
Date:Our Reference:To: AAAACONFIRMATION FOR AUDIT PURPOSESPWC Certified Public Accountants(Special General Partnership)Zhuhai Branch (herein with “the firm”), which receipted our requirement, is in the process of conducting the financial statements of our Company ending Dec.31, 2014. In accordance with the China’s Independen t Auditing Standards, the firm should confirm the transaction items between us.If the listed balance recorded in our books agrees with your records please confirm by signing at the foot this page. If you do not agree the listed balance, we should be grateful you would give the amount and the reasons according to your records for your disagreement on the position. In any occasion, please return this letter directly to the firm. The connection details are as follows, or you can e-mail the PDF of the confirmation to: 12333@ 568.co Address:Postal Code:Tel:Fax:Email:Auditor:Confirmation Items:2.Other items:This letter is not a request for the payment. If you may have settled the above account after the date mentioned above, also, we appreciate your confirmation.Yours faithfully.55555公司Agreed Disagreed (Details Provided)Authorised Signature/s and Chop Date :。
中英文询证函 Request for confirmation of balances

No.xxxxxxxxx To: xxxxxxxxxx谨启回复:Signature 单位签章:Signature 单位签章:Date 日期 :Date日期 :This is not a request for paymentDisagreed (Please list the discrepancy items)数据和相关事项不符及需加说明事项REQUEST FOR CONFIRMATION OF BALANCESOur auditor, xxxxx, is auditing the current account balance that has not been cleared by December 31, xxxx. To meet the requirements of "Independent Auditing Standards of Chinese Certified Public Accountants", the balance of your account with us needs to be confirmed. The data listed below is the balance of our account. If it is consistent with your company's records, please confirm by signing at the "Agreed" column. If there is any discrepancy, please list the discrepancy items in the "Disagreed" column.Thank you!xxxxxxx Co., Ltd.本公司xxxxx聘请的xxxxx正在对本公司办截止xxxx年12月31日未及时清理的往来账进行审计,按照中国注册会计师审计准则的要求,应当询证本公司办与贵公司的往来账项等事项。

Hong Kong.
You are hereby authorised to debit any charge for this service to our account number ………………………………………. It is understood that your reply to this request will in no way prejudice your rights in respect of your General Lien as Bankers. Yours faithfully,
(SL 10/2002)
To The Manager (Name of bank)
In set of 4 pages
Date __________________________ Dear Sirs, REQUEST FOR BANK CONFIRMATION OF INFORMATION FOR AUDIT PURPOSES (Customer's Name) For the purposes of our annual audit please complete the attached form to show the following information relating to our affairs with your bank as at the close of business on … …… …… . For each item, please state any factors which may limit the completeness of your reply; if there is nothing to report, state "none". Please confirm the position by completing the section headed "Bankers' Confirmation" on the final page of this request. You are hereby authorised to return this request after completion and together with any remarks you may have to our auditors, Steven Li & Co. of Room 802, 8/F., Nanyang Plaza, 57 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon,

Bank ConfirmationNo.:(Bank),Our company employs Fujian Tianlian Certified Public Accountants to examine and verify the paid-in capital (share) of our company. According to the Independent Auditing Standards for Certified Accounts of China and relevant regulations of the State Administration for Industry & Commerce, we shall request confirmation of capital contributions of the company’s investor (shareholder)paid into your bank. If the following data are in conformity with your records, please confirm by affixing your official seal at "The data are correct” at the lower end of the letter; should there be any discrepancy, please give details of the differences at “The data are of discrepancy” and provide the amount of discrepancy. Relevant request fee can be directly charged from the company’s account. The reply letter shall be sent to Fujian Certified Public Accountants.Mailing Address:Post Code: Tel.: Fax:As of , the capital contributions paid by the compa ny’s inventors (shareholders) are as follows:Official seal of Official seal of(Signature & Seal of Company or Investor) (Date)Conclusion: 1. The data are correct. 2. If the data are of discrepancy, please specifythe discrepancies.(Bank Seal ) (Date) (Bank Seal ) (Date)。

