . (59)8.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (60)8.1Absolute Maximum Ratings (60)8.2Operating Ranges (60)8.3Power-up Timing and Write Inhibit Threshold (61)8.4DC Electrical Characteristics (62)8.5AC Measurement Conditions (63)8.6AC Electrical Characteristics (64)8.7AC Electrical Characteristics (cont’d) (65)8.8Serial Output Timing (66)8.9Serial Input Timing (66)8.10HOLD Timing (66)8.11WP Timing (66)9.PACKAGE SPECIFICATION (67)9.18-Pad WSON 8x6-mm (Package Code E) (67)9.216-Pin SOIC 300-mil (Package Code F) (68)9.324-Ball TFBGA 8x6-mm (Package Code B, 5x5-1 Ball Array) (69)9.424-Ball TFBGA 8x6-mm (Package Code C, 6x4 Ball Array) (70)10.ORDERING INFORMATION (71)10.1Valid Part Numbers and Top Side Marking (72)11.REVISION HISTORY (73)Publication Release Date: April 18, 20121. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe W25Q128BV (128M-bit) Serial Flash memory provides a storage solution for systems with limited space, pins and power. The 25Q series offers flexibility and performance well beyond ordinary Serial Flash devices. They are ideal for code shadowing to RAM, executing code directly from Dual/Quad SPI (XIP) and storing voice, text and data. The device operates on a single 2.7V to 3.6V power supply with current consumption as low as 4mA active and 1µA for power-down.The W25Q128BV array is organized into 65,536 programmable pages of 256-bytes each. Up to 256 bytes can be programmed at a time. Pages can be erased in groups of 16 (4KB sector erase), groups of 128 (32KB block erase), groups of 256 (64KB block erase) or the entire chip (chip erase). The W25Q128BV has 4,096 erasable sectors and 256 erasable blocks respectively. The small 4KB sectors allow for greater flexibility in applications that require data and parameter storage. (See Figure 2.)The W25Q128BV supports the standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), and a high performance Dual/Quad output as well as Dual/Quad I/O SPI: Serial Clock, Chip Select, Serial Data I/O0 (DI), I/O1 (DO), I/O2 (/WP), and I/O3 (/HOLD). SPI clock frequencies of up to 104MHz are supported allowing equivalent clock rates of 208MHz (104MHz x 2) for Dual Output and 280MHz (70MHz x 4) for Quad SPI when using the Fast Read Quad SPI instructions. These transfer rates can outperform standard Asynchronous 8 and 16-bit Parallel Flash memories. The Continuous Read Mode allows for efficient memory access with as few as 8-clocks of instruction-overhead to read a 24-bit address, allowing true XIP (execute in place) operation.A Hold pin, Write Protect pin and programmable write protection, with top, bottom or complement array control, provide further control flexibility. Additionally, the device supports JEDEC standard manufacturer and device identification with a 64-bit Unique Serial Number.2. FEATURES• Family of SpiFlash Memories – W25Q128BV: 128M-bit/16M-byte – 256-byte per programmable page– Standard SPI: CLK, /CS, DI, DO, /WP, /Hold– Dual SPI: CLK, /CS, IO 0, IO 1, /WP, /Hold– Quad SPI: CLK, /CS, IO 0, IO 1, IO 2, IO 3• Highest Performance Serial Flash– 104/70MHz Dual Output/Quad SPI clocks– 208/280MHz equivalent Dual /Quad SPI– 35MB/S continuous data transfer rate– Up to 5X that of ordinary Serial Flash– More than 100,000 erase/program cycles (1)– More than 20-year data retention• Efficient “Continuous Read Mode” – Low Instruction overhead– Continuous Read with 8/16/32/64-Byte Wrap – As few as 8 clocks to address memory – Allows true XIP (execute in place) operation – Outperforms X16 Parallel Flash • Low Power, Wide Temperature Range– Single 2.7 to 3.6V supply– 4mA active current, <1µA Power-down current – -40°C to +85/105°C operating range • Flexible Architecture with 4KB sectors– Uniform Sector/Block Erase (4K/32K/64K-Byte)– Program one to 256 bytes– Erase/Program Suspend & Resume• Advanced Security Features – Software and Hardware Write-Protect – Top/Bottom, 4KB complement array protection – Lock-Down and OTP array protection – 64-Bit Unique Serial Number for each device – Discoverable Parameters (SFDP) Register – 3X256-Byte Security Registers with OTP locks– Volatile & Non-volatile Status Register Bits• Space Efficient Packaging – 8-pad WSON 8x6-mm – 16-pin SOIC 300-mil – 24-ball TFBGA 8x6-mm– Contact Winbond for KGD and other options Note 1. More than 100k Block Erase/Program cycles for Industrial and Automotive temperature; more than 10k fullchip Erase/Program cycles tested in compliance with AEC-Q100.3.PACKAGE TYPES AND PIN CONFIGURATIONSW25Q128BV is offered in an 8-pad WSON 8x6-mm (package code E), a 16-pin SOIC 300-mil (package code F) and two 24-ball 8x6-mm TFBGAs (package code B, C) as shown in Figure 1a-c respectively. Package diagrams and dimensions are illustrated at the end of this datasheet.3.1Pad Configuration WSON 8x6-mmFigure 1a. W25Q128BV Pad Assignments, 8-pad WSON 8x6-mm (Package Code E)3.2Pad Description WSON 8x6-mmPAD NO. PAD NAME I/O FUNCTION1 /CS I Chip Select Input2 DO (IO1) I/O Data Output (Data Input Output 1)*1(IO2)I/O Write Protect Input ( Data Input Output 2)*23 /WP4 GND Ground5 DI (IO0) I/O Data Input (Data Input Output 0)*16 CLK I Serial Clock Input(IO3)I/O Hold Input (Data Input Output 3)*27 /HOLD8 VCC PowerSupply*1: IO0 and IO1 are used for Standard and Dual SPI instructions*2: IO0 – IO3 are used for Quad SPI instructionsPublication Release Date: April 18, 20123.3 Pin Configuration SOIC 300-milFigure 1b. W25Q128BV Pin Assignments, 16-pin SOIC 300-mil (Package Code F)3.4 Pin Description SOIC 300-milPIN NO.PIN NAMEI/OFUNCTION1 /HOLD (IO3)I/OHold Input (Data Input Output 3)*22 VCC Power Supply3 N/C No Connect4 N/C No Connect5 N/C No Connect6 N/C No Connect7 /CS I Chip Select Input8DO (IO1)I/O Data Output (Data Input Output 1)*19 /WP (IO2)I/OWrite Protect Input (Data Input Output 2)*210 GND Ground 11 N/C No Connect 12 N/C No Connect 13 N/C No Connect 14 N/C No Connect 15 DI (IO0) I/O Data Input (Data Input Output 0)*116CLKISerial Clock Input*1: IO0 and IO1 are used for Standard and Dual SPI instructions.*2: IO0 – IO3 are used for Quad SPI instructions, /WP or /HOLD functions are only available for Standard/Dual SPI.3.5Ball Configuration TFBGA 8x6-mm (5x5 or 6x4 Ball Array)Figure 1c. W25Q128BV Ball Assignments, 24-ball TFBGA 8x6-mm (Package Code B, C)3.6Ball Description TFBGA 8x6-mmBALL NO. PIN NAME I/O FUNCTIONB2 CLK I Serial Clock InputB3 GND GroundSupplyB4 VCC PowerC2 /CS I Chip Select Input(IO2)I/O Write Protect Input (Data Input Output 2)*2C4 /WPD2 DO (IO1) I/O Data Output (Data Input Output 1)*1D3 DI (IO0) I/O Data Input (Data Input Output 0)*1(IO3)I/O Hold Input (Data Input Output 3)*2D4 /HOLDMultiple NC NoConnect*1: IO0 and IO1 are used for Standard and Dual SPI instructions.*2: IO0 – IO3 are used for Quad SPI instructions, /WP or /HOLD functions are only available for Standard/Dual SPI.Publication Release Date: April 18, 20124. PIN DESCRIPTIONS4.1 Chip Select (/CS)The SPI Chip Select (/CS) pin enables and disables device operation. When /CS is high the device is deselected and the Serial Data Output (DO, or IO0, IO1, IO2, IO3) pins are at high impedance. When deselected, the devices power consumption will be at standby levels unless an internal erase, program or write status register cycle is in progress. When /CS is brought low the device will be selected, power consumption will increase to active levels and instructions can be written to and data read from the device. After power-up, /CS must transition from high to low before a new instruction will be accepted. The /CS input must track the VCC supply level at power-up (see “Write Protection” and Figure 38). If needed a pull-up resister on /CS can be used to accomplish this.4.2 Serial Data Input, Output and IOs (DI, DO and IO0, IO1, IO2, IO3)The W25Q128BV supports standard SPI, Dual SPI and Quad SPI operation. Standard SPI instructions use the unidirectional DI (input) pin to serially write instructions, addresses or data to the device on the rising edge of the Serial Clock (CLK) input pin. Standard SPI also uses the unidirectional DO (output) to read data or status from the device on the falling edge of CLK.Dual and Quad SPI instructions use the bidirectional IO pins to serially write instructions, addresses or data to the device on the rising edge of CLK and read data or status from the device on the falling edge of CLK. Quad SPI instructions require the non-volatile Quad Enable bit (QE) in Status Register-2 to be set. When QE=1, the /WP pin becomes IO2 and /HOLD pin becomes IO3.4.3 Write Protect (/WP)The Write Protect (/WP) pin can be used to prevent the Status Register from being written. Used in conjunction with the Status Register’s Block Protect (CMP, SEC, TB, BP2, BP1 and BP0) bits and Status Register Protect (SRP) bits, a portion as small as a 4KB sector or the entire memory array can be hardware protected. The /WP pin is active low. When the QE bit of Status Register-2 is set for Quad I/O, the /WP pin function is not available since this pin is used for IO2. See Figure 1a-c for the pin configuration of Quad I/O operation.4.4 HOLD (/HOLD)The /HOLD pin allows the device to be paused while it is actively selected. When /HOLD is brought low, while /CS is low, the DO pin will be at high impedance and signals on the DI and CLK pins will be ignored (don’t care). When /HOLD is brought high, device operation can resume. The /HOLD function can be useful when multiple devices are sharing the same SPI signals. The /HOLD pin is active low. When the QE bit of Status Register-2 is set for Quad I/O, the /HOLD pin function is not available since this pin is used for IO3. See Figure 1a-c for the pin configuration of Quad I/O operation.4.5 Serial Clock (CLK)The SPI Serial Clock Input (CLK) pin provides the timing for serial input and output operations. ("See SPI Operations")5.BLOCK DIAGRAM ArrayFigure 2. W25Q128BV Serial Flash Memory Block Diagram分销商库存信息: WINBONDW25Q128BVEIG。
ATMEL AT27BV010 数据手册
Features•Fast Read Access Time – 90 ns•Dual Voltage Range Operation–Unregulated Battery Power Supply Range, 2.7V to 3.6Vor Standard 5V ± 10% Supply Range•Compatible with JEDEC Standard AT27C010•Low Power CMOS Operation–20 µA Max (Less than 1 µA Typical) Standby for V CC = 3.6V–29 mW Max Active at 5 MHz for V CC = 3.6V•JEDEC Standard Packages–32-lead PLCC–32-lead TSOP–32-lead VSOP•High Reliability CMOS Technology–2,000V ESD Protection–200 mA Latchup Immunity•Rapid Programming Algorithm – 100 µs/Byte (Typical)•CMOS and TTL Compatible Inputs and Outputs–JEDEC Standard for LVTTL and LVBO•Integrated Product Identification Code•Industrial Temperature Range•Green (Pb/Halide-free) Packaging Option1.DescriptionThe AT27BV010 is a high-performance, low-power, low-voltage 1,048,576-bit one- time programmable read-only memory (OTP EPROM) organized as 128K by 8 bits. It requires only one supply in the range of 2.7V to 3.6V in normal read mode operation, making it ideal for fast, portable systems using either regulated or unregulated battery power.Atmel’s innovative design techniques provide fast speeds that rival 5V parts while keeping the low power consumption of a 3V supply. At V CC = 2.7V, any byte can be accessed in less than 90 ns. With a typical power draw of only 18 mW at 5 MHz and V CC = 3V, the AT27BV010 consumes less than one fifth the power of a standard 5V EPROM. Standby mode supply current is typically less than 1 µA at 3V. The AT27BV010 simplifies system design and stretches battery lifetime even further by eliminating the need for power supply regulation.The AT27BV010 is available in industry-standard JEDEC-approved one-time programmable (OTP) plastic PLCC, TSOP, and VSOP packages. All devices feature two-line control (CE, OE) to give designers the flexibility to prevent bus contention. The AT27BV010 operating with V CC at 3.0V produces TTL level outputs that are com-patible with standard TTL logic devices operating at V CC = 5.0V. At V CC = 2.7V, the part is compatible with JEDEC approved low voltage battery operation (LVBO) inter-face specifications. The device is also capable of standard 5-volt operation making it ideally suited for dual supply range systems or card products that are pluggable in both 3-volt and 5-volt hosts.BDTIC /ATMEL20344H–EPROM–12/07AT27BV010Atmel’s AT27BV010 has additional features to ensure high quality and efficient production use. The Rapid Programming Algorithm reduces the time required to program the part and guaran-tees reliable programming. Programming time is typically only 100 µs/byte. The Integrated Product Identification Code electronically identifies the device and manufacturer. This feature is used by industry-standard programming equipment to select the proper programming algorithms and voltages. The AT27BV010 programs exactly the same way as a standard 5V AT27C010 and uses the same programming equipment.2.Pin Configurations2.132-lead TSOP/VSOP (Type 1) Top View2.232-lead PLCC Top ViewPin Name Function A0 - A16Addresses O0 - O7Outputs CE Chip Enable OE Output Enable PGM Program Strobe NCNo Connect30344H–EPROM–12/07AT27BV0103.System ConsiderationsSwitching between active and standby conditions via the Chip Enable pin may produce transient voltage excursions. Unless accommodated by the system design, these transients may exceed datasheet limits, resulting in device non-conformance. At a minimum, a 0.1 µF high frequency, low inherent inductance, ceramic capacitor should be utilized for each device. This capacitor should be connected between the V CC and Ground terminals of the device, as close to the device as possible. Additionally, to stabilize the supply voltage level on printed circuit boards with large EPROM arrays, a 4.7 µF bulk electrolytic capacitor should be utilized, again con-nected between the V CC and Ground terminals. This capacitor should be positioned as close as possible to the point where the power supply is connected to the array.4.Block DiagramNote:1.Minimum voltage is -0.6V DC which may undershoot to -2.0V for pulses of less than 20 ns. Maximum output pin voltage isV CC + 0.75V DC which may be exceeded if certain precautions are observed (consult application notes) and which may overshoot to +7.0V for pulses of less than 20 ns.5.Absolute Maximum Ratings*T emperature Under Bias..................................-40°C to +85°C *NOTICE:Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent dam-age to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliabilityStorage T emperature.....................................-65°C to +125°C Voltage on Any Pin withRespect to Ground .........................................-2.0V to +7.0V (1)Voltage on A9 withRespect to Ground ......................................-2.0V to +14.0V (1)V PP Supply Voltage withRespect to Ground .......................................