



山东省青岛市2017-2018学年高一下学期第一次质量检测(4月月考)数学试题分值150分 考试时间:120分钟 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分)一、选择题:(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1. 已知角α是第三象限角,那么2α是( )A .第一、二象限角B .第二、三象限角C .第二、四象限角D .第一、四象限角 【答案】C考点:象限的范围考查 .2. 已知角α的终边经过点0p (-3,-4),则)2cos(απ+的值为( )A .54-B .53C .54D .53-【答案】C 【解析】试题分析:由题意得0p =5,由三角函数定义可得sin α=54- ,)2cos(απ+= -sin α=54.考点:三角函数公式 . 3.函数1)421sin(2)(+-=πx x f 的周期、振幅、初相分别是( ) A .4,2,4ππ- B .4,2,4ππ C .4,2,2ππ-D .4,2,4ππ-【答案】D 【解析】试题分析:)sin(φω+=x A Y , ( A>0.ω>0), A 叫做振幅,周期ωπ2=T , φ叫初相所以周期T=4π,振幅为2,初相4πφ-= .错误!未定义书签。

考点:三角函数公式含义 .4.已知点A (x ,y )是30°角终边上异于原点的一点,则xy等于( ) A .3 B .3-C .33D .33-【答案】C考点:任意角的概念 .5.半径为1m 的圆中,60°的圆心角所对的弧的长度为( )m A .3π B .6π C . 60 D .1【答案】A 【解析】试题分析:因为圆心角为60°,等于π/3 ,根据扇形的弧长公式可知,该弧的长度为3πα=⋅r .考点:扇形弧长公式的计算 .6.已知圆C 的半径为2,圆心在x 轴的正半轴上,直线0443=++y x 与圆C 相切,则圆C 的方程( ) A .03222=--+x y x B .0422=++x y x C .03222=-++x y x D .0422=-+x y x 【答案】D 【解析】试题分析:设圆心c(a ,0)(a>0),则圆的标准方程为: 4)(22=+-y a x ,由题意圆心到直线距离等于半径得:2434322=++=a d ,解得:a=2.整理得:0422=-+x y x .考点:直线与圆的位置关系;圆的方程 .7.设,55tan ,55cos ,33sin===c b a 则( )⎥ ⎦⎤⎢ ⎣ ⎡ + - 5 2 , 6 2 π π π π k k 6 A .c b a >> B .a c b >> C .a b c >> D .b a c >> 【答案】C 【解析】试题分析:b =cos55º=sin35º>a =sin33º, c =tan35º>sin35º 故c >b >a . 考点:三角函数比较大小 .8.函数32sin(π-=x y 的单调递增区间是( )A .⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+-125,12ππππk k Z k ∈ B .⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+-1252,122ππππk k Z k ∈ C .⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+-65,6ππππk k Z k ∈ D .Z k ∈【答案】A 【解析】试题分析:sinx 的单调递增区间为⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+-22,22ππππk k ,k ∈Z 223222πππππ+≤-≤-k x k , k ∈Z 得:x ∈⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+-125,12ππππk k . 考点:正弦函数的单调区间 .9.为了得到函数)(2sin R x x y ∈=的图象,可以把函数))(63sin(R x x y ∈+=π的图象上所有点的( )A .纵坐标不变,横坐标伸长到原来的23倍,然后向左平移6π个单位 B . 纵坐标不变,横坐标伸长到原来的23倍,然后向右平移12π个单位C . 纵坐标不变,横坐标缩短到原来的32倍,然后向右平移6π个单位D .纵坐标不变,横坐标缩短到原来的32倍,然后向左平移12π个单位【答案】B 【解析】试题分析:R x x y ∈+=)63sin(π横坐标伸长为原来的23倍变为 )12(2sin )62sin()6332sin(πππ+=+=+⋅=x x x y ,平移时由“左加右减”可知应向右平移12π个单位可得)(2sin R x x y ∈=.考点:三角函数平移问题 .10.圆224470x y x y +--+=上的动点P 到直线y x =-的最小距离为( )A .1B .. D .1【答案】A 【解析】试题分析:由题意得,圆心为(2,2),半径r=1,由圆心到直线的最小距离公式可得22222=+=d ,所以圆上动点到直线的最小距离为122- .考点:考查圆上动点到直线的最小距离 .11.同时具有性质“①最小正周期是π;②图象关于直线3π=x 对称;③在⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-3,6ππ上是增函数”的一个函数是( ) A .)62sin(π+=x y B .)32cos(π+=x y C .)62sin(π-=x y D .)62cos(π-=x y【答案】C 【解析】试题分析:由ωπ2=T ,可排除A 项。



青西新区胶南一中2017级“冬学”物理学科竞赛测试题1.一小球沿斜面匀加速滑下,依次经过A、B、C三点,已知AB=6 m,BC=10 m,小球经过AB和BC两段所用的时间均为2 s,则小球经过A、B、C三点时的速度大小分别是( ) A.2 m/s,3 m/s,4 m/s B.2 m/s,4 m/s,6 m/sC.3 m/s,4 m/s,5 m/s D.3 m/s,5 m/s,7 m/s2.汽车由静止开始从A点沿直线ABC做直线运动,第4 s末通过B点时关闭发动机,再经6 s到达C点时停止。

已知AC的长度为30 m,则下列说法正确的是( ) A.通过B点时速度是3 m/sB.通过B点时速度是6 m/sC.AB的长度为12 mD.汽车在AB段和BC段的平均速度相同3.如图所示,质量为m的物体A以一定的初速度v沿粗糙斜面上滑,物体A在上滑过程中受到的力有( )A.向上的冲力、重力、斜面的支持力、沿斜面向下的摩擦力B.重力、斜面的支持力、沿斜面向下的摩擦力C.重力、对斜面的正压力、沿斜面向下的摩擦力D.重力、斜面的支持力、下滑力4.小球做自由落体运动,与地面发生碰撞,反弹后速度大小与落地速度大小相等。

若从释放小球时开始计时,且不计小球与地面发生碰撞的时间,则小球运动的速度图线可能是图中的( )5.在半球形光滑碗内斜搁一根筷子,如图所示,筷子与碗的接触点分别为A、B,则碗对筷子A、B两点处的作用力方向分别为( )A.均竖直向上B.均指向球心OC.A点处指向球心O,B点处竖直向上D .A 点处指向球心O ,B 点处垂直于筷子斜向上6.如图所示,质量m =10 kg 的物体在水平面上向左运动,物体与水平面间的动摩擦因数为0.2,与此同时物体受到一个水平向右的推力F =20 N 的作用,则物体产生的加速度是(g 取10 m/s 2)( )A .0B .4 m/s 2,水平向右 C .2 m/s 2,水平向左 D .2 m/s 2,水平向右 7.一步行者以6.0 m/s 的速度跑去追赶被红灯阻停的公共汽车,在跑到距汽车25 m 处时,绿灯亮了,汽车以1.0 m/s 2的加速度匀加速启动前进,则( )A .人能追上公共汽车,追赶过程中人跑了36 mB .人不能追上公共汽车,人、车最近距离为7 mC .人能追上公共汽车,追上车前人共跑了43 mD .人不能追上公共汽车,且车开动后,人车距离越来越远8.如图所示,重力为G 的小球用轻绳悬于O 点,用力F 拉住小球,使轻绳保持偏离竖直方向60°角且不变,当F 与竖直方向的夹角为θ时F 最小,则θ、F 的值分别为( )A .0°,GB .30°,32GC .60°,GD .90°,12G 9.如图所示,物体A 在竖直向上的拉力F 的作用下能静止在斜面上,关于A 受力的个数,下列说法中正确的是( )A .A 一定受两个力作用B .A 一定受四个力作用C .A 可能受三个力作用D .A 受两个力或者四个力作用10.如图所示,小木块与小球通过轻杆连接,在小木块匀速滑上斜面和匀速滑下斜面过程中,杆对小球作用力( )A .上滑时大B .下滑时大C .一样大D .无法判断11.如图的四个图中,AB 、BC 均为轻质杆,各图中杆的A 、C端都通过铰链与墙连接,两杆都在B 处由铰链连接,且系统均处于静止状态。



山东省青岛市西海岸新区2018届高三数学上学期第二次月考试题理一、选择题 (本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。


)1.已知集合1{,},(),3x M y y x x x R N y y x R ⎧⎫==-∈==∈⎨⎬⎩⎭,则( )A .M N =B .N M ⊆C .R M C N =D .R C N M 2. 复数(12)(2)z i i =++的共轭复数为( )A .-5iB .5iC .15i +D .15i - 3. 将函数()3sin(2)3f x x π=-的图像向右平移(0)m m >个单位后得到的图像关于原点对称,则m 的最小值是( )A .6π B .3πC .23πD .56π4. 已知函数22()log f x x x =+,则不等式(1)(2)0f x f +-<的解集为( )A .(,1)(3,)-∞-+∞B .(,3)(1,)-∞-+∞C .(3,1)(1,1)---D .(1,1)(1,3)-5. 已知命题:,p a b R ∃∈, a b >且11a b >,命题:q x R ∀∈,3sin cos 2x x +<.下列命题是真命题的是( )A .p q ∧B .p q ⌝∧C .p q ∧⌝D .p q ⌝∧⌝ 6. 将正方体(如图1)截去三个三棱锥后,得到如图2所示的几何体,侧视图的视线方向如图2所示,则该几何体的侧视图为( )⊂≠7. 下列说法错误的是( )A .“函数()f x 的奇函数”是“(0)0f =”的充分不必要条件.B .已知A BC 、、不共线,若0PA PB PC ++=则P 是△ABC 的重心. C .命题“0x R ∃∈,0sin 1x ≥”的否定是:“x R ∀∈,sin 1x <”.D .命题“若3πα=,则1cos 2α=”的逆否命题是:“若1cos 2α≠,则3πα≠”. 8. 已知等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,已知103010,130S S ==,则40S =( )A .-510B .400C . 400或-510D .30或40 9. 南宋数学家秦九韶在《数书九章》中提出的秦九韶算法至今仍是多项式求值比较先进的算法.已知2017016()20181721f x x x =+++,下列程序框图设计的是求0()f x 的值,在“ ”中应填的执行语句是( )A .n i =B .1n i =+C .n =2018i -D .n =2017i - 10. 已知34πθπ≤≤2=,则θ=( ) A . 101133ππ或 B .37471212ππ或 C .131544ππ或 D . 192366ππ或 11.已知△ABC中,,,a b c为角,,A B C的对边,(62)(62)0a B Cb C Ac A B +-++=, 则△ABC 的形状为( )A. 锐角三角形B. 直角三角形C. 钝角三角形D . 无法确定12. 我国古代太极图是一种优美的对称图.如果一个函数的图像能够将圆的面积和周长分成两个相等的部分,我们称这样的函数为圆的“太极函数”.下列命题中错误..命题的个数是( )1:P 对于任意一个圆其对应的太极函数不唯一;2:P 如果一个函数是两个圆的太极函数,那么这两个圆为同心圆; 3:P 圆22(1)(1)4x y -+-=的一个太极函数为32()33f x x x x =-+; 4:P 圆的太极函数均是中心对称图形 5:P 奇函数都是太极函数; 6:P 偶函数不可能是太极函数.A. 2B. 3C.4D.5二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)13.已知平面向量(2,1),(2,).a b x ==且(2)()a b a b +⊥-,则x = . 14.曲线2y x =与直线2y x =所围成的封闭图形的面积为 .15.已知等差数列{}n a 是递增数列,且1233a a a ++≤,7338a a -≤,则4a 的取值范围为 .16.已知()f x 是R 上的连续可导函数,满足'()()0f x f x ->. 若(1)1f =,则不等式1()x f x e ->的解集为 .三、解答题(本大题共70分,解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤。



山东省青岛市西海岸新区2018届高三数学上学期第一次月考试题一、选择题:(共12小题,每小题5分,共60分) 1、设U =R ,A ={x|x >0},B ={x|x >1},则A∩UB = ( ) A .{x|0≤x< B .{x|0<x≤1}C .{x|x <.{x|x >1}2、函数y =的定义域是( )A .{x |x >0}B .{x |x≥1}C .{x |x≤1}D .{x |0<x≤1}3、若0.52a=,πlog 3b =,2log 0.5c =,则( )A .a b c >>B .b ac >>C .c a b >>D .b c a >>4、使不等式2x 2-5x -3≥0成立的一个充分而不必要条件是( ) A .x <0 B .x ≥0 C .x ∈{-1,3,5} D .x ≤-21或x ≥3 5、已知命题*:p x N ∀∈,11()()23x x ≥;命题*:q x N ∃∈,122x x -+=,则下列命题中为真命题的是( ) A .P q ∧B .()p q ⌝∧C .()p q ∧⌝D .()()p q ⌝∧⌝6、已知lgx+lgy=2lg (x -2y ),则log yx 2的值的集合是( ) A .2B .2或0C .4D .4或07、设函数()f x 在R 上可导,其导函数为()f x ',且函数在2x =-处取得极小值,则函数()y xf x '=的图象可能是( )8、已知sin2α=错误!未找到引用源。

