2008-5967-Cheical Modification of colloidal Masks for Nanolithography
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结果表明该套标准物质均匀性良好,在4℃条件下保存稳定性在1年以上,标准物质中CLB 的含量及不确定度分别为:0.65±0.15,1.28±0.44,3.78±0.46,11.5±1.8ng/mL (k =2)。
关键词:标准物质;盐酸克伦特罗;猪尿冻干粉;食品安全中图分类号:TB99;R914.3;TS202.3;TS207.3文献标志码:A文章编号:1674-5124(2014)02-0049-04Development of reference materials of clenbuterol hydrochloride inswine urine lyophilisateLI Lan-ying ,XU Li ,XU Qin ,WEN Yan-li ,DING Min ,LIU Gang(Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology ,Shanghai 201203,China )Abstract:Reference materials (RMs )of clenbuterol hydrochloride (CLB )in lyophilized swine urine powder were developed by spiking CLB stock solution into healthy ,safe and CLB-free swine urine.The homogeneity and the stability of the RMs were strictly inspected.The concentration of the RMs was certified using LC-MS/MS method by 8different laboratories ,and the uncertainty evaluation was performed finally.The analysis results showed that the RMs were homogeneous and stable for at least one year in 4℃.The certified value and expanded uncertainty of the RMs were as following :0.65±0.15,1.28±0.44,3.78±0.46,11.5±1.8ng/mL respectively (k =2).These RMs were intended for CLB analysis method validation and quality control.Key words:reference material ;clenbuterol hydrochloric ;swine urine powder ;food safety收稿日期:2013-04-18;收到修改稿日期:2013-06-13基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(21205079)科技部质检行业公益项目(201310016)国家质检总局科研计划项目(2012QK273)上海市质监局科研项目(2012-04)作者简介:李兰英(1984-),女,山东阳谷县人,工程师,硕士,主要从事兽药残留基体标准物质的研制和生物传感器的研究。
对表 1 的数据做图如图 2 。
图 1 进行一次分析的典型色谱图
3. 6 计算和报告
3. 6. 1 按式 ⑵计算试样中 2 ,6 - 二叔丁基对甲
根据资料介绍《, 高效液相色谱法直接测定喷气 燃料中 2 ,6 - 二叔丁基对甲酚型抗氧剂含量》的方 法中所采用μ- Porasil (内径 3. 9mm ,长 300mm) 高 效色谱柱能够很好地将喷气燃料油中的其它组份与 2 ,6 - 二叔丁基对甲酚分离 ,所以我们继续采用μ Porasil (内径 3. 9mm ,长 300mm) 高效色谱柱做为 我们的色谱柱 。 4. 1. 2 紫外检测器波长的选择
1) 测定校正因子后 ,用与 3. 4 相同的条件进行
样品分析 。
2) 用微量注射器吸取 5uL 试样注入高效液相色
谱仪系统 ,同时启动色谱工作站进行分析 ,分析结束
后记录 2 ,6 - 二叔丁基对甲酚的峰面积 。进行一次
分析的典型色谱图如图 1 。
4. 1 试验条件的选择 4. 1. 1 色谱柱的选择
表 2 流动相流速考查数据表
流速 ,mL/ min 0. 5 1. 0 1. 5 2. 0 2. 5 3. 0
2. 89 1. 65 0. 44 0. 30 0
对表 2 的数据做图如图 3 。
图 3 流动相流速与分离度关系曲线图
4. 3 精密度验证 由于原方法没有对再现性提出要求 ,所以我们
根据本方法的分析范围 ,选择了不同 2 ,6 - 二叔丁 基对甲酚含量的 10 个样品 ,只对方法的重复性进行 了验证 。分析数据见表 4 。
毛纺织品二氯甲烷可溶性物质检测影响因素的研究楼陈钰【摘要】为了减小毛纺织品中二氯甲烷可溶性物质检验工作的误差,文章研究了取样质量、水浴温度、二氯甲烷用量、对照实验和索氏萃取器密封状况等因素对毛纺织品二氯甲烷可溶性物质测试结果的影响,结果表明:取样质量、二氯甲烷用量、水浴温度、对照实验和索氏萃取器密封状况等5个因素对测试结果的准确性和可靠性均有影响;相对差异缺乏定义,容易引起歧义;相对差异大于20%要求过于宽松,导致平行试样测试误差对判等结果产生很大影响,建议FZ/T 20018-2010《毛纺织品中二氯甲烷可溶性物质的测定》在修订时予以考虑.【期刊名称】《毛纺科技》【年(卷),期】2017(045)009【总页数】5页(P86-90)【关键词】二氯甲烷可溶性物质;取样质量;水浴温度;对照实验;精密度【作者】楼陈钰【作者单位】浙江方圆检测集团股份有限公司,浙江杭州310013【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS137二氯甲烷可溶性物质是指在毛纺织品中溶于二氯甲烷而不溶于水的油类、脂类等物质[1]。
毛针织品特别是粗纺和半精纺毛针织品在制作过程中,由于追求柔软的手感和防缩[2]、抗静电{3}、抗起球[4]、拒油抗污[5]等功能效果,不可避免地要添加各类油剂和功能助剂,这些助剂残留量的高低不仅对毛纺织品的吸湿、透气、手感等服用性能有重要的影响,甚至会对使用者的健康产生影响,因此二氯甲烷可溶性物质的检测是毛纺织产品检验中的一个重要的质量考核指标,FZ/T 73018—2012《毛针织品》、FZ/T 73034—2009《半精纺毛针织品》均对其提出考核,并引用方法标准FZ/T 20018—2010《毛纺织品中二氯甲烷可溶性物质的测定》作为其实验方法。
来燕芳等[6]对FZ/T 20018—2010《毛纺织品中二氯甲烷可溶性物质的测定》测量的不确定度进行评估,结果表明,测试操作过程随机效应对二氯甲烷可溶性物质含量的不确定度分量贡献最大,应使取样、温湿度、实验时间和人员操作等符合实验操作的要求并具有一定程度的可重复性。
Why Li Doping in MOFs Enhances H2 Storage Capacity_ A Multi-scale Theoretical Study
Why Li Doping in MOFs Enhances H2Storage Capacity?A Multi-scale Theoretical StudyA.Mavrandonakis,†,#E.Tylianakis,‡A.K.Stubos,§and G.E.Froudakis*,†Department of Chemistry,Uni V ersity of Crete,P.O.Box2208,71003Heraklion,Crete,Greece,MaterialsScience and Technology Department,Uni V ersity of Crete,P.O.Box2208,71409Heraklion,Crete,Greece,andNCSR Demokritos15310Aghia Paraske V i Attikis,GreeceRecei V ed:October22,2007;In Final Form:February1,2008By means of Density Functional Theory(DFT)and Grand Canonical Monte Carlo(GCMC)computationaltechniques,the effect of Li doping on the hydrogen storage capability of Metal Organic Frameworks(MOFs)is explored.The Li atom is preferably located over the organic linker.It is found that the Li atoms significantlyincrease the interaction energy between the hydrogen molecules and the Li-doped organic linker of the MOF,compared to the undoped case.As a result,the GCMC simulations show that the presence of the Li atomssignificantly enhances the hydrogen storage capacity,especially under intermediate pressure conditions. Hydrogen has been recognized as an ideal energy carrier,suitable for substituting the fossil fuels.It is a fully renewableenergy source,environmentally friendly and suitable as anautomobile fuel.The U.S.Department of Energy(DOE)hasset a series of targets for use in automotive applications,suchas a6.0wt%reversible hydrogen storage by2010.1Consider-able scientific work is concentrated on metal hydrides,2carbon-based materials,3and metal organic frameworks(MOFs).4Currently,no material can fulfill these targets at ambienttemperature and pressure conditions.Metal hydrides can theoretically store sufficient amounts of hydrogen,but their main disadvantages are the irreversible hydrogen release and the need of higher temperatures for the hydrogen unloading.2A hydrogen molecule interacts with metal hydrides via a chemisorption mechanism.5The dihydrogen molecule is dissociated in atomic hydrogen and is bonded to the hydride surface.The other possible interaction mechanism is via physisorption.5,6The hydrogen molecule interacts weakly with the surface of the storage material.The interaction energies lay in the order of few kcal/mol,which is less than in the chemisorption case.The interactions can be attributed to dispersive and electrostatic forces.Although fast loading and unloading of the hydrogen is achieved in physisorption,the main disadvantage is the limited H2coverage at room temper-ature.Carbon-based materials,such as fullerenes and nanotubes (CNTs),and MOFs belong to that class of hydrogen storage materials.Particularly,MOF materials are attractive due their simple and economic synthesis,high thermal stability,and significant hydrogen uptake at77K.7The optimal interaction energies should be in the range between physisorption and chemisorption.6In this case,the hydrogen complexes with the host material could likely survive at room temperature.Furthermore,the desorption could be done with no or with a very small energy barrier.In order to increase the interaction energies,a possible route is the incorporation of light weight metal atoms,such as Li.Following this direction, many theoretical works on Li doping have been published.8-13 Additionally,a recent experimental report states that chemical reduction of a mixed-ligand MOF with Li cations,significantly improves the hydrogen capacity.14After the chemical reduction, the storage capacity is reported to be1.63wt%from an initial value of0.93wt%for the pure material.However,no explanation or possible mechanism has been given for this enhancement.A Li cation can bind strongly up to six H2molecules,with a mean binding energy of-4.77kcal/mol per hydrogen molecule.8 On the basis of these results,Deng et al.suggested a new alkali-doped pillared carbon graphite or nanotubes storage material.9 They suggest a chemical modification of the graphite or nanotube surface with an organic molecule,so that the interlayer spacing would be enlarged.In this way,Li and H2molecules can be inserted and adsorbed inside the interlayer space. Similarly,in our previous work,it was proposed that the enlargement of the interlayer spacing of carbon nanoscrolls and the subsequent insertion of Li atoms will increase the storage capacity.10In a similar context,Sun and co-workers suggested that Li-coated fullerenes could yield an approximate capacity of9wt%in H2.11They showed that12Li atoms,which are placed over the12pentagonal faces of the buckyball,could totally absorb up to60H2molecules.A similar methodology on CNTs has been proposed by our team.12An alkali-doped CNT may interact strongly with three dihydrogens,which are absorbed over the alkali atom.Finally,in a recent work by Han et al.,it was shown that dispersion of Li atoms over the organic linker of various MOFs can reach the DOE target of6.0wt% at nearly room temperature.13*To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail:frudakis@ chemistry.uoc.gr.