-2.0V to +14.0V (1)40344H–EPROM–12/07AT27BV010Notes:1.X can be V IL or V IH .2.Read, output disable, and standby modes require, 2.7V ≤ V CC ≤3.6V , or4.5V ≤ V CC ≤5.5V .3.Refer to Programming Characteristics. Programming modes require V CC =6.5V .4.V H = 12.0 ± 0.5V .5.Two identifier bytes may be selected. All Ai inputs are held low (V IL ), except A9 which is set to V H and A0 which is toggledlow (V IL ) to select the Manufacturer’s Identification byte and high (V IH ) to select the Device Code byte.6.Operating ModesMode/Pin CE OE PGM Ai V PP V CC Outputs Read (2)V IL V IL X (1)Ai X V CC D OUT Output Disable (2)X V IH X X X V CC High Z Standby (2)V IH X X X X V CC High Z Rapid Program (3)V IL V IH V IL Ai V PP V CC D IN PGM Verify (3)V IL V IL V IH Ai V PP V CC D OUT PGM Inhibit (3)V IH X X XV PPV CC High Z Product Identification (3)(5)V ILV ILXA9 = V H (4)A0 = V IH or V IL A1 - A16 = V ILX V CCIdentificationCode7.DC and AC Operating Conditions for Read OperationAT27BV010-90Industrial Operating Temperature (Case)-40°C - 85°C V CC Power Supply2.7V to3.6V 5V ± 10%50344H–EPROM–12/07AT27BV010Notes:1.V CC must be applied simultaneously with or before V PP , and removed simultaneously with or after V PP .2.V PP may be connected directly to V CC , except during programming. The supply current would then be the sum of I CC and I PP .8.DC and Operating Characteristics for Read OperationSymbolParameterConditionMinMaxUnitsV CC = 2.7V to 3.6V I LI Input Load Current V IN = 0V to V CC ±1µA I LO Output Leakage Current V OUT = 0V to V CC ±5µA I PP1(2)V PP (1) Read/Standby Current V PP = V CC10µA I SB V CC (1) Standby Current I SB1 (CMOS), CE = V CC ± 0.3V 20µA I SB2 (TTL), CE = 2.0 to V CC + 0.5V 100µA I CC V CC Active Current f = 5 MHz, I OUT = 0 mA, CE = V IL , V CC = 3.6V 8mA V ILInput Low VoltageV CC = 3.0 to 3.6V -0.60.8V V CC = 2.7 to 3.6V -0.60.2 x V CC V V IHInput High VoltageV CC = 3.0 to 3.6V 2.0V CC + 0.5V V CC = 2.7 to 3.6V 0.7 x V CCV CC + 0.5V V OLOutput Low VoltageI OL = 2.0 mA0.4V I OL = 100 µA 0.2V I OL = 20 µA 0.1V V OHOutput High VoltageI OH = -2.0 mA2.4V I OH = -100 µA V CC - 0.2V I OH = -20 µAV CC - 0.1VV CC = 4.5V to 5.5V I LI Input Load Current V IN = 0V to V CC ±1µA I LO Output Leakage Current V OUT = 0V to V CC ±5µA I PP1(2)V PP (1) Read/Standby Current V PP = V CC10µA I SB V CC (1) Standby Current I SB1 (CMOS), CE = V CC ± 0.3V 100µA I SB2 (TTL), CE = 2.0 to V CC + 0.5V 1mA I CC V CC Active Current f = 5 MHz, I OUT = 0 mA, CE = V IL25mA V IL Input Low Voltage -0.60.8V V IH Input High Voltage 2.0V CC + 0.5V V OL Output Low Voltage I OL = 2.1 mA 0.4V V OH Output High VoltageI OH = -400 µA2.4V60344H–EPROM–12/07AT27BV01010.AC Waveforms for Read Operation (1)Notes: 1.Timing measurement references are 0.8V and 2.0V . Input AC drive levels are 0.45V and 2.4V , unless otherwise specified.2.OE may be delayed up to t CE -t OE after the falling edge of CE without impact on t CE .3.OE may be delayed up to t ACC -t OE after the address is valid without impact on t ACC .4.This parameter is only sampled and is not 100% tested.5.Output float is defined as the point when data is no longer driven.9.AC Characteristics for Read OperationV CC = 2.7V to 3.6V and 4.5V to 5.5VSymbol ParameterCondition -90Units MinMax t ACC (3)Address to Output Delay CE = OE = V IL 90ns t CE (2)CE to Output Delay OE = V IL 90ns t OE (2)(3)OE to Output DelayCE = V IL50ns t DF (4)(5)OE or CE High to Output Float, Whichever Occurred First40ns t OHOutput Hold from Address, CE or OE, Whichever Occurred Firstns70344H–EPROM–12/07AT27BV01011.Input Test Waveform and Measurement Level12.Output Test LoadNote:1.Typical values for nominal supply voltage. This parameter is only sampled and is not 100% tested.R F Note: CL = 100 pFincluding jig capacitance.13.Pin Capacitancef = 1 MHz, T = 25°C (1)Symbol Typ Max Units Conditions C IN 48pF V IN = 0V C OUT 812pFV OUT = 0V80344H–EPROM–12/07AT27BV01014.Programming Waveforms (1)Notes:1.The Input Timing Reference is 0.8V for V IL and2.0V for V IH .2.t OE and t DFP are characteristics of the device but must be accommodated by the programmer.3.When programming the A T27BV010, a 0.1 µF capacitor is required across V PP and ground to suppress spurious voltagetransients.90344H–EPROM–12/07AT27BV010Notes:1.V CC must be applied simultaneously or before V PP and removed simultaneously or after V PP .2.This parameter is only sampled and is not 100% tested. Output Float is defined as the point where data is no longerdriven – see timing diagram.3.Program Pulse width tolerance is 100 µsec ± 5%.Note:1.The A T27BV010 has the same Product Identification Code as the A T27C010. Both are programming compatible.15.DC Programming CharacteristicsT A = 25 ± 5°C, V CC = 6.5 ± 0.25V, V PP = 13.0 ± 0.25VSymbol Parameter Test Conditions LimitsUnits MinMax I LI Input Load Current V IN = V IL , V IH±10µA V IL Input Low Level -0.60.8V V IH Input High Level 2.0V CC + 1V V OL Output Low Voltage I OL = 2.1 mA 0.4V V OH Output High VoltageI OH = -400 µA2.4V I CC2V CC Supply Current (Program and Verify)40mA I PP2V PP Supply CurrentCE = PGM = V IL20mA V IDA9 Product Identification Voltage11.512.5V16.AC Programming CharacteristicsT A = 25 ± 5°C, V CC = 6.5 ± 0.25V, V PP = 13.0 ± 0.2VSymbol ParameterTest Conditions (1)LimitsUnits Min Maxt AS Address Setup Time Input Rise and Fall Times:(10% to 90%) 20 ns Input Pulse Levels:0.45V to 2.4VInput Timing Reference Level:0.8V to 2.0V Output Timing Reference Level:0.8V to 2.0V 2µs t CES CE Setup Time 2µs t OES OE Setup Time 2µs t DS Data Setup Time 2µs t AH Address Hold Time 0µs t DH Data Hold Time2µs t DFP OE High to Output Float Delay (2)0130ns t VPS V PP Setup Time 2µs t VCS V CC Setup Time2µs t PW PGM Program Pulse Width (3)95105µs t OE Data Valid from OE150ns t PRT V PP Pulse Rise Time During Programming50ns17.Atmel’s AT27BV010 Integrated Product Identification Code (1)CodesPinsHexData A0O7O6O5O4O3O2O1O0 Manufacturer 0000111101E Device Type11105100344H–EPROM–12/07AT27BV01018.Rapid Programming AlgorithmA 100 µs PGM pulse width is used to program. The address is set to the first location. V CC is raised to 6.5V and V PP is raised to 13.0V. Each address is first programmed with one 100 µs PGM pulse without verification. Then a verification/reprogramming loop is executed for each address. In the event a byte fails to pass verification, up to 10 successive 100 µs pulses are applied with a verification after each pulse. If the byte fails to verify after 10 pulses have been applied, the part is considered failed. After the byte verifies properly, the next address is selected until all have been checked. V PP is then lowered to 5.0V and V CC to 5.0V. All bytes areread again and compared with the original data to determine if the device passes or fails.AT27BV01019.Ordering InformationNote:1.The 32-lead VSOP package is not recommended for new designs.19.1Standard Packaget ACC (ns)I CC (mA)V CC = 3.6V Ordering Code Package Operation Range Active Standby 9080.02A T27BV010-90JI A T27BV010-90TI A T27BV010-90VI32J 32T 32V (1)Industrial (-40°C to 85°C)Note:Not recommended for new designs. Use Green package option.19.2Green Package (Pb/Halide-free)t ACC (ns)I CC (mA)V CC = 3.6V Ordering Code Package Operation Range Active Standby 9080.02A T27BV010-90JU A T27BV010-90TU32J 32TIndustrial (-40°C to 85°C)Package Type32J 32-lead, Plastic J-leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC)32T 32-lead, Plastic Thin Small Outline Package (TSOP)32V33-lead, Plastic Thin Small Outline Package (VSOP)20.Packaging Information 20.132J – PLCCAT27BV010 20.232T – TSOP20.332V – VSOP。
BF6912AX规格书 SOP28
BYD Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
ATMEL 爱特梅尔EEPROM存储器AT28LV010 数据手册
Features•Single 3.3V ± 10% Supply•Fast Read Access Time – 200 ns•Automatic Page Write Operation–Internal Address and Data Latches for 128 Bytes–Internal Control Timer•Fast Write Cycle Time–Page Write Cycle Time – 10 ms Maximum–1 to 128-Byte Page Write Operation•Low Power Dissipation–15 mA Active Current–20µA CMOS Standby Current•Hardware and Software Data Protection•DATA Polling for End of Write Detection•High Reliability CMOS Technology–Endurance: 105 Cycles–Data Retention: 10 Years•JEDEC Approved Byte-Wide Pinout•Industrial Temperature Range•Green (Pb/Halide-free) Packaging Option Only1.DescriptionThe AT28LV010 is a high-performance 3-volt only Electrically Erasable and Program-mable Read-Only Memory. Its 1 megabit of memory is organized as 131,072 words by 8 bits. Manufactured with Atmel’s advanced nonvolatile CMOS technology, the device offers access times to 200 ns with power dissipation of just 54 mW. When the device is deselected, the CMOS standby current is less than 20µA.The AT28LV010 is accessed like a Static RAM for the read or write cycle without the need for external components. The device contains a 128-byte page register to allow writing of up to 128 bytes simultaneously. During a write cycle, the address and 1 to 128 bytes of data are internally latched, freeing the address and data bus for other operations. Following the initiation of a write cycle, the device will automatically write the latched data using an internal control timer. The end of a write cycle can be detected by DATA polling of I/O7. Once the end of a write cycle has been detected a new access for a read or write can begin.Atmel’s 28LV010 has additional features to ensure high quality and manufacturability. The device utilizes internal error correction for extended endurance and improved data retention characteristics. Software data protection is implemented to guard against inadvertent writes. The device also includes an extra 128 bytes of EEPROM for device identification or tracking.BDTIC /ATMEL2.Pin Configurations2.132-lead PLCC Top ViewPin Name Function A0 - A16Addresses CE Chip Enable OE Output Enable WE Write Enable I/O0 - I/O7Data Inputs/Outputs NC No Connect DCDon’t Connect2.232-lead TSOP Top View3.Block Diagram4.Device Operation4.1ReadThe AT28LV010 is accessed like a Static RAM. When CE and OE are low and WE is high, thedata stored at the memory location determined by the address pins is asserted on the outputs.The outputs are put in the high impedance state when either CE or OE is high. This dual-linecontrol gives designers flexibility in preventing bus contention in their system.4.2WriteThe write operation of the AT28LV010 allows 1 to 128 bytes of data to be written into thedevice during a single internal programming period. Each write operation must be preceded bythe software data protection (SDP) command sequence. This sequence is a series of threeunique write command operations that enable the internal write circuitry. The commandsequence and the data to be written must conform to the software protected write cycle timing.Addresses are latched on the falling edge of WE or CE, whichever occurs last and data islatched on the rising edge of WE or CE, whichever occurs first. Each successive byte must bewritten within 150 µs (t BLC) of the previous byte. If the t BLC limit is exceeded the AT28LV010will cease accepting data and commence the internal programming operation. If more thanone data byte is to be written during a single programming operation, they must reside on thesame page as defined by the state of the A7 - A16 inputs. For each WE high to low transitionduring the page write operation, A7 - A16 must be the same.The A0 to A6 inputs are used to specify which bytes within the page are to be written. Thebytes may be loaded in any order and may be altered within the same load period. Only byteswhich are specified for writing will be written; unnecessary cycling of other bytes within thepage does not occur.4.3DATA PollingThe AT28LV010 features DATA Polling to indicate the end of a write cycle. During a byte orpage write cycle an attempted read of the last byte written will result in the complement of thewritten data to be presented on I/O7. Once the write cycle has been completed, true data isvalid on all outputs, and the next write cycle may begin. DATA Polling may begin at anytimeduring the write cycle.4.4Toggle BitIn addition to DATA Polling the AT28LV010 provides another method for determining the endof a write cycle. During the write operation, successive attempts to read data from the devicewill result in I/O6 toggling between one and zero. Once the write has completed, I/O6 will stoptoggling and valid data will be read. Reading the toggle bit may begin at any time during thewrite cycle.4.5Data ProtectionIf precautions are not taken, inadvertent writes may occur during transitions of the host systempower supply. Atmel® has incorporated both hardware and software features that will protectthe memory against inadvertent writes.4.5.1Hardware ProtectionHardware features protect against inadvertent writes to the AT28LV010 in the following ways:(a) V CC power-on delay – once V CC has reached 2.0V (typical) the device will automaticallytime out 5 ms (typical) before allowing a write; (b) write inhibit – holding any one of OE low, CEhigh or WE high inhibits write cycles; and (c) noise filter – pulses of less than 15 ns (typical) onthe WE or CE inputs will not initiate a write cycle.4.5.2Software Data ProtectionThe AT28LV010 incorporates the industry standard software data protection (SDP) function.Unlike standard 5-volt only EEPROM’s, the AT28LV010 has SDP enabled at all times. There-fore, all write operations must be preceded by the SDP command sequence.The data in the 3-byte command sequence is not written to the device; the addresses in thecommand sequence can be utilized just like any other location in the device. Any attempt towrite to the device without the 3-byte sequence will start the internal timers. No data will bewritten to the device. However, for the duration of t WC, read operations will effectively be poll-ing operations.AT28LV010Notes:1.X can be V IL or V IH .2.Refer to AC Programming Waveforms.5.DC and AC Operating RangeAT28LV010-20AT28LV010-25OperatingT emperature (Case)Ind.-40°C - 85°C -40°C - 85°C V CC Power Supply3.3V ± 5%3.3V ± 10%6.Operating ModesMode CE OE WE I/O Read V IL V IL V IH D OUT Write (2)V IL V IH V IL D IN Standby/Write Inhibit V IH X (1)X High ZWrite Inhibit X X V IH Write Inhibit X V IL X Output Disable XV IHXHigh Z 7.Absolute Maximum Ratings*T emperature Under Bias................................-55°C to +125°C *NOTICE:Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent dam-age to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliabilityStorage T emperature.....................................-65°C to +150°C All Input Voltages (including NC Pins)with Respect to Ground...................................-0.6V to +6.25V All Output Voltageswith Respect to Ground.............................-0.6V to V CC + 0.6V Voltage on OE and A9with Respect to Ground...................................-0.6V to +13.5V8.DC CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter Condition MinMax Units I LI Input Load Current V IN = 0V to V CC 1µA I LO Output Leakage Current V I/O = 0V to V CC1µA I SB V CC Standby Current CMOS CE = V CC - 0.3V to V CC + 1VInd.50µA I CC V CC Active Current f = 5 MHz; I OUT = 0 mA; V CC = 3.6V15mA V IL Input Low Voltage 0.8V V IH Input High Voltage 2.0V V OL Output Low Voltage I OL = 1.6 mA; V CC = 3.0V 0.45V V OHOutput High VoltageI OH = -100 μA; V CC = 3.0V2.4V10.AC Read Waveforms (1)(2)(3)(4)Notes:1.CE may be delayed up to t ACC - t CE after the address transition without impact on t ACC .2.OE may be delayed up to t CE - t OE after the falling edge of CE without impact on t CE or by t ACC - t OE after an address changewithout impact on t ACC .3.t DF is specified from OE or CE whichever occurs first (C L = 5 pF).4.This parameter is characterized and is not 100% tested.9.AC Read CharacteristicsSymbol ParameterAT28LV010-20Units MinMax t ACC Address to Output Delay 200ns t CE (1)CE to Output Delay 200ns t OE (2)OE to Output Delay 080ns t DF (3)(4)CE or OE to Output Float055ns t OHOutput Hold from OE, CE or Address, Whichever Occurred FirstnsAT28LV010 11.Input Test Waveforms and Measurement LevelR F12.Output Test Load13.Pin Capacitancef = 1 MHz, T = 25°C(1)Symbol Typ Max Units ConditionsC IN46pF V IN = 0VC OUT812pF V OUT = 0VNote: 1.This parameter is characterized and is not 100% tested.Note:1.All write operations must be preceded by the SDP command sequence.15.AC Write Waveforms15.1WE Controlled15.2CE Controlled14.AC Write Characteristics (1)Symbol ParameterMin MaxUnits t AS , t OES Address, OE Set-up Time 0ns t AH Address Hold Time 100ns t CS Chip Select Set-up Time 0ns t CH Chip Select Hold Time 0ns t WP Write Pulse Width (WE or CE)200ns t DS Data Set-up Time 100ns t DH , t OEH Data, OE Hold Time10nsAT28LV01017.Programming AlgorithmNotes: 1.Data Format: I/O7 - I/O0 (Hex); Address Format: A14 - A0 (Hex).2.Data protect state will be re-activated at the end of program cycle.3. 