,则cos 2(α+错误!未找到引用源。

)=( )A .错误!未找到引用源。

B .错误!未找到引用源。

C .错误!未找到引用源。

D .错误!未找到引用源。

9、若对于任意的120x x a <<<,都有211212ln ln 1x x x x x x ->-,则a 的最大值为( )A .2eB .eC .1D .1210、已知)(x g y =与)(x h y =都是定义在),0()0,(+∞-∞ 上的奇函数,且当0>x 时,⎩⎨⎧>-≤<=.1),1(,10,)(2x x g x x x g ,x k x h 2log )(=(0>x ),若)()(x h x g y -=恰有4个零点, 则正实数k 的取值范围是( ) A .]1,21[;B .]1,21(;C .]2log ,21(3;D .]2log ,21[3.11、已知定义在R 上的函数)(x f y =满足:函数(1)y f x =-的图象关于直线1x =对称,且 当(,0),()'()0x f x xf x ∈-∞+<成立('()f x 是函数()f x 的导函数), 若11(sin )(sin )22a f =,(2)(2)b ln f ln =,1212()4c f log =, 则,,a b c 的大小关系是( ) A .a b c >>B .b a c >>C .c a b >>D .a c b >>12、已知定义在R 上的函数()y f x =满足条件()()4f x f x +=-,且函数()2y f x =+是 偶函数,当(]0,2x ∈时, ()ln f x x ax =-(12a >),当[)2,0x ∈-时, ()f x 的最小值为3,则a 的值等于( )A .2eB .eC .2D .1二、填空题:(共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)13、已知e113e 2m dx x -⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭⎰,则m 的值为_______ 14、若条件p :|4x―3|≤1,q:x 2―(2a+1)x+a 2+a≤0,若是q 的必要不充分条件,则实数a 的取值范围是 .15、已知函数y =f (x +2)的图象关于直线x =-2对称,且当x ∈(0,+∞)时,f (x )=|log 2x |,若a =f (-3),b =f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫14,c =f (2),则a ,b ,c 的大小关系是________. 16、如果对定义在R 上的函数()f x ,对任意两个不相等的实数12x x ,都有11221221()()()()x f x x f x x f x x f x +>+,则称函数()f x 为“H 函数”.下列函数①x y e x =+;②2y x =;③3sin y x x =-;④ln ||,00,0x x x ≠⎧⎨=⎩是“H 函数”的所有序号为_______. 三、解答题:共70分。



2017-2018学年山东省青岛市西海岸新区胶南第一高级中学高一下学期3月月考数学试题(测试时间:2018年3月28日上午)一、选择题:1.已知点()()0,1,3,2A B ,向量()4,3AC =--,则向量BC = ( )(). 7,4A -- (). 7,4B (). 1,4C - (). 1,4D2.一个单位有职工800人,其中具有高级职称的160人,具有中级职称的320人,具有初级职称的200人,其余人员120人,为了解职工收入情况,决定采用分层抽样的方法,从中抽取容量为40的样本,则从上述各层中依次抽取的人数分别是( ) A .12,24,15,9 B .9,12,12,7 C .8,15,12, 5 D .8,16,10,63.对某商店一个月内每天的顾客人数进行了统计,得到样本的茎叶图,则该样本的中位数、众数、极差分别是( )A .46,45,56B .46,45,53C .47,45,56D .45,47,534.已知向量()()1,,3,2a m b ==-,且()a b b +⊥,则m =( ). 8A - . 6B - . 6C . 8D5.若样本1231,1,1,,1n x x x x +++⋅⋅⋅+的平均数是10,方差为2,则对于样本1232,2,2,,2n x x x x +++⋅⋅⋅+,下列结论正确的是( )A .平均数是10,方差为2B .平均数是11,方差为3C .平均数是11,方差为2D .平均数是10,方差为3 6.下列向量中可以作为基底的是( )()(). 0,0,1,2A a b ==- ()(). 1,2,5,7B a b =-=()(). 3,5,6,10C a b ==()(). 2,3,4,6D a b =-=-7.已知四边形ABCD 的三个顶点(02)A ,,(12)B --,,(31)C ,,且2BC AD =,则顶点D 的坐标为( ) A .722⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,B .122⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭, C .(32), D .(13),8.为了了解某校高一学生的视力情况,随机地抽查了该校100名高一学生的视力情况,得到频率分布直方图如图,由于不慎将部分数据丢失,但知道后5组频数和为62,视力在4.6到4.8之间的学生数为a ,最大频率为0.32,则a 的值为( )A .64B .54C .48D .279.已知向量()2,2OA =,()4,1OB =,在x 轴上有一点P ,使AP BP 有最小值,则P 点坐标为( )(). 3,0A - (). 3,0B (). 2,0C (). 4,0D10.已知ABC ∆是边长为1的等边三角形,点E D ,分别是边BC AB ,的中点,连接DE 并延长到点F ,使得EF DE 2=,则AF BC 的值为( )5. 8A -1.8B 1. 4C11.8D11.在平行四边形ABCD 中,,E F 分别是,BC CD 的中点,DE 交AF 于H ,记AB a =,BC b =,则AH =( )24.55A a b - 24. 55B a b + 24. 55C a b -+ 24. 55D a b --12.在ABC ∆中,已知向量AB 与AC 满足0AB AC BC AB AC ⎛⎫⎪+= ⎪⎝⎭且12AB AC AB AC =,则ABC ∆是( )A .等边三角形B .直角三角形C .等腰非等边三角形D .三边均不相等的三角形二、填空题:13.已知()()2,3,4,3A B -,点P 在线段AB 上,且32A P PB =,则点P 的坐标为__________14. 已知向量(6,8)a =-且满足10-=⋅则b 在a 方向的投影为 15.已知某种商品的广告费支出x (单位:万元)与销售额y (单位:万元)之间有如下对应数据:根据上表可得回归方程ˆˆˆybx a =+,其中ˆ7b =,据此估计,当投入10万元广告费时,销售额为___________万元; 16.已知向量2,3a x x ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭与()2,3b x =-的夹角为钝角,则实数x 的取值范围___________ 三、解答题:17.已知平行四边形ABCD 三点坐标分别为1,0A (-),31B (,-),1,2C (),13AE AC =, 13BF BC =(1)求点,E F 及向量EF 的坐标(2)用向量法证明//EF AB .18.已知,,a b c 在同一个平面内,且()1,2a = (1)若25c =,且//c a ,求c ;(2)若5b =,且()()22a b a b +⊥-,求a 与b 的夹角及23a b + 19.下表提供了某厂节能降耗技术改进后生产甲产品过程中记录的产量x (吨)与相应的生产能耗y (吨标准煤)的几组对照数据:(1)(2)请根据上表提供的数据,用最小二乘法求出回归方程ˆˆˆybx a =+; (3)已知该厂技改前100吨甲产品的生产能耗为90吨标准煤.试根据(2)求出的线性回归方程,预测生产100吨甲产品的生产能耗比技改前降低多少吨标准煤?参考公式:()()()1122211ˆˆˆn ni i i i i i nn i ii i x x y y x y nx y b x x x nx ay bx ====⎧---⋅⎪⎪==⎪⎨--⎪⎪=-⎪⎩∑∑∑∑20. 如图,在ABC ∆中,若(2,0)A ,()3,4B -,点C 在边AB 上,且OC 平分BOA ∠. (1)求BOA ∠的余弦值; (2)求点C 的坐标.21.某班100名学生期中考试语文成绩的频率分布直方图如图所示,其中成绩分组区间是:[)50,60,[)60,70,[)70,80,[)80,90,[]90,100.(1)求图中a 的值;(2)根据频率分布直方图,估计这100名学生语文成绩的众数、中位数、平均分(结果保留一位小数);(3)若这100名学生语文成绩某些分数段的人数()x 与数学成绩相应分数段的人数()y 之比如下表所示,求数学成绩在[)50,90之外的人数.22.已知向量1a b ==,且()30ka b a kb k +=->,令()f k a b =⋅. ⑴求()f k a b =⋅(用k 表示);⑵当0k >时, ()221tx tx f k k--≥对任意的x R ∈恒成立,求实数t 的取值范围.青西新区胶南一中2017级下学期第一次月考数学试卷参考答案一、选择题:1-5ADADC 6-10 BABBB 11-12 BA 二、填空题: 13.163,55⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭14. 1- 15.85 16.()1,00,22⎛⎫-⋃ ⎪⎝⎭三、解答题: 17.解:(1)设(),E x y ,()1,0A - ()1,AE x y ∴=+………………………1分[KS5UKS5U]又()2,2AC =………………………2分13AE AC =1123123x y ⎧+=⨯⎪⎪∴⎨⎪=⨯⎪⎩………………………3分解得1323x y ⎧=-⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩12,33E ⎛⎫∴- ⎪⎝⎭ ………………………4分同理7,03F ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭………………………6分 82,33EF ⎛⎫∴=- ⎪⎝⎭………………………8分(2)()4,1AB =-,82,33EF ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭32AB EF ∴=………………11分//EF AB ∴………………12分18.解:(1)设(),c x y =,25c =2220x y ∴+=①………………1分又因为()//,1,2c a a =20x y ∴-=②………………2分 由①②得:24x y =⎧⎨=⎩或24x y =-⎧⎨=-⎩…………………4分()2,4c ∴=或()2,4c =--………………5分(2)()()22222320a b a b a a b b +⊥-∴+⋅-=………………6分225,12b a ==+=5253204θ⨯+-⨯=………………7分解得:cos 1θ=-………………8分[]0,θπ∈,a 与b 的夹角为π………………9分()222223234129a b a b a a b b +=+=+⋅+……………10分554512944=⨯-⨯=……………11分 52a b ∴+=………12分19. (1)散点图,如图所示:…………………3分(2)由题意,得413 2.5+43+54+6 4.5=66.5i ii x y==⨯⨯⨯⨯∑,………………4分34564.54x +++==,2.534 4.53.54y +++==,42222213+4+5+6=86ii x==∑………7分∴266.54 4.5 3.566.563ˆ0.7864 4.58681b-⨯⨯-===-⨯-………………8分∴ˆˆ 3.50.7 4.50.35ay bx =-=-⨯=………………9分(每个数算对得1分) 故线性回归方程为ˆ0.70.35yx =+………………10分 (3)现在生产100吨产品消耗的标准煤为0.71000.3570.35⨯+= (吨),……11分故耗能减少了9070.3519.65-= (吨)标准煤.………………12分 20.解:(1)由题意得:()()2,0,3,4OA OB ==-………………2分()23043cos 255OA OB AOB OA OB⨯-+⨯⋅∴∠===-⨯……………4分(2)设点(),C x y ,由OC 平分BOA ∠可得:cos cos AOC BOC ∠=∠ 即:OA OC OB OC OA OCOB OC⋅⋅=………………5分2034225x y x yy x +-+=∴=①………………7分 又点C 在AB 上,即,AC BC 共线,()()2,,3,4AC x y BC x y =-=+-………………8分4580x y ∴+-=②………………10分由①②得:48,77x y ==………………11分48,77C ⎛⎫∴ ⎪⎝⎭………………12分 21.(1)由频率分布直方图知() +++⨯=,解得0.00a =.……………2分(2)由频率分布直方图知: 这100名学生语文成绩的众数6070652+==.……………3分 ()0.0050.04100.45,+⨯=所以中位数位于第三个小矩形内.……………4分0.50.450.05-=设边长为x ,则0.030.05 1.7x x ⋅=∴≈所以这100名学生语文成绩的中位数70 1.771.7=+=.……………6分 这100名学生语文成绩的平均分为550.00510650.0410750.0310850.0210950.0051073⨯⨯+⨯⨯+⨯⨯+⨯⨯+⨯⨯=………8分(3)由频率分布直方图知语文成绩在[)50,60,[)60,70,[)70,80,[)80,90各分数段的人数依次为0.005101005⨯⨯=,0.041010040⨯⨯=;0.031010030⨯⨯=;0.021010020⨯⨯=.……………10分由题中给出的比例关系知数学成绩在上述各分数段的人数依次为1455; 4020; 3040; 2025234⨯=⨯=⨯=……………11分故数学成绩在[)50,90之外的人数为()100520402510-+++=(人). ……………12分 22.(1)1a b ==,且()30ka b a kb k +=->,222222236k a ka b b a ka b k b ∴+⋅+=-⋅+()214k f k a b k +∴=⋅=……………3分 (2)由 ()222211214tx tx k tx tx f k k k k--+--≥∴≥ 因为220485k k tx tx >∴≥--对任意的x R ∈恒成立,……………5分20k >24850tx tx --≤恒成立…………6分[KS5UKS5U]i )当0t =时,50-<,显然成立……………7分ii )当0t ≠时,()20644450t t t <⎧⎪⎨∆=-⨯⨯-≤⎪⎩504t ∴-≤<……………9分综合以上:504t -≤≤……………10分AH。