†Department of Chemistry,University of Crete.‡Materials Science and Technology Department,University of Crete.§NCSR Demokritos.#Present address:Institut fu¨r Nanotechnologie,Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe,76021Karlsruhe,Germany.TABLE1:Binding Energies and Average Distances of Li versus the Center of Mass of the Dihydrogen for1,2,and3 Molecules Interacting with Atomic or Li,Doped in the Organic Linker of IRMOF-14atomic LiB.E per H2(kcal/mol)R(Li-c.om.H2,Å)1H2-3.22 2.032H2-3.06 2.133H2-2.33 2.217290J.Phys.Chem.C2008,112,7290-729410.1021/jp7102098CCC:$40.75©2008American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web04/16/2008However,a more detailed examination of the effect of Li doping on various organic linkers of the MOFs has not been performed yet.In this work,we examine single and multiple Li doping on various sized organic linkers,in order to determine the maximum amount of Li doping with respect to the number of carbon atoms of the linker.We have studied various linkers,ranging from 6carbon atoms in the benzene di-carboxylate (BDC),to 16carbon atoms in the pyrene di-carboxylate (PDC).On top of this,we have calculated the interaction energies of single and multiple adsorbed hydrogen molecules in the Li-doped IRMOF-14,in which the organic linker is composed by PDC.Furthermore,Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations were performed in order to get an estimate for the hydrogen storage of this putational DetailsDensity Functional Theory (DFT)along with Grand Canoni-cal Monte Carlo calculations have been employed in this study in order to show the effect of the Li presence on the hydrogen storage ability of the doped MOF materials.DFT in the Resolution of Identities (RI)approximation is applied in our systems.The PBE exchange-correlation functional along with the def2-TZVPP basis set are used in the calculations,as well as the corresponding auxiliary basis sets for the RI approxima-tion.All structures are optimized without any symmetry constraints.Furthermore,counterpoise corrections are applied in all calculations,so as to take into account for the basis set superposition error (BSSE).All calculations are performed with the TURBOMOLE program package.15Due to the large size of the MOFs cell,the model system must be decreased in size,in order not to end to prohibitively large ab initio computations.The MOF cell may be decreased by separating the organic linker,saturating the carboxylate groups with Li ions,and treating this as an individual system.This is a commonly used approximation,which can describe appropriately the effect of the metal cluster over the organic linker.16,17Grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC),(Constant chemical potential,µ,cell volume,V,and temperature,T)simulations were conducted at room temperature and various pressures.The chemical potentials needed in the calculations were calculated from NPT ensemble Monte Carlo simulation using the test-particle insertion method.Periodic boundary conditions were applied in all three dimensions.For each state point,GCMCsimulation consisted of 5×106steps to guarantee equilibration followed by 3×106steps to sample the desired thermodynamic properties.Each simulation cell included 125MOF unit cells,resulting to a system of total 21000atoms.Hydrogen molecules were treated as a diatomic molecule modeled by a Lennard -Jones (LJ)core located at the center of mass and three partial charges with two located at hydrogen atoms and one at the center between two hydrogen atoms.Nonbonded interactions were treated using Lennard -Jones potential,where partial charges of MOFs were taken into consideration by using the quadrupole moment and induced dipole interaction of hydrogen with MOF atoms.The framework was assumed to be rigid in all simula-tions.A cutoff radius of 15Åwas applied to the LJ interactions.Calculations were carried out assuming room-temperature and various pressures,ranging from 1to 100bar for Li doped MOF.For the sake of comparison,similar simulations were conducted for undoped MOF at the same thermodynamic states.ResultsIn the first part of this section,the effect of Li is explored by ab initio quantum mechanical techniques.The maximum degree of Li doping with respect to the number of carbon atoms of the organic linker is studied.As a next step,the interaction energies of one,two,and three H 2molecules with the Li doped MOFs are computed.In the second part,the GCMC simulations provide a clear trend of how the presence of Li atoms affects the hydrogen storage ability under various pressures.First,the structure of the model systems is optimized.The optimized structures of the benzene di-carboxylate (BDC),naphthalene di-carboxylate (NDC),and pyrene di-carboxylate (PDC)are presented in Figure S1of the Supporting Information.These organic linkers are composed by one,two,and four fused aromatic rings,respectively.Then a single Li atom was placed over the center of the hexagonal aromatic rings.After the geometry optimizations,the Li-doped structures were strongly distorted,except for the PDC case.The distorted structures can be seen in Figure S2of the Supporting Information.The main reason for these strong distortions is the charge transfer occurring from the Li atom to the organic molecule.As revealed from a Mulliken and natural population analysis,the lithium always gets a positive charge of +1.0|e |,upon interacting with the organic molecules.The charge-transfer per carbon atom is inversely proportional to the size of the organic linker.That is,an additional charge accumulation of 0.16|e |per C atomforFigure 1.Optimized geometries of the model system,(A)doped with Li and (B,C,D)with 1,2and 3H 2molecules adsorbed over the Li atom,respectively.Li Doping in MOFs Enhances H 2Storage Capacity J.Phys.Chem.C,Vol.112,No.18,20087291benzene,0.08|e |per C atom for naphthalene and 0.06|e |per C for pyrene.Additionally,the further doping of the pyrene molecule with one and two more Li atoms has been studied.It was found that double and triple Li doping induces strong distortions on the molecules and consequently only single doping may occur.The reason again in this case is the charge transfer from two/three Li atoms to the organic linker.A charge transfer of 0.12|e |per C atom has been calculated for two/three doped Li atoms.On the basis of the above results,we have decided to study the singly doped IRMOF-14linker.As a second step,the favorable positions for the doped Li are explored.All possible sites have been investigated.Among them,it was found that the most favorable position was on top of the center of the hexagonal ring,as presented in Figure 1.The distance of the Li atom with respect to the center of the hexagonal ring is 1.7and 1.8Åfor the neutral and charged systems,respectively.The binding energy (BE)for the Li atom over the first hexagon (denoted as 1in Figure 1A)was calculated to be -17.4kcal/mol,whereas -16.4for the second one (denoted as 2).In all cases,the Li atom is positively charged by almost +1|e |,as revealed after performing a natural population analysis.As a next step,one,two,and three hydrogen molecules were placed over the organic linker.We have chosen to study the linker doped in hexagon (2)since there is more free space for 3H 2molecules to be adsorbed.Their geometries are optimized without any symmetry constraints and presented in Figure 1.After the optimization,the hydrogen molecules move away from the center of the phenyl rings and come close to the Li.Furthermore,the distance of the H -H bond in the hydrogen molecules was elongated,from 0.750to 0.757Å.This suggests that strong interactions between the dihydrogen