1 to 128 bytes of data are loaded.18.Software Protected Program Cycle Waveforms (1)(2)(3)Notes: 1.A0 - A14 must conform to the addressing sequence for the first three bytes as shown above.2.After the command sequence has been issued and a page write operation follows, the page address inputs (A7 - A16) mustbe the same for each high to low transition of WE (or CE).3.OE must be high only when WE and CE are both low.16.Software Protected Write CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter MinMax Units t WC Write Cycle Time 10ms t AS Address Set-up Time 0ns t AH Address Hold Time 100ns t DS Data Set-up Time 100ns t DH Data Hold Time 10ns t WP Write Pulse Width 200ns t BLC Byte Load Cycle Time 150µs t WPHWrite Pulse Width High100nsNotes:1.These parameters are characterized and not 100% tested.2.See AC Read Characteristics20.Data Polling WaveformsNotes:1.These parameters are characterized and not 100% tested.2.See AC Read Characteristics22.Toggle Bit WaveformsNotes: 1.Toggling either OE or CE or both OE and CE will operate toggle bit.2.Beginning and ending state of I/O6 will vary.3.Any address location may be used but the address should not vary.19.Data Polling Characteristics (1)Symbol Parameter Min TypMaxUnits t DH Data Hold Time 10ns t OEH OE Hold Time 10ns t OE OE to Output Delay (2)ns t WR Write Recovery Timens21.Toggle Bit Characteristics (1)Symbol Parameter Min TypMaxUnits t DH Data Hold Time 10ns t OEH OE Hold Time 10ns t OE OE to Output Delay (2)ns t OEHP OE High Pulse 150ns t WR Write Recovery Time0ns110395E–PEEPR–2/09AT28LV01023.Ordering Information23.1Green Package Option (Pb/Halide-free)t ACC (ns)I CC (mA)Ordering Code Package Operation Range Active Standby 200150.05A T28LV010-20JU 32J Industrial (-40° to 85°C)A T28LV010-20TU32TPackage Type32J 32-lead, Plastic J-leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC)32T32-lead, Plastic Thin Small Outline Package (TSOP)23.2Die ProductsContact Atmel Sales for die sales options.120395E–PEEPR–2/09AT28LV01024.Packaging Information24.132J – PLCC130395E–PEEPR–2/09AT28LV01024.232T – TSOP。
Features Array•Single 2.7V - 3.6V Supply•Fast Read Access Time – 200 ns•Automatic Page Write Operation–Internal Address and Data Latches for 64 Bytes–Internal Control Timer•Fast Write Cycle Times–Page Write Cycle Time: 10 ms Maximum–1- to 64-byte Page Write Operation•Low Power Dissipation–15 mA Active Current–20µA CMOS Standby Current•Hardware and Software Data Protection•Data Polling for End of Write Detection•High Reliability CMOS Technology–Endurance: 10,000 Cycles–Data Retention: 10 Years•JEDEC Approved Byte-wide Pinout•Industrial Temperature Ranges•Green (Pb/Halide-free) Packaging Option1.DescriptionThe AT28BV256 is a high-performance electrically erasable and programmable read-only memory. Its 256K of memory is organized as 32,768 words by 8 bits. Manufac-tured with Atmel’s advanced nonvolatile CMOS technology, the device offers access times to 200 ns with power dissipation of just 54 mW. When the device is deselected, the CMOS standby current is less than 200µA.The AT28BV256 is accessed like a Static RAM for the read or write cycle without the need for external components. The device contains a 64-byte page register to allow writing of up to 64 bytes simultaneously. During a write cycle, the addresses and 1 to 64 bytes of data are internally latched, freeing the address and data bus for other operations. Following the initiation of a write cycle, the device will automatically write the latched data using an internal control timer. The end of a write cycle can benew access for a read or w rite c an begin.Atmel’s AT28BV256 has additional features to ensure high quality and manufactura-bility. The device utilizes internal error correction for extended endurance and improved data retention characteristics. An optional software data protection mecha-nism is available to guard against inadvertent writes. The device also includes anextra 64 bytes of EEPROM for device identification or tracking.20273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV2562.Pin Configurations2.132-lead PLCC – Top ViewNote: 1.PLCC package pins 1 and 17 are Don’t Connect.Pin Name Function A0 - A14Addresses CE Chip Enable OE Output Enable WE Write Enable I/O0 - I/O7Data Inputs/Outputs NC No Connect DCDon’t Connect2.228-lead PDIP , SOIC – Top View2.328-lead TSOP – Top View30273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV2563.Block Diagram4.Absolute Maximum Ratings*T emperature under Bias ................................-55°C to +125°C *NOTICE:Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent dam-age to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliabilityStorage T emperature.....................................-65°C to +150°C All Input Voltages (including NC Pins)with Respect to Ground...................................-0.6V to +6.25V All Output Voltageswith Respect to Ground.............................-0.6V to V CC + 0.6V Voltage on OE and A9with Respect to Ground...................................-0.6V to +13.5V40273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV2565.Device Operation5.1ReadThe AT28BV256 is accessed like a Static RAM. When CE and OE are low and WE is high, the data stored at the memory location determined by the address pins is asserted on the outputs. The outputs are put in the high impedance state when either CE or OE is high. This dual-line control gives designers flexibility in preventing bus contention in their system.5.2Byte WriteA low pulse on the WE or CE input with CE or WE low (respectively) and OE high initiates a write latched by the first rising edge of CE or WE. Once a byte write has been started, it will automati-cally time itself to completion. Once a programming operation has been initiated and for the duration of t WC , a read operation will effectively be a polling operation.5.3Page WriteThe page write operation of the AT28BV256 allows 1 to 64 bytes of data to be written into the device during a single internal programming period. A page write operation is initiated in the same manner as a byte write; the first byte written can then be followed by 1 to 63 additional bytes. Each successive byte must be written within 150 µs (t BLC ) of the previous byte. If the t BLC limit is exceeded the AT28BV256 will cease accepting data and commence the internal pro-gramming operation. All bytes during a page write operation must reside on the same page as write operation, A6 - A14 must be the same.The A0 to A5 inputs are used to specify which bytes within the page are to be written. The bytes may be loaded in any order and may be altered within the same load period. Only bytes which are specified for writing will be written; unnecessary cycling of other bytes within the page does not occur.5.4write cycle, an attempted read of the last byte written will result in the complement of the written data to be presented on I/O7. Once the write cycle has been completed, true data is valid on all outputs, and the next write cycle may begin. Data Polling may begin at anytime during the write cycle.5.5Toggle BitIn addition to Data Polling, the AT28BV256 provides another method for determining the end of a write cycle. During the write operation, successive attempts to read data from the device will result in I/O6 toggling between one and zero. Once the write has completed, I/O6 will stop tog-gling and valid data will be read. Reading the toggle bit may begin at any time during the write cycle.5.6Data ProtectionIf precautions are not taken, inadvertent writes may occur during transitions of the host system power supply. Atmel ® has incorporated both hardware and software features that will protect the memory against inadvertent writes.50273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV2565.6.1Hardware ProtectionHardware features protect against inadvertent writes to the AT28BV256 in the following ways: (a) V CC power-on delay – once V CC has reached 1.8V (typical) the device will automatically time or WE high inhibits write cycles; and (c) noise filter – pulses of less than 15 ns (typical) on the 5.6.2Software Data ProtectionA software-controlled data protection feature has been implemented on the AT28BV256. Soft-ware data protection (SDP) helps prevent inadvertent writes from corrupting the data in the device. SDP can prevent inadvertent writes during power-up and power-down as well as any other potential periods of system instability.The AT28BV256 can only be written using the software data protection feature. A series of three write commands to specific addresses with specific data must be presented to the device before writing in the byte or page mode. The same three write commands must begin each write opera-tion. All software write commands must obey the page mode write timing specifications. The data in the 3-byte command sequence is not written to the device; the address in the command sequence can be utilized just like any other location in the device.Any attempt to write to the device without the 3-byte sequence will start the internal write timers. No data will be written to the device; however, for the duration of t WC , read operations will effec-tively be polling operations.5.7Device IdentificationAn extra 64 bytes of EEPROM memory are available to the user for device identification. By rais-ing A9 to 12V ± 0.5V and using address locations 7FC0H to 7FFFH the additional bytes may be written to or read from in the same manner as the regular memory array.60273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV256Notes:1.X can be V IL or V IH .2.Refer to AC programming waveforms.3.V H = 12.0V ± 0.5V .6.DC and AC Operating RangeAT28BV256-20Operating T emperature (Case)-40°C - 85°C V CC Power Supply2.7V -3.6V7.Operating ModesMode CE OE WE I/O Read V IL V IL V IH D OUT Write (2)V IL V IH V IL D IN Standby/Write Inhibit V IH X (1)X High ZWrite Inhibit X X V IH Write Inhibit X V IL X Output Disable X V IH X High Z Chip Erase V ILV H (3)V ILHigh Z 8.DC CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter ConditionMinMax Units I LI Input Load Current V IN = 0V to V CC + 1V 10µA I LO Output Leakage Current V I/O = 0V to V CC10µA I SB V CC Standby Current CMOS CE = V CC - 0.3V to V CC + 1V 50µA I CC V CC Active Current f = 5 MHz; I OUT = 0 mA15mA V IL Input Low Voltage 0.6V V IH Input High Voltage 2.0V V OL Output Low Voltage I OL = 1.6 mA 0.3V V OHOutput High VoltageI OH = -100 µA2.0V70273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV25610.AC Read Waveforms (1)(2)(3)(4)Notes:1.CE may be delayed up to t ACC - t CE after the address transition without impact on t ACC .2.OE may be delayed up to t CE - t OE after the falling edge of CE without impact on t CE or by t ACC - t OE after an address changewithout impact on t ACC .3.t DF L = 5 pF).4.This parameter is characterized and is not 100% tested.9.AC Read CharacteristicsSymbol ParameterAT28BV256-20Units MinMax t ACC Address to Output Delay 200ns t CE (1)CE to Output Delay 200ns t OE (2)OE to Output Delay 080ns t DF (3)(4)CE or OE to Output Float055ns t OHOutput Hold from OE, CE or Address, whichever occurred firstns80273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV25611.Input Test Waveforms and Measurement Level12.Output Test LoadNote:1.This parameter is characterized and is not 100% tested.R F 13.Pin Capacitancef = 1 MHz, T = 25°C (1)Symbol Typ Max Units Conditions C IN 46pF V IN = 0V C OUT 812pFV OUT = 0V90273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV256Note:1.NR = No Restriction.15.AC Write Waveforms15.1WE Controlled15.2CE Controlled14.AC Write CharacteristicsSymbol ParameterMin MaxUnits t AS , t OES Address, OE Set-up Time 0ns t AH Address Hold Time 50ns t CS Chip Select Set-up Time 0ns t CH Chip Select Hold Time 0ns t WP Write Pulse Width (WE or CE)200ns t DS Data Set-up Time 50ns t DH , t OEH Data, OE Hold Time 0nst DV Time to Data Valid NR(1)100273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV25617.Programming Algorithm (1)(2)(3)Notes: 1.Data Format: I/O7 - I/O0 (Hex); Address Format: A14 - A0 (Hex).2.Data protect state will be re-activated at the end of program cycle.3. 