山东省青岛市西海岸新区胶南第一高级中学2017-2018学年高二数学下学期3月月考试题 理

山东省青岛市西海岸新区胶南第一高级中学2017-2018学年高二数学下学期3月月考试题 理

山东省青岛市西海岸新区胶南第一高级中学2017-2018学年高二数学下学期3月月考试题 理一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分)1.若曲线ln y kx x =+在点1(,k )处的切线平行于x 轴,则k= ( ) A .-1 B .1 C .-2 D .22.函数f (x )的定义域为开区间(a ,b ),其导函数f ′(x )在(a ,b )内的图象如图所示,则函数f (x )在开区间(a ,b )内的极值点有( )A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个3.若()f x 在R 上可导,,则2()2'(2)3f x x f x =++,则3()f x dx =⎰( )4.A. 16 B. -18 C. -24 D. 544.若函数()f x kx Inx =-在区间()1,+∞单调递增,则k 的取值范围是( ) A. (],2-∞- B. (],1-∞- C. [)2,+∞ D. [)1,+∞5.若方程330x x m -+=在[0,2]上有解,则实数m 的取值范围是( ) A .[2,2]- B .[0,2] C .[2,0]- D .(,2)-∞-∪(2,)+∞ 6.函数)(x f y =的图象如下图所示,则导函数)('x f y =的图象的大致形状是( )A .B .C .D .7.()f x 是定义在非零实数集上的函数,'()f x 为其导函数,且0.2220.222(2)(0.2)(log 5)0'()()0,,,20.2log 5f f f x xf x f x b c >-<==时,记a=则 ( ) A.a<b<c B.b<a<c C. c<a<b D.c<b<a8.过点(1,-1)且与曲线32y x x =-相切的直线方程为( ) A. 或B.20x y --=C. 或4510x y ++=D. +20x y -=9.已知函数32()f x x bx cx =++的图象如图所示,则212-x (x )等于( )38 D .316m(m 为常数)在[-2,2]上有最大值3,那么此函数在[-2,2]上的A.-37 B.-29 C.-5 D.以上都不对11.函数()2, 0,2,x x f x x -≤⎧=<≤,则()22f x dx -⎰的值为 ( ) A. 6π+ B.2π- C.2π D. 8 12.已知函数()()32,5a fx g x x x ==--,若对任意的121,,22x x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,都有),0 D. (],1∞-- 1)2-内单调递增,则实数a 的取值范围是 ()()2,2f 处的切线方程是28y x =-,则()()'22f f =__________.15.曲线y =log 2x 在点(1,0)处的切线与坐标轴所围三角形的面积等于________.16.如图是函数()y f x =的导函数()y f x ='的图象,给出下列命题:①()y f x =在0x =处切线的斜率小于零; ②2-是函数()y f x =的极值点;③()y f x =在区间()2,2-上单调递减. ; ④1不是函数()y f x =的极值点.则正确命题的序号是____.(写出所有正确命题的序号) 三、解答题(共70分)17.(本小题10分)若函数f(x)= xe x在x=c 处的导数值与函数值互为相反数,求c 的值.18.(本小题12分)求曲线y =x 2和直线x =0,x =1,y =t ,t ∈(0,1)所围成的图形的面积的最小值.19.(本小题12分)某超市销售某种小商品的经验表明,该商品每日的销售量y (单位:件)与销售价格(单位:元/件)满足关系式,其中,a为常数,已知销售价格为元/件时,每日可售出该商品件.若该商品的进价为元/件,当销售价格为何值时,超市每日销售该商品所获得的利润最大.20.(本小题12分)设函数f (x )=2x 3+3ax 2+3bx +8c 在x =1及x =2时取得极值.(1)求a ,b 的值;(2)若存在0x ∈[0,3],有f (0x )<c 2成立,求c 的取值范围.21.(本小题12分)已知函数()()1ln f x ax x a R =--∈. (1)讨论函数()f x 在定义域内的极值点的个数;(2)若函数()f x =0在区间1e ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦,e 上有两个解,求a 的取值范围。




1.设等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若362,6,S S ==则9S =( ) A .18 B .14C .10D .22【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】根据等比数列中前n 项和的“片段和”的性质求解. 【详解】由题意得,在等比数列{}n a 中,36396,,S S S S S --成等比数列, 即92,4,6S -成等比数列, ∴92(6)16S -=,解得914S =.故选B . 【点睛】设等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则232,,,k k k k k S S S S S --仍成等比数列,即每个k 项的和仍成等比数列,应用时要注意使用的条件是数列的公比1q ≠-.利用此结论解题可简化运算,提高解题的效率.2.已知函数()()sin 0,2f x x πωϕωϕ⎛⎫=+>< ⎪⎝⎭,其图像相邻的两个对称中心之间的距离为4π,且有一条对称轴为直线24x π=,则下列判断正确的是 ( )A .函数()f x 的最小正周期为4πB .函数()f x 的图象关于直线724x π=-对称 C .函数()f x 在区间713,2424ππ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递增 D .函数()f x 的图像关于点7,024π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭对称 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】本题首先可根据相邻的两个对称中心之间的距离为4π来确定ω的值,然后根据直线24x π=是对称轴以及2πϕ<即可确定ϕ的值,解出函数()f x 的解析式之后,通过三角函数的性质求出最小正周期、对称轴、单调递增区间以及对称中心,即可得出结果. 【详解】图像相邻的两个对称中心之间的距离为4π,即函数的周期为242ππ⨯=,由22T ππω==得4ω=,所以()()sin 4f x x ϕ=+,又24x π=是一条对称轴,所以62k ππϕπ+=+,k Z ∈,得,3k k Z πϕπ=+∈,又2πϕ<,得3πϕ=,所以()sin 43f x x π⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭.最小正周期242T ππ==,A 项错误; 令432x k πππ+=+,k Z ∈,得对称轴方程为424k x ππ=+,k Z ∈,B 选项错误;由242232k x k πππππ-≤+≤+,k Z ∈,得单调递增区间为5,224224k k ππππ⎡⎤-+⎢⎥⎣⎦,k Z ∈,C 项中的区间对应1k =,故C 正确; 由43x k ππ+=,k Z ∈,得对称中心的坐标为,0412k ππ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,k Z ∈,D 选项错误, 综上所述,故选C . 【点睛】本题考查根据三角函数图像性质来求三角函数解析式以及根据三角函数解析式得出三角函数的相关性质,考查对函数sin ωφf xA xB 的相关性质的理解,考查推理能力,是中档题.3.将函数()cos f x x ω=(其中0>ω)的图象向右平移3π个单位,若所得图象与原图象重合,则()24f π不可能等于( )A .0B .1C .2D 【答案】D 【解析】 由题意*2()3k k N ππω=⋅∈,所以*6()k k N ω=∈,因此()cos6f x kx =,从而()cos244k f ππ=,可知()24f π. 4.若平面α和直线a ,b 满足a A α=,b α⊂,则a 与b 的位置关系一定是( )A .相交B .平行C .异面D .相交或异面【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】当A b ∈时a 与b 相交,当A b ∉时a 与b 异面.当A b ∈时a 与b 相交,当A b ∉时a 与b 异面. 故答案为D 【点睛】本题考查了直线的位置关系,属于基础题型.5.若关于x 的方程29340x kx k --+-=有且只有两个不同的实数根,则实数k 的取值范围是( ) A .2,3⎡⎫+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭B .72,243⎛⎤⎥⎝⎦ C .70,24⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦D .2,13⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】方程化为2934x kx k -=-+,可转化为半圆29y x =-与直线34y kx k =-+有两个不同交点,作图后易得. 【详解】由29340x kx k --+-=得2934x kx k -=-+由题意半圆29y x =-与直线34y kx k =-+有两个不同交点, 直线34y kx k =-+过定点(3,4)P ,作出半圆29y x =-与直线34y kx k =-+,如图,当直线过(3,0)A -时,3340k k --+=,23k =, 当直线与半圆相切(PB 23431k k -+=+,解得724k =. 所以k 的取值范围是72(,]243.【点睛】本题考查方程根的个数问题,把问题转化为直线与半圆有两个交点后利用数形结合思想可以方便求解. 6.设等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,a 2+a 4=6,则S 5等于( ) A .10 B .12 C .15 D .30【答案】C 【解析】因为等差数列{a n }中,a 2+a 4=6,故a 1+a 5=6,所以S 5===15.故选C.7.将函数()22cos 23sin cos 1f x x x x =+-的图象向右平移4π个单位长度后得到函数()g x 的图象,若当0,4x x π⎡⎫∈⎪⎢⎣⎭时, ()g x 的图象与直线()12y a a =≤<恰有两个公共点,则0x 的取值范围为( ) A .75,124ππ⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭ B .7,412ππ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦C .75,124ππ⎛⎤⎥⎝⎦D .5,34ππ⎛⎤⎥⎝⎦【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】根据二倍角和辅助角公式化简可得()2sin 26f x x π⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭,根据平移变换原则可得()2sin 23g x x π⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭;当0,4x x π⎡⎫∈⎪⎢⎣⎭时,02,2363x x πππ⎡⎫-∈-⎪⎢⎣⎭;利用正弦函数的图象可知若()g x 的图象与直线()12y a a =≤<恰有两个公共点可得05132636x πππ<-≤,解不等式求得结果. 【详解】由题意得:()32cos 22sin 26f x x x x π⎛⎫=+=+⎪⎝⎭由图象平移可知:()2sin 243g x f x x ππ⎛⎫⎛⎫=-=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭当0,4x x π⎡⎫∈⎪⎢⎣⎭时,02,2363x x πππ⎡⎫-∈-⎪⎢⎣⎭2sin 146f ππ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭,752sin 1126f ππ⎛⎫==⎪⎝⎭,5132sin 146f ππ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭, 52sin 2122f ππ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭,又()g x 的图象与直线()12y a a =≤<恰有两个公共点05132636x πππ∴<-≤,解得:075124x ππ<≤ 本题正确选项:C 【点睛】本题考查根据交点个数求解角的范围的问题,涉及到利用二倍角和辅助角公式化简三角函数、三角函数图象平移变换原则的应用等知识;关键是能够利用正弦函数的图象,采用数形结合的方式确定角所处的范围. 8.天气预报说,在今后的三天中,每一天下雨的概率均为40%.现采用随机模拟试验的方法估计这三天中恰有两天下雨的概率:先利用计算器产生0到9之间取整数值的随机数,用1,2,3,4表示下雨,用5,6,7,8,9,0表示不下雨;再以每三个随机数作为一组,代表这三天的下雨情况.经随机模拟试验产生了如下20组随机数:907 966 191 925 271 932 812 458 569 683 431 257 393 027 556 488 730 113 537 989 据此估计,这三天中恰有两天下雨的概率近似为 A .0.35 B .0.25C .0.20D .0.15【答案】B 【解析】解:由题意知模拟三天中恰有两天下雨的结果,经随机模拟产生了如下20组随机数,在20组随机数中表示三天中恰有两天下雨的有:191、271、932、812、393,共5组随机数,∴所求概率为520=0.1.故选B 9.一条光线从点(2,3)-射出,经x 轴反射后与圆22(3)(2)1x y -+-=相切,则反射光线所在直线的斜率为( ) A .65或56B .54或45C .43或34D .32或23【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】由题意可知:点(2,3)--在反射光线上.设反射光线所在的直线方程为:3(2)y k x +=+,利用直线与圆的相切的性质即可得出. 【详解】由题意可知:点(2,3)--在反射光线上.设反射光线所在的直线方程为:3(2)y k x +=+,即230kx y k -+-=.1=,化为:21225120k k -+=,解得34k =或43.故选C . 【点睛】本题考查了直线与圆相切的性质、点到直线的距离公式、光线反射的性质,考查了推理能力与计算能力,属于中档题.10.如图,'''O A B ∆是水平放置的OAB ∆的直观图,则OAB ∆的面积是( )A .6B .32C .62D .12【答案】D 【解析】由直观图画法规则,可得AOB ∆是一个直角三角形,直角边'6,2''4OA OA OB O B ====,11641222AOB S OA OB ∆∴=⋅=⨯⨯=,故选D.11.已知函数()2f x ax bx c =++,若关于x 的不等式()0f x >的解集为()1,3-,则A .()()()401f f f >>B .()()()104f f f >>C .()()()014f f f >>D .()()()140f f f >>【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】由题意可得0a <,且1-,3为方程20ax bx c ++=的两根,运用韦达定理可得a ,b ,c 的关系,可得()f x 的解析式,计算(0)f ,f (1),f (4),比较可得所求大小关系. 【详解】关于x 的不等式()0f x >的解集为(1,3)-,可得0a <,且1-,3为方程20ax bx c ++=的两根, 可得13ba -+=-,13c a-⨯=,即2b a =-,3c a =-, 2()23f x ax ax a =--,0a <,可得(0)3f a =-,f (1)4a =-,f (4)5a =,可得f (4)(0)f f <<(1),故选B . 【点睛】本题主要考查二次函数的图象和性质、函数与方程的思想,以及韦达定理的运用。