and the Li atom exist.The elongation can be explained by the formation of a dative bond between the electrons of the H 2σbond and the empty Li 2s orbital.18,19In the presence of a Li cation next to the dihydrogen,electron density is transferred from the H 2molecule.As a result of the loss of electron charge the H -H bond is elongated.The interactions are due to charge-induced dipole and charge -quadrupole moment between the positively charged Li atom and the H 2molecule.In the case of the three adsorbed hydrogen molecules,it has been found that a total of 0.1|e |has been transferred from the H 2molecules to the Li atom.The binding energy of the first H 2is -3.2kcal/mol (Table 1).The distance of the Li atom with respect to the center of mass of the dihydrogen is at 2.03Å.When a second and third dihydrogen are adsorbed,the binding energies per H 2are -3.1and -2.3kcal/mol,respectively.After performing the GCMC simulations,the gravimetric hydrogen uptake of Li-doped IRMOF-14is presented in Figure 3,under different thermodynamic conditions.For the sake of comparison,the corresponding results for the undoped IRMOF-14are presented too.It can be clearly seen that at every thermodynamic state,the Li-doped MOF provides increased hydrogen uptake compared with the undoped.This enhancement is more pronounced at lower pressures,i.e.,1bar where Li doping increases the adsorption by a factor of greater than 7.5in relation to the undoped MOF.This can be attributed to the high electronic density of Li ion acting in this way as positive core that attracts hydrogen molecules.Figure 2presents a snapshot from these calculations,where hydrogenmoleculesFigure 2.Snapshots from GCMC calculations for Li doped MOF and adsorbed hydrogens at ambient temperature and pressure of 10MPa.7292J.Phys.Chem.C,Vol.112,No.18,2008Mavrandonakis et al.are shown as white spheres.From this figure,it seems that hydrogens tend to be adsorbed at positions close to Li sites.Summarizing,Li doping may significantly enhance hydrogen storage in MOFs,as three hydrogen molecules interact very strongly with the Li atom.Li is positively charged by almost +1|e |.Upon interacting with the H 2molecules,strong polariza-tion effects are observed.Charge distribution of approximately +|0.1|e is transferred from the 3H 2molecules to the Li atom.This induces very strong dipoles and is the reason for the strong binding.This trend in the interaction energies is also reflected in the hydrogen storage capacity,as computed by GCMC simulations.The Li effect is larger at smaller pressures,in which the storage capacity is 7.5times larger than the pure IRMOF-14material.As a conclusion,this study suggests that Li doping is a possible way for making MOFs effective as hydrogen storage materials.Acknowledgment.The present research study has been supported by the Ministry of Development (General Secretariat-GSRT)(ΠΕΝΕ∆2003-03Ε∆548).Partial funding by the European Commission DG RTD (FP6Integrated Project NESSHY,Contract SES6-518271)and Interreg IIIA Gr-Cy K2301.004is gratefully acknowledged.Supporting Information Available:The optimized struc-tures of the benzene di-carboxylate (BDC),naphthalene di-carboxylate (NDC),and pyrene di-carboxylate (PDC)(Figure S1),and the distorted structures (Figure S2).This material is available free of charge via the Internet at .References and Notes(1)See U.S.DOE website,.(2)Gross,K.J.;Spatz,P.;Zuttel,A.;Schlapbach,L.J.Alloys 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Chemical modification of carbon nanotube for improvement of field emission property
Accelarated PublicationChemical modification of carbon nanotube for improvement of field emission propertySunwoo Lee a ,Tetsuji Oda a ,Paik-Kyun Shin b,*,Boong-Joo Lee caElectronic Engineering,The University of Tokyo,113-8656Hongo,Tokyo,JapanbSchool of Electrical Engineering,Inha University,#253Yonghyun-Dong,Nam-Gu,Incheon Metropolitan City 402-751,Republic of Korea cElectronic Engineering,Namseoul University,21Maeju-ri,Seounghwan-Eup,Cheonan City,Choongnam 330-707,Republic of Koreaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 17November 2008Received in revised form 31December 2008Accepted 17February 2009Available online 25February 2009Keywords:Chemical modification Carbon nanotube CNTField emission Tunnelinga b s t r a c tIn the present work,chemical modification of carbon nanotube was proposed for improvement of field emission property.Multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)were grown vertically on silicon substrate using catalytic chemical vapor deposition.Tips of grown MWCNTs were chemically modified using oxy-gen plasma,nitric acid,and hydrofluoric acid.Surface state and morphology of the chemically modified CNTs were T tips were opened and defects working as trap sites were generated on the CNT surface by the chemical modification process leading to improvement of field emission property.We suggest that two main factors determining the field enhancement factor are geometric factor and surface state of the CNT tips.Ó2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionCarbon nanotubes (CNTs)have attracted much attention be-cause of their unique electrical properties and their potential appli-cations [1,2].Large aspect ratios of CNTs with high chemical stability,thermal conductivity,and high mechanical strength are advantageous for applications to the field emitter [3].Since CNTs are grown directly on a substrate by CVD,the CNT emitter can be fabricated simply.Many researchers have devoted efforts to the artificial control of alignment,number density,and aspect ratio of CNTs [4–7].Although it is essential for FED application to eluci-date the correlation between the structural properties and field electron emission properties of CNTs,systematic experiments on the field emission property regarding the change of surface state of CNTs by chemical modification have not been carried out Ts having strong covalent bonds are very stable against to chemical attacks.Breaking these strong covalent bonds and chang-ing surface state would be expected to change the CNT’s physical property as well as chemical property [8,9].As field emission behavior takes place at the tip of the CNT,one could control the field emission property by changing the structure and surface state of the CNT tips.In this study,the correlation between the field emission prop-erty and structural property or surface state of CNTs was investi-gated as a function of the chemical modification.Although the field emission properties of CNTs were improved with increasing the aspect ratio of the CNT,the field enhancement factor obtained from the Fowler–Nordheim plot was found to be much larger than that obtained from the geometric factors.These results suggest that the field emission from CNTs is strongly influenced by the sur-face states induced by surface defects and attached functional groups,rather than by their geometric factors.2.ExperimentalIn our experiment,the nickel catalyst films were prepared by sputtering method on silicon substrate using low power and long time (at 10W for 1h)to minimize size and distribution of the nick-el catalyst particles.MWCNTs used in this work were grown in a thermal CVD system with C 2H 2source gas and Ar carrier gas with a flow rate of 30/100sccm at 700°C on the nickel catalyst.The CNTs were chemically modified by oxygen plasma,nitric acid (HNO 3),and hydrofluoric acid (HF).The modified samples were named as O 2–CNT,HNO 3–CNT,and HF–CNT,respectively.The oxygen plasma treatment was done with a gas flow rate of O 2:Ar =20:200sccm at 500°C for 5min.The HNO 3treatment was done in 20vol%HNO 3solution at room temperature for 1h,and the samples was subsequently rinsed in distilled water,and dried at room temperature for 1h.The HF treatment was done in 20vol%HF solution at room temperature for 1h,and the sample was rinsed and dried.0167-9317/$-see front matter Ó2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.mee.2009.02.021*Corresponding author.Tel.:+82328607393;fax:+82328635822.E-mail address:shinsensor@inha.ac.kr (P.