1 to 64 bytes of data are loaded.18.Software Protected Program Cycle Waveforms (1)(2)(3)Notes: 1.A0 - A14 must conform to the addressing sequence for the first three bytes as shown above.2.code has been entered.3.OE must be high only when WE and CE are both low.16.Page Mode CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter MinMax Units t WC Write Cycle Time 10ms t AS Address Set-up Time 0ns t AH Address Hold Time 50ns t DS Data Set-up Time 50ns t DH Data Hold Time 0ns t WP Write Pulse Width 200ns t BLC Byte Load Cycle Time 150µs t WPHWrite Pulse Width High100ns110273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV256Notes:1.These parameters are characterized and not 100% tested.2.See “AC Read Characteristics” on page 7.20.Data Polling WaveformsNotes:1.These parameters are characterized and not 100% tested.2.See “AC Read Characteristics” on page 7.22.Toggle Bit WaveformsNotes:1.2.Beginning and ending state of I/O6 will vary.3.Any address location may be used but the address should not vary.19.Data Polling Characteristics (1)Symbol Parameter Min TypMaxUnits t DH Data Hold Time 0ns t OEH OE Hold Time 0ns t OE OE to Output Delay (2)ns t WR Write Recovery Timens21.Toggle Bit Characteristics (1)Symbol Parameter Min TypMaxUnits t DH Data Hold Time 10ns t OEH OE Hold Time 10ns t OE OE to Output Delay (2)ns t OEHP OE High Pulse 150ns t WR Write Recovery Time0ns1223.Normalized I CC Graphs130273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV25624.Ordering Information Note: 1.See Valid Part Numbers table below.25.Standard Packaget ACC (ns)I CC (mA)Ordering Code Package Operation Range ActiveStandby200150.02AT28BV256-20JI AT28BV256-20PI AT28BV256-20SI AT28BV256-20TI32J 28P628S 28TIndustrial (-40° to 85°C)26.Green Package Option (Pb/Halide-free)t ACC (ns)I CC (mA)Ordering Code Package Operation Range ActiveStandby200150.02AT28BV256-20JU AT28BV256-20TU AT28BV256-20SU AT28BV256-20PU32J 28T 27S 28TIndustrial (-40° to 85°C)27.Valid Part NumbersThe following table lists standard Atmel products that can be ordered.Device Numbers Speed Package and Temperature Combinations AT28BV25620JI, PI, SI, TI, TU, JU, SU, PU28.Die ProductsReference Section: Parallel EEPROM Die ProductsPackage Type32J 32-lead, Plastic J-leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC)28P628-lead, 0.600" Wide, Plastic Dual Inline Package (PDIP)28S 28-lead, 0.300" Wide, Plastic Gull Wing Small Outline (SOIC)28T28-lead, Plastic Thin Small Outline Package (TSOP)140273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV25629.Packaging Information29.132J – PLCC150273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV25629.228P6 – PDIP160273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV25629.328S – SOIC170273J–PEEPR–10/06AT28BV25629.428T – TSOP0273J–PEEPR–10/06Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN ATMEL’S TERMS AND CONDI-TIONS OF SALE LOCATED ON ATMEL’S WEB SITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDEN-TAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABIL ITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBIL ITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel’s products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life.Atmel CorporationAtmel Operations2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311Fax: 1(408) 487-2600Regional HeadquartersEuropeAtmel SarlRoute des Arsenaux 41Case Postale 80CH-1705 Fribourg SwitzerlandTel: (41) 26-426-5555Fax: (41) 26-426-5500AsiaRoom 1219Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong KongTel: (852) 2721-9778Fax: (852) 2722-1369Japan9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg.1-24-8 ShinkawaChuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033JapanTel: (81) 3-3523-3551Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581Memory2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311Fax: 1(408) 436-4314Microcontrollers2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311Fax: 1(408) 436-4314La Chantrerie BP 7060244306 Nantes Cedex 3, France Tel: (33) 2-40-18-18-18Fax: (33) 2-40-18-19-60ASIC/ASSP/Smart CardsZone Industrielle13106 Rousset Cedex, France Tel: (33) 4-42-53-60-00Fax: (33) 4-42-53-60-011150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd.Colorado Springs, CO 80906, USA Tel: 1(719) 576-3300Fax: 1(719) 540-1759Scottish Enterprise Technology Park Maxwell BuildingEast Kilbride G75 0QR, Scotland Tel: (44) 1355-803-000Fax: (44) 1355-242-743RF/AutomotiveTheresienstrasse 2Postfach 353574025 Heilbronn, Germany Tel: (49) 71-31-67-0Fax: (49) 71-31-67-23401150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd.Colorado Springs, CO 80906, USA Tel: 1(719) 576-3300Fax: 1(719) 540-1759Biometrics/Imaging/Hi-Rel MPU/ High-Speed Converters/RF DatacomAvenue de Rochepleine BP 12338521 Saint-Egreve Cedex, France Tel: (33) 4-76-58-30-00Fax: (33) 4-76-58-34-80Literature Requests/literature© 2006 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. Atmel ®, logo and combinations thereof, Everywhere You Are ® and others are registered trade-marks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.。
NPC-National Petro Co.3600t Revolving/Engineering CraneTechnical Specification (Project Plan)Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery (Group) Co., Ltd.2005-12-10Table of Content1.1 General Description 总则1.1.1Consist of the Specification 本规格书组成The specification including general, hull structure, outfitting, machinery, electrical, refrigerating, air conditioning, ventilating, pipelaying, DP, and crane parts describes the 3600t CRANE PIPELAYING VESSEL based on scheme design.本规格书由船舶总体、舾装、轮机、电气、通风冷藏空调、动力定位、起重机及铺管设备估价等部分组成,表述3600 t全回转起重工程船的主要技术规格方案。
1.1.2Construction Explanation建造说明The BUILDER’s supply covers the item described in this specification, anything excluding from the scope of the specification will be supplied by the OWNER.本船的建造估价,所有规格书所规定的项目均由建造方提供。
1.1.3Language and Measuring Unit文种与计量单位The drawings, instructions, instruments, display, caution sign and nameplate shall be written in English and kept down the foreign nameplate of the importation of machine and equipments. Metric system is used for designing and fabricating of hull, crane and equipment etc. unless otherwise specialized in specification or instruction.本船的图纸、使用说明书、仪表、显示、警示牌和铭牌等均以英文书写。
Panduit 28 AWG Patch Cords 安装指南说明书
Panduit 28 AWG Patch CordsInstallation GuidelineIntroductionPanduit is a leading supplier of Structured Cabling Systems. Panduit solutions enable the physical infrastructure to be scalable, flexible, and easily manageable, while supporting Ethernet communications at ever-increasing data rates.Panduit is aware of the many challenges presented by today’s commonly used patch cords. These challenges include the amount of space required for cable management, restricted airflow, inconsistent performance characteristics between vendors, and the increasing pressure to find cost-effective solutions.In 2011, Panduit introduced the first small diameter patch cords using 28 AWG conductors. These reduced diameter cords can be used in Category 6A, Category 6, and Category 5e installations to facilitate deployments with improved wire management and airflow.BackgroundPanduit 28 AWG Category 6A, Category 6, and Category 5e performance patch cords use the standard RJ45 plug interface and a significantly smaller cable with 28 AWG conductors. Typical Category 6A, 6, and 5e patch cords use 24 AWG conductors. While 24 AWG patch cabling is sufficient for many applications, it can present challenges with cable management. For example, cabinets populated with hundreds of patch cords may have issues with airflow, difficulty accessing certain ports, and trouble finding space for clean cable management.This can make simple moves, adds, and changes a challenge. Panduit 28 AWG patch cords alleviate many of these concerns by offering Category 6A, 6, and 5e performance using significantly smaller cable.The main advantages of these patch cords are:•Smaller diameter cords occupy less than half the space of traditional patch cords. This enables simplified wire management and improved airflow, reducing pathway fill and operating costs.•Smaller wire gauge offers improved flexibility for easier moves, adds, and changes.•Tighter bend radius provides ultimate flexibility in patch cable routing, dressing, and management.While providing these benefits, the user should be aware of the following limitations:•Higher attenuation, which means a higher de-rating factor must be used when designing channels.•If running PoE, PoE+, or proposed PoE++ Type 3 and 4 applications, bundle size is limited due to heat dissipation.Relationship to StandardsPerformance StandardsANSI/TIA-568.2-D and ISO 11801 define performance standards for Ethernet communication systems and their sub-components. Panduit 28 AWG Category 6A, Category 6, and Category 5e performance patch cords exceed all patch cord electrical performance requirements and are 100% tested to patch cord limits.With ANSI/TIA-568.2-D (replaces ANSI/TIA-568-C.2), 28 AWG wire size has been added to the standard, making all Panduit 28 AWG patch cords standard compliant. The revised standard spells out that the smaller 28 AWG conductors require an increased attenuation de-rating value of 1.95. Panduit patch cords exceed the standard with a de-rating value of only 1.9. As a result, when used with 90-meter permanent links, Panduit 28 AWG Category 6A, Category 6, and Category 5e performance patch cords support 96-meter channels.Connector StandardsIEC 60603-7 specifications include common dimensions, mechanical, electrical, and environmental characteristics (and applicable tests) for the plug and jack. These specifications ensure all plugs and jacks that are in compliance to this standard are intermateable. Panduit 28 AWG patch cord plugs meet all IEC 60603-7 requirements.IEC 60352-3 governs solderless connections for insulation displacement contacts (IDCs). These tests ensure the jack contact / cable conductor interface maintains adequate performance for the life of the connector. Panduit developed Category 6A, Category 6, and Category 5e jack modules (CJT6X88TG**, CJT688TG**, and CJT5E88TG**) specifically designed to terminate 28AWG conductors and meet all requirements of IEC 60352- 3. Jacks designed for 22-26AWG cable are not recommended for use with 28AWG stranded conductors.IEC 60352-6 governs solderless connections for insulation piercing contacts (IPCs). While it may be a lesser- known specification, it is extremely relevant for plugs. These tests ensure the plug contact / cable conductor interface maintain acceptable performance for the life of the connection. Panduit 28 AWG patch cord plugs meet all IEC 60352-6 requirements.Power over EthernetTSB-184-A, “Guidelines for Supporting Power Delivery Over Balanced Twisted-Pair Cabling” is a technical service bulletin published by TIA. TSB-184-A recommends a maximum temperature increase of 15 degrees Celsius over the ambient temperature for the center cable in a cable bundle operating at full PoE, PoE+ orPoE++ power. All Panduit cables are designed to properly deliver PoE, PoE+ or PoE++ power, including all28AWG patch cords. Panduit 28 AWG patch cords will meet the temperature rise recommendation of PoE and PoE+ in bundles up to 48 cables, and PoE++ in bundles up to 24 cables. TIA is currently writing an addendum to TSB-184-A that focuses on 28AWG patch cords, which is expected to publish in 2019..Value PropositionThe table below provides a comparison of several important parameters for Panduit 28 AWG and Panduit24 AWG patch cords.Table 1 - Comparison of Panduit 28 AWG and 24 AWG Patch CordsCable diameter 0.185 in (4.7mm) 0.15 in (3.8mm) 0.215-0.275 in (5.5-7.0mm)Cable cross sectional area 0.027 in2 (17.3 mm2) 0.017 in2 (11.3 mm2)0.036-0.59 in2 (23.8-38.5 mm2)Cable capacity of PR2VFD06vertical manager – 30% fill503 765 227-372Recommended bend radius 0.74 in (19mm) 0.60 in (15mm) 1.00 in (25mm) Attenuation de-rating factor 1.9 1.9 1.2 Maximum channel length with10 meters of patch cords93 meters 93 meters 100 metersMaximum patch cord lengthused with 90m PL6 meters 6 meters 10 metersPoE/PoE+ useYes.Up to 48 cables per bundleYes.Up to 48 cables per bundleYes.Up to 100 cables per bundleProposed PoE++ Type 3 and 4 UseYes.Up to 24 cables per bundleYes.Up to 24 cables per bundleYes. Up to 72 (for 6 and 6A)or 48 (5e) cables per bundleExceeds applicable ANSI/TIA-568.2-D and ISO 11801 patchcord performance requirementsYes Yes Yes100% tested to patch cordperformance requirementsYes Yes Yes Plug exceeds IEC 60603-7 andIEC 60352-6 specifications.Yes Yes Yes The plug is centered within theANSI/TIA-568.2-D range.Yes Yes YesPlug contacts plated with 50micro inches of gold and ratedfor 2500 cyclesYes Yes YesMeets IEC 60352-3 specification when terminated to a jackYesCategory 6A UTP –CJT6X88TG**Category 6A Shielded –CJST6X88TGYYesCategory 6 – CJT688TG**Category 5e – CJT5E88TG**YesCategory 6A – CJ6X88TG**Category 6 – CJ688TG**Category 5e – CJ5E88TG**Part of Panduit Certification pluswarrantyYes Yes YesSpace SavingPanduit 28 AWG Category 6A, Category 6, and Category 5e performance patch cords offer a significant space saving benefit over traditional 24 AWG patch cords. Figure 1 illustrates the difference in bundle size between Panduit 24 AWG and Panduit 28 AWG Category 6 performance patch cords. Figure 2 illustrates the physical differences between a Panduit 28 AWG and traditional 24 AWG patch cords of equal length (7-feet).Figure 1Figure 228 AWGPatch Cord24 AWGPatch CordLength GuidelinesThe maximum length of a channel depends on the de-rating factor of the cabling components within the channel (patch cords, equipment cords, and horizontal cabling). Panduit horizontal cable has a de-rating factor of 1. Panduit 24 AWG patch cords have a de-rating factor of 1.2. All Panduit 28 AWG patch cords have a de-rating factor of 1.9.The maximum length of a channel (in meters) is calculated by:(De-rating of patch * Patch Length) + (De-rating of horizontal * Horizontal Length) < 102 m.This equation supports the following example channel lengths and configurations using Panduit 28 AWG patch cords:Channel length with a 90-meter permanent link• 6 meters of total 28 AWG patch cord length•90 meters of total horizontal cable length•96-meter channel lengthChannel length with 10 meters of 28 AWG patch cords•10 meters of total 28 AWG patch cord length•83 meters of total horizontal cable length•93-meter channel lengthChannel length of 100 meters• 2 meters of total 28 AWG patch cord length•98 meters of total horizontal cable length*•100-meter channel length* Note: 98 meters will not pass Permanent Link testing with a field tester; however, the totalchannel will pass channel testing and Ethernet traffic.These channel configurations employing Panduit 28 AWG patch cords will exceed all Category 6A,Category 6, and Category 5e performance requirements defined in ANSI/TIA-568.2-D and ISO11801.Table 2 - Summary of total 28 AWG patch cord length vs. maximum channel length.2798* 321 100 328310 96* 314 99 324413 94* 308 98 321516 92* 301 97 317620 90 295 96 315723 88.5 290 95.5 313826 86.5 283 94.5 309930 84.5 277 93.5 30710 33 83 272 93 30511 36 81 265 92 30112 39 79 259 91 29813 43 77 252 90 29514 46 75 246 89 29215 49 73.5 241 88.5 29016 52 71.5 234 87.5 28617 56 69.5 228 86.5 28418 59 67.5 221 85.5 28019 62 65.5 214 84.5 27620 66 64 209 84 275* Horizontal cable lengths over 90 meters will not pass Permanent Link testing with a field tester, however the total channel will pass Channel testing and Ethernet traffic.Note: Beyond 20 meters the maximum length of 28 AWG patch cords may be limited by DC Loop Resistance specifications. Panduit’s 28 AWG Category 6A performance patch cords are limited to a maximum length of 40 meters in point-to-point applications (using only patch, with no horizontal cable).SummaryPanduit 28 AWG Category 6A, Category 6, and Category 5e performance patch cords offer a variety of benefits to the end user such as utilizing less space, improving airflow and the potential for reduced operating costs. The improved flexibility saves time on moves, adds, and changes, while the tight bend radius enables improved cable routing and management in high density applications. Panduit 28 AWG patch cords provide a unique and useful cable management solution for today’s enterprise & data center environments.Panduit 28 AWG Patch Cord Ordering GuideCategory Part Number SuffixCategory 6A Unshielded: UTP28X**xxShielded: STP28X**xx ** = lengthxx = color code^Category 6 Unshielded: UTP28SP**xxCategory 5e Unshielded: UTP28CH**xx^ blank = off white, BU = blue, BL = black, GR = green, GY = gray, OR = orange, RD = red, VL = violet, YL = yellowUTP28X10BU = Category 6A Unshielded, 10-ft, blueSTP28X3MGR = Category 6A Shielded, 3 meters, green UTP28SP7 = Category 6 Unshielded, 7-ft, off-white UTP28CH3MYL = Category 5e Unshielded, 3-meter, yellow。
Continuity of Ordering Part Numbers
AMD and Fujitsu continue to support existing part numbers beginning with “Am” and “MBM”. To order these products, please use only the Ordering Part Numbers listed in this document.
Data Sheet
July 2003 The following document specifies Spansion memory products that are now offered by both Advanced Micro Devices and Fujitsu. Although the document is marked with the name of the company that originally developed the specification, these products will be offered to customers of both AMD and Fujitsu.
Publication# 22366 Rev: B Amendment/+8 Issue Date: September 20, 2002
Refer to AMD’s Website () for the latest information.