山东省青岛市西海岸新区胶南第一高级中学2017-2018学年高二数学下学期3月月考试题 理一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分)1.若曲线ln y kx x =+在点1(,k )处的切线平行于x 轴,则k= ( )A .-1B .1C .-2D .22.函数f (x )的定义域为开区间(a ,b ),其导函数f ′(x )在(a ,b )内的图象如图所示,则函数f (x )在开区间(a ,b )内的极值点有( )A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个3.若()f x 在R 上可导,,则2()2'(2)3f x x f x =++,则3()f x dx =⎰( )4.A. 16 B. -18 C. -24 D. 544.若函数()f x kx Inx =-在区间()1,+∞单调递增,则k 的取值范围是( ) A. (],2-∞- B. (],1-∞- C. [)2,+∞ D. [)1,+∞5.若方程330x x m -+=在[0,2]上有解,则实数m 的取值范围是( ) A .[2,2]- B .[0,2] C .[2,0]- D .(,2)-∞-∪(2,)+∞ 6.函数)(x f y =的图象如下图所示,则导函数)('x f y =的图象的大致形状是( )A .B .C .D .7.()f x 是定义在非零实数集上的函数,'()f x 为其导函数,且0.2220.222(2)(0.2)(log 5)0'()()0,,,20.2log 5f f f x xf x f x b c >-<==时,记a=则 ( ) A.a<b<c B.b<a<c C. c<a<b D.c<b<a8.过点(1,-1)且与曲线32y x x =-相切的直线方程为( )A. 或B.20x y --=C. 或4510x y ++=D. +20x y -=9.已知函数32()f x x bx cx =++的图象如图所示,则212-x (x )等于( )A .32 B .34 C .38 D .31610.已知f(x)=2x 3-6x 2+m(m 为常数)在[-2,2]上有最大值3,那么此函数在[-2,2]上的最小值是( )A.-37B.-29C.-5D.以上都不对11.函数()2, 0,2,x x f x x -≤⎧=<≤,则()22f x dx -⎰的值为 ( )A. 6π+B.2π-C.2πD. 8 12.已知函数()()32,5a fx g x x x x ==--,若对任意的121,,22x x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,都有()()122f x g x -≥成立,则实数a 的取值范围是A. [)2,∞+B. ()2,∞+C. (),0∞-D. (],1∞-- 二、填空题(每小题5分,共20分)13.已知函数11()(,)212ax f x x +=-∞-+在内单调递增,则实数a 的取值范围是 __ .14.函数()y f x =的图象在点()()2,2M f 处的切线方程是28y x =-,则()()'22f f =__________.15.曲线y =log 2x 在点(1,0)处的切线与坐标轴所围三角形的面积等于________.16.如图是函数()y f x =的导函数()y f x ='的图象,给出下列命题:①()y f x =在0x =处切线的斜率小于零; ②2-是函数()y f x =的极值点;③()y f x =在区间()2,2-上单调递减. ; ④1不是函数()y f x =的极值点.则正确命题的序号是____.(写出所有正确命题的序号) 三、解答题(共70分)17.(本小题10分)若函数f(x)= xe x在x=c 处的导数值与函数值互为相反数,求c 的值.18.(本小题12分)求曲线y =x 2和直线x =0,x =1,y =t ,t ∈(0,1)所围成的图形的面积的最小值.19.(本小题12分)某超市销售某种小商品的经验表明,该商品每日的销售量y (单位:件)与销售价格(单位:元/件)满足关系式,其中,a为常数,已知销售价格为元/件时,每日可售出该商品件.若该商品的进价为元/件,当销售价格为何值时,超市每日销售该商品所获得的利润最大.20.(本小题12分)设函数f (x )=2x 3+3ax 2+3bx +8c 在x =1及x =2时取得极值.(1)求a ,b 的值;(2)若存在0x ∈[0,3],有f (0x )<c 2成立,求c 的取值范围.21.(本小题12分)已知函数()()1ln f x ax x a R =--∈. (1)讨论函数()f x 在定义域内的极值点的个数;(2)若函数()f x =0在区间1e ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦,e 上有两个解,求a 的取值范围。





1.台风“卡努”带来的主要灾害有①风暴潮②地震③狂风④暴雨⑤沙尘暴⑥洪涝A. ①②③⑤B. ③④⑤⑥C. ①③④⑥D. ①②③⑤2.我国台风灾害的时空分布特点是A. 春夏多、秋冬少B. 内陆重、沿海轻C. 春夏少、秋冬多D. 沿海重、南方重干旱等效频度指的是在一定时段内,某区域出现危害程度大体相当的干旱次数,降水相对变率是降水平均偏差(同期多年平均降水量与实际降水量之差)与多年平均降水量的百分比,是衡量降水稳定程度的指标。



3.影响武汉和开封干旱等效频度不同的主要原因是A. 纬度B. 气温C. 降水D. 河流4.造成武汉旱灾严重的主要原因是A. 春季气温快速上升B. 夏季受副高控制C. 秋季晴朗少雨D. 冬季寒冷干燥读“地球各圈层划分示意图”,完成下面小题。

5.下列关于地球圈层结构的叙述,错误的是A. 地球具有明显的圈层结构特征B. 地球可分为内部和外部两大圈层结构C. 地壳既属于地球外部圈层又属于地球内部圈层D. 地幔属于地球内部圈层中中间的一层6.下列关于图中地球各圈层的叙述,正确的是A. c圈层是由岩石构成的,故称为岩石圈B. e所在的圈层物质状态为固态C. d圈层是一般认为的岩浆的发源地D. a圈层是外部圈层中厚度最大的当地时间2016年10月7日,印尼东爪哇省,婆罗摩火山喷发,火山灰绵延空中场面壮观。


7.从火山口喷发出的炽热岩浆,一般来源于()A. ①层B. ②层C. ③层D. ④层8.下列关于地球圈层特点的叙述,正确的是()A. ①层的厚度海洋较陆地厚B. ②层横波不能通过C. ③层最可能为液态D. ④层的温度、压力和密度都较小9.火山灰漫天飞扬,对地球的外部圈层产生了很多大影响,有关地球外部圈层的说法,正确的是()A. 水圈是一个连续但不规则的圈层B. 大气圈是由大气组成的简单的系统C. 生物圈占据大气圈的全部、水圈的底部D. 地球的外部圈层之间关系密切,但与地球的内部圈层没有关系径流系数,是指某一时期的径流量(毫米)与这一时期的降水量(毫米)之比,用百分率表示。



山东省青岛市西海岸新区2017-2018学年高二数学上学期第二次月考试题 理一、单选题(每题5分,共70分)1.已知命题2:,10p x R x x ∀∈-+≥;命题:q 若33a b <,则a b <,下列命题为真命题的是( )A. p q ∧B. ()p q ∧⌝C. ()p q ⌝∧D. ()()p q ⌝∨⌝2.在空间直角坐标系O xyz -中,点()1,2,2-关于点()1,0,1-的对称点是 ( ) A. ()3,2,4-- B. ()3,2,4-- C. ()3,2,4-- D. ()3,2,4-3.“46k <<”是“方程22164x y k k +=--表示椭圆”的 A .充要条件 B .充分不必要条件 C .必要不充分条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件4.命题甲:2≠x 或3≠y ;命题乙:5≠+y x ,则甲是乙的( ) A.充分非必要条件 B.必要非充分条件C.充分必要条件D.既不充分条件也不必要条件5.动圆M 与圆()221:11C x y ++=外切,与圆()222:125C x y -+=内切,则动圆圆心M 的轨迹方程是( )A. 22189x y +=B. 22198x y +=C. 2219x y +=D. 2219y x += 6.已知两点A(0,-3),B(4,0),若点P 是圆x 2+y 2-2y =0上的动点,则△ABP 面积的最小值为( ) A .6 B.112 C .8 D.2127.点A 在z 轴上,它到点()A 的坐标是( ) A. ()0,0,1- B. ()0,1,1 C. ()0,0,1 D. ()0,0,138.直线与圆相交于、两点且,则a的值为( )A.3B.2C.1D.09.如图, AB 是平面α的斜线段, A 为斜足,若点P 在平面α内运动,使得ABP ∆的面积为定值,则动点P 的轨迹是( )A. 圆B. 一条直线C. 椭圆D. 两条平行直线 10.方程表示的曲线是( )A. 一个圆和一条直线B. 一个圆和一条射线C. 一个圆D. 一条直线11.如图,设P 是圆2225x y +=上的动点,点D 是P 在x 轴上的投影,M 为PD 上一点,且|MD |=|PD |,当P 在圆上运动时,则点M 的轨迹C 的方程是( )A.2212516x y += B. 2211625x y += C. 2212516x y -= D. 2211625x y -= 12.已知ABC ∆中, ,A B 的坐标分别为()0,2和()0,2-,若三角形的周长为10,则顶点C 的轨迹方程是( )A. 22195x y +=(0y ≠)B. 2213620x y +=(0y ≠) C. 22159x y +=(0x ≠) D. 2213236x y +=(0x ≠) 13.已知(4,2)是直线l 被椭圆所截得的线段的中点,则l 的方程是( )A.x +2y+8=0B.x +2y -8=0C.x-2y -8=0D.x-2y+8=014.如图,已知椭圆2213216x y +=内有一点()122,2,B F F 、是其左、右焦点, M 为椭圆上的动点,则1MF MB +的最小值为( )A. 4 D. 6二、填空题(每题5分,共30分)15.把命题“0lg ,00>∈∃x R x ”的否定写在横线上__________.16.椭圆1522=+m y x 的离心率为510,则实数m 的值为___________. 17.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知圆x 2+y 2=4上有且只有四个点到直线12x -5y +c =0的距离为1,则实数c 的取值范围是________.18.椭圆上的点到直线的最大距离是 .19.过椭圆22221x y a b+=)0(>>b a 的左焦点F 1作x 轴的垂线交椭圆于点P ,F 2为右焦点,若∠F 1PF 2=60°,则椭圆的离心率为 .20.已知F 1、F 2是椭圆162x +92y =1的两焦点,经点F 2的的直线交椭圆于点A 、B ,若|AB|=5,则|AF 1|+|BF 1|等于三、解答题(共50分)21.(本小题满分12分)已知a 为实数,p :点(1,1)M 在圆22()()4x a y a ++-=的内部; q :R,x ∀∈都有21x ax ++≥0.(1)若p 为真命题,求a 的取值范围; (2)若q 为假命题,求a 的取值范围;(3)若“p 且q ”为假命题,且“p 或q ”为真命题,求a 的取值范围.22.(本小题满分12分)已知椭圆)0(12222>>=+b a by a x 上任意一点到两焦点21,F F 距离之和为24,离心率为23. (1)求椭圆的标准方程; (2)若直线l 的斜率为12,直线l 与椭圆C 交于B A ,两点.点)1,2(P 为椭圆上一点,若△PAB 的面积为2,求直线l 的方程.23.(本小题满分12分)已知点(1,2),(0,1),A B -动点P 满足PA =.(Ⅰ)若点P 的轨迹为曲线C ,求此曲线的方程;(Ⅱ)若点Q 在直线1l :34120x y -+=上,直线2l 经过点Q 且与曲线C 有且只有一个公共点M ,求QM 的最小值.24.(本小题满分14分)已知椭圆2222:1(0)x y C a b a b +=>>M 到40y ++=的距离为3. (1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)设直线l 过点()4,2-且与椭圆C 相交于,A B 两点, l 不经过点M ,证明:直线MA 的斜率与直线MB 的斜率之和为定值.参考答案1.A【解析】 由题意得,命题2213:,1024p x R x x x ⎛⎫∀∈-+=-+≥ ⎪⎝⎭,所以是真命题;命题: :q 若33a b <,则a b <是真命题,所以p q ∧是真命题,故选A. 2.A【解析】设所求点为(),,x y z ,则12,20,22x y z +=-+=-=, 解得3,y 2,z 4x =-=-=,故选A. 3.C 【解析】试题分析:方程22164x y k k +=--表示椭圆,则60406-4k k k k ->⎧⎪->⎨⎪≠-⎩,解得46k <<,且5k ≠;所以C 正确.考点:椭圆的定义、逻辑关系. 4.B 【解析】试题分析:该命题的逆否命题为:5x y +=,则2x =且3y =,这显然不成立,从而原命题也不成立,所以不是充分条件;该命题的否命题为:2x =且3y =,则5x y +=,这显然成立,从而逆命题也成立,所以是必要条件. 考点:逻辑与命题. 5.B【解析】设动圆M 半径为r ,则1212121,56|MC r MC r MC MC C C =+=-∴+=因此动圆圆心M 的轨迹是以为12,C C 焦点的椭圆,所以22226,18,198x y a c b ==∴=∴+= ,选B. 6.B【解析】如图,过圆心C 向直线AB 做垂线交圆于点P ,这时△ABP 的面积最小. 直线AB 的方程为4x +3y -=1,即3x -4y -12=0, 圆心C 到直线AB 的距离为 d=165, ∴△ABP 的面积的最小值为12×5×(165-1)=112. 7.C【解析】选项A=,选项B≠选项C 的,故C 正确.考点:空间直角坐标系8.D【解析】圆的圆心为,半径。