-K.Shin).Microelectronic Engineering 86(2009)2110–2113Contents lists available at ScienceDirectMicroelectronic Engineeringjournal homepage:www.else v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /m eeThe field emission characteristics of the grown CNT film was measured by digital multimeter in a vacuum chamber with a base pressure of 1.5Â10À8Torr.A flat parallel diode type configuration was used in the setup as shown in Fig.1.Both electrodes were glass plated with a conductive indium tin oxide (ITO)coating,and the cathode contained the grown CNT film.The distance between the anode and the CNT film surface was 100l m as separated by spacers.The surface morphology and internal structure of the CNTs were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)and trans-mission electron microscopy (TEM).3.Results and discussionsSEM images and TEM images (right side of each image)of the as-grown CNTs and the chemically modified CNTs are shown in Ts grown in this work are bamboo type multi-wall carbon nanotubes,which are vertically aligned to the substrate.The length of chemically modified CNTs is slightly shorter than that of as-grown CNTs due to the chemical etching during the chemical mod-ification processes.In case of the HNO 3–CNT,length was drastically reduced,because CNTs were partly delaminated and remained CNTs were fallen down during the chemical modification process.Tip of as-grown CNT is typically closed,while those of chemi-cally modified CNTs are opened as shown in Fig.2(right side of each image).The most parts of CNT consist of stable hexagonal car-bon structure,while the tip of CNT has pentagonal structure to close the tube end [10].The pentagonal carbon structure is easily broken by the chemical attack relative to the hexagonal structure [11].Relatively weak bonds at the CNT tip might be broken and opened by the chemical modification.Since the bond breaking might be started from the outer shell of the MWCNT used in this work and propagated into the inner shell,the shape of CNT tips be-came sharp.Furthermore,the chemical modification process might result in changing the surface state by the bond breaking as well as the structural change.In order to confirm the above mentioned surface state change,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)using the monochrome Al Ka X-ray was carried out.Wide scan spectra for as-grown and chemically modified CNTs are shown in Fig.3.In all cases,carbon peak (C1s,284.5eV)and oxygen peak (O1s,530eV)are observed [12].The oxygen peak stronger than that of the as-grown CNT film for the O 2–CNT,the weak nitrogen peak for HNO 3–CNT,and fluo-rine peak for HF–CNT are observed.This result correspondstoFig.1.Schematic drawing of the setup for measurement of the field emissioncurrent.Fig.2.SEM (left)and TEM (right)images of as-grown and chemically modified CNTs.S.Lee et al./Microelectronic Engineering 86(2009)2110–21132111the previous TEM results that the chemical modification processes could change the surface states of the CNT tips.The chemical modification dependence on the field emission property was investigated.Fig.4a shows emission current density as a function of applied electric field for the as-grown CNTs and the chemically modified CNTs.It is found that the chemically modified CNTs exhibit a better field emission property than that for the as-grown CNTs.If we define the threshold electric field (E th )as the ap-plied electric field that produces an emission current of 1mA/cm 2,it can be clearly seen from Fig.4b that threshold electric field is chemical modification dependent.The Fowler–Nordheim (F–N)equation can be described as,J ¼1:56Â10À6ðb E Þ2/exp À6:83Â109/3=2b E!;where J (A/cm 2)is the emission current density,E (V/l m)is theapplied electric field,b is the field enhancement factor,and /(eV)is the work function of the emitter [13].The experimental value b can be estimated on the basis of the slope of the F–N plot as shown in Fig.4c.Although there is no distinguishable difference in geo-metric factors such as diameter and length of each CNTs,the field emission property for chemically modified CNTs is better than that for as-grown CNTs.We estimated the field enhancement factors for each CNTs using geometric factors from SEM images and the FN plot of the experimental field emission data.The field enhance-ment factor estimated from the FN plot (b $1000s)was two or-ders greater than that estimated from the geometric factors (b $10s).This result implies that the field enhancement factor estimated from the F–N plot includes another factor for the improvement of field emission.Another factor affecting field emis-sion more dominantly might be correlated with the surface state of the CNT tips.TEM results and XPS results strongly imply that defects working as trap sites might be on the CNT surfaces.As shown in Fig.4c,there are two different kinds of tunneling mechanism from the slope of J /E 2vs.1/E plots.The slope at low field regime is quite dif-ferent from that at high field regime.Trap sites play a dominant role in tunneling mechanism at lower field than FN tunneling re-gime,so called trap assisted tunneling (TAT)[14].Tunneling gov-erned by TAT mechanism at low field regime affect the threshold electric field,and is related to trap sites on CNT tips.The tunneling model is based on a two-step tunneling process via traps on CNT surface which incorporates energy loss by phonon emission [15].Fig.4d shows the basic two-step process of an electron tunneling from a region with higher Fermi energy (the cathode)to a region with lower Fermi energy (the anode).Electrons could be emitted at relatively low electric field with an aid of trap sites.Finally,we suggest that two main factors determining the field enhance-ment factor are geometric factor and surface state.Therefore gen-eration of trap sites on CNT surface is strongly required to improve the field emission property,as well as the geometricfactor.Fig.3.XPS wide scan spectra of the as-grown CNTs and the chemically modified CNTs.Since some parts of CNTs are delaminated during HNO 3chemical modification process as shown in Fig.2c,strong oxygen and silicon signals are detected from the naturally oxidized Si substrate.2112S.Lee et al./Microelectronic Engineering 86(2009)2110–21134.SummaryWe have found that CNT tips were opened and defects working as trap sites were generated on the CNT surface by the chemical modification process leading to improvement of field emission property.Trap sites play a dominant role in tunneling mechanism at lower field than FN tunneling regime.We found that another factor affecting the field emission might be correlated with the sur-face state of the CNT tips.Therefore generation of trap sites on CNT surface is strongly required to improve the field emission property,as well as the geometric factor.References[1]W.A.de Heer,A.Chatelain,D.Ugarte,Science 270(1995)1179.[2]B.I.Yakobson,R.E.Smalley,Am.Sci.85(1997)324.[3]T.W.Ebbesen,Carbon Nanotubes,CRC Press,Boca Raton,FL,1997.[4]M.Chhowalla,K.B.K.Teo,C.Ducati,N.L.Rupesinghe,G.A.J.Amaratunga,A.C.Ferrari,D.Roy,J.Robertson,ne,J.Appl.Phys.90(2001)5308.[5]Y.Y.Wei,G.Eres,V.I.Merkulov,D.H.Lowndes,Appl.Phys.Lett.78(2001)1394.[6]V.I.Merkulov,D.H.Lowndes,Y.Y.Wei,G.Eres,E.Voelkl,Appl.Phys.Lett.76(2000)3555.[7]M.Katayama,K.-Y.Lee,S.Honda,T.Hirao,K.Oura,Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.43(2004)L774.[8]W.K.Hong,H.C.Shin,S.H.Tsai,et al.,Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.39(2000)L925.[9]U.D.Weglikowska,J.M.Benoit,P.W.Chiu,et 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Fenton 试剂法, 即单独采用 Fe / H2 O2 体 系氧化的方法。此法多用于有机物含量较低的废水
( 1)
处理和高浓度有机废水的预处理工艺中 。 Chamarro 等[4-9]将 Fenton 试剂用于处理含有甲 42, 4酸、 苯酚、 氯苯酚、 二氯苯酚和硝基苯、 多环芳 香烃( PAHs) 、 硝基苯、 胺、 黄药等的工业废水, 高岭 土选矿废水, 造纸厂废水和焦化废水等, 研究发现除 — 25 —