The Am29LV640DU/Am29LV641DU is a 64 Mbit, 3.0 Volt (3.0
Min Typ Max Units
Coutput Capacitance @ BUS Pins
DOVCC) Enable Input Voltage (DE, RE)
6.0V −0.3V to (VCC + 0.3V)
Driver Input Voltage (DIN) −0.3V to (VCC + 0.3V) Receiver Output Voltage
Input Threshold High
Input Threshold Low
Input Current
Minimum Input High
DE = 0V
DE = 0V, VIN = +2.4V, or 0V VCC = 0V, VIN = +2.4V, or 0V
Maximum Input Low
Input High Current
Input Low Current
Input Diode Clamp
VIN = VCC or 2.4V VIN = GND or 0.4V ICLAMP = −18 mA
Allied Telesis AT-9000 28SP ECO-Switch 数据手册说明书
Datasheet | SwitchesAT-9000/28SPManaged Layer 2 Gigabit Ethernet ECO-SwitchT echnical Specifications Physical Interface24 100/1000Mbps SFP ports for fiber connectivity and 4 10/100/1000T or SFP combo portsRJ-45 console portSystem Capacity128MB RAM16MB flash memory8K MAC addressPacket buffer memory4MbitMaximum BandwidthNon-blocking for all packet sizes Throughput 41.6Mpps Switching capacity 56GbpsSwitch fabric speed62GbpsSupports 9216 jumbo packetsLatency100Mbit>25.22 usec1000Mbit>3.84 usecPort ConfigurationsAuto-negotiation,duplex,MDI/MDI-XIEEE 802.3x flow control / back pressure Head of Line (HoL)Storm ControlBroadcast,multicast and unicast (DLF)Spanning-T ree SupportIEEE 802.1D Spanning-Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning-TreePass-through BPDULink AggregationStatic port trunkIEEE 802.3ad LACP link aggregationSupport for 12 groups per deviceTrunk can support up to eight members per group VLANsSupports up to 4094 VLAN IDsSupport for 255 active VLANsPort-basedIEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagGARPGVRPGMRPGeneral ProtocolsMAC address agingPort mirroringRFC 826 ARPDHCPRFC 2131 DHCP clientAdministrationWeb-based GUIIndustry standard CLIRFC 854 TelnetNetwork Time ProtocolHTTPTFTPQuality of Service (QoS)IEEE 802.1p QoSEight priority queuesStrict priority and weighted round robinMulticast StandardsLayer 2 multicast forwarding and filteringup to 256 groupsIGMPv1 and IGMPv2Network ManagementRFC 1157 SNMPv1/v2cRFC 2570 SNMPv3RFC 1215 SNMP trapsRFC 1213 MIB-IIRFC 1573 Extended interface MIBRFC 1757 RMON 4 groups:Stats,History,Alarms,EventsSecurityPort security (limited/dynamic)IEEE 802.1x Basic port baseIEEE 802.1x Multiple host modeIEEE 802.1x EAP-MD5RFC 2865 Radius clientSSH serverPower SpecificationsAC input electrical ratings 100-240V AC,1AFrequency 50/60HzMaximum DC current 3.08AMaximum power consumption 37.42WTypical power consumptionin eco friendly mode 35.65W 1Power supply efficiency 85%Heat dissipation 127.768BTU /hoursMaximum acoustic noise 41.7 dBCompliance StandardsIEEE 802.310TIEEE 802.3u100TX with auto-negotiationIEEE 802.3ab1000T Gigabit Ethernet100FX SFP support1000X SFP supportEnvironmental SpecificationsOperating temp.0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F)Storage temp.-25°C to 70°C (-13°F to 158°F)Operating humidity5% to 90% (non-condensing)Storage humidity5% to 95% (non-condensing)Operating altitude range,up to 3,000 meters(9,843 feet)Safety and ElectromagneticEmissions CertificationsEMI FCC Class A,CISPR 22 Class A,EN55022 Class A,C-TICK,VCCIImmunity EN55024,EN61000-3-2 andEN61000-3-3Safety UL 60950 (cULus),EN60950-1 (TUV)Quality and reliability MTBF – 340,000 hoursRoHS StandardsCompliant with European,China and RoHS standardsPackage DescriptionAT-9000/28SP switchAC power cordManagement cable (RJ-45 to DB-9)Rubber feet for desktop installation and19”rack-mountable hardware kit accessoriesInstall guide and CLI user’s guide available on the CDand at Physical SpecificationsDimensions 44cm x 25.6cm x 4.4cm(W x D x H)(17.33”x 10.08”x 1.73”)Weight 4.01 kg (8.85 lbs)1Typical power is measured running 24/28 ports on a sample unitAT-9000/28SP switch back panelUSA Headquarters |19800 North Creek Parkway |Suite 100 |Bothell |WA 98011 |USA |T:+1 800 424 4284 |F:+1 425 481 3895European Headquarters |Via Motta 24 |6830 Chiasso |Switzerland |T:+41 91 69769.00 |F:+41 91 69769.11Asia-Pacific Headquarters |11 T ai Seng Link |Singapore |534182 |T:+65 6383 3832 |F:+65 6383 3830©2009 Allied T elesis Inc.All rights rmation in this document is subject to change without notice.All company names,logos,and product designs that are trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.617-000311 Rev.B。
LVK Series
Four Terminal High Precision Current Sense
LVK25 (2 watt) LVK 12, LVK20, LVK24 (0.5, 0.75 & 1 watt) L 2 W 4 t a b 3 1
S e r i e s S p e c i f i c at i o n s
Series LVK12 LVK20 LVK24 LVK25
Pkg. Size 1206 2010 2412 1224
Resistance Range (Ω) 0.01-0.05 0.01-0.05 0.01-0.05 0.001 0.002-0.004 0.005-0.01
9mm ±0.3 (LVK12) 13mm ±0.3 (LVK 20, 24, 25)
RoHS Compliant
Series Case Size 12 = 1206 20 = 2010 24 = 2412 25 = 1224 Tolerance Taping Code Ohms R005 = 0.005 D = 0.5% R = 1,000 pc/reel F = 1%
2mm ±0.5 a 1.0 ±0.2 1.7 ±0.2 2.1 ±0.2 0.4 ±0.2 b 0.55 ±0.2 0.9 ±0.2 1.2 ±0.2 2.7 ±0.2 13mm ±0.3 (LVK12) 15mm ±0.3 (LVK 20, 24, 25)
Size LVK12 (1206) LVK20 (2010) LVK24 (2412) LVK25 (1224)
512 Kbit / 1 Mbit 3.0 Volt-only, Serial Flash MemoryWith 25 MHz SPI Bus Interface PMCFEATURES• Single Power Supply Operation- Low voltage range: 2.7 V - 3.6 V• Memory Organization- Pm25LV512: 64K x 8 (512 Kbit)- Pm25LV010: 128K x 8 (1 Mbit)• Cost Effective Sector/Block Architecture- Uniform 4 Kbyte sectors- Uniform 32 Kbyte blocks (8 sectors per block)- Two blocks with 32 Kbytes each (512 Kbit)- Four blocks with 32 Kbytes each (1 Mbit)- 128 pages per block• Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Compatible - Supports SPI Modes 0 (0,0) and 3 (1,1)• High Performance Read- 25 MHz clock rate (maximum)• Page Mode for Program Operations- 256 bytes per page • Block Write Protection- The Block Protect (BP1, BP0) bits allow part or entire of the memory to be configured as read-only.• Hardware Data Protection- Write Protect (WP#) pin will inhibit write operations to the status register•Page Program (up to 256 Bytes)- Typical 2 ms per page program time• Sector, Block and Chip Erase- Typical 40 ms sector/block/chip erase time• Single Cycle Reprogramming for Status Register - Build-in erase before programming• High Product Endurance- Guarantee 100,000 program/erase cycles per single sector (preliminary)- Minimum 20 years data retention• Industrial Standard Pin-out and Package- 8-pin JEDEC SOIC- 8-contact WSON- Optional lead-free (Pb-free) packagesGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe Pm25LV512/010 are 512 Kbit/1 Mbits 3.0 Volt-only serial Flash memories. These devices are designed to use a single low voltage, range from 2.7 Volt to 3.6 Volt, power supply to perform read, erase and program operations. The devices can be programmed in standard EPROM programmers as well.The device is optimized for use in many commercial applications where low-power and low-voltage operation are essential. The Pm25LV512/010 is enabled through the Chip Enable pin (CE#) and accessed via a 3-wire interface consisting of Serial Data Input (Sl), Serial Data Output (SO), and Serial Clock (SCK). All write cycles are com-pletely self-timed.Block Write protection for top 1/4, top 1/2 or the entire memory array (1M) or entire memory array (512K) is enabled by programming the status register. Separate write enable and write disable instructions are provided for additional data protection. Hardware data protection is provided via the WP pin to protect against inadvertent write attempts to the status register. The HOLD pin may be used to suspend any serial communication without resetting the serial sequence.Pm25LV512 / Pm25LV010The Pm25LV512/010 are manufactured on PMC’s advanced nonvolatile CMOS technology, P-FLASH™. The de-vices are offered in 8-pin JEDEC SOIC and 8-contact WSON packages with operation frequency up to 25 MHz.PRODUCT ORDERING INFORMATIONPm25LVxxx -25 S C ETemperature RangeC = Commercial (0°C to +70°C)Package TypeS = 8-pin SOIC (8S)Q = 8-contact WSON (8Q)Operating Speed 25 MHzPMC Device Number Pm25LV512 (512 Kbit)Pm25LV010 (1 Mbit)r e b m u N t r a P y c n e u q e r F g n i t a r e p O )z H M (e g a k c a P eg n a R e r u t a r e p m e T E C S 52-215V L 52m P 52S8l a i c r e m m o C )C °07+o t C °0(C S 52-215V L 52m P E C Q 52-215V L 52m P Q8C Q 52-215V L 52m P E C S 52-010V L 52m P 52S8C S 52-010V L 52m P E C Q 52-010V L 52m P Q8CQ 52-010V L 52m P Environmental AttributeE = Lead-free (Pb-free) Package Blank = Standard PackageSPI MODESThese devices can be driven by microcontroller with its SPI peripheral running in either of the two following modes:Mode 0 = (0, 0)Mode 3 = (1, 1)For these two modes, input data is latched in on the rising edge of Serial Clock (SCK), and output data isavailable from the falling edge of Serial Clock (SCK).The difference between the two modes, as shown in Figure 2, is the clock polarity when the bus master is in Stand-by mode and not transfering data:- Clock remains at 0 (SCK = 0) for Mode 0 (0, 0)- Clock remains at 1 (SCK = 1) for Mode 3 (1, 1)Figure 2. SPI ModesSCKSCKSIS OMode 0 (0 0)Mode 3 (1 1)SERIAL INTERFACE DESCRIPTION (CONTINUED)e m a N n o i t c u r t s n I ta m r o F n o i t c u r t s n I ed o C xe H no i t a r e p O N E R W 01100000h 60h c t a L e l b a n E e t i r W t e S I D R W 00100000h 40h c t a L e l b a n E e t i r W t e s e R R S D R 10100000h 50r e t s i g e r s u t a t S d a e R R S R W 10000000h 10re t s i g e R s u t a t S e t i r W D A E R 11000000h 30yr a r r A y r o m e M m o r f a t a D d a e R D A E R _T S A F 11010000h B 0d e e p S r e h g i H t a y r o m e M m o r f a t a D d a e R G O R P _G P 01000000h 20y a r r A y r o m e M o t n I a t a D m a r g o r P E S A R E _R O T C E S 11101011h 7D y a r r A y r o m e M n i r o t c e S e n O e s a r E E S A R E _K C O L B 00011011h 8D y a r r A y r o m e M n i k c o l B e n O e s a r E E S A R E _P I H C 11100011h 7C y a r r A y r o m e M e r i t n E e s a r E DI D R 11010101hB A DI t c u d o r P d n a r e r u t c a f u n a M d a e R Table 1. Instruction Set for the Pm25LV512/010DEVICE OPERATIONThe Pm25LV512/010 is designed to interface directly with the synchronous serial peripheral interface (SPI) of the 6800 type series of microcontrollers.The Pm25LV512/010 utilizes an 8-bit instruction register. The list of instructions and their operation codes are contained in Table 1. All instructions, addresses, and data are transferred with the MSB first and start with a high-to-low transition.Write is defined as program and/or erase in this specification. The following commands, PAGE PROGRAM,SECTOR ERASE, BLOCK ERASE, CHIP ERASE, and WRSR are write instructions for Pm25LV512/010.n o i t a c i f i t n e d I t c u d o r P a t a D D I r e r u t c a f u n a M hD 9:D I e c i v e D 215V L 52m P h B 7010V L 52m P h C 7Table 2. Product IdentificationREAD PRODUCT ID (RDID): The RDID instruction allows the user to read the manufacturer and product ID of the device. The instruction code is followed by three dummy bytes, each bit being latched-in on Serial Data Input (SI)during the rising edge of Serial Clock (SCK). Then the first manufacturer ID (9Dh) is shifted out on Serial Data Output (SO), followed by the device ID (7Bh = Pm25LV512; 7Ch = Pm25LV010) and the second manufacturer ID (7Fh), each bit been shifted out during the falling edge of Serial Clock (SCK).t i B no i t i n i f e D )Y D R (0t i B .Y D A E R s i e c i v e d e h t s e t a c i d n i 0=0t i B s i e c i v e d e h t d n a s s e r g o r p n i s i e l c y c e t i r w e h t s e t a c i d n i 1=0t i B .Y S U B )N E W (1t i B .D E L B A N E E T I R W t o n s i e c i v e d e h t s e t a c i d n i 0=1t i B .D E L B A N E E T I R W s i e c i v e d e h t s e t a c i d n i 1=1t i B )0P B (2t i B .5e l b a T e e S )1P B (3t i B .5e l b a T e e S .e l c y c e t i r w l a n r e t n i n a n i t o n s i e c i v e d n e h w s 0e r a 6-4s t i B )N E P W (7t i B .)#P W (n i p t c e t o r P e t i r W f o n o i t c n u f e h t s k c o l b 0=N E P W .)#P W (n i p t c e t o r P e t i r W e h t s e t a v i t c a 1=N E P W .s l i a t e d r o f 6e l b a T e e S .e l c y c e t i r w l a n r e t n i n a g n i r u d s 1e r a 7-0s t i B Table 4. Read Status Register Bit DefinitionWRITE STATUS REGISTER (WRSR): The WRSR instruction allows the user to select one of four levels of protec-tion for the Pm25LV010. The Pm25LV010 is divided into four blocks where the top quarter (1/4), top half (1/2), or all of the memory blocks can be protected (locked out) from write. The Pm25LV512 is divided into 2 blocks where all of the memory blocks can be protected (locked out) from write. Any of the locked-out blocks will therefore be READ only. The locked-out block and the corresponding status register control bits are shown in Table 5.The three bits, BP0, BP1, and WPEN, are nonvolatile cells that have the same properties and functions as the regular memory cells (e.g., WREN, RDSR).WRITE ENABLE (WREN): The device will power up in the write disable state when Vcc is applied. All write instructions must therefore be preceded by the WREN instruction.WRITE DISABLE (WRDI): To protect the device against inadvertent writes, the WRDI instruction disables all write commands. The WRDI instruction is independent of the status of the WP# pin.READ STATUS REGISTER (RDSR): The RDSR instruction provides access to the status register. The READY/BUSY and write enable status of the device can be determined by the RDSR instruction. Similarly, the Block Write Protection bits indicate the extent of protection employed. These bits are set by using the WRSR instruction.During internal write cycles, all other commands will be ignored except the RDSR instruction.7t i B 6t i B 5t i B 4t i B 3t i B 2t i B 1t i B 0t i B NE P W XXX1P B 0P B NE W YD R Table 3. Status Register FormatN E P W P W N E W sk c o l B d e t c e t o r P sk c o l B d e t c e t o r p n U re t s i g e R s u t a t S 0X 0d e t c e t o r P d e t c e t o r P d e t c e t o r P 0X 1d e t c e t o r P e l b a t i r W e l b a t i r W 1w o L 0d e t c e t o r P d e t c e t o r P d e t c e t o r P 1w o L 1d e t c e t o r P e l b a t i r W d e t c e t o r P X h g i H 0d e t c e t o r P d e t c e t o r P d e t c e t o r P Xhg i H 1de t c e t o r P el b a t i r W el b a t i r W Table 6. WPEN OperationThe WRSR instruction also allows the user to enable or disable the Write Protect (WP#) pin through the use of the Write Protect Enable (WPEN) bit. Hardware write protection is enabled when the WP# pin is low and the WPEN bit is "1". Hardware write protection is disabled when either the WP# pin is high or the WPEN bit is "0." When the device is hardware write protected, writes to the Status Register, including the Block Protect bits and the WPEN bit, and the locked-out blocks in the memory array are disabled. Write is only allowed to blocks of the memory which are not locked out. The WRSR instruction is self-timed to automatically erase and program BP0, BP1, and WPEN bits. In order to write the status register, the device must first be write enabled via the WREN instruction.Then, the instruction and data for the three bits are entered. During the internal write cycle, all instructions will be ignored except RDSR instructions. The Pm25LV512/010 will automatically return to write disable state at the completion of the WRSR cycle.Note: When the WPEN bit is hardware write protected, it cannot be changed back to "0", as long as the WP# pinis held low.l e v e L st i B r e t s i g e R s u t a t S 215V L 52m P 010V L 52m P 1P B 0P B s e s s e r d d A y a r r A tu O d e k c o L t u o -d e k c o L )s (k c o l B s