山东省青岛市西海岸新区2017-2018学年高一化学12月“冬学”学科竞赛测试试题考试时间:120分钟分值150分常用相对原子质量:Ca:40 N:14 O:16 Na:23第I卷(答案请填涂在答题卡上)1.【2017新课标3卷】化学与生活密切相关。

下列说法错误的是A.PM2.5是指粒径不大于2.5 μm的可吸入悬浮颗粒物B.绿色化学要求从源头上消除或减少生产活动对环境的污染C.燃煤中加入CaO可以减少酸雨的形成及温室气体的排放D.天然气和液化石油气是我国目前推广使用的清洁燃料2.【2016天津卷】根据所给信息和标志,判断下列说法错误的是()3.下列诗句或谚语可能与化学现象有关,其中说法不正确的是( )A.“水乳交融,火上浇油”前者包含物理变化,而后者包含化学变化B.“落汤螃蟹着红袍”肯定发生了化学变化C.“滴水石穿,绳锯木断”不包含化学变化D.“看似风平浪静,实则暗流涌动”形象地描述了溶解平衡的状态4.(2015·全国卷Ⅰ,7)我国清代《本草纲目拾遗》中记叙无机药物335种,其中“强水”条目下写道:“性最烈,能蚀五金……其水甚强,五金八石皆能穿滴,惟玻璃可盛。

”这里的“强水”是指( )A.氨水 B. 硝酸 C.醋 D.卤水5.如图所示,利用培养皿探究SO2的性质。


表中对实验现象的描述或解释不正确的是( )6.(2015·广东理综,10)设n A 为阿伏加德罗常数的数值,下列说法正确的是( )A .23 g Na 与足量H 2O 反应完全后可生成n A 个H 2分子B .0.1 mol·L -1的NaHSO 4溶液中,阳离子的数目之和为0.2N AC .标准状况下,22.4 L N 2和H 2混合气中含n A 个原子D .3 mol 单质Fe 完全转变为Fe 3O 4,失去8n A 个电子7.若20 g 密度为ρ g·cm -3的Ca(NO 3)2溶液中含有2 g Ca(NO 3)2,则溶液中NO -3的物质的量浓度为( )A.ρ400 mol·L -1B.20ρ mol·L -1C.50ρ41 mol·L -1D.25ρ41mol·L -1 8.把V L 含有MgSO 4和K 2SO 4的混合溶液分成两等份,一份加入含a mol NaOH 的溶液,恰好使镁离子完全沉淀为氢氧化镁;另一份加入含b mol BaCl 2的溶液,恰好使硫酸根离子完全沉淀为硫酸钡。



山东省青岛市西海岸新区2017-2018学年高一数学12月“冬学”学科竞赛测试试题一、选择题(满分60分)1.满足{}{}5,11=⋃A 的所有集合A 的个数( ) A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个2.把函数x y cos =的图象上的所有点的横坐标缩小到原来的一半,纵坐标扩大到原来的两倍,然后把图象向左平移4π个单位.则所得图象表示的函数的解析式为 ( )A. x y 2sin 2=B. x y 2sin 2-=C. ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=42cos 2πx y D. ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=421cos 2πx y 3.已知0)](log [log log 234=x ,那么21-x等于( )A . 13 B . C . D .4.若α是第四象限角,且2cos2sin212cos2sinαααα-=-,则2α是 ( )A .第一象限角B .第二象限角C .第三象限角D .第四象限角5.已知函数2)(xx e e x f --= ,则关于函数)(x f 的说法正确的是( )A.是奇函数,且在),0(+∞上是减函数B.是奇函数,且在),0(+∞上是增函数C.是偶函数,且在),0(+∞上是减函数D.是偶函数,且在),0(+∞上是增函数6.方程112-=-xe x的实数解所在的区间是( ). 7.若函数的图象经过第一、第四象限,那么函数的图象经过 ( )A.一、二象限B.二、三象限C.一、四象限D.二、四象限8.设函数()a x ax y a ++=2log 的定义域是R 时,a 的取值范围为集合M ;它的值域是R时, a 的取值范围为集合N ,则下列表达式中正确的是A. N M ⊂B. M N R =C. M N =∅D. M N =9. 为提高信息在传输中的抗干扰能力,通常在原信息中按一定的规则加入相关的数据组成传输信息,设定原信息为210a a a ,{}1,0∈i a (2,1,0=i ),传输信息为12100h a a a h ,其中100a a h ⊕=,201a h h ⊕=,⊕运算规则为:000=⊕,110=⊕,101=⊕,011=⊕,例如原信息为111,则传输信息为01111;传输信息在传输过程中受到干扰可能导致接受信息出错,则下列接受信息一定有误的是( )A. 11010B.01100C.10111D. 0111110.函数xx x x ee e e y ---+=的图象大致为()11.已知函数()⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤>=0,20,log 21x x x x f x 若关于x 的方程()k x f =有两个不等的实数根,则实数k 的取值范围是( )A .),0(+∞B .)1,(-∞C .),1(+∞D .(]1,0 12.已知定义在R 上的奇函数)(x f ,满足()()x f x f -=+3,且在区间]23,0[上是增函数,若方程m x f =)()0(<m 在区间[]6,6-上有四个不同的根1234,,,x x x x ,则1234x x x x +++=A .6-B . 6C .8-D .8 二、填空题(满分20分): 13. 把函数()⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=32sin πx x f 的图象向左平移m 个单位()0>m ,所得图象关于y 轴对称,则m 的最小值是________.14.已知1ln ,0()1,0x xf x x x⎧>⎪⎪=⎨⎪<⎪⎩,则不等式()1f x >-的解集为 .15. 定义新运算⊕:当b a ≥时,a b a =⊕;当b a <时,2b b a =⊕,则函数()()()x x x x f ⊕-⋅⊕=21,[]2,2-∈x 的最大值等于_________16. 如图,函数()⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛<<>+=20,0,sin πϕϕw wx A y 的图象 的一部分,则该函数的解析式为_________________ 三、解答题(满分70分) 17. (本小题满分12分)已知()3sin()cos()tan()22tan()sin()f ππααπαααπαπ-+-=----. (1)化简()f α (2)若31cos()25πα-=,求()f α的值18. (本小题满分12分)某港口的水深y (米)是时间t (024t ≤≤,单位:小时)的函数,下面是每天时间与水深的关系表:经过长期观测, ()y f t =可近似的看成是函数sin y A t b ω=+ (1)根据以上数据,求出()y f t =的解析式(2)若船舶航行时,水深至少要11.5米才是安全的,那么船舶在一天中的哪几段时间可以安全的进出该港? 19.(本小题满分12分) 已知函数()()ϕω-=x x f 2cos 21,()πϕ<<>0,0w 相邻的两最高点之间的距离为π,且图象过点⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛21,6π (1)求函数()x f y =的解析式;(2)求函数()x f y =的单调递增区间及对称中心.(3)将函数()x f y =的图象上各点的横坐标缩短到原来的12,纵坐标不变,得到函数()x g y =的图象,求函数()x g 在⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡4,0π上的最大值和最小值.20. (本小题满分12分)已知函数()(0,)x xe af x a a R a e =+>∈是R 上的偶函数. (1)求a 的值;(2)证明函数()f x 在[0,)+∞上是增函数.21.(本小题满分12分)设)(x f 是R 上的奇函数,且当0>x 时,)10lg()(2+-=ax x x f ,R a ∈.(1)若5lg )1(=f ,求)(x f 的解析式;(2)若0=a ,不等式0)14()2(>+++⋅k f k f xx 恒成立,求实数k 的取值范围22. (本小题满分10分)函数2()23f x x ax a =-+-.(Ⅰ) 若()f x 在区间[1,2]-上是单调函数,求实数a 的取值范围; (Ⅱ) 若()f x 存在零点,求实数a 的取值范围;(Ⅲ)若()f x 在区间(1,2)-上存在零点,求实数a 的取值范围.青西新区胶南一中高一数学竞赛题参考答案一、选择题 BBCBB BACCA DB 二、填空题 13.12π 14.{}10-<<<x e x x 或 15.6 16.⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-=32sin 3πx y 17.解:(1)()3sin()cos()tan()22tan()sin()f ππααπαααπαπ-+-=---- (cos )(sin )(tan )(tan )sin cos αααααα--=-=- (2)∵31cos()25πα-= ∴ 1sin 5α-= 从而1sin 5α=-∴562sin 1cos 2±=-±=αα18.解:(1)由表中数据可以看到:水深最大值为13,最小值为7,137102h +==,13732A -== 且相隔9小时达到一次最大值说明周期为9,因此29T πω==,29πω=, 故2()3sin109f t t π=+ (024)t ≤≤ (2)要想船舶安全,必须深度()11.5f t ≥,即23sin 1011.59t π+≥ ∴21sin92t π≥ 2522696k t k πππππ+≤≤+ 解得:3159944k t k +≤≤+ k Z ∈又 024t ≤≤ 当0k =时,33344t ≤≤;当1k =时,3391244t ≤≤;当2k =时,33182144t ≤≤故船舶安全进港的时间段为(0:453:45)-,(9:4512:45)-,(18:4521:45)-19.解:(1)因为f (x )=12sin2x sin φ+cos 2x cos φ-12sin ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫π2+φ(0<φ<π), 所以f (x )=12sin2x sin φ+1+cos2x 2cos φ-12cos φ=12sin2x sin φ+12cos2x cos φ =12(sin2x sin φ+cos2x cos φ) =12cos(2x -φ), 又函数图象过点⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫π6,12,所以12=12cos ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫2×π6-φ,即cos ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫π3-φ=1, 又0<φ<π,所以φ=π3.(2)由(1)知f (x )=12cos ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫2x -π3,将函数y =f (x )的图象上各点的横坐标缩短到原来的12,纵坐标不变,得到函数y =g (x )的图象,可知g (x )=f (2x )=12cos ⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫4x -π3,因为x ∈⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤0,π4,所以4x ∈[]0,π,因此4x -π3∈⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤-π3,2π3,故-12≤cos ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫4x -π3≤1.所以y =g (x )在⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤0,π4上的最大值和最小值分别为12和-14.20.解:(1) ()f x 是偶函数,()()f x f x ∴-=,即x x x x e a e aa e a e --+=+,…2分 整理得11)()0x x a e ae --=(,得10a a-=,又0a >,1a ∴=.…………5分 (2)由(1)得1()xx f x e e=+.设120x x ≤<,∴12121211()()))x x x x f x f x e e e e -=+-+((=121212)(1)x x x x x x e e e e ++--(;…………8分 120x x ≤< ,120x x ∴+>,12120,1x x x x e e e +∴-<>,121212)(1)0x x x x x x e e e e ++--∴<(,即12()()0f x f x -<,∴12()()f x f x <;…………………………………………………………………11分所以函数()f x 在[0,)+∞上是增函数. …………………………………………12分 21.解:(1)6,5lg )11lg()(,5lg )1(==-==a a x f f 所以则因为所以 故又时,当,0)0(),106lg()()(02=++-=--=<f x x x f x f x⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<++-=>+-=0),106lg(0,00),106lg()(22x x x x x x x x f(2)0)14()2()(0>+++∙=k f k f R x f a x x 上单调递增,故在,则若等价于恒成立,在于是,另),0(01),0(201422+∞>+++>=>+++k kt t t t k k x x x1)(2+++=k kt t t g 设(1)0<∆时,解得:222222+<<+-k ;(2)时0≥∆,⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧><-0)0(02g k,解的0>k综上,222+->k。