, 有较多研究工作围绕怎
[18 ]
样提高 H2 O2 的生成效率展开。 Bermond 等
将氧气喷到电解池的阴极上, 氧气被还原为 H2 O2 ,
2+ 产生的 H2 O2 与加入的 Fe 发生 Fenton 反应, 从而
分解难降解有机物。Do 等
[19 ]
Fenton 法进行 采用电-
净 水 技 术 WATER PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY 了苯酚降解的试验研究, 结果发现温度升高可以加 但 H2 O2 的自身分解也加快, 使得 快苯酚氧化速率, 电流效率降低。此外, 酸性条件、 高电流密度等均有 Gallegos 等[20] 运用网状 利于 H2 O2 的生成。 Alvarez玻璃碳电极考察了阴极区 H2 O2 的生成, 空气的通入 量不足时则溶液中 O2 的量少, 不利于 H2 O2 的产生; 反之, 如果通气量过大, 将破坏水分子与电极的接 , H O 触 2 2 的生成量也将减少。 国内也有较多相关的研究并取得了一定的进 [21 ] Fenton 试剂法和传统 展, 比如, 有研究者 采用电Fenton 试剂法对丙烯腈生产废水进行处理, 研究结 Fenton 试剂法可 果证明在相同试剂用量时, 采用电将丙烯腈生产废水 COD 去除率提高至 68 % , 比传 统 Fenton 试剂法提高了约 12 % 。 Fenton 试剂法的电耗, 为了降低电人们展开了 将铁碳微电解与 Fenton 试剂联合使用对有机废水 Fenton 进行处理的 试 验 研 究。 主 要 有 铁 碳 微 电 解Fenton 试剂 试剂联合法 ( 分步进行 ) 和铁碳微电解[22 ] 耦合法( 同步进行) 两种。文献 采用铁碳微电解Fenton 试剂联合法对染料废水进行处理的条件进行 COD 去除率可达到 58 % , 研究, 可生化性可由 0. 08 [23 ] Fenton 试剂 提高至 0. 36 , 文献 采用铁碳微电解并进 耦合法对含硝基苯废水进行预处理试验研究 , , COD 行了中试放大试验 中试结果证明废水的 去除 率为 87 % 左右。BOD5 / COD Cr 值由原来的 0. 3 以下 上升 到 0. 5 左 右, 提 高 了 废 水 的 生 化 性 能。 刘 娟 娟 Fenton 组合工艺处理亚麻废水的试 在微电解验研究中, 对单独微电解、 单独 Fenton 氧化、 微电解[24 ]
中国水产科学 2018年3月, 25(2): 251-262 Journal of Fishery Sciences of China研究论文收稿日期: 2017-10-09; 修订日期: 2017-11-23.基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(31772821, 31402274); 国家海洋局可再生能源专项基金项目(SHME2011SW02); 上海高校水产科学高峰学科建设项目.作者简介: 周志刚(1964–), 博士, 教授, 主要从事藻类学及藻类生物技术的研究. E-mail: zgzhou@DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1118.2018.17357缺刻缘绿藻溶血磷脂酰乙醇胺酰基转移酶(LPEAT)的基因克隆与特征分析周志刚1, 2, 3, 包虹1, 欧阳珑玲11. 水产种质资源发掘与利用教育部重点实验室, 上海海洋大学, 上海 201306;2. 海洋生物科学国际联合研究中心, 上海海洋大学, 上海 201306;3. 水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心, 上海海洋大学, 上海 201306摘要: 缺刻缘绿藻三酰甘油(TAG)中花生四烯酸(ArA)占其总脂肪酸含量的68.0%。
为了弄清ArA 是如何被优先地用于合成TAG, 鉴于Lands 循环是通过改变膜脂的脂肪酸组成进而影响TAG 的脂肪酸组成, 本研究选择在Lands 循环中起关键作用的溶血磷脂酰乙醇胺酰基转移酶(LPEAT)作为突破口。
运用反转录PCR 与3′-及5′-cDNA 末端快速扩增技术, 自缺刻缘绿藻(Myrmecia incisa Reisigl)中克隆到MiLPEAT ; 它的cDNA 序列全长1303 bp, 其中, 5′-非翻译区(UTR)长129 bp, 3′-UTR 长193 bp, 开放阅读框长981 bp, 编码326个氨基酸残基; 以缺刻缘绿藻基因组DNA 为模板扩增得到该基因长为1871 bp 的DNA 序列; 这两序列的比对结果显示, MiLPEAT 含有6个内含子, 将其开放阅读框(ORF)分割成7个外显子。
33Journal of China Prescription Drug Vol.17 No.10·实验研究·鸦胆子油乳注射液为鸦胆子油经精制乳化等过程制成的水包油型注射乳。
而苯为中国药典限制的一类溶剂,对其限量规定不得过0.000 2%(2 ppm )。
1 仪器与试剂1.1仪器岛津GC-2010气相色谱仪,氢火焰离子化(FID )检测器,鸦胆子油乳注射液苯残留测定的方法学研究凌燕,陈应林(浙江九旭药业有限公司,浙江金华 321016)【摘要】目的 建立鸦胆子油乳注射液的苯残留测定方法。
方法 采用顶空毛细管气相色谱法,氢火焰离子化检测器,毛细管柱HP-INNOWAX (30 m ×0.32 mm ×0.25μm )。
结果 本方法精密度及线性关系良好,平均回收率100.7%。
结论 该方法灵敏、准确,可用于鸦胆子油乳注射液苯残留量的测定。
【关键词】鸦胆子油乳注射液;苯残留;顶空毛细管气相色谱法EAE 小鼠体重减轻,明显降低神经功能评分,成功预防了EAE发病。
由此推段黄芪注射液预防EAE 的发病可能与增加脾脏重量有关。
脾脏对外周血中T 细胞亚群的分布有重要调节作用。
CD4+ T 细胞在MS/EAE 的发病中占据重要地位,人们发现经阻断或抑制 CD4+ T 淋巴细胞能防止疾病复发和进展[9-10]。
CD4+T 淋巴细胞分为调节性T 细胞(Treg )、I 型辅助性T (Thl )细胞和Ⅱ型辅助性T ( Th2)细胞。
Th1 细胞有致炎作用,而Th2细胞和Treg 细胞具有抗炎作用。
鸟嘌呤 Guanine
N DNA Monoalkylated adduct
Guanine-Guanine link
Once alkylation occurs, the alkylated sites become prone to cleavage
2. Melphalan (美法伦)
Cyclophosphamide (环磷酰胺)
Cl O O N P HN Cl CYP450 Liver Cl Cl O O N P HN OH Cl normal tissue normal tissue Cl O O N P HN Cl O Cl Cl O ON P + NH2 O H alkylating group Tumor Non enzymatic Cl O O N P NH2 Cl OH O Cl O O N P NH2 H O
Cl N Cl
L-Phenylalanine mustard or L-PAM L-PAM can be preferentially transported into cells, with the assistance of L-amino acid active transporter
vinyl diazotic acid -OH N2
N N N O cyclic oxazolidine
Reactive species
+ H2O -CO2 H2N Cl
Reactive species
H2C CH vinyl cation
Reactive species
收稿:2008年11月,收修改稿:2009年2月 3中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划33C orresponding author e 2mail :xcd1633@聚对二氧环己酮改性研究进展3白 威 陈栋梁 李 庆 张志萍 熊成东33(中国科学院成都有机化学研究所 成都610041)摘 要 聚对二氧环己酮(PPDO ),是一种脂肪族聚醚酯,以其优异的生物降解性、生物相容性、生物可吸收性以及优异的柔韧性、抗张强度、打结强度,被成功地应用于医用手术缝线制造,并在骨科固定材料、药物载体等领域有着巨大应用潜力。
关键词 聚对二氧环己酮 改性 可降解高分子中图分类号:O631.5;T Q316.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10052281X (2009)1222696208The R esearch of Modified Poly(para 2dixanone)Bai Wei Chen Dongliang Li Qing Zhang Zhiping Xiong Chengdong33(Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry ,Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Chengdu 610041,China )Abstract P oly (para 2dioxanone )(PPDO )is used as a biomaterial for tissue engineering ,bone fracture fixation and controlled drug delivery due to its excellent biodegrability ,bioabs orbability ,biocom patibility and g ood flexibility.Furtherm ore ,PPDO presents outstanding potential for general medical devices such as films ,m olded products ,laminates ,foams ,non 2w oven materials ,adhesives ,and coatings.H owever ,its polymerization method and structure ,etc have hindered development of commercial applications.The recent progress in m odifiration of poly (para 2dixanone )is reviewed in this paper ,which includes blending m odification of PPDO ,chemical m odification of PPDO and filling m odification of PPDO.Blending with other polymers is a sim ple and convenient way of m odifying the crystalline and degradation properties of PPDO.Chemical m odification is one way of im proving the properties of poly (para 2dixanone ),such as its s olubility ,m olecular weight ,thermal stability and s o on.Filling m odification of PPDO can im plement each other ’s com plement of their advantage ,and these novel properties will develop its wide application.K ey w ords poly (para 2dioxanone );m odification ;biodegradation polymersContents1 Introduction2 M odification methods of PPDO2.1 Blending m odification of PPDO 2.2 Chemical m odification of PPDO 2.3 Filling m odification of PPDO 3 C onclusions and outlook第21卷第12期2009年12月化 学 进 展PROG RESS I N CHE MISTRYV ol.21N o.12 Dec.,20091 引言 脂肪族聚酯以其独特的生物可降解性、生物相容性和生物可吸收性被广泛应用在医用材料领域[1—3]。
心房颤动去神经治疗的临床效应王曦敏;侯应龙【摘要】The cardiac autonomic nervous system (ANS) which consists of sympathetic and vagal (parasympathetic) nerves plays an important role in the initiation and maintenance of atrial fibrillation (AF). Catheter ablation focusing on atrial ganglionated plexus (GP) has become the first-line or adjuvant therapeutic strategy for AF. However, there is of growing concern about the nervous and atrial remodeling induced by GP ablation.%构成心脏自主神经系统的交感神经与迷走(副交感)神经在房颤(AF)的发生与维持中起着重要的作用,由此以心房神经丛(GP)消融为主的去神经治疗亦成为AF单独或辅助的介入疗法之一。
【期刊名称】《中华老年多器官疾病杂志》【年(卷),期】2014(000)001【总页数】3页(P20-22)【关键词】心房重构;射频消融;神经丛【作者】王曦敏;侯应龙【作者单位】山东大学附属千佛山医院心内科,济南 250014;山东大学附属千佛山医院心内科,济南 250014【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R541.7+5心房颤动(简称房颤,atrial fibrillation,AF)是临床常见心律失常之一。
大庆石油学院学报第32卷第4期2008年8月JOURNAL OF DAQING PET ROLEU M INS TIT UT E V o l.32No.4Aug.2008含酯基不对称双季铵盐阳离子表面活性剂的合成邢凤兰,王文波,徐 群(齐齐哈尔大学化学与化学工程学院,黑龙江齐齐哈尔 161006)摘 要:以长链烷基叔胺、盐酸、环氧氯丙烷为原料,合成N-(3-氯-2-羟丙基)-N,N-二甲基长链烷基氯化铵;以月桂酸、2-二甲氨基乙醇为原料,酯化得到二甲基月桂酸乙基叔胺,利用其与N-(3-氯-2-羟丙基)-N,N-二甲基长链烷基氯化铵季铵化得到含酯基不对称双季铵盐阳离子表面活性剂.并采用红外光谱对合成过程中的原料、中间体及产物进行研究.结果表明,合成含酯基不对称双季铵盐工艺路线具有合理性及可行性.关 键 词:表面活性剂;双季铵盐;合成;红外光谱中图分类号:TQ423.121 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-1891(2008)04-0079-030 引言具有高表面活性的新型双子表面活性剂(Gem ini)开发于20世纪90年代初,它是由2个双亲体通过1个间隔链连接构成的[1].与传统单链表面活性剂分子相比,Gem ini表面活性剂分子有间隔链.间隔链的性质及位置对Gemini表面活性剂物化性能[2,3]的影响很大.1991年,M eng er F M[4]等人合成了刚性基连接的双离子头基双碳氢链表面活性剂.2004年,Vikas S[5]等人合成了一系列烷基- , -双(十六烷基羟乙基甲基溴化铵)阳离子双子表面活性剂.我国对于Gemini研究起步较晚.2001年,贾丽华[6]等人以壬基酚、二乙胺和甲醛为原料,合成了双季铵盐Gemini化合物.2004年,徐群[7]等人合成了非对称Gem-i ni季铵盐表面活性剂.2005年,王中才[8]等人合成了系列酯基Gem ini型季铵盐表面活性剂:烷基- , -双(二甲基酰氧乙基溴化铵).由于双季铵盐表面活性剂分子中有2个疏水基团、2个亲水基团和1个连接基,其结构新颖,与传统的单季铵盐阳离子表面活性剂结构模式有很大差别,具有更为优良的性质[9-12].比如临界胶束浓度低,能够更有效地降低水的表面张力,并且在与其它表面活性剂混合时,具有良好的协同效应.因此广泛用于乳化、杀菌、消泡、清洁剂等.近年来,对于两端连有不同疏水基团的双季铵盐表面活性剂研究较少.笔者以长链烷基叔胺、盐酸、环氧氯丙烷为原料,合成中间体N-(3-氯-2-羟丙基)-N,N-二甲基长链烷基氯化铵;以月桂酸及2-二甲氨基乙醇为原料,二甲苯作溶剂,对甲苯磺酸作催化剂,酯化得到二甲基月桂酸乙基叔胺.利用其与N-(3-氯-2-羟丙基)-N,N-二甲基长链烷基氯化铵季铵化得到含酯基不对称双季铵盐阳离子表面活性剂.通过分析原料、中间体及产品的红外光谱[13],证明该工艺路线的合理性及可行性.1 实验1.1 仪器与试剂仪器:Spectrum one型傅里叶变换红外光谱仪,WS70-1型红外线快速干燥箱,压片机,有机制备仪一套.试剂:N,N-二甲基长链烷基叔胺为工业级;月桂酸、对甲苯磺酸为化学纯;溴化钾、盐酸、环氧氯丙烷、2-二甲氨基乙醇、二甲苯为分析纯.收稿日期:2007-12-06;审稿人:汪颖军;编辑:王文礼基金项目:黑龙江省普通高等学校骨干教师资助项目(1054G068)作者简介:邢凤兰(1959-),女,教授,主要从事精细化学品的合成与应用方面的研究.1.2 制备1.2.1 中间体N-(3-氯-2-羟丙基)-N,N-二甲基长链烷基氯化铵的制备N,N-二甲基长链烷基叔胺、盐酸、环氧氯丙烷,将按一定比例混合加入带有搅拌器、温度计的四口瓶中,水作溶剂,控制反应温度为40 ,通过测定羟丙基季铵盐含量[14]来确定反应终点.