明细表序号: No.:
本公司聘请的XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX正在对本单位进行资产评估,按照《资产评估准则-评估程序》的要求,需询证本单位与贵单位的往来帐款,下列数额出自本单位帐簿记录,如与贵单位 记录相符,请在本函下端“数额证明无误”处签章证明;如有不符,请在“数据不符及需加说明事项”处 详为指正。回函请直接寄(或传真)至XXXXXXX To:
邮编: 100077 联系人:
Address: XXXF, Beijing XXXXX building, yard XXXX, XXXX Road, XXXX District, Beijing, CHINA
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXis now valuing our company. To meet the requirements of asset valuation policy – valuation procedure, the balance of your account with us needs to be confirmed. The data listed below is the balance of our account. If the balance agrees with your records, please confirm by signing at the column which is marked with “agreed”. If you don’t agree the above balance, we should be grateful if you would give the position according to your records and the reasons for your disagreement on the back of this letter. Please directly return this letter toXXXXXXXXXXXX
征询函 英文版

Letter No.:123456
Dear Sirs,
our auditors,审计所名称,are conducting an audit of our financial statements.According to “Auditing Standards of Chinese Certified Public Accountants”, the auditor need to confirm the balance with you.Ifthe informationindicated below which comes from our recordsagrees withyours, pleaseconfirm by signing and affixing your official stamp in the space indicated as“Confirmation the above balance to be no difference”.If yours do not agree with the information, pleaselist the amount of yoursin the spaceindicated as“Giving full details of difference”.We shall be appreciated if you send this confirmationletterdirectlyto审计所.
Address as:

WORKING PAPER INDEX PAGE NO.To the manager of(BANK NAME)(BRANCH)Dear Sir,Our Auditor's Address: 12-15/F,Area A,Chuangxin Tower,Software Park of Xiamen,Pearl Bay,Xiamen,ChinaPostal Code:361005Tel:(86 592)2528413Fax:(86 592)2217555Mobile:+86182********Attention:Jianxiang XuAs at December 31,2012, the information with your bank per our book records are:2.Loan Account(excluding loans in connection with Inward cargoes) in your books The loans above refers only to the outstanding amount as of our balance sheet date.Account TitleAccount No.CurrencyClose DateMaturity Date Interest RateLoanCondition Collateral/Guanranto rWhether used as collateral ,under lien,or whether usage subject to restriction"Period" refers to CDs' period only. If the account is a saving account or deposit as security, mark "saving"or"deposit" under it.DebteeCurencyBalance (exclude interests)Balance (interests payable)Effect Date Account TitleAccount No.CurencyInterest RateBalancePeriodBANK CONFIRMATION REQUESTFor 2012year-end audit purposes,we shall be obliged if you will kindly confirm our affairs with your bank directly to our auditor,Grant Thornton China,in accordance with Independent Auditing Standards of China.The outstanding balances at our book value are listed below,please sign with chop on the left side if you confirm the balance and information,otherwise on the right side,for each item,please state any factors which may limit the completeness of your reply. Please reply our auditor directly by post.You are hereby authorised to return this request after completion and together with any remarks you may have to our auditors, Messrs. of Grant Thornton China.It is understood that your reply to this request will in no way prejudice your rights in respect of your General Lien as Bankers.4.Entrusted DepositAccount TitleAccount No.BorrowerCurrencyInterest RateBalanceStart and OFFDateOther than above entrusted accounts, we has no entrusted accounts with your bank.5.Entrusted LoanOther than above entrusted accounts, we has no entrusted accounts with your bank.6.Guarantees(1)Received by you on our behalf.To Whom IssuedWithSecurityAmountPeriodGuaranteedobjectContract No.loans between guarantee and your bankOther than above guarantees, we has no guarantees received by you on our behalf.Please state position of collaterals.7.Acceptances Outstanding in your bookReference No.AmountIssue Date Expire DateOther than above outstanding acceptances, we has no acceptances outstanding in your book.InterestStart and OFF DateAccount TitleAccount No.The party using the loanCurrencyInterest RatePrincipal10.Irrevocable Letters of Credit Outstangding in your booksReference No.BeneficiaryTotalAmount perLCExpiry DateBalance Unutilized13.Other direct or contingent liabilities to you(the Compnay Chop)Dec 31,2012Banker's ConfirmationManager :Manager :(Bank Chop)(Bank Chop)Month Date, Year Month Date, Year This information is given in strictest confidence,for the purposes of your audit,without any responsibility for error or omission on the part of this Bank,its employees, agents or informants.Other than above irrevocable LCs, we has no outstanding LCs with your bank.1.We confirm that the balances and information which we have inserted under items 1to 13are correct and complete.2.For each unconfirmed item,please state any factors which may limit the completeness of your reply and any value you believe is correct.。