下列与此相关的是A.井田制B.宗法关系C.分封制D.郡县制2.图7为古代传说的神兽獬豸(xiè zhì),拥有很高的智慧,当人们发生冲突或纠纷的时候,獬豸甚至会将罪该万死的人用角抵死,令犯法者不寒而栗。


据此说明A.法权神圣不可侵犯B.王子犯法与庶民同罪C.神权为王权服务D.中国古代司法由神主宰3.有学者说,周代的宗法制是一个成功的创造,“大宗维翰(栋梁),小宗维城”,既讲“亲亲”, 也讲“尊尊”……,与此相联系,魏晋南北朝时谱牒之学十分流行……,明清时期,家法族规和乡规民约得到官方的认可和批准,成为传统法律体系的组成部分。








山东省青岛市西海岸新区2017-2018学年高一英语12月“冬学”学科竞赛测试试题(无答案)一、完形填空(每小题1.5分)1When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a Straight-A student, I believed I could __1__ tough subjects and really learn something. One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was extremely interestedin the ideas he 2 in class.When I took the first exam, I was 3 to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper, 4 English was my best subject. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained_ 5 .I decided to try harder, although I didn’t know what that 6 because school had always been easy for me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77. Again, I 7 with Professor Jayne. Again, he listened patiently but wouldn’t change his 8 .One more test before the final exam. One more 9 to improve my grade. So I redoubled my efforts and, for the first time. 10 the meaning of the word “thorough”. But my 11__ did no good and everything 12 as before.The last hurdle(障碍) was the final. No matter what 13 I got, it wouldn’t cancel three C-pluses. I might as well kiss the 14 goodbye.I stopped working head. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the final, I even 15 myself to a movie. The next day I decided for once I’d have 16__with a test.A week later, I was surprised to find I got an A. I hurried into professor Jayne’s office. He 17__ to be expecting me. “If I gave you the As you 18 , you wouldn’t continue to work as hard.”I stared at him. 19 that his analysis and strategy(策略) were correct. I had worked my head 20 , as I had never done before.I was speechless when my course grade arrived: A-plus. It was the only A-plus give n. The next year I received my scholarship. I’ve always remembered Professor Jayne’s lesson: you alone must set your own standard of excellence.1. A. take B. discuss C. cover D. get2. A. sought B. presented C. exchanged D. obtained3. A. shocked B. worried C. scared D. anxious4. A. but B. so C. for D. or5. A. unchanged B. unpleasant C. unfriendly D. unmoved6.. A. reflected B. meant C. improved D. affected7. A. quarreled B. reasoned C. bargained D. chatted8. A. attitude B. mind C. plan D. view9. A. choice B. step C. chance D. measure10. A. memorized B. considered C. accepted D. learned11. A. ambition B. confidence C. effort D. method12. A. stayed B. went C. worked D. changed13. A. grade B. answer C. lesson D. comment14. A. scholarship B. course C. degree D. subject15. A. helped B. favored C. treated D. relaxed16. A. fun B. luck C. problems D. tricks.17. A. happened B. proved C. pretended D. seemed18. A. valued B. imagined C. expected D. welcomed19. A. remembering B. guessing C. supposing D. realizing20. A. out B. over C. on D. off2I will always love my mother. During the last four years of her Mom fought a brave but 21 battle against cancer. During that time she lost her health, her hair, and 20 pounds. She was in and out of the hospital more times than I could count. In the end as her life’s 22 faded away we all 23 at her bedside and said goodbye. She was only 55 years old.For a long while after he death I was depressed and 24 at God. My own health 25 and I caught double pneumonia. 26 my body healed and my heart as well. It was the love of my children that 27 pulled me out of my despair and helped me to begin to live again. 28 , I continued to ask God why my Mom had to die so young.Only years later I began to 29 clearly what Mom had done in those last four years of her life. 30 cancer was beating her body, it certainly wasn’t beat ing her soul. Mom lived as she had 31 lived before. Even with cancer she worked outside our home and 32 the lives of her co-workers with her gentle, humor and kind spirit. She reconnected with old friends she hadn’t seen in years and made 33 memories with each one of them. She and my Dad 34 closer than I had ever seen them before. There was a 35 and a tenderness between them that moved us all. During her time with us she 36 our souls with her love and she helped us to grow 37 enough to go on without her.In her last four years Mom 38 her mission here. She showed us how to love God. She showed us how to meet death. She showed us that fear always flees in the face of 39 . She showed us that to live life is to love life, no matter how much pain you have and no matter how much time you have 40 . thanks Mom! I will always love you.21. A. winning B. shameful C. respectful D. losing22. A. energy B. talent C. power D. ability23. A. looked B. gathered C. lay D. reached24. A. scared B. sad C. angry D. amazed25. A. ran out B. turned down C. help up D. broke down26. A. In time B. In advance C. In between D. In turn27. A. immediately B. repeatedly C. frequently D. eventually28. A. Thus B. Just C. Still D. Even29. A. expect B. see C. notice D. acquire30. A. While B. Since C. Once D. As31. A. always B. almost C. never D. ever32. A. lived B. devoted C. supported D. touched33. A. similar B. vague C. special D. clear34. A. stayed B. grew C. sat D. approached35. A. love B. patience C. honesty D. wisdom36. A. brightened B. carried C. widened D. polished37. A. smart B. considerate C. strong D. faithful38. A. called off B. completed C. made D. put off39. A. drawback B. encouragement C. pain D. optimism40. A. spent B. spared C. left D. remained二、阅读理解(每题 2 分)ATwenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. One night I went to pick up a passenger at 2:30 AM. When I arrived to collect, I found the building was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window.I walked to the door and knocked, “Just a minute,” an swered a weak, elderly voice.After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her eighties stood beforeme. By her side was a small suitcase.I took the suitcase to the car, and then returned to help the woman. She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the car.She kept thanking me for my kindness. “It’s nothing,” I told her. “I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated.”“Oh, you’re such a good man.” She said. When we got into the taxi, she gave me an address, and then asked, “Could you drive through downtown?”“It’s not the shortest way,” I answered quickly.“Oh, I’m in no hurry,” she said. “I’m on my way to a hospice(临终医院).I don’t have any family left. The doctor says I don’t have very long.”I quietly reached over and shut off the meter(计价器).For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked, the neighborhood where she had lived, and the furniture shop that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.Sometimes she’d ask me to slow down in front of a particular building and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.At dawn, she suddenly said,” I’m tired. Let’s go now.”We drove in silence to the address she had given me.“How much do I owe you?” she asked.“Nothing.” I said.“You have to make a living,” she answered. “Oh, there are other passengers,”I answered.Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug. She held onto e tightly. Our hug ended with her remark, “You gave an old woman a little moment of joy.”41. The old woman chose to ride through the city in order to ______.A. show she was familiar with the cityB. see some places for the last timeC. let the driver earn more moneyD. reach the destination on time42. The taxi driver did not charge the old woman because he ______.A. wanted to do her a favorB. shut off the meter by mistakeC. had received her payment in advanceD. was in a hurry to take other passengers43. What can we learn from the story?A. Giving is always a pleasure.B. People should respect each other.C. An act of kindness can bring people great joy.D. People should learn to appreciate others’ concern.BDomestic (驯养的) horses now pull ploughs, race in the Kentucky Derby, and carry police. But early horses weren’t tame (驯服的) enough to perform these kinds of tasks. Scientists think the first interactions humans had with horses were fardifferent from those today.Thousands of years ago, people killed the wild horses that lived around them for food. Over time, people began to catch the animals and raise them. This was the first step in domestication.As people began to tame and ride horses, they chose to keep those animals that had more desirable characteristics. For example, people may have chosen to keep horses that had a gentle personality so they could be ridden more easily. People who used horses to pull heavy loads would have chosen to keep stronger animals. Characteristics like strength are partly controlled by the animals’ genes. So as the domesticated horses reproduced, they passed the characteristics on to their young. Each new generation of houses would show more of these chosen characteristics.Modern day horse breeds come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. This variety didn’t exist in the horse population before domestication. The Shetland horse is one of the smallest breeds—typically reaching only one meter tall. With short, strong legs, the animals were bred to pull coal out of mine shafts (矿井) with low ceilings. Huge horses like the Clydesdale came on the scene around 1700. People bred these heavy, tall horses to pull large vehicles used for carrying heavy loads.The domestication of horses has had great effects on societies. For example, horse were important tools in the advancement of modern agriculture. Using them to pull ploughs and carry heavy loads allowed people to farm more efficiently. Before they were able to ride horses, humans had to cross land on foot. Riding horses allowed people to travel far greater distance in much less time. That encouraged populations living in different areas to interact with one another. The new from of rapid transportation helped cultures spread around the world.44. Before domestication horses were ______.A. caught for sportsB. hunted for foodC. made to pull ploughsD. used to carry people45. The author uses the Shetland horse as an example to show ______.A. it is smaller than the Clydesdale horseB. horse used to have gentle personalitiesC. some horses have better shaped than othersD. horses were of less variety before domestication46. Horses contributed to the spread of culture by ______.A. carrying heavy loadsB. changing farming methodsC. serving as a means of transportD. advancing agriculture in different areas47. The passage is mainly about _______.A. why humans domesticated horsesB. how humans and horses needed each otherC. why horses came in different shapes and sizesD. how human societies and horses influenced each otherCDear Hamilton,We are fortunate that in such a large, high-pressure office we all get along so well. You are one of the people who keep the social temperature at such a comfortable setting. I don’t know anyone in the office who is better liked than you.You can perhaps help with this. The collection of contributions towards gifts for employees’ personal-life events is becoming a little troubling. Certainly, the group sending of a gift is reasonable now and then. In the past month, however, there have been collections for two baby shower gifts, one wedding shower gift, two wedding gifts, one funeral(葬礼)remembrance, four birthday gifts, and three graduation gifts.It’s not only the collected-from who are growing uncomfortable (and poor), but the collected-for feel uneasy receiving gifts from people who do n’t know them outside the office, who wouldn’t even recognize their graduating children, their marrying daughters and sons, or their dead relatives.This is basically a kind gesture (and one that people think well of you for), but the practice seems to have become too wide-ranging and feels improper in today’s office setting.Thank you for understanding.48. The underlined word “contributions” probably means ________.A. moneyB. suggestionsC. reportsD. understanding49. Hamilton is expected to _______.A. show more kindness.B. discontinue the present practiceC. quit being the organizer for gift givingD. know more about co-workers’ families50. This is basically a letter of ________.A. apologyB. sympathyC. appreciationD. dissatisfactionDWhen it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate (照亮)me and train me up for love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours, too good not to share.When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and “too serious” about our studies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say:“Let’s start with a train whistle today.” We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we, too, were changing into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped.When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend, He was in despair(失望)and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other.For almost four years I have had remarkable friend whose imagination illuminates mine. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes in a funny way, in the other’s dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think:“Yes, I must tell….”We have never met.It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist(心理学家),who will only fill up the healing(愈合的)silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.51. In the eighth grade, what the author did before developing proper social behavior was to ______.A. become serious about her studyB. go to her friend’s house regularlyC. learn from her classmates at schoolD. share poems and stories with her friend52. In Paragraph 3, “We gave London to each other” proba bly means ______.A. our exploration of London was a memorable gift to both of usB. we were unwilling to tear ourselves away from LondonC. our unpleasant feeling about London disappearedD. we parted with each other in London53. According to Paragraph 2, the author and her friend _______.A. call each other regularlyB. have similar personalitiesC. enjoy writing to each otherD. dream of meeting each other54. In the darkest moments, the author would prefer to ______.A. seek professional helpB. be left aloneC. stay with her best friendD. break the silence55. What is the best title for the passage?A. Unforgettable ExperiencesB. Remarkable ImaginationC. Lifelong FriendshipD. Noble CompanionsAI built my BBS for the blog competition and disappeared for a long time. Now I just want to take it as my mood board, recording my life in another nation.It’s quite an expected and challenging chance for me to spend one year in the USA. I am a little bit dependent person and easy to miss hometown. Therefore, I need to learn how to be independent and control myself in a sense.The first challenge is cooking. I cannot cook before as we, most young people, are treated well at home and eat in canteens or restaurants, while we have to learn cooking for ours elves since it’s not easy to overcome for me to eat fast food here every day. After the master and two-year PhD studies, I have grasped the skills for doing experiments, so I can cook not that badly via those “talents”. I felt so proud with my masterpieces.The second challenge is going outside. I live in a quite small city without subway, taxi or even public bus (except school catbus). It’s quite inconvenient to live here without a car. However, I have no driving experience in China though I got the licen se six years ago. I don’t want to spend such a long time to practice it. My friends are very friendly and they drive me to the supermarket and go hiking with me, which makes me a little bit upset or embarrassed as a “bubble” between she and her boyfriend. On the other side, the lack of taking public transportation experience made me so confused when I first went to NYC for a conference. Fortunately, I met several nice guys and they showed me the correct ways. I am looking forward to walking or transporting around on weekends.The third challenge is overcoming loneliness. It’s hard to say why I may feel lonely even though I have Chinese roommates. I still cherish the dream last night that I went back to China even though for experiment purpose...I will work harder to realize my goal and return without any pity.56. Why does the writer use her BBS again?A. To take another competition.B. To disappear for some time.C. To take it as a way to study.D. To keep a record of her foreign life on it.57. How did the writer learn cooking?A. She learned cooking by herself.B. She learned cooking from a cook in a restaurant.C. She learned cooking from books at university.D. She learned cooking from her mother at home.58. What can we learn from paragraph 2?A. The writer bought a car and practiced driving it.B. Going outside on weekends is a terrible thing for the writer.C. The writer’s friends helped her a lot when she went outside.D. The transport is quite convenient where the writer lives.59. What kind of person is the writer?A. Positive.B. Self-centered.C. IndependentD.Weak-mindedBA bullying(欺凌)incident at a primary school in County Armagh, Northern Ireland should not be brushed off as “a joke that went too far”; r ather, facts should be dug out and action should be taken to prevent similar events from happening on campus again, according to experts.Dr. Lewis-Snyder, a psychologist specializing in children’s growth issues, said schools should be careful about taking bullying incidents as mere tricks.“Instead, they should work to find out the root cause of the incident in a timely manner, guide the children involved to face and handle the incident in a correct way and teach them to behave properly to avoid-similar si tuations,” she said.She made the comments after a mother in Armagh posted a description on Face-book on Thursday of how her 11-year-old son was bullied at school, a top school in that area.The mother wrote that her fifth-grade son was the target of bullies who threw a toilet wastepaper basket at him, striking him in the head. The boy was also fooled by his classmates, she said, bringing on acute stress disorder, a mental illness caused by severe anxiety.The mother also wrote that the school described the incident as “a joke that went too far” and that the parents of the boy who threw the basket believed their son was “just being naughty”.The article went viral, with many internet users recalling being bullied at school.Dr. Lewis-Snyder said that schools and parents must pay more attention to the ethical(道德的)development and mental health of children, rather than just looking at their academic performance.The Department for Education, together with a group of other departments, released a series of guidelines last month offering advice on how to deal with the problem.On Saturday, the school involved released a statement on its social media account saying that it had talked to the parents on both sides and would make further efforts to achieve an outcome satisfactory to all parties.60. What can we know from the mother’s description?A. The schools didn’t take the bullying incident seriously.B. The bullying incident caused little harm to her 11-year-old son.C. The parents of the bully felt quite guilty f or their son’s behavior.D. Many other students were also bullied in that school.61. What does Dr. Lewis-Snyder suggest about the bullying incidents?A. Schools should find out the fact and punish the bully seriously.B. Schools should take the responsibility to educate the students to perform properly.C. The government should take action to stop such events happening on campus.D. Parents needn’t care about their children’s academic performance.62. What’s the social reaction to the bullyi ng incident?A. People were indifferent to it.B. It aroused anger on the Internet.C. It caused panic among parents.D. It brought about widespread attention.63. What can be inferred from the passage?A. Most internet users had the experience of being bullied at school.B. The school involved tried to keep the truth from the public .C. The school has taken measures to deal with the incident.D. All the school bullying incidents are caused by classmates conflicts.DA group of Chinese technicians, can be seen working hard among the watermelon fields in the blinding sunlight of Laos(老挝)every January. Two months later, these watermelons will be sent to Xi’an, the starting point of the Silk Road.Every autumn, these so-called “migrato ry birds(候鸟)” - technicians from Kouzhai village in southwestern China’s Guizhou province - fly to Laos to plant watermelons and return to China next spring to start their own farm work.Yang Canxi, former Kouzhai village Party chief who is also an agricultural technician, said the village was lifted out of poverty through its strength in agricultural technology.He said Kouzhai village was the first to promote small-sized watermelons in the country, and it introduced a new technology to grow watermelons from the newly generated vines after harvesting the old ones, thus doubling the sale to 13,000 yuan, ($2,190) per unit area.In 1997, an official from Laos came to Yang for agricultural training. Twenty professionals were sent to provide watermelon planting skills services there, he said.“At that time, much of the land in Laos was dry and bare except for that used to grow rice. The locals saw technicians plant watermelon and even gave them the nickname of Chinese watermelon princes”, he said.Each technician earned roughly 10,000 yuan in the first year, which was increased to 20,000 yuan a year later.“Villagers flew into my office, asking to go abroad too,” he said.The business was soon expanded to Laos where Yang Guangyue, 30, and some friends decided to begin their own business in 2013.The local credit cooperative lent them 800,000 yuan to establish a 13-hectare watermelon base in Laos, which was expected to gain roughly two million yuan a year.“Laotians were also h ired to work in the watermelon fields and they learned planting skills from us,” he said.Yang Canxi said now half of the income of Kouzhai village comes from this way of working.64. Why do the technicians fly to Laos every year?A. Because they want to enjoy the warm sunlight of Laos.B. Because they need transport watermelons from Laos to Xi’an.C. Because they go to Laos to plant watermelons.D. Because their own land was dry and bare.65. What can be inferred from the passage?A. Both Laos and Kouzhai village benefit from planting watermelons.B. The income of the technicians doubled the next year in Laos.C. The technicians are called watermelon princes because they are handsome.D. It’s hard to expand the business in Laos.66. What’s the best title of the passage?A. “Birds” fly out to work in Laos.B. Changes of Kouzhai village.C. Friendship between Kouzhai village and Laos.D. Watermelon planting in Kouzhai village.AThe earthquake affected the students of the destroyed areas in many ways: losing parents, being scared and feeling lonely. How can we help them? Teens reporter talked with Lin Dan, the program director of the Sunshine in Your Heart Project at the Red Cross Society of China.How will the earthquake affect the teenagers mentally?They'll have feelings of fear, anger and feel they are not safe. They will find it hard to focus. They will tend to cry and shout and tremble. And they might be afraid to be alone.What will happen if they are not helped?The teenagers will find it hard to live in a balanced way. If things get worse, they might not be able to focus on their studies. They might give up on life.How can we help them overcome these problems?The first thing is to build up trust with them. Show your sympathy and sadness, and be their friends. Then you have to give them a sense of safety. Tell them that there's a solution to every problem. Thirdly, try to satisfy their psychological needs. Be a good listener if he or she needs to talk.Some of them were not directly affected by the quake but have seen images on TV and feel scared. What should they do?Talk with an adult or share their feelings with someone who might feel similar. If this doesn't help, then they should see a doctor for professional help.67. What's the best title of the passage?A. The Scare Caused by the EarthquakeB. Dealing with the Pain Left behind after the EarthquakeC. How to Get a Sense of SafetyD. The Psychological Needs68. The underlined word “psychological” i n Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to “________”.A. mentalB. physicalC. materialD. professional69. From the passage, we can infer that ________.A. the scare caused by the earthquake can be relieved quicklyB. seeing a doctor is the most important measure to deal with the problemsC. the images on TV can also affect people and even cause problemsD. to help them overcome these problems, we should always talk with themBSurviving Hurricane Sandy (飓风桑迪)Natalie Doan, 12, has always felt lucky to live in Rockaway, New York. Living just a few blocks from the beach, Natalie can see the ocean and hear the waves from her house. “It's the ocean that makes Rockaway so special,” she says.On October 29, 2012, that ocean turned violent. That night, Hurricane Sandy attacked the East Coast, and Rockaway was hit especially hard. Fortunately, Natalie's family escaped to Brooklyn shortly before the city's bridges closed.When they returned to Rockaway the next day, they found their neighborhood in ruins. Many of Natalie's friends had lost their homes and were living far away. All around her, people were suffering, especially the elderly. Natalie's school was so damaged that she had to temporarily attend a school in Brooklyn.In the following few days, the men and women helping Rockaway recover inspired Natalie. Volunteers came with carloads of donated clothing and toys. Neighbors devoted their spare time to helping others rebuild. Teenagers climbed dozens of flights of stairs to deliver water and food to elderly people trapped in powerless high­rise buildings.“My mom tells me that I can't control what happens to me,”Natalie says, “but I can always choose how I deal with it.”Natalie's choice was to help.She created a website page, matching survivors in need with donors who wanted to help. Natalie posted information about a boy named Patrick, who lost his baseball card collection when his house burned down. Within days, Patrick's collection was replaced.In the coming months, her website page helped lots of kids:Christopher, who received a new basketball; Charlie,who got a new keyboard. Natalie also worked with other organizations to bring much­needed supplies to Rockaway. Her efforts made her a famous person .Last April, she was invited to the White House and honored as a Hurricane Sandy Champion of Change.Today, the scars(创痕) of destruction are still seen in Rockaway,but hope is in the air. The streets are clear,and many homes have been rebuilt. “I can't imagine living anywhere but Rockaway,”Natalie declares.“My neighborhood will be back, even stronger than before.”70. When Natalie returned to Rockaway after the hurricane, she found ________.A. some friends had lost their livesB. her neighborhood was destroyedC. her school had moved to Brooklyn。