反应结束后,经减压旋转蒸发,得微黄色透明膏体,通过柱分离进行分离提纯,得白色粉末[15].1.2.2 二甲基月桂酸乙基叔胺的合成月桂酸及2-二甲氨基乙醇二甲苯,将按一定比例混合加入带有搅拌器、温度计、分水器、回流冷凝管的四口瓶中,2-二甲氨基乙醇作溶剂,对甲苯磺酸作催化剂,在140 条件下回流,约10h 后酸被耗近,所得产品经水洗、无水硫酸镁干燥、真空蒸馏提纯,得无色液体.1.2.3 含酯基不对称双季铵盐的制备N-(3-氯-2-羟丙基)-N,N-二甲基长链烷基氯化铵和2-二甲基月桂酸乙基叔胺,将按一定比例混合加入带有搅拌器、温度计、回流冷凝管的四口瓶中,用异丙醇和水作混合溶剂,在85 条件下搅拌回流,通过测定胺值来确定反应终点.反应结束后,经减压旋转蒸发得黄色黏稠状膏体,用混合溶剂进行重结晶,得白色粉末.1.3 分析样品的制备取适量干燥过的溴化钾放入玛瑙研钵中研细,然后加入适量的待测样品,继续研至2 m 左右,进行压片,压力达到一定值后,保持约5min 取下,红外光谱表征其结构.2 红外光谱分析2.1 月桂酸、2-二甲氨基乙醇及二甲基月桂酸乙基叔胺在月桂酸的红外谱图中(见图1),1701.64cm -1处的吸收峰为羧基中碳氧双键伸缩振动的特征吸收,2670.45cm -1附近的一组吸收峰为羧酸二聚体中氢键的特征吸收,1303.52cm -1处的吸收峰为羧基中碳氧单键伸缩振动的特征吸收,721.42cm -1处的吸收峰为长链的特征吸收.在2-二甲氨基乙醇红外谱图中(见图2),3392.70cm -1处的吸收峰为羟基中氧氢键伸缩振动的特征吸收,1037.06cm -1处的吸收峰为醇中碳氧单键伸缩振动的特征吸收,1161.55,1085.00cm -1处的吸收峰为碳氮单键伸缩振动的特征吸收.而在中间体二甲基月桂酸乙基叔胺的红外谱图中(见图3),1739.98cm-1处的吸收峰为酯中碳氧双键伸缩振动的特征吸收,1170.82cm -1处吸收峰为酯中碳氧单键伸缩振动的特征吸收,1112.69,1042.56cm -1处的吸收峰为碳氮单键伸缩振动的特征吸收,721.42cm -1处的吸收峰为长链的特征吸收.图1 月桂酸红外谱图图2 2-二甲氨基乙醇红外谱图 比较图1、图2和图3可以看出,1701.64cm -1处的羧基中碳氧双键伸缩振动的特征吸收峰,3392.70cm -1处的羟基中氧氢键伸缩振动的特征吸收峰及1037.06cm -1处的醇中碳氧单键伸缩振动的特征吸收峰消失,表明2-二甲氨基乙醇中的羟基与月桂酸中的羧基发生了酯化反应;1161.55cm -1,1085.00cm -1处的碳氮单键伸缩振动的特征吸收峰,722.11cm-1处长链的特征吸收峰依然存在,表明除了大 庆 石 油 学 院 学 报 第32卷 2008年图3 月桂酸乙醇胺酯红外谱图发生酯化反应外没有其它反应发生,同时在1739.98cm -1处出现酯中碳氧双键伸缩振动的特征吸收峰,在1170.82cm -1处出现酯中碳氧单键伸缩振动的特征吸收峰,说明月桂酸和2-二甲氨基乙醇反应生成酯.2.2 N-(3-氯-2-羟丙基)-N,N-二甲基长链烷基氯化铵及含酯基不对称双季铵盐在N-(3-氯-2-羟丙基)-N,N -二甲基长链烷基氯化铵的红外谱图中(见图4),3367.93cm -1处的吸收峰为羟基中氧氢键伸缩振动的特征吸收,1089.16cm -1处的吸收峰为醇中碳氧单键伸缩振动的特征吸收,1386.56cm -1处的吸收峰为季铵盐中碳氮单键伸缩振动的特征吸收,722.03cm -1处的吸收峰为长链的特征吸收,说明叔胺盐与环氧氯丙烷通过开环反应生成N-(3-氯-2-羟丙基)-N,N-二甲基长链烷基氯化铵.在含酯基不对称双季铵盐的红外谱图中(见图5),3438.27cm -1处的吸收峰为羟基中氧氢键伸缩振动的特征吸收,1729.84cm -1处的吸收峰为酯中碳氧双键伸缩振动的特征吸收,1169.68cm -1处吸收峰为酯中碳氧单键伸缩振动的特征吸收,1399.94cm -1处的吸收峰为季铵盐中碳氮单键伸缩振动的特征吸收,721.42cm -1处的吸收峰为长链的特征吸收.说明生成了含酯基不对称双季铵盐.图4 N -(3-氯-2-羟丙基)-N,N -二甲基长链烷基氯化铵的红外谱图图5 含酯基不对称双季铵盐的红外谱图3 结束语以长链烷基叔胺、盐酸、环氧氯丙烷为原料,合成中间体N-(3-氯-2-羟丙基)-N,N -二甲基长链烷基氯化铵;以月桂酸及2-二甲氨基乙醇为原料,二甲苯作溶剂,对甲苯磺酸作催化剂,酯化得到二甲基月桂酸乙基叔胺,利用其与N-(3-氯-2-羟丙基)-N,N -二甲基长链烷基氯化铵季铵化得到含酯基不对称双季铵盐阳离子表面活性剂,红外光谱分析表明该工艺路线具有合理性和可行性.参考文献:[1] ZANA R,LEVY H ,PAPOUT SI D,et al.M icellezation of tw o triquaternary ammonium s urfactants in aqu eous s olution [J].Lang -mu ir,1995,11(10):3694-3698.[2] 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编程实现该模块整体程序流程见图3.其中 相对位移转化 BB 是用V SL 编写的自建BB ,输入参数为x 鼠标,y 鼠标,x 地图,y 地图,x 左上角,y 左上角和z 左上角,输出为x 目标和y 目标.4 结束语基于Virtoo ls Dev 3.5开发平台,分析了漫游地图的4种基本功能的算法实现及优化策略,并制作了具有通用性的3个BG 模块,实现了准确、流畅地显示漫游者的位置和前进方向和地图的缩放、跳转等功能.在类似漫游应用的开发过程中,使用制作的3个通用模块可以避免重新设计底层实现算法和重新搭建BB 程序流程图的过程,只需重新设置这3个模块中的参数即可实现漫游地图的一些基本功能.参考文献:[1] 刘晓明,李勤,王晓哲.基于Virtools 的虚拟漫游系统的设计与实现[J].大庆石油学院学报,2006,30(5):10-14.[2] 张小强,孙晓南,何玉林.Web 3D 技术及其在产品仿真系统中的应用[J].重庆大学学报:自然科学版,2002,25(5):50-53.[3] 王洪,朱清新.用VRM L 实现虚拟校园的实时漫游[J].计算机应用,2004,24(12):32-36.[4] 陈立伟,罗云,李晓燕,等.基于VE GA 的旅游景点漫游系统设计[J].计算机工程与设计,2005,26(3):23-27.[5] H ONJO T,LIM E M.Vis ualization of landscape b y VRM L system[J].Lands cape and Ur ban Planning,2000,55(3):175-183.[6] 刘贤梅,李勤,司国海,等.虚拟现实技术及其应用[J].大庆石油学院学报,2002,26(2):112-115.(上接第81页)[6] 贾丽华,郭祥峰,陈华群,等.壬基酚为原料合成双季铵盐[J].精细化工,2001,18(10):576-578.[7] 徐群,曹明丽,马文辉,等.非对称双子季铵盐阳离子表面活性剂的合成与性能[J].日用化学工业,2004,34(5):280-282.[8] 王中才,许虎君.酯基Gemini 型季铵盐表面活性剂的合成与性能[J].江南大学学报:自然科学版,2005,4(3):306-309.[9] M ENGE R F M ,KEIPER J S.Gemini su rfactan 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quaternary system CO2-benzene-n-dodecylbenzene-[Bmim] Br-AlCl3w ere determined w ithin the tem perature range of40,60 and the pr essure rang e of0~10.5 MPa by ado pting the static analytical method.Effect of pressure on distributio n co efficients of[Bm im] Br-AlCl3,benzene and n-dodecylbenzene(ratio of mass fractio n of compositions in ionic liquid rich phase to those in n-dodecy lbenzene r ich phase)w er e discussed respectively.T he results demo nstr ated that solubility of benzene and n-dodecylbenzene in ionic liquid rich phase w as increased by employing CO2in the system w ith n-dodecy lbenzene-benzene-[Bmim]Br-AlCl3.U nder the conditions of40 ,8.0M Pa and60 ,8.0~10.5M Pa,distributio n coefficients of[Bmim]Br-AlCl3,benzene and n -dodecy lbenzene r eached1.0respectively,w here the miscibility o f io nic liquid rich phase and n-dode-cylbenzene rich phase w as greatly enhanced,and tw o phase merg ed into one hom ogeno us phase.Key words:benzene;n-dodecy lbenzene;[Bm im]Br-AlCl3;CO2;phase equilibriumThe synthesis of dissymmetric bis-quaternary ammonium salt cationic surfactants with ester bond/2008,32 (4):79-81XING Feng-lan,WENG w en-bo,XU Qun(College of Chemical and Chem istr y E ngineer ing,Qiqihar Univer sity,Qiq ihar,H eilongj iang 161006,China)Abstract:N-(3-chloro-2-hydrox ypr opy l)-N,N-dimethy lalky lammo nium chloride w as synthe-sized from long chain alky l Amine,hy drochloric acid and epichlo rohydrin.T he dimethy l lauric ethyl ter-tiary amine w as obtained fro m2-dim ethylamino ethanol r eacting w ith laur ic acid by esterification.T he dissym metr ic Gemini quater nary ammo nium salt cationic surfactants w ith ester bo nd w ere synthesized fro m N-(3-chlo ro-2-hydrox ypropyl)-N,N-dimethy lalky lam monium r eacting w ith N-(3-chlo-r o-2-hydrox ypropyl)-N,N-dimethy lalky lammonium chlor ide by quater nization.The structure o f the r aw material,intermediate and products w ere studied by the infrared spectr um.T he results show ed that the sy nthesis pro cess of dissymm etry bis-quaternary am monium salt cationic surfactants w ith es-ter bond is reasonable and feasible.Key words:surfactants;bis-quaternar y amm onium salt;sy nthesis;IR spectr umAbsorption kinetics of CO2into MDEA-TETA solution under high pressures/2008,32(4):82-84 WANG Lan-zhi1,LI M e-i mei1,YANG H ong-jian1,JIA Q ing2,H OU Ka-i hu1(1.I nstitute of Green Chemical T echnology,H ebei University of T echnolog y,T ianj in300130,Chi-na;2.Daq ing Oil F ield Eng ineer ing Comp any L td.,Daqing,H eilongj iang163712,China) Abstract:Absor ption kinetics of CO2into MDEA-TET A solution under hig h pressures has been stud-ied.T he absorption rate of CO2into MDEA T ETA solution total amine concentr ation3.0kmo l/m3 and TET A concentr ation0.3,0.4,0.6km ol/m3ar e measured respectively using a dynamic absorptio n technique.Based on the exper im ental data,a CO2abso rption rate equatio n for the solution is developed. The average relative error betw een the predicted and exper im ental CO2abso rption rates is less than 10%,and the m odel is r eliable fo r comm er cial unit design.Key words:M DEA;TET A;carbon remov al,absorption kineticsModel reduction for flying movement systems/2008,32(4):85-89LI Yan-hui1,LI Jian-hua1,2,CH EN Zhuo3,LIU Wei1,LI H ong-x ing1(1.E lectr ical I nf orm ation Eng ineer ing College,D aqing Petr oleum I nstitute,Daqing,H eilongj iang 163318,China;2.H eavy Oil D evelop ment Comp any,X inj iang Oilf ield Comp any,K alamay i,X in-。