BANK CONFIRMATIONReference No:To:Re:(the “Company”)Our auditors, XXXXX (Special General Partnership) [XX Branch], are conducting an audit of our financial statements of20XX. The auditors need to confirm the related information with your bank in accordance with the requirements of relevant auditing standards. The information from Item 1 to Item 14 of this confirmation letter was extracted from our records:●If the information agrees with your records, please confirm by signing and affixing your officialstamp in the space indicated as “The information is correct and complete” on Conclusion Section of this confirmation letter.●If your records do not agree with the details set out in this confirmation letter, please sign and affixyour official stamp in the space indicated as “Disagree with the information” in the Conclusion Section of this confirmation letter and list the differences and provide detailed information in the space under the “Details of differences”.Please return this confirmation letter directly to XXXXX (Special General Partnership) [XX Branch] at the address listed below. Please do not return the confirmation letter to ourselves.To致:[收件人]XXXXX (Special General Partnership) [XX Branch]/XXX事务所(特殊普通合伙)[XX分所] XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXEmail:Telephone:XXXXX (Switchboard) Fax: XXXXXYou may debit any charge for this confirmation to our account number____________(If applicable).Yours faithfully,Name and Title:(Authorized Signature(s) and Official Stamp)1.Deposits/ Saving accounts/ Current accounts held in your books2.Loan accounts in your books3.Accounts closed during the period from __________to ________.4.Designated loans in your books the Company as the lender5.Designated loans in your books the Company as the borrower6.Guarantees (include letter of guarantee)(1)Guarantees given by us to other entities and you are the beneficiary(2)Guarantees given by you7.Bank acceptances outstanding in your books8.Discounted but not matured trade acceptance9.Bills held by you for collection10.Irrevocable letters of credit outstanding in your books11.Foreign exchange contract outstanding12.Securities or other documents of title held by you13. The outstanding bank financial products issued by you14.OthersAppendix Detailed Information of Fund Collection account (fund pool or other fund management)(Authorized Signature(s) and Official Stamp))Date:Name:Title:Tel. No.:Following part is for the bank’s use only Conclusion:。

Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Cole Austin
City, State, Zip
Website URL
Dear (Name of Authority)
At this time, we are pleased to have received (grant support, volunteer help, in-kind services, restricted pledges, etc.) for this project. We anticipate that support for (research, first year, first two phases, etc.) will come from (funding sources) and future, ongoing support for the project will be supplied by (you need to mention the limit of the funding sources or till the end of the project).
Name, Title
Phone Number
Email Address
As you can see our (project) will (what you want to achieve) in an innovative and cost-effective manner. It will provide a valuable element to providing relief for (recipients). We are sure that you will find that our (project/ charity) fits with the mission of your foundation to (state the receiver's foundation's mission/goal/interests).

Banker’s NameOur Ref.:Date :Dear Sirs:Request for Bank Confirmation for audit purposes(Company’s Name):___________________________(Account No.):_______________________________For the purposes of our annual audit please complete the attached form to show the following information relating to our affairs with your bank as at the close of business on . For each item, please state any factors which may limit the completeness of your reply; if there is nothing to report, state “NIL”.Please confirm the position by completing the section headed “Bankers Confirmation ” on the final page of this request. Please also confirm the completeness and accuracy of the attached list of authorized signatories and the details contained therein and give details, including specimen signatures, of any signatories omitted from that list.You are hereby authorized to return this request after completion and together with any remarks you may have to our auditors.ERNST&YOUNG DA HUA Certified Public Accountants23/F, The Center, 989 Chang Le Road, Shanghai, China 200031CPA in charge: DepartmentPlease also send a duplicate copy of the first bank statement after the close of business on for each current account which we hold with you direct to our auditors at the address given above.You are hereby authorized to debit any charge for this service to our account number .It is understood that your reply to this request will in no way prejudice your rights in respect of your General Lien as Bankers.Yours faithfully(Authorized Signature/s and Chop)。