青岛市西海岸2023-2024学年高一下学期期末学业水平检测数学试题2024.07本试卷4页,19小题,满分150分.考试用时120分钟.注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置.2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号.回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上.写在本试卷上无效.3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.一、单项选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 已知复数z 满足,则的虚部为( )A. B. 1 C. D. i2. 在空间直角坐标系中,点关于y 轴对称点的坐标为( )A. B. C. D. 3. 已知是两个不同的平面,是两条不同的直线,能使成立的一组条件是( )A B. C. D. 4. 若构成空间一个基底,则下列向量不共面的是( )A. B. C. D. 5. 如图,圆锥的母线长为3,底面半径为1,一只蚂蚁从点P 处沿着该圆锥侧面爬行一周后回到点P 处,则蚂蚁爬行的最短路线长为( ).的21i1z =-+z 1-i -O xyz -()1,1,2A ()1,1,2-()1,1,2-()1,1,2--()1,1,2-,αβ,m n m n ⊥,,m n αβαβ⊥⊥∥,,m n αβαβ⊂⊥∥,,m n αβαβ⊥⊥∥,,m n αβαβ⊥⊂∥{},,a b c ,,b c b b c +- ,,a a b a b +-,,a b a b c +- ,,a b a b c c+++A. B. 3 C. D. 6. 正四棱台的上、下底面边长分别是2和4,则它的侧面积为( )A6 B. C. 24 D. 447. 若△ABC 为斜三角形,,则的值为( )A. B. C. 0 D. 18. 已知平面,平面,,BD 与平面所成的角为30°,,,则点C 与点D 之间的距离为( )A B. C.D.二、多项选择题:本大题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9. 正方体中,点E ,F 分别为,的中点,则( )A. 与为异面直线B. 平面C. 过点A ,E ,F 的平面截正方体的截面为三角形D. 平面10. 已知向量在向量上的投影向量为,向量,则向量可以为( )A. B. C. D. 11. 已知四面体的所有棱长都等于6,点在侧面内运动(包含边界),且与平面所成角的正切值为,点是棱的中点,则( )A. 该四面体的高为B. 该四面体的体积为..sin cos A B =tan tantan A B C +2-1-AB ⊂αAC ⊥αBD AB ⊥α1BD AC ==2AB =1111ABCD A B C D -1AD AB AC EF //EF 11BDD B EF ⊥1AB Ca b 32⎫⎪⎪⎭(b = a ()0,2()2,0()VABC P VBC AP VBC Q VBC. 点的运动轨迹长度为D. 过的平面截该四面体内最大球的截面面积为三、填空题:本大题共3个小题,每小题5分,共15分.12. 如图为某种礼物降落伞的示意图,其中有8根绳子和伞面连接,每根绳子和水平面的法向量的夹角均为60°.已知礼物重量为2kg ,每根绳子的拉力大小相同.则降落伞在匀速下落的过程中每根绳子拉力的大小为______N .(重力加速度g 取)13. 已知直三棱柱的所有顶点都在表面积为的球的表面上,,,则此直棱柱的体积为______.14. 在四面体中,面与面所成的二面角为,顶点在面上的射影是,的重心是,若,,则______.四、解答题:共77分,解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.15. 如图,圆台上下底面半径分别为1,2,,为其两条母线,且母线长为2.(1)证明:四边形为等腰梯形;(2)若在圆台内部挖去一个以O 为顶点,圆为底面的圆锥,求剩余部分的体积.16. 如图,在三棱柱中,,,,平面底面,分别是的中点,P 是与的交点.P ACQ 3π2210m s 111ABC A B C -20π1AB AC AA ==2π3BAC ∠=ABCD ABC BCD 30︒A BCD H ABC V G AD BC ⊥4AB AC BC ===GH =1OO 1AA 1BB 11AA B B 1OO 1O 111ABC A B C -12AB AA ==1AC =160BAC A AB ∠=∠=︒11A ABB ⊥ABC ,M N 11,AC A C 1BC 1B C(1)证明:平面平面;(2)求平面与平面夹角的余弦值.17. 在△ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c,且.(1)求B ;(2)若B 的角平分线交AC 于点D ,,点E 在线段AC 上,,求的面积.18. 如图1,直角梯形中,,,,,以为轴将梯形旋转后得到几何体W ,如图2,其中,分别为上下底面直径,点P ,Q 分别在圆弧,上,直线平面.(1)证明:平面平面;(2)若直线与平面,求P 到平面的距离;(3)若平面与平面夹角的余弦值,求.19. 如图所示,用一个不平行于圆柱底面的平面,截该圆柱所得的截面为椭圆面.得到的几何体称之为“斜截圆柱”.AB 是底面圆O 的直径,,椭圆面过点B 且垂直于平面ABC ,且与底面所成二面角为45°,椭圆上的点在底面上的投影分别为,且均在直径AB 同一侧.1//PB N 1BA M PAB 1A CM 222sin sin sin sin sin A C B A C +=-BD =2EC EA =BDE △ABED 1AB AD ==2DE =AD DE ⊥BC DE ⊥BC ABED 180 GF HE GF HE //PF BHQ BHQ ⊥PGH GQ PGH BHQ BHQ BEQ 13HQ 2AB =()1,2,3,,i E i n = i F i F(1)当时,求的长度;(2)当时,若下图中,点,,,…,将半圆平均分成7等分,求;(3)证明:.1π3AOF ∠=11E F 6n =1F 2F 3F F 6()()()()()()112233445566111111E F E F E F E F E F E F ------¼¼11112221πn n n n AF E F F F E F F F E F -⋅+⋅++⋅<n青岛市西海岸2023-2024学年高一下学期期末学业水平检测数学试题答案一、【1题答案】【答案】A【2题答案】【答案】C【3题答案】【答案】B【4题答案】【答案】C【5题答案】【答案】D【6题答案】【答案】C【7题答案】【答案】A【8题答案】【答案】C二、多项选择题:本大题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.【9题答案】【答案】ABD【10题答案】【答案】AD【11题答案】【答案】ACD三、填空题:本大题共3个小题,每小题5分,共15分.【12题答案】【答案】5【13题答案】【答案】【14题答案】四、解答题:共77分,解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.【15题答案】【答案】(1)证明略(2【16题答案】【答案】(1)证明略(2)【17题答案】【答案】(1)(2【18题答案】【答案】(1)证明略(2(3)【19题答案】【答案】(1); (2); (3)证明略.152π3B =HQ =1123E F =164-。