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Chemical Modification of Colloidal Masks for Nanolithography Dirk L.J.Vossen,†Joan J.Penninkhof,†,‡and Alfons van Blaaderen*,†Soft Condensed Matter,Utrecht Uni V ersity,Princetonplein5,3584CC Utrecht,The Netherlands,and FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics,Center for Nanophotonics,Kruislaan407,1098SJ Amsterdam,The NetherlandsRecei V ed December10,2007.Re V ised Manuscript Recei V ed March12,2008A method is presented to tune the holes in colloidal masks used for ing a simple wet-chemical method,a thin layer of silica is grown on masks of silica particles.The size of the holes is controlled by the amount of tetraethoxysilane(TEOS)added.More accurate tuning of the hole size is possible in the presence of a calibrated seed dispersion of silica colloids.We demonstrate modified masks that were used to create arrays of metal nanoparticles with a size ranging from400nm,for unmodified masks,down to tens of nanometers.The method is easy-to-use,fast, and inexpensive.IntroductionIn nanosphere lithography,a self-organized layer of colloidal spheres is used as a mask for a lithographic step like illumination, deposition,or etching.1–5It is a simple,fast,and inexpensive method to pattern substrates over large areas.In this paper,we demonstrate improvements on this technique and use the modified colloidal masks to make arrays of noble metal nanoparticles. These arrays of metal particles have many applications6–8and arrays created using colloidal masks were used,for example,to study plasmonic resonances,9to fabricate plasmonic sensors,10 to catalyze the growth of nanofibers,11,12and for selective protein adsorption.13Nanosphere lithography also has disadvantages:one of them is that the size of holes in the mask is determined by the size of the colloidal particles that form the mask.Therefore,the size of the features created using nanosphere lithography is coupled to the size of the colloidal particles in the mask.3,4Recently,we used optical tweezers to create masks with arbitrary geometry, alleviating another limitation of nanosphere lithography,and we used ion beam deformation to control the hole size in colloidal masks.14Control over the hole size was also achieved by deforming colloidal masks made of polystyrene colloids and by evaporation at large off-normal angles in combination with rotation of the sample.15–17Here we present a simple and fast alternative method to modify the hole sizes of colloidal masks for nanolithography.A wet-chemical method is used to grow a thin layer of silica on two-dimensional close-packed layers of colloidal silica particles on a substrate.The layer of silica decreases the size of the holes in the colloidal mask and the hole size is uncoupled from the interhole distances;it is now,for example,possible to obtain small nanoparticles with large interparticle distances.We investigated the growth mechanism of the silica coating and show that the size of the holes can be controlled accurately.The modified masks were used for nanolithography:after metal deposition and removal of the mask,large arrays of metal nanoparticles were ing masks consisting of large colloidal particles with a diameter of1.4µm,we created nanoparticles with a size ranging from400nm(for unmodified masks)down to tens of nanometers.The coating method is based on the Sto¨ber method,18a base-catalyzed reaction of alkoxy silanes in mixtures of ethanol and ammonia,which is well-known for the synthesis of monodisperse colloidal silica particles.Catalyzed by the ammonia,tetraethox-ysilane(TEOS)molecules hydrolyze and condense to form silica. In the early stage of the reaction,small silica aggregates are formed.These coalesce until they become stable,as they grow larger and acquire more surface charge.Once stable,the aggregates grow larger by addition of monomers and small oligomers and become spherical in shape.Thefinal size of the colloidal spheres depends on both the number of particles formed in the early nucleation stage as well as on the amount of TEOS added to the reaction mixture.The number of particles formed in the stable dispersion is a complicated function of experimental conditions and is in general not accurately controllable.19–21 Recently,we developed a modification of the Sto¨ber method to grow thin silicafilms on macroscopic surfaces.22The growth mechanism for the silica layers was found to be surface-reaction*Corresponding author.E-mail:a.vanblaaderen@phys.uu.nl.†Utrecht University.‡FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics.(1)Fischer,U.C.;Zingsheim,H.P.J.Vac.Sci.Technol.1981,19,881–885.(2)Deckman,H.W.;Dunsmuir,J.H.Appl.Phys.Lett.1982,41,377–379.(3)Hulteen,J.C.;Van Duyne,R.P.J.Vac.Sci.Technol.A1995,13,1553–1558.(4)Burmeister,F.;Schafle,C.;Matthes,T.;Bohmisch,M.;Boneberg,J.; Leiderer,ngmuir1997,13,2983–2987.(5)Yang,S.M;J,S.G;Choi,D.G;Kim,S;Yu,H.K.Small2006,2,458.(6)Shipway,A.N.;Katz,E.;Willner,I.ChemPhysChem2000,1,18–52.(7)Redl,F.X.;Cho,K.S.;Murray,C.B.;O’Brien,S.Nature2003,423,968–971.(8)Alivisatos,P.Nat.Biotechnol.2004,22,47–52.(9)Haynes,C.L.;Van Duyne,R.P.J.Phys.Chem.B2001,105,5599–5611.(10)Malinsky,M.D.;Kelly,K.L.;Schatz,G.C.;Van Duyne,R.P.J.Am. 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Nano Lett.2004,4,1359–1363.(16)Kosiorek,A.;Kandulski,W.;Glaczynska,H.;Giersig,M.Small2005, 1,439.(17)Miguez,H.;Te´treault,N.;Hatton,B.;Yang,S.M.;Perovic,D.;Ozin,mun2002,2736–2737.(18)Sto¨ber,W.;Fink,A.;Bohn,E.J.J.Colloid Interface Sci.1968,26, 62–69.(19)Giesche,H.J.Eur.Ceram.Soc.1994,14,205–214.(20)van Blaaderen,A.;Vrij,ngmuir1992,8,2921–2931.(21)van Blaaderen,A.;van Geest,J.;Vrij,A.J.Colloid Interface Sci.1992, 154,481–501.5967Langmuir2008,24,5967-596910.1021/la703847p CCC:$40.75 2008American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web05/07/2008limited,as was also found for the original Sto ¨ber process.21It is therefore expected that when a seed dispersion of colloidal spheres is added to the reaction mixture,the thickness of the silica layer on a macroscopic surface increases with the same amount as the increase in radius of the colloidal seed particles.This was indeed what was found.22When a well-characterized seed dispersion is used,silica layers can be grown with nanometer control over layer thickness.22We use this method to grow thin silica layers on colloidal masks for nanolithography.Experimental SectionSilica particles with a diameter of 1.4µm and a polydispersity of 2%were synthesized using a Sto ¨ber growth process and subsequent growth steps using methods described in detail elsewhere.19–21The size and polydispersity were determined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)on several hundreds of particles.Analytical grade ethanol,ammonia solution (29wt %)and TEOS from Merck were used as received.Si(100)wafers were used as substrates,as received.Hexagonal close-packed masks were made by self-organization of colloidal particles on an uncoated substrate.A drop of particles in ethanol was put on a glass or silicon substrate and the solvent was left to evaporate slowly.The average size of the single crystalline regions was on the order of several tens of particles diameters.The substrates were coated in a mixture of ethanol,ammonia,water,and TEOS as described in the text.A layer of gold was deposited on the colloidal masks using electron beam evaporation at a base pressure of 1×10-8mbar.After deposition,the mask was removed from the sample by sonication (Branson Ultrasonic Cleaner,model 8510E)in ethanol.Sometimes,masks coated with a thick silica layer were found to be hard to detach from the substrate.Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)was performed on a FEI XL30SFEG microscope operated at an acceleration voltage in the range of 1-15keV.Holes in colloidal masks were characterized by measuring the three long axes of the hole’s triangular shape as described in the text and indicated in the inset of Figure 1a.An average over five holes was taken.Results and DiscussionA colloidal seed dispersion was synthesized by adding 0.360g of TEOS to a mixture of 7.867g of ethanol,0.787g of water,and 0.715g of ammonia.After 2h of continuous stirring,colloidal silica particles had formed,and 75µL of seed dispersion was taken out of the reaction mixture.The radius of the newly formed spheres in the seed dispersion was determined to be 363nm (2.3%.From this,the number density of seed particles in the dispersion was calculated to be 2.7×1011mL -1.Four samples with colloidal masks were prepared as described in the Experimental Section.The size of the holes between the particles in the colloidal mask was measured to be 400nm.The size of a hole is defined as the smallest distance between the point where two particles touch and a point on the surface of the third colloidal particle in a hexagonal close-packed mask (see the inset in Figure 1a).The four substrates covered with colloidal masks were then immersed in the ethanol -ammonia mixture containing the seed dispersion.Subsequently,0.188g of TEOS was added,and after 2h of stirring,the reaction was