e s s e r d d A y a r r A tu O d e k c o L t u o -d e k c o L )s (k c o l B 000en o N en o N e n o N e n o N )4/1(101F F F F 10-0008104k c o l B )2/1(210F F F F 10-0000104,3k c o l B )l l A (311FF F F 00-000000s k c o l B l l A )2-1(FF F F 10-000000s k c o l B l l A )4-1(Table 5. Block Write Protect BitsREAD: Reading the Pm25LV512/010 via the SO (Serial Output) pin requires the following sequence. After the CE#line is pulled low to select a device, the READ instruction is transmitted via the Sl line followed by the byte address to be read (Refer to Table 7). Upon completion, any data on the Sl line will be ignored. The data (D7-D0) atthe specified address is then shifted out onto the SO line. If only one byte is to be read, the CE# line should be driven high after the data comes out. The READ instruction can be continued since the byte address is automati-cally incremented and data will continue to be shifted out. For the Pm25LV512/010, when the highest address is reached, the address counter will roll over to the lowest address allowing the entire memory to be read in one continuous READ instruction.FAST_READ: The device is first selected by driving CE# low. The FAST READ instruction is followed by a 3-byte address (A23-A0) and a dummy byte, each bit being latched-in during the rising edge of SCK (Serial Clock). Then the memory contents, at that address, is shifted out on SO (Serial Output), each bit being shifted out, at a maximum frequency f FR , during the falling edge of SCK (Serial Clock).The first byte addressed can be at any location. The address is automatically incremented to the next higher address after each byte of data is shifted out. When the highest address is reached, the address counter will roll over to the lowest address allowing the entire memory to be read with a single FAST READ instruction. The FAST READ instruction is terminated by driving CE# high.PAGE PROGRAM (PG_PROG): In order to program the Pm25LV512/010, two separate instructions must be executed. First, the device must be write enabled via the WREN instruction. Then the PAGE PROGRAM instruc-tion can be executed. Also, the address of the memory location(s) to be programmed must be outside the pro-tected address field location selected by the Block Write Protection Level. During an internal self-timed program-ming cycle, all commands will be ignored except the RDSR instruction.The PAGE PROGRAM instruction requires the following sequence. After the CE# line is pulled low to select the device, the PAGE PROGRAM instruction is transmitted via the Sl line followed by the address and the data (D7-D0)to be programmed (Refer to Table 7). Programming will start after the CE# pin is brought high. The low-to-high transition of the CE# pin must occur during the SCK low time immediately after clocking in the D0 (LSB) data bit.The READY/BUSY status of the device can be determined by initiating a RDSR instruction. If Bit 0 = 1, the program cycle is still in progress. If Bit 0=0, the program cycle has ended. Only the RDSR instruction is enabled during the program cycle. A single PROGRAM instruction programs 1 to 256 consecutive bytes within a page if it is not write protected. The starting byte could be anywhere within the page. When the end of the page is reached, the address will wrap around to the beginning of the same page. If the data to be programmed are less than a full page, the data of all other bytes on the same page will remain unchanged. If more than 256 bytes of data are provided, the address counter will roll over on the same page and the previous data provided will be replaced. The same byte cannot be reprogrammed without erasing the whole sector/block first. The Pm25LV512/010 will automatically return to the write disable state at the completion of the PROGRAM cycle.Note: If the device is not write enabled (WREN) the device will ignore the Write instruction and will return to thestandby state, when CE# is brought high. A new CE# falling edge is required to re-initiate the serial e r d d A 215V L 52m P 010V L 52m P A NA 51A -0A 61A -0st i B e r a C t 'n o D A 32A -61A 32A -71Table 7. Address Keys s e r d d A k c o l B kc o l B 215V L 52m P kc o l B 010V L 52m P F F F 700o t 0000001k c o l B 1k c o l B F F F F 00o t 0008002k c o l B 2k c o l B F F F 710o t 000010A /N 3k c o l B FF F F 10o t 000810A/N 4k c o l B Table 8. Block AddressesSECTOR_ERASE, BLOCK_ERASE: Before a byte can be reprogrammed, the sector/block which contains the byte must be erased. In order to erase the Pm25LV512/010, two separate instructions must be executed. First, the device must be write enabled via the WREN instruction. Then the SECTOR ERASE or BLOCK ERASE instruction can be executed.The BLOCK ERASE instruction erases every byte in the selected block if the block is not locked out. Block address is automatically determined if any address within the block is selected. The BLOCK ERASE instruction is internally controlled; it will automatically be timed to completion. During this time, all commands will be ignored,except RDSR instruction. The Pm25LV512/010 will automatically return to the write disable state at the completion of the BLOCK ERASE cycle.CHIP_ERASE: As an alternative to the SECTOR and BLOCK ERASE, the CHIP ERASE instruction will erase every byte in all blocks that are not locked out. First, the device must be write enabled via the WREN instruction.Then the CHIP ERASE instruction can be executed. The CHIP ERASE instruction is internally controlled; it will automatically be timed to completion. The CHIP ERASE cycle time maximum is 100 miliseconds. During the internal erase cycle, all instructions will be ignored except RDSR. The Pm25LV512/010 will automatically return to the write disable state at the completion of the CHIP ERASE.HOLD: The HOLD# pin is used in conjunction with the CE# pin to select the Pm25LV512/010. When the device is selected and a serial sequence is underway, HOLD# pin can be used to pause the serial communication with the master device without resetting the serial sequence. T o pause, the HOLD# pin must be brought low while the SCK pin is low. To resume serial communication, the HOLD# pin is brought high while the SCK pin is low (SCK may still toggle during HOLD). Inputs to the Sl pin will be ignored while the SO pin is in the high impedance state.HARDWARE WRITE PROTECT: The Pm25LV512/010 has a write lockout feature that can be activated by assert-ing the write protect pin (WP#). When the lockout feature is activated, locked-out sectors will be READ only. The write protect pin will allow normal read/write operations when held high. When the WP# is brought low and WPEN bit is "1", all write operations to the status register are inhibited. WP# going low while CE# is still low will interrupt a write to the status register. If the internal status register write cycle has already been initiated, WP# going low will have no effect on any write operation to the status register. The WP# pin function is blocked when the WPEN bit in the status register is "0". This will allow the user to install the Pm25LV512/010 in a system with the WP# pin tied to ground and still be able to write to the status register. All WP# pin functions are enabled when the WPEN bit is set to "1".DC AND AC OPERATING RANGEABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1)Notes:1.Stresses under those listed in “Absolute Maximum Ratings ” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only. The functional operation of the device or any other conditions under those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is notimplied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating condition for extended periods may affected device reliability.2.Maximum DC voltage on input or I/O pins are V CC + 0.5 V. During voltage transitioning period, input or I/O pins may overshoot to V CC + 2.0 V for a period of time up to 20 ns.Minimum DC voltage on input or I/O pins are -0.5 V. During voltage transitioning period,input or I/O pins may undershoot GND to -2.0 V for a period of time up to 20 ns.s a i B r e d n U e r u t a r e p m e T C °521+o t C °56-er u t a r e p m e T e g a r o t S C °521+o t C °56-er u t a r e p m e T g n i r e d l o S d a e L t n u o M e c a f r u S eg a k c a P d r a d n a t S s d n o c e S 3C °042eg a k c a P e e r f -d a e L s d n o c e S 3C °062s n i P l l A n o d n u o r G o t t c e p s e R h t i w e g a t l o V t u p n I )2(V o t V 5.0-C C V 5.0+d n u o r G o t t c e p s e R h t i w e g a t l o V t u p t u O l l A V o t V 5.0-C C V 5.0+V C C )2(V0.6+o t V 5.0-r e b m u N t r a P 010/215V L 52m P e r u t a r e p m e T g n i t a r e p O C °07o t C °0yl p p u S r e w o P c c V V6.3-V7.2DC CHARACTERISTICSApplicable over recommended operating range from:T AC = 0°C to +70°C, V CC = +2.7 V to +3.6 V (unless otherwise noted).l o b m y S r e t e m a r a P no i t i d n o C ni M p y T x a M s t i n U I 1C C t n e r r u C d a e R e v i t c A c c V V C C n e p O =O S ,z H M 52t a V 6.3=0151A m I 2C C t n e r r u C e s a r E /m a r g o r P c c V V C C n e P O =O S ,z H M 52t a V 6.3=5103A m I 1B S S O M C t n e r r u C y b d n a t S c c V V C C V =#E C ,V 6.3=CC 1.05A µI 2B S L T T t n e r r u C y b d n a t S c c V V C C V =#E C ,V 6.3=H I V o t C C 50.03A m I I L t n e r r u C e g a k a e L t u p n I V N I V o t V 0=CC 1A µI O L t n e r r u C e g a k a e L t u p t u O V N I V o t V 0=C C T ,C A C°07o t C °0=1A µV L I e g a t l o V w o L t u p n I 5.0-8.0V V H I e g a t l o V h g I H t u p n I V 7.0C C V C C 3.0+V V L O e g a t l o V w o L t u p t u O V6.3<C C V <V7.2I L O Am 1.2=54.0V V HO eg a t l o V h g i H t u p t u O I H O A µ001-=V C C 2.0-Vl o b m y S r e t e m a r a P n i M py T x a M s t i n U f R F r o f y c n e u q e r F k c o l C DA E R _T S A F 052z H M f R s n o i t c u r t s n i D A E R r o f y c n e u q e r F k c o l C 002z H M t I R e m i T e s i R t u p n I 02s n t I F e m i T l l a F t u p n I 02s n t H K C e m i T h g i H K C S 02s n t L K C e m i T w o L K C S 02s n t H E C e m i T h g i H E C 52s n t S C e m i T p u t e S E C 52s n t H C e m i T d l o H E C 52s n t S D e m i T p u t e S n I a t a D 5s n t H D e m i T d l o H n i a t a D 5s n t S H e m i T p u t e S d l o H 51s n t D H e m i T d l o H 51s n t V d i l a V t u p t u O 51s n t H O e m i T d l o H t u p t u O 0s n t Z L Z w o L t u p t u O o t d l o H 002s n t Z H Z h g i H t u p t u O o t d l o H 002s n t S I D em i T e l b a s i D t u p t u O 001s n t C E e m i T e s a r E p i h C /k c o l B /r e t c e S 04001s m t p p e m i T m a r g o r P e g a P 25s m t wem i t r e t s i g e R s u t a t S e t i r W 04001sm AC CHARACTERISTICSApplicable over recommended operating range from T A = 0°C to +70°C, V CC = +2.7 V to +3.6 V C L = 1TTL Gate and 30 pF (unless otherwise noted).BLOCK ERASE TimingCHIP ERASE Timing123456789101128293031123212223...3-BYTE ADDRESSINSTRUCTION = 1101 1000bHIGH IMPEDANCECE#SCKSIS O01234567HIGH IMPEDANCESCKCE#SI S OINSTRUCTION = 1100 0111b123456789101128293031123212223...3-BYTE ADDRESSINSTRUCTION = 1101 0111bHIGH IMPEDANCECE#SCKSIS OSECTOR ERASE TimingPROGRAM/ERASE PERFORMANCEre t e m a r a P t i n U p y T x a M sk r a m e R e m i T e s a r E r o t c e S s m 04001n o i t e l p m o c e s a r e o t d n a m m o c e s a r e g n i t i r w m o r F e m i T e s a r E k c o l B s m 04001n o i t e l p m o c e s a r e o t d n a m m o c e s a r e g n i t i r w m o r F e m i T e s a r E p i h C s m 04001n o i t e l p m o c e s a r e o t d n a m m o c e s a r e g n i t i r w m o r F em i T g n i m m a r g o r P e g a P sm 25m a r g o r p o t d n a m m o c m a r g o r p g n i t i r w m o r F no i t e l p m o c re t e m a r a P n i M p y T t i n U do h t e M t s e T e c n a r u d n E 000,001)2(s e l c y C 711A d r a d n a t S C E D E J no i t n e t e R a t a D 02s r a e Y 301A d r a d n a t S C E D E J l e d o M y d o B n a m u H -D S E 000,2s t l o V 411A d r a d n a t S C E D E J l e d o M e n i h c a M -D S E 002s t l o V 511A d r a d n a t S C E D E J pU -h c t a L I +0011C C Am 87d r a d n a t S C E D E J Note: These parameters are characterized and are not 100% tested.Note:1. These parameters are characterized and are not 100% tested.2. Preliminary specification only and will be formalized after cycling qualification test.RELIABILITY CHARACTERISTICS (1)`REVISION HISTORYe t a D .o N n o i s i v e R se g n a h Cf o n o i t p i r c s e D .o N e g a P 2002,r e b o t c O 0.1c e p S y r a n i m i l e r P ,n o i t a c i l b u p w e N l l A 2002,r e b m e c e D 1.1es a e l e R l a m r o F l l A 3002,n u J 2.1n o i t p o e g a k c a p N O S W d e d d A 32,3,2,13002,r e b m e c e D 3.1sn o i t p o e g a k c a p e e r f -d a e L d e d d A 21,3,1000,05m o r f s e l c y c e s a r e /m a r g o r p d e e t n a r u g d e d a r g p U )y r a n i m i l e r p (000,001o t 12,1no i s n e m i d e g a k c a p d e w a r d e r d n a d e t a d p U 32,22。
General DescriptionThe MAX13362 is a 24-channel automotive contact mon-itor designed as an interface between mechanical switches and low-voltage processors or other logic cir-cuits. The IC operates over a voltage range of 5.5V to 28V, and withstands voltages up to 40V. It protects low-voltage circuitry from high voltages and reverse battery conditions. The MAX13362’s low-current operation under all operating conditions makes it suitable for use in elec-tronic control units (ECUs) that are connected directly to the automotive battery. It has an adjustable scan mode that significantly reduces the current drawn in key-off.The MAX13362 features an SPI™ interface to monitor the switch status and set the device configuration.Multiple MAX13362s can be cascaded to support any multiple of 24 switches.The MAX13362 is available in a 6mm x 6mm, 40-pin thin QFN package and operates over the -40°C to +125°C temperature range.ApplicationsAutomotive Body Controllers Automotive Door Modules Automotive Smart Junction BoxesFeatures♦9V to 18V Operating Voltage Range with Full Performance ♦Fully Functional Range of 5.5V to 28V ♦Switch Inputs Withstand 27V♦Switch Inputs Withstand Reverse Battery ♦Ultra-Low Operating Current 100µA (typ) in Scan Mode ♦Built-In Switching Hysteresis ♦Built-In Switch Deglitching♦CMOS-Compatible Logic Outputs Down to 3.0V ♦Interrupt Output to Processor♦Configurable Wetting Current (0mA, 5mA, 10mA,or 15mA) for Each Switch Input ♦AEC-Q100 QualifiedMAX13362________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products1For pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim Directat 1-888-629-4642,or visit Maxim’s website at .Ordering Information*+Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package./V Denotes an automotive qualified part.Typical Application CircuitPin ConfigurationM A X 1336224-Channel Automotive Switch MonitorABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.V DD , CLK, SDI, CS to GND......................................-0.3V to +6V VS, SD , INT to GND................................................-0.3V to +40V IN0–IN23 to GND.....................................................-15V to +27V SDO to GND...............................................-0.3V to (V DD + 0.3V)ESD Protection, All Pins (HBM)............................................±2kV ESD Protection on Pins IN0–IN23 to IEC 61000-4-2 Specification (with added 0.047µF capacitor, and/or 100Ωresistor)....±8kVCurrent Into Any Pin..........................................................