The project for which we are requesting funds will make a difference in the lives of (those who will be benefit) in the following way: (you need to state the line of action you will take with help of funds received).
We invite you to visit our (organization/or project) at your convenience. We will be happy to submit a full proposal for your review or answer any questions that you may have. We look forward to hearing from you.

To the ManagerOur Ref OfficeDate:Dear Sirs,REQUEST OF BANK CONFIRMATION OF INFORMATION FOR AUDIT PURPOSESA/C (Customer's Name)Please confirm the position by completing the section headed "Bankers' Confirmation" on the final page of this request.Tel :86-755-8258 4500Fax :86-755-8258 4508You are hereby authorised to debit any balance for this service to our account number _________________________________________.Your faithfully,(Authorised Signature/s and Chop)In set of 5 pagesFor the purposes of our annual audit please complete the attached form to show the following information relating to our affairs with your bank as at the close of business on __________________________________. For each item, please state any factors which may limit the completeness of your reply; if there is nothing to report, state "none".You are hereby authorised to return this request after completion and together with any remarks you may have to our auditors, Messrs. BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP of 16/F, Block A, China Investment International Business Center, 1061 Xiangmei Road, Shenzhen, 518034, China.It is understood that your reply to this request will in no way prejudice your rights in respect of your General Lien as Bankers.1 Alternatively, banks may complete this section by attaching the relevant bank facility letters. Any relevant information not included in such letters should be separately included above.2 Common examples of guarantees include financial guarantees, advance payment guarantees, shipping guarantees and performance bond, bid bond and retention bond guarantees. Banks are recommended to provide additional explanatory notes for the items or terms used in the bank confirmation, where the nature of the guarantee is not readily apparent.3 Common examples of derivative contracts/ structured product contracts include forward rate agreements, option contracts, futures contracts, swap arrangements, bullion contracts, commodity contracts and structured products. Banks are recommended to provide additional explanatory notes for the items or terms used in the bank confirmation, where the nature of the derivative contract / structured product contract is not readily apparent.。

WORKING PAPER INDEX PAGE NO.To the manager of(BANK NAME)(BRANCH)Dear Sir,Our Auditor's Address: 12-15/F,Area A,Chuangxin Tower,Software Park of Xiamen,Pearl Bay,Xiamen,ChinaPostal Code:361005Tel:(86 592)2528413Fax:(86 592)2217555Mobile:+86182********Attention:Jianxiang XuAs at December 31,2012, the information with your bank per our book records are:2.Loan Account(excluding loans in connection with Inward cargoes) in your books The loans above refers only to the outstanding amount as of our balance sheet date.Account TitleAccount No.CurrencyClose DateMaturity Date Interest RateLoanCondition Collateral/Guanranto rWhether used as collateral ,under lien,or whether usage subject to restriction"Period" refers to CDs' period only. If the account is a saving account or deposit as security, mark "saving"or"deposit" under it.DebteeCurencyBalance (exclude interests)Balance (interests payable)Effect Date Account TitleAccount No.CurencyInterest RateBalancePeriodBANK CONFIRMATION REQUESTFor 2012year-end audit purposes,we shall be obliged if you will kindly confirm our affairs with your bank directly to our auditor,Grant Thornton China,in accordance with Independent Auditing Standards of China.The outstanding balances at our book value are listed below,please sign with chop on the left side if you confirm the balance and information,otherwise on the right side,for each item,please state any factors which may limit the completeness of your reply. Please reply our auditor directly by post.You are hereby authorised to return this request after completion and together with any remarks you may have to our auditors, Messrs. of Grant Thornton China.It is understood that your reply to this request will in no way prejudice your rights in respect of your General Lien as Bankers.4.Entrusted DepositAccount TitleAccount No.BorrowerCurrencyInterest RateBalanceStart and OFFDateOther than above entrusted accounts, we has no entrusted accounts with your bank.5.Entrusted LoanOther than above entrusted accounts, we has no entrusted accounts with your bank.6.Guarantees(1)Received by you on our behalf.To Whom IssuedWithSecurityAmountPeriodGuaranteedobjectContract No.loans between guarantee and your bankOther than above guarantees, we has no guarantees received by you on our behalf.Please state position of collaterals.7.Acceptances Outstanding in your bookReference No.AmountIssue Date Expire DateOther than above outstanding acceptances, we has no acceptances outstanding in your book.InterestStart and OFF DateAccount TitleAccount No.The party using the loanCurrencyInterest RatePrincipal10.Irrevocable Letters of Credit Outstangding in your booksReference No.BeneficiaryTotalAmount perLCExpiry DateBalance Unutilized13.Other direct or contingent liabilities to you(the Compnay Chop)Dec 31,2012Banker's ConfirmationManager :Manager :(Bank Chop)(Bank Chop)Month Date, Year Month Date, Year This information is given in strictest confidence,for the purposes of your audit,without any responsibility for error or omission on the part of this Bank,its employees, agents or informants.Other than above irrevocable LCs, we has no outstanding LCs with your bank.1.We confirm that the balances and information which we have inserted under items 1to 13are correct and complete.2.For each unconfirmed item,please state any factors which may limit the completeness of your reply and any value you believe is correct.。