finished,and one substrate and 75µL of seed dispersion were taken out of the mixture.Then 0.178g of TEOS was added to the mixture with seed dispersion and the three remaining samples.After 2h,again one sample and 75µL of seed dispersion were taken out.These steps were repeated twice in which 0.083and 0.084g of TEOS were added,respectively.The substrates can also be coated without any seed particles present in the reaction mixture,but a secondary nucleation of particles will prevent knowing exactly how thick the layer grown on the substrates will be.By adding seed particles to the dispersion,accurate control over the final thickness of the silica layer is available,as no new particles are formed and the total known surface area dictates also the thickness grown on the template.Figure 1a shows a SEM image at high magnification of a colloidal mask that was taken out of the reaction mixture after the first coating step.A layer of silica had grown on the mask,and the size of the holes was decreased to 264nm.This is a 136nm reduction of the hole size compared to an uncoated mask.After the second coating,the size of the holes was reduced to 152nm (Figure 1b).After the third and fourth coating steps,the size of the holes were determined to be 104nm (Figure 1c)and 55nm (Figure 1d),respectively.Virtually no seed particles were found on the coated colloidal masks.During each coating step,silica was grown on the colloidal masks and on the seed colloids in the reaction mixture.We determined the size of the seed and mask particles after each growth step by electron microscopy.The size of the mask particles is defined as the radius of a particle in the mask at the position where it is not connected to another particle.The graph in Figure 2shows the increase of the radius of both the seed and mask particles as a function of the amount of TEOS added.The size of the holes in the mask after each growth step is also indicated in the graph.With more TEOS added,the size of the seed particles increased more rapidly than the size of the particles in the mask.The Sto ¨ber growth of silica colloids is well-described by a surface reaction-limited model,in which the growth rate is limited by condensation of hydrolyzed monomers on the particle surface.21,23The change in particle volume is then proportional to the square of the particle radius,and the increase in particle radius will be independent of size.In contrast,the growth rate in diffusion-limited growth is limited by the transport of monomers to the particle surface,and the growth in particle volume is then proportional to the radius of the particles.The observed difference in growth rate for seed and mask particles in Figure 2indicates that the silica growth on mask particles is more diffusion-limited than reaction-limited.Although diffusion-limited growth means(22)Vossen,D.L.J.;de Dood,M.J.A.;van Dillen,T.;Zijlstra,T.;van der Drift,E.;Polman,A.;van Blaaderen,A.Ad V .Mater.2000,12,1434–1437.(23)Chen,S.-L.;Dong,P.;Guang-Hua,Y.J.Colloid Interface Sci.1997,189,268–272.Figure 1.Colloidal masks formed by a layer of close-packed particles (700nm radius),modified by growing thin layers of silica to tune the hole size.The size of the holes in an uncoated mask was 400nm.(a)SEM image of a mask after one coating step;the size of the holes reduced to 264nm.The inset indicates the definition of hole size.(b -d)Images of colloidal masks after two,three,and four coating steps.The size of the holes was 152,104,and 55nm,respectively.The scale bar is 1µm.5968Langmuir,Vol.24,No.11,2008Vossen et al.that the layer thickness grown on the colloidal mask will depend on geometrical properties of the mask,which will be different for different samples,accurate tuning of the size of the holes is still possible when a calibration curve is determined.For seeded growth,it was shown that the amount of TEOS that has to be added to increase the radius R 1to R 2is related to the volume of TEOS (V 1)needed to prepare the particles with radius R 1.21Here,it is assumed that all the added TEOS grows on the existing particles and that the density of the added layer is the same as that of the core particle.This formula can be applied to the growth of the seed colloids,as the surface provided by the substrates with the masks is negligible.The result,with R 1)374nm as determined by SEM,is shown by the solid line in Figure 2,and shows a good agreement with the data.After modification,the masks were used for lithography.A layer of 25nm of Au was deposited on a modified colloidal mask by electron beam evaporation.After removal of the mask by sonication,an array of Au nanoparticles was left on the sample (Figure 3a).The size of the nanoparticles was determined to be 70nm.Since the substrate was also coated during the coating,the metal nanoparticles were deposited on a thin layer of silica.Where the colloidal mask touched the silicon substrate,indenta-tions in the silica film can be seen.To investigate the height profile of a sample,an array of Au particles was imaged using an atomic force microscope (AFM)(Figure 3b).The Au particles had a lateral size of 350nm.Height profiles recorded on the two dashed lines indicated in Figure 3b are plotted in Figure 3c.Each line shows two Au particles on the silica layer on top of the silicon substrate.On average,the height of the Au particles was 27nm,while the silica layer had a thickness of 29nm.For many applications,the presence of silica on the substrate poses no problem.However,modificationof the surface can be prevented when the method is used on freestanding colloidal masks that are then transferred to a substrate for lithography.4We have shown previously that silica can be grown on many different materials (including latex spheres)using the polymer poly(vinylpyrrolidone),so that this modification method can be applied to a variety of substrates and colloidal masks.24ConclusionsIn conclusion,we developed a wet-chemical method to modify the hole size of colloidal masks used for lithography.A mask is coated with a thin silica layer and the size of the holes is controlled by the amount of TEOS added.Accurate tuning of the hole size is possible in the presence of a (calibrated)seed dispersion of silica colloids.As an example,the modified masks were used to create arrays of metal nanoparticles.The method is inexpensive,simple,and fast.Acknowledgment.We thank Damir Fific for experimental assistance,Anna Tchebotareva for AFM imaging,and Albert Polman for discussions.This work is part of the research program of the “Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (FOM)”,which is financially supported by the “Nederlandse organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)”.LA703847P(24)Graf,C.;Vossen,D.L.J.;Imhof,A.;van Blaaderen,ngmuir 2003,19,6693–6700.Figure 2.The size increase of the seed particles in the coating mixture (squares)and the colloidal particles in the mask (circles)as a function of amount of TEOS added.The size of both particles increased,although the seed particles grew faster.For each coating step,the hole size in the mask is also indicated.The curve shows the expected relation for the surface reaction-limited growthmodel.Figure 3.(a)SEM image of an array of gold nanoparticles created by deposition of 25nm of Au on a modified colloidal mask and subsequent mask removal by sonication of the sample.The in-plane size of the nanoparticles was 70nm.(b)AFM image of an array of Au particles (350nm)on a silica layer.The holes in the silica layer are caused by the particles in the mask during the coating.(c)Height profiles over two Au particles on the silica layer on the silicon substrate.The height of the Au particles was 27nm while the silica layer had a thickness of 29nm.The positions where the profiles were taken are indicated in Figure 3b with the dashed lines.The scale bars are 1µm.Chemical Modification of Masks for Nanolithography Langmuir,Vol.24,No.11,20085969。