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山东省青岛市西海岸新区2017-2018学年高一数学12月“冬学”学科竞赛测试试题一、选择题(满分60分)1.满足{}{}5,11=⋃A 的所有集合A 的个数( ) A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个2.把函数x y cos =的图象上的所有点的横坐标缩小到原来的一半,纵坐标扩大到原来的两倍,然后把图象向左平移4π个单位.则所得图象表示的函数的解析式为 ( )A. x y 2sin 2=B. x y 2sin 2-=C. ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=42cos 2πx y D. ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=421cos 2πx y 3.已知0)](log [log log 234=x ,那么21-x等于( )A . 13 B . C . D .4.若α是第四象限角,且2cos2sin212cos2sinαααα-=-,则2α是 ( )A .第一象限角B .第二象限角C .第三象限角D .第四象限角5.已知函数2)(xx e e x f --= ,则关于函数)(x f 的说法正确的是( )A.是奇函数,且在),0(+∞上是减函数B.是奇函数,且在),0(+∞上是增函数C.是偶函数,且在),0(+∞上是减函数D.是偶函数,且在),0(+∞上是增函数6.方程112-=-xe x的实数解所在的区间是( ). 7.若函数的图象经过第一、第四象限,那么函数的图象经过 ( )A.一、二象限B.二、三象限C.一、四象限D.二、四象限8.设函数()a x ax y a ++=2log 的定义域是R 时,a 的取值范围为集合M ;它的值域是R时, a 的取值范围为集合N ,则下列表达式中正确的是A. N M ⊂B. M N R =C. M N =∅D. M N =9. 为提高信息在传输中的抗干扰能力,通常在原信息中按一定的规则加入相关的数据组成传输信息,设定原信息为210a a a ,{}1,0∈i a (2,1,0=i ),传输信息为12100h a a a h ,其中100a a h ⊕=,201a h h ⊕=,⊕运算规则为:000=⊕,110=⊕,101=⊕,011=⊕,例如原信息为111,则传输信息为01111;传输信息在传输过程中受到干扰可能导致接受信息出错,则下列接受信息一定有误的是( )A. 11010B.01100C.10111D. 0111110.函数xx x x ee e e y ---+=的图象大致为()11.已知函数()⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤>=0,20,log 21x x x x f x 若关于x 的方程()k x f =有两个不等的实数根,则实数k 的取值范围是( )A .),0(+∞B .)1,(-∞C .),1(+∞D .(]1,0 12.已知定义在R 上的奇函数)(x f ,满足()()x f x f -=+3,且在区间]23,0[上是增函数,若方程m x f =)()0(<m 在区间[]6,6-上有四个不同的根1234,,,x x x x ,则1234x x x x +++=A .6-B . 6C .8-D .8 二、填空题(满分20分): 13. 把函数()⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=32sin πx x f 的图象向左平移m 个单位()0>m ,所得图象关于y 轴对称,则m 的最小值是________.14.已知1ln ,0()1,0x xf x x x⎧>⎪⎪=⎨⎪<⎪⎩,则不等式()1f x >-的解集为 .15. 定义新运算⊕:当b a ≥时,a b a =⊕;当b a <时,2b b a =⊕,则函数()()()x x x x f ⊕-⋅⊕=21,[]2,2-∈x 的最大值等于_________16. 如图,函数()⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛<<>+=20,0,sin πϕϕw wx A y 的图象 的一部分,则该函数的解析式为_________________ 三、解答题(满分70分) 17. (本小题满分12分)已知()3sin()cos()tan()22tan()sin()f ππααπαααπαπ-+-=----. (1)化简()f α (2)若31cos()25πα-=,求()f α的值18. (本小题满分12分)某港口的水深y (米)是时间t (024t ≤≤,单位:小时)的函数,下面是每天时间与水深的关系表:经过长期观测, ()y f t =可近似的看成是函数sin y A t b ω=+ (1)根据以上数据,求出()y f t =的解析式(2)若船舶航行时,水深至少要11.5米才是安全的,那么船舶在一天中的哪几段时间可以安全的进出该港? 19.(本小题满分12分) 已知函数()()ϕω-=x x f 2cos 21,()πϕ<<>0,0w 相邻的两最高点之间的距离为π,且图象过点⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛21,6π (1)求函数()x f y =的解析式;(2)求函数()x f y =的单调递增区间及对称中心.(3)将函数()x f y =的图象上各点的横坐标缩短到原来的12,纵坐标不变,得到函数()x g y =的图象,求函数()x g 在⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡4,0π上的最大值和最小值.20. (本小题满分12分)已知函数()(0,)x xe af x a a R a e =+>∈是R 上的偶函数. (1)求a 的值;(2)证明函数()f x 在[0,)+∞上是增函数.21.(本小题满分12分)设)(x f 是R 上的奇函数,且当0>x 时,)10lg()(2+-=ax x x f ,R a ∈.(1)若5lg )1(=f ,求)(x f 的解析式;(2)若0=a ,不等式0)14()2(>+++⋅k f k f xx 恒成立,求实数k 的取值范围22. (本小题满分10分)函数2()23f x x ax a =-+-.(Ⅰ) 若()f x 在区间[1,2]-上是单调函数,求实数a 的取值范围; (Ⅱ) 若()f x 存在零点,求实数a 的取值范围;(Ⅲ)若()f x 在区间(1,2)-上存在零点,求实数a 的取值范围.青西新区胶南一中高一数学竞赛题参考答案一、选择题 BBCBB BACCA DB 二、填空题 13.12π 14.{}10-<<<x e x x 或 15.6 16.⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-=32sin 3πx y 17.解:(1)()3sin()cos()tan()22tan()sin()f ππααπαααπαπ-+-=---- (cos )(sin )(tan )(tan )sin cos αααααα--=-=- (2)∵31cos()25πα-= ∴ 1sin 5α-= 从而1sin 5α=-∴562sin 1cos 2±=-±=αα18.解:(1)由表中数据可以看到:水深最大值为13,最小值为7,137102h +==,13732A -== 且相隔9小时达到一次最大值说明周期为9,因此29T πω==,29πω=, 故2()3sin109f t t π=+ (024)t ≤≤ (2)要想船舶安全,必须深度()11.5f t ≥,即23sin 1011.59t π+≥ ∴21sin92t π≥ 2522696k t k πππππ+≤≤+ 解得:3159944k t k +≤≤+ k Z ∈又 024t ≤≤ 当0k =时,33344t ≤≤;当1k =时,3391244t ≤≤;当2k =时,33182144t ≤≤故船舶安全进港的时间段为(0:453:45)-,(9:4512:45)-,(18:4521:45)-19.解:(1)因为f (x )=12sin2x sin φ+cos 2x cos φ-12sin ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫π2+φ(0<φ<π), 所以f (x )=12sin2x sin φ+1+cos2x 2cos φ-12cos φ=12sin2x sin φ+12cos2x cos φ =12(sin2x sin φ+cos2x cos φ) =12cos(2x -φ), 又函数图象过点⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫π6,12,所以12=12cos ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫2×π6-φ,即cos ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫π3-φ=1, 又0<φ<π,所以φ=π3.(2)由(1)知f (x )=12cos ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫2x -π3,将函数y =f (x )的图象上各点的横坐标缩短到原来的12,纵坐标不变,得到函数y =g (x )的图象,可知g (x )=f (2x )=12cos ⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫4x -π3,因为x ∈⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤0,π4,所以4x ∈[]0,π,因此4x -π3∈⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤-π3,2π3,故-12≤cos ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫4x -π3≤1.所以y =g (x )在⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤0,π4上的最大值和最小值分别为12和-14.20.解:(1) ()f x 是偶函数,()()f x f x ∴-=,即x x x x e a e aa e a e --+=+,…2分 整理得11)()0x x a e ae --=(,得10a a-=,又0a >,1a ∴=.…………5分 (2)由(1)得1()xx f x e e=+.设120x x ≤<,∴12121211()()))x x x x f x f x e e e e -=+-+((=121212)(1)x x x x x x e e e e ++--(;…………8分 120x x ≤< ,120x x ∴+>,12120,1x x x x e e e +∴-<>,121212)(1)0x x x x x x e e e e ++--∴<(,即12()()0f x f x -<,∴12()()f x f x <;…………………………………………………………………11分所以函数()f x 在[0,)+∞上是增函数. …………………………………………12分 21.解:(1)6,5lg )11lg()(,5lg )1(==-==a a x f f 所以则因为所以 故又时,当,0)0(),106lg()()(02=++-=--=<f x x x f x f x⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<++-=>+-=0),106lg(0,00),106lg()(22x x x x x x x x f(2)0)14()2()(0>+++∙=k f k f R x f a x x 上单调递增,故在,则若等价于恒成立,在于是,另),0(01),0(201422+∞>+++>=>+++k kt t t t k k x x x1)(2+++=k kt t t g 设(1)0<∆时,解得:222222+<<+-k ;(2)时0≥∆,⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧><-0)0(02g k,解的0>k综上,222+->k。