To The Manager(Name of bank) HSBCOffice DateDear Sir,REQUEST FOR BANK CONFIRMATION OF INFORMATION FOR AUDIT PURPOSESA/C (Customer’s Name)For the purposes of our annual audit please complete the attached form to show the following information relating to our affairs with your bank as at the close of business on For each item, please state any factors which may limit the completeness of your reply; if there is nothing to report, state “none”.Please confirm the position by completing the section headed “Bankers’ Confirmation” on the final page of this request.You are hereby authorised to return this request after completion and together with any remarks you may have to our auditors, Messrs. TAKA CPA LIMITED of of Rm 1501, 15/F., SPA Centre, 53-55 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. (For any enquiries, please contact the account department at (852) 3115 8800).You are hereby authorised to debit any charge for this service to our account number .It is understood that your reply to this request will in no way prejudice your rights in respect of your General Lien as Bankers.Yours faithfully,(Authorised Signature/s and Chop)Page 21Alternatively, banks may complete this section by attaching the relevant bank facility letters. Any relevant information not included in such letters should be separately included above.Page 3Page 42Common examples of guarantees include financial guarantees, advance payment guarantees, shipping guarantees and performance bond, bid bond and retention bond guarantees. Banks are recommended to provide additional explanatorynotes for the items or terms used in the bank confirmation, where the nature of the guarantee is not readily apparent.3Common examples of derivative contracts/ structured product contracts include forward rate agreements, option contracts, futures contracts, swap arrangements, option contracts, bullion contracts, commodity contracts and structuredproducts. Banks are recommended to provide additional explanatory notes for the items or terms used in the bankconfirmation, where the nature of the derivative contract / structured product contract is not readily apparent.Page 5。

To The Manager(Name of bank) HSBCOffice DateDear Sir,REQUEST FOR BANK CONFIRMATION OF INFORMATION FOR AUDIT PURPOSESA/C (Customer’s Name)For the purposes of our annual audit please complete the attached form to show the following information relating to our affairs with your bank as at the close of business on For each item, please state any factors which may limit the completeness of your reply; if there is nothing to report, state “none”.Please confirm the position by completing the section headed “Bankers’ Confirmation” on the final page of this request.You are hereby authorised to return this request after completion and together with any remarks you may have to our auditors, Messrs. TAKA CPA LIMITED of of Rm 1501, 15/F., SPA Centre, 53-55 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. (For any enquiries, please contact the account department at (852) 3115 8800).You are hereby authorised to debit any charge for this service to our account number .It is understood that your reply to this request will in no way prejudice your rights in respect of your General Lien as Bankers.Yours faithfully,(Authorised Signature/s and Chop)Page 21Alternatively, banks may complete this section by attaching the relevant bank facility letters. Any relevant information not included in such letters should be separately included above.Page 3Page 42Common examples of guarantees include financial guarantees, advance payment guarantees, shipping guarantees and performance bond, bid bond and retention bond guarantees. Banks are recommended to provide additional explanatorynotes for the items or terms used in the bank confirmation, where the nature of the guarantee is not readily apparent.3Common examples of derivative contracts/ structured product contracts include forward rate agreements, option contracts, futures contracts, swap arrangements, option contracts, bullion contracts, commodity contracts and structuredproducts. Banks are recommended to provide additional explanatory notes for the items or terms used in the bankconfirmation, where the nature of the derivative contract / structured product contract is not readily apparent.Page 5。
英文Bank Confirmation银行询证函-ENG-T