±20mA Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)(derate 37mW/°C above +70°C)(multilayer board)....2963mW Operating Temperature Range .........................-40°C to +125°C Junction Temperature........................................-40°C to +150°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°CMAX1336224-Channel Automotive Switch Monitor_______________________________________________________________________________________3ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V DD = 5V, V VS = 14V, T A = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A =+25°C.)M A X 1336224-Channel Automotive Switch Monitor 4_______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 1. SPI Timing CharacteristicsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V DD = 5V, V VS = 14V, T A = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A =+25°C.)Note 2:This current only flows during the polling active time thus the average value is much lower. For example with a polling timeof 64ms and a polling active time of 1ms the average current on an input when connected to 14V is typically 16µA x 1/64 =0.25µA.Note 3:Difference between VS and IN_ voltage when wetting current has dropped to 90% of its nominal value.Note 4:Guaranteed by design.MAX1336224-Channel Automotive Switch Monitor_______________________________________________________________________________________5WETTING CURRENT vs. VS VOLTAGEVS VOLTAGE (V)W E T T I N G C U R R E N T (m A )131********10152005187109811612WETTING CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)W E T T I N G C U R R E N T (m A )4051015200-408020-2012014010060SWITCH STATUS CHANGE (CONTINUOUS MODE)MAX13362 toc0310ms/div10V/div 5mA/divV IN0I WETTV INT 2V/div2V/divV CS0V 5mA10V 0mAWETTING CURRENT (POLLING MODE)5mA4.096ms POLLING TIME512μs POLLING ACTIVE TIME1ms/divW E T T I N G C U R R E N T (5m A /d i v)VS SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE(CONTINUOUS MODE)TEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (μA )100014002200600180********40-408020-2012014010060VS SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE(POLLING MODE)TEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (μA )201204010060-2010011012013090-4014080POLLING TIME = 65.536msPOLLING ACTIVE TIME = 1.024ms ALL CHANNELS OPEN I WETT = 5mAVS SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE(SHUTDOWN MODE)M A X 13362 t o c 07TEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (μA )605. THRESHOLD vs. TEMPERATURE(HIGH SIDE SWITCH)TEMPERATURE (°C)S W I T C H T H R E S H O L D (V )201204010060- THRESHOLD vs. TEMPERATURE(LOW-SIDE SWITCH)TEMPERATURE (°C)S W I T C H T H R E S H O L D (V )201204010060- Operating Characteristics(V DD = V SD = 5V, V VS = 14V, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)M A X 1336224-Channel Automotive Switch MonitorSWITCH THRESHOLD vs. VS VOLTAGE(LOW-SIDE SWITCH)VS VOLTAGE (V)S W I T C H T H R E S H O L D (V )1217131614103. STATUS CHANGE(POLLING MODE)2ms/divV INV INT5V/div2V/div0V0V10VPin DescriptionTypical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V DD = V SD = 5V, V VS = 14V, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)FUNCTIONSwitch Monitor Input Channel 17. Connect IN17 to a ground-connected switch.Switch Monitor Input Channel 18. Connect IN18 to a ground-connected switch.Switch Monitor Input Channel 19. Connect IN19 to a ground-connected switch.Switch Monitor Input Channel 20. Connect IN20 to a ground-connected switch.Switch Monitor Input Channel 21. Connect IN21 to a ground-connected switch.MAX1336224-Channel Automotive Switch Monitor_______________________________________________________________________________________7Pin Description (continued)M A X 1336224-Channel Automotive Switch Monitor 8_______________________________________________________________________________________Functional DiagramDetailed DescriptionThe MAX13362 is a 24-channel automotive contact monitor designed as an interface between mechanical switches and low-voltage microcontrollers or other logic circuits. It features an SPI interface to monitor individual switch inputs and to configure interrupt capability, wet-ting current, switch configuration (battery-connected or ground-connected), polling time and polling active time. Any switch status change will cause an interrupt signal if the switch is interrupt enabled. The MAX13362has three modes of operation: continuous mode, polling mode, and shutdown mode.V DD and VSV DD is the power-supply input for the logic input/output circuitry. Connect V DD to a 3V to 5.5V logic-level supply. Bypass V DD to G ND with at least a 0.1µF capacitor placed as close as possible to V DD .VS is the main power-supply input. Bypass VS to GND with a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor placed as close as pos-sible to VS. In addition, bypass VS with a 47µF or greater capacitor.Mechanical Switch Inputs (IN0–IN23)IN0–IN23 are the inputs for remote mechanical switch-es. The switch status is indicated by the S0–S23 bits in the status register, and each switch input can be pro-grammed to assert an interrupt (INT ) by writing to the IE0–IE23 bits in the command register. All switch inputs are interrupt disabled upon power-up.The IN4–IN22 inputs are intended for ground-connect-ed switches. The IN0–IN3 and IN23 inputs can be pro-grammed for either ground-connected switches orbattery-connected switches by writing to the LH0–LH3and LH23 bits (see Table 2). The default configuration of the IN0–IN3 and IN23 inputs after power-up is for ground-connected switches.Wetting CurrentThe MAX13362 applies a programmable wetting current to any closed switch to clean switch contacts that are exposed to adverse conditions. The wetting current for each switch can be set to 0mA, 5mA, 10mA, or 15mA by the W_.0 and W_.1 data bits in the command regis-ters (see Table 5) by means of an SPI data transaction.When using wetting current, special care must be taken to avoid exceeding the maximum power dissipa-tion of the MAX13362 (see the Applications Information section). Disabling the wetting current or limiting the active-wetting current time reduces power consump-tion. The default state upon power-up is with wetting current disabled.Interrupt Output (INT )INT is an active-low, open-drain output that asserts low when any of the switch inputs change state and is enabled for interrupts, or when the overtemperature threshold is exceeded. An external pullup resistor to V DD is needed on INT . INT is cleared when CS is driven low for a read/write operation. However, in polling mode,any switch state change or overtemperature change which occurs during an SPI transaction is stored and causes an additional interrupt after the SPI transaction is over and CS goes high (shown in Figure 2).If V DD is absent, the INT output is functional provided that it is pulled up to a different supply voltage.MAX1336224-Channel Automotive Switch Monitor_______________________________________________________________________________________9Figure 2. Switch State Change During the SPI transactionM A X 13362Serial Peripheral Interface(CS , SDO, SDI, CLK)The MAX13362 operates as a serial peripheral interface (SPI) slave device. An SPI master accesses and pro-grams the MAX13362 by reading/writing the control registers. The control registers are 32 bits wide, have 2command bits (or register addresses) and 30 data bits (see Table 1). Figure 3 shows the read/write sequence through SPI. The SPI logic counts the number of bits clocked into the IC (using a modulo-32 counter so thatdaisy chaining is possible) and enables data latching only if exactly 32 bits (or an integer multiple thereof)have been clocked in.Status RegisterThe status register contains the status of the switches connected to IN0–IN23. The status register also con-tains an overtemperature warning bit, a power-on-reset bit and a device type bit (see Table 1). The status reg-ister is accessed by the SPI-compatible interface.24-Channel Automotive Switch Monitor 10______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 3. SPI Read/Write Sequence分销商库存信息:MAXIMMAX13362ATL/V+T MAX13362ATL/V+。
PARAMETER I/O PIN GENERAL DATA 1-Wire Pullup Resistance Input Capacitance Input Load Current High-to-Low Switching Threshold Input Low Voltage Low-to-High Switching Threshold Switching Hysteresis Output Low Voltage Recovery Time (Notes 2, 12) Rising-Edge Hold-off Time (Notes 5, 13) Timeslot Duration (Notes 2, 14) RPUP CIO IL VTL VIL VTH VHY VOL tREC tREH tSLOT (Notes 2, 3) (Notes 4, 5) I/O pin at VPUP (Notes 5, 6, 7) (Notes 2, 8) (Notes 5, 6, 9) (Notes 5, 6, 10) At 4mA (Note 11) Standard speed Overdrive speed Standard speed Overdrive speed Standard speed Overdrive speed Standard speed Overdrive speed Standard speed Overdrive speed Standard speed Overdrive speed Standard speed Overdrive speed Standard speed Overdrive speed Standard speed Overdrive speed Standard speed Overdrive speed Standard speed Overdrive speed SYMBOL CONDITIONS
Anritsu 28 29系列高精度终端操作和维护手册说明书
Anritsu Company 490 Jarvis DriveMorgan Hill, CA 95037-2809USA PN: 10100-00004Revision: MPrinted: September 2008Copyright 1983–2008 Anritsu CompanyOPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUALFOR PRECISION TERMINATIONS1.INTRODUCTIONThis manual describes the 28 series 50-ohm terminations and the 29 series offset-referenceterminations. It provides specifications, performance verification instructions, and a list of precautions the user should observe when using terminations.2.DESCRIPTIONThe 28 series terminations consist of precision resistors housed in Type N, GPC-7, WSMA, K, V and W1 precision-connector bodies. The 29 series are precision terminations housed in GPC-7, WSMA and K bodies that produce a 15 or 20 dB reflection of radio and microwave frequency energy. 3.SPECIFICATIONSTable 1 provides performance specifications for the 28 series terminations, and Table 2 providesspecifications for the 29 series offset terminations.4.PRECAUTIONSAnritsu terminations are high-quality, precision laboratory instruments and should receive the same care afforded other such instruments. Complying with the following precautionary notes will guarantee longer component life and less equipment downtime due to connector failure. Also, such compliance will ensure that termination failures are not due to misuse or abuse, two failure modes not covered under the Anritsu warranty.a.Beware of Destructive Pin Depth on Mating Connectors. Before mating, measure the pin depth (Figure 2) of the device that will mate with the termination, using a pin depth gauge(Figure 3) or equivalent. Based on terminations returned for repair, destructive pin depth ofmating connectors is the major cause of failure in the field. When the termination is mated with a connector having a destructive pin depth, damage will likely occur to the termination. (A destructive pin depth has a center pin that is too long in respect to the connector’s reference plane.)Figure 1. Model 28K50 50 Ohm Termination and Model28NF50-2 50 Ohm TerminationFigure 2. N Connector Pin Depth Definition19812PN: 10100-00004 Revision M 28/29 Series Terminations OMMTable 1. Performance Specifications for 28 Series Precision TerminationsAll Models: Max. Input Power: 0.5 watts (+27 dBm)Characteristic Impedance is 50 OhmsModelFrequency Range (GHz)Test Port Connector SWR28N50-3DC to 8 N Male1.0328NF50-3 N Female 28N50-2DC to 18 N Male1.02 Max.28NF50-2 N Female 28A50 DC to 18 GPC-7 1.01 + 0.001F (F in GHz)28A50-1 1.01 + 0.001F, 1.02 Max. (F in GHz)28S50-1 DC to 26.5 WSMA Male 1.020 to 18.5 GHz1.153 to 26.5 GHz 28SF50-1 DC to 26.5WSMA Female1.020 to 18.5 GHz 1.153 to 26.5 GHz28K50DC to 40 K Male1.040 to 18.5 GHz1.070 to 26.5 GHz1.135 to 40 GHz 28KF50 K Female K210DC to 40K Male1.106 to 18 GHz1.253 to 40 GHz V210 DC to 65 V Male1.120 to 18 GHz 1.253 to 26.5 GHz 1.329 to 40 GHz 1.432 to 65 GHz28V50C DC to 67V Male1.018 to 26 GHz 1.030 to 20 GHz 1.050 to 50 GHz 1.080 to 65 GHz1.100 to 67 GHz 28VF50C V Female 28W50DC to 110W1 Male1.046 to 20 GHz 1.058 to 65 GHz 1.330 to 110 GHz28WF50 W1 Female 1.052 to 20 GHz1.066 to 65 GHz1.500 to 110 GHzTable 2. Performance Specifications for 29 Series Offset-Reference TerminationsAll Models: Max. Input Power: 0.25 watts (+24 dBm)ModelFrequency Range (GHz)Test Port ConnectorReturn Loss (dB)29A50-20DC to 18GPC-720 ± 0.5 to 1 GHz 20 ± 1.0 to 4 GHz 20 ± 1.5 to 18 GHz 29S50-20 DC to 26.5 WSMA Male 20 ± 1.5 to 18.5 GHz 20 ± 2.5 to 26.5 GHz 29SF50-20DC to 26.5WSMA Female20 ± 1.5 to 18.5 GHz 20 ± 2.5 to 26.5 GHz 29K50-15 DC to 40 K Male15 ± 1.5 to 18.5 GHz 15 ± 2.5 to 26.5 GHz 15 ± 3.5 to 40 GHz 29KF50-15 DC to 40 K Female15 ± 1.5 to 18.5 GHz 15 ± 2.5 to 26.5 GHz 15 ± 3.5 to 40 GHz28/29 Series Terminations OMM PN: 10100-00004 Revision M 3The center pin of termination connectors has a precision pin depth tolerance. Connectors on test devices that mate with terminations may not be precision types and may not have the proper depth. They must be measured before mating to ensure suitability. When gauging pin depth, if the test device connector measures out of tolerance (Table 3) in the “+” region of the gauge (Figure 3), the center pin is too long. Mating under this condition will likely damage the termination connector. On the other hand, if the test device connector measures out of tolerance in the “–” region, the center pin is too short. While this will not cause any damage, it will result in a poor connection and a consequent degradation in performance.b.Avoid Over Torquing Connectors. Overtorquing connectors is destructive; it may damage the connector center pin. See Table 4 for torque recommendations. c.Do Not Disturb Tuning Washers on Connector Center Pins. The center conductor on some terminations contains a small tuning washer located near the point of mating (interface) (Figure 4). This washer compensates for minor impedance discontinuities at the interface. The washer’s location is critical to the RF component’s performance. Do not disturb it.d.Avoid Applying Excessive Power. The 28 series terminations have a maximum power rating of 0.5 watts. The 29 series, 20 dB offset terminations are rated at 0.25 watts. Applying power levels beyond these values, for even short durations, can damage the termination resistor.e.Avoid Mechanical Shock. Terminations are designed to withstand years of normal benchhandling. However, do not drop or otherwise treat them roughly. They are laboratory-qualitydevices, and like other such devices, they require careful handling.Figure 3. Pin Depth Gauge ScaleTable 3. Terminations Pin-DepthPort / Conn. TypePin Depth (Inch)GPC-70.000–0.003N Male 0.2070.000+0.003N Female 0.2070.000−0.003WSMA Male –0.0025–0.0035WSMA Female0.0000–0.0010K Male0.000–0.003K Female V Male 0.000–0.002V Female W1 Male 0.0000–0.0012W1 FemaleTable 4. Torque Wrench RecommendationsConn. TypeTorque Wrench Model #Torque Spec (in-lbs)Open End Wrench Model #GPC-701-20012 NAN SMA / 3.5 mm 01-201801-204K (2.92 mm)V (1.85 mm)W1 (1 mm)01-504401-505Figure 4. Tuning Washer on GPC-7 ConnectorNote:The tuning washer is shown on a GPC-7 connector. A similar washer may be installed on any Anritsu precision connectors.f.Keep Termination Connectors Clean. Theprecise geometry that makes the termination’s high performance possible can be disturbed bydirt and other contamination adhering toconnector interfaces. When not in use, keep the termination connectors covered.Connector CleaningOver time the outer conductor mating interface will build up a layer of dirt and metal chips that can severely degrade the connector’s electricaland mechanical performance. The build up also tends to increase the coupling torque which can damage the mating interface. The cleaning ofconnectors is essential for maintaining goodelectrical performance. The connectors should be checked for cleanliness before making anymeasurements (or calibration). The cleaningprocedure is listed below:Required Items:1. Low pressure compressed air (solvent free)2. Lint-free cotton swabs3. Isopropyl alcohol4. MicroscopeCleaning Procedure:1. Remove loose particles on the mating surfacesand threads etc. using low-pressure compressedair.2. The threads of the connector should becleaned with a cotton swab. When theconnector threads are clean, the connectionscan be hand-tightened to within a half a turnof the proper torque.3. Clean mating plane surfaces using alcohol oncotton swabs (Figure5). Pay close attention tothe size of the cotton swab. Use only enoughsolvent to clean the surface. Use the leastpossible pressure to avoid damaging connectorsurfaces. Do not spray solvents directly on toconnector surfaces or use contaminatedsolvents.g.Maintenance. Anritsu recommends that nomaintenance other than cleaning be attempted by the customer. The termination should be returned to Anritsu for repair and/or service when needed. Figure5. Cleaning Technique Using Cotton Swabs CautionIf installed, do not disturb the tuningwasher on the center conductor.See paragraph 4c.4PN: 10100-00004 Revision M28/29 Series Terminations OMM5.PERFORMANCE VERIFICATIONThe performance of precision terminations can be verified using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). With proper calibration, measurements are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Table5 lists the recommended Anritsu calibration kit and calibration type for each termination interface.(1)Sliding terminations are unavailable for the N and W1 interface.A sliding termination calibration is recommended in cases when high return loss accuracy is required. While the quality of the termination enters into the error terms of a VNA calibration, it is the directivity that suffers the most if the termination’s return loss degrades with increasing frequency as is the case with broadband loads. The directivity after a fixed load calibration is in the 25 dB range at 50 GHz whereas the same calibration done with a sliding load would yield directivity in the 34 dB range. Therefore, when neglecting other sources of error, measuring a 20 dB return loss device in a system having a directivity of 25 dB would have a maximum absolute error of 7.20 dB. The same device measured in a system having a directivity of 34 dB would have a maximum absolute error of 1.95 dB. Clearly, the sliding termination is the better calibration standard when measuring precision terminations.Refer to the network analyzer operation manual for a complete step-by-step procedure on how to perform a sliding termination calibration.Table 5. Recommended Calibration KitTermination Interface Calibration KitModel Number Calibration TypeSMA / 3.5 mm 3650-1 Sliding terminationGPC-7 3651-1SlidingterminationN 3653 SOLT(1)K 3652-1SlidingterminationV 3654C SlidingterminationW1 3656Offsetshort(1)28/29 Series Terminations OMM PN: 10100-00004 Revision M5WARRANTYAnritsu terminations are warranted against defects in materials andworkmanship for one year from the date of shipment. Anritsu’s obligation coversrepairing or replacing products which prove to be defective during the warrantyperiod. Buyers shall prepay transportation charges for equipment returned toAnritsu for warranty repairs. Obligation is limited to the original purchaser.Anritsu is not liable for consequential damages.LIMITATION OF WARRANTYThe foregoing warranty does not apply to Anritsu connectors that have faileddue to normal wear. Also, the warranty does not apply to defects resulting fromimproper or inadequate maintenance by the Buyer, unauthorized modificationor misuse, or operation outside of the environmental specifications of theproduct. No other warranty is expressed or implied, and the remedies providedherein are the Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies.NOTICEAnritsu Company has prepared this manual for use by Anritsu Companypersonnel and customers as a guide for the proper installation, operationand maintenance of Anritsu Company equipment and computer programs.The drawings, specifications, and information contained herein are theproperty of Anritsu Company, and any unauthorized use or disclosure of thesedrawings, specifications, and information is prohibited; they shall not bereproduced, copied, or used in whole or in part as the basis for manufactureor sale of the equipment or software programs without the prior written consentof Anritsu Company.6PN: 10100-00004 Revision M28/29 Series Terminations OMM28/29 Series Terminations OMM PN: 10100-00004 Revision M7Printed on Recycled Paper with Vegetable Soybean Oil InkAnritsu Company490 Jarvis Drive Morgan Hill, CA 95037-2809USA 。
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Features Array•Single 3.3V ± 10% Supply•Fast Read Access Time – 200 ns•Automatic Page Write Operation–Internal Address and Data Latches for 128 Bytes–Internal Control Timer•Fast Write Cycle Time–Page Write Cycle Time – 10 ms Maximum–1 to 128-Byte Page Write Operation•Low Power Dissipation–15 mA Active Current–20µA CMOS Standby Current•Hardware and Software Data Protection•DATA Polling for End of Write Detection•High Reliability CMOS Technology–Endurance: 105 Cycles–Data Retention: 10 Years•JEDEC Approved Byte-Wide Pinout•Industrial Temperature Range•Green (Pb/Halide-free) Packaging Option Only1.DescriptionThe AT28LV010 is a high-performance 3-volt only Electrically Erasable and Program-mable Read-Only Memory. Its 1 megabit of memory is organized as 131,072 words by 8 bits. Manufactured with Atmel’s advanced nonvolatile CMOS technology, the device offers access times to 200 ns with power dissipation of just 54 mW. When the device is deselected, the CMOS standby current is less than 20µA.The AT28LV010 is accessed like a Static RAM for the read or write cycle without the need for external components. The device contains a 128-byte page register to allow writing of up to 128 bytes simultaneously. During a write cycle, the address and 1 to 128 bytes of data are internally latched, freeing the address and data bus for other operations. Following the initiation of a write cycle, the device will automatically write the latched data using an internal control timer. The end of a write cycle can benew access for a read or write can begin.Atmel’s 28LV010 has additional features to ensure high quality and manufacturability. The device utilizes internal error correction for extended endurance and improved data retention characteristics. Software data protection is implemented to guard against inadvertent writes. The device also includes an extra 128 bytes of EEPROMfor device identification or tracking.2.Pin Configurations2.132-lead PLCC Top ViewPin Name Function A0 - A16Addresses CE Chip Enable OE Output Enable WE Write Enable I/O0 - I/O7Data Inputs/Outputs NC No Connect DCDon’t Connect2.232-lead TSOP Top View3.Block Diagram4.Device Operation4.1Readdata stored at the memory location determined by the address pins is asserted on the outputs.control gives designers flexibility in preventing bus contention in their system.4.2WriteThe write operation of the AT28LV010 allows 1 to 128 bytes of data to be written into thedevice during a single internal programming period. Each write operation must be preceded bythe software data protection (SDP) command sequence. This sequence is a series of threeunique write command operations that enable the internal write circuitry. The commandsequence and the data to be written must conform to the software protected write cycle timing.Addresses are latched on the falling edge of WE or CE, whichever occurs last and data iswritten within 150 µs (t BLC) of the previous byte. If the t BLC limit is exceeded the AT28LV010will cease accepting data and commence the internal programming operation. If more thanone data byte is to be written during a single programming operation, they must reside on theduring the page write operation, A7 - A16 must be the same.The A0 to A6 inputs are used to specify which bytes within the page are to be written. Thebytes may be loaded in any order and may be altered within the same load period. Only byteswhich are specified for writing will be written; unnecessary cycling of other bytes within thepage does not occur.40395F–PEEPR–08/09AT28LV0104.3page write cycle an attempted read of the last byte written will result in the complement of the written data to be presented on I/O7. Once the write cycle has been completed, true data is valid on all outputs, and the next write cycle may begin. DATA Polling may begin at anytime during the write cycle.4.4Toggle BitIn addition to DATA Polling the AT28LV010 provides another method for determining the end of a write cycle. During the write operation, successive attempts to read data from the device will result in I/O6 toggling between one and zero. Once the write has completed, I/O6 will stop toggling and valid data will be read. Reading the toggle bit may begin at any time during the write cycle.4.5Data ProtectionIf precautions are not taken, inadvertent writes may occur during transitions of the host system power supply. Atmel ® has incorporated both hardware and software features that will protect the memory against inadvertent writes.4.5.1Hardware ProtectionHardware features protect against inadvertent writes to the AT28LV010 in the following ways:(a) V CC power-on delay – once V CC has reached 2.0V (typical) the device will automatically time out 5 ms (typical) before allowing a write; (b) write inhibit – holding any one of OE low, CE the WE or CE inputs will not initiate a write cycle.4.5.2Software Data ProtectionThe AT28LV010 incorporates the industry standard software data protection (SDP) function.Unlike standard 5-volt only EEPROM’s, the AT28LV010 has SDP enabled at all times. There-fore, all write operations must be preceded by the SDP command sequence.The data in the 3-byte command sequence is not written to the device; the addresses in the command sequence can be utilized just like any other location in the device. Any attempt to write to the device without the 3-byte sequence will start the internal timers. No data will be written to the device. However, for the duration of t WC , read operations will effectively be poll-ing operations.50395F–PEEPR–08/09AT28LV010Notes:1.X can be V IL or V IH .2.Refer to AC Programming Waveforms.5.DC and AC Operating RangeAT28LV010-20AT28LV010-25OperatingT emperature (Case)Ind.-40°C - 85°C -40°C - 85°C V CC Power Supply3.3V ± 5%3.3V ± 10%6.Operating ModesMode CE OE WE I/O Read V IL V IL V IH D OUT Write (2)V IL V IH V IL D IN Standby/Write Inhibit V IH X (1)X High ZWrite Inhibit X X V IH Write Inhibit X V IL X Output Disable XV IHXHigh Z 7.Absolute Maximum Ratings*T emperature Under Bias................................-55°C to +125°C *NOTICE:Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent dam-age to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliabilityStorage T emperature.....................................-65°C to +150°C All Input Voltages (including NC Pins)with Respect to Ground...................................-0.6V to +6.25V All Output Voltageswith Respect to Ground.............................-0.6V to V CC + 0.6V Voltage on OE and A9with Respect to Ground...................................-0.6V to +13.5V8.DC CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter Condition MinMax Units I LI Input Load Current V IN = 0V to V CC 1µA I LO Output Leakage Current V I/O = 0V to V CC1µA I SB V CC Standby Current CMOS CE = V CC - 0.3V to V CC + 1VInd.50µA I CC V CC Active Current f = 5 MHz; I OUT = 0 mA; V CC = 3.6V15mA V IL Input Low Voltage 0.8V V IH Input High Voltage 2.0V V OL Output Low Voltage I OL = 1.6 mA; V CC = 3.0V 0.45V V OHOutput High VoltageI OH = -100 μA; V CC = 3.0V2.4V60395F–PEEPR–08/09AT28LV01010.AC Read Waveforms (1)(2)(3)(4)Notes:1.ACC - t CE after the address transition without impact on t ACC .2.CE - t OE CE or by t ACC - t OE after an address changewithout impact on t ACC .3.t DF is specified from OE or CE whichever occurs first (C L = 5 pF).4.This parameter is characterized and is not 100% tested.5.If CE is de-asserted, it must remain de-asserted for at least 50ns during read operations otherwise incorrect data may beread.9.AC Read CharacteristicsSymbol ParameterAT28LV010-20Units MinMax t ACC Address to Output Delay 200ns t CE (1)CE to Output Delay 200ns t OE (2)OE to Output Delay 080ns t DF (3)(4)CE or OE to Output Float055ns t OH Output Hold from OE, CE or Address, Whichever Occurred First 0ns t CEPH (5)CE Pulse High Time50ns70395F–PEEPR–08/09AT28LV01011.Input Test Waveforms and Measurement Level12.Output Test LoadNote:1.This parameter is characterized and is not 100% tested.R F 13.Pin Capacitancef = 1 MHz, T = 25°C (1)Symbol Typ Max Units Conditions C IN 46pF V IN = 0V C OUT 812pFV OUT = 0V80395F–PEEPR–08/09AT28LV010Note:1.All write operations must be preceded by the SDP command sequence.15.AC Write Waveforms15.115.214.AC Write Characteristics (1)Symbol ParameterMin MaxUnits t AS , t OES Address, OE Set-up Time 0ns t AH Address Hold Time 100ns t CS Chip Select Set-up Time 0ns t CH Chip Select Hold Time 0ns t WP Write Pulse Width (WE or CE)200ns t DS Data Set-up Time 100ns t DH , t OEH Data, OE Hold Time10ns90395F–PEEPR–08/09AT28LV01017.Programming AlgorithmNotes: 1.Data Format: I/O7 - I/O0 (Hex); Address Format: A14 - A0 (Hex).2.Data protect state will be re-activated at the end of program cycle.3. 1 to 128 bytes of data are loaded.18.Software Protected Program Cycle Waveforms (1)(2)(3)Notes: 1.A0 - A14 must conform to the addressing sequence for the first three bytes as shown above.2.After the command sequence has been issued and a page write operation follows, the page address inputs (A7 - A16) mustbe the same for each high to low transition of WE (or CE).3.OE must be high only when WE and CE are both low.16.Software Protected Write CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter MinMax Units t WC Write Cycle Time 10ms t AS Address Set-up Time 0ns t AH Address Hold Time100ns t DS Data Set-up Time 100ns t DH Data Hold Time 10ns t WP Write Pulse Width 200ns t BLC Byte Load Cycle Time 150µs t WPHWrite Pulse Width High100ns100395F–PEEPR–08/09AT28LV010Notes:1.These parameters are characterized and not 100% tested.2.See AC Read Characteristics20.Data Polling WaveformsNotes:1.These parameters are characterized and not 100% tested.2.See AC Read Characteristics22.Toggle Bit WaveformsNotes: 1.Toggling either OE or CE or both OE and CE will operate toggle bit.2.Beginning and ending state of I/O6 will vary.3.Any address location may be used but the address should not vary.19.Data Polling Characteristics (1)Symbol Parameter Min TypMaxUnits t DH Data Hold Time 10ns t OEH OE Hold Time 10ns t OE OE to Output Delay (2)ns t WR Write Recovery Timens21.Toggle Bit Characteristics (1)Symbol Parameter Min TypMaxUnits t DH Data Hold Time 10ns t OEH OE Hold Time 10ns t OE OE to Output Delay (2)ns t OEHP OE High Pulse 150ns t WR Write Recovery Time0ns分销商库存信息:ATMELAT28LV010-20JU AT28LV010-20TU。