REQUEST FOR BANK CONFIRMATION OF INFORMATIONFOR AUDIT PURPOSESReference No.To:As required by , we (*** Certified Public Accountants LLP) perform as the auditor for the financial year of 2014. For the purpose of our annual audit, we need to verify the following information relating to the company’s affairs with your bank as the close of business on 31/12/2014. For each item, please check the consistency in your records and these data.Please confirm the position by completing the section headed "Bankers' Confirmation" on the final page of this request. If there is any inconsistency, please list amount and other details.You are hereby authorized to debit any charge for this service to the company’s bank account no. . Please send this mail with any remarks you may have to *** of No.2 Audit Department of *** Certified Public Accountants LLPAddress:*********** Road, ***** , *****, ChinaZip Code: *****Contact No: Fax No:Until the date of31/12/2014, the balances of the bank accounts and bank loans are shown as below:In addition to the above, the company has no any other bank deposit.In addition to the above, the company has no any other bank loan.In addition to the above, the company has no any other bank accounts been cancelled.In addition to the above, the company has no any other entrusted deposit.In addition to the above, the company has no any other entrusted loan.In addition to the above, the company has not provided any other guaranty.7. Unpaid bank acceptance billsIn addition to the above, the company has no any other unpaid bank acceptance bills.In addition to the above, the company has no any other discounted and undue commercial bills.In addition to the above, the company has no any other commercial bills commissioned to collect by your bank.In addition to the above, the company has no any other irrevocable letter of credit issued by your bank.In addition to the above, the company has no any other unfinished foreign exchange contract signed with your bank.In addition to the above, the company has no any other property and equity documents deposited at the bank.13. Other events (such as trust deposits, bank guarantees etc., if there is no any other event, it______ Company (Company Stamp)Date:______========================FOR YOUR OFFICE ONL Y======================= BANKERS' CONFIRMATION:1.We confirm that the balances and information under items 1 to 13 above are correct andcomplete.(Bank Stamp)Date:______Manager:______2.If there is any inconsistency, please list all details below:(Bank Stamp)Date:______Manager:______。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Bank Confirmation Request
Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank Zhuhang Branch:
Our company employs SHANGHAI ORIENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS to examine and verify the paid-in capital (share) of our company. According to the Independent Auditing Standards for Certified Accounts of China and relevant regulations of the State, we shall request confirmation of capital contributions of the company’s investor (shareholder) paid into your bank. If the following data is in conformity with your records, please confirm by affixing your official seal at "The data is correct” at the lower end of the letter; should there be any discrepancy, please give details of the differences at “The data is discrepancy” and give the amount of discrepancy. Relevant request fee can be ch arged from the company’s account. The reply letter shall be sent to
Address: Shanghai Orient Certified Public Accountants, No. 555, Shihualongshan Road, Jinshan District, SHANGHAI ORIENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS directly.
Post Code: 200540 Tel: Fax:
As of June 22, 2011, the capital contributions paid by the company’s inventors (shareholders) are as follows:
Confirmation Request Operator: Qin Li (Seal)
Shanghai OTTEN Fluid Control Technology Co., Ltd. (Seal): Qiang Feng, Ying Lu (Seal)
June 22, 2011
Conclusions: 1. The data and items are correct. Seal for Bank Date: July 6, 2010 2. If the data is discrepancy, please